London ABA annual review 2014
London ABA annual review 2014
LONDON AMATEUR BOXING ASSOCIATION POWERDAY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME AND ANNUAL REVIEW 2014 “Changing communities and lives for the better” PRINCIPAL PARTNER: LONDON AMATEUR BOXING ASSOCIATION (Founded 1949 - Affiliated to England Boxing Limited) LIST OF OFFICERS Patron President Life Vice-Presidents Hon. Life Vice-Presidents Vice Presidents B.Walker R.Philipson Dr.L.H. Blonstien, K.E.L. Short, K.A. Walters OBE, J. Martin, M. Lawlor M. R. Daldy M. Crossan, T. Mallin Hon. Secretary Asst. Hon. Secretary Regional Coach Finance LABA/ Powerday Development K.A. Walters OBE DR. R. Williams D. Sadler G. Born Paul King Legal Advisor Medical Registrar Hon. Medical Officers M.Knight, DR. S. Shrestha, DR. S. Arora, Dr Adetunji, Davis Hanson DR. S. Khan, Dr Obakponvwe Ron Philipson Asst. Medical Registrar (Computer Input) Office Manager DR. R. Williams Ron Philipson LONDON COUNCIL MEMBERS 2 N.E. Division N.W. Division S.E. Division S.W. Division K. Mills (Hon. Sec.), D. McCann, J. Basi, J. Rider W.J. Danbury (Hon. Sec.) W.H. Sheppard, T. Murphy, T.Kelly DR. R. Williams (Hon. Sec.) K. Russell, J. Atkinson T. Treacy C. Khan (Hon. Sec.), M. Simmonds, S. Khan, W. Fuller CONTENTS 4 Introduction London ABA / Powerday Development / Initiatives + Partners 6 -10 Boxing Awards Projects London High Level Relationships Summary London A.B.A. Performance outcomes London A.B.A. Clubs London A.B.A. Partnerships 11 12 14 15 19 20 GLOSSARY Thanks go to all of the following principal, associate and major partners and supporters of London ABA and boxing in the capital. Powerday PLC - Have been London ABA's Principal Commercial Parter for the last three years and is a family owned waste and recycling company founded in 1980, delivering 100% waste recovery for organisations across London and beyond. Their support and funding has been the catalyst in delivering all of the positive outcomes in this report. Network Rail - The operaters and owners of Britains Rail Infrastructure and are London ABA's Associate Partner, jointly offering Schools and Colleges in London access to the Boxing Awards project, whilst raising the issues of safety and care in and around stations and tracks. This partnership is a cornerstone of our community engagement offers and growing the sport across education settings, providing sustainable activity in the sport. Sport England - Is the countries largest investor in sport, committed to helping people and communities across the country creating sporting habits for life. This means investing in organisations and projects that will get more people playing sport and creating opportunities for people to excel at their chosen sport. Sport England has been an essential partner to London ABA our clubs and projects, ensuring targeted investment into club improvements, pro-active activity and interventions which have ensured growth, sustained participation and excellence in our sport has been achieved. Ringside Boxing UK - London ABA's, prefered supplier of sports clothing and boxing equipment provider, sponsors of London ABA Championship Belts and a local company supporting the heart of London Boxing Clubs and Boxers. The high quality goods and equipment they provide are exceptionally produced to the highest safety and durability standards, building a reputation for value for money with top quality product ranges. London Boroughs - London has 33 Local Boroughs and Councils, who are key to sustaining the sport and it's offer in local and maginalized communities, their continued support for the provision and offer of voluntary community sport access and particularly boxing, is essential in delivering a long term legacy out of the London 2012 Olympic Games. KWT Printing - The London ABA sponsor of all branding and materials attached to the sport and events programmes throughout the year. Their support has been welcomed by all our clubs and supporters, in raising the profile, branding and image of London ABA. London Sport - A key partner for London ABA, who work predominantly at a strategic level with local, regional and national partners in the public, voluntary and private sectors. They work flexibly across all sports and physical activities and at different spatial levels including within and across neighbourhoods, boroughs, and the London Sport sub regions. 3 INTRODUCTION On behalf of London Amateur Boxing Association (LABA) and Powerday, we are delighted to present this Annual 2013-2014 Development Review and Performance Report. LABA has played a significant and crucial role in growing, sustaining and providing excellence in the sport across London, without any direct funding or income from any other source. LABA have however, been pro-active in securing a high profile London based commercial Principal Partner in Powerday PLC, who support the development activities and work currently being delivered through the region from 2013 -2016, and delivered in a unique mixed economy approach, to provide a long term legacy building on the London 2012 Olympics with other partners within and across the London sporting and local authority landscape. Our objectives are to support the sustainability of the current achievements, and to strategically build on these solid foundations, as we seek to deliver our specific targets and objectives identified within the London Whole Sport Plan and Strategy 2013-17 and thereby supporting and under-pinning the Sport England and England Boxing targets over this Four Year cycle. It should be recorded Sport England and London Boroughs have been exemplary with their support and funding to our clubs, projects and initiatives, which fit their criteria and strategies. We will continue to promote and develop the sports participation levels, by increasing the popularity of the sport whilst communicating the social and personal health benefits which can be provided through Boxing, to the 8.2 Million Londoners (Population Census 2011), which equates to 14.6% of the 56 Million population in England (World Population Census 2014). The Sport England Active People Survey (SEAPS, Quarter 8 April 2013-April 2014) confirms the upward trajectory of boxing participation in London, with 44,800 Once a Month Participants, which equates to 22% Of the total England Boxing participation figures, thereby confirming London ABA and its partners are having a positive influence and impact on the Sport England and Boxing specific targets. These outcomes are along with other Key Performance Indicators, delivering our own London ABA Whole Sport Plan targets for 2013/14. Keith Walters OBE / London A.B.A. / Secretary Ron Philipson / London A.B.A. / President 4 LONDON BOXING PARTICIPATION (Sport England APS data) April 2014 Once a month Boxing total England = 208,800 Once a month Boxing total London = 44,800 22 % London 78 % rest of England Rest of England (10 regions) 78 % = 164,000 London 22 % = 44,800 LONDON BOXING PARTICIPATION (Sport England APS data) April 2014 Once a week Boxing total England = 152,100 Once a week Boxing total London = 32,300 21 % London 79 % rest of England Rest of England (10 regions) 79 % = 152,100 London 21 % = 32,300 5 POWERDAY AND LONDON ABA PARTNERSHIP London ABA has developed and delivered a long term sponsorship agreement with Powerday PLC and thanks go to Mick Crossan for his support and foresight, the new agreement is for an initial 4 years worth over £150K. This is the first ever regional commercial boxing partnership created to support localised activity and development, and through the ‘New Commercial Funding’ to London ABA from Powerday PLC, the effect has been very positive and it has helped London ABA build a ‘fit for purpose’ regional support structure, developing and supporting the sport, participants and the 120 clubs and projects across London. This ‘New Money Investment ‘ into London’s Whole Sport Plans 2013-17, is crucial to ensuring the solid foundations currently being built, will have a long term legacy effect way beyond the recent London Olympics, leaving a footprint of positive sustainable outcomes across the capital. The Powerday vision to support the funding of a robust Regional Plan for London ABA and Boxing, developed by the sport locally is having profound outcomes and impacts which are being delivered across London through the club’s and project’s with mutual partners particularly London Boroughs and other funding agencies, through a targeted ‘mixed economy approach’. Total Investment: £150K (4 years agreement, with an option for a further 2 years extension in place). NETWORK RAIL SCHOOLS SAFETY AND BOXING PROJECT London ABA, have created a unique and groundbreaking relationship with the nation’s largest train systems provider Network Rail, to deliver a unique ‘Boxing and Rail Safety’ project which is geared towards youth engagement, increasing participation and safety awareness around stations and railways. The Network Rail London Boxing Project has been delivered in 13 selected Schools geographically spread across London and engaged over 800 participants, whilst also training up 80 Boxing Tutors and delivering 80 England Boxing Level One Coaches. The positive impact on School-Club links has been profound with new local partnerships developed and working seamlessly. Total Investment: £105,000 potential 3 year project (£35,000 delivered in year one, including £10,000 funding from Sport England). 6 DALE YOUTH BOXING CLUB London ABA has negotiated and led the future delivery of a ‘New Club Headquarters for the ‘Dale’ based within their current building, there will be extensive re-developments to a larger facility, with a construction and development value of circa £250,000, with improved space and training areas, supported by quality shower and changing areas, negotiated a new 25 year lease at the same time creating longevity for the club, who have recently developed and produced James Degale (Beijing Olympic Gold Medallist) and George Groves (World Contender). External grant aid is also being sought and bids developed for the equipping of the ‘New Gym’ which will hopefully be completed in the summer of 2015. Total Investment on completion: £300,000 (Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea £250,000). WEST HAM BOXING CLUB The world famous West Ham ‘Hammers’ boxing club, who have developed such iconic stars as Terry Spinks, Billy Walker and Dudley O’Shaunessey, were earlier last year put under placed in a predicament and under pressure regarding their lease and future costs of tenure regarding their premises, they were then supported by London ABA, in negotiating a ‘New Premises’ agreement with the club committee and the London Borough of Newham, whilst also completing a successful Sport England Inspired Funding application. The ‘New Club HQ’ at Plaistow, in a former Social Club, and is now in use offering high quality standard facilities, for their large membership. A minimal rent has also been negotiated with the London Borough Newham, for a substantial period. Total Investment: £57,000 (Sport England Inspired Facilities Award £50,000). GATOR BOXING CLUB The pre-eminent Gator boxing club has been in existence for over 80 years being formed out of a Bernado’s project and having various homes, the current club facilities are an industrial unit (non-sporting environment) however after conversion was in need of updating and refurbishment, whilst also negotiating a long term lease, supported by the London Borough of Redbridge. London ABA supported all of these outcomes successfully and indeed assisted with a Sport England Inspired application which was successful, which has been delivered through a refurbishment project at the club HQ and also a new lease being finalised. Total Investment: £56,000 (Sport England Inspired Facilities Award £50,000). DAGENHAM POLICE AND COMMUNITY BOXING CLUB BROMLEY AND DOWNHAM ABC AND YOUTH CLUB In partnership with the club negotiated a new 21 year lease and also reduced the proposed annual rental positively in mutuality with the club, the London Borough of Barking and Dagenham, to a satisfactory conclusion, new lease agreed and in force. LABA assisted the youth club with support to funding agencies helping to create a funding package for a capital project and new boxing gym worth £300K. Developed and successfully gained a Sport England Small Grant for Bromley ABC worth £10K for new equipment to fully fit out the ‘New larger purpose built facility’, which is producing increases in membership and high performance standards. With the club developed and delivered a Sport England Inspired Facilities application, which is was granted. The new refurbishment will enhance the look and feel of the facilities updating a former Bingo Hall on the main high street of Dagenham. Total Investment £56,000 (£50,000 Sport England Inspired Facilities Award). REPTON BOYS CLUB The World famous ‘Repton’ who have produced and supported delivering world champions such as John.H.Stracey, Maurice Hope, Darren Barker and Olympic Medallists Billy Taylor and Audley Harrison, to name a few, have never received any external funding to improve their facilities, LABA has played a crucial role in ensuring much needed investment into their facilities was accrued. A Sport England Inspired Bid has been successfully developed and funding has been secured, with work commencing. Total Investment: £310,000 (£10,000 Sport England Small Grant secured LABA). CROYDON ABC After 10 years of delivering a thriving club in the large area and catchment of the London Borough of Croydon in sub standard facilities against the odds. LABA intervened and have in-conjunction with the club and the London Borough of Croydon identified a ‘New Club House’ in the Norbury Park area of Croydon, which is a former large Changing building. LABA have negotiated a change of use and indeed a brand new ‘Peppercorn Rent Lease’ for the next 25 years, potentially sustaining boxing in Croydon for the next two decades. Potential funding and partners being developed to deliver the ‘New Gym’ in 2015. Total Investment £58,000 (£50,000 Sport England Inspired Award). HOLLINGTON YOUTH CLUB CRANFORD ABC LABA supported the successful application of the Hollington Youth Club to access a Sport England Inspired Bid to improve the Boxing Gym, deliver New Changing and Shower Areas for male and female users, Improve the Main Gym Wall cladding and Central Heating. LABA with the new Cranford Boxing Club and Cranford Community School created and delivered a New Amateur Boxing Club following a successful Powerday/ Sportsmatch Boxing Scheme in the School. Developed the structure of the club with a new committee, club plans, governance, attracting teaching staff and community volunteers to participate in various roles and responsibilities. This School based club was the first of its kind to be delivered post London 2012 and is acting as a template for growth in boxing across London through London ABA efforts and geared towards the Sport England target of School/ Community Clubs. Total Investment: £60,000 (£50,000 Sport England Inspired Facilities Award) SPORTSMATCH Upon securing the initial Powerday (commercial funding) annual funding support an application and project was developed and successful in receiving match-funding from Sport England’s former Sportsmatch scheme. Delivered the project reaching all of the targets and outcomes involving 18 London clubs and projects with qualified coaches based in schools, community facilities and clubs, for around 2000 participants. Following creation successfully applied for and delivered funding from Sported £3K (for Training Ring) and the Metropolitan Police £3K for equipment and these funds have been spent on equipment to fit out the gym ready for affiliation to London ABA. Total Investment: £6,000 (Met Police £3,000 and Sported £3,000). Total Investment: £60,000 (Powerday and Sport England £30,000 each). 7 DOUBLE JAB LABA played a key role in stimulating the upwardly mobile Double Jab club, through supporting the current young and committed coaches and committee through new lease negotiations with the London Borough of Lewisham. Introduced the Club to Sported (Sports Charity) and developed an application for funding which has delivered funding over a three year period set against specific Coach lead and Club improvements and developments. The club with support has also engaged with local schools very successfully and stage Sportivate women’s boxing projects and gained a funding award from the London Borough of Lewisham. Total Investment: £13,000 (£4,000 London Borough of Lewisham, Sported £9,000 and Sportiv ate (£2,000). HARINGEY POLICE AND COMMUNITY ABC In partnership with the Club, London Borough of Haringey, LABA has supported the club in gaining an essential Small Grant Award and Sportivate and Tottenham Active funding to deliver much need new equipment and out-reach projects as the club expand their impressive community engagement and coaching work across the borough, through schools, private facilities and community partners. Total Investment: £12,000 (London Borough of Haringey and Sportivate £4,000 and Sport England £8,000). LYNN ABC The famous ‘Lynn’, has recently with LABA support sought external assistance from the Evening Standard Dispossed Fund against strong competition in the funding round, and successfully gained a £35,000 grant to support the clubs immediate future, ensuring London’s oldest club continues to deliver success. The club was also supported successfully by LABA in gaining a Sport England Small Grant award to deliver a new ‘Cardio Training Area and Apparatus, with Matting’ which is completed. The ‘Lynn’ can now look forward to producing more international stars such as Terry Waller, Henry Akinwande and Danny Wiliams. Total Investment: £45,000 (ESDF £35,000 and Sport England £10,000). MARVELS LANE ABC LABA in conjunction with the club and with their partner landlords London Youth and London Borough of Lewisham BC have commenced and outlined future plans for a potential large scale capital Improvements project. Negotiations are ongoing, and the club have engaged positively with London Youth Trustees, in setting out a new lease and terms. Successfully bid for £4,000 from London Borough of Lewisham for new equipment. Total Investment: £4,000 (London Borough of Lewisham). COUNTY ABC Carried out an overview of the Club Policies Procedures and Relationships and have supported the submission of a Sport England Small Grant Application for £10K to deliver extended relationships, coaching and equipment. The club is thriving and has consistently delivered growth, sustained participation and excellence in the sport. .Total Investment £10,000 (£10,000 Sport England Small Grants Award). SELBY ABC LABA helped create another ‘New Club’ at the hard to reach estate based Selby Centre (Ethnically Diverse and Multi-Cultural), negotiated a new boxing club base who have now affiliated to London and are flourishing in their new surroundings. Jointly with the club and key partner the London Borough of Haringey, attracted over £18,000 of Sportivate, Sported and Sport England Small Grants and partnership funding, delivering out-reach projects and a new ring and equipment whilst supporting hire charges to establish the club. Introduced good governance and built a potentially strong community club for the future, with potential commercial sponsors ready to take the club to the next stage of its development. Total Investment: £18,000 (Sport England Small Grant £10,000, Sported Funding £2,000 and £6,000 Sportivate bids from Pro-Active North London and London Borough of Haringey). 9 PALMERS ACADEMY ABC We have delivered an investment from the London Borough of Lewisham in to Palmers Academy which has increased the amount and quality of equipment the successful bid is to be supported with forthcoming, new applications for out-reach work and coaching building upon the excellent Palmers-Sedgehill Academy School club/links. Total Investment: £4,000 (London Borough of Lewisham). SPORTEDUCATE RINGSIDE BOXING UK This innovative project supported by Deutsche Bank and delivered through their innovative partnership has enabled LABA to deliver two projects with London boxing clubs, the first pilot scheme was through the eminent Fitzroy Lodge (Lambeth) and a new project is planned for Perdro Boxing Club. This unique project seeks to use Sporteducate as a programme designed by Sported to help young people to gain specific educational outcomes through sport. Created and developed the first regional equipment and sponsorship partnership package with the main London Boxing equipment and clothing provider Ringside UK. LABA have mutually sought to enhance the profile and the key relationship of Ringside with London ABA as a commercial partner through our 120 clubs and projects, delivering benefits for all parties. Ringside have invested a generous annual sponsorship sum of £8,000, funded the sponsorship and development of the London ABA Website for in 2013/14 plus the sponsorship and generous gift of the innovative London Championship Boxing Belts, for all winners of specific London Championships. Total Investment: £54,000 (Ringside UK over 3 years). LONDON CLUB LEASE AND RENTAL REVIEWS London Boxing Led Lease and Rent Reviews with a wide range of London Boroughs and Partners for and with 12 London based Clubs and has assured a Saving and Value in Kind investment of over £3 Million, whilst ensuring security of tenure and supporting sustainability, through a massive subsidy. Total Savings and Value in Kind investment/ Subsidy into London Boxing Clubs: £3 Million. POWERDAY PATHWAY LABA, Powerday (as lead), Kelp and School of Hard Knocks have mutually agreed a pathway to work project seeking to engage NEET individuals and long term unemployed, through a construction and recycling based training delivering when complete a CSCS Card (required in Construction), with potential links to immediate jobs in the sector. 10 Powerday have linked with major companies in the construction industry in delivering this innovative and realistic boxing based opportunity and making it a reality for many people both male and female, to access work and changing lives. London ABA have achieved their first successful applicants being placed in work and the project will continue to gather momentum, using sport and commercial partnerships to enhance young people’s work opportunities. Deutsche Bank has provided 33 Sported members (two of these are boxing clubs) in London with funding over a four year period to develop projects aimed at engaging 11-18 year olds at risk of exclusion from school and becoming NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training). These projects will be designed to equip young people with the tools they need to succeed in progressing to further education, employment or training, London Boxing is playing a key role in the delivery of this groundbreaking project, with corporate funding being used to enable its delivery and success. Total Investment: £60,000 Sporteducate/ Sported and Deutsche Bank (Three Year Projects). STREETGAMES LABA has directly engaged with the vibrant and successful sports charity Streetgames, who seek to bring sport to the doorstep of young people in disadvantaged communities across the UK, London and LABA, is committed to deliver 3 Projects ready for launching this year through Eltham and District, Double Jab and Chestnuts Community Centre, for potential 3 year projects. These projects will bring the ‘Doorstep Club’ ethos and sporting opportunities to the local areas of the three clubs, seeking new ways of delivering sport and participation opportunities for young people in hard to reach areas and estates. Total Investment: £45, 000 Streetgames (Three Year Projects). BOXING AWARDS The innovative Boxing Awards project has been delivered widely across London in various setting and facilities, particularly schools with over 20 individual projects, being successfully delivered against a scheme which is clearly based on key stage educational outcomes, and has been praised by teachers across the capital for the content and positive delivery. The following outcomes and Schools have been engaged in this high profile positive engagement within the education and youth sector, providing a growth in boxing participation and also a new base of Non Contact Boxing Coaches, who are now growing the sport in those sectors and expanding the London ABA footprint even further and sustain participation and develop even stronger and more school-club links: Boxing Clubs and Sports Partners Schools Colleges St Jamesand Catholic High School, Earlswood Junior School, Ark Putney, Academy, St Marks Academy, Totteridge Academy, Club Trinity, Lewisham, University of East London, Norlington School for Boys, Moatbridge School, Harris Peckham, Harris Beckenham, Harris, Norwood, Harris Falconwood, Harris Crystal Palace, Royal Green College, Excelsior College, ElThton School, Sunbury Manor School, The Norwood School, Charlton Park Academy, St Thomas More Catholic, Comprehensive, Lambeth College, Hackney Community College, TheChantry School, Middlesex University, Eastlea Newham, Invicta, Primary Greenwich, Woolwich Polytechnic Greenwich, Kemnal, Technology College, Crownwoods College, Plumbstead Girls School, Plumstead Manor School, Raynes Park High School, Carshalton Boys Sports College Fight for Peace , UMMAH Active, Brawlers Boxing Club, Double Jab Boxing Club, Haringey Police & Community Boxing, All Stars Boxing Club, Damilola Taylor Centre, London Youth Games, Brixton Boxing Club, Lillian Bayliss, London Fields Hackney, London Community Boxing Club, Nemisis Boxing Club, Active Communities, Princes Boxing Club These activities and incremental growth has jointly been developed and staged between Boxing Awards, Powerday, Network Rail and London ABA, have delivered 36 New School Projects, 15 New Boxing Club and Community Projects, Training up over 500 New Boxing Tutors, who are now providing non-contact boxing and developing School/ College-Club Links for over 6,000 participants, both male and female school children or students on a regular basis within their education settings. £ LONDON ABA HIGH LEVEL RELATIONSHIPS CREATED AND DEVELOPING We would like to thank all of the following Companies, Boroughs, Agencies and Partners for their support and effort in driving the sport of Boxing and its benefits for London residents and communities forward positively and in mutuality, your Investment is making a “Difference and Changing Lives”. LB Barnet LB Bexley LB Bromley LB Brent LB Greenwich LB Hammersmith and Fulham LB Hounslow LB Havering LB Ealing LB Hillingdon Richmond upon Thames LB Waltham Forest 12 LB Kingston upon Thames LB Enfield LB Harrow LB Lambeth LB Camden LB Newham LB Merton SUMMARY Funding and Grants Attracted through London ABA/ Powerday Development Programmes of Activity and Development over the last 12-18 months. In summary the impressive investment, activity and relationships which have been developed and delivered are achieving an actual ‘New Money and Value in Kind Investment’ as follows: • Funding into capital and revenue projects attracted through Powerday and London Amateur Boxing Association Interventions: £1.5 Million • Savings and re-negotiated preferential terms of tenure and costs ensuring clubs and projects sustainability: £3 Million • Total Annual Investment: £4.5 Million This immense investment figure of £4.5 million sourced through London ABA has been directly paid either to clubs or through financial commitments by London Boroughs and partners by way of subsidised agreements for clubs and has already more than doubled the £2 Million total targeted and identified within the London Whole Sport Plan 2013/17 and indeed exceeded that target by a further £2.5 Million in 12-18 months of activity and development. This positive pro-active start and momentum based upon a strong strategy and commitment to community sport, places London Boxing in a very strong position to deliver impact in local communities even further whilst growing and sustaining participation whilst delivering excellence at all levels for all participants, clubs, coaches and volunteers, by using the London 2012 Olympic uplift in participation and thereby under-pinning the Sport England, Boxing and government targets for community sport participation. LONDON ABA DEVELOPMENT FUNDINGS INITIATIVES 33 % £ 1.5 m. 14 £ 3m. Secondary support/cost subsidies for clubs 66 % £ 3 m. £1.5 m. Resources + Boxing Projects LABA CLUB TOURNAMENTS 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 Open 100 82 78 59 69 Dinner Boxing 34 26 31 34 36 Charity Boxing 4 5 8 7 6 138 128 126 122 118 Total: New Clubs 2013/14: Caris, Cranford, Coolhands, Impact, Mainline, Mad, The Boxing Academy and Loughton. LABA Coaching Courses Summary – 2013/2014 Season Assistant Coach Courses LABA staged Four Level 1 England Boxing Coaches Courses, which were successfully completed by 50 new coaches Full Coach Course LABA staged One Level 2 England Boxing Coaches Course, which was successfully completed by 18 coaches LABA Referee, Judges, OIC’s and Time Keepers Courses LABA staged Two Training Course for Officials, during the last year, with 30 new people being trained up to support the delivery of essential events for clubs and region. LABA Championships Performance – 2013/2014 England and Great Britain Elite Championships 2013/14 London ABA National Elite Champions Light Flyweight H.Horn Repton National Champion Flyweight C.Edwards Repton GB Champion Flyweight J.Smith Lynn Finalist Bantamweight L.Read West Ham National Finalist Featherweight M.Gharid Finchley Light Welterweight C.Mbwakongo Lynn Welterweight T.Cheeseman Fisher Middleweight R.Shagorie Islington Light Heavyweight J. Buatsi South Norwood GB Champion Heavyweight J.Branch Repton National Finalist Super Heavyweight J.Joyce Earlsfield GB Champion 15 England National Senior Novice Championships 2013/14 London ABA Champions CLASS A - Under (Kg’s) CLASS B - Under (Kg’s) 48-51 C.Marsdon Earlsfield 51-54 R.Mahmood Gator 51-54 A.Khan East London 54-57 B.Goodhall Fisher National Finalist 54-57 M.Lombi Dagenham 57-60 J.Taylor Fisher National Finalist 57-60 A.Kalauskas West Ham 60-63.5 B.Wood Wembley 60-63.5 J.Orori Islington 63.5-67 K.Thomas St. Pancras 63.5-67 S.Antwi T.A.Army National Champion 67-71 J.Bellamy Fitzroy Lodge 67-71 T.Maja Lynn National Finalist 71-75 J.Williams Fitzroy Lodge 71-75 N.Onwogbusi Finchley 75-81 M.Preedy Hayes 75-81 C.Richards Palmers National Finalist 81-86 A.Yardy Omnibus 81-86 E.Simukonis T.A.Army National Champion 86-91 D.Barker Earlsfield 91+ National Finalist National Champion O.Obakponovwe Broad Street England Youth Aspiration Championships 2013/14 London ABA Youth Championships 2013/14 CLASS A – Born 1997 Under (Kg’s) 16 49 N.Brown Hooks 52 E.Whale Nemesis 56 C.Kenny West Ham 60 L.Isaacs 64 CLASS B – Born 1996 Under (Kg’s) National Champion 49 S.Edwards Repton 52 M.Pannu Hanwell 56 B.Beer Repton Lion 60 D.Broade Fisher D.Barrett Hooks 64 E.Chama Finchley National Finalist 69 J.Smith Repton National Champion 69 J.Keller Repton National Finalist 75 Z.Cheli Dale Youth National Champion 75 E.Delaney West Ham National Champion 81 V.Riley West Ham National Champion 91 D.Adelese Dale Youth National Champion 91 D.Debous Dale Youth National Champion National Finalist National Champion National Finalist England National Junior Championships 2013/14 London ABA Junior Champions 2014 CLASS B - Under (Kg’s) CLASS A – Born 1999 Under (Kg’s) 40 M.Oats Repton National Champion 40 S.Shbhani Repton National Finalist 42 E.Barrett Hooks National Champion 42 K.Aigus Dagenham National Champion 44 S.Ali H.E.P 44 J.Pettitt Nemesis National Champion 46 T.Roberts Repton National Champion 46 L.Coats Repton National Champion 48 J.Hanrahan Repton National Finalist 48 D.O’Donnell Hooks 50 O.Chaima Repton 50 T.Lickford Romford 52 M.Sheeraz Debdon 52 C.Myles Fitzroy Lodge 54 R.Gogan Hornchurch 54 L.Taylor Dagenham 57 S.Mohammed Northolt 57 K.Corby Earlsfield National Finalist 60 P.Ward Earlsfield 60 T.Ayling Repton National Champion 63 R.Haidar East London 63 G.Landers Dagenham 66 J.Roe Fisher 66 F.Secular Bromley 70 A.Layfield Edmonton Eagles 70 O.Augusting Earlsfield 80 J.Fisher Hornchurch 80 T.Childs Tottenham National Finalist 17 England Schools National Championships 2014 London ABA Champions CLASS 1 – Born 2001 Under (Kg’s) 29 G.Ellis Repton National Champion 31 H.Smith Repton National Champion 32 T.Rolfe Repton 34 L.Horne Gator 35.5 B.Oliphant Eltham 37 G.Mitchell Repton 38 J.Oliphant Eltham 40 M.Dunn West Ham National Champion A.Mohammad Repton National Finalist R.Decierdo Eltham A.Basi Fairbairn 46 J.O’Donnell Islington 48 A.O’Brian FiveStar 50 R.Collins West Ham 52 F.Baker Repton 54 J.Mongan East London 56 K.Tahib Northolt 41.5 43 44.5 National Champion National Finalist National Finalist England Schools National Championships 2014 London ABA Champions CLASS 1 – Born 2001 Under (Kg’s) 32 J.Lee Repton 34 S.Akram Fairbairn 35.5 A.Sing Lion 37 R.Fleet Newham 38.5 G.Haffenden Repton National Finalist 40 F.McDonagh Hooks National Finalist J.Beck Repton National Finalist A.Mehegan Newham H.Turner Repton National Champion 46 J.Khan Repton National Champion 48 G.Nota Fairbairn 50 J.Henty Repton National Champion 52 L.Johnson Repton National Finalist 54 A.Ferizi Dale Youth 59 J.Johnson Repton 62 P.Boyle Finchley 65 J.Cullingham Hayes 72 P.Mongan East London 41.5 43 44.5 18 National Champion National Champion National Finalist London Amateur Boxing Association Affiliated Clubs Season 2013/14 S.E. DIVISION (29 CLUBS) Bromley & Downham ABC Cool Hands ABC South Norwood & Victory ABC Croydon ABC Hollington ABC Lynn ABC Danson Youth ABC Fisher Downside ABC Double Jab ABC Eltham & District ABC Marvels Lane ABC The Reach ABC Fitzroy Lodge ABS New Addington ABC Miguels ABC Nemesis Samuel Montagu ABC Honor Oak ABC Frank Bruno Academy ABC Bexley ABC Croydon Boxing Academy London District TA & Army McKenzies ABC Palmers Boxing Academy Body Shots ABC Dynamo ABC Impact Boxing Academy Keddles ABC Kings College ABC S.W. DIVISION (15 CLUBS) London A.B.A. Clubs National Championships Performance Success 2013 - 2014 (London A.B.A. entered 112 weights in the English National Championships) London A.B.A. National Finalists 50 % 50 % Battersea ABC Power Station ABC Mainline Boxing Academy Twickenham & Brunswick ABC Epsom & Ewell ABC Rosehill ABC Fulham & Brunswick ABC Kingston University ABC Earlsfield ABC M.A.D ABC Sands End ABC Feltham Police ABC Imperial College ABC Putney & Roehampton ABC Balham ABC London A.B.A. had 56 National Finalists Alma ABC Eastside ABC Newham Boys ABC Five Star ABC Repton Boys Dagenham Police ABC Rest of England (10 Regions had 56 National Finalists) Barking Boys ABC Gator ABC Fairbairn ABC Broad Street ABC County ABC Redbridge ABC Hornchurch & Elm Park ABC Waltham Forest ABC Crown & Manor Lion ABC West Ham Boys ABC Peacock ABC Debden & Britannia ABC Fight for Peace ABC Arches ABC Lansbury ABC Romford ABC Pedro ABC City of London Police ABC The Boxing Academy Loughton ABC East London ABC Omnibus Loxford ABC N.E. DIVISION (29 CLUBS) N.W. DIVISION (31 CLUBS) All Starts ABC Princes Boxing Academy White Hart Lane ABC Angel ABC Hayes ABC St Pancras ABC Dale Youth ABC Islington ABC Stowe ABC Hanwell School of Boxing Tottenham & Enfield ABC Finchley ABC Ruislip & District ABC Harrow & District ABC Northolt ABC Haringey Police ABC Times ABC Wood Green ABC Uxbridge ABC Brunel University ABC Edmonton Eagles ABC L.S.E ABC Neasden ABC Selby ABC Nomads ABC Hooks ABC Wembley ABC Cuban Boxing Academy Heathrow ABC Cranford ABC London A.B.A. National Champions 27 % 73 % London A.B.A. had 31 National Champions Rest of England (10 Regions) had 81 National Champions Stonebridge ABC 19 PARTNERS: 4 PRINTING 4 REPORT SPONSORED BY “KWT PRINTING” PRINTING
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