2016 PeRfoRmanCe guiDe - Bay View Music Festival


2016 PeRfoRmanCe guiDe - Bay View Music Festival
National Historic Landmark EST. 1875
A Chautauqua on Lake Michigan
Please RECYCLE to preserve this area for future generations. return this book to an usher after the program.
front inside cover
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Faculty artists
With over thirty faculty artists who both teach and perform internationally, Bay View is your summer
home for great performances from a variety of musical styles and a destination for those wishing to
study an instrument or voice, at any experience level. These dedicated musicians teach all day and
perform concerts each Wednesday and Sunday evening from mid-June through mid-August. If you would
like to take lessons for your enjoyment, enrichment, or budding career as a performer, children or adults
of any age are welcome to register. Call 231-347-4210 for details or visit www.bayviewfestival.org.
Chris Ludwa
Wanchi Huang, Violin
Fangye Sun, Violin
Lin He, Violin
Fitzhugh Gary, Viola
Jounghoon Song, Viola
Daniel Tressel, Cello
Theodore Buchholz, Cello
Philip Alejo, Bass
Donna Shin, Flute
Sara Fraker, Oboe
Jeanmarie Riccobono, Clarinet
Aaron Brant, Horn
Jill Marderness, Bassoon
Spectrum BRASS
Scott Thornburg, Trumpet
Brian Buerkle, Trumpet
Aaron Brant, Horn
John Rutherford, Trombone
Jacob Cameron, Tuba
Risa Renae Harman, Soprano
Élise DesChamps, Mezzo Soprano
Jeffrey Picón, Tenor
Brian Banion, Bass
Fred Marderness,
Kelly Hale, Piano/Organ
Matt McFarlane, Piano
Anthony Patterson, Piano
Casey Robards, Piano
Brian Onderdonk, Conductor, Opera
Bill Fabris, Stage Director, Opera & Musical
Latoya Lain, Music Director, Musical
Theresa Harrington, Stage Director, Youth Theatre
Chris Ludwa, Conductor of Festival Choir, Orchestra, & Musical
Matt McFarlane, Director of Operations
Dana Reynolds, Office Administrator
David Warren, Box Office Manager & Dorm Director
Laurielle Warren, Box Office Manager
Private Lessons
If you would like to take lessons for your enjoyment, enrichment,
or budding career as a performer, children or adults of any age are
welcome to register. Call 231-347-4210 for details or visit
underwritten faculty chairs, ENSEMBLES & CONCERtS
Spectrum Brass Quintet is underwritten by Neil and Marsha Bidwell.
Risa Renae Harman holds the Karen Schuiling Endowed Soprano chair.
Scott Thornburg holds the Thomas Van Leuven Memorial chair.
Evita made possible by Carol Perkins, David and Carol Parker, and the WMR Family Foundation.
Performance of Indigo Girls made possible by Virginia Galvin Crouse Visiting Artist Endowment.
Additional support for emerging artists and guest performers on vespers
provided by David and Theresa Crouse.
William Davis Green Foundation makes possible the Sacred/Historical Vespers.
Broadway vespers presented by Bob and Lisa Jones Foundation In Honor of Karen Bohn
Ward Walstrom in support of Spirituals Intensive program and concerts in the community.
Ali and Laura El Mohandes make possible the Soul Revue: 1975-1985 pops concert on 7.23.
Please consider honoring or memorializing a loved one by supporting a specific cause
about which you are passionate. Call the Bay View Development Office at 231-347-6225
or talk to Chris Ludwa after a concert.
Performing arts SUPPORTERS
The following individuals enable the vision of the Bay View Music Festival to come to fruition
through general donations and underwriting. Their support of individual concerts, pianos, special
lighting and sound equipment and other improvements allows us to keep our ticket price low enough
that all can continue to enjoy the performing arts traditions we’ve established. These individuals have
donated between Summer 2015 and April 30, 2016.
Our annual Adrian
Boyer Concerto/
Aria Competition &
Orchestra on July 3 is
made possible thanks to:
Bay View Womans Council
Neil and Marsha Bidwell
Karen Bohn
Deborah Boland
Mrs. Bryan Bryan
Sharon and Roger Burau
Frank and Barbara Burdine
Adrian Boyer
Hugo Gottesman Fund Constance and James Burt
In Memory of Virginia Leonard
Glen and Pamela Carpenter
New Donors
and Ray & Joan Ludwa
Mr. and Mrs. Coffin Coffin
James M. and Beverly J. Ragland
George and Susanne Dauler
Jo Ellyn Clarey
Barbara Weber
Mary Doerr
Fred Weber, Jr.
David and Mary Doidge
Donna Domilici
Robert W. and Patricia Ann
Peter Dow, in memory of Mary
Don and Kathy Duquette
Zetterberg, in Memory of Max
C. Dykhouse
Linn Keller
C. Collins
Don and Kathy Duquette
Pat and Sophie McGee
Laura and Ali El-Mohandes
Susan Sariego
Appreciation Night
Nancy Fazio
John S. Snyder
Ken and Terri Forrest
Elke Frankenberg
David Hedrick and Mary Kay
William Frasch
Berles, in memory of Wilbur
provides over $3000 in David and Ruthe Gerarduzzi
Mark and Jo Ellen Gilbert
support of a student
Dick and Carolyn Chambers
who comes for 8 weeks Paul K. and Carol C. Godwin
Al and Susan Darold
William and Patricia Grafstrom
and engages in an
Mike and Annette Davis
Brenda Green
ongoing relationship
Jackie Harrison
Gerrit B. and Jan Gucky
with the donor.
David and Fran Hill
Kelly Hale
Noranette Lear
David E. and Sharyn A. Hansen
Ms. Murbach Murbach
Karl and Michelle Hansen
Bob and Sharon Kammeraad
Sue Noble
Jackie Harrison
James M. and Beverly J. Ragland David and Carol Parker
The WMR Family Foundation John and Sarah Helge
Bill and Amy Wolff
Bob and Sharon Kammeraad
Dick and Jane Kelbaugh
Music Scholarship
Brass Scholarship Fund
Donations allow
Catherine Lange
Bob and Jean Long
Robert Banwell
Nancy and Ray Ludwa
experience Bay View
Jobst Blachy
each year and provide Joann Lundberg
Karen Bohn
over $30,000 annually. Boyd and Judy McClaskey
Kathy Brady
Jan and Dan McDermott
They include:
Barbara Brandt
Matthew and Molly McFarlane
Beverly Brandt
Dick and Maureen McKaig
Campus Club of BV
Robert and Norma Brown
Richard and Juliette Moynihan
Daniel and Jilby Cheston
Harbor Springs Chamber
Bob and Sharon Kammeraad
Julie and Sherman Shultz
Kalmin D. and Marsha C.
Barbara Murbach
Marlene Murphy
Ms. Murphy
Ed and Libby Neithercut
Judith Osborne
Carol Parker
Ray and Lynn Pensinger
Carol Perkins
John W. and Maureen E.
James M. and Beverly J.
Casey Robards
Annette Rokop
Betty Salzer
Marian Kennedy Sanford
Dr. Mary Santini Santini
Clarence and Phyllis Scheffler
Carolyn J. Schloff
Michael Schulz
Art and Sharon Schupbach
Patricia Sehr
Grace Shearer
Darrel and Sue Shinn
Gary Shults
Tom and Mary Lou Smith
Glenn and Betty Stevens
Stan and Jerilyn Sutton
Carolyn Switzer
Melissa Thompson
Bill and Ruth Tomkinson
Patti Van Der Have
Roger and Katherine Winslow
Robert W. and Patricia Ann
A special thanks to
Willem & Patti Van
Der Have for their
annual High Tea
Initiative which has
raised over $25,000
since its inception.
General Performing Arts
Donors make everything
possible from advanced
lighting to improvements
in ticketing to audience
comfort. They include:
Acorn Elder Care LLC, in memory of
Robert Timyan
Phyllis Adams Adams
Jonathan Amy and Betty Flood, in
memory of Nancy E. Peterson
John P. and Barbara Moran
Anton Anton
Alice Avery, in memory of Doris
Marie and Jeff Baert, in memory of
Robert Timyan
Kathryn L. Bayster
Gordon and Anne Becker
Bona and Brian Beckley, in memory
of Brian Beckley
Jeffrey and Laura Bennett
David Hedrick and Mary Kay Berles,
in memory of Thomas C. Shearer
David Hedrick and Mary Kay Berles,
in memory of David L. Jones
David Hedrick and Mary Kay Berles
Charles Bingham
Mary Jane Black, in memory of
Ronald A. Black
Sylvia and Bock Bock
Cary Boggs
Karen Bohn
Gilda Bone, in Memory of Max C.
Eric and Tobi Breisach
Sharon Britton
Nancy and Ronald Broquet
Christine and J.D. Brown
Robert and Norma Brown
Frank and Barbara Burdine
Tom and Sandy Burr Burr, in memory
of Robert Timyan
Constance and James Burt
Michael Cameron
Martin Collica, in memory of Max
C. Collins
Brian Collins
Jeff and Pat Dauler
Patricia and Richard Dinger, in
memory of Robert Timyan
Margaret and Paul Dufault, in
memory of Paul Dufault
A. Louise Earhart
Donna Earhart
Jean Frentz
Charlie and Fran Gano
Jeffrey Groehn
Jackie Harrison, in memory of David
L. Jones
Julia Healy
David and Fran Hill
Nancy Hodgkiss
Thomas and Mary Hord
Mr. and Mrs. Janecke Janecke
Stuart Jenkins, in memory of Max C.
James Jones
Marian Kennedy Kennedy
Karen and Lee Roy Knapp
Barbara Kopitz, in memory of Max C.
Richard and Ann Kraft, in memory of
Bernice V. Beard
Richard and Ann Kraft, in memory of
Lawrence E. Dykhouse
Richard and Ann Kraft, in memory of
Janet Moehn
Richard and Ann Kraft, in memory of
Mary Tanner
Richard and Ann Kraft, in memory of
Lawrence R. Ternan
Janet Kreger
Mary Lee
Douglas and Minda Lehman
Ellen Liestenfeltz
Joann Lundberg, in memory of Becky
James and Linda Matthews
Jan and Dan McDermott
Diane and Hugh McLeod III
Michigan Council for Art and Cultural
Michigan State University FBO City
Opera House
Elisabeth (Libby) Mondala
Becky Monnies-Chaffin
Marlene Murphy
Margaret and Robert Nault, in memory of
Robert Timyan
David and Carol Parker
Petoskey Bay View Country Club, in
memory of Robert Timyan
Petoskey Harbor Springs Area
Community Foundation
Dina Pettersen Riquelme
James M. and Beverly J. Ragland
Gerald Wayne and Hannah M. Rees
Meredith Richter
Michael and Glynn Ann Ruggeri, in
memory of Robert Timyan
Paul and Laura Sandie, in memory of Max
C. Collins
Cecelia Saputo
Allyson Schumacher
Patricia Sehr, in memory of Joseph Lyons
Beth Selke
Betty Sims, in memory of David P. Sims
Tom and Mary Lou Smith
Kalmin D. and Marsha C. Smith, in honor
of Sarah Bunker
Stafford and Jan Smith
Emily Soelter
David and Fran Spencer
Jon and Susan Stahl, in memory of James
Stan and Jerilyn Sutton
Velma Theisen
Paul N. and Ingrid Tomey
Catherine and Douglas R. Trebilcock,
in honor of Chris Ludwa
Lillian Tribble, in memory of Max
C. Collins
Norlin and Judy Tymes
Robert and Patricia Utter, in memory
of Catherine E. Smith
Roberta Vander Breggen
Julie and Warren Veltman, in memory
of Robert Timyan
Hans Wagner
Tracy West
Ann Wightman
Robert Willet
George Williams
Margaret Williams
Dawn and Steven Wilson, in memory
of Robert Timyan
Arianna Zethelius, in memory of Max
C. Collins
Robert W. and Patricia Ann Zetterberg,
in memory of Max C. Collins
June Zoerhof
Pops Concerts
Morning Council
David and Theresa Crouse
Linda Dicker
William Grafstrom
Ali and Laura El Mohandes
Donald Olmsted
Don Persons
Gwendolyn Pike
Karan Weinberg
In Memory of Virginia Leonard and
Ray and Joan Ludwa
These supporters of Youth
Theatre make this program
David Hedrick and Mary Kay Berles
Charles Stewart Mott Foundation
Paul K. and Carol C. Godwin
Gerrit B. and Jan Gucky, in memory of
Catherine E. Smith
Kelly Hale
Sara Holmes
David and Carol Parker
Petoskey Plastics
Clarence and Phyllis Scheffler
Carolyn J. Schloff
Norm and Diane V. Wells
The WMR Family Foundation
Contact us and we’ll be happy to add you to our list of supporters!
Call Melissa Thompson at 231-347-6225 or see Chris Ludwa with your idea.
Sunday Sunset Vesper Series
Sunday, June 19, 2016
Journey of the Spirit
This concert brought to you by William Davis Green Foundation.
Opening Hymn: I Sing the Almighty Power of God
With a Voice of Singing Martin Shaw
Festival Choir
Chris Ludwa, Conductor
Kelly Hale, Organ
Fiat Lux
Théodore Dubois Kelly Hale, Organ
“Cavatina” from String Quartet No. 13 in Bb major, Op. 130
Ludwig van Beethoven
Bay View String Quartet
Wanchi Huang, Violin
Fangye Sun, Violin
Fitz Gary, Viola
Daniel Tressel, Cello
“Whitewater Rapids” from Roaring Fork Suite
Eric Ewazen
Bay View Wind Quintet
Donna Shin, Flute Sara Fraker, Oboe Jeanmarie Riccobono, Clarinet
Aaron Brant, Horn Jill Marderness, Bassoon
Standing In the Need of Prayer
Traditional Spiritual
Brian Banion, Bass Matt McFarlane, Piano
Deep River
Wanchi Huang, Violin
Traditional, arr. Heifetz
Casey Robards, Piano
Adagio Tomaso Giovanni Albinoni
Scott Thornburg, Trumpet
This Little Light of Mine
Kelly Hale, Organ
Traditional, arr. Raney
Matt McFarlane & Anthony J. Patterson, Piano Duo
“Domine Deus” from Gloria in D Major, RV 589
Antonio Vivaldi
Risa Renae Harman, Soprano
Sara Fracker, Oboe
Daniel Tressel, Cello
Casey Robards, Harpsichord
Give Me Jesus
Jeffrey Picón, Tenor
Traditional, arr. Hogan
Anthony J. Patterson, Piano
Jesus Shall Reign/I Know That My Redeemer Lives
arr. Tucker
Scott Thornburg, Trumpet
Kirk Ringers of First Presbyterian Church, Harbor Springs
“Offertorium” from Requiem
Giuseppe Verdi
Risa Renae Harman, Soprano Élise DesChamps, Mezzo Soprano
Jeffrey Picón, Tenor Brian Banion, Bass Kelly Hale, Organ
Closing Hymn: Sent Forth By God’s Blessing
Ash Grove
Benediction and Response
Rev. Daniel Moser
Festival Choir
Chamber Music Series Wednesday, June 22, 2016
Espoused: Bare to the Brahms
Une Bouche Aimee
Giovanni Bottesini Tutto il Mondo Serra
Risa Renae Harman, Soprano
Anthony Patterson, Piano
Philip Alejo, Contrabass
Bare Songs
Brian Banion, Bass
Edwin Penhorwood
Kelly Hale, Piano
Chansons de Bilitis La flûte de Pan
La Chevelure
Le Tombeau des naïades
Élise DesChamps, Mezzo Soprano
Claude Debussy
Kelly Hale, Piano
Piano Quartet No. 1 in G minor, op. 25
Johannes Brahms
I. Allegro
Fangye Sun, Violin
Fitzhugh Gary, Viola
Daniel Tressel, Cello Anthony Patterson, Piano
June 17-25, 2016
Bay View Music Festival
Summer Opera Art Song and Recording Seminar
Evening of Art Song
Friday, June 17, 2016 7 pm Voorhies Hall, Bay View, MI
Admission: Free with Donations Accepted
SOARS singers and pianists are featured in a varied program of songs in English,
German, French and Italian by well-known composers. English translations for the
songs will be provided. Come enjoy a taste of the wonderful collaboration between
music, words, voice and piano!
Opera à la Carte
(2 free performances!)
Friday, June 24, 2016
1st Congregational Church
Charlevoix, MI
8 pm
Saturday, June 25, 2016
Hall Auditorium
Bay View, MI
8 pm
Admission: Free with donations accepted
The Opera à la Carte program offers the opportunity for pre-professional opera singers
to hone their art through the exploration of all stages of preparation from the research
and study of historical styles, to character analysis and movement. Each student is
featured in stylistically contrasting roles in which they would be professionally cast today
or in the near future. This performance is the culmination of two weeks of intense work
on behalf of these talented young artists as well as festival faculty and staff.
SOARS Ensemble Members and Pianists:
Andrea Bickford, Marin Tack, Lauren Corcoran,
Natalie Bodkin, Maranda Ginop – Soprano
Mattie Crisp, Charlotte Green – Mezzo soprano
Nathan Brown, Philip Eschweiler, Austin Glover – Tenor
Yichen Li – Countertenor
Gray Leiper, Logan Dell’Aqua, Marcel Mello – Baritone
Cody Bradley, Alyssa Griffith, Alex Munger – Piano
SOARS Faculty and Staff:
Dr. Risa Renae Harman, Vocal Area Coordinator and Voice Faculty
Dr. Casey Robards, Opera Scenes Musical Director, Pianist
Dr. Mariah Boucher, Art Song Coach, Pianist
Dr. Sarah Stone, Opera Scenes Stage Director
Nick Gisonde, Opera Scenes Assistant Director
Brian Banion, Voice Faculty
Élise DesChamps, Voice Faculty
Jeffrey Picón, Voice Faculty
Sunday Sunset Vesper Series
Sunday, June 26, 2016
Salute to The Grammys
Hymn: Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee
Ode to Joy
“The Heavens Are Telling” from The Creation Franz Joseph Haydn
Festival Choir
Chris Ludwa, Conductor
Kelly Hale, Organ
Fred Marderness, Timpani
Theme from Titanic James Horner
Kelly Hale, Organ
Happy Days Are Here Again
Milton Ager and Jack Yellen
Risa Renae Harman, Soprano
Tony Patterson, Piano
Four on the Floor
Libby Larsen
Fangye Sun, Violin Daniel Tressel, Cello
Casey Robards, Piano Philip Alejo, Bass
“Nessun Dorma” from Turandot
Scott Thornburg, Trumpet
The Power of Two
Giacomo Puccini
Kelly Hale, Organ
Amy Ray and Emily Saliers
Owen James and Maya Story, Guitar and Vocal
“Vais criollo” from 4 Valses Venezolanos
Antonio Lauro
David Asbury, Guitar
“Confetti Mind” from Confetti Man
David Balakrishnan
Bay View String Quartet
Wanchi Huang, Violin
Fangye Sun, Violin
Fitz Gary, Viola
Daniel Tressel, Cello
La Vie en Rose
Édith Piaf
Élise DesChamps, Mezzo Soprano Matt McFarlane, Piano
Philip Alejo, Bass Chris Ludwa, Percussion
MerenguePaquito Rivera
Jeanmarie Riccobono, Clarinet
Sara Fraker, Oboe
Owen James, Guitar Philip Alejo, Bass
Daniel Tressel, Cello Wanchi Huang, Violin
Anthony J. Patterson, Piano
Hymn: Sing Praise to God, Who Has Shaped
Lobe Den Herren
Benediction and Response
Rev. Daniel Moser
Festival Choir
Chamber Music Series Wednesday, June 29, 2016
Summer String Serenade:
Beethoven & Tchaikovsky
String Quartet No. 8 in E Minor, op. 59, No. 2 Ludwig van Beethoven
I. Allegro
II. Monto Adago
III. Allegretto
IV. Finale Presto
Bay View String Quartet
Wanchi Huang, Violin Fangye Sun, Violin
Fitz Gary, Viola Daniel Tressel, Cello
Fünf Stücke für Streichquartett
Erwin Schulhoff
I. Alla Valse viennese (allegro)
II. Alla Serenata (allegretto con moto)
III. Alla Czeca (molto allegro)
IV. Alla Tango milonga (andante)
V. Alla Tarantella (prestissimo con fuoco)
Bay View String Quartet
Serenade for Strings in C Major, op. 48
Peter Ilych Tchaikovsky
IV. Finale: Andante-Allegro Con Spirito
Bay View String Faculty and Student Ensemble
Sunday Sunset Vesper Series Sunday, July 3, 2016
TV Themes and Technicolor
Hymn: How Can I Keep From Singing?
Traditional, arr. Goeller
The Winners of the 2016 Adrian Boyer Concerto
and Aria Competition
(To Be Announced)
TV Heroes Medley
Arr. Holcombe
“In the Hall of the Mountain King” from Peer Gynt Suite
Edvard Grieg
Flintstones Meet the Jetsons
Arr. Wendel
Love Theme from Romeo and Juliet
Peter Illych Tchaikovsky
Dallas Arr. Holcombe
Funeral March
80’s TV Theme Medley
Hymn: Amazing Grace
Benediction and Response
Charles Gounod
arr. Ludwa, ed. Cox
Traditional, arr. Goeller
Rev. Daniel Moser
The only month long festival in the world on the
most renowned Christian author of our time.
October & November
In Petoskey, Michigan
For a full schedule of events, visit
Scholars. Small Group Discussion.
Art. Live Performances. Seminars.
Special Presentation
Monday, July 4, 2016
featuring our 2016 Student Artists
National Hymn Kelly Hale, Organ
The Star Spangled Banner
Kelly Hale, Organ
Francis Scott Key
Anthem from Chess
Philip Eschweiler, Tenor
Benny Andersson
Military Service Medley
Student Brass Quintet
“Bring Him Home” from Les Miserables Claude-Michel Schoenberg
Mario Almonte, Baritone
Matt McFarlane, Piano
“I Get a Kick Out of You” from Anything Goes Brennan Martinez, Mezzo Soprano
L-O-V-E Cole Porter
Anthony Patterson, Piano
Bert Kaempfert and Milton Gabler
Lane Northcutt, Baritone
Matt McFarlane, Piano
“I’d Rather Be Sailing” from A New Brain
Brianna Murray, Soprano
“Mr. Cellophane” from Chicago
William Finn
Kelly Hale, Piano
John Kander and Fred Ebb
Tanner Hoertz, Baritone Kelly Hale, Piano
“Don’t Rain on My Parade” from Funny Girl
Jule Styne
Jessica Fritts, Mezzo Soprano Anthony Patterson, Piano
American Salute
Student Wind Quintet
Morton Gould
Singalong: Yankee Doodle
You’re a Grand Ol’ Flag
This Land is Your Land
Cohan & Guthrie
Kelly Hale, Organ
Matt McFarlane, Piano
Washington Post March
John Philip Sousa
Student Wind Quintet
“The Impossible Dream” from Man of La Mancha
Miguel Ochoa, Baritone
Mitch Leigh and Joe Darion
Anthony Patterson, Piano
From A Distance
Courtney Jameson, Mezzo Soprano
Julie Gold
Matthew McFarlane, Piano
“A New World” from Songs for a New World
Jason Robert Brown
Brennan Martinez, Mezzo Soprano
Gray Leiper, Baritone
Jessica Fritts, Mezzo Soprano Mario Almonte, Tenor
Anthony Patterson, Piano
America the Beautiful
Kelly Hale, Organ
Bates, arr. Charles
Matt McFarlane, Piano
Stars and Stripes Forever
Student Brass
John Philip Sousa
Chamber Music Series Wednesday, July 6, 2016
A Little Night Music:
Mozart, Schumann, & Music of the People
Songs Our Mothers Taught Us
Johnny Has Gone for a Soldier
I Gave My Love a Cherry
arr. Richard Walters
Single Girl
arr. Richard Walters
The River Songs arr. Dave Grusin
The Water is Wide
The Real American Folk Song is a Rag
George Gershwin
Risa Renae Harman, Soprano
Eine Kleine Nachtmusik, KV 525
Casey Robards, Piano
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
I. Allegro
II. Romanze
III. Minuetto
IV. Rondo
Bay View String Quartet
Wanchi Huang, Violin
Fangye Sun, Violin
Fitz Gary, Viola
Daniel Tressel, Cello Philip Alejo, Bass
Dichterliebe, Op. 48
Jeffrey Picón, Tenor
Robert Schumann
Casey Robards, Piano
Sunday Sunset Vespers Series
Sunday, July 10, 2016
Bright Lights of Broadway
This vesper presented by Bob and Lisa Jones Foundation
In Honor of Karen Bohn
Hymn: Chautauqua
Chautauqua Hymn
Featuring Carolyn Thibedeau, Guest Organist
“Sunday-Finale” from Sunday in the Park with George
Stephen Sondheim
Festival Choir & Soloists
Chris Ludwa, Conductor Anthony Patterson, Piano
A Western Fanfare
Eric Ewazen
Spectrum Brass Quintet
Scott Thornburg, Trumpet
Brian Buerkle, Trumpet Aaron Brant, Horn
John Rutherford, Trombone
Jacob Cameron, Tuba
“Where is the Life That Late I Led?” from Kiss Me, Kate Cole Porter
Brian Banion, Bass
Matt McFarlane, Piano
“Don’t Cry For Me Argentina” from Evita
Andrew Lloyd Webber
**Brennan Martinez, Mezzo Soprano
The Cast of Evita
“And the Money Kept Rolling In” from Evita Andrew Lloyd Webber
**Lane Northcutt, Baritone
The Cast of Evita
“Dear Theodosia” from Hamilton
Lin-Manuel Miranda
Jeffrey Picón, Tenor Brian Banion, Bass
Matthew McFarlane, Piano
“Will He Like Me?” from She Loves Me Sheldon Harnick & Jerry Bock
Risa Renae Harman, Soprano Anthony Patterson, Piano
“She Loves Me” from She Loves Me
Jeffrey Picón, Tenor
Sheldon Harnick and Jerry Bock
Anthony Patterson, Piano
“Queen of the Night”
from The Magic Flute
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Spectrum Brass Quintet
Scott Thornburg, Trumpet Brian Buerkle, Trumpet Aaron Brant, Horn
John Rutherford, Trombone Jacob Cameron, Tuba
“Summer in Ohio” from The Last 5 Years
**Maggie Elisabeth Smith, Mezzo
Jason Robert Brown
Matt McFarlane, Piano
“Whatever Happened to My Part?” from Spamalot
John DuPrez and Eric Idle
**Jessica Fritts, Mezzo Soprano Matthew McFarlane, Piano
Philip Alejo, Bass
“Natural Woman” from Beautiful (The Carole King Musical)
Carole King
Dana Reynolds, Katie Joachim, and Mikayla Cerrudo, Trio
Chris Ludwa, Piano
Liz Clawson, Bass
“I Feel the Earth Move” from Beautiful (The Carole King Musical)
Carole King
**Brennan Martinez, Mezzo Soprano
Matt McFarlane, Piano
Philip Alejo, Bass
Fred Marderness, Percussion
Hymn: Until All Are Fed (Bryan McFarlane)
Anthony Patterson, Piano
Benediction and Response
**student artist
Philip Alejo, Bass
Rev. Daniel Moser
Festival Choir
Special Presentation
July 13, 2016
A summer of programming celebrating strong women in business,
theatre, film, and music... the choices they must make, the challenges
they face, and ultimately the learning that occurs for each of us, male or
female, on this life’s journey.
Panel Discussion: Achievement, Balance, & Career
Wednesday, July 13 at 4 p.m. in Voorhies Hall
Join this distinguished panel of powerful leaders for a discussion of
relevant topics to inspire those who seek to make sense of this human
experience and the way our work and personal life interact. Facilitated by
Bay View Trustee, Barb Stonewater.
Julie Holder, CEO of JFH Insights and executive coach, as well as
former Senior Vice president, Chief Marketing, Sales and Reputation
Officer of Dow Chemical; Deb Fellows, Editor in Chief at MyNorth
Media & Editor of Traverse Magazine; Molly Kircher, owner of Lake
Affect & Senior VP of Brand Development for Boyne Resorts; and Gail
Gruenwald, Executive Director of Tip o’ the Mitt Watershed Council.
Chamber Music Series Wednesday, July 13, 2016
Summer Breeze:
An Evening with the Bay View Wind Quintet
This concert takes place at the Emmanuel Episcopal Church in Petoskey
Bay View Wind Quintet
Donna Shin, Flute Sara Fraker, Oboe Jeanmarie Riccobono, Clarinet
Aaron Brant, Horn Jill Marderness, Bassoon
Fantasy on a Theme by J.S. Bach
Adrien Barthe
Lowell Liebermann
Anthony J. Patterson, Piano
Quintet for Winds
I. Intrada
II. Intermezzo
III. Romanza
IV. Scherzo
V. Finale
John Harbison
Three Shanties
I. Allegro con brio
II. Allegretto semplice
III. Allegro vivace
Malcolm Arnold
Musical Theater
July 14-16, 2016
Bay View Music Festival
Performance Sponsors:
Carol Perkins, David and Carol Parker,
and the WMR Family Foundation
Lyrics by TIM RICE
Stage Direction Bill Fabris
Musical Direction LaToya Lane
Choreography Heather Raue
Conductor Chris Ludwa
Pianist Cody Bradley
Scenic Design and Head Carpentry Ann Massey & Kim St. Andrew
Costume Design Ryann Corbett
Asst. Costume Design Megan Mills
Stage Management Francesca Mamlin
Asst. Stage Management Maureen Degen
Properties Maranda Ginop
Technical Assistant Jennifer Bolton
Paint, Lighting, Followspot and ASM Jake Barnwell
Assistant Costume Design, Stitching, Technical Manager Marisa Sorce
Please see page 43 for Cast Bios
EVITA is presented through special arrangement with
R & H Theatricals and Two Knights Rights Limited. www.rnh.com.
in order of appearance
Juan Peron
Eva Peron
Che Guevara
Mistress (Thur.)
Mistress (Fri.)
Mistress (Sat.)
Rainbow Tour Mob Ensemble
Steve Spencer
Brennan Martinez
Lane Northcutt
Katie Joachim
Mikayla Cerrudo
Dana Reynolds
Brian Alvarado
Money Kept Rollin’
Dancers Crooked Tree Dance Company
Money Kept Rollin’ Crowd Ensemble
Movie Scene Crowd
Jennifer Bolton, Laura McBeth, June
Zoerhof, Paul Tomey, Melanie Hoeksema, Cooper Hoeksema, Aaron Mathews, Sarah Van Atter, Dan Chingwa, Reynolds/Cerrudo/Joachim,
Matt Kirkwood, Hannah Heydinger
Funeral Chorus
Funeral Dancers Ensemble
Crooked Tree Dance Co.
Duarte Family
Mama Sister 1
Sister 2
Sister 3
Jennifer Bolton
Sarah Van Atter
Rose Anderson
Adam Van Atter
Buenos Aires
Buenos Aires
Crooked Tree Dance Co.
Gray Leiper
Discarded Lover
Mario Almonte
Brian Alvarado, Miguel Ochoa, Julian Morris,
Tanner Hoertz
Brian Alvarado, Miguel Ochoa, Julian Morris,
Tanner Hoertz, Gray Leiper, Mario Almonte,
Phililp Eschweiler
Boy Trio in “Another Suitcase”
Philip Eschweiler, Gray Leiper, Lane Northcutt
Sarah Van Atter, Angelia Cranney & Gerry Lou
Kania, Sophia Cranney & Joachim/Reynolds/
Cerrudo, Quentin Fettig & Adam Van Atter,
John Helge, Matthew Kirkwood
New Argentina Crowd + Solos Ensemble
Don’t Cry For Me Crowd
Mob Scene
Children/Eva’s Angels
Chldren’s Choir: Amelia Berles,
Joachim/Reynolds/Cerrudo, Isabel
Dunn, Riley Em VandeVelde, Cooper
Hoeksema, Olivia Cerrudo, Aaron
Mathews, Jake Stuber, Josh Stuber,
Gavin Ellis
Death Montage Chorus
Discarded Lover
July 14-16, 2016
Dressers for Eva Philip Eschweiler, Mario Almonte, Gray Leiper,
Miguel Ochoa, Jessica Fritts, Brianna Murray
June Zoerhof
Aaron Mathews
Adam Van Atter
Amelia Berles
Angelia Cranney Coopersmith
Breanna Murray
Cooper Hoeksema
Courtney Jameson
Dana Reynolds
Daniel Chingwa
Emily Totedo
Gavin Ellis
Gerry Lou Kania
Hannah Heydinger
Isabel Dunn
Jake Stuber
Jennifer Bolton
Jessica Fritts
John Helge
Josh Stuber
June Zoerhof
Katie Joachim
Laura McBeth
Maggie Smith
Matt Mirkwood
Melanie Hoeksema
Mikayla Cerrudo
Olivia Cerrudo
Paul Tomey
Quentin Fettig
Riley Em
Rose Anderson
Sarah Van Atter
Shawn Palmer
Sophia Claire
July 14-16, 2016
Oh, What A Circus.......................................................................................Che and Ensemble
On This Night of a Thousand Stars...............................................................................Magaldi
Eva, Beware of the City.......................................................................Magaldi, Eva and Family
Buenos Airest...................................................................................................Eva and Dancers
Goodnight and Thank You........................................................................Che, Eva and Lovers
The Art Of The Possible.....................................................................Peron, Eva and Colonels
Charity Concert............................................................................................................Ensemble
I’d Be Surprisingly Good For You .....................................................................Eva and Peron
Another Suitcase in Another Hall.................................................................................Mistress
Peron’s Last Flame.......................................................................................Che and Ensemble
A New Argentina.......................................................................Che, Eva, Peron and Ensemble
On the balcony of the Casa Rosada.........................................................Peron and Ensemble
Don’t Cry For Me Argentina...................................................................................................Eva
High Flying Adored........................................................................................................Che, Eva
Rainbow High...................................................................................................Eva and Dressers
Rainbow Tour.............................................................................Che, Eva, Peron and Peronists
The Actress Hasn’t Learned (The Lines You’d Like to Hear).....................Eva and Ensemble
And the Money Kept Rolling In (And Out)...................................................Che and Ensemble
Santa Evita................................................................................................Children and Workers
Waltz for Eva and Che....................................................................................................Eva, Che
You Must Love Me...................................................................................................................Eva
She is a Diamond...........................................................................................Peron and Officers
Dice Are Rolling....................................................................................................Peron and Eva
Eva’s Final Broadcast.............................................................................................................Eva
Junin and Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1934-1952
Sunday Sunset Vesper Series Sunday, July 17, 2016
Rhapsody in Blues
Hymn: Over My Head
Traditional Spiritual
Anthony DiLorenzo
Spectrum Brass Quintet, Bay View Chamber Brass
Fred Marderness, Percussion
Birth of the Blues
Ray Henderson and Frank Sinatra
Brian Banion, Bass-Baritone Anthony J. Patterson, Piano
Philip Alejo, Bass
St. Louis Blues
W.C. Handy, arr. Shaw
Festival Choir
Chris Ludwa, Conductor
Anthony J. Patterson, Piano Owen James, Guitar
Fred Marderness, Percussion
Philip Alejo, Bass
Come Sunday
Duke Ellington, arr. Hale
Jeanmarie Riccobono, Clarinet
Kelly Hale, Organ
Kurt Weill
Risa Renae Harman, Soprano Casey Robards, Piano
Philip Alejo, Bass
“Allegro con spirito” & “Allegro grazio” Gyorgy Ligeti
from Six Bagatelles
Bay View Wind Quintet
Donna Shin, Flute Sara Fraker, Oboe Jeanmarie Riccobono, Clarinet
Aaron Brant, Horn Jill Marderness, Bassoon
Sitting On Top of the World
Walter Vinson and Lonnie Chatmon
Owen James, Guitar
Special Guest:
Oh Brother Big Sister
Blue SkiesIrving Berlin
Penny Jean and Radel Rosen, Vocals
Too Late
Penny Jean, Radel Rosen, and Al Bondar
Penny Jean and Radel Rosen, Vocals
Birth of the Blues (Reprise) Ray Henderson and Frank Sinatra
Brian Banion, Bass John Rutherford, Trombone
Anthony J Patterson, Piano
Philip Alejo, Bass
Fred Marderness, Percussion
Rhapsody in Blue
George Gershwin
Spectrum Brass Quintet Anthony J. Patterson, Piano
Fred Marderness, Percussion
Hymn: Now On Land and Sea Descending
Benediction and Response
Rev. Daniel Moser
Festival Choir
Every year, we raise over $20,000 in scholarship funds to add to numerous
generous endowments we hold for that purpose, making it possible for thousands
of students to have had "the Bay View experience." Every time they leave, their
resounding comment is how special this place is to them, not just musically, but
personally, socially, and spiritually. Join us for the opera Cinderella on August
3, 4, 5, and 6 and the Scholarship Concert on Wednesday, August 10 at 7pm to
celebrate this year's student achievements and to raise money for 2017.
Chamber Music Series Wednesday, July 20, 2016
Brass Menagerie:
A Spectrum Brass Concert Experience
Spectrum Brass Quintet
Scott Thornburg, Trumpet
Brian Buerkle, Trumpet
Aaron Brant, Horn John Rutherford, Trombone
Jacob Cameron, Tuba
Anthony DiLorenzo
Four Monteverdi Madrigals
Si ch’io vorrei morire Non piu guerra, pietate
Ah, dolente partita
Quel augellin che canta
Four Movements for Five Brass
Introduction and march
World Premier To Be Announced
Claudio Monteverdi
Distant Dancing
Collier Jones
Jeff Haas
Richard Peaslee
North Woods
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Sunday Sunset Vesper Series Sunday, July 24, 2016
The Greatest Generation
Hymn: Praise to the Living God
Sentimental Journey
Glenn Miller
Risa Renae Harman, Soprano Anthony J. Patterson, Piano Philip Alejo, Bass Fred Marderness, Percussion
The Young Dead Soldiers
Kelly Hale
Brian Banion, Bass Theodore Buchholz, Cello
Festival Choir
Kelly Hale, Organ
“Satirical Dance” from The Bolt, Op. 27
Dmitri Shostakovich
Spectrum Brass Quintet
Scott Thornburg, Trumpet
Brian Buerkle, Trumpet
Aaron Brant, Horn John Rutherford, Trombone Jacob Cameron, Tuba
Marche Caractéristique D 886 n.1.wmv
Franz Schubert
Robards-Patterson Piano Duo
Pilgrim’s Hymn
Bayview Chamber Singers
Chris Ludwa, Conductor
Stephen Paulus
Jean-Philipe Calvin
Bay View Wind Quintet
Donna Shin, Flute Sara Fraker, Oboe Jeanmarie Riccobono, Clarinet
Aaron Brant, Horn Jill Marderness, Bassoon
College Hornpipe
Mark O’Connor
Wanchi Huang and Lin He, Violin Duo
“Prayer” Suite for Cello and Piano “From Jewish Life”
Theodore Buchholz, Cello
Casey Robards, Piano
Flight of the Bumblebee
Anthony J. Patterson, Piano
Ernest Bloch
arr. Patterson
Selections from South Pacific Richard Rodgers & Oscar Hammerstein
“Some Enchanted Evening” “You’ve Got To Be Taught”
“There is Nothing Like a Dame”
Brian Banion, Bass Baritone
Élise DesChamps, Mezzo Soprano
Jeffrey Picón, Tenor Kelly Hale, Piano
Festival Choir Men Chris Ludwa, Conductor
Anthony J. Patterson, Piano
Hymn: Eternal Father, Strong to Save Audience
Benediction and Response
Rev. Daniel Moser
Festival Choir
Chamber Music Series Wednesday, July 27, 2016
Mystery, Mayhem, and Music:
A Night at the Opera
“Lisa mendace anch’essa!” from Act II, La Sonnambula
Vincenzo Bellini
Risa Renae Harman, Soprano Élise DesChamps, Mezzo
Jeffrey Picón, Tenor Brian Banion, Bass
Kelly Hale, Piano
“Adieu, forêts” from Act I, Jeanne D’Arc
Élise DesChamps, Mezzo
Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky
Kelly Hale, Piano
“Va! Je t’ai pardonné...Nuit d’hyménée!” from Act IV, Roméo et Juliette
Charles Gounod
Risa Renae Harman, Soprano Jeffrey Picón, Tenor
Casey Robards, Piano
“Abendlich strahlt der Sonne auge” from Act IV, Das Rheingold
Brian Banion, Bass
Kelly Hale, Piano
“Una furtiva lagrima” from Act II, L’Elisir d’Amore
Jeffrey Picón, Tenor
Richard Wagner
Gaetano Donizetti
Casey Robards, Piano
“Tutta in voi la luce mia” from Act I, Anna Bolena Gaetano Donizetti
Élise DesChamps, Mezzo Brian Banion, Bass
Kelly Hale, Piano
“Come to mine aid” from Act I, The Merry Wives of Windsor
Otto Nicolai
Risa Renae Harman, Soprano Casey Robards, Piano
“Overture” from Il Barbiere di Siviglia
Giacomo Rossini
Casey Robards and Kelly Hale, Piano
“Come in, ye timid damsels” from Act II, Martha
Friedrich von Flotow
Risa Renae Harman, Soprano Élise DesChamps, Mezzo
Jeffrey Picón, Tenor Brian Banion, Bass
Kelly Hale, Piano
Sunday Sunset Vesper Series Sunday, July 31, 2016
The Ed Sullivan Show
Hymn: God, Who Stretched
Holy Manna
Tambourin Chinois, op. 3
Fritz Kreisler
Wanchi Huang, Violin
Casey Robards, Piano
Give Me Your Tired, Your Poor
Berlin, arr. Brymer
Festival Choir
Chris Ludwa, Conductor Anthony J. Patterson, Piano
Fred Marderness, Percussion
Matt McFarlane, Keyboard
Unclouded Day
Chamber Singers
Shawn Kirchner
Chris Ludwa, Conductor
“Finale” from Piano Quintet in C minor
Alexander Borodin
Wanchi Huang, Violin Lin He, Violin
Jounghoon Song, Viola
Theodore Buchholz, Cello
Kelly Hale, Piano
The Girl from Ipanema
Owen James, Guitar and Vocals
Antonio Carlos Jobim
Maya Story, Mezzo Soprano
“One Hand, One Heart” & “Tonight”
from West Side Story
Bernstein, arr. Buerkle
Spectrum Brass Quintet
Risa Renae Harman, Soprano Jeffrey Picón, Tenor
Matthew McFarlane, Piano Fred Marderness, Percussion
“Allegro vivace” Emile Bernard
from Divertissement from Double Wind Quintet, Op. 36
Bay View Chamber Winds
“I’ve Grown Accustomed to Your Face”
from My Fair Lady
Élise DesChamps, Mezzo Soprano
Frederick Loewe and Alan Jay Lerner
Kelly Hale, Piano
“What Do the Simple Folk Do?” from Camelot
Risa Renae Harman, Soprano
Lerner and Lowe
Brian Banion, Bass
Matthew McFarlane, Piano
A Preview of La Cenerentola
Gioacchino Rossini
The Cast of La Cenerentola
Brian Onderdonk, Conductor Bill Fabris, Stage Director
Hymn: This Little Light of Mine
Little Light
Anthony J. Patterson, Piano
Benediction and Response
Rev. Daniel Moser
Kelly Hale, Organ
Honor a loved one or their memory by dedicating a concert to them. Contact
Chris Ludwa at 231-225-8877 to discuss. You can choose a production that really
resonates on a deeper level. It's an incredible way to show your gratitude to them,
bring joy to hundreds of others, and cut down on trinket creep.*
* Trinket creep is the tendency to amass way too many items in your home
needing to be dusted. Cottages are particularly susceptible.
Mainstage Opera
August 3, 4, 5, 6, 2016
Bay View Music Festival
Music by Gioachino Rossini • Libretto by Jacopo Ferretti
La Cenerentola premiered January 25, 1817, at the Teatro Valle, Rome.
Stage Direction Bill Fabris
Conductor Brian Onderdonk
Pianists Cody Bradley, Taylor burichart, joe fitzgerald
Scenic Design and Head Carpenter Ann Massey & Kim St. Andrew
Costume Design Ryann Corbett
Asst. Costume Design Megan Mills
Stage Management Maureen Degen
Asst. Stage Management Francesca Mamlin
Properties Maranda Ginop
Technical Assistant Jennifer Bolton
Paint, Lighting, Followspot and ASM Jake Barnwell
Assistant Costume Design, Stitching, Technical Manager Marisa Sorce
Courtney Jameson Shawn Palmer
Jessica Fritts
Maggie Smith
Breanna Murray
Emily Totedo
Philip Eschweiler
Mario Almonte
Brian Alvarado
Gray Leiper
Julian Morris
Andrew Rene
Tanner Hoertz
Miguel Ochoa
Please see page 43 for Cast Bios
Europe; late nineteenth century. In the run-down mansion of Don Magnifico, his two
daughters Clorinda and Tisbe admire their own talents and beauty while Angelina,
his stepdaughter who serves as the family maid and is therefore called Cenerentola
(Cinderella), sings to herself about a king who chose his wife because of her kindness.
Cenerentola’s only friends and companions are a group of chimney sweeps; magical spirits
visible only to her.
A beggar appears and the stepsisters send him away, but Cenerentola offers him bread
and coffee. Just as the stepsisters set upon her for disobeying them, men arrive to
announce that Prince Ramiro will soon pay a visit: he is looking for the most beautiful girl in
the land to be his bride. The sisters order Cenerentola to help them get ready.
Magnifico, awakened by the arguing Tisbe and Clorinda, comes to investigate and scolds
the girls for interrupting his extraordinary dream of a donkey that sprouted wings. When
he learns of the prince’s visit, he exhorts the girls to save the troubled family fortunes by
capturing the young man’s fancy.
All retire to their rooms, and Prince Ramiro - disguised as his own valet - arrives alone,
so as to see the women of the household without their knowing who he is. Cenerentola
is startled by the handsome stranger, and each admires the other. Asked who she is,
Cenerentola gives a flustered explanation about her mother’s death and her own servile
position, then excuses herself to respond to her stepsisters’ call.
When Magnifico enters, Ramiro announces the prince’s arrival. Magnifico fetches Clorinda
and Tisbe, and they greet Dandini- the prince’s valet who is disguised as the prince
himself. The sisters fawn over Dandini, who invites them to the palace. Don Magnifico also
prepares to leave, arguing with Cenerentola, who does not want to be left behind. Ramiro
notes how badly she is treated. His tutor, the philosopher, Alidoro, appears and reads from
a census list, asking for the third daughter of the household. Magnifico denies she is still
Cenerentola is left in tears as everyone leaves. The beggar returns to tell her that she is
to accompany him to the palace. Casting off his rags, he reveals himself to be Alidoro and
assures the girl that heaven will reward her purity of heart.
Dandini, still posing as the prince, escorts the two sisters into the royal country house.
He manages to disentangle himself from the sisters and escape their excessive attentions.
Dandini reports to the prince with his negative opinion of the two sisters. This confuses
Ramiro, who has heard Alidoro speak well of one of Magnifico’s daughters. Clorinda and
Tisbe rejoin Dandini and when he offers Ramiro as a husband for one of them, they turn
their noses up in disgust at a mere valet. Alidoro announces the arrival of an unknown,
veiled lady. Ramiro recognizes something in her voice. When she lifts her veil, he and
Dandini, as well as the sisters, are struck by the familiarity of her appearance.
Their confusion is shared by Magnifico, who comes to announce supper and notices the
newcomer’s resemblance to Cenerentola. All feel they are in a dream, but on the verge of
being awakened by some shocking explosion.
Magnifico stews over this new threat to his daughters’ chances with the prince. Ramiro,
on the other hand, is captivated by the unknown woman, not least because of her
resemblance to the girl he met that morning. He conceals himself as Dandini arrives in
amorous pursuit of the exquisitely attired Cenerentola. She politely declines his advances,
saying she is in love with someone else - his valet. At this the delighted Ramiro steps forth.
To test his sincerity, she gives him (still believing him to be the valet) one of a pair
of matching bracelets, saying that if he cares for her, he will find her and discover
who she is.
Then if he still desires her, she will be his. She leaves and Ramiro, with Alidoro’s
encouragement, prepares for the search. Once again the prince’s valet, Dandini,
faces Magnifico, who still believes he is the prince and asks that he finally decide
which of his two daughters he wishes to marry. Dandini confesses he is a valet.
When Magnifico turns indignant, Dandini orders him out of the palace.
Using his magical powers, Alidoro conjures up a storm to aid in his plan of
bringing Ramiro and Cenerentola together. At Magnifico’s house, Cenerentola,
once more in rags, tends the fire and sings her ballad. Magnifico and the sisters
return, all in a vile mood, and order Cenerentola out of their sight. Dandini
appears at the door, saying the prince’s carriage has overturned outside.
Cenerentola, bringing a chair for the prince, realizes that Ramiro is actually the
prince; he in turn recognizes her bracelet. Confusion reigns as Magnifico and his
daughters smart from their defeat; angered by such meanness, Ramiro threatens
them, but Cenerentola asks him to show mercy. Her family still against her,
Cenerentola leaves with the prince, while Alidoro gives thanks to heaven for this
happy outcome.
In the throne room of Ramiro’s palace, Magnifico begs forgiveness from the
newly created princess, but she asks only to be acknowledged at last as his
daughter. Secure in her happiness, she asks the prince to forgive Magnifico
and the two stepsisters; born to misfortune, she has seen her fortunes change.
Chastened, her father and stepsisters embrace her as she declares that her days
of sitting by the fire are over.
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Sunday Sunset Vesper Series Sunday, August 7, 2016
This or That
Hymn: Shall We Gather At the River
Hanson Place
“Gotta Be This or That/Undecided” from Forever Plaid Stuart Ross
Jeff Picon, Chris Ludwa, Matt McFarlane, Brian Banion
Anthony J. Patterson, Piano
“When the Saints Go
“God Bless America”
Marching In” Berlin, arr. Ringwald
Traditional, arr. Rutter
Festival Choir
Chris Ludwa, Conductor Anthony J. Patterson, Piano
Fred Marderness, Drums
Phiip Alejo, Bass
“Le Rejouissance” “Allegro”
from Water Music from
D, K. 136
George Frederic Handel
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Bay View String Quartet
Wanchi Huang, Violin Lin He, Violin
Jounghoon Song, Viola
Theodore Buchholz, Cello
Philip Alejo, Bass
“Lily’s Eyes”
“Au fond du Temple Saint”
OR from Les Pêcheurs de Perles
from The Secret Garden
Lucy Simon and Marsha Norman
Georges Bizet
Jeffrey Picón, Tenor Brian Banion, Bass
Kelly Hale, Piano
Adagio-Allegro Moderato
Astor Piazzola
from Quintet No. 1
Endre Szervánszky
Bay View Wind Quintet
Donna Shin, Flute Sara Fraker, Oboe Jeanmarie Riccobono, Clarinet
Aaron Brant, Horn Jill Marderness, Bassoon
“Erbarme dich”
from St. Matthew Passion
Johann Sebastian Bach
“Fac me verum”
from Stabat Mater
Franz Joseph Haydn
Élise DesChamps, Mezzo Soprano
TBA, Piano
from Symphony #5
from Toccata & Fugue
Ch. M. Widor
in D minor J.S. Bach
Kelly Hale, Organ
“Over the Rainbow”
from The Wizard of Oz
Harold Arlen
“Quando me’n vo’ ”
from La Bohème
Giacomo Puccini
Risa Renae Harman, Soprano
Matt McFarlane, Piano
“Danza de la Muerte”
from The Blade of Spain
Anthony DiLorenzo
“Aragonaise & Chanson
du Toréador” from Carmen
Georges Bizet
Spectrum Brass
Bay View Chamber Brass
Fred Marderness, Percussion
Blues in F
Blues in C
Anthony Patterson and Casey Robards, Piano
This Little Light of Mine
“Simple Song” from Mass
OR Traditional, arr. Work
Leonard Bernstein
Everett McCorvey, Tenor
“Favorite Son” from Will Rogers Follies
Casey Robards, Piano
Comden, Green, and Coleman
Festival Choir
Chris Ludwa, Conductor Anthony J. Patterson, Piano
“God Bless America”
“When the Saints
Berlin, arr. Ringwald
Go Marching In”
arr. Rutter
Festival Choir
Chris Ludwa, Conductor Anthony J. Patterson, Piano
Hymn: This Is My Song Finlandia
Benediction and Response
Rev. Daniel Moser
Festival Choir
For schedule, events, workshops,
and more, visit us at:
444 E. Mitchell St. Petoskey, Michigan
Call or text Tiffany: (231) 838-8992
De ractice
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mu ur
200 Hour Yoga Alliance Registered School
Chamber Music Series Wednesday, August 10, 2016
Student Scholarship Finale & Reception
Join us at 7:00 PM on August 10 for a concert by the outstanding
young artists enrolled at Bay View, followed by a lavish reception.
Below is the list of all 2016 Scholarship recipients.
The concert itself is roughly 70 minutes in length
Courtney Jameson, Mezzo, Vocal Performance, Indiana University
Shawn Palmer, Mezzo, Voice Performance, Brooklyn Conservatory
Jessica Fritts, Mezzo, Music and Biology, Capital University
Maggie Smith, Mezzo, Voice, University of Kentucky
Brianna Murray, Soprano, Voice, Oberlin Conservatory
Emily Totedo, Soprano, Voice, Capital University
Philip Eschweiler, Tenor, Voice Performance, University of Kentucky
Mario Almonte, Tenor, Voice Performance, University of Miami
Brian Alvarado, Bass, Creative Writing, Susquehanna University
Gray Leiper, Baritone, Voice Performance, Oklahoma City University
Julian Morris, Baritone, Voice Performance, Indiana University
Tanner Hoertz, Bass, Voice Performance, University of Kentucky
Miguel Ochoa, Baritone, Voice Performance, University of Louisiana
Lane Northcutt, Tenor, Music Theatre/Opera, Arizona State University
Brennan Martinez, Mezzo, Voice Performance, Oklahoma City University
Logan Dell’Aqua, Baritone, Voice Performance, DePauw University
Marcel Mello, Baritone, Voice Performance, Indiana State Univeristy
Nathan Brown, Tenor, Vocal Music Education, Murray State University
Austin Glover, Tenor, Voice Performance, Vincennes University
Yichen Li, Countertenor, Voice Performance, University of Illinois
Mattie Crisp, Mezzo, Voice Performance, University of Illinois
Charlotte Green, Mezzo, Vocal Performance, University of Cincinnati
Andrea Bickford, Soprano, Voice Performance, Ithaca College
Marin Tack, Soprano, Voice Performance, DePauw University
Lauren Corcoran, Soprano, Voice Performance, University of Akron
Natalie Bodkin, Soprano, Voice Performance, University of Louisiana
Maranda Ginop, Soprano, Music Education, Central Michigan University
Cody Bradley, Piano, Vocal Coaching, Oklahoma City University
Alyssa Griffith, Piano, Collaborative Piano, Cincinnati Conservatory of Music
Alex Munger, Piano, Collaborative Piano, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
Taylor Burkhart, Piano, Collaborative Piano, University of MInnesota
Joe Fitzgerald, Piano, Vocal Coaching, Oklahoma City University
William Bond, Clarinet, Music Performance and Finance, University of Colorado Boulder
Annette Brewer, Tuba, Music, Oakland University
Kevin Clancy, Trombone, Trombone Performance, Florida State University
Clarice Collins, Violin, Arizona State University
Liz Clawson, Bass, Music Performance, University of Arizona
Audrey Cullen, Flute, Flute Performance, University of Washington
Daniel DiCocco, Horn, Music Performance, Duquesne University
Kevin Flynn, Cello, Music & Philosophy, Grand Valley State University
Sarrah Flynn, Flute, Orchestral Instrument - Flute, University of Washington
Émilie Fortin, Trumpet, Performance, McGill University
Amanda Fry, Horn, Horn Performance, University of Maryland-College Park
Dominic Gaietto, Trombone, Music Performance, University of Minnesota
Julia Gjebic, Oboe, Music Theory, McGill Univeristy
Ian Gould, Tuba, Music education, Western Michigan university
Amy Head, Trumpet, Trumpet Performance, Western Michigan University
Philip Hill, Bassoon, Music Performance, University of Arizona
Connor Holland, Trumpet, Music Education, Florida State University
Todd Holland, Trumpet, Trumpet, McGill University
Fakoya Jack-Vilmar, Bassoon, Music Therapy, Baldwin Wallace University
Akshat Jain, Tuba, Performance, Western Michigan University
George Jones, Trombone, Trombone Performance, Oberlin Conservatory
Reuben Kebede, Violin, Music, Drake University
Kirstie Keill, Horn, Horn Performance, Western Michigan University
Brooke King, Oboe, Music Performance, Carnegie Mellon University
Allegra Knight, Oboe, Music: Oboe Performance, University of Oklahoma
John Lantz-Lewis, Cello, General Studies, Okemos High School
Anne Linebarger, Trumpet, Trumpet Performance, Florida State University
Dallas Long, Trombone, Trombone Performance, Oakland University
Max Lorge, Cello, High School, SACA
Chase Miller, Clarinet, Music Performance, University of Arizona
AJ Moyer, Flute, Music Performance, University of Washington
Jason Pfeister, Horn, Music Performance, University of Arizona
Zachary Ploeger, Trumpet, Music, Western Michigan University
Caden Ridge, Bassoon, Music Education, Music Performance, University of North Texas
Robert Root, Bassoon, Bassoon Performance, University of Northern Colorado
Shannon Rouston, Tuba, Music Education, Western Michigan University
Emilia Segura, Clarinet, Music Performance, McGill University
Amy Shea, Oboe, Oboe Performance, University of Arizona
Elizabeth Snyder, Horn, French Horn Performance, University of Michigan
Maxwell Stein, Horn, Horn Performance, The University of Michigan
Adrienne Stratton, Violin, Violin Performance, Drake University
Jonathan Tilisky, Violin, Violin Performance/Music Business, Capital University
Alexander Tu, Clarinet, Music Performance, University of Washington
Catherine Verbyla, Horn, Horn Performance, University of Northern Colorado
Abby Volcansek, Violin, AA Music, Northern Virginia Community College
Joseph Vroom, Horn, Music Performance, Calvin College
Bingqing Xia, Violin, Music performance, Central Michigan University
100% of the students above received some kind of
scholarship this year, both need and merit-based. In a
world increasingly dominated by fear and unrest, these
young musicians are committed to nurturing their Godgiven talent at Bay View. From there, they will become
top-flight performers, teachers, music therapists, doctors,
and ultimately bring their gifts to a world in dire need of
community, beauty, and harmony.
Consider a generous gift toward next year’s scholarship
fund. See Chris Ludwa after any concert or contact
Melissa Thompson in the Bay View Development Office.
Outreach Music Series June 24 - August 14, 2016
We are pleased to offer several off campus performances throughout the 2016 season. Don’t
miss out on these special opportunities to hear talented artists perform in an intimate, sacred
JUNE 24 + 25
The culmination of our opera scenes program brings you up close and
personal with the Great American Songbook, musical theatre gems, and
fast-paced opera ensembles. Friday, June 24: First Congregational Church of
Charlevoix – 8 p.m. Saturday, June 25: Hall Auditorium – 8 p.m.
Bay View Chamber Brass in Harbor Springs. Two student brass quintets
from the Spectrum Brass Seminar play brass music from the Renaissance
thru the 20th Century. Holy Childhood of Jesus Church, Harbor Springs, MI –
8 p.m.
Spectrum Brass at St. Francis. Over 15 brass instruments and percussion
performing works celebrating the luminescent sounds of brass; including
DiLorenzo’s Luminosity, Gabrieli’s Canzon a12, Hunt’s Anti[syn]thesis, Elgar’s
Nimrod, Gjeilo’s Serenity, and Bernstein’s On the Town.
St. Francis Xavier Church, Petoskey, MI – 8 p.m.
Bay View Wind Quintet A fantastically varied evening of color, melody,
and personality from the Bay View Wind Quintet playing Bach and more!
Emmanuel Episcopal Church – 8 p.m.
Bay View Chamber Brass in Charlevoix. Two student brass quintets from
the Spectrum Brass Seminar play brass music from the Renaissance thru the
20th Century. First Congregational Church, Charlevoix – 4 p.m.
Outreach Concert at St. John’s Episcopal Church, Harbor Springs – 8 p.m.
Experience the hope, the history, the power, and the glory of the American Spirituals in a grand
nale to this week-long intensive. First Congregational Church, Charlevoix – 8 p.m.
Spectrum Brass at St. Francis. Over 15 brass instruments and percussion performing works
with a Spanish flavor; including Bizet’s Carmen Suite, Victoria’s Ave Maria, Davis’s Bilbao,
DiLorenzo’s Blade of Spain, Turina’s Orgia from Danzas Fantásticas, and Lara’s Granada.
St. Francis Xavier Church, Petoskey, MI – 8 p.m.
Bay View Chamber Brass in Indian River. Two student brass quintets from the Spectrum Brass
Seminar play brass music from the Renaissance thru the 20th Century and feature a World
Premiere composition by Bay View Alumnus, Joe Clark.
Cross in the Woods, Indian River, MI – 8 p.m.
Experience the hope, the history, the power, and the glory of the American Spirituals in a grand
finale to this week-long intensive. First Presbyterian Church, Harbor Springs – 8 p.m.
Evelyn Hall at Bay View - 8 p.m.
Bay View Chamber Brass in Traverse City. Two student brass quintets from the Spectrum
Brass Seminar play brass music from the Renaissance thru the 20th Century and feature a World
Premiere composition by Bay View Alumnus, Joe Clark.
Traverse City Opera House, Traverse City, MI – 3 p.m.
Sunday Sunset Vesper Series Sunday, August 14, 2016
Icons of the 1960’s:
From Apollo to Zeppelin
Hymn: Down To the River to Pray
III. Con brio from Quintet for Brass, Op. 73 Spiritual
Malcolm Arnold
Spectrum Brass Quintet
Scott Thornburg, Trumpet Brian Buerkle, Trumpet Aaron Brant, Horn
John Rutherford, Trombone Jacob Cameron, Tuba
Medleyfrom West Side Story
Leonard Bernstein
Festival Choir and American Spirituals Intensive Participants
Chris Ludwa, Conductor Anthony J. Patterson, Piano
“Far Out: A Medley of 60’s Hits”
arr. Patterson
Anthony J. Patterson and Matt McFarlane, Piano Duo
“I Wanna Be Like You” from The Jungle Book
Richard Sherman & Robert Sherman
Owen James, Solo and Guitar
Liz Clawson, Bass
Finale: Prestissimo from Sextet for Piano and Winds, Op. 100
Francis Poulenc
Bay View Wind Quintet
Donna Shin, Flute Sara Fraker, Oboe
Jeanmarie Riccobono, Clarinet Aaron Brant, Horn
Jill Marderness, Bassoon
Casey Robards, Piano
Black Dog
arr. Henrickson
Bay View String Quartet
Wanchi Huang, Violin Lin He, Violin
Jounghoon Song, Viola Theodore Buchholz, Cello
“Diamonds Are a Girl’s Best Friend”
from Gentlemen Prefer Blondes
Jule Styne and Leo Rubin
Risa Renae Harman, Soprano Anthony J. Patterson, Piano
Fred Marderness, Drums
It Had Better Be Tonight
Henry Mancini
Chris Ludwa, Tenor Matthew McFarlane, Piano
Fred Marderness, Percussion Liz Clawson, Bass
Adagio for Strings
Samuel Barber
Bay View String Quartet
Wanchi Huang, Violin Lin He, Violin
Jounghoon Song, Viola
Theodore Buchholz, Cello
Philip Alejo, Bass
Selections from the American Spiritual Intensive
Bay View Spirituals Intensive Choir
Everett McCorvey, Conductor Casey Robards, Piano
Hymn: God Be With You
Til We Meet
Benediction and Response
Rev. Daniel Moser
Festival Choir
“Nimrod” from Enigma Variations
Edward Elgar
Spectrum Brass Quintet & Bay View Chamber Brass
Cast Bios
Evita / LaCenerentola
Rose Anderson (Duarte Sister, Ensemble) is excited to be a apart of her first musical here at Bay
View, having been in Annie and Aladdin. She is going into her senior year in high school and plans
on studying musical theatre in college. She loves performing more than anything, and is delighted to
share that joy with everyone!
Amelia Berles (Eva’s Angel, Ensemble) recently starred as Gerda in The Snow Queen and Wanda
June in Happy Birthday Wanda June. Other show credits include Ragtime and Bay View Youth
Theater. She will be entering the 8th grade at Thunder Bay Junior High in Alpena, MI.
Jennifer Bolton (Mama Duarte, Aristocrat, Ensemble) is chair of the Theatre Arts Committee Chair
and a member of the Performing Arts Committee. Previous Bay View performances include Les
Miserables, Big River, Titanic, Grease, The Wizard of Oz, and A Funny Thing Happened on the Way
to the Forum. Jennifer is also a preschool music teacher in Round Rock, TX, where she works with
over 200 children a week.
Mikayla Cerrudo (Mistress, Aristocrat, Eva’s Angel, Ensemble) is in her third musical with Bay View,
having been cast in La Boheme, Ragtime, and Les Miserables. Other shows include West Side Story,
and A Little Night Music. Mikayla will be attending Baldwin Wallace University in the fall to study
theatre and music.
Olivia Cerrudo (Child/Eva’s Angel, Ensemble) is excited to participate in her third musical at Bay
View. Recent show’s are Ragtime, Les Miserables, The Lion King, JR., and Peter Pan. Olivia will be
an eighth grader at Petoskey Middle School in the fall.
Angelia Cranney (Aristocrat, Ensemble) made her acting debut in Carousel in the late 70’s in Bay
View. Other show credits include Les Miserables, Kismet, Johnny Appleseed, The King and I, The
Music Man (with the Young Americans) and with leading roles in Annie, Bye Bye Birdie, and Peter
Pan. Angelia is a resident of Harbor Springs, owner of Archer Full Throttle, and studied theater at
Sophia Cranney (Aristocrat, Ensemble) recently made her lead role debut as Annie in Annie Jr. last
fall in Harbor Springs. Other show credits include The Music Man Jr, Seussical the Musical Jr, The
Little Mermaid. Sophia is a resident of Harbor Springs and a freshman at Harbor Springs HS.
Isabel Dunn (Eva’s Angel) is entering 6th grade at Harbor Springs Middle School this fall and is
thrilled to join the cast. Most recently, she played Mufasa in The Lion King, Jr. and has performed in
Ragtime and numerous Bay View Youth productions.
Gavin Ellis (Ensemble) is a third grader at Shay Elementary in Harbor Springs. His only experience
with theatre is his elementary school production of The Lion King Jr. where he played the role of
Young Simba.
Hannah Heydinger (Ensemble) has grown up in Bay View’s Youth Theater and performed in Bay
View’s Titanic, Les Miserables, and Ragtime. Having graduated from high school, Hannah will most
likely attend either the University of Texas or Hogwarts in the fall, where she will continue biking,
writing, and making movies.
Braydon Hoeksema (Ensemble) is from Grand Rapids and has been a member of the Bay View
Youth Theater performing in The Little Mermaid and Peter Pan. When not on stage, you can find
Braydon on the football field or the baseball diamond.
Cooper Hoeksema (Eva’s Angel, Ensemble) debuted last year in Ragtime, having also been in The
Little Mermaid and Peter Pan with Bay View Youth Theater and in a school production of A Christmas
Carol. Cooper is in 8th grade, lives in Grand Rapids and enjoys reading, exploring the outdoors, and
all things acting.
Melanie Hoeksema (Ensemble) participated in earlier BV productions including My Fair Lady,
Carousel, and Kismet. She lives in Grand Rapids where she is Mom to two boys and instructional
coach for Forest Hills Public Schools. She dedicates these performances to the memory of her
parents, Tom and Greta Shearer, who inspired her to follow her dreams.
Katie Joachim (Mistress, Eva’s Angel, Ensemble) is back for her 10th season of Bay View having
appeared as Roxie Hart in her high school’s production of Chicago this year. She is also Assistant
Director for Bay View Youth Theatre’s production of Beauty and the Beast. Katie will be a freshman at
Hope College in the fall.
Gerry Lou Kania (Aristocrat, Ensemble) joined the cast of past shows including Titanic, Les Mis,
Ragtime, Oklahoma, Mame, Carousel, A Little Night Music and Damn Yankees. A resident of
Mackinaw City, Gerry Lou raised four children, was an elementary music educator, directs The Straits
Area Cantata and performs in the GLCO chorus and the Little Traverse Choral Society.
Matthew Kirkwood (Ensemble) is a fifth generation BV cottager and in his second summer of Bay
View Theatre. He is a sophomore at The Kinkaid School in Houston, Texas where he is a member of
The Acting Company with roles in Mary Poppins, Two Gentlemen of Verona and Hairspray.
Brennan Martinez (Eva Peron) is originally from Austin, TX, a Vocal Performance major, and rising
senior at Oklahoma City University. Recent credits include: The Magic Flute, Nine, The Coronation
of Poppea, Suor Angelica, Street Scene (OK Opera Music Theatre Co), and Into the Woods (Hawaii
Performing Arts Festival). She would like to thank her family and friends for their infinite love and
support, Dr. Christensen, Jan McDaniel, her Chapel Hill family, and the entire cast and creative team
for making this a memorable experience. ¡Disfruta el show! Enjoy the show!
Aaron Mathews (Eva’s Angel, Ensemble) is pleased to be on the “big stage” in Bay View for his
5th summer, having been in Ragtime, Les Miserables, Big River and Titanic in Bay View as well as
Annie, Jr., The Music Man, Jr., The Little Mermaid, Jr. and Seussical, Jr. at Harbor Springs’ Shay
Elementary and Middle School. Aaron is a 7th grade student at HSMS.
Laura McBeth (Ensemble) participated in Ragtime and Les Mis and is the Music and Speech
Therapist at Tri County (Michigan) Schools and Choir Director at First Congregational in Rockford.
She holds a Bachelor of Music from Western Michigan University and Masters of Science from
University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Lane Northcutt (Che) is delighted to be joining the cast, as this will be his first rock musical. Other
show credits include The Drowsy Chaperone, Anything Goes, Grease, South Pacific, Honk, and
Company. Lane is heading into his second year of graduate school at Arizona State University.
Dana Reynolds (Mistress, Eva’s Angel, Aristrocrat, Ensemble) is happy to be home this summer and
a part of the cast in her fifth Bay View Musical. Her show credits include Grease, Titanic, Big River,
and, Les Mis. She is going into her senior year at Michigan State University where she studies Arts
and Humanities.
Steve Spencer (Juan Peron) has appeared in numerous stage roles in the Northern Michigan area.
Recently he has been seen as Fredrik in A Little NIght Music, Viktor Frankenstein in Frankenstein,
and Father in Ragtime. He and his wife Julie reside in Harbor Springs.
Jacob Stuber (Eva’s Angel, Ensemble) Jacob has been coming to Bay View his whole life and is in
his second Bay View Musical, having played a Henry Ford Kid in Ragtime. He has been involved
with the Youth Theater in Bay View and is looking forward to participating in Beauty and the Beast.
He enjoys cross-country running, playing basketball, reading and video games.
Joshua Stuber (Eva’s Angel, Ensemble) has been coming to Bay View his whole life and is in his
first Bay View Musical. He has been very involved with the Youth Theater in Bay View. This school
year he played Simba in The Lion King Jr. He enjoys playing basketball and soccer, reading, writing
and creating with his Legos.
Paul Tomey (Ensemble) has been in two other Bay View productions, having played Uncle Silas in
Big River and several smaller roles in Ragtime. He also has sung in the Bay View choir for the past
10 years and is an avid tennis player.
Adam Van Atter (Duarte Family, Aristocrat, Ensemble) is in his 3rd show with Bay View, having
played Gavroche in Les Mis and Little Boy in Ragtime. He will is a freshman in high school this
August and loves theater, scouts & water activities. He thanks God and his family for the great
opportunity to be a part of the Bay View summer musical.
Sarah Van Atter (Duarte Family, Aristocrat, Ensemble) is performing for the first time with Bay View
and is a senior in high school this August. She is active in her high schools fine arts department,
participating in over 8 productions. She also plays violin in orchestra and sings in 4 choirs. She
and her family live in Carmel, IN and are blessed to reside in the summer in Harbor Spring with her
Riley Em Vandevelde (Eva’s Angel, Ensemble) is excited to be a part of Evita, having just finished a
run in Kalamazoo! Other show credits include Annie Get Your Gun, The Little Mermaid, The Sound
of Music, Beauty and the Beast, Annie, Aladdin, Cinderella, Willy Wonka and her favorite role as
“Jane Banks” in Mary Poppins! Riley Em is in the fifth grade at the Gagie School in Kalamazoo.
June Zoerhof (Nurse, Ensemble) is a private teacher of voice and piano and director of choirs at
United Methodist Church in Petoskey. Early music training came from Bay View Conservatory
followed by a degree in Applied Music from Michigan State University. Her first role at Bay View as
Maria in The Sound of Music in 1970 was followed by principal roles in Oklahoma, Carousel, Show
Boat, Music Man, Pajama Game, Gigi, and The Pirates of Penzance.
Mario Almonte (Ensemble- Evita; Ramiro- La Cenerentola) is delighted to be joining the Bay View
Summer Music Festival’s presentation of Rossini’s La Cenerentola. Other performances include
Ainadamar, Gianni Schicchi, Cosi Fan Tutte, The Marriage of Figaro, The Mikado, and The Consul.
Mario recently received his Masters degree from the University of Miami.
Brian J. Alvarado (Magaldi / Ensemble- Evita; Dandini- La Cenerentola) of New York feels honored
to be joining Bay View this summer, having finished a recent run of Evita with the Downtown
Cabaret Theatre in Bridgeport, CT. Other recent show credits include: Ariadne auf Naxos,
Threepenny Opera, In a Grove (World Premiere), Gianni Schicchi, L’Orfeo, Passion, and Die
Fledermaus. Brian holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Creative Writing from Susquehanna University.
Philip Eschweiler (Ensemble- Evita; Don Ramiro- La Cenerentola) is eager to return to Bay View,
where he played Bardolfo in the festival’s 2013 production of Falstaff, as well as being featured in the
SOARS program that year. Other show credits include Enjolras in Les Mis, Raoul in Phantom. Philip
lives in Minneapolis and attended the University of Kentucky in Lexington.
Jessica Fritts (Ensemble-Evita; Tisbe- La Cenerentola) is thrilled to be returning to Bay View this
season. Last season she participated in the SOARS young artist program. Jessica will be starting
her first year at Oklahoma City University as a candidate for a Masters in Opera Performance in the
Tanner Hoertz (Ensemble- Evita; Alidoro- La Cenerentola) just graduated with a bachelors degree in
vocal performance from the University of Kentucky where he studied under the direction of the lyric
soprano Dr. Angelique Clay. This is Tanner’s second year at Bay View having previously attended the
SOARS program and the Spirituals Intensive.
Courtney Jameson (Ensemble-Evita; Angelina- La Cenerentola) is thrilled to be participating in her
first summer program. A recent masters program graduate from Indiana University, Courtney has
participated in many operas, such as Così fan tutte, Dead Man Walking, Dido and Aeneas and Die
Zauberflöte. She will be starting a Doctorate of Music in Voice at Indiana University in the fall.
Gray Leiper (Ensemble-Evita; Dandini-La Cenerentola) is ecstatic to be in Michigan this summer! His
previous credits include: Andy Warhol (Jackie O), Dr. Malatesta (Don Pasquale), Baron Duphol (La
Traviata), Council for the Plaintiff (Trial by Jury), and Top (The Tenderland). Gray will be a Senior at
Oklahoma City University in the Fall.
Julian Morris (Ensemble-Evita; Don Magnifico-La Cenerentola) is pleased to make his first
appearance at Bay View. Other credits include Falstaff, Die Lustige Witwe, Gianni Schicchi, and
scenes from Don Giovanni, Le Nozze di Figaro, Cosi Fan Tutte. Julian is an alumnus of the Jacobs
School of Music at Indiana University, where he will begin work on a doctoral degree this fall.
Brianna Murray (Ensemble-Evita; Clorinda- La Cenerentola) will begin her final year of
undergraduate study this fall at Oberlin College and Conservatory graduating with degrees in Vocal
Performance and Psychology. Her recent performances include Barbarina in Mozart’s Le Nozze di
Figaro and soprano soloist in Oberlin Conservatory’s performance of Handel’s Messiah.
Miguel Ochoa (Ensemble- Evita; Alidoro-La Cenerentola) just completed his BM in Vocal
Performance with the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. Favorite credits with UL Lafayette include
Die Fledermaus, The Mikado, Death Takes a Holiday, and Don Giovanni with American Singers’
Opera Project in 2014. Miguel enjoys discovering new music and looks forward to developing his
character one stage at a time.
Shawn Palmer (Ensemble-Evita; Angelina--La Cenerentola) is delighted to be singing with the Bay
View Music Festival this summer. Her most recent credit is Rossweisse in the Opera Company
of Brooklyn’s production of Die Walküre; other credits from this season include roles in Roméo et
Juliette, Eugene Onegin, and Thaïs. Ms. Palmer is a student of Mignon Dunn.
Maggie Elisabeth Smith (Ensemble-Evita; Tisbe- La Cenerentola) is excited to be joining the cast,
having just graduated from the University of Kentucky with a double major in Vocal Performance and
Music Education. Other show credits include South Pacific, Tales of Hoffman, Sweeney Todd, Les
Mis, Phantom of the Opera, Faust, and Suor Angelica with UK Opera Theatre. This fall Maggie will
be pursuing a Master’s of Music in vocal performance at Florida State University.
Emily Totedo (Ensemble-Evita; Clorinda - La Cenerentola) is thrilled to be singing at Bay View this
year! Other credits include Annina in Opera Columbus’ Opera on the Edge and several chorus roles
with Opera Columbus. Last May, she completed her Vocal Performance degree at Capital University
in Columbus Ohio where she studies with Élise DesChamps.
Jake Barnwell (Assistant Stage Manager, Spotlight Operator) is excited to be joining the company,
after stage managing The Glass Menagerie at TheatreUNI. Other show credits include: RENT,
Independence, Avenue Q, and Legally Blonde. Jake is a Sophomore at the University of Northern
Cody Michael Bradley (Rehearsal Pianist- Evita) is excited to be returning to Bay View, having
served as a pianist for the 2014 productions of Cosi fan tutte and Les Miserables. Other recent
credits as music director or pianist include Le Nozze di Figaro, The Magic Flute, and Amahl and the
Night Visitors. Cody lives and works in Chicago.
Ryann Corbett (Costume Designer - Evita; ACD - Cenerentola) has just recently graduated from her
undergraduate degree and is excited to work with Bay View this season. Ryann has been sewing
since a young age. Other shows she has worked on include The Mystery of Edwin Drood, Arms and
the Man, and Hamlet.
Maureen Degen (Stage Manager- La Cenerentola; ASM- Evita) is happy to be joining us, fresh off
of Shaw’s Arms and the Man at the College of Central Florida. Other credits include Into the Woods,
And Then There Were None, and 13! The Musical. Maureen just completed her A.A. from the
College of Central Florida.
Maranda Ginop (Propsmaster) is delighted to be involved in Bay View again this summer. She has
been a cast member of the musicals since 2010 and loved interning last year. She is a senior at
Central Michigan University for her Bachelor of Music Education and performed in their operas Le
nozze di Figaro (2015), and Suor Angelica (2016).
TJ Hall (Sound Designer) has been an enthusiastic student of music since the age of 5 when his
parents gave him a drum kit an Iron Butterfly CD, a Camille Saint-Saens cassette and a hand-medown stereo system. He currently play in an unaccomplished band regionally and is always much
happier helping the other bands load in than taking a solo. So, sound reinforcement and the NMC
Audio Technology degree program in which he is enrolled have been the perfect fit for him. Francesca Mamlin (Stage Manager- Evita; ASM- La Cenerentola) is delighted to be joining the Bay
View Music Festival this summer. Stage management credits include Big Love, Two Noble Kinsmen,
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, and The Incomplete History of Theatre. Francesca will be a senior at Baldwin
Wallace University this fall where she studies technical theatre with a focus in stage management.
Megan Mills (Costume Designer- La Cenerentola; ACD- Evita) is excited to be working with a
talented team this
summer. Recent
costume design
credits include The
Seven Deadly Sins
and Cosi fan tutte
with the Opera
Institute at Boston
University. Megan is
entering her third year
as an MFA Costume
Design candidate
at BU.
Heather Raue
(Choreographer Evita) is excited to
collaborate with Bay
View Association for
the first time. She
has choreographed
and directed over
30 full length dance
performances and
ballets. Heather is the
Artistic Director (and
founder) of Crooked
Tree Arts Center
School of Ballet.
Marisa Sorce
(Costume DesignerSOARS; ACD and
Stitcher, Wardrobe)
is thrilled to be a
part of the Bay View
team. Her recent
credits include The
Fantasticks, Pericles,
and Dasher’s Magical
Gift. Marisa is a junior
at Le Moyne College.
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