Untitled - Jeremy Lipking
Untitled - Jeremy Lipking
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While there, the artist dedicated himself to long hours of study, and after only a yeaq he was invited to become a drawing insurrctor. In 1999, during a stroll around the gallery-rich area of West Hollywood, he and his wife, Danielle, walked into the elegant Edenhurst Gallery where they met Tom Gianetto, the co-owner and director. With one look at photos of the artist's work, Gianetto immediately asked him to participate in the upcoming California Spring Salon exhibition. At that event, Lipking metJeffrey Morseburg, the owner and director of Morseburg Galleries, who offered to represent and mentor the artist, Sving him his first solo exhibition at his West Hollywood gallery inJanuary 2001. Now, Lipking is also representedby Waterhouse Gallery in SantaBarbara,California; Legacy Gallery in Scottsdale, Arizona; and Arcadia Gallery in New York Ciry where his show this winter was a sellout. Although Lipking paints landscapesand still lifes, his refined figure paintings-usually of women, often posed outdoors in dappled lighting-attract the most aftention. He prefers to work on one painting at a time, taking about two weeks to complete a canvas,and he chooses his content carefully. "When I am IUL\'100.1 Above: At tt e Doon 2OO2, o i l o n l i n e n , 5 0x 3 0 . Opposite page: Antique ChaiL 2OO2, o i l o n l i n e n . 4 0x 3 0 . All artwork this article private collection. doing a painting, I don't think of anything else," he remarks. "If I am going to work this long on a piece, I pretty much like to know where I'm going before I begin." When he decidesto paint a figure, first the artist photographs the model in various poses.He also paints an oil sketch, becausehe considersit a better record of color and value than a photo. If his subject is a nude en plein air, planning is especiallyimportant, since lighting chanEles quickly and the logistics of painting a nude outdoors are challenging. Lipkinpl tends to do those piecesin the secludedarea around his family's mountain cabin, and his wife is usually the t0 obliging model. The result of one such sessionis Plein Air Nude. The visual richnessand muted tones Lipking achievesin his paintingsare a testament to his admiration of the elegant virtuosity ofJohn Singer Sargent and the luminosity of Joaquin Sorolla. Lipking favors Winsor & Newton and Utrecht paints. His extendedcolor selection, which he arrangesclockwiseon the glasstopped end table that servesas his palette, includes titanium white, cadmium yellow light, yellow ochre, cadmium orange, cadmium red, alizarincrimson, transparent iron oxide red, burnt sienna,ultramarine blue, cobalt blue, viridian, and ivory black. For works such as SeatedModel, Above, left: Wrnler Contemplation,2OO2, o i l o n l i n e n ,4 0 x 2 4 . Above, right: Ashley, 2001, o i l o n l i n e n ,3 6 x 2 4 . Opposite pagei October Sky, 2 0 0 1 .o i l o n l i n e n .3 0 x 2 0 . .L\1I.]RI(].\N AR'I]S'I Day Dreaming, 2OO2,oil on linen, 32 x 24. '\]II:RI(]A\ \RI'IS'I ",'i;rii' .' ,.*., seated Model,2002,oil on linen.20 x 16. -lLrL\'t(x)l Above: Spanish Grl, 2(x)2,oll on llnen, 2tY,x24N. Rlght:St arvfrat, 2002, oil on linen,30r 20. Oppositepage: PlelnAh Nude,2002, oil on linen,20 x 11. however,the artist employsa limited paletteof only titanium white, cadmium yellow,ochre,cadmiumred, and viridian. "You can do a lot more than you think asyou limit your colors," he advises. Lipking starts eachpainting by blockingin the composition,keeping his layersthin so that he can rework areasasneeded.He avoids using paint direcdy from the tube at the early stages,preferringto mix his colorswith a medium of I part damarvarnish,I part standoil, and 5 partsturpentine.The artist holds backthe darts to "leaveroom to go a litde darkerif I haveto later on." he explains.To achievethe rich color harmoniesthat he aimsfoq he graysmost of his colorsto foil one or two areasof intensecolor. An excellentexampleof this approachis At theDoor in which the dulled bluesand purplesmakethe turquoiseand orangesing. Design,for Lipking, is paramount. In his teachingdays,he directedhis studentswith the mantra"Shape.Edge.Value."A follower of his own advice,in Antique Cbair, the artist crafted a slighdy irregular edgefor the kimono, thereby creatinga more interestingbackground shape.Then he orchestrated the light pattern of the kimono so that the valueboth blendsand separatesthe figure from the chair. For all the well-handledformal elemens,aswell asthe confident brushwork,the sheerpresenceof Lipking'sfiguresis most captivating. For example,in Winter Contemplation, ayoang woman standingin snowywoodsis wearinga none-toowarm winter coat and weather-worn boots.The viewer is enthralledwith a narrativehalf-told, iust asthe artist'sown story is only partially written. However,if pastperformanceis any predictor of future results,evenmore exceptionalpaintings are to come.I Molly Sipleis a reguhr contihutor to the CalifomiaArt Club'snewslenerSheis an artist memberof that organization. AMEzuCANARTIST