Congratulations Graduates! - Humboldt State University


Congratulations Graduates! - Humboldt State University
President’s Message
to the Graduates
Dear Graduates:
I am pleased to be among those congratulating you today as you graduate
from Humboldt State University. This is a major accomplishment and
an important milestone in your life. I expect, as I have heard from so
many alumni, that you will appreciate
today’s importance even more as the
years go by.
During your time here, you made important connections that will influence
you for the rest of your life. You met
great friends and important mentors.
You were challenged to think in new
ways and to consider new perspectives.
You gained skills and confidence that
transcend specific areas of study, that
will serve you in whatever path you
follow. And you learned values related
to social justice and responsible stewardship of the natural environment,
perspectives that are hallmarks of HSU graduates.
The Humboldt State community is proud of you and will follow with
great interest as you put your learning to work in the world. Please stay
connected with HSU and let us know how things are going. You will always
be a part of “Forever Humboldt.”
With best wishes for an amazing life,
Lisa A. Rossbacher, Ph.D.
Graduation Pledge of
Social and Environmental
Green ribbons may be worn by graduates to symbolize
their support of the Graduation Pledge of Social and
Environmental Responsibility, a commencement
tradition that started at HSU in 1987. The pledge has
been adopted by universities worldwide.
“I pledge to explore and take
into account the social and
environmental consequences of
any job I consider and will try
to improve these aspects for any
organizations for which I work.”
Humboldt State University
Founded: 1913
President: Lisa A. Rossbacher
Academics: 48 majors, 69 minors
12 graduate programs
13 credential programs
Enrollment: 8,790
Undergraduate: 8,242
Graduate: 548
Colors: Green and Gold
Mascot: Lumberjack
College of Arts, Humanities
& Social Sciences
8:30 a.m. • Saturday, May 14, 2016
Pomp and Circumstance, E. Elgar, arranged by Professor Gilbert D. Cline
Music: HSU Commencement Brass Choir, performed and directed by Professor Gilbert D. Cline,
with: Kevin Blake, Ryan Egan, Andrew Henderson, Bret Johnson, Audrey McCombs, Matthew
Morgan, Melanie Nina Pearl, Phil Sams, and Toshi Noguchi
Mace Bearer: Professor Teresa Stanley
Marshals: Professors Leena Dallasheh, Laura Hahn, Cindy Moyer, and Sarah Whorf
National Anthem
Anna Duchi (‘16, Theatre), Elisha Moore (Music), Jessie Rawson (Dance),
and Catherine Rippetoe (Music)
Welcome & Presidential Message
Names of Graduates Read by:
Master of Arts in Applied Anthropology
Professors Marissa Ramsier and Mary Scoggin
Master of Arts in English
Professors Michael Eldridge and Nikola Hobbel
Master of Arts in Social Science,
Environment & Community
Professors J. Mark Baker and John Meyer
Master of Arts in Sociology
Professors Mary Virnoche and Meredith Williams
Professors Marissa Ramsier and Mary Scoggin
Professors Brandice Guerra and Kris Patzlaff
Professors Maxwell Schnurer and Hoshimi Tominari
Criminology & Justice Studies
Professors Renée Byrd and Joshua Meisel
Critical Race, Gender & Sexuality Studies
Professors Maria Corral-Ribordy and Jessica Urban
Lisa A. Rossbacher, President
Professors Nikola Hobbel and Suzanne Scott
Outstanding Student of the Year
Environmental Studies
Professors Sarah Ray and Rosemary Sherriff
Cristina I. Bauss, ‘16, Geography
Professors Matthew Derrick and Rosemary Sherriff
Presentation of Degrees
Lisa A. Rossbacher, President
Alexander J. Enyedi, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
Jená A. Burges, Vice Provost for Academic Programs,
Dean of Undergraduate & Graduate Studies
Kenneth P. Ayoob, Dean of the College of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences
Noah Zerbe, Interim Associate Dean of the College of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences
Centennial Flourish: Sempre Pro Veritas (Always for Truth),
composed by Professor Gilbert D. Cline
Julia Alderson, University Senate Chair; Kenneth P. Ayoob, Dean, College of Arts, Humanities
& Social Sciences; Heather Bernikoff-Raboy, Chair, HSU Advancement Foundation Board;
Peg L. Blake, Vice President, Enrollment Management & Student Affairs; Jená A. Burges, Vice
Provost for Academic Programs, Dean of Undergraduate & Graduate Studies; Juan Cervantes,
President, Associated Students; Alexander J. Enyedi, Provost and Vice President, Academic Affairs;
John Y. Lee, Dean, College of Professional Studies; Joyce Lopes, Vice President, Administrative
Affairs; Alistair W. McCrone, President Emeritus; Colleen Mullery, Senior Associate Vice
President of Faculty Affairs & Human Resources; Cyril Oberlander, Dean, University Library;
Rollin C. Richmond, President Emeritus; Lisa A. Rossbacher, President; Steven A. Smith, Dean,
College of Natural Resources & Sciences; Rhea L. Williamson, Dean, Research, Economic &
Professors Robert Cliver and Anne Paulet
International Studies
Professors Michael Eldridge and Alison Holmes
Journalism & Mass Communication
Professors Marcy Burstiner and Victoria Sama
Professors Elisabeth Harrington and Rachel Samet
Native American Studies
Professors Joseph Giovannetti and Sara Obenauer
Professors David Heise and Benjamin Shaeffer
Political Science
Professors Kathleen Lee and John Meyer
Religious Studies
Professors Sara Hart and Katie Wilson
Professors Karen August and Mary Virnoche
Theatre, Film & Dance
Professors James McHugh and Rae Robison (Theatre)
Ann Alter and David Scheerer (Film)
Sharon Butcher and Linda Maxwell (Dance)
World Languages & Cultures —
French & Francophone Studies and Spanish
Professors Rosamel Benavides-Garb and Joseph Diémé
Community Development; Craig C. Wruck, Vice President, University Advancement; Noah Zerbe,
Interim Associate Dean, College of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences
Graduate Degrees
Master of Arts ~ Major in Applied Anthropology
Mark James Arsenault ~ Social Drug Consumption in the New River Mining District
Advisor: Professor Marisol Cortes-Rincon
Paloma Cuello del Pozo ~ Intra-Insular Mobility and Ancient Human Adaptations to
Restricted Environments. Case Study: the use of strontium isotope analysis in the
archaeology of Lanzarote, Canary Islands A
dvisor: Professor Marisol Cortes-Rincon
May Rose Patino ~ What does it mean to go Paleo?: An exploration of the ancestral diet
movement in the U.S. A
dvisor: Professor Marissa A. Ramsier
2015/2016 Patricia O. McConkey Outstanding Graduate Student Award
Kristyna Michelle Pfluger ~ A Meta-Analysis of Stable Isotope Analysis in Forensic
Anthropology, with Preliminary Results for the Effects of Heat on δ13C and δ18O
Ratios in Dental Enamel A
dvisor: Professor Marissa A. Ramsier
Emily Ann Shearin ~ Pigments in Peril: Degradation of Pre-Columbian Mesoamerican
Mural Pigments A
dvisor: Professor Marisol Cortes-Rincon
Rosie Rochelle Slentz ~ From Soil to Soul: Food Systems Curriculum
Advisor: Professor Rebecca E. Robertson
Master of Arts ~ Major in English
Samuel Townsend Gabriels ~ The Effects of Literature as a Guidebook: Reimagining
Landscapes Through Barry Lopez’s Desert Notes A
dvisor: Professor Nikola G. Hobbel
Laura Patricia Gorman ~ Comparing Conversations About Writing: Authority,
Reluctance, and Compliment in Classroom Peer Response Groups and Writing Center
Consultations A
dvisor: Professor Janet M. Winston
Benjamin Ryan Taylor ~ Peace Corps Teacher-Training in Pohnpel: Academic Obstacles
and Successes A
dvisor: Professor Janet M. Winston
Master of Arts ~ Major in Social Science
Dawn Christine Albrecht ~ From Vulnerability to Resilience: Emergency Planning for
Individuals with Developmental Disabilities and their Service Providers in Humboldt
County California Advisor: Professor Yvonne F. Everett
Rebecca Elise Cashero ~ Resilience, Place, and Collaborative Organization: A Political
Ecology of Distributed Woody Biomass Energy Development in Rural California
Communities A
dvisor: Professor Yvonne F. Everett
Ravin Dee Craig ~ Beyond Shame, Guilt, and Fear a New Paradigm for Health Education
Advisor: Professor Maxwell D. Schnurer
Joanna Di Tommaso ~ If Someone Wants My Carbon, Let Them Pay: Examining
Nonindustrial Private Forest Owner (NIPF) Interest in Selling Forest Carbon Credits
Under California’s Carbon Market A
dvisor: Professor Erin C. Kelly
Justin Ebrahemi ~ A Case Study of the Development of Groundwater Management
During a Drought in Rural California A
dvisor: Professor Gregg J. Gold
Ross Jeffrey Eskridge ~ Alternative Offerings: An Exploration of Practices and
Perceptions of Nutrition Service Personnel and Support Staff Participating in Farmto-School Programs in Selected Public Schools in California’s San Joaquin Valley
Advisor: Professor Noah R. Zerbe
Imil Frundt Ferrara ~ Open Systems of Collective Agency: An Analysis of Three
Community Institutions in NW California A
dvisor: Professor Yvonne F. Everett
Meribeth Evelyn Geiger ~ Language Revitalization and Immersion Schools in Southeast
Alaska Advisor: Professor Sarah J. Ray
Laura Sarah Hurwitz ~ Settler Colonialism in the Karuk Ancestral Territory
Advisor: Professor Noah R. Zerbe
Barbara Kathleen Klessig ~ Textile Production Tools from Viking Age Graves in Gotland,
Sweden Advisor: Professor Marisol Cortes-Rincon
Kathleen Maloney Koscielak ~ If These Walls Could Talk: Graffiti, Place, and Culture in
Iztapalapa, Distrito Federal, Mexico A
dvisor: Professor Mark Baker
Emma Rebecca Lundberg ~ Evaluating Montane Recreation and Wilderness Perspectives to
Aid in the Formation of Outreach Projects Associated with Aquatic Ecosystem Restoration
in Northern California A
dvisor: Professor Laurie S. Richmond
Leanne Susan Lynch ~ Access to Recreational Open Space in Patterson, California: A
Geospatial Analysis Utilizing Geographic Information Systems
Advisor: Professor Yvonne F. Everett
Clay Marsh McGlaughlin ~ The Power of Perception: Building a Better World, One
Ecovillage at a Time A
dvisor: Professor Gregg J. Gold
Elizabeth Moreno ~ Nature, Socio-Spatial Divisions, and Connections: An Examination
of El Jardin De Guadalupe A
dvisor: Professor Matthew A. Derrick
Brandon Lee Nash ~ Assessing Public Attitudes towards Aleutian Cackling Geese in
Arcata, California Advisor: Professor Matthew D. Johnson
Chisa Yana Oros ~ The Role of Fort Humboldt During the California Gold Rush:
A Focus on Local Indigenous Women’s Struggle, Resistance and Resilience
Advisor: Professor Jessica L. Urban
2015/2016 Patricia O. McConkey Outstanding Graduate Student Award
Jodie Tamar Pixley ~ All Lands Management: A Comparative Case Study of Collaborations
Working at Landscape Scales Across Ownership Boundaries to Increase Resiliency Against
Uncharacteristic Wildfire A
dvisor: Professor Erin C. Kelly
Rebekah Tudor Rafferty ~ Rancher Adaptations to Wolf Depredation in Western
Montana A
dvisor: Professor Yvonne F. Everett
Rebecca Elizabeth Robinson ~ What Corporations and Organizations Tell You to Care
About When it Comes to Breast Cancer Awareness: A Critical Discourse Analysis of
Documents and Images Presented to the Public A
dvisor: Professor Mark Baker
Marissa Bongiovanni Schmitz ~ Analyzing Access to California’s Regulatory Forest
Offset Market A
dvisor: Professor Erin C. Kelly
Kara Lindsay Simpson ~ Fisheries, Oral Histories, and Wiyot Territories: Exploring Two
Lesser-known Anadromous Fish Species of the Mad River Watershed and Their
Significance Advisor: Professor Laurie S. Richmond
Jennifer Marie Ursini ~ It Starts With a Seed: Simply Enriching Education
Advisor: Professor Mark Baker
Justin Brent Zakoren ~ Clean Beaches, Healthy Communities: A Non-Formal
Environmental Education Curriculum Development Project
Advisor: Professor Nikola G. Hobbel
Master of Arts ~ Major in Sociology
Ben De Ocampo Andres ~ The Identity of the Performing Disc Jockey in Relation to New
Media Advisor: Professor Jennifer L. Eichstedt
Rudolph Alexander Bielitz ~ Life’s Footprints: Undergraduate Students Reflecting on
their Bullying Experiences Advisor: Professor Renee M. Byrd
Wendy Faye Brown ~ Instructor Perspectives on Open Textbooks in Higher Education
Advisor: Professor Meredith L. Williams
Daniel Andre Draskinis ~ Power Dynamics and Integrative Treatment Modalities in
Breast Cancer Patients A
dvisor: Professor Christina A. Martinek
Patric Ernest Esh ~ Rural Police Officers and Their Attitudes and Perceptions of Protest
Events A
dvisor: Professor Renee M. Byrd
Kristin Elizabeth Kovacs ~ Anti-Poverty Movements and the Creation of National
Service Programs Advisor: Professor Jennifer L. Eichstedt
Stephanie Marie Lane ~ College Persistence and the Division II Athlete
Advisor: Professor Joshua S. Meisel
Sara Rebecca Lucarelli ~ Addressing Landfill Waste on Campus
Advisor: Professor Meredith L. Williams
Hanna Anderson Menefee ~ The Alternative Food Movement in Humboldt County, CA:
Social Bonds and Divisions A
dvisor: Professor Anthony V. Silvaggio
April Joyce Mercado ~ Race, Religion, and Media Framing of Terrorism: A Content
Analysis of News Coverage about the Fort Hood and Sikh Temple Shooters
Advisor: Professor Joshua S. Meisel
Randy James Prejean ~ LiveScribe: An Evaluation
Advisor: Professor Mary E. Virnoche
Alina Renee Randall ~ Native American Disproportionate Contact with the Criminal
Justice System A
dvisor: Professor Jennifer L. Eichstedt
Alicia Carlane Underwood ~ Grassroot Campaigns: How Canvassing Shapes a Canvasser’s
Political, Social, and Civic Engagement A
dvisor: Professor Meredith L. Williams
Alexander Peter Weiland ~ From Homelessness To Permanent Supportive Housing Housing As Healthcare in Rural Communitites A
dvisor: Professor Meredith L. Williams
Lor Yeng Yang ~ Identity in Transition: Voices from the Hmong Community of the Rural Pacific
Northwest After 40 Years of Resettlement A
dvisor: Professor Meredith L. Williams
Burke T K Zen ~ Youth Court Best Practices Evaluation: The Humboldt County Teen Court
Program as a Case-Study A
dvisor: Professor Meredith L. Williams
*Candidates meeting qualifications for Baccalaureate Honors or Master’s with Distinction
Undergraduate Degrees
Bachelor of Arts
Major in Anthropology
Claudia Melissa Alvarado
Brian Matthew Amparan
Eric Michael Bonner
Christina Rose Bruner
Victor Manuel Carrillo
Georgia Nafsika Collins
Rafael V. Cortez Jr.
Casey Lynn Dobbins*
Breana Esparza
Jacqueline Rose Farrington
David Lee Franck
Bianca Guadalupe Gomez
Megan Christine Graham
Joeann L. Green
Haley Anne Halligan
Bradley Christian Hansen
Felizitas Hernandez
Carolyn Evan Hinson*
Julian Marcos Hoaglen*
Alexandra Simpson Hoch
Alan David Humes
Cheri L. Jackson
Jeffrey David Juarez
Mia Rebecca Kennel
Hannah Talia Lassman
Jennifer Ashley Machado
Nia Haeley MooreWeathers
Audrey Elisabeth Mumper
Jennifer Nicole Murphy
Matthew Alan Nelson*
Alisha Marie Parks*
Logan Elizabeth Patterson
Lomika Shante Purdy
Vivian Villanueva Quimson
Anand Ramachandran
Jacquelyn Senatro Riccio*
Katrina Marie Rodriguez
Olivia Nicole Rodriguez
Thomas Julian Ross
Jordan Christine Salvador
Jessica Paige Schneider*
Henry Solares*
Brandon Tanner Swezey
Aleck Danielle Mejia Tan*
Walter Audencio Tovar Saldana
Courtney Michelle Turnbaugh
Emilie Masako Uemura*
Martin Vazquez
Athena Jazmine Vescott
Manuel Alexandro Villagrana
Courtney Amber Weinberger*
Channey Lane Westmoreland
Robyn Marie Yandell
Bachelor of Arts
Major in Art
Sakeena Leyani Allen
Soheila Cheree Amin
Joanna K. Athie
Hannah Marie Ayala
David James Benjamin Ball
Jessica Lynn Baluka
Andrea Barrera
Kimberly Anne Barrett
Barbara Becerra
Brendan Alan Bennett*
Miles Christian Bretall
Ruby Buentello
Renee Nicole Calway
Jing Cao
Danielle Adeline Carlson*
Steven Carvente
Serena Castaneda*
Gabrielle Alexandria Castro
Milenka Castro
Coleman Mason Chapman
Lucy Langston Chernow
Benjamin Abraham Cohen
Jasmine Adesina Cooper*
Joel Anders Diepenbrock
Lynn Rogalla Dixon
Shane Joseph Donaldson*
Jason Daniel Dukes
Ashley M. English
Margarita N. Espinoza
Michelle Leticia Espinoza
Nina Leigh Faust*
Jacob Tobias Ferdman
Victor Ludvig Feyling
Ryan Andrew Filgas
Sadie Lynne Finney
Bryan Flores
Grace Indigo Franchini
Valerie Laura Marie Garza
Emma Rose Goodacre*
Emily Elizabeth Grant
Sky Beau Greytak
Jayson D. Griggs
Henry Daniel Guariglia
Joseph Wesley Gustavson*
Kasey Lynn Haas
Jesi Yu Hamilton
Patrick Sheppard Hanek
Samuel Volney Harvey
Nicholas Paul Hemphill
Ngan Thuy Ho
Cheyenne Hoffman*
Craig Scott Howarth
Ian Colin Hurtado
Maya Zaleya Kane
Lindsie Rianne Kassimatis
Clarissa Maria King*
Jessica Sherry Gladys Knupper*
Alison Nicole Krimsky
Michele Nicole Kurtyak
Anna Marie Ladd*
Eric Jameson Langford
Sean Hanlon Ledbetter
Megan Lorraine Lovegren
Juliane Hope Lovich
Jennifer Diane Mahon
Isabella Marie Maldonado
Joseph Daniel Marshall
Nelia Rosette Marshall*
Tyler William Marshall
Laurel B. McKay
Lauren Jenna Melet
Daniel Mercado
Forrest William Miller
Humberto Montano
Bethany Micaiah Matthis
Samantha A. Moore*
Laura Chamberlain Nash
Anna Sarah Neubauer
Brendan Nicholas Ollivier
Paige Elaine Palmer
Kelsey Aileen Parker
Claire Marie Patterson*
Erika Alexandria Peck
Taylor Alyse Perris
Mia Angela Pirillo
Felipe Guadalupe Plascencia
Stephanie Michelle Pratt
Cara Pierleoni Rasmussen
Kaya Ashman Reed
Cesar Reyes
Sarah Roberts
Angelica C. Rodriguez
Julia Rodriguez-Crawford
Andrea Irene Romero
Eric John Ruiz
Alissa Marie Rydz-Poe
Juan Jose Salazar
Megan Elizabeth Sandstrom
Paige Sinicrope
Anne Elizabeth Smith
Meredith Ethel Smith*
Samantha Mary Sonnenfeld
Jeremy Sean Stanton
Milo James Naman Strasser
Brittany Nichole Stuckey*
Stephanie Michelle Swinger*
Anna-Lise Newt Taber*
Alexander Eli Torres*
Jacquelyn Linette Torres
Shannon Elizabeth Townsend
Jonathan Marion Twomley*
Loral Rose Uber
Dane Gregory Van Voorhees
Kayley Victoria Weber
Violet Kay Yamashiro
Vanessa Yvette Ysais*
Major in Art
Brittany Nichole Stuckey*
Bachelor of Arts
Major in Communication
Andy Allen Acosta Jr.
Matthew Ryan Ahuja
Anna Malia Guillermo Barker
Madison Brittany Bicknell
Taylor Diamond Burke
Timonique LaNez Burnett
Diana Michelle Casteel*
Berenice Ceja
Matthew Pierce Collins
Kailey Rose Conrad
Victor Cameron Coronado
Austin Dean Craig
Dallas Shane Dufrene
Jennifer Anissa Estrella
William Harlan Evans
Cynthia Michelle Fetke
Ernie Garcia
Lucas Daniel Garcia
Katherine Taylor Lochen Garrett
Cody Scott Gavin
Kevin Michael Gehring
Karen Hammer
Rikki Janean Hautala*
Savannah Jean Havranek*
Symone Renee Hayden
Gabriel Daniel Hernandez
Roberto J. Herrera
Ryder Chase Hinton
Mary Elizabeth Janille Hyepock
Brian Stephen Kelly
Chelsea G. Kennedy
Grayson Everett King
Guadalupe Lovio
Katie Elizabeth Lowe*
Jazzmin Lauren Martinez
Lindsay Rei Masuda*
Madison Haley McCormack
Sarah May McElroy
Tess Lauren McKelvey
Eduardo Fuentes Medrano
Christian R. Molineaux
Daniel Joseph Moriarty
Matthew Steven Mortensen
Tafya Nailatika
Christopher Robert Nolan
Dominic Maximillian Nuñez
James Ray Nunley, II
Adriana Velis Orellana
Teresa Margaret Passen
Charles Hamilton Pitts
Elena Rosalia Poetsch
Sarah Elizabeth Poling*
Allison Lois Potts
Steven Michael Prescott-Bentley
Eleanore Arden Reid
Jennifer Rene Rivera
Molly Lynelle Robles
Hiawatha James Ross
Jose Antonio Sanchez
Alexandra Sanvichith
Miguel Angel Serrano Jr.
Sunny Jo Short-Miller
Shay Arlena Claire Smith
Felicia Marie Strope*
Brittany Nichole Stuckey*
Karen Margaret Thomas*
Brianna Jo Thompson
Katherine Elizabeth Uber
Karissa Lee Valine
David Vang
Malinda Michelle Wiley*
Nathaniel Williams Jr
Nicholas Robert Williams
Crystal Lynn Wright, I
Lucas Jordan Youngblood
Mytrece Levette Youngblood
Jordan Robert Zogg
*Candidates meeting qualifications for Baccalaureate Honors or Master’s with Distinction
Bachelor of Arts
Major in Criminology
& Justice Studies
Nadia Maan Al-Yagout
Emily Robin Bartosch*
Nicole Le Bewley*
Alec Charles Bonner
Andrea Enell Bright
Elizabeth Karla Cabrera
Christopher Campos
Tiana Lynn Cannon
Fidel Alexis Castro
Mathew Joseph Clevenger*
Luke Allen Cunningham
Benjamin Alexander Dubon
Kaitlyn Elisabeth Dunaway
Selicia Maria Ellis
Max Andrew Fennell*
David Andrew Garcia
Donte Jerome Haddock
Johnny Hang
Alexis Hernandez
Marlene Hernandez
Daniel James Howard
Kimberly Lynn Howard
Anton Timothy Jaegel
Darius Jamal Johnson
Seth James Kernes
Rina Jessica Kondo
Alanna Louise Lapp
Chee Nou Lee
Jayme Lee Lewallen
Arielle Kirsten Lofink
Rudy Mario Marmolejo
Kegan Ryan Marsh
Leah Colleen McDonough
Emily Paige Mendes*
Matthew Noah Mitchell
Jasmine Lory Montoya
Samuel Joseph Mueller
Peggy Nguyen
Jasmine Lee Martinique Nunley
Keithin Lindell Page
Dung Thuy Pham
Manuel Melesio Pina*
Nicole Elizabeth Powell
Tiffany Meghan Proa*
Joey Resendiz
Katherine Ann Rifilato
Samantha Brooke Riley*
Jazmine Alejandra Rodriguez
Rosa Maria Ruiz
Andy Saeteurn
Andy Saan Saeteurn
Vivian Sanchez
Benjamin Nicholas Scheffer
Joseph Michael Schiavoni
Jessica Raye Shue
Dhartiben A. Soni
Alan Jon Tjalas
Selina Tonero
Kalianne Elizabeth Turner
Ramon Vargas
Gabriel Vera Jr.
La’Shall Shauntanece Walls
Caitlyn Elise Williams
Bachelor of Arts
Major in Critical Race,
Gender & Sexuality Studies
(Interdisciplinary Studies)
Lauren Ardell Alcorn*
Ian Robert Alexander*
Diana Alexandra Argueta
Alexandra Paulina Avila
Jina Ayres
Hannah Fraser Bartee*
Ellinoa Brodsky Blake*
Bacilia Burton Bran
Brittany Mayumi Buxton*
Avery Rose Cash*
Kelsey Kolbeck Chambers*
Allison Emerald Cook*
Jaime Renee Farrar*
Emily Grace Goldstein*
Katherine Jena Haley
Roniece Johnson
Laura Laverne Leath
Idette Guadalupe Lopez Franco
Max Lopez
Everardo Marin
Kimiko Samantha Nishitsuji
Tai Xinju Parker
Jesse Pedraza
Gema Crystal Quiroz-Torres
Janette Ramirez
Juan Ignacio Ruiz Arias*
Tina Lashawn Sampay
Catherine Elizabeth Sanchez
Alexia Storm Siebuhr, I
Mariah Rene Wallace
Corrina Michelle Wells
Sophie Elizabeth Zinda
Bachelor of Arts
Major in English
Jocelyn Aguilar
Amanda Christine Allen
Connor Evan Amans
Kaytlin Mackenzie Anderson
Jasmin Sierra Arnold*
Anna Morgan Badger*
Gabriel Eugene Berger
Conor McCarthy Bihn
Robert Austin Brundage*
Lily Bray Burns
Clarissa Call Call
Hailey Carolyn Cantu
David Silviano Carranza
Maia’Re Kirstin Cheli-Colando*
Christian Alexander Chenault
Joshua Michael Cocis
Easton Arthur Connell*
Marley Grace Coody
Matthew Albert Cunningham
Andrea Cecilia Curtade
Shawn Lavelle Dean, II
Courtney Danielle Dexter
Zachary Toru Di Martino
Jhenna Nicole Diaz*
Casey Lynn Dobbins*
Chloe Elizabeth Donnelly
Dexter Dane Dunzweiler
Ashley Rae Duval
Justin Kirkbride Egan*
Lorelei Oceanna Farrell*
Michael Alexander Felix
Starr Adanna Ford
Amethyst Ursula Forrest
Kimberly Marie Goldman
Amy Guadalupe Gonzalez*
Paradise Graff
Ember Renee Griffith*
Peter Edward Guntheroth
Daniel John Hayes
Marcos Andrew Hernandez
Katherine Virginia Herr
Amanda Marie Hesterman
Barbara Marin Hilger
Naomi G. Hill*
Taylor Kay Hill
Emma Sierra Hopson
Jennifer Renee Hughes
Sara Annique Johnson
Azita Banu Jolaei
Jamal Anothony Jones
Elena Shoshana Kay
Edward Michael Kier
Heather Ann King
Thomas Brooks King
Philip Deniz Kumsar
Gloria Pearl Lindberg
Kirk Alvaro Lua
Kathleen Rhiannon MacInnes
Santiago Magana
Connor Bryan Mahoney
Jared Paul Margen
Makenzi Carly Marshall
Anthony Joseph Martinez*
Ashley Christine Matsen
Anthony James McGough
Jade Danielle Mejia
Zandra Luz Mercado
Conor James Mount
Darren Anthony Nuzzo
Emerald Ann Ochoa
Amanda Marie O’Claire
Katherine Jane Ohrbom
Morek Anne O’Rourke*
Gabriel Bohol Pacana
Robert George Papadopoulos
Anthony G. Pellouchoud
Michelle Angelica Purnell
Logan T. Riggs
Anastasia Isabel Rivera
Marcus George Satterfield
Cynthia Serrano
Thomas Earl Sherman
Jazmin Reana Siebert
Ryan Sebastian Silva
Phoebe Ellen Smith
Sara Elena Sotomayor
Melissa Ann Starr*
Michelle Louise Strasser
Paul Michael Livingston Swietek
Morgan Lee Thornburg*
Elizabeth Marrie Thurston*
Irene Christos Tokas
Ashley Frances Underwood
Sarah Carmelina Vitello
Luke Parker Wages
Alexis Brooke Wasson
Amy Elizabeth Whitney
Abigail Leah Winstone
Karen Zurita
Bachelor of Arts
Major in Environmental
Juana Bermudez
James Louis Bradas
Benton Lee Chwastyk
Chelsea Joyce Cravens
Shannon Jesse Dalton*
Rachelle Larrissa DéCoud
Krysten D. Dent
Laurel Ann Fiddler
Tracy Muthoni Gatumu
Alexandria Grace Gless
Alexander Martyn Goforth
Shiloh Christina Green
Erica M. Grolemund
Trevor Herbert Mahaffey
Tara Mae Marsh
Sarah Elise Martin
Casey Daniel Melligan
Kylie Danielle Mosbacher
Zane-Isaac Louis Mumford
Ashley Belle Perez
Robin Ashly Rader
Ivan Gonzalez Soto
Parker Tristian Stewart
Emma Grace Stokes*
Jessica Suarez
Sachiyo Sunada
Joseph Truman Sykes
Kiya Villarreal
Samuel Michael Wicks
Paige Anna Williams*
Kira Marie Yeomans
Bachelor of Arts
Major in Geography
Benjamin Spencer Aippersbach
Cristina Iracema Bauss*
Albert Bautista, II
Maxmillian Clark Bell
Kelly Margaret Bessem
Courtney Marissa Bleich
Julian Salvatore Bonuccelli
Harrison Cooper Brooks
Jeffrey James Brown
Nicholas Brent Burdine*
Daniel Richard Cooper
Danielle Roberta Durand
Deborah Ann Engelhardt
Jacqueline Rose Farrington
Ashlee Louise Fleming
Mason Stanley Gedanken
Fiona Anne Harris
Erendira Elizabeth Hernandez
Hayley Lynn Hicks
Aza Mathew Hills
Meghan Elizabeth Hooper
Carl Owen Horvitz
Hye Jin Jun*
Erik Christophor Kenas
Andrew Duli Kovanis
Joseph Levi
Jesspher M. Mesia
Monica Moreno-Espinoza
Joben Jay Penuliar
Kyle Edward Powell
Wendy Sue Rannals
Laura Nicole Scott
Daniel Ross Snow
Norma Nohemi Solis
Ian Alexander Stevenson
Brendan Stewart
Merien Margaret Townsel
Antonio Emilio Valdes-Dapena*
Russell Albert Walls
Elyse Rochelle Warren*
Tyler James Young
Bachelor of Arts
Major in History
Jorge Anibal Ambriz
Jonathan Tyler Arevalo*
Jonathan Miguel Bajet
Alicia Michelle Bedolla
Mason Ross Bergenske
Patrick Brian Boisclair
Ariana Melisa Bustos
Patrick Dean Cardenas
Viridiana Lilibeth
Casanova Barrera
Marina Lupe Chavez
Mitchell William Dail
Schaonna Kristine Dowell
Wayne Edward Elliott
Randal Jon Etzel Jr.
Sierra Eve Farmer
Jared Logan Fett
Colin Jeremy Fulton
Alexander J. Garcia*
Breanna Catherine Gossi
Scott Bradley Grant
Robert Dean Gray*
Philip Robert Horton
Emily Joan Huckabone
Cullen Mckenzie Hutcheson
Maxwell Alexander Korn
Jesse Steve Lopez
Kevin Joseph Mark
Jacob Cooper Masterson
Terrence John McCarthy
Maximilian Dean Metzger
Amy Leona Minor
Joe Ivan Naranjo
Eric Bonifacio Nunez
Francisco Javier Pena
Justin Alexander Poynter
Zachary Maxwell Presley
Wyatt Kyle Reno
Christopher Louis Schroeder
Jeremy Ryan Schwebel*
Aaron Robert Smith
Rebecca Marie Springer
Laura Michelle Stein
Gunnar T. Stoddard
KayCie Lee Voigt*
Phillip Thomas von Haesler
Madison Rose Wakeman
Brandon Scott Witwicki
*Candidates meeting qualifications for Baccalaureate Honors or Master’s with Distinction
Bachelor of Arts
Major in Interdisciplinary
Joy Kendra Miller
Bachelor of Arts
Major in International Studies
(Interdisciplinary Studies)
Jennifer Lynn Bradley
Ricardo Ernesto Cruz
Dashiell Francis Cuevas
Camille Geraldine Demilito
Cynthia Anai Esparza
Sarah Avery Fine
Roberto Alonso Gutierrez
Cid Byron Huang
Hye Jin Jun*
Sandra Lee Le Blanc
Marilyn Ruoling Liu*
Erika Jezebel Storm Lopez
Fernando William Manzanera
Devin Shea Nolet
Natasha Sheyenne O’Loughlin
Jason Randall Peterson
Robert Darian Portillo
Yessica Marie Rosales
Elizabeth Jane Rovnak*
Michael A. Schuler
Douglas Oneil Smith
John Richard Soener*
Duangruathai Sripan
Mariko-Jade Naomi Takimoto, I
Allissa Simone Turner
Xiaoyue Wang
Gabrielle Renee Wood
Lauren Gwendolyn Woolley
Matthew Michael Yelton
Bachelor of Arts
Major in Journalism
Desiree Marie Back*
Eduardo Barragan
Joseph Batista Jr.
Justin Dylan Bell
Celeste Elise Bountour
Cameron Wyatt Cable
Jacob Gary Cheek
Matthew Robert Chonis
Ian Stuart Cochran
Dane Peterson Corle
Oliver David Cory
Charlotte Lauren Fonseca DeJoya
Olivia Rae Drake
Diover Jason N Duario
Jami Elizabeth Eiring*
Jessica Marie Ernst
Patrick David Evans
Henry Joseph Faust
John Ross Ferrara
Aren Nacilla Fikes
Nicholas Ray Garcia
Jeffrey Allen Gardner*
Toby Jesse Garduno
Kevynn Lindsey Gomez
Linnea Lee Hill
Karl M. Holappa
Miranda Beatrice Hutchison
Keren Elizabeth Interiano
Timothy Arthur Lanahan
Martha Arlene Landeros
Eduardo Madrigal*
Connor Patrick Malone
Paul Louis Matli
Ashley Elizabeth McDowell
Erick Gabriel Montano
Sydney Alexandra Morrone
Hannah Virginia Moss
Azadeh Nicole Myers
Alison Mary Osgood
Marissa Anne Papanek
Geneva Mone’t Peppars
Leonardo Daniel Piceno
Maya Annette Pszyk
Joanna Natalie Quintanilla
Banning Kaimana Ramirez
Louis Ramirez
Michael Richard Roccaforte
Trevor Roe
Javier Rojas
Jonathon Patrick Rowe
Joleen Rushall
James Arthur Smith
Rebekah Addison Staub
Robert William Thompson
Morgan Lee Thornburg*
Savanna Rose VandenHeuvel
Catherine Virgen
Siulolovao Fangafua Vuna
Garrett Montgomery Walters
Ariel Mone’T Williams
Alexander Daniel Woodard
Bachelor of Arts
Major in Music
Kenneth Carl Bozanich
Kenneth Bernard Bridges
Tyler Jeffrey Burkhart
Jesse Laurence Burns
Tiffany Dawn Casparis
Ana Cristina Ceja
Nyssa Ann Collins*
Hector Ali Diaz
Michael Barrett Donovan*
Nicholas Alexander Durant
Kinara Ingrid Erickson
Michael Edison Fabian Jr.
Fidel Garcia
Elisabeth Anna Gent*
Jessica Leann Golden
Nicholas James Hart
Andrew Jacaob Heavelin
Craig Owen Hull
Christopher Edwin Joe
Bryant Christopher Kellison
Dustin Daniel Kemp
Michael Keith Levan
Emily Ashten Libersat
Richard Thomas Macey, III
Tyler Michael Machado
Santiago Magana
Summer Irene McCall
Skyler Sarah McCormick*
Kyle Matthew McInnis*
Lanadawn Nusz
Jill S. Petricca
Alberto Alexander Rodriguez
Daniel Szylewicz
Corey Patrick Tamondong
Vance Edward Umphrey*
Ryan Joseph Woempner
Kimberly Vanessa Manriquez
Raquel Hernandez
Nijal James Martin*
Samuel Salvador Hernandez*
Brooke Maxim
Sindy Mariela Hernandez
Amir George Mendel
Ihovanna Huezo Rojas*
Andrew Thomas Mesch
Jamie Carol Jacobs*
Norberto Luis Miranda
Christina Anne Joel
Bachelor of Arts
Dominic Xavier Nordel
Kyle Patrick Johnson
Major in Native
Kelechi Emanual Nwadibia
Emma Allison Lichtman
American Studies
Brenna Bailey O’Sullivan
Victoria Alexis Madrid
Ruby Buentello
Maartje Peters*
Cynthia Kimberly Magana
Amanda Patrice Freeman
Mike Thomas Railton
Amiera Medrano
Conor Christopher Handley
Crystal Araceli Ramirez
Armando Mendoza-Quiroz
Jarred Nahalem Lincoln
Matthew Jon Robb
Devina Denice Miller
Melissa June Nahlen
Heriberto Sinue Ruiz
Krista Marie Miller
Vivienna Eileen Orcutt
Nicholas Anthony Sanguinetti
Karen Monterrosa
Michael Allen Ramirez
Vanessa Christina Silva
Vanessa Moreno
Danielle Renee Vigil-Masten
Sarabi Amrapali Susko
Sabrina Renee Nelson
Tuesday Rose Stephanie Thornton Jennifer Marie Newbrough*
Bachelor of Arts
Benjamin Alan Toll
Molly Corina Noble
Major in Philosophy
Andreina Michelle Valerio
Amber Joyce Norris
Daniel Everardo Arreguin
Daniela Vargas
Mary K. Ogorman
Michael James Beattie
Christian Jamison Vierra
Jeffrey Alan Paul
Ryan David Brunn
Mariah Rene Wallace
Bryant Anthony Perry Jr.
Juan Pablo Cervantes
Joseph Erik Wankmueller
Jacob Ryan Petroski
Eric R. Frayer*
David Wayne Watson
Aldo Alexander Sanchez
Dillon M. Gibbons
Jamaal Andre Mitchell Williams Laurence Elmo Sebring
Michael Edward Hess
Stephanie Morgan Williams
Laura Marie Ruth Sessi-tallent
Timothy Charles Hinkle
Dylan Scott Winn
Kirk Duncan Smith
Charles Samuel Johnson
James Wiley Maritn Woolley
Nicholas Alexander Smith
Ryan Daniel Kemp
Torisha Lee Suzan Stone*
Numair Amir Khaled
Bachelor of Arts
Julia Marie Streed
Lindsay Kaye McCreary
Major in Religious Studies
Erik Joseph Swisher
Skip Eric Overholt
Angelina Marie Allen, I*
Abbey Sarah Teitelbaum
Adam Cornelius Rinke
Casey Morgan Barton
Joshua Edward Toney
Andrew Jacob Sackman
David Christopher Howard
Briana Marie Villalobos
Natasha Amelia Sanders
Cheri L. Jackson
Peter James Westfall
Nicole Marie Smart
Britania Marie Light
Martha Joylynn Williamson
Alan Eric Spencer
Corwynn Wolf Madrone*
Liana Leah Zegart
Andrew Carlos Torres
Matthew Philip Paris
Blair Jonathon Zerr
Keanu Alexander Vargus
Andrew John Perera
Alexander Dorian Reilly
Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Arts
Major in Theatre, Film & Dance
Laurence Elmo Sebring
Major in Political Science
Justine Sarah Bivans
James Taylor Stretch
Kierstin Taylor Allamby-Loman Cade Michael Strickland*
Alexander James Clubb
Mohamad Mahmoud Alnakhlawi Zoe Canterbury Thurman*
Anna Marie Duchi
Anais Lauren Alvarado
Michelle Angelica Purnell
Andrew Robert Tietze
Carlos Martinez Arreola Jr.
Heidi Husmann Voelker*
Santiago Alonso Villanueva
Rocio Avila
Stephanie Melinda Blank
Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Arts
Kathryn Coston Brown
Major in Theatre Arts
Major in Sociology
Victoria Carmona
Margaret Elizabeth Champoux
Crystall Joan Ascencio
Ysamar Celedon
Anthony Ryan De Page
Kenneth David Batog
Jesse Michael Chestnut
Patrice Imani Elise-Byrd
Brittany Nicole Bradley
Mark David ChristianScher
Gino Giovanni Latner
Luis Castellon
Aaron Louis Cobas
Samantha Kolby Silva
Melissa Ashley Castro
Jake Andrew Cooper
Sydnee Michelle Stanton
Gloria Catherine Cavanaugh*
Rebekah Joy Daily
Alexander Adrian Stearns
Joe Vincent Cortez Jr.
Robin Anwen Demele*
Taylor Deann Hofmann Wade
Kristina Marie Crawford
Camille Geraldine Demilito
Ricardo Cueva
Bachelor of Arts
Daniela Maria Diaz
Analuisa Curiel
Major in Film
Mackenzie Eliza Dorn
David Arturo Dominguez
Judd Daniel Baker, II
Michelle Megumi Dowling
Cole Kirck Dresher
Jiali Bao*
Alexis Hernandez
Clarissa Ashley Fernandez
Turner Grant Bazen
Christian K. Hernandez
Alyssa Marie Fraijo
Daniel Takahiro Caswell
John Thomas Hudson
Shalisa Gentle
Raymond Goena Cisek
Amanda Raye Hustrulid
Martha Susanna Guardado
Christopher Michael Gardner
Daniel Yousaku Jackson
James Henry Hansen
Emily Claire Hall
Stephanie Larissa Krongos
Michael Lynn Heilman
*Candidates meeting qualifications for Baccalaureate Honors or Master’s with Distinction
Nicholas Ray Handcock
Nickolas Robert Kraus
Lisa Alves Maciel
Alejandro Orozco
Hernan Carlos Oviedo
Anibal Joseph Polanco
Aaron James Silveira
James Robert Simmons
Nicholas Jeffery Wohlfarth
Tobias Edward Theodore Worrall
Bachelor of Arts
Major in Dance Studies
(Interdisciplinary Studies)
Elva Sarai Gutierrez
Nikia Jasmine Klat
Fiona Rose Melia*
Claire Marie Patterson*
William Aren Rye
Amethyst Avra Sophia Weburg*
Bachelor of Arts
Major in French
& Francophone Studies
Jamie Nicole McCord*
Charlotte Debby Potratz
Yessica Marie Rosales
Tom Solares
Tuesday Rose Stephanie Thornton
Iris Mae Van Atta
Lauren Gwendolyn Woolley
Marina A. Yurchikov
Bachelor of Arts
Major in Spanish
Cynthia Janett Baltazar
Iliana Sidika Bicakci
Madison Christine Caldon*
Erika Cardenas
Jesus Pascual Cisneros
Sabrina Escorcia
Roberto Alonso Gutierrez
Carmen Guzman
Kara Nicole Kutina
Joanna Grace LaBelle
Jocelyn Lopez Ibarra
Armando Mendoza-Quiroz
Natasha Sheyenne O’Loughlin
Jacqueline Veronica Ponce
John Richard Soener*
Nick Torres
College of Natural
Resources & Sciences
Noon • Saturday, May 14, 2016
Pomp and Circumstance, E. Elgar, arranged by Professor Gilbert D. Cline
Music: HSU Commencement Brass Choir, performed and directed by Professor Gilbert D. Cline,
with: Kevin Blake, Ryan Egan, Andrew Henderson, Bret Johnson, Audrey McCombs, Matthew
Morgan, Melanie Nina Pearl, Phil Sams, and Toshi Noguchi
Mace Bearer: Peter Lehman
Marshals: Professors Tyler Evans, Martin Flashman, Walden Freedman, and Casey Lu
National Anthem
Anna Duchi (‘16, Theatre), Elisha Moore (Music), Jessie Rawson (Dance),
and Catherine Rippetoe (Music)
Welcome & Presidential Message
Names of Graduates Read by:
Master of Science in Biology
Professors Erik Jules and Patricia Siering
Master of Science in Environmental Systems
Professors Mark Hemphill-Haley and Melanie Michalak
Master of Science in Natural Resources
Professors Steven Martin and Alison O’Dowd
Professors Patricia Siering and Mark Wilson
Professors Patricia Siering and Mark Wilson
Professors Christopher Harmon and Joshua Smith
Computer Science
Professors Scott Burgess and Sharon Tuttle
Environmental Management & Protection
Professors Kevin Fingerman and Steven Martin
Environmental Resources Engineering
Professors Andrea Achilli and Kerri Hickenbottom
Lisa A. Rossbacher, President
Environmental Science
Professors Kevin Fingerman and Steven Martin
Presentation of Degrees
Fisheries Biology
Professors Kristine Brenneman and Darren Ward
Lisa A. Rossbacher, President
Alexander J. Enyedi, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
Jená A. Burges, Vice Provost for Academic Programs,
Dean of Undergraduate & Graduate Studies
Steven A. Smith, Dean of the College of Natural Resources & Sciences
Rick Zechman, Associate Dean of the College of Natural Resources & Sciences
Professors Jeffrey Kane and Erin Kelly
Professors Jeffrey Abell and Jeffry Borgeld
Centennial Flourish: Sempre Pro Veritas (Always for Truth),
composed by Professor Gilbert D. Cline
Professors Paola Rodriguez Hidalgo and C.D. Hoyle
Julia Alderson, University Senate Chair; Kenneth P. Ayoob, Dean, College of Arts, Humanities
& Social Sciences; Heather Bernikoff-Raboy, Chair, HSU Advancement Foundation Board;
Peg L. Blake, Vice President, Enrollment Management & Student Affairs; Jená A. Burges, Vice
Provost for Academic Programs, Dean of Undergraduate & Graduate Studies; Juan Cervantes,
President, Associated Students; Alexander J. Enyedi, Provost and Vice President, Academic Affairs;
John Y. Lee, Dean, College of Professional Studies; Joyce Lopes, Vice President, Administrative
Affairs; Alistair W. McCrone, President Emeritus; Colleen Mullery, Senior Associate Vice
President of Faculty Affairs & Human Resources; Cyril Oberlander, Dean, University Library;
Rollin C. Richmond, President Emeritus; Lisa A. Rossbacher, President; Steven A. Smith, Dean,
College of Natural Resources & Sciences; Rhea L. Williamson, Dean, Research, Economic &
Community Development; Craig C. Wruck, Vice President, University Advancement;
Rick Zechman, Associate Dean, Natural Resources & Sciences
Professors Mark Hemphill-Haley and Melanie Michalak
Professors Christopher Dugaw and Bori Mazzag
Rangeland Resource Science
Professors David Greene and Susan Marshall
Professors Micaela Gunther and Matthew Johnson
Professors Patricia Siering and Mark Wilson
Graduate Degrees
Master of Science ~ Major in Biology
Manal Abdullah Alkhathlan ~ The Role of Sodium Influx Via Voltage-Gated Sodium
Channels in Regeneration of Lumbriculus variegatus
Advisor: Professor Bruce A. O’Gara
Maryam Alowaysi ~ Characterization of De Novo Folate Biosynthesis of Rickettsia
Endosymbiont Ixodes pacificus In Ixodes scapularis ISE6 Tick Cell Line
Advisor: Professor Jianmin Zhong
Erin Claire Alvey ~ Post-Wildfire Forest Structure and Composition Following Reburn
and Salvage Logging in Mixed-Conifer Landscapes of the Sierra Nevada
Advisor: Professor Erik S. Jules
Jeffery Alan Barrett ~ Plant Diversity in the Early Devonian - Stratigraphic and
Geographic Patterns A
dvisor: Professor Alexandru M. Tomescu
James L. Bodnar ~ Biochemical Characterization of the Folate Biosynthetic Pathway in a
Rickettsial Endosymbiont of lxodes pacificus A
dvisor: Professor Jianmin Zhong
Stefani Marie Brandt ~ Darlingtonia californica phytotelmata Organisms: Spatial
Relations Within the Metacommunity A
dvisor: Professor Michael A. Camann
Christian Emery Brown ~ Habitat Use and Movement Patterns in Aneides Vagrans
Advisor: Professor John O. Reiss
Martha Aime Cardona ~ A Look at Anza-Borrego Through Scientific Film
Advisor: Professor Jeffrey W. White
Sydney Kat Carothers ~ Spatial and Temporal Variation in Pollinators of the Rare
California Globemallow (Iliamna latibracteata Wiggins)
Advisor: Professor Michael R. Mesler
Johnathan Jeffrey Centoni ~ Distance and Density, A Comparison of Methodology for
Measuring Northern California’s Red Abalone (Haliotis rufescens) Stocks
Advisor: Professor Sean F. Craig
Jessica Chu ~ Reconstructing an Early Devonian cladoxylopsid - With an Update on the
Permineralized Plant Diversity in the Battery Point Formation (Quebec, Canada)
Advisor: Professor Alexandru M. Tomescu
Ashley Lynne Donnell ~ Improving the Marine Mammal Stranding Program at
Humboldt State University Using Genetic Analyses
Advisor: Professor Patricia D. Goley
Lydia Ann Evers ~ Modeling the Productivity Connection Between Nearshore and Bay
Ecosystems: The Humboldt Bay Example A
dvisor: Professor Frank J. Shaughnessy
Arthur Charles Grupe, II ~ Sarcodon in the Neotropics: New Species from Belize,
Colombia, Guyana, and Puerto Rico A
dvisor: Professor Terry W. Henkel
Lee Joseph Hecker ~ Multi-scale Evaluation of Northern Pacific Rattlesnake (Crotalus
oreganus oreganus) Hibernacula Advisor: Professor Sharyn B. Marks
Manal Mosa Hosawi ~ Regulation of OCT4 Expression by Jun-N terminal Kinase/cJun
signaling In Murine Embryonic Stem Cells A
dvisor: Professor Amy Sprowles
2015/2016 Patricia O. McConkey Outstanding Graduate Student Award
Carolina I. Lopez ~ Bee Fauna of Horse Mountain and Grouse Mountain, Humboldt
County A
dvisor: Professor Michael R. Mesler
Katelyn Elizabeth Ludwig ~ Communities as Bio-Indicators: Pairing Aquatic
Macroinvertebrates with Riparian Flora to Assess the Biotic Integrity of Headwater
Streams Disturbed by Cattle in the Warner Mountains
Advisor: Professor Michael A. Camann
Miratul Maghfiroh ~ Horizontal Gene Transfer and Biogeography of Isolated Thermal
Acidic Bacterial Communites A
dvisor: Professor Mark S. Wilson
Kimberly Ann McFarland ~ Nesting Biology and Mating Behavior of the Dune Silver
Bee, Habropoda miserabilis(Hymenoptera: Apoidea)
Advisor: Professor Michael R. Mesler
Lauren Marie Smith ~ Detection of Coastal Tailed Frogs (Ascaphus truei) and Southern
Torrent Salamanders (Rhyacotriton variegatus) Using an eDNA Approach
Advisor: Professor Sharyn B. Marks
Michelle Lynn Succow ~ Annual Patterns of Predation by Redtail Surfperch,
Amphistichus rhodoterus, on the Sand Crab Emerita analoga
Advisor: Professor Sean F. Craig
Kaley Renee Sullenger ~ Desmodus rotundus: Host Species Selection via Olfaction
Advisor: Professor Joseph M. Szewczak
Christopher Hiroshi Teague ~ Determining Habitat Associations of Demersal Fishes
in the Nearshore, Subtidal Waters of Northern California Using Remote Sensing
Advisor: Professor Brian N. Tissot
Kristine Elizabeth Teague ~ Functional Characterization of the Folate Biosynthetic
Pathway and Gene Expression Profiles of a Rickettsia Endosymbiont at Three Life
Stages of the Ixodes pacificus Life Cycle A
dvisor: Professor Jianmin Zhong
Jennifer Lauren Tucker ~ Effectiveness of Cutaneous Antifungal Microbe
Bioaugmentation for Disease Prevention in Cascades Frogs, Rana cascadae, of
Northern California Advisor: Professor John O. Reiss
Aleika Jazmin Vicente ~ Phyogeography of Mazzaella Species Across the Cape Blanco
to Cape Mendocino Transition Zone A
dvisor: Professor Frank J. Shaughnessy
Adrianna Yukiko Wenzel ~ Potential of Equisetum telmateia and Equisetum hyemale
for Phytoextraction of Lead in Sandy Soils A
dvisor: Professor Casey R. Lu
Cari Anne Zourdos Williams ~ Investigating Dermal Behavioral Responses in the
California Red Urchin A
dvisor: Professor Edward C. Metz
Ian Tyson Zacher ~ A Morphological and Terpene Analysis of Pinus balfouriana to Test
for the Mountain Island Effect in the Klamath Mountains
Advisor: Professor Michael R. Mesler
Master of Science ~ Major in Environmental Systems
Tim L. Bailey ~ Morphodynamic Evolution of the Anthropocene Sediment Pulse in the
South Fork Eel River Watershed A
dvisor: Professor Raymond M. Burke
Jerome Kyrias Carman ~ Thermodynamic Analysis of Hydrogen Production from
Aqueous-Phase Glucose Reformation as Applied to Waste Heat Recovery from
Natural Gas Internal Combustion Engines Advisor: Professor David R. Vernon
Drew Hunter Clark ~ A Feasibility Analysis for a Cable-Mounted Photovoltaic Array on
Summings Road Landfill, Eureka, Ca A
dvisor: Professor Arne E. Jacobson
Matthew James Collins ~ The Economic Viability of Community Solar Options Within
Sonoma County’s Community Choice Aggregation
Advisor: Professor Arne E. Jacobson
Adam Y. Falk ~ The Effects of Food Storage and Burrow Limitation on the Giant Kangaroo
Rat A
dvisor: Professor Christopher J. Dugaw
Asif Hassan ~ Evaluating the Quality of LED Lamps that are Appropriate for use with
Off-Grid Solar Home Systems (SHS) in Bangladesh
Advisor: Professor Arne E. Jacobson
Sarah Anne MacQueen ~ Maximum Entropy Modeling of Giant Kangaroo Rat
(Dipodomys ingens) Populations A
dvisor: Professor Abeer M. Hasan
Steven Thomas Margell ~ Simulation of Nuclear Fusion Using a One Dimensional
Particle in Cell Method A
dvisor: Professor Ken Owens
Jody Lee Mielke ~ Geomorphological Assessment and Bedrock Mapping Along Cache
Creek, Lake County, California; U.S. Highway 20 to Wilson Valley
Advisor: Professor Raymond M. Burke
Sylvia Rose Nicovich ~ Latest Pleistocene to Holocene River Terrace Deformation
within the Southernmost Extent of the Little Salmon Fault Zone; Geomorphic Insights
to Fault Termination and Rupture History, Van Duzen River, Northern California
Advisor: Professor Mark A. Hemphill-Haley
Michelle Lea Robinson ~ Investigation of Strath Terrace Formation in the Upper
Headwater Region of the Mattole River Watershed, Northwest California
Advisor: Professor Mark A. Hemphill-Haley
Heath Robert Sawyer ~ A Study of Aeolian Deposits in the Cockscomb Basin Wildlife
Sanctuary (CBWS), and Bladen Nature Reserve (BNR), Stan Creek, and Toledo
Districts, Belize A
dvisor: Professor Raymond M. Burke
Casey Alan Seals ~ Are There Better Methods to Conserve Water in Large-Scale
Cannabis Agricultural Operations? A
dvisor: Professor Raymond M. Burke
Charles Raymond Swanson ~ Annual and Seasonal Dissolved Inorganic Nutrient
Budgets for Humboldt Bay with Implications for Wastewater Dichargers
Advisor: Professor Brad A. Finney
Jayati Devendrabhai Thakor ~ Economic Analysis for Residential Solar PV Systems
With Battery Storage in PG&E Territory A
dvisor: Professor Arne E. Jacobson
Jessica Leeanne Vermeer ~ Interseismic Lithospheric Response of the Southern End
of the Cascadia Subduction Zone Since the 1992 Cape Mendocino M 7.1 Earthquake
Advisor: Professor Mark A. Hemphill-Haley
Master of Science ~ Major in Natural Resources
Nathan Blake Alexander ~ Landscape Genetics of an Endangered Heteromyid: A Hop,
Skip, and a Jump to Connectivity Modeling A
dvisor: Professor Tim Bean
*Candidates meeting qualifications for Baccalaureate Honors or Master’s with Distinction
Cara Leigh Appel ~ Seasonal Habitat Selection of the North American Porcupine
(Erethizon dorsatum) in a Coastal Dune Forest A
dvisor: Professor Tim Bean
Ryan Craig Baumbusch ~ Evaluation of barred Owl (Strix varia) Removal Strategies
with a Simulation Model A
dvisor: Professor Daniel C. Barton
Christopher Bryan Beal ~ Restoring Second-Growth Forest to Old-Growth Reference
Condition in Upland Evergreen Mixed-Confier Stands in Headwaters Forest Reserve,
dvisor: Professor John-Pascal Berrill
Brooke Lenne Berger ~ Impacts of Exotic Lice on the Severity of Hair Loss Syndrome and
Overwinter Mortality of California Mule Deer (Odocoileus hemionus californicus)
Fawns A
dvisor: Professor Richard N. Brown
Joel Anthony Bisson ~ Evaluating Feedstock Quality Produced From Forest Residues
Advisor: Professor Han-Sup Han
Matthew Paul Brinkman ~ Evaluating Taste Aversion As a Management Tool to Reduce
Nest Predation of Beach-Nesting Birds Advisor: Professor Mark A. Colwell
Jennifer Michelle Brown ~ Assessing Bd Prevalence and Infection Intensity on
Jamaica’s Frogs in Relation to Canopy Cover on Small Scale Landscapes in Coffee
Farms A
dvisor: Professor Matthew D. Johnson
Russ Blackwood Bryant ~ An Assessment of the Native Invertebrate Pollinator
Community and Floral Sources in Grasslands of Eastern North Dakota
Advisor: Professor Matthew D. Johnson
Scott David Burdette ~ Comparison of Tree Growth and Restoration Treatment
Persistence in Riparian and Upland California Montane Forests
Advisor: Professor David F. Greene
Kevin William Burns ~ Fire Severity and its Effect on Klamath Mountain Riparian Forests
Advisor: Professor Jeffrey M. Kane
Emily Brigid Cate ~ Characterization of Pre-Dispersal Seed Predation by Granivores on
the Rare, Endemic Plant Lassics Lupine (Lupinus constancei)
Advisor: Professor Daniel C. Barton
Sean McKee Cochran ~ Marine Survival of Coho Salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) from
dvisor: Professor Darren Ward
Small Coastal Watersheds in Northern California A
Caylen Michele Cummins ~ Environmental and Anthropogenic Variables Influencing
Fisher (Pekania pennanti) Den Attendance Patterns in Northern California
Advisor: Professor Micaela Szykman Gunther
Erin Rose Degenstein ~ Predicting Habitat Suitability For Velvet Grass (Holcus lanatus)
in Yosemite, Kings Canyon and Sequoia National Parks
Advisor: Professor Alison O’Dowd
John Douglas Deibner-Hanson ~ Overwinter Survival, Movement and Growth of
Juvenile Coho Salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) in Relation to Large Woody Debris
and Low Velocity Habitat in Northern California
Advisor: Professor Margaret A. Wilzbach
Alexa Danielle Dejoannis ~ Molt in Individulas: A Description of Pre-Alternate Molt
Timing in a Marked Population of Snowy Plovers in Coastal Northern California
Advisor: Professor Mark A. Colwell
Matthew Steven Delheimer ~ Assessment of Short-Term Effectiveness of Artificial
Resting and Denning Structures for the Humboldt Marten (Martes caurina
humboldtensis) in Harvested Forests in Northwestern California
Advisor: Professor Micaela Szykman Gunther
Andrea Sue Dockham ~ Comparison of Benthic Invertebrate Community Structure and
Diet Composition of Steelhead Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in Dry Creek, California
Advisor: Professor Margaret A. Wilzbach
Peter Yale Drobny ~ Influence of Intra- and Inter- Specific Salmonid Densities
and Habitat on Fish Size and Overwinter Survival of Juvenile Coho Saklmon
(Oncorhynchus kisutch) in Prairie Creek, California
Advisor: Professor Margaret A. Wilzbach
Sharon Dulava ~ (Fine-Scale Change Detection) Using Unmanned Aircraft Systems
(UAS) to Inform Reproductive Biology in Nesting Waterbirds
Advisor: Professor Tim Bean
Hollie Ann Ernest ~ Root Distribution and Soil arbon in Douglas-Fir-Tanoak Forest in
Humboldt County, California Advisor: Professor Susan E. Marshall
Emily Kathleen Ferrell ~ Midterm Impacts of Fire Severity on Headwater Stream
Ecosystems in the Klamath Mountains, California
Advisor: Professor Alison O’Dowd
Radoslaw Glebocki ~ Fuel Loading and Moisture Dynamics in Thinned Coast Redwood
– Douglas-Fir Forests in Headwaters Forest Reserve, California
Advisor: Professor Rosemary L. Sherriff
Molly Peters Gorman ~ Outmigration Behavior and Marine Survival as a Function of
Rearing Habitat for Coho Salmon in the Shasta River, CA
Advisor: Professor Darren Ward
Zawisza Stuart Grabinski-Parker ~ Reburn Severity Interactions Over 30 Years in the
Klamath Mountains Ecoregion, California, USA
Advisor: Professor Rosemary L. Sherriff
Derek Patrick Harvey ~ Innovative Problem Solving in Wild Steller’s Jays A
Professor Jeffrey M. Black
Benjamin George Iberle ~ Ninety-One Years of Change in a Second-Growth Coast
Redwood Forest A
dvisor: Professor Stephen C. Sillett
Alicia Christina Jones ~ Evaluating the Economic and Social Impacts of the Headwaters
Forest on the Community of Fortuna A
dvisor: Professor Erin C. Kelly
Melissa Suki Kimble ~ Mapping Uncertainty for Habitat Suitability Models of North
American Tree Species A
dvisor: Professor James J. Graham
Teresa Rose King ~ An Experimental Test of Habituation to Nest Exclosures in Common
Ravens Advisor: Professor Mark A. Colwell
Michelle Rose Krall ~ The Infulence of Habitat Characteristics on Juvenile Coho Salmon
(Oncorhynchus kisutch) Abundance and Growth in Constructed Habitats in the
Middle Klamath River Basin A
dvisor: Professor Darren Ward
Laura Beth Lalemand ~ Response to Severe Drought: Does Restaration Thinning in
Coast Redwood-Douglas-Fir Forests Increase Tree Tolerance to Drought in Redwood
National Park, CA Advisor: Professor Rosemary L. Sherriff
Matthew Joseph Lau ~ Geospatial Modeling of Common Raven Activity in Snowy
Plover Habitats in Coastal Northern California A
dvisor: Professor Mark A. Colwell
Richard E. Lavery ~ Impact Coastal Fog on Gage Height in an Old Growth Redwood
Forest - Prairie Creek A
dvisor: Professor Kristine J. Brenneman
Stephanie Danielle Leja ~ Habitat Selection and Response to Restoration by Breeding
Western Snowy Plovers in Coastal Northern California
Advisor: Professor Mark A. Colwell
Dylan Wallace Loudon ~ Analysis of Coastal Wetland Geography and Policy in
Humboldt Bay: Adapting Wetland Policies for a Changing Climate
Advisor: Professor Erin C. Kelly
Nalani Mc Arthur Ludington ~ Influences of Despotic Distribution on Urban Habitat
dvisor: Professor Richard N. Brown
Use by American Black Bear A
Celeste Elena Melosh ~ Modeling Runoff Levels Over Impervious Surfaces in the Lake
Tahoe Basin Using Varying Data Resolution
Advisor: Professor Andrew P. Stubblefield
Shannon Marie Mendia ~ Examining Ecosystem Services and Disservices of Bear
Damage on Hoopa Valley Reservation A
dvisor: Professor Matthew D. Johnson
Jacob Ian Mesler ~ Modeling Habitat Suitability and Connectivity of Gray Wolf (Canis
lupus) Populations in the Pacific Northwest
Advisor: Professor Micaela Szykman Gunther
Elizabeth-Noelle Francis Morata ~ Seasonal Home Range and Spatio-Temporal
Ecology of a Coastal Population of Peregrine Falcons (Falco peregrinus)
Advisor: Professor Jeffrey M. Black
Shannon Eileen Murphy ~ Parental Care Behavior in Brandt’s Cormorant
(Phalacrocorax penicillatus): Effects on Reproductive Success and Use as Indicators
dvisor: Professor Daniel C. Barton
of the Marine Environment A
Conrad Barron Newell ~ Spawning Behavior Induction, Thermal Tolerance and
Anisakid Parasites of the Federally Endangered Tidewater Goby (Eucyclogobius
newberryi) A
dvisor: Professor Andrew P. Kinziger
Lucia Carolina Ordonez-Gauger ~ Assessing Fishermen’s Perceptions of the Ecology
and Management of the California North Coast Marine Protected Area Network
Advisor: Professor Laurie S. Richmond
Marisa Margaret Parish ~ Beaver Bank Lodge Use, Distribution, and Influence on
Juvenile Salmonid Rearing Habitat in the Coastal Plain of the Smith River, California
Advisor: Professor Micaela Szykman Gunther
Jeffrey Steven Paulson ~ Logistics of Integrating a Biomass Conversion Technology into
a Centralized Biomass Recovery Operation Supply Chain
Advisor: Professor Han-Sup Han
Nathan Gerry Queener ~ Spatial and Temporal Variability in Baseflow and Stream
Drying in the Mattole River Headwaters
Advisor: Professor Andrew P. Stubblefield
Kerry Melinda Rennie ~ Home Range Overlap and Spatial-Temporal Interactions in
Female Fishers on the Hoopa Indian Reservation
Advisor: Professor Micaela Szykman Gunther
Samuel Frank Rizza ~ Asymmetric Introgression Between Coastal Cutthroat Trout and
Steelhead: Variable Introgression by Linkage Group
Advisor: Professor Margaret A. Wilzbach
*Candidates meeting qualifications for Baccalaureate Honors or Master’s with Distinction
Portia Naomi Saucedo ~ Habitat Suitability Modeling for Canary Rockfish Along the
Northern California Coast A
dvisor: Professor James J. Graham
Gabriel Mathias Scheer ~ Coho Population Modeling in Freshwater Creek
Advisor: Professor Darren Ward
Molly Cathleen Schmelzle ~ Using Occupancy Modeling to Compare Environmental
DNA to Traditional Field Methods for Regional-Scale Monitoring of an Endangered
Aquatic Species A
dvisor: Professor Andrew P. Kinziger
Kurt A. Schneider ~ Predicting Height Increment, Survival, and Browsing Occurrence in
Multiaged Variable Retention Treatments in Coast Redwood Stands of Mendocino
County, CA A
dvisor: Professor John-Pascal Berrill
Kathleen Elizabeth Sholty ~ Strain Distribution of Borrelia burgdorferi and Anaplasma
phagocytophilum in Sciurids and Woodrats in Northwestern California
Advisor: Professor Richard N. Brown
Andrew Willard Slack ~ Sugar Pine (Pinus lambertiana) Vigor and Mortality in an OldGrowth, Mixed Conifer Forest of the Sierra Nevada
Advisor: Professor Jeffrey M. Kane
Jay Michael Staton ~ Baseline Characterization of Nearshore Fish Communities
Associated with Rocky Reef Habitats in the Northern California MPA Study Region
Advisor: Professor Timothy J. Mulligan
Miki Tajima Takada ~ Biological and Socio-Economic Considerations for Pacific Halibut in
Northern California and Southern Oregon A
dvisor: Professor Timothy J. Mulligan
Christopher M. Valness ~ Performance and Morphology of Sequoiadendron Genotypes
Outside Their Range: A Proxy for Climate Change
Advisor: Professor John-Pascal Berrill
Claudia Voigt ~ Assessing Impacts of Social Trails Around Old-Growth Redwood Trees in
Redwood National and State Parks A
dvisor: Professor Steven R. Martin
2015/2016 Patricia O. McConkey Outstanding Graduate Student Award
Laura Elizabeth Weisel ~ Spotted Owl and Barred Owl Home Range Size and Habitat
Selection in Coastal Northwestern California A
dvisor: Professor Thomas L. George
Carrie Allison Wendt ~ Habitat Characteristics that Influence Barn Owl (Tyto alba) Nest
Box Occupancy in a Vineyard Ecosystem A
dvisor: Professor Matthew D. Johnson
Alexander Robert Wick ~ Examining the Effects of a Red Alder Canopy Removal/
Thinning Treatment on Water Temperatures in a Riparian Buffer in the Coastal
Anadromy Zone on Ah Pah Creek, a Salmonid Bearing Watercourse in the Klamath
River Basin, Northern California Through the Lens
Advisor: Professor Andrew P. Stubblefield
Heesung Woo ~ Screening and Characterization of Comminuted Woody Biomass
Feedstocks A
dvisor: Professor Han-Sup Han
Undergraduate Degrees
Bachelor of Science
Major in Biology
Ambreen Akhtar
Annie Mara Allen
Abigail Elizabeth Almanza
Bernabe Alvidrez
Victoria Grace Amaral
Evette Marie Amezcua
Ronald Thomas Anderson, II
Henry Moore Anding, III
Dylan James Armitage*
Karissa Michelle ArnoldScroggins
Neha Arora
Brett David Bailey
BreeAna Bobbisue Roxanne Baker
Teresa Coleen Baldwin
Thor Anton Ballew
Robert Wesley Barnett
Anne Rene Bauer*
Jasmine Elizabeth Becerra-Aguilar
Iliana Sidika Bicakci
Brittany Violet Bierria
Jacob Brian Blumenfeld
Maryah Melina Boozer
Lindsay Ann Borg, I
Angelia Lora Bottiani
Emma Evelyn Brandon
Eddi Bravo
Sarah Catherine Bredall
Matthew Scott Bucher
Andrew Amin Buderi
John Thomas Burbridge
Ashley Marie Byers
Sara Candida Carabajal
Timothy Richard Joseph Carter
Shaughn Thomas Caso, I
Canon John Castro
Jorge Alejandro Chacon, III
Thomas John Chandler
Carsten Trevor Charlesworth
Lehl Elizabeth Chase-Nason
Juan Diego Chavez
Austin Hart Chester
Hannah Young Collins
Garrett Robert Cook
Darian Taylor Corey
Edgar Allen Corona
Caren Ashleigh Crumer
Luisjesus Santiago Cruz
Lauren Hope Dahl
Carey Philip Giomi Dakin
Robert Ikpomwonsa Daudu
Christopher De Alba
Mario Anthony De Sousa
Samantha Regina del Campo*
Alexis Kira Demetropoulos
Daniel Christopher Diaz
Keleigh Larissa Dietsch*
Devin James Dinwiddie
Katherine Genevieve DiSanto
Colin Thomas Rene Durkin*
Lily Ann Elder*
Michael George Escott
Kaleanne Buco Esguerra
Kevin Heraghty Euell
Carly Rae Everidge
Abraham Fernandez
Katelyn Jane Ferrie
Nathan Andrew Fischer
Torre Earl Flagor
Aaron Scott Flamm
Kerwin Gerardin Fleurial
Calvin Chi Fok
Sarah Catherine Fourby
Rosa Maribel Franco
Sarah Marie Franzen
Molly Rose Fuentes
Carolina Lizeth Gabriel
Christiane Amanda Gamage
Monique Marie Garrett
Christina Marie Getshall
Carlos Gharibian Gharghani
Stephanie Rose Gilbert
Erika Elaine Givens
Martine Glaros
Claire Michelle Godwin
Angela Clarissa Gonzales
Marco Antonio Gonzalez
Ashley Lace Graham*
Robert Granado
Sandrine Grandmont-Lemire
Addison Joseph Gross*
Joshua Allen Grove
Joshua Kenneth Gruver
Madelyn Renee Guillaume
Aaron Paul Gustaveson
Marina Cay Hagen
Brendan Chandler HaggblomPayne
Georgia Collette Hamer*
Tanner Ray Harrison
Samantha Marie Haworth
Jack Ryan Heimburge, I
Evan Anker Henricksen
Jose Mercedes Hernandez Jr.
Hector Francisco Hernandez
Laura Ashley Hernandez
Stephanie Hernandez
Kyle Thomas Herout*
Jason Von Heutmaker
Dennis Ho
Daniel O. Hobby
Michael Daniel Howland
Jessie Lee Hoyt
Alexander Harrison Hurt
Dylan Matthew Inskeep
Stephanie Michelle Jaban
Stephanie Katherine Jenkins
Audrey Lorraine Kelly
Jenna Caecilia Kennedy
Chantal Nicole King
Valerie Rose Kleitman
Lauren Shaffer Koepke
Thomas Herair Kupelian
Alexandria Rose Landon
Taylor Catherine Ann Leischner
Jake Thomas Lenihan
Rebecca Nicole Lennox
Carter Charles Long*
Eloy Lopez
Ashley Ann Lozano
Kelly Catherine Lukas
Erik Alberto Lustre
Kasey Elizabeth MacRae
Heather Marie Maddox
Lindsey Leigh Manning
Amber Nicole Martin
Jeree Ann Mayo
Lily Clare McIntire*
Rebecca Victoria Medel
Manuel Lorenzo Medina
Llesenia Margarita Mendez
Lindsey Erin Michel
Shane Mackenzie Mobley*
Alexandra Amiee Mongarro
Dominic Jerry Moore
Logan Sativa Morningstar
Séan Paul Mortenson
Garrett Lee Moss
Sandra Murillo
Kyle Trevor Murphy
*Candidates meeting qualifications for Baccalaureate Honors or Master’s with Distinction
Alina Leslie Nuebel*
Stacie Tereza Nunes*
Lanadawn Nusz
Lauren M. Nutt*
William Frederick Oesterreich, IV
Christian Donald Olson
Marc Eugene Orner
David Orozco
Giovanna Jazmin Ortega
Aris Eliah Ownsbey
Aaron Joseph Paden
Diane Mercado Panuga
Melanie Nina Pearl
Laurel Anne Pearson
Ashley Monique Perry
Cuong Van Phan
Kyle William Phillips
Emily Patricia Savanna Pinckney
Jordan Ann Piper
Torre Robert Polizzi
Christina Marie Porras*
Alexandra Lorena Portillo
Christopher James Pow
Caitlin Tara Prager
Joanna Jensen Proctor*
Tessa Candace Purdy
Ivette Quinonez
Luis Enrique Rangel
Lana Marie Ray
William Jacob Ray
Spencer Dybdahl Riffle
Leslie Nelly Rivas
Anna Ruth Rodriguez
Brianna Elizabeth Rodriguez
Elizabeth Rodriguez
Kasondra Dawn Rubalcava
Katherine Elisabeth Ruiz
Lauren Nicole Ruiz
Dalton Kern Saltzman
Jessica Liliana Sánchez
Patricia Sanchez
Sulema Saravia Rodriguez
Mariela Saucedo Espinosa
Mia Lauren Schiappi
Ashley Maria Schmidt-Tucker
Cameron B. Schumacher
Chloe Carolyne Scott
James Foster Seng
Jessica Elaine Sepulveda
Robert Lee Shearer*
Shasten S. Sherwell
Taylor Elizabeth Shughart
Shanna Rose Sidwell
Kalin Star Simi
Michael Joseph Simmons*
Samantha Nicole Simmons
Marke Thomas Sinclaire
Kaleb Charles Singleton
Mariah Michelle Smither*
Torrey Elizabeth Soland
Kallie Elaine Sorenson*
Guillermo Soto Orozco Jr.
Charlotte Paul Spassoff
Gregory Patrick Specht
Thomas Robert Stanko, II
Sierra Michelle Stark
Aidan Merritt Stieglitz
Jonathan Patrick Summers
Shane Christopher Suniga
Kyle Leland Swanson
Stephanie Ann Talamantes
Shin Tamura
Georgina Tetlow
Samuel Dennis Thomson
Padgette’ Nicole Tinelli
Emelie Lyn Traub*
Ryan Conway Tucker
Margaret Priscilla Tyler
Andrew Kip Ujita
Leslie Walker Van Antwerp, IV
Francisco Daniel Vargas
Kahlil Jehan Vaughan*
David Joseph Vissers
Heidi Husmann Voelker*
Kelsey Diane Vogel
Stephen E. Walters
Brandon Michael Webster
Paige Katharyn Weiss
Erika Dorothy Westlund
Rachel Margaret Whitaker
Amy Elizabeth Whitney
Sarah Angon Wickman
Alex Joseph Wilborn
Ben Maxwell Wilhite
Jay John Wilson
Nicholas Lee Wilson
Reece Tracy Wilson
Benjamin Martin Woodruff
Eduardo Yamasaki
Jazzmyn Mariah Zamora
Olivia Gabrielle Zotter*
Bachelor of Science
Major in Botany
Alexander Cole Bippus*
Megan Lee Bishop
Tracie Renee Brandt
Meghann Alanna Christian
Austin C. Browder
Kyle Boyd Brown
Victoria Lorraine Bryant
John Thomas Burbridge
Loriel Katherine Caverly
Thomas Paul Chourre
Rayna Michelle Chrisco
Bennett Parker Collings
Meredith Kathleen Conrad-Forrest
Charles Albert Diehl
Kara Ka’ilianu Frampton
Emma Rose Fryer*
Simone Ysabel Sophe Groves
Tyler Shaw Hanson
Katherine Jane Herron*
Jason Von Heutmaker
Jacob Daniel Hilliard
Jonathan Graf Lockwood
Lorena Diane Lynch
Sarah Jean Mason
David Michael McLean
Hollister C. Nadeau*
Crystal Serene Neuenschwander
Makalani Francesca Norman*
Ashley Ortiz
Nancy Leigh Palmer
William Hogarth Penprase
Wade T. Polda
Constantin Alexey Raether
Maxwell Duncan Rintoul
William Aren Rye
Roger Kao Saephan
Blake Amrine Schaff
Robert Lee Shearer*
John Daniel Valdez
Michael Alan Wagner
Anthony James Wallace
Aaron William Weisberg
Michael Leslie Weldon
Serena Nicole Wickstrom
Nicholas Lee Wilson
Harry Thomas Almeraz
Antonio Baltazar
Evan B. Bicher
Thayer James Birch
Justin Sterling Campbell
Michael Y. Chan
Mindy J. Chung
Brittany Allen Cook
Virgilio Ivan Dacula
Anthony Phomma
David Joseph Freedus
Matthew Henry Hall
Archer Akasha Harmony
David Wesley Hudson
Thomas Charles Hughes
Austin William Cody La Comb
Daphane Alisa Maxwell
Robert Allen Minnix
Matthew Reis Mitchell
Kevin Navarro-Alejandre
Kenneth D. Olson
RayAnn Elizabeth O’Neill
Brian Andrew Page
Jonah Michael Peele
Jose Alberto Pena Sanchez
Dustin Scott Peterson*
Ryan James Schuler
Joseph D. Sexton
Neil Robert Shearer
Allen David Stage*
Carruth Bartlett Topham
Taylor Nicole Van Cleave
Dakota Reading Ware
Shur Yang*
Bachelor of Science
Major in Environmental
Management & Protection
Jeff Caballes Asuncion
Rory James David Baker
Courtney Colette Baron
Emily Rinne Baxter
Delia Fern Bense-Kang*
Anya Bortolotti
Bachelor of Arts
Christina Margaret Botte
Major in Chemistry
Ryan S. Bowlsby
Brenna Arianne Collom
Akira Elcania Jaclyn Brathwaite
Shane Cody Moran
Lesly Anai Caballero Garcia
Colin Thomas Campbell
Bachelor of Science
Nicole Christina Caudana
Major in Chemistry
Kyle Anthony Copp
Pedro Rene Alvaro
Kevin Maurice Courtain
Kiefer George Bell-Wilson
Jerry Garcia Joseph Dinzes
Adam Lee Dozier
Andrew Frederick Dobbs
Kenneth Scott Gossow-Smith
Aubrey A. Dominguez
Nicolas Santiago Joya-Pelayo
Robert James Dumouchel, II*
Theodore Alexander Kandaurov Angela Rose Edmunds*
Michelle Ann Newton Young
Deven Robert Flaherty
Joshua Louis Patyten
Patrick Desmond Flynn
Gregory Matthew Pitch
Kelly Lichele Fox
Emily Elizabeth Steele
Alejandra Garcia
Mitchell Herbert Ward
Melissa Garcia
Monique Irene Gil
Bachelor of Science
Ashli Briyana Gonzales-Griffin
Major in Computer Science
German Gordo
Alaa Mohammad Abdelrahman Kevin Alan Grevenkamp
Liliana Victoria Acevedo
Liana Ariel Griebsch*
Forrest Thomas Hansen
Dalton William Hedin
Max Charles Hilken
Allison Tiffany Ho
Reina Michelle Hutton
Kiana Danielle Pedro Jenkins
James R. Jeon
Evan Patrick Johnson
Jesse Raine Kellogg
Seher Khan*
Jason Michael Landers
Kamille Mikayla Lang
Jacob Samuel Leavitt
John Mathias Lillig*
Jesse Joaquin Lopez
Savanna Alexandra Maddox
Brian Gallagher McCaughey
Maya Krista Morales
Shohei Morita
Meghan Elizabeth Morris
Josephine Ryan Murphy*
Skylar Helen Nading
Caroline Jean Nash
Allen Ka-Meng Ng, II
Max Henry Niehaus
Eileen Mariah Nunez
Ian Patrick O’Brien*
Chibuzor Ndidi Okezie
Zoryana Alexis Pope*
Daniel Jesus Reyes
Daisy Monique Rios
Jesse Andrew Risinger
Cynthia Ruelas
Kris Joshua Schiebelhut
Julia Erin Sheffield
Elizabeth Soto
Mike Austin Stern
Nicholas William Swanson
Austin Lee Theriault
Roger Chia Tai Tuan
Abby Roth Van Artsdalen
Mary Kristina Kirkpatrick Waite
Naomi Ilene Walker
Hether Jean Ward*
Thomas Carson Welte
Sarah Anneken West
Jake Alexander Whiteley*
Alana Rose Wiltshire
Dakota Lee Wolf
Chad David Yoakley*
Molley Elvera York
Bachelor of Science
Major in Environmental
Resources Engineering
Michelle Alyssa Aldrete
Christopher Blaine Alston
Andre Harris Bernal
Chase Evans Bloom
Matthew Steven Brown
Matthew Richard Bruder
Daniel Justin Burgett
Nicholas Anton Campbell
Josue David Candelario
Dylan Christopher Child
Chase Cimina
Jake Vincenzo Coniglione
George Austin Corbett, III
*Candidates meeting qualifications for Baccalaureate Honors or Master’s with Distinction
Baron Macklin Creager
Maria G. Diaz
Brian Patrick Draeger*
Robert James Duncan
Desiree Amber Edgar
Anthony James Eggink
James Leon Griggs
Liam James Gunst
Pieter Evan Gustavson*
Karl Stewart Harris
Lucas Michael Holland
Maxime Kent Hullman
Chandler Holly Ichikawa
Alberto Edwardo Jasso
Lori Carole Jones*
Lukas Michael Kennedy
Aaron Mark Kent
Kusondra Bess King
Mary Josephine Krieger
Tim F. Kukuk
Piyanai Jenny Kunna
James Hillman Lambert
Tatiana Marie Lewis
Shane Wesley Loper
Joshua Alexander Luders
Laythen George Martines
Noe Adalberto Martinez Diaz
Jason Patrick McMack
Allison May Molleson
Jacob Thomas Moore
Faith Crystal Neff*
Sara Jamie Newell
Andrew William Nguyen
Josiah Weylin Norton
Mathew James Nyberg*
Cristina Lizette Olivares
Heidi Marie Otten
Steven Thomas Pearl
Barrett Alexander Penton
Vladimir Petric
Yaad Narshimgha Rana
Dustin Donald Revel
Leigha Nicole Roeder
Michael Charles Ross
Jacob M. Rowe
Alexander John Simmons
Kyle Truman Sipes*
Troy Robert Smith
Eric Ryan Sorensen*
Arrow Talieson Walker
Laura Anne Wallace
Brian Ray Weekly
Richard Andrew Wilson
Bachelor of Science
Major in Environmental Science
Megan Suzanne Acevedo
Jordan Bradley Adair
Mikayla Jan Allan
Matthew Thomas Amberg
Liann Mirabelle Gapasin Ang
Carla Ivette Avila-Martinez
Henry William Baker Jr.
Jess Michael Benbrook
Clinton Walker Betts
Eric Vincent Bloom
Akira Elcania Jaclyn Brathwaite
Eva Elizabeth Brena
Kevin Brenes-Melgar
Cory Guy Brinkman
Jonathan Denis Brody
Andrew Thomas Bronte*
Adam klayton Bucher
Kathryn Kelly Burkart
Laura Anne Carroll, I
Bianca Castillo
Aisha Tegan Cissna*
Julia Irene Clark
Wyllie Stephen Clayson*
Jaycob Caleb Corn
John Winston Cortenbach
Kevin Masaru Cowels
Sarah Graciela Cruz
John Joseph Cylwik
Molly Kathryn Daly*
Emily Alison Darcy
Garret Michael Denise
Erin Kim Deniz
Trista Catherine Dowdy
Keiko Malia DuBois
Amy Lyn Eberwein
Nathan William Fisch
Jennifer Allene Forkel
Marisa Janell Galloway*
Brittney Alexandra Goldie
Bryce Diana Goldstein*
Brady James Goodwin*
Ginger Holly Greenlee*
Robert Christopher Grieco*
Alder Gustafson*
Shannon Elisabeth Hacker
Kevin Joseph Haggerty
Dylan Allin Hills
Amanda Audrey Hutchins
Ut Thi Huynh
Ian E. Ivey
Taylor Rose Jensen
Forrest Todd Johnson
Daniel Richard Jones
Debra Diane Jones
Zoe Caroline Kaufman*
Casandra Victoria Kelly
Rachel Pauline Klassen*
Zoe Amelia Lacoco
Jocelyn Elyce Layte
Cody Austin Layton
Brianne Michelle Lee
Yuhmong Lo
Yazmin Sofia Lomeli
Michelle Lopez
Tyler Elliot Miner Lowe
Quentin Barry Matilton
Megan Jewel McAfee
Stephen Jk McAuliffe
Cory Cooper McGill
Destinee Hope McGuire*
Timothee San Tiago Mendez
Emily Christine Mensing*
Thomas Joe Midget Jr.
Darcy Christine Midget
Nathaniel Claiborne Moy
Chris Ellsworth Muhl
Frank Ryan Murphy
Megan Clarice Neubauer
Casey Elizabeth Novell
Gregory Allen O’Neill
Seth Mitchell Ontiveros
Joseph Lee Ostini
Christian Bruce Payne
Christina Yvette Perez
Arielle Anne Pickrell
Ariane Marie Pierson
Gregory Matthew Pitch
John Nolan Plaggmier
Joseph Darby Radley
William Rodney Raschke
Carissa Marin Reynolds
Eboni Danielle Rhone
Fernando Rodriguez
Joshua Paul Rodriguez
Anthony Thomas Sammartano
Mika Gabriella Samoy
Ana Michelle Santillan
Jennie Rose Saunders
Matthew Alan Savoie
Dillon Robert Scott
Salvador Eduardo Silahua
Kathryn Lee Sinclair
Robyn Erin Siplon
Elena Anjelica Sisneros
Jake Joseph Skrbina*
Amber Mariero Smith
Cody E. Smith
Sina Soleimany
Jimmie Lee Stuckey Jr.
Fumiko Tanimura
Jacob Thomas Taulbee
William Osborn Templeton
Sam Phillip Thall
Connor Wayne Tinker
Michael Patrick Torre
Stephen Mitchell Trevitt
Danny Adam Ulhar
Ross Alexander Van Vlear
James Michael Wadsworth
Matthew Jamie Ware
Natalie Grace Weinberg
Steven Wick
Aidan Keller Williams
Jonathan Dean Dwaine Witkop
Emily Marie Wood
Nicole Christie Woodrow
Landon Lovell Young
Angela Rose Young-Petrillo
Robert Thomas Yuwiler
Salvador Zaragoza
Ryan Adam Zschomler
Bachelor of Science
Major in Fisheries Biology
Martin Andrew Anderson*
Georgia Rae Bennett
Leon Davis, III
Nicholas John Easterbrook
Georgia Mae Pearl Elam
Emma Michelle Goldstein
Andrew Young Hillis
Kyle E. Johnson
Morgan Nicole Johnson
Andrea Jojuan Jolley
Alicia Marie Kee
Dylan Jon Keel*
Ariela Elizabeth Kester
Graeme Matthew Lock
Priscilla Antionette Madrid Drewry
Chad Michael Martel
Allison Marie Mitchell
Kyle Aria Norton
Kallan Rourke Padget
Daisy Marie Perez
Garrett Clay Pierce
Christopher Charles Presley
Bernard Vincent Rolf
Aaron Eli Rotman*
Jeffrey Lucas Russell
Robert Austin Sangster
James Lloyd Schwartz
Cacy Zampa Sylvester*
Woody Alexander Venard
Kirsten Ashley White
Bachelor of Science
Major in Forestry
Denver Darius Billing
Larry William Breshears
Chance Christian Callahan
Colin William Campbell
Cody Vaughn Casey
Armando Ceja
Michelle Melinda Chaffee
Cesar Chavez
Derek William Chavez
Brett Joseph Collins, I
Erich Appling Coulter
Ashley Alexie Disney
Anders Lee Dombrowski
Cory James Drenon*
Christina Lee Duran
Tyler William Durbin
William Lee Durnin
Devin Russell Eastman
Kate Elizabeth Ferland
William Joseph Friedman
Michael K. Gallup
Evan Paul Goldsborough
Aaron Cole Goodman
Daniel Jay Hancock
Cooper Gregory Harris
Frank Jacob Heide
Robert Michael Hilton
Noah Evan Hirsch
Lindsey Diane Holm
Corey Cole Humphrey
Vance Edward Hutchison
Huan D. Huynh
Zachary Alan Jackson
Justin David Jensen
Michael Leininger Kennedy
Daniel Frank Kidwell
Taylor James Knott
Carter Douglas Krewson*
Jordan Michael Lorenzi Larson
Ryan William Lawler
Shawn Gilbert Lee
Jonathon Dylan Leonard
Ashante Roustam Lowe
Katherine Ann MacDonald
Elektra Stephanie Elise MathewsNovelli
Michael Dylan Mattocks
Ian Taylor McBride
Jacob Arlyn Monroe
Seamus Mckenzie Morrison
John Ryan Naccarato
Kersita Marie Ann Oberg
Malia Kristiane Ortiz
Sara Ann Phipps
Joaquin Rodrigo Quintana
Alexander James Robbins
Lane Bryce Rodriguez-Dickens
Maxwell Charles Roecklein
Rosa Maria Sanchez
Wade Allen Sinclair
Regan Catherine Steller
Benjamin Avery Stone
Jarran Amzie Tindle*
Skyler John Twohig
Liam Victor Ulasevich
Sarah Nicole Welsh
Michael Alan Williams
Jonathan Matthew Wright
Nickolas Earl Zeibig-Kichas*
Bachelor of Arts
Major in Geology
Benjamin Anthony Anderson
Adrian Baez-Alicea
Daniel Timothy Baggot
Silvia Barrera Ramirez
Courtney Anastasia Boyd
Sommer Mellora Casady
Vanessa Sue Davis
Jeanne Marie Fashauer
Octavio Flores Jr.
Jesse Kikuchi Gates
Caitlin B. Gemetti
Jeremy Steven Carter Jones
Dillon Kasper
Pius Babatunde Kole-James Jr.
Ryota Kurosawa
Kellie Brieanne Larson
Gabriel Glenn Legault
Clay Thomas Markle
Rebecca Ann McGowen
Shannon Rose McHatton
Patrick C. McLaughlin
Petra Elizabeth Niehaus
Weston Poppe Opper
Lauryl Ann Rudolph
Lukas Yan Suska*
John Franklin Wilson
Bachelor of Science
Major in Geology
Karina Leanne Alfaro
Christa Lee Anhold
Raul Alberto Becerra
Robert Monroe Cowdrey
Mallory Jessica Garcia
Evan James Hartshorn
Aaron Charles Katz*
Jamie Lee Larrabee
Ryan Corey Levinson
Gwynn Caitlin Neilson*
Sean Edward Payne*
Edward David Penprase
Irene Renee Petty
Nicholas Philip Richard
*Candidates meeting qualifications for Baccalaureate Honors or Master’s with Distinction
George Ramath Snyder*
Anna Marie Sparer
Bachelor of Arts
Major in Mathematics
Dylan James Armitage*
Joanna Rose Beem
Michael Christopher Conley
Diana Monica Diyarza
Christopher Loren Dudley, I
Ted E. Duffy
Ila May Fisher
Leah Natanya Freedman*
Akayla Noelle Hidalgo
Chase Edward Hilbert*
Chrystal Ann Johnson
Lori Carole Jones*
Caylan Allen Kolste
Colin Andrew Lee
Xiong Lee
Terra Beth Lovio
John Nathaniel Lyon
Nikko Joseph Mazzotti*
Shanna Lynn McCracken
Benjamin Luis Morales
Jonathan Roberto Moreno
Siena Corrine Marker Morse*
Miguel Jr Olivares
David Benjamin Paden
Josue Pablo Perez-Garcia
Robert Toledo
Cameron Aaron Trujillo
Michael Ray White*
Kersey Jo Wilcox*
Melody Ann Wolff
Jesse Reese Woodward
Valerie Anne Yellam
Jonathan Kevin Yokoyama
Marina A. Yurchikov
Bachelor of Science
Major in Oceanography
Anthony Joseph Benelisha
Melina Rose Bennett
Clara B. Bolster
Channing Elise Bolt*
Hannah Rose Brassmassery
Matthew Joseph Fisch
Alexander Edward Hay
Richard Allen Jackson
Nathaniel Don Jones
Anne Kathrine Mefford
Clara Suzanne Nilsen
James Austin Seward
Natalianne Marie Tuttle
Connor Anthony Ward
Bachelor of Science
Major in Physics
Daniel Adriano Bayona
Garrett Thomas Benson
Johnathan Lee Caudill
Kelsey Elizabeth Cross
Benjamin Edward Daly
Zachary J. Evans
Jason Alan Furtner
Ian Scott Guerrero
Spencer Lee Kerans
Lindsey Leigh Manning
Leonel Munoz
Richard Allen Rendon, II
Wade Orion S Sedawie
Samuel Edwin Slezak
Tyler James Smart*
McCabe Martin Sommers
Christopher Kyle Sutherland
Cameron Aaron Trujillo
Isabelle van Hoorn*
Mark David Wilson
Bachelor of Science
Major in Rangeland
Resource Science
Hector Ivan Alvarez
Henry Kent Ayres
Ian Michael Camacho
Josh McCarn Chapman
Gregory Dean Davis
Ariel Sacarias De Lara, I
Liam Gerald Doherty
Shelly Anne Green
Robin Anne Halloran*
Alex J. Hepler
Dylan Gene Kirkley
Angelina Marie Lasko
Ian Stuart McLorg
Matt T. Prendergast
Katelyn Marie Reed
Axel Zachary Sanchez
Dylan Miles Skinner-Rosenberg
Catherine Anne Trimingham
Brianna Rose Truebe
Nathaniel Barron Van Tassel*
Denise Lynn Wesley
Phillip Thomas Wright*
Bachelor of Science
Major in Wildlife
Alejandro Fernandez Alegria
Breane Marie Allison
Jeff Scott Austin
Ian James Axsom*
Danielle Nicole Badger
Quinn Joseph Ballard
Thomas Joseph Balogh
Heidi Bang
Sarah Marie Bartlett
Pairsa Nicole Belamaric
Jill Maura Binder
James George Boudreau
Kyle Matthew Brickell
Carolyn Marie Buesch
Steve Bustamante
Scott Paul Capra*
Eric Cerecedes
Riley Michelle Chestnut
Erin Ju Chon
Ian M. Clark
Leanne Amanda Cohn
Grant Luke Coleman
Nicole Christine Collins*
Austin Chauncey Collister
Daniel Lee Corona
Erin M. Corrigan
Eric Berg Culbertson
William Ross Culver, III
Shane Bruce Dante*
Joshua Lagazon De Guzman
Grace Anna DeMeo*
Ismael Diaz
Malcom Ross Dollarhide
Brianna Nadine Doran
Anne Marie Doss, I
Melica Margaret Dunne
Stephanie Jennifer Ellsworth
Ryan Joshua Stevens Emery
Wyatt William Erwin
Steven Patrick Evans
Erin Kate Faiferlick
Yvette Marie Ferreira
Elizabeth Jean Feucht*
Sarah Phoebe Fisher
Alejandro Joaquin Flores
Matthew Thomas Fountain
Caleb James French
Naomi Veronica Gair
Gillian Eleanor Gallagher
Jessica Mary Garcia
Xochitl Rosario Garcia
Kaiya Giuliano-Monroy
Maryjean Rose Greitl
Kassandra Cae Callera
Jilma Rachel Guinea
Conor Christopher Handley
Jonathan Michael Hanna
Nick Jay Hansen
Francisca Clare Harriss
Sarah Jessica Hecocks
Alicia Ann Heitzman
Kaitlyn Breana Hernandez
Ingrid Rivera Hodel
Meagan Elizabeth Hofmeister*
Marissa Carla Holguin
Mollie Lynn Holland
Dustin Howland
Jared Benedict Hughey
Kevin Lewis Hunter
Rebekah Renne Ingersoll
Alejandro David Jimenez
Phillip Alexander Dallas Johnston
Trudy Ann Jones
Dylan Patrick Karl
Jennifer-Lynn Armelle Kellerman
Catherine Elizabeth Kenny*
Tyler Kenyon Kirschner
Payton William Kirwan
Trevor Julian Kumec*
Cheyenne Eleise Laeske
Natalie Garcia Lamas
Brendan Guido LaPenna*
Sarah Olivia Laws*
Mary Lee
Jessica Rene Lilley*
Andrew Theodore Lyons-Gould
Maximo Gordon Edward
Robert Scott Magnuson
Gritidach Manakitivipart
Emily Anne Martin
Samantha Jo Maschewski
Darwin Steuart-Menzies Mayhew
Matt David Mazur
Rachel Catherine McCain
Aliya Marie-Wachter McCarthy
Joleen Bettie McClellan
Mindy Louise McClurg
Mary Elizabeth McDermott
Lauren Nicole McGovern
Bethany Rose McKim
Christopher Vaughn McMaster
Natalie Marie McNear
Jessica I. Medina
Elizabeth Diane Meisman*
Cary W. Mercer
Anna Loree Hausauer Meyer*
Melissa Anais Miranda*
Steven Laurence Mitchell, II
Claira Pat Mittman*
Joseph Micheal Moore
Samantha Jo Morford
Chandra Morgan
Jennifer Kara Mueller
Jacob Albert Neal
Nicolette Leighana Nelson*
Tina Hong Truc Nguyen*
Taylor Matthew Norris*
Jason Michael O’Connell
Jacqueline Cassandra Monserrat
Oshun Alberta O’Rourke
Jessica Lynn Petterson
Caitlin Nicole Praus
Wendy Maritza Prenter
Jenny Quach
Mark Thomas Reynolds
Jacob L. Rhea
Jacquelyn Senatro Riccio*
Katherine Rose Rivette
Cynthia Andrea Marie Robbiola
Alexander Josef Robinson
Yuliana Rowe Gaddy*
Matthew Garrett Ruso*
Abigail Leith Rutrough*
Erica Yesenia Salazar
Geovanni Salgado
Adam Farhat Oftman Samara
Arthur Sanchez Jr.
Kelly Sue Sandersfeld
Dylan Timothy Schertz*
Zane Thomas Schoettgen
Esther Elisabeth Shon
Adin Julius Shy-Sobol
Jessica Molly Silberman
Francesco Micheal Simeone
Krista Lee Smith
Shawn Tabitha Smith
Katelyn Brianna Southall
Melissa Rae Spanton
Mackenzie Laurel Spencer
Sarah Rose Stawasz
Jennifer Marie Stevenson
Lacey Brianne Strong
Travis Christian Strong
Daniel Richard Stuart
Laura Ann Tellez
Jamie Alexander Todd
Patricia Torres
Rosemary Leann Torres
Kymberly Nicole Underwood
Ariel Valencia
Cesar Moises Velasquez
John Breckenridge Wainwright
Dayna Kathryn Wallace
Alissa Marie Ware*
Raphaela Ware
Amanda Jo Weiss
Kayla Renee Welser
Monica Ann Wheeler
Melissa Christine Whitfield
Colton James Wise
Jane Maria Wong*
Ashley Greer Woodford
Jacob Michael Yastrow
Rebecca Alejandra Yribe
Holly Alisa Ziemer
Craig Michael Zurek
Bachelor of Science
Major in Zoology
Ashley Marie Abitz
Tessa Vail Anderson*
Kenna Sky Bolt
Andrew Amin Buderi
Sara Candida Carabajal
Caitlin Marie Carter*
Laura Elaine Cathey
Carsten Trevor Charlesworth
Jennifer Christine Chaverri
Ryanna Nichol Chavez
Carla Claro
Cayla Lynn Crofts
Shannon Marie Deputy
Daniel Christopher Diaz
Kristy Julia Dunne
Oliver Ebrahimi-Nuyken
Trevor Forester Evans
Lisa Melo Falcao
Darian Myles Fambro
Gabriel Flores
Austin Richard Julian Gause*
Barbara Evelyn Gerardo*
Zsuzsanna Amalia Gooris
Julia Kate Gotico
Ashley Lace Graham*
Cameron Broach Griffis
Katie Ellen Hemingway
Cody Powell Hess
Jacob Daniel Hilliard
Tania Huerta
Sierra Jean Huffman
Angela Jordane Jones
Taelyr Ann Keely
Lauren Nicole Kruger
Ethan James Kuck
Rebecca Anne Landin
Christen Amanda Long
Brianna Nicole Mann
Jennifer Morales Martin
Juita Martinez
Cailin Ashley McLaughlin
Shoshana A. Montgomery
Cameron Richard Moore
Kyle Patrick Orr
Shareny Arleen Parada
Stacey Lynn Parker
Cori Tyler Pearson
Brenda Pedroza
Antonia Maria Ingrid Picardi
Mariana Carmen Indalecio Pitts
*Candidates meeting qualifications for Baccalaureate Honors or Master’s with Distinction
Joanna Jensen Proctor*
Colton Lee Ramstrom*
Lana Marie Ray
Yvette Rodriguez
Janene K. Romero
Marissa Cecelia Sanchez
Nicholas Ryan Scaramella
Rachael Nicole Scheffler
Jordann Lara Skeen
Josephine Carolyn Stifter*
Morgan Ashley Strite*
Eric Maxwell Taite
Georgina Tetlow
Grace Karen Thomasson
Janeh Nicole Toilolo
Nicholas Robert Van Gilder*
Rachel Christine Velasquez
Ambar Suzette Vera
Rachel Lynn Wade
Nicholas James Welch
College of
Professional Studies
3:30 p.m. • Saturday, May 14, 2016
Pomp and Circumstance, E. Elgar, arranged by Professor Gilbert D. Cline
Music: HSU Commencement Brass Choir, performed and directed by Professor Gilbert D. Cline,
with: Kevin Blake, Ryan Egan, Andrew Henderson, Bret Johnson, Audrey McCombs, Matthew
Morgan, Melanie Nina Pearl, Phil Sams, and Toshi Noguchi
Mace Bearer: Professor Emeritus Mary Gruber
Marshals: Professors William Fisher, Amber Gaffney, Gregg Gold, and Kauyumari Sanchez
National Anthem
Anna Duchi (‘16, Theatre), Elisha Moore (Music), Jessie Rawson (Dance),
and Catherine Rippetoe (Music)
Welcome & Presidential Message
Lisa A. Rossbacher, President
Presentation of Degrees
Lisa A. Rossbacher, President
Alexander J. Enyedi, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
Jená A. Burges, Vice Provost for Academic Programs,
Dean of Undergraduate & Graduate Studies
John Y. Lee, Dean of the College of Professional Studies
Mary E. Glenn, Associate Dean of the College of Professional Studies
Centennial Flourish: Sempre Pro Veritas (Always for Truth),
composed by Professor Gilbert D. Cline
Names of Graduates Read by:
Master of Business Administration
Professors Michelle Lane and David Sleeth-Keppler
Master of Arts in Education
Professors David Ellerd and Lyn Scott
Master of Science in Kinesiology
Professors Justus Ortega and Young Sub Kwon
Master of Arts in Psychology
Professors Carrie Aigner and Emily Sommerman
Master of Social Work
Professors Yvonne Doble and Geneva Shaw
Education Credential Administrative Services
Professors Stephen Kelish and Kenny Richards
Education Credential Elementary Education
Professors Shannon Morago and Marisol Ruiz
Education Credential Secondary Education
Professors Shannon Morago and Marisol Ruiz
Education Credential Special Education
Professors David Ellerd and Peggy Kirkpatrick
Business Administration
Professors Michelle Lane and Sarita Ray Chaudhury
Child Development
Professors Claire Knox and Meenal Rana
Professors Erick Eschker and Beth Wilson
Elementary Education
Professors Lyn Scott and Arianna Thobaben
Professors Taylor Bloedon and Sean Healy
Leadership Studies
Professors Chris Hopper and Sheila Rocker Heppe
Professors Ethan Gahtan and Tasha Howe
Recreation Administration
Professors Genevieve Marchand and Jayne McGuire
Social Work
Professors Jamie Jensen and Carrie Slack
Julia Alderson, University Senate Chair; Kenneth P. Ayoob, Dean, College of Arts, Humanities
& Social Sciences; Heather Bernikoff-Raboy, Chair, HSU Advancement Foundation Board;
Peg L. Blake, Vice President, Enrollment Management & Student Affairs; Jená A. Burges, Vice
Provost for Academic Programs, Dean of Undergraduate & Graduate Studies; Juan Cervantes,
President, Associated Students; Alexander J. Enyedi, Provost and Vice President, Academic Affairs;
Mary E. Glenn, Associate Dean, College of Professional Studies; John Y. Lee, Dean, College of
Professional Studies; Joyce Lopes, Vice President, Administrative Affairs; Alistair W. McCrone,
President Emeritus; Colleen Mullery, Senior Associate Vice President of Faculty Affairs &
Human Resources; Cyril Oberlander, Dean, University Library; Rollin C. Richmond, President
Emeritus; Lisa A. Rossbacher, President; Steven A. Smith, Dean, College of Natural Resources
& Sciences; Rhea L. Williamson, Dean, Research, Economic & Community Development;
Craig C. Wruck, Vice President, University Advancement
Graduate Degrees
Master of Arts ~ Major in Education
Pamela Louise Bellah ~ Perception of Nursing Education in Nepal: Meeting the Needs of
Nursing as a Profession in a Global Health Care Community
Advisor: Professor Eric V. Van Duzer
Kayla Renee Coleman ~ Improving Behavior Around Mealtime for Children on the
Autism Spectrum A
dvisor: Professor Eric V. Van Duzer
Ronan Andrew Collver ~ Best Practices for U.S. Educators Aiding the Adjustment of
Third Culture Kids Who Are Returning to the United States
Advisor: Professor Eric V. Van Duzer
Carrie Elizabeth Cook ~ When Cultures Collide: Effects of State and Federal Indian
Policy Upon the Modoc People A
dvisor: Professor Eric V. Van Duzer
Teresa Ann Ives ~ Increasing the Resiliency and Retention of Itinerant Special Education
Teachers A
dvisor: Professor Eric V. Van Duzer
Mai Lo Lee ~ The Effectiveness of Programs for English Learners in a Diverse School
District in Rural California A
dvisor: Professor Eric V. Van Duzer
Peter Francis Loetterle ~ Identity formation in five California Conservation Corps
members A
dvisor: Professor Eric V. Van Duzer
Debora Lynn Macy ~ Aligning iPad and iPod Technology with Evidence Based Practices
in Inclusive and Special Education Classrooms to Support Students with Autism
Spectrum Disorders A
dvisor: Professor Eric V. Van Duzer
Amanda Marie Moitoso ~ What are the Best Practices in Integrating Social Stories to
Promote Socially Appropriate Behaviors in Children with Autism at School?
Advisor: Professor Eric V. Van Duzer
Nikki Marie Schreiber ~ Social Emotional Learning and Teaching Practices in K-3rd
Grade A
dvisor: Professor Eric V. Van Duzer
Jennifer LannetteWaddell Soderfelt ~ Student Leadership Development Curriculum
for Humboldt State University A
dvisor: Professor Eric V. Van Duzer
Master of Arts ~ Major in Psychology
Kashia Linda Axthelm ~ Mental Health Factors Associated with Nonsuicidal Self-Injury
in Emerging Adults A
dvisor: Professor William M. Reynolds
Rebekah Lynn Becker ~ Measuring Negative Thinking in Adults
Advisor: Professor William M. Reynolds
Benjamin Harper Bishop ~ A Comparison of 3 Dimensional Swimming Paths During
Light-Evoked Versus Auditory-Evoked Escape Swims in Larval Zebrafish
Advisor: Professor Ethan B. Gahtan
Amanda Kristine Burnfin Advisor: Professor Emily A. Sommerman
Carlie Ann Carstensen Advisor: Professor Emily A. Sommerman
Alene Mae Cawood-Smith ~ Embracing Best Practices While Utilizing a
Multidimensional, Data Driven Approach in Providing Comprehensive School
Psychology Services for At-Risk Students in High School and Continuation School
Settings A
dvisor: Professor Emily A. Sommerman
Hannah Elizabeth Davis ~ Impact of Gay Male and Lesbian Characters on TV
Advisor: Professor Emily A. Sommerman
Isaac Stern Dietz Advisor: Professor Emily A. Sommerman
Morgan Lea Eubank Advisor: Professor Emily A. Sommerman
Briana Caitlyn Freshner ~ Testing the Hypothesis of the Teleost Dopaminergic Ventral
Diencephalic as a Homolog to the Mammalian Substantia Nigra
Advisor: Professor Ethan B. Gahtan
2015/2016 Patricia O. McConkey Outstanding Graduate Student Award
Fernando Garcia, III Advisor: Professor Emily A. Sommerman
Svandis Unnur Giolitto ~ Normative portions: Alignment of Descriptive and Injunctive
Norms for Portion Size Reduction A
dvisor: Professor Christopher L. Aberson
Kaylyn Paige Hernandez ~ Exploring Sibling Aggression
Advisor: Professor Emily A. Sommerman
Marieva Gonzalez Jacobo Advisor: Professor Emily A. Sommerman
Emily Elaine Jacobsen ~ The School Psychologist as a Problem Solver: A Systems Wide
Approach to Working with High-Risk and Adjudicated Youth
Advisor: Professor Emily A. Sommerman
Rebecca Kathleen Jernigan Advisor: Professor Emily A. Sommerman
Robert Matthew Johns ~ School-based Assessment, Classification and Intervention of
Neurodevelopmental Disorders Advisor: Professor Emily A. Sommerman
Sarah Eva Kagin Advisor: Professor Emily A. Sommerman
Jessica Ashley Leialoha Kirby ~ Exploration of The Relationship Between Childhood
Maltreatment, Alexithymia, and Depression in Young Adults
Advisor: Professor William M. Reynolds
Ana Maravilla ~ Supporting the Learning and Development of Schoolchildren with an
Emphasis on Establishing Helping Relationships
Advisor: Professor Emily A. Sommerman
Vanessa Lynn Marnewecke ~ Advisor: Professor Emily A. Sommerman
Meghan Michelle Martinez ~ A
dvisor: Professor Emily A. Sommerman
Haley Joy McSweeney ~ A
dvisor: Professor Emily A. Sommerman
Karla Natalie Ochoa ~ Understanding How to Work with Culturally Diverse Students
Through Following a Collaboration and Consultation Model
Advisor: Professor Emily A. Sommerman
Crystal Marie Perez ~ Vehicle-Assisted Access to Public Nature Trails: A Needs Assessment
for Elderly Residents of Humboldt County A
dvisor: Professor Ethan B. Gahtan
Yasmine Simone Potts ~ Differences in Hair Significance Among African American and
White Women: An Exploratory Study on African American Hair
Advisor: Professor Christopher L. Aberson
Jessica Lee Rismiller Robinson ~ Relationships Between Traditional and Electronic
Bullying and Wellbeing in Young Adolescents
Advisor: Professor William M. Reynolds
Jacob Daniel Rosen Advisor: Professor Emily A. Sommerman
Kelsey Anne Snyder ~ Using Collaboration and Data Based Decision Making to Address
Students’ Academic and Social-Emotional Needs Within a Multi-Tiered Framework
Advisor: Professor Emily A. Sommerman
Kaitlyn Nicole Stormes ~ Making a Difference for Probation Students: 1:1 to a 2.0
Advisor: Professor Gregg J. Gold
Sarah R. Taylor ~ Measuring Food Addiction in Adults
Advisor: Professor William M. Reynolds
Edwin Jonathan Vazquez Martinez ~ Diversity Courses as a Form of Ethnic Identity
Exploration in College Students A
dvisor: Professor Christopher L. Aberson
Luke Adam Walker ~ Advisor: Professor Emily A. Sommerman
Kellie Kaitlin Wall ~ Fulfilling the Role of School Psychologist by Assisting Students
Within a Multi-tiered Model of Support with an Emphasis on Preventative and Early
Intervention Services A
dvisor: Professor Emily A. Sommerman
Jacquelyn June-Rachelle White Advisor: Professor Emily A. Sommerman
Haley Medora Whitham ~ Measuring Chocolate Cravings in Adults
Advisor: Professor William M. Reynolds
Katie Melissa Woerner Advisor: Professor Emily A. Sommerman
Master of Business Administration
Chrissie Lee Anderson ~ Advisor: Professor David P. Sleeth-Keppler
Erin Melissa Anderson ~ Marketing for Change: Changing Behaviors to Improve
Sanitary Conditions in India A
dvisor: Professor David P. Sleeth-Keppler
Jessica E. Ayala ~ Business Opportunities and the Socio-Economic Benefits of an AllElectric Vehicle Arcata A
dvisor: Professor Kathryn A. Lancaster
Ryan Elijah Boucher ~ Applying the Principles of Cradle-to-Cradle Design to Urban
Planning Advisor: Professor Michelle Lane
Boyan Aleksandrov Boyanov ~ Forex Strategy for the Retail Trader
Advisor: Professor Michelle Lane
Cory William Busby Advisor: Professor David P. Sleeth-Keppler
Cory Rose Busher ~ Getting Humboldt State University Off the Grid: Why We Can’t
Afford Not To A
dvisor: Professor Kathryn A. Lancaster
Jeri Cantrell Advisor: Professor David P. Sleeth-Keppler
Krista Lynn Carroll Advisor: Professor David P. Sleeth-Keppler
Catherine Patricia Carter Advisor: Professor David P. Sleeth-Keppler
Tristan Anthony Caswell ~ The Rising Thunder: El Niño and Stock Markets
Advisor: Professor Michelle Lane
Ian David Saliwan Chan ~ Examining the Cost of’s Success Using the
Triple Bottom Line A
dvisor: Professor Michelle Lane
*Candidates meeting qualifications for Baccalaureate Honors or Master’s with Distinction
Hsin-Ju Chao ~ Differences Between Chinese and American Preferences For and Purchasing
Behavior of Green Products A
dvisor: Professor David P. Sleeth-Keppler
James Ryan Clements ~ Advisor: Professor David P. Sleeth-Keppler
Raiza Dorigo Canzian Costa ~ Advisor: Professor David P. Sleeth-Keppler
Eamon Anthony Daly ~ Benefits of Being a Cruise Ship Destination to Humboldt Bay
Stakeholders Advisor: Professor Michelle Lane
Jose Santiago de Alba ~ Building the Body of an Organization for Sustainable
Effectiveness A
dvisor: Professor Carol W. Telesky
Julius Datiles Evans ~ Energy Harvesting Through the Piezoelectric Effect at Sports
Venues A
dvisor: Professor Michelle Lane
Madison Rhae Flynn ~ Advisor: Professor David P. Sleeth-Keppler
Byran Conway Fuhrmann ~ The Influence of Quality Education on the Humboldt
Housing Market A
dvisor: Professor Harinder Singh
Julia Lee Gulley ~ Changing Land Uses for the Hoopa Valley Tribe: Is Sequestration of
Carbon a Viable Project from a Triple Bottom Line Perspective?
Advisor: Professor Kathryn A. Lancaster
Scott Samuel Harris-Werner ~ A Hedonic Regression Analysis of Humboldt County
Property Data integrating the Effect of the Tsunami Evacuation Boundary on Real
Estate Price A
dvisor: Professor Harinder Singh
Timothy William Hawes ~ The Relationship Between the Passing and Repeal of the
Prohibition of Alcohol and the Passing of Prohibition of Marijuana and the Movement
to Legalize Marijuana A
dvisor: Professor Michelle Lane
Jyll Lynn Jackson ~ Employees – Know What You Must Pay Them: An Employer’s Guide
to Understanding Employment Law by Industry
Advisor: Professor David P. Sleeth-Keppler
D’Andre Paul Johnson ~ Advisor: Professor Rama V. Rawal
Avalon Caroline Jones ~ Advisor: Professor David P. Sleeth-Keppler
Brandon George Kakitsuka ~ Advisor: Professor David P. Sleeth-Keppler
Kelly Jo Kime ~ The Balanced Scorecard: From Customer Perspective to Stakeholkder
Perspectives A
dvisor: Professor Michael F. Thomas
Sarah Ann Loomis Advisor: Professor David P. Sleeth-Keppler
Weiting Luo ~ Corporate Social Responsibility For the Primary Art Market
Advisor: Professor Michelle Lane
Krista Michelle Martines ~ The Effects of Personal Financial Debt on Employee Job
Performance A
dvisor: Professor Michelle Lane
Sarah May McElroy ~ A
dvisor: Professor David P. Sleeth-Keppler
Zoe Nesta Merrill ~ Advisor: Professor David P. Sleeth-Keppler
Elise Ariel Nau ~ A
dvisor: Professor David P. Sleeth-Keppler
Meniru Joshua Ofodu ~ What is Poverty and its Impact on Homelessness in the United
States? A
dvisor: Professor Michelle Lane
Cara Sue Owings ~ A
dvisor: Professor Joseph M. Giovannetti
Joline Ann Pire ~ A
dvisor: Professor David P. Sleeth-Keppler
Amie Dannette Rodriquez ~ Advisor: Professor David P. Sleeth-Keppler
Lacey Lynette Thomas ~ Rehabilitating Canines in Animal Shelters to Reduce
Euthanasia Rates Advisor: Professor Michelle Lane
Laura Anne Vogelsang ~ Individual Entrepreneurial Orientation: An Assessment of
dvisor: Professor Michelle Lane
Students A
Heather Roxanne Watkins ~ Advisor: Professor Nancy C. Vizenor
Katherine Holly Darcy Witthaus Weaver ~ Source Plasma in a Rural Blood Center - A
Feasibility Study A
dvisor: Professor David P. Sleeth-Keppler
Nickolas Wayne White ~ Advisor: Professor David P. Sleeth-Keppler
Sarah Elizabeth Wilber ~ A
dvisor: Professor David P. Sleeth-Keppler
Sheri Lynn Woo ~ Deciding Whether to Implement a Sustainability Initiative at SHN
Engineering, a Small Business Enterprise A
dvisor: Professor Kathryn A. Lancaster
Master of Science ~ Major in Kinesiology
Diego Israel Alvarado ~ Effects of Hydrotherapy on Older Osteoarthritic Adults
Advisor: Professor Justus D. Ortega
Andrea Josefina Bruhnke ~ Exercise Interventions for the Prevention of Falls in Older
Adults: A Meta-Analysis A
dvisor: Professor Rock E. Braithwaite
Jake O’Bryan Campbell ~ The Effect of Foot Orthoses on Energetics and Lower
Extremity Mechanics in Healthy Adults During Cycling
Advisor: Professor Justus D. Ortega
Nina Margaretha Carson ~ The Effects of Postural Alterations on Metabolic Cost in
Running A
dvisor: Professor Justus D. Ortega
2015/2016 Patricia O. McConkey Outstanding Graduate Student Award
Sarah Marie Ingram ~ The Effects of Coach Confidence, Coach Power, and the Quality of
the Coach-Athlete Relationship on Athlete Satisfaction in National Collegiate Athletic
dvisor: Professor Justus D. Ortega
Associate Division I Track & Field Athletics A
Jessica Amelia La Farga ~ The Effect of Concussion on the Metabolic Cost of Transport
dvisor: Professor Justus D. Ortega
in Walking A
Uriah Joseph Maimone ~ Physiological Characteristics of Elite and Amateur Mixed
Martial Art Athletes A
dvisor: Professor Young S. Kwon
Katlyn Morgan Mannatt ~ The Effects of Mass Loading Distribution on Walking
Energetics A
dvisor: Professor Justus D. Ortega
Scott Michael Mariani ~ Validity of Carminatti’s Test to Determine Cardiorespiratory
Endurance Capacity in Female NCAA Division II Soccer Players
Advisor: Professor Young S. Kwon
Kate Alise Reynolds ~ Comparison of Body Composition Measurements Across Phase
of Menstrual Cycle: Hydrostatic Weighing, Air-Displacement, Plethysmography Vs.
Three-Compartment Model A
dvisor: Professor Rock E. Braithwaite
Anna Maegan Welch ~ Physiological Characteristics of Rural Law Enforcement
Advisor: Professor Young S. Kwon
Master of Social Work
April Diane Alexander ~ Psycho-Social Intervention Manual for Patients in Cancer
Treatment: a Collaboration Between Social Worker and Physicians
Advisor: Professor Jennifer J. Maguire
Evan Allen Alves ~ All In This Together: Building Collaboration Between Indigenous and
Immigrant Hispanic Populations in Rural Northern California
Advisor: Professor Sheri L. Johnson
Danielle Marie Aubin ~ Building Bridges of Hope: A Recovery Oriented Curriculum for
Parents of Transition Age Youth with Severe and Persistent Mental Illness
Advisor: Professor Sheri L. Johnson
Cynthia Marie Barrand ~ Recommendations for Culturally Adapting MindfulnessBased Stress Reduction for Central Yup’ik Populations Using the Ecological Validity
Framework A
dvisor: Professor Marissa L. O’Neill
Taryn Stephanie Borsch ~ From Bud to Blossom: Therapeutic Effects of Horticulture
Activity on Native Americans A
dvisor: Professor Sheri L. Johnson
Stacy James Bricco ~ Trauma-Informed Care for Family Home Care Providers and
Direct Support Professionals: Understanding and Incorporating Trauma
Advisor: Professor Marissa L. O’Neill
Candy S. Bryant ~ Exploring Affordable Alternatives for Homelessness in Rural Northern
California A
dvisor: Professor Laura J. Power
Kellie L. Case ~ Extending Support Through Generations: Developing a Peer-To-Peer
Program for Parents of LGBT+ Youth Advisor: Professor Cesar G. Abarca
Chelsey Lyn-Marie Chadwell ~ Wellness and Sustainability Handbook for Traumatic
Brain Injury (TBI): A Holistic Approach to Best Practices for TBI Recovery
Advisor: Professor Sheri L. Johnson
Melissa Mae Colley ~ Early Memory Loss Educational Support Group Facilitator’s
Training Guide A
dvisor: Professor Margaret A. Waller
Sarah Lin Cruz ~ Respite Care Workers Effectively Serving Foster Parents and Foster
Children: A Needs Assessment A
dvisor: Professor Sheri L. Johnson
Ronni Lynn Duncan ~ Reducing Risk and Increasing Health: A Policy and Procedure
Manual for a Community Based Harm Reduction Program in Rural Northern
California A
dvisor: Professor Marissa L. O’Neill
Georgia Christine England ~ Utilizing a Community Readiness Assessment to
Determine if a Child Abuse Services Team (CAST) Program is Feasible in Rural Del
Norte County A
dvisor: Professor Ronald J. Swartz
Tranesha Dayna Evans-Williams ~ Past, Present, and Future: The Partnership of Master’s of
Social Work Projects Within the Community A
dvisor: Professor Ronald J. Swartz
Cindy Farren ~ Documenting Transportation Needs for Del Norte County A
Professor Michelle Rainer
Patricia Lana Ferrera-Anthony ~ LatinoNet Health Fair Evaluation: Festejando Nuestra
Salud 2014 and 2015 A
dvisor: Professor Cesar G. Abarca
Joslyn Nicole Flint ~ Humboldt County In Home Supportive Services Resource and
Referral Guide A
dvisor: Professor Jennifer J. Maguire
Jessica Ann Marie Goodrow ~ Fatherhood is Sacred and Motherhood is Sacred:
Program Evaluation A
dvisor: Professor Cesar G. Abarca
*Candidates meeting qualifications for Baccalaureate Honors or Master’s with Distinction
Elizabeth Clare Green ~ Factors Predicting Recidivism of Domestic Violence Offenders
Advisor: Professor Marissa L. O’Neill
Holly Elizabeth Phillips ~ Nurturing the Spirit of ICWA: Reinforcing Positive Outcomes for
Indigenous Children in Out-Of-Home Placement A
dvisor: Professor Ronald J. Swartz
Bernd Peter Hansen ~ Mindfulness-Based Practice for Elderly Veterans: A Project to
Evaluate the Interest and Applicability of a Mindfulness-Based Program for Residents
at a Veterans Home A
dvisor: Professor Marissa L. O’Neill
Nicole Pina ~ What is Love? A Needs Assessment to Identify a Relevant Teen Dating Violence
Education Curriculum for High School A
dvisor: Professor Jennifer J. Maguire
Nicole Hays Bradford ~ Secondary Trauma, Worker Safety, and Staff Retention in Frontier
Child Welfare: Focus Group and Needs Assessment A
dvisor: Professor Ronald J. Swartz
Shari R. Hostler ~ Community Preferences on Substance Abuse for a Northern California
Tribe Advisor: Professor Ronald J. Swartz
Rebecca Hotz ~ Art as a Suitable Practice A
dvisor: Professor Sheri L. Johnson
Elyse Danielle Jasperse ~ Neighborhood Based Disaster Preparedness in Rural
Northern California Advisor: Professor Ronald J. Swartz
Judy Sue Kidd ~ Promoting a Sustainable Future for a Rural Non-Profit Social Service
Agency: Creating a Model Sustainability Plan A
dvisor: Professor Sheri L. Johnson
Stephanie LaPrise ~ Asset-based Approach to Connecting Indigenous Community Members
of Northern Central California to Resources A
dvisor: Professor Cesar G. Abarca
Hannah Claire Lippe ~ Extended University Support Development: Assessing the Needs of
Under-Served College Students During Holidays A
dvisor: Professor Sheri L. Johnson
William Thomas Lymos, III ~ Bridging Youth Relationships From Clubhouse to Teen
Center: A Curriculum for Youth Led Peer-Orientation Program
Advisor: Professor Marissa L. O’Neill
Erin Eileen McCann ~ Caregiver Support Groups: Training and Empowering Volunteer
Facilitators A
dvisor: Professor Jennifer J. Maguire
Merris Deneen Obie ~ Integrating Modified Talking Circles to Create Culturally
Relevant Frameworks A
dvisor: Professor Jennifer J. Maguire
Anna Newton O’Gorman ~ Strategies for Successful Aging: A Holistic and Community
Based Wellness Pilot Program Advisor: Professor Ronald J. Swartz
Jarome Gregory Pond ~ Pathways to Reintegration and Camaraderie: Veterans Hiking
Group A
dvisor: Professor Sheri L. Johnson
Jennifer Claire Rader ~ Reflective Assessment of Culture Keepers, a Youth Leadership/
School Climate Initiative A
dvisor: Professor Debbie L. Gonzalez
Lisa Robyn Rix ~ Foster Parent Strengths A
dvisor: Professor Sheri L. Johnson
Kao Ea Saetern ~ Needs Assessment Survey Regarding Community Violence
Awareness in Rural Northern California A
dvisor: Professor Marissa L. O’Neill
Kendra J. Scanlon ~ Bridging the Gap: Assisting Families to Understand the Child
Welfare System A
dvisor: Professor Jennifer J. Maguire
Marcia Louise Schouten ~ Exploring Access to Victim Advocacy Services in Indigenous
Communities in the Rural Northern Central Valley A
dvisor: Professor Marissa L. O’Neill
Caitlin Della Schutz ~ Expanding Community Space for Peer-Led LGBTQI Support
Groups A
dvisor: Professor Geneva M. Shaw
Rebecca Jean Shuflin ~ Pilot Project: Trauma Responsiveness in Early Education
Settings A
dvisor: Professor Marissa L. O’Neill
Lawrence Stentzel, IV ~ Promoting Mental Wellness Through Solidarity and Support:
Mental Health Warm Line Policies and Procedures Manual
Advisor: Professor Cesar G. Abarca
Angela Lynn Sundberg ~ Recommendations for Initial Social Services Programs for
Cher-Ae Heights Indian Community of the Trinidad Rancheria
Advisor: Professor Michelle Rainer
Maribel Andrea Valencia ~ Assessing Challenges and Barriers for Bilingual Caregivers to be
Effective Placements for Spanish-Speaking Youth A
dvisor: Professor Cesar G. Abarca
Seaira Olson ~ Trauma Informed Practices and Education
Advisor: Professor Cesar G. Abarca
Sarah Kelly Wilkinson ~ Increasing the Capacity of a County in Rural Northern
California to Support Perinatal Mental Health Through a Participatory Change
Framework A
dvisor: Professor Ronald J. Swartz
Mary Leona Pagan ~ Reaching Out to Find Common Ground: Successful Foster Parent
Recruitment and Retention A
dvisor: Professor Jennifer J. Maguire
Stephanie Lynn Wright ~ Bullying: An Informative and Educational Approach to a
Widespread Problem A
dvisor: Professor Debbie L. Gonzalez
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Alumni & Engagement
Humboldt State University
1 Harpst Street, Arcata, CA 95521
*Candidates meeting qualifications for Baccalaureate Honors or Master’s with Distinction
Administrative Services
Elizabeth Ann Baker
Jenney Marie Bickel
Laurie Jeannine Clendenen
Nicole Aixa Cochran
Damon James Collier
Jennifer E. Coyle
Krista Suzanne Croteau
Mary K. Donahue
Allison M. Doolan
Dustin Thomas Dutra
Casey Lynn Geyer
Michelle Dawn Gibbons
Timothy Paul Grimmett
Kristi Fawn Holland
Angela Marie Johnson
Lisa Marie Johnson
Omar M. Khattab
Janet Elizabeth McLellan
Melanie Anne Nannizzi
Sara R. Sampels
Peter Cyril Stoll
Robert Van Buuren
Justin Richard Wallace
Stacy Noelle Young
Elementary Education
(Single Subject)
Echo Phalan-Mildred Aloe
Christina Gail Baldwin
Samantha Kay Bodle
Darcy Ann Brown
Emily Ann Bushta
Adam Justin Canepa
Tyler Robert Cleveland
Francisca A. Crutchfield
Luis Miguel Cruz
Jhenna Nicole Diaz
Craig Carson Edgar
Azalia Felix
Megan Lee Foster
James Marshall Fuller-Sinkler
Katelyn Jean Graeser
Cheyanne Codi-Cooper
Jacob Ryan Hubler
Lauren Humphrey
Michael Ray Keener
Ariel Eileen Kellison
Bryan P. Kelly
Daniel Louis Lowery
Audrey Michelle McCombs
Catherine Diane Miller
Robert Jack Miner
Adam Robert Nacario
Kelly Lea O’Leary
Don William Oliveira
Drew Ashton-Schyler Riddle
Hallyann Gina Frances Roper
Sarah Schaefer
Alexis Rae Sharp
Tiffany Torrae Stelle
Katie Leona Varley
Steven Charles Wieman
Secondary Education
(Multiple Subject)
Hillary Nicole Anderson
Alexa Ann Andis
Rebecca Lynn Bauer
Kristopher Burdette Buihner
Charisse Mary Connolly
Holly Shiloh Couling
Megan Eileen Davie
Michelle Dawn Forrington
Rebecca Mabel Greta
Katherine Elizabeth Hartsock
Melika Michelle Huneke
Yiyue Jiang
Ashley Alexis Linnane
Quinn Howell McKee
Sean Patrick Molyneaux
Jessica Marie Morrill
Sarah Ann Navarro
Michael Thomas Peyton
Andrew Reid Pierce
Emily Claire Rayl
Amy Lynn Rennie
Iris Rodriguez
Emily K. Simoni
Gabrielle Clotilde Sybeldon
Kayla Marie Thurlough
Sarah Jean Vanek
Karla Iveth Virrueta
Enid Mary Weaver
Nicole Jeannine Wild
Melissa Lynn Clark
Sage Lara Gang-Halvorson
Devany Garcia
Coral Anne Gilbert
Jessica Lynn Haynie
Matthew Alexander Hevezi
Nikander Jonte
Joshua Dylan Kieselhorst
Kenji Kudo
Jazmin Elise Marentes
Naomi Erna Marshall
Talisa-Marie Mata
Joseph P. Naple
Arthur James Pena Jr.
Sierra Wildrose Simpson
Shayne Donovan Sines
Rosaichel Villa
Special Education
(Education Specialist)
Christine Angela Camara
Janel Louise Catalano
Undergraduate Degrees
Bachelor of Science
Major in Business
Matthew Scott Adamo
Jarrett Russell Adams
Saul Aguilar
Fernando Alcala Jr.
Eric Randall Allison
Anthony Xaiver Alvarez
Carnell Armand Amos
Cecilia Cristal Arvizu
Courtney Jane Augustus
Leslie Baez
Manraj Singh Bains
Daniel Ross Balok
Teresa Barreras
Christopher Robin Bebb
Sander Christian Beck
Nicholas Austin Bedard
Alison Joy Bendor-Samuel
Nicholas Raymond Bertolero, I
Brittany Elle Bistor
Joanna Nicole Blain
Lindsey Ellen Blevin*
Trisha Janette Bolte*
Analise Kathryn Bostrom
Stephen Howard Brown, III
Kevin Robert Brown
Mitch Stevenson Brown
Luke Alan Bunjovac
Stephen Matthew Burns
Christopher Scott Campbell
Catherine Marie Canepa
Trevor Joseph Cappa
Vanesa Carillo-Salas
Michael Joseph Casey
Ronald Charles Caughlin
Joseph Aaron Chizanskos
Gregory Tyler Clark
Tim Louis Combley
Hector Antonio Concha
Kevin Trevonis Cooper
Katherine Joan Culleeney
Truman Joseph Day
Gabriel James DeMartini
Yifei Di
Fernando Alfonso Diaz
Lauren Paige Digison
Sara Crystine Donovan
Jeanine Claire Durkee*
Dorjjav Erdene
Mirna De Jesus Ezquivel
Michael Alan Fasnacht
Antonio Adrian Figueroa
Andrew Nicholas Fihn
Zachary Aaron Fisher
Ian Matthew Fitzgerald
Ryan Michael Fitzgerald
Christian Andrew Fletcher
Antony Eastcome Fung
Dylan Shawki Gallaher
Mario Rene Galvez
Cole Vincent Gandelman
Sarah Rachel Gomez
Francisco Gerardo Gonzalez
Daniel Gonzalez
Angelique Clarissa Gosse
Marcus Graves
Aaron Lamont Green
Sarah Kathleen Green
Daejah Destinee Greene
Braxton Braun Griffin
Nelisa Agustin Hanek
Travis William Hansen
Michael Wayne Hargrove Jr.
Ian Patrick Harris
Jingyi He*
Zhiheng He He
Codey Richard Heidebrecht
Skyler Brook Heims
Jason Eric Hellwich
Audrey Lorraine Helm
McKinley Rose Hennings
Austin Joseph Herrick
Eric Ryan Hill
Joseph Allen Hodges, III
Rose Wynne Hooper
Lei Hou
Brenda Michelle Howard*
Wayne Humble
Rebecca Rae Ingerson*
Lance George Johnson
Jason Ray Jones
Nicholas Christopher Jones*
Sarah Elizabeth Jones
Nicholas Kash
Bryan Sky Keller
Stephanie Marie Kolaric
Michael Ryan Kuhn
Tauren Michael Kuzan
Timothy John Labelle
Ryan Omari Sirus Lamb
Dustin James Langdon
Lauren Olayinka Lateju
Kalei Christine Law
Savannah Greta Marilee Lawton
Ramiro Martinez Leal Jr.
Darren Collen Lehman
Dakota James Lerner-Ross
Yilin Li
Bailey Rene Locatelli
Josiah William Low
Fangyue Lu
William Keiji Lubenow
Sarah Beth Luis
Yu LUo
Zachary Glenn MacArthur
Anthony Eugene Macchiarella
*Candidates meeting qualifications for Baccalaureate Honors or Master’s with Distinction
Juan Antonio Macias Jr.
Kelly Aimee Mahan
Eric Alfonso Mancia
Alex Kevork Markarian
Maria Marron
Jerred Dwayne Marshall
Maya Aletheia Martin*
Phillip Palmaria Martin
Jennifer Martinez
Juan L. Matias
Rachel Lynn Mattingly
Willis Clark McCartney
Christine A. McCormick*
Daniel Thomas McDermott
Michele Lee McKinstry
Noelle Shirley McMillin
Karissa Caitlin Means
Nicole Michelle Merrill
Richard John Meuse
Andrew James Milani
Kristen Nicole Miller*
Taylor Jeffrey Mitchell*
Monique Therese Molina
Brianna Nicole Moore
Valerie Mora
Michael Richard Moran
Christopher Joshua Moreno
Ryan Anthony Moreno
James Smart Morrison
Logan Michael Myers
Elise Ariel Nau
Hanna Noel Neitzke
Benjamin Tucker Benware Nelson
Joshua James Nelson*
Brian Walter Newell
Kelsie Rie Ng
Johnny Tran Nguyen
Sydney Margaret Nicholas
Scott James Noggle
Erik John Owens
Vanessa Angel Anne Patterson*
Kristen May Pease
Maia T. Pedemonte
Yasmine Peinado
Gabriela Jasmin Pelayo
Julianne Faye Pena
Jared Anthony Perez
Jasmine Chao Phiengsai
Devon Tyrell Pickard
Julian Podgruszewski
Richard Brandon Pomrehn
Kellie Elizabeth Porch
Jefferson Posadas
Lila Marie Potonnier*
Ross Thomas Quacchia
Cole Peterson Rainey
Marisha As Ramirez
Jonathan Ramos
Giusseppe J. Raymundo
Laura Marie Rice*
Jeff Allen Richardson
Melissa Rivera
Marshall Hanes Robins
Rachael Nicole Robinson
Emilia Angelina Rodriguez
Angelique Victoria Rogers
Javier Fernando Romo
Jordan Spencer Roper
Patricia Noemi Rosas
Jessica Breane Rowell
Alan Steven Sanchez
Jamarie Tayon Sanders
Taylor Bryant Sanger
Kyle M. Santuccio*
Joshua Isaac Sarate
Sophia Noel Saucedo*
Arthur John Scott, III
Sarah Elizabeth Sedillo
Sarah Elizabeth Self*
Adam Robert Sheets
Megan Elise Shields
Rosenda Linda Silva-Johnson
Phyllis Catherine Smithers*
Gregory Wilson Snyder
Jared Soinila
Rattnak Sokhom
Thomas Martin Souza*
Morgan Eve Spalding
Spencer Harris Steinberg
Miranda Kaye Stevens
Michael Andrew Stubbs
Matthew Kenneth Stuber
Weiheng Sun
Royal James Sweet
Shiyun Tang*
Ying Tang
Erik Robert Thelander
Christina Vivian Thissell
Carlos Chazz Torres
Daouda Traore
Shian Carlise Tuchewicz
Darren Turpin, II
Maria Vang
Janeth Valeria Vasquez
Michelle Vazquez
Richard Valenti Verdin
Saul Fernando Vesga Villalba
Lisbeth Villasenor
Megan Reesa Wade*
Sam William Wahl
Robert Andrew Warren
Justin William Watson
Jodi Ann Webb
Robin Naomi Weburg
Joshua Clinton West
Zoe Megan Wilcox
Reginald Cornell Williams Jr.
Amber Nicole Willingham
Ariana Natalie Wong
Brandon Gene Woods
Adam Wade Woolhether*
Breanna Alyssa Wright
Jiaci Wu*
Tong Wu
Yun Xing*
Diana Mai Xiong
Jiawen Yun
Camilla Lauren Zapata
Jose Jesus Zapata
Yaqi Zhang
Ziqi Zheng
Yi Zhou
Jesse Zipursky
Bachelor of Arts
Major in Child Development
(Liberal Studies)
Aeryn Noelle Aguilar
Ana Rosa Alvarez Morales
Erin Marie Andrade
Cody JAnthony Ayon
Bethany Eiko Bankston*
Christopher Robert Bean
Kristin Marie Blakely*
Eli Rogers Boggs
Rachel Golda Borenstein
Kaitlin Clarice Brice*
Katie Lynea Brown*
Kristen Elizabeth Bryant
Cynthia Angelica Chavez
Aurora May Commeree, I
Isaac Rowan Coppock
Magdalena Cortez
Megan Lorynn Cox*
Natalia Fiona Touko deCarlo
Samantha Rose Dick
Jody Dotson-Bivians
Mary Sigrid Lucille Scanl Douglas*
Melissa Marie Duarte
Chloe Lynn Eicher*
Angela Jean Fontaine
Jessica Kate Fuentes
Brittany Esther Gautier
Katherine Elizabeth Gillings
Elizabeth April Grace
Kelsey Jean Hebert
Amanda Abigail Henman
Melannie Annaliza Hernandez
Sharon Ivette Herslikovitz
Lindsey Alisa Huggins
Stephanie Nicole Jillson
Angela Korb
Cara Kathleen Lewis-Cannon*
Ashley JoAnn Lovelace*
Elizabeth Nicole Martin
Lindsay Rei Masuda*
Jaclyn Ruth Maxwell*
Megan Rose McGovern
Leticia Maria Mendoza
Nicole Jeanean Meyer*
Jamie Katelynn Mickelson
MariClaire Colleen Miranda
Kathryn Georgia Myers
Erica Nieves
Melissa Jacqueline Nino*
Selena-Zola Jalalum Osorio
Damon Marshall Owen
Naoni Kicking Bear Padilla
Mollie Anne Pedigo*
Sarah Elizabeth Pena
Rita Cristina Perez
Mildred M. Pinales
Samantha Lou Price
Danielle Lisa Randall
Monica Renteria
Christina Marian Ross-Silva
Edna Janeth Ruiz Estrada
Cheyenne Celia Ruiz-Lopez
Tatiana Lucero Santibanez
Oriana Danika Schaaf
Alyssa Michelle Schoof
Emily Miriam Sheehy-Wilkins
Kathryn Daniel Sherar
Chanel Marie Smith*
Monique Alexandra Spivey
Lauren Michelle Sterner*
Edward Joseph Tedford
Mai Thao
Ericka Tornero
David Joseph Vaughan
Carolina Vazquez
Olivia Mia Vega*
Yoanna Fabiola Ventura
Clemistene Nadeen Victor
Elleota Maria Wicks
Megan Elizabeth Wink
Caitlyn Renee Wood
Jake Wade Eggert
Benjamin Lucas Faller
Bradley John Felix
Michael Gabriel Fernandez
David Akio Finney
Zakary Tyler Garcia
Christian K. Hernandez
Katelyn Marie Hill
Joseph Allen Hodges, III
Connor Mark Hoffman
Christian Brent Hower*
Jacob Jon Hueman
Edgar Lazaro
Yong Lee
Raul Cuitlahuac Lopez
Sharon R. Najera
Kaitlynn Christine Nazzario
Steven Vinh Nguyen
William H. O’Neill, IV*
Jacqueline Miranda Ramirez
Jonathan Ramos
Richard Daniel Rivera Jr.
Kyle Edward Ruiz
Lucas Alexander Sewall
Vanessa Christina Silva
Brittanie Nikolle Rose Smith
Rattnak Sokhom
Katie Arlene Toral
Rory Allan Weie
Keith Andrew Wilson
Livier Quinteros
Jenny Stephanie Ramos
Christa Ann Michelle Red Crow
Amanda Ann Reynolds
Emily Christine Rico
Meghan Kathleen Ringer
Brent Franklin Ritschel
Benjamin Alden Rothbaum
Brittany Leigh Russell
Mandi Lynn Salzman*
Rachael Ann Sauvage
Miranda Renee Sears
Kayla Nicole Shaw
Rose Crystle Steelman
Benjamin Monico Tarango, II
Jade Meree Thompson*
Emily Catherine Verner*
Mackenzie Rose Viereck
Rosaichel Villa
Lesslie Villarreal
Elizabeth Louise Vonder Reith
Tyler Joseph Warren
Matthew William Weisker*
Danea Adonis Williams
Samantha D. Wilson
Bachelor of Science
Major in Kinesiology
Wendy Agyapong
Brett Ryan Alexander
Megan Kaitlin Alfi*
Bachelor of Arts
Ashley Noelle Alunan
Major in Elementary Education Jennifer Carolina Alvarez
(Liberal Studies)
Kaitlyn K. Adams*
Jacob Raymond Anagnos
Melissa Danielle Aguila
Courtney Blair Anderson
Shawn Marie Armer
Melissa Nicole Anderson
Rachel-lynda Esperanza Ayala
Daniel Hugo Aslan
Shauna Christine Bellando
Julio Ayala Sr.
Nicole Elizabeth Benge
Courtney Krystal Bayley
Sydney Delaine Bivians
Sara Marie Benson
Olivia Noel Bright
Andre Gallegos Bouweraerts
Gaela Madelyne Campbell
Ronald Renard Bowden Jr.
Alissa Ann Carr*
Simone Alexandria Broadus
Stephanie Cortes
Tobias A. Call
Nicholas Reed Cutler, I
Kyle Richard Jack Callihan
Kayla Rose Eddis
Brett Michael Campfield
Bryan Craig Eslao
Leilani Alicia Carrera
Heather Ashlin Federmeyer
Imogene Azalea Carson*
Morgan Jade Flockhart
Mario Castillo-Urbina
Morgan Anne Gable*
Erick Angel Castro
Sara Ann Golbek
Carissa Leigh Chase*
Rebecca Mabel Greta
Bachelor of Arts
Andrea Devonne Chavez
Jennifer Anne Griffin*
Major in Child Development
Juan Fidel Mercurio Climaco
Nick Stinson Haley
& Elementary Education
Timothe Walter Conklin
Trisa Louise Hall
(Liberal Studies)
Elizabeth Nicole Cortez
Kyler J. Hanson
Patrice Don’ee Cornelious
Bridger David Cotton
Dylan Keith Ingersoll
Devon Nicole Cravens
Bachelor of Arts
Shelby Louise Japp
Caitlyn Rose Croghan
Major in Economics
Tiffany Joe Koslik
Nyaa Danielle Davis
Mohammad Abdullah Al Khathlan Erin Nicole Price LaFace
Justin Dion DeCarolis
Morgan Brittany Alexander
Amanda Rae Loguzzo*
Janae Vanessa Dedrick
Jane Emily Anderson
Holly R. McLaughlin*
Marley M. Dellamas*
Samantha Rochelle Barton
Jessenia Leonor Mendoza
Nikolaus Henry Dene*
Ricky Donavan Blanchard
Miriam Ilse Meza
Nyawal Deng
Jeremy Ryan Burke
Allison Chloe Monroe*
Aaron Joseph Dhuyvetter
Luis Angel Ceballos
Renae Ellen Nitzan
Ethan Joseph Lloyd Dillard
Eric Jiomar Diaz
Anne Kathleen O’Shea
Allysa Lynn Downs-Glass
*Candidates meeting qualifications for Baccalaureate Honors or Master’s with Distinction
Grace L. Driscoll*
Lilah Marie Duran
Emily LaRue Edwards*
Fernando Anthony Escamilla
Kimberly Ann Fales
Matthew Hamilton FarquharLeicester
Kathryn Dianne Faull
Marissa Monet Figueroa
Ricardo Martin Flores Hernandez
Ronniesha C’Cora Ford Spears
David Brian Ford
Nathan Gordon Frakes
Mychael Gordon Gilman
Linay Victoria Glavich
Nolan C. Gonzales
Myles Jordan Grace
Margaret Camille Grijalva*
Joseph Adam Grubb
Henry Guarcas
Andrew Michael Hahn
Joshua Lynn Hall
Keefe Joseph Hanson
Darian Lyn Harris
Kelci Leah Haueter*
Nikaela Kai Hemminger*
Dennis Joseph Hernandez
Jesus Hernandez
Diana Victoria Hernandez-Avalos*
Karla Jessica Herrera
Bunlong Hong
Chelsea Morgan Hought
Kendall Nicole ImrisekKawalkowski
Najee Arman Jackson
Jessica Elizabeth Johnson
Tracy Augustus Johnson*
Sarah Nicole Jorda
Ashley Nichole Jovick
Murphy Lucas Keller
Travis Ryan Kemsley
Taylor Keith Kennon
Atif Hamid Khan
Charity Leigh Anne King
Madison L. Kirkpatrick
Rachel Dawn Kurta
Tracy Lam
Elizabeth Rose Lawrence
Arpad Persik Lazar
Derrick Martin Lindemann
Travis Dipirro Long
Ivan Lopez
Jessica Lee Lorge*
Rhiannon Jennifer Lucatuorto
Taylor Renee Lyon
Michael Gabriel Machado
Matthew Stephen Magers
Marina Kelly Marcroft
Denver Heo Marines Jr.
Samantha Lynn Maritzen
Marisa Kay Martines
Summer Jordyn Matthews*
Heather Lynne McAlister
Brett Norman McConnell
Elena Mangahas McCracken
Julian Edward McEnroe
Jennifer Marisol McGee*
Jennifer Anne McKee*
Alison E. McKibbon
Joshua Robert Meier
Amber Nicole Mendonca
Jorge Eufracio Mendoza
Alexa Doriann Mercado
Nathan Clyde Merrill
Lindsey Taylor Millen*
Andria Christine Moitoza
Joel A. Montes
Gustavo Moreno
Shawn Michael Mudarri
Reid Vincent Napoleon
Rachael Marie Newton
Gina Marie Nielsen
Colleen Breanna Noonan
Carlos Cesar Noriega
Neva Annette Novinger
Charles James Oakley
Kathryn LeAnn Obbema
Myranda Moon O’Brien
George Louis Odar*
Gianni Raymond Olivas
Gabriel Allen Ott
Ashley Taylor Owen
Mia Nana Owens
Yahara Jazmin Papias
Brittney Dawn Patton
Leslie Margaret Pekari
Derrick Andrew Perez
Carly Nicole Perkins
Dan B. Pham
Mark Edmond Reyes Phee
Ian Kenta Pierce
David Xavier Portillo
Michael Edward Powell
Brooke Ashley Ramos
Dominic Steven Ratto
Jonathan David Rojo
Alexander J. Roney
Andrea Christina Rosales
Shaelyn Jennifer Runnion
Scott Michael Russell
Nathaniel Scott Sanchez
Patricia Sanchez
Autumn Sunshine Sanford
Katie Lynn Sanger
Nayeli Marlen Santamaria
Rachel Alexandra Scheid
Alexander Ian Schmidt
Bethany Brianne Shirk*
Trevor Paul Short
Samantha Jewel Siebert
Mauricio S. Silva
Sancho Carlton Simmons
Adam Patrick Simon
Sam Quincy Simpson
Rachel Leigh Smarker
Ginnifer Lee Smith
Katelyn Dakota Smith
Ashley Elizabeth Smyth
Stephanie Solorio
Brandon DePaul Sperling-Watkins
Patrick Gregory Stafford
Amber May Sullivan
Anthony Alden Taylor
Jordan Vaughn Tensley
Thomas Theodore Terrones Jr.
Riann Kathleen Thayer*
Jack James Thorpe
Danielle-Alexis Kekaluka Torres
Javier Torres
Skyler Dannielle Towle
Nathan Quoc Tran
Charles Binh Truong
Joshua Collin Tupper
Nicole Sandy Valdemoro
Angelique Marie Velazquez
Tatiana Lynn Verdugo
Carlton Wei
Zachary Paul Wermich
Kimberly Ann Whiteman
Heather Denice Williams
Jared Rene Williams
Keaton Joseph Willinger-Engel
Amber Christina Woolcock
Jordan Robert Zogg
Bachelor of Arts
Major in Leadership Studies
(Interdisciplinary Studies)
Monique Balzer
John Andrew Elliott
Thomas Michael Fortier
Venus Grace
Taralyn P. Ipina
Eric Charles Losey
Tony V. Mai
James Brennan Park
Kimberly JoAnn Santsche
Monica Elizabeth Skaggs*
Rhonda Lee Stockwell
Cameron Warren Lewis Litzky
Qianwen Luo
Cody Alexander Machado
Jeremiah E. Maluia
Keenan Patrick McCarron
Rosalie Ann McClure
Brock Michael McCulloch
Brett Phillip McMurray-Hammon
Alix Summer Meyer
Maria Elizabeth Morales
Alexander Goodrich Morgan
Dominic Antonio Pacheco
Vivian Padilla
Isabelle Noel Perry
Zachary Michael Pina*
Jordan Robert Rachman
Alexander Michael Riley
Quinn Dylan Rogers
Brendan Thomas Rouse
Frankie L. Sao
Mia Sato
Hailee Danielle Schmidt
Emilia Irene Stefanko*
Christian Michael Taylor
Yimo Wang
Harry Stewart Ward
Monte Justin Welch
Cameron Riley Widdop
Ryan Paul Wiegman
Jeffrey Scott Worcester
Zhenqing Zheng
Bachelor of Arts
Major in Psychology
Bachelor of Arts
Eric Anthony Adams
Major in Recreation
Paige Cherie Adams
Administration (Liberal Studies) Clara Elizabeth Allen
Khaalid Saalim Abdullah
Wayne Nathaniel Allen
Keaton Arden
Vivian Alvarado
Charles Deanthony Benton
Ricardo Daniel Alvarez
Geniese Mary Brady
Livey Daniela Ampudia
Amanda Camille Brodt
Stephanie Lynn Arlen
Mark Brooks
Stephen Sean Armstrong
Rakim Dominic Brown
Austin Jacob Ashcraft
Brendan Paul Burke
Brenda Zulema Ayala
Clayton Victor Burns
Wilmer Rafael Ayala
Jacob Castillo
Dakota James Baeta Sr.
Steven Wothe Childs
Cynthia Janett Baltazar
Marquise T. Deadwiler
Bryan Nathaniel Barker
Michael James Delamarian, IV
Joshua Paul Barnard
Steven Thomas Driedger
Luis Alonso Barrientos
Claire Rees Faith*
Jennifer Nakeesha Basinger
Julia Giardino
Aubrey Marie Baude*
Levi Gutierrez Goodeyon
Shelbi Marie Baumgardner
Cullen Patrick Groom
Zoe Claire Baxley
Matthew Frederick Grummert
Sophia Jaleh Bellegarrigue
Xiaoyu Guo
Haley Renee Biles
Rachel Ann Hardy*
Mary Susanne Blanco
Bo Jeffrey Hellams
Jens Victor Blum
Ronald Erwin Hicks, II
Jennifer Alta Boak
Nikko Fitzgerald Hirano
Hope Botelho
Chauntel Ashley Hunter
Raeanne Marie Brent
Carly Grace Isaacson
Sarah Morgan Bridges*
Harold Dale Jones
Samantha Brown*
Randall Calvin Jones
Brian Matthew Caiati
Clive Antone Kelsey
Jewelle Amara Cairo
Kevin Francis Kildow
Brandon Keith Cameron-Vaughn
Spencer Carl Kjos
Nancy Marie Castillo
*Candidates meeting qualifications for Baccalaureate Honors or Master’s with Distinction
Ashly Nicole Chapman
Taylor Jewel Chavez
Allen Chunchuan Chen
Caitlin Anne Clark
Amara Elizabeth Clayton*
Dillon Carl Cleavenger
Elizabeth Cobian
Lukas John Colman
Daisy Anai Conde
Allison Emerald Cook*
Jasmine Adesina Cooper*
Paige Charice Corey
Aracely Curiel
Chaundale Trichelle Davis
Derek Andrew Demerjian
Lamont Eugene Douglas Jr.
Jarvis Jovan Douglas
Sarah Emma Duffee
Sean Michael Dunivin*
Aegean Yoji Ebbay
Erin Brittany Eckis
Keith James Elfstrom Jr.
Sean Antonia Engelman
Shelby Lorraine Essex
Erika Estrada
Anthony Charles Ezirm
Alexander Scott Fest*
James Anthony Figlioli
Nicole Veronica Foks
Callista Ann Fournier*
Teresa Frances Fournier
Eric R. Frayer*
Angela Marie Galioto
Jesse Kale Gang-Halvorson
Gabriela Garcia Robledo
Janiel Vebeke Giraldo*
Karla Gomez Moctezuma
Irene Gonzalez-Herrera*
Brandi Lynn Goodspeed
Deborah Gould
Justine Alexis Grayson*
Rebecca Griffith
Elva Sarai Gutierrez
Richard Hamilton
Sally Hang
Robert Loren Hardwick
Kristen Caye Hardy
Jakeel Harris
Nicole Elizabeth Harris
Sophia Joli Harris
Angelina Marie Henderson*
Megan Annette Henriquez
Jessica Hernandez De Jesus
Arlyn Ivet Hernandez
Jonathan Rosendo Hernandez
Natalie Ramos Herrejon
Justin Timothy Herrera
Ross Adam Hoffer
Daniella Geluz Javinal
Chloe Ka’Teyah Faye Johnson
Sheralynn Johnson
Amy Jonassen
Yasmeen Kateb
Jessica Marie Kelly
Kimberly Anne Kennedy
Jeffrey Scott Kester
Numair Amir Khaled
Berkeley Rose Kijsriopas
McKenna Colleen King
Tsolak Michael Kirakosyan*
Allison Mariaha Kirvan
Bisilola Tatiana Amudat Kosoko
Jarad Nathaniel Lam-Dyer
Paige Marie Laughon*
Corina Lucille Leiterman
Gabriela Anahi Leon
Brittany Lynn Leuschke
Bradley Michael Linhart
Rebecca Grace Lisle
Pennie Sue Locklin
Ivette Lopez
Valerie Lynn Lopez
Marizza Eileen Lucio*
Miriam Lujano
Lucero Luna
Haidee Cruz Maciel
Danielle Rae Madden
Rayvonn Allen Malveaux
Perla Alejandra Mancillas
Mariah Katherine Martinez*
Steven Richard Mason*
Ryan Jordan McAuley
Jayson Michael McCormick
Nicole Marie McGiffin
Brandon Jon McLaughlin
Emily Jane McVey*
Tracy Enoe Mejia
Marylou Mendez*
Fabiola Mendoza
Heather Nicole Mendoza
Jonathan Gale Merrill
Angela Michelle Middlebrook
Casey Daniel Mintz*
Carmen De Jesus Monteon
Frank Joshua Montoya
Nicole Cassandra Moreira
Christopher Nolan Moreno*
Marian Elen Muegge*
Marcos Daniel Naranjo
Ashley Marie Neddo
Vy Cat Nguyen
Anna Carolina Noah
Alissa Carol Norman
Gennie Lee Marie Nunley
Nnamdi I. Nwokoro, I
Erin Kristine O’Berg
Shannon Marie O’Brien*
Sarah Masae Olivarria
Kevin charles Olmedo
Tessa Skylar Olsen
Toby C. Oskam
Zachary David Ottey
Graciela Pamela Padilla, III
Jack Anthony Panting*
Mia Rose Panzarella*
Ashley Taylor Parent
Justin Courtland Parfet
Tai Xinju Parker
Allison Sarah Pearson
Calla Nicolette Peltier-Olson
Victor Pascual Perez-Flores
David J. Perkins-Merte
Marilyn A. Perkins-Merte
Paige Christine Persico
Patrick Avery Peterson
Christina Nai Phan
Israel Enrique Pichardo
Cassandra Isabel Plascencia
Gustavo De Jesus Plasencia
Tyler Andre Plummer
Tovara Sidura Poffenberger
Max Ahanu Xavier QuinePullen
Patrick John Quinn Sr.
Ana Maria Ramirez
Kathleen Joan Rangel
Kayla Rae Rice
Kathlyn Elizabeth Richmond
Joshua William Rivera
Vita Kathleen Romano*
Betsy Ann Ryan*
Yanet Elena Sanchez Salazar
Brenna Danielle Sallaberry
Christopher David Sanchez
Sarah Elizabeth Saulnier
Michael Marcellous Scales Jr.*
Britley Raquel Scharnweber
Natalie Nicole Scott
Madina Ramilevna Shakirova
Matthew Loren Shell*
Zahra Star Shine*
Julie Ann Shonkwiler
Nicolette Marianne Simons
Lucille Adelia Solinger
Juan Carlos Soria
Judith Noemi Sorto
Jacob Anthony Stadtfeld
Sarah Jennifer Stark
Rebecca Michelle Stine
Stephanie Lee Strahan
Erika Irene-Schatzel Svensson
Shaylyn Alyssa Swartz
Hannah Marie Taft
Joseph W. Thornton
Julio Cesar Torres
Cain Joseph Towers
Tanya Rachel Treshinsky
Divinity Maria de Gudalupe Vaca
Jose Temetiu Vaeena
Matthew Thomas Vedo
Ghazaleh Vosooghi
Shawn Andrew Wade
Jeff Duane Ward, II
Lesley Amanda Watson
Gillian Donna Welsby*
Kristine Lynn Werner
Sumayyah Fatimah Wiggins
Lauren Ashley Willard*
Astin Naomi Josephine Williams
Demetrius Dion Williams, II
Samantha Victoria Woods
Maixee Yang
Eduardo Zamora
Angelina Idalia Zometa
Bachelor of Arts
Major in Recreation
Ruby Jean Garcia
Sara Leigh Simon
Bachelor of Arts
Major in Social Work
Natalie Rosenbaum Alfandary
Richelle Victoria Arche
Diana Barajas
Brendan David Benas
Steven Micheal Bevier
Diana Grace Billy-Elliott*
Cassaundra Denae Blancett
Wendy Vanessa Bojorquez
Olivia Renee Bressoud
Julia Alexandra Brooks
Ashley Nicole Brown*
Victoria Anne Bruner*
Joshua Christopher Calvo
Ashley Anne Candelaria
Zlatin Angelov Chernin
Brooke Stephanie Clark*
Kathryn Ann Contreras
Deisy Cornejo
Jennifer Joy Crowell
Chelsea Rose Curran
April Fawn Davis
Tara Lynn Delis
Jennifer Jo Dutton
Allison Denise Eldridge
Ryan Eric Estevo
Michelle Ileen Folmer*
Hannah Rae Aldridge Genoar*
Chelsea Anne Godsill*
Jeanette Hurst*
Jasmin Jesus Jimenez
Chantry A. Johnson*
Jean F. Kellett*
Elizabeth Marie Kidd-Larson
Angela Kay Kokesh*
David Alexander Larue
Paula Denise Lastarria
Analysia Limon
Za Lo
Alysia Ann Lovio-Coley*
Guadalupe Madrid
Corina Martinez
Shaylynne Laree Masten
Hana Alejandra Masumoto
Steven Joseph Matzie*
Kevin Anthony McGeoch*
Jeremy Khan Muhleck
Lizbeth Irene Navarro
Amanda LeeAnn Near
Moriah Ann Negrete
Matthew Todd Olds*
Rosa Angelica Avila Oseguera
Anthony Paul Palma
Dominique DeShaun Pearson
Whitney Lynn Polk
Lily Alanna Pressnall
Karanequa Latrice Reed
Karl Navor Resurreccion
Leslie Reynaga*
Daylen Cecil Roberts*
Trisha Maria Robinson*
Karen Dianne Rojas
Tito Leroy Ross
Johnny Gustavo Salazar
Gabrielle Lillian Samaniego
Katie Rose Sears*
Desiree Marie Sirca*
Kathryn Erin Slaughter
Bonny Lynne Swanson
Laura Ann Thornton*
Ruby April Townsend*
Sara Rae Tucker
Mariah Lynn Underwood
Graciela Rocio Ventura Haas*
Rachel Sharon Waldman
Melissa Althea Walker
Christine Lucene Williams*
Nicole L. Winters
Amy Lin Wood*
Erik Justin Wright
Pang Nhia Yang
Ashley Maria Zeleznik
Greening Up Graduation
HSU students are known for their commitment to the environment. Dedicated
students at Humboldt State strive to reduce waste at Commencement ceremonies.
This year they’ll continue to reduce the number of single-use bottles, while also
working to minimize the number of disposable coffee cups.
Our vendors will be selling discounted water canteens, so look for water stations
in Redwood Bowl to refill your reusable water bottles. In addition, coffee will be
half price for those bringing their own coffee cup.
Working together we can green up graduation!
Special thanks to the following student groups: HSU Takes Back the Tap • Waste Reduction & Resource Awareness Program
*Candidates meeting qualifications for Baccalaureate Honors or Master’s with Distinction
Department Receptions
Special receptions listed below are immediately following
the ceremony unless otherwise noted:
College of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences
1. Anthropology: Behavioral & Social Sciences Building, Lobby
2. Art: Art B Building, Reese Bullen Gallery
3. Communication: Telonicher House (House 54)
4. Criminology & Justice Studies: Behavioral & Social Sciences Building, Lobby
5. Critical Race, Gender & Sexuality Studies: Behavioral & Social
Sciences Building, Lobby
6. English: Founders Hall, Green & Gold Room, Room 166
7. Environmental Studies: Founders Hall, Northwest Hallway (near Room 109)
8. Geography: Founders Hall, Northwest Hallway (near Room 109)
9. History: Founders Hall, Courtyard
6 7 8 9
10 15 17 39
10. International Studies: Founders Hall, Courtyard
11. Journalism & Mass Communication: Bret Harte House (House 52)
12. Music: Music B Building, Lobby
13. Native American Studies: Behavioral & Social Sciences Building, Lobby
14. Philosophy: Behavioral & Social Sciences Building, Lobby
15. Politics: Founders Hall, Courtyard
16. Religious Studies: Larson Park Gazeebo
(off-campus - 901 Grant Avenue, Arcata)
17. Social Science Education: Founders Hall, Courtyard
18. Sociology: Behavioral & Social Sciences Building, Lobby
19. Theatre, Film & Dance: John van Duzer Theatre, Lobby
20.World Languages & Cultures: Behavioral & Social Sciences Building, Lobby
College of Natural Resources & Sciences
26 32
34 36
37 38
25 30
27 31
21. Biological Sciences: Science B Building, 1st Floor Lobby, 1:30–3:00 p.m.
Laboratory displays will close at 2:45 p.m.
22.Chemistry: Science A Building, Room 475, 10:00–11:00 a.m.
1 4 5 13 14
18 20 23 29
23.Computer Science: Behavioral & Social Science Building, Lobby
24.Environmental Resources Engineering: Lawn northeast of Science D Building
or 1st Floor Science D (if it’s raining), 10 a.m.
25.Environmental Science & Management: Natural Resources, Room 120
26.Fisheries Biology: Wildlife & Fisheries Building, Front Entrance
27. Forestry & Wildland Resources: Forestry Building, 2nd Floor
28.Geology: Van Matre Building, Front Lobby
29.Mathematics: Behavioral & Social Sciences Building, Lobby
30.Oceanography: Natural Resources Building, Room 118, 10:00 a.m.
31. Rangeland Resources & Wildland Soils: Forestry Building, 2nd Floor
32. Wildlife: Wildlife & Fisheries Building, Front Entrance
College of Professional Studies
33. Business: University Banquet Room, University Center Building,
12:30–2:30 p.m.
34.Child Development: Harry Griffith Hall, Room 105, 1:00–2:30 p.m.
35.Economics: Siemens Hall, Room 206, 1:50–2:50 p.m.
Share Your Commencement
Photos on
# H um
✔ Snap a pic with your smartphone
36.Education: Harry Griffith Hall, Room 227, 1:00–2:45 p.m.
✔ Add #HumboldtState
37. Kinesiology & Recreation Administration: Kinesiology & Athletics Building,
3rd Floor Lobby, Noon–2:00 p.m.
✔ Bask in the Instagram Love
38.Liberal Studies-Elementary Education: Harry Griffith Hall, Room 227,
1:00–2:45 p.m.
39.Psychology: Founders Hall Courtyard or Founders Hall Green & Gold Room
(if it’s raining), 1:00–2:45 p.m.
bo l d t
St at e
Follow the fun all day
at #HumboldtState
40.Social Work: Native American Forum and Lobby, 1:00–2:30 p.m.
About the Ceremony
Commencement ceremonies at Humboldt State
University, like those at most universities in the
United States, feature distinctive academic regalia
and ornamentation.
The academic dress
has its origins in
medieval Europe,
particularly at Oxford and Cambridge,
where students and
teachers wore the
long gowns of clerics. Over the years, different
styles and traditions have evolved.
Generally speaking, the position of the tassel on
the cap indicates whether the degree has been
conferred. Upon conferral, it is moved to the left.
The gown’s sleeves indicate the highest degree
held—the bachelor’s gown has long pointed
sleeves, the master’s has long oblong sleeves,
and the doctor’s has very full sleeves with velvet
bars. The length and shape of the hood indicate
the highest degree earned—the infrequently worn
bachelor’s hood is 3 feet long, the master’s is 3.5
feet long, and the doctor’s is 4 feet long. The color
of the hood’s silk lining indicates the area of study
as well as the institution conferring the degree. The
colorful regalia of our faculty attest to the many
different universities from which they graduated,
as well as the variety of their academic fields.
the bell tower, and the now-retired Arcata noon
siren. It is titled “Sempre Pro Veritas,” or Greek for
“Always for Truth.”
Ceremonial Mace
“Pomp and Circumstance,” which is so often heard
at commencement ceremonies, was originally
composed by Britain’s Sir Edward Elgar in 1901,
and was performed for the coronation of King
Edward VII. The title comes from a line in Shakespeare’s “Othello.” It eventually became a fixture
at American graduation events and is now used
as Humboldt State’s processional, welcoming
graduates to Redwood Bowl.
An ornamental staff typically made of metal
or wood, the mace symbolizes authority, and
is carried by a faculty
member who leads
the processional and
Music Professor Gil Cline composed a new Commencement recessional, signaling the end of
the ceremony, during the University’s 2013-14
Centennial Year. The piece is inspired by sounds
from campus and evokes the HSU fight song,
Humboldt State’s mace
was redesigned during
its 2013-14 Centennial
Year by a team of University craftsmen and
artists, including Art
Professor Kris Patzlaff and her students, Jennifer
Slye Moore, an administrative support coordinator in the art department, and art alumnus
Roger Durham.
“The entire shape represents a torch, which
symbolizes enlightening students through
their educational experience at HSU,” Patzlaff
explains. The mace is also constructed of
sustainable materials, including recycled metal
and unleaded enamel. Engraved in silver on the
mace is Humboldt State University’s motto:
“Phos Aletheia,” Greek for “Light and Truth.”
Guest Information
Sign Language Interpreters
If an unforeseen situation occurs, we ask that you remain calm and listen
for instructions from the platform area. The main exits are through the
plaza and up the stairs at the southeast end of Redwood Bowl to Union
Street, the ramp at the southeast corner of the Bowl, and the tunnel at
the southwest corner of the Bowl.
Sign language interpreters will be signing throughout the ceremony on
the east side of Redwood Bowl only. The interpreters will not sign all
graduates’ names. However, any requests for graduate names you would
like signed will be honored. Please let our ushers know of your needs.
The University Police Department has a command post and first aid
station near the scoreboard, at the south end of Redwood Bowl. There are
police officers on duty. For emergencies, dial 9-1-1. For non-emergency
assistance dial 707-826-5555.
Lost & Found
Lost and found is located at the command post at the south end of the
Bowl, near the scoreboard.
Smoking is prohibited inside university buildings, in Redwood Bowl, and
most places on campus. The designated smoking areas nearest to Redwood
Bowl are the upper playing fields, and the Van Matre Hall parking lot.
Guests are asked not to stand in the aisles, or block the view of others
for the purpose of taking pictures. A commercial photographer will
be taking pictures of all graduates who cross the stage. Proofs of the
photographs will be sent to each graduate at no charge. Photographs
may then be ordered, though there is no obligation to do so.
Decorative trees courtesy of Miller Farms
Stop Learning
Keep your HSU education going through the
College of eLearning & Extended Education
You can strengthen your professional readiness, complete a degree
or certificate program, or explore intellectual curiosities.
Join us for innovative,
accessible, and high-quality
education opportunities.
The College of eLearning & Extended Education, where learning never ends.
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