Slope Stability Assessment 24/09/2015 14:22:11
Slope Stability Assessment 24/09/2015 14:22:11
National Consultancy, Locally Delivered SLOPE STABILITY ASSESSMENT GIRLING MEADOWS, ARROWE PARK ROAD, UPTON, WIRRAL REC REFERENCE: 45806P3R1 PREPARED FOR: THI TAG UPTON REGENERATION LTD & STEWART MILNE HOMES LTD SEPTEMBER 2015 Slope Stability Assessment Girling Meadows September 2015 45806p3r1 QUALITY ASSURANCE Issue/revision Issue 1 Revision 1 Revision 2 Remarks Date January 2015 Prepared by C. Wardle Qualifications BSc (Hons), MSc, AIEMA, EurGeol, C.Geol, FGS Signature Checked by N. Martin Qualifications BSc (Hons), FGS Signature Authorised by R. Paul Qualifications BSc (Hons), FGS Signature Project number 45806 Page 1 of 11 Slope Stability Assessment Girling Meadows September 2015 45806p3r1 TABLE OF CONTENTS QUALITY ASSURANCE 1 1.0 INTRODUCTION 3 1.1 Background 1.2 Proposed Development 1.3 Confidentiality 3 3 3 2.0 SITE CHARACTERISTICS 4 Site Location and Description Geology Slope Geometry Ground Conditions Ground Model 4 4 5 5 6 3.0 SLOPE ASSESSMENT 7 4.0 CONCLUSIONS 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 11 APPENDICES Appendix I Drawing No 45806p3r0-011 – Site Location Plan Drawing No SK219/001 - Proposed Development Plan Drawing No 45806p3r0-010 – Exploratory Hole Location Plan and Section Locations Appendix II REC Exploratory Hole Logs Appendix III Geotechnical Laboratory Test Results Page 2 of 11 Slope Stability Assessment Girling Meadows September 2015 45806p3r1 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background Resource and Environmental Consultants (REC) Ltd has been commissioned by THI TAG Upton Regeneration Ltd & Stewart Milne Homes Ltd to undertake a Slope Stability Assessment at the eastern corner of the site where a slope, leading up to a car park, forms the site boundary. The area comprising the slope is shown in Drawings SK219/001and 45806-010, reproduced in Appendix I of this report. REC have previously undertaken a Phase I desk based assessment and Phase II Intrusive Investigation at this site, encompassing the whole development areas. These have been reported under separate cover as REC Reports 45806p1r1, dated September 2015 which comprises the Phase I desk based assessment and 45806p2r1, dated September 2015 which comprises the Phase II intrusive investigation. The pertinent points from the previous investigation are listed below: Historical maps show the site to have been undeveloped up until a munitions store was developed in the eastern part of the site in 1938. The site was later used by a number of organisations including the TA, Air Cadets, BT and a heavy goods vehicle driver training centre. The majority of the site is now derelict with many of the site buildings demolished; and, A significant slope forms the south eastern site boundary and therefore, a slope stability assessment should be undertaken. The scope of the Slope Stability investigation works comprised three cable percussive boreholes which were undertaken near to the crest of the slope and were designed to be advanced to a suitable depth in order to identify the composition and nature of the materials forming the slope profile. 1.2 Proposed Development REC Ltd understands that it is proposed to redevelop the site for a mainly residential end use, with some limited employment opportunities. A proposed development plan is presented as Drawing SK219/001, reproduced in Appendix I. 1.3 Confidentiality REC has prepared this report solely for the use of the Client and those parties with whom a warranty agreement has been executed, or with whom an assignment has been agreed. Should any third party wish to use or rely upon the contents of the report, written approval must be sought from REC; a charge may be levied against such approval. Page 3 of 11 Slope Stability Assessment Girling Meadows September 2015 45806p3r1 2.0 SITE CHARACTERISTICS 2.1 Site Location and Description Site Address Car Park at rear of Furniture Warehouse, Champion Business Park off Arrowe Brook Road. National Grid Reference E327011, N387389 The site is accessed via Champion Business Park and is located within a car park area to the rear of the Furniture Warehouse. The site is asphalt surfaced and divided east to west by a security fence which demarcates the car parking area with an area utilised for vehicle storage (caravans, camper vans and boats). Access to this secure area was obtained via the tenant. The area under investigation is situated adjacent to the crest of the slope, which falls to the north and to the east, forming a right angle as can be seen in the drawings appended to the rear of this report. From the Phase I desk study (REC Report 45806p1r1) historical maps show the site was formerly occupied by buildings associated with a military base prior to the slope being formed at some point between 1968 and 1973. The area is level and comprises an artificially created plateau. The slopes fall at an angle of between 14o and 18o to the north and between 11o and 12.5o to the east. 2.2 Geology In the assessment of the slope formation and underlying geology, three exploratory holes have been considered, CP101, 102 & 103 which were advanced to depths of between 12.34m (CP102) and 8.36m (CP103), the exploratory hole logs are reproduced in Appendix II of this assessment. The exploratory hole locations are shown on Drawing No: 45806p3r0-010, reproduced in Appendix I. The encountered strata typically comprised hard standing of asphalt on a gravel sub-base over compacted Made Ground of firm becoming stiff variably sandy gravelly clay to depths of between 6.80m and 7.30m bgl. This is underlain by natural deposits of very stiff Clay (possible weathered Mudstone) over extremely weak Mudstone which was encountered at a depth of 11.0m bgl (BH102). It is considered that the Made Ground is comprised from locally sourced natural deposits, placed and compacted to form a developable platform to facilitate the construction of the Champion Spark Plug Factory. As the material is formed from the natural deposits it is difficult to ascertain the exact depth to which the material has been placed and the boundary to undisturbed material. It is assumed that this material was placed in an engineered manner, in layers and rolled, to facilitate the construction of the Spark Plug factory and the results of laboratory analysis gives evidence that this material is denser than the underlying natural strata, indicative that the material has been placed and compacted. Solid geology was encountered within BH102 only at a depth of 11.00m bgl, and comprised extremely weak greyish brown Mudstone (Sidmouth Mudstone Formation). The driller recorded 1 hour’s chiselling for 0.50m advancement. Page 4 of 11 Slope Stability Assessment Girling Meadows September 2015 45806p3r1 2.3 Slope Geometry Slopes present along the northern and eastern boundary of the area of investigation potentially pose a risk to the proposed development. During the site walkover as part of the Phase I assessment, no evidence of failure was observed with the exception of an inspection chamber to a drain/sewer, becoming separated from its base by approximately 150mm. This assessment has been undertaken to give confidence that the existing slope is in a stable condition and that the displacement of the inspection chamber base is likely due to a leak within the drain/sewer locally softening the foundation to the inspection chamber. The condition of the slope has been assessed visually on site and quantitatively modelled using the Limitstate:GEO software package to establish its stability. The slope assessment has been undertaken at four locations, two of the profiles were taken within the northern slope and two profiles within the eastern slope, as shown on drawing 45806p3r0-010. The slope angles have been calculated from the surveyed topographical drawing supplied to REC. A visual assessment of the stability of the slope was undertaken during the site walkover undertaken in October 2014, the observations are commented upon in Table 1 below: Table 1: Visual Slope Assessment Slope Height ~ 6m – 11m. 6m at the south-eastern elevation, 11m in the north-east corner of the slope. Angle ~ 11o – 12.5o at the eastern facing slope, increasing to 14-18o along the northern slope. Slope Form Single gradient. Vegetation Heavily vegetated with trees, shrubs and grasses. Groundwater/Seepages None noted. Drainage No drainage observed. Observed Ground Where visible the surface appeared to comprise cohesive topsoil. Conditions Movement Indicators None observed within the slope profile. No slumping at toe of slope, no convex upslope stem bends in trees, no creep lines evident or tension cracks near crest of the slope. Historic Failures 2.4 A sewer/drainage inspection chamber located at the crest of the slope showed evidence of displacement from its base by approximately 150mm – this is attributed to localised leakage from the drain/sewer. None observed. Ground Conditions The ground conditions encountered are as described in section 2.2. Water strikes were not recorded during the drilling works, but were recorded after the boreholes had been left open overnight. Monitoring wells were placed within two of the boreholes and were monitored on two occasions. Table 2 overleaf shows the depths to strikes during drilling and the depth during subsequent monitoring. Given the variation in depths to water during monitoring it is considered that the water levels represent perched water bodies and not a groundwater table – however, the depths to groundwater have been included during the computational assessment to add conservancy. Page 5 of 11 Slope Stability Assessment Girling Meadows September 2015 45806p3r1 Table 2: Water Strikes and Monitoring Data Exploratory Hole BH101 BH102 BH103 2.5 During drilling 0.1 (perched within car park sub-base) 0.30 - Water levels (m bgl) Start of shift Subsequent monitoring Dry Monitoring Well not installed. 2.50 - 8.05 6.65 Ground Model The model parameters adopted for the analysis are presented in Table 3 and have been obtained through the results of in-situ testing, laboratory analysis and published data. Table 3: Material Parameters Stratum Made Ground – Engineered Clay Natural Clay Mudstone Parameters Undrained shear strength (Cu) Unit Weight (d) (kN/m3) kN/m2 21.02 77 19.82 128 18*1 200*1 1 * = Taken from published values(Conservative assessment) Page 6 of 11 Slope Stability Assessment Girling Meadows September 2015 45806p3r1 3.0 SLOPE ASSESSMENT The slope assessment has been undertaken using the Limitstate:GEO software package. Limitstate:GEO is designed to analyse the ultimate limit state (or ‘collapse state’) for a wide variety of geotechnical problems by directly determining the ultimate limit state (ULS) using the computational limit analysis technique Discontinuity Layout Optimization (DLO), and is designed to work with modern design codes such as Eurocode 7 by providing full support for partial factors and the ability to solve multiple scenarios. In a conventional slope stability analysis, a pre-determined slip surface is assumed and the stability of the soil mass is evaluated by comparing resisting and disturbing moments/forces. Usually many trial slip surfaces are investigated and the most critical one identified. This typically requires specification of a search zone and entry and exit points, and can be very sensitive to the shape of slip surfaces used (e.g. circular or non-circular). In contrast the general purpose limit analysis procedure used by Limitstate:GEO does not require the form of the collapse mechanism to be pre-specified. The software analyses all collapse states and mechanisms and reports an adequacy factor of the most pertinent failure mechanism; if the adequacy factor is greater than 1.0 then the model is in a stable condition. Four topographical sections have been considered when undertaking the analysis of the slope with sections A-A’ and B-B’ modelling the slope to the north and sections C-C’ and D-D’ modelling the slope to the east. The ground model for each section is based upon the nearest cable percussive borehole giving the strata details along with the topographical drawing giving the slope angles and height of the slope. Section A - A’ At this section the slope is at an angle of 14o and is 10.90m in height. Exploratory hole BH101 has been used to define the strata properties. Page 7 of 11 Slope Stability Assessment Girling Meadows September 2015 45806p3r1 Short term adequacy factor on Strength and Load = 5.524 Long term adequacy factor on Strength and Load = 1.721 Therefore the slope assessment is that the slope is in a stable condition at the point assessed. Section B - B’ At this section the slope is at an angle of 18o and is 10.65m in height. Exploratory hole BH102 has been used to define the strata properties. Short term adequacy factor on Strength and Load = 4.885 Long term adequacy factor on Strength and Load = 1.520 Therefore the slope assessment is that the slope is in a stable condition at the point assessed. Page 8 of 11 Slope Stability Assessment Girling Meadows September 2015 45806p3r1 Section C - C’ At this section the slope is at an angle of 12.5o and is 8.44m in height. Exploratory hole BH102 has been used to define the strata properties. Short term adequacy factor on Strength and Load = 5.544 Long term adequacy factor on Strength and Load = 1.855 Therefore the slope assessment is that the slope is in a stable condition at the point assessed. Page 9 of 11 Slope Stability Assessment Girling Meadows September 2015 45806p3r1 Section D - D’ At this section the slope is at an angle of 11o and is 6.23m in height. Exploratory hole BH103 has been used to define the strata properties. Short term adequacy factor on Strength and Load = 7.433 Long term adequacy factor on Strength and Load = 2.244 Therefore the slope assessment is that the slope is in a stable condition at the point assessed. It is considered that the slopes at the four locations assessed is representative of the slope as a whole and is in a state of stability. The analysis has not included any favourable effects from the vegetation which covers the slope. It is recommended that the vegetation on the slope is maintained and not removed. Page 10 of 11 Slope Stability Assessment Girling Meadows September 2015 45806p3r1 4.0 CONCLUSIONS The slope has been assessed at four locations, with the slope angle ranging from 11o to 18o and slope height from 6.23m to 10.90m. Based upon the nearest exploratory holes and upon field observations It has been shown that in its current configuration, the slope is considered stable. It is concluded that the separation noted between the inspection chamber and its base is due to localised softening of that area, probably due to a leak within the drain/sewer and not as a result of the slope displaying signs of instability. This analysis has not considered any of the positive effects that may be encountered from the vegetation having a stabilisation effect upon the slope. No physical evidence of historic slope failure has been observed on site, such as slump features near the toe of the slope, tension cracks near the crest of the slope or movement of vegetation, resulting in convex upslope stem bends within trees. All of these factors would indicate that the slope is indeed in a stable condition. It is recommended that the vegetation on the slope is maintained and not removed. Page 11 of 11 Slope Stability Assessment Girling Meadows September 2015 45806p3r1 APPENDIX I DRAWINGS Slope Stability Assessment Girling Meadows September 2015 45806p3r1 Site Location Figure 45806p3r0-011 Site Location and Aerial Photo Slope Stability Assessment Girling Meadows September 2015 45806p3r1 APPENDIX II REC Exploratory Hole Logs Borehole No. Borehole Log BH101 Sheet 1 of 1 Project Name: Project No. Regeneration of Girling Meadows 45806 Co-ords: Location: Arrowe Park Road, Upton, Wirral Level: Client: THI TAG Upton Regeneration & Stewart Milne Homes Ltd Dates: Back Water fill / Strikes Well Samples and In Situ Testing Depth (m) Type 0.20 D Results Depth (m) 0.10 0.40 2.00 2.00 - 2.45 2.00 - 2.45 SPT U D N=8 (1,2/2,2,2,2) 2.00 Level (m) Legend - 19/12/2014 - 20/12/2014 Hole Type CP Scale 1:50 Logged By BT Stratum Description MADE GROUND: Asphalt. MADE GROUND: Light grey sandy GRAVEL. Gravel is medium to coarse, angular to subangular of limestone. MADE GROUND: Reddish brown firm slightly gravelly CLAY. Gravel is medium to coarse, angular to subangular of mudstone and limestone. From 2.00m: Becomes stiff. From 3.00m: Gravel becomes fine to medium, with some timber present. 4.00 4.00 - 4.45 4.00 - 4.50 SPT U D 4.70 - 5.20 D N=12 (1,2/2,3,3,4) 1 2 3 4 4.00 From 4.30m: Becomes slightly sandy. 5 6.00 6.00 - 6.45 6.00 - 6.45 SPT U D N=13 (2,2/3,3,3,4) 6.00 6 7 7.30 - 7.80 D 8.00 8.00 - 8.45 SPT U 7.30 N=28 (2,4/6,7,7,8) Stiff to very stiff greyish brown slightly gravelly CLAY. Gravel is fine to medium subrounded to angular of mudstone. 8.00 8.45 8 End of borehole at 8.45 m 9 10 Remarks Perched groundwater encountered at 0.30m bgl. Start of shift (Day 2). Borehole dry, base of hole = 3.00m bgl. Borehole No. Borehole Log BH102 Sheet 1 of 2 Project Name: Project No. Regeneration of Girling Meadows 45806 Co-ords: Location: Arrowe Park Road, Upton, Wirral Level: Client: THI TAG Upton Regeneration & Stewart Milne Homes Ltd Dates: Back Water fill / Strikes Well Samples and In Situ Testing Depth (m) Type 0.20 D Results Depth (m) Level (m) 0.10 0.40 Legend - 18/12/2014 - 19/12/2014 Hole Type CP Scale 1:50 Logged By BT Stratum Description MADE GROUND: Asphalt. MADE GROUND: Light grey sandy GRAVEL. Gravel is medium to coarse, angular to subangular of limestone. MADE GROUND: Reddish brown firm slightly gravelly CLAY. Gravel is medium to coarse, angular to subangular of mudstone and limestone. N=7 (1,1/2,2,1,2) 1.00 SPT D U N=9 (1,2/2,3,2,2) 2.00 3.00 3.00 - 3.45 SPT U N=11 (1,2/3,2,3,3) 3.00 3 4.00 4.00 - 4.45 4.00 - 4.45 SPT U D N=11 (1,2/2,3,3,3) 4.00 4 5.00 5.00 - 5.45 SPT U N=13 (1,2/3,3,3,4) 5.00 5 1.00 SPT 1.20 - 1.65 1.20 - 1.65 D U 2.00 2.00 - 2.45 2.00 - 2.45 From 2.00m: Becomes stiff. 1 2 6 6.50 6.50 - 6.95 6.50 - 6.95 SPT D U N=12 (1,2/3,3,3,3) 6.50 7 7.30 - 7.80 D 8.00 8.00 - 8.45 SPT U 7.30 N=21 (1,2/3,5,6,7) Stiff to very stiff greyish brown slightly gravelly CLAY. Gravel is fine to medium subrounded to angular of mudstone. 8.00 8 9 9.50 9.50 - 9.95 9.50 - 10.00 SPT U D N=32 (2,4/6,7,9,10) 9.50 Continued on next sheet Remarks Start of shift (Day 2). Water Level = 2.80m bgl, base of hole = 4.00m bgl. Groundwater encountered at 8.30m bgl. 10 Borehole No. Borehole Log BH102 Sheet 2 of 2 Project Name: Project No. Regeneration of Girling Meadows 45806 Co-ords: Location: Arrowe Park Road, Upton, Wirral Level: Client: THI TAG Upton Regeneration & Stewart Milne Homes Ltd Dates: Back Water fill / Strikes Well Samples and In Situ Testing Depth (m) Depth (m) Type Results 11.00 11.00 - 11.45 SPT U 50 (4,7/50 for 190mm) 11.00 11.00 12.00 SPT 50 (4,6/50 for 190mm) 12.00 Level (m) 12.45 Legend - 18/12/2014 - 19/12/2014 Hole Type CP Scale 1:50 Logged By BT Stratum Description Extremely weak greyish brown MUDSTONE. 11 12 End of borehole at 12.45 m 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Remarks Start of shift (Day 2). Water Level = 2.80m bgl, base of hole = 4.00m bgl. Groundwater encountered at 8.30m bgl. Borehole No. Borehole Log BH103 Sheet 1 of 1 Project Name: Project No. Regeneration of Girling Meadows 45806 Co-ords: Location: Arrowe Park Road, Upton, Wirral Level: Client: THI TAG Upton Regeneration & Stewart Milne Homes Ltd Dates: Back Water fill / Strikes Well Samples and In Situ Testing Depth (m) Type 0.20 D 0.50 - 1.00 D Results Depth (m) 0.10 0.35 N=9 (2,3/3,2,2,2) 1.00 Level (m) Legend - 18/12/2014 - 18/12/2014 Hole Type CP Scale 1:50 Logged By BT Stratum Description MADE GROUND: Asphalt. MADE GROUND: Light grey sandy GRAVEL. Gravel is medium to coarse, angular to subangular of limestone. MADE GROUND: Reddish brown firm slightly gravelly CLAY. Gravel is medium to coarse, angular to subangular of mudstone and limestone. 1.00 SPT 1.20 - 1.65 U 2.00 2.00 - 2.45 2.00 - 2.45 SPT U D N=22 (2,3/4,6,6,6) 2.00 2 3.00 3.00 - 3.45 SPT U N=12 (1,2/3,3,3,3) 3.00 3 4.00 4.00 - 4.45 4.00 - 4.50 SPT U D N=9 (1,2/2,3,2,2) 4.00 4 5.00 5.00 - 5.45 SPT U N=11 (1,2/2,3,3,3) 5.00 5 5.40 - 5.90 D 6.00 - 6.95 U 6.50 6.50 - 6.95 SPT D Between 1.00m and 2.00m: Becoming sandy. 6 N=13 (2,2/3,3,3,4) 6.50 6.80 7.20 - 7.70 D 8.00 SPT 1 50 (6,12/50 for 210mm) Stiff to very stiff greyish brown slightly gravelly CLAY. Gravel is fine to medium subrounded to angular of mudstone. 8.00 8.45 7 8 End of borehole at 8.45 m 9 10 Remarks No groundwater encoutered. Slope Stability Assessment Girling Meadows September 2015 45806p3r1 APPENDIX III Geotechnical Laboratory Test Results LABORATORY REPORT 4043 Contract Number: PSL15/0038 Client’s Reference: Client Name: Report Date: 21 January 2015 REC Manchester Osprey House Pacific Quay Broadway Manchester M50 2UE For the attention of: Niall Martin Contract Title: Upton Date Received: Date Commenced: Date Completed: 5/1/2015 5/1/2015 21/1/2015 Notes: Opinions and Interpretations are outside the UKAS Accreditation * Denotes test not included in laboratory scope of accreditation $ Denotes test carried out by approved contractor A copy of the Laboratory Schedule of accredited tests as issued by UKAS is attached to this report. This certificate is issued in accordance with the accreditation requirements of the United Kingdom Accreditation Service. The results reported herein relate only to the material supplied to the laboratory. This certificate shall not be reproduced in full, without the prior written approval of the laboratory. Checked and Approved Signatories: R Gunson (Director) D Lambe (Senior Technician) 5 – 7 Hexthorpe Road, Hexthorpe, Doncaster DN4 0AR tel: +44 (0)844 815 6641 fax: +44 (0)844 815 6642 e-mail: A Watkins (Director) M Beastall (Laboratory Manager) S Royle (Senior Technician) Page 1 of SUMMARY OF LABORATORY SOIL DESCRIPTIONS Hole Number BH101 BH101 BH103 BH103 Sample Sample Number Type B B B B Depth m 2.00-2.45 7.30-7.80 0.50-1.00 6.50-6.95 Description of Sample Firm brown gravelly very sandy very silty CLAY. Very stiff brown slightly gravelly sandy very silty CLAY. Stiff brown slightly gravelly very sandy very silty CLAY. Stiff brown slightly gravelly sandy very silty CLAY. Compiled by Date Checked by 21/01/15 Date Approved by Date 21/01/15 21/01/15 PSL15/0038 Contract No: UPTON. 45806 Client Ref: Page of . Undrained Shear Strength in Triaxial Compression without measurement of Pore Pressure B.S. 1377 : Part7 : Clause 8 : 1990 Hole Number: BH101 Depth (m): Sample Number: 2.00 Sample Type: U 180 160 140 Deviator Stress kPa 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 5 10 15 20 Axial Strain % Diameter (mm): Moisture Specimen 38 Bulk Height (mm): 76 Test: Set of Three, 38 mm Samples. Dry Cell Deviator Shear Failure Remarks Mode Content Density Density Pressure Stress Strength Strain of (%) (Mg/m3) (Mg/m3) (kPa) (kPa) (kPa) (%) Failure 1 12 2.18 1.94 50 118 59 10.0 Plastic 2 14 2.23 1.95 100 141 70 12.6 Plastic 3 14 2.22 1.94 200 158 79 14.2 Plastic See summary of soil descriptions. Checked and Approved By Date 21/01/15 UPTON. PSLR032 Issue 1 Jun 06 Contract No: PSL15/0038 Page of . Undrained Shear Strength in Triaxial Compression without measurement of Pore Pressure B.S. 1377 : Part7 : Clause 8 : 1990 Hole Number: BH101 Depth (m): Sample Number: 7.30-7.80 Sample Type: U 450 400 350 Deviator Stress kPa 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 5 10 15 20 Axial Strain % Diameter (mm): Moisture Specimen 38 Bulk Height (mm): 76 Test: Set of Three, 38 mm Samples. Dry Cell Deviator Shear Failure Remarks Mode Content Density Density Pressure Stress Strength Strain of (%) (Mg/m3) (Mg/m3) (kPa) (kPa) (kPa) (%) Failure 1 18 2.02 1.72 50 284 142 10.5 Plastic 2 18 2.04 1.73 100 325 162 11.1 Plastic 3 18 2.04 1.73 200 382 191 11.6 Plastic See summary of soil descriptions. Checked and Approved By Date 21/01/15 UPTON. PSLR032 Issue 1 Jun 06 Contract No: PSL15/0038 Page of . Undrained Shear Strength in Triaxial Compression without measurement of Pore Pressure B.S. 1377 : Part7 : Clause 8 : 1990 Hole Number: BH103 Depth (m): Sample Number: 0.50-1.00 Sample Type: U 200 180 160 Deviator Stress kPa 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 5 10 15 20 Axial Strain % Diameter (mm): Moisture Specimen 38 Bulk Height (mm): 76 Test: Set of Three, 38 mm Samples. Dry Cell Deviator Shear Failure Remarks Mode Content Density Density Pressure Stress Strength Strain of (%) (Mg/m3) (Mg/m3) (kPa) (kPa) (kPa) (%) Failure 1 17 2.15 1.85 50 130 65 9.5 Plastic 2 17 2.13 1.81 100 151 76 11.6 Plastic 3 17 2.15 1.84 200 177 89 16.3 Plastic See summary of soil descriptions. Checked and Approved By Date 21/01/15 UPTON. PSLR032 Issue 1 Jun 06 Contract No: PSL15/0038 Page of . Undrained Shear Strength in Triaxial Compression without measurement of Pore Pressure B.S. 1377 : Part7 : Clause 8 : 1990 Hole Number: BH103 Depth (m): Sample Number: 6.50-6.95 Sample Type: U 350 300 Deviator Stress kPa 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 5 10 15 20 Axial Strain % Diameter (mm): Moisture Specimen 38 Bulk Height (mm): 76 Test: Set of Three, 38 mm Samples. Dry Cell Deviator Shear Failure Remarks Mode Content Density Density Pressure Stress Strength Strain of (%) (Mg/m3) (Mg/m3) (kPa) (kPa) (kPa) (%) Failure 1 20 2.02 1.68 50 224 112 8.4 Plastic 2 20 2.01 1.67 100 249 124 10.0 Plastic 3 21 2.03 1.68 200 295 148 12.1 Plastic See summary of soil descriptions. Checked and Approved By Date 21/01/15 UPTON. PSLR032 Issue 1 Jun 06 Contract No: PSL15/0038 Page of .