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EJL User’s Guide: European Judicial Cooperation in Civil Matters E-Learning plateform EJL User’s Guide Mockup : Caroline Dewaele By : Ghislain Guillaume Photos : ©EJL, CEHJ II Introducing the EJL platform T he EJL project aims at offering to bailiffs in the Eu- Today, the development and the promotion of the plat- and qualitative teaching easily accessible through ( ropean Union, as well as to their staff, an effective an e-learning platform. To reach this goal, a consortium has been created, thus, gathering representatives’ bodies of bailiffs from five different countries, namely: Italy, XX Belgium, XX France, XX Luxembourg, XX Poland, XX form are handled by the European Chamber of bailiffs To date, the platform hosts 7 different modules dealing with some of the legal instruments belonging to the European Judicial Cooperation in civil matters, namely: The European Enforcement Order, XX The European Order for payment, XX The European Procedure for Small Claims, XX The service of documents, XX Maintenance, XX Regulations Brussels I and Brussels I (recast), XX The Brussels II a Regulation. XX The French National School of judges as well as the French National School of Procedure have also provided a precious support. The present user’s guide details, step by step, the way through the legal training. III Access / Connection T he EJL platform is accessible through different means: Through its URL address: XX Through the CEHJ website: XX Choose the language of the platform: English (EN) or French (FR) When connecting for the first time, you must accept the Terms and conditions in order to access to the platform’s content Access the EJL User’s guide as well as the introductive video The French bailiffs will receive their « Login » and « Password » by email. The bailiffs from the other EU Member states can ask for their « Login » and « Password » by cliking on « Contact » on the Home page and filling the form Any question or difficulty can be raised directly via the following email address: EJL User's Guide IV Saving your personal details C lick on « My account » then on « Edit my profile » to modify your personal details: last name, first name, office, email… Beware, the email address that you provide will be the one used for the automatic sending of your successful attendance certificate. You can modify your account details by clicking on "Edit my profile" You can also modify your password, choose the language in which you want to follow your training and add a profile picture. EJL User's Guide //Saving your personal details V You will also have to choose the language in which you want to follow the training: 23 official languages of the European Union are available This email address will be the one used for the automatic sending of the successful certificate of attendance For each modified section, click on "OK" to validate the change made EJL User's Guide VI Course selection in the catalogue E JL proposes a catalogue, which comprises 7 legal trainings having all as to their objects the European instruments of judicial cooperation in civil matters. Each proposed course contains a description (summary, quiz language, in- troductive video, table of content, number of training hours validated), which is accessible by clicking on « Learn more ». Click on the chosen category to see the affiliated legal training. To come back to the overall categories, click again on "Catalogue" Register freely to the course(s) you are interested in by clicking on "Start now" EJL User's Guide //Course selection in the catalogue VII For the following languages, you can select the language in which you wish to pass the quizz (English or French): German, Italian, Dutch and Polish. Choose the language in which you wish to pass the quizz: English (EN) or French (FR) EJL User's Guide VIII Legal training U Once you are registered, you have to go to « Courses » in order to start the training to which you just registered or any other training to which you are already registered. For each course, you have access to your quizzes' scores as well as to the date you connected lastly. You can also access the courses available through the categories they belong to. You have an unlimited access to the courses you are registered to Click to access the training you wish to start The legal trainings are all conceived with the same pattern: you start by a quiz to test your level, XX then, you will be able to access the interactive e-Book, which will enable you to improve your skills on a selected Eu- XX ropean regulation while being able to take notes and highlight the relevant part of the course, finally, you pass a final exam to evaluate your level. XX EJL User's Guide //Legal training IX If you succeed to the final exam, you will automatically receive a successful attendance certificate on the email ad- XX dress you indicated in « My account ». Click to see the introductive video, the summary, a short table of content, the quiz language and the number of hours that the legal training validates 1. Initial quiz: test your knowledge You must answer 20 questions dealing with the chosen course. These questions are randomly selected within our database. Once you have answered the questions, you will be able to see your score as well as the justifications of the expected correct answers. You will then be able to access the e-Book. EJL User's Guide X EJL User's Guide //Legal training 2. E-Book: Improve your knowledge by interactive means The e-Book is an interactive document, which contains a general part extracted from the official documents of the European Union and specific parts (EU Case-Law, Domestic applications of the regulations in Belgium, France, Italy, Luxembourg and Poland). An interactive table of content is also available in order to ease the browsing through the course. By clicking here, you make appear or disappear the interactive table of content By clicking here, you can browse easily through the course The blue parts are dedicated to specific modules. The flags indicate the country which specificities are being addressed In yellow, the text you underlined. You can also write notes. By clicking on the icon representing a telescope, located on the right hand side of the screen, you will be able to see the notes you have written. They are classified according to the chapter to which they belong thanks to anchors. Thus, by clicking on it, you will automatically be directed to the note’s location within the course. EJL User's Guide //Legal training XI You also have access to visuals (Mindmaps and tables) picturing an aspect of the course or summarizing it. You only have to click on the icon. Click on it to zoom on the content Access the video in which our experts develop a specific point of the course Access the visuals (Mindmaps and tables) Furthermore, by clicking on the roll, you access videos where our experts address specific aspects of the chosen course. EJL User's Guide XII EJL User's Guide //Legal training 3. Final exam: test your knowledge and validate hours of training Once you finish reading the e-Book, you must answer 20 questions randomly selected within our database. These questions address issues that were dealt with in the e-Book. The final exam and the initial quiz look alike (cf. printed screen, p. IX). To be successful you must obtain at least 60% of good answers. You can pass the exam as many times as necessary. 4. Quiz correction Whether or not you succeeded to the exam, you are automatically directed towards the correction page where you will be able to see you answers, the expected answers and, in green, the explanation when you correctly answered the question, and, in red, the explanation of the expected answer. XIII Successful Attendance Certificate I f you obtain 60% of good answers, the system automatically generates an attendance certificate, which enables you to validate hours of mandatory training. It is sent at the email address you have indicated in your personal details. EJL User's Guide XIV Reporting A t anytime, you can access the data in relation to the courses you followed by cliquing on « Reporting ». That is to say the quiz answered, the number of attempts, the best score obtained, the time spent to answer as well as a link to the answers you provided and their corrections. Click here to access your answers and the related corrections XV EJL partners Members of the EJL Consortium: Associazione Ufficiali Giudiziari in Europa (Italy) Chambre nationale des huissiers de justice de Belgique (Belgium) Chambre nationale des huissiers de justice de France (France) Chambre nationale des huissiers de justice du Grand Duché de Luxembourg (Luxembourg) Krajowa Rada Komornicza (Poland) Ecole Nationale de Procédure (France) Partenaire associé : l’Ecole Nationale de la Magistrature (France) Contact Feel free to contact us at the following email address, should you have any query: The European Chamber of Bailiffs is in charge of both the sustainability and the development of the EJL Project The EJL Project is co-funded by the European Union EJL User's Guide
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