Collecting memories of service
Collecting memories of service
MONDAY November 11, 2013 127th Year, No. 146 Serving Sheridan County, Wyoming Independent and locally owned since 1887 75 Cents Press Wyoming man faces life in slaying of sons, brother THE SHERIDAN CHEYENNE (AP) — A Wheatland man faces life in prison when he goes before a judge on Tuesday for sentencing on murder charges in the 2011 shooting deaths of his three young sons and his brother. Everett Conant III, 37, pleaded no-contest in June to the four killings and to a charge of attempted murder against his ex-wife, who also was wounded in the shootings at a Wheatland trailer park. Prosecutors have agreed not to seek the death penalty. Kerri Johnson of the Wyoming Public Defender’s Office represents Conant and ON THE WEB: THE WEEK IN PHOTOS: NOV. 1-9 Cowboys fall to Fresno State Saturday. B1 declined comment Friday. Prosecutor Eric Jones was unavailable Friday, his office said. Conant’s sons — 11-year-old Joseph, 13year-old Charles and 18-year-old Everett — and Conant’s brother, Nacuma Roland Conant, 33, were all shot and killed at the family’s mobile home. Everett Conant’s wife, Suzette Conant, was shot and wounded in July 7, 2011, attack. Soon after the killings, Conant initially entered pleas of not guilty and “not guilty by reason of mental illness.” His prosecution dragged out as he under- BY HANNAH WIEST THE SHERIDAN PRESS FROM STAFF REPORTS SHERIDAN — Recent statistics released by the Wyoming Department of Workforce Services Research and Planning Section indicate employment in the state is up 0.2 percent and and the average weekly wage increased by $7 compared to the same quarter last year. Despite growth in overall employment, which is currently faster than the five-year average, the state still lags 2.1 percent behind employment levels during the first quarter of 2008 and 2009. In addition, wages rates have not kept up with job growth. In Sheridan, 147 jobs were lost, but average weekly wages rose $9 to $719 per week. BILLINGS, Mont. (AP) — The Montana Highway Patrol says a drunken driver is to blame for a crash on U.S. Highway 314 near Decker that caused a semi to spill 38 tons of coal. Trooper Ben Panas tells The Billings Gazette the driver of a car tried to pass a semi hauling two trailers of coal as it traveled around a curve in the highway at about 6 p.m. Wednesday. The car hit a guardrail. Panas says it’s not clear if the semi hit the car or if the driver crashed because he was trying to avoid the car. Panas says the driver of the car will be charged as soon as officials verify who was driving. The driver of the semi and three people in the car were treated at a hospital in Sheridan. SEE KILLING, PAGE 2 Collecting memories of service Weekly wages up despite losing 147 jobs MHP: Drunken driver to blame for coal truck crash went repeated evaluations at the Wyoming State Hospital in Evanston to determine whether he was mentally competent to answer criminal charges. Conant entered his no-contest pleas to the charges at a hearing in June at the state hospital. The pleas came after District Judge John Brooks of Douglas ruled he was competent to stand trial based on a stipulation to his condition by both the prosecution and the defense. THE SHERIDAN PRESS HANNAH WIEST Sheridan resident Mary Burgess, 93, received an old footlocker a year ago that belonged to her husband, Henry A. Burgess. She filled it with relics from her father’s, her brother’s, her mother’s, her husband’s and her own service during World War I and World War II. She spent some time going through the items recently as Veterans Day approached. SHERIDAN — When she was a little girl, she would sit on her daddy’s lap and he would tell her about the war to end all wars. “He said there would be no more wars after that. Of course, you can’t count them now…” Her voice fades to a whisper. Her gaze drops, but it is obvious she is not looking down so much as back. Way back. Ninety-three years back over a life in which her father, her mother, her brother, her husband and herself served in America’s wars. Sheridan resident Mary Burgess has black-and-white photographs to help her remember. They show a 22-yearold woman eager to serve like so many of her loved ones had served. She has letters received from servicemen she met while serving coffee and donuts with the American Red Cross — sometimes just behind the front line — in Europe during World War II. Some came to her after men were killed, words left to live on paper long after spoken words, last words, died with the soldier. She has her husband’s trunk, engraved with a fading “Henry A. Burgess.” She received it last year and treasures the relics within, relics from a family of veterans of war. • World War I Navy uniform Her father, Joseph Ralston Hayden, joined the navy during World War I because that’s what men did then, Burgess said. He was a gunner on a Navy ship in France. His uniform has permanent dirt stains — and gold buttons. “Mother and daddy were together when he wore that suit, and she said she had impressions from those buttons all the way down her front,” Burgess said. Going to war means embraces are a little tighter and a little longer. • Sailor hat Her father went to the Philippines during World War II. He was on Gen. Douglas MacArthur’s staff because he and his wife and children had lived in the Philippines for four years after World War I and he knew the culture. SEE BURGESS, PAGE 6 Day Break staff works to keep seniors social, active BY TRACEE DAVIS THE SHERIDAN PRESS SHERIDAN — For many, the Sheridan Senior Center is a hangout for residents who want to make the most of their retirements. The Day Break program takes that concept to a new level to empower families. Day Break Director, Barbara Blue, said most people don’t know about the program until they find themselves in a situation where they are taking care of an elder family member, but also holding down a job outside the home. The Day Break program not only boasts a capable staff to be with elders during regular business hours, but also keeps a certified nursing assistant handy to help with bathing and personal care. Scan with your smartphone for latest weather, news and sports “It’s a social model of adult care,” Blue said. “It’s about socialization and getting people out of their homes into a safe environment.” While the program is specifically designed for elders who live with their working children, other clients come by once in a while so they’re not stuck at home alone. “It’s about people,” Blue said. “We get to know people and develop those relationships. It’s really important.” A typical day starts when participants arrive at the Day Break facility, which is connected to the main Senior Center, via either a ride from a family member or the minibus. THE SHERIDAN PRESS | JUSTIN SHEELY SEE DAY BREAK, PAGE 2 The Sheridan Press 144 Grinnell Ave. Sheridan, WY 82801 307.672.2431 Seniors play a trivia game during the Day Break program last week at the Sheridan Senior Center. Today’s edition is published for: Meg Maze of Ranchester PEOPLE LEGALS ALMANAC 3 SPORTS 4 COMICS 5 CLASSIFIEDS B1 B3 B4 A2 THE SHERIDAN PRESS Ads by ADRIENNE KILLING: Facing life al town of roughly 3,600 people some 70 miles In November 2011, north of Cheyenne. Special Agent Len Propps The three Conant boys of the Wyoming Division were well known among of Criminal Investigation other students at local testified at a preliminary schools. hearing that Suzette “It’s like, ‘How can it Conant told him her hushappen?’” Wheatland band opened fire on his Mayor Jean Dixon said family with two semisoon after the shooting. automatic pistols follow“This is a small commuing an argument. nity. We all know each Suzette Conant told other.” Propps that Everett Brooks can sentence Conant was upset because Conant to either life or he wanted the curtains in life without parole on the the family’s modest trailmurder counts and can er home kept drawn. choose to run the senShe said her husband tences either concurrentbelieved people were spy- ly or consecutively. ing on him and that she Brooks must give believed he was paranoid. Conant a chance to speak The killings were shockat sentencing. ing to the people of Whether he does is up Wheatland, an agricultur- to him. DAY BREAK: Submitting grant for space FROM 1 See these ads and more in the CLASSIFIEDS! Houses, Unfurnished for Rent 5 BR/1 BR houses downtown. $755 & $575 + gas & lights. Fncd. yard. Pets? Needs work. Call 6734506. LG 4 BR/2BA on 3 acres on edge of town, 2 car garage, lg fenced yard, pets neg. $1200 + deposit 751-2105 COZY, CLEAN 2 BR, remodeled, garage. 543 E. Loucks. $700 + util. Avail Nov 18th. 672-0227 HOUSE FOR rent $1200 mo. No smk, pets neg. 674-9568 CLEAN 4 BR Duplex in Ranchester 1500 sq ft, good size bdr & closets, good carpet, laundry room w/ W/D, workshop for kids/work room. Rod or Linda 655-9151 4612237(Rod) or 675-2629(Linda) 4 BDRM 2 bath $1200/mo+util 344 W. Brundage St 751-4061 Help Wanted IN-YARAK CONST., Inc. is looking for an experienced Lead Carpenter. Please call 752-8778 FULL TIME benefited Diesel Truck Mechanic. Minimum of 1 year experience, & understands DOT requirements. Apply in person at Mullinax Concrete - 615 Fort Road Sheridan, WY. Wages DOE. We are a drug free employer. P/T AT busy doctor’s office working directly with patients. Tues, Thurs, and Fri 10-5:30, with some Sat AM’s, but work hours may vary – approx 20 hours per week, may be less. $10/hour. Send reply to box 195, c/o The Sheridan Press, PO Box 2006, Sheridan, WY 82801 SACKETT’S MARKET has a F/T or P/T meat cutting position available for an experienced, customer service oriented person. Carcass cutting experience preferred. Candidate must be a self starter, detail oriented and able to manage inventory and a production schedule. Pay rate DOE. Send resume to or stop by the Sheridan store at 2248 Coffeen Avenue. Business Bldg. for Rent 25X50 SHOP SPACE, 8x10 overhead door, $375/mo + elec. + dep. 1 yr lease. 751-1970 Miscellaneous for Sale FOR SALE 133 Shares, Park Reservoir Stock, $5,000 per share. 674-4409 Furniture OFFICE FURNITURE for sale; desk w/chair, 2 drawer filling cabinet & 2 sitting chairs. 752-0623 To place a classified call THE SHERIDAN PRESS 672-2431 Bizarro MONDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 2013 FROM 1 After a complimentary breakfast, the group settles in front of the television to watch the news and “The Price Is Right.” “Don’t try to turn off the TV when ‘The Price Is Right’ is on,” Blue warned, explaining that though the Daybreak program focuses on activities like board games, crafts and staying busy, clients ultimately have the final say in how they want to use their time. "When that's over, though, the TV goes off,” Blue said. “I feel like people can watch TV at home, so when they come here, it’s all about activities.” Most attendees say they enjoy showing up to Day Break for the socialization, and they expect to be kept busy. The larger picture of the Day Break program is that the day services offered enables families to keep their loved ones out of a full-time nursing home. Caretaker Neddie Cook said she found the Day Break program after her mother’s failing memory made it so she would be better off if she wasn’t alone during the day. “She originally had dementia, and then it went into Alzheimer’s,” Cook said. “I would have to quit work if it wasn’t for Day Break and the people there. They take excellent care of mother, and I feel confident when they’re watching her.” Cook said that starting the Day Break program wasn’t easy. “I thought to myself, ‘Mama’s not going to go for this,’” she admitted. “She doesn’t have any hobbies or interests in anything. Mother’s hobby is helping people — cleaning house, getting coffee, folding clothes, whatever, and I thought she wasn’t going to like it.” However, Cook said she was pleasantly surprised after she took the plunge. “We got her to go and stay there one day, and (the staff) just fell in love with her,” she said. “They thought she was the sweet- est thing, and mother liked everybody there. They take excellent care of her.” Cook said an incremental part of making the Day Break program work for her family was that the staff sat down with her and together, they were able to establish a customized care and diet plan. “You really have to watch her like a hawk because of the Alzheimer’s,” Cook said. “Wandering is always a big thing,” Blue agreed, adding that the Daybreak facility has buzzers on the door so the staff knows when people come and go. She said the Daybreak program can help people with dementia or Alzheimer’s in addition to those who may be recovering from a stroke. However, the social model of the program does not provide for advanced medical care, so participants should be relatively medically stable. “A lot of people, when they bring their person here, it’s kind of their last effort before a nursing home,” Blue said. “Sometimes, it’s too late by then, because they really need the extra care we can’t provide. That’s why they need to come sooner.” Day Break services are billed on a sliding-scale fee schedule based on the income of the attendee. From there, the senior’s rent, insurance and medical costs are deducted before the Day Break fees are established. The Day Break senior care model is a unique resource to the Sheridan community that aims to help both elders and their caretakers arrange sustainable living situations. Next week, county officials will consider a grant to build a new, separate facility to house the program. Sheridan County Grant Administrator Mike Mackey said Sheridan’s county commissioners will consider endorsing the grant at their next regularly scheduled meeting. LOCAL BRIEFS | FROM STAFF REPORTS Dr. Walker to present grazing management research tomorrow SHERIDAN — Dr. John Walker, professor and resident director of research at the Texas A&M AgriLife Research and Extension Center in San Angelo, Texas will be discussing grazing management research on Tuesday at Sheridan College. The lecture is free and open to the public. It will be held in the Whitney Presentation Hall at 7 p.m. The lecture is part of the Wyoming Society for Range Management’s annual meeting. There will be several other activities including technical sessions and a ranch tour on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. A registration fee will apply to all activities outside of the lecture. For a complete agenda see ng. Sheridan College is located at 3059 Coffeen Ave. NAMI Family-to-Family Education Program Wednesday SHERIDAN — The National Alliance on Mental Illness will host an informational session on the NAMI Family-to-Family Education Program on Wednesday. The meeting will take place at the Fulmer Public Library Inner Circle from 78 p.m. and offer more information on the organization and the program being offered. The NAMI Family-toFamily Education Program is a free, 12-week course for family and caregivers of individuals with severe mental illness. The course is set to begin after the new year and includes current information on many afflictions, treatments, current research, special workshops and more. All instruction and course materials are free to participants. For more information contact Michelle Feltner at 317-439-8524, email or see Discover ‘Whales of Oz’ Thursday SHERIDAN — Dr. Rachel Kristiansen, faculty member in the Social Science department at Sheridan College, will introduce the community to the humpback whales of Hervey Bay on Thursday as she presents “The Wonderful Whales of Oz.” This free presentation in the Sheridan College Whitney Presentation Hall is open to everyone. Kristiansen is a Sheridan native who received her doctorate in experimental psychology. During her graduate career she studied various species of whales and dolphins. The humpback whales explored here have made Hervey Bay, Australia, a regular stop on their annual migration to Antarctica. Join at 7 p.m. to see encounters with the whales and enjoy refreshments after the presentation. Sheridan College is located at 3059 Coffeen Ave. Affordable Care Act discussion Thursday SHERIDAN — State of Wyoming Insurance Commissioner Tom Hirsig will speak at Sheridan City Hall regarding the Affordable Care Act on Thursday. This free presentation is open to the public and will share insight, particularly a Wyoming perspective, on the act. The presentation and discussion will also be broadcast live on cable television channel 12. It will take place from 7:30-8:30 a.m. in council chambers, City Hall, 55 Grinnell Plaza. For more information contact the Sheridan County Chamber at 6722485. TUESDAY EVENTS | • 8-11 a.m., Conflict resolution class for those ages 50 and older, Sheridan College Main Street, 171 N. Main St., preregistration required. • 7 p.m. Natural resources lecture series, Sheridan College Whitney Presentation Hall, 3059 Coffeen Ave. PEOPLE MONDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 2013 THE SHERIDAN PRESS Collage workshop with Neltje Saturday Students test waters in Kendrick Park A3 Get your paper ONLINE FROM STAFF REPORTS THE SHERIDAN PRESS | ALISA BRANTZ Sheridan College instructor Teri Rowland shows Kavee Holwell how to read the results on her test strip Saturday afternoon in Kendrick Park. SC elementary education students took advantage of the mild temperatures this weekend by holding class at Kendrick Park and took water samples of Big Goose Creek with their professor. SHERIDAN — The Sagebrush Community Art Center is hosting a one-day collage workshop with local artist Neltje on Saturday. Participants should bring anything that can be glued to a piece of paper and will cover an area approximately 20-inches-by-15-inches. Supports and glues will be provided. The workshop will take place at the Downtown Sheridan Association Community Room located at 39 N. Scott St. from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Space is limited to 12 participants. The cost is $60 for Artists’ Guild members and $70 for non-members. Register by emailing or calling the art center at 674-1970. (ISSN 1074-682X) Published Daily except Sunday and six legal holidays. ©COPYRIGHT 2013 by SHERIDAN NEWSPAPERS, INC. 307-672-2431 144 Grinnell Ave. P.O. Box 2006 Sheridan, Wyoming 82801 Periodicals Postage Paid in Sheridan, Wyoming. Publication #0493-920 SUBSCRIPTION RATES 1 Mo. 3 Mos. 6 Mos. 1 Yr. City Carrier $12.75 $35.25 $67.50 $126.00 Motor Route $14.75 $41.25 $79.50 $150.00 ONLINE RATES Shelia Flynn to discuss paleopatholgy of dolphin in session at SC FROM STAFF REPORTS SHERIDAN — The Sheridan College Museum of Discovery science lecture series will host Sheila Flynn on Wednesday. Flynn will discuss the paleopathology in a 1012 million year old dolphin found on San Clemente Island, Calif. The presentation will take place in the Sheridan College Science Museum Mohns Center at 7 p.m. It is free and open to the general public. Flynn graduated from Sheridan College in 1994 with an associate’s degree in dental hygiene. She discovered and examined the fossil in 2004 and will present her findings of indications of periodontal disease, a study believed to be the first to document dental calculus and periodontal disease in a tooth whale fossil. 2 Mos. 4 Mos. 6 Mos. 1 Yr. $15.00 $28.00 $39.00 $69.00 County Mail $16.25 $45.75 $88.50 $168.00 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Sheridan Press, P.O. Box 2006, Sheridan, WY 82801. EXECUTIVE STAFF Stephen Woody Publisher Kristen Czaban Managing Editor Phillip Ashley Marketing Director Becky Martini Mark Blumenshine Office Manager Production Manager Birding at the Brinton set for Saturday FROM STAFF REPORTS SHERIDAN — The Brinton Museum, Science Kids and the Big Horn Audubon will present “Birding at the Brinton” on Saturday. This free morning of bird watching will run from 9-11 a.m at 239 Brinton Road, Big Horn. All ages and abilities are welcome to join. Participants are encouraged to bring binoculars if they have them. For more information contact the Science Kids at 7630976. SHS announces first-quarter ‘A’ honor rolls FROM STAFF REPORTS SHERIDAN — Sheridan High School has announced its first-quarter honor rolls: 12th-grade “A” honor roll Trace Addlesperger, Luke Adsit, Lauren Alden, Owen Bensel, Alyssa Bergey, Hailey Blaney, Morgan Brenneman, Cassandra Burch, AnnaMarie Calkins, Sharlene Charlson, Ethan Chartier, Shayla Christensen, Maggie Clarendon, Madeline Clift, Micah Cornell, Collin Cundy, Drew Dafoe, Gretchen Dougherty, Kameron Eckard, Madison Farr, Abby Fauber, Ty Fauber, Laurel Fosnight, Jonathan Garro, Kathryn Gilbert, Nicholas Gill, Ethan Hall, Elizabeth Hall, Colin Harnish, Daniel Harvey, Jan Jirovec, Emma Jost, Tyler Julian, Trae Kaufmann, Tyler Kaufmann, Alexandra Kooper, Allison Kruse, Nicole LaFond, Sarah LeTempt, Dylan Lindly, Madison McClure, Sheridan McKinley, Bryan McLean, James Nield, Brittany Nixon, Spencer Porden, Paige Rader, Crystal Richards, Austin Robinson, Kathryn Rotellini, Ashley Sampson, Stephanie Schaffer, Daniel Sessions, Whitney Simmons, Allison Smith, Emily Spiegelberg, Jacy Springfield, Addison Stedillie, Rachel Stevens, Brennan Swaney, Mckenzi Turner, Kelsey Walton, Alannah Wardell, Lauren Weitzel, Jacquelyn Wells, Judson White. 11th-grade “A” honor roll Zachary Ahlstrom, Jeanette Alltop, Madelene Anderson, Madison Belus, Titus Brown, Colbey Bruney, Sydney Brunz, Taylor Bruso, William Carpenter, Judy Chen, Braxton Cooper, Shandyn Covolo, Cameron Craft, Sierra Croley, Ashlyn Duncan, Jordynne Duncan, Aleya Dunning, Jess Edens, Jennae Fieldgrove, Deborah Granger, Eva Grywusiewicz, Aundrea Harding, River Heide, Bradley Holloway, Brooklyn Hufnagel, Elizabeth Jost, Emily Julian, Cloie Kinnison, Gabrielle Koltiska, Lacey Koropatnicki, Celia Lannan, Elizabeth McDougall, Megan Myers, Kevin Palmer, Cody Perkins, Chane Peterson, Seth Phillips, Kaitlin Puuri, Asia Robinson, Regina Romanjenko, Miguela Sallade, Katie Sawyer, Lexi Smiley, Colter Stopka,, Jade Storm, Joshua Thiel, Parker Tiffany, Taylor Townsend, Jeremy Van Buskirk, Adam Verdeyen, Brayden Vojta, Ruthie White, Hannah Wiley, Hannah Will, Dylan Wrighty. 10th-grade “A” honor roll Brooke Aksamit, Davis Alden, Cindy Alvarez, Edward Arzy, Wyatt Avery, Alexandra Bammel, Madison Bland, Benjamin Bonnet, Katelynn Brooks, Bailey Carlin, Liam Casey, Anna Crabb, Megan Culver, Natalie deCastro, Nicholas Eaton, Avery Ellis, Charity Flock, Breanna Geertz, Blake Godwin, Carson Holwell, Kellie Kekich, Kendra Ketterling, Bhadshah Khan, Keenen Kugler, Shaye Livingston, Hailey Longhurst, Mikaela Moore, Andrew Oakes, Morgan Parker, Helen Patten, Zachary Petersburg, Tyra Relaford, Jillian Rhoades, Jillian Stalker, Thomas Terry, Luke Thompson, Kaycen Townsend, Claire Turner, Sara VonKrosigk, Shayna Wile, Tylor York. 9th-grade “A” honor roll Hannah Adriaens, Jacob Ahlstrom, Jacek Aksamit, Kristina Angeloff, Alec Arnold, Brynn Bateman, Kailee Becking, Finn Bede, Morgan Blackwell, Andrew Boedecker, Andrew Boint, Peyton Bomar, Rebecca Bouley, Bailey Brenneman, Gabriel Briggs, Angelina Bruso, Molly Butler, Shyanna Cahoy, Caleb Campbell, Hope Campbell, Jack Clement-La Rosa, Thomas Clift, Rhylee Cooper, Robert Culver, Addison Dugal, Matthew Eisenhauer, Asheton Frank, Zachary Gale, Noah Gustafson, Cody Heaps, Heather Heath, Christina Herman, Brady Holden, Rachel Jahiel, Sidney Jensen, Liam Jones, Paden Koltiska, Dylan Kruse, Lillian Kukuchka, Lauren Largent, Payson Larsen, John Lenzi, Orrin Lindberg, Brennan Lindberg, Christina Linden, Spencer Longhurst, Khyra Maes, Carter Mangus, Tayci Maxwell, Anna Miech, Kaitlyn Moxam, Makayla Nielsen, Jaxon Porterfield, Abigail Ressler, Xiomara Robinson, Scott Rogaczewski, Benjamin Romanjenko, Jacqueline Ross, Greggory Sampson, Brendan Schaefer, Kodi Silcox, Noah Simpson, Rylee Smith, Kayli Turlington, Justyce Veit, Derek Vela, Bell Ward, Emma Whiteman, Ashley Williams. Editor’s note: The Sheridan High School “B” honor rolls will be printed in an upcoming edition of The Sheridan Press. B ook S igning Author Lori J. Cooper Wednesday, November 13th 5:00 pm Toll Free 1-888-BOOKS30 206 N. Main Historic Downtown Sheridan • 674-8080 Mon.– Fri. 9AM – 5:30PM • Sat. 9AM – 5:00PM YOUR ELECTED OFFICIALS | CITY John Heath Councilor Ward I 307-673-1876 Dave Kinskey Mayor 307-675-4223 Levi Dominguez Councilor Ward III 307-461-1175 Kristin Kelly Councilor Ward II 307-673-4751 Alex Lee Councilor Ward II 307-752-8804 Shelleen Smith Councilor Ward I 307-461-7082 Robert Webster Councilor Ward III 307-674-4206 COUNTY Eda Thompson Clerk 307-674-2500 Pete Carroll Treasurer 307-674-2520 Nickie Arney Clerk of District Court 307-674-2960 Shelley Cundiff Sheridan County Circut Court Judge 307-674-2940 John Fenn 4th Judicial District Court Judge 307-674-2960 William Edelman 4th Judicial District Court Judge 307-674-2960 P.J. Kane Coroner 307-673-5837 Terry Cram Commissioner 307-674-2900 Steve Maier Commissioner 307-674-2900 Mike Nickel Commission Chairman 307-674-2900 Tom Ringley Commissioner 307-674-2900 Dave Hofmeier Sheriff 307-672-3455 Bob Rolston Commissioner 307-674-2900 A4 Public Notices THE SHERIDAN PRESS WHY PUBLIC NOTICES ARE IMPORTANT | Public notices allow citizens to monitor their government and make sure that it is working in their best interest. Independent newspapers assist in this cause by carrying out their partnership with the people’s right to know through public notices. By offering an independent and archived record of public notices, newspapers foster a more trusting relationship between government and its citizens. Newspapers have the experience and expertise in publishing public notices and have done so since the Revolutionary War. Today, they remain an established, trustworthy and neutral source that ably transfers information between government and the people. Public notices are the lasting record of how the public’s resources are used and are presented in the most efficient and effective means possible. NOTICE OF POSTPONEMENT OF FORECLOSURE SALE WHEREAS, default in the payment of principal and interest has occurred under the terms of a Promissory Note dated October 29, 2007 and all modifications thereto, executed and delivered by Richard Rhoades, Kathy Flickenger and Kelly Schlagel, to First Interstate Bank and a Mortgage dated October 29, 2007, and all modifications thereto, which Mortgage was executed and delivered by Richard Rhoades to First Interstate Bank and which Mortgage was recorded on November 2, 2007 as Document No. 591462 in Book 687 at pp. 06320638 in the Records of the Office of the County Clerk in for Sheridan County, State of Wyoming; WHEREAS, the Mortgage contains a power of sale which, by reason of said default, First Interstate Bank declares to become operative, and no suit or proceeding has been instituted at law to recover the debt secured by the Mortgage, or any part thereof, nor has any such suit or proceeding instituted and the same discontinued; WHEREAS, the written Notice of Intent to Foreclose the Mortgage by Advertisement and Sale and the Notice of Foreclosure Sale have been served on the record owners, the parties in possession of the mortgaged premises and holders of recorded liens at least ten (10) days prior to the commencement of this publication and at least twenty-five (25) days prior to the date of the foreclosure sale, and the amount due upon the Mortgage on the date of the first Publication of Notice of Sale (October 10, 2013) was the total sum of $153,094.65 (which sum is the total of the unpaid principal balance of $142,030.68 plus interest accrued to the date of first publication of the Notice of Sale in the amount of $10,793.48, plus late fee in the amount of $270.49) plus attorneys’ fees, and costs expended, plus accruing interest, late charges, attorneys’ fees and costs incurred after the date of first publication of the Notice of Sale; and WHEREAS, the property being foreclosed upon may be subject to other liens and encumbrances that will not be extinguished at the sale and any prospective purchaser should research the status of title before submitting a bid; and WHEREAS, the Foreclosure Sale was scheduled for 10:05 a.m. in the forenoon of November 1, 2013; and WHEREAS, the Foreclosure Sale will be postponed until 10:15 a.m. in the forenoon of November 22, 2013; NOW, THEREFORE, First Interstate Bank as the Mortgagee will have the Mortgage foreclosed as by law provided by causing the mortgaged property be sold at public vendue by the Sheriff or Deputy Sheriff in and for Sheridan County, Wyoming to the highest bidder for cash at 10:15 a.m. on November 22, 2013 at the NORTH door of the Sheridan County Courthouse located at 224 South Main Street, Sheridan, Wyoming, Sheridan County, for application on the above-described amounts secured by the Mortgage, said mortgaged property with an address of 3728 Highway 14-16, Clearmont, Wyoming, being described as follows: TOWNSHIP 54 NORTH, RANGE 79 WEST, 6TH P.M., SHERIDAN COUNTY, WYOMING: Section 28: SW1/4, SW1/4SE1/4 Section 29: E1/2SE1/4, E1/2W1/2SE1/4, W1/2NE1/4, NE1/4NE1/4, except the north 175 lying southwesterly of Highway 14-16 and except that portion lying northwesterly of Highway 14-16. Also excepting all land lying within the right of way of the Burlington Northern Railroad and Highway. Section 32: SW1/4, N1/2SE1/4, S1/2N1/2, S1/2NE1/4NW1/4, E1/2NW1/4NE1/4, NE1/4NE1/4 Section 33: W1/2, SE1/4, W1/2NE1/4, and E1/2NE1/4 lying West of Thompson Creek County Road #219. ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM lands contained in that MONDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 2013 GLOSSARY OF TERMS | Default: Failure to fulfill an obligation, especially the obligation to make payments when due to a lender. Encumbrance: A right attached to the property of another that may lessen its value, such as a lien, mortgage, or easement. Foreclosure: The legal process of terminating an owner’s interest in property, usually as the result of a default under a mortgage. Foreclosure may be accomplished by order of a court or by the statutory process known as foreclosure by advertisement (also known as a power of sale foreclosure). Lien: A legal claim asserted against the property of another, usually as security for a debt or obligation. Mortgage: A lien granted by the owner of property to provide security for a debt or obligation. certain Warranty Deed as conveyed to Joan Mackie, recorded April 9, 1998 in Book 832 of Deeds, Page 120. EXCEPTING THEREFROM lands contained n that certain Warranty Deed as conveyed to H & P Livestock, a Wyoming limited liability company recorded October 18, 2006 in Book 478 of Deeds, Page 665. Amy W. Potter Garland, Ford & Potter, LLC PO Box 4310, 235 E. Broadway Jackson, WY 83001 (307) 733-0661 Attorneys for First Interstate Bank Publish: November 4, 11, 18, 2013. NOTICE OF POSTPONEMENT OF FORECLOSURE SALE WHEREAS, default in the payment of principal and interest has occurred under the terms of a Promissory Note dated July 23, 2008 and all modifications thereto, executed and delivered by Richard Rhoades d/b/a Clear Creek Taxidermy, to First Interstate Bank and a Mortgage dated July 23, 2008, and all modifications thereto, which Mortgage was executed and delivered by Richard Rhoades to First Interstate Bank and which Mortgage was recorded on July 28, 2008 as Document No. 616741 in Book 713 at pp. 0265-0671 in the Records of the Office of the County Clerk in for Sheridan County, State of Wyoming; WHEREAS, the Mortgage contains a power of sale which, by reason of said default, First Interstate Bank declares to become operative, and no suit or proceeding has been instituted at law to recover the debt secured by the Mortgage, or any part thereof, nor has any such suit or proceeding instituted and the same discontinued; WHEREAS, the written Notice of Intent to Foreclose the Mortgage by Advertisement and Sale and the Notice of Foreclosure Sale have been served on the record owners, the parties in possession of the mortgaged premises and holders of recorded liens at least ten (10) days prior to the commencement of this publication and at least twenty-five (25) days prior to the date of the foreclosure sale, and the amount due upon the Mortgage on the date of the first Publication of Notice of Sale (October 10, 2013) was the total sum of $36,838.53 (which sum is the total of the unpaid balance of $36,662.09 plus interest accrued from the Notice of Default to the date of first publication of the Notice of Sale in the amount of $176.44) plus attorneys’ fees, and costs expended, plus accruing interest, late charges, attorneys’ fees and costs incurred after the date of first publication of this Notice of Sale; and WHEREAS, the property being foreclosed upon may be subject to other liens and encumbrances that will not be extinguished at the sale and any prospective purchaser should research the status of title before submitting a bid; and WHEREAS, the Foreclosure Sale was scheduled for 10:00 a.m. in the forenoon of November 1, 2013; and WHEREAS, the Foreclosure Sale will be postponed until 10:10 a.m. in the forenoon of November 22, 2013; NOW, THEREFORE, First Interstate Bank as the Mortgagee will have the Mortgage foreclosed as by law provided by causing the mortgaged property be sold at public vendue by the Sheriff or Deputy Sheriff in and for Sheridan County, Wyoming to the highest bidder for cash at 10:10 a.m. on November 22, 2013 at the NORTH door of the Sheridan County Courthouse located at 224 South Main Street, Sheridan, Wyoming, Sheridan County, for application on the above-described amounts secured by the Mortgage, said mortgaged property with an address of 3728 Highway 14-16, Power of Sale: A clause commonly written into a mortgage authorizing the mortgagee to advertise and sell the property in the event of default. The process is governed by statute, but is not supervised by any court. Probate: The court procedure in which a decedent’s liabilities are settled and her assets are distributed to her heirs. Public Notice: Notice given to the public or persons affected regarding certain types of legal proceedings, usually by publishing in a newspaper of general circulation. This notice is usually required in matters that concern the public. Disclaimer: The foregoing terms and definitions are provided merely as a guide to the reader and are not offered as authoritative definitions of legal terms. Clearmont, Wyoming, being described as follows: TOWNSHIP 54 NORTH, RANGE 79 WEST, 6TH P.M., SHERIDAN COUNTY, WYOMING: Section 28: SW1/4, SW1/4SE1/4 Section 29: E1/2SE1/4, E1/2W1/2SE1/4, W1/2NE1/4, NE1/4NE1/4, except the north 175 lying southwesterly of Highway 14-16 and except that portion lying northwesterly of Highway 14-16. Also excepting all land lying within the right of way of the Burlington Northern Railroad and Highway. Section 32: SW1/4, N1/2SE1/4, S1/2N1/2, S1/2NE1/4NW1/4, E1/2NW1/4NE1/4, NE1/4NE1/4 Section 33: W1/2, SE1/4, W1/2NE1/4, and E1/2NE1/4 lying West of Thompson Creek County Road #219. ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM lands contained in that certain Warranty Deed as conveyed to Joan Mackie, recorded April 9, 1998 in Book 832 of Deeds, Page 120. EXCEPTING THEREFROM lands contained n that certain Warranty Deed as conveyed to H & P Livestock, a Wyoming limited liability company recorded October 18, 2006 in Book 478 of Deeds, Page 665. Amy W. Potter Garland, Ford & Potter, LLC PO Box 4310, 235 E. Broadway Jackson, WY 83001 (307) 733-0661 Attorneys for First Interstate Bank Publish: November 4, 11, 18, 2013. LEGAL NOTICE POLICY The Sheridan Press publishes Legal Notices under the following schedule: If we receive the Legal Notice by: Monday Noon – It will be published in Thursday’s paper. Tuesday Noon – It will be published in Friday’s paper. Wednesday Noon – It will be published in Saturday’s paper. Your Right To Know and be informed of government legal proceedings is embodied in public notices. This newspaper urges every citizen to read and study these notices. We strongly advise those seeking further information to exercise their right of access to public records and public meetings. Wednesday Noon – It will be published in Monday’s paper. Thursday Noon – It will be published in Tuesday’s paper. Friday Noon – It will be published in Wednesday’s paper. • Complete information, descriptions and billing information are required with each legal notice. A PDF is required if there are any signatures, with a Word Document attached. • Failure to include this information WILL cause delay in publication. All legal notices must be paid in full before an "AFFIDAVIT PUBLICATION" will be issued. • Please contact The Sheridan Press legal advertising department at 672-2431 if you have questions. Paul Fall Assessor 307-674-2535 The Sheridan Race and Rodeo grounds in 1887 are pictured here. The grounds were located south of Sheridan on Little Goose Creek, west of the sugar factory and a little south of where JBs restaurant is today. The photo is in the Sweem collection in the Sheridan County Museum's Memory Book Project. Matt Redle County Attorney 307-674-2580 STATE P U B LI C N O T I C ES Matt Mead Governor 307-777-7434 Kathy Coleman Representative House Dist. 30 307-675-1960 Mike Madden Representative House Dist. 40 307-684-9356 Bruce Burns Senator Senate Dist. 21 307-672-6491 OF Rosie Berger Representative House Dist. 51 307-672-7600 John Patton Representative House Dist. 29 307-672-2776 John Schiffer Senator Senate Dist. 22 307-738-2232 I ti s the publi c’ s ri ght to know . I ndependent new spapers,li ke The S herid a n P res s ,publi sh governm ental proceedi ngs to foster a greater trust betw een governm ent and i t’ s ci ti zens. New spapers have long had the experi ence,experti se,and credi bi li ty i n publi shi ng publi c noti ces and have done so si nce the R evoluti on.Today,they are an establi shed li nk enabli ng the publi c to understand how thei r resources are bei ng used i n the m ost effi ci ent and effecti ve w ays possi ble. I t’ s m ore than foreclosures,requests for bi d and m i nutes ofm eeti ngs.I t’ si nteresti ng readi ng.W hen w e launched a redesi gned S heri dan P ress i n July,w e i ntended to gi ve si ng i t’ s due by m ovi ng the pages from the back ofthe publi c noti ce adverti new spaper to the front secti on.The pages i nclude the nam es and contact i nform ati on ofour publi c offi ci als. O ur publi c noti ces page(s)also i nclude valuable,i nsi ghtfulhi stori calphotos from the S heri dan C ounty Hi stori calS oci ety. Content matters. 144 G ri nnell•Sheri dan,W Y •672-2431 ALMANAC MONDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 2013 Gearing up for winter sports Sheridan College Outdoor Club President Deo Lachman, left, pulls out a pair of skis with Polly Howard and her daughter Sylvia Howard, right, during the Gear Swap Saturday at the Whitney Academic Center. THE SHERIDAN PRESS | JUSTIN SHEELY REPORTS | SHERIDAN FIRE-RESCUE Friday • Rocky Mountain Ambulance assist, 1600 block Pond View Court, 1:32 a.m. • RMA assist, 1300 block Holloway Avenue, 2:38 p.m. Saturday • No calls received. Sunday • RMA assist, 1700 South Sheridan Avenue, 9:50 a.m. • RMA assist, 2000 block South Sheridan Avenue, 6:32 p.m. • Activated fire alarm, 3000 block Coffeen Avenue, 6:54 p.m. • RMA assist, 800 East Works Street, 10:59 p.m. ROCKY MOUNTAIN AMBULANCE Friday • Medical, 1400 block West Fifth Street, 1 a.m. • Medical, 1600 block Pond View Court, 1:33 a.m. • Medical, 2300 block Rose Lane, 8 a.m. • Medical, 400 block North Jefferson Street, 10:56 a.m. • Medical, 1100 block Fourth Avenue East, 11:15 a.m. • Trauma, 100 block Sixth Avenue East, 1:10 p.m. • Medical, 1300 block Holloway Avenue, 2:37 p.m. • Trauma, 1500 block Sugarland Drive, 5:59 p.m. • Football standby, Homer Scott Stadium, 5:48 p.m. • Basketball standby, Bruce Hoffman Golden Dome, 8 p.m. • Medical, 1400 block West Fifth Street, 8:55 p.m. Saturday • Medical, 400 block Blue Sky Court, 1:59 a.m. • Medical, 600 block Sumner Street, 2:11 a.m. • Medical, US Highway 14, 4:33 a.m. • Trauma, 1800 block Big Horn Avenue, 6:13 a.m. SHERIDAN MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Friday • Admissions — Stephanie E. Hamby, Sheridan, Ella Marie Hamby, Sheridan • Dismissals — No dismissals to report. Saturday • Admissions — Kayla G. Trujillo, Sheridan, Kaizen Trujillo, Sheridan • Dismissals — No dismissals to report. Sunday • Admissions — No admissions to report. • Dismissals — Stephanie E. Hamby, Sheridan, Ella Marie Hamby, Sheridan • Structure fire, East Fifth Street, 1:16 a.m. • Abandoned vehicle, North Main Street, 8:31 a.m. • Accident delayed, Fifth Street and Main Street, 8:36 a.m. • Dog at large, Mydland Road, 8:55 a.m. • Animal lost, Spaulding Street, 9 a.m. • Theft (cold), Lewis Street, 10:34 a.m. • Verbal dispute, East Ridge Road, 12:51 p.m. • Dog at large, North Brooks Street, 12:53 p.m. • Theft (cold), Lewis Street, 1:17 p.m. • Lost property, Coffeen Avenue, 2:36 p.m. • Dog at large, Summit Drive, 4:13 p.m. • Dog at large, Highland Avenue, 4:27 p.m. • Dog at large, Dunnuck Street, 5:01 p.m. • Harassment, Sheridan area, 5:04 p.m. • Accident, Coffeen Avenue, 5:21 p.m. • Public intoxication, Avon Street, 6:28 p.m. • DUI reported, Sheridan area, 7:04 p.m. • Malicious mischief, Edwards Drive, 7:28 p.m. • Suspicious circumstances, North Jefferson Street, 7:44 p.m. • Suicidal subject, North Jefferson Street, 7:44 p.m. • Malicious mischief, South Tschirgi Street, 8:17 p.m. • Accident, Interstate 90 westbound, 9:52 p.m. • Court violation, Broadway Street, 10:14 p.m. Friday-Sunday • No reports available due to the holiday. SHERIDAN POLICE DEPARTMENT Information in the police reports is taken from the SPD website. Thursday SHERIDAN COUNTY SHERIFF’S OFFICE • No reports available due to the holiday. ARRESTS Names of individuals • Trauma, 100 block Ladore Avenue, 8 a.m. • Medical, 5000 block Coffeen Avenue, 9 a.m. • Trauma, 100 block West 13th Street, 10:20 a.m. • Medical, 1400 block West Fifth Street, 11:39 a.m. • Medical, 1400 block West Fifth Street, 11:40 a.m. Sunday • Trauma, 900 block Avon Street, 8:54 a.m. • Medical, 1700 block South Sheridan Avenue, 9:49 a.m. • Trauma, 100 block Woodland Park Road, 3:49 p.m. • Medical, 1400 block West Fifth Street, 3:59 p.m. • Medical, 300 block East Third Street, 5:35 p.m. • Medical, 2000 block South Sheridan Avenue, 6:31 p.m. • Medical, 800 block East Works Street, 10:56 p.m. • Medical, 100 block West 13th Street, 11:28 p.m. TUESDAY THURSDAY WEDNESDAY 23 Partly sunny and warmer 56 34 Partly sunny Sunshine and patchy clouds 53 45 Almanac 32 47 Sun and Moon Sheridan County Airport through Sunday Temperature High/low .........................................................51/24 Normal high/low ............................................49/22 Record high .............................................72 in 1956 Record low ............................................. -20 in 1986 Precipitation (in inches) Sunday............................................................ 0.00" Month to date................................................. 0.06" Normal month to date .................................... 0.26" Year to date ...................................................16.78" Normal year to date ......................................13.15" The Sun Rise Set Today Tuesday Wednesday 7:00 a.m. 7:01 a.m. 7:02 a.m. 4:44 p.m. 4:43 p.m. 4:42 p.m. The Moon Rise Set Today Tuesday Wednesday 1:39 p.m. 2:08 p.m. 2:38 p.m. 12:33 a.m. 1:41 a.m. 2:49 a.m. Full Last New 9a 10a 11a Noon 1p 2p 3p 4p 5p The higher the UV Index™ number, the greater the need for eye and skin protection. Shown is the highest value for the day. 0-2 Low; 3-5 Moderate; 6-7 High; 8-10 Very High; 11+ Extreme Smoothies Nov 17 Nov 25 Dec 2 Dec 9 Holiday Gift Bazaar Now Two Days Friday, November 22, 3-7pm and Saturday, November 23 8am-3pm Holiday Inn Convention Center Ranchester 24/57 SHERIDAN 23/56 For more detailed weather information on the Internet, go to: Forecasts and graphics provided by AccuWeather, Inc. ©2013 Clearmont 24/59 Story 24/56 Wed. Hi/Lo/W 58/36/c 55/26/pc 59/31/pc 53/29/pc 51/26/pc 55/30/pc 54/26/pc 43/26/sf Jerome Brown, 93, of Sheridan, died on Saturday, November 9, 2013 at the Westview Health Care Center. Online condolences may be written at Kane Funeral Home has been entrusted with arrangements. Funeral services for Nancy Backer, 74 year old Kaycee woman who died Tuesday, November 5th at the Wyoming Medical Center in Casper, Wyoming will be held Saturday, November 16th at 2:00 p.m. at the Harness Funeral Home with Melissa Vandeberg officiating. Donations may be made in Nancy’s memory to the Hoofprints of the Past Museum in care of the Harness Funeral Home at 351 North Adams Avenue, Buffalo, Wyoming 82834. Verda Mae Taylor Gillette 25/55 Buffalo 27/60 Wright 25/55 Kaycee 28/56 Regional Cities Tue. Hi/Lo/W 56/43/pc 57/34/pc 51/35/pc 56/40/pc 57/33/pc 55/35/pc 58/29/pc 48/29/pc Jerome Brown Graveside services for Carol Garland, 68 year old Buffalo woman who died Tuesday at Westview Nursing Center in Sheridan, Wyoming will be held Monday, November 11th at 11:00 a.m. at Willow Grove Cemetery with Pastor William Dunlap officiating. Visitation will be held at the Harness Funeral Home Chapel on Sunday from 1:00 to 9:00 p.m. Donations may be made in Carol’s memory to the American Alzheimer’s Association in care of the Harness Funeral Home. Shown is Tuesday's weather. Temperatures are tonight's lows and Tuesday's highs. Worland 24/54 City Billings Casper Cheyenne Cody Evanston Gillette Green River Jackson DEATH NOTICES | Verda Mae Taylor, 83, of Sheridan died on Sunday, November 10, 2013 at the Green House Living. Services for Verda Mae will be at 10:00 am Saturday, November 16, 2013 at the First United Methodist Church with Reverend Don Derryberrry officiating. Interment will be in the Sheridan Municipal Cemetery. A reception will follow at the church. Donations to honor Verda Mae can be sent to the Sheridan Dog and Cat Shelter, 84 East Ridge Road, Sheridan, WY 82801 Online condolences may be written at Kane Funeral Home has been entrusted with arrangements. National Weather for Tuesday, November 12 Big Horn 23/53 Basin 24/53 Barbara Ellen Alexander Woodson, 83, a 30-year resident of Sheridan County, passed away November 3, 2013 in Hemet, CA after a series of strokes. She was native to the Los Angeles Area and grew up in Corvallis, OR. She met and Barbara married her husband for life, Karl G. Woodson "Woody" Woodson, in Los Angeles County in 1955 as he was serving a tour in the US Navy. As the family grew, they then moved into the bustling suburbs of Orange County, CA before deciding to relocate and fully embrace a country lifestyle. They initially moved to Dayton, WY in 1973, before settling into their ranch and stateof-the-art, self-designed home near Wyarno in 1974. Barbara was heavily involved in the Sheridan community, directing successful duplicate bridge tournaments at several venues in town. She was also an independent accountant representing numerous Sheridan area businesses. She enjoyed crochet, swimming, gardening, recipes, card and board games as well as supporting her husband's busy local ranching and high school teaching careers as they raised their identical twin boys. After their sons both joined the US Navy, the couple eventually decided to sell their ranch in 2002 and traveled extensively by RV from their new retirement home in Sequim, WA, to Hemet, CA for the winter and back, with many points in between. Barbara would continue enjoying these trips, which often included deliberately passing through Sheridan, before her call to heaven. She was preceded in death by her only sister, Willa Hughes, formerly of Long Beach, CA. She is survived by her loving husband Woody, 79, Sequim, WA; 50-year-old twins John Woodson, Phoenix, AZ, and Andy Woodson, Casper; and 4 grandchildren in California and Nevada. Services will be delayed until March, 2014 in Washington to allow this beautiful couple one more RV trip together. Carol Garland Thermopolis 26/57 Weather on the Web UV Index tomorrow 2146 Coffeen Ave. • 673-1100 2590 N. Main • 672-5900 First Big Horn Mountain Precipitation 24 hours through noon Sunday ...................... 0.00" Cody 25/56 November 3, 2013 Nancy Louise Backer Hardin 19/54 Parkman 26/56 Dayton 25/57 Lovell 27/52 Barbara E. Woodson SERVICE NOTICE | Broadus 16/53 23 OBITUARIES | John Shaffer, 60, of Sheridan, died on Sunday, November 3, 2013 at his residence. Online condolences may be written at Kane Funeral Home has been entrusted with arrangements. Partly sunny and breezy 25 Thu. Hi/Lo/W 49/30/pc 45/21/s 47/30/c 44/25/s 42/22/s 46/28/c 47/23/s 37/20/sf A5 John Shaffer FRIDAY Billings 28/56 Partly cloudy and cold JAIL • No reports available due to the holiday. Regional Weather 5-Day Forecast for Sheridan TONIGHT arrested for domestic violence or sexual assault will not be released until those individuals have appeared in court. • No reports available due to the holiday. THE SHERIDAN PRESS City Laramie Newcastle Rawlins Riverton Rock Springs Scottsbluff Sundance Yellowstone Tue. Hi/Lo/W 52/28/pc 50/37/pc 55/33/pc 54/36/pc 54/34/pc 52/26/pc 50/39/pc 45/25/pc Wed. Hi/Lo/W 53/26/pc 54/31/pc 54/26/pc 55/28/pc 54/27/pc 60/32/pc 51/30/pc 39/19/sf Thu. Hi/Lo/W 40/21/c 46/28/c 43/21/s 47/23/s 44/23/s 52/30/c 42/26/c 34/15/sf Weather (W): s-sunny, pc-partly cloudy, c-cloudy, sh-showers, t-thunderstorms, r-rain, sf-snow flurries, sn-snow, i-ice. Shown are Tuesday's noon positions of weather systems and precipitation. Temperature bands are highs for the day. A6 THE SHERIDAN PRESS MONDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 2013 BURGESS: Carrying fellow soldiers off the battlefield and forever in your heart FROM 1 THE SHERIDAN PRESS HANNAH WIEST An old trunk belonging to the late Henry A. Burgess now belongs to his wife, Mary Burgess. It is filled with items from her family’s times of service during World War I and World War II. Her dad returned safely from his station in the Philippines after World War II. He died two weeks later of a cerebral hemorrhage when Burgess was 25 years old. “I can only compensate it by saying he told me everything about life that I should really know,” Burgess said. “Laugh at yourself. Don’t take yourself too seriously. Whatever you take or do or anything, stay in control of it. Don’t ever let it control you. Good things.” • American Red Cross uniform From 1942 to 1945, Burgess wore her own uniform as a volunteer for the American Red Cross — first in England, then all over the European continent. She worked in a “clubmobile,” a specially equipped truck in which Red Cross girls made donuts and coffee and serve soldiers a few moments of comfort through a smile, a warm conversation, a dance. About six weeks after D-Day, Burgess and the other American Red Cross girls landed on Omaha Beach in France. They camouflaged their clubmobile and stayed in tents with foxholes dug feet from the door, moving nine times in five weeks to stay just behind the front line. • Khaki spats When Burgess looks at her spats — khaki leggings that snapped over her brown leather boots, slick-soled and creased with years of wear — she smiles a smile full of the remembrance of adventure. “When we were on the continent, we hardly ever got out of our trousers and into a skirt,” Burgess said. The spats protected her trousers and boots, but when she and the other girls really had to wash their clothes while on the move, they filled a bucket with kerosene and dipped their clothes in to make them “clean.” • Nurse’s uniform “Daddy, brother Ralston and I were in the service, so mother joined the volunteer Health Aides at Walter Reed in D.C.,” Burgess said. She wore her white shirt and pale denim jumper while taking temperatures and changing bedpans. “She was so proud to be in uniform like her husband, son and daughter,” Burgess said. • Pieces of parachutes Mary Burgess and Henry Burgess were dating before World War II began. She went to Europe with the American Red Cross, and he went to the Pacific front. They didn’t see each other for more than three years while the war raged on. They were married shortly after their return. Henry Burgess was a paratrooper. He was stationed in Okinawa, ready to invade Japan, when the atomic bomb fell on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. “I think that bomb is the only reason he stayed alive because he didn’t have to attack Japan,” Burgess said. The trunk contains several pieces of parachute, some camouflage, some white. Burgess said she often contemplated making a dress out of all those silky pieces of cloth – but she never did. • An American flag Folded 13 times into the shape of a tricornered hat, the wool flag was always flown by the Hayden family — and later the Burgess family — on the proper days. It would fly today. • A white uniform with pins on the pocket There is a lieutenant pin, a France flag pin and a pin in the shape of a red cross fastened to the pocket of a white uniform jacket in the trunk. The pins belong to her family, Burgess said. The jacket does not. It is too big, and she doesn’t know to whom it does belong — or did belong. But, that jacket is part of her trunk of relics, and Burgess treasures it, too. Sometimes war means carrying a fellow soldier off the battlefield, and it always means carrying them back home in the Encana building water plant RIVERTON (AP) — Encana is constructing a facility in central Wyoming that will treat up to 1 million gallons of water a day that comes with oil and gas production. Encana says the facility between Casper and Riverton is the third largest of its kind in the world. It partnered with GE and Dow on the facility and held a groundbreaking ceremony on Friday. Officials say the water treatment plant will effectively clean produced field water to about the same purity as mountain spring water. Some of the cleaned water will be used for field operations, while the rest will be piped into Boysen Reservoir. Frequent tests will be conducted at the facility and discharge points, to assure water quality meets state requirements. The plant is scheduled to begin treating water next summer. TODAY IN HISTORY | FROM THE SHERIDAN PRESS 1988 — A report that Black Hills State college has increased its Wyoming student enrollment by 48 percent is not cause for concern, according to Sheridan College president Stephen Maier and Executive Director of the Wyoming Community College Commission James R. Randolph. 2003 — The search is on for a name for the new middle/junior high school being built just behind the current Sheridan Junior High School. School District 2 trustees voted Monday night to allow Sheridan County residents to submit suggestions for naming the new school for grades six, seven and eight, slated to open for the 2005-06 academic year. 2008 — The Sheridan High School football season ended Saturday with a 44-28 loss to Green River in the Class 5A state semifinals at Homer Scott Field. However, the Broncs’ 9-2 record marked the school’s best football season since 1993, when it went 9-1 and won the Class 4A state championship. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Today's Highlight in History: On Nov. 11, 1918, fighting in World War I came to an end with the signing of an armistice between the Allies and Germany. On this date: Ten years ago: In Galveston, Texas, millionaire Robert Durst was found not guilty of murdering Morris Black, an elderly neighbor who Durst said he'd killed accidentally. Toronto's Roy Halladay won the American League Cy Young Award. Five years ago: President George W. Bush marked his last Veterans Day as president at a New York pier, speaking to a crowd of thousands gathered for the rededication of the USS Intrepid Sea, Air and Space Museum. San Francisco's Tim Lincecum won the National League Cy Young Award. One year ago: A Florida woman identified as the recipient of harassing emails from David Petraeus' girlfriend acknowledged her friendship with the former CIA director. Jill Kelley, an unpaid social liaison to MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa, said she and her family had been friends with Petraeus and his family for more than five years. Thought for Today: "Old myths, old gods, old heroes have never died. They are only sleeping at the bottom of our mind, waiting for our call. We have need for them. They represent the wisdom of our race." — Stanley Kunitz, American poet laureate (1905-2006).In Galveston, Texas, millionaire SPORTS MONDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 2013 NCAA places Chadron State football on three years probation CHADRON, Neb. (AP) — The NCAA put Chadron State on three years of probation and vacated 15 wins over two seasons Wednesday after determining its former football coach had secret bank accounts and extra benefits for players at the Division II school. The Eagles did not lose any scholarships and will not be banned from the playoffs. "We're pleased to have a decision from the NCAA and now we can continue to ensure Eagle athletics remains the strong program it already is," school president Randy Rhine said. "I have confidence in our coaching staff and athletic administration to lead us forward." The NCAA's report ended a two-year ordeal for the western Nebraska school that produced one of Division II's alltime greats in San Diego Chargers running back Danny Woodhead. Bill O'Boyle was abruptly relieved of his coaching duties in October 2011 after the school discovered irregularities in fundraising. Brad Smith, athletic director at the time and the coach before O'Boyle, returned to the sideline on an interim basis but later was found to have been involved in violations as well. O'Boyle now is the offensive line coach at Southern Illinois and Smith is retired. O'Boyle said he believes information that could have helped his defense was not considered during the investigation. He declined to elaborate. "I'll support their decision," O'Boyle said. "But do I agree? There are a lot of things they missed that I'm disappointed in. But I'm going to accept what they came up with. According to the Division II Committee on Infractions' report, in 2009 O'Boyle opened a private bank account for proceeds from the football program's golf tournaments. SEE CHADRON, PAGE B2 THE SHERIDAN PRESS B1 Rams 2A state title week FROM STAFF REPORTS BIG HORN — The Big Horn Rams will play Mountain View for a 2A state title at noon Friday in Laramie. This is the fifth year that the five classes of Wyoming high school football will play their championship games in Laramie. The 2A game is the first to be held this weekend, with the class 3A to follow Friday. Class 1A-6-man, 1A and 4A games are on Saturday. Natrona and Cheyenne East meet in the 4A title game at 4 p.m. Saturday. Tickets for the game can be purchased in advance through the Wyoming Athletics Ticket Office. Single session adult tickets cost $11, while tickets for youth 18 and younger are $8. Forecast for Friday in Laramie shows mostly sunny skies with a high of 40 degrees. Stats from Big Horn’s 28-19 win Friday in Lovell Box Score 1234F BH 7 7 7 7 28 Lovell 6 0 6 7 19 Passing: Connor McCafferty 6-11, 134 yards 2 TDs Rushing: Colter Carzoli 98 yds, 2 TDs Receiving: Seth Kite 1-66-1 TD; Christian Mayer 2-31, 1 TD Team rushing: Big Horn 131/Lovell 142 Team passing: BH 134/Lovell 117 Total offense BH 165/Lovell 159 BH defense: Mason Lube, 7 asst. tckl., 2 solo, 1 tckl loss, 1 INT, 1 fumble rec.; Corey Sturza 1 fumble rec.; Kaleb Rosselot 8 asst. tckl., 1 solo; Miles Novak 6 asst. tckl., 2 solo, 1 tckl loss.; Deven Ibach 4 asst. tckl., 4 solo, 1 sack; Richard Stanely 1 sack. SC men get to 5-0 FROM STAFF REPORTS SHERIDAN — The Sheridan College basketball team used another 2-0 weekend to continue their fast start to the season. The Generals defeated Laramie County Community College, the host school at the tournament in Cheyenne Saturday, 84-76. Fred Dure scored 21 points, Josh Adeyeye had 15 points and a career-high 14 rebounds. Rudolphe Joly scored 10 points and had seven rebounds. Sheridan defeated Eastern Wyoming 96-80 Friday. This weekend, the Generals host the Colorado Kings Friday then Northeastern JC Saturday. Lady Generals suffer first loss, 72-61, to Casper COURTESY PHOTO | BLAINE MCCARTNEY/WYOMING TRIBUNE EAGLE University of Wyoming's DeAndre Jones (4) and Brandon Miller (8) react after the Cowboys fumble a kickoff return in the fourth quarter Saturday evening at War Memorial Stadium in Laramie. Wyo. loses to No. 17 Fresno State 48-10 LARAMIE (AP) — In a showdown between high-scoring Mountain West Conference offenses, Wyoming found out it isn’t in the same league as No. 17 Fresno State. The Cowboys gained only 82 yards in the second half and Fresno State scored 48 unanswered points for a 48-10 victory Saturday night. “Our execution wasn’t at the level we needed,” Wyoming coach Dave Christensen said. “I thought in the first half there were times when we moved the ball, and then we came out in the second half and just sputtered.” Derek Carr threw for 366 yards and four touchdowns, and Josh Quezada rushed for 105 yards to lead the Bulldogs (9-0, 6-0 Mountain West). Wyoming (4-5, 2-3) is 0-15 against ranked teams under Christensen, in his fifth year as head coach, and hasn’t beaten a Top 25 opponent since 2002, when the Cowboys defeated No. 24 Air Force 3426. Wyoming’s offense, which ranked second to the Bulldogs in the conference with an average of 516.2 yards coming in, was held to a season-low 296. The Cowboys were averaging 36.5 points until Saturday night. Carr completed 33 of 46 passes with no interceptions before being pulled for the night with 9:45 left and the game well in hand. He has gone 229 pass attempts without an interception. Quezada had his second consecutive (and second career) 100-yard game on 16 carries. Brett Smith led the Cowboys, completing 18 of 32 passes for 141 yards and a touchdown. His 153 total yards were well below his average of 349.8. Running back Tedder Easton gained 90 yards. The game pitted the top two offenses in the Mountain West against each other. Wyoming got the better of the Bulldogs early, grabbing a 10-0 lead. Smith connected with Shaun Wick on a 2yard TD pass, which was set up by Easton’s 79-yard run through the middle of the Bulldogs’ defense, for the only score of the first quarter. Easton said he made a cut near the line of scrimmage and “looked down the field and no one was there.” He was caught at the 2-yard line. “I was hoping I was fast enough to get there,” he said. “This time I wasn’t, but it felt good to get there.” It was the first time this season Fresno State had been shut out in the opening period. Stuart Williams added a 27-yard field goal for the Cowboys early in the second. “They came out with a lot of energy,” Carr said. “Coach hit it on the head: We’re going to get everybody’s best game. They came out with so much energy and so much passion. We had to take our passion and energy to another level.” Carr got Fresno State both passion and points with back-to-back touchdown drives of 75 and 73 yards — the first ending with a 9-yard TD pass to Marcel Jensen and the second on a 19-yard scoring strike to Isiah Burse. They were the first scores of a 48-0 surge by the Bulldogs, who ended the game with 600 total yards on offense. Fresno State has gained more than 500 yards in seven games and at least 600 four times this season. Carr connected once more with Jensen on a 2-yard TD pass and with Davante Adams for a 9-yard score. Josh Harper caught nine passes for 159 yards. “The game started out the way we wanted it to,” Christensen said, citing a lack of execution by his team. “The first half was exactly as we envisioned it. Obviously the second half wasn’t.” Christensen fired his defensive coordinator last week after Wyoming allowed more than 50 points in its previous two games — both losses — and hired veteran defensive coach Bill Young to help for the remainder of the season. Broncos roll Chargers as Manning hurts ankle SAN DIEGO (AP) — Peyton Manning and the rest of the Denver Broncos will present a game ball to John Fox as soon as the coach rejoins them after recovering from heart surgery. “We look forward to giving it to him in person,” Manning said after the Broncos beat the San Diego Chargers, 28-20, on Sunday in their first game since Fox had his aortic valve replaced. Fox was released from the hospital Friday and will continue his recovery at his offseason home in Charlotte, N.C. With interim coach Jack Del Rio in charge, Manning threw for 330 yards and four touchdowns, three to Demaryius Thomas. Manning said he spoke with Fox by phone on Saturday before the Broncos flew to San Diego. “I told him not to be yelling at me during the game. It’s not good for his blood pressure,” Manning said. “I’m not sure we’ll see if he did or didn’t. But he was in our thoughts. Coach Del Rio has done a good job all week keeping us updated on coach Fox.” Fox planned to watch the game on TV, a team spokesman said. If he watched, he probably didn’t like seeing Manning hurting his right ankle when he was hit by Corey Liuget as the Broncos ran out the clock in the closing minutes. Manning stayed in the game. Manning wouldn’t be specific about his injury, but said he was “pretty sore” and that he planned to have an MRI on Monday. Manning was hurt after completing a pass to Thomas with 1:44 left. Manning kept the Broncos (8-1) rolling. He threw touchdown passes of 11, 7 and 34 yards to Thomas on consecutive drives spanning the second and third quarters, staking the Broncos to a 28-6 lead. The Chargers (4-5) closed the gap late in the second half but couldn’t catch up. SHERIDAN — The Sheridan College Lady Generals basketball team suffered their first defeat of the 2013-14 season Saturday at Casper. The Lady Generals (4-1) led 34-32 at halftime, but fell 72-61 to host Casper College. The game was a non-conference matchup, as was the Lady Generals win Friday over Gillette. Sophomore Madison Forney led the Lady Generals with 14 points. Casper’s Kendyl Nunn scored 30 points. The Lady Generals are home this weekend for a tournament Friday and Saturday. Jaguars taste first sweet victory THE ASSOCIATED PRESS At some point, even if they won’t admit it, Gus Bradley and his Jacksonville Jaguars must have wondered if a victory would come this season. They can stop wondering. Maurice Jones-Drew and Jordan Todman each ran for a touchdown, and the Jaguars held off the Tennessee Titans 29-27 Sunday. The Jaguars (1-8) scored the most points in a game this season for first-year coach Bradley. They never trailed and forced four turnovers they turned into 17 points. “What I’m excited about is that we improved in many areas,” Bradley said. “On my call sheet I was writing down things that were really good that were happening during the game. They just kept piling up. I thought, ‘this is how it feels.’” Feels pretty good, doesn’t it? “It’s definitely a great feeling,” Jaguars quarterback Chad Henne said. Baltimore looks to build on its thrilling 20-17 overtime win against Cincinnati, which came only after the defending Super Bowl champions blew a 17-0 lead and allowed a 51-yard desperation TD pass on the final play of regulation. Justin Tucker made a 46-yard field goal to win it. The Ravens (4-5) broke a three-game slide and are back in the AFC North race. Also Sunday, it was Carolina 10, San Francisco 9; Denver 28, San Diego 20; Seattle 33, Atlanta 10; Detroit 21, Chicago 19; St. Louis 38, Indianapolis 8; Philadelphia 27, Green Bay 13; New Orleans 49, Dallas 17; Arizona 27, Houston 24; the New York Giants 24, Atlanta 20; and Pittsburgh 23, Buffalo 10. Tampa Bay (0-8) hosts Miami (4-4) tonight. B2 THE SHERIDAN PRESS SCOREBOARD | NFL | National Football League The Associated Press All Times EST AMERICAN CONFERENCE East WL T Pct PF PA New England 7 2 0 .778 234 175 N.Y. Jets 54 0.556 169 231 Miami 44 0.500 174 187 Buffalo 37 0.300 199 259 South WL T Pct PF PA Indianapolis 6 3 0.667 222 193 Tennessee 45 0.444 200 196 Houston 27 0.222 170 248 Jacksonville 1 8 0.111 115 291 North WL T Pct PF PA 64 0.600 234 186 Cincinnati Cleveland 45 0.444 172 197 45 0.444 188 189 Baltimore 36 0.333 179 218 Pittsburgh West WL T Pct PF PA Kansas City 9 0 01.000 215 111 Denver 81 0.889 371 238 San Diego 45 0.444 212 202 Oakland 36 0.333 166 223 NATIONAL CONFERENCE East WL T Pct PF PA Dallas 55 0.500 274 258 Philadelphia 5 5 0.500 252 244 N.Y. Giants 36 0.333 165 243 Washington 3 6 0.333 230 287 South WL T Pct PF PA New Orleans 7 2 0.778 265 163 Carolina 63 0.667 214 115 Atlanta 27 0.222 186 251 Tampa Bay 08 0.000 124 190 North WL T Pct PF PA Detroit 63 0.667 238 216 Chicago 54 0.556 259 247 Green Bay 54 0.556 245 212 Minnesota 27 0.222 220 279 West WL T Pct PF PA Seattle 91 0.900 265 159 San Francisco 6 3 0.667 227 155 Arizona 54 0.556 187 198 St. Louis 46 0.400 224 234 ___ Thursday’s Game Minnesota 34, Washington 27 Sunday’s Games Detroit 21, Chicago 19 Philadelphia 27, Green Bay 13 Jacksonville 29, Tennessee 27 Baltimore 20, Cincinnati 17, OT St. Louis 38, Indianapolis 8 Seattle 33, Atlanta 10 N.Y. Giants 24, Oakland 20 Pittsburgh 23, Buffalo 10 Carolina 10, San Francisco 9 Denver 28, San Diego 20 Arizona 27, Houston 24 New Orleans 49, Dallas 17 Open: Cleveland, Kansas City, N.Y. Jets, New England Monday’s Game Miami at Tampa Bay, 8:40 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 14 Indianapolis at Tennessee, 8:25 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 17 Baltimore at Chicago, 1 p.m. Oakland at Houston, 1 p.m. N.Y. Jets at Buffalo, 1 p.m. Atlanta at Tampa Bay, 1 p.m. Detroit at Pittsburgh, 1 p.m. Washington at Philadelphia, 1 p.m. Cleveland at Cincinnati, 1 p.m. Arizona at Jacksonville, 1 p.m. San Diego at Miami, 4:05 p.m. Minnesota at Seattle, 4:25 p.m. San Francisco at New Orleans, 4:25 p.m. Green Bay at N.Y. Giants, 4:25 p.m. Kansas City at Denver, 8:30 p.m. Open: Dallas, St. Louis Monday, Nov. 18 New England at Carolina, 8:40 p.m. COLLEGE FOOTBALL | Major College Football Scores The Associated Press EAST Colgate 28, Lafayette 24 Dartmouth 34, Cornell 6 Fordham 23, Bucknell 21 Harvard 34, Columbia 0 Lehigh 34, Holy Cross 20 Maine 33, Albany (NY) 27 Monmouth (NJ) 23, Wagner 6 Navy 42, Hawaii 28 New Hampshire 33, James Madison 17 Pittsburgh 28, Notre Dame 21 Princeton 38, Penn 26 Richmond 39, Stony Brook 31 Robert Morris 54, CCSU 21 Sacred Heart 10, Duquesne 0 St. Francis (Pa.) 23, Bryant 20 Texas 47, West Virginia 40, OT Villanova 45, Rhode Island 0 W. Kentucky 21, Army 17 William & Mary 24, Delaware 10 Yale 24, Brown 17 SOUTH Alabama 38, LSU 17 Arkansas St. 42, Louisiana-Monroe 14 Auburn 55, Tennessee 23 Charleston Southern 31, Coastal Carolina 26 Chattanooga 20, Wofford 10 Duke 38, NC State 20 E. Illinois 37, Murray St. 17 East Carolina 58, Tulsa 24 Florida St. 59, Wake Forest 3 Furman 35, Samford 17 Georgia 45, Appalachian St. 6 Georgia Southern 35, W. Carolina 19 Hampton 29, NC Central 21 Howard 42, Savannah St. 14 Jackson St. 26, Alabama A&M 20 Jacksonville St. 68, E. Kentucky 10 Liberty 35, Presbyterian 14 Louisiana Tech 36, Southern Miss. 13 MVSU 20, Texas Southern 17 Marist 55, Campbell 28 Marshall 56, UAB 14 Memphis 21, UT-Martin 6 Mercer 45, Jacksonville 42 Middle Tennessee 48, FIU 0 Mississippi 34, Arkansas 24 Missouri 48, Kentucky 17 Morgan St. 24, NC A&T 23 Norfolk St. 27, Bethune-Cookman 24 North Carolina 45, Virginia 14 Northwestern St. 37, Lamar 28 SC State 25, Florida A&M 21 San Diego 56, Morehead St. 3 Southern U. 31, Alabama St. 28 Stetson 26, Davidson 13 Syracuse 20, Maryland 3 Tennessee St. 31, Austin Peay 6 The Citadel 35, Elon 10 UCF 19, Houston 14 VMI 27, Gardner-Webb 9 Vanderbilt 34, Florida 17 Virginia Tech 42, Miami 24 Wesley 35, Charlotte 28 MIDWEST Butler 72, Valparaiso 12 Cincinnati 28, SMU 25 Drake 36, Dayton 10 E. Michigan 35, W. Michigan 32, OT Indiana 52, Illinois 35 Iowa 38, Purdue 14 Minnesota 24, Penn St. 10 Missouri St. 37, S. Illinois 27 Montana 31, South Dakota 27 N. Dakota St. 28, Illinois St. 10 N. Iowa 22, Youngstown St. 20 Nebraska 17, Michigan 13 North Dakota 24, N. Colorado 21 S. Dakota St. 29, Indiana St. 0 TCU 21, Iowa St. 17 Tennessee Tech 41, SE Missouri 16 Wisconsin 27, BYU 17 SOUTHWEST Ark.-Pine Bluff 45, Grambling St. 42 Kansas St. 49, Texas Tech 26 McNeese St. 69, Stephen F. Austin 38 North Texas 41, UTEP 7 Oklahoma St. 42, Kansas 6 SE Louisiana 58, Cent. Arkansas 31 Sam Houston St. 49, Nicholls St. 24 Texas A&M 51, Mississippi St. 41 UTSA 10, Tulane 7 FAR WEST Arizona St. 20, Utah 19 Boston College 48, New Mexico St. 34 Cal Poly 42, Sacramento St. 7 Colorado St. 38, Nevada 17 E. Washington 54, Montana St. 29 Fresno St. 48, Wyoming 10 Old Dominion 59, Idaho 38 Portland St. 38, Idaho St. 31 San Diego St. 34, San Jose St. 30 S. Utah 27, Weber St. 21 Southern Cal 62, California 28 UCLA 31, Arizona 26 Utah St. 28, UNLV 24 Washington 59, Colorado 7 COLLEGE BASKETBALL | Sunday’s College Basketball Scores The Associated Press EAST Boston U. 72, Northeastern 69 Brown 74, Binghamton 57 Charleston Southern 95, Delaware 93 Dartmouth 106, Lyndon St. 61 Elon 75, Marist 48 Harvard 82, Holy Cross 72 Hofstra 80, Fairleigh Dickinson 58 Loyola (Md.) 93, Cornell 89, OT Maine 111, Fisher 64 Princeton 67, Florida A&M 50 Stony Brook 81, Haverford 65 UMass 86, Boston College 73 SOUTH Alcorn St. 73, Tougaloo 68 Anderson (SC) 91, GRU Augusta 86 Ark.-Pine Bluff 66, Tuskegee 64 FIU 66, Kennesaw St. 58 Howard 83, Gwynedd-Mercy 66 Kentucky 93, N. Kentucky 63 Lander 84, Tusculum 78 Lees-McRae 74, Lenoir-Rhyne 64 Middle Tennessee 78, Southern U. 75 Pfeiffer 90, Catawba 86 SC State 59, St. Andrews 55, OT Youngstown St. 75, E. Kentucky 67 MIDWEST Bradley 85, Alabama St. 59 Illinois 86, Jacksonville St. 62 Iowa 83, Nebraska-Omaha 75 Iowa St. 95, UNC Wilmington 62 Lake Superior St. 93, Ill.-Springfield 71 Notre Dame 80, Stetson 49 Tiffin 101, Bluefield St. 86 Valparaiso 113, North Park 50 Wright St. 82, Mount St. Joseph 49 SOUTHWEST Oral Roberts 74, Tulsa 68 FAR WEST Colorado 91, UT-Martin 65 Coppin St. 78, Oregon St. 73 E. Washington 87, Pacific (Ore.) 58 Washington 88, Seattle 78 TOURNAMENT SMSU Mustang Tournament Second Round Fort Hays St. 97, Upper Iowa 90, OT SW Minnesota St. 72, NW Missouri St. 50 Sanford Pentagon Showcase Second Round Cent. Missouri 75, Augustana (SD) 63 Missouri Western 87, Northern St. (SD) 78 Sunday’s Women’s Basketball The Associated Press EAST Albany (NY) 77, W. Michigan 61 Cent. Michigan 105, UMass 61 Kentucky 96, Wagner 57 Lafayette 70, Brown 69 Navy 72, Stony Brook 54 Penn St. 78, Fordham 61 Rutgers 79, Princeton 65 San Francisco 83, Columbia 69 Seton Hall 86, Rider 75 St. Bonaventure 77, Colgate 72 Villanova 63, Drexel 52 SOUTH Alcorn St. 50, Nebraska-Omaha 45 Cent. Arkansas 66, Mississippi 63 Clemson 72, Wofford 50 Coppin St. 75, Cheyney 43 Florida 88, North Florida 77 Georgia 45, Presbyterian 30 Georgia Tech 87, W. Carolina 47 Hampton 64, St. Peter’s 37 LSU 80, Saint Joseph’s 64 Maryland 89, Loyola (Md.) 53 Morehead St. 82, Lipscomb 77, OT Richmond 57, Miami 50 Samford 62, Memphis 60 South Carolina 68, Louisiana Tech 45 South Florida 81, CCSU 47 Winthrop 67, Coll. of Charleston 49 MIDWEST Iowa 97, Dayton 93, OT Iowa St. 84, North Dakota 55 Kansas 84, Oral Roberts 62 Kansas St. 73, Charlotte 65 Kent St. 75, E. Kentucky 74, OT Missouri 59, SIU-Edwardsville 48 Ohio 94, Xavier 88 Ohio St. 91, FAU 88 Purdue 63, Ball St. 57 Saint Louis 78, Valparaiso 56 Toledo 95, MVSU 48 Wisconsin 66, Drake 41 SOUTHWEST Oklahoma 89, Wichita St. 70 Oklahoma St. 74, Texas-Arlington 35 SMU 87, Grambling St. 65 Texas 63, UTSA 42 Texas Tech 70, Texas-Pan American 48 UALR 69, Sam Houston St. 65 FAR WEST Gonzaga 91, UT-Martin 54 Hawaii 74, N. Arizona 66 Montana 76, Montana St.-Northern 49 Montana St. 85, CS Northridge 69 Sacramento St. 93, San Diego St. 89 Saint Mary’s (Cal) 72, Portland St. 54 Southern Cal 63, Fresno St. 54 Syracuse 69, Washington St. 65 UC Irvine 68, South Dakota 64 UC Santa Barbara 76, Occidental 54 NBA | National Basketball Association The Associated Press All Times EST EASTERN CONFERENCE Atlantic Division W L Pct Philadelphia 4 3 .571 Toronto 3 4 .429 Boston 3 4 .429 New York 2 4 .333 Brooklyn 2 4 .333 Southeast Division W L Pct Miami 4 3 .571 Atlanta 3 3 .500 Charlotte 3 3 .500 Orlando 3 4 .429 GB — 1 1 1½ 1½ GB — ½ ½ 1 Washington 2 4 .333 1½ Central Division W L Pct GB Indiana 7 0 1.000 — Cleveland 3 4 .429 4 Milwaukee 2 3 .400 4 Detroit 2 3 .400 4 Chicago 2 3 .400 4 WESTERN CONFERENCE Southwest Division W L Pct GB San Antonio 6 1 .857 — Houston 4 3 .571 2 Dallas 4 3 .571 2 Memphis 3 3 .500 2½ New Orleans 3 4 .429 3 Northwest Division W L Pct GB Oklahoma City 5 1 .833 — Minnesota 4 2 .667 1 Portland 4 2 .667 1 Denver 1 4 .200 3½ Utah 0 7 .000 5½ Pacific Division W L Pct GB Phoenix 5 2 .714 — 4 3 .571 1 L.A. Clippers 4 3 .571 1 Golden State L.A. Lakers 3 4 .429 2 1 5 .167 3½ Sacramento ___ Saturday’s Games Toronto 115, Utah 91 Indiana 96, Brooklyn 91 Cleveland 127, Philadelphia 125,2OT Boston 111, Miami 110 Atlanta 104, Orlando 94 L.A. Clippers 107, Houston 94 Memphis 108, Golden State 90 Dallas 91, Milwaukee 83 Portland 96, Sacramento 85 Sunday’s Games San Antonio 120, New York 89 Oklahoma City 106, Washington 105, OT Phoenix 101, New Orleans 94 Minnesota at L.A. Lakers, 9:30 p.m. Monday’s Games San Antonio at Philadelphia, 7 p.m. Memphis at Indiana, 7 p.m. Atlanta at Charlotte, 7 p.m. Orlando at Boston, 7:30 p.m. Cleveland at Chicago, 8 p.m. Toronto at Houston, 8 p.m. Denver at Utah, 9 p.m. Detroit at Portland, 10 p.m. Minnesota at L.A. Clippers, 10:30 p.m. Tuesday’s Games Milwaukee at Miami, 7:30 p.m. Washington at Dallas, 8:30 p.m. Detroit at Golden State, 10:30 p.m. New Orleans at L.A. Lakers, 10:30 p.m. GOLF | Turkish Airlines Open Leading Scores The Associated Press Sunday At Montgomerie Maxx Royal Belek, Turkey Purse: $7 million Yardage: 7,100; Par: 72 Final Victor Dubuisson, France6 7 - 6 5 - 6 3 - 6 9 — 264 Jamie Donaldson, Wales6 8 - 6 7 - 6 8 - 6 3 — 266 Justin Rose, England70-66-67-65—268 Tiger Woods, United States70-63-68-67— 268 Raphael Jacquelin, France67-72-62-68— 269 Ian Poulter, England66-66-68-69—269 Henrik Stenson, Sweden6 4 - 6 8 - 6 9 - 6 9 — 270 Marc Warren, Scotland69-70-66-65—270 Bernd Wiesberger, Austria68-72-66-64— 270 Ross Fisher, England68-68-70-65—271 Justin Walters, South Africa66-66-70-69— 271 Paul Casey, England66-73-67-66—272 George Coetzee, South Africa6 6 - 7 1 - 6 8 67—272 Julien Quesne, France67-69-68-68—272 Thomas Aiken, South Africa7 1 - 6 7 - 6 6 69—273 Darren Fichardt, South Africa6 4 - 7 3 - 7 1 65—273 Chris Wood, England69-70-65-69—273 Thomas Bjorn, Denmark6 4 - 7 2 - 7 1 - 6 7 — 274 Alejandro Canizares, Spain67-68-66-73— 274 Robert-Jan Derksen, Netherlands6 7 - 6 9 69-69—274 Maximilian Kiefer, Germany66-73-68-67— 274 Joost Luiten, Netherlands72-70-65-67— 274 Garth Mulroy, South Africa70-69-66-69— 274 Richie Ramsay, Scotland7 0 - 6 9 - 7 1 - 6 4 — 274 Also Martin Kaymer, Germany6 9 - 6 8 - 6 8 - 7 0 — 275 Francesco Molinari, Italy6 9 - 6 8 - 7 1 - 6 7 — 275 Jonas Blixt, Sweden68-74-66-68—276 Thorbjorn Olesen, Denmark66-72-71-67— 276 Charl Schwartzel, South Africa6 8 - 7 0 - 6 8 70—276 Lee Westwood, England7 0 - 6 6 - 7 3 - 6 7 — 276 Paul Lawrie, Scotland74-70-66-69—279 Matteo Manassero, Italy70-70-70-69—279 Padraig Harrington, Ireland68-70-71-71— 280 Peter Uihlein, United States67-72-71-74— 284 Colin Montgomerie, Scotland7 2 - 7 2 - 7 4 69—287 Louis Oosthuizen, South Africa72-74-6973—288 Miguel Angel Jimenez, Spain7 3 - 7 1 - 7 3 73—290 NASCAR | NASCAR Sprint Cup-AdvoCare 500 Results The Associated Press Sunday At Phoenix International Raceway Avondale, Ariz. Lap length: 1 miles (Start position in parentheses) 1. (9) Kevin Harvick, Chevrolet, 312 laps, 140.7 rating, 48 points, $258,186. 2. (7) Kasey Kahne, Chevrolet, 312, 122.2, 43, $171,715. 3. (1) Jimmie Johnson, Chevrolet, 312, 121.9, 42, $182,326. 4. (11) Dale Earnhardt Jr., Chevrolet, 312, 107.3, 41, $131,135. 5. (8) Kurt Busch, Chevrolet, 312, 102.6, 39, $137,630. 6. (19) Juan Pablo Montoya, Chevrolet, 312, 93.5, 38, $132,074. 7. (4) Kyle Busch, Toyota, 312, 96, 37, $137,693. 8. (10) Martin Truex Jr., Toyota, 312, 94.8, 36, $122,185. 9. (3) Joey Logano, Ford, 312, 107.8, 36, $117,268. 10. (17) Ryan Newman, Chevrolet, 312, 92.3, 35, $128,068. 11. (12) Brad Keselowski, Ford, 312, 106.5, 34, $136,176. 12. (27) Ricky Stenhouse Jr., Ford, 312, 73.8, 32, $131,121. 13. (18) Greg Biffle, Ford, 312, 84.4, 32, $97,610. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 2013 Cowboy basketball opens with win over UT-Martin LARAMIE (AP) — Impressive debuts by two newcomers and strong outside shooting by a veteran Friday night carried Wyoming to a 78-60 win over TennesseeMartin in the opener for both teams. Returning starter Riley Grabau made 4 of 6 from beyond the arc - all in the first half - en route to a career-high 17 points while freshman Trey Washington III and transfer Charles Hankerson Jr. each added 14 points for the Cowboys (1-0). Larry Nance Jr. collected 10 points, 12 rebounds and two blocks for Wyoming. Dee Oldham had 15 points, Marshun Newell added 14 and Terence Smith 10 for UT-Martin (0-1). Washington said afterward that he had the jitters, but it didn't look that way as he hit his first three shots, all from 3-point range. "Man, I was nervous as ever. I didn't know what to do," he said. "I forgot about every play called in the book. But after the first 3 went in, I relaxed and I just played basketball." Wyoming sank 6 of its first 8 shots, including a pair of 3s by Grabau, to race a 17-6 lead. UT-Martin came back to go up 20-19, sparked by Dee Oldham, who scored 11 points off the bench during a 14-2 run. At one point the Skyhawks scored nine straight, prompting Cowboys coach Larry Shyatt to employ a rare zone defense. "We played more zone tonight than I might've played in 40 years in my career, and we kept out of foul trouble doing it," Shyatt said. New rules cracking down on fouls will force teams to adjust, he said, but added that the Cowboys will certainly adjust. The Skyhawks took a 32-30 lead with 4:30 left in the first half, but the Cowboys ended the period on a 15-1 surge to go up 45-33. Derek Cooke Jr. had two dunks and Grabau added two 3s during the spurt. UT-Martin never got closer than 11 in the second half. Oldham's 3-pointer cut the margin to 53-42 with 13:22 remaining, but the Cowboys started going to the free throw line to build the lead to 18 and were never threatened down the stretch. "I thought their length really bothered us, because they were able to contest every shot and get every rebound," UT-Martin coach Jason James said. "And I thought we struggled trying to get shots in the paint. We had to settle for long range." Wyoming saw six players with 20 minutes or more and appears to have more depth than last season. "We're really comfortable with 10 guys right now," Shyatt said. "The problem right now is the two most mature players (Hankerson and Jerron Granberry) haven't played in a while and we're going to have to let them get the kinks out." Hankerson sat out last season after transferring and Granberry played only five games for North Florida before being excused from the team following the death of his father and didn't play again. He was granted a hardship waiver and has one season of eligibility for the Cowboys. He had three points and three rebounds in his first game for Wyoming. CHADRON: Probation lasts until 2016 FROM B1 He used the account for football and personal expenses, including paying a traffic ticket. He also used two other outside accounts to pay concession workers and for recruiting expenses. When questioned by school officials, O'Boyle didn't reveal the location of the golf tournament money and the existence of the outside bank accounts. The NCAA said Smith attended the football fundraisers but failed to monitor and adequately track the approximately $30,000 raised by the golf tournaments. O'Boyle also gave an athlete $150 to settle a school bill and another $100 to an athlete so he could purchase health insurance. The committee said O'Boyle should have known he violated rules by giving money to athletes. The Eagles also were penalized for using an ineligible player in 2011. Chadron State's probation runs until November 2016, its six wins in 2011 and nine wins in 2012 have been forfeited, and the school has been fined $5,000. The NCAA also placed O'Boyle and Smith under two-year show cause orders. For O'Boyle, that means he's not allowed to have access to any money that comes in through football camps or fundraising at SIU. He also must pay his own way to a regional rules seminar and will be monitored by the SIU athletic department. For Smith, his athletically related duties will be restricted if he works again at an NCAA school. Chadron State already had selfimposed a reduction of paid official recruiting visits, from 75 to 60, for the 2013-14 academic year. The school also limited the number of coaches who recruit off-campus. COLLEGE FOOTBALL BRIEFS | Eastern Washington beats Montana State 54-29 CHENEY, Wash. (AP) — Vernon Adams threw four touchdown passes and ran for another score as Eastern Washington defeated Montana State 5429 on Saturday to take a major step toward the Big Sky Conference championship. The Eagles (8-2, 6-0) notched the program's 500th victory in defeating the Bobcats (7-3, 5-1). It was the first Big Sky matchup of FCS top-five teams since 1994. EWU scored on all eight of its possessions, not counting when the Eagles were taking a knee at the end. Adams now has 38 touchdown passes to break the school record and ranks second in Big Sky history. He was an efficient 16 of 18, including a scoring throws of 76, 68 and 17 yards to Shaquille Hill. Hill finished with a career-high 172 receiving yards. "Vernon was special and the receivers were special," EWU head coach Beau Baldwin said. "I didn't realize (Vernon) had just two incompletions -- that is impressive. That is just the type of player he is. He keeps getting better, and he keeps working at it." Quincy Forte's 25-yard scoring run with 1:28 left in the first half gave EWU the lead for good at 26-21. Forte rushed for a career-high 123 yards and two scores. "The offensive line did a great job, and we added a running game that I think surprised Montana State," Baldwin said. MSU closed to 40-29 early in the fourth quarter on DeNarius McGhee's 2-yard run. Three plays after the ensuing kickoff, Adams responded with his 76-yard TD bomb to Hill, who caught the ball in stride and scored easily. That gave the Eagles a 47-29 lead with 11:57 remaining. The Bobcats came up empty on their next drive, giving up the ball on downs. Anthony Vitto entered at quarterback for EWU, with Adams on the sideline with cramps. Vitto led a 71-yard drive that was capped with his 36-yard touchdown pass to Cooper Kupp to end the scoring. That gave Kupp, a redshirt freshman, a touchdown catch in all 10 EWU games this season. Montana scores late to edge South Dakota 31-27 VERMILLION, S.D. (AP) — Ellis Henderson returned a kickoff 98 yards for a touchdown with 1:36 to play as Montana rallied to beat South Dakota 31-27 on Saturday. Henderson scored three touchdowns, including two receiving for the Grizzlies. He also caught TD passes of 6 and 71 yards. Henderson's long kickoff return helped Montana survive a late South Dakota score. "It's a heartache, that's for sure," said South Dakota coach Joe Glenn, who led Montana to a national title in 2001. "We just can't fold our tent like that. What do you say when they run (a fumble) in for a touchdown then we kick it to their best player and we don't even touch him. We're not even close." With South Dakota up 24-17, Jordan Tripp forced a fumble that was returned 35 yards by Matt Hermanson for a touchdown with 6:33 remaining in the game. A 38-yard field goal from Miles Bergner with 1:48 left gave the Coyotes (4-6) a 27-24 lead, but then Henderson's kickoff return gave the lead back to the Grizzlies (8-2). South Dakota had one final opportunity, driving 44 yards to the Montana 31yard line before Bo Tully broke up a pass intended for Josh Vander Maten and the Coyotes turned the ball over on downs. Jordan Johnson had 337 yards passing and two touchdowns, highlighted by the 71-yard strike to Henderson in the first half. Montana has beaten South Dakota four straight times. The Coyotes, whose last win in the series was 1974, have lost three straight games. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 2013 BABY BLUES® by Jerry Scott and Rick Kirkman COMICS THE SHERIDAN PRESS DRS. OZ & ROIZEN B3 Dr. Mehmet Oz and Dr. Michael Roizen MARY WORTH by Karen Moy and Joe Giella BORN LOSER® by Art and Chip Sansom The 2013 pizza-eating champion, Molly Schuyler, downed 12.9 cheesy slices in 10 minutes. But that's definitely not what we're suggesting when we encourage you to learn how to feel full faster! Feeling satiated after eating involves your guts, brain and attitude. And when you eat too fast, too much or tooprocessed foods (anything with the Five Food Felons -trans and saturated fats, added sugars and sugar syrups, and any grain that isn't 100 percent whole), your body can't tell when you've had enough. You need to give your appetite-regulating systems (and emotions) a chance to react to what you eat. Savor the flavor. Put your fork down between bites; chew your food slowly. That releases more nutrition from the food and lets leptin, your appetite-controlling hormone, respond so you eat less. Almost a century ago, "the Great Masticator" Horace Fletcher advocated 100 chews per bite. We say, depending on the food, chew around 10-20 times. Just say "NUTS." Twenty minutes before a meal eat six walnuts or 12 almonds. They contain 70 calories of fat, and that'll slow your stomach emptying, so you'll feel full sooner. Practice mindful eating. Notice the texture and flavor of each bite and how your body responds to food; place yourself in a calm (no TV) environment. That helps control cravings and impulse eating. It also improves the digestive process that goes on in your mouth! Experiment with this for one week; we're sure you'll eat less, feel fuller faster and enjoy mealtime a lot more! DEAR ABBY Pauline Phillips and Jeanne Phillips GARFIELD by Jim Davis FRANK & ERNEST® by Bob Thaves REX MORGAN, M.D. by Woody Wilson and Tony DiPreta ZITS® by Jerry Scott and Jim Borgman DILBERT by S. Adams ALLEY OOP® by Dave Graue and Jack Bender DOGS RUNNING LOOSE ARE NOT THE ONLY ONES AT RISK DEAR ABBY: My daughter "Jenny," her husband, "Bob," and their three dogs live with my husband and me in our home. We live on a fairly busy road. The dogs used to always be leashed when they were taken out. They have now made a habit of letting the dogs out without leashes. This frightens me. Not only am I concerned about one of the dogs getting hit by a car, but also any legal ramifications if they cause damage to others. I have spoken to my daughter about it, but nothing has changed. Abby, what can we do to make Jenny and Bob responsible for any damages incurred by their actions? One last note -- one of their dogs WAS hit by a car and had a long, painful recovery with a very expensive vet bill. -- OUT OF IDEAS IN CONNECTICUT DEAR OUT OF IDEAS: You have a right to be concerned. Contact your attorney and your insurance broker to find out what the fallout could be for you as homeowners because of your daughter and son-in-law's laziness and carelessness. Responsible dog owners keep their pets leashed so they won't be hurt by running into traffic or biting a child or an adult they don't recognize as a friend. If your daughter and S.I.L. can't abide by your wishes and behave responsibly, they shouldn't be living under your roof. P.S. This isn't just about the dogs and liability; it's also about respect for you. DEAR ABBY: A couple of years ago, my extended family found a fun, all-inclusive solution to the grumbling (and expense) of preparing the holiday meal. Each family is assigned a portion of the meal they are going to prepare. For fun, it has to be a recipe that has never been tried before so no one can fret that it isn't made like Grandma used to make it. The person holding the party coordinates kitchen time, but to be honest, everybody enjoys helping each other out, and the cooks spend most of their time chatting. We have tried wonderful variations to the traditional turkey, enjoyed an awesome pie straight from the Renaissance, and learned that we will never again try oyster stuffing. Because the recipes are untried, no one feels bad if the dish isn't perfect, and we have tried things we were surprised we liked. Most important, we do it together and spend the day laughing, talking and catching up, and no one has to be a slave to the day. Hope this will give other people ideas. -SCOTT IN BALTIMORE DEAR SCOTT: So do I, because your family has captured the true spirit of the holiday season, which is too often lost because of the pressure people put on themselves to achieve perfection. DEAR ABBY: My husband and his sister had a falling out after their parents died and haven't spoken for a few years. My husband is very stubborn and holds grudges. He is very ill now. I have asked him if he wants to tell his sister about his illness, and he says no. I'm not sure how much longer he has left. I am thinking about going against his wishes and calling her in the hopes that they can make peace. Your thoughts? -- NOT MUCH TIME LEFT DEAR NOT MUCH TIME LEFT: Depending upon how deep the rift between them is, I do think you should make a confidential phone call and tell her it might be a good idea to call her brother. If she does, the conversation could be healing for both of them. However, if she chooses to ignore the situation, the choice will have been hers, and no harm will have been done. DEAR READERS: Today, Veterans Day, I would like to thank not only all of you who have honorably served our country, but also those men and women who are on active duty for your service as well. I salute each and every one of you. -- ABBY Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Write Dear Abby at or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069. CLASSIFIEDS Phone: (307) 672-2431 B4 THE SHERIDAN PRESS Fax: (307) 672-7950 TO PLACE YOUR AD MONDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 2013 DEADLINES RATES & POLICIES Deadline Lines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 days . . . . . . . .6 days . . . . . . . . . . . .26 days Monday ........................................................................Friday 2:30 PM 2 lines (minimum) . . . . . . .$10.75 . . . . . . .$16.00 . . . . . . . . . . . .$40.00 Tuesday.................................................................... Monday 2:30 PM Each additional line . . . . . .$4.75 . . . . . . . . $7.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . .$17.50 Email : Wednesday ............................................................Tuesday 2:30 PM Visit : 144 Grinnell Street, Downtown Sheridan Thursday........................................................... Wednesday 2:30 PM Mail : P.O. Box 2006, Sheridan, WY, 82801 Friday...................................................................... Thursday 2:30 PM Include name, address, phone, dates to run and payment Saturday ...................................................................... Friday 2:30 PM We reserve the right to reject, edit or reclassify any advertisement accepted by us for publication. When placing an ad in person or on the phone, we will read all ads back to you for your approval. If we fail to do so, please tell us at that time. If you find an error in your classified ad, please call us before 9 a.m. to have it corrected for the next day’s paper. The Press cannot be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion. Claims cannot be considered unless made within three days of the date of publication. No allowances can be made when errors do not materially affect the value of the advertisement. Phone: (307) 672-2431 Fax: (307) 672-7950 Run Day Monday – Friday, 8am – 5pm All classified ads run for free at! All classified ads running in Monday’s Press also run in the weekly PressPlus at no additional charge! Hints from Heloise VETERAN HELP Dear Readers: Here is this week's SOUND ON, about supporting our veterans. "Dear Heloise: Do you know any ways I can support our veterans? I am looking for a way to help. -- Josh in Colorado" Thank you for asking! There are many, many groups that help our veterans. In fact, too many to list here. You can call the chapter of the Veterans of Foreign Wars in your area for ideas on how you can help. It may be volunteering, donations -- there are a thousand ways to help our vets! Here is just one you might consider, which I have written about for more than 15 years: The Veterans' National Stamp and Coin Club is a wonderful organization! They collect U.S. and foreign stamps and coins, postcards, sports cards and much more! This group then passes the items on to other Veterans Affairs support centers across the nation! The stamps and coins, etc., are supplied for therapeutic use helping veterans. Send donations to: Department of Veterans Af- fairs Medical Center Veterans' National Stamp and Coin Club No. 135 S.C. 3601 S. 6th Ave. Tucson, AZ 85723 You also can check to see if your city's VA office needs help or donations. Thank you for wanting to support our veterans. They need all the help we can give them, and anything you or my readers can do will be a wonderful way to say thank you to all of the veterans who sacrificed so much to keep us safe. And, don't forget to say "thank you" in person to the military personnel in uniform, or retired, when you get a chance. -- Heloise SEND A GREAT HINT TO: Heloise P.O. Box 795000 San Antonio, TX 78279-5000 Fax: 1-210-HELOISE Email: Heloise(at) Dear Readers: Here are other uses for straws: * Store necklaces in them for no tangles. * Clean a sink drain with one. Heloise * Make the spindle on your sewing machine taller to hold thread. * Hull strawberries with one. * Straighten flower stems. -- Heloise BOX-TOP FOLLOW-UP Dear Heloise: I understand your frustration with the placement of box tops on products. In my time as a school box-top coordinator, I learned they place the box tops such that people can't rip them off in the store without buying the product. -- Amy, via email Thanks to you and all of the others who wrote about this. Sorry, but I just never would have thought about ripping off (really ripping off!) box tops! I would love to hear from grocery-store managers if this happens a lot. If so, what can my readers do to help? -- Heloise RINSE AND DRAIN Dear Heloise: Whenever I am opening a can of beans, I poke a few holes in the bottom with an ice pick. I then open the top of the can all the way and hold it under the running water. The water drains straight through and rinses the contents. -Shirley in Tennessee Bridge THE BEST BOOKS OF THIS YEAR As we approach the holiday season, let's look at some of the books published this year that might appeal to the bridge players on your gift list. Some whodunits with a bridge theme have been written. The best so far, in my opinion, is "Death in Duplicate" by Carole Coplea (Master Point Press). Two deaths occur during a duplicate at Kensington College in the Adirondacks, and the book covers the investigation. Today's diagram shows the only bridge deal in the book. If this layout occurred during, say, an 11-table duplicate, there would no doubt be 11 different auctions. Here, in particular, East's double Phillip Alder was bizarre after hearing her partner raise diamonds. Note that East would have made five diamonds if she had guessed spades correctly. After West led a low heart, South, a student at the college, called for dummy's 10, and East ruffed. She then cashed the spade ace: six, three, five. East, not guessing that the three was West's top spade spot, shifted to a diamond. Declarer won with his ace and ran all of his trumps, bringing everyone down to three cards. North had the heart ace-queen-jack and South the spade queennine and heart three. But what could West keep? He was squeezed. Omarr’s Daily Astrological Forecast BIRTHDAY GAL: Actress Cote de Pablo was born in Santiago, Chile, today in 1979. This birthday gal, born Maria Jose de Pablo Fernandez, has co-starred as Ziva David on the hit series "NCIS" since 2005, but is reportedly leaving the series sometime during its 11th season. On the big screen, de Pablo co-starred with Kris Kristofferson in the 2010 Western "The Last Rites of Ransom Pride." ARIES (March 21-April 19): The busiest bees make the best honey. You're better at business negotiations than you think. You know whom to ask when you need an honest appraisal or advice. You can easily get out of a sticky situation. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): If a $20 bill appears on the sidewalk, pick it up. Don't pass up opportunities or ignore praise. You can make helpful connections while attending business or community functions. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Bang your own drum loudly. Someone is willing to do you a favor, so ask. Promote your own interests and try to get signatures on the dotted line while your charm and luck are at a high point. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Polish an already sterling reputation. You are known as someone who faithfully fulfills promises and uses sound judgment. Accept an opportunity to put plans into motion and receive helpful feedback. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Good will is sharable; others support your interests. Those with whom you do business are looking for a long and honorable relationship. Be confident that promises made today will be faithfully honored. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Grab the day by the tiller. Put the finishing touches on agreements and contracts and launch crucial enterprises. Someone may offer you the key information that puts the wind in your sails. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Exert extra effort to be sympathetic and generous. Ignore the little voice that urges you to be selfish about mere possessions. Your stamina and ability to cope with emergencies may be tested for a few days. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): The best things in life come to you when you accept a chance opportunity. You wish life could be like the lyrics of a song and you could earn "money for nothing," but you know the best checks are the rewards of hard work. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Get the wagon train back on the trail and head bravely for your destination. This might be a good time to ask for a raise or promotion. You're likely to receive what- Jeraldine Saunders ever you truly deserve and need. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Think on your feet. You're running as fast as you can to stay on top of things, but life might feel like a treadmill right now. Take time to socialize and relieve the burden of myriad obligations by meeting new people. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): You seem that someone close is laboring hard to avoid criticism and may wonder if this can happen to you. No one will have a reason to rs to e t t e A lll m u s tbe , ay ta S a n d by Frid th ive e c er13 e b r m D ece Seeing the need to retain three hearts, West was forced to discard the spade king, hoping his partner had the queen. South now produced that card and claimed his contract for plus 550 and a top. Master Point Press books are available from the publisher in printed and e-book editions. take you down a notch if you keep your promises. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): When you land in the public eye, people pick up binoculars to look more closely. Be an active participant rather than watching from the sidelines. You may earn some unexpected praise or admiration. IF NOVEMBER 12 IS YOUR BIRTHDAY: The next few weeks will offer a plethora of fresh opportunities and a chance to make lasting improvements. Lady Luck will smile on you, but during December and early January it's wise to fulfill your obligations and avoid taking on fresh ones. The boss is unlikely to grant favors and people in general may be very critical of your performance. If you're diligent and responsible you'll emerge feeling more confident of your ability to handle challenges. During February, make no significant changes, but go ahead and take a relaxing vacation while you're in a romantic mood. Send your letters to Santa The Sheridan Press is once again inviting children throughout Sheridan County to send us their letters to Santa. Here’s all you have to do: 1. Have your child write their letter to Santa as neatly as they can on white paper and in black ink. 2. If you want a picture published with their letter, please send us a recent photo with the child’s name written clearly on the back. 3. Complete the form below, attach it to the letter, enclose their photograph and mail them to: Letters to Santa, The Sheridan Press, P.O. Box 2006, Sheridan, WY 82801. You can also bring them by our office at 144 Grinnell Plaza in downtown Sheridan. (If you’re sending letters from more than one child, please complete a separate form for each letter.) Or, you can e-mail your letter to Please include “Letters to Santa” in the subject line. Please print clearly and legibly Child’s Name & Age: Parent’s Name: Address: City/State/Zip: Daytime Phone: I have enclosed a photo: Yes No CLASSIFIEDS MONDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 2013 Airplanes AVID MKIIII 100hp, 2 place experimental aircraft. $21,500 655-7021 Miscellaneous for Sale FOR SALE 133 Shares, Park Reservoir Stock, $5,000 per share. 6744409 Firewood LODGEPOLE PINE FIREWOOD 655-9417 For Lease Rail Road Land & Cattle Co. Buildings for lease, Shop space, Warehouse space, Retail space, & office space. 673-5555 Furnished Apts for Rent 1BR/STUDIO $545 Coin laundry & cable. Utils. incl. Pets? 673-4506 LRG FULLY furnished incl. Washer, cable & all utils. Big Horn. No smk/pets. $900/mo. No lease. 6747718 or 751-7718 WEEKLY FROM $210, monthly $630 Americas Best Value Inn 672-9757 Unfurnished Apts for Rent SUPER NICE 2 BR off street parking, quiet neighborhood, W/D hks., sm storage unit. $625/mo + 500 dep. 1 yr. lease. 751-2445 LARGE 2 bdrm, 1 bath, WD hooks, garage, W/S/G provided. Dayton. $700 mo + elc. $500 dep. No smok/pets. 674-7718 2 BR 1 ba., W/D hookup, gar. w/opener, mtn views $800, lse. + dep. No smk/pets. 672-7643. CLEAN 4 BR Duplex in Ranchester 1500 sq ft, good size bdr & closets, good carpet, laundry room w/ W/D, workshop for kids/work room. Rod or Linda 655-9151 461-2237(Rod) or 6752629(Linda) LG 2BR Ranchester. No pets. $625 672-7563 Unfurnished Apts for Rent Broadway Apts. 2 bdrm, 1 bath townhouse Available in Dayton, WY. Rent based on income. Please call 307-751-1752 or 1-888-387-7368 Toll-Free for application Equal Housing Opportunity LG CLEAN 2 BR/1BA in Big Horn no smoking/ pets $700 + elec. 674-7718 or 751-7718 STUDIO APT. in Ranchester $450/mo. util pd., 683-6401 1 BR 1 BA Newly remodeled $575 + deposit. 752-7848 NEWER 2 Bdrm $950.00/mo water/heat paid 1000 sq ft 818 E. 7th St 751-4061 Houses, Unfurnished for Rent 5 BDRM, 3 bath on 3 acres. $1600/month + deposit 752-7848 CUTE CUTE Cottage 2 bd 1 bath, SMALL garage. $800 + util. lease + dep. No smk/pets. 672-7643 5 BR/1 BR houses downtown. $755 & $575 + gas & lights. Fncd. yard. Pets? Needs work. Call 673-4506. LG 4 BR/2BA on 3 acres on edge of town, 2 car garage, lg fenced yard, pets neg. $1200 + deposit 751-2105 COZY, CLEAN 2 BR, remodeled, garage. 543 E. Loucks. $700 + util. Avail Nov 18th. 672-0227 HOUSE FOR rent $1200 mo. No smk, pets neg. 674-9568 CLEAN 4 BR Duplex in Ranchester 1500 sq ft, good size bdr & closets, good carpet, laundry room w/ W/D, workshop for kids/work room. Rod or Linda 655-9151 461-2237(Rod) or 6752629(Linda) 4 BDRM 2 bath $1200/mo+util 344 W. Brundage St 751-4061 3 BR 2 1/2 ba., A/C, W/D hooks, garage, $975/mo + utils. No pets. 737-2479 3 BR/1 BA, 2,300 sq ft, pets negotiable $1500 673-0169 leave message 2 BR/1 BA fenced yard, garage, close to downtown. 760-6573 Houses, Unfurnished for Rent NEWER 4 bdrm, 2 bath home w/ 2 car garage. . No smk, pets neg., central air, fenced backyard. $1450 mo. w/ lease. 763-3666 4 BR/2 BA $1295/mo Irene Winkler @ ERA Carrol Realty 752-3665 Houses, Furnished for Rent 2 BD, no smk/pets, W/D. $850 + util, 1 yr lease. 6746345 Newly remodel Business Bldg. for Rent 25X50 SHOP SPACE, 8x10 overhead door, $375/mo + elec. + dep. 1 yr lease. 7511970 Office Space for Rent E X E C U T I V E OFFICE/RETAIL space in newer building, with kitchen, conference room and open area for cubicles. 3424 sq. ft. 7525474. OFFICE SPACES for rent in historic Main St. building. 672-7643 ONE ROOM office downtown. $270 per mo. Includes utilities and janitorial. Parking near by. Call Diana at 672-7444 TWO ROOM office downtown. $335 per mo. Includes utilities and janitorial. Parking near by. Call Diana at 672-7444 Storage Space WOODLANDPARK STORAGE.COM 5211 Coffeen Call 674-7355 New Spaces Available! AACE SELF Storage Great rates, secure 752-0037 DOWNER ADDITION Storage 674-1792 CALL BAYHORSE STORAGE 1005 4th Ave. E. 752-9114. ACMS STORAGE 6747350. Gated, Secure & some climate control. CIELO STORAGE 7523904 ELDORADO STORAGE Helping you conquer space. 3856 Coffeen. 6727297. INTERSTATE STORAGE Multiple Sizes avail. No deposit req'd. 752-6111. Help Wanted IN-YARAK CONST., Inc. is looking for an experienced Lead Carpenter. Please call 752-8778 Help Wanted FULL TIME benefited Diesel Truck Mechanic. Minimum of 1 year experience, & understands DOT requirements. Apply in person at Mullinax Concrete - 615 Fort Road - Sheridan, WY. Wages DOE. We are a drug free employer. P/T AT busy doctor’s office working directly with patients. Tues, Thurs, and Fri 10-5:30, with some Sat AM’s, but work hours may vary – approx 20 hours per week, may be less. $10/hour. Send reply to box 195, c/o The Sheridan Press, PO Box 2006, Sheridan, WY 82801 SACKETT’S MARKET has a F/T or P/T meat cutting position available for an experienced, customer service oriented person. Carcass cutting experience preferred. Candidate must be a self starter, detail oriented and able to manage inventory and a production schedule. Pay rate DOE. Send resume to or stop by the Sheridan store at 2248 Coffeen Avenue. ACCOUNT MANAGER Frontier Asset Management, LLC, an investment management firm in Sheridan, WY seeks an Account Manager. Excellent opportunity for candidate with BA in a business-related field. Duties will include working with financial advisors, daily updates to our portfolio management system as well as account maintenance and client reporting. Strong analytic, communication and PC skills required. Multitasking, working well in team atmosphere and positive attitude a must. Salary commensurate with experience. Please send cover letter and resume to: Erin Foote Frontier Asset Management, LLC 201 N Connor St, Ste 250 Sheridan, WY 82801 PT TELLER/MEMBER SERVICES REP POSITION. Please bring resumes to Sunlight Credit Union. TAKING APPLICATIONS FOR: Journeyman & Apprentice Electricians to Work for a Good Solid Company. Bring resume to 1851 N. Main St. 674-9710 Help Wanted Help Wanted BLOEDORN LUMBER of Sheridan Is seeking a responsible hard working full time boom truck operator with current CDL Must be able to complete all background checks and safety testing. Benefits include Health insurance, paid holidays, paid vacations, sick leave, life insurance, ESOP retirement plan. Competitive wages, weekends off, 7AM4:30PM Monday-Friday. Please bring resume to Bloedorn Lumber 860 Riverside Sheridan Wyoming 82801 Serving Sheridan for over 55 years. WYOMING DOWNS Off Track Betting is now interviewing for positions in Cheyenne, Laramie and Sheridan. Pari-mutuel experience preferred, but not required. Full and part time positions available. Competitive wages and training provided. Please apply online at or contact Chris Macha at 307-752-6039. Drug testing and background checks required. AG PARTS Counter Sales Representative in Sheridan. Find more info @ PT RN or Respiratory Therapist to join our enthusiastic patient care team. Send cover letter & resume to Box 140, c/o The Sheridan Press, PO Box 2006, Sheridan, WY 82801 LOCAL GENERAL CONTRACTOR looking for laborers and experienced carpenters. Wages DOE. Send resumes to PO Box 6812, Sheridan, WY 82801. FIRST INTERSTATE BANK has a position open for a Credit Analyst. For a complete job description & application, please apply on-line at HIRING BARTENDERS at Wagon Box Inn. Apply in person. Please call 6832444 w/ questions. EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER NEEDED: Busy local CPA firm has a position available for a Bookkeeper. Quickbooks & payroll experience a MUST. Send resume to: box 194, c/o The Sheridan Press, PO Box 2006, Sheridan, WY 82801 SHERIDAN COUNTY Justice Office is accepting resumes for the position of Drug Court Probation Officer. A bachelor's degree in criminal justice or related field field is preferred. Send resume & references to SCJO 41 W. Whitney Sheridan, WY 82801 LOOKING FOR a F/T housekeeper for Candlewood Suites Apply in person at 1709 Sugarland Drive. THE SHERIDAN PRESS ROCKY MOUNTAIN Exteriors is hiring immediately experienced Siding/Gutter Installers, top pay DOE. Call 751-6500. Lost & Found LOST ACCORDION file case at Washington Park, early Sept. Contents: old stocks and envelope with valuable personal doc's bering name/SSN. Mega reward 674-7236 84 East Ridge Road Dogs Real Estate FSBO: PRICED for quick sale. 1341 Dana, 4 bdrm, 1 1/2 bath, tri-level, 6600 sq. ft. lot. $146,000. 674-4138 or 752-4288 Autos-Accessories FOR SALE Ford 5000 Diesel Tractor w/ front end loader & blade. Ford 3000 Diesel w/ brush cutter, post hole digger & log splitter 674-7598 PRIME RATE MOTORS Installs B & W GN Hitches, 5th Wheel Hitches, CM Flatbeds, Krogman Bail Beds, We're also Buying Vehicles of all ages! Stop by 2305 Coffeen Ave. or Call 674-6677 B5 These Animals are Available at the Dog & Cat Shelter Cats “Apache”, 6 yr. old, NM, black & silver, Aussie mix “Anna”, 2 yr old, SF, black & white, Boston terrier mix “Daisy”, 2 yr. old, SF, black & white, Border collie mix “Miles”, 2 yr. old, NM, black, Retriever mix “Bozeman”, 4 yr. old, NM, brown & tan, Chow Chow mix “Marty”, 4 yr. old, NM, gold, Catahoula mix “Digit”, 3 yr. old, SF, tan & white, Terrier mix “Benny”, 3 yr. old, NM, black, Retriever mix “Dallas”, 7 yr old, NM, black, Retriever mix “Anastasia”, 2 yr. old, SF, gray, DMH “Belle”, 6 mo. old, SF, gray & black, DSH “Bianca”, 1 yr. old, SF, gray & white, DSH “Cali”, 2 yr. old, SF, brown & white, DSH “Franny”, 2 yr. old, SF, black & sliver, DSH “Steve”, 7 mo. old, SF, black & white, DMH “Balboa”, 2 yr old, NM, gray & white, DSH “Coyote”, 3 yr. old, NM, black, DMH “Darby”, 5 yr. old, NM, black & white, DSH DSH = domestic short hair DMH = domestic medium hair DLH = domestic long hair NM = neutered male • SF= spayed female We have 22 dogs, 53 cats, and 6 kittens up for adoption!! Come up and see what we have for you! Please bring your aluminum cans either to our Can Hut just inside the Shelter gates or to our can trailer at Scotty’s Skate Castle. Recycling proceeds are used to care for the animals.Thanks for your support. REMOVAL OF junk vehicles from property for free 307-620-5860 Garage Sales BEST OUT West is at it again! Semi annual indoor garage sale. Cleaning out the old to make room for new Christmas items. Starting Nov. 4 Mon-Sat, 9-5 109 N. Main St. 674-5003 CLAS S IFIED A D VER TIS IN G R EPR ES EN TATIVE The Sheri dan Press i s looki ng fora Fu ll-Tim e Cla s s if ied Ad vertis ing M a na ger tojoi n ourteam . Q u a lif ica tio ns : DID YOU LOSE YOUR PET? Call The Press at 672-2431 • Excepti onalcustom erservi ce ski lls • Strong telephone/recepti oni stski lls • Excellenttypi ng,spelli ng and readi ng ski lls • Superi orattenti on todetai l • Abi li ty tom ulti -task • Above average com puterabi li ti es • Proven record ofbei ng responsi ble and reli able Benefi tpackage i ncludes vacati on,profi tshari ng,m edi cal, dentaland vi si on,and m ore.Hours are 8am – 5pm , Monday – Fri day. Send Resume to: The Sheri dan Press P. O.Box2006 Sheri dan,W Y 82801 PICKLES FOR RENT! What to check when searching for a rental: • Does the outside appear to be in good condion? • What are the neighbors/neighborhood like? • Are the locks good quality and secure? • What condion is the paint on the inside? Are there signs of flaking paint or infestaons? • Is there central heang/air condioning? • Is there enough storage space for your belongings? • Are there any leaks in the kitchen or bathroom sinks? • What condion are the kitchen appliances in? Is there everything you need? • Are the windows sealed well and do they have locks? • Are there enough smoke alarms? Do they work? • How much is the rent and what is included? • What other bills are there and what are you liable to pay for? • How much of a deposit is required and what are the condions for the landlord to return the deposit to you? NON SEQUITUR JANRIC CLASSIC SUDOKU Fill in the blank cells using numbers 1 to 9. Each number can appear only once in each row, DPMVNOBOEYCMPDL6TFMPHJDBOEQSPDFTTFMJNJOBUJPOUPTPMWFUIFQV[[MF5IFEJGmDVMUZ level ranges from Bronze (easiest) to Silver to Gold (hardest). Rating: BRONZE Solution to 11/9/13 © 2013 Janric Enterprises Dist. by Furniture OFFICE FURNITURE for sale; desk w/chair, 2 drawer filling cabinet & 2 sitting chairs. 752-0623 11/11/13 THE SHERIDAN PRESS MONDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 2013 © 2013 by Vicki Whiting, Editor Snails hatch from eggs as teeny, tiny snails. As they grow, the shell grows, too. Jeff Schinkel, Graphics Vol. 29, No. 49 Are yyou an eagle-eyed reader? Circl Circle the seven errors in the articl article below. Then, rewrite it corre correctly. Snails don’t live just in gardens. They can also be found in ponds and even in the ocean. They are related to oysters, clams and even octopuses. They are part of the group of animals with soft bodies known as mollusks. Whi snails are considered While destr destructive pests to almost ever everyone with a garden, in in th they’re natural envi environment they perform an im important function. Snai Snails feed on decaying plan plants, recycling them and creating nutritious new soil for a knew generation of plant life. Most snails that destroy our prized petunias come to our gardens as silent, slimey stowaways. Hiding under a leave of a plant sold in garden centers, shiped from other parts of the world, snails arrive and thrive in home gerdens just about everywear. A snail’s eyes are at the end of its long tentacles. The short tentacles are for smelling. Snails slide along the flat part of their body, called the “foot.” Snails make a trail of silvery slime. This helps them to slide up walls and even crawl upside down. Snails breathe through a hole near their shell. If the weather turns very cold or very dry, a snail pulls into its shell and waits for the cool, damp weather it loves. It fills up the opening of its shell with a mucus-like slime, that hardens into a snug door. How many snails can you find on this page? Help this snail find its way to the Snail Motel. You can make a comfy motel and invite some snails for a visit. Look for snail visitors under rocks and leaves. Circle one snail on this page each time you read 2 column inches of the newspaper. Can you circle all of the snails before the week is out? 1. Partially fill a large jar with moist soil. 2. Add a piece of chalk, some leaves, grass, and chunks of bark. End 3. Give the snails lettuce and cabbage leaves to eat. 4. Keep the jar covered with a piece of nylon stocking or window screen. 5. Keep the Snail Motel in a shady place. Standards Link: Reading Comprehension: Read for a variety of purposes. The snail has a latin name that means “a belly-footed animal.” Use the code to find out what this name is. A= D= F = G= H= N= O= P = R = S = T = U= 6. Twice a week replace the old soil and food. Standards Links: Reading Comprehension: Follow multiple-step written directions Draw a circle on a large piece of paper. Draw a small circle inside the 17 + 6 + 9 large circle. Put two snails or more in the small circle and watch to see which one slides out to the large circle first. 28 - 6 + 12 Do the math to see which snail will win the race. Highest number wins! 42 - 11 + 5 9+9+9 Standards Link: Math: Compute sums and differences. SNAILS TENTACLE OCEAN WINDOW SLIME CHALK WEATHER SMASH SHELL LETTUCE MOIST TRAIL MOTEL SCREEN CHUNKS Find the words in the puzzle. Then look for each word in this week’s Kid Scoop stories and activities. C H U N K S T W I Standards Link: Spelling: Spell grade-level words correctly. T E S D S C R E E N S C A T H A E L A E I U M W I M C S T N O T S L I A N S H C M T A L T N H I E H L E S N E E D A R A L L E L L S N O W L S T I L E T O M W K E Standards Link: Letter sequencing. Recognized identical words. Skim and scan reading. Recall spelling patterns. This week’s word: MUCUS The noun mucus means a slimey substance found in the mouth and nose. The snail left a mucus-like trail across the cabbage leaf. Try to use the word mucus in a sentence today when talking with your friends and family members. Snails for Sale! Study the ads in today’s newspaper. Rewrite one to sell snails. Include three opinions and three facts. Use this page to gather snail facts. Standards Link: Reading Comprehension: Understand fact and opinion; Writing Applications: Revise writing; Write brief descriptions. ANSWER: Your shadow. B6 Finish this sentence and then write five details about your home. Teacher name: _____________________________ School name:_______________________________ NIE is a national, non-profit service that provides teachers with free local newspapers and materials for use in the classroom. We partner with local businesses and organizations to underwrite the cost of classroom subscriptions. If you teach in a accredited school. K college, and would like to receive The Sheridan Press in your classroom please send in the form at the right. Return form to: The Sheridan Press Attn: NIE P.O. Box 2006 Sheridan, Wy 82801 or fax to 672-7950 For more information call 672-2431 Grades taught:___________ Phone:____________ E-mail:_____________________________________ Number of papers wanted Mon ___ Tues ___ Weds ___ Thurs___ Fri___ MONDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 2013 OUR VETERANS THE SHERIDAN PRESS C1 THE SHERIDAN PRESS | JUSTIN SHEELY Nearly 1,000 flags wave in the wind as part of the Field of Honor display in August at the Sheridan College Campus. The flags were purchased in honor of active military members, veterans and first responders. Proceeds from the display benefitted the Wounded Warrior Project. Veterans Day: Events, ceremonies around nation THE ASSOCIATED PRESS NEW YORK: WOMEN IN SERVICE The U.S. military’s first female four-star general will be a grand marshal at New York City’s Veterans Day Parade. Gen. Ann E. Dunwoody retired last year after a 37-year Army career. Organizers of the parade up Fifth Avenue have renamed it America’s Parade. The commemoration will include a wreath-laying ceremony at the Eternal Light Monument in Madison Square Park. WASHINGTON, D.C.: TUSKEGEE AIRMEN The District of Columbia will honor two of the original Tuskegee Airmen with the Congressional Gold Medal for Veterans Day. Washington Mayor Vincent Gray and congressional delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton will lay a wreath at the African American Civil War Memorial. A commemoration will follow for two Tuskegee Airmen who are D.C. residents at the African American Civil War Museum. The Tuskegee Airmen were a group of African-American pilots in World War II. VIRGINIA: ARLINGTON NATIONAL CEMETERY President Barack Obama plans the annual wreath-laying at Arlington National Cemetery and will deliver remarks. Obama said in his Veterans Day proclamation that the country’s obligations to those who have served “endure long after the battle ends.” He said their courage, self-sacrifice and devotion represent the American character at its best and he encouraged everyone to honor every service member who has ever worn the country’s uniforms. OKLAHOMA: PRISONERS OF WAR A former prisoner of war will join Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin to dedicate a wall commemorating Vietnam veterans. Fallin and Col. Lee Ellis will give speeches Monday at the dedication of the Vietnam Memorial Wall at Enid’s Woodring Regional Airport. Ellis was a former Vietnam prisoner of war for more than five years with Sen. John McCain. The wall is a smaller replica of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington. C2 THE SHERIDAN PRESS MONDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 2013 MONDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 2013 We Proudly Salute You! Patrick Brantz Sandra Coleman Scott Geary Aaron J. Mader Lieutenant Commander, Coast Guard Warrant Officer 1, Army SSG, Army 2nd Lieutenant, Army Stationed: Schofield Barracks, Hawaii Spouse: Kathy Parents: Steve and Carrie Brantz Stationed: South Korea Parents: Rick and Virginia Coleman Army Engineer Stationed: Fort Hood, Texas Parents: Tim and Rita Geary Taylor Graves Michael Husske Senior Airman, Air Force Airman, Air Force Stationed: Mountain Home AFB, Boise, Idaho Fuels Apprentice Stationed: Ellsworth AFB, South Dakota Andrew Konetzki Christopher J. Bobinchak THE SHERIDAN PRESS Matthew C. Bobinchak A1C, Air Force Seabee Diver, Navy Stationed: Okinawa, Japan Parents: Rick and Debbie Bobinchak Stationed: Virginia Beach, Virginia Spouse: Gwen Parents: Rick and Debbie Bobinchak Matthew Roach Kenneth Barker Staff Sergeant, Army Sergeant, Army Stationed: Puerto-Rico Spouse: Jessica Stationed: Fort Bragg, North Carolina JFK Special Warfare Center Parents: Jim & Alice Roach Stationed: Fort Brag, North Carolina Spouse: Desiree Parents: John and Kathy Barker Brian Inman Alicia Ferries Andrew Ferries William Ferries Sergeant, 10th Special Forces Group, Army Second Lieutenant, Air Force Second Lieutenant, Air Force Stationed: Africa Wife: Kayelyn Butler Stationed: Guam Spouse: Andrew Stationed: Guam Spouse: Alicia Kegan Korpela Robin May (Schubert) SPC, Army Ensign, Navy Master-at-Arms SN, Navy Explosive Ordnance Disposal Technician Stationed: Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD Spouse: Megan Student Naval Aviator Stationed: Naval Air Station, Florida Parents: Mark and Janet Korpela Stationed: Navy Operational Support Center, Montana Parents: Fred and Karen Schubert Amanda E. Patton Grant Ritterbush Shane Sellenrick Captain, Air Force Corporal, Marines CW4, Army Stationed: Eglin AFB, Florida 3rd Assault Amphibian Battalion Ground Radio Repairman Stationed: Camp Pendleton, California Chinook Helicopter Pilot Stationed: Wheeler Army Airfield, HI Parents: Gary and Patti Sellenrick Caytlin Steil Dylan Stookey Chris Wilson A1C, Air Force A1C, Air Force Air Traffic Controller Stationed: Shaw AFB, South Carolina Stationed: Hulburt Field, Florida Parents: Toni and Dudley Stookey 1st Lieutenant, Army National Guard Stationed: Bahrain Parents: Steve & Shannon Kuzara/Jeff Wilson Lieutenant, Navy Stationed: San Francisco ROTC Instructor, UCLA Berkeley C3 C4 THE SHERIDAN PRESS MONDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 2013
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