Summer, 2015 Volume 3, Issue 4
Summer, 2015 Volume 3, Issue 4
The Compass The Official Newsletter of Community Crossroads, Inc. Summer 2015 Guidance, Support and Advocacy News Volume 3, Issue 4 First Impressions First impressions are lasting ones - that is why we have been very fortunate to have had Sheila Prunier onboard for the past 25 years. Sheila is one of the first faces you’ll see as you walk through our doors or the first voice you’ll hear when you call in to our office. Her professional enthusiasm makes every visitor or caller know that they matter and are welcome at Community Crossroads. In addition, Sheila offers administrative support to several departments and juggles those multiple roles with ease. She has a passion for databases and is in her element while working in any of the numerous ones at our agency. Community Crossroads has been fortunate to be able to retain dedicated employees such as Sheila and we look forward to her continuing her career with us well into the future. Sheila Sheila Shei la Prunier Pruni P nier provides provi vide des visitors visi vi sito tors a smile and a warm welcome Auction Success Community Crossroads 12th Annual Silent Auction on May 7th was a night of honoring and celebrating. The event was held at the picturesque Castleton Banquet Hall in Windham. Castleton graciously donated use of the space and the event was sponsored by Enterprise Bank. FLIR and SARC. A special dedication was made to a long time Board of Directors member Kathy Murphy, who stepped down from the Board after helping to guide the agency for 30 years. Kathy was honored by fellow Board members, staff and many family members. Other highlights of the evening were the ever popular Wine Table raffle, the decorative Candy Table (created by Sandy Moulton), and new this year was a Treasure Chest containing over $350 in gift cards. rds. The Imp Imported mported Gr Grap Grape ape once again offered wine tasting with tasters receiving a complimentary wine glass to take home. Eamon Anderson provided soothing musical entertainment throughout the evening, and Meghann Dinsmore was our auction greeter. Our MC Bill Dillon had fun with the crowd, getting lots of participation in our raffles for $100 in scratch tickets, donated by the Houle family, and a GoPro package donated by FLIR. MC Dillon also got the guests excited for the live auctions which included a guitar signed by Sammy Hagar, dinner for 4 at the Newburyport Lighthouse, and a $3000 dinner package donated by Searles Castle. With the corporate sponsorships, donations from people we support and their families, vendors, agency staff and other 0, community businesses, this year’s auction raised over $22,000, setting a new auction record. (See page 7 for our donor list). The committe is busy planning next year’s auction with a Cinco De Mayo theme. Community Crossroads looks forward 16. 16 to having everyone join us for the next Auction on May 5, 2016. Save the Date! Agency Staff NAME EXT. Sara Blaine Angela Boyle Amanda Brand Theresa Cadorette Tom Call Leslie Coughlin Jennifer Crosley Kathy Dery Mariellen DiIeso Bill Dillon Tammy Dudal Brighid Dugan Melissa Durant Carole Fongemie Jacqueline Gilbert Karen Hatch Jinelle Hobson Kristine Houle Deanna Johnson Don Johnson Kelly Judson Jane Keay David Kennedy Linda Leahy Cynthia Mahar Stacy Merriam Kate O’Brien Nancy Papanikalaou Aleece Pappas Tina Paquin Dennis Powers Sheila Prunier Chris Roy Sarah Snyder Carole Thibodeau Anita Trudel Beatrice Vargas Cathy Wahl Dianna Winward 339 344 329 321 316 327 346 302 318 317 326 343 350 307 325 313 311 330 323 307 331 348 333 324 341 337 352 319 322 332 315 306 312 340 336 334 354 320 314 Each of our dedicated staff members can be reached at 603-893-1299 2 Public Policy News “Empowering and eye opening!” Patty Natoli, Policy Partner 2015 graduate, by Jenn Bertrand remarked at the June 2015 Policy Partners graduation celebration. A dedicated mother of a young adult who experiences a developmental disability, Patty wants to make sure her daughter and others can have the opportunity to lead a happy and independent life like any other American citizen. Patty gained knowledge and personal confidence while enrolled in the Policy Partners class. She feels more powerful and is ready to make a difference. Mick, her husband and fellow graduate, understands that funding can go away at any time, and states “We must be involved and talk to people.” People touched by disabilty and others aren’t always aware of NH’s long history of activism or how our system of person-centered/ community based supports Policy Partners Class of 2015 and their Mentors Back Row (L to R): Mick Natoli, Barbara Strzykalski, Dee Johnson, Karen Hatch, Dennis Powers is constantly being Front Row (L to R): Leah Kennedy, Jenn Bertrand, Cathy Spinney, Lisa Beaudoin and Patty Natoli challenged. “Policy Partners is a powerful tool for getting people together who share common interests, engage with themselves and more importantly with others.” says Lisa Beaudoin, another 2015 graduate. This group of eighteen Policy Partners provided critical budget testimony and attended key stakeholder actions that resulted in the Senate restoring much of the funding for developmental services previously cut by the House. Their work also helped with the passage of a first-in-the-nation law which prohibits the payment of subminimum wages to people with disabilities. According to graduate Leah Kennedy, “It gave me the strength to stand up and have my voice heard. It’s important to advocate and I can make a difference!” We are seeking nominations for our next class in the fall. If you know someone interested in being a more involved advocate, contact Jennifer Bertrand at for information. Of course, feel free to nominate yourself as well ! NH State Budget Deliberations The State budget process has been going on for months. After the Governor presented her budget, both the House and Senate have approved their own versions. After the House cut many essential services severely, including $52 million in cuts for Developmental Disabilities, the Senate restored $46 million for DD services in their budget. Currently select members from the House and Senate are working in a Committee of Conference to reconcile their respective budgets. As this is written, the Committee of Conference has agreed to accept the Senate’s budget amount for develpmental services. The Governor, disappointed that the budgets of both chambers have not included some of her high priorities, has vetoed the budget recently approved by the legislature. There is not enough majority votes in either chamber to overcome a veto, so legislators have crafted a continuing resolution to keep state government working while the disagreements in the final budget are negotiated between the legislative bodies and the executive branch over the next six months. 2015 Scholarship Recipients Agency Governance Important News Board of Directors Recently the Community Crossroads’ Development Committee awarded 6 local high school seniors scholarships. Each recipient received a check for $750. We would like to acknowledge and reward students whose hearts are in the field of helping people with developmental disabilities, acquired brain disorders and elder care. It is important for us to know what support has been provided to our communities by these students so they are asked to submit essays. Officers Kenneth Ferreira Jr., President Londonderry Linda Steir, Vice President Atkinson Kathleen Dayotis, Secretary The following students submitted their winning essays to Community Crossroads: Atkinson James Watson, Treasurer Derry Arianna Getty, Pelham High School Members Maria Aiello, Pinkerton Academy Edward Adamsky Pelham Lorraine Butler Brenna Burke, Salem High School Derry Colleen Demers Denae Walukevich, Sanborn Regional HS Pelham James Dickerson Lauren Strainge, Timberlane Regional HS Salem Marion Donahue Hampstead Justine Levesque, Windham High School Cathy Forgit Pictured is graduate Arianna Getty of Pelham High School with Community Crossroads’ Representative Payee/Employment Manager Deanna Johnson (Left) and Jinelle Hobson (Right), Community Crossroads’ Marketing and Development Coordinator Hampstead Laurie Giguere, FSC Liaison Salem Robin Knight Sandown Elaine Lavin ServiceLink First Annual Kentucky Derby Day Party Salem Cathy Spinney Pelham Barbara Strzykalski Friends of ServiceLink hosted their first annual Kentucky Derby Day Party on May 2nd in the Belmont Room at Rockingham Race Park in Salem, NH. The spring day brought friends out sporting fashionable derby attire. A live auction and silent raffle added to the excitment as the crowd gathered to support Friends of ServiceLink, Inc., celebrate spring, and view the 141st running of the Kentucky Derby from Churchill Downs. Electricity filled the air while guests in derby style hats paraded past the judges hoping to win the contest for the most stylish or most spirited hats! The hat contest judges, Rep. Mary Griffin (Windham), County Commissioner Tom Tombarello (Sandown), and WCCM-AM 1110 “Sicilian Corner” radio host Mike Lomazzo (Windham), carefully considered each hat to decide the winners! The event would not have been possible without the support of generous community sponsors and friends. Win, Place and Show sponsors were Tuscan Kitchen, Ford Flowers, Brookside Chapel and Funeral Home, Enterprise Bank, NH Healthy Families, Piscataqua Savings Bank, Home Instead Senior Care, Rockingham VNA & Hospice, and Hoefle Phoenix Gormley Roberts, P.A., Atorneys at Law. Rockingham Race Park generously provided the venue for the event. Atkinson Family Support Council Officers Laurie Giguere, Chair - Salem Lynne Aboujaoude, Vice-Chair - Pelham Members Julie Blomberg - Newton Karen Carr - Sandown Carol Dabrowski - Derry Friends of ServiceLink is a non-profit organization that cooperates and plays an active role in funding and creating awareness to support the efforts of ServiceLink Resource Center (SLRC) of Rockingham County. SLRC works to empower all populations to access services, information and supports that address their unique needs for health, independence and dignity. Katie Everett - Windham All proceeds from the Derby Day Party are donated to the Friends Helping Friends Fund, help for adults age 60 and older, adults with disabilities, and family caregivers that cannot afford necessary one time services to remain in the community. Mary Beth Murphy - Derry Friends of ServiceLink, Inc. is looking forward to May 2016 and the 142nd running of the Kentucky Derby! Kim Habib - Salem Robin Knight - Sandown Susan Nyberg - Chester Aleece Pappas - Salem Karen Ventola - Windham 3 Carole’s Corner Does it seem to you that the world is out of balance? I watch the news, read the paper, talk to friends and family - and someone or something is always at one extreme or another. How Carole Thibodeau do we maintain balance in a healthy life: a place between work and leisure; earning and spending; social connectedness and alone time; caring for others and caring for ourselves ? They say with age comes wisdom. The “age” part I’ve got. The wisdom, I’m not so sure. Seems the older I get, the more questions I have - and fewer answers. A troubling aspect of the balance issue concerns our young children. So many parents these days are feeling stressed out in heavy schedule mode. Driving here for dance lessons; there for karate; here for gymnastics; there for soccer games. With both parents working, often full time, families get overbooked and over frazzled. But even for the stay-at-home parent, this business of scheduling is a challenging one. Do we think keeping our children busy enough will keep them out of trouble ? I understand that reasoning, but I’m not quite sure it works. I remember my own childhooh - yes, I know, a different world. But I loved the “down times”. The times in our backyard when I had nothing else to do but collect rocks. The times at the lake when I’d spend hours on the wharf looking up at the clouds. Do we fear our children will get bored ? What’s wrong with a bit of boredom ? Doesn’t it lead to creativity, to entertaining oneself, inquisitiveness, contentment ? These skills form the framework for our adult lives. Being OK to be alone, being at peace with ourselves, not having to frantically fill our schedules and check off our “to do” lists. Without balance, we run the risk of becoming human “doings” rather than “beings”. Our calendars are full-full-full. Do we need to actually schedule “down time” ? Maybe. I was chatting with a co-worker the other day about vacations. My husband and I take regular vacations to our Florida condo. When we return, I’m naturally asked what I did on vacation. My initial thought is “nothing.” Then doubt creeps in - perhaps I’d best respond with something to impress. Ha! I’m exaggerating here, but you get the picture. In this day and age, we’re expected to arrange structured events in order to assure a quality of life. Continued on Page 6 4 Family Support Council News Community Crossroads Family Support Council (FSC) continues working to increase community awareness, membership, education and training opportunities, and information on education, transition and other activities. Our first six-week group music therapy session was very successful! We are in the process of coordinating more sessions to enable more families to participate. We hope to start these during the summer. The Council hosted another successful Soundscapers’ event at Sarah Care in Hampstead. It was well attended with several new families joining us. We also hosted a three-day Digital Stories workshop in April where families learned to create their own stories. Dee Johnson, Community Crossroads’ Representative Payee/Benefits Manager, joined us for our March meeting and gave a very informative talk on “SSI and Medicaid”. Tom Call, Community Crossroads’ PDMS Coordinator, came to our May meeting to discuss “HEM 525”, Participant Directed and Managed Services. In June, the Council was invited and participated at Timberlane High School’s “Congratulations to Schools Celebration” event held at the Plaistow/Haverhill, MA UNOs restaraunt. Thirteen families from our region attended the Family Support Conference held May 1st-3rd. A variety of informational trainings were offered as well as continuous social opportunities for families to meet each other. The Conference was very well attended and overall, a big success. The Council re-elected Laurie Giguere as Chair and Lynne Aboujaoude as Vice-Chair. Mary Beth Murphy of Derry joined us as a new member. We will continue to meet over the summer to continue working on our goals. GEMSS: Genetics Education Materials for School Success If you support a child with a genetic condition on their educational journey, GEMSS was created for you! As part of the NH Leadership Series, an Action Group was formed to help promote and bring about awareness of the GEMSS website and how it can be used as a valuable resource. The aim of GEMSS is to assure all children with genetic health conditions succeed in school life. Children who have genetic conditions are members of neighborhood schools across the country. In fact, it has been estimated that about 1 in 20 children have a genetic condition. GEMSS are tools for schools and were developed for teachers, schools and parents, by the Education & Outreach work group within the New England Genetics Collaborative (NEGC). The NEGC is a group of specialists and providers from the six New England States: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont. Teachers and parents use GEMSS to better understand the needs of students who have genetic conditions. There are many ways in which GEMSS can help you, including: developing lesson plans, providing backup documentation for meetings, IEP development, support for Children with challenges who are not diagnosed, staff training, preparing for educational and medical transitions, modifying physical activity/education, support to assist children to be able to go on a field trip, and help planning for lunch room meals and snacks. Please visit their website at: Save the Date ! 5 Meet the Staff In addition to our office space, Community Crossroads owns several properties that are home to many of the people we serve. As landlords we recongnize the need for a multi-talented “jack of all trades” who can assist with everyday home projects while overseeing major environmental modifications needed to adapt these homes for resident’s needs. Board Spotlight Lorraine Butler We are very fortunate to have our Property Manager, Don Johnson, fill that role. Don works alongside many dedicated provider agency staff to help ensure our homes continue to meet the unique needs of each person living there. Donn Jo Do John Johnson hnso sonn Community Crossroads’ Don is our “go-to guy” for so many other projects at our Property Manager organization. Because his job responsibilities take him outside the office and around the region, you may not have had an opportunity to meet and interact with him as you do our administrative staff. Rest assured that Don is out there, doing his best (as he has for the past 18 years) to ensure that everyone lives and works in a safe and healthy environment - and we appreciate everything he does for us! Lorraine Butler has served on the Community Crossroads Board of Directors since the early 1990s, representing the town of Derry. Policy Partners Nominations are Open! Don’t miss this valuable training opportunity. Learn how to engage in the legislative process and affect crucial public policies around disability issues in New Hampshire. Nominate someone you know, nominate yourself! Learn effective communication strategies and help craft the future of disability supports and services. Contact Jenn Bertrand at Continued from Page 4 Carole’s Corner My work life is busy. My vacations are usually not. I like the balance. I love that my grandchildren have full lives; school, lessons, play groups, etc. I most certainly don’t want them to be lazy or lack ambition. But I also want them to have time in their young lives to enjoy a simple world, to play, to know what to do when there’s “nothing to do”. Because when looking back as adults, having “nothing to do” may just be one of the highlights of their growing-up years. Let me know what you think. I always welcome your comments. Contact me at “Life is full of beauty. Notice it. Notice the bumblebee, the small child, and the smiling faces. Smell the rain, and feel the wind. Live your life to the fullest potential, and fight for your dreams” Ashley Smith 6 Throughout this time, she has also been an active member of People Power, the local self-advocacy group. Lorraine has served as an officer in People Power on several occasions and has travelled throughout the country to attend national conferences. In addition to these efforts on behalf of Community Crossroads, Lorraine has been very involved within her town of Derry, like advocating for the installation of a street light to improve safety in her neighborhood community. She is known locally as the unofficial historian for Derry due to her keen recollection of places and events long past. Lorraine is a graduate of the NH Leadership Series and is very active in politics, having met numerous presidential candidates over the years. She also has experience as a grassroots campaign volunteer, working on behalf of candidates she supports. We are very fortunate to have someone with Lorraine’s wisdom and experience on the Community Crossroads Board. With gratitude to our sponsors and supporters . . . 12th Annual Silent Auction Thank You ! Community Crossroads, Inc. is grateful for the following list of donors: We’d like to acknowledge and thank them all! 2015 Silent Auction Committee Our Host Castleton Banquet Hall Giguere/Thomas Family Northeast Independent Living Program SEH Studios Goodsell Law Office Ogunquit Playhouse Service Link Sponsors Gourmet Bites Catering & Cafe Old Sturbridge Village Kathy Sgambati Enterprise Bank Granite Bay Connections Tina & Paul Paquin Homer Shannon FLIR Systems Patty Granz Peabody Essex Museum Shorty’s Mexican Roadhouse SARC Great American Subs & More Lory Pease Smuttynose Brewing Company Gym-Ken Gymnastics Pest-End, Inc. Southern Wine & Spirits Hampstead Animal Hospital Phantom Fireworks Cathy Spinney Advansite Hampsteand Health & Fitness Pilgrim Lanes & Funtime Arcade Stars & Stripes Gift Shop Alliance Home Health Care, Inc. Karen & Joe Hatch Andrea & William Powers Story Land Amoskeag Beverages Gregory Haynes Brian Powers Tax Services of Londonderry, Inc. Aviation Museum Karen Hill Dennis Powers T-Bones & Cactus Jack’s Bayside Distributing Company Jinelle Hobson Pro-Tech Lawn Care TD Bank Bella Viaggio Horizon Beverages Queen City Cupcakes The Common Man Brenda Berkal, DMD Ideal Body and Wellness Center Regency Home Health, LLC The Hunter’s Studio Blue Seal Feeds J. Michael’s Sports Pub Reliant Auto Repair The Prime Butcher Bob’s Discount Furniture James M. Holland, DMD Residential Resources The Southwick Zoo Bonie Vie Salon and Spa JFK Presidential Library & Museum Lisa Ricci The Yard Restaurant Boston Beer Company Dee & Don Johnson RMON Networks Anita & Terry Trudel Boston Duck Tours K.E.V. Entertainment Robin Hill Farm Tuscan Kitchen Angela Boyle Laser Quest Sheryl Rogers-Pellerin Two Guys Smoke Shop Marjorie Bristol LaserCraze Roy and Dillon Uno Pizzeria & Grill Burlington, MA Quilters Guild Denis & Elaine Lavin S.E. Cummings & Associates USS Constitution Museum Camp Systems International Michael & Jennifer Lavin Salem Wax Museum Ventola Family Canobie Lake Park Lazy Dog Beer Shoppe Salon 322 Vertical Dreams Center for Life Management Terri & Tom Lianza Sarah Care Adult Day Services Windham Jewelers, Inc. Chunky’s Cinema Pub Life Visions Sue Scovotti Windham Junction Community Crossroads Board of Directors LifeShare Management Group, Inc. Searles Castle at Windham Woodland Wood Works Community Crossroads Family Support Council Lindt & Sprungli (USA), Inc. SEE Science Center Lorraine & Bob Wysocki Community Crossroads Lunch Bunch Ladies Living Innovations Community Integrated Services Market Basket Daisy Cleaners MAS Home Care of NH Sharon Dancona Mel’s Funway Park, LLC Kathy Dayotis Minuteman Health, Inc. Donors John DeBaun Mike Morin Bill and Ann Dillon Sandy Moulton Maggie Dinsmore MS Walker Marion Donahue Nancy Murphy Dr. Joseph Cardarelli, Jr. NE Patriots Charitable Foundation EmbroidMe New Bedford Whaling Museum Funspot Ninety Nine Restaurant & Pub Jocelyn Gallant North Shore Music Theatre 7 NON PROFIT ORG U.S. POSTAGE PD ATKINSON, NH PERMIT 36 8 Commerce Drive, Ste 801, Atkinson, New Hampshire 03811 Partner with us . . . Support the Community Partnership Fund The Community Partnership Fund is about a different kind of giving - it’s giving back to the community. Community Crossroads has supported families and individuals who in turn have contributed immeasurably to their local communities through their employment, their volunteerism and their relationships. Please consider making a financial contribution today. As always, 100% of your donation goes directly to supporting those we serve. You can make a tax-deductible contribution online at or by mailing a check to: Community Crossroads, Inc. 8 Commerce Drive, Suite 801 Atkinson, NH 03811
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