Spring 2013


Spring 2013
Spring 2013
A Motor City Viper Owners Publication
In This Edition:
President’s Corner
Spring Coming out of Storage Tips
Winter Party
Beat the Winter Blah’s Cruise Nights
Maurice Liang’s Book Signing
Featured license Plate
Prefix Tour
Ligenfelter Collection
CEMA Car Show
Motor City VIPER Owners
An MCVO Publication
Co-Editors: Joanne & Ted Gray
Motor City VIPER Owners
Spring 2013 Volume 18—Issue 2
P.O. Box 311 , Bloomfield Hills, MI. 48303
MCVO Officers are listed below, with phone
numbers & e-mail addresses.
Please contact viper@mcvo.net if you have a question
or comment on club activities.
“It looks like nice weather has arrived in Michigan”… as I read the
President’s column it is SNOWING, after a thunderstorm last night
and 70 degrees and sunshine yesterday! The fact of the matter, we
never really know what kind of weather we are going to get in
Michigan. You know they saying: “You don’t like the weather; wait
a few hours and it will change.” In the meantime, our Vipers are still
parked in the cozy garage.
Did you know this is the Chinese Year of the Snake? This is OUR
year!!! 2013 Vipers are being delivered, (they are, aren’t they,
Bill?)! We had 37 events last year and it looks as if there will be
even more this year. More opportunities for track events, more
cruising, more showing off your snake, more time to socialize…
check out the calendar….once you schedule the club events and
pencil in time with your family, your summer will be full!
We are seeing new faces which are great for the club. There are
some new events and changes to some of the annual ones. The Wine
tour will be back this year—I’m sure many people missed that one.
Check out the motorsports article-Sam has plans for quite a few
events. A new event , Concours d’Elegance will be held the last
Sunday in July. The Vipers will have special parking. Sign up soon
for this one since we don’t know how many spots we will ultimately
have and could fill up suddenly. Don’t forget the CEMA show on
June 8th. The Museum (which is officially closed) will be open that
day for all attendees.
Still waiting to hear what event you would like to see on the MCVO
calendar. What event would you like to see? What would you like to
do? A car event or a social event? How does a beer tour sound?
Similar to the Wine Tour, but in the Grand Rapids-Kalamazoo area.
We want to hear from you—leave comments on the Facebook page
(Motor City Viper Owners) to get a conversation started, or email
any board member, or come to the Board meetings held on the
second Wednesday every month.
(248) 588-1313
Jesse Hackney
Vice President
(248) 674-5875
Ted Gray
(248) 729-8595
Mike Kelly
Membership Director
(248) 628-1790
Bob White
Motorsports Director
Sam Milana
Social Director
(248) 588-1313
Maureen Hackney
Apparel Director
(248) 628-1790
Sandi White
Newsletter Co-Editors
Joanne & Ted Gray
(248)674-5875 purple19gray@aol.com, carmaker@aol.com
(248) 628-1790
Sandi White
Web Director
(248) 553-3093
Zach Thompson
Club Advisor
(313) 806-7331
Jim Bielenda
- Upcoming Events May 2013
15th—Cruise Night #1, Bull Frogs, Ortonville, MI
18th—MVCO Day at Lapeer Dragway
31st-June 2—Escanaba Fun Run
June 2013
8th—CEMA Car Show, Chrysler Museum, Auburn Hills, MI*
9th—AROC/MCVO Autocross at Oakland University
12th—Membership Meeting-Kerby’s Koney Island,
Woodward & Square Lake
19th—Cruise Night #2
22nd—MCVO road Rally
July 2013
10th—Membership Meeting-Kerby’s Koney Island,
Woodward & Square Lake
17th—Cruise Night #3, Zukey Lake Tavern , Pinckney, MI
21st—Autiocross & BBQ, Chrysler Chelsea PG
28th—Concours d’ Elegance, St. Johns, Plymouth, MI
(MCVO Corral)
August 2013
14th—Membership Meeting-Kerby’s Koney Island,
Woodward & Square Lake
15th—Woodward Dream Pre-Cruise Party
17th—Woodward Dream Cruise*
18th—Family Picnic
23 & 24th—MCVO/Illinois Club Longest Day Competition at
Gingerman and Tire Rack
31st, AROC/MCVO Track Day at Waterford Hills
J oanne and Ted Gray
Photo credits unless noted in the article: Cover by Ted Gray,
Maurice Laing’s book signing by Bruce Heckman, CEMA Show
photo taken by Marc Rozman and provided by Lori Emerling Back
cover photo provided by Ted Gray.
Dates/Events subject to change. Please check the MCVO website for
up to date information. Event of interest not a MCVO Sponsored
Membership in Viper Club of America (VCA) is $115.00, which includes membership in the Motor City Vipers Owners (MCVO). This includes VCA membership cards, subscription to the
Viper Magazine and VCA related discounts, subscription to MCVO SnakeBites and access to all MCVO related events.
SnakeBites & Snake Updates are published by the Motor City Viper Owners Car Club. Subscription is included in the membership fee. Editorial contributions are invited, but we are not responsible for return of
unsolicited materials. Submission of materials implies the right to edit and publish all or in part. The opinions and experie nce of the author of the article does not necessarily reflect Chrysler LLC opinion, recommendation
or approval. Reproduction whole, in part, or by electronic storage of Snake Bites or Snake Update is prohibited without the expressed written consent of the editors of Snake Bites.
Advertising is available in SnakeBites, send a request for a rate card.
Page 2
SnakeBites Vol 18 - Issue 2
May 2013
It looks like the nice weather has finally
arrived in Michigan. All the rain we had in mid
-April washed the salt off the streets so we
should all be Viper ready for the Spring Brunch
(maybe with the exception of the UP).
Membership is going great and we are
keeping pace with last year. We have added a
couple more track events to our schedule
including a drag race event.
The winter cruise nights have been a huge
success. Some nights we have had more than 30
members enjoying the MCVO fellowship.
We have scheduled over 40 events, including
meetings, for the 2013 year. I have seen many
of you at our past events and I hope to see you
at our upcoming events.
Watch for E-mail and check the website,
www.mcvo.net for upcoming events.
removed before starting the engine. Check the
hoses to make sure they are still pliable, but not
spongy. Check the serpentine accessory drive
belt for signs of cracks or fraying and proper
When starting the vehicle back up after short
term storage (winter), remove all your covers,
bags over pipes, intakes, humidity bags (pans of
charcoal), make sure the battery is fully charged
and check all fluid levels (Engine Oil,
Antifreeze, Brake fluid, Hydraulic Clutch
fluid). Place the vehicle in neutral and if
possible roll it out of its hibernating spot, set the
parking brake and look at the floor for signs of
fluid leaks. A coolant leak would typically be
green, unless the vehicle has a newer coolant
that comes in a few different colors. A
transmission leak or power-steering leak
typically would show red fluid, brake fluid may
look like dirty water and a differential leak
would be a dark-colored fluid. It is pretty
normal on Gen I & II vehicles to have a small
anti-freeze spot under the engine from the long
months of inactivity as the spring clamps on the
hoses have a tendency to relax over time and
can seep fluid.
Refer to your Service
you may have a leak or a bad master cylinder.
Let the vehicle idle until it reaches operating
temperature. Wait till you hear the cooling fan
cycle. This confirms the fan runs and you’re at
proper operating temperature. Shut the engine
down and check for leaks. Again move the car
forward and check for any signs of leaks on the
ground. Before pulling out of the driveway,
have a helper check the exterior lights for you.
Make sure the horn, headlights, brake lights,
turn signals and flashers are operable. Safety
Bring your cell phone and a fire
extinguisher just in case. (It is a good idea to
have a high-quality fire extinguisher in the
vehicle anyway). Drive around town for a half
hour or so, watching the gauges the entire time.
Pay attention to any noises, hesitation, rattles or
anything out of the ordinary. Make a note, as
you will want to check these issues when you
return home. When starting to drive, remember
your tires are cold, so no deep throttle
applications until they warm up, travel the first
mile or so at slower speeds and keep the revs
low till things warm up. Again test the brakes
before you get on the highway. The disks may
have some rust spots unless your car was stored
Spring Coming out of Storage Tips
By Jim Bielenda
Out of Storage Checklist:
Well the weather is getting warmer and
spring has sprung so it’s time to think about
getting the Viper out!
Don’t forget to adjust air pressure on the tires
down to 29 PSI or spec for your vehicle before
driving and observe the inflation pressure prior
to adjustment (assuming you raised it for
storage). Are all tires equal or is one low?
Could be a slow leak that’ll require watching.
Look at the tires, especially if they are over 6
years old. Check the side walls for signs of
cracking (dry rot) and look at the value stem for
signs of cracks and its flexibility. You would be
amazed at how the value stems, especially if
they have been changed from the original OEM,
show signs of the rubber cracking after just a
few short years. Make sure they are flexible by
physically bending them a little. Check under
the hood to make sure no “critters” have or had
taken up residence over the winter. Any leaves,
twirly birds or remnants of a nest etc., should be
May 2013
Figure 1
Manual. (See figure 1)
After the initial cranking of the engine, plug
the ASD relay back in and start the engine. The
reason for placing the vehicle in neutral is that
when you push in the clutch to place the vehicle
in gear, you check out if the clutch plate has
seized to the flywheel over the winter (highly
unlikely for short term storage, but could be an
issue on long term storage). Check your brakes
by pushing down on the brake pedal and see if
it has a good feel, then spike and hold it to see if
pressure stays built up or if the pedal slowly
sinks to the floor. If the pedal sinks to the floor
Vol 18 - Issue 2
in a sealed bag or low moisture area, the
grinding noise will go away after the first few
stops. Once home, recheck the fluid levels and
repair any issues that may have been found. If
the oil wa not changed before storing the
vehicle… shame on you, but if not, now is the
time to do it. How long has it been since have
other fluids were changed in your Viper? Is the
car raced at the track? Answers to these
questions will determine if changing of the
brake fluid is needed (is it clear or dark in
color?) Draining, flushing and refilling the
coolant system is also a good idea if it’s been
Page 3
over 2 or 3 years. Transmission, differential
and power steering fluid can usually go about
three to five years before needing to be
changed, unless the vehicle is used in
competition. Dispose of any old fluids at a
reclaiming center/quick lube center etc, Check
the spare tire air pressure if equipped. If your
Viper came with the sealant can and air
compressor, make sure the compressor works.
As another precaution/service maintenance,
place the vehicle on a lift or jack stands and
grease all of the chassis points that have a zirk
fitting. Check for damaged boot seals. One can
never be too safe in your garage, and having a
friend’s help is a good idea in case of an
emergency. Check steering components, rubber
grommets, and exhaust condition, etc. Make
sure that everything is intact and appears as it
should. Look at the drive shaft, half shafts and
rear axle seals for signs of leakage. If all of the
above checks out, chances of having a great
upcoming driving season will be much better.
Now is a good time to do a thorough wash/
wax/detail of the car. This gives a chance to
check the body for any new blemishes or rust,
or issues that are now showing up. Check the
battery tray and rear fascia area for signs of
battery acid contamination. Clean and repair as
needed. Vacuum the interior, and utilize your
favorite protectant on the leather, dash, etc.
Realize that you are driving 400-600+
horsepower. Take it easy until your reacquaint
yourself with what it takes to drive a Viper.
You don’t want to be bitten on your maiden
voyage. Also make sure the proper plate with
current sticker is on the vehicle along with your
registration and proof of insurance.
who live in the greater Detroit area. One of our
newest members joined us – Tim Updyke who
purchased his Viper from Bill and Diane.
The evening began with hellos and hugs
since many hadn’t seen each other since last
After a visit to the bar, the prize
have dropped a hundred tickets in the chafing
dish bucket. However, a better prize came
along and she abandoned that dish quickly even
though her number came up again and again.
Finally, all prizes were given away and
everyone (every car) had won.
Many hands contributed to taking down
decorations and cleaning up so it went quickly.
Goodbyes and “see you at brunch” were said
and another great event was in the books.
Thank you Maureen for all the work you do to
make the Winter Party a fun event!
By: Maureen Hackney
table received close inspection as everyone
tried to decide which bucket would get their
raffle tickets.
The tables were loud as people kept winning
(or losing?); Frank ran
the horses without Bill’s
help since he was busy
serving drinks. Bill had
a special apron—maybe
that helped keep the
drinks coming?
At the end of the
night, Maureen was
kept quite busy with
exchanging chips for
raffle tickets.
Winter Party 2013
By Joanne Gray
Our annual winter party is a Vegas Night
theme and is always held at the Royal Oak Elks
lodge and this year did not disappoint. This is
such a fun event; not sure if it is because of the
open bar, the thrill of winning, or seeing our
friends in the middle of winter. All three were hundreds of tickets! She then had the
task (pleasure?) of drawing tickets for winning
combine to make this a great event.
Friends came from all over; Baz and Anne prizes. A couple of guys won jewelry which
they wisely kept-one guy kept it the first time
but the second time his number was drawn for
car related prize, he could not resist. No word
on how the drive home went. :-0
Another, who shall remain nameless, must
Cruise nights have continued throughout the
winter and they have all been well attended
which tells us that members just want to enjoy
each other’s company! In January we visited
the Moose Preserve on Woodward in
Hills and we
had 24 in
front of the
there was lots
and of course
their signature
chip cookies
of the club.
In February
we went to
in Troy which
is owned by
people as Moose Preserve. We had our own
private room and 14 joined us to enjoy the
evening which again ended with warm
chocolate chip cookies (do we see a trend
here?). March had us at the Rochester Brewery
for another great evening of fun. We again had
our own private room and 24 attended to enjoy
some really good food and camaraderie. April
will have our last of the winter Blah’s cruise
nights and in May we will kick off the summer
cruise nights with our old favorite Bullfrogs in
Lake Orion. If you haven’t had a chance to
join us, come on out and have some fun!
from Wisconsin, Bill and Diane from Ohio,
Kim and Frank from up north, Sue and Steve
from even farther up north, Robert and Mariann
from southwest Michigan and the rest of us
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SnakeBites Vol 18 - Issue 2
May 2013
By Bruce Heckman
The Viper community certainly had an exciting event during the first weekend of the Detroit International Auto Show in January. Maurice Liang had a signing party for his new book
at Pasteiner’s Auto Zone Hobbies, the auto
enthusiast’s store on Woodward Avenue in
Birmingham. Entitled SRT Viper: America’s
Supercar Returns, the book is a well written
and an illustrated description of the behind the
scenes story of the creation of the Gen V Viper.
Maurice was given unprecedented access and
his glossy hard cover book gives the reader
photos and insights that have never been revealed before.
The store was crammed all day with Viper
lovers from all over the country. Approximately 37 MCVO members attended the event.
Some even drove their Vipers in the January
weather! Most purchased a copy of Maurice’s
book and secured his autograph. But what
made the event even more exciting was that it
was attended by many of the current and original Viper development team members. Book
owners were able to get the signatures of several legendary figures from Viper history, both
past and present. The room was full of antidotes, war stories, and the camaraderie born of
automotive pioneers who knew that they had
been involved in something very special and
successful. If you were a Viper fan, you were
in heaven.
Maurice should be congratulated for producing such an outstanding book. And Chrysler/
SRT should also be congratulated for supporting the effort. The book can be purchased at
Barnes & Noble, Amazon, Auto Zone Hobbies
and other book sources. However, MCVO
members will have a chance to secure a copy at
our Spring Brunch. The book will be the focal
point of the table centerpieces this year – be
sure to attend and see if you can win one.
May 2013
By Sam Milana
Let me start by saying I’m honored to take
over the Motorsports Director’s position from
outgoing director Jerry Carrico. Jerry has been
the Motorsports Director since 2011 and his
hard work and dedication to the club has been
greatly appreciated. Thank you Jerry.
When I purchased my 1994 Viper back in
2011, the previous owner told me “be sure to
join the VCA, you’ll really enjoy the Motor
City Club they are a wonderful group of people”. No words could ever be truer. My wife
Angelika and I have been treated like family
from the very first event we attended. Like
many of you, I fell in love with the concept
Viper at the Detroit Auto Show in 1989 and
have wanted one ever since. When I decided to
buy a 1st generation Viper my expectation was
for it to be a fair weather Sunday driver. I never
thought I’d be driving 600 miles on a Wine
Tour or 1500 miles for a VOI, but I did and
loved every minute of it. The biggest surprise
of all has been how much I’ve enjoyed the motorsports. Last summer’s Autocross event at
the Chelsea Proving Grounds was my first exposure to the motorsports. I was very apprehensive about doing a motorsport event, and
some of you may feel the same way. First of all
it’s a timed event and I was afraid as a novice I
wouldn’t fit in. Secondly, I thought it might be
too hard on my car. I was totally wrong on
both accounts. My first run around the course
was slow and easy, getting a feel for the course
and how the car handled. I realized that I wasn’t the only newbie and didn’t feel out of place
at all. My times improved with every new run
and the car was being driven the way it was
designed to be. What I really enjoyed about the
autocross was you could drive your Viper as
slow and easy as you wanted or push it to the
limits and beyond as was the case on some
members runs. Either way, you’re driving in a
safe environment with no obstructions in the
event of a spin-out.
For the members who attended VOI12 in
Charlotte last September, not only were we in
Viper nirvana, we were also treated to some
amazing motorsport events. We drove on the
Charlotte Motor Speedway, drag raced on the
zMax four lane drag strip, and auto crossed on
two separate courses. Not to mention the other
driving activities such as: SRT track experience, go carting, and a test drive in the 2013
SRT Viper.
This year we will be teaming up with the
Illinois Viper Club as well as the Alfa Romero
Owner Club (AROC) to offer our members
multiple driving events to choose from
throughout the summer. So as we enter into the
2013 driving season, don’t forget to mark your
calendar for this summer’s motorsports events.
SnakeBites Vol 18 - Issue 2
We will kick off the motorsports season on
May 18th with a drag racing event at the Lapeer International Drag way. This is a test and
tune event. The gates open at 11am and racing
starts at 12 noon. The cost of the event is $10
per person payable to MCVO which includes a
$10 food voucher for lunch at the track. Gate
admission is $25 per car/driver and $10 per
passenger. You will be given a $15 refund per
car at the track to offset the cost of admission.
Registration ends on May 13th. For members
attending this event I would highly recommend
going to www.lapeerdragway.com and read the
“Rules” page as well as the “Racing Tips”
June 9th – MCVO will team up with AROC for
an Autocross at Oakland University
July 21st – MCVO Annual Chelsea Proving
Grounds Autocross where last year’s winners
Graham Henckel, Stephen Tripp, Jeff Lambert,
and Jerry Carrico will be defending their titles.
August 23rd and 24th – MCVO will be joining
the Illinois Club again for their annual Longest
Day Competition at the Gingerman Raceway in
South Haven, MI for the open road course and
at TireRack in South Bend, IN for the autocross. The event description from the Illinois
Club’s web site:
The Longest Day Competition is a very
special blend of two driving disciplines! This
is a great chance to experience all the different driving styles! In this performance driving series you'll be challenged with an open
road course and also a small autocross track
- all compressed into a two day period! One
fun weekend, all the driving you can handle!
Training is available for novices; this is
not just a competitive event, so feel free to
join. Those who want to compete are free to
attend both. Autocross will be judged by
lowest time. Road course time will be judged
by fastest time. The Longest Day winner will
be decided by the best overall score across
both days’ events!
August 31st – MCVO will team up AROC for
Detroit Track Day at Waterford Hills Road
Racing Course.
Keep an eye on the MCVO event calendar
for more information and updates.
Page 5
By Joanne Gray
There are six very specialized paint booths at
Prefix. Some are used for priming only and
This license plate is on Tony and Debbie
Spampinato’s 1995 yellow RT/10 Viper. It, of
course, is the name of Tony’s business, creating
custom Italian leather interiors. For the longest
time, I thought that was Tony’s last name! (many
people still do). Many members have beautiful
interiors from Venzano, us included. For the
past two years Tony has opened up his shop for a
barbecue after the road rally. He usually has a
car or two on display showing off his handiwork
and we are able to get a look at where the magic
happens. If you haven’t seen his shop; ask Tony
for a visit: He is always happy to show off the
shop and his work in progress for the Vipers he
is working on at the time.
By Ted Gray
Prefix Tour
By Ted Gray
Not exactly MECCA for Viper owners but
close. MCVO was able to arrange a tour of
Prefix, the facility where all exterior Viper
parts are painted before being shipped to
Conner Avenue Assembly Plant for production
of a new Gen V Viper. About forty people
were able to meet at the converted K-Mart
building where Prefix performs it’s magic
changing bare Viper panels into the gorgeous
finished painted parts.
The Viper parts as they go through the paint
process are linked together so that there is
assurance that each set is completed exactly
the same providing further insurance that the
finished Viper’s paint is completed matched.
If anyone has ever been to CAAP, one of the
things you might notice, is how slow the
assembly line moves, if even at all during the
tour. Prefix is much the same. Although in
some place there is a lot of activity.
Specifically, the most active area that seemed
to have about sixty people working in it, is the
polishing and buffing area. This is where the
beautiful final finish is brought to life.
The other area that was quite active is the
room where some body panels are taped off for
the application of the stripes. Here is where
one can see the panels in the primed state
before paint is applied.
Page 6
others are used for painting only. One of the
six is reserved for any panels that may need to
be redone, which given the requirements SRT
and Prefix have agreed upon to give GEN V
owners a world class paint is a must. This is
one of area that impressed me the most that is
the attention to detail and the care that these
artists take in every part of the painting
process. According to Eric Zeile, who took
our group on the tour, no other high end
vehicle manufacturer in the world prepares and
finishes their paint like is done at Prefix. It is
truly a world class finish.
If anyone is considering the purchase of a
GEN V, and even if you’re not, I recommend,
if given the opportunity, take a tour of Prefix
to see for yourself the care that is taken in
creating the finish on these great sports cars.
A big thank you goes to Eric Zeile and Eric
Foster for arranging the tour and welcoming
MCVO into their facility.
SnakeBites Vol 18 - Issue 2
MCVO members were given the opportunity
to visit this stable of collector (over twohundred) cars on Saturday, April 20th. Having
been there a few times it is always a bit of
surprise when walking into the collection.
Some of the cars are the same but many are
different and all are in pristine condition. Is it
clear from the cars on display that the owner is
a genuine GM and Corvette fan, although
there are a number of exotics there as well.
Some of the exotics are a Bugatti Veyron,
Ferrari Enzo, and a number of other Ferraris, a
Saleen Supercar, and a few Lamborghinis.
There were many more. The original Corvette
concept car from the early 1950s is the as well.
If MCVO presents the opportunity again
club member who have never been there
should take advantage and go see some
incredible vehicles. Here are a few of the cars
in the collection:
May 2013
(Some of the cars)
The theme of this year’s show is "Muscle
Cars” – Past & Present. This covers vehicles
that have both a “past” and a “present”
version of the same model, for example:
Dodge Challenger or Dart, Chevy Camaro, or
Ford Mustang, etc. If you have one of these
vehicles you wish to have featured in the
show, please register on the CEMA web-site
for special parking. Otherwise, just register
your VIPER. As always, looking for a grand
turn-out of our favorite sports car. One of the
many awards given at the show is Best Sports
Car ( …. Viper !)
Registration is available only through the
website, at www.cemaclub.org.
· The $15 pre-registration fee includes prime
parking with our Viper club, a dash plaque,
and a goodie bag (first 200 pre-paid
· Food will be available for purchase all day.
Great music by DJ “Jammin Jerry.”
· When you register, please note “Motor City
Viper Club” as the car-club affiliation, so we
can all park together.
· Also - note if you want your Viper to be
"judged" - several MCVO members have
taken home awards in the past.
· The deadline for Pre-Registration is
midnight, Saturday, June 1st. You can pay via
PayPal. (Note: Vehicles are always welcome
on day-of-show, but registration will be $20).
CEMA Car Show
Saturday June 8, 2013
By Lori Emerling
Please join the Motor City Viper Owner's at
CEMA's 24th Annual Charity Car Show ! This
is a great local car show, held on the grounds of
the Walter P. Chrysler Museum in Auburn Hills
and sponsored by the Chrysler Employee
Motorsports Association (CEMA). The show is
open to everyone - not just Chrysler employees
and not just Chrysler cars or trucks, or
motorcycles - all makes and models are
welcome. This will be the 14th year that
May 2013
MCVO has participated in the show. Proceeds
from the CEMA show have always been
donated to charity, and this year's charity
affiliation is the American Diabetes Association
and Forgotten Harvest.
As most of you know, the WPC Museum is
slated for closure, and in fact, has been closed
to the public since the end of December 2012.
We are pleased to be on the grounds of the
museum again this year, and we have been
granted access to the museum for one last time
during the CEMA car show. So, if you missed a
visit to the museum before it closed in
December, make sure you attend the car show
on June 8th. All car show attendees will have
free access to the museum during the event.
SnakeBites Vol 18 - Issue 2
Special attractions going on during this
year’s show will be detailed on the CEMA
website. The show runs from 9am to 3pm - Parking of show cars on the museum grounds
start at 8am (and closes at 10am). We will
have the same preferred parking location
reserved for our VIPERS, but everyone still
needs to arrive early and close to the same
time, so we don’t lose any spots - empty
parking spaces get snatched up quickly.......
Any questions, please call Lori Emerling,
Event Coordinator @ 248 822-0172 (h), or email: emerling@mac.com
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