George W. Bush comes to Sarasota


George W. Bush comes to Sarasota
Doenecke's faculty
lecture -page 6
Catalyst Concert
Calendar -page 5
Key check-out
-page 7
Volume XII, Issue 3
Green Party
protest at
Bush rally
By David Savarese
Presidential candidate George W.
. Bush arrived late to the airport rally
last Friday, September 22. His
brother, Florida Governor Jeb Bush
did not arrive at all. Novo
Collegians arrived on time, in great
numbers and with an energy that
could not be quelled - but could be
There were over five thousand
Floridian children and adults sweating together as they waited for Bush
dilemmas of the week. Many were
later taken away in ambulances for
serious dehydration problems that
stemmed from what Governor
George Bush called "warm Florida
Bush flew his jet right into New
College's backyard and approximately 50 students from various
organizations like the Feminist
Majority Leadership Alliance, the
Green Party and the New College
Activist Collective attended the rally
to express their views. These revolutionaries supported their ideals with
potent chanting of phrases such as
"1, 2, 3, 4; We want more than Bush
and Gore. 5, 6, 7, 8; We want Nader
to Debate!" and "George-W-Bush,
Go Away, Racist, Sexist, Anti-Gay!"
Students were also holding signs
that said "[Not] selling democracy to
the highest bidder" and "Open the
Michelle Connor emphasized the
fact that many New College students
oppose the current power of
America's dual-party authority by
stating that many want to "get away
from the two party system, and
choosing between the lesser of two
evils." Many students consider
Governor George Bush one of these
in which there is a lot of bush
September 27, 2000
George W. Bush comes to Sarasota
by Ben Ruby and Ryan McCormick Price, Esq.
This past Friday, September 22, the supporters of the
Republican party in Sarasota and Manatee counties gathered at ~ private airfield owned by Dolphin Aviation to
await an appearance by Presidential candidate and governor of Texas George W. Bush. Governor Bush is in the
midst of a whistlestop tour of the larger voting blocs of
the contiguous United States in his enormously long private jet, and his stop at the Sarasota-Manatee airfield was
just part of his quest to cement his Florida vote before an
extended tour of California. Anticipation was high for
this speech, and security for the governor's arrival (along
with First Lady . of Texas Laura Bush and longtime
Florida Senator Connie Mack) was airtight. A long line
of anxious Bushamaniacs stretched along a span of
chain-link fence, spilling back into the parking lot of
Dolphin Aviation's main office. Airport security personnel, Sheriffs officers and state troopers stood at various
and Secret Service men (or men in dark
squad on a black platform facing the stage. The placement of the cameras so close to the stage caused some
consternation among the ardent Republican supporters
crowded in front of the press box; when an event official
asked those holding signs to trade them in for small patriotic pom-poms so as to keep them from blocking the
cameras, a howl of protest went up. Various Bush enthusiasts shouted that the network cameras should be
blocked Adrian Caraceni, one of the most vibrant and
vocal GOP fans at the event, called out, "They [the networks] are all biased anyway! It's all Gore, Gore, Gore!
Block 'em! Block 'em out!"
Caraceni, sporting a cheerful yellow pin that advised
whoever read the pin to, "Annoy a liberal: Work hard and
be happy," said that he supported Bush because, "You
can trust what he says, he doesn't lie, he doesn't change
the truth or flip-flop like Gore." Caraceni then proceeded to assert that, "Gore wants to do away with the
internal combustion engine. It's right there in his book,
around the grandstand where Bush was to deliver his
The press box was filled with representatives of publications ranging from The Washington Post to
Alternative Medicine Magazine, and a crowd of camera
crews from the networks were lined up like a firing
sent busloads of students to the event to indicate their
support of Bush's education program. The governor's education reform plan is beautiful in its simplicity,
according to http://www. "Governor
Bush will reform the nation's public schools, as he has in
Texas, which is one of two ~E "BUSH" PAGE 2 I
Endowment from Legislature boosts campus funds
By Kelly Jones
Student life at New College just got better. It's
$40,000 better, to be exact, and all because of an unexpected endowment from the state legislature. What
makes this even more exciting is that the funds are "recurring expenses" which means we get them every year
without fail. Although the endowment is modest, it's
welcome support from the state for campus programs in
dire need of financial assistance. It will bring into action
a variety of enriching student life events ranging from a
themed film series to sponsoring the spiritual community
building of the Interfaith Service Corps.
The new funding is a small portion of the 1.2 million
dollars that we receive annually from USF and the state.
The monies have been dedicated towards five different
sectors of student life. However, specific plans for the
funds are still being developed. Here's the breakdown:
-$5,000 allocated to coordinate diversity education
for programming as well as a new position to manage the
Intercultural/ Gender Studies Collective.
-$5,000 allocated to enhance the New College orientation program, and extend certain orientation events
into the first semester.
-$5,000 allocated to UP to develop an orientation
program similar to the series of events of the New
College orientation agenda.
-$10,000 allocated to support the Student Life
-$15,000 allocated to Student Affairs (separate from
the Student Allocations account)
Some events have already been put into effect. The
Student Life Committee, comprised of Kathy Pak,
Professor John Moore, Mark Blaweiss, Jake Thomas,
and chaired by Kitty Walstrom, has organized and executed a bus trip to Tampa for the presentation by James
Carville and Mary Matalin. The committee is also promoting a film series devoted to political fiction which
began last Thursday, September 21, with Wag the Dog.
In the near future, the committee is working on bringing
Henry Cisneros, former HUD (Human and Urban
Development) secretary for Clinton, to campus. Other,
less concrete plans are being formulated to invite local
political candidates to speak.
Student Affairs has used some of the money to support the Interfaith Community Housing in Goldstein. It
also has other plans focus on bringing entertainment to
New College. Mark Blaweiss said, that currently
Student Affairs is making arrangements to bring in a
hypnotist, a comedian, and musical groups.
These programs provide an interesting extension to
the New College culture; they also could not survive
with out the legislative jumpstart. With such variety
there's something for everyone.
The Catalyst
September 27, 2000
Bush wonders: ''Where has been the vision?"
. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____, states that have made the greatest recent
progress in education. He will close the achievement gap, set high standards,
promote character education, and ensure school safety. States will be offered
freedom from federal regulation, but will be held accountable for results.
Performance will be measured annually, and parents will be empowered
with information and choices."
The students appear to hold their own opinions on Bush's ideology.
Brooke Sunderhaus, an eighth grader from the Sarasota School of Arts and
Sciences, when asked about her opinion of Bush, replied, "I think he's a good
person." Several nearby students nodded their assent. Kindle Baker and
Garret Rubinstein of Prew Academy were less impressed with the event as a
whole. Although Baker said she supported Bush, "because he wants to be
'the Education President,"' neither student was comfortable with the attitude
of many of the elderly people so prevalent at the event. Baker, who along
with Rubinstein had come of their own accord, rather than as part of a class
field trip, indicated that she had been asked why she had bothered to show
up to the event when "she wasn't even old enough to vote". The Prew student exasperatedly stated "It was like, 'Excuse me, I AM eighteen!' They're
mean! They're so mean!" No students present at the rally had any comment
on the potential closing of "the achievment gap".
Not everyone in the crowd found the Bush supporters so mean, however.
Patty Cecil, who lives and works in Sarasota, was considerably more impressed with the campaign. Cecil, who had volunteered to sing the national
anthem at the speech (her performance was later cut from the agenda due to
time constraints) after attending a Republican rally with friends some
months before said, "I've never been involved with anything political before.
The ladies at the headquarters were so nice to me, I just felt I could make a
difference. I think politics really stink. I don't believe in politics. I'm a little person though, and I felt that this was different."
The crowd milled about, building anticipation and keeling over of heatstroke (according to a paramedic interviewed after the event, "at least four
or five people were sent to the hospital with heatstroke and dehydration")
anthems. The melodic plucking of the banj o died away as an unidentified
Bush campaign official mounted the stage to a rousing cheer. He announced
that Bush would be arriving forthwith, and led the crowd in a few spontaneous chants that would be appropriate for the governor's arrival: "Viva
Bush!" and "Dubya Stands For Women!" rang out across the tarmac as the
governor's long, gleaming jumbo jet penetrated Sarasota's airspace to a massive cheer.
The jet first disgorged the National Press Corps (to a cascade of boos
from the assembled Bushophiles), and then Senator Connie Mack and
Governor and Mrs. Bush, who exited the jet to an ever-louder din of applause. After a few opening statements from the venerable Mack, Bush
ascended the podium to massive applause. His opening statement immediately got a free hometown pop from the crowd; "My brother [Jeb] told me a
few folks might show up if I went to Sarasota!" Bush then immediately
laun~hed into his exhortatory, shouting "Vamos a ganar!" and indicating that
Flonda was an absolute lock for the Republican party, an idea to which the
General Editor
Kathryn Dow
Layout Editor
Michael Sanderson
Online Editor
Zak Beck
crowd wholeheartedly assented. Bush went on to demonstrate why Florida
should be a Republican voting state by outlining a few of his key points in
his dramatic, twanged tones. First, Bush covered Gore's proposal to tap into
the Strategic Petroleum Reserves ("meant for a national war") in order to relieve the energy crisis. "Where," over the past seven years of Democratic
administration as the energy crisis built, Bush wondered, "has been the vision?" Bush also swore to increase military morale by boosting military
funding, to reduce costs for prescription drugs for seniors (a proposal which
met with wild enthusiasm), and to restore "honor and dignity" to America
and to the Executive Branch. Again and again, Bush promised to be a leader
for the millenium, and to get rid of the rhetoric that prevents action in "this
generous nation." Bush's promised generosity is to come in the form of a
$450 trillion surplus, which will be divided up to pay. The massive surplus
will pay for Social Security reform and will provide both breaks on inheritance taxes (which Bush referred to as "the death tax"; a tax on inheritances
of $2 million arid above) and a 50% cut in middle-class income tax., Bush
also promised to use the money to reform the Medicare program, The rest of
the trillions will be apportioned off to cover the rest of Bush's plans, particularly insuring that "every child will receive a strong education" and that the
military will be rebuilt by Bush as the strong, new Commander-in-Chief.
This surplus, the governor was quick to point out, was "not the government's
money, but ... the people's money." Bush closed by reminding the crowd
once more that Bush would be a leader who would "trust the people" to
make the right choice before making his way off the stage to the tune of
James Brown's "I Got You (I Feel Good)," shaking hands along the rope line
on his way to the .press bus. Many attendees made an attempt to dance to the
legendary soul tune, with varying degrees of success.
Some supporters seemed surprised by the short speech, which was barely
20 minutes long, while others seemed to think the Governor had not covered
any new ground. Sywi Duomg, who had volunteered for the day, said Bush's
speech, "was OK, but it wasn't really as exciting as I thought it would be."
Ronald and Nancy Aselton, a retired couple that has decided to vote for
s on commen e , ' t ought he was \\
of energy. He wants to be president and we want him to be." Nancy Aselton
said, "I just want him to spell everything out a little clearer."
Unequivocally positive reaction came from Father Daniel Kelly and Lara
Elliot. Elliot said that she supported Bush because, "He is better than Gore
because he expresses himself better than Gore does."
Father Kelly, a retired Roman Catholic priest who attended the speech in
full priestly regalia despite the sweltering humidity, said he "thought it was
terrific. He [Bush] is telling it like it is. He's telling the truth." Kelly added
that many other churchmen feel as he does in their support of Bush, which
may strike some as rather surprising considering that Governor Bush ignored a request for clemency from Pope John Paul II, regarding a
schizophrenic prisoner scheduled to be executed.
Molly Summers, a USF student, attended the rally with her mother.
~ummers, ~ talking about her reaction to Bush's speech, seemed to summanze the feelmgs of most attendees, "I thought it was predictable. He didn't
say anything I wasn't expecting. All in all though, I'm glad I came."
The Catalyst is available on the World Wide Web at
The Catalyst is an academic tutorial sponsored by Professor Maria Vesperi. It is
Max Campbell
developed in the New College Publications
Office using Adobe Photoshop and Quark
for PowerMacintosh and printed at the
Kelly Jones
Bradenton Herald with money provided by the
Advertising Coordinator New College Student Alliance.
Managing Editor
Anna Maria Diaz-Balart
StatT Writers
Darren Guild, Zachary Konkol,
David Savarese, Bill Outlaw,
Gigi Shames, Ben Ruby,
Ryan McCormick Price, Esq.
Direct submissions and inquiries to:
The Catalyst
5700 N. Tamiarni Tr. Box #75
Sarasota, FL 34243
The Catalystreserves the right to edit
submissions for space, grammar or style.
Contributions may range in length from 250
to 500 words. Letters to the Editor should be no
more than 250 words. Submissions should be
labeled as either letters to the Editor or
contributions and include names and contact
Su~mi~sions may be saved to the Catalyst
Contnbut10ns folder in the on the "Public" file
server, printed submissions may be placed in
campus ?ox 75, and all other contributions may
be e-maded to No
anonymous s?b~issions will be accepted.
All submiSSions must be received by 5:00
p.m. Sa!urday in order to appear in the following
week's tssue.
Information about upcoming events is
welcome throughout the week.
... .
.. .
The Catalyst
April Flakne, in the light
By Michael Sanderson
Skokie, Illinois at first would probably strike
most people as a boring place to grow up. But for
~ew Professor of Philosophy April Flakne a nationwide affair in Skokie became a for:Uative
experience. In 1978, the Nazi Party of America
planned a rally in this suburb of Chicago, a home
to many Holocaust survivors. The Nazis' insistence polarized the community and brought legal
battles to the Supreme Court. Flakne was 12.
"That was actually a formative experience for
me ?ecause. then when I went on and developed
my mterest 1? ~ur~pean Philosophy, which is my
area of speciahz~~IOn, I think I was particularly
drawn to the pohhcal aspects and applications of
20th century European Philosophy, and that's
what attracted me to write on Hannah Arendt •·
Flakne told the Catalyst in an interview.
Arendt, the subject of her dissertation at New
School for ~ocial Research in New York, is just
one person m Flakne' research interest . "I've
been fortunate because I'm doing an advanced
se~inar. on Heidegger which is connecting well
which IS my current research which is on
Heidegger and Kant."
"Next semester I'm going to do an ethics class
a general ethics class," she said. As in this semes~
ter, when she offered one introductory level class
and one advanced seminar, "I very much want to
do an advanced on Kant's First Critique, which is
for me, or ~ny European philosopher, the ground
work, the B1ble that everything else
postmodernism; but, "one of the things I want to
figure out about this place is what kind of things
are offered, where. You have offerings out there,
and I want to ftll a need."
"It's a pleasure to teach students who are so curious, curious, intellectually open," she said.
"They're overwhelmed and not afraid of being
overwhelmed - they take it as a challenge."
Research is a priority, but for Flakne, there's no
wall between teaching and scholarship. "Because
September 27, 2000
I have .these talented students, I can explore a lot
of my Ideas through that medium of the seminar."
Even then, "I would like to see more mental space
devoted to [scholarship] as I get more settled in."
Furthermore, when asked about disputes that
have become connected to the very title "continental philosopher," Flakne had nothing negative
to say about other modes of philosophy. "I think
there's thi perception -not just at ew College
but out th~re g~nerally - there's this perception
that analytic philosophers and continental philosophers don't have a lot to talk to each other about
and in fact that's not true." She's auditin~
Professor Aron Edidin 's Philosophy of Language
class, and commented, "It gives Aron and I things
to talk about when we di agree." Furthermore as
she advises students, "If you can talk betw~en
these two schools you· re in a much better position
than if you just study one or the other."
After. Skokie, Flakne attended Augustana
College m Rock Island, Illinois. "There, I was really indoctrinated into the beauty of a liberal arts
school~" she said. "I was able to get a phenomenal
education because of the quality of the faculty and
t~e structure of being in a small place.... I deSigned my own program, which was Continental
Philosophy and Classics." Her particular concern
was how 19th and 20th century philosophers
looked back on Classical philosophers.
She went directly to Graduate work at New philosophy, though, didn't happen much there. "I
School. " I realized that [philosophy] was the only was teaching in an interdisciplinary program, in
thing that I could possibly do. So I did." At New
and social science, which was one of
Heidegger Philosopher there, Robert Scl!riilllil811l,
and I wanted to study Heidegger with him."
Also, having gone to a school in "the middle of
nowhere," she wanted to go to a major city. "I
have to say, frankly, I wouJdn 't trade being in my
20s and Jiving in new York for anything. It was
just a great place to be and to be young."
Flakne was teaching at Harvard before receiving her Doctorate. "Harvard is a place ftlled with
extraordinarily intelligent people." Continental
Philosopher," she said with a
Flakne also had comments on the Florida's climate. "It is weird and wonderful-it's been
overwhelming for the way the air feels, it's so different." After living in Boston for six years,
though, she said she likes it, and that her "friends
have weekends through March booked up to come
and visit."
'Go back to New College!' and other tidbits caught on tape
(FROM "PROTESTERS" PAGE lj At 11:45 (approximately 25 minutes after
the students entered the rally) most of the New College student activists were
led away by police officers in attendance. Allison Binford believed that
"[The police] were very unsympathetic to our cause."
Although members of the Sarasota Police Department allegedly yelled,
"Don't screw with us!" more hostility towards the protesters came from the
crowd than the police. Some New College students and alumni were physically manhandled by crowd members.
Conner stated, "I .have never gone to a protest where [the involved students] were treated in such a rude and rowdy manner."
Anthony Marone of the Sarasota Police Department explained his view of
the situation as such, "Freedom of speech is alive and well, I didn't see any
problems with people voicing their opinions. As far as I know there were no
injuries or problems relating to [the students' expulsion from the premises]."
Tram Hudson, the chainnan of Sarasota's Republican Party, responded to
the small uprising caused by New College students by stating, "It looked
fine. The beauty of America is that it is a free country. I think it is important
that we allow others to voice dissent and I think it is appropriate in certain
areas, but within our party we are not interested in having disruptive forces.
Outside of the area is fme."
When questioned what an appropriate arena for a protest was, Phil Poekert
answered, ('At any forum, and this is a political forum. We should be able to
express our opinions about political views anywhere and at anytime we
choose to."
Binford added, "If they don't have open debates than where else will we
go? How will Nader have a voice?"
Both Binford and Poekert were removed from the premises during Bush's
speech. When told by the police to "Go back to New College!" Poekert responded, "That is where we are able to speak our minds as we choose to.
Thank you sir, I will."
Though the protest centered around Ralph Nader, the New College students in attendance expressed various political involvements. Andrea Garrod
commented, "Not everyone at New College is liberal and for Nader."
Students of all ages, from all over Sarasota arrived to the airport early to
see Texas's governor. While many of them were there to skip school, some
were there because they "love democracy and are excited to fmally be voting in a presidential election year!" as Lara Elliott of Riverview High School
The organizers of the event placed these students right in front of the
media's cameras, gave them signs and pom-poms to wave, and (just to invoke governmental interests in the youth of today) strategically place little
blue-eyed girls and boys adjacent to the self-proclaimed "next President of
the United States!"
The Catal st
Se tember 27 2000
Students brave commercial urban culture at Last Damn Show
by Anna Maria Diaz-B lart
Saturday eptember 16 three ew College
tudents and one former New College student set
out on a great adventure that would lead them to
the depth of commercial urban mu ic at Wild
98. 7' La c Damn how, the Sequel. Gabriel
Pacyniak, Cody Hughes, Kathryn Prosch, and I
were uncertain about what kind of evening wa in
tore for u , but we )eft the safety of campus and
took a jump into the unknown. Armed with only
over-priced tickets and our mo t stylish clothing,
we entered a world quite alien to that of New
The Tampa radio station ho ted this mega~
e ent at the Ice Palace arena in downtown Tampa.
At noon, the radio tation began broadcasting
from a bar next to the Ice Palace. Sure that thi
wa "the place to he,'' we arrived two hours before
the program was supposed to begin. The tation
adverti ed this bar-broadcast as a free party and
we were very excited. Luckily the four of us really
appreciate irony, because the "free" party actually
co t two dollars per person.
Once inside the Outpo t Bar we noticed that
many people did not hare our en e of enthu iasm. They seemed Je festive than the station had
led u 10" believe. We were determined not to let
our urrouqdings bring u down, though, and car. on with a·
this is the
arne thing that two young Jadie at the bar were
thinking when they climbed up on stage in front of
the crowd. Both started booty dancing, hawing
off t eir thong underwear and naked bottoms. Thi
di play seemed to improve the pirit of the crowd.
he Outpost was fun, but we were ready for
the Last Damn Show, the Sequel to begin. We
joined the mass ex du from the bar and eventually arrived at our eats in ide the arena. Our seats
were in the "headache/no. e-bleed" ection, which
gave u a unique aerial view of both the stage and
the sea of glow ticks before u .
The how began with a clever mini-movie
made by the radio. tation to familiarize the crowd
with its DJs. The introduction got the half-drunk
crowd completely worked up, and the creaming
did not stop until the fir t act came onstage. La
Ris. a of "I Do Both Jay and Jane" fame, gave
quite po sibly the worst live performance any of
us had ever seen. The radio station later blamed
this on performer Lil' Zane's late arrival, which
forced La Rissa to go onstage earlier than sched~
There t of the how proceeded with a high energy level and fantastic line-up of performers. Lil' Wyclef (from ·
Zane, Ludacris, Mystical, The 504 Boys, Fragma,
and Master P all put on a great show. The event certain aspects of student life.
All in all this was a really great show. The four
also featured a booty dancing conte t (won by
someone's mom) and a cameo appearance by of us all have matching bruise on our shins from
Randy ''The Macho Man" Savage. Although the e dancing in between the eats of the lee Palace.
events delighted the crowd and the ew College There was only one potential brawl, and Kathryn
crew, they were still nothing compared to the other and I uickly tcpped up to protect Gabriel, avoidDel~~·~~~~--------------~~------ ·
Lil Zane ha a :pecial moment with the
microphone (from http://www.
Sammie, the 14-year-old heartbreaker, tole
the show when he sang happy birthday to all of the
September babie in the audience. We an really
liked Doug E. resh becau e of hi great stage
presence and ability to engage the crowd. I personally liked Trina 's performance the best. he
spirit and tradition of Miami Bas continue in her
mu ic.
The evening ended with a en ational performance by Wyclef Jean of the Fugces. Although he
recently relea ed a solo album, he did not perform
many songs from it. He performed orne older
ong by the Fugees, which the crowd enjoyed immen ely. He played a little guitar too. The real
highlight of his performance was when he played
his new hit, .. Dirty South." The only thing more
we could have a ked wa that he play "Perfect
Gentleman," a song which crea ively d cribe
for me wa · losing one of my contact lenses when
a woman who was trying to take our seat accidentally hit me in the eye.
When asked what he thought of the ho ,
Gabriel stated, "Although I was di appointed by
the lack of fly boys and girls, I was delighted by
the sheer quantities of jiggling, non- ew College
booty." In many ways this statement accurately
describe the charm of this concert. There was not
anything truly spectacular about it; it was ju t different from what we all usually do on a Saturday
night. If you are feeling bad because you mis ed
the Last Damn Show, the Sequel, don't worry too
much, there will be another one next year. Plus
there are a ton of cool concerts coming to the area.
And if you li ten to one hour of Wild 98.7, you've
heard the whole concert program any way.
on't let the music pass you by
By Zachary Ko kol
Ju t ye terday you discovered that your favorite band had been in town
last week, and you had not a clue about it. Or, perhap you pent all your free
money on that medi<x.:re band Ia t month, only to di cover now the hot new
group you have been following, 1Wo Dogs and a Frog, is going to be here,
and you're without a dime (our editor is till distraught). Never fear! Your
pain and di may have been recognized, and a solution discovered: our new
handy-dandy guide to all the big concert event from Tampa to Sara, ora! And
it didn't cost you a nickel. Don't you feel special. So before you go and blow
all that hard earned cash on some horrid group your older si ter who i still
stuck in the 80's recommended, maybe you hould chec, out what el e you
might be mi sing. (See calendar on facing page.)
Information including names, dates, and places, was gathered from the following web sites:
http: I/www. yahoo. com
http: //www.gigmania. com
http://».ww.pollstar. com
http://www.inkl 9. com
The Catalyst is notre ponsible for changing information, cancelled perfor·
mances, Acts of God, or any other misfortune relating ro the e concerts.
Many of the events listed have tickets availabl~ for purchase through
Tteketmaster at http://www.ticketma
Jebed1ah/Koufaxtrhe Get Up Kids;
evening; State Theatre; St.
Music of Andrew Lloyd Webber;
8:00PM; Ruth Eckerd Hall,
Punk-0-Rama featuring Agnostic
FrontNoodoo Glow Skulls/others;
evening; State Theatre; St.
Brownstone Cafe; Sarasota
Don Henley; 8:00PM; Ruth Eckerd
Hall; Clearwater
Jazz June/Elliott; evening; State
Theatre; St Petersburg
Death Cab For Cutie!fhe
Maccabees/Pedro The Lion;
Orpheum; Ybor City
Arlo Guthrie; Coachman Park;
Superdrag; evening; The Orpheum;
Uncle John's Band; Club More;
George Benson; 8:00PM; Van
Wezel Performing Arts Hall; ~
lda/Isobella/Low; Orpheum; Tampa
Dixie Chicks; 8:00PM; Ice Palace;
Busta Rhymes; 8:00PM; USF
Special Events Center; Tampa
Seven Nations; Club More;
Ashes of Grisum/Experimental
Pilot; The Orpheum, Tampa
7 Seconds/Against All
Authority/Welt; State Theatre; St.
Little Feat; 8:00PM; Ruth Eckerd
Hall; Clearwater
Homegrown/Inspection 12/No Use
For A Name/One Man Army; State
Theatre, St. Petersburg
Delta 72/Nashville
Pussy/Supagroup; State Theatre; St.
Brian Wilson; 8:00PM; Ruth
Eckerd Hall; Clearwater
Greed Engine; Dave's Bar & Grill,
St. Petersburg
Clint Black; 7:30PM; Tampa Bay
Performing Arts Center; Tampa
Dan Fogelberg; 8:00PM; Ruth
Eckerd Hall, Clearwater
Elements of Hip-Hop Tour:
Congo Pham/Fader/First Dynasty/JRyder/Screwface!fhe Souls Of
Mischief!frixie!fhe X-ecutioners;
Frankie's Patio, Tampa
Hooverphonic; evening; Janus
Landing; St. Petersburg
D.R.I./No Fraud/Nothing Promise;
State Theatre, St. Petersburg
Kool & the Gang; Convention
Center; Tampa
Sarah Brightman; 8:00PM; Ice
Palace; Tampa
Juliana Hatfield; 9:00PM; The
Orpheum; Tampa
Young Dubliners; Club More;
Ben Barnett/Camden/Flight 121/
For Your Girlfriend; Orpheum;
Wholigans; State Theatre; St.
Counting Crows/Live; 7:30PM; Ice
Palace; Tampa
Yo Yo Ma; Ruth Eckerd Hall;
Peter, Paul & Mary; 8:00PM; Ruth
Eckerd Hall; Clearwater
Bouncing Souls/Inspector
7/Mustard Plug/Youth Brigade;
Masquerade; Ybor City
Bill DeRome; 9:00PM; Brownstone
Cafe; Sarasota
Rocket 88; Skipper's Smokehouse,
Ravi Shankar/Anoushka Shankar;
8:00PM; Van Wezel Performing
Arts Hall; Sarasota
Julio Iglesias; 8:00PM; Ruth
Eckerd Hall; Clearwater
The Misfits; The Masquerade;
Randy Newman; 8:00PM; Van
Wezel Performing Arts Hall;
Crizzy & The Punx/Naked
Eye/Swallowed; Twisted Sisters,
Punk Rock Record Swap 14; Sound
Idea; Brandon
Cheap Trick; evening; Vmoy
Waterfront Park; St Petersburg
Jefferson Starship; Rib Fest; St.
Pantera/Morbid Angel/Kittie;
7:00PM; USF Sun Dome; Tampa
Rippingtons; 8:00PM; Ruth Eckerd
Hall; Clearwater
11/17 - 11/19
Marriage of Figaro; 8:00PM;
Tampa Bay Performing Arts Center;
America; TBA; Sarasota
Melissa Ferrick/Laura Love;
Skipper's Smokehouse; Tampa
Deicide; State Theatre, St.
Peter Frampton; 8:00PM; Ruth
Eckerd Hall, Clearwater
Contact Information:
Burning Spear; Jannus Landing, St.
State Theatre
687 Central Avenue
St. Petersburg, FL
Info: 727-895-3045
Tickets: 813-898-2100
Dion/Jerry Lee Lewis; Ruth Eckerd
Hall; Clearwater
Sarasota Blues Fest featuring Gregg
Allman/Lonnie Brooks/others;
11 :OOAM; Sarasota Fair Grounds;
Isaac Hayes; 8:00 PM; Van Wezel
Performing Arts Hall; Sarasota
Mighty Mighty Bosstones; Janus
Landing, St. Petersburg
Gregg Allman & Friends; 8:00PM;
Ruth Eckerd Hall; Clearwater
Vienna Symphony Orchestra;
8:00PM; Ruth Eckerd Hall;
Bill DeRome; 9:00PM;
8th Ave and 14th St
Tampa, FL
Info: 813-241-2582
Ice Palace
401 Channelside Drive
Tampa, FL
Info: 813-301-2500
Ruth Eckerd Hall
1111 N. Mcmullen Booth Rd.
Clearwater, FL
Info: 727-791-7060
Tickets: 813-287-8844
Van Wezel Performing Arts Hall
777 N. Tamiami Trail
Sarasota, FL
Tickets: 1-800-826-9303
1503 E. 7th Ave.
Tampa, FL
Info: 813-247-3319
Tickets: 813-287-8844
The Catalvst
September 27, 2000
Doenecke lectures on Joe McCarthy: the man and the 'ism.'
by Mike Sanderson
The podium had a microphone, but Justus
Doenecke did not use it. Instead, New College's
Professor of American History gave his lecture
"The Culture of Conspiracy: Aspects of
McCarthyism," his installment of the Facu1ty
Lecture Series, in his legendary booming voice,
which filled the hall of its own accord.
The subject has been part of his research from
his senior thesis in college to his forthcoming
book: the belief, widespread among the
Republican opposition to Presiden~ Roo~velt
Europe to the Russians; by 1950 this group was
accusing the State Department of betraying China
into the hands of the communists," and "by 1952
this group claimed Harry Truman's firing of
Douglas MacArthur was appeasement to British
and Communist interests- why else did the US
have a no-win policy in Korea?" Finally, "by the
early 1950s it saw Senator Joe McCarthy as exposing what the saw as 'the great conspiracy'"
"The great conspiracy'' hasn't held up too well
in 50 years."The term comes from a former professor of mine, Eric Goldman," Doenecke said,
giving the thesis of the lecture after describing his
own scholarship and ti1e lecture's structure. "In
1933 - so the theory ran - Franklin Roosevelt
put into control of the nation a group of men
whose ultimate goal was a communist world.
"They did not say they were communists, instead they called themselves by sweet-smelling
words -new dealers, progressives, humanitarians - but they worked deviously towards their
goal. They hurried the destruction of free economic institutions in the United States, and were
strangling free enterprise by bureaucracy and controls. When World War Two came they
maneuvered American foreign policy to
strengthen the forces of world communism ... they
then sold out Eastern Europe and China at Yalta."
"As I researched this topic, I increasingly realized that what many called McCarthyism far
antedated Joe McCarthy's famous speech in
W~eeling, 'Yest Virgini~ on February 9, 1?50," in
tinued intervention in Europe but supported aid to
Chiang Kai-Shek in the Chinese Civil War, supported General Douglas MacArthur and, "of
course, this group staunchly backed senator Joe
Asked afterwards why be chose these people to
study, Doenecke gave a personal response: "My
father believed it, both my parents did." Doenecke
was born in 1938. "I grew up in Brooklyn, reading
the New York Journal-American, [William
Randolph) Hearst paper," who believed the great
conspiracy existed. "I was permeated by conspiracies. I wrote my senior thesis in college about
Pearl Harbor ... so many of the conspiracy people begin with Pearl Harbor."
On several points during the lecture, he mentioned receiving letters from the people he was
writing about. He said after the lecture, "that was
rare. They were alive but they weren't active."
Many of these people were affected because
they were in the opposition all of their lives and
never triumphed. "I was giving them a new lease
on life," he recalled. "Battles that had been
strongly waged, but forgotten. I would get a fivepage single-spaced letter - the fact they would
respond at such length indicates they though I
could be a vehicle for justifying their crusade."
His wife, Carol Doenecke, commented that the
two of them traveled the country researching,
meeting people. "Some of them were real characters that we met- real wacky," she said.
White House and U.S. State Department to undermine American capitalism and deliver the world to
Communism. Believers in this "conspiracy thesis"
included politicians, newspapermen and other
groups and individuals, most poignantly the parents of Professor Doenecke, who was a child
during World War II and the early Cold War period.
Doenecke was sympathetic to these people, for
they genuinely believed that conspirators in the
executive branch were at work to subvert
American society. Now, with their ideas discredited and their most prominent figure, McCarthy,
widely compared to the Puritans who executed
women for witchcraft, historians tend to ignore
them. This, he said, is unfortunate. After describing their worldview, the "conspiracy thesis," and
sketching the process by which it came about, he
gave sketches of many figures in politics, journalism, business and other areas that had been
maligned by historians, through abuse or neglect.
"So many of what I then called for heuristic
purposes the 'old isolationists' shared a conspiratory view of America's recent past," Doenecke
lectured. "By 1945 this group saw the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor as a great conspiracy
fostered by the Roosevelt administration to get the
US in WWII by the back door." This attack and
theories around it were part of Doenecke's senior
thesis at Colgate University.
Their views began in the opposition to
Roosevelt's creeping intervention beginning in
1939 and climaxed with McCarthy's witch-hunts
in 1954. ''This was no small group in this country," Doenecke lectured.
"By 1946 this group saw the Terran and Yalta
conferences as a conspiracy to surrender Eastern
rently employed by the state department.
"McCarthy by no means triggered these attitudes.
These attitudes existed at least since the Japanese
attacked Pearl Harbor, and as far as some people
were concerned, even before." The bulk of
Doenecke's lecture was sketches of these people
and organizations, and he said we have, "incredible gaps in some of our knowledge of some of the
major players."
This "culture" grew out of the collision of two
eras, which Doenecke has been studying for over
30 years. The first deals with The Battle Against
Intervention, 1939-1941, the title of a book
Doenecke wrote and that be made reference to,
dealing with, he said, "the people who wrote
against, and the if in Congress voted and spoke
against, the whole battery of Roosevelt's proposals and policies" that gave aid to the Allies, paving
the way for America's entry into the war. "These
people are usually called isolationists, though I
find the name something of a misnomer. I prefer
the name anti-interventionist."
The second period is the period of the early
cold war, 1946-1954. His book on this period, Not
to the Swift: The Old Isolationist in the Cold War
Era, came out in 1979, as he told the audience, "in
the wake of the Vietnam War ... after decades of
heavy international involvement, the country had
tuned out - indeed, pundits in the late 70s were
writing of a 'new isolationism."'
"In Not to the Swift I examine the very people
who fought FDR so bitterly in 1939 through
1941." He wanted to fmd out how they reacted to
the events of the early Cold War, and found they
took a variety of positions, but "many, particularly
those in Congress, and those people possessing
rightist domestic views" took opposition to con-
Upcoming installments in the
Faculty Lecture
October 25
Jocelyn Van Tqyl
November 29
Maribeth Clark
January 24
Paul Outka
February 21 or 28
Maria Vesperi
March 21
Andrea Dimino
April 18 or 25
Leo Demski
The Catalyst
Opinion and News
September 27, 2000
Editorial: Key check-out problem needs quick solution
Need the key to a campus office? With the Campus Police out in distant future- I would suspect that it could reasonably be done before next semesViking, what was once a simple foray now entails a grueling odyssey along ter. Five to six years ago, the prices were expensive ... I'm sure they've come
the wild_s of Bayshore Road. The area's unpleasant reputation makes this an down in price since then."
issue more of safety than inconvenience. The key check-out issue is a comKendrick, however, told the Catalyst that the computerized keypads were
plicated one, but one which must be resolved quickly- one unfortunate far from decided on: "It's not at a point where the Dean has approved it; it's
just an idea." While UIJable to provide an estimate of the system's price, he
incident, and it will be too late.
Student Activities Courdinator Alena Scandura would protest those asser- said that the cost would include the keypad, a telephone line, installation and
tions: "I realize it's a convenience problem, but I think that it's a safety and maintenance costs, and some computer software. When asked for the bestsecurity issue on this end. Sometimes safety and security overrides the in- case scenario of when this system might be installed Kendrick said
convenience." When asked of the safety issues involved in a nighttime trip to "Funding is the key. We'd probably need to get money fr~m Tampa. If th~
the Viking area, she added, "It's not like the Cop Shop is in a dangerous Dean and his senior counsel agree to this, and if it becomes a priority, it could
place. If there are students who really feel uncomfortable going there, they ~probably be done within a year."
~ A year is a very long time to wait. It's certainly possible that no one will
can pick up one of the blue phones and call for the ride service. "
be accosted or injured from now until then, but that's a dangerous gamThe students themselves, however, may see things in a different
light. "It fucki~g sucks," New College fourth-year V i j a y . ~ 1 I~ ble when students' safety is at stake. The issue, Blaweiss said,
Si~araman proclaamed. As an emplo~ee of the Fitness Center, he ll~'} :.;_ ~ \•.rr.~~ demands a workable short-term solution. Unfortunately, he also
sa1d that he has to allot an extra 20 mmutes out of his morning for ~J "rf<.'_ ~ acknowledged that he'd gone "brain-dead" over the issue: "The
key check-out alone. "I'm so pissed that [I have J to cross campus, to
1~-' only other thing I can think of is having the SAC find the money to
cross a raging highway, putt~g myself ~n per~l o~ disaster just to get a \ 11.~ fund a student handing out the keys, 24 hours a day and seven days a
~~ week. But that would cost a ludicrous amount of money- even more so
key. Does someone have to dte before this policy IS changed?"
As Director of Student Affairs Mark Blaweiss told the Catalyst, "It's a than the keypads, in the long run."
pain. It's a pain to have to go over to Viking. Ultimately, we're hoping to get
Ultimately the responsibility belongs to all of us, staff and students alike.
the keys over here [on the east side of campus]. It's a question of safety. " "A few students [expressed concern] that key check-out was a pain, that it
More than anything, Blaweiss agreed that a short-term remedy was needed was unsafe," Blaweiss said. "I'm not sure that it should be the police worrysoon. He said that Student Affairs is already looking for such a solution, ing about the keys. I'd like to see either a computerized key system or a
student organization in charge of keeping the keys on this side of campus."
along with NCSA President Rachael Morris.
The question, then, boils down to this: can we, the New College student
Unfortunately, the only workable solutions engineered thus far have been
for the long term. Director of Business, Finance, and Auxiliary Services body, come up with a quick but workable resolution to the problem? With all
Richard Kendrick has advocated the installation of a computerized locking the much-vaunted ingenuity at our disposal, a short-term solution for the key
system, involving keypads with passwords distributed individually to stu- check-out issue really isn't too much to ask. If paying a student organization
dents. Alternatively, if the Pub Lab and the Mac Lab are consolidated in distribute keys on this side of campus would be too costly, then maybe it
HCL-6, the place might be left open under camera surveillance - a practice could be organized on a volunteer basis. The effort put in would be well
which has a read f · ed once in West Side Center. ("Security cameras would worthwhile, for the sake of the added convenience and safety.
,- '
let us see if a y e
asked that students direct their own proposals on the matter to JiJDiSe ,
theft," Blaweiss no d).
Scandura was optimistic in her assessment over the speed and cost at Morris, or Scandura. The key check-out issue won't go away by itself, and a
which New College labs and offices could be equipped with high-tech Jock- speedy resolution is crucial. It's time for us to devote our own time and ening devices: "I don't think that the [keypad] system is that far off in the ergy towards producing one.
_,..-:ffAI '
Hurricane Gordon causes brief deluge
by ZakBeck
Responsible for an average of two billion dollars worth of damage a year in Florida alone,
hurricanes are perhaps the most destructive natural force on the planet. Hurricane Gordon was
Rot one of these calamities. In fact, for many
Novo Collegians, Hurricane Gordon was just one
more reason to celebrate.
When compared to property damage caused
by other recent storms, Gordon was very tame,
causing only about $10-15 million worth of insured damages and around $8 million in public
damages. Compare this to last fall's Hurricane
Floyd, which incurred $50 million in damage,
though it didn't even make landfall in Florida. A
full-blown hurricane, can cause even more serious damages. One such example is hurricane
Irene, which caused a total of approximately
$200 million dollars in .damages just last year.
As for Gordon's impact on New College, the
benefits of the hurricane far outweighed the destruction. Not only did it serve as a good excuse
for a party, it provided the area with some muchneeded rain and relatively ·cool air. Though
Gordon did knock down two trees, and allegedly
a third, one of the trees was already dead.
The others may have also been weak, unfit to
withstand the 40 mph wind gusts. (Imagine driving down US 41, and by holding the tree out of
an open window, killing it.) Other than the victimized trees, little damage was done, though the
overnight deluge, like any heavy rainstorm,
caused some flooding on campus.
This flooding did serve a helpful purpose by
illuminating the fact that the new walkway being
built between the Dort and Goldstein buildings
and the Pei buildings was extremely subject to
flooding. Since the storm, the sidewalk has been
tom up and crews are rebuilding the walkway at
a higher elevation so as to avoid future floods. It
may be noted that the first, and thereby old, sidewalk had not even been in existence for four
entire days. The renewed construction, however,
has revealed itself as somewhat of a nuisance to
students Jiving in Pei, especially those in second
court that visit Hamilton Center with any amount
of frequency.
Hurricane Gordon also serves as a testament
to the preparedness and resourcefulness of the
New College student body. A few weather savvy
students were able to organize hurricane parties
in the short time they were allowed, hurricane
parties that lasted well into the morning of the
following day. However, the cold and rain, (not
to mention the "Kiss Your Crush" wall), could be
considered responsible for the current cold epidemic plaguing much of the student body.
Information taken from
In the event that a dangerous .hurricane should
make landfall near New College, there are some
simple tips that one should remember.
First, bear in mind that Sudakoff Center is a
hurricane shelter, and that in the event that this becomes necessary, the students could go there to
wait out the storm. Another good idea in the event
of a storm is to have prepared a "Hurricane
Survival Kit." The ingredients of such a kit, as explained by the American Red Cross, should look
something like the list below:
-First aid kit and essential medications.
-Canned food and can opener.
-At least three gallons of water per person.
-Protective clothing, rainwear, and bedding or
sleeping bags.
-Battery-powered radio, flashlight, and extra bat
Common sense would also dictate that one not
leave these preparations until a time when landfall
is imminent._Also, those with pets should prepare
whatever arrangements might be necessary for
their well-being and safety. Another thing to remember is to do as little driving as possible; in
emergency situations, some drivers are less apt to
follow basic precautionary traffic laws.
And finally, the most important rule to remember in a storm situation is: Don't Panic.
The Catal st
This is a reminder for 5th-term
students who intend to declare an
Area of Concentration in Literature,
or British and American Literature,
or any joint disciplinary program including Literature or British &
American Literature:
Before you can file an area of
concentration form in literature, you
must submit a "proposal for an area
of concentration in Literature, or in
British and American Literature."
These are now available in the
Humanities Division office (Cook
Hall). The form allows us to assess
you background in literature and to
advise you on what work needs to be
done to complete a concentration in
The form, along with a copy of
your working transcript (available
from the Registrar's office), needs to
be filed by Friday October 6th.
If you have any questions about
this, please check the New College
catalog on-line, or speak with one of
the literature professors: Drs.
Cuomo,Dimino, Miller, Moore,
Outka, Palls, Portugal, Reid,
Come help us plan HIV/AIDS
' - - - - - - - - - - awareness week/ World AIDS Day
Women's Open Mic Night
Friday September 29, 9 p.m.
Four Winds Cafe
events for New College! Wednesday,
September 27, 8 p.m. at the front
Ham Center couches.
Campus People Respecting
Individual Difference and Equality
(P.R.I.D.E.) is meeting @ 8 p.m. in
the Ham Center Fishbowl O!l.
September 28. Come talk about
Queer Circle, National Coming-Out
Day, Queer Formal and more!
Sex on Campus: a dialogue on
sex & faith. Thursday, October 28 @
7 p.m. @ 4windz.
Se tember 27 2000
Thursday Film Series 2000
On the following Thursday nights, the
New College Student Life Committee and
the office of Student Affairs will be presenting a film series focused on politics,
government, and the media. Movies are free
to all students, faculty, and staff. All showings begin at 8 p.m. in Sudakoff.
Goldstein residents: Due to
fire hazartd and safety regulations, the pathways on all
levels of Dart and Goldstein
Primary Colors
must be kept clear of all ob- September 28:
All the President's Men
structions. The only exception October 5:
to this policy is the alcove October 12:
Mr. Smith goes to
area in front of each room October 26:
Washington; State of the Union
which extends further out
than the main pathways. This November 12: Dave
is the designated "balcony" L - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - '
for your room.
Congrats to Jason Grimste,
Student directory forms are due Danielle Selbo, and Josh Gange for
by 5:00p.m. Friday, September 29. being the best ASSASSINS!
If you have missed having your picture taken, see Alena Scandura for
Speaking of which--Audrey
more information.
Troutt was not literally assassinated
at the beach while looking for bioluWanted: Brainiacs, Quiz kids and minescent phytoplankton. She was
other smart students for New merely squirted with a water gun.
College's very own College Bowl We at the Catalyst apologize for any
team. Interest meeting Wednesday, confusion or funeral planning we
September 27, 5:00 p.m. in the may have caused.
Fishbowl. First match is October 21!
Arts and Crafts Mternoons:
Come to the Fishbowl on Thursdays
from 4:00 to 5:00p.m. to create, express, explore, and relax! A weekly
relaxation exercise and creative activity will be provided to provide an
outlet for stress and creative expression. Explore your self-image and
relationships, or just have a good
time! Come to one or all, starting on
Th~a,9as. ____~~----------------~~---------==-------~~~--~~~~~
Wisdom from the Well: spirituality and social c ange
by Gigi Shames
Friday September 15, the New College
Interfaith Service Corps, in conjunction with
Hillel and New College/USF Student Affairs, presented a seminar entitled "Water to the Well:
Spirituality and Social Change." About thirty New
College students attended this discussion of faith
and social justice.
Author and spiritual activist Claudia Horowitz,
founding director of the North Carolina nonprofit
organization Stone Circles, facilitated the event.
Since 1995, Stone Circles has worked with 3,500
activists of many creeds to create interfaith gatherings, improve communities, and encourage
youth leadership.
Horowitz wrote her first book, "A Stone's
Throw: Living the Act of Faith," last year.
Horowitz also teaches Kripalu Yoga, and strategically incorporated a mini-yoga lesson into the
"Water to the Well" event.
Horowitz began the presentation with a story
about the first time she felt compelled to pray. She
was working as a counselor in a San Francisco
youth camp optimistically titled "Summer of
Service." The program's disorganization and limited resources made it unable to equip the
attending 1,500 youths with the social work experience they sought. By the end of two weeks
Horowitz felt she had nothing left to give. "I was
devastated," she remembered. "It was a nightmare. I was worried I had ruined some kids'
lives." She found herself looking out at the ocean,
praying for the first time in her life. "I wanted an
A friend offered his advice over the phone,
telling Horowitz, "You need a spiritual practice."
"No, no," she brushed away the suggestion, "I
already have a therapist."
"I think you need more than that," he replied. At
that moment Horowitz decided to actively pursue
the spiritual element missing from her life.
In the seminar, she described the three tenets
that compose her continuing personal search for
spiritual fulftllment. "Read, meditate, and pray."
She quoted a Zen parable, saying, '"Do not push
the river. It flows by itself.' That for me is what
it's all about."
Audience members then broke off into pairs to
discuss their thoughts on the nature of spirituality.
Horowitz encouraged each person to share their
opinion, rather than a textbook definition of faith.
"If you hear yourself saying something [to your
partner] that you've said a million times before,
say something else," she urged.
When the group reconvened, participants were
able to listen and explore together the views that
had been shared. Fourth-year Jason Rosenberg offered the belief that "your spirituality shapes your
identity, and you leave traces of your identity
within your spirituality."
A yoga interlude came after an hour-long discussion of religious practices and activist values.
Horowitz described the purpose of yoga as "stilling the fluctuations of the mind." Breath rhythm
was emphasized. The room was very quiet. While
performing the slow, gentle yoga movements, students were encouraged to clear their minds.
Back in the circle, Horowitz drew a connection
between all religions, saying "interfaith experience is human experience." She closed the
evening with the suggestion that each of us try to
understand and tren transform the difficult situations we encounter. Some possibilities include
moving from loneliness to solitude (accepting the
self), from hostility to hospitality (accepting others), and from isolation to spiritual practice.
Second-year student Kelly Jones, Catalyst
photographer, commented, "[Horowitz] was a
very energetic speaker. She engaged the audience
in a productive way through intimate discussions." Asked her favorite part of the evening,
Jones replied, "After the actual presentation took
place, she stayed afterwards and answered students' questions."
Thesis-student Lori Eisenberg, facilitator of
Interfaith Service Corps, said, "She left students
with some important things to think about. I
thought that New College would get sort of a different perspective from her. Look for her return
next semester; she'll be here doing a follow-up."
Eisenberg is writing her thesis on the Interfaith
Service Corps, planing, r~searching and evaluating the various Interfaith events as they unfold.
New College Diversity Circle facilitator
Myriam Alvarez greatly enjoyed Friday night's
presentation. "It's really hard to talk about faith on
this campus," she said, "and not have people feel
threatened. There's a general feeling of discomfort, a feeling you're trying to convert others.
[Horowitz] was ~ble to get past that. She talked
about faith in a v'ery comfortable way."