November 2014 - Fine Arts Work Center
November 2014 - Fine Arts Work Center
FINE ARTS WORK CENTER in Provincetown WORK CENTER MONTHLY NOVEMBER 2014 HEIDI HAHN, All Particles Point to Yes (detail), 2012, oil on canvas, 68” x 72” Visual Arts Fellow 2014-2015 24PEARLSTREET – ONLINE WRITING PROGRAM LEARN FROM ACCLAIMED WRITERS AND POETS WHEREVER YOU ARE, WHENEVER YOU WANT. NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR OUR 2014 AND 2015 WORKSHOPS RETURNING STUDENTS SAVE $100! JUST CHECK THE “RETURNING STUDENT” BOX ON YOUR REGISTRATION FORM. OUR 2014 FALL WORKSHOPS CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE COMPLETE ONLINE WRITING WORKSHOP COURSE LISTINGS AND FACULTY BIOS Elinor Lipman | Make it Better. Ann Hood | Writing the Personal Essay: Fall Thomas Chatterton Williams | The Book Proposal Daisy Fried | Writing Poems That Don’t Fit Meredith Hall | Crafting Our Stories into Memoir Francesca Lia Block | Not Always Happily : Contemporary Fairy Tale Heidi Jon Schmidt | Telling the Story Robin Romm | Nonfiction Workshop Paul Harding | Fiction Writing Carolyn Forché | Writing New Poems: Fall OUR 2015 WINTER WORKSHOPS Mary Gaitskill | Imagery and Mystery in the Art of Fiction Alix Ohlin | Crafting Charismatic Characters Charles McLeod | New Forms of Fiction Ada Limon | Staying True: Authenticity & Voice Ann Hood | Writing the Personal Essay: Winter Fred Haefele | It Started Out as a Great Idea, So What the Hell Went Wrong? Brian Bouldrey | Telling the Unspeakable Lydia Millet | The Charismatic Narrator Peter Campion | Form From Feeling and Feeling From Form Sarah Messer | The Lyric Essay Cornelius Eady | Reading What the Poem Says Paisley Rekdal | Towards a Documentary Poetics Richard McCann | Life Stories, Real and Imagined Josip Novakovich | Evolving Plots out Character Motivation or Prediction Brian Turner | Figure Studies OUR 2015 SPRING WORKSHOPS Ann Hood | Writing the Personal Essay: Spring Mark Wunderlich | Getting Poems Started, Keeping Them Going Hanna Pylväinen | Disobedience: Bad Characters (Can) Make for Good Fiction Nancy K. Pearson | To Be Moved and To Move Fred Marchant | Doors Open Wide: Writing the Collage Poem Tim Earley | If the Poetry of X Was Music David Wojahn | There Sat Down Once On Henry’s Heart a Thing So Heavy: Syntax, Line, Closure Jennie Smith | The Book Review Major Jackson | Visionary Poetics Eileen Myles | Fantastic Experience Michelle Tea | Memoir Workshop Our online courses are often used to fulfill requirements for professional credits. SUMMER PROGRAM WORKSHOPS COME FOR THE COURSE, STAY FOR THE VACATION WATCH FOR OUR NEW SUMMER 2015 WORKSHOP CATALOG WITH FULL COURSE DESCRIPTIONS AND FACULTY BIOS COMING IN JANUARY 2015 THIS HOLIDAY, GIVE THE GIFT OF CREATIVITY! THINK ABOUT GIVING SOMEONE ON YOUR LIST A GIFT CERTIFICATE FOR A UNIQUE SUMMER WORKSHOP. FOR DETAILS, PLEASE CALL US AT 508.487.9960, x103 OR EMAIL US AT WORKSHOPS@FAWC.ORG. 2015-2016 WRITING FELLOWSHIP APPLICATIONS ARE DUE DECEMBER 1, 2014 PLEASE REMIND YOUR FRIENDS AND ANYONE ELSE WHO MAY BE INTERESTED, CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS FELLOWSHIP PROGRAM BRIDGET MULLEN, Stovetop Stalactite (detail), 2013, acrylic paint on tar paper, 32” x 42” x 4” Visual Arts Fellow 2014-2015 and 2010-2011 VISUAL ARTS FELLOWS CURRENT AND UPCOMING EXHIBITIONS & NEWS SHARON HORVATH, Visual Arts Fellow 1985-1986 Lori Bernstein Fine Art, NYC, two new exhibitions, “Cosmicomics” and “Varanasi Notebook,” through Nov. 8, 2014 FIRELEI BAEZ, Visual Arts Fellow 2013-2014 Prospect New Orleans, New Orleans, LA, group show, “Prospect.3 Biennial,” through Mar. 2015 JENNA SPEVACK, Visual Arts Fellow 1996-1997 Gallery at BRIC House, Brooklyn, NY, group show, “BRIC Biennial: Volume 1, Downtown Edition,” through Dec. 14, 2014 PIETER PAUL POTHOVEN, Visual Arts Fellow 2013-2014 Awarded a prestigious research Fellowship at Jan van Eyck Academie in the Netherlands He is also a resident at Kunsthuis SYB in the Netherlands for 2015 KATE CLARK, Visual Arts Fellow 2006-2007 PAAM, Provincetown, MA, “Contemporary Invitational at PAAM – Our Centennial Year,” Nov. 7, 2014 - Jan. 18, 2015 Nevada Museum of Art, Reno, NV, commisioned sculpture, “Late Harvest,” through Jan. 18, 2015 Islip Museum of Art, East Islip, NY, “Faux Sho’,” through Dec. 28, 2014 Galerie LJ, Paris, France, three-person exhibition, through Nov. 29, 2014 Artwork included in CITIZEN An American Lyric, by Claudia Rankine and Taxidermy Art: A Rogue’s Guide to the Work, the Culture, and How to Do It Youself, by Robert Marbury BERT YARBOROUGH, Visual Arts Fellow 1977-1978 and 1976-1977 Marian Graves Mugar Ary Gallery, Colby-Sawyer College, New London, NH, “Faculty Exhibition,” Nov. 7, 2014 - Feb. 13, 2015 MEGHAN GORDON, Visual Arts Fellow 2008-2009 and 2007-2008 LTD, Los Angeles, CA, installation in collaboration with Andrew Smith-Rasmussen, “some times,” through Mar. 2015 KAREN SCHIFANO, Visual Arts Fellow 1979-1980 Visual Arts Center of New Jersey, Summit, NJ, group show, “Dopler Shift,” through Jan. 2015 LINDA BOND, Visual Arts Fellow 1978-1979 Invited to join the Feminist Art Base (an online database) by the Sackler Center for Feminist Art at the Brooklyn Museum Currenty a Resident Scholar at the Women’s Studies Research Center at Brandeis University – working on a collaborative installation project with women in Afghanistan ALEXANDRIA SMITH, Visual Arts Fellow 2014-2015 and 2013-2014 Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, NYC, group show, “i found god in myself,” through Jan. 3, 2015 TB Projects, Provincetown, MA, “notions of being, a site specific collage,” through June 30, 2015 NATALIE MIEBACH, Visual Arts Fellow 2007-2008 and 2006-2007 Crystal Bridges Museum, Bentonville, AR, group show, “State of the Art: Discovering American Art Now,” through Jan. 19, 2015 CHRISTY GEORG, Visual Arts Fellow 2007-2008 Awarded a special residency and exhibition at de Fabriek, Netherlands, Mar. - Apr. 2015 JENNIFER SULLIVAN, Visual Arts Fellow 2012-2013 de Cordova Sculpture Garden and Museum, Concord, MA, “Walden Revisited,” Oct. 31, 2014 - Apr. 26, 2015 Lamp Gallery, Tokyo, Japan, “Sheros,” Oct. 23 - Nov. 30, 2014 Fort Houston, Nashville, TN, group show, “First Person,” opens Oct. 4, 2014 GABRIEL PIONKOWSKI, Visual Arts Fellow 2013-2014 Hudson Guild Gallery, NYC, group show, “Off the Wall/Fresco Painting,” through Nov. 9, 2014 JARROD BECK, Visual Arts Fellow 2013-2014 and 2011-2012 Winner of a New York’s Parks Department’s Clare Weiss Emerging Artist Award for Uplift, his tectonic plates sculpture that’s installed in the Lower East Side’s Sara D. Roosevelt Park, through summer 2015 Interviewed in West 10th Window (, Nov. 3, 2014 JENNY LYNN MCNUTT, Visual Arts Fellow 1983-1984 Maier Museum of Art at Randolph College, Lynchburg, VA, 103 Annual Exhibition of Contemporary Art, group show, “A Menagerie of Metaphors,” through Dec. 14 Schafler Gallery, Brooklyn, NY, Pratt Institute Faculty Exhibit, Oct. 6 - Dec. 13 SUSAN LYMAN, Visual Arts Fellow 1981-1982 Peabody Essex Museum, Salem, MA, “Branching Out: Trees as Art,” Sep. 27, 2014 through Sep. 2015 ELLIOTT HUNDLEY, Visual Arts Fellow 2001-2002 Will be featured on the PBS series, ART21: Art in the Twenty-First Century, Season 7, beginning Oct. 2014 ALISON O’DANIEL, Visual Arts Fellow 2012-2013 Grand Central Art Center, Santa Ana, CA, group show - “LOUD Silence,”, through Dec. 6, 2014 STEVE MILLER, Visual Arts Fellow 1974-1975 and 1973-1974 Visiting Artist, Imagine Science Films, Brooklyn, NY, through 2015 ANGELA DUFRESNE, Visual Arts Fellow 2003-2004 and 2002-2003 The Suburban, Chicago, IL, Two-Person Show, opening Dec. 14, 2014 RON SHUEBROOK, Visual Arts Fellow 1969-1970 Robert McLaughlin Gallery, Oshawa, Ontario, Drawings, Oct. 11, 2014 - Jan. 27, 2015 Currently serving a term as Senior Artist-in-Residence and mentor, Boarding House Arts, an independent not-for-profit arts center and emerging artist incubator, Guelph, Ontario, Canada, through 2015. RICHARD BAKER, Visual Arts Fellow 1990-1991 and 1989-1990 BRIC Biennial Vol. 1, Downtown Edition, Brooklyn, NY, Group Show, through Dec. 21, 2014 MINAKO SHIRAKURA, Visual Arts Fellow 2008-2009 and 2007-2008 Wordsworth Trust, Lake District, Great Britain, “Wordswoth and Basho: Walking Poets,” through Nov. 2014 WRITING FELLOWS AND WRITING COMMITTEE ANNOUNCEMENTS MALACHI BLACK, Writing Fellow 2010-2011 Debut book of poetry, Storm Toward Morning, Copper Canyon Press, Nov. 2014 INDIRA GANESAN, Writing Fellow 1985-1986 and 1984-1985 Her first novel, The Journey, is now available as an ebook, Random House Penguin DOMENICK AMMIRATI, Writing Fellow 2013-2014 “What’s Not to Like,” a profile of artist Darren Bader, nonfiction, Frieze No.166 “The Wastrel and the Sharper,” fiction, Tammy No.4 (Fall 2014) CHARLES MCLEOD, Writing Fellow 2005-2006 His second story collection, Settlers of Unassigned Lands, University of Michigan Press, Dec. 2014 His essay, “Steps From Home Tooth Extraction, Berkeley 2006,” was a Notable Essay in Best American Essays 2014 FAITH SHEARIN, Writing Fellow 1994-1995 and 1993-1994 Her new book of poems, Telling the Bees, SFA University Press, Dec. 2014 CLEOPATRA MATHIS, Writing Fellow 1981-1982 Her seventh collection, Book of Dog, was just awarded the Sheila Motton Book Prize by the New England Poetry Club for the best book of poems in 2013 LAURA MARELLO, Writing Fellow 1981-1982 Her collection of stories, The Gender of Inanimate Objects and Other Stories, will be published by Tallwinds Press, Fall 2015 Her new novel, Maniac Drifter, will be published by Guernica Editions in 2016 MELANIE SUMNER, Writing Fellow 1994-1995 and 1993-1994 Her new novel, How to Write a Novel, will be published by Random House in Jan. 2015 ADRIENNE SU, Writing Fellow 1993-1994 Her fourth book of poems, Living Quarters, will be published by Manic D Press in Spring 2015 REBECCA LINDENBERG, Writing Fellow 2009-2010 Her second book, The Logan Notebooks, was published by the Center for Literary Publishing at Colorado State, 2014 Just completed her 2013 Amy Lowell Fellowship for American Poets Travelling Abroad LOUISE GLÜCK, Writing Fellow 1969-1970 Is short-listed for the National Book Award in Poetry CLAUDIA RANKINE, Writing Committee Member Is short-listed for the National Book Award in Poetry ROBERT MCBREARTY, Writing Fellow 1989-1990 His first short story collection, A Night at the Y, will be republished in Nov. 2014, Conundrum Press ( JACQUELINE WOODSON, Writing Fellow 1991-1992 New book, Brown Girl Dreaming, Nancy Paulsen Books, Aug. 2014 has been short-listed for the National Book Award in Young People’s Literature HANNA PYLVÄINEN, Writing Fellow 2011-2012 Is the 2014-2016 Princeton Arts Fellow at Princeton University’s Lewis Center for the Arts LISA SEWELL, Writing Fellow 1996-1997 Her new book of poetry, Impossible Object, won the 2014 Tenth Gate Prize and willl be published in the spring of 2015 We encourage all Fellows to send us news of exhibitions, publications and other announcements for inclusion in the Work Center Monthly and on our website. Please send all information to HUDSON D. WALKER GALLERY NOVEMBER 2014 NOVEMBER 14 - DECEMBER 9, 2014 ALL-TOWN EXHIBITION An Open Invitational Featuring the Works of Artists From the Outer Cape – Provincetown, Truro and Wellfleet OPENING RECEPTION: FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 6-8PM FREE AND OPEN TO ALL CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS The drop-off date for work is Wednesday, November 12th, 10AM-3PM. Each artist may submit one work of art. Please make sure the work is ready to hang at the time of drop-off. Please do not exceed 30 inches in length, width or depth. We have a few pedestals that will be available on a first-come basis as well as a TV/DVD player for video work. All submitted works will be displayed. The Hudson D. Walker Gallery at the Fine Arts Work Center is handicapped accessible. Please enter through the main office.
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