- VasileLdzdrescu (ln memoriam) F. Radulescu VASIL-TIAZATiESCUPROMINTNTPTIESONALITY OT TL]trIAOMAN IAI\ GIOLOGY 1:lo"in I?nOU1ESCU \otionol Institutefo,'.f"'+1.'' pf,qri., l-.. ,1"*, lor" porr") sincelasil. larar=r.u l.ft ,, pt".otrr"lq onJ *" *isL to ,un)., olo',og" to th" memo?g of tl..;r);q";1,.) ron of thu [Qo*rnirn p"opl., L"o.lu, on) t"ruor..i."t, *f,oru single aim ,n l;fu *o, tl-,u p'og"u., of grologi."lsciences. frq l-,irscientificcontritution, .rp..ioll,1 in the fi"lJ of seismotectonics, h. witl^, nev "nti.f'"J interesting ul..ent, str"ucture or) th" [no*l"Jg. ,ugon)ing tL. Ll" litl-,orpf'*t* )gno^i., i. areas .f )"up higi-, seismicitLl fi.on-'Ifon..rn,o. Vrril" larar"r.u was a btilliont J"r..nJ.nt of a gr"oL qoll"r,l of scientific p"r.ro',rlitiusvith original *ot[, in tf,is relati,re qoung scienceLh"L L") )ir..L implicationfor thu po.onirn societqevolution.\/" -rrt mention ,orn. of tl.em. t'ue f,runJut, of tl.,u f]on,.onirn Q"olog,1, in the tgtl centurq Qr;gor" [o[al..r.r, lon S;.ionescu, Qrigor. $t"fan.r.r, Sruo Athonorir, S"bb" $t"fan"r.,, on)in tl-,ezotl' centurq l.rJo'ri. flrot"., (]l-,.itlrnt"rn, f/l*so.i, I.Pop.r.r-Voitesti. Qh.f"lo.o,,"t. $t.fon Gl..,i["BrJ.'t;. G;l,.M""g"onu on) l.)u,.it".r.r. \.Qo)or."o, l-l."r" masters ond uoluoLlepractitioners, pr.por") ot. I'o^ou' ff"rt."n universil.ies. J..;pi,"""J thu geologic ol on) tectonical structur. of the ,lpin" area on) its ne,gf,bouring'negions(lQo.onion Ploin, f ,onr,4lronio, )o6"dp, tl^,"r"ro"Lable octi',it.lof p"of.rro' !rril", llul)ouion pl"tfo"n.) To tl.,;tcollectiue "ff"rt [-arar"r.r rnrrt t" g"ologi.olfi.lJ o, i-,nttorght. i.porto,rt cont"niLulions to tl^,"J.rr.lop'n"nt of a new "*plorrru), seismotectonics sLarLe)oft"r th" gra)vcrl,ionof th" f-o.rltq of f!in., Vrril" larar"rr,u s universitqca1"ee1" on) ll&olunss (ol tf'. pol.1t..hni.ol S.Lool fto. Br.l-,r".rt) in q,4e an) conLinroJt;ll Ln )"oLl,, in IQBQ.f-l* *or o,"^orL"llu,r.."rro" of thu Lra)rtionof fir merrtor,A.o)" i.ion p"uf"rro' Qi.,"orgf'. [t,]r"guor,r. !.1-arat r., l") or."n)u) oll universitq)"gr"., f.oL"o.ling assisLanL in tQ4Q Lo lecturer in tg67, positioni',.|J tlll hi, J.otl,. Th" .onr.nrnirt GEO-ECO-MARINA.3/1998 National lnstitute of Marine Geology and Geo-ecology of Romania Proe. lntern. Workshopon "ContinentalMaryins and Sea Level Changes"in Tescani, Romania,Oct, 6 -12, 1997 219 - VasileLdzdrescu F. Radulescu (ln memoriam) author"ities )d notrecognize hi, prof.rrionaistatute on) th.q )d title. notgr.anl.f,;,.n tl,,ufrll profurro, f--]u trugl-,t *itl-, an ini,nitabieaLLracLivene* tl" cou?seof phqri.rl Quologq (rq6z qgq), Quolosqof i]o'nonio(tg6z-rg69).{,io n on)Afi.i.on Q"olos' (rg6t rgt+),"8)"tr' pU.,ol, (r98s"r989)od in tf," lo.t s"o, of Li, lif" tl," .our,r.of !o"in* Q"olos,l(rgs6-rgsg) Vtth;" th' fi','"*o"[ of tf'e Institut".f O;1. Q* o,,) Q"ologgh" (tgtz tgij) tLe cou'se "llobo'otJ pL,jt;.ol of Q"olog..tin tl-ree parLs,containing5s6 pages. F"ot tf,* t"ginning, Lhe -*o.Linq activitq was p'pman.ntl,.1 accompanieJ b,J i'.i, scientific pr"eoccupation in Jiff"".nt f;.lJr th. g.ologi.ol ,*r.or.h, LLu Aqno^i., of th. "f "rp..irll9 l;t-horpl,"',"" on) tl. co*el'Lion t.t*""n tectonicstructure anJ seismic;tq of someactive .negions [Qotonir. Th. fi"rt p"uli*ino'q seisnrotectonic s,lnthesis of tl-," fQon,.onion Eorl.rn v,is Qorp"Lhon, prbl;rhnJ in te73, in co-operationvitlr pr"ofl-i,,,i, [orrstantinescu on) )r.l.Qorn"o. ftot h. .ollrbu'otuJ (.oor)onoLo' pr"nf.lon)urnit escu) *rth M $anJrl"r.r. O-of ll;rauLa, S Prrl;r. onJ C" Q"o,"g.r.u fo., ti" ulloborotionof th. "fectonrc Mop iQo'onio, ,.o1. r;5oo.ooo" (prblirh"J in rgsa) onJ "fectonic Moo fQo,nanio.,.ol* "f | : l,ooo.ooo" (pt,intJ in tg6z). ln lg6s h" p''.r.nt"J L;r PL ll. tl.,"r;, "Q"ologi.ol .,""..or.f,u,t"t*".n $o.", on)lapur, NV Dq" ,nJ." tl-,..oo."J;nation of o.'). e,L.\rrguonu oill"obtoin.J tlre t;tle of ")o.to,' in g"olog,1".Tl,ir pape-r,**lloppr"u.ioLe)an) it conferreJ h;* in rg6B the .,rbrl.. ^u)ol "$emicent en.,r.g [-Jnionof fr"onr.lluania,wiLlffo*onio ". [or,n"'lq ln Q6Q tQt4 V ldrarur.u *o"i<.J *ith prof.l-iviu fonstantinescuon) )r.jon [or"n"o in the "$r",,.q of tf," f-o,nuu,o'[ tJNDp/1-JN[SCQ int".,,notional pr"oje.t of t1.,"$"is.icits in tl-'uB"lk"n Qugion". IL. purpose of tl-'i, scientificprojectulasa necessarq oil )"toiluJ ,qntheri, of th" g"ologi.ol, tectonicalanJ seir.ologi.olinformationof thl, furopurn or"o *i+.h Ligl s e i s r inc i t L l flre scientifi. originolconlritution prrl loril" la.ar*.u "f tl-.. pon'onio^ A.o).^g ' Qniqo," [obal."r., p"ir. (tg6z) is.r"ecognizeJ [,J tl,,r*. prir"s of "ll"^o,r" fo" th. r'qnth.ri, o|o Cr't* fe.toniqre J" lo porroni""' GL.Mr"tuonullurgo.; pr";r. (,qr,) fo'" t1.,"*or[ (in.oopetation)"font'ibution geopLqsique et l'utrJ* J", n,'orrif,J, ,.1 un [Qorron;"", Ar*l Vloi., p'"i'e (rqaz) in co-oper"a{ion fo,'"tLu .hopt"" vitlr Jr.l.[orn"a in the -onogropl "lloioroLu) "Tl'" E""tl,quoL.f-.r l?o*aniaonM^n.l.,4,tetl", bon[p.,,int*J t,Jtl" fi.oJu-,4prbl,:rL;", ]-forr", co-or)onaLingo.o). $t.fo. Balon, j" V C"istescu on) )r. f .[orn"o. p"of.rro.,"Y .\a,a,"r., prblirh" J ot l-hul-".hn;.ol prblirhing]-,]orr. (rqeo) tl." ,,olr.u "ph't'itol Q.olog,)", o t"f"t"'"n." *or"[ in the iQo.oniongeologi.ollit"rotrr". L" boo[ I representsa vasl. *o)urn )o.u^"nL"r,1 tori, fur" ,trJ"nt on) r"r"rr.h.r, ;n Irr*, pf,rri.r. GEO.ECO-MARINA, 3/19 Nationar rnstitute of Marine Georogy and Geo-ecorogyof Romania Proc lntern. wotkshop on "continental Margins and seiLevet cn"ngei;fr'r;icani, Romania,oct. 6 _12. 1997 (n memoiam) F. Radulescu- VasileLdzdrescu \v/asa foun),nq..rt"r Voril. la.an.r., on) g"nuroi ,".r,etor"qof thu Q.ologi.rl $.ien." $ocietq fi"o. fQn.ctnia. ln this statu, f,".orn'ie) ouLo intenseco-opet.ationactivrtq with similar" societies f-.n,. Jiff."ent countriu,of tl-,u*or"lJ. pr.of"rroron)r"r.or.h"r *r, .rp".iollq pr""o..rpi"Jb..1 In tf'" lorl, purio)of hir lif., the tir"eless g"o)gna-ic, pr.otl.tr, the significationof r"ecent."urtol movementsonJ ,"is^otectonics aspects. ln *l';.f, f," *ont"J to.orntin. f,i, uort l$o*1.)g. in t1.,"fi"lJ f-lu b.grn oLoo?of seismotectonics, of tectonic,an) ,"irnologg.[-Jnfortunot"l,],tl-,eprematur"e J"oLl (Ap"il tg, tg8g) interrupteJ thi, ptuoccupation of h,t poinfrl lorL )or), in hospitalor) *. regreLtf,. lo* of th;, important manuscript. PUBLISHED PAPERS {rrp..o unei noi specii )" Co"loru si consiJerotii ,A,n fipproo.h to th. $eismote.toni., of tf,e Ro.onion prl"o".ologi." orupro pro.Lluril.,n, 9rl. Ar"J. fort.rn fo'potfrion, (in co-operrtion),R.u. Ror.. /e5/. t.ll, 66s-682. RpR, $",t.q'ol.-s.osr.,r-4. Qe.l. Qe"pA,1,.Qeos,.. $e,.QaopAqr.. /2. 2. t33.t4l. tQfi, Bu.Aorest. fr,rAo,r,t. Ctr.r-atirni )e lecLonicaonol,lira asupra v'rslei,elat,ve a cutcirii,o$t.r"rr.g"ol ,r, gz-trz,lese. firclarcst. Q"ologiu firi.a, .our... notur,far.. t, 2, 3, *rlt;pl,,eJfnrt. D"t,. Co," Q.ol., pzz.,qzs. Br.Ao,urt. fvle-oit* d la cat|"etectoniqueJ" lo Ror.oni", (in .oope'ation), A,.C;..e.J.. 3?. 5"e6, rgdz, $eismotectonic fvlrp .f "Grton,que /e l'[r*p"". fi.d^".{f. ope'atron) $t.bAn..r.. tectoniquesma.jeuzesjalonles po, )ur.orrifn pa1. )", J" ,"1 ono^oli", gravimbLtiqve, /o. lll. ?e/.2e8, /e75. $eis-ologic P".Ji.tlon in SorthEoet"rn ,rr" l" temitorre Ju lo Qor,. oni. (Q.onpot", $i"ntol"r) tl'" ,trJ,l of forng (in R.u Ror. Qeol Qe"pA,/r.Qeos,.$e,.Qeop/qc. tz. ?. t?5./r4. p6B, fiu,Ao,ert, rniscari neotectonice ln regiunea );nLn. \/ol.o Proho'.i ,i Vol"o |"lurj.n,l,i. Brl.S*.St //, 5Q'78. tq6q, frucAarest. Ji.tiono.. q"ologic roman-vietnam.r-fnon.", ope'ation). 86 pp. .rlt;pl'u/ f*t.Put".Co'u rQ/o, frucAarest. G."1.. (in .o- C.ol.. fQor,noni. (ln co-oper.ation), Ro,.Rou. Qa'l. Qe"pAq,. Qaos, Jen.QeopAqs..t4. /. ttQ-/45. tQ7O. frucAarest. f.ns;Jeratior< Qo'pol'r.n n6otectoniques sw [v"]olJori. J, N"'J r. QeogQ"o l. {}"op A,1 /35-/43, /Q72 f,uc/anest. R. u.Rou. l'ouonL"pat1s seismotectonic A )", (in co'operotion), $e" Qeol., u. r, f erLia'n comparison tetween the Eort"rn (i' Qorgoll,on,oil Q,olo!rion,$i.;li' A^ 8."J, (oo). co-op.',t-ion). bq 8,ll 6*7 f.o". Appl., B /78. /Q25. Rr.unt seismicinformation on tf," lithorpl,"r. in Qo.onia (in .o-op""notion), p"u.por..Qeol.QeopA,/r.Qeogr.. Ge"plqs., 20. 3J.4o. pz6. frucAa,est. lo isLot"ia Q.ologi",, l" "lsto.ia C"n.rola Se". Nota a l'etrJ" J.s rorri{], J" ,"1 un fontritution geopf,qsique Qoranio, usrng (i" co)eposits ope'ation).St.*An...., D. /o, llf sresz+. /q25. BrrAo,.rt. co'operation) M,. D. EurAor"rt. r.eper6es InJicatii )e Qo*'onian temitorti (in co- $eismotectoni. f/'lrp of th" z6i.?84. p6q. EJ.AlouIo. Morro*. fign.. .o-opetation), 9"11.R.a. /tz./43./e74.Dul,o,n;l. JrsorL,,,o. (in co-operatio"), l" J. A A ('. P*,.5". U/VD?/ UNtrSCO5,,, S.i,- frrrA"rurt. Ror.oni" Qo.onio $tl,ntulo',"d.R.T"t,,) $t;;nt;f;ra ,i [,cbLpe)ba ". lV. a 5/4.5/2.tr/ pz6. BucAanest. (;n .o, structural si seismicol f*op.i "Cufu"-unul oper,ation),in .onogtoph ]" pdmant J,:, Qoronio ln .o)rrl Ro.onio J, lo 4 mantie /e27". /./6. C}trtl ICtrtrL1 ieze,frucAarest. TecLonica si etolutia geo)inamica a teritoriului co.ope'ation), Be pp, CSEN frr.Ao*rt. Ro.oni"i lCEfZ. GEO-ECO-MAR| NA,3/1998 Nationallnstituteof MarineGeologyand Geo-ecologyof Romania Proc.lntern.Woi<shopon "Continental Maryinsand SeaLevelChanges" in Tescani,Romania,Oct.6 -12, 1997 (in /eBo. ))1 F. Radulescu- VasileLdzdrcscu(ln memoriam) Q*Josie fi'i.a, srz pp.. E].hA,.a, urJ Q"opA,/r,;LolitrA" V"aff.rtl;"Arnq"n. f?";Aulll. s+, sts6, re86. {.J"ft Qenlin. p\o. BucAo,est. g"oJqnoric polggonf.,n R.."nt l-lo."irontrl C"rrtol [/]o'.,nent StrJ;", i" S.R.R"ronio (in co-op'notion), R"..nt rettical *rrtol .o,r"rents in fQomania:similarities in "f?ur"orrA of fQrrrnt C,r'tol fvfo,e*.rt, on tAe Jiffr".n.us (in co-openatl""). J.G'rJ,/namics, a, "nJ pol,/so,'" p tg7-tez. te88. QuJ,/no*i, G/ V,/'tor,l), B",. f,,t. p,aAa. (o,hsn., 7o.B?. rg8z, &o). f"posn, E"..Uh'. *urL ).f.,n otionsin tf'" Po*;|" J. fiu, *sbn "n/ (in .o-operotion),f?r".Ror..Pl,/'.. st. t. /ot.to1. Quologto si seismotectonicaffomaniei (in co-operation),in fir'rt "Ctru.unul J" panant /in po-onia martre /Q77". 19"35, El A."). Brr|or.rt. /" I?9/? b 4 Q82 Moho ,r,."1o."onJ ,*.unt *rrtrl rorr.rents in Bomania , guJgno^i connections(in co-openati o") , Ar, lrtt. p1s. G"ol. C."f;r., 6s. 1s.qr, frucAarest. fectonics at the Eart*nn (in co-ope'ation), pun.fQor.. Qo"poLlion, Ar. B."J eeol. Ge"pA,1r., Qeoqn., $e". QeopA,/e..28, s.rB. rQ8+,9ucAarest. forrelation Pol.o-R.."rt in Bomania.[.otrr.u, Rc.nt ver'licaltectonicmovements on) fnter.p'etation (in .o-op"rotion), in "{orpl"r" rezenter El4nrtt.nl"v/egungen rn [/rt"rrrrArng ". (.J. C. Lo"r,). Q"oJat irrAe a r rse*aAlt', G"L;rt"n tq9q, fiucAarcst, a)ancimii frnJoruntrlui seismic,l"'r+o grosimii H"*" ctustei, l"rA" vitezelor.^.);t );n parteo conroliAataa clusLeitenestr.u(in .o-op"r.otion).in " Mop of E"rop. oil No,tl Atb,t;r, ,.oL t,s,ooopoo"G/. V.V. fr"lorro,, /V.1. F""LrL"""). Qeote.tonita,pae, Morro*. )ist'ibution of .o*|.quolg ener"gq in th. !',,on.", (inco-openatio"),p"u.pou-.QeopAqc.. s+, '-gion 4t- 47, tQQo. BrrAo,u,t. Canpatii trcmanesti, Q.aryatii ,uJi.i, Qlo.o fv'loesica(in co" oper"ation), in lourg pLtfor* or/ olpir" f.lJJ "t-' (n fQ,"*n), E/.N"rlto,o Ju-lro, eea, Kev. GEO.ECO-MARINA, V1998 Nationallnstituteof Maine Geologyand Geoecologyof Romania Proc. Intem. Workshopon "ContinentalMarginsar?dSea LevelChanges'in Te*ani, Romania,Oct. 6 -12, 1997 ETdtum Erratum Erratumto "contributionto the biostratigraphical knowledgeof the southRomanianBtackSeaoffshore" Gh.Popescu, L Papaianopol, M.Munteanu, Mihaela Melinte, R. olteanu, E.Antonescu, E. Demetrescu, Janalon,Th.Neagu, A. Baltres 3/i ggS] [Supplementto GEO-ECO-MARINA, on p.15,andp.184(second column) instead of M. Munteanu, will be readMarianaMirunteanu. The TechnicalEditor regretsthat the name of Dr Mariana Mirunteanuwas printedincorrectly. Hercorrectaffiliations can be foundon thispage.
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