csi global connect-internet remote access
csi global connect-internet remote access
CSI GLOBAL CONNECT-INTERNET REMOTE ACCESS http://www.controlsysteminnovators.com/ Internet Remote Access Service Appliance Package The CSI Global Connect IRASA hardware package provides industrial hardware for a permanent Remote Access Connection for CSI, corporate technical engineers and other service personnel to access an Ethernet Industrial network. Today’s Ethernet based PLC, Drive, Motion Control and HMI products offer Ethernet connect ability for enhanced communication between PLC/Drive hardware and also make remote service possible. The CSI package includes: • 77C770-SD2 Industrial computer with solid state hard drive, dual Ethernet Ports and full complement of USB and other PC ports. The IPC includes a Windows XP Pro Embedded operating system • Two Ethernet ports allow separate connection to Industrial (PLCDrive-HMI) Ethernet network and Plant Intranet-Remote access connection. USB Wireless option can also be used for internet connection. • Fan less motherboard, Low Power Dual Core Atom processor and Solid State drive insure long term reliability. • 5 Port Ethernet switch and DC power supply are supplied. • “RemotelyAnywhere” Remote access software is supplied for VPN remote access applications and also allows PC’s connected to industrial Ethernet network to access the IPC and run applications with only Internet Explorer. Run RSLogix5000(licenced copy on IPC) from any computer connected to industrial Ethernet. Use Windows 7 laptop to run Windows XP programs. • “Logmein.com” Service can be used where corporate network or wireless has internet access. • Normally minimum licensed software includes Rockwell Automation RSLogix5000 SE, Rockwell Automation Drive Executive, ABB Drive Window, TwinCAT and optional HMI development software. • Merged PDF copies of CSI drawings and other system drawings are loaded on IPC, providing instant access by remote access service personnel. • 6 Hours over up to 12 month period of CSI Global Connect remote access service is included with each purchase. Additional service hours are available billed at published rate. Remote Service Ethernet based Motion Control Connect and Remote Service Ethernet Connected PLC Controllers Connect and Remote Service Ethernet/IP Drives CSI GLOBAL CONNECT-INTERNET REMOTE ACCESS Remote Internet Access Service Improves Process Uptime Remote Access Internet connection provides instant access to expert service personnel for Control System Innovators, corporate engineers and other service organizations to resolve a machine or process problem. Much production downtime can be avoided with fast access to process system hardware! Features include: Password and username protected access • High resolution remote screen view remotely adjustable • • High Speed remote file transfer for downloading updated software and saving modified programs, HMI screens and Drive configurations • 1M hr MTBF Solid State hard drive on IPC allows 24 Hour-7 Day trend monitoring of PLC variables can be useful in troubleshooting intermittent system problems. Order IRASA and begin to protect your Process Line and Machine Productivity The CSI Internet Remote Access Appliance package connects to all modern Ethernet Industrial Networks. On new machinery purchases be sure to purchase a Global Connect ready system. ControlLogix, Powerflex755, RSLogix5000 are trade names or trademarks of Rockwell Automation TwinCAT and EtherCAT are trade names of Beckhoff RemotlyAnywhere, logmein.com tradenames of logmein.com (Plant and Mail) csiglobalconnect.com csinnov.com Pub2011-IRASA-1 Control System Innovators Fox Bluff Corporate Center 1301 Bowes Road, Suite A Elgin. IL 60123 Phone: 847-741-0007 Fax: 847-741-7710 Email: sales@controlsysteminnovators.com
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