JC3IEDM Metamodel
JC3IEDM Metamodel
JC3IEDM - Metamodel - IPT3 V3.1.4 MULTILATERAL INTEROPERABILITY PROGRAMME (MIP) THE JOINT C3 INFORMATION EXCHANGE DATA MODEL Metamodel (JC3IEDM Metamodel) 14 Feb 2012, Greding, Germany This Multilateral Interoperability Programme (MIP) Technical Interface Design Plan has been reviewed and is hereby approved by the Heads of Delegation of participating nations. Release of this document to nations or agencies, who are not participants in the Multilateral Interoperability Programme including the media and general public, require the approval of the MIP Steering Group (MSG) in accordance with policy stated in the MIP Communications and Liaison Plan (MCLiP). This document is the property of the MIP participants and the information contained in this document shall not be communicated, either directly or indirectly, to any person or agency not authorised to receive it. JC3IEDM - Metamodel - IPT3 V3.1.4 RECORD OF CHANGES PAGE CP Number Date Entered Responsible Individual Remarks CP_MIP31_33001_Errors in JC3IEDM_JC3IEDM-v2 8 March 2011 Mike Morris Fix Editorial issues for 3.1.1 ii JC3IEDM - Metamodel - IPT3 V3.1.4 CONTENTS 1. 1.1 2. 2.1 3. 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 4. 4.1 4.2 Introduction ........................................................................................................................1 Technical Specification of JC3IEDM Metamodel...............................................................1 JC3IEDM Metamodel Overview ......................................................................................2 Introduction ..........................................................................................................................2 JC3IEDM Metamodel .......................................................................................................3 Technical Descriptions of Entities in the metamodel ..........................................................3 ENTITY ...............................................................................................................................3 ATTRIBUTE .......................................................................................................................5 Unification of Foreign Key Attributes ...............................................................................15 Alternate Key View ...........................................................................................................15 Entity Relationships ...........................................................................................................18 DOMAIN ...........................................................................................................................25 Business Rules ...................................................................................................................29 CREATOR-UPDATE-IDENTIFICATION ......................................................................35 JC3IEDM CONCEPTS AND PHYSICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE JC3IEDM MODEL..........................................................................................................37 Metamodel CONCEPTS ....................................................................................................37 Physical Abbreviations ......................................................................................................39 Annexes Annex A: Annex B: Annex C: Annex D: Annex E: Annex F: Annex G: Annex H: Annex I: Annex J: Annex K: Annex L: JC3IEDM Metamodel—Glossary JC3IEDM Metamodel—Entity Definitions and Attributes JC3IEDM Metamodel—Attribute Definitions JC3IEDM Metamodel—Entity Relationships JC3IEDM Metamodel—Specifications of Enumerated Domains JC3IEDM Metamodel—Specification of Physical Domains JC3IEDM Metamodel—Compendium of Business Rules JC3IEDM Metamodel—Naming Conventions and Class Words Summary of IDef1X Data Modelling Methodology and Notation References JC3IEDM Metamodel—IDef1X Logical Data Model Diagram JC3IEDM Metamodel—IDef1X Physical Data Model Diagram iii JC3IEDM - Metamodel - IPT3 V3.1.4 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. Figure 2. Figure 3. Figure 4. Figure 5. Figure 6. Figure 7. Attribute View..................................................................................................................8 Alternate Key View .......................................................................................................16 Category Relationship View ..........................................................................................18 Relationship View ..........................................................................................................20 Domain View .................................................................................................................25 Business Rule View .......................................................................................................30 Creator Update Identification View ...............................................................................35 iv JC3IEDM - Metamodel - IPT3 V3.1.4 LIST OF TABLES Table 1. Instance Table for ENTITY...............................................................................................4 Table 2. Instance Table for ATTRIBUTE .......................................................................................7 Table 3. Instance Table for PRIMARY-KEY-ATTRIBUTE ..........................................................9 Table 4. Instance Table for NON-KEY-ATTRIBUTE .................................................................10 Table 5. Instance Table for BASE-ATTRIBUTE .........................................................................11 Table 6. Instance Table for FOREIGN-KEY-ATTRIBUTE.........................................................14 Table 7. Instance Table for ALTERNATE-KEY ..........................................................................17 Table 8. Instance Table for ALTERNATE-KEY-ATTRIBUTE ..................................................18 Table 9. Instance Table for CATEGORY-RELATIONSHIP .......................................................19 Table 10. Instance Table for RELATIONSHIP ............................................................................21 Table 11. Instance Table for CARDINALITY-RELATIONSHIP ................................................23 Table 12. Instance Table for SUBTYPE-RELATIONSHIP .........................................................24 Table 13. Instance Table for DOMAIN.........................................................................................27 Table 14. Instance Table for DOMAIN-VALUE ..........................................................................29 Table 15. Instance Table for BUSINESS-RULE ..........................................................................31 Table 16. Instance Table for BUSINESS-RULE-ENTITY...........................................................32 Table 17. Instance Table for BUSINESS-RULE-ENTITY-ATTRIBUTE-COMPOSITE ...........33 Table 18. Instance Table for BUSINESS-RULE-ENTITY-ATTRIBUTE-COMPOSITE-DOMAIN-VALUE ....................................................................................................................................34 Table 19. Instance Table for CREATOR-UPDATE-IDENTIFICATION ....................................36 Table 20. Class Word Abbreviations.............................................................................................39 Table 21. JC3IEDM Metamodel Logical Term Abbreviations .....................................................39 v JC3IEDM - Metamodel - IPT3 V3.1.4 1. Introduction 1.1 Technical Specification of JC3IEDM Metamodel 1.1.1 General The purpose of this document is to define the concepts behind the metamodel and their relationships and also to discuss in technical detail the models that will form the context for stating the specification. The entire Joint Consultation, Command, and Control Information Exchange Data Model (JC3IEDM) metamodel is shown in a separately maintained specification. This document contains material on both concepts and models that will ultimately be national implementation issues. This apparent redundancy is necessary to put the metamodel in perspective, to define the relationships, and to decide the exact boundaries and interfaces between national and international issues. When required, national functionality will be explicitly identified. Papers developed by the NATO Data Management Services Working Group (DMSWG), formerly the (Data Administration Group (NDAG)) and the Data Modelling Working Group (DMWG) cover the operational interoperability requirements for data content, that is, the agreements for specifying meaning and relationships of information subject to multinational exchange. These papers form the basis for the specification of the metamodel. If there are differences between this document and the MIP Information Resource Dictionary (MIRD), the MIRD takes precedence. The rest of this paper covers the following: a. Chapter 1 - Introduction. b. Chapter 2 - Overview of the JC3IEDM metamodel and its concepts. c. Chapter 3 - Technical specifications for the entities and attributes of the JC3IEDM metamodel. d. Chapter 4 - Physical specifications for the entities and attributes of the JC3IEDM metamodel. The following annexes provide detailed technical model documentation: a. Annex A—Glossary. b. Annex B/C/D/E—Entity definitions, entity relationships, attribute definitions, definitions of logical and physical enumerated domains and Other domains.1 1 c. Annex G—Compendium of Business Rules. d. Annex H/I/J—Class Words, IDef1X Methodology and References. e. Annex K/L—Logical and Physical representations of the JC3IEDM Metamodel. The specifications contained in these annexes correspond to those stored in the ERwin Version 4.1.4 SP3 ER1 file. Every attempt has been made to ensure that the specifications in the annexes reflected accurately the specifications in the ER1 file. In case of a difference, the specifications in MIRD file take precedence. 1 JC3IEDM - Metamodel - IPT3 V3.1.4 2. JC3IEDM Metamodel Overview 2.1 Introduction 2.1.1 Any implementation of the JC3IEDM will depend on an underlying MIP Information Resource Dictionary database. Information about the JC3IEDM and the JC3IEDM metamodel entities, attributes, etc., are stored in this database and enable the JC3IEDM processes to determine, under dynamic user-imposed constraints, what to replicate and how. An entity-attribute-relationship view of the structure of this MIP Information Resource Dictionary database is given in a JC3IEDM metamodel. 2.1.2 The MIP Information Resource Dictionary (MIRD) describes all relevant metadata for MIP. Among other things, it contains information about the JC3IEDM and the JC3IEDM metamodel. The JC3IEDM metamodel has only one main view that is the set of logically related entities. 2.1.3 This model is representing the metadata information that underlies the JC3IEDM model and its metamodel. This view includes data describing entities/tables, attributes/columns, relationships and domain values. 2.1.4 The ERwin logical and physical views of the metamodel are shown in Annex K and Annex L. 2 JC3IEDM - Metamodel - IPT3 V3.1.4 3. JC3IEDM Metamodel 3.1 Technical Descriptions of Entities in the metamodel This section provides the definitions and instance tables for the entities in the JC3IEDM metamodel. The metamodel diagram is presented in Annex K. 3.2 ENTITY 3.2.1 ENTITY An ENTITY is part of the data model that describes the structure of MIP operational information. An ENTITY is defined as ‘A record that specifies the metadata characteristics of an entity from a data model for which metadata is being recorded.’ In the metamodel, ENTITY is fully defined through all of its associations with other elements of the metamodel. Every entity has a name (which must be unique) as well as a table name (which again uniquely identifies the entity). The table name is a shortened entity name that will be used when the data model is implemented into a database and each instance of ENTITY becomes a physical database table. The “entity-dependency-code” indicates whether it is a non-subtype dependent entity, a subtype entity, or an independent entity. There exists a one-to-one relationship between JC3IEDM entities and JC3IEDM tables. For that reason, all table properties are included in the ENTITY entity. The attributes of ENTITY are the following: a. entity-id—The unique value, or set of characters, assigned to represent a specific ENTITY and to distinguish it from all other ENTITYs. b. entity-name-text—The character string assigned to represent a specific ENTITY. c. entity-table-name-text—The character string assigned to represent the physical table or other object of a physical schema that represents data specified for a specific ENTITY. d. entity-definition-text—The character string assigned to represent the definition of what the entity is. e. entity-dependency-code—The specific value that represents whether the ENTITY is independent for its meaning and instances from all other instance of ENTITY. The domain values are: Dependent Entity; Independent Entity; Subtype Entity. f. entity-depth-count—The integer value representing the specification of the level of dependency of the entity or maximum number of parent entities "above" the entity itself. g. entity-storage-type-code—The specific value that represents whether the ENTITY is standard (non-loggable) or loggable. The domain values are: Loggable; Standard. h. entity-standardisation-level-code—The specific value that represents the level of common agreement for the ENTITY. The domain values are: International; Local; National; MIP Core; MIP-NATO Data Administration; Multilateral Interoperability 3 JC3IEDM - Metamodel - IPT3 V3.1.4 Programme. The domain value set for this attribute is shared with one or more other attributes and is defined in the set standardisation-level-code. i. entity-model-level-code—The specific value that represents the data model source of the ENTITY being represented. The domain values are: Application; Metamodel; Dictionary. The domain value set for this attribute is shared with one or more other attributes and is defined in the set model-level-code. The entity-storage-type-code attribute indicates whether an instance has been specified in the implementation guidance as “loggable.” All current entities in the JC3IEDM are considered “loggable”. The table below is an example instance table for ENTITY. Table 1. Instance Table for ENTITY ***-table-name***-dependency***-storage***-id ***-name-text text code ***-depth-count type-code 10000003 ACTION ACT IE 0 LOG 10000063 LOCATION LOC IE 0 LOG 10000076 OBJECT-ITEM OBJ_TEM IE 0 LOG 10000080 OBJECT-ITEM-STATUS OBJ_ITEM_STAT DE 3 LOG 10000082 OBJECT-TYPE OBJ_TYPE IE 0 LOG 10000085 ORGANISATION ORG SE 1 LOG 10000104 PERSON-TYPE PERS_TYPE SE 1 LOG 10000128 UNIT UNIT SE 2 LOG Note: Not shown in the instance table are the attributes ***-definition-text, ***-standardisation-level-code, and ***-modellevel-code. Note: *** = “entity” Note: The values in the ***-dependency-code, and ***-storage-type-code are defined in Annex E. Note: The value in the ***-depth-count is explained in Annex G. The attribute entity-depth-count defines the order in which parent-todependent children are related. An example is found in Annex G. a. The values of entity-depth-count are not unique; instead, they partially order the JC3IEDM and metamodel entities. The lowest entity-depth-count identifies the independent entities for which none is the child of a non-identifying relationship.2 The following examples illustrate the entity-depth-count: 1) Each independent entity that is not the child of any non-identifying relationship (e.g., OBJECT-TYPE, OBJECT-ITEM, ACTION, LOCATION) has entitydepth-count of 0. 2) Each subtype of an independent entity (PERSON-TYPE, ORGANISATIONTYPE, ORGANISATION) that is not the child of any non-identifying relationship has entity-depth-count of 1. 3) A subtype or child of an entity with entity-depth-count 1 (e.g., UNIT) is of entity-depth-count 2 if that entity is not the child of another relationship with another entity. b. 2 The sequence (lowest to highest) defines the order in which tables would have to be produced to ensure that no referential integrity violations occurred. For example, all instances of entities at the lowest value (e.g., “0”) of entity-depth-count would have By definition, an independent entity cannot be the child of an identifying relationship. 4 JC3IEDM - Metamodel - IPT3 V3.1.4 to be produced before creating instances of entities at the next lowest value (e.g., “1”). c. The order would be reversed (highest to lowest) if deletions were to be performed. For example, all instances of entities at the highest value (e.g., “5”) of entity-depthcount would have to be deleted before deleting instances of entities at the next lowest value (e.g., “4”). The “model-level-code” is used to describe the type of entity being represented. The domain values for the attribute entity-model-level-code are: “APPL” is used to distinguish JC3 application (JC3IEDM) entities; “META” identifies a metamodel entity and “DICT”3 distinguishes management entities. The specification for JC3IEDM and the JC3IEDM Metamodel has to ensure that entity keys are not reused. If the semantic understanding of an existing entity has changed, then a new key should be generated for that entity. It is expected that no new identifier with a value less than the highest used identifier (+ 1) will ever be used. 3.3 ATTRIBUTE 3.3.1 ATTRIBUTE An ATTRIBUTE is a record that specifies the metadata characteristics of an attribute for an entity that is described in a specific ENTITY. It is defined as ‘A record that specifies the metadata characteristics of an attribute for an entity that is described in a specific ENTITY.’ The attribute structure is shown in Figure 1. An entity is described by one or more attributes, captured by ATTRIBUTE. Because an attribute only exists within the context of its hosting entity, an attribute is identified by both an “entity-id” and an “attribute-index.” The attribute index denotes an index number that uniquely distinguishes the attribute from other attributes in the same entity. The attribute-sequence-number-ordinal indicates the position of an attribute inside the enclosing entity. The ordering of attributes is important for the exchange of information using the JC3IEDM. Attributes are described by a name, which is the name that appears in the IDEF1X metamodel diagram (i.e., usually the complete attribute name, but when the attribute is renamed its role name is stored here), a column name for implementation purposes, an indicator that distinguishes between primary key and non-key attributes, and another indicator that distinguishes between foreign key and base attributes. As for the index, both the attribute name and the column name must be unique within an entity. Unified attributes, which are not displayed in the diagram, are stored as normal attributes. Since unification is based upon equality of attribute names, the uniqueness of attribute (and column) names is violated only in this case. In addition, the attribute-sequence-number-ordinal value of the unified attributes is set to the same value as the attribute-sequence-number-ordinal value with which it unifies. An example of the unification of attributes is shown in Table 2 below. The last attribute in the table unifies with the first attribute in the table, therefore the attribute-sequence-number-ordinal value (1) of the last attribute is set to the same value (1) as the first attribute. 3 The value “DICT” is not currently in use for the JC3IEDM model and the JC3IEDM Metamodel. 5 JC3IEDM - Metamodel - IPT3 V3.1.4 An ATTRIBUTE is identified by an entity-id (FK – Foreign Key) and by an attribute-index that distinguishes instances of ATTRIBUTE for the same ENTITY. The attributes of ATTRIBUTE are the following: a. entity-id—The unique value, or set of characters, assigned to represent a specific ENTITY and to distinguish it from all other ENTITYs. b. attribute-index—The unique value, or set of characters, assigned to represent a specific ATTRIBUTE for a specific ENTITY and to distinguish it from all other ATTRIBUTEs for that ENTITY. c. attribute-name-text—The character string assigned to represent a specific attribute. d. attribute-column-name-text—The character string assigned to represent the ATTRIBUTE as a specific physical column within a table. e. attribute-sequence-number-ordinal—The integer value that represents the specific physical position of the attribute inside the entity. f. attribute-primary-key-indicator-code—The specific value that denotes whether an ATTRIBUTE plays the role of part of the primary key in the ENTITY to which it belongs. The domain values are: NON-KEY-ATTRIBUTE; PRIMARY-KEYATTRIBUTE. g. attribute-foreign-key-indicator-code—The specific value that denotes whether the ATTRIBUTE plays the role of a foreign key in the ENTITY and thereby owned by another ENTITY. The domain values are: BASE-ATTRIBUTE; FOREIGN-KEYATTRIBUTE. h. attribute-standardisation-level-code—The specific value that represents the level of common agreement for the ATTRIBUTE. The domain values are: International; Local; National; MIP Core; MIP-NATO Data Administration; Multilateral Interoperability Programme. The domain value set for this attribute is shared with one or more other attributes and is defined in the set standardisation-level-code. The table below is an example instance table for ATTRIBUTE. 6 JC3IEDM - Metamodel - IPT3 V3.1.4 Table 2. Instance Table for ATTRIBUTE entity-id ***(FK) index ***-name-text 10000013 100001 action-id ***-primary- ***-foreignkeykey******-sequenceindicatorindicator- standardisation***-column-name-text number-ordinal code code level-code act_id 1 PK FK MPCO 10000013 100002 action-resource-index act_res_ix 10000013 100003 action-resourceact_res_employ_ix employment-index cat_code 10000013 100004 action-resourceemployment-categorycode azimuth_fire_angle 10000013 100005 action-resourceemployment-azimuthfire-angle 10000013 100006 action-resourcemethod_of_ctrl_code employment-method-ofcontrol-code trajectory_fire_code 10000013 100007 action-resourceemployment-trajectoryfire-code 10000013 100008 action-objective-index act_objve_ix 10000013 100009 physical model only creator_id 10000013 100010 physical model only 10000013 100100 action-id update_seqnr act_id 2 3 PK PK FK BA MPCO MPCO 4 NK BA MPCO 5 NK BA MPCO 6 NK BA MPCO 7 NK BA MPCO 8 9 NK NK FK BA MPCO MPCO 10 1 NK PK BA FK MPCO MPCO Note: *** = “attribute” Two sets of subtypes of ATTRIBUTE are described below and shown in the figure below. One set distinguishes primary key attributes from non-key attributes, where the former are used to identify unique instances of the ENTITY to which they belong, and where the latter are used to describe aspects of that ENTITY at the data element (single concept) level. The category discriminator for that distinction is attribute-primary-keyindicator-code. The other set of subtypes distinguishes owned (“base”) attributes from attributes that occur in the ENTITY to which they belong solely because of a relationship with another entity. The owned attributes form the subtype BASE-ATTRIBUTE, and the others form the subtype FOREIGN-KEY-ATTRIBUTE. The category discriminator for that distinction is attribute-foreign-key-indicator-code. The specification for JC3IEDM and the JC3IEDM Metamodel has to ensure that attribute keys are not reused. If the semantic understanding of an existing attribute has changed, then a new key should be generated for that attribute. It is expected that no new identifier with a value less than the highest used identifier (+ 1) for attributes within an entity will ever be used. 7 JC3IEDM - Metamodel - IPT3 V3.1.4 ATTRIBUTE entity-id (FK) (IE1.1,IE2.1,IE3.1) attribute-index attribute-nam e-text (IE1.2) attribute-colum n-name-text (IE2.2) attribute-sequence-number-ordinal (IE3.2) attribute-prim ary-key-indicator-code attribute-foreign-key-indicator-code attribute-standardisation-level-code attribute-foreign-key-indicator-code attribute-primary-key-indicator-code BASE-ATTRIBUTE entity-id (FK) attribute-index (FK) FOREIGN-KEY-ATTRIBUTE host-entity-id (FK) attribute-index (FK) PRIMARY-KEY-ATTRIBUTE entity-id (FK) attribute-index (FK) NON-KEY-ATTRIBUTE is-source-for foreign-key-attribute-role-definition-text foreign-key-attribute-rolename-indicator-code source-entity-id (FK) source-attribute-index (FK) migrating-relationship-index (FK) base-entity-id (FK) base-attribute-index (FK) unifying-attribute-index (FK) entity-id (FK) attribute-index (FK) base-attribute-definition-text base-attribute-data-type-code base-attribute-data-length-count base-attribute-data-decimals-count domain-id (FK) is-originator-for unifies non-key-attribute-optionality-indicator-code Figure 1. Attribute View 3.3.2 PRIMARY-KEY-ATTRIBUTE PRIMARY-KEY-ATTRIBUTE is a subtype of ATTRIBUTE under the PRIMARY-KEYcategory discriminator attribute-primary-key-indicator-code. ATTRIBUTE is defined as ‘An ATTRIBUTE used to provide the unique identifier(s) of an instance of the ENTITY to which the attributes belong.’ The PRIMARY-KEYATTRIBUTE structure in shown in the figure above. A PRIMARY-KEY-ATTRIBUTE is identified by the primary key attributes, entity-id (FK) and attribute-index (FK) that migrate to PRIMARY-KEYATTRIBUTE from the category (subtype) relationship from ATTRIBUTE. The attributes of PRIMARY-KEY-ATTRIBUTE are the following: a. entity-id—The unique value, or set of characters, assigned to represent a specific ENTITY and to distinguish it from all other ENTITYs. b. attribute-index—The unique value, or set of characters, assigned to represent a specific ATTRIBUTE for a specific ENTITY and to distinguish it from all other ATTRIBUTEs for that ENTITY. The table below is an example instance table for PRIMARY-KEYATTRIBUTE. 8 JC3IEDM - Metamodel - IPT3 V3.1.4 Table 3. Instance Table for PRIMARY-KEY-ATTRIBUTE entity-id (FK) 10000002(ABSOLUTE-POINT) 10000027(CONE-VOLUME) 10000227(RELATIVE-COORDINATESYSTEM) 10000214(CORRIDOR-AREA) 10000215(ELLIPSE) 10000048(FAN-AREA) 10000055(GEOMETRIC-VOLUME) 10000061(LINE) 10000062(LINE-POINT) 10000062(LINE-POINT) 10000063(LOCATION) 10000228(OBJECT-REFERENCE) attribute-index (FK) 100001(absolute-point-id) 100001(cone-volume-id) 100001(relative-coordinatesystem-id) 100001(corridor-area-id) 100001(ellipse-id) 100001(fan-area-id) 100001(geometric-volume-id) 100001(line-id) 100001(line-id) 100002(line-point-index 100001(location-id) 100001(relative-coordinatesystem-id) 100001(orbit-area-id) 100001(point-id) 100001(relative-coordinatesystem-id) 100001(polyarc-area-id) 100001(polygon-area-id) 100001(relative-point-id) 100001(sphere-volume-id) 100001(surface-id) 100001(surface-volume-id) 100001(track-area-id) 100001(vertical-distance-id) 10000216(ORBIT-AREA) 10000105(POINT) 10000229(POINT-REFERENCE) 10000217(POLYARC-AREA) 10000218(POLYGON-AREA) 10000111(RELATIVE-POINT) 10000219(SPHERE-VOLUME) 10000119(SURFACE) 10000220(SURFACE-VOLUME) 10000221(TRACK-AREA) 10000222(VERTICAL-DISTANCE) 3.3.3 NON-KEY-ATTRIBUTE NON-KEY-ATTRIBUTE is a subtype of ATTRIBUTE under the category discriminator attribute-primary-key-indicator-code. NON-KEY-ATTRIBUTE is defined as ‘An ATTRIBUTE used to provide a descriptive data element of instances of the ENTITY to which the ATTRIBUTE belongs and that is not a member of the primary key of that ENTITY.’ The NON-KEY-ATTRIBUTE structure in shown in Figure 1 above. A NON-KEY-ATTRIBUTE is identified by the primary key attributes, entity-id (FK) and attribute-index (FK) that migrate to NON-KEY-ATTRIBUTE from the category (subtype) relationship from ATTRIBUTE. The attributes of NON-KEYATTRIBUTE are the following: a. entity-id—The unique value, or set of characters, assigned to represent a specific ENTITY and to distinguish it from all other ENTITYs. b. attribute-index—The unique value, or set of characters, assigned to represent a specific ATTRIBUTE for a specific ENTITY and to distinguish it from all other ATTRIBUTEs for that ENTITY. c. non-key-attribute-optionality-indicator-code—The specific value that represents whether non-null domain value is required for a NON-KEY-ATTRIBUTE. The domain values are: Mandatory; Optional. The table below is an example instance table for NON-KEY-ATTRIBUTE. 9 JC3IEDM - Metamodel - IPT3 V3.1.4 Table 4. Instance Table for NON-KEY-ATTRIBUTE entity-id (FK) 10000282(GEOGRAPHICPOINT) 10000282(GEOGRAPHICPOINT) 10000282(GEOGRAPHICPOINT) 10000227(RELATIVECOORDINATE-SYSTEM) 10000062(LINE-POINT) 10000063(LOCATION) 10000105(POINT) 10000217(POLYARC-AREA) 10000217(POLYARC-AREA) 10000217(POLYARC-AREA) 10000111(RELATIVE-POINT) 10000111(RELATIVE-POINT) 10000111(RELATIVE-POINT) 10000111(RELATIVE-POINT) 10000111(RELATIVE-POINT) attribute-index (FK) 100002(geographic-point-latitude-coordinate) non-key-attributeoptionality-indicator-code MA 100003(geographic-point-longitude-coordinate) MA 100004(geographic-point-latitude-precision-code) OP 100002(relative-coordinate-system-referencecategory-code) 100003(line-point-sequence-ordinal) 100002(location-category-code) 100002(point-category-code) 100002(polyarc-area-begin-bearing-angle) 100003(polyarc-area-end-bearing-angle) 100004(polyarc-area-arc-radius-dimension) 100002(relative-point-x-coordinate-dimension) 100003(relative-point-y-coordinate-dimension) 100004(relative-point-z-coordinate-dimension) 100005(relative-point-x-precision-code) 100006(relative-point-y-precision-code) MA MA MA MA MA MA MA MA MA OP OP OP 3.3.4 BASE-ATTRIBUTE BASE-ATTRIBUTE is a subtype of ATTRIBUTE under the category discriminator attribute-foreign-key-indicator-code. BASE-ATTRIBUTE is that subset of ATTRIBUTE owned by the ENTITY to which the members belong; that is, they are not foreign key attributes migrating from another ENTITY under some relationship. A BASEATTRIBUTE is defined as ‘An ATTRIBUTE that is native to the entity referenced by the specific ENTITY.’ The BASE-ATTRIBUTE structure in shown in Figure 1 above. A BASE-ATTRIBUTE is identified by the primary key attributes, entity-id (FK) and attribute-index (FK) that migrate to BASE-ATTRIBUTE from the category (subtype) relationship from ATTRIBUTE. The attributes of BASE-ATTRIBUTE are the following: a. entity-id—The unique value, or set of characters, assigned to represent a specific ENTITY and to distinguish it from all other ENTITYs. b. attribute-index—The unique value, or set of characters, assigned to represent a specific ATTRIBUTE for a specific ENTITY and to distinguish it from all other ATTRIBUTEs for that ENTITY. c. base-attribute-definition-text—The character string assigned to represent the definition of a specific BASE-ATTRIBUTE. d. base-attribute-data-type-code—The specific value that represents the technical form (datatype or syntax) for the attribute. The domain values are: Blob; Character; Numeric; Varying character. e. base-attribute-data-length-count—The numeric value representing the maximum number of characters permitted for a value of the attribute. f. base-attribute-data-decimals-count—The numeric value representing the number of positions to the right of the decimal point for attributes that are expressed as real numbers. 10 JC3IEDM - Metamodel - IPT3 V3.1.4 g. domain-id—The unique value, or set of characters, assigned to represent a specific DOMAIN and to distinguish it from all other DOMAINs. The attribute domain-id (FK) migrates to BASE-ATTRIBUTE under the relationship “describes-allowedvalues-for” from DOMAIN. The table below is an example instance table for BASE-ATTRIBUTE. Table 5. Instance Table for BASE-ATTRIBUTE attribute-index (FK) 100002(geographic-point-latitude-coordinate) ***-definitiontext The numeric... ***-datatype-code NUMBER 100003(geographic-point-longitude-coordinate) The numeric... NUMBER 100004(geographic-point-latitude-precisioncode) 100002(relative-coordinate-system-referencecategory-code) 100002(line-point-index) 100003(line-point-sequence-ordinal) 100002(location-category-code) 100002(point-category-code) 100002(polyarc-area-begin-bearing-angle) The specif... CHAR The specif... CHAR entity-id (FK) 10000282(GEOGRAPHICPOINT) 10000282(GEOGRAPHICPOINT) 10000282(GEOGRAPHICPOINT) 10000227(RELATIVECOORDINATE-SYSTEM) 10000062(LINE-POINT) 10000062(LINE-POINT) 10000063(LOCATION) 10000105(POINT) 10000217(POLYARC-AREA) 10000217(POLYARC-AREA) 100003(polyarc-area-end-bearing-angle) 10000217(POLYARC-AREA) 100004(polyarc-area-arc-radius-dimension) 10000111(RELATIVE-POINT) 10000111(RELATIVE-POINT) 10000111(RELATIVE-POINT) 10000111(RELATIVE-POINT) 10000111(RELATIVE-POINT) 100002(relative-point-x-coordinate-dimension) 100003(relative-point-y-coordinate-dimension) 100004(relative-point-z-coordinate-dimension) 100005(relative-point-x-precision-code) 100006(relative-point-y-precision-code) Note: *** = “base-attribute” ***-data-length-count 9 10 6 6 20 6 6 6 7 7 12 12 12 12 6 6 ***-data-decimal-count 6 6 4 4 3 3 3 3 The unique... The positive... The specif... The specif... The rotational... The rotational... The onedimensionalG The one-di... The one-di... The one-di... The specif... The specif... NUMBER NUMBER CHAR CHAR NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER CHAR CHAR domain-id 100000401 100000402 100004218 100004121 100001000 100002200 100000138 100000200 100000000 100000000 100000600 100000600 100000600 100000600 100004218 100004218 3.3.5 FOREIGN-KEY-ATTRIBUTE FOREIGN-KEY-ATTRIBUTE is an ATTRIBUTE that has been migrated under a RELATIONSHIP from the primary key of the “Parent” ENTITY of that RELATIONSHIP. FOREIGN-KEY-ATTRIBUTE is defined as ‘An ATTRIBUTE that has been migrated under a RELATIONSHIP from the primary key of the "Parent" ENTITY of that RELATIONSHIP.’ The FOREIGN-KEY-ATTRIBUTE structure in shown in Figure 1 above. 11 JC3IEDM - Metamodel - IPT3 V3.1.4 A FOREIGN-KEY-ATTRIBUTE is identified by the primary key attributes, entity-id (FK) and attribute-index (FK) that migrate to FOREIGN-KEY-ATTRIBUTE from the category (subtype) relationship from ATTRIBUTE. The attributes of FOREIGN-KEYATTRIBUTE are the following: a. host-entity-id—The entity-id that identifies the entity in which the foreign key resides (a role name for entity-id). b. attribute-index—The unique value, or set of characters, assigned to represent a specific ATTRIBUTE for a specific ENTITY and to distinguish it from all other ATTRIBUTEs for that ENTITY. c. foreign-key-attribute-role-definition-text—The character string assigned to represent the way in which a FOREIGN-KEY-ATTRIBUTE relates to the base ENTITY. d. foreign-key-attribute-rolename-indicator-code—The specific value that represents whether a surrogate name is used for a migrating FOREIGN-KEY-ATTRIBUTE in the base ENTITY. The domain values are: Migrated name; Role name. e. source-entity-id—The entity-id that identifies the source entity for the foreign key (a role name for entity-id). The Source ENTITY is the one from which a FOREIGNKEY-ATTRIBUTE migrates. The attribute name source-entity-id (FK) is a role name for the attribute for entity-id (FK) that migrates to FOREIGN-KEY-ATTRIBUTE under the relationship “is-source-for” from PRIMARY-KEY-ATTRIBUTE. f. source-attribute-index—The attribute-index that identifies the source attribute for the foreign key (a role name for attribute-index). The attribute source-attribute-index (FK) is a role name for the attribute for attribute-index (FK) that migrates to FOREIGN-KEY-ATTRIBUTE under the relationship “is-source-for” from PRIMARY-KEY-ATTRIBUTE. g. migrating-relationship-index—The relationship-index that identifies the instance of the migration of the foreign key (a role name for relationship-index). The identifier of a RELATIONSHIP, for a specific “Child” ENTITY and a specific “Parent” ENTITY, under which the instance of FOREIGN-KEY-ATTRIBUTE migrates from the “Parent” ENTITY to the “Child” ENTITY. 1) The attribute migrating-relationship-index (FK) is a role name for the attribute for relationship-index (FK) that migrates to FOREIGN-KEY-ATTRIBUTE under the relationship “migrates-from-parent(source)-to-child(host)-entity” from RELATIONSHIP. 2) The attribute parent-entity-id (FK) that migrates to FOREIGN-KEYATTRIBUTE under the same relationship (“migrates-from-parent(source)-tochild(host)-entity” from RELATIONSHIP) intentionally unifies with the sourceentity-id (FK) that is already a descriptive, non-key attribute of FOREIGN-KEYATTRIBUTE. 3) The attribute child-entity-id (FK) that migrates to FOREIGN-KEY-ATTRIBUTE under the same relationship (“migrates-from-parent(source)-to-child(host)-entity” 12 JC3IEDM - Metamodel - IPT3 V3.1.4 from RELATIONSHIP) intentionally unifies with the host-entity-id (FK) that is already a primary key attribute of FOREIGN-KEY-ATTRIBUTE. h. base-entity-id—The entity-id that identifies the base entity for the foreign key (a role name for entity-id). The Base ENTITY is the one to which a FOREIGN-KEYATTRIBUTE migrates. The attribute base-entity-id (FK) is a role name for the attribute for entity-id (FK) that migrates to FOREIGN-KEY-ATTRIBUTE under the relationship “is-originator-for” from BASE-ATTRIBUTE. i. base-attribute-index—The attribute-index that identifies the base attribute for the foreign key (a role name for attribute-index). The attribute base-attribute-index (FK) is a role name for the attribute for attribute-index (FK) that migrates to FOREIGNKEY-ATTRIBUTE under the relationship “is-originator-for” from BASEATTRIBUTE. j. unifying-attribute-index—The attribute-index that identifies the attribute that belongs to the same ENTITY as the one with which it unifies (a role name for attributeindex). The identifier of an instance of ATTRIBUTE for a specific instance of ENTITY that, together with the source-entity-id (FK), identifies the attribute of the Base ENTITY which is designated the same as the FOREIGN-KEY-ATTRIBUTE migrating from the Source ENTITY. 1) The attribute unifying-attribute-index (FK) is a role name for the attribute for attribute-index (FK) that migrates to FOREIGN-KEY-ATTRIBUTE under the relationship “unifies” from FOREIGN-KEY-ATTRIBUTE itself. 2) The attribute entity-id (FK) that migrates to FOREIGN-KEY-ATTRIBUTE under the same relationship (“unifies” from FOREIGN-KEY-ATTRIBUTE) intentionally unifies with the host-entity-id (FK) that is already a primary key attribute of FOREIGN-KEY-ATTRIBUTE. Thus, the unifying instance of attribute-index (FK) belongs to the same ENTITY as the one with which it unifies. The table below is an example instance table for FOREIGN-KEYATTRIBUTE. 13 JC3IEDM - Metamodel - IPT3 V3.1.4 Table 6. Instance Table for FOREIGN-KEY-ATTRIBUTE hostentity-id (FK) 10000002 (ABSOLU TEPOINT) 10000061 (LINE) 10000062 (LINEPOINT) 10000062 (LINEPOINT) 10000105 (POINT) 10000111 (RELATIV E-POINT) 10000111 (RELATIV E-POINT) attributeindex (FK) 100001 (absolutepoint-id) ***-roledefinitiontext The pointG 100001 (line-id) 100001 (line-id) The locationG The locationG 100004 (line-pointpoint-id) 100001 (point-id) 100001 (relativepoint-id) 100008 (relativecoordinate -systemid) The pointG The locationG The pointG The unique valueG ***rolenameindicatorcode RN sourceentity-id (FK) 10000105 (POINT) sourceattributeindex (FK) 100001 (point-id) 10000063 (LOCATION) 10000061 (LINE) 100001 (location-id) 100001 (line-id) RN 10000105 (POINT) 100001 (point-id) RN 10000063 (LOCATION) 10000105 (POINT) 100001 (location-id) 100001 (point-id) RN MN RN MN 10000227 100001 (RELATIVE(relativeCOORDINA coordinateTEsystem-id) SYSTEM) Note: *** = “foreign-key-attribute” migratingrelationshipindex (FK) 1 base-entityid (FK) 10000063 (LOCATION) baseattributeindex (FK) 100001 (location-id) 10000063 (LOCATION) 10000063 (LOCATION) 100001 (location-id) 100001 (location-id) 1 10000063 (LOCATION) 100001 (location-id) 1 10000063 (LOCATION) 10000063 (LOCATION) 100001 (location-id) 100001 (location-id) 1 1 2 1 10000227 (RELATIVECOORDINA TESYSTEM) 100001 (relativecoordinatesystem-id) A foreign key attribute is the result of a (base or foreign key) attribute that migrated from a source entity to its current host entity through some relationship that exists between those two entities. As non-specific relationships are not allowed, every relationship migrates at least one foreign key attribute. A foreign key attribute (as for every kind of attribute) is identified by the entity in which it resides and by an index. Basic properties are an indicator whether the attribute has been role-named or given its migrated name, the source entity and attribute (always a key attribute, because base attributes do not migrate), and the relationship that is responsible for the migration. Although the role name indicator is more or less redundant (because the attribute name could be compared with the attribute name of the source primary key attribute), it clarifies the foreign key use in the child entity and will simplify implementation. A foreign key attribute has a base attribute (in another or the same entity) from which it originates. Despite the fact that this information can be derived from already represented structures in the metamodel diagram, this link is still useful if, for instance, one wants to know the domain of a foreign key that already migrated several times. Finally, the unification aspect of IDEF1X is modelled inside FOREIGNKEY-ATTRIBUTE, as explained in the next section. 14 JC3IEDM - Metamodel - IPT3 V3.1.4 3.4 Unification of Foreign Key Attributes 3.4.1 UNIFICATION Unification means that two or more attributes within the same entity always contain exactly the same values and have been given the same name for that reason. IDEF1X makes superfluous attributes disappear in the diagrams, unifying them into one single attribute with that common name. In practice, the remaining attribute is just one of the original attributes that “absorbs” the others. This attribute, called the unifying attribute, is chosen arbitrarily to represent all involved attributes (i.e., both itself and all the absorbed or unified attributes). As noted, all unified attributes (which are not distinguished in the IDEF1X diagram) are stored in the MIP Information Resource Dictionary database as well. However, they should be marked in a way that can be distinguished from the rest. Since only foreign key attributes may be unified, an extra “unifying-attribute-index” is added to FOREIGN-KEY-ATTRIBUTE, in which a unifying foreign key attribute index (within the same host entity) may be put. Normal foreign keys hold a “null” value in this attribute, unified foreign keys an index number. A foreign key with a “unifying-attribute-index” equal to 4 has been unified with Attribute 4 of the same entity. In summary, unification is modelled in such a way that only one of the participants remains a normal attribute (the unifying attribute), while the others (the unified attributes) are tagged. They are populated in the MIP Information Resource Dictionary database, but will disappear in a physical database implementation as they become redundant. All foreign key attributes (unifying, unified, and others) are put in the MIP Information Resource Dictionary database, although the unified ones should be considered as “hidden.” Within FOREIGN-KEY-ATTRIBUTE several attributes have been unified as a result of multiple relationships that carry the identifier of the same instance of some entity. 3.5 Alternate Key View 3.5.1 ALTERNATE-KEY An ALTERNATE-KEY is defined as ‘A record that points to one or more attributes that collectively serve as a unique identification for an entity that is cited in a specific ENTITY and may be used instead of the PRIMARY-KEY for the same instance of ENTITY’. An ALTERNATE-KEY may also be designated as part or all of an inversion entry, that is nulls are permitted and values are not necessarily unique but, while not capable of being used as the primary key of an entity, are deemed useful for indexing implemented databases (for retrieval of instances). By definition, every alternate key can serve as an inversion entry but not conversely.4 The Alternate key structure is shown in the figure below. a. 4 If two (or more) attributes form an ALTERNATE-KEY for an entity, the label “AK1” may be appended to their names in the metamodel diagram (e.g., as in It has long been recognized that the name ALTERNATE-KEY is confusing when it is defined and used to capture not only alternate keys but inversion entries. The concept has been retained in Baseline 3.0 due to its simplicity. 15 JC3IEDM - Metamodel - IPT3 V3.1.4 IDEF1X). If an additional set of attributes, possibly overlapping with the first, form an alternate key, the label “AK2” may be appended to their names. b. Similarly, if two our more attributes are designated as an inversion entry, the label “IE1” may be appended to their names in the metamodel diagram (e.g., as in IDEF1X). If an additional set of attributes, possibly overlapping with the first, form an alternate key, the label “IE2” may be appended to their names. Besides the primary key, an entity may have zero or more sets of alternate keys, identified by an alternate key index. An alternate key contains at least one attribute of the entity. Further, attributes may appear in zero or more different alternate keys, acting as a so-called “alternate key attribute.” Each set of alternate keys or inversion entries for an entity is denoted with an integer. Examples are AK1, AK2, IE1, and IE2. ATTRIBUTE entity-id (FK) (IE1.1,IE2.1,IE3.1) attribute-index ALTERNATE-KEY entity-id (FK) (AK1.2) alternate-key-index attribute-name-text (IE1.2) attribute-column-name-text (IE2.2) attribute-sequence-number-ordinal (IE3.2) attribute-primary-key-indicator-code attribute-foreign-key-indicator-code attribute-standardisation-level-code alternate-key-number-quantity (AK1.1) alternate-key-uniqueness-indicator-code (AK1.3) ALTERNATE-KEY-ATTRIBUTE appears-in entity-id (FK) attribute-index (FK) alternate-key-index (FK) consists-of P Figure 2. Alternate Key View Both real alternate keys and inversion entries are represented in ALTERNATE-KEY. Values for “alternate-key-uniqueness-indicator-code” are AU (always unique; i.e., an alternate key) and MU (mostly unique; i.e., an inversion entry). The integer part of the “AK” or “IE” label (e.g., “AK1”) is captured by “alternate-key-numberquantity.” An ALTERNATE-KEY is identified by the primary key attribute, entity-id (FK), that migrates to ALTERNATE-KEY under the identifying relationship “is-alsoidentified-by” from ENTITY, together with the owned attribute alternate-key-index that serves to distinguish instances of ALTERNATE-KEY for the same ENTITY. The attributes of ALTERNATE-KEY are the following: a. entity-id—The unique value, or set of characters, assigned to represent a specific ENTITY and to distinguish it from all other ENTITYs. b. alternate-key-index—The unique value, or set of characters, assigned to represent a specific ALTERNATE-KEY for a specific ENTITY and to distinguish it from all other ALTERNATE-KEYs for that ENTITY. c. alternate-key-number-quantity—The numeric value that represents the alternate key or inversion key in the ENTITY. 16 JC3IEDM - Metamodel - IPT3 V3.1.4 d. alternate-key-uniqueness-indicator-code—The specific value that denotes whether the alternate key or inversion key is unique. The domain values are: Always unique (e.g., Alternate Key); Mostly unique (e.g., Inversion Entry). The table below is an example instance table for ALTERNATE-KEY. Table 7. Instance Table for ALTERNATE-KEY entity-id (FK) 10010011 [DOMAIN-VALUE] 10010011 [DOMAIN-VALUE] 10010012 [ENTITY] 10010012 [ENTITY] alternate-key-index alternate-key-numberquantity 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 alternate-key-uniquenessindicator-code AU [Alternate Key] MU [Inversion Entry] AU [Alternate Key] AU [Alternate Key] 3.5.2 ALTERNATE-KEY-ATTRIBUTE An ALTERNATE-KEY-ATTRIBUTE is defined as ‘The association of a specific ALTERNATE-KEY with a specific ATTRIBUTE that identifies the participation of the ATTRIBUTE as part of ALTERNATE-KEY.’ The ALTERNATE-KEY structure is shown in Figure 2 above. An ALTERNATE-KEY-ATTRIBUTE is identified by the primary key attributes, entity-id (FK) and alternate-key-index (FK), that migrate to ALTERNATEKEY-ATTRIBUTE from the identifying relationship “consists-of”; and the entity-id (FK) and attribute-index (FK), that migrate to ALTERNATE-KEY-ATTRIBUTE from the identifying relationship “appears-in” from ATTRIBUTE. The entity-id (FK) from ALTERNATE-KEY and the entity-id (FK) from ATTRIBUTE intentionally unify; that is, they represent the same data element in ALTERNATE-KEY-ATTRIBUTE. The attributes of ALTERNATE-KEY-ATTRIBUTE are the following: a. entity-id—The unique value, or set of characters, assigned to represent a specific ENTITY and to distinguish it from all other ENTITYs. b. attribute-index—The unique value, or set of characters, assigned to represent a specific ATTRIBUTE for a specific ENTITY and to distinguish it from all other ATTRIBUTEs for that ENTITY. c. alternate-key-index—The unique value, or set of characters, assigned to represent a specific ALTERNATE-KEY for a specific ENTITY and to distinguish it from all other ALTERNATE-KEYs for that ENTITY. The table below is an example instance table for ALTERNATE-KEYATTRIBUTE. 17 JC3IEDM - Metamodel - IPT3 V3.1.4 Table 8. Instance Table for ALTERNATE-KEY-ATTRIBUTE entity-id (FK) 10010011 [DOMAIN-VALUE] 10010011 [DOMAIN-VALUE] 10010011 [DOMAIN-VALUE] 10010011 [DOMAIN-VALUE] 10010011 [DOMAIN-VALUE] 10010012 [ENTITY] 10010012 [ENTITY] 10010012 [ENTITY] 10010012 [ENTITY] 3.6 attribute-index (FK) 100003 [domain-value-description-text (AK1.1)] 100001 [domain-id (AK1.2)] 100007 [domain-value-type-code (AK1.3)] 100004 [domain-value-name-text (IE1.1)] 100001 [domain-id (IE1.2)] 100002 [entity-name-text (AK1.1)] 100001 [entity-id (AK1.2)] 100003 [entity-table-name-text (AK2.1)] 100001 [entity-id (AK2.2)] alternate-key-index (FK) 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 Entity Relationships 3.6.1 CATEGORY-RELATIONSHIP A CATEGORY-RELATIONSHIP is defined as ‘Representation of the information required to define a subtype for a specific ENTITY.’ Such an attribute divides the instances of the ENTITY into disjoint (non-overlapping) subsets (the subtypes), each of which is identified as an ENTITY. The structure is shown in the figure below. Figure 3. Category Relationship View 18 JC3IEDM - Metamodel - IPT3 V3.1.4 An entity acts as supertype for zero, one, or more category subtrees. A category can be considered as being a cluster that groups a number of subtype entities (but is not modelled in this way). Every category has a discriminator (i.e., an attribute of the supertype entity) and an indicator that says whether the category is complete or incomplete. As the model indicates, a category consists of one or more subtype relationships, with the same supertype entity (unified within SUBTYPE-RELATIONSHIP). A CATEGORY-RELATIONSHIP is identified by two attributes. Firstly the primary key attribute, super-entity-id (FK) that migrates to CATEGORY-RELATIONSHIP from the identifying relationship “is-subtyped-via” from ENTITY. Secondly the owned attribute category-relationship-index, which serves to distinguish instances of CATEGORY-RELATIONSHIP for the same ENTITY. The attributes of CATEGORYRELATIONSHIP are the following: a. super-entity-id—The entity-id that identifies the super-type entity for sub-typing (a role name for entity-id). b. category-relationship-index—The unique value, or set of characters, assigned to represent a specific CATEGORY-RELATIONSHIP for a specific ENTITY and to distinguish it from all other CATEGORY-RELATIONSHIPs for that ENTITY. c. category-relationship-definition-text—The character string assigned to represent the characterisation of a CATEGORY-RELATIONSHIP. d. discriminator-attribute-index—The attribute-index that identifies the attribute used as a discriminator for sub-typing (a role name for attribute-index). e. category-relationship-completeness-indicator-code—The specific value that represents whether all the possible subtypes of the Super ENTITY explicitly occur in the data model. The domain values are: Complete category; Incomplete category. The table below is an example instance table for CATEGORYRELATIONSHIP. Table 9. Instance Table for CATEGORY-RELATIONSHIP super-entity-id (FK) 10000043 (FACILITY) 10000049 (FEATURE) 10000063 (LOCATION) 10000070 (MATERIEL-TYPE) 10000076 (OBJECT-ITEM) 10000085 (ORGANISATION) 10000105 (POINT) ***-definitiondiscriminator-attribute***-index text index (FK) 1 — 100002 1 — 100002 1 — 100002 1 — 100002 1 — 100002 1 — 100002 1 — 100002 Note: *** = “category-relationship” 19 ***-completenessindicator-code IC IC CC IC IC IC CC JC3IEDM - Metamodel - IPT3 V3.1.4 3.6.2 RELATIONSHIP A RELATIONSHIP is defined as ‘The association of one instance of ENTITY (the "Parent” ENTITY) with another (the "Child" ENTITY) that describes the degree and nature of the association.’ The RELATIONSHIP is said to connect the Parent ENTITY to the Child ENTITY. In some cases, the RELATIONSHIP associates a subset of the ENTITY with that Parent ENTITY and this is termed a SUBTYPE-RELATIONSHIP. In the other case (termed CARDINALITY-RELATIONSHIP), the RELATIONSHIP associates the primary key of the Parent ENTITY with the attributes of the Child ENTITY (the primary key attributes of the Parent ENTITY are thereby said to “migrate” to the Child Entity). There are two and only two subtypes of RELATIONSHIP under the relationshiptype-code: CARDINALITY-RELATIONSHIP and SUBTYPE-RELATIONSHIP. The relationship structure is shown in the figure below. Figure 4. Relationship View 20 JC3IEDM - Metamodel - IPT3 V3.1.4 The first type of relationship, the cardinality relationship, captures the one(or-zero)-to-more relationships. These are described by an “cardinality-relationshipidentifying-indicator-code” (identifying, nonidentifying); a “cardinality-relationshipparent-cardinality-code” (one = mandatory, zero-or-one = optional); a “cardinalityrelationship-child-cardinality-code” (zero, one or more, positive (one or more), zero or one, exactly, range, special); a cardinality-relationship-child-minimum-cardinality-count and cardinality-relationship-child-maximum-cardinality-count in case of an exact or a range cardinality type; a cardinality-relationship-verb-name-text (mandatory); and a cardinalityrelationship-inverse-verb-name-text (optional). The second type of relationship, the subtype relationship, is used to store the subtype relationships between two different entities, that is, one entity is a subtype of another entity and the latter entity is called the supertype. Every subtype relationship is associated with exactly one category relationship (see next item). A RELATIONSHIP is identified by 3 attributes. Firstly the primary key attributes, parent-entity-id (FK) and child-entity-id (FK), that migrate to RELATIONSHIP under the identifying relationships “is-parent-of” and “is-child-of,” respectively, from ENTITY. The 3rd identifing attribute is the owned attribute relationship-index, which serves to distinguish instances of RELATIONSHIP for the same Parent ENTITY and the same Child ENTITY. The attributes of RELATIONSHIP are the following: a. parent-entity-id—The entity-id that identifies the parent entity in the relationship (a role name for entity-id). b. child-entity-id—The entity-id that identifies the child entity in the relationship (a role name for entity-id). c. relationship-index—The unique value, or set of characters, assigned to represent a RELATIONSHIP for a specific Parent ENTITY and a specific Child ENTITY and to distinguish it from all other RELATIONSHIPs for that Parent ENTITY and that Child ENTITY. d. relationship-type-code—The specific value that represents the class of RELATIONSHIP being specified. The domain values are: CARDINALITYRELATIONSHIP; SUBTYPE-RELATIONSHIP. The table below is an example instance table for RELATIONSHIP. Table 10. Instance Table for RELATIONSHIP parent-entity-id (FK) 10000063 (LOCATION) 10000063 (LOCATION) 10000063 (LOCATION) 10000063 (LOCATION) 10000203 (MILITARYORGANISATION-TYPE) 10000076 (OBJECT-ITEM) 10000076 (OBJECT-ITEM) 10000085 (ORGANISATION) 10000085 (ORGANISATION) 10000085 (ORGANISATION) 10000085 (ORGANISATION) 10000085 (ORGANISATION) 10000085 (ORGANISATION) child-entity-id (FK) 10000055 (GEOMETRIC-VOLUME) 10000061 (LINE) 10000105 (POINT) 10000119 (SURFACE) 10000204 (MILITARY-POST-TYPE) 10000243 (OBJECT-ITEM-ASSOCIATION) 10000243 (OBJECT-ITEM-ASSOCIATION) 10000008 (ACTION-OBJECTIVE) 10000012 (ACTION-RESOURCE) 10000170 (ORGANISATION-ACTION-ASSOCIATION) 10000157 (REPORTING-DATA) 10000247 (ACTION-OBJECTIVE-ITEM-MARKING) 10000128 (UNIT) 21 relationshipindex 1 1 1 1 1 relationshiptype-code SR SR SR SR SR 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 CR CR CR CR CR CR CR SR JC3IEDM - Metamodel - IPT3 V3.1.4 3.6.3 CARDINALITY-RELATIONSHIP As noted, CARDINALITY-RELATIONSHIP is a subtype of RELATIONSHIP. A CARDINALITY-RELATIONSHIP is defined as ‘A one-way RELATIONSHIP that identifies a specific “parent” ENTITY with a specific “child” ENTITY where the child is a dependent ENTITY whose set of key attributes may differ from the set of key attributes of the parent.’ By definition, it implies nothing about how the Child ENTITY relates back to the Parent Entity. Cardinality is expressed by attributes that specify how many instances of the entity may or must be present in the Child ENTITY. It is a RELATIONSHIP whose child entity is a dependent ENTITY that has a set of key attributes that may differ from the set of keys of the Parent. A CARDINALITY-RELATIONSHIP is identified by the primary key attributes, parent-entity-id (FK), child-entity-id (FK), and relationship-index (FK), that migrate to CARDINALITY-RELATIONSHIP from the category (subtype) relationship from RELATIONSHIP (whose category discriminator in the metamodel is relationshiptype-code). The attributes of CARDINALITY-RELATIONSHIP are the following: a. parent-entity-id—The entity-id that identifies the parent entity in the relationship (a role name for entity-id). b. child-entity-id—The entity-id that identifies the child entity in the relationship (a role name for entity-id). c. relationship-index—The unique value, or set of characters, assigned to represent a RELATIONSHIP for a specific Parent ENTITY and a specific Child ENTITY and to distinguish it from all other RELATIONSHIPs for that Parent ENTITY and that Child ENTITY. d. cardinality-relationship-verb-name-text—The character string assigned to represent the action phrase describing the association from the parent to the child instances of ENTITY for a CARDINALITY-RELATIONSHIP. e. cardinality-relationship-inverse-verb-name-text—The character string assigned to represent the action phrase describing the relationship from the child and to the parent instances of ENTITY for a CARDINALITY-RELATIONSHIP. f. cardinality-relationship-identifying-indicator-code—The specific value that represents the class of CARDINALITY-RELATIONSHIP represented. The domain values are: Identifying; Nonidentifying. g. cardinality-relationship-parent-cardinality-code—The specific value that represents the optionality of the CARDINALITY-RELATIONSHIP. The domain values are: Mandatory (one); Optional (zero or one). h. cardinality-relationship-child-cardinality-code—The specific value that represents the range in the number of occurrences associated with the child entity in the CARDINALITY-RELATIONSHIP represented. The domain values are: Exactly; Positive (one or more); Range; Special; Zero, one, or more; Zero or one. 22 JC3IEDM - Metamodel - IPT3 V3.1.4 i. cardinality-relationship-child-minimum-cardinality-count—The integer value that represents the number of the minimum exact cardinality associated with the child entity in the CARDINALITY-RELATIONSHIP represented. j. cardinality-relationship-child-maximum-cardinality-count—The integer value that represents the number of the maximum exact cardinality associated with the child entity in the CARDINALITY-RELATIONSHIP represented. The table below is an example instance table for CARDINALITYRELATIONSHIP. Table 11. Instance Table for CARDINALITY-RELATIONSHIP relation -shipindex (FK) 1 parent-entity-id (FK) 10000063 (LOCATION) child-entity-id (FK) 10000050 (FEATURELOCATION) 10000085 (ORGANISATION) 10000008 (ACTIONOBJECTIVE) 1 10000085 (ORGANISATION) 10000012 (ACTIONRESOURCE) 1 is-authorityfor-the-use-of 10000076 (OBJECT-ITEM) 10000076 (OBJECT-ITEM) 10000076 (OBJECT-ITEM) 10000243 (OBJECT-ITEMASSOCIATION) 10000243 (OBJECT-ITEMASSOCIATION) 10000224 (OBJECT-ITEMLOCATION) 1 10000085 (ORGANISATION) 10000170 (ORGANISATIONACTION-ASSOCIATION) 1 10000085 (ORGANISATION) 10000157 (REPORTINGDATA) 1 10000085 (ORGANISATION) is-the-subjectof is-the-objectof isgeometricallydefinedthrough has-its-rolespecifiedthrough is-thereportingagent-for is-the-user-of 10000247 (ACTION1 OBJECTIVE-ITEM-MARKING) Note: *** = “cardinality-relationship” 2 1 ***-verbname-text providesgeometricdefinition-for is-authorityfor-the-use-of ***inverseverbnametext ***identifyin gindicatorcode ID ***parentcardinali ty-code MA ***-childcardinali ty-code ZM is-usedasspecified -by is-usedasspecified -by NI OP ZM NI OP ZM ID MA ZM ID MA ZM ID MA ZM ID MA ZM NI MA ZM NI MA ZM isreportedby is-usedby 3.6.4 SUBTYPE-RELATIONSHIP As noted, SUBTYPE-RELATIONSHIP is a subtype of RELATIONSHIP. SUBTYPE-RELATIONSHIP is defined as ‘A RELATIONSHIP that identifies a child ENTITY whose primary key is identical to the primary key of the parent ENTITY and which inherits all of the properties of the parent ENTITY.’ In a SUBTYPERELATIONSHIP, the primary key of the Parent ENTITY is always identical to the primary key of the Child ENTITY (sometimes the attributes of the Child Entity are given specific context by renaming them with so-called “role names.”) The method of identifying the subset or subtype that serves as the Child ENTITY, uses a common value for one and only one of the attributes of the Parent Entity (such an attribute is called the category discriminator). 23 JC3IEDM - Metamodel - IPT3 V3.1.4 A SUBTYPE-RELATIONSHIP is identified by the primary key attributes, parent-entity-id (FK), child-entity-id (FK), and relationship-index (FK), that migrate to SUBTYPE-RELATIONSHIP from the category (subtype) relationship from RELATIONSHIP (whose category discriminator in the metamodel is relationship-typecode). The attribute parent-entity-id (FK) in SUBTYPE-RELATIONSHIP is given the role name super-entity-id (FK), which intentionally unifies with the super-entity-id that migrates to SUBTYPE-RELATIONSHIP under the relationship “holds” from CATEGORY-RELATIONSHIP. Further, the attribute child-entity-id (FK) in SUBTYPERELATIONSHIP is given the role name sub-entity-id (FK). The attributes of SUBTYPERELATIONSHIP are the following: a. super-entity-id—The entity-id that identifies the super-type entity for sub-typing (a role name for entity-id). b. sub-entity-id—The entity-id that identifies the sub-type entity for sub-typing (a role name for entity-id). c. relationship-index—The unique value, or set of characters, assigned to represent a RELATIONSHIP for a specific Parent ENTITY and a specific Child ENTITY and to distinguish it from all other RELATIONSHIPs for that Parent ENTITY and that Child ENTITY. d. category-relationship-index—The unique value, or set of characters, assigned to represent a specific CATEGORY-RELATIONSHIP for a specific ENTITY and to distinguish it from all other CATEGORY-RELATIONSHIPs for that ENTITY. The attribute category-relationship-index (FK) migrates to SUBTYPE-RELATIONSHIP under the relationship “holds” from CATEGORY-RELATIONSHIP. e. domain-id—The unique value, or set of characters, assigned to represent a specific DOMAIN and to distinguish it from all other DOMAINs. f. domain-value-index—The unique value, or set of characters, assigned to represent a specific DOMAIN-VALUE for a specific DOMAIN and to distinguish it from all other DOMAIN-VALUEs for that DOMAIN. The table below is an example instance table for SUBTYPERELATIONSHIP. Table 12. Instance Table for SUBTYPE-RELATIONSHIP super-entity-id (FK) 10000063 (LOCATION) 10000063 (LOCATION) 10000063 (LOCATION) 10000063 (LOCATION) 10000085 (ORGANISATION) sub-entity-id (FK) 10000055 (GEOMETRICVOLUME) 10000061 (LINE) 10000105 (POINT) 10000119 (SURFACE) 10000128 (UNIT) relationshipindex (FK) 1 categoryrelationshipindex (FK) 1 domain-id 10000138 domainvalue-index 1000004 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10000138 10000138 10000138 10000149 1000002 1000001 1000003 1000004 24 JC3IEDM - Metamodel - IPT3 V3.1.4 3.7 DOMAIN 3.7.1 DOMAIN A DOMAIN is defined as ‘A record that specifies the collective metadata characteristics for a set of values to be associated with a specific data element.’ In some cases, the specification is to list valid values for a coded attribute (those values are provided in DOMAIN-VALUE). In some cases, the specification is to identify maximum and minimum values for a numeric attribute and, where applicable, provide the measurement unit description (e.g., metres, seconds, kilometres per hour). The DOMAIN structure is shown in the figure below. Figure 5. Domain View This set may be specified by a description only, but can also explicitly contain the complete set of values. In DOMAIN, the domain identifier and name both uniquely identify a domain. The (mandatory) definition text describes the domain in an unstructured manner. It can also clarify the purpose of a domain, its use for the JC3IEDM, who is responsible for maintaining a domain, etc. The class name indicates the class word each attribute using this domain must have. Thus, a domain can only cover one class word. Globally, two kinds of domains exist. Each type has a specific way to restrict the total number of values inside the domain. A domain can be an enumeration (explicit set of values) or a range (values between a minimum and maximum). 25 JC3IEDM - Metamodel - IPT3 V3.1.4 The unit of measurement must be used in case of domains that contain physical or monetary numbers. One is able to specify domain hierarchies. This is done for the sake of data management only. A domain may refer to another “parent” domain from which the properties are inherited. The “child” domain differs in the sense that it is more restrictive (e.g., has fewer values). This concept, though valid, is not currently utilised by the JC3IEDM. A DOMAIN is identified by the primary key attribute domain-id. The attributes of DOMAIN are the following: a. domain-id—The unique value, or set of characters, assigned to represent a specific DOMAIN and to distinguish it from all other DOMAINs. b. domain-name-text—The character string assigned to represent a specific DOMAIN. c. domain-definition-text—The character string assigned to represent the definition of a specific DOMAIN. d. domain-class-name-text—The character string assigned to represent the category to which the DOMAIN belongs. e. domain-restriction-type-code—The specific value that represents the type of constraint imposed upon values for the DOMAIN. The domain values are: Enumerated domain; Range. f. domain-measurement-unit-description-text—The character string assigned represent the unit of measure for DOMAINs that permit quantitative values. g. parent-domain-id—The domain-id of a specific parent DOMAIN (a role name for domain-id). The attribute parent-domain-id (FK) is a role name for the attribute for domain-id (FK) that migrates to DOMAIN under the relationship “is-basis-for” from DOMAIN itself. h. domain-standardisation-level-code—The specific value that represents the level of common agreement for the DOMAIN. Domain values are: International; Local; National; MIP Core; MIP-NATO Data Administration; Multilateral Interoperability Programme. The domain value set for this attribute is shared with one or more other attributes and is defined in the set standardisation-level-code. i. domain-model-level-code—The specific value that represents the data model source of the DOMAIN. Domain values are: Application; Dictionary; Metamodel. The domain value set for this attribute is shared with one or more other attributes and is defined in the set model-level-code. j. domain-definition-source-text—The character string assigned to represent the source of the domain definition. The table below is an example instance table for DOMAIN. 26 to JC3IEDM - Metamodel - IPT3 V3.1.4 Table 13. Instance Table for DOMAIN domain-id 100000000 100000100 100000110 ***class-nametext angle code code ***restrictiontype-code RA EN EN parentdomain-id (FK) ***standardis ation-levelcode MPCO MPCO MPCO ***-modellevel-code APPL APPL APPL ***definitionsource-text — — — ***-name-text angle code action100000100 category-code 100000600 dimension dimension RA MPCO APPL — 100000700 duration duration RA MPCO APPL — 100001300 rate rate RA MPCO APPL — 100001400 temperature temperature RA MPCO APPL — 100002000 datetime datetime MPCO APPL — Note: Not shown in the instance table are the attributes ***-definition-text and ***-measurement-unit-descriptiontext. Note: *** = “domain” The specification for JC3IEDM and the JC3IEDM Metamodel has to ensure that domain keys are not reused. If the semantic understanding of an existing domain has changed, then a new key should be generated for the new domain. It is expected that no new identifier with a value less than the highest used identifier (+ 1) will ever be used. 3.7.2 DOMAIN-VALUE A DOMAIN-VALUE is defined as ‘A valid data instance cited for a specific DOMAIN.’ Typically, these values are the codes, labels for codes, and meanings for codes of enumerated domains. Explicit domain values are stored in DOMAIN-VALUE. Every record in that table denotes a single value that belongs to a specific domain. Therefore, a domain value can never be used in two or more domains. This explains why a domain value is identified by the combination of a domain identifier and a value index. Each domain in the DOMAIN table has zero or more domain values in DOMAIN-VALUE. Within the domain, the values are uniquely identified by the index. The actual domain value is represented by the attribute “domain-valuedescription-text.” A value consists of 32 characters at the most (which is assumed to be enough, because longer values are not expected to be listed as an explicit domain value). Besides the value, there is also room for an optional value domain-value-name-text, which can have up to 80 characters. Names are often used when the value itself is a code. For example, the country code value “NLD” is accompanied by the value name “Netherlands”. As for the index, each value and name (in the present case) uniquely identifies the values within a domain. An optional definition can be given to a domain value. Finally, the value type denotes the main function that this explicitly stored value has for the enclosing domain. Enumerated domains are associated with a complete set of domain values. Therefore, all these values—elements of the set—are classified as “ELEM”. Range domains are specified by means of a minimum and/or a maximum domain value, either included in or excluded from the range. Four types can be used here: “MIN-IN”, “MIN-EX”, “MAX-IN”, and “MAX-EX”. These are, respectively, the minimum inclusive, minimum exclusive, maximum inclusive and maximum exclusive types. 27 JC3IEDM - Metamodel - IPT3 V3.1.4 Other types of domain values can be imagined, but so far there is no need for more than the ones introduced above. A DOMAIN-VALUE is identified by the primary key attribute, domain-id (FK) that migrates to DOMAIN-VALUE under the identifying relationship “contains” from DOMAIN, together with the owned attribute domain-value-index, which distinguishes instances of DOMAIN-VALUE for the same DOMAIN. The attributes of DOMAINVALUE are the following: a. domain-id—The unique value, or set of characters, assigned to represent a specific DOMAIN and to distinguish it from all other DOMAINs. b. domain-value-index—The unique value, or set of characters, assigned to represent a specific DOMAIN-VALUE for a specific DOMAIN and to distinguish it from all other DOMAIN-VALUEs for that DOMAIN. c. domain-value-description-text—The character string assigned to represent the description of a DOMAIN-VALUE. This field is stored in Upper Case. It is to be exchanged in that format and only that format. d. domain-value-name-text—The character string assigned to represent a specific DOMAIN-VALUE. e. domain-value-definition-text—The character string assigned to represent the definition of a DOMAIN-VALUE. f. domain-value-type-code—The specific value that represents the class of a DOMAINVALUE. The domain values are: Element; Maximum Exclusive; Maximum Inclusive; Minimum Exclusive; Minimum Inclusive. g. domain-value-standardisation-level-code—The specific value that represents the level of common agreement of the DOMAIN-VALUE. The domain values are: International; Local; National; MIP-NATO Data Administration; MIP Core; Multilateral Interoperability Programme. The domain value set for this attribute is shared with one or more other attributes and is defined in the set standardisationlevel-code. h. domain-value-source-text—The character string assigned to represent the source of the domain value and the definition of that domain value. The table below is an example instance table for DOMAIN-VALUE. 28 JC3IEDM - Metamodel - IPT3 V3.1.4 Table 14. Instance Table for DOMAIN-VALUE domain-id (FK) 100000000 100000000 100000000 100000110 ***-index 1000001 1000002 1000003 1000003 ***description -text 0 0 359.9999 ACTEV 100000110 1000004 ACTTA 100000601 100000602 100001312 100001400 1000002 1000002 1000002 1000002 ***nametext ***-typecode DFLT MIN-IN MAX-IN ELEM ***standardisation -level-code MPCO MPCO MPCO MPCO ELEM MPCO 0 MIN-IN 0 MIN-IN 0 MIN-IN -273.75 MIN-IN Note: Not shown in the instance table is the attribute ***-source-text. Note: *** = “domain-value” MPCO MPCO MPCO MPCO ACTIONEVENT ACTIONTASK ***-definition-text An ACTION that is an incident, phenomenon, or occasion of military significance which has occurred or is occurring but for which planning is not known. An ACTION that is being or has been planned and for which the planning details are known. The specification for JC3IEDM and the JC3IEDM Metamodel has to ensure that domain value indices are not reused. If the semantic understanding of an existing domain value has changed, then a new key should be generated for the new domain value. It is expected that no new identifier with a value less than the highest used identifier (+ 1) will ever be used. 3.8 Business Rules The entity BUSINESS-RULE is designed to capture the category, identifier, name and description of a business rule. This entity allows the domain value associations forming a business rule to be grouped as well as providing a link to the business rule text. This is a significant benefit as error messages for domain value association violations can include the direct specification reference. The entity BUSINESS-RULE-ENTITY is designed to specify an entity of interest to which a particular business rule is applicable and to group BUSINESS-RULE-ENTITY-ATTRIBUTE-COMPOSITEs. The entity DOMAIN BUSINESS-RULE-ENTITY-ATTRIBUTE-COMPOSITE is designed to specify a particular attribute that plays a role in specifying a particular BUSINESS-RULE-ENTITYATTRIBUTE-COMPOSITE-DOMAIN-VALUE. An indicator code specifies whether a value must be specified for the attribute. The entity BUSINESS-RULE-ENTITYATTRIBUTE-COMPOSITE-DOMAIN-VALUE specifies allowable domain-values. An integrated example will be included in increments in the various sub-paragraphs. The BUSINESS-RULE structure is shown in the figure below. 29 JC3IEDM - Metamodel - IPT3 V3.1.4 ENTITY ATTRIBUTE entity-id (AK1.2,AK2.2) entity-name-text (AK1.1) entity-table-name-text (AK2.1) entity-definition-text entity-dependency-code entity-depth-count entity-storage-type-code entity-standardisation-level-code entity-model-level-code entity-id (FK) (IE1.1,IE2.1,IE3.1) attribute-index is-characterised-by P attribute-name-text (IE1.2) attribute-column-name-text (IE2.2) attribute-sequence-number-ordinal (IE3.2) attribute-primary-key-indicator-code attribute-foreign-key-indicator-code attribute-standardisation-level-code provides-the-attribute-reference has BUSINESS-RULE-ENTITY-ATTRIBUTE-COMPOSITE BUSINESS-RULE-ENTITY business-rule-id (FK) business-rule-entity-index is-composed-of entity-of-interest-id (FK) business-rule-id (FK) business-rule-entity-index (FK) business-rule-entity-attribute-composite-index business-rule-entity-attribute-composite-null-indicator-code entity-id (FK) attribute-index (FK) is-composed-of BUSINESS-RULE business-rule-id is-composed-of business-rule-category-code business-rule-section-cross-reference-text business-rule-name-text business-rule-definition-text business-rule-table-cross-reference-text BUSINESS-RULE-ENTITY-ATTRIBUTE-COMPOSITE-DOMAIN-VALUE business-rule-id (FK) business-rule-entity-index (FK) business-rule-entity-attribute-composite-index (FK) business-rule-entity-attribute-composite-domain-value-index domain-id (FK) domain-value-index (FK) DOMAIN is-part-of domain-id (AK1.2) domain-name-text (AK1.1) domain-definition-text domain-class-name-text domain-restriction-type-code domain-measurement-unit-description-text parent-domain-id (FK) domain-standardisation-level-code domain-model-level-code domain-definition-source-text contains DOMAIN-VALUE domain-id (FK) (AK1.2,IE1.2) domain-value-index domain-value-description-text (AK1.1) domain-value-name-text (IE1.1) domain-value-definition-text domain-value-type-code (AK1.3) domain-value-standardisation-level-code domain-value-source-text is-basis-for Figure 6. Business Rule View 3.8.1 BUSINESS RULE BUSINESS-RULE is defined as ‘A grouping of operationally related business restrictions.’ The current MIRD subject area provides a means to determine the specific sub-type by means of a discriminating value in the category code used to indicate sub-type presence. For this reason sub-type specifications are not captured within this construct. They are enforced by the IDef1X modelling specification. A BUSINESS-RULE is identified by the primary key attribute, businessrule-id (PK). The attributes of BUSINESS-RULE are the following: a. business-rule-id—The unique value or set of characters, assigned to represent a specific BUSINESS-RULE and to distinguish it from all other BUSINESS-RULEs. 30 JC3IEDM - Metamodel - IPT3 V3.1.4 b. business-rule-category-code—The specific value that represents the class of BUSINESS-RULE as text or a formal rule. The domain values are: Rule; Text. c. business-rule-section-cross-reference-text—The character string assigned to identify the section of the document describing the BUSINESS-RULE. The purpose of this attribute is to enable cross-referencing to an external document. d. business-rule-name-text—The character string assigned to represent the BUSINESSRULE. e. business-rule-definition-text—The character string assigned to specify the BUSINESS-RULE. The purpose of this attribute is to enable cross-referencing to an external document. f. business-rule-table-cross-reference-text—The character string assigned to identify the table in the document that corresponds to the BUSINESS-RULE. The purpose of this attribute is to enable cross-referencing to an external document. The datafill in each of the tables will be based on the following example: ORGANISATION ORGANISATION Command and control Has attached Has detached Has full command of Has operational command of Has operational control of Has tactical command of Has tactical control of [NULL] The table below is an example instance table for BUSINESS-RULE. Table 15. Instance Table for BUSINESS-RULE **-id (PK) 100000000026 **categorycode RULE **-sectioncrossreferencetext G2.7.1 **-name-text G2.7.1 General Association Rules The permissible domain values for object-itemassociation-category-code for various combinations of subject and object OBJECTITEM are listed in Table G2-42. The last column indicates that the object-itemassociation-subcategory-code is to be used only when instances of subject and object OBJECT-ITEM are ORGANISATIONs. Note: ** = “business-rule” **-definitiontext Business Rules for OBJECTITEMASSOCIATIO N Category and Subcategory Codes **-tablecrossreferencetext Table G2-42 The specification for the JC3IEDM Metamodel has to ensure that business rule keys are not reused. If the semantic understanding of an existing business rule has changed, then a new key should be generated for the new business rule. It is expected that no new identifier with a value less than the highest used identifier (+ 1) will ever be used. 3.8.2 BUSINESS RULE ENTITY BUSINESS-RULE-ENTITY is defined as ‘An identification of a specific entity that is the focus of a particular BUSINESS-RULE.’ It is designed to specify an entity of interest to which a particular business rule is applicable. 31 JC3IEDM - Metamodel - IPT3 V3.1.4 A BUSINESS-RULE-ENTITY is identified by the primary key attributes, business-rule-id (FK)and business-rule-entity-index (PK). The attributes of BUSINESSRULE-ENTITY are the following: a. business-rule-id—The unique value or set of characters, assigned to represent a specific BUSINESS-RULE and to distinguish it from all other BUSINESS-RULEs. b. business-rule-entity-index—The unique value, or set of characters, assigned to represent a specific BUSINESS-RULE-ENTITY for a specific BUSINESS-RULE and to distinguish it from all other BUSINESS-RULE-ENTITYs for that BUSINESS-RULE. c. entity-of-interest-id—The entity-id of the entity that is of interest in a specific BUSINESS-RULE-ENTITY (a role name for entity-id). The table below is an example instance table for BUSINESS-RULEENTITY. The example contains one of potentially many entries that represent the rows in a Business Rule table. Table 16. Instance Table for BUSINESS-RULE-ENTITY business-rule-id (FK) 100000000026 business-rule-entity-index (PK) 100000000020 entity-of-interest-id (FK) 10000243 The specification for the JC3IEDM Metamodel has to ensure that businessrule-entity-(indices) are not reused. If the semantic understanding of an existing businessrule-entity-index has changed, then a new key should be generated for the new businessrule-entity-index. It is expected that no new identifier with a value less than the highest used identifier (+ 1) will ever be used. 3.8.3 BUSINESS RULE ENTITY-ATTRIBUTE-COMPOSITE BUSINESS-RULE-ENTITY-ATTRIBUTE-COMPOSITE is defined as ‘An identification of a specific attribute that is the focus of a particular BUSINESS-RULEENTITY.’ It is designed to specify a particular attribute that plays a role in specifying a particular business rule. A BUSINESS-RULE-ENTITY-ATTRIBUTE-COMPOSITE is identified by the primary key attributes, business-rule-id (FK), business-rule-entity-index (FK) and business-rule-entity-attribute-composite-index (PK). The attributes of BUSINESS-RULEENTITY-ATTRIBUTE-COMPOSITE are the following: a. business-rule-id—The unique value or set of characters, assigned to represent a specific BUSINESS-RULE and to distinguish it from all other BUSINESS-RULEs. b. business-rule-entity-index—The unique value, or set of characters, assigned to represent a specific BUSINESS-RULE-ENTITY for a specific BUSINESS-RULE and to distinguish it from all other BUSINESS-RULE-ENTITYs for that BUSINESS-RULE. c. business-rule-entity-attribute-composite-index—The unique value, or set of characters, assigned to represent a specific BUSINESS-RULE-ENTITYATTRIBUTE-COMPOSITE for a specific BUSINESS-RULE-ENTITY and to 32 JC3IEDM - Metamodel - IPT3 V3.1.4 distinguish it from all other BUSINESS-RULE-ENTITY-ATTRIBUTECOMPOSITEs for that BUSINESS-RULE-ENTITY. d. business-rule-entity-attribute-composite-null-indicator-code—The specific value that indicates whether the attribute cited in BUSINESS-RULE-ENTITY-ATTRIBUTECOMPOSITE is permitted to be unspecified within the specific BUSINESS-RULE. The domain values are: No; Yes. e. entity-id—The unique value, or set of characters, assigned to represent a specific ENTITY and to distinguish it from all other ENTITYs. f. attribute-index—The unique value, or set of characters, assigned to represent a specific ATTRIBUTE for a specific ENTITY and to distinguish it from all other ATTRIBUTEs for that ENTITY. The table below is an example instance table for BUSINESS-RULEENTITY-ATTRIBUTE-COMPOSITE. The example contains one of potentially many entries that represent the rows in a Business Rule table. Table 17. Instance Table for BUSINESS-RULE-ENTITY-ATTRIBUTE-COMPOSITE business-rule-id (FK) 100000000026 100000000026 100000000026 100000000026 ****-nullindicatorentity-id ***-index (FK) ****-index (PK) code (FK) 100000000020 100000000001 NO 10000076 100000000020 100000000002 NO 10000076 100000000020 100000000003 NO 10000243 100000000020 100000000004 YES 10000243 Note: *** = “business-rule-entity” Note: **** = “business-rule-entity-attribute-composite” attribute-index (FK) 100002 100002 100004 100005 The specification for the JC3IEDM Metamodel has to ensure that businessrule-entity-attribute-composite-(indices) are not reused. If the semantic understanding of an business-rule-entity-attribute-composite-index has changed, then a new key should be generated for the new business-rule-entity-attribute-composite-index. It is expected that no new identifier with a value less than the highest used identifier (+ 1) will ever be used. 3.8.4 BUSINESS RULE ENTITY-ATTRIBUTE-COMPOSITE-DOMAIN-VALUE BUSINESS-RULE-ENTITY-ATTRIBUTE-COMPOSITE-DOMAINVALUE is defined as ‘An identification of the specific domain value that is part of a particular BUSINESS-RULE-ENTITY-ATTRIBUTE-COMPOSITE.’ It is designed to specify allowable domain-values that play a role in specifying a particular business rule. A BUSINESS-RULE-ENTITY-ATTRIBUTE-COMPOSITE-DOMAINVALUE is identified by the primary key attributes, business-rule-id (FK), business-ruleentity-index (FK), business-rule-entity-attribute-composite-index (FK) and business-ruleentity-attribute-composite-domain-value-index (PK). The attributes of BUSINESS-RULEENTITY-ATTRIBUTE-COMPOSITE-DOMAIN-VALUE are the following: a. business-rule-id—The unique value or set of characters, assigned to represent a specific BUSINESS-RULE and to distinguish it from all other BUSINESS-RULEs. b. business-rule-entity-index—The unique value, or set of characters, assigned to represent a specific BUSINESS-RULE-ENTITY for a specific BUSINESS-RULE 33 JC3IEDM - Metamodel - IPT3 V3.1.4 and to distinguish it from all other BUSINESS-RULE-ENTITYs for that BUSINESS-RULE. c. business-rule-entity-attribute-composite-index—The unique value, or set of characters, assigned to represent a specific BUSINESS-RULE-ENTITYATTRIBUTE-COMPOSITE for a specific BUSINESS-RULE-ENTITY and to distinguish it from all other BUSINESS-RULE-ENTITY-ATTRIBUTECOMPOSITEs for that BUSINESS-RULE-ENTITY. d. business-rule-entity-attribute-composite-domain-value-index—The unique value, or set of characters, assigned to represent a specific BUSINESS-RULE-ENTITYATTRIBUTE-COMPOSITE-DOMAIN-VALUE for a specific BUSINESS-RULEENTITY-ATTRIBUTE-COMPOSITE and to distinguish it from all other BUSINESS-RULE-ENTITY-ATTRIBUTE-COMPOSITE-DOMAIN-VALUEs for that BUSINESS-RULE-ENTITY-ATTRIBUTE-COMPOSITE. e. domain-id—The unique value, or set of characters, assigned to represent a specific DOMAIN and to distinguish it from all other DOMAINs. f. domain-value-index—The unique value, or set of characters, assigned to represent a specific DOMAIN-VALUE for a specific DOMAIN and to distinguish it from all other DOMAIN-VALUEs for that DOMAIN. The table below is an example instance table for BUSINESS-RULEENTITY-ATTRIUBTE-COMPOSITE-DOMAIN-VALUE. Table 18. Instance Table for BUSINESS-RULE-ENTITY-ATTRIBUTE-COMPOSITE-DOMAINVALUE business-rule-id (FK) 100000000026 100000000026 100000000026 100000000026 100000000026 100000000026 100000000026 100000000026 100000000026 100000000026 ******-index *****-index (FK) (PK) domain-id (FK) 100000000001 100000000001 100000144 100000000002 100000000001 100000144 100000000003 100000000001 100004142 100000000004 100000000001 100000297 100000000004 100000000002 100000297 100000000004 100000000003 100000297 100000000004 100000000004 100000297 100000000004 100000000005 100000297 100000000004 100000000006 100000297 100000000004 100000000007 100000297 Note: **** = “business-rule-entity” Note: ***** = “business-rule-entity-attribute-composite” Note: ****** = “business-rule-entity-attribute-composite-domain-value” ****-index (FK) 100000000020 100000000020 100000000020 100000000020 100000000020 100000000020 100000000020 100000000020 100000000020 100000000020 domain-valueindex (FK) 1000004 1000004 1000007 1000012 1000047 1000001 1000002 1000004 1000003 1000005 The specification for the JC3IEDM Metamodel has to ensure that businessrule-entity-attribute-composite-domain-value-(indices) are not reused. If the semantic understanding of an existing business-rule-entity-attribute-composite-domain-value-index has changed, then a new key should be generated for the new business-rule-entity-attributecomposite-domain-value-index. It is expected that no new identifier with a value less than the highest used identifier (+ 1) will ever be used. 34 JC3IEDM - Metamodel - IPT3 V3.1.4 3.9 CREATOR-UPDATE-IDENTIFICATION 3.9.1 CREATOR-UPDATE-IDENTIFICATION is defined as ‘A relationship of an ENTITY and an ATTRIBUTE to identify the physical attributes for JC3IEDM Management.’ The JC3IEDM specification allows nations to make generic implementations. The CREATOR-UPDATE-IDENTIFICATION structure is shown in the figure below. Figure 7. Creator Update Identification View 3.9.2 A CREATOR-UPDATE-IDENTIFICATION is identified by the primary key attribute, entity-id (FK) that migrates to CREATOR-UPDATE-IDENTIFICATION under the identifying (one to many) relationship “has-creator-id-and-update-seqnrcolumns” from ENTITY. The attribute entity-id (FK) unifies with the primary key as a result of the relationships “identifies-creator-id-column” and “identifies-update-seqnrcolumn” from the entity ATTRIBUTE. The attributes of CREATOR-UPDATEIDENTIFICATION are the following: a. entity-id—The unique value, or set of characters, assigned to represent a specific ENTITY and to distinguish it from all other ENTITYs. b. creator-attribute-index—The attribute-index for a specific CREATOR-UPDATEIDENTIFICATION that identifies the creator-id of a specific record (a role name for attribute-index). c. update-attribute-index—The attribute-index for a specific CREATOR-UPDATEIDENTIFICATION that identifies the update-seqnr of a specific record (a role name for attribute-index). 35 JC3IEDM - Metamodel - IPT3 V3.1.4 3.9.3 The table below is an example instance table for CREATOR-UPDATEIDENTIFICATION. Table 19. Instance Table for CREATOR-UPDATE-IDENTIFICATION entity-id (FK) 10000002 10000003 10000004 10000005 10000006 creatorattribute-index (FK) 100004 100004 100010 100005 100007 36 update-attributeindex (FK) 100005 100005 100011 100006 100008 JC3IEDM - Metamodel - IPT3 V3.1.4 4. JC3IEDM CONCEPTS AND PHYSICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE JC3IEDM MODEL 4.1 Metamodel CONCEPTS 4.1.1 General Properties This section discusses general properties of the JC3IEDM metamodel. 4.1.2 Model Level The MIRD stores the current JC3IEDM data model. However, it may hold an additional meta data model which describes the structure of the MIRD itself. The distinction between meta data and meta meta data is made by means of the attribute “entitymodel-level-code.” Possible values are APPL (application level, denoting a part of the JC3IEDM), META (denoting a part of the JC3IEDM metamodel). Only entities and domains have a model level code. The model level of other objects, such as attributes and domain values, is determined by reference to either entity or domain. 4.1.3 Standardization Level Future national MIP-based command and control systems will probably also require the exchange of non-MIP data. This can happen, for instance, when specific data (e.g., additions to MIP “person” data) must be distributed on a national basis. Such systems will replicate data according to an extended MIP Data Model. There will be extra entities, attributes, etc., to cover non-MIP data. Notice that the original JC3IEDM is unaffected; only national extensions are allowed, not modifications. The metamodel takes into account this requirement by (optionally) making a distinction between different standardization levels. Four basic objects in a data model— entity, attribute, domain, and domain value—are defined at a certain level of standardization. Two replication nodes, for example, may be able to interchange data only down to a certain level of standardization. For instance, the nodes might specifically support bilaterally agreed data or nationally standardized data, in addition to MIP-specified data. The upper level is MIP; that is, “most” standard objects are defined by MIP. Other levels include internationally agreed (between a number of countries) data sets, and national data sets. The lowest level of standardization is the local level, which includes data that is only used locally at a replication node (and is never replicated to other nodes). Values of the domain “standardisation-level-code” are: MPCO (MIP core or JC3IEDM), INAT (international extension), NAT (national extension), LOC (local), MIP (Multilateral Interoperability Programme) and MIPNDA (MIP-NATO Data Administration).5 The following remarks amplify standardization specifications: a. 5 The concept of “standardization level” enables nations to extend the JC3IEDM with additional entities, domains, etc. (just as subfunctional areas are extensions to the JC3IEDM). Among other developments, the Dutch system development activities have already revealed that national extensions to the data model are highly desirable. Although there is uncertainty as to whether the “standardization level” attribute should be an MIP feature or a national implementation issue, the attribute has been This attribute occurs for the following: ENTITY, ATTRIBUTE, DOMAIN, and DOMAIN-VALUE. 37 JC3IEDM - Metamodel - IPT3 V3.1.4 adopted so that experience can be gained from it. Nations are free to use it or implement similar functionality in a different way (or make no use of extensions at all) for evaluation and experimentation. b. Besides national extensions to the JC3IEDM, nations might decide to make additions to the metamodel as well. For instance, nations could decide to store certain properties (e.g., entity names and definitions) in a second language. How these properties are maintained and integrated with the metadata coming from MIP is a national problem. The following provides an example. In the Netherlands (NLD), there is a requirement to store more information about persons than is done in MIP; an example is “blood group.” Subtypes of ORGANISATION-TYPE other than “unit” may be needed by some nation, for example an “agency.” The Dutch MIP-based command and control systems will be based upon an extended MIP Data Model. A new attribute “blood-group-code” is added to PERSON. A new domain for this attribute is added as well. Furthermore, a new subtype entity NL-AGENCY is connected to ORGANISATION-TYPE. The domain of “organisationtype-category-code” is extended (e.g., to include “NL-AG”). The Dutch dictionary now contains a mixture of pure MIP data model objects and additional NL-specific data model objects. The distinction between MIP and NLD features is made by means of the standardization level. 4.1.4 Key Management The five base (primary) key attributes contained in the metamodel described above must fulfil the rules of MIP key management (MIP Implementation Rules (MIR) Annex D). This is necessary because the five concepts they represent—entity, attribute, business rule, domain and domain value—will be managed by more than one organisation. At the MIP level and at national levels, objects such as these will be created and maintained. In order to avoid clashes in key values, special rules are applicable. The following base attributes are subject to MIP key management rules to ensure that they are unique world wide: entity-id, attribute-index, business-rule-id, domain-id, and domain-value-index. New identifier values are only created for base key attributes. For instance, RELATIONSHIP.parent-entity-id always refers to an existing, already created ENTITY.entityid. Therefore, the foreign key attributes derived from these five base key attributes are not part of the list. The remaining base key attributes in the metamodel (business-rule-entityindex, business-rule-entity-attribute-composite-index, business-rule-entity-attributecomposite-domain-value-index, relationship-index, category-relationship-index, and alternate-key-index) can be assigned any value but should never reuse an old index number. 4.1.5 Physical Properties Physically (i.e., in database terms), a data model is described by the following properties spread over the metamodel: a. Table name (ENTITY) b. Column name (ATTRIBUTE) c. Datatype (BASE-ATTRIBUTE) 38 JC3IEDM - Metamodel - IPT3 V3.1.4 d. Optionality (NON-KEY-ATTRIBUTE). The JC3IEDM makes use of these properties to handle replicated data. 4.2 Physical Abbreviations 4.2.1 The table below shows the class words available for use in the JC3IEDM Metamodel and their physical abbreviations. Table 20. Class Word Abbreviations Class Word Physical Abbreviation amount angle binary object code coordinate count datetime dimension duration identifier / id index ordinal quantity rate ratio temperature text amt angle binobj code coord cnt dttm dim dur id ix ord qty rate rat tmpr txt 4.2.2 The abbreviations in the table below are used in the JC3IEDM metamodel for entity and attribute names: Table 21. JC3IEDM Metamodel Logical Term Abbreviations Logical Term Physical Abbreviation ALTERNATE alt alternate-key-attribute ak_attr ATTRIBUTE attr BUSINESS-RULE br cardinality card child composite column ch comp col completeness compl6 cross-reference xref datatype daty decimals dec definition def dependency depen document domain doc dom 6 The abbreviation ‘compl’ is also used in the JC3IEDM Metamodel to represent the tem “completion”. It is recommended to not change either abbreviation unless there is a conflict within one model, either JC3IEDM or JC3IEDM Metamodel. 39 JC3IEDM - Metamodel - IPT3 V3.1.4 Logical Term domain-value entity foreign-key hierarchy identifying Physical Abbreviation dom_val ent fk hier ident inverse inv length len measurement meas migrating migr model non-key optionality mod nk opt parent primary-key reference pa pk ref relationship rel7 restriction restr rolename rona sequence-number seqnr source src standardisation stdn status stat storage-type-code subtype-relationship super stg_type_code subt_rel sup table tab unifying unif unique uniq value val 4.2.3 While not included in the JC3IEDM metamodel, every entity of JC3IEDM has the following two physical attributes: a. creator identifier of the tuple (creator_id)—The unique value, assigned to represent a specific proprietor of a certain data item (record) that is responsible for maintaining that data item. At present, the grammar assumes the creator_id is <padded no. 20>. b. update_sequence_number (formerly known as “timestamp”; update_seqnr)—An absolute sequence number, assigned to represent the validity (in terms of seniority) of a certain data item. It is a national implementation issue to define a strategy which ensures, that the update_sequence_number is always set to a larger value than the last one used, when updating a data item in the JC3IEDM. MIP suggests using the current time for the update_sequence_number value using the format: YYYYMMDDHHMMSS. 7 The abbreviation ‘rel’ is also used in the JC3IEDM Metamodel to represent the tem “relative”. Because this term is critical and extensively used, it is recommended to not change either abbreviation unless there is a conflict within one model, either JC3IEDM or JC3IEDM Metamodel. 40 JC3IEDM - Metamodel - IPT3 V3.1.4 Annex A: JC3IEDM Metamodel— GLOSSARY A-1 JC3IEDM - Metamodel - IPT3 V3.1.4 1 R IRISH AAP AAP AAP-6 ABCA AC ACE ACK ACO ACP ACS ACSE ACT ACT DAO AD ADatP–3 ADM ADMD AEngrP AFNORTH AFS AFV AH AI AICM AIntP-3 AIRCENT AMLESB AN ANSI AOI AOR APC APDU API APP APPL APP-10 APP-6A APP-9 AR ARM Armd ARP ARRC Arty ASAP ASCA ASCII ASN.1 ASSOCMAN ASUW ASW The Royal Irish Rangers NATO Standardisation Agreements and Allied Publications Allied Administrative Publication Allied Administrative Publication N° 6 - NATO Glossary of Terms and Definitions The America, Britain, Canada, Australia (ABCA) Armies Program is an armies interoperability forum the purpose of which is to optimize interoperability through cooperation and collaboration in the continuous pursuit of standardization and mutual understanding in order to integrate the capabilities of the ABCA Armies in coalition operations Active Status Allied Command Europe Acknowledgement Airspace Control Order / Allied Command for Operations Allied Communications Publication Automated Channel Selection Association Control Service Element Allied Command Transformation Allied Command Transformation, Data Administration Office Air Defence Allied Data Publication Message Formats ATCCIS Data Model Administration Management Domain Allied Engineering Publication Allied Forces Northern Region ADatP-3 Formatting Staff Armoured Fighting Vehicle Attack Helicopter Air Interdiction Aeronautical Information Conceptual Model Allied Intelligence Publication 3 Allied Air Forces Central Europe Additional Military Layers - Environment Seabed and Beach Access Node American National Standards Institute Area of Interest Area of Responsibility Armoured personnel carrier Application Protocol Data Unit Application Programming Interface Allied Procedural Publication Application Allied Procedural Publication N° 10 - NATO Interoperability Document Allied Procedural Publication N° 6A - Military symbols for Land Based Systems Allied Procedural Publication N° 9 - Compendium of Allied Forces Messages Armored – US designation / Army Regulation ATCCIS Replication Mechanism Armoured Address Resolution Protocol ACE Rapid Reaction Corps Artillery Application service access point Artillery Systems Cooperation Activities American Standard Code for Information Interchange Abstract Syntax Notation 1 Association Manager Anti Surface Warfare Anti-submarine warfare A-1 JC3IEDM - Metamodel - IPT3 V3.1.4 ATacCS ATCCIS ATCCS ATCP ATP ATP-35(B) AUS AUT AUTOKO AWG BAI Bde BE BEL BFV BG BGR BICES BIGSTAF BIP BiSC BL BMHS BMP BMS Bn, BN BOA BPD Bty C C2 C2IEDM C2IS C2S C3 C4I DTF CAN CAS CASP CAV CBRN CBT CCEB CCIR CCIS CCWG CDC CE CEE CEOI CET CFCS CFE cGY CIS Army Tactical Computer System Army Tactical Command and Control Information System Army Tactical Command and Control System (USA) Air Traffic Control Procedures Allied Technical Publication Allied Tactical Publication 35(B) - Land Forces Tactical Doctrine Australia Austria AUTOmatisiertes KOmmunikationsnetz ATCCIS Working Group Battlefield air interdiction Brigade Basic Encyclopedia - a target numbering scheme Belgium Bradley Fighting Vehicle Battle Group (Equivalent to a US Battalion) Bulgaria Battlefield Intelligence Collection and Exploitation System Breitbandiges Integriertes Gefechtsstandfernmeldenetz Battlefield Interoperability Programme Bi Strategic Commands (NATO) Baseline BIP Message Handling System Russian fighting vehicle Battlefield Management System Battalion Basic Object Adaptor Boundary Protection Device Battery Conditional Command and Control Command and Control Information Exchange Data Model (formerly named LC2IEDM) Command and Control Information Systems Command and Control System Command, Control and Communications / Consultation, Command, and Control [NATO usage] Object Management Group (OMG) C4I Domain Task Force Canada or Canadian Close Air Support Coordinated Air Sea Procedure Cavalry Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Combat Combined Communication Electronic Board Commander's Critical Information Requirements Command and Control Information System Configuration Control Working Group Center for Disease Control Combined Endeavour Common Engineering Environment Communication and Electronic Operating Instruction Combat Engineer Tractor Command and Fire Control System Conventional Forces Europe Centigray Communications and Information System A-2 JC3IEDM - Metamodel - IPT3 V3.1.4 CJTF CM CMBG CMO CMSR CN CNR COD COI COLOC COMMS COMSEC COP CORBA CoStEx COTS Coy, COY CP CP CPX CRC CRLF CRO CSMA/CD CWID CZE DAFIF DB DBA DDDS DDL DEM DEMS DES DEU DIGEST Div, DIV DMSWG DMWG DNK DoD DOS DP DPC DR DSN DSP DTG E.G. ECCM ECM ED50 E-IARRCIS EID E-Mail EMC Combined & Joint Task Force Configuration Management Combat Brigade Group (CAN) Civil/Military Operations Configuration Management Status Report Change Notice Combat Net Radio Concise Oxford Dictionary Community of Interest Change of Location of Command Communications Communication Security Common Operational Picture Common Object Request Broker Architecture Command and Staff Exercise Commercial Off The Shelf Company Change Proposal Command Post Command Post Exercise Cyclic Redundancy Check Carriage Return Line Feed Crisis Response Operations Carrier Sense Multiple Access / Collision Detection Coalition Warrior Interoperability Demonstration Czech Republic Digital Aeronautical Flight Information File Database ADatP-3 Data Base Administrator Defense Data Dictionary System (USA) Database Definition Language / Data Definition Language Data Exchange Mechanism Data Exchange Mechanism Schema Data Exchange Schema Germany or German Digital Geographic Exchange Standard Division Data Management Services Working Group (formerly NDAG) Data Modelling Working Group Denmark Department of Defense (USA) Day of supply Data Provider Defence Planning Committee (NATO) Data Receiver Delivery Status Notification Digital signal processor Day Time Group Exempli Gratia – As Example Electronic Counter – Counter Measures Electronic Counter Measures European Datum 50 Enhanced Interim ARRC Information System Experimental Interoperability Database Electronic Mail Electro-Magnetic Compatibility A-3 JC3IEDM - Metamodel - IPT3 V3.1.4 EMCON Engr ENVID EOD EoS EQPMT ER ERWIN ERwin ™ ESMTP ESP ETA EUROFOR EW EXCON FA FAA FAAP/CG FACC FAFCISO FBI FD FFIR FFIRN FUD FH FIBE FIMU FIN FIPS FK F-Kill FLET FLIP FLOT FM FORMETS FRA FS FSCL FTP FUD FUDN FUI GBR GeFüSys GEL GEW GH GIE GIS GOIDG GPOC GRC GW HCDR Emission Control Engineer, Engineering Envelope ID Explosive Ordnance Disposal Element of Service Equipment Entity Relationship CaseTool ER=entity-relationship WIN=Windows-based IDEF1X software tool from Computer Associates (Versions 3.5.2 and 4.1.4 SP3) Extended Simple Mail Transfer Protocol Spain Estimated Time of Arrival European Force Electronic Warfare Exercise Control Field Artillery Federal Aviation Administration Federal Aviation Administration Pilot/Controller Glossary Feature and Attribute Coding Catalog (Volume 4 of the DIGEST standard) Federal Armed Forces CIS Organization Federal Bureau of Investigation (USA) Field Demonstration Friendly Forces Information Requirements Field Format Index Reference Number Field Use Designator Frequency Hopping Field Initiated Basic Encyclopedia—a target numbering scheme Fleet Information Management Unit (Royal Navy – GBR) Finland Federal Information Processing Standard (USA) Foreign Key (a key inherited by a child entity from a parent entity) Firepower Kill (criterion) Forward line of enemy troops Flight Information Publications Forward Line Own Troops Field Manual NATO Message Text Formatting System France or French Fire Support Fire Support Coordination Line File Transfer Protocol Field Use Designator Field Use Designator Number Field Use Identifier United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Gefechtsfeldführungssystem Generic Event List Global Early Warning Generic Hub Data Model - ATCCIS Global Information Environment Geographic Information System General Officers International Digitization Group Gateway Point of Contact Greece Gateway High Capacity Data Radio A-4 JC3IEDM - Metamodel - IPT3 V3.1.4 HDRS HEROS HF HICON HoD HQ HQ AFCENT HQ AFSOUTH HQ ARRC HQ EUROCORPS HRF/LRF HTML HTTP HUMINT HUN HW I.E. I/O IA5 IAD IAW ICAM ICAO ICE Id ID IDEF IDEF1X IDEF1X IDL IED IEEE IEM IER IEW IFF IFR IMC IMINT IMO IMS IN Inf, INF INFOSEC INTSUM IOB IOF IOT&E IP IPM IPMS IR IRD IRDS IRRB ISDN Headers Heeresführungsinformationssystem für rechnergestützte Operationsführung in Stäben (GER) High Frequency Higher Controller Head of Delegation Headquarters Headquarters Allied Forces Central Europe Headquarters Allied Forces Southern Europe Headquarters ACE Rapid Reaction Corps Headquarters European Corps High Readiness Forces / Low Readiness Forces Hyper Text Markup Language Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Human Intelligence Hungary Hardware Id Est - Such As Input / Output International Alphabet Number 5 (also known as ASCII) Interface Adapter Device In Accordance With Integrated Computer-Aided Manufacturing International Civil Aviation Organisation Information Content Element Identification; Identifier Infantry division (e.g., 25ID) Integrated Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM) Definition (Language) IDEF for Data Modelling ICAM Definition Language 1. Extension Interface Definition Language Improvised Explosive Device Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Information Exchange Mechanism Information Exchange Requirement Intelligence Electronic Warfare Identification Friend/Foe Instrument Flight Rules Information Management Cell Imagery Intelligence International Maritime Organisation International Military Staff Inactive (status) Infantry Information Security Intelligence Summary Inter-Operability Branch Input/Output Facility Initial Operational Test & Evaluation Internet Protocol, ISO/OSI level 3 Interpersonal Messaging Interpersonal Messaging System Incident Report Information Resource Dictionary Information Resource Dictionary Standard IR Review Board Integrated Services Digital Network A-5 JC3IEDM - Metamodel - IPT3 V3.1.4 ISO ISO/OSI/IEC ISSC ITA ITR ITU JAG-T JC3IEDM JC3RCSC JCS JCS Pub JSB JSP JTF JWID KBS K-Kill LAN LARS LASH LC LC2IEDM LC2IS LCIS LFC2IS LFCS LFRIL LG.1 LLAPI LLC LO LOCON LOWG LTU M01 M02 M03 MA MAS MBN MBP MBPT MBT MBxTP MCCIS MCDM MCI MCLiP MCMP MCS MDP MDWP MEBxR MEDP International Organisation of Standardisation International Standardisation Organisation/ Open Systems Interconnection/ International Electrotechnical Commission Information System Sub-Committee Italy or Italian Initial Technical Review (CP at AFS or DBA) International Telecommunication Union JC3IEDM Annex Generation Tool Joint C3 (Consultation, Command, and Control) Information Exchange Data Model (formerly named C2IEDM) Joint C3 Requirements and Concepts Sub-Committee Joint Chiefs of Staff Joint Chiefs of Staff Publication (USA) Joint Service Board Joint Services Publication (GBR) Joint Task Force Joint Warrior Interoperability Demonstration (renamed to CWID in 2005) Kilobits per second Permanent Kill (“unserviceable” criterion) Local Area Network Multiple rocket launcher Lighter Aboard Ship Line of contact Land Command and Control Information Exchange Data Model (formerly named Generic Hub 4) Land Command and Control Information System Land Common Interoperability System Land Forces Command and Control System Land Forces Command System Land Forces Reportable Item List (NATO) Land Group 1 (of the NATO Army Armaments Group - NAAG) Low Level Air Picture Interface Logical Link Control Liaison Officer Lower Controller Land Operational Working Group Lithuania DEM incremental update management data exchange PDU DEM bulk management data exchange PDU DEM catalogue bulk management data exchange PDU 1) Management and 2) Mandatory NATO Military Agency for Standardisation MIP Briefing Notes MIP Block Plan MIP Boiler Plate Text Main Battle Tank MIP Block x Test Plan (x is for the Block it’s written for) Maritime Command and Control Information System MIP Common Data Model MIP Common Interface MIP Communications and Liaison Plan MIP Configuration Management Plan Maneuver Control System (USA) MIP Development Plan Multi Disciplinary Working Party (MIP) MIP End Of Block x Report (x is for the Block it’s written for) MIP Exercise and Demonstration Plan A-6 JC3IEDM - Metamodel - IPT3 V3.1.4 MEI MEL MEM MET MFI MG MGA MGS MHS MI MIC MIE MIF MIL-STD-2525B MIME MIP MIP Baseline List MIP CONOPS MIP Doc Reg MIP Glos MIP IEDM MIP POC MIPS MIPSYSMAN MIR MIRD M-Kill MLC MLRS MMHSWG MNC MND MNMB MOA MOD MOH MOL MOLT MOOTW MOP MOPP MOU MPA MPMP MPR MPRL MPRRB MPRT MRMP MRS MS MSB Msg MSG MSISP MSLT Message Exchange Interface Main Events List Message Exchange Mechanism Meteorology, Meteorological Mandatory For Implementation Multinational agreement CP MG agreed CP in MG Staffing process MTFWG Message Handling System Military intelligence Multinational Interoperability Council Military Information Environment MIP Integrated Framework US Mil Standard, Common Warfighting Symbology, version B dd 30 Jan 1999 Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions Multilateral Interoperability Programme MIP Baseline Documents Status List MIP Concept of Operations MIP Document Register MIP Glossary MIP Information Exchange Data Model MIP Point of Contact List MIP Integrated Programme Schedule MIP System Management (message) MIP Implementation Rules MIP Information Resource Dictionary Mobility Kill (criterion) Military Load Classification Multiple Launch Rocket System Military Message Handling Services Working Group Multinational Corps Multi-National Division MIP – NATO Management Board Memorandum of Agreement Ministry of Defence MIP Operational Handbook MIP Official Library MIP Operational Level Test Specification Military Operations Other Than War MIP Operating Procedures Mission Oriented Protective Posture Memorandum of Understanding Military Patrol Aircraft MIP Programme Management Plan MIP Problem Report MIP Program Risk List MPR Review Board MIP Problem Report Tool (aka MIPzilla, Bugzilla) MIP Risk Management Plan MIP Reference System Message Store / MIP Solution MIP Standard Briefing Message MIP Steering Group MIP System Interconnections Security Policy MIP System Level Test Specification A-7 JC3IEDM - Metamodel - IPT3 V3.1.4 MTA MTBF MTC MTEMP MTF MTFWG MTFWG CM Plan MTIDP MTIR MTM MTP MTS MTTP MTTR MTWP MVS MWAOP MWTU NAAG NAD Narr NATO NBAC NBC NC3A NC3B NC3O ND NDAG NEGACK NEO NFFI NGA NGF NHQC3S NHQC3S/IOB NI NII NIETWG NIMP NIPD NLD NOR NOSWG NPIS NRT NTDI O/R OBJ OC OCL OED OIG OLT OMG OMT Message Transfer Agent Mean Time Between Failure MIP Test Controller MIP Test and Evaluation Master Plan Message Text Format / Medical Treatment Facility Message Text Format Working Group Message Text Format Working Group Configuration Management Plan MIP Technical Interface Design Plan MIP Tactical C2IS Interoperability Requirement Message Transfer Mechanism MIP Test Plan Message Transfer System MIP Technical Test Plan Mean Time To Repair MIP Testing Working Party MIP Vision and Scope MIP WEB Site Administration and Operating Procedures Mine Warfare Training Unit (Royal Navy - GBR) NATO Army Armaments Group Network Architecture Diagram Narrative North Atlantic Treaty Organisation Narrow body civilian aircraft Nuclear, Biological and Chemical NATO Consultation, Command, and Control Agency NATO Consultation, Command, and Control Board NATO Consultation, Command, and Control Organization National Division NATO Data Administration Group (now DMSWG) Negative Acknowledgement Non-combatant Evacuation Operations NATO Friendly Force Identifier National Geospatial and Intelligence Agency Naval gunfire NATO Headquarters Consultation, Command, and Control Staff NATO Headquarters Consultation, Command, and Control Staff / Interoperability Branch Not Implemented National Implementation Issue NATO Interoperability Testing Working Group NATO Interoperability Management Plan NATO Interoperability Planning Document The Netherlands Norway NATO Opens Systems Working Group NATO Procedural Interoperability Standards Nearly Real Time NATO Target Data Inventory Originator/Recipient Objective Operation Centre Object Constraint Language Oxford English Dictionary Operational Information Groups Operational Level Test Object Management Group Object Modelling Technique A-8 JC3IEDM - Metamodel - IPT3 V3.1.4 OO OOB OOTW Op Eval OPCOM OPCON OPFOR OPLAN OPORDER ORB ORBAT Org OSI OT OWG P1 PDAU PDU PIR PL PM PMG POL POL POSACK POW PPP PRMD PRT PSO PUB QACISG QACISIG QIOP QIP QMHS QSTAG QTIDP RCPT RDBMS RDC RDT RDU Recce REF REPMAN RET RFC RFC 822 RFD RFW Rgt, REGT Rh RHA RHQ RIC Object Oriented Order of Battle Operations Other Than War Operational Evaluation Operational Command Operational Control Opposing Forces Operations Plan Operations Order Object Request Broker Order of Battle Organization Open Systems Interconnection Object Technology Operational Working Group A special X.400 protocol Physical Delivery Access Unit Protocol Data Unit Prioritized Information Requirements Phase Line Project Manager Program Management Group (MIP) Petroleum, Oil, and Lubricant Poland Positive Acknowledgement Prisoner of War Point-to-Point-Protocol Private Management Domain Portugal Peace Support Operations Publication Quadrilateral Army CIS Interoperability Group Quadrilateral Army Communications and Information systems Interoperability Group Quadrilateral Interface Operational Procedures (QIP Program) Quadrilateral Interoperability Programme QIP Message Handling System Quadripartite Standardization Agreement QIP Technical Interface Design Plan Receipt to Relational Data Base Management System Replication Domain Composite Replication Domain Type Replication Domain Union Reconnaissance Reference Replication Manager Return Request for Comments Part of SMTP Message Text Format Request For Deviation Request For Waiver Regiment Rhesus factor in blood typing Royal Horse Artillery (GBR) Regional Headquarters Reportable Item Code A-9 JC3IEDM - Metamodel - IPT3 V3.1.4 RIP RITA RLC RMKS ROE ROU RPC RTR RTSE S&F SA SACEUR SAN SAP SATCOM SC/n SCRA(T) SEAWG SEI SHAPE SHAPE DAO SHORAD SIACCON SICF SIGINT SIMACET SINCE SIR SLIERP SLT SME SMTP SNR (A) SNR (C3) SOHB SOI SOP SOTRIN SPN SQL Sqn SRS SSP STANAG Std STGP SUT SVN SW SWE SYS ACK SYS MAN SYS NAK TAA TACCIS TASK ORG Routing Information Protocol Réseau Intégré de Transmissions Automatiques (FRA) Royal Logistics Corp Remarks Rules of Engagement Romania Remote Procedure Call The Royal Tank Regiment (GBR) Reliable Transfer Service Element Store and Forward Situational Awareness Supreme Allied Commander Europe Secondary Access Node Service Access Point Satellite Communications Subcommittee/number Single Channel Radio Access (Terminal) Systems Engineering & Architecture Working Group Software Engineering Institute from Carnegie Mellon University Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe, Data Administration Office Short Range Air Defence Sistema Automatizzato di Comando e Controllo (ITA) Système d’Information pour le Commandement des Forces (FRA) Signals Intelligence SIstema de Mando y Control para el Ejército de Tierra (ESP) Simulation and C2 Information System Connectivity Experiment Système d’Information Régimentaire (FRA) Senior Land Information Exchange Requirements Panel System Level Test Subject Matter Expert Simple Mail Transfer Protocol Senior National Representatives (Army) Senior National Representatives (C3) Staff Officers Handbook (GBR) Statement of Intent Standard Operating Procedures Sottosistema di Trasmissioni Integrate Self-Protecting Node Structured Query Language (ISO) Squadron [Software or System] Requirements Specifications System Security Policy NATO STANdardisation AGreement Standard Shared Tactical Ground Picture System Under Test Slovenia Software Sweden System Acknowledgement (MIP) System Management (message) System Negative Acknowledgement Tactical Assembly Areas Tactical Area Command and Control Information System Task Organisation A-10 JC3IEDM - Metamodel - IPT3 V3.1.4 TBD TCP TCP/IP TEL TEWG TFMAN TFTP Tgt TIDP TMHS TOA TOC TOE TOO TOP WG ToR TP2K TTP TTSpec TUR TWG UA UDP UK UN USA USMTF UTC UTM UTO UTP UXO VFR VHF WAN WBAC WG(s) WGS-84 WHO WP WP(s) WTD 81 WWW X01 X02 X03 X.400 X25 X400 XDR XML Y2K To be Done / To be Decided / To be Determined Transmission Control Protocol Protocol used within TCP/IP (Transfer Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) wide area networks Transporter erector launcher Test and Evaluation Working Group Transfer Facility Manager Trivial File Transfer Protocol Target Technical Interface Design Plan Tactical Message Handling System Transfer Of Authority Tactical Operations Centre Table of Equipment Table of Organisation Land Forces Tactical Doctrine and Operational Procedures Working Group Terms of Reference TACOM Post-2000 Tactics, Techniques and Procedures Technical Test Specification Turkey Technical Working Group User Agent User Datagram Protocol United Kingdom United Nations United States of America United States Message Text Format Coordinated Universal Time Universal Transverse Mercator Unit Task Organisation Unshielded Twisted Pair Unexploded Ordnance Visual Flight Rules Very High Frequency Wide Area Network Wide Body Civilian Aircraft Working Group(s) World Geodetic System 1984 (reference standard) World Health Organisation Working Paper Working party(s) Wehrtechnische Dienststelle 81 World Wide Web DEM Incremental Update Data Exchange PDU DEM Full Bulk Data Exchange PDU DEM Aborted Update PDU CCITT/ITU Recommendation for Message Handling Systems Protocol used within ISO standard X25 based networks Protocol used within ISO standard X400 based networks External Data Representation Extensible Markup Language Year 2000 A-11 JC3IEDM - Metamodel - IPT3 V3.1.4 Annex B: JC3IEDM Metamodel— ENTITY DEFINITIONS AND ATTRIBUTES B-1 JC3IEDM - Metamodel - IPT3 V3.1.4 (This page intentionally left blank) B-2 JC3IEDM - Metamodel - IPT3 V3.1.4 Annex B. JC3IEDM Metamodel— ENTITY DEFINITIONS AND ATTRIBUTES Entity Name ALTERNATE-KEY ALTERNATE-KEYATTRIBUTE ATTRIBUTE Entity Definition A record that points to one or more attributes that collectively serve as a unique identification for an entity that is cited in a specific ENTITY and may be used instead of the PRIMARY-KEY for the same instance of ENTITY. The association of a specific ALTERNATE-KEY with a specific ATTRIBUTE that identifies the participation of the ATTRIBUTE as part of ALTERNATE-KEY. A record that specifies the metadata characteristics of an attribute for an entity that is described in a specific ENTITY. BASE-ATTRIBUTE An ATTRIBUTE that is native to the entity referenced by the specific ENTITY. BUSINESS-RULE A grouping of operationally related business restrictions. BUSINESS-RULE-ENTITY An identification of a specific entity that is the focus of a particular BUSINESS-RULE. BUSINESS-RULE-ENTITYATTRIBUTE-COMPOSITE An identification of a specific attribute that is the focus of a particular BUSINESS-RULE-ENTITY. BUSINESS-RULE-ENTITYATTRIBUTE-COMPOSITEDOMAIN-VALUE An identification of the specific domain value that is part of a particular BUSINESS-RULE-ENTITYATTRIBUTE-COMPOSITE. CARDINALITYRELATIONSHIP A one-way RELATIONSHIP that identifies a specific “parent” ENTITY with a specific “child” ENTITY where the child is a dependent ENTITY whose set of key attributes may differ from the set of key attributes of the parent. B-3 Attribute Name entity-id (PK) (FK) alternate-key-index (PK) alternate-key-number-quantity alternate-key-uniqueness-indicator-code entity-id (PK) (FK) attribute-index (PK) (FK) alternate-key-index (PK) (FK) entity-id (PK) (FK) attribute-index (PK) attribute-name-text attribute-column-name-text attribute-sequence-number-ordinal attribute-primary-key-indicator-code attribute-foreign-key-indicator-code attribute-standardisation-level-code entity-id (PK) (FK) attribute-index (PK) (FK) base-attribute-definition-text base-attribute-data-type-code base-attribute-data-length-count base-attribute-data-decimals-count domain-id (FK) business-rule-id (PK) business-rule-category-code business-rule-section-cross-reference-text business-rule-name-text business-rule-definition-text business-rule-table-cross-reference-text business-rule-id (PK) (FK) business-rule-entity-index (PK) entity-of-interest-id (FK) business-rule-id (PK) (FK) business-rule-entity-index (PK)(FK) business-rule-entity-attribute-composite-index (PK) business-rule-entity-attribute-composite-nullindicator-code entity-id (FK) attribute-index (FK) business-rule-id (PK) (FK) business-rule-entity-index (PK)(FK) business-rule-entity-attribute-composite-index (PK)(FK) business-rule-entity-attribute-compositedomain-value-index (PK) domain-id (FK) domain-value-index (FK) parent-entity-id (PK) (FK) child-entity-id (PK) (FK) relationship-index (PK) (FK) cardinality-relationship-verb-name-text cardinality-relationship-inverse-verb-name-text cardinality-relationship-identifying-indicatorcode cardinality-relationship-parent-cardinality-code cardinality-relationship-child-cardinality-code cardinality-relationship-child-minimumcardinality-count cardinality-relationship-child-maximumcardinality-count JC3IEDM - Metamodel - IPT3 V3.1.4 CATEGORY-RELATIONSHIP Representation of the information required to define a subtype for a specific ENTITY. CREATOR-UPDATEIDENTIFICATION DOMAIN DOMAIN-VALUE ENTITY FOREIGN-KEY-ATTRIBUTE NON-KEY-ATTRIBUTE PRIMARY-KEY-ATTRIBUTE RELATIONSHIP SUBTYPE-RELATIONSHIP super-entity-id (PK) (FK) category-relationship-index (PK) category-relationship-definition-text discriminator-attribute-index (FK) category-relationship-completeness-indicatorcode A relationship of an ENTITY and an ATTRIBUTE entity-id (PK) (FK) to identify the physical attributes for JC3IEDM creator-attribute-index (FK) Management. update-attribute-index (FK) A record that specifies the collective metadata domain-id (PK) characteristics for a set of values to be domain-name-text associated with a specific data element. domain-definition-text domain-class-name-text domain-restriction-type-code domain-measurement-unit-description-text parent-domain-id (FK) domain-standardisation-level-code domain-model-level-code domain-definition-source-text A valid data instance cited for a specific DOMAIN. domain-id (PK) (FK) domain-value-index (PK) domain-value-description-text domain-value-name-text domain-value-definition-text domain-value-type-code domain-value-standardisation-level-code domain-value-source-text A record that specifies the metadata entity-id (PK) characteristics of an entity from a data model for entity-name-text which metadata is being recorded. entity-table-name-text entity-definition-text entity-dependency-code entity-depth-count entity-storage-type-code entity-standardisation-level-code entity-model-level-code An ATTRIBUTE that has been migrated under a host-entity-id (PK) (FK) RELATIONSHIP from the primary key of the attribute-index (PK) (FK) "Parent" ENTITY of that RELATIONSHIP. foreign-key-attribute-role-definition-text foreign-key-attribute-rolename-indicator-code source-entity-id (FK) source-attribute-index (FK) migrating-relationship-index (FK) base-entity-id (FK) base-attribute-index (FK) unifying-attribute-index (FK) An ATTRIBUTE used to provide a descriptive entity-id (PK) (FK) data element of instances of the ENTITY to attribute-index (PK) (FK) which the ATTRIBUTE belongs and that is not a non-key-attribute-optionality-indicator-code member of the primary key of that ENTITY. An ATTRIBUTE used to provide the unique entity-id (PK) (FK) identifier(s) of an instance of the ENTITY to attribute-index (PK) (FK) which the attributes belong. The association of one instance of ENTITY (the parent-entity-id (PK) (FK) "Parent” ENTITY) with another (the "Child" child-entity-id (PK) (FK) ENTITY) that describes the degree and nature of relationship-index (PK) the association. relationship-type-code A RELATIONSHIP that identifies a child ENTITY super-entity-id (PK) (FK) whose primary key is identical to the primary key sub-entity-id (PK) (FK) of the parent ENTITY and which inherits all of relationship-index (PK) (FK) the properties of the parent ENTITY. category-relationship-index (FK) domain-id (FK) domain-value-index (FK) B-4 JC3IEDM - Metamodel - IPT3 V3.1.4 Annex C: JC3IEDM Metamodel— ATTRIBUTE DEFINITIONS C-1 JC3IEDM - Metamodel - IPT3 V3.1.4 (This page intentionally left blank) C-2 JC3IEDM - Metamodel - IPT3 V3.1.4 Annex C. JC3IEDM Metamodel— ATTRIBUTE DEFINITIONS8 Attribute Name alternate-key-index Opt Entity Usage MA ALTERNATE-KEY ALTERNATE-KEYATTRIBUTE alternate-key-numberquantity alternate-key-uniquenessindicator-code attribute-column-name-text MA ALTERNATE-KEY MA ALTERNATE-KEY MA ATTRIBUTE attribute-foreign-keyindicator-code MA ATTRIBUTE attribute-index MA ALTERNATE-KEYATTRIBUTE ATTRIBUTE BASE-ATTRIBUTE BUSINESS-RULE-ENTITYATTRIBUTE-COMPOSITE FOREIGN-KEY-ATTRIBUTE NON-KEY-ATTRIBUTE PRIMARY-KEY-ATTRIBUTE MA ATTRIBUTE attribute-name-text attribute-primary-keyindicator-code MA ATTRIBUTE attribute-sequence-numberordinal attribute-standardisationlevel-code base-attribute-datadecimals-count OP ATTRIBUTE MA ATTRIBUTE OP BASE-ATTRIBUTE base-attribute-data-lengthcount base-attribute-data-typecode base-attribute-definition-text MA BASE-ATTRIBUTE MA BASE-ATTRIBUTE base-attribute-index MA FOREIGN-KEY-ATTRIBUTE base-entity-id MA FOREIGN-KEY-ATTRIBUTE MA BASE-ATTRIBUTE business-rule-category-code MA BUSINESS-RULE business-rule-definition-text OP BUSINESS-RULE business-rule-entityattribute-composite-domainvalue-index MA BUSINESS-RULE-ENTITYATTRIBUTE-COMPOSITEDOMAIN-VALUE business-rule-entityattribute-composite-index MA BUSINESS-RULE-ENTITYATTRIBUTE-COMPOSITE BUSINESS-RULE-ENTITYATTRIBUTE-COMPOSITEDOMAIN-VALUE 8 Attribute Definition The unique value, or set of characters, assigned to represent a specific ALTERNATE-KEY for a specific ENTITY and to distinguish it from all other ALTERNATEKEYs for that ENTITY. The numeric value that represents the alternate key or inversion key in the ENTITY. The specific value that denotes whether the alternate key or inversion key is unique. The character string assigned to represent the ATTRIBUTE as a specific physical column within a table. The specific value that denotes whether the ATTRIBUTE plays the role of a foreign key in the ENTITY and thereby owned by another ENTITY. The unique value, or set of characters, assigned to represent a specific ATTRIBUTE for a specific ENTITY and to distinguish it from all other ATTRIBUTEs for that ENTITY. The character string assigned to represent a specific attribute. The specific value that denotes whether an ATTRIBUTE plays the role of part of the primary key in the ENTITY to which it belongs. The integer value that represents the specific physical position of the attribute inside the entity. The specific value that represents the level of common agreement for the ATTRIBUTE. The numeric value representing the number of positions to the right of the decimal point for attributes that are expressed as real numbers. The numeric value representing the maximum number of characters permitted for a value of the attribute. The specific value that represents the technical form (datatype or syntax) for the attribute. The character string assigned to represent the definition of a specific BASE-ATTRIBUTE. The attribute-index that identifies the base attribute for the foreign key (a role name for attribute-index). The entity-id that identifies the base entity for the foreign key (a role name for entity-id). The specific value that represents the class of BUSINESS-RULE as text or a formal rule. The character string assigned to specify the BUSINESSRULE. The purpose of this attribute is to enable crossreferencing to an external document. The unique value, or set of characters, assigned to represent a specific BUSINESS-RULE-ENTITYATTRIBUTE-COMPOSITE-DOMAIN-VALUE for a specific BUSINESS-RULE-ENTITY-ATTRIBUTECOMPOSITE and to distinguish it from all other BUSINESS-RULE-ENTITY-ATTRIBUTE-COMPOSITEDOMAIN-VALUEs for that BUSINESS-RULE-ENTITYATTRIBUTE-COMPOSITE. The unique value, or set of characters, assigned to represent a specific BUSINESS-RULE-ENTITYATTRIBUTE-COMPOSITE for a specific BUSINESSRULE-ENTITY and to distinguish it from all other BUSINESS-RULE-ENTITY-ATTRIBUTE-COMPOSITEs for that BUSINESS-RULE-ENTITY. The second column indicates the optionality of the attribute: MA for mandatory (non-null) and OP for optional (null allowed). C-3 JC3IEDM - Metamodel - IPT3 V3.1.4 Attribute Name business-rule-entityattribute-composite-nullindicator-code Opt Entity Usage MA BUSINESS-RULE-ENTITYATTRIBUTE-COMPOSITE business-rule-entity-index MA BUSINESS-RULE-ENTITY BUSINESS-RULE-ENTITYATTRIBUTE-COMPOSITE BUSINESS-RULE-ENTITYATTRIBUTE-COMPOSITEDOMAIN-VALUE MA BUSINESS-RULE BUSINESS-RULE-ENTITY BUSINESS-RULE-ENTITYATTRIBUTE-COMPOSITE BUSINESS-RULE-ENTITYATTRIBUTE-COMPOSITEDOMAIN-VALUE MA BUSINESS-RULE business-rule-id business-rule-name-text Attribute Definition The specific value that indicates whether the attribute cited in BUSINESS-RULE-ENTITY-ATTRIBUTECOMPOSITE is permitted to be unspecified within the specific BUSINESS-RULE. The unique value, or set of characters, assigned to represent a specific BUSINESS-RULE-ENTITY for a specific BUSINESS-RULE and to distinguish it from all other BUSINESS-RULE-ENTITYs for that BUSINESSRULE. The unique value or set of characters, assigned to represent a specific BUSINESS-RULE and to distinguish it from all other BUSINESS-RULEs. The character string assigned to represent the BUSINESS-RULE. business-rule-section-cross- MA BUSINESS-RULE The character string assigned to identify the section of reference-text the document describing the BUSINESS-RULE. The purpose of this attribute is to enable cross-referencing to an external document. business-rule-table-crossOP BUSINESS-RULE The character string assigned to identify the table in the reference-text document that corresponds to the BUSINESS-RULE. The purpose of this attribute is to enable crossreferencing to an external document. cardinality-relationship-child- MA CARDINALITYThe specific value that represents the range in the cardinality-code RELATIONSHIP number of occurrences associated with the child entity in the CARDINALITY-RELATIONSHIP represented. cardinality-relationship-child- OP CARDINALITYThe integer value that represents the number of the maximum-cardinality-count RELATIONSHIP maximum exact cardinality associated with the child entity in the CARDINALITY-RELATIONSHIP represented. cardinality-relationship-child- OP CARDINALITYThe integer value that represents the number of the minimum-cardinality-count RELATIONSHIP minimum exact cardinality associated with the child entity in the CARDINALITY-RELATIONSHIP represented. cardinality-relationshipMA CARDINALITYThe specific value that represents the class of identifying-indicator-code RELATIONSHIP CARDINALITY-RELATIONSHIP represented. cardinality-relationshipOP CARDINALITYThe character string assigned to represent the action inverse-verb-name-text RELATIONSHIP phrase describing the relationship from the child and to the parent instances of ENTITY for a CARDINALITYRELATIONSHIP. cardinality-relationshipMA CARDINALITYThe specific value that represents the optionality of the parent-cardinality-code RELATIONSHIP CARDINALITY-RELATIONSHIP. cardinality-relationship-verb- MA CARDINALITYThe character string assigned to represent the action name-text RELATIONSHIP phrase describing the association from the parent to the child instances of ENTITY for a CARDINALITYRELATIONSHIP. category-relationshipMA CATEGORY-RELATIONSHIP The specific value that represents whether all the completeness-indicatorpossible subtypes of the Super ENTITY explicitly occur in code the data model. category-relationshipOP CATEGORY-RELATIONSHIP The character string assigned to represent the definition-text characterisation of a CATEGORY-RELATIONSHIP. category-relationship-index MA CATEGORY-RELATIONSHIP The unique value, or set of characters, assigned to SUBTYPE-RELATIONSHIP represent a specific CATEGORY-RELATIONSHIP for a specific ENTITY and to distinguish it from all other CATEGORY-RELATIONSHIPs for that ENTITY. The entity-id that identifies the child entity in the child-entity-id MA CARDINALITYrelationship (a role name for entity-id). RELATIONSHIP RELATIONSHIP creator-attribute-index OP CREATOR-UPDATEThe attribute-index for a specific CREATOR-UPDATEIDENTIFICATION IDENTIFICATION that identifies the creator-id of a specific record (a role name for attribute-index). discriminator-attribute-index MA CATEGORY-RELATIONSHIP The attribute-index that identifies the attribute used as a discriminator for sub-typing (a role name for attributeindex). domain-class-name-text MA DOMAIN The character string assigned to represent the category to which the DOMAIN belongs. domain-definition-sourceOP DOMAIN The character string assigned to represent the source of text the domain definition. domain-definition-text MA DOMAIN The character string assigned to represent the definition of a specific DOMAIN. C-4 JC3IEDM - Metamodel - IPT3 V3.1.4 Attribute Name domain-id domain-measurement-unitdescription-text domain-model-level-code domain-name-text Opt Entity Usage MA BASE-ATTRIBUTE BUSINESS-RULE-ENTITYATTRIBUTE-COMPOSITEDOMAIN-VALUE DOMAIN DOMAIN-VALUE SUBTYPE-RELATIONSHIP OP DOMAIN MA DOMAIN MA DOMAIN domain-restriction-type-code OP DOMAIN domain-standardisationlevel-code domain-value-definition-text MA DOMAIN domain-value-descriptiontext domain-value-index MA DOMAIN-VALUE OP DOMAIN-VALUE domain-value-name-text MA BUSINESS-RULE-ENTITYATTRIBUTE-COMPOSITEDOMAIN-VALUE DOMAIN-VALUE SUBTYPE-RELATIONSHIP OP DOMAIN-VALUE domain-value-source-text OP DOMAIN-VALUE domain-valuestandardisation-level-code domain-value-type-code MA DOMAIN-VALUE MA DOMAIN-VALUE entity-definition-text MA ENTITY entity-dependency-code MA ENTITY entity-depth-count MA ENTITY entity-id entity-model-level-code MA ALTERNATE-KEY ALTERNATE-KEYATTRIBUTE ATTRIBUTE BASE-ATTRIBUTE BUSINESS-RULE-ENTITYATTRIBUTE-COMPOSITE ENTITY CREATOR-UPDATEIDENTIFICATION NON-KEY-ATTRIBUTE PRIMARY-KEY-ATTRIBUTE MA ENTITY entity-name-text MA ENTITY entity-of-interest-id MA BUSINESS-RULE-ENTITY entity-standardisation-levelcode entity-storage-type-code MA ENTITY MA ENTITY entity-table-name-text MA ENTITY foreign-key-attribute-roledefinition-text OP FOREIGN-KEY-ATTRIBUTE Attribute Definition The unique value, or set of characters, assigned to represent a specific DOMAIN and to distinguish it from all other DOMAINs. The character string assigned to represent the unit of measure for DOMAINs that permit quantitative values. The specific value that represents the data model source of the DOMAIN. The character string assigned to represent a specific DOMAIN. The specific value that represents the type of constraint imposed upon values for the DOMAIN. The specific value that represents the level of common agreement for the DOMAIN. The character string assigned to represent the definition of a DOMAIN-VALUE. The character string assigned to represent the description of a DOMAIN-VALUE. The unique value, or set of characters, assigned to represent a specific DOMAIN-VALUE for a specific DOMAIN and to distinguish it from all other DOMAINVALUEs for that DOMAIN. The character string assigned to represent a specific DOMAIN-VALUE. The character string assigned to represent the source of the domain value and the definition of that domain value. The specific value that represents the level of common agreement of the DOMAIN-VALUE. The specific value that represents the class of a DOMAIN-VALUE. The character string assigned to represent the definition of what the entity is. The specific value that represents whether the ENTITY is independent for its meaning and instances from all other instance of ENTITY. The integer value representing the specification of the level of dependency of the entity or maximum number of parent entities "above" the entity itself. The unique value, or set of characters, assigned to represent a specific ENTITY and to distinguish it from all other ENTITYs. The specific value that represents the data model source of the ENTITY being represented. The character string assigned to represent a specific ENTITY. The entity-id of the entity that is of interest in a specific BUSINESS-RULE-ENTITY (a role name for entity-id). The specific value that represents the level of common agreement for the ENTITY. The specific value that represents whether the ENTITY as standard (non-loggable) or loggable. The character string assigned to represent the physical table or other object of a physical schema that represents data specified for a specific ENTITY. The character string assigned to represent the way in which a FOREIGN-KEY-ATTRIBUTE relates to the base ENTITY. C-5 JC3IEDM - Metamodel - IPT3 V3.1.4 Attribute Name foreign-key-attributerolename-indicator-code Opt Entity Usage MA FOREIGN-KEY-ATTRIBUTE host-entity-id MA FOREIGN-KEY-ATTRIBUTE migrating-relationship-index MA FOREIGN-KEY-ATTRIBUTE non-key-attribute-optionality- MA NON-KEY-ATTRIBUTE indicator-code parent-domain-id OP DOMAIN parent-entity-id relationship-index relationship-type-code source-attribute-index source-entity-id sub-entity-id super-entity-id unifying-attribute-index update-attribute-index MA CARDINALITYRELATIONSHIP RELATIONSHIP MA CARDINALITYRELATIONSHIP RELATIONSHIP SUBTYPE-RELATIONSHIP Attribute Definition The specific value that represents whether a surrogate name is used for a migrating FOREIGN-KEYATTRIBUTE in the base ENTITY. The entity-id that identifies the entity in which the foreign key resides (a role name for entity-id). The relationship-index that identifies the instance of the migration of the foreign key (a role name for relationshipindex). The specific value that represents whether non-null domain value is required for a NON-KEY-ATTRIBUTE. The domain-id of a specific parent DOMAIN (a role name for domain-id). The entity-id that identifies the parent entity in the relationship (a role name for entity-id). The unique value, or set of characters, assigned to represent a RELATIONSHIP for a specific Parent ENTITY and a specific Child ENTITY and to distinguish it from all other RELATIONSHIPs for that Parent ENTITY and that Child ENTITY. MA RELATIONSHIP The specific value that represents the class of RELATIONSHIP being specified. MA FOREIGN-KEY-ATTRIBUTE The attribute-index that identifies the source attribute for the foreign key (a role name for attribute-index). MA FOREIGN-KEY-ATTRIBUTE The entity-id that identifies the source entity for the foreign key (a role name for entity-id). MA SUBTYPE-RELATIONSHIP The entity-id that identifies the sub-type entity for subtyping (a role name for entity-id). MA CATEGORY-RELATIONSHIP The entity-id that identifies the super-type entity for subSUBTYPE-RELATIONSHIP typing (a role name for entity-id). OP FOREIGN-KEY-ATTRIBUTE The attribute-index that identifies the attribute that belongs to the same ENTITY as the one with which it unifies (a role name for attribute-index). OP CREATOR-UPDATEThe attribute-index for a specific CREATOR-UPDATEIDENTIFICATION IDENTIFICATION that identifies the update-seqnr of a specific record (a role name for attribute-index). (This page intentionally left blank) C-6 JC3IEDM - Metamodel - IPT3 V3.1.4 Annex D: JC3IEDM Metamodel— ENTITY RELATIONSHIPS D-1 JC3IEDM - Metamodel - IPT3 V3.1.4 (This page intentionally left blank) D-2 JC3IEDM - Metamodel - IPT3 V3.1.4 Annex D. JC3IEDM Metamodel—ENTITY RELATIONSHIPS Parent Entity Verb Phrase Child Entity Relationship Type ALTERNATE-KEY consists-of ALTERNATE-KEYATTRIBUTE Identifying ATTRIBUTE appears-in ALTERNATE-KEYATTRIBUTE Identifying ATTRIBUTE Is a BASE-ATTRIBUTE Subtype ATTRIBUTE provides-the-attributereference BUSINESS-RULE-ENTITYATTRIBUTE-COMPOSITE Nonidentifying ATTRIBUTE is-discriminator-for CATEGORY-RELATIONSHIP Nonidentifying ATTRIBUTE ATTRIBUTE identifies-creator-id-column CREATOR-UPDATEIDENTIFICATION identifies-update-seqnrCREATOR-UPDATEcolumn IDENTIFICATION Is a FOREIGN-KEY-ATTRIBUTE Nonidentifying Nonidentifying Subtype ATTRIBUTE Is a NON-KEY-ATTRIBUTE Subtype ATTRIBUTE Is a PRIMARY-KEY-ATTRIBUTE Subtype BASE-ATTRIBUTE is-originator-for FOREIGN-KEY-ATTRIBUTE Nonidentifying BUSINESS-RULE is-composed-of BUSINESS-RULE-ENTITY Identifying BUSINESS-RULEENTITY is-composed-of BUSINESS-RULE-ENTITYATTRIBUTE-COMPOSITE Identifying BUSINESS-RULEENTITYATTRIBUTECOMPOSITE is-composed-of BUSINESS-RULE-ENTITYATTRIBUTE-COMPOSITEDOMAIN-VALUE Identifying CATEGORYRELATIONSHIP holds SUBTYPE-RELATIONSHIP Nonidentifying ATTRIBUTE D-3 Logical Foreign Keys entity-id alternate-key-index entity-id attribute-index entity-id attribute-index entity-id attribute-index super-entity-id discriminator-attribute-index creator-attribute-index update-attribute-index host-entity-id attribute-index entity-id attribute-index entity-id attribute-index base-entity-id base-attribute-index business-rule-id business-rule-id business-rule-entity-index business-rule-id business-rule-entity-index business-rule-entity-attribute-compositeindex super-entity-id category-relationship-index Cardinality Nulls One-to-One-or-More (P) One-to-Zero-One-orMore Is a One-to-Zero-One-OrMore No Nulls One-to-Zero-One-orMore No Nulls Zero-or-One-to-ZeroOne-or-More Zero-or-One-to-ZeroOne-or-More Is a Is a Is a One-to-Zero-One-orMore No Nulls One-to-Zero-One-OrMore One-to-Zero-One-OrMore No Nulls One-to-Zero-One-OrMore No Nulls One-to-One-or-More (P) No Nulls No Nulls JC3IEDM - Metamodel - IPT3 V3.1.4 Parent Entity DOMAIN Verb Phrase Child Entity BASE-ATTRIBUTE Relationship Type Nonidentifying Nonidentifying Identifying Logical Foreign Keys DOMAIN describes-allowed-valuesfor is-basis-for DOMAIN DOMAIN contains DOMAIN-VALUE DOMAIN-VALUE discriminates SUBTYPE-RELATIONSHIP Nonidentifying DOMAIN-VALUE Is-part-of Nonidentifying ENTITY is-also-identified-by BUSINESS-RULE-ENTITYATTRIBUTE-COMPOSITEDOMAIN-VALUE ALTERNATE-KEY domain-id domain-value-index domain-id domain-value-index Identifying entity-id ENTITY is-characterised-by ATTRIBUTE Identifying entity-id ENTITY has BUSINESS-RULE-ENTITY entity-of-interest-id ENTITY is-subtyped-via CATEGORY-RELATIONSHIP Nonidentifying Identifying super-entity-id ENTITY Identifying entity-id ENTITY has-creator-id-and-update- CREATOR-UPDATEseqnr-columns IDENTIFICATION is-child-of RELATIONSHIP Identifying child-entity-id ENTITY is-parent-of RELATIONSHIP Identifying parent-entity-id FOREIGN-KEYATTRIBUTE unifies FOREIGN-KEY-ATTRIBUTE Nonidentifying PRIMARY-KEYATTRIBUTE is-source-for FOREIGN-KEY-ATTRIBUTE Nonidentifying RELATIONSHIP Is a CARDINALITYRELATIONSHIP Subtype RELATIONSHIP migrates-fromparent(source)-tochild(host)-entity FOREIGN-KEY-ATTRIBUTE Nonidentifying host-entity-id unifying-attribute-index source-entity-id source-attribute-index parent-entity-id child-entity-id relationship-index source-entity-id host-entity-id migrating-relationship-index D-4 domain-id parent-domain-id domain-id Cardinality One-to-Zero-One-orMore Zero-or-One-to-ZeroOne-or-More One-to-Zero-One-orMore Zero-or-One-to-ZeroOne-or-More One-to-Zero-One-OrMore One-to-One-or-More (P) One-to-One-or-More (P) One-to-Zero-One-OrMore One-to-Zero-One-orMore One-to-Zero-or-One (Z) One-to-Zero-One-orMore One-to-Zero-One-orMore Zero-or-One-to-ZeroOne-or-More One-to-Zero-One-orMore Nulls No Nulls Nulls Allowed Nulls Allowed No Nulls No Nulls Nulls Allowed No Nulls Is a One-to-One-or-More (P) No Nulls JC3IEDM - Metamodel - IPT3 V3.1.4 Parent Entity RELATIONSHIP Verb Phrase Is a Child Entity SUBTYPE-RELATIONSHIP Relationship Type Subtype D-5 Logical Foreign Keys super-entity-id sub-entity-id relationship-index Cardinality Is a Nulls JC3IEDM - Metamodel - IPT3 V3.1.4 (This page intentionally left blank) D-6 JC3IEDM - Metamodel - IPT3 V3.1.4 Annex E: JC3IEDM Metamodel— SPECIFICATIONS FOR ENUMERATED DOMAINS E-1 JC3IEDM - Metamodel - IPT3 V3.1.4 (This page intentionally left blank) E-2 JC3IEDM - Metamodel - IPT3 V3.1.4 Annex E. JC3IEDM Metamodel— SPECIFICATIONS OF ENUMERATED DOMAINS Domain Name Definition Definition Source Value Always unique Mostly unique ALTERNATE-KEY alternate-key-uniqueness-indicator-code The specific value that denotes whether the alternate key or inversion key is unique. MIP DOMAIN VALUES Definition Source The alternate key is always unique. MIP The alternate key is mostly unique as in an Inversion entry. MIP USAGE Entity Attribute alternate-key-uniqueness-indicator-code Physical Value AU MU Identifier 1000001 1000002 Optionality MA Domain Name Definition attribute-foreign-key-indicator-code The specific value that denotes whether the ATTRIBUTE plays the role of a foreign key in the ENTITY and thereby owned by another ENTITY. Definition Source MIP DOMAIN VALUES Physical Identifier Value Definition Source Value MIP BA 1000001 BASEThat subset of ATTRIBUTE owned by the ENTITY to which the members ATTRIBUTE belong; that is, they are not foreign key attributes migrating from another ENTITY under some relationship. FOREIGN-KEY- An ATTRIBUTE that has been migrated under a RELATIONSHIP from the MIP FK 1000002 ATTRIBUTE primary key of the "Parent" ENTITY of that RELATIONSHIP. USAGE Entity Attribute Optionality ATTRIBUTE attribute-foreign-key-indicator-code MA Domain Name Definition attribute-primary-key-indicator-code The specific value that denotes whether an ATTRIBUTE plays the role of part of the primary key in the ENTITY to which it belongs. Definition Source MIP DOMAIN VALUES Physical Identifier Value Definition Source Value NON-KEYAn ATTRIBUTE used to provide a descriptive data element of instances of MIP NK 1000001 ATTRIBUTE the ENTITY to which the ATTRIBUTE belongs and that is not a member of the primary key of that ENTITY. PRIMARY-KEY- An ATTRIBUTE used to provide the unique identifier(s) of an instance of MIP PK 1000002 ATTRIBUTE the ENTITY to which the attributes belong. USAGE Entity Attribute Optionality ATTRIBUTE attribute-primary-key-indicator-code MA Domain Name base-attribute-data-type-code Definition The specific value that represents the technical form (datatype or syntax) for the attribute. Definition Source MIP-NDAG DOMAIN VALUES Physical Identifier Value Definition Source Value Blob The datatype of the attribute is BLOB. SQL-99 BLOB 1000001 Character The datatype of the attribute is space padded character. MIP-NDAG CHAR 1000002 Numeric The datatype of the attribute is a number. SQL-99 NUMBER 1000003 Varying The datatype of the attribute is variable character not space padded. MIP-NDAG VARCHAR 1000004 character USAGE Entity Attribute Optionality BASE-ATTRIBUTE base-attribute-data-type-code MA E-3 JC3IEDM - Metamodel - IPT3 V3.1.4 Domain Name business-rule-category-code Definition The specific value that represents the class of BUSINESS-RULE as text or a formal rule. Definition Source MIP-NDAG DOMAIN VALUES Value Definition Source Rule The specific value that represents a BUSINESS-RULE that is formalized in metadata content. Text The specific value that represents a BUSINESS-RULE that is in textual form. USAGE Entity Attribute BUSINESS-RULE business-rule-category-code MIPNDAG MIPNDAG Physical Value RULE 1000001 TEXT 1000002 Identifier Optionality MA Domain Name Definition business-rule-entity-attribute-composite-null-indicator-code The specific value that indicates whether the attribute cited in BUSINESS-RULE-ENTITY-ATTRIBUTECOMPOSITE is permitted to be unspecified within the specific BUSINESS-RULE. Definition Source MIP-NDAG DOMAIN VALUES Physical Identifier Value Definition Source Value NO 1000001 No The attribute can take any of the values listed in its associated BUSINESS- MIPNDAG RULE-ENTITY-ATTRIBUTE-COMPOSITEs but it cannot be left unspecified. Yes The attribute can take any of the values listed in its associated BUSINESS- MIPYES 1000002 RULE-ENTITY-ATTRIBUTE-COMPOSITEs and can also be left NDAG unspecified. USAGE Entity Attribute Optionality BUSINESS-RULE-ENTITY-ATTRIBUTE-COMPOSITE business-rule-entity-attribute-composite-null-indicatorMA code Domain Name Definition cardinality-relationship-child-cardinality-code The specific value that represents the range in the number of occurrences associated with the child entity in the CARDINALITY-RELATIONSHIP represented. Definition Source MIP DOMAIN VALUES Physical Identifier Value Definition Source Value Exactly The child cardinality relationship is represented by exactly one expression. MIP EX 1000001 Positive (one or The child cardinality relationship is represented by one or more MIP PO 1000002 more) expressions. Range The child cardinality relationship is represented as a range. MIP RA 1000003 Special The child cardinality relationship is represented as a special expression. MIP SP 1000004 Zero, one or The child cardinality relationship is represented by zero, one or more MIP ZM 1000005 more expressions. Zero or one The child cardinality relationship is represented by zero or one expressions. MIP ZO 1000006 USAGE Entity Attribute Optionality CARDINALITY-RELATIONSHIP cardinality-relationship-child-cardinality-code MA Domain Name cardinality-relationship-identifying-indicator-code Definition The specific value that represents the class of CARDINALITY-RELATIONSHIP represented. Definition Source MIP DOMAIN VALUES Physical Identifier Value Definition Source Value Identifying The cardinality relationship is identifying. MIP ID 1000001 Nonidentifying The cardinality relationship is nonidentifying. MIP NI 1000002 USAGE Entity Attribute Optionality CARDINALITY-RELATIONSHIP cardinality-relationship-identifying-indicator-code MA E-4 JC3IEDM - Metamodel - IPT3 V3.1.4 Domain Name cardinality-relationship-parent-cardinality-code Definition The specific value that represents the optionality of the CARDINALITY-RELATIONSHIP. Definition Source MIP DOMAIN VALUES Value Definition Source Mandatory Optional The parent cardinality relationship must occur at least one time. The parent cardinality relationship may or may not occur (zero or one). USAGE Entity CARDINALITY-RELATIONSHIP MIP MIP Physical Value MA OP Attribute cardinality-relationship-parent-cardinality-code Identifier 1000001 1000002 Optionality MA Domain Name Definition category-relationship-completeness-indicator-code The specific value that represents whether all the possible subtypes of the Super ENTITY explicitly occur in the data model. Definition Source MIP DOMAIN VALUES Physical Identifier Value Definition Source Value Complete category The subtyping for this entity is complete. MIP CC 1000001 Incomplete category The subtyping for this entity is incomplete. MIP IC 1000002 USAGE Entity Attribute Optionality CATEGORY-RELATIONSHIP category-relationship-completeness-indicator-code MA Domain Name domain-restriction-type-code Definition The specific value that represents the type of constraint imposed upon values for the DOMAIN. Definition Source MIP DOMAIN VALUES Physical Identifier Value Definition Source Value Enumerated domain The constraint imposed on this domain is an enumerated domain. MIP EN 1000001 Range The constraint imposed on this domain is a range. MIP RA 1000003 USAGE Entity Attribute Optionality DOMAIN domain-restriction-type-code MA Domain Name domain-value-type-code Definition The specific value that represents the class of a DOMAIN-VALUE. Definition Source MIP DOMAIN VALUES Enumerated domains are associated with a complete set of domain values. The maximum value excluded from the range. MIP MIP Physical Value ELEM MAX-EX The maximum value included in the range. MIP MAX-IN 1000005 The minimum value excluded from the range. MIP MIN-EX 1000006 The minimum value included in the range. MIP MIN-IN 1000007 Value Element Maximum exclusive Maximum inclusive Minimum exclusive Minimum inclusive Definition Source Identifier 1000002 1000004 USAGE Entity DOMAIN-VALUE Attribute domain-value-type-code Domain Name Definition Optionality MA entity-dependency-code The specific value that represents whether the ENTITY is independent for its meaning and instances from all other instance of ENTITY. Definition Source MIP DOMAIN VALUES Physical Identifier Value Definition Source Value Dependent entity The entity is dependent upon one or more parents for its identity. MIP DE 1000001 E-5 JC3IEDM - Metamodel - IPT3 V3.1.4 Independent entity Subtype entity ENTITY The entity is independent for its meaning and instances from all other instance of entity. The entity is dependent upon one parent for its identity. USAGE Entity Attribute entity-dependency-code MIP IE 1000002 MIP SE 1000003 Optionality MA Domain Name entity-storage-type-code Definition The specific value that represents whether the ENTITY as standard (non-loggable) or loggable. Definition Source MIP DOMAIN VALUES Physical Identifier Value Definition Source Value Loggable The entity is to be treated as loggable. MIP LOG 1000001 Standard The entity is to be treated as standard (non-loggable). MIP STD 1000002 USAGE Entity Attribute Optionality ENTITY entity-storage-type-code MA Domain Name Definition foreign-key-attribute-rolename-indicator-code The specific value that represents whether a surrogate name is used for a migrating FOREIGN-KEYATTRIBUTE in the base ENTITY. Definition Source MIP DOMAIN VALUES Physical Value Definition Source Value Migrated name The migrating attribute has not been rolenamed. MIP MN Role name The migrating attribute has been rolenamed. MIP RN USAGE Entity FOREIGN-KEY-ATTRIBUTE Attribute foreign-key-attribute-rolename-indicator-code Identifier 1000001 1000002 Optionality MA Domain Name model-level-code Definition The specific value that represents the data model source of the object. Definition Source MIP DOMAIN VALUES Value Definition Application Dictionary Metamodel Application level, denoting a part of a data model. Dictionary level, denoting a part of a data model. MIP JC3IEDM metamodel management. Source MIP MIP MIPNDAG Physical Value APPL DICT META Identifier 1000001 1000003 1000004 USAGE Entity DOMAIN ENTITY Attribute domain-model-level-code entity-model-level-code Optionality MA Domain Name non-key-attribute-optionality-indicator-code Definition The specific value that represents whether non-null domain value is required for a NON-KEY-ATTRIBUTE. Definition Source MIP DOMAIN VALUES Physical Identifier Value Definition Source Value Mandatory The non-key attribute is mandatory. MIP MA 1000001 Optional The non-key attribute is optional. MIP OP 1000002 USAGE Entity Attribute Optionality NON-KEY-ATTRIBUTE non-key-attribute-optionality-indicator-code MA E-6 JC3IEDM - Metamodel - IPT3 V3.1.4 Domain Name relationship-type-code Definition The specific value that represents the class of RELATIONSHIP being specified. Definition Source MIP DOMAIN VALUES Value Definition Source CARDINALITYRELATIONSHIP SUBTYPERELATIONSHIP RELATIONSHIP Domain Name A one-way RELATIONSHIP that identifies a specific “parent” ENTITY with a MIP specific “child” ENTITY where the child is a dependent ENTITY whose set of key attributes may differ from the set of key attributes of the parent. A RELATIONSHIP that identifies a subset of instances of a Parent ENTITY MIP as an entity itself, which has a set of primary key attributes that are identical to those of the Parent ENTITY. USAGE ENTITY Attribute relationship-type-code standardisation-level-code The specific value that represents the level of common agreement for the object. MIP DOMAIN VALUES Value Definition Source Physical Value CR 1000001 SR 1000002 Identifier Optionality MA Definition Definition Source International Local National MIP core Multilateral Interoperability Programme MIP-NATO Data Administration Entity ATTRIBUTE DOMAIN DOMAIN-VALUE ENTITY International extensions to the JC3IEDM data model. Local extensions to the JC3IEDM data model. National extensions to the JC3IEDM data model. All common meta data distributed in support of the Generic Hub data model. MIP extensions to the JC3IEDM data model. MIP MIP MIP MIP Physical Value INAT LOC NAT MPCO MIP MIP 1000005 MIP-NDAG extensions to the JC3IEDM data model. USAGE MIP MPND 1000006 Attribute attribute-standardisation-level-code domain-standardisation-level-code domain-value-standardisation-level-code entity-standardisation-level-code E-7 Identifier 1000002 1000003 1000004 1000001 Optionality MA JC3IEDM - Metamodel - IPT3 V3.1.4 (This page intentionally left blank) E-8 JC3IEDM - Metamodel - IPT3 V3.1.4 Annex F: JC3IEDM Metamodel— SPECIFICATION OF OTHER DOMAINS F-1 JC3IEDM - Metamodel - IPT3 V3.1.4 F.1 INTRODUCTION This annex defines the Class words associated with their attributes, other than ‘code’ for the JC3IEDM metamodel. Section F.2 contains a description of all the range attributes. Section F.3 specifies the remaining attributes that do not fall into the previous category. F.2 Range attributes This section lists the attributes that have numeric values. The attributes are ordered by class word. Count base-attribute-data-decimals-count base-attribute-data-length-count cardinality-relationship-child-maximum-cardinality-count cardinality-relationship-child-minimum-cardinality-count entity-depth-count Ordinal attribute-sequence-number-ordinal Quantity alternate-key-number-quantity F.3 Other Attributes This section covers domains for attributes having class words id, index, and text. The attributes are identified below. Id Domain – identifier_8 entity-id base-entity-id child-entity-id entity-of-interest-id host-entity-id parent-entity-id source-entity-id sub-entity-id super-entity-id Domain – identifier_9 domain-id parent-domain-id Domain – identifier_12 business-rule-id F-2 JC3IEDM - Metamodel - IPT3 V3.1.4 Index alternate-key-index attribute-index base-attribute-index creator-attribute-index discriminator-attribute-index source-attribute-index unifying-attribute-index update-attribute-index sub-entity-id super-entity-id business-rule-entity-attribute-composite-domain-value-index business-rule-entity-attribute-composite-index business-rule-entity-index domain-value-index relationship-index category-relationship-index migrating-relationship-index Text attribute-column-name-text attribute-name-text base-attribute-definition-text business-rule-definition-text business-rule-name-text business-rule-section-reference-text business-rule-table-reference-text cardinality-relationship-inverse-verb-name-text cardinality-relationship-verb-name-text domain-class-name-text domain-definition-source-text domain-definition-text domain-measurement-unit-description-text domain-name-text domain-value-definition-text domain-value-description-text domain-value-name-text domain-value-source-text entity-definition-text entity-name-text entity-table-name-text foreign-key-attribute-role-definition-text F-3 JC3IEDM - Metamodel - IPT3 V3.1.4 Annex G: JC3IEDM Metamodel— Compendium of Business Rules G-1 JC3IEDM - Metamodel - IPT3 V3.1.4 (This page intentionally left blank) G-2 JC3IEDM - Metamodel - IPT3 V3.1.4 ANNEX G. Compendium of Business Rules G1 Introduction G.1.1 Business rules specify constraints that either cannot be expressed in formal IDEF1X notation or those that are not explicitly structured as a design choice. Business rules must be observed in order to maintain a workable data exchange interface. G.1.2 Many of the rules are re-stated from the main body. Other rules are found only in this Annex. G2 EXAMPLE “entity-depth-count” G2.1 The “entity-depth-count” is the level of dependency of the entity. This is the maximum number of parent entities “above” the entity itself or, in other words, the longest path to a completely independent entity taking into account the foreign keys. The “entity-depth-count” of a certain entity is equal to the highest value of all the father entities “entity-depth-count” (MaxFather) plus one. As default value for MaxFather: = -1, “depth-count”: = Max(all the father entities “depth-count”) + 1. G2.2 In the special case of an entity with a recursive relation, entity-depth-count value should ignore this relation in its computation. In order to ensure that the “entitydepth-count” can be used accordingly, the recursive relation should be transformed when possible into a self-related table like represented in the figure below. Fish FishID FishName Specie FatherFish Fish FishID = Fish_Assoc FishChildID (FK) FishFatherIID (FK) FishFatherIndex FishName Specie FatherFish Figure G-1. Recursive Relation Breakdown G2.3 Example for entity-depth-count = 9 a. Entity: ACTION-OBJECTIVE-ITEM-MARKING (an entity in the JC3IEDM). No. b. Recursive Relations: c. Relations: ACTION-OBJECTIVE-ITEM-MARKING has two parent entities: and ACTION-OBJECTIVE-ITEM Parent entities: values of “entity-depth-count”: ORGANISATION d. (1) (2) 9 “entity-depth-count” of ORG: If (OBJ_ITEM=0) then ORG=1. “entity-depth-count” of ACTION-OBJECTIVE-ITEM If (ORG = 1 and REF = 0) then RPTD = 2 If (RPTD = 2) then CTGTLST = 3 If (CTGTLST = 3) then CTGTDET = 4 Physical (table) names from the JC3IEDM are used in this example. The logical names are as follows: ORG = ORGANISATION; OBJ_ITEM = OBJECT-ITEM; REF = REFERENCE; RPTD = REPORTING-DATA; CTGTLST = CANDIDATE-TARGET-LIST; CTGTDET = CANDIDATETARGET-DETAIL; CTGTDET_ITEM = CANDIDATE-TARGET-DETAIL-ITEM; ACT = ACTION; ACT_OBJVE; ACTION-OBJECTIVE; ACT_OBJVE_ITEM; ACTION-OBJECTIVE-ITEM. G-3 JC3IEDM - Metamodel - IPT3 V3.1.4 If (CTGTDET = 4 and OBJ_ITEM = 0) then CTGTDET_ITEM = 5 and If (ORG =1 and ACT = 0) then ACT_OBJVE = 2 then If (ACT_OBJVE = 2 and OBJ_ITEM = 0 and CTGTDET_ITEM = 5) then ACT_OBJVE-ITEM = 6 Computed “entity-depth-count” of ACTION-OBJECTIVE-ITEM-MARKING: Using the same rule: If (ACTION-OBJECTIVE-ITEM = 6 and ORG = 1) then ACTION-OBJECTIVE-ITEM MARKING = 7. e. G.3 GENERAL BUSINESS RULES G.3.1 Identifiers and indexes are meaningless primary key attributes. Once created, they can never be changed. Both identifiers and indexes are numbers that meet domain requirements, such as the data type and range into which their values must fit. G.3.2 If a name is an “alternate key” (AK), it means that the name serves as a unique identifier (globally unique and never null). If a name is an “inversion entry” (IE), it acts as alternate key in most cases (an inversion entry need not be globally unique and may be null for some instances; its primary use is in indexing portions of the database for rapid access). Applications normally make use of an alternate key to identify records. In case of an inversion entry, identical names can occur by coincidence, in which case the primary key makes the difference. AK or IE names should not be changed, unless to correct a misspelling or similar error. G.3.3 Keys must be created according to the rules specified in MIR Annex D. G-4 JC3IEDM - Metamodel - IPT3 V3.1.4 Annex H: JC3IEDM Metamodel— NAMING CONVENTIONS AND CLASS WORDS H-1 JC3IEDM - Metamodel - IPT3 V3.1.4 ANNEX H. NAMING CONVENTIONS AND CLASS WORDS H1 Introduction H1.1 Purpose The purpose of a naming convention is to provide a structured method by which standard names for data objects can be developed to support the construction of IDEF1X data models. The naming convention assumes the use of the English language. The procedures must cover the naming of the following IDEF1X conceptual objects: a. entities (independent and dependent entities as well as entity subtypes) b. attributes c. relationships. H1.2 Guiding Principles Readability. The naming convention should provide names that are completely comprehensible to the user. This means that even though a name conforms to a convention and may suffer some awkwardness in word flow, it must be readable to the user. The user must be able to derive the basic meaning of the data object by looking at the name. This is particularly important to assist validation of the IDEF1X data models by subject matter experts. Brevity. Names should be as short as possible while still retaining meaning and uniqueness within the data model. Conflicts between brevity and clarity should always be resolved in favour of clarity. Syntax. Each name must be constructed according to the syntax of the naming convention. Context. Data objects are named based on their context within the data model and not according to any physical characteristics. H2 Keywords Used to Construct the Syntax of a Name The syntax of the naming convention is defined using three different types of keyword. These are defined below: a. Prime Word (PW). A Prime Word is a noun, which is used to represent the data grouping (entity) to which the data object belongs. b. Class Word (CW). A Class Word is used to specify the type of information contained in a set of data values. c. Modifier (M). A Modifier is used to refine, describe or render a name unique if this cannot be achieved by a Class Word or Prime Word alone. In the subsequent specification of syntax, < > is used to delimit keywords, and [ ] is used to denote the optionality of a component word. H-2 JC3IEDM - Metamodel - IPT3 V3.1.4 H3 Entity Names H3.1 Syntax for an Entity Name (Independent and Dependent Entities A Prime Term, as defined below, is used to name independent and dependent entities. A Prime Term consists of a Prime Word (PW) that may be further modified to construct a name that is representative of the entity and its context within the data model. The syntax of a Prime Term is: Prime Term = <PW> [<M>] ... [<M>] Example: <CANDIDATE-TARGET-LIST>-<ASSOCIATION> It is recommended but not required that the Prime Word should be the first keyword within the Prime Term for the following reasons: a. Its position in the Prime Term is always known, providing ease of reference. b. This approach is consistent with the way that the military traditionally classify objects by placing the major concept first. H3.2 Syntax for a Category Entity (Entity Subtype) In the case of a Category Entity (Entity Subtype) the syntax is extended to allow optional modifiers before the Prime Word. The syntax of the Category Entity Prime Term is: Entity Subtype Prime Term = [<M>]...[<M>]<PW>[<M>]...[<M>] Example: <PRIVATE-SECTOR>-<ORGANISATION-TYPE> This syntax may only be used when the Prime Word is the same as that at the Entity Supertype level. H3.3 Rules for Naming Entities a. The sequence of words within the Prime Term will conform to the syntax specified in Section H3.1. The Prime Word will always be the first word within the name. b. Prime Words can also be used as Modifiers within an Entity Name. c. A Prime Word must be a noun or sequence of nouns. Where more than one word is required to accurately name an independent entity, the combination of these words may then be regarded as the Prime Word. For example, OBJECTITEM and OBJECT-TYPE may be regarded as instances of Prime Words. d. A Prime Word must not be contained in the list of reserved Class Words. e. Plurals of Prime Words or Modifiers are not permitted. f. The Prime Word will often be the name of an independent entity within the Data Model. In some cases, the Prime Word may be the name of a subtype in a category hierarchy (e.g., UNIT as a subtype of ORGANISATION; FEATURE and ORGANISATION as subtypes of OBJECT-ITEM). g. A Modifier is an adjective or noun that is used to further refine or describe a Prime Word in order to name an entity. h. The use of abbreviations or acronyms shall be avoided. i. Only the International Reference Alphabet characters (A-Z) are permitted within a Prime Word or Modifier. Numbers are not permitted unless they form an H-3 JC3IEDM - Metamodel - IPT3 V3.1.4 integral part of a “Real World” entity name. For instance, “ADATP-3ELEMENT” is permitted, while names such as “TEST3” are not. Special characters are not permitted. j. Each word of a Prime Term is separated by a hyphen ("-"). k. Prepositions (at, by, from, in, to, of) are not permitted within a Prime Term. l. Articles (a, an, the) are not permitted within a Prime Term. m. Conjunctions (and, or, but) are not permitted within a Prime Term. n. Verbs are not permitted within a Prime Term. o. Gerunds (words ending in "ing") are permitted to be used as Modifiers. p. Sufficient modifiers will be used to adequately describe the concept. q. The entity name should appear in capital letters on all IDEF1X diagrams. r. In principle there is no limit on the length of the name provided that it is consistent with the specified syntax. However, see the implementation restrictions relating to the supporting IRD Dictionary in Section H6. s. Where the Entity Name contains more than one Prime Word (Prime Words being used as modifiers), the actual choice of Prime Word within the syntax should be chosen such that the concept being modelled is clearly described. In most instances, the Prime Word will describe the major concept represented by the Entity. t. When naming non-subtype-children, where possible, the Entity Name of a child (other than a subtype) should contain the Prime Word (or entire Prime Term) of the entity name(s) of its parent(s). See Rule H3.4(c). H3.4 Additional Rules for Naming Categorisation Entities (Entity Subtypes) a. The sequence of words within the Prime Term will conform to the syntax specified in Section H3.2. b. The modifiers before the Prime Word are only to be used when it is agreed by that the concept being modelled cannot be adequately named using the normal syntax for a Prime Term (Section H3.1). c. It is not mandatory to migrate the Prime Word from the Generalisation Entity (Entity Supertype) to the related Category Entities (Entity Subtypes). d. Rules (b) to (t), as specified in Section H3.3, apply. H4 Attribute Names H4.1 Syntax for an Attribute Name H4.1.1 The attribute name will consist of two distinct component terms; the prime term and the generic term, in which the Prime Term occurs first and the Generic Term is juxtaposed at (i.e., added to) the end of the Prime Term. Attribute Name = Prime Term + Generic Term H4.1.2 The Prime Term is the same as that defined for naming entities in Section H3. It will be the name of the parent entity of the attribute being named. A key attribute, which is migrated within an IDEF1X Data Model, may be named in one of two ways depending upon whether IDEF1X role-naming is used. If role-naming is not employed, then the attribute must maintain the full migrated name as it occurs in the parent: H-4 JC3IEDM - Metamodel - IPT3 V3.1.4 Attribute Name = Name of Parent Entity + Generic Term Example: electronic-equipment-type- + category-code H4.1.3 Where IDEF1X role-naming is used, the attribute name shall be constructed according to the following structure: Attribute Name = Name of Host Entity + Role-named Generic Term where the role-named generic term conforms to the rules for the construction of a Generic Term. It is desired (but not mandatory) that the role-named generic term end in the identical generic term used by the attribute in the parent entity.Example: reporting-datarelative-timing- + reference-action-task-id In the example first part is the name of the host entity and the second is the foreign key “action-task-id” with “reference” as a modifier to create the role-named Generic Term. H4.1.4 The Generic Term identifies the set of values that can be associated with the Prime Term. The syntax of the Generic Term is: Generic Term = [<M>]......[<M>]<CW> Example: <category-><code> H4.1.5 To distinguish attribute names from entity names, attribute names are written in lower-case characters with their words separated by hyphens. H4.2 Rules for Naming Attributes a. The Prime Term will be constructed according to the rules and syntax defined for naming entities specified in Section H3. b. The Generic Term will be constructed according to the syntax defined above. c. Class Words will be reserved; and will not be used as a Prime Word. Use of Class Words as Prime Word modifiers should be avoided. d. All Class Words used must be from the authorised Class Word vocabulary. A list of Class Words that applies to the JC3IEDM is contained in Section H7. e. A Class Word must be a noun. f. Plurals of Class Words or Modifiers are not permitted. g. A Modifier is an adjective or noun that is used to further refine or describe the Generic Term. h. Abbreviations or acronyms should not be used within the Generic Term. (See rule x) i. Only International Reference Alphabet characters (a-z) are permitted within a Class Word or Modifier. Numbers and special characters are not permitted. j. Each word of the attribute name is separated from the next by a hyphen ("-"). k. Prepositions (at, by, from, in, of, to) are not permitted within an attribute name unless the attribute name is a recognised fixed term considered as one word e.g. “type-of-coverage-code”, “time-of-arrival”, “method-of-control”, “unit-ofmeasure”. l. Articles (a, an, the) are not permitted within an attribute name. m. Conjunctions (and, or, but) are not permitted within an attribute name. H-5 JC3IEDM - Metamodel - IPT3 V3.1.4 n. Verbs are not permitted within an attribute name. o. Gerunds are permitted to be used as Modifiers. p. Sufficient modifiers will be used to adequately describe the Generic Term and make it readable. q. Each attribute name will contain at least one and only one Class Word (use of additional class words should be avoided). r. Prime Words may be used as Modifiers within the Generic Term. s. Plurals of Class Words or Modifiers are not permitted in the construction of the generic term. t. A unit of measure suffix will not be applied within the Generic Term. Unit of measure should be defined within the definition of the attribute or its associated domain and not as part of its name. u. The use of JC3IEDM generic terms will be controlled to ensure consistency of approach to naming. v. Attribute names will be displayed on IDEF1X diagrams in lower case text. w. Use of abbreviations is to assist in the formulation of shortened physical names. Special dispensation has been given for the demonstration data modelling to allow "id" to be used instead of "identifier". H4.3 Rules for Defining Attributes Data attributes are defined based on their origin. If an attribute migrates to a child entity the definition will change based on the role the attribute plays in the receiving entity. H5 H5.1 Relationship Names Syntax for Relationship Names The syntax for describing relationships within an IDEF1X Data Model is: <parent-child relationship> / <child-parent relationship> Example: <identifies-the-source-for>/<is-referenced-to> The IDEF1X diagram places the relationship in context with its parent and child entities. A parent-child relationship identifies the relationship between the parent entity and the child entity. The child-parent relationship identifies the relationship between the child entity and the parent entity. The parent-child verb phrase is sometimes termed the "relationship verb phrase." The child-parent verb phrase is referred to as the "inverse verb phrase." H5.2 Rules for Relationship Names The following rules should be followed in constructing both the parent-child and child-parent relationship names: a. Both the parent-child and child-parent relationship will consist of a verb phrase. b. The verb phrases must be meaningful so that they represent business rules that can be verified by the user community. For example, the use of words such as: "has", "uses", "relates to" and "does" indicates a weak relationship, which should be rationalised within the Data Model. H-6 JC3IEDM - Metamodel - IPT3 V3.1.4 c. Where a dependent entity is used purely to resolve a many-to-many relationship (termed an associative entity) the production of a <parent-child relationship>/<child-parent relationship> may not be meaningful. In this case a single verb phrase is assigned to each side of the associative entity; and the associative entity is read through. d. The verb phrases will be expressed in lower case characters. e. Hyphens will be used as the separator between words. Spaces are not permitted. f. The maximum length of the “verb phrase” and “inverse verb phrase” including hyphens are both restricted to 60 characters. H6 IRD Implementation Restrictions In order to implement an IRD efficiently, it desirable to specify maximum lengths for the various components of the naming convention. These have been chosen so as not to be restrictive to the application of the naming convention. The maximum lengths are shown in Table H-22. Table H-22. Implementation Restrictions on Name Lengths H7 Component Maximum Length (Chars) Class Word 16 Prime Word 80 Attribute Name 160 Generic Term 80 Entity Name 80 Verb Phrase Name 60 Inverse Verb Phrase Name 60 List of Reserved Class Words This section contains the specification of class words that are used in the data model. The approved Class Word abbreviation is shown in parentheses after the Class Word name Domain Name amount (amt) Definition A number of monetary units specified in a currency where the unit of currency is explicit or implied. ISO/TS 15000-5:2005 NUMBER (Decimals allowed) The "decimal separator" must be a period (.). The use of scientific notation is not allowed for exchange. Unbounded Unbounded Source of Definition Data Type Low Value High Value Definition Prefix “The monetary numeric value that represents…” H-7 JC3IEDM - Metamodel - IPT3 V3.1.4 Domain Name angle (angle) Definition The rotational measurement between two lines and/or planes diverging from a common point and/or line. This measurement will be expressed in units of degrees. Source of Definition Data Type Low Value High Value Definition Prefix Domain Name MIP-NDAG NUMBER (Decimals allowed) The "decimal separator" must be a period (.). The use of scientific notation is not allowed for exchange. 0 Unbounded “The rotational measurement…” binary-object (binobj) A set of finite-length sequences of binary octets. (Note: This Representation Term shall also be used for Data Types representing graphics (i.e. diagram, graph, mathematical curves, or similar representation), pictures (i.e. visual representation of a person, object, or scene), sound, video, etc.) Source of Definition ISO/TS 15000-5:2005 Data Type Binary Object. Type Low Value Not applicable High Value Not applicable Definition Prefix “A binary object assigned to…” Definition Domain Name code (code) Definition A character string (letters, figures or symbols) that for brevity and/or language independence may be used to represent or replace a definitive value or text of a property. This class word is used only when there is a limited set of possible values. Adapted ISO/TS15000-5:2005 Source of Definition Data Type Low Value High Value Definition Prefix VARCHAR Not applicable Not applicable “The specific value that represents…” Domain Name coordinate (coord) Definition The geodetic designation for the location of a point using a polar coordinate system where the radius is defined through the geoid. This will be expressed in degrees, with positive values measured eastward from the zero meridian or northward from the equator. Source of Definition Data Type Low Value High Value Definition Prefix MIP-NDAG NUMBER (Decimals allowed) The "decimal separator" must be a period (.). The use of scientific notation is not allowed for exchange. -180 180 “The numeric value that represents…” H-8 JC3IEDM - Metamodel - IPT3 V3.1.4 Domain Name count (cnt) A counted number of non-monetary units. Counts need to be specified with a unit of the count. (Note: This Representation Term shall also be used for counted coefficients. Source of Definition Adapted from quantity in ISO/TS15000-5:2005 NUMBER (Decimals not allowed) Data Type Low Value Unbounded (may be negative) High Value Unbounded Definition Prefix “The integer value representing…” Definition Domain Name datetime (dttm) A designation of a specified chronological point measured using Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) ISO 8601:2000 as a standard of reference, constrained to "zero meridian" i.e. ‘Zulu’ time zone only. This is expressed as a composite field using a compacted ISO notation YYYYMMDDhhmmss.sss where YYYY represents a year in values from 0000 to 9999, MM represents a month in values from 00 to 12, and DD represents a day in values from 00 to 31, hh represents an hour in values from 00 to 23, mm represents a minute in values from 00 to 59, and ss.sss represents the number of seconds and milliseconds in values from 00.000 to 59.999. Note: All character positions must be filled. Source of Definition ISO/TS15000-5:2005 CHAR Data Type Low Value Not applicable High Value Not applicable Definition Prefix “The character string representing a point in time that designates…” Definition Domain Name dimension (dim) A one-dimensional linear distance measure. This will be expressed in metres Source of Definition MIP-NDAG NUMBER (Decimals allowed) The "decimal separator" must be a period Data Type (.). The use of scientific notation is not allowed for exchange. Low Value Unbounded (may be negative) High Value Unbounded Definition Prefix “The one-dimensional linear distance representing…” Definition Domain Name duration (dur) A numeric value that represents a quantity of time expressed as milliseconds. An optional preceding minus sign ('-') is allowed, to indicate a negative duration. If the sign is omitted a positive duration is indicated. Source of Definition MIP derived ISO 31-1 and ISO-8601 NUMBER Data Type Low Value Unbounded (may be negative) High Value Unbounded Definition Prefix “The numeric value that represents a quantity of time in milliseconds ...” Definition H-9 JC3IEDM - Metamodel - IPT3 V3.1.4 Domain Name identifier (id) A character string used to establish the identity of, and distinguish uniquely, one instance of an object within an identification scheme from all other objects within the same scheme. Source of Definition Adapted ISO/TS15000-5:2005 NUMBER (Decimals not allowed) Data Type Low Value Determined by key management rules High Value Determined by key management rules Definition Prefix “The unique value, or set of characters, assigned to represent a specific <entity> and to distinguish it from all other <entity>s.” Definition Domain Name index (ix) A sequence of one or more numbers, alphabetic characters and/or special characters that serve to uniquely identify some object but have no readily definable meaning. (Index enables the distinction of instances in associative entities that would otherwise be identical because the values of the other key attributes (which are all foreign-key attributes) are the same). Source of Definition MIP-NDAG NUMBER (Decimals not allowed) Data Type Low Value Determined by key management rules High Value Determined by key management rules Definition Prefix “The unique value, or set of characters, assigned to represent a specific…” Definition Domain Name ordinal (ord) A number designating the place (as first, second, third, etc.) occupied by an item in an ordered sequence. Units are not applicable. Note: Class word ordinal is not to be used where class word index applies. Source of Definition MIP-NDAG NUMBER (Decimals not allowed) Data Type Low Value 1 High Value Unbounded Definition Prefix “The integer value that indicates...” Definition Domain Name quantity (qty) A numeric value that denotes a measure of the physical property of an object. Class word quantity has a fixed unit of measure that must be specified on an attribute-by-attribute basis. Class word quantity is not to be used where class words angle, coordinate, count, dimension, and rate apply. Source of Definition MIP-NDAG NUMBER (Decimals allowed) The "decimal separator" must be a period Data Type (.). The use of scientific notation is not allowed for exchange. Low Value Unbounded (may be negative) High Value Unbounded Definition Prefix The numeric value that represents...” Definition H-10 JC3IEDM - Metamodel - IPT3 V3.1.4 Domain Name rate (rate) A numeric value that denotes a physical property of an object expressed as a proportion of a physical property with respect to a unit of time. The unit of measure for class word rate must be specified on an attribute-by-attribute basis. Source of Definition MIP-NDAG NUMBER (Decimals allowed) The "decimal separator" must be a period Data Type (.). The use of scientific notation is not allowed for exchange. Low Value Unbounded (may be negative) High Value Unbounded Definition Prefix “The numeric value that denotes…expressed as <A> per <B>.” Definition Domain Name ratio (rat) A numeric value representing the quotient of two values that have the same Definition unit of measurement, i.e., ratio has no units of measure. May be used to express a percentage. The allowable range must be specified on an attribute-by-attribute basis. Source of Definition MIP-NDAG NUMBER (Decimals allowed) The "decimal separator" must be a period Data Type (.). The use of scientific notation is not allowed for exchange. Low Value Unbounded (may be negative) High Value Unbounded Definition Prefix “The numeric quotient value that represents...” Domain Name temperature (tmpr) Definition A measure of degree of hotness or coldness in an object or in space. This will be expressed in degrees Celsius. Source of Definition Data Type Low Value High Value Definition Prefix MIP-NDAG NUMBER (Decimals allowed) The "decimal separator" must be a period (.). The use of scientific notation is not allowed for exchange. -273.15 Unbounded “The numeric value that indicates...” Domain Name text (txt) Definition A character string (i.e. a finite set of characters) generally in the form of words of a language. This embraces notions such as description, name, comment etc. ISO/TS 15000-5:2005 Source of Definition VARCHAR Data Type Low Value Not applicable High Value Not applicable Definition Prefix “The character string assigned to represent…” H-11 JC3IEDM - Metamodel - IPT3 V3.1.4 Annex I: SUMMARY OF IDEF1X DATA MODELLING METHODOLOGY AND NOTATION I-1 JC3IEDM - Metamodel - IPT3 V3.1.4 I.1 Introduction I.1.1 Whenever data structures and business rules required to support a business area need to be specified, it is convenient to build a data model in order to capture that information. A data model is a description of the organisation of data in a manner that reflects the information structure of an enterprise. It encompasses the entity definitions, relationships, and the integrity constraints through which the information created and used by the functional activity is managed, and from which standard data are created. [DoD 8020.1 1992]. Having identified what a data model is, one still needs a structured syntax to begin expressing the information structure of the business. IDEF1X, a methodology created to help design data, provides such a structured environment, with special focus on relational constructs. I.1.2 I.1.3 The following sections provide a brief description of the IDEF1X syntax as discussed in Thomas A. Bruce’s book Designing Quality Databases with IDEF1X Information Models [Bruce 1992]. I.2 Entities and Attributes An entity is anything about which information is stored in a database. In a conceptual schema language, any concrete or abstract thing of interest, including associations among things . I.2.1 IDEF1X distinguishes between independent and dependent entities. Figure I-1 shows the symbols associated with independent and dependent entities. The kind of information stored in the data base is, loosely speaking, the attributes or properties that describe the entity. For instance, if PERSON is an entity in a given data model, then person-name, person-social-security-number, person-address, etc., may all be properties or attributes of that entity for the purposes of that enterprise. Attributes are divided into keyattributes and non-key-attributes, i.e. those used to uniquely identify the entity and those properties of the entity not used for that purpose. I.2.2 ENTITY-NAME key-area data-area Independent entity Depends on no other for its identification ENTITY-NAME key-area data-area Dependent entity Depends on other(s) for its identification Note: The area above the line is reserved for the identifying keys. Figure I-1. IDEF1X Symbols for Independent and Dependent Entities I.2.3 The IDEF1X syntax further categorises attributes according to its diverse uses in either the key-area or the data area of the entity. Table I-1 summarises these different usages. I-2 JC3IEDM - Metamodel - IPT3 V3.1.4 Table I-1. IDEF1X Attribute Notation attribute (FK) Foreign Key Primary key of another entity contributed by a relationship Role Name New name for a foreign key connoting its use. Alternate Key Alternate unique identifier of the entity Inversion Entry Non-unique access identifier of the entity Group Attribute Attribute is a group containing the listed constituents. Unified Foreign Key Listed foreign keys are unified to a single foreign key attribute role.name.attribute (FK) attribute (AKn) attribute (IEn) group.(c1,c2,c3) attribute(fk1,fk2,fk3)(FK) I.3 Category Notation A data model may contain a series of entities that share one or more attributes. IDEF1X provides a method for aggregating these common attributes into a base entity, while retaining the subtypes with their unique properties. This avoids unnecessary duplication of attributes and helps with the management of the model. I.3.1 I.3.2 Figure I-2 shows the two types of category supported by IDEF1X. If the listing of the subtypes is exhaustive, the category is complete and the double line is used to indicate this fact. If the subtypes depicted are only a fraction of the complete set then the category is incomplete and only one line is used in the symbol. The subtypes of the generic parent inherit all the attributes of that parent, but are not limited to spawning their own unique relationships and subtypes if necessary. GENERIC PARENT Incomplete Not all categories shown category discriminator CAT-1 CAT-2 Each category entity represents a subset of the instances of the generic parent and inherits the atributes and relationships of that parent. Complete All categories shown Figure I-2. IDEF1X Syntax for Entity Categories I.4 Relationship Notation IDEF1X allows three main types of relationship, namely, identifying relationships, non-identifying relationships and non-specific relationships. (See Figure I-3.) I-3 JC3IEDM - Metamodel - IPT3 V3.1.4 Figure I-3. IDEF1X Relationship Notation I.5 Cardinality Notation A further aspect of a relationship is its cardinality. The first two relationships shown in Figure I-3 (above) were one-to-many, that is, where at least one parent entity has zero or more child entities associated to it. There are, however, situations in which zero or one parent entity may have zero or more child entities associated to it, or where it is guaranteed that there is either at least one parent or one child present in the relationship in combination with zero or more of the other kind. Figure I-4 depicts all these combinations diagrammatically. I-4 JC3IEDM - Metamodel - IPT3 V3.1.4 Figure I-4. IDEF1X Cardinality Notation I-5 JC3IEDM - Metamodel - IPT3 V3.1.4 Annex J: REFERENCES J-1 JC3IEDM - Metamodel - IPT3 V3.1.4 AAP-6 (V) 1998 AAP-6 (2008) AC/322-D(2004)0021 AC/322-D(2004)0022 AC/322(SC/4)WP/054REV1 (INV) 15 Dec 2003 AC/322(SC/4)WP/054REV1 (INV) 15 Dec 2003 ACCS 1995a ACCS 1995b ACE Directive 80-50 AComP-01(A) 2000 ADatP-3 1999 ADatP-3 BL 12.2 ADatP-3 BL 13.1 AFATDS IRS 1992 AIntP-3 1994 AML AML V 2.1 NOV 05 APP-6A 1997 APP-6B 2008 APP-9 1997 ATCCIS WP ADatP-32 2000 ATCCIS WP 3-1 2002 NATO Glossary of Terms and Definitions, AAP-6(V), NATO Military Agency for Standardisation, September 1998, NATO UNCLASSIFIED NATO Glossary of Terms and Definitions, AAP-6(2008), NATO Military Agency for Standardisation, April 2008, NATO UNCLASSIFIED AC/322-D(2004)0021 INFOSEC Technical and Implementation Guidance for Electronic Labelling of NAO Information AC/322-D(2004)0022 NATO C3 Board Technical and Implementation Guidance for Consistent Marking of NATO Information in C3 Systems AC/322(SC/4)WP/054-REV1 (INV) NATO C3 Board Technical and Implementation Guidance for Consistent Marking of NATO Information in C3 Systems, 15 Dec 2003 AC/322(SC/4)WP/054-REV1 (INV) NATO C3 Board Technical and Implementation Guidance for Consistent Marking of NATO Information in C3 Systems, 15 Dec 2003 - Def C-M(2002)49 NACMA Working Paper Volume 1 ACCS Conceptual Data Model, Version 1.8, SHAPE Technical Centre, The Hague, The Netherlands, 23 June 1994 (made available to ATCCIS on 21 March 1995) NATO UNCLASSIFIED. NACMA Working Paper Volume 2 ACCS Conceptual Data Model Data Dictionary, Version 1.6, SHAPE Technical Centre, The Hague, The Netherlands, 23 June 1994 (made available to ATCCIS on 21 March 1995) NATO UNCLASSIFIED Operational Information Exchange System – General Instructions, Volume 1, SHAPE, 30 November 1992, NATO UNCLASSIFIED NATO Communications Glossary, Military Agency for Standardization (MAS), October 2000, NATO UNCLASSIFIED ADatP-3 Baseline 11.0.1 (CD-ROM), HQ NATO C3S-IOB, Brussels, Belgium, 1 July 1999, NATO UNCLASSIFIED ADatP-3 BL 12.2 ADatP-3 BL 13.1 Interface Requirements Specification for the AFATDS Version 1, ACCSA2-204-010C, US Army Communications and Electronics Command, 18 December 1992, UNCLASSIFIED AIntP-3, Military Intelligence Data Management and Exchange Concept, October 1994, NATO UNCLASSIFIED: Volume 1, Military Intelligence Data Management and Exchange Concept Volume 2, Data Dictionary Additional Military Layers (AML) Product Specification Environment Seabed and Beach (ESB) Version 2.0 Additional Military Layers (AML) Product Specification Environment Seabed and Beach (ESB) Version 2.1 Military Symbols for Land-Based Systems, APP-6A, Military Agency for Standardisation (MAS), 1 September 1997, NATO UNCLASSIFIED Military Symbols for Land-Based Systems, APP-6B, Military Agency for Standardisation (MAS), June 2008, NATO UNCLASSIFIED A Compendium of Allied Land Forces Messages (Change 1) (CD-ROM), 1997, NATO UNCLASSIFIED AdatP-32, The Land C2 Information Exchange Data Model, Edition 2.0, ATCCIS WG, SHAPE, Belgium, 31 March 2000, NATO UNCLASSIFIED NOTE: This paper was published with the intent of making it a draft AdatP32 ATCCIS WP 3-1, Data Naming Procedures for the ATCCIS Data Model, Edition 5.0, ATCCIS PWG, 18 March 2002, NATO UNCLASSIFIED J-2 JC3IEDM - Metamodel - IPT3 V3.1.4 ATCCIS WP 3-5 1997 ATCCIS WP 3-6 2002 ATCCIS WP 4-1 2002 ATCCIS WP 4-2 1994 ATCCIS WP 5-5 2002 ATCCIS WP 7L, 1989 ATCCIS WP 7N 1990 ATCCIS WP 10 1990 ATCCIS WP 14, 1990 ATCCIS WP 25 1994 ATP-1(C) Vol II 1983 ATP-6(B) Vol I 1992 ATP-24(B) Vol I 1981 ATP-27(B) 1993 ATP-27(C) 1999 ATP-35A 1995 ATP - 45 (B) ATP - 45 (C) BI-MNC Reporting Directive Bi-SC CDM Bruce 1992 ATCCIS Working Paper 3-5, ATCCIS Data Management, Draft Edition 1.0, ATCCIS PWG, SHAPE, Belgium, 19 September 1997, NATO UNCLASSIFIED ATCCIS Working Paper 3-6, ATCCIS Key Management – A Strategy for the Generation of Unique Keys, Edition 5.0, ATCCIS PWG, SHAPE, Belgium,18 March 2002, NATO UNCLASSIFIED ATCCIS WP 4-1, ATCCIS Information Resource Dictionary (AIRD)— Definition of Structure and Contents, Edition 5.0, ATCCIS PWG, 18 March 2002, NATO UNCLASSIFIED ATCCIS WP 4-2, AIRD Management Procedures, Edition 2.0, ATCCIS PWG, 2 June 1995, NATO UNCLASSIFIED ATCCIS Working Paper 5-5, THE LAND C2 INFORMATION EXCHANGE DATA MODEL, Edition 5.0, ATCCIS WG, SHAPE, Belgium, 18 March 2002, NATO UNCLASSIFIED ATCCIS WP 7L, Operational and Procedural Requirements for Data Management and Standardization, Edition 1, ATCCIS PWG, June 1989, NATO UNCLASSIFIED ATCCIS WP 7N, Standardization of Data for Interoperability, Edition 1, ATCCIS PWG, September 1990, NATO UNCLASSIFIED ATCCIS WP 10, Information Flow Requirements and Products for Each Key Task, Edition 2, ATCCIS PWG, September 1990, NATO UNCLASSIFIED ATCCIS WP 14, Information Exchange Requirements Between Headquarters, Edition 2, ATCCIS PWG, September 1990, NATO UNCLASSIFIED ATCCIS WP 25, Technical Standards for Command and Control Information Systems (CCISs) and Information Technology, ATCCIS PWG, February 1994, NATO UNCLASSIFIED Allied Maritime Tactical Signal and Maneuvering Book— ATP-1(C) Vol II (STANAG 1174), October 1983, NATO RESTRICTED, Mine Warfare Principles—ATP-6(B) (STANAG 1242), April 1992, NATO CONFIDENTIAL Mine Countermeasures—Tactics and Execution—ATP-24(B) Vol I (STANAG 1132), August 1981, NATO CONFIDENTIAL, Offensive Air Operations – ATP-27(B) (STANAG 3736), 18 November 1993, NATO UNRESTRICTED Air Interdiction and Close Air Support – ATP-27(C) (STANAG 3736), June 1999, NATO UNCLASSIFIED Land Force Tactical Doctrine, ATP-35(A) (STANAG 2868, Edition 4.0), Military Agency for Standardization, December 1995, NATO UNCLASSIFIED Reporting Nuclear Detonations, Biological And Chemical Attacks, and Predicting and Warning Of Associated Hazards And Hazard Areas (Operators Manual), ATP-45(B) (STANAG 2103, Edition 8.0) NATO, NATO UNCLASSIFIED Reporting Nuclear Detonations, Biological And Chemical Attacks, and Predicting and Warning Of Associated Hazards And Hazard Areas (Operators Manual), ATP - 45 (C) (STANAG 2103, Edition 9) NATO/PfP UNCLASSIFIED Operations/Situations Reports, Volume III, SHAPE, 1 August 1997, NATO UNCLASSIFIED/PfP Releasable Bi-Strategic Command (SC) Conceptual Data Model (CDM) Designing Quality Databases with IDEF1X Information Models, Thomas A. Bruce, Dorset House Publishing, 1992, UNCLASSIFIED J-3 JC3IEDM - Metamodel - IPT3 V3.1.4 C-M(55) 15 DAFIF DEFSTAN 01-5 Iss 13 2002 DIGEST 1994 DIS 10032 1991 FAA FACC 1994 FIPS PUB 183 1993 FIPS PUB 184 1993 ISO/IEC 9075 1992 ISO 3166-1 JC3IEDM-GuideToCP JC3IEDM-Overview JC3IEDM-Processing of Operational Requirements Joint Pub 1-02 2001 JSP 101 MCCIS CDM Georef MCCIS CDM Surface Military Standard 6040 2001 Military Standard 2525B MIP MIRD 2005 MIP MTIR NATO Reference Model FAA C-M(55) 15 FINAL, Security within the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, Enclosure C, Section 2, 15 Oct 97 Issue 3 NATO UNCLASSIFIED (DAFIF) Data Dictionary, Eighth Edition, May 2005, PS\1FDE\086 MOD(GBR) Defence Standard 01-5 Issue 13, Fuel, Lubricants, and Associated Products, January 2002. Digital Geographic Information Exchange Standard (DIGEST), Edition 1.2, Volumes 1-4, January 1994, NATO UNCLASSIFIED. Also see STANAG 7074 DIS 10032, Information Technology - Reference Model on Data Management, International Organisation for Standardization (ISO) and International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), 13 May 1991, UNCLASSIFIED FAA Pilot/Controller Glossary (P/CG) Part 4 Feature and Attribute Coding Catalog (FACC), Digital Geographic Information Exchange Standard (DIGEST), Edition 1.2, Defense Mapping Agency, January 1994 Integration Definition for Function Modeling (IDEF0), FIPS Pub 183, December 1993, National Institute of Standards and Technology Integration Definition for Information Modeling (IDEF1X), FIPS Pub 184, December 1993, National Institute of Standards and Technology ISO/IEC 9075:1992, Database Language SQL ISO 3166-1: 1997, Codes for the representation of Names of Countries and their Subdivisions – Part1: Country codes JC3IEDM-GuideToCP, Guide To Change Proposals For MIP Data Specifications, Edition 3.1c, 24 April 2008, MIP PMG, NATO UNCLASSIFIED JC3IEDM-Overview, THE JOINT C3 INFORMATION EXCHANGE DATA MODEL( JC3IEDM), Edition 3.1c, 24 April 2008, MIP PMG, NATO UNCLASSIFIED JC3IEDM-Processing of Operational Requirements, Processing of Operational Requirements, Edition 3.0, 9 December 2005 MIP PMG, NATO UNCLASSIFIED Department of Defense Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms (Includes US Acronyms and Abbreviations and NATO Terms (English Only)), Joint Publication Number 1-02, Joint Chiefs of Staff, April 2001 Amended through 17 October 2007, UNCLASSIFIED. Formerly JCS Pub 1-02 Joint Service Publication 101 (GBR), Meteorological Glossary, 6th Edition, London HMSO MCCIS Conceptual Data Model (CDM) Geographical Reference segment MCCIS CDM Surface Warfare segment USMTF: U.S. Message Text Formatting Program, Military Standard 6040, DISA/JIEO, 31 March 2001, RESTRICTED USE Department of Defense Interface Standard, Common Warfighting Symbology, 30 January 1999, UNCLASSIFIED MIP MIRD, MIP Information Resource Dictionary, Edition 3.0, MIP PMG, 9 December 2005, NATO UNCLASSIFIED MIP MTIR, MIP Tactical C2IS Interoperability Requirement, Draft, MIP PMG, March 2005, NATO UNCLASSIFIED NATO Reference Model, Version 4.0, NATO Data Administration Office (NDAO), April 2004, NATO UNCLASSIFIED AIM Official Guide to Basic Flight Information and ATC (Air Traffic Control) Procedures J-4 JC3IEDM - Metamodel - IPT3 V3.1.4 Oxford English Dictionary Oxford English Dictionary, Second Edition, 1999 Oxford University Press, 1999 1999 SQL-99 ANSI SQL-99 (ISO/IEC 9075:1999: Database Language SQL) Database Language SQL, Sections 1 and 2, 1 January 1999 STANAG 1166 STANAG 1166: Standard Ship Designator System, Edition 6, 2 October 2000, NATO UNCLASSIFIED STANAG 1241 STANAG 1241: NATO Standard Identity Description Structure for Tactical Use, 16 October 1996, NATO RESTRICTED STANAG 2014 STANAG 2014: Warning Orders, Operation Orders and Administrative/Service Support Orders, Edition 8, October 1997, NATO UNCLASSIFIED STANAG 2021 STANAG 2021: Military computation of Bridge, Ferry, Raft and Vehicle Classifications, 18 August 1990, NATO UNRESTRICTED STANAG 2116 STANAG 2116: NATO Codes for Grades of Military Personnel, 13 March 1996, NATO UNRESTRICTED STANAG 2257 STANAG 2257: MGD—Railways, Edition 4, 23 February 1993, NATO UNCLASSIFIED STANAG 2356 STANAG 2356: Comparative Formation Unit Designations, 21 March 1991, NATO UNRESTRICTED STANAG 2934 STANAG 2934: Artillery Procedures—AArtyP-1, 20 June 1989, NATO UNCLASSIFIED STANAG 2961 STANAG 2961: Classes of Supply of NATO Land Forces, Edition 2, 19 September 2001, NATO UNCLASSIFIED STANAG 2984 STANAG 2984: Graduated Levels of NBC Threats and Associated Protection, Edition 5, 19 March 2001, NATO UNCLASSIFIED STANAG 5048 STANAG 5048: The Minimum Scale of Connectivity for Communications and Information Systems for NATO Land Forces, Edition 5, 16 February 2000, NATO UNCLASSIFIED STANAG 5525 STANAG 5525: Joint Consultation, Command, and Control Information Exchange Data Model, December 2008, NATO UNCLASSIFIED STANAG 5620 ND STANAG 5620: Standards for the Interoperability of Fire Support ADP Systems, Part II, Annex E, ADatP-3 Formats, 27 Mar 1987, NATO UNCLASSIFIED STANAG 6001 STANAG 6001: Language Proficiency Levels, Edition 2, 11 June 2003, NATO UNCLASSIFIED STANAG 7074 STANAG 7074: Digital Information Exchange Standards (DIGEST) , Edition 2.1, September 2000, NATO UNCLASSIFIED US AR 310-25 1986 US Army Regulation 310-25, Dictionary of United States Army Terms, Headquarters Department of the Army, 21 May 1986 US FM 101-5-1/MCRP 5- Operational Terms and Graphics, Headquarters Department of the Army 2a 1997 and United States Marine Corps, 30 September 1997 UNCLASSIFIED US FM 101-10-1/1 1987 US Army Field Manual 101-10-1/1, Staff Officers’ Field Manual Volume 1: Organizational, Technical, and Logistical Data, Headquarters Department of the Army, October 1987 US FM 101-10-1/2 1987 US Army Field Manual 101-10-1/2, Staff Officers’ Field Manual Volume 2: Organizational, Technical, and Logistical Data Planning Factors, Headquarters Department of the Army, October 1987 US FM 1-02 2004 Department of Defense Dictionary of Operational Terms and Graphics (Includes US Army and Marine Corps Acronyms and Abbreviations and NATO Terms (English Only)) referenced from Joint Publication Number 102, Joint Chiefs of Staff, May 1998, UNCLASSIFIED. Formerly JCS Pub 1-02, September 2004 US FM 3-06 2003 US Army Field Manual 3-06, Urban Operations Headquarters Department of the Army, June 2003 J-5 JC3IEDM - Metamodel - IPT3 V3.1.4 US FM 5-33 1990 US TB 55-46-1 1991 US Army Field Manual 5-33 Terrain analysis, Headquarters Department of the Army, 11 July 1990 US Army Technical Bulletin 55-46-1, Standard Characteristics (Dimensions, Weight, and Cube) for Transportability of Military Vehicles and Other Outsize/Overweight Equipment, Department of the Army, 1 January 1991 WPI Pub 150 World Port Index Publication 150, 18th Edition J-6 JC3IEDM - Metamodel - IPT3 V3.1.4 Annex K: JC3IEDM Metamodel— IDEF1X LOGICAL DATA MODEL DIAGRAM K-1 JC3IEDM - Metamodel - IPT3 V3.1.4 JC3IEDM-Metamodel-3.1.4 JC3IEDM Metamodel V3.1.4 ENTITY entity-id (AK1.2,AK2.2) is-parent-of is-child-of CREATOR-UPDATE-IDENTIFICATION has-creator-id-and-update-s eqnr-columns entity-name-text (AK1.1) entity-table-name-text (AK2.1) entity-definition-text entity-dependency-code entity-depth-count entity-storage-type-code entity-standardis ation-level-code entity-model-level-code P is -discriminator-for is-subtyped-via Z entity-id (FK) creator-attribute-index (FK) update-attribute-index (FK) identifies-creator-id-column identifies -update-s eqnr-column ATTRIBUTE is-characterised-by entity-id (FK) (IE1.1,IE2.1,IE3.1) attribute-index attribute-name-text (IE1.2) attribute-column-name-text (IE2.2) attribute-sequence-number-ordinal (IE3.2) attribute-primary-key-indicator-code attribute-foreign-key-indicator-code attribute-standardisation-level-code ALTERNATE-KEY-ATTRIBUTE entity-id (FK) attribute-index (FK) alternate-key-index (FK) appears-in ALTERNATE-KEY entity-id (FK) (AK1.2) consists-of alternate-key-index P alternate-key-number-quantity (AK1.1) alternate-key-uniqueness-indicator-code (AK1.3) P is-als o-identified-by CATEGORY-RELATIONSHIP RELATIONSHIP parent-entity-id (FK) child-entity-id (FK) relationship-index relationship-type-code attribute-foreign-key-indicator-code super-entity-id (FK) category-relationship-index attribute-primary-key-indicator-code category-relationship-definition-text discriminator-attribute-index (FK) category-relationship-completeness-indicator-code holds BASE-ATTRIBUTE entity-id (FK) attribute-index (FK) FOREIGN-KEY-ATTRIBUTE hos t-entity-id (FK) attribute-index (FK) migrates-from-parent(source)to-child(host)-entity relations hip-type-code SUBTYPE-RELATIONSHIP super-entity-id (FK) sub-entity-id (FK) Z relationship-index (FK) PRIMARY-KEY-ATTRIBUTE entity-id (FK) attribute-index (FK) NON-KEY-ATTRIBUTE entity-id (FK) attribute-index (FK) category-relations hip-index (FK) domain-id (FK) domain-value-index (FK) is-source-for non-key-attribute-optionality-indicator-code P foreign-key-attribute-role-definition-text foreign-key-attribute-rolename-indicator-code source-entity-id (FK) source-attribute-index (FK) migrating-relationship-index (FK) bas e-entity-id (FK) bas e-attribute-index (FK) unifying-attribute-index (FK) provides-the-attribute-reference is-originator-for unifies des cribes-allowed-values-for CARDINALITY-RELATIONSHIP parent-entity-id (FK) child-entity-id (FK) relations hip-index (FK) has DOMAIN-VALUE cardinality-relationship-verb-name-text cardinality-relationship-inverse-verb-name-text Z cardinality-relationship-identifying-indicator-code cardinality-relationship-parent-cardinality-code cardinality-relationship-child-cardinality-code cardinality-relationship-child-minimum-cardinality-count cardinality-relationship-child-maximum-cardinality-count domain-id (FK) (AK1.2,IE1.2) domain-value-index domain-value-des cription-text (AK1.1) domain-value-name-text (IE1.1) domain-value-definition-text domain-value-type-code (AK1.3) domain-value-standardisation-level-code domain-value-source-text dis criminates BUSINESS-RULE business -rule-id business -rule-category-code business -rule-s ection-cross-reference-text business -rule-name-text business -rule-definition-text business -rule-table-cross -reference-text base-attribute-definition-text base-attribute-data-type-code base-attribute-data-length-count base-attribute-data-decimals -count domain-id (FK) BUSINESS-RULE-ENTITY is -composed-of busines s-rule-id (FK) busines s-rule-entity-index entity-of-interest-id (FK) is-composed-of BUSINESS-RULE-ENTITY-ATTRIBUTE-COMPOSITE BUSINESS-RULE-ENTITY-ATTRIBUTE-COMPOSITE-DOMAIN-VALUE busines s-rule-id (FK) busines s-rule-entity-index (FK) busines s-rule-entity-attribute-composite-index busines s-rule-entity-attribute-composite-null-indicator-code entity-id (FK) attribute-index (FK) is-composed-of bus iness-rule-id (FK) bus iness-rule-entity-index (FK) bus iness-rule-entity-attribute-composite-index (FK) bus iness-rule-entity-attribute-composite-domain-value-index domain-id (FK) domain-value-index (FK) K-2 1, 1 / 1, 1 -- 8:08:06 AM , 5/12/2009 is-part-of contains DOMAIN domain-id (AK1.2) domain-name-text (AK1.1) domain-definition-text domain-class-name-text domain-restriction-type-code domain-measurement-unit-description-text parent-domain-id (FK) domain-s tandardisation-level-code domain-model-level-code domain-definition-s ource-text is-basis-for JC3IEDM - Metamodel - IPT3 V3.1.4 Annex L: JC3IEDM Metamodel— IDEF1X PHYSICAL DATA MODEL DIAGRAM L-1 JC3IEDM - Metamodel - IPT3 V3.1.4 JC3IEDM-Metamodel-3.1.4 1 JC3IEDM Metamodel V3.1.4 ENT ent_id: NUMBER(8) NOT NULL (AK1.2,AK2.2) is_child_of is_parent_of has_creator_id_and_update_seqn name_txt: VARCHAR(80) NOT NULL (AK1.1) tab_name_txt: VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL (AK2.1) is_characterised_by ATTR def_txt: VARCHAR(999) NOT NULL ent_id: NUMBER(8) NOT NULL (FK) (IE1.1,IE2.1,IE3.1) depen_code: VARCHAR(2) NOT NULL attr_ix: NUMBER(6) NOT NULL P depth_cnt: NUMBER(3) NOT NULL name_txt: VARCHAR(160) NOT NULL (IE1.2) stg_type_code: VARCHAR(4) NOT NULL col_name_txt: VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL (IE2.2) stdn_lvl_code: VARCHAR(6) NOT NULL attr_seqnr_ord: NUMBER(3) NOT NULL (IE3.2) mod_lvl_code: VARCHAR(4) NOT NULL pk_ind_code: VARCHAR(2) NOT NULL fk_ind_code: VARCHAR(2) NOT NULL stdn_lvl_code: VARCHAR(6) NOT NULL CREATOR_UPDATE_IDENTIFIC Z ent_id: NUMBER(8) NOT NULL (FK) creator_attr_ix: NUMBER(6) NULL (FK) update_attr_ix: NUMBER(6) NULL (FK) identifies_creator_id_column identifies_update_seqnr_column appears_in AK_ATTR ALT_KEY ent_id: NUMBER(8) NOT NULL (FK) ent_id: NUMBER(8) NOT NULL (FK) (AK1.2) attr_ix: NUMBER(6) NOT NULL (FK) consists_of99 ak_ix: NUMBER(2) NOT NULL ak_ix: NUMBER(2) NOT NULL (FK) ak_no_qty: NUMBER(3) NOT NULL (AK1.1) P uniq_ind_code: VARCHAR(2) NOT NULL (AK1.3) P is_also_identified_by is_subtyped_via CAT REL pa_ent_id: NUMBER(8) NOT NULL (FK) ch_ent_id: NUMBER(8) NOT NULL (FK) rel_ix: NUMBER(2) NOT NULL type_code: VARCHAR(2) NOT NULL sup_ent_id: NUMBER(8) NOT NULL (FK) cat_ix: NUMBER(2) NOT NULL is_discriminator_for Is_An_ATTR2 def_txt: VARCHAR(255) NULL discr_ix: NUMBER(6) NOT NULL (FK) compl_ind_code: VARCHAR(2) NOT NULL holds migrates_from_parent_source___ Is_A_REL2 cat_ix: NUMBER(2) NOT NULL (FK) dom_id: NUMBER(9) NOT NULL (FK) dom_val_ix: NUMBER(12) NOT NULL (FK) Is_A_REL1 Is_An_ATTR4 opt_ind_code: VARCHAR(2) NOT NULL P role_def_txt: VARCHAR(999) NULL rona_ind_code: VARCHAR(2) NOT NULL src_ent_id: NUMBER(8) NOT NULL (FK) src_attr_ix: NUMBER(6) NOT NULL (FK) is_source_for migr_rel_ix: NUMBER(2) NOT NULL (FK) base_ent_id: NUMBER(8) NOT NULL (FK) base_attr_ix: NUMBER(6) NOT NULL (FK) unif_attr_ix: NUMBER(6) NULL (FK) is_originator_for unifies provides_the_attribute_referen CARD_REL pa_ent_id: NUMBER(8) NOT NULL (FK) ch_ent_id: NUMBER(8) NOT NULL (FK) rel_ix: NUMBER(2) NOT NULL (FK) verb_nam e_txt: VARCHAR(60) NOT NULL inv_verb_name_txt: VARCHAR(60) NULL ident_ind_code: VARCHAR(2) NOT NULL pa_card_code: VARCHAR(2) NOT NULL ch_card_code: VARCHAR(2) NOT NULL ch_mnm _card_cnt: NUMBER(3) NULL ch_max_card_cnt: NUMBER(3) NULL PK_ATTR ent_id: NUMBER(8) NOT NULL (FK) attr_ix: NUMBER(6) NOT NULL (FK) NK_ATTR ent_id: NUMBER(8) NOT NULL (FK) attr_ix: NUMBER(6) NOT NULL (FK) Z BASE_ATTR ent_id: NUMBER(8) NOT NULL (FK) attr_ix: NUMBER(6) NOT NULL (FK) FK_ATTR host_ent_id: NUMBER(8) NOT NULL (FK) attr_ix: NUMBER(6) NOT NULL (FK) Is_An_ATTR3 SUBT_REL sup_ent_id: NUMBER(8) NOT NULL (FK) sub_ent_id: NUMBER(8) NOT NULL (FK) Z rel_ix: NUMBER(2) NOT NULL (FK) Is_An_ATTR1 def_txt: VARCHAR(999) NOT NULL data_type_code: VARCHAR(7) NOT NULL data_len_cnt: NUMBER(4) NOT NULL data_dec_cnt: NUMBER(2) NULL dom_id: NUMBER(9) NOT NULL (FK) describes_allowed_values_for has DOM_VAL dom _id: NUMBER(9) NOT NULL (FK) (AK1.2,IE1.2) dom _val_ix: NUMBER(12) NOT NULL descr_txt: VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL (AK1.1) nam e_txt: VARCHAR(80) NULL (IE1.1) def_txt: VARCHAR(999) NULL type_code: VARCHAR(6) NOT NULL (AK1.3) stdn_lvl_code: VARCHAR(6) NOT NULL src_txt: VARCHAR(100) NULL discriminates BR br_id: NUMBER(12) NOT NULL is_composed_of1 cat_code: VARCHAR(6) NOT NULL BR_ENT section_xref_txt: VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL br_id: NUMBER(12) NOT NULL (FK) name_txt: VARCHAR(999) NOT NULL br_ent_ix: NUMBER(12) NOT NULL def_txt: VARCHAR(999) NULL ent_of_interest_id: NUMBER(8) NOT NULL (FK) tab_xref_txt: VARCHAR(15) NULL is_com posed_of2 BR_ENT_ATTR_COMP br_id: NUMBER(12) NOT NULL (FK) br_ent_ix: NUMBER(12) NOT NULL (FK) br_ent_attr_comp_ix: NUMBER(12) NOT NULL null_ind_code: VARCHAR(6) NOT NULL ent_id: NUMBER(8) NOT NULL (FK) attr_ix: NUMBER(6) NOT NULL (FK) is_composed_of3 BR_ENT_ATTR_COMP_DOM_VAL br_id: NUMBER(12) NOT NULL (FK) br_ent_ix: NUMBER(12) NOT NULL (FK) br_ent_attr_comp_ix: NUMBER(12) NOT NULL (FK) br_ent_attr_comp_dom_val_ix: NUMBER(12) NOT NULL dom_id: NUMBER(9) NOT NULL (FK) dom_val_ix: NUMBER(12) NOT NULL (FK) L-1 1, 1 / 1, 1 -- 8:03:13 AM , 5/12/2009 contains99 is_part_of99 DOM dom_id: NUMBER(9) NOT NULL (AK1.2) name_txt: VARCHAR(160) NOT NULL (AK1.1) def_txt: VARCHAR(999) NOT NULL class_name_txt: VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL restr_type_code: VARCHAR(2) NULL meas_unit_descr_txt: VARCHAR(32) NULL pa_dom_id: NUMBER(9) NULL (FK) stdn_lvl_code: VARCHAR(6) NOT NULL mod_lvl_code: VARCHAR(4) NOT NULL def_src_txt: VARCHAR(100) NULL is_basis_for JC3IEDM - Metamodel - IPT3 V3.1.4
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