Command Fishing Services Inc.
Command Fishing Services Inc.
Command Fishing Services Inc. General Level IV Multi Lateral Whipstock Presentation Command Fishing Services Inc. Conventional Whipstock Operations Manufacturing Capabilities Milling Whipstock Concaves From 4145 Tool Steel Inventory and Operations Support Whipstock Equipment Whipstock Equipment Whipstock Equipment Conventional One Trip Whipstock Operations Conventional One Trip Whipstock Operations - Run Gauge Mill and Casing Scraper - Run Whipstock and One Trip Tri Mill Assembly - Orient Whipstock Face to Desired Direction (If Applicable) - Apply Weight to Set Whipstock and Shear Starting Mill - Mill the Complete Window and Make Desired Start Into Formation - Pull Out with Mills and Run Drilling Assembly Conventional One Trip Whipstock Operations Conventional One Trip Whipstock Operations Tungsten Carbide Application Sintered Tungsten Carbide High Performance Tungsten Carbide Inserts Ovals Squares Chip Breakers Flux Coated Sharks Tooth Gatorback Tungsten Carbide Application In House Carbide Application Specialty Tools and Equipment Custom Tools and Dressing 24 Hour Service In House Grinding and Sizing Capacity to 15” OD Custom Angles and Grinding 24 Hour Service One Trip Tri Mill Type Milling Tools Tri Mill Body Dressing Detail Command Fishing Services Inc. Multi Lateral Definitions Multi Lateral Definitions Level I Open Hole Side Track / Casing Landed Above Laterals / No Casing or Liners in Legs / All Legs Are Open Hole Side Tracks Below the Mother Bore Level II Cased and Cemented Mother Bore / Open Hole Lateral(s) From Mother Bore / Liners Run in All Laterals / Liners Are Not Cemented and Not Supported By Liner Hangers / Liners are Dropped Off In Open Hole Multi Lateral Level Definitions Level III Cased and Cemented Mother Bore / Open Hole Lateral Leg Number One Below Mother Bore / No Liner in Lower Leg / Open Hole Lateral Leg Number Two From Mother Bore With Liner In Place Supported or Hung in Mother Bore Level IV Cased and Cemented Mother Bore / Open Hole Lateral Leg Number 1 Below Mother Bore Has Liner That Is Cemented and Supported By Liner Hanger / Open Hole Leg Number Two and All Additional Legs Have Liner Cemented and Tied Back to Mother Bore / Leak Off Pressure Integrity at Junction Multi Lateral Level Definitions Level V Same Configuration as a Level IV Junction / Pressure Integrity is Achieved With Completion Equipment Level VI A Down Hole Splitter Is Used To Create To Create Two Distinct Wells That Are Drilled, Cased and Completed From a Single Surface Conductor or Mother Bore / Full Pressure Integrity in Both Legs ML System Overview - allows several exits from original mother bore (typically three or four exits / tri or quad laterals from one Latch In Coupling) - system components are simple design and economical - exits are achieved through composite / fiberglass or steel casing - exits are achieved using conventional bits through composite casings or one trip tri mills through steel casings - reduction of consumable costs by re-use of anchors and lower whipstock assemblies - reduction of total trips - ability to re-orient / re-set deflectors in windows for positive access to all laterals - all windows can be oriented vertically and directionally from one single datum landing point - several components are reusable lowering direct system cost - the system incorporates simple proven whipstock and casing exit technology - the liner is run, released and the whipstock assembly recovered in one trip on some Level II ML operations (typically CBM operations) Typical ML Whipstock Assembly Latch in Coupling and Latch in Sub Flush Type Latch In Coupling 7.3/4” to 8” OD – Flush ID To Casing Weight– 7” LTC Box x Pin Latch In Sub Latch in Coupling Flush Type Latch In Coupling 7.3/4” OD – Flush ID To Casing Weight– 7” LTC Box x Pin Latch in Sub Latch In Sub Top View Latch In Sub Side View Latch In Sub Detail View Latch in Coupling - Detail Latch in Coupling – Cement Protector Flush Type Latch In Coupling 7.3/4” OD – Flush ID To Casing Weight– 7” LTC Box x Pin – Cement Protector Installed Latch in Coupling and Latch in Sub The Command Fishing Services Inc. Flush Type Latch In Orientation Coupling and Latch In Sub allow the operator to design a multi lateral well bore from vertical, high angle or horizontal well bores. The system incorporates a flush ID mule shoe latch in coupling that is installed in the casing string just below the exit depth(s). There can be multiple flush type latch in couplings installed in the casing string if multiple exits are required at substantially different depths. A single latch in coupling can be installed and multiple exits can be achieved by spacing out the latch in assembly to the required depths. Once the flush type latch in coupling is cemented in place an initial run is made to gauge, scrape and brush the casing string to clean up and remove any cementing debris, the latch in sub is latched into the coupling and a survey is taken to establish the direction of the latch in coupling. Upon completion of the clean up / survey run all the subsequent exit operations can be achieved by spacing out and orienting the latch in sub and whipstock assembly at surface to achieve the desired depth and exit direction. The first whipstock assembly is made up with the latch in sub and required space out installed, the whipstock is oriented at surface (the whipstock face is off set to the latch in sub) to achieve the proper exit direction when the latch in sub is latched into the flush type latch in coupling. The whipstock assembly is run in the well, the whipstock assembly is latched into the flush type coupling and the running / milling tools are sheared off the whipstock. The window is milled or drilled out as required and the lateral is completed. Latch in Coupling and Latch in Sub The whipstock assembly is then recovered and the next exit is achieved by spacing out and reorienting the whipstock assembly to the required exit depth and direction. The process is repeated for all addition exits. Exit operations can be done through traditional steel casings with milling tools or through Command Fishing Services Inc. Composite Exit System where a composite casing is used at the exit depth and exit operations can be accomplished using mills or standard PDC bits and drilling assemblies. Typical ML Whipstock and Lower BHA Recovery Tools Die Collar Recovery Tools Standard Hook Type Recovery Tool Recovery Tools Example of Recovered Whipstocks Detail – Recovery Slots Typical New Recovery Slot Configuration Typical Recovered Slot Configuration Command Fishing Services Inc. Dual (Two) Leg Level IV ML Operational Procedures Junction Sequence For A Level IV Junction 5.3/4” OD x 5.1/8” ID Steel Junction Pipe 5” ID PBR (Polish Bore Receptacle) 7” Steel Casing Liner Setting Collar Junction Sequence For A Level IV Junction 5.3/4” OD x 5.1/8” ID Steel Junction Pipe 5” ID PBR (Polish Bore Receptacle) Liner Setting Collar 7” Steel Casing Fully Flush and Cemented 7” x 4.1/2” Level IV Junction Fully Flush ID Junction Results In Full Bore Through Mother Bore and Laterals With No Profiles or Restrictions - Full Bore Packers and Completion Equipment Can Be Used Typical Operations Sequence For A Two Leg Level IV Well Profile In 7” OD Casing Establishing Leg Number One 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) Drill 17.1/2” surface hole. Run and cement 13.3/8” casing. Drill 12.1/4” hole. Run and cement 9.5/8” casing. Drill 8.1/2” vertical hole, continue drilling 8.1/2” build section to approximately 90 degrees hole angle in the target formation. Run 7” steel casing as required for space out to lateral exit depth. Install Command Fishing Services Inc. Latch in Coupling and continue with steel casing to surface (position latch in coupling approximately five meters below the exit depth of lateral leg number two). Circulate, clean up and cement the 7” casing. Wait on cement. Pick up directional drilling assembly. Run in and drill horizontal leg number one out the bottom of the 7” casing. Pull out with directional drilling assembly. Make up standard liner assembly with standard guide shoe, float collar, 4.1/2” liner, liner setting collar, PBR (Polish Bore Receptacle) liner hanger packer. Run and position 4.1/2” liner as required with overlap into the 7” casing. Typical Operations Sequence For A Two Leg Level IV Well Profile In 7” OD Casing 15) Cement as applicable. 16) Release from liner and clean up cement from top of PBR (Polish Bore Receptacle). 17) Pull out, lay out liner running tools and wait on cement. Establishing Leg Number Two 18) Make up and run in with WR, Retrievable Bridge Plug or drillable plug and set plug +/- nine meters below the Latch in Coupling 19) Make a gauge mill, clean out, latch in, survey assembly to gauge casing, scrape and clean up any cement or drilling debris. 20) Latch into the latch in coupling with the latch in sub and establish the exact measured depth and direction of the lock pocket (release, latch in and survey multiple times to prove orientation). 21) Pull out and lay down gauge, clean up, survey assembly. 22) Make up whipstock assembly with appropriate space out and orient at surface for the desired window direction (typically 45 - 60 degrees left or right of high side). 23) Run and latch the whipstock assembly into Latch in Coupling. 24) Shear off and mill window. 25) Pull out and lay down whipstock tri mill. 26) Pick up directional drilling assembly. 27) Run in and drill horizontal leg number two. 28) Pull out with directional drilling assembly. Typical Operations Sequence For A Two Leg Level IV Well Profile In 7” OD Casing 29) Run in with whipstock retrieval tools (die collar or hook) and recover steel whipstock. 30) Make up bent liner (window finder joint) assembly with bent liner joint complete with elliptical guide, 4.1/2” liner, liner setting collar, PBR (Polish Bore Receptacle) and steel junction pipe. 31) Run and position steel junction pipe across the window. 32) Cement as applicable. 33) Release from liner and clean up cement from top of steel junction pipe. 34) Pull out and lay out liner running tools and wait on cement. 35) Pick up mill out assembly consisting of oversized high performance bladed junk mill, near bit string mill, short drill collar, string stabilizer, one joint heavy weight drill pipe, string stabilizer and heavy weight drill pipe and drill pipe to surface. 36) Run and time mill through steel junction pipe and clean up any cement remnants as applicable to top of plug. 37) Pull out with milling assembly. 38) Run in and clean up on top of WR, retrievable bridge plug or drillable plug. 39) Recover or drill out bridge plug as applicable. Typical Operations Sequence For A Two Leg Level IV Well Profile In 7” OD Casing Overview of Frac Operations in Leg Number One 40) 41) 42) 43) 44) 45) 46) 47) 48) Pick up and run in with PBR clean up / polish mill. Establish circulation, gently clean and polish the PBR at the top of liner number one. Pull out with clean up assembly. Pick up frac string including Seal Assembly, 4.1/2” Frac String, 4.1/2” Space Out Pup Joints. Run in with 4.1/2” Frac string. Tag PBR (Polish Bore Receptacle) and calculate space out. Install landing nut and land out Frac string with Seal Assembly stung into the PBR. Complete Fracing operations. Pull out and stand back or lay down frac string. Installation of Deflector Assembly for Positive Access to Laterals 49) Confirm space out and orientation of lateral window number two from the original drilling and milling reports. 50) Pick up deflector assembly including latch in sub, applicable space out, orienting sub, debris barrier, safety joint releasing mandrel, hinge and deflector type whipstock. Typical Operations Sequence For A Two Leg Level IV Well Profile In 7” OD Casing 51) Orient as applicable to place deflector type whipstock back in window. 52) Run in and latch into latch in coupling, release running sleeve from safety joint mandrel. 53) Pull out with running sleeve. Overview of Frac Operations in Leg Number Two 54) 55) 56) 57) 58) 59) 60) 61) 62) Pick up and run in with PBR clean up / polish mill. Establish circulation, gently clean and polish the PBR at the top of liner number two. Pull out with clean up assembly Pick up frac string including Seal Assembly, 4.1/2” Frac String, 4.1/2” Space Out Pup Joints. Run in with 4.1/2” Frac string. Tag PBR (Polish Bore Receptacle) and calculate space out. Install landing nut and land out Frac string with Seal Assembly stung into the PBR. Complete Fracing operations. Pull out and lay down frac string. Typical Operations Sequence For A Two Leg Level IV Well Profile In 7” OD Casing Recovery of Deflector Assembly 63) 64) 65) 66) 67) 68) Make up deflector running assembly Run in to top of the deflector Slide over top of deflector and engage running threads Straight pull or jar as required to release the deflector assembly from the Latch in Coupling. Pull out of hole with deflector Clean up well and run completion as per Client’s program. Historical Data Base Whipstock Operations Whipstock Setting Depth Per Job 3000 2500 Depth Meters 2000 1500 1000 500 0 1 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 81 91 101 Total Jobs 111 121 131 141 151 161 171 181 191 Total Whipstock Job Time In Hours Defined As: Pick Up Of Whipstock To Lay Down Of Mill(s) Including Whipstock BHA Pick Up, Trip In, Mill Window, Circulating and Clean Up, Trip Out, Lay Out Mill(s) 70.0 60.0 Total Job In Hours 50.0 40.0 30.0 20.0 10.0 0.0 1 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 81 91 101 Total Jobs 111 121 131 141 151 161 171 181 191 Window Milling Time Per Job 14 12 Total Window Milling Time In Hours 10 8 6 4 2 0 1 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 81 91 101 Total Jobs 111 121 131 141 151 161 171 181 191 Hole Inclination at Setting Depth 100 90 80 70 Inclination Degrees 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 81 91 101 Total Jobs 111 121 131 141 151 161 171 181 191 Window Pictures – Junction Configuration Window Example In 7” Composite Casing at 1106.44 Meters In Coal Formation – 45 Degrees Left of High Side Window at 45 Degrees Left of High Side Window Pictures – Junction Configuration Down Hole Video of Level IV Junction Showing Main Mother Bore, Lateral Leg and The Top of the Deflector In Place in the 7” Casing Deflector Sitting in 7” Casing and Latched into Latch In Coupling Edge of Deflector Sitting in 7” Casing and Latched into Latch In Coupling Lateral Number Two – PBR Edge of 7” Casing Cemented Level IV Junction 5.3/4” OD x 5.1/8” ID Junction Pipe Window Pictures – Junction Configuration Down Hole Video of Level IV Junction Showing Main Mother Bore, Lateral Leg and The Middle of the Deflector In Place in the 7” Casing Deflector Sitting in 7” Casing and Latched into Latch In Coupling Edge of Deflector Sitting in 7” Casing and Latched into Latch In Coupling Lateral Number Two – PBR Edge of 7” Casing Cemented Level IV Junction 5.3/4” OD x 5.1/8” ID Junction Pipe Window Pictures – Junction Configuration Down Hole Video of Level IV Junction Showing Main Mother Bore, Lateral Leg and The Bottom of the Deflector In Place in the 7” Casing Bottom of the Deflector Sitting in 7” Casing and Latched into Latch In Coupling Edge of 7” Casing – Bottom Tear Drop of Window Lateral Number Two – PBR 5.3/4” OD x 5.1/8” ID Junction Pipe Window Pictures – Junction Configuration Picture of Steel Junction Pipe From Test of Level Level 4 Junction Milling Showing Clean Milled Edge