Why not a sandwich technique?
Why not a sandwich technique?
+ The hypogastric issue: how important is the hypogastric patency? Why not a sandwich technique? Nilo J Mosquera, MD. Endovascular Therapy Area. Angiology and Vascular Surgery Department. Complexo Hospitalario Universitario de Ourense. CHUO. Spain SITE 2013. 8-11 May. Barcelona. Spain. Disclosure Speaker name: Nilo J Mosquera, MD. x I have the following potential conflicts of interest to report: x Consulting: Lombard Medical, Cook Medical, WL Gore, Medtronic, Endologix. Employment in industry Shareholder in a healthcare company Owner of a healthcare company Other(s) I do not have any potential conflict of interest SITE 2013. 8-11 May. Barcelona. Spain. LONDON CARDIOVASCULAR SYMPOSIUM; 28-29 October 2011 EVAR : concerns about pelvic circulation Up to 40% AAA have common iliac disease*. *Ghosh J, Murray D, Paravastu S, et al. Contemporary management of aorto-iliac aneurysms in the endovascular era. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg. 2009;37(2):182-188. n 1. Mehta M, Veith FJ (J Vasc Surg 2001) 2. Razavi MK, DeGroot M (J Vasc Interv Radiol 2000) Unilateral internal ilac occlusion 3. Karch LA, Hodgson K (J Vasc Surg 2000) Complication -‐buttock claudication -impotence -colonic ischemia -spinal ischemia Conclusion Hypogastric preservation seems reasonable all symptoms/complications 12 to 37% 4. Yano OJ, Morrissey N, (J Vasc Surg 2001) 5. Semmens JB, (J Endo- vasc Ther 2006) 1. Arko FR, Lee WA (J Vasc Surg. 2004 ) 2. Dix FP, Titi M Bilateral occlusion Significative Increase in mortality and morbidity Hypogastric preservation is mandatory (Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg 2005) 3. Dorigo W, Pulli R (Eur J Vasc. Endovascular Surg 2007) -colonic ischemia -spinal ischemia Colon and spinal ischemia is directly related to hypogastric patency. SITE 2013. 8-11 May. Barcelona. Spain. LONDON CARDIOVASCULAR SYMPOSIUM; 28-29 October 2011 …EVAR for aorto-iliac aneurysm: Iliac branch devices Now a days this is a regular therapy with great clinical success and mid-term results Authors n Complication/technical success/ Patency FU 10 10%/90%/90% 1-32 months 8 0%/100%/100% 1-14 months 53 6%/94%/89% 14.2 months (mean FU) 64 5.9%/98.4%/98.4% 60 months Initial Experience Malina M, Dirven M (J Endovasc Ther. 2006) Serracino-Inglot F, Bray AE (J Vasc Surg, 2007) Current experience Haulon S, Greenberg RK (Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg, 2007) Donas KP, Torsello G (J Vasc Surg. 2011) Good results mid-term FU SITE 2013. 8-11 May. Barcelona. Spain. …iliac branched endografts ARE a demonstrated powerful approach to many cases. SITE 2013. 8-11 May. Barcelona. Spain. LONDON CARDIOVASCULAR SYMPOSIUM; 28-29 October 2011 But with clear limitations related to anatomy. SITE 2013. 8-11 May. Barcelona. Spain. …summarizing: we should preserve the hypogastric but there are LIMITATIONS (IFU) to implant iliac branch devices: Complex and tortuous anatomies are real contraindications. Most of the patients with indication for iliac branch technique, specially those with big common iliac aneurysm have tortuous anatomy These are somehow complex procedures: advance skills in endovascular therapy are required SITE 2013. 8-11 May. Barcelona. Spain. Sandwich graft technique: an alternative to iliac branch. As proposed initially by Armando Lobato: can be easily applied to iliac branch technique This technique can be performed with standard and more conformable EVAR devices. Less but also complex procedures: mid-experienced groups Less expensive technology. SITE 2013. 8-11 May. Barcelona. Spain. At the literature: two different technical approaches for the same concept. …Double barrell sandwich approach. Initially described by Armando Lobato in 2008-2010, published at Journal Endovascular Therapy February 2011 SITE 2013. 8-11 May. Barcelona. Spain. Sandwich-graft technique (double barrell): the schematics (a) Proximal graft: sealing zone (d) Area calculation: (Πr2) Π1/2a2 = Π1/2b2 + Π1/2c2 Distal graft: connect to external iliac (b) (c) Sandwich segment: 60 mm minimum (d) Free segment: conecting to internal iliac SITE 2013. 8-11 May. Barcelona. Spain. At the literature: two different technical approaches for the same concept. …Modified sandwich approach. Described by our group, published at Tecnicas Endovasculares, November 2010 …priority: external iliac patency. …TAAA technique applied to hypogastric preservation SITE 2013. 8-11 May. Barcelona. Spain. Modified Sandwich-graft technique : the schematics Proximal graft: acting aortic neck Chimney segment providing inflow Sandwich segment: overlapped between grafts Free segment: conecting to internal iliac Distal graft: providing sealing SITE 2013. 8-11 May. Barcelona. Spain. Flexible and conformable grafts. …permit to apply sandwich techniques in patients with unsuitable anatomy for iliac branched devices. SITE 2013. 8-11 May. Barcelona. Spain. Initial and mid-term FU reported. SITE 2013. 8-11 May. Barcelona. Spain. Sandwich technique with AorfixTM endograft: global experience* Groups/Technique n Technical success Freedom for MAE Double barrell Hussain T. North West London Hospitals. NHS trust. London. UK Garcia I. Valdecilla Hospital. Santander. Spain De Blas M. Donosti Hospital. S Sebastian Spain Ciostek Brodnowski Hosp Warsaw. Poland Szopinsky P. Inst of Haematology, Warsaw. Poland Patency Endoleak/AAA related complications FU *Results presented at: 3 100% 100% 100% None/None 1 100% 100% 100% 1 100% 100% 100% None/None 12 months 1 100% 100% 100% None/None 20 months 13 100% 93% 93% None/None 3 years None/None 6 weeks 2 months Modified Sandwich gra: technique *Results presented at: Mosquera NJ et al CHUO Hospital Ourense. Spain 11 100% 91% Good inmediate and mid-term FU results 31 procedures 6 centers 3 countries 91% None/none 6-32 months SITE 2013. 8-11 May. Barcelona. Spain. Sandwich technique endograft:: published experience endograft Author Reference Pub type Mosquera N Técnicas Endovasculares, 2010. Technical report/Case report Lobato A J Endovasc Ther. 2011 Technical report Mosquera N N T Success Patency 1 100% 100% J Cardiovasc Surg (Torino). 2011 Tecnical report/clinical series 4 100% 100% Friedman SG J Vasc Surg. 2011 Technical report/Case report 1 100% 100% Yoshida R Ann Vasc Surg. 2012 Case report 1 100% 100% Ricci C Clinical series 7 100% 100% Hennedige T Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol 2012 Ann Vasc Surg. 2012 Technical report/Case report 2 100% 100% Lobato A J Vasc Surg. 2013 Clinical series 40 100% 93.8% De Rubertis B J Vasc Surg 2012 Clinical series 22 88% 91% Good inmediate and mid-term FU results 78 procedures 7 centers 6 countries. Different grafts: Lombard Medical Aorfix. WL Gore Excluder. Endologix AFX… SITE 2013. 8-11 May. Barcelona. Spain. Modified Sandwich-graft technique: case #1. CASE 1: APRIL 2010 82 years old male >90 mm AAA and iliac aneurysm Extremely complex iliac anatomy and tortuous access vessel (Not a chance for Z-BIS®) SITE 2013. 8-11 May. Barcelona. Spain. Modified Sandwich-graft technique: case #1. Aorfix® bifurcated endograft + Viabahn® (WL Gore): 8 mm diameter, 100+50mm length (120 mm effective length) 1 month FU 24 month FU SITE 2013. 8-11 May. Barcelona. Spain. Modified Sandwich-graft technique: extreme iliac angulation Preoperative 18 month FU SITE 2013. 8-11 May. Barcelona. Spain. Modified Sandwich-graft technique: bilateral sandwich-graft 6 month FU 1 month FU SITE 2013. 8-11 May. Barcelona. Spain. Double barrell Sandwich-graft technique Images courtesy of Dr Tahir Hussain North West London Hospitals. NHS trust. London. UK. Intraoperative 1 month FU SITE 2013. 8-11 May. Barcelona. Spain. Summary: (a) …Sandwich technique is a feasible and (c) (b) (d) safe alternative to iliac branched devices. …flexible and conformable endografts had demonstrated good performance in sandwich technique with both double barrell and modified technique. SITE 2013. 8-11 May. Barcelona. Spain. Conclusions: (a) …sandwich technique results had been (c) confirmed for different grafts by different (b) (d) groups in different countries. …these are initial results, they are quite promising but long term FU is needed. + The hypogastric issue: how important is the hypogastric patency? Why not a sandwich technique? Nilo J Mosquera, MD. Endovascular Therapy Area. Angiology and Vascular Surgery Department. Complexo Hospitalario Universitario de Ourense. CHUO. Spain