Turn your TEEN into a MONEY MACHINE


Turn your TEEN into a MONEY MACHINE
Turn Your Teen Into a Money Machine © ™
Click: www.TeenMoneyMachine.com
Turn your TEEN into a
Version 2.4 –For General Release
Click the First Example job earning $75 per hour:
Yard Aeration or TeenMM.com/v/t2.wmv
Electronic Book by Keith Duncan
Atlanta Georgia
Click Here: Video of +35 Businesses
Click Here: Interview of Author re this Book.
Instructions: Quickly scan this electronic book for
information that benefits you. We all have short
attention spans and want to know where the good stuff
that makes money is located. The Author knows his
readers extremely well as he is a Millennium too.
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Turn Your Teen Into a Money Machine © ™
Marketing and Public Relations is provided under contract with:
Peter Biadasz of Total Publishing and Media.
Peter@TotalPulishingAndMedia.com Office 918 624-9300
5332 South Memorial Drive, Suite 200, Tulsa OK 74145
Legal Notice: TeenMoneyMachine.com website, this eBook, and all associated and
related material produced by Keith Duncan and his Associates is hereby declared
Copyrighted and Trademark and may be copied, retransmitted, and used
in any form or manner for it’s designated purpose of teaching teenagers and
adults to create their own business and lifestyle. The profits stay with the author
(Keith Duncan –Atlanta Georgia) his publishers and designated contributors as
Keith has spent decades developing this material in the professional consulting
computer systems world and is hereby stating that
• 20% of proceeds goes individually to a blind trust fund for his 24 year old son,
Sergeant Matthew Duncan, professional Tuba player in the United States Marine
Corp stationed in Hawaii,
• 20% to a Blind trust fund for his son, Kyle Duncan, Marine Biologist in college,
20% directly to his previous significant other who stood behind Keith when he
went Unipolar(another story),
• 20% to fund future enhancements to this book(charitable contributions), and
• 20% to fund Keith’s other business adventures such as www.BuiltByKeith.com
www.BidOnKeith.com www.IseeStand.com www.IseeSmartPhoneHolder.com
www.FrogLeft.com www.FlashHOV.com www.ISpyDUI.com
www.CEOSpace.net and assortment of other business, social, political,
psychology, and other endevours. If anyone can make a warm introduction to
national TV shows, magazines, and media of my work, I shall sincerely
appreciate your support.
File: C:\Users\keith\Documents\BOA SOS Keiths Business\EBOOKS Keith WORKinProgress\tmm21.docx
Last updated: Monday, August 08, 2011 8:54 AM
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Turn Your Teen Into a Money Machine © ™
This is TeenMoneyMachine.com This publication is PUBLIC and available for distribution It may
be freely distributed, copied, or forwarded under all circumstance without direct permission from
Keith Duncan. Email Info@TeenMoneyMachine.com
Table of Contents
List of Service oriented businesses. ........................................................................................................................8
Table of Jobs (some overlap with full description) ............................................................................................8
Additional list of Job Topic Categories. ( TO be consolidated with other lists as this eBook is finished). .12
Next BIG TEEN Business Solutions ............................................................................................................13
TeenMoneyMachine Business Resources .......................................................................................................15
eBook Outline & Levels (original list –to be removed in near future).................................................................18
Introduction .......................................................................................................................................................18
Value Proposition...............................................................................................................................................18
Top Level Introduction #1 .....................................................................................................................................18
ALTERNATE Introduction –Ghost Writer Bravo Valenti .................................................................................19
Introduction to Teen Money Machine. THE eBook of the Year. ...........................................................................22
Introduction to GrandParents. A Labor of Love. ...............................................................................................22
Introduction to Parents. .....................................................................................................................................23
What Parents NEED ......................................................................................................................................24
What Teenagers NEED are: ...........................................................................................................................24
Introduction to Teenagers. ...............................................................................................................................25
The Basics. What is a Business ............................................................................................................................26
Components of any Successful Business. ........................................................................................................27
Branding your Business .....................................................................................................................................27
Marketing your Business ...................................................................................................................................28
Another Big Issue: Safety. .................................................................................................................................28
Examples of TeenMoneyMachine CONTENT. .................................................................................................28
MORE IDEAS and CONTENT. (Internal Use. To be removed before Publishing). ....................................29
Bartering and Income ............................................................................................................................................29
Introduction .......................................................................................................................................................29
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Definition of BARTERING: ..............................................................................................................................30
Specific Teen Business Descriptions .....................................................................................................................31
JOB: Scan Business Cards for Fun and Profit ..................................................................................................31
Watch Video of how this system works. .......................................................................................................31
Equipment / Cost $150 to $220 for a NeatReceipts bar scanner, $460 to $525 for top of the line NeatDesk
High Speed
Demand: Huge/Unlimited.............................................................................................................................31
Sales/Marketing Pitch: Teenagers gather 100 to 1000 biz cards from each of their neighbors..................32
Example: Collect Biz Cards ........................................................................................................................32
Biz Card Scanning How To Documents ........................................................................................................32
Revenue Model ..............................................................................................................................................33
Business Card Template ................................................................................................................................33
Customer Sign up and Collection Form ........................................................................................................33
JOB: Core Aerate yards with Powered machine ..............................................................................................34
Equipment / Cost Rental $75/day or Used $500 to $1000. .........................................................................34
Demand: Seasonal HUGE. ..........................................................................................................................34
Sales/Marketing Pitch: For $75, teenager Aerates Yard. ..............................................................................34
Example: Author bought $500 yard aerator. Kids make $75 each yard every hour. ....................................34
Video of this Business. .................................................................................................................................34
Sample Marketing Flyer ................................................................................................................................34
JOB: Wash Neighbor Cars in THEIR driveways. Use their water. ..................................................................35
Equipment / Cost $25 to $50 one time. Add Soap.......................................................................................35
Demand: HUGE and every WEEK. .............................................................................................................35
Sales/Marketing Pitch: For $10 per car, wash and dry a car in 10 minutes. ................................................35
Example: SPEED washing a car. It’s all in HOW. ......................................................................................35
Video of this Business. .................................................................................................................................36
JOB: Pressure Wash Decks, Driveways, Sidewalks. ........................................................................................36
Equipment / Cost Rent or Borrow pressure washer ....................................................................................36
Demand: Always. .........................................................................................................................................36
Sales/Marketing Pitch: For $20 to $30 per hour, clean anything the customer wants. ................................37
Example: Obvious. ........................................................................................................................................37
JOB: Neighborhood Concierge Service. ..........................................................................................................37
Equipment / Cost None. Just need a cell phone with IM capability ............................................................37
Demand: High. ............................................................................................................................................37
Sales/Marketing Pitch: .................................................................................................................................37
JOB: Setup the ElectronicNapkin.com Webcam System ..................................................................................37
Equipment / Cost About $150 base cost. .....................................................................................................38
Demand: HUGE. ........................................................................................................................................38
Sales/Marketing Pitch: For cost of hardware/software plus $50 labor .........................................................38
Example: Download the White Paper on ElectronicNapkin.com ..............................................................38
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Watch Video
Marketing Questions to sell ELECTRONIC NAPKIN -taglines ..................................................................39
JOB: Hook up Home Living Room Electronics –TV, Stereo, Players, GameBoxes, Speakers .......................40
Equipment / Cost Minimum tools –one time cost ...................................................................................40
Demand: Almost every home is NOT hooked up correctly. .........................................................................40
Sales/Marketing Pitch: Do you listen to your TV through your stereo system? ...........................................40
Watch Video
JOB: Use your big LCD TV as a Computer Monitor ........................................................................................42
Equipment / Cost Cabling at cost. ...........................................................................................................42
Demand: Huge. Anyone who has a newer digital TV. ..................................................................................43
Sales/Marketing Pitch: .................................................................................................................................43
Watch Video
JOB: Backup data and address books on CellPhones, BlackBerrys, and PDAs. ..............................................43
Equipment/Cost Ridiculously low to nothing. ...............................................................................................44
Demand: Everyone who carries a PDA. ...........................................................................................................44
Sales/Marketing Pitch: Easy. Ask if they backup monthly. .........................................................................44
Watch Video
JOB: Create Websites for Others .......................................................................................................................44
Equipment / Cost Just need a PC and an Internet connection. ....................................................................45
Demand: Very high. Most everyone wants to be noticed. ...........................................................................45
Sales/Marketing Pitch: .................................................................................................................................45
Watch Video
JOB: Create Personal and Business Cards, and Flyers for others .....................................................................45
Equipment / Cost -None. .............................................................................................................................46
Demand: High. Everyone likes to be in touch with new friends. ................................................................46
Sales/Marketing Pitch: .................................................................................................................................46
Read the White Paper on Business Cards. .....................................................................................................46
JOB: Build Audio/Visual Studio to make money producing Content. ..............................................................47
Equipment / Cost none except a PC. ...........................................................................................................47
Just need a decent PC to process the video. ..................................................................................................47
Demand: High. .............................................................................................................................................47
Ask how many digital photos and home movies you own. ..........................................................................47
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Sales/Marketing Pitch: .................................................................................................................................47
Watch Video
JOB: Programming electronics for your neighbors ...........................................................................................48
Equipment / Cost None...............................................................................................................................48
Demand: Huge. ..............................................................................................................................................48
Sales/Marketing Pitch: .................................................................................................................................49
For $ __ per job, teenager will ......................................................................................................................49
Watch Video
JOB: Coaching Sports for your neighborhood kids..........................................................................................49
Equipment / Cost Zero................................................................................................................................49
Demand: Do you have kids who play sports? Answer: Probably yes. ........................................................49
Sales/Marketing Pitch: .................................................................................................................................49
Watch Video
JOB: Tutoring other Students with ElectronicNapkin.com ..............................................................................50
Equipment / Cost $0 or an ElectronicNapkin.com system. .........................................................................50
Demand: Every kid benefits from tutoring sometime. .................................................................................50
Sales/Marketing Pitch: .................................................................................................................................50
Example: Remote Tutoring...........................................................................................................................51
Watch Video
JOB: Set up Remote WebCams ........................................................................................................................51
Equipment / Cost ........................................................................................................................................52
Demand: High..............................................................................................................................................53
Sales/Marketing Pitch: Offer to set up Video Calling on home PCs and TVs. ...........................................53
Watch Video
JOB: Build Workshop Benches .........................................................................................................................53
Equipment / Cost ........................................................................................................................................54
Sales/Marketing Pitch: For $ __ per job, teenager will ...............................................................................54
Watch Video
JOB: Buy and Mount pre-built storage shelving and racks. ............................................................................54
Equipment / Cost ........................................................................................................................................54
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Sales/Marketing Pitch: For $ __ per job, teenager will ...............................................................................54
Watch Video
JOB: Mount convenience shelving and storage systems around home. ...........................................................55
Equipment / Cost ........................................................................................................................................55
Sales/Marketing Pitch: For $ __ per job, teenager will ...............................................................................55
Watch Video
JOB: Clean out kitchen JUNK drawers. ..........................................................................................................55
Equipment / Cost Cost of storage containers..............................................................................................55
Demand: Every house has a junk drawer. Or many. ...................................................................................56
Sales/Marketing Pitch: For $ 20 per hour, teenager will organizes junk drawers. .......................................56
Watch Video
JOB: Labeling Valuables in homes. ..................................................................................................................56
Equipment / Cost ........................................................................................................................................57
Cost of a label maker. ............................................................................................................................................57
A few good quality permanent magic markers, .....................................................................................................57
A pre-printed sheet of labels made up just for that customer. ...............................................................................57
Demand: High for disorganized clients. .......................................................................................................57
Sales/Marketing Pitch: For $ 15 per hour, teenager will labels valuables...................................................57
Watch Video
OLD WRITE-UP from TEENSBO.com .............................................................................................................57
START-UP PLANS .........................................................................................................................................57
For Individual Teens to Start a Business. ......................................................................................................57
TEAM MEMBERS and RESOURCES ................................................................................................................58
Who Is Author: Keith Duncan. Info@TeenMoneyMachine.com ....................................................................58
All Rights Reserved. TeenMoneyMachine Resident of State of Georgia. His Parent Company name is
www.BuiltByKeith.com Email Keith@TeenMoneyMachine.com Keith’s Patent Pending product is
www.IseeStand.com and soon: www.IseeSmartPhoneHolder.com ..................................................................58
Keith Duncan, Norcross Georgia - Adult Credentials. .................................................................................59
Keith Duncan –Teenager Biography .............................................................................................................59
Contributing Board of Advisors .......................................................................................................................60
Possible Copy Writers: ..................................................................................................................................60
On Board Contributors: .................................................................................................................................60
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Index of Videos, Audio Files, and White Papers
Audio Files of Teen Ideas ......................................25
Business Card Samples ..........................................28
Business Card Tips -White Paper ..........................40
Custome Sign-up Form and Book Keeping ...........28
Elecronic Napkin Setup Video ...............................33
Electronic Napkin ..................................................18
Hook up HomeTheater Video ................................36
Hook up PC-laptops to Flat screen TVs ................37
Job Hook Up Remotes ...........................................18
Sample Marketing Flyer ........................................29
Scan Business Card Video .....................................26
Self Promote ..........................................................18
Wash Cars on Sunday Video ..................................31
Yard Aeriate Video .................................................12
1. List of Service oriented businesses.
Because most Millennium young entrepreneurs have immediate attention spans, we start this book off
immediately with a starter list of service oriented businesses that any young adult (or anyone for that matter)
can start same day with little to no investment in products or supports. This book shows how individuals WILL
become financially independent of others simply by providing service to others. It is so simple and so
transforming of our culture today. The solutions in this book were gifted to me by my original Dad. We hope
you also recognize the gift of life and service provided to us by our original elders from all cultural
1.1. Table of Jobs (some overlap with full description)
Codes: MV –Market Value is value that someone is willing to pay you.
Note: Suggested Base rate and Range columns are suggestions. Each Teen must determine the
actual value someone is willing to pay for their service and time. Just remember that your
client’s time is VERY valuable and they are willing to pay you value for your time. Example: If
a lawyer makes $100 per hour, he may easily pay you $30 per hour to do work he does not
WANT to do. This is all about Value Proposition.
TO-DO. This table will be converted into a clickable matrix that takes you directly to that
business description and video.
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hr or
job $
Basic Jobs -Tools you will need, What you can do for
your clients.
++50 Scan Business Buy an electronic Scanner (about $150 and up). Scan
business cards for your neighbors, professionals, and
salespeople. Give them back the proofed contact information
along with their original business cards. Expect 10 cents to 50
cents per card scanned and proof read for accuracy.
500 Consignment
75 Lawn Service
Sell your artwork. Oil on canvas, commissioned portraits and
scenes. Use your website to show your inventor to
Boring and common. But still a money maker. Need Mower.
Optional rake, blower, or sidewalk edger. Money comes if
you have sub-contractors underneath your command.
100 Yard Core
Power Aerator. Pulls plugs of dirt in yard for air / moisture.
Done in Spring and Fall. Rental is $75/day or buy a used one
for about $500.
200 Pressure wash Clean Decks, driveways, sidewalks
50 House sit
get papers, take out trash, water plants, assorted jobs
40 Wash cars
Wash neighbors cars in their driveways using their water.
Salesmen would LOVE this on Sunday afternoons. Optional
wax, glass, and detail.
100 Trim trees/
50 Turn
Trimmers, rake, tarp,
Shovel. In preparation for planting. Gardening. By square foot
100 Clean out
So owners can park their cars (a VERY common problem).
Instead of pay, Barter for stuff owners no longer want such as
old electronics, games, furniture, storage boxes, lighting, you
name it.
75 Clean fish
by the Gallon, Gravel syphon, towels, replacement water, etc
20 Dog walk
By the mile and by # of dogs.
Stereo Hookup Run speaker wires and attach maze of wires to system
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New TV
With all the new LCD TVs being bought, Teen unboxes new
TV, mounts on stand, hooks up the maze of wires to existing
Cable feeds, stereo hookups, and other devices.
For $10/year domain, and $10/month hosting fee, Teen
charges “MV” to create a custom static website for their
customer. Customer can then upload their own blog, video,
photos, and maintain their own content for their friends,
family, and business associates.
Set up IPODs
set up Itunes, download favorite songs,
Shop and price Find needed gadgets for customers. Do the research for
for Electronics them.
By the bale, seasonal.
Spread yard
By the cubic yard. For leveling sod grass. Have trucking
company deliver the river sand at cost. 10 cubic yards cost
about $250. Use wheelbarrow, shovel, and broom to spread
and level the sand.
Clean out
by the hour. Haul to dumpster. Keep the best stuff with
owner’s permission.
Design Websites Design websites for individuals or small businesses. Very easy to do
with GoDaddy.com
Design Business Layout and print off temporary business cards for your clients.
Example: Set up a business creating personal business cards for
other teenagers, neighbors, elderly folks, or home based businesses.
Use VISTAPRINT.com for larger or customized orders. All you
need is a decent color printer, or send them off to a local Printer
shop such as OfficeMax.com OfficeDepot.com or Kinkos for high
quality printing. Single color prints on hard card stock is about 50
cents per sheet for 10 business cards.
Neighbor’s Old
Sporting goods
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Enter receipts and busieness expenses into Excel.xls for clients so
they can keep business records and do taxes faster.
Everyone has a garage and basement full of old sporting goods
when their kids were young. Now the gear just takes up space.
Eventually it goes to Charity or gets thrown out. Teen sorts through
all the equipment by size and sport, then finds neighbors who will
buy this gear at used Market Value. Teen pockets 50% of proceeds
and gives 50% to homeowner.
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Build Workshop Most Dads love to have a workshop in their basement or garage but
bench for Dads don’t have the time or tools to build a simple workbench. Teenager
shows up with a plan. Parent orders the wood,nails, and a nice size
VISE for delivery. Teenager borrows a skillSaw, 2 portable
workhorses, and a hammer. In about 4 hours, he builds an extremely
sturdy and permanent 8 by 4 foot workbench with a corner vise
Build Storage
Using 2 x 4 and 4x8 sheets of heavy plywood, Teen builds large
scale custom shelving in basement for storing all those boxes of
seasonal and long term storage goods.
Mount Garage
Kits available from any home improvement store. Takes about 1
hour to assemble and mount cabinets in garage for storing shoes,
sports equipment, tools, and other goods. Gets everything off the
floor and out of sight.
Add Garage Car Nail up car bumper guards (2 by 6’s) at end of garage so accidental
car bumps won’t tear up the wall.
Paint Garage
Add Coat Racks Install wire racks, hangers, and coat hooks in garage, mud-rooms,
and shelving
and under staircases.
Set up new PCs
Load applications and data from old PCs. Configure email and web
browsers. Set up print drivers and network connections.
Set up Wireless
Install and set up wireless router in home for use by remote laptops
and printers.
New Video
Teen shows customer how to set up and use their new Video
CamCorder. Teen shows how to import the video to their PC, edit
their footage, and burn DVDs with titles and chapters.
Photo Show on
With all the LCD TV’s now PC capable, Teen hooks up old PC’s to
the new PCs, adds either wireless LAN card or runs Ethernet cable.
Then programs the old PC to access the thousands of digital photos
from the customers home office PC. Customer can now run his own
family slide show on their family TVs throught the computer
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Pressure wash, then apply special epoxy based garage paint on floor
using roller with long handle. Takes about 1 hour per 2 coats for
two car garage. Cost of paint is about $30 per gallon for 20 x 20
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Add automatic
Using simple X-10 switches and transmitters (plugs into wall
Lighting control outlet), Teen sets up automatic lighting control for homeowner for
to home
about $15 per lamp. Lights can be programmed to come on
automatically based on time of day or when motion is detected.
Build and install Basketball goals, playsets, and other outdoor
sporting goods.
1.1.1. Additional list of Job Topic Categories. ( TO be consolidated with other lists as this eBook
is finished).
A. Creating Websites for fun and profit
B. Marketing yourself and others with custom Business Cards, Flyers, Posters, Signs, Campaign
C. Building a Audio/Visual Production Studio to make money.
D. Programming electronics for your parents and neighbors.
E. Installing home electronics for yourself and others.
F. Washing Cars for $10 every 10 minutes for your neighbors.
G. Yard Aerate for $75 per hour with a $500 used power machine.
H. Set up a virtual home office and sell ANYTHING with a webcam over the Internet. Take orders for
commissioned artwork or speciality goods that YOU build and provide.
I. Clean and organize garages and workshops in exchange for their old Goodies (Bartering).
J. Teach Adults how to use their IPODS, PDAs, I-Phones, electronics.
K. Install and set up LCD TV’s anywhere in homes. Learn to wire and program. Teach the homeowner how
to use their own equipment.
L. Install and train adults how to set up webcams in their homes for remote security monitoring for under
$100 cost to homeowner. Hint: Use old throwaway PCs.
M. Teach your neighborhood adults how to use their XBOXs and PlayStations so they can compete with
their own kids. What a winner ! ! ! !
N. Use common yard tools to set up a sustainable specialty outdoor business.
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1.1.2. Next BIG TEEN Business Solutions
1. Hooking up existing Stereos to new style LCD TVs and then programming ONE remote to control all
three boxes. TV, ComCast/Cable, and Stereo. Customers can THROW away at least 2 remotes. Folks will easily pay $20 for a teenager to set this up for them. Takes about 20 minutes for REMOTE, maybe 30 minutes more to do the back wiring between all the components. I can do this is my sleep
which means I can video teach anyone how to do it in about 30 minutes worth of video time.
2. Hook up simple WEBcam to existing PC, or reuse the older throw-away PCs, or laptop. Hook up this
PC/laptop to existing (or new) LCD TV. All the connections are now standard, teen just needs to add
1 new VGA video and 1 audio cable. NOW, the PC/laptop uses LCD TV as a HUGE extended monitor. AND with the WEBcam and free software (from internet), customer can place video calls to
anywhere in the world for free. Other options available also such as remote video security camera
and remote check of property.
3. HIGH END Teenager Goods (Business Bartering/re-sell/etc). a. High end musical gear. Expensive Guitars, musical instruments, drum sets, trumpets, etc.
b. Paint-Ball Guns. These go from $50 up to $500 each.
c. Military Game gear.
d. Xbox, accessories, games. HUGE resell market.
e. DVD resells. How many DVD’s do YOU have in your collection. How many are kid oriented (or you
no longer WANT them).
f. Stereo gear and speakers and older TVs. How many kids want to ROCK and ROLL in their own
bedrooms? And in their basements??? Now they can do it for FREE. Just learn to provide a
service to their neighbors in exchange for the neighbors older gear.
g. Older cellphones. Everyone upgrades. They THROW away perfectly good Blackberrys and other
cellphones. Teens can resell them easily.
h. Older PCs, Laptops, monitors, and printers. Same as above. Everyone THROWS the old ones
i. Digital Cameras and Video Cameras (everyone is throwing away old Tape video cameras and going
HardDisk VideoCams. Add on market is teens processing older 8mm video tapes to DVDs for
clients. And a WHOLE lot more related to that.
j. Old scanners, fax machines, home office equipment, copiers. There is a HUGE market for
recycling working electronics for a teenager’s bedroom or recycle/resell to other neighbors.
k. Organize client’s Digital Photographs onto a portable HardDisk (cost is $100 for 400 gig portable
drive size of small book. Teens can also take those huge stacks of Music CD’s, organize them
(with ITUNES or equal) and copy over to these portable HardDisks for clients. Client pays for the
harddisk purchase plus the time for teenager to copy music over. Teen sets up the Portable
music harddisk on client’s laptop or on their home office PC, or on the PC sitting next to home
Stereo system. Now client can listen to THEIR own music without loading their old CDs every
time. (Music Server)
The Embedded URL Links (website addresses) in this eBook are temporary.
The VIDEOS may or may not be active at this time. I will be using
www.TeenMoneyMachine.com/uploads and www.TeenMM.com website
addresses interchangeably. When all the websites get launched, these two
primary websites will point to the SAME URL. The TeenMM.com prefix is
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just a shortcut to reduce everyone’s typing time if they do not have CLICK on
URL feature.
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Listing of all Videos, Audios, and White Papers done since conception by Keith
Duncan. Enjoy.
1.2. TeenMoneyMachine Business Resources
From Keith Duncan July 21, 2011 Author. Parent company BuiltByKeith.com
Keith’s resource website server is at www.TeenMM.com -It supports TeenMoneyMachine.com
Start with all filenames containing TMM or tmm.
It’s a Read-Only secure FTP website for storing all his Teen related ideas. It has over 4 years of accumulated
knowledge, ALL of it original and owned by Keith Duncan and assigned to www.BuiltByKeith.com LLC All
Rights Reserved, copyright 2011, patent pending, blah-blah-blah rest of legal language the lawyers can add.
Got to through in a funny sometimes.
Directory filepath formats are:
/v directory is videos
/a is audio
/w is white paper
/p is photos (some of my mind-maps , the heart of the knowledge of how I re-programmed my brain and
invented IseeStand as well as so many other things that FEW if ANY know about yet.
www.TeenMM.com/a/KeithD_tmm Teen Safety in Biz_2008_12_11.mp3
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www.TeenMM.com/a/007_KeithD_TSBO Ethics model_2008_07_07.mp3
www.TeenMM.com/a/009_KeithD_TSBO Mission statement_2008_07_07.mp3
www.TeenMM.com/a/010_KeithD_Topic Burning better brain pathways_2008_07_08.mp3
www.TeenMM.com/a/019_KeithD_boasos sales Arsenal list_2008_07_18.mp3
www.TeenMM.com/a/023_KeithD_Topic -success Outcome not income_2008_07_31.mp3
www.TeenMM.com/a/KeithD_tmm Backup BlackBerry biz.mp3
www.TeenMM.com/a/KeithD_tmm Biz ideas for Girls_2008_12_11.mp3
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www.TeenMM.com/a/KeithD_tmm Book Intro.mp3
www.TeenMM.com/a/KeithD_tmm Girl Biz Ideas_2008_12_11.mp3
www.TeenMM.com/a/KeithD_tmm Girl Sport Biz ideas_2008_12_11.mp3
www.TeenMM.com/a/KeithD_tmm Guitar Business.mp3
www.TeenMM.com/a/KeithD_tmm RemoteVideo PC Biz Idea_2008_12_02.mp3
www.TeenMM.com/a/KeithD_tmm Soccer Equipment Biz.mp3
www.TeenMM.com/brainstorm/Direct MindMap Thinking Process.jpg
www.TeenMM.com/p/IEI Louis Foreman -Everyday Edisons. Aug 16 2008.jpg
www.TeenMM.com/p/IEI Michael Lanning Value Proposition Oct 9 2008.jpg
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2. Foreword
The Foreword section and testimonials go HERE. Please email your suggestions to
me at
3. eBook Outline & Levels (original list –to be removed in near future).
3.1. Introduction
State of the Family Union (child welfare is what most parents provide in form of entitlement)
Earning a living. Getting off your family’s payroll.
Providing for oneself. Make a go of being the best for yourself.
Learning how to provide service to others in exchange for benefits.
Creating your own Business.
Learn how to make a profit while you have a blast of fun.
Get off the couch, you slouch!!! Be the next Bill Gates, except STAY in SCHOOL at same time.
Learn Faster and be Smarter because you now know how to Run a Business.
3.2. Value Proposition
Why kids need to conduct business transactions today. Time versus Profit. Bartering.
Age appropriate entry into the marketplace.
Ethics, Safety, Benefits, Scalable factors (move up into business world).
Identifying business opportunities. Find and meet a need that delivers value.
Sales Techniques. Successful ways to sell like adults.
Finance. Establishing the books and record keeping.
Leveraging your business through your friends, neighborhood, and community.
4. Top Level Introduction #1
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How many employees do you have on your payroll, yes, your family payroll? If your kids
were your employees, are they earning their own keep? If yes, stop here. If no, are you paying
out the nose to support your grown up rug-rats. Ask yourself one question: Do your teenagers
bring monetary value to your family and themselves? How much income do they earn versus
your expense? In fact, you are probably NOT an employer of your children, you are actually a
charitable benefactor. How would you like to have financially independent kids by age 16 to
19? What is stopping you or them?
Are your children typically 18 to 22 years old before they actually get a real job for the
first time? Who prepares them to actually conduct business in the real world? Do any of their
high school or college classes actually provide money making opportunities where they sell
products and services in the real world and receive cash in hand? Or do most parents beat on
their kids to 'get a job with good benefits' as soon as they get out of school? What kind of
business training is that? (sink or swim??) Instead, how about unleashing your kids and show
them how to start their own business in your neighborhood with people you already know and
Better yet, since most teenagers do exactly opposite what their parents ask of them, how
about parents helping the other neighborhood kids learn a business skill that results in providing
value to other parents? Don't you think a teenager would love to earn $10 to $80 per hour
providing a cash based service to their neighbors? My kids easily earn $75 every 45 minutes
running a powered Core Aerator that punches holes in grass lawns. I bought a used Aerator for
$500 about 8 years ago and my teenagers easily earn $500 cash every 6 hours. There are so
many other types of jobs that teenagers can safely and profitably perform right in their own
neighborhood. To subscribe to our service of helping your teenager be self-sufficient by age 15,
Order our Ebook at www.TeenMoneyMachine.com and get your kids off your
4.1. ALTERNATE Introduction –Ghost Writer Bravo Valenti
© 2008 BravosWorld, LLC All Rights Reserved No part of this sample may be re-used for any purpose without
the author’s prior written consent.
Introduction to “Turn Your Teen Into A Money Machine” by Bravo Valenti (aka/dba Michael Berkowitz)
Okay, you have a teenager. Or maybe a house full of them. I do, too, so trust me when I tell you- I feel
your pain! Don’t get me wrong- I love teens. Especially my own. I’m very proud of my kids. One has proudly
served his country in Iraq and is getting ready to volunteer for his second tour of duty. The other is a great kid
getting ready to graduate high school and go into the Air Force. I’m sure you are proud of your kids, as well.
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Or maybe not. I hear horror stories every day about teen drop-outs, unwanted teen pregnancies, teen
delinquents and teen drug abusers. My heart goes out to you if your teen is giving you those kinds of problems.
There is one thing I have learned about all teens that I would like to share with you. Whether your teen kids are
model children or street criminals, honor students or drop-outs, top athletes or overweight couch potatoes, there
is one thing I have discovered that all teens have in common: THEY ARE DARN EXPENSIVE! Heck, if I had
known how expensive having a teenager was, I would have given my kids up for adoption at age twelve!
No wonder there were a bunch of parents who, when they found out about Nebraska’s “safe haven law” showed
up with teen kids that they wanted to abandon! The law was intended to prevent “dumpster babies” from
unwanted pregnancies, and nobody suspected that financially frustrated parents of grown children would see an
opportunity to get out from under the burden of raising teenagers.
It was all over the newspapers and television. Here’s one report on what happened, from Yahoo! News:
LINCOLN, Neb. – The mother was running out of more than patience when she abandoned her 18-yearold daughter at a hospital over the weekend under Nebraska's safe-haven law. She was also running out
of time: She knew that state lawmakers would soon meet in a special session to amend the ill-fated law so
that it would apply to newborns only.
To the state's surprise and embarrassment, more than half of the 33 children legally abandoned under the
safe-haven law since it took effect in mid-July have been teenagers.
"These are largely families at a point of incredible desperation," said Wayne Sensor, chief executive of
Alegent Health. "They aren't bad parents or bad kids. They simply don't know what services are
available out there.”
If you really think about it, teenaged mothers and other women who abandon their babies often do so
because they fear they won’t be able to support them. But teens are a heck of a lot more expensive than babies,
so can you blame those folks for throwing in the towel?
People think babies are expensive, because they have to buy them diapers. I know, they’re disposable
and you keep buying more and more and it’s literally like flushing your money down both the literal and the
proverbial toilet. But that’s nothing compared to the latest jeans that teen girls just “have” to own. I’m talking
jeans that cost a monthly car payment! And that are out of style or don’t fit a few months after they buy them.
Teen boys and girls physically outgrow their clothes and change their taste faster than they woof down their
And speaking of food, have you ever added up your food bill just to keep your constantly morphing man
or woman-child from turning into a starving beast? I originally started shopping at “wholesale clubs” like
Costco as a way to save money. At first, I felt silly buying huge jars of mayonnaise and ketchup that looked like
they belonged in the storage refrigerator for an NFL football team, and not a family pantry.
But like every
family, we have a budget and so I wanted to get the lower cost that comes with buying bulk.
However, I soon discovered that the giant “wholesale size” food products they sell at places like Costco and
Sam’s Club are actually normal sized for teens! I was thinking I would be saving money, when in fact, the
bigger the jars, boxes and packages of snacks, food, juices and cereals that we were buying, the more our teens
were devouring. You see, teens have a different perspective on sizes, that is the result of their adolescent brain
and eye development.
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To a teen:
• A gallon is a glass. The proof? A teen doesn’t drink from a glass, preferring to drink milk or juice
straight from the gallon jug.
• A box is a bowl. Teens rarely need to pour cereal into a bowl. Really, if you think about it, it’s a wasted
effort if you are going to finish off the entire box in one sitting anyway.
• A plateful is an appetizer. Haven’t you ever seen a teen eat a whole plate of food and then ask “What’s
for dinner?”
• A dozen is a couple. “Mom, can I have a couple of cookies?” Count ‘em. I have. Twelve. Sometimes
I call this “The Teen Theory of Relativity.” Of course, we can’t allow our growing teens to starve to death,
so we accept it as part of our responsibility as good parents that our teens should be allowed carte blanche
access to our
wholesale-sized food supply. Some of my dear readers may even be thinking “Gee, do you
believe this guy is so cheap, he’s complaining about feeding his kids?” And that’s okay. But that’s not really
where I am coming from. You see, the food bill is just one of the smallest expenses we incur on their behalf.
There are clothes that don’t fit, sometimes mere months after we buy them. And tennis lessons.
Cheerleading. Piano and guitar. Band. Football. Baseball. School trips. Skiing. Golf. Summer camp.
Skateboarding. Bicycles and motorcycles, cars and ATVs. Helmets and gear. Art supplies. Video games and
Netflix. Itunes. Wiis, Nintendo’s, Xboxes et al. Sweet Sixteens (and Quinceneras and other ethnic equivalents)
and proms. Graduation ceremonies. There’s make-up for the girls. And cell phones and IPods and
Blackberries. Concert tickets and sports events. Tutoring and college prep and college applications. And visits
to college campuses. And that’s just a small part of it.
There’s auto insurance, parking tickets and speeding tickets and oh, poor parent, DUI attorney fees. Maybe
criminal attorneys when they get caught selling pot in the high school bathroom. There’s the unexpected
unplanned pregnancy and all of the related medical expenses, no matter what difficult decision is made. There’s
rehab for drugs and drinking, and God forbid, a kid in trouble while overseas- expenses that you could not even
Has your subconscious cash register been ringing this up? Of course, I haven’t even included medical
insurance, private school, religious schooling (communion, Bar and Bat Mitzvahs, etc.) or “THE BIG ONE”private college. Somehow, we all literally buy into the concept that this is the way it’s supposed to be. And if
you don’t buy into this financial foolishness that is destroying the economic foundation of the typical family in
America, you are somehow a “bad parent.” Hogwash. You heard me. Hogwash. It was an incredible
revelation, but one day, I looked at my big, strapping, strong, healthy teen and said to myself, “Darn, he’s
stronger than I am.” Then, I listened to him explain one of his American history lessons from school that day.
“Darn. That kid of mine is pretty bright.” And then it hit me like a brick. Healthy, bright, strong people all have
one thing in common: They work for a living!
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END OF BRAVO’s ghost writing. Note: Bravo was paid for this work using
personal funds of Keith Duncan and authorized the above publication of his
5. Introduction to Teen Money Machine. THE eBook of the Year.
I am proud to announce the creation and publishing of THE
eBook of the Year,
‘Turn Your TEEN into a MONEY MACHINE’
This book is a labor of love, sweat, sometimes blood, and a lot of hard work. It is also one of the best
contributions I could ever expect to make to society as a whole.
To wet your appetite for what ANY Teenager can do, take a quick look at the $75 per job (1 hour each) that my
teenage sons have run for the past 8 years. It may be seasonal, but at $500 cash for 7 hours of easy work, who
cares. I bought a used Core Aeriator for $500. It still has the original motor and most of the factory parts.
With about $50 maintenance per year, it easily generates over $4,000 in 8 work days. Can you claim that kind
of return? And our neighborhood customers call US when they want their yard done. They don’t even have to
be home when our kids service their yard. It’s a DO the JOB and GET PAID on the spot business. Take a
look at the video now:
YardAerate.wmv Shows the money making machine at work.
Author’sSon.wmv Author’s US Marine Son talks about his High School Days earning money.
5.1. Introduction to GrandParents. A Labor of Love.
Here is why you must invest in this book for your grandkids.
Your own
kids, who are now parents, obviously need some help in getting your grand kids to be self-sufficient. When you
were a child, how many times did your parents hand you cash out of their wallet? If it happened more than
once a month, you were considered wealthy by any standards. Instead, did your parents say “If you want to buy
something, go figure out how to earn it.” More than likely they said ‘Go Get a Job’ and they meant it.
Mostly because they used their hard earned cash to put food on the table, a roof over your heads, and clothes on
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your back. See the section below titled “What Teenagers NEED”. And if you actually did earn what you
wanted, how much value did that earned possession mean to you? More than likely, you learned that hard work
meant delivering value to someone else in return for getting paid. And often the PAID part was not just the
money. It was the experience of conducting business with other people who were not ‘YOUR BOYS’. You
learned that just hanging around with your own age group was particularly limiting to your educational and
professional growth because all of you were in the same boat. You had very common interests, hung around the
same places, had the same friends, and moved in your own circle of influence. Generally speaking, you kept to
your own group.
If you were lucky enough to get thrown to the wolves in the business market place at an early age, you
quickly learned that to survive you had to adapt to the needs and wants of other people. And these people were
younger, older, culturally different, and above all: STRANGE TO YOU at first. Yes, STRANGE as in
STRANGERS. But the more you got to know these STRANGE people, the more these STRANGERS
began to become your FRIENDS and trusted business associates.
So why MUST you buy this book for
your grand children? BECAUSE you owe it to your next generations to TEACH them how to conduct
business and create new relationships as early as possible. And that means teaching them how to conduct
business in a safe and rewarding environment. And that starts with your grand kids learning to create their own
business from the safety of their own neighborhood with people that their family already know and trust. And it
means protecting the rights of your grandchildren to learn to EARN their way to financial stability and
5.2. Introduction to Parents.
This section is for the Parents of Teenagers.
So please tell me why you are being disrespectful of your kids by giving them everything they WANT.
Note that what your kids really NEED is not the same as what they WANT. Make sure you read the following
section on the definitions of NEED versus WANT.
This could be a really long section describing all the reasons why your teenager should be conducting
business transactions at an early age. Instead, just click on the free video to get a much better visual of why you
as parents must encourage, caress, persuade, and sometimes gently throw your children out the doorway by
requiring them to interact with the REAL world. This is the world of business.
Regarding raising your children to be productive members of society, I’m sure you have done all your
research on preparing your upcoming teenagers to be self sufficient and stand on their own financial feet.
Right? In our household, we started telling our two young sons at age 11 that as soon as they reach age 18 and
graduate High School, they are completely free and independent. That means there is absolutely no financial or
material support coming from this Dad and Mom. The ONLY support our kids will receive is the proceeds from
the 529 K College fund that we started when they were about 8 years old. The ONLY use of this money is for
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their college education the first time around. If they don’t use these funds for legitimate college tuition and
books, the money is MINE. They do NOT have the option of parking their bodies in my household after age 18
except to visit for short periods of time. Not to be mis-understood, we love our boys dearly. And we would do
almost anything to help them prosper and grow. Our gift to them is that we required them to earn their own way
at an early age to prepare them for the real world. We do not believe it is fair to our children to expect them to
get a job for the first time when they hit age 18 (High School) or Age 22 (College).
Just think of the benefits of having your children know how to conduct business transactions by the ripe
young age of 15. My kids learned how to design their own business and personal calling cards by age 14.
They learned how to make signs to post around the neighborhood and their vehicles to get customers. This is
what we call market exposure. We taught our kids to always brag about their business and to hand out at least
two business cards to interested neighbors. This is a standard technique because then the customer is more
likely to give away the extra card to their friends.
5.2.1. What Parents NEED
All parents need the peace of mind that their households contain responsible children and young adults.
We accomplish this by insisting on rules, regulations, and habits that instill truth, integrity, and honest in all
members of our household. Of course there will always be problems and issues in our families. Just think how
fewer problems occur when each family member is self-sufficient at the appropriate age. This occurs when each
family member earns their own way.
5.2.2. What Teenagers NEED are:
LOVE -The root part of this love is Unconditional as blood is thicker than water. The majority of your
love for your kids is Conditional. Each of us as parents must recognize that our relationship with our kids
must be both as Giver and as Taker. If we are only a GIVER to our children, then our children by default
become 100% TAKERS. And how fair is it to our kids to condition them to always get what they WANT.
2. FOOD -Enough said.
3. SHELTER -Warmth and security.
4. CLOTHING -Enough to cover vital areas and protect their feet. All else is gravy wants.
5. EDUCATION -Knowledge embedded into their cranium (their brain), with enough
common sense that they are independently functioning and happy creatures. For we are ALL
creatures of this earth.
This book is all above LOVE and EDUCATION. And it concentrates on teaching
teenagers how to get what they WANT without dipping into your pocketbook.
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Absolutely everything else is a
INVEST in this electronic book because your
THE SYSTEM and the METHODS to make their own living. You
The end result is that you should
teenager will now have:
and I both understand that investing in our children is a life long labor of love. If we as parents could determine
how to just GIVE our LOVE and not have our hard-earned money attached during every love transaction,
wouldn’t ALL of us be happier ?
5.3. Introduction to Teenagers.
So why do you, (MR or MS TEENAGER), need to actually LEARN and DO business
skills. I’ll start by asking you to imagine the following example.
How would you feel if you walk into school on Monday morning with the following:
1. A wad of cash in your pocket.
2. A debit card from YOUR bank with a $2,000 balance.
3. An almost brand new cellphone (heck you swap to a new cell phone every 2 weeks at no cost
to you).
4. You have ALL your homework done a day early. Aceing a near 4.0 Grade Point Average is a
no brainer for you. And you are not the smartest guy in school, just the brightest one to apply
what you learn.
5. You have your own business cards (actually 3 different ones)
6. You run your own website that promotes you and your network of trusted friends.
7. During lunch hour, you are on your 9” Laptop using WIFI link to check on your adult subcontractor employees working remotely from their homes, and of course checking your email
on each of your 6 eCommerce sites.
8. Brainstorming for 15 minutes using ElectronicNapkin with your science class buddies. You
keep your brain active and never be bored again.
9. __________ Fill in the blank here with YOUR next activity____________.
So now you are asking how you could acquire a few of the perks listed above. Simple:
Start your own business. With this book you will learn the fast and effective way to
conduct business transactions in your own neighborhood with people you already faintly
know. I say ‘faintly’ because normally you might FAINT if you had to speak to someone
you did not know hardly at all. Instead, now you have THE REASON to go speak to
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others. YOU have a service and/or product to sell to them that has tremendous value to
6. The Basics. What is a Business
A business is any transaction where value is delivered and value is received. All businesses have the
elements of Supply and Demand. The Supply is the available resources of time, material, and knowledge to
provide goods or services. Demand is the marketplace that needs those goods and/or services. The
Transaction that occurs is known as a Buy-Sell exchange. Someone is buying what someone else is selling.
Let’s tackle the most obvious question. Who are the customers for teenagers? The answer is YES. That
may sound a little broad, but just consider who are the customers for most goods and services. Unless you are
talking about luxury goods or something very unusually, most products and services are meant for the general
population. The first answer is the most obvious one. The teenager’s customers are their neighbors and friends
who they already know and trust. Please remember that trust is a key component of allowing a teenager to
conduct business. The teenager may not know his customers at first, so it is vitally important that parents help
their teenagers establish business relationships with the people that the parents already know and trust.
Here is list of your potential customers:
1. Neighbors who you already know for a relatively long term. Consider if you been inside their home on a
regular basis.
2. Friends of your parents.
3. Church friends and associates.
4. Sporting leagues, coaches, and teachers, especially from previous years. You already know them.
5. Social Friends of the family.
6. Referrals from people you trust.
7. Owners of local businesses.
8. People you meet in your daily activities who are easy to check out for their Integrity and reputation.
9. Prominent and successful people who are well known and liked.
I will go ahead and be very clear at this point. A teenager should never conduct business in someone else’s
home without the proper safety checks and balances in place. That’s a primary reason why the majority of
jobs you will find in this book are conducted in the safety of the teenagers’ own home or in the relative safety of
the outside property of their clients. When a teenager enters the confines of a customer’s home, their MUST be
an exceptionally good trust factor between the client, the teenager, and the teenager’s parents. For some of
the business listed in this book, you will notice that GENDER based jobs should be adjusted so that teenager
girls are paired with mother type clients, and teenage guys are paired with father type clients. This reduces the
risk of gender or age inappropriate behaviors between clients and teenagers.
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So here is the legal warning. Every teen, every parent, and every potential client needs to ensure the
safe conduct of business. The author of this book, Keith Duncan, his associates, business partners, and the
entity known as TeenMoneyMachine.com hereby do not assume any risk or liability for the activities or
businesses demonstrated in this book. Therefore, anyone reading this book and creating their own business
must ensure their own safe conduct from a legal as well as moral prospective. The bottom line is that all
readers are responsible for themselves and their activities.
6.1. Components of any Successful Business.
Below are the components of businesses that are successful. All said and done, these are the
FOUNDATIONAL Departments of any business. If you neglect just ONE of them, you will
probably not survive in the business world for very long. Just remember that the key element is
#1 below.
1. BRAIN -That’s you buddy boy. What are you doing with your Noggin. Is the space between
your ears occupied by air or by Gray Matter that is just waiting for the next Bill Gates
2. Sales/Marketing. Without SALES, your ideas are just a figment of your own dreams and
3. Finance – Got to count those numbers.
Revenue - Cost/expenses/overhead/your time = PROFIT.
4. Operations & Delivery -Got to have a way to run the company. And Deliver the Products
and Services.
5. Legal -Everything needs to operate on ethical and fair value terms. Enforce what you
demand with legally binding contracts in everything you do. Including human resource
6. Human Resources -You should be so lucky as to have sub-contracters, administrators,
employees, vendors, and advisors. Now you are cooking with sizzle. Just remember that
PEOPLE are OVERHEAD unless they bring more value to your company than they cost
7. ..etc….. Just keep adding on those departments as you grow your own
business and future.
6.2. Branding your Business
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We won’t go into much detail here yet. It is important that whatever business you choose to start, you
need a BRAND FOCUS. This is a few keywords and images that convey WHO you are, WHAT you do,
and HOW MUCH VALUE you bring to your clients. A catchy business name with a decent colorful logo
will go far to make you memorable to your clients.
6.3. Marketing your Business
Signage. Yes Signage. You need to be visually present in the eyes of your customers. Usually you
think about signage when you think of bill boards. Instead start thinking and belieiving that YOU are a
billboard. Everywhere you go, you are looking for business opportunities. You do this by carefully
observing and listening to the needs and wants of others. You would be amazed at how many times each
day I meet new people and how interested I become in their needs and interests. It’s amazing how
quickly you can connect with people simply by showing a genuine interest in them. When you sit back,
relax, and play your cards right, most of the people will show interest in you and your business as soon as
they realize you are not hard-selling them something they really don’t need or want. Instead, just ask
simple questions to eliminate what you don’t have and realize what product or service you can provide
6.4. Another Big Issue: Safety.
When considering your business and how you conduct operations, always consider your personal safety in two
terms. One is are you in a safe environment of people. The second is if you are in a physically safe environment
from the non-people prospective. Any business you operate must ensure that you know what you are doing as
well as conforming to local state codes and general common sense. For example, a teenger has no business
lifting extremely heavy objects or working with electrical connections without the proper training, equipment,
and supervision. If in any doubt about this section, go consult a lawyer to get a professional judgement on the
safety aspect of your business.
6.5. Examples of TeenMoneyMachine CONTENT.
!Here are examples of Ebook Videos for Promotional Use.
FREE Video: YardAeriate.wmv Author’sSon.wmv
!For my self promotion, watch this one:
!Example to be embedded in eBook.
!Electronic Napkin eBook:
TeenMM.com/MMwebcamMethods.flv Date: 8/8/2011 8:54 AM
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6.5.1. MORE IDEAS and CONTENT. (Internal Use. To be removed before Publishing).
!As usual, I generated more great ideas this morning.
1. ElectronicNapkin.com can easily be packaged inside a REAL book. The cover SAYS Electronic Napkin.
Inside the book is cut-out for the LogiTech 9000 Cam, a DVD and a CD, and actual pages of text
describing the product. The Magic Stick and Clamp are provided in attached package (or sold as a
set). If big enough book cover, everything can fit inside if I manufacture a collapsible mount
2. Teenagers can resell my Electronic Napkin kit. And make money. And set it up for the customers.
MULT-PURPOSE use of webcam. TONS of uses like I use it.
3. I need immediate TeenMoneyMachine logo and collateral so I can produce calling cards, flyers,
advertisements. I can SELL TeenMoneyMachine NOW in draft for to about 50 people who I personally
4. I interviewed and feature Jonathan Krohn as the 13 year old genius Small Business Man who wrote his
own book and published it using his own savings account. He is featured prominently on local radio
and TV shows, and is doing hardcopy book sale tours. He has NOT done Ebook. So he and I can
promote each other.
5. ABC Bread Company and other coffee shops are EXCELLENT places for me to get visibility on rush
hour mornings and DEMO both ElectronicNapkin and TeenMoneyMachine. Remember: I have my entire
office and extended Monitors with me.
6. I have access to hundreds of men out of work or looking, or just plain unhappy (4 different groups)
who can be commissioned salespersons for all my products and services. And start their own
businesses using my technology and methods. 7. I must commercialize www.IseeStand.com now. I have eighth generation Magic Stick done now. And
heavily the promote this Package Solution through advertisements, websites, my organizations,
seminars, free demo DVDs, calling cards, Packaging, tours to colleges and schools, sales training
centers, etc. I am visiting a friend Copywrite/Trademark Lawyer this week. Brad Crose
7. Bartering and Income
7.1. Introduction
When you think about working for pay, how often do you restrict yourself to only thinking that pay comes
in the form of green dollar bills? What if I told you that receiving VALUE in other forms can be much more
valuable than receiving PAY. Why do I say this? It’s simple. If you get paid in cash, then you obviously get
taxes withheld, you normally have to wait until pay day, and here comes the really SAD and BAD part. Now
you take what is left over, your net income, and turn around and buy something NEW for full price. Now you
pay sales tax again. And consider your time to go shopping, the cost of gas, wear and tear on your car, and the
biggest KILLER of your dollar is answered by the question: What is your time worth? If you are shopping, you
are not EARNING value, you are SPENDING it.
So seriously consider building up your net worth in the form of measureable assets and bypassing all the
middle men and the tax killers. So what is an asset? It is anything that has marketable or personal value. If you
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own it, you have positive net worth. So instead of asking for PAY for the services and products you deliver,
seriously consider asking and receiving products and services in return. The following example will open up
your eyes from a teenager prospective.
A teenager offers to clear out a garage full of (you name it...), sort through contents with the owner/
customer, agree on value of items Teen wants (like electronics, sporting goods, bikes, games, CD's, furniture,
etc) in exchange for moving good stuff to basement, sellable stuff to Ebay and split proceeds with Customer,
and/or set out for charity pickup. It's all about a teenager negotiating for items of value to him and providing a
needed service to his neighbors. There is also a huge potential that teenager could specialize in being THE
'Recycle' salesperson for slightly used Athletic Sporting gear, musical instruments, XBOX games, etc....
Let’s say the teenager finds an 8 year old used stereo that the customer has thrown away the last time he
upgraded his sound system. Well that used stereo is just perfect for a teenagers bedroom or his rock-and-roll
basement system. If the teen went out and bought the same gear for cash, he might spend $400 for that nice
piece of sound. Instead, the teen spends maybe 2 hours of his time and gets the Stereo for his trouble. And
because he over delivers and does more than expected, the customer offers and gives him some really nice mid
range speakers that have a few dents and scratches. A win-win for all involved. You have just discovered
7.2. Definition of BARTERING:
(Needs text here and more paragraphs) Contributing author is Elizabeth Carr.
4. Below are links to audio VoiceRecordings. My way of storing business ideas. Each is about 2 minutes
long. I (yes I), will transcribe these into TEXT (the book), edit them, and eventually make some of
them into HOW-TO Video (professionally done). I provide these to you as examples of the GREAT Teen
jobs. Please give me feedback BEFORE I write extensively on these. I actually interviewed everyone
on the snow Ski Lift last weekend and got GREAT ideas and FEEDBACK. Everywhere I go, I am
SELLING idea, ASKING and LISTENING for ideas, and WRITING solutions down.
Audio Files of Teen Ideas.
!Make these into an AUDIO CD for car listening or download to IPOD.
KeithD_tmm Girl
KeithD_tmm Soccer
KeithD_tmm Guitar
KeithD_tmm Teen
KeithD_tmm Book
Sport Biz ideas_2008_12_11.mp3
Equipment Biz.mp3 RemoteVideo PC Biz Idea_2008_12_02.mp3
Safety in Biz_2008_12_11.mp3
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8. Specific Teen Business Descriptions
8.1. JOB: Scan Business Cards for Fun and Profit
8.1.1. Watch Video of how this system works.
Click here: http://TeenMM.com/v/ScanBizCards.wmv
8.1.2. Introduction
Below is the www.NeatReceipts.com scanner. It is very portable, hooks up to laptops or PCs and does not
require any power supply. It does OCR reading of Business Cards, Receipts, Business Documents, and Color
prints (600 dpi) . For business cards, the software then can upload all the contact information into Outlook,
then load into a BlackBerry, Cellphone, or other PDA. All done electronically. No typing in of Business cards.
And for receipts, reads in all the information and places it into PDF files so business person can shred all the
orginals (no more shoebox of paper at Tax time). The software also uploads all the Schedule C receipts to
QuickBooks or to Excel Spreadsheet. Really COOL.
Example: Teenagers could gather 200 to 300 biz cards from his neighbors, scan them (the device reads all the
info), proof read the data, then give an Excel Spreadsheet back to the business man with his original biz cards,
and could collect maybe $50 per hour for his time.
8.1.3. Equipment / Cost $150 to $220 for a NeatReceipts bar scanner, $460 to $525 for top of the
line NeatDesk High Speed
To Order a unit, visit www.NeatReceipts.com/products then Call 215-382-3300
8.1.4. Demand: Huge/Unlimited
How many people have hundreds and thousands of business cards stuck in their desk, briefcases, and
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8.1.5. Sales/Marketing Pitch: Teenagers gather 100 to 1000 biz cards from each of their
scan them (the device reads all the info), proof read the data, then give an Excel Spreadsheet back to the
business man with his original biz cards, and could collect maybe $50 per hour for his time.
8.1.6. Example: Collect Biz Cards
The next door neighbor, John, is a professional salesman. He has collected 1,000 business cards from
his clients over the past 2 years. When he remembers he needs to contact someone from a few months
back, he has to go through stacks of cards looking for just the right one. He remembers the company
name, but that’s it. It normally takes him 10 minutes to find that one business card.
His next door teenager, Bobby, offers to scan in all his business cards for 25 cents apiece. It takes
Bobby less than 15 seconds to electronically scan and proofread each card. In about 4 hours, Bobby has
scanned all 1000 cards, created a spreadsheet of all the contact information, burned it to CD-ROM, and
given the CD-ROM and original cards back to John. At 25 cents per card, Bobby has just earned $250
dollars cash for four hours work. This is a rate of $60 per hour cash. Not bad. If it took 1 minute to scan
each card, he would still be making $15 per hour cash. With a $400 high speed scanner, business cards
can be read at 10 per stack at rate of 25 per minute with a 90% accuracy rate (according to
NeatReceipts.com Product Support group). An average of 20 per minute is 1,200 cards per hour. At 25
cents per card with no errors, that is income of over $250 per hour. Note: Proofreading of each scan
would take about 5 seconds per card (overhead). So realistically, scanning would take 1 hour, proofing
would take 1.5 hours, and final income at 25 cents a card would be about $52 per hour for the low
speed scanner and $120/hour for the high speed scanner. This is actually scanning time. There is
obviously more overhead to get the job, create the final output media, and deliver back to the customer.
The per hour rates shown are JUST for the scanning of business card portion.
John, the customer, can now load all this contact information into his Outlook Contact Email program,
his BlackBerry, Cellphone, PDA, or his Customer Contact System. John can now throw away all of his
1,000 business cards. John is now so impressed that he refers 4 of his sales people to Bobby to provide
the same service. Now John sees the value in scanning all the business cards for his entire company. He
hires Bobby to come in to his office, install the machine, and cross train all the employees to manage their
own cards. And PAYS BOBBY $150 for his service. MONEY AGAIN.
8.1.7. Biz Card Scanning How To Documents
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I felt it was important to create a deliverable package for the first obvious Teenager Job, Scanning
Business Cards for others. So, I created a Pro-Forma (fancy for saying Revenue Model) and a few other
Starter items that the Teens/Adults get when they buy the eBook.
Deliverables through the TeenMoneyMachine.com Ebook are:
1. How to set it up. Training video (downloadable)
2. How to market yourself. Includes business card template & marketing flyer
3. Initial Customer Booking spreadsheet and financials.xls
This shows that at certain rate of scanning and visually proofing business cards, a person can earn
following using the entry level NeatReceipts Bar Code Scanner (cost $150 street price). These rates
assume accuracy read rate of 90% with a visual proofing correction of average 5 seconds per card.
Income rate is:
$21/hour at 10 cents per card
$52/hour at 25 cents a card
$105/hour at 50 cents a card.
Now the really shocking Math. If one purchases the high speed scanner for $400, the income revenue is:
$48/hour at 10 cents per card
$121/hour at 25 cents a card
$243/hour at 50 cents a card
Here are Embedded Support Documents. Just Click to bring them into view.
8.1.8. Revenue Model
This is the Revenue model that automatically calculates above Revenue rate based on rate per business card,
time to scan and proof a card.
8.1.9. Business Card Template
This is a template for producing your own Business Cards.
8.1.10.Customer Sign up and Collection Form
This is a template for customer information when you get and deliver the deal.
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I researched what people would pay to convert their business cards into OUTLOOK
Contacts. I am getting value response of 10 to 50 cents per card. At 2 per minute
(including proofing), that is range of $12/hour to $60/hour. With a high speed
scanner (cost $500), reading rate is 10 per minute = max $150 to $180/hour (have to
add in overhead of proofing if cards are not read 100% accuracy).!
8.2. JOB: Core Aerate yards with Powered machine
8.2.1. Equipment / Cost Rental $75/day or Used $500 to $1000.
Use a Powered machine to pull core plugs of dirt from the yard. Done in Spring and Fall. Rental is $75/
day or buy a used one for about $500. Professional landscapers charge $100 to $150 per yard for this
8.2.2. Demand: Seasonal HUGE.
Everyone with a house has a yard. Aeration also creates much stronger yard grass that needs less water
and fertilizer because the roots are much stronger.
8.2.3. Sales/Marketing Pitch: For $75, teenager Aerates Yard.
Teenager marks all your sprinklers, core aerate your yard, and sweep off the sidewalks.
8.2.4. Example: Author bought $500 yard aerator. Kids make $75 each yard every hour.
Keith Duncan bought used working aerator for his teenage sons 8 years ago. At rate of $75 per yard that
takes less than 1 hour, his kids easily bring home $500 cash under 7 hours of work.
8.2.5. Video of this Business.
Click here to watch the Video off the website.
If you have Adobe Flash Player (or equal), Click here for Flash Video
8.2.6. Sample Marketing Flyer
Here is a sample Marketing Flyer for Core Aerating
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8.3. JOB: Wash Neighbor Cars in THEIR driveways. Use their water.
8.3.1. Equipment / Cost $25 to $50 one time. Add Soap
One long handled Car wash broom $20, one bucket $5, big bottle of car soap, one tire brush, 1 hose/
nozzle, lots of big clean towels.
8.3.2. Demand: HUGE and every WEEK.
Everyone has a dirty car most of the time. The time to drive through a car wash is at least 15 minutes or
more if there is a line
8.3.3. Sales/Marketing Pitch: For $10 per car, wash and dry a car in 10 minutes.
The teenager says: Hi Bob (his neighbor), I’ll wash your car in your driveway every Sunday regardless
if you are home or not. You can pay me up front for the month, or pay me with PayPal every Sunday
afternoon. May I have your permission? Yes... Then sign this simple contract so we have an agreement.
I guarantee my work. The cost is $10 per car every week. You don’t even have to be at home or awake.
Here is my business card and some extras to give to your friends and neighbors in our neighborhood.
And here is my business flyer and website address so you can check me out. If you don’t know me, I ask
you call my parents at this number to confirm who I am.
8.3.4. Example: SPEED washing a car. It’s all in HOW.
Wash your neighborhood cars every Sunday afternoon from 3 pm to 6 pm. How many folks that have
decent cars or company cars think that a nice clean car improves their image every Monday morning? I
would say you would be crazy to drive your car anywhere looking like you went off-roading at the mud
hole over the weekend. So, here’s what you do. Arrange to wash a whole street of neighbor’s cars in their
driveways on Sunday afternoon EVERY week of the year. You use their water and their hose. All they
have to do is leave their car out in the driveway and you do everything else. You can even arrange to have
them pay you using PAYPAL directly into your checking account at your bank. How easy can that be?
Okay, now you are thinking: You absolutely HATE to wash cars. Maybe this is because when you HAD
to wash your parent’s cars, it was a headache, a backache, and not worth the little $5 you got after an hour
of work. Have you considered that you didn’t have THE SYSTEM. The answer is SPEED, not perfection.
All you need is a long 6 foot handled car wash brush, a bottle of car soap, a bucket, and a few clean towels.
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With the long handled brush, you can easily wash an entire car from top to bottom in under 5 minutes.
REALLY. The long brush means means you don’t have to reach very far from bucket to car. And cleaning
a car is really all about LOTS of soapy clean water and a little surface friction. Old dirt will PEEL away.
And since you are washing the car EVERY Sunday, you won’t have all that crap building up on your
client’s car.
Heck, Your customer will be so happy, he’ll pay you double to wash his wife’s car too. Double the
money for one half the effort. He gets brownie points for taking care of his wife’s needs, and you get the
cash. All for about 10 to 15 minutes effort per car, the customer is happy and you get RICH quick. Do the
math now. If you can do 4 cars every 60 minutes for $10 each car, that’s $40 cash per hour. Can you get
that at the local supermarket bagging groceries. I think not. So for 3 hours of work on Sunday afternoon,
you get about $120 cash. At $7 /hour at your minimum wage, can you do the math and determine how
many HARD hours you would have to work to earn the same amount of cash. And don’t forget about your
travel time to and from work and the taxes Uncle Sam takes out. By the way, you STILL have to pay taxes
on the money you earn so check with your parent’s accountant to play it safe.
8.3.5. Video of this Business.
Click here to watch the Video off the website. www.TeenMoneyMachine.com/uploads/
If you have Adobe Flash Player (or equal), Click here for Flash Video
8.4. JOB: Pressure Wash Decks, Driveways, Sidewalks.
8.4.1. Equipment / Cost Rent or Borrow pressure washer
Easy, Go rent a pressure washer, get your dad to buy one, or borrow one from your neighbor in exchange
for doing his driveway for free. Purchase price as low as $200, or rent one for $50 for the day.
8.4.2. Demand: Always.
Everyone with a house with a concrete driveway. Most homes have decks and sidewalks. Many have
curbing and brick walks.
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8.4.3. Sales/Marketing Pitch: For $20 to $30 per hour, clean anything the customer wants.
Teen could also charge by the square foot. Note that concrete takes 5 times longer to clean than wood
decks, so price accordingly.
8.4.4. Example: Obvious.
8.5. JOB: Neighborhood Concierge Service.
8.5.1. Equipment / Cost None. Just need a cell phone with IM capability
8.5.2. Demand: High.
8.5.3. Sales/Marketing Pitch:
How many of you buy the same grocery staples every week? If you have kids and a busy schedule, how
long does it take you to go to the grocery store and restock your refrigerator and pantry? Maybe an hour if you
can find the time? Just what is your time worth?
8.5.4. Example:
Just call or IM your local teenager during the day with your shopping list. The (driving) teenager leaves
school around 4 pm, sees the shopping list request on their cell phone, calls the customer to confirm the order
and runs by the grocery store on their way home (your neighborhood) for 15 minutes of speed shopping.
Teenager uses their own credit card (or cash) to pay for the goods. Upon delivery, customer gets receipt, pays
with cash, check, or PayPal with a $10 service fee for teenagers 15 minutes of time. If the teenager has
multiple clients, they make one trip to the grocery store and deliver 3 to 6 households on their street in one trip.
8.6. JOB: Setup the ElectronicNapkin.com Webcam System
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8.6.1. Introduction
With a few simple software and hardware parts, set up the ultimate Overhead Projector for under $150. Your
customer pays for the kit. You install and test it. Then you train your customer how to use it.
8.6.2. Equipment / Cost About $150 base cost.
$70 to $100 for Logitech Pro 9000 web camera. Readily available at stores and off Internet.
$25 Keith Duncan’s Magic Stick at www.ElectronicNapkin.com
$50 Software obtained through www.ElectronicNapkin.com includes White Paper description and
video on how to set up and use this great device.
8.6.3. Demand: HUGE.
Everyone can use one of these on each of their home computers, their laptops, and their office computers.
8.6.4. Sales/Marketing Pitch: For cost of hardware/software plus $50 labor
Teenager will setup this system, test everything and train the customer how to use. Note: this system is
so powerful and versatile, you will want to purchase Keith Duncan’s Additional ElectronicNapkin.com training
and use kit for your customers.
8.6.5. Example: Download the White Paper on ElectronicNapkin.com
Click here to get all the information you need to sell and use this device.
Here is Electronic Napkin running a webcam through a laptop to an Extended monitor. Notice the size of the ink
pen under the camera. Can you image how many different objects and paperwork could be placed under the
camera and projected to PC monitors, TV screens, LCD projectors, or even across the web to a remote
customer? The possibilities are endless and only limited by your imagination.
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8.6.6. Watch Video
Note: The following video clip was designed for Counselors and Therapists who work with families and
Teens. This is just one example of how effective Visual Imagery can be used to SEE conversations. Just pay
attention to how a webcam is used to PROJECT and SHOW conversations.
Click Here to watch to video
Another really great demonstration video is:
8.6.7. Marketing Questions to sell ELECTRONIC NAPKIN -taglines
1.How many times do you think great businesses and inventions start on the back of a restaurant
2.How often do you get brilliant ideas in the strangest places? Do you record them so you don't
lose those brainstorms? Do you regularly use a digital voice recorder or write your ideas
down? How many times have you scribbled down a great idea only to lose focus and the paper
2 hours later? What happened?? Why are you not focused? Introducing the Electronic Napkin.
Now with just a little technical gadget, you can record those money making ideas and share
them visually with everyone around you.
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8.7. JOB: Hook up Home Living Room Electronics –TV, Stereo, Players, GameBoxes,
8.7.1. Introduction
How many of you have a living room full of electronics such as TVs, stereos, DVD
players, CD-Players, VCR decks, record players, Xbox 360, PlayStation, WII, and the list goes
on and on. And how many of you spent a small fortune buying those really nice speakers and
having someone run those wires all over the place. Now the million dollar question. Are all of
your electronics hooked up so they work like a symphony with you being the conductor? Or
do you have to scramble around the couch and find all the individual remotes and turn one item
on at a time. And how many of you just listen to the sound coming out of those pitiful built-in
TV speakers that couldn’t wake a baby up if you turned the volume all the way up during a
World War II battle movie. So now, just say goodby to that mess of wires in the back of your
stereo cabinet. Hire your local neighborhood teenager to hook up your entire portfolio of
electronic equipment the right way using the right wires. The Teen will even trace all those
speaker wires for positive and ground and label them for you with a full schematic in case you
have to unhook something. Have you ever fumbled around in the back of your stereo unit
hoping you are plugging the right wire into the correct hole? Or hit every button on your
remote just hoping you get the sound to come on.
Equipment / Cost Minimum tools –one time cost
Wire cutters and crimper $5
Volt meter $20
Label maker $20. Or buy prelabels pack from CrutchFields.com
Assorted spare hook-up wires. Note: You will accumulate more than you want after a few jobs.
Pliers and assortment of screwdrivers
Optional –Solder gun,
8.7.3. Demand: Almost every home is NOT hooked up correctly.
8.7.4. Sales/Marketing Pitch: Do you listen to your TV through your stereo system?
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Hi, I’m Don (or Marcy) your neighborhood home electronics geek. I am an expert at hooking up your stereo
equipment in your living room so that everything works together. For example, if you have a nice stereo
system, do you listen to your TV through your surround sound speakers? Did you know that most stereo
receivers should be used to switch and guide all your audio and video just like a Central Station? If yes to any
of these questions, can I take a look at your system and give you a quote for professionally hooking everything
up with the right cables?
For (Market Value) or approximately $50 per job or $20 per hour, teenager will pull everything out of your
stereo cabinet, design a wiring diagram on paper for you, ring out all your speakers for positive and ground
wires, choose the best wiring types and length for the best sound and video performance, and hook everything
up. As a bonus, teen will label all your wires so you KNOW what every wire does.
8.7.5. Example:
Mary is a housewife who spends a lot of time in her living room during the day.
She is constantly frustrated with not being able to control the $3,000 worth of
electronics her husband has accumulated over the years. And heaven forbid ifMary
wants to listen to her FM radio and then quickly flip over to watch her favorite soap
operas. Her next door neighbor teenager has been going around the block on
Sunday afternoons to people that their parents know well. The teen is coming in,
evaluating the wiring mess in living rooms, and quickly hooking up all the right
wires so everything works together. For about $25 to $50, the teen writes out a
contract, reads the owner manual for each device, and cleans up the wiring mess,
Now all the wiring mess is gone and all the TV , stereo components, games, DVD/
VCR players work flawlessly. In fact, the teenager ever recommended using the
much better audio / video cables that transmit the best signal quality between all the
devices. As a bonus, the teenager even left a custom how-to document telling
which remote to use and what button controls each device.
8.7.6. Watch Video
TeenMM.com/TMMHookUpHomeSystem.wmv Hook up BIG LCD TV’s to Computers and
programming remotes.
TeenMM.com/TMMHookUpFlatPanelTV.wmv Hook up Flat Panel TV Intro.
TeenMM.com//TMMKeithHavingFunGuru.wmv Intro Keith Having Fun.
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8.8. JOB: Use your big LCD TV as a Computer Monitor
8.8.1. Introduction
How many of you have a newer flat screen TV, and LCD projector, or any of the new high definition
TVs. Did you know that almost everyone of them can be used as a giant Computer Monitor? In my home, I
use my Sony 60” LCD Projection TV as a computer monitor. I can sit in my rocking chair in the living room
using my Laptop or an old PC. The computer has a transmitter for talking to my remote wireless BlueTooth
keyboard and mouse. I can surf the internet, do my email, and conduct business right from the comfort of my
home. I can even hold telephone conversations over the internet with a headset or my Bluetooth headset from
my cell phone. And I can do all this sitting in my sweat pants with my bunny slippers on my feet and my
Golden Retriever next to me. My commute to my remote office everyday is about 60 feet from my bedroom
and 20 feet from the kitchen. Life doesn’t get much better than that. So if you don’t have the computer and
wiring knowledge to make the hookup, hire a teenager to do the job. If you don’t have a laptop, I bet you can
get a slightly used computer from your office or a neighbor either for free or less than a hundred dollars.
Get any old PC, even from goodwill or throwaways from friends, neighbors, business associates.
For ANY of the flat screen or projection TVs,
Determine if TV is the old 480, 720p, or 1080p level of resolution.
Then add the following:
The best cable between the PC and the TV. Choices in order of quality preference are:
2. DVI
3. VGA
If your TV supports HDMI, consider adding a High Resolution HDMI video card for around $80 to $150 for
stunning High Definition video and sound.
Don’t forget that you can also run your PC/Laptop sound through your awesome stereo sound system.
Buy the correct cable of appropriate length. You will need a 5mm plug on one end and 2 RCA connectors
(White and Red) on the other to hook into your stereo system. If you need more than 6 feet, use heavier audio
wire such as 18 gauge that is good for about 25 feet of good audio signal level.
8.8.2. Equipment / Cost
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Cabling at cost.
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See cabling choices above. Your customer can either buy the cables or you supply them from your small
inventory you keep on hand. There are not that many choices. Only option might be the length of cable needed.
8.8.3. Demand: Huge. Anyone who has a newer digital TV.
8.8.4. Sales/Marketing Pitch:
Hi, my name is Judy. I’m the 17 year old teenage girl who lives 2 blocks down the street. My parents
know you from the neighborhood association and they told me you just got a new High Definition TV for
Christmas. May I ask if you also have laptops or computers in your home? If yes, did you know you can use
your new TV as a huge computer monitor? I’ve been trained to provide this service in my spare time to people
I know. I’ll be glad to take a look at your TV and give you a quote for hooking up your PC/laptop. I have
done this for 10 of your neighbors and they absolutely love the convenience of computing from their rocking
chair in their living room or on their kitchen counter. You know, you can also use that nice new 30” LCD TV
in your kitchen for checking email and surfing the web for the latest recipe. I actually happen to have all the
cabling you might need with me. And when I’m done, I’ll train you how to switch the TV between cable mode
and PC mode. It’s actually quite simple once you set your remote up and reprogram a few things on your TV. I
can do all of this for you in about 30 minutes. If yes, would this be worth $30 to you and your family? Just
thing, you can monitor your kid doing his homework in the kitchen now because you can see where they are
going on the web. Homework on the kitchen counter never looked so good as now.
8.8.5. Example:
See above.
8.8.6. Watch Video
8.9. JOB: Backup data and address books on CellPhones, BlackBerrys, and PDAs.
8.9.1. Introduction
How many times have you personally lost data on your Blackberry or PDA? Usually your handheld
device got damaged somehow, fell in the toilet, just up and died, got stolen, or you just lost it. Did you
swear that this would never happen to you again? So what would it take for you to start backing up
your own device. Probably an act of God would be helpful. Short of that, how about if your
neighborhood teenager did your backup for you every two weeks and gave you a CD with all your data
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on it. The teenager will come by your home on Sunday afternoon while you watch your Football game,
back up your handheld either from his own laptop at your kitchen counter, on your own computer, or
take it back to his home for 30 minutes and be back before the halftime show. Would this be worth $10
every 2 weeks for this service?? Or more?? How many hours would it take you to manually key back
in all that data even if you had a hardcopy listing of your entries carefully printed out once a month. I
recently heard a guy say it took him 9 hours to re-enter all his data into his BlackBerry that died. The
phone store couldn’t get any data off his original unit. He said he lost thousands of dollar of
information and an entire day of frustration. The guy said he would easily pay a teenager $30 a month
to make sure his BlackBerry was backed up. Heck, he said he would pay the teenger DOUBLE to
restore the data if his handheld ever did truly die.
8.10.Equipment/Cost Ridiculously low to nothing.
All you need is a PC, a cable, and the software download package available off the internet (normally free
or you get the Install CD from your customer.
8.11. Demand: Everyone who carries a PDA.
8.11.1.Sales/Marketing Pitch: Easy. Ask if they backup monthly.
Hi, my name is Mary, I live 4 doors down from you. My parents know you well. Do you carry a
BlackBerry or PDA? If yes, do you back it up on a regular schedule in case you might lose your phone and
address data? I keep hearing about all the folks who have damaged phones or drop them accidently. We know
of at least 3 dogs in our neighborhood who have an appetite for those little BlackBerrys. We know of one dog
that attacks the Blackberry every time it beeps and vibrates. My weekend business provides this service at
your convenience to guarrentee you will never loose your data from the last time your handheld is backed up.
8.11.3.Watch Video
8.12.JOB: Create Websites for Others
To Parents: Did you ever want to have your own website where you could promote your business, your
club, your neighborhood association, your hobby, or your personal life? For a charge of about $10 per year for
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the domain name, about $10 per month website hosting fee, and the setup fee you pay a teenager, you can have
your own website with anything and everything you want to put on your website. You can even pay the teenager
to manage the contents of the website whenever you want to change the website pages.
8.12.2.Equipment / Cost Just need a PC and an Internet connection.
8.12.3.Demand: Very high. Most everyone wants to be noticed.
8.12.4.Sales/Marketing Pitch:
Hi, I’m Jeff. I live in the neighborhood behind you. Your Mom knows my Mom and said you have a at
home business quilting custom bedcovers for your friends and neighbors. Would you be interested in me
helping you set up your very own website where you can post pictures and videos of you and your quiltwork for
your potential customers to see your work? It costs me about $10 to register the website name of your choice
for one year, and about $10 per month hosting fee to get you on the web. My service is about $25 per website
page and I’ll even teach you to take photographs of your quilts and upload them to your website for free. If my
fee is too high, I would be most happy to help you clean out your garage in exchange for the set of Hockey gear
that your older son accumulated 5 years ago. It may not have value to you now, but I would have to pay about
$400 to get the same equipment new at the Sporting Goods store. Would this be agreeable to you?
8.12.6.Watch Video
8.13.JOB: Create Personal and Business Cards, and Flyers for others
How many of you would love to have your own custom Personal calling cards. How about hiring a
teenager that is good with a camera and artwork to custom design a personal calling card with you. The
teenager could even take a photograph of you, your home, your prize possession, your dog, or anything that
uniquely says ‘IT’S YOU’. Then the Teenager creates a custom designed calling card to your specifications and
approval. The teen then gives you the final softcopy image of the card, or they order the cards for you over the
internet. You pay the teen through PayPal or with a check with the cards arrive in your mailbox.
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8.13.2.Equipment / Cost -None.
8.13.3.Demand: High. Everyone likes to be in touch with new friends.
What better way to make new friends than to have a small stash of personal calling cards sitting in your
purse or wallet. When ever you have a good conversation or want to help someone, just pull out one of your
personal calling cards, write a note on the front, give to the person, and make a commitment to follow-up by a
certain date.
8.13.4.Sales/Marketing Pitch:
How would you like me (teenager) to create a custom calling card for your personal or business use.
How many times have you been out in a crowd and had nothing to write a note on to give to a new friend or
business connection.
The second situation is how many times does your kid meet new people and doesn’t remember their
name for more than a few minutes. How many parents meet your kid and never learn your kid’s first name and
where they live. What if the teenager passes out his personal calling card to people he meets? Doesn’t this
strongly encourage the neighborhood to know folks by their first name? And heaven forbid, wouldn’t it be nice
if neighborhood parents learn which kids go in which houses. Don’t you think some of the annoying behavior
in some areas would go away if the parents interact by first name with the kids on their block. Do you think a
kid is going to be mischievous if the next door parent knows him by first name. Better yet, now that kids are
learning to interact with many parents throughout their community, doesn’t that open up future doors of
opportunities for each teen as they start getting first hand experience with lawyers, doctors, business owners,
and corporate executives. And give credit to all the first hand knowledge they can get from the trades people
who live next door to them. Doesn’t this open up doors of job opportunities for later?
My two sons have had their very own personal calling cards since they were 12 years old. It impresses
the ladies when they pull out a personal card with their home address and their cell number, write a personal
message on the back of the card and hand it to a new acquaintance. It sure beats writing their phone number on
the back of someone’s hand.
8.13.6.Read the White Paper on Business Cards.
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8.14.JOB: Build Audio/Visual Studio to make money producing Content.
How many parents have digital photo cameras and video cameras. How many photos and movies have
you taken over the years and never done anything with all those family snapshots and videos. How about hiring
a teenager to organize all your photos and movies onto a set of DVDs once and for all. Then you can recycle
all those old tapes. Even better, have the teenager load all your home and trip movies onto one of the new
external hard disks called PassPorts that hold days worth of video footage and thousands of photographs. Then
you can hook the external hard disk to your home office computer and pull up your video and photographs at
any time from any computer or laptop in your home.
8.14.2.Equipment / Cost none except a PC.
Just need a decent PC to process the video.
8.14.3.Demand: High.
Ask how many digital photos and home movies you own.
8.14.4.Sales/Marketing Pitch:
For a flat fee of $20 per hour of home movies you give to me, I will be most happy to transfer all your
home movies over to DVD for you. If you don’t want to collect more DVDs that you might never watch, I can
also buy you an external disk drive for about $150 and put all your digital photographs and videos on this
harddisk for you. That way you can search for any of your shots at any time from your computer, print them on
demand, and enjoy slideshows on your computer monitor. When is a good time for us to take a look at your
home collection so you can decide what videos and photographs are really important to you? I can do this work
for you over a weekend.
We have at least 120 videos of trips and special events we have video taped over the past 10 years. So
what happens to my videos? As soon as possible (like in days), I move everything over to my PC, process the
video files with my video editor and either burn the home movie to DVD, or better yet, store it on my hard disk
on my home PC. Then, using the home computer network, I can now stream all my digital photos and movies
to any PC in the house. And with my laptops and computers hooked up to my big screen LCD TVs, I can run
slideshows as screen saves on my big TVs whenever I’m not watching TV. It’s great to listen to nice
background music and see photographs of my family and friends cycling over my 60 inch LCD TV in my great
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Note to Teenager: Since you really don’t care to sit around and watch each hour of someone else’s home
movies, all you have to do is plug their video camera into our computer, load the download software, press a
button, and let the computer do all the work while you go off and do something else. At the end of every hour
or so, you just plug in the next tape and suck off the videos to your PC. Then when you have all the video
loaded you just run the Make DVD software, burn their DVDs and then deliver everything back to your
customer. So for about 2 hours of actual work processing 10 hours of their videos, you get about $120. Not bad
return for letting your computer do the work for you.
8.14.6.Watch Video
8.15.JOB: Programming electronics for your neighbors
How many parents do you know that have new cellphones, BlackBerrys, and PDAs and don’t have a
clue how to use them effectively. Do you truly have the time to read the 200 page mini manual and step through
every page learning what button does what? Instead, how about hiring your local teenager that has the same
cell phone to train you on JUST what you need, nothing more and nothing less. Don’t you know the teenager
spends most of their day fiquring out the fastest way to send instant messages, check voicemail, surf the web,
look at stock prices (just kidding here), and buying stuff off EBAY. Why not spend $20 for a valuable hour of
your time and get someone other’s teenager to show you the tricks of the trade. For the teenagers, would you
be interested in earning $20 to $40 per hour doing what you already know what to do: Using your cell phone,
PDA, IPOD, ITune, or BlackBerry. What could be better than learning new applications while earning money
at the same time. It’s a no brainer.
8.15.2.Equipment / Cost
Unless teenager likes to read a lot, it helps if teenager already has a similar cellphone, PDA, or
electronic device to their customer.
8.15.3.Demand: Huge.
And constantly changing everytime a parent gets a new cell phone or electronic device.
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8.15.4.Sales/Marketing Pitch:
For $ __ per job, teenager will
8.15.6.Watch Video
8.16.JOB: Coaching Sports for your neighborhood kids.
This is a HUGE market. How many of your teenagers are really good at a particular sport? If they are
like most kids, they spend 5 to 10 years concentrating on just one really interesting sport. They pour
their hearts out and empty your wallet supporting their sport. Do you feel like an Athetic Supporter.
8.16.2.Equipment / Cost
8.16.3.Demand: Do you have kids who play sports? Answer: Probably yes.
KEITH’S NOTE: Insert a HUGE list of coachable sports here.
Age Group
Skill Level
Hourly Rate
8.16.4.Sales/Marketing Pitch:
For $ __ per job, teenager will
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8.16.6.Watch Video
8.17.JOB: Tutoring other Students with ElectronicNapkin.com
Tutoring a school subject is a high demand business. How much time and money do most parents spend
on ensuring their children get good grades and stay ahead of their subject matter. Do you know how expensive
a tutor can be on a weekly schedule. Here’s a business any teenager can set up and provide one of the most
valuable services known to man. That business is teaching what they already know. And with this business
model, the tutoring can safely be performed in any age and gender combination without the parents physically
present during the study session. The example below is of a 17 year old boy tutoring a 13 year old girl without
any intervention or monitoring by the parents. In most situations, this would absolutely never be allowed to
happen. The solution is remote tutoring from the safety and comfort of both the tutor and the client’s homes.
The only cultural danger is mixing genders of huge age difference in unmonitored situations. If you remove the
issue of being in the same room, this is no longer an issue in any form or manner.
8.17.2.Equipment / Cost $0 or an ElectronicNapkin.com system.
8.17.3.Demand: Every kid benefits from tutoring sometime.
8.17.4.Sales/Marketing Pitch:
For agreed upon value per hour, the student Tutor will coaches their client, another student. After each
session, the parent and their child agree if the tutor performed the service for the agreed upon amount. If yes,
then parent pays the tutor using PayPal over the internet. There is never a physical interaction between the
parent/client and the tutor. Everything is done over the phone(Talk) and the internet (SKYPE/Video, marketing
website, emails, and Paypal)
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8.17.5.Example: Remote Tutoring.
How many teenagers are really good in at least one school subject? Do you realize you can make
immediate money with that one skill. Let’s say you are really good at math because you like numbers and
solving logical problems. You are smart enough to know that being smart is what makes you valuable. Here is
what you can do with minimum effort. Set up an www.ElectronicNapkin.com system for yourself. You can
put the basic equipment on your own laptop or your parent’s home computer. Set up something like a
www.SKYPE.com account. Then go find students in your neighborhood or community that need help with
tutoring. Do you realize that professional tutors charge $25 to $75 per hour for helping students with basic
subjects? If you charge 2/3 of that rate and deliver better than the semi-professional instructors, the parents will
flock to your door.
And here is the best part. Think about how much time and effort it takes to get the professional tutor
and the student in the same room. One of them has to travel. And often it’s the parent who must take off time
from work, drive home, drive their kid to the tutor, wait around, and transport the kid home. Then repeat the
cycle every week. Can you image the expense of time of the parent. If the parent is earning $30 per hour at
their job, and are spending 3 hours a week getting their kid tutored, and also paying $50 per hour for the tutor,
then the REAL expense of tutoring is $140 every week if you do the math. So instead, you the teenager charge
$40 per hour for tutoring a subject you know inside and out. You tutor students that are your age or up to 5
years younger than you. And you do most of your tutoring remotely.
Let’s say you are a whiz kid teenage boy, age 17. With ElectronicNapkin, you can safely tutor a 14
year old girl remotely in your community without ever being in the same room with them. Both you and the 14
year old girl are talking over the phone while using SKYPE and ElectronicNapkin to SEE the math problems
and work through the girls homework book. If the girl also has ElectronicNapkin, they BOTH of you can be
writing down the problems and solutions with each other because you are video conferencing two ways. The
girl puts her math text book under her webcam and the tutor sees the description of the math problem. The tutor
then draws out the math problem under his camera and the girl sees what the tutor is talking about. Then BOTH
the tutor and student solve the problem together. Because of ElectronicNapkin.com, they both SEE the problem
being solved on paper in real-time.
8.17.6.Watch Video
8.18.JOB: Set up Remote WebCams
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How many of you have decent flat screen TV’s throughout your home or apartment? If you are slightly
aware of the input and output ports on these TVs, you quickly notice all the extra little connection ports.
Typically you will now see HDMI, DVI, VGA, Component Video, S-Video, Optical Audio, RCA audio, and the
standard Cable TV plugs.
Now consider that most homes are now wired for computer networks. If you don’t have Ethernet CAT-5
cables everywhere, then you probably at least have a wireless Internet router. And if you have a laptop or an
older Personal Computer laying around somewhere, you are now in for a treat beyond imagination.
So here is the business. Go buy a decent webcam from your local store. Then hook up the new LCD
TV to the laptop or the PC. Then hook up for internet access. Hook up the webcam to the PC or laptop. Now
load one of the free Internet/Video Calling programs such as SKYPE.com or MSN Messenger, or Yahoo Video,
or DELL Online Video. Then you create a login account name of your choice.
Here is the fun part. You can setup SKYPE to automatically answer an incoming internet SKYPE call,
turn the webcam on and be able to remotely see and hear what is happening in that room. In my home, I have
three extra PC’s hooked up around the house with webcams. I can be on my laptop in another city and use
SKYPE to call in to my home and dynamically see and hear what is happening in those rooms.
Now consider the following benefit. Let’s say there is a grandmother, age 80, who lives across town or
in another city. The 50 year old son decides it would be great to check in on his aged mother during the day
from his office desk. Now of course, he doesn’t want to be calling her on the phone during the day and possibly
waking her up and disturbing her. Now he can have a teenager set up a webcam on his Mom’s old PC and the
son can now call up his mother’s PC and TV combination in her kitchen anytime during the day. The SKYPE
can be set up to automatically answer the incoming call from trusted callers. Now the son can check in on his
Mom during the day. If his Mom happens to be in the kitchen, the son can now have a short video conversation
with his Mom without Mom having pick up the phone or do anything. Watch the video to see the end result of
this amazing setup. And the best part is that if you already have internet service, the only cost is adding a
Scenerio #2. Let’s say a parent has a herd of teenagers that are latch-key kids. This means that both
parents work and their teenagers come home every day from school around 3 pm. The parents don’t come
home until around 6 pm. With the above webcam setup, the parents can call into their home at any time and
instantly watch what is going on in their kitchen, office, or living room. Even if the kids are not in the same
room as the webcam, I find it easy to see if their book bags are on the kitchen counter, if the dog is still
sleeping, if the garage entry door is left open, or a range of things I can see and hear through my remote
8.18.2.Equipment / Cost
1. Typical cost is the webcam for $35 low end to high end of $100. If you don’t have extra PCs, ask your
neighbors for their older ones they no longer use. Recycle is the key word here.
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2. You probably need a video and audio cable to hook PC up to the extended monitor (the flat screen TV). Just
remember that your customer/client will foot the bill for any cabling or equipment you provide. Your
business is providing the knowledge, basic tools, and the required connections to set up their system.
8.18.3.Demand: High.
With the recent conversion of the TV signals to all digital, many people are upgrading to the newer flat
screen TV’s instead of buying the converter boxes.
8.18.4.Sales/Marketing Pitch: Offer to set up Video Calling on home PCs and TVs.
It’s quite simple. The teenager can take his portable laptop around his neighborhood, hook into the
customers Internet jack (or sniff his WiFi signal with permission), and make a demonstration video call from his
laptop back to his own home or to a friends home. This will sell the idea by showing the customer what is
possible with simple technology.
8.18.6.Watch Video
( Coming)
8.19.JOB: Build Workshop Benches
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8.19.2.Equipment / Cost
8.19.4.Sales/Marketing Pitch: For $ __ per job, teenager will
8.19.6.Watch Video
8.20.JOB: Buy and Mount pre-built storage shelving and racks.
8.20.2.Equipment / Cost
8.20.4.Sales/Marketing Pitch: For $ __ per job, teenager will
8.20.6.Watch Video
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8.21.JOB: Mount convenience shelving and storage systems around home.
8.21.2.Equipment / Cost
8.21.4.Sales/Marketing Pitch: For $ __ per job, teenager will
8.21.6.Watch Video
8.22.JOB: Clean out kitchen JUNK drawers.
Think about how much junk accumulates in our kitchen drawers. This is a BUSINESS opportunity. A
teenager can make exceptionally good money helping organize a person’s kitchen drawers. If you have a
household like mine, you have at least two or three drawers where you gently deposit all your unvaluables. Yes,
Un-valuables. If the deposits had any decent value, you would carefully pack these away in safer places. So
what happens when you go to find that little gizmo or widget that you dropped into some kitchen drawer three
years ago? You end up searching forever until you find that special little screw or fastener.
8.22.2.Equipment / Cost
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Cost of storage containers.
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For the re-imburseable cost of a set of storage and compartmentized storage trays, a teenager goes
around his neighborhood and offers to sort through and organize the drawer full of junk mixed in with all the
good stuff the homeowner needs to find on demand.
8.22.3.Demand: Every house has a junk drawer. Or many.
Trust me on this. Every house has a set of drawers in the kitchen and telephone counter where stuff gets
dumped. Just go take a tour of your own kitchen. And for some of us, go take a tour of your home office and
see how quickly you can find that elusive piece of paper you only look for at tax time.
8.22.4.Sales/Marketing Pitch: For $ 20 per hour, teenager will organizes junk drawers.
8.22.6.Watch Video
8.23.JOB: Labeling Valuables in homes.
How many items are in your home that are unidentified? If you open the drawer under the telephone
counter, how many cell phone and gadget chargers do you find buried in what looks like a rat’s nest. Now
consider all the valuable items that you carry in and out of your house every day. Start with those expensive
eyeglasses, sunglasses, cameras, Ipods, cellphones, CDs, briefcases, luggage, laptops, video cameras, book
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8.23.2.Equipment / Cost
Cost of a label maker.
A few good quality permanent magic markers,
A pre-printed sheet of labels made up just for that customer.
8.23.3.Demand: High for disorganized clients.
8.23.4.Sales/Marketing Pitch: For $ 15 per hour, teenager will labels valuables.
8.23.6.Watch Video
9.1.1. For Individual Teens to Start a Business.
! PACKAGE #1 -Entry Level.
1. TeenSBO staff phone interviews teen client. Goes though questions concerning existing skills, talents, and
interests of client.
2. Picks a few possible business ideas.
3. Ask questions about available resources to support each of the business ideas. Is equipment, product,
services, and other resources already available, could be borrowed / rented /purchased (new or used).
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4. If business cards are needed, go through examples of existing cards as well as layout suggestions on content,
format, colors, brand logo, photo graphs, layouts. Keith has a good write-up on professional business card
5. If website is economically feasible and will contribute to marketplace or commerce exposure, go through
possible website content and design. Hand off to someone experienced in websites. Show examples.
Discuss and document needs and goals of website. Discuss and document the budget line item for website
design and ongoing hosting costs.
6. If flyers or brochures feasible, go through evaluation steps (similar to above). TeenSBO video production
staff may offer to create marketing video clip (UTUBE style).
7. Identify target marketplace clients.
8. Identify and start consulting with your own Board of Advisors. This can be parents, adult friends of the
family, relatives, and others. The best Advisors are ones who know you and are familiar with the type of
business you are considering. Use BOA (Board of Advisors) as a sounding board as well as idea generator.
9. Identify best way to reach target clients. Document it.
10. Write quick business plan on expectations, mission statement, and financial planning. Share other similar
business plans for ideas. Hand off to financial and business planning person if needed.
11. If testing marketplace is feasible, DO IT.
12. If start-up funding is needed, write a quick justification and revenue/liability projection.
13. Start the business as soon as possible with available resources. Limit investment amount until proof of
business concept is shown. Reason: Business focus can change rapidly as client tests his service and
products in real world. Be prepared to modify your business model as necessary.
14. Set up record keeping as soon as possible. Record all expenses, revenues, equipment and product counts
(acquired and sold). Have a financial person oversee set up and monitoring of your numbers to ensure
proper accounting practices are followed.
So far, Keith Duncan is a OMS – One Man Show.
Team members may join my group by emailing :
10.1.Who Is Author: Keith Duncan. Info@TeenMoneyMachine.com
All Rights Reserved. TeenMoneyMachine Resident of State of Georgia. His Parent
Company name is www.BuiltByKeith.com Email Keith@TeenMoneyMachine.com
Keith’s Patent Pending product is www.IseeStand.com and soon:
Here is a list of Keith Duncan’s Active Organizations and Participation. Please note that I am not
tooting my own horn. I am one of the most conservative and thoughtful gentleman you will ever know.
I DID believe it was important to show my community and business activities so all readers are aware
that I am not the money hungry and dominating personality type. I assure you that my heart is in
developing systems for individuals, groups, and corporations that truly enhance our day to day
enjoyment of life.
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10.1.1.Keith Duncan, Norcross Georgia - Adult Credentials.
1. Active vendor member of National Speakers Associaton –Georgia Chapter www.NSAGeorgia.org
2. Vice President of Inventors Association of Georgia 2009 thru present. www.GAInventors.com and
www.georgia-inventors.org Norcross GA
3. Active Member of CityClub of Buckhead. Businessman’s club. 3343 Peachtree Street, Atlanta Georgia.
4. Former active member www.BuckHead-club.com and Buckhead 8 group. BuckHead near Lennox
5. Institute for Enterprise and Innovation. www.iei-inc.org Active Participant in monthly meetings.
6. Frequent Technology Atlanta Group (Entreprenuers) www.tagonline.org with his attendance.
7. Founder and past President of Stone Mountain Radio Control Flyers www.SMRCF.com and Atlanta
Radio Control Club www.AtlRCclub.com Keith designs, builds, flys, and instructs on Remote Control
8. Institute of Management Consultants www.imcGeorgia.org Highly skilled Business Owner
9. Active in Norcross High School Foundation. Group of 80 business owners and community leaders
creating additional resources for this 2,500 student High School.
10. Was very active in Norcross High School Band Boosters. Particularly Marching Band.
11. Long term Ordained Deacon at Peachtree Corners Baptist Church, Norcross GA. And 20 years as
Tenor in Church Choir. Current member of First Baptist Marietta, Marietta Georgia.
12. Recent four year Active participant and Table Leader in Mens Step Up. www.MenStepUp.com lead
by Kelly Talamoe. Alpharetta GA
13. Inventor and electronic book author of www.IseeStand.com Patent pending visual presentation tool
that will ROCK the world. Seriously. So Simply, It’s Fun. Spent 3,500 development hours on tool for
14. Inventor of add on product www.IseeSmartPhoneHolder.com Patent Pending holder for smart and
dumb phones, GPS, video cameras that sits on your desk, mounts on any tripod, attaches to any desk
edge, and also hangs in the visor of your car for hands free operation.
10.1.2.Keith Duncan –Teenager Biography
I will briefly tell you that when I was a teenager, I was so far off the intelligent wall that most of the other
teenagers would not associate with me because I was always talking about technology, building things, and
how to have a lot of fun by using my brain. I was not into drinking, gossiping, roaming the neighborhood,
or hanging out in parking lots thinking of what might be fun to do. Instead, I was out creating my own fun
through a variety of adult activities. I was a avid swimmer on the city swim team, bought my own minibike at age 12, sold it and bought a Schwinn bicycle, cycled long distances from age 14 to 18, bought a
sailboat at age 14 with help of my dad, upgraded to a racing sailboat at age 15, was the youngest charter
member of our new Sailboat racing club consisting of 60 adults, worked on my uncle’s estate farm from age
14 until 20 in the summertime, very active Boy Scout from age 11 to 18, charter member and helped start
two Boy Scout Explorer POSTS at age 18 for Sailboating and Law Enforcement, and the list goes on and
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10.2.Contributing Board of Advisors
List is coming soon.
Note: Keith Duncan (myself, the author and businessman) is building his team (TeenMoneyMachine.com)
NOW. The BIG need right now is Copy Writers, book editors, and other contributors. Oh yes, and MONEY. I
need initial funding to get through the typical start up costs. Does this sound familiar? I am building a
company that focuses on ONE thing, teaching teenagers how to build their own business. Email
IDEAS@TeenMoneyMachine.com with your interest in contributing and/or joining my high performance team.
I need lawyers, accounting, Finance, Sales, Marketing, Human Resources, Website Design, Graphic Artists,
10.2.1.Possible Copy Writers:
Need some major help here people. Please send me names/contacts of editors and freelance professionals.
10.2.2.On Board Contributors:
1. List will be added later when permission is granted.
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