Exhibitor brochure - 4th World plastic surgery congress • MONACO
Exhibitor brochure - 4th World plastic surgery congress • MONACO
Plastic 4 World Surgery Congress th MONACO November, 24th, 25th and 26th 2016 EXHIBITORS www.plasticsurgery-monaco.com ISAPS COURSE - 24th November 2016 INVASIVE AND NON INVASIVE FACIAL APPROACHES Course chairs: Lina TRIANA, MD (Colombia) & Ricardo CAVALCANTI RIBEIRO, MD (Brazil) Partners 4th WORLD PLASTIC SURGERY CONGRESS - November, 24th, 25th and 26th 2016 - Monaco INTRODUCTION Dear Partners, It is a great honor to invite you to participate as a sponsor or exhibitor in Monaco at the 4th World Plastic Surgery Congress on November 24th, 25th and 26th 2016 at the Hotel Méridien Beach Plaza **** We are expecting 350 and more Aesthetic Plastic Surgery practioners and clinic owners in the world. The best Brazilian plastic surgeons will be present. The scientific committee headed by Dr. Valter Dos Santos, Dr. Ricardo Cavalcanti and Dr. Sérgio Levy from Brazil, is preparing a high level program involving more than 80 speakers, president, secretary, moderators, bringing their knowledge and new techniques to the aesthetic surgery. Why do you have to exhibit Our sponsor or exhibitors are present to provide and launch informations about products and services that will advance the practice of aesthetic plastic surgery around the world. We would like to be a key conference between Brazil and Europe every two years in Monaco. As exhibits are a major component of the meeting, we need you to be partners, and close to us. The hall space is only available on first come, first served so make sure you sign up early and reserve your stand space to avoid any disappointment. We want to offer you the best quality, all exhibitors will be on the same floor. Coffee break will take place in the exhibition hall, keeping you in close contact with delegates. Organization committee Hotel MERIDIEN BEACH PLAZA **** 22, Avenue Princesse Grace · Monte Carlo 98000 · Monaco Phone: (+377) 93 30 98 80 Fax: (+377) 93 15 79 46 th ber 2016 ISAPS COURSE - 24 Novem E INVASIVE AND NON INVASIV FACIAL APPROACHES Course chairs: Lina Triana & Ricardo Cavalcanti Ribeiro Dear friend and colleagues For the first time ISAPS is participating on this prestigious meeting, the purpose os ISAPS Courses are provide the opportunity for in-depth exposure to specific techniques and topics, as well as more personalized contact with recognized leaders in aesthetic facial surgery. We have decided to choose FACIAL REJUVENATION - INVASIVE AND NON INVASIVE APPROACHES due to a multiplicity of ideas and innovations in this area. We are expecting you for join us in this glamorous and magic place. General Scientific Coordination Prof. Ricardo C Ribeiro, MD, PH(D) Brazilian Scientific Comitee Chairs SERGIO LEVY, MD & SAMIR MAUD, MD EDUARDO SUCUPIRA, MD International Scientific Comitee Chair RENATO SALTZ, MD (USA) ISAPS ELECTED PRESIDENT NAZIM CERZES, MD (TURKEY) VIOLETA SKOROBAC, MD (SERBIA) JAMAL JOHAD, MD (SAUDI ARABIA) FABIO FANTOZZI, MD (ITALY) MARIO CERAVOLO PELLE, MD (ITALY) GRANT STEVENS, MD (USA) LINA TRIANA, MD (COLOMBIA) HENRY DELMAR, MD (FRANCE) MICHEL ROUIF (FRANCE) SUHAN AYHAM (TURKEY) CEMAL SENYUVA (TURKEY) Assistant Comitee WILSON NOVAES, MD (BRAZIL) ANTÔNIO PAULO PINTAGUY, MD (BRAZIL) ISABEL FIGUEIREDO, MD (BRAZIL) THOMAS RAMOS, MD (PARAGUAY) FLÁVIO RESENDE (BRAZIL) ISAPS COURSE – MONACO Thursday, NOVEMBER 24th COURSE DIRECTORS: Lina Triana, MD (Colombia) Ricardo Ribeiro, MD Ph(d) (Brazil) 10:30 - 11 am KEYNOTE LECTURE SAFETY IN FACIAL SURGERY Foad NAHAI, MD (USA) Registration Policies 11 am - 12:30 pm PANEL 2 THE ROLE OF FAT GRAFT IN FACIAL REJUVENATION Until 30th June 2016 ISAPS Members Non-ISAPS Members Residents* Until 23rd On site November 2016 €331 €397 €350 €397 €463 €400 €198 €265 €331 * With confirmation letter PRELIMINARY PROGRAM 7 - 7:50 am CREDENTIALS/REGISTRATION 7:50 - 8 am OPENING Lina TRIANA, MD (Colombia) Ricardo RIBEIRO, MD Ph(d) (Brazil) 8 - 8:30 am KEYNOTE LECTURE Modern approach for facial rejuvenation Renato SALTZ, MD (USA) Moderators:Vakis KONTOES, MD (Greece) & Jamal JOMAH, MD (Saudi Arabia) 1. The role of 3D imaging as an objective tool analyzing fat retention an distiribution Jamal JOMAH, MD (Saudi Arabia) 2. Fat transfer following complications of injectables. Restoring the lost volume Vakis KONTOES, MD (Greece) 3. Fat transfer for dificult cases Fabian CORTINAS, MD (Venezuela) 4. Fat grafting and adiposite dereived stem cells - update on Science, ethics and regulatory standarts Kai SCLAUDRAFF, MD (Switzerland) 5. Fat, fillers or surgery in lower eyelids juction Fabian CORTINAS, MD (Argentina) Discussion 12:30 - 2 pm LUNCH 8:30 - 10 am PANEL 1 CURRENT CONCEPTS IN FACE LIFTING Foa NAHAI, MD (USA) Moderators: Lydia MASAKO FERREIRA, MD (Brazil) & Foa NAHAI, MD (USA) 1. The emerging value of 3D printing in cosmetic surgery Jamal JOMAH, MD (Saudi Arabia) 2. Importance of the facial skeleton in aging face BRYAN MENDELSON, MD (Australia) 3. Critical analysis for SMAS, Smasectomy and repositionion of deep structures FARID HAKME, MD (BRAZIL) 4. Full face lift in the six vectors - for natural facial appearance - VIOLETA SKOROBAC, MD (Serbia) 5. Short scar face lift with anterior subsmas dissection GIANLUCA CAMPIGLIO (Italy) DISCUSSION 10 - 10:30 am COFFEE BREAK VISIT TO EXPOSITORS 2 - 2:30 pm KEYNOTE LECTURE HIV STIGMAS ON THE FACE 2:30 - 3:30 pm PANEL 3 FACIAL ALTERATIONS DUE WEIGTH LOSS AND TREATMENT OPTIONS Moderators: Lina TRIANA, MD (Colombia) & Gianluca CAMPIGLIO, MD (Italy) 1. Post bariatric surgery facial changes and contouring Ahmed Ali HASSAN, MD (Egypt) 2. Fillers in HIVs patients Eduardo SUCUPIRA, MD (Brazil) 3. When the fat cells are irreplaceable in a facial rejuvenation? Violeta SCOROBAK, MD (Serbia) 4. Autologous Options for Midface Volumization (Fat, SMAS & Malar Fat Pad) - Renato SALTZ, MD (USA) 5. Round and hollow eyes: how to avoid and treat it Mario PELLE, MD (Italy) DISCUSSION ISAPS COURSE – MONACO 3:30 - 4 pm COFFEE BREAK/ VISIT TO EXPOSITORS 4:30 - 5:30 pm PANEL 4 NON INVASIVE METHODS FOR FACIAL REJUVENATION Moderators:Violeta SCKOROBAC, MD (Serbia) & Eduardo SUCUPIRA, MD (Brazil) 1. Cosmetic Medicine will keep your Plastic Surgery practice alive - The 7-47 effect! Renato SALTZ, MD (USA) 2. Non-surgical procedures for facial rejuvenation Sühan, MD (??????) 3. Laser in facial rejuvenation when how and why Vakis KONTOES (Greece) 4. Laser resurfacing in latin skin Lina TRIANA, MD (Colombia) 5. Possible treatments Tear through deformity: an overview on Fabian CORTINAS, MD (Argentina) DISCUSSION 5:30 - 6:30 PANEL 5 MARKETING & BUSSINESS MANAGMENT ADRESSED FOR FACIAL PROCEDURES Moderators: Ricardo RIBEIRO, MD, Ph(d) (Brazil) & Renato SALTZ, MD (USA) 1. Generating ethically patients on social medias Isabel FIGUEIREDO, MD (Brazil) 2. Pitfalls producing websites Chad or Fernando ASPESI, MD (USA) 3. What Works and doesn’t work for attract patients TBD 4. Patients for lifetime TBD 5. DISCUSSION 8 pmOPENING COCKTAIL Notes: ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ 4 th World Plastic Surgery Congress Monaco 4th WPSC 2016 PRELIMINARY PROGRAM Friday, NOVEMBER 25th 7.30 am REGISTRATION 8 - 9 am Round Table 1 RHINOPLASTY 10:20 - 10:50 am COFFEE BREAK Chairman:Vakis KONTOES, MD (Greece) Secretary: Ingrid Paula LUCLEMAN, MD (Brazil) Moderator 10’: Husseins ABULHASSAN, MD (Egypt) Speakers 10’: 1. Open approach Rhinoplasty or Septorhinoplasty. Necessity of the cartilage grafts? Violeta SKORABAC ASANIN, MD (Serbia) 2. Secondary Rhinoplasty Fabian CORTINAS, MD (Argentina) 3. Nasal Dorsal Refinement using pre mastoid fascial sleeve and Microdiced cartilage graft Jamal JOMAH, MD (Saudi Arabia) 4. Personal approach in dificulty nasal tip Rodrigo MANGARAVITE, MD (Brazil) 5. Endonasal methods in revision reconstructive rhinoplasty after previous unsatisfactory and «destructive» surgeries Moshak SERGEY, MD (Russia) 9 - 10 am Round Table 2 MASTOPLASTY Chairman: Samir MAUAD, MD (Brazil) Secretary: Moderator 10’: Speakers 10’: 1. 10:50 - 11:50 am Round Table 3 BODY COUNTOURING AFTER POST BARIATRIC SURGERY Chairman: Secretary: Moderator 10’: Osvaldo SALDANHA, MD (Brazil) Speakers 10’: 1. Breast Augmentation with inferior pedicle + implants Marcelo PESSOA, MD (Brazil) 2. «The correction of the sagging in the lateral and posterior chest wall after weight loss» Claudio CANNISTRA, MD (France) 3. Secondary Abdominoplasties: Minor & Major revisions Gianluca CAMPIGLIO, MD (Italy) 4. Innerthigh dermoliplasty Fabian CORTINAS, MD (Argentina) 11:50 am - 12:50 pm Round Table 4 MISCELLANEOUS Chairman: Secretary: Maira MEDEIROS, MD (Brazil) Moderator 10’: Speakers 10’: 2. «Modified vertical reduction mammaplasty: Ten years of experience» Augusta CARDOSO, MD (Portugal) 3. «The use of pectoral muscle in mammoplasties» Luiz Carlos GARCIA, MD (Brazil) 4. Composite Breast Augmentation: Tips & Tricks of silicone implant insertion combined with Stromal Enriched Lipograft Beatriz NICARETA, MD (Greece) 5. 10 - 10:20 am Keynote lecture1 Nazim CERZES, MD (Turkey) MODERN RHINOPLASTY - NEW CONCEPTS Chairman: 1. «Updates in cheiloplasty: surgical & laser approach» Maximilian CATENACCI, MD (Italy) 2. Transsexuality and Plastic Surgery Marcio LITTLETON, MD (Portugal) 3.My approach in breast surgery after massive weigth loss Klaus BRUNNERT, MD (Germany) 4. Cartilage repositioning for nose tip - The dance with cartilage - Olga TOLEDO, MD (Brazil) 5. 12:50 - 2:30 pm LUNCH 4 th World Plastic Surgery Congress Monaco 4th WPSC 2016 PRELIMINARY PROGRAM Friday, NOVEMBER 25th 2:30 - 4:30 pm Round Table 5 FACE LIFT 1 5:20 - 6:20 pm Round Table 7 BODY CONTOURN Chairman: Secretary: Moderator 10’: Chairman: Secretary: Moderator 10’: Speakers 10’: Speakers 10’: 1. «The difficult neck lift: an anatomical approach» Philippe KESTEMONT, MD (France) Cécile WINTER, MD (France) 2. Efficacy of combined open temporal brow lift procedure, upper and lower eyelid blepharoplasty Pietro LORENZETTI, MD (Italy) 3. Smasectomy and buccal fat pad removal to treat the round face Marcelo ARAUJO DA CUNHA, MD (Brazil) 4. Oculoplastic concepts for facial rejuvenetion Husseins, ABULHASSAN, MD (Egypt) 5. Avoiding Errors in Facial Volumization Anita MANDAL, MD (USA) 1. Applications of anthropometry in torsoplastic surgery Fabio FANTOZZI, MD (Italy) 2. Body Contourning by Structure Lipofilling Ahmed Ali HASSAN, MD (Egypt) 3. 25 years endoscopic body contouring Marco Faria CORREA, MD (Singapore) 4.Versatility of Lipoesculpture in Body Contour Surgery Guilherme MIRANDA DE FREITAS, MD (Brazil) 5. 3:30 - 4:30 pm Round Table 6 ANTI AGING PROCEDURES Chairman: Aris STERODIMAS, MD (Greece) Secretary: Moderator 10’: Renato SALTZ, MD (USA) Speakers 10’: 1. Drug delivery with Laser CO2 Romulo MENE, MD (Brazil) 2. The Role of PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) in Facial Rejuvenation and Hair Restoration Domingos de PAOLA, MD (Brazil) 3. Peeling Profound - Valter dos SANTOS, MD (Brazil) 4. Lasers in facial rejuvenation: When, How and Why Vakis KONTOES, MD (Greece) 5. 4:30 - 5 pm COFFEE BREAK 5 - 5:20 pm Keynote lecture 2 Renato SALTZ, MD (USA) THE MODERN FACELIFT - THE FACIAL AESTHETIC PACKAGE APPROACH Chairman:Valter dos SANTOS, MD (Brazil) 6:20 - 7:20 pm Round Table 8 LIPOABDOMINOPLASTY Chairman: Secretary: Moderator 10’: Speakers 10’: 1.VASER Assisted Abdominoplasty: 12 years experience Senyuva CEMAL, MD (Turkey) 2. Lipoabdominoplasty – Present and future Osvaldo SALDANHA, MD (Brazil) 3. New Concept in lipoabdominoplasty Wilson NOVAES, MD (Brazil) 4. 5. 8:30 pm DINNER in the YACHT CLUB MONACO 4 th World Plastic Surgery Congress Monaco 4th WPSC 2016 PRELIMINARY PROGRAM Saturday, NOVEMBER 26th 8 - 9 am Round Table 9 BREAST AUGMENTATION 10 - 10:20 am Keynote lecture 3 Henry DELMAR, MD (France) FACE LIFT: DUAL CONCEPT Chairman: Farid HAKME, MD (Brazil) Secretary: Moderator 10’: Lydia MASAKO FERREIRA, MD (Brazil) Speakers 10’: 1. «Periareolar mastopexy with implants: how to carry it out safely and succesfully» Mario PELLE, MD (Italy) 2. Dual gel Experience Constantin STANS, MD (Romania) 3. B-Lite implants - Update on our experience with the new lightweight breast implants Kai SCLAUDRAFF, MD (Switzerland) 4. 5. 9 - 10 am Round Table 10 GLUTEOPLASTY Chairman: Secretary: Antonio PITANGUY, MD (Brazil) Moderator 10’: Speakers 10’: 1. «Tips and tricks in gluteoplasty» Gianluigi BERGAMASCHI, MD (Italy) 2. Principles and Indications Ricardo RIBEIRO, MD (Brazil) 3. Gluteal contouring in women: enhancement and augmentation Ahmed Ali HASSAN, MD (Egypt) 4. Total body countoring Antonio VALENTE, MD (Brazil) 5. Gluteo increase with fat grafts or silicone implants Sérgio LEVY, MD (Brazil) Chairman: 10:20 - 10:50 am COFFEE BREAK 10:50 - 11:50 am Round Table 11 Emerging Technology Chairman: Secretary: Moderator 10’: Ricardo RIBEIRO, MD Ph(d) (Brazil) Speakers 10’: 1. Applications of robotics in Plastic Surgery Marco FARIA CORREA, MD (Singapore) 2. Non invasives treatments Renato SALTZ, MD (USA) 3. Updating concepts in female plastic surgery Lina TRIANA, MD (Colombia) 4. Neo Platform - A technology beyond the future Rossano FIORELLI, MD Ph(d) (Brazil) 5. Nasal dorsum augmentation Volney PITOMBO, MD (Brazil) 11:50 - 12:50 am Round Table 12 MAMOPLASTY and BREAST RECONSTRUCTION Chairman: Secretary: Moderator 10’: Claude LASSUS, MD (France) Speakers 10’: 1. Secondary breast restoration following implant failure Suhan AYHAN, MD (Turkey) 2.Vertical Technique in huge breasts Djemal JOMAH, MD (Tunisia) 3. Breast augmentation by axilary route - indications and limitations. - Vinicio ALBA, MD (Portugal) 4. 5. 4 th World Plastic Surgery Congress Monaco 4th WPSC 2016 PRELIMINARY PROGRAM Saturday, NOVEMBER 26th 12:50 - 2:30 pm LUNCH 5:30 - 5:50 pm Keynote lecture 4 Farid HAKME, MD (Brazil) CURRENT CONCEPTS IN FACIAL SURGERY Chairman: 5:50 - 6:50 pm Round Table 14 BALDNESS SURGERY/ BODY CONTOURING Chairman: Secretary: Moderator 10’: Speakers 10’: 2:30 - 4 pm INTERACTIVE LIVE DISSECTION Direct from MIAMI ANATOMICAL RESEARCH CENTER (MARC - MIAMI - USA) ANATOMICAL LANDMARKS FOR UPPER, MID AND LOWER THIRD ON FACE LIFTING André AUERSWALD, MD (Brazil) Auditorium moderator: Renato SALTZ, MD (USA) 4 - 5 pm Round Table 13 FACE LIFT 2 Chairman: Secretary: Riccardo MARSILLI, MD (Italy) Moderator 10’: Farid HAKME, MD (Brazil) Speakers 10’: 1. Personal approches in facial: based in evidences Lydia MASAKO FERREIRA, MD (Brazil) 2. New concepts when treating the ageing face Marcelo ARAUJO, MD (Brazil) 3. «Peculiarity of the superficial fat» and «Personal technique in browlift» Angelo TRIVISONO, MD (Italy) 4. «Facial danger zones practical aspects» Yves SABAN, MD (France) 5. 5 - 5:30 pm COFFEE BREAK 1. FUE technique for hairtransplantation Carlos Alberto CALIXTO, MD (Brazil) 2. The limits of STRIP and FUE techniques Carlos UEBEL, MD (Brazil) 3. My time in hair restoration Carlos Eduardo LEÃO, MD (Brazil) 4. Female vs mall vasser lipoabdominoplasty - concept method results Kai SCLAUDRAFF, MD (Switzerland) 5. 8:30 pm GALA DINNER with reservation only PARTNERS PARTNERS EXHIBITORS 4th WORLD PLASTIC SURGERY CONGRESS - November, 24th, 25th and 26th 2016 - Monaco 4th WPSC is on first come first served for all the exhibitors. Limited number of stands available. FIM 2012 I 6m² Responsable exhibitors and sponsors ELISE MICHEL TEL +33 (0) 6 12 13 57 56 elise.michel@plasticsurgery-monaco.com S P A C E D E S VINCENT GARCIA Date : 17-10-12 V : 1.0 1/2 General view - exhibitors plan 5 2 3 6 4 7 Hall view - exhibitors plan 8 G N E R 4th WORLD PLASTIC SURGERY CONGRESS - November, 24th, 25th and 26th 2016 - Monaco 11 We can offer you more space if necessary for bigger booth: 5 stands - 5x2m 10 (see plan - Atlantic west/Salon Atlantique) 12 9 13 Atlantic west - exhibitors plan CONVENTION & EXHIBITION “The hall space is only available on first come, first served.” Responsable exhibitors and sponsors ELISE MICHEL TEL +33 (0) 6 12 13 57 56 elise.michel@plasticsurgery-monaco.com Every Exhibitor can get a stand space of min 6 sqm 2x3 with a table for 3000 € + VAT 20% + 2 exhibitor badges (additional space 500 €/ sqm) Or a 2 x 3 sqm equipped booth which includes (partition, carpet, lights, electrical outlet, company name) for 3600 € + VAT 20% + 2 exhibitor badges (additional space 500 €/ sqm) which includes : • Publication of your logo company name in the official program book. • your Logo and link on our 4th WPSC 2014 website • entrance to the Opening cocktail Reception • Publication of your logo at the welcome desk Packages can be tailored to your needs and furniture can be ordered directly through our contractor. Exhibit staff may include company sales personnel only. Companies may not register surgeons, speakers or distributors as booth staff. 4th WORLD PLASTIC SURGERY CONGRESS - November, 24th, 25th and 26th 2016 - Monaco SPONSORING POSSIBILITIES • 1 Promotional document or 1 Flyer 1.500 € in the congress bags given to the attendees • Pens for the congress we offer you the opportunity to put pens with your logo in the congress bag 1.500 € • Writing pads for the congress bag 300 p 1.500 € we offer you the opportunity to put writing pads with your logo in congress bags. Materials must be sent to Elise Michel • Speaker and delegate badges your logo can be printed on badges 3.000 € • Gala Dinner 5.000 € your logo will be printed on the invitation card, and your company name. The sponsor will receice 5 invitations for your guests. We will bestow the Golden Bistouri to the best work in plastic Surgery during the Gala Dinner. Advertisements in program book: • back outside A4 cover 3.500 € • inside front A4 cover 3.000 € • back inside A4 cover 3.000 € • inside full page A4 2.000 € (congress bags, to be determinate the congress or the client will purchase the bags with the company‘s logo) Meeting room or Private salon on request 4th WORLD PLASTIC SURGERY CONGRESS - November, 24th, 25th and 26th 2016 - Monaco CONDITIONS FOR EXHIBITORS TERMS AND CONDITIONS The allocation of booths will be made on first come, first served basis. Act now to ensure your best location. All exhibition and sponsoring costs are quoted in EURO. Our exhibitor coordinator reserve the right to change the floor plan and re assign plan if necessary you will be notified if any changes. Exhibit staff may include company sales personnel only. Companies may not register surgeons, speakers or distributors as booth staff. All payment must be made in full at reservation of the booth. The exhibitor agrees to indemnity the congress organization for any damage in the area rented by the exhibitor, including the cost of repair, cleaning or repairing. The exhibitor agrees and undertakes to insure the full value of the contents of their booth, risks and transport of all equipments, materials. The organizers and congress center do not accept any responsibility for damage, loss or anybody due to any cause. The exhibitor is responsible for the safety of its exhibitors products and any materials of the booth during the move in or move up period. The booth will be built by our contractor one day before the congress and you will be able to have access to the main hall. Cancellation policy must be send in writing to Mrs Michel Elise elise.michel@plasticsurgery-monaco.com Important NOW reserved your space booth number Send the sponsor contracts Exhibit staff badge names send insertion orders advertisements for the program book For further questions don’t hesitate to contact: Mrs. Michel Elise + 33 06 12 13 57 56 elise.michel@plasticsurgery-monaco.com 4th WORLD PLASTIC SURGERY CONGRESS - November, 24th, 25th and 26th 2016 - Monaco EXHIBITOR REQUEST FORM Company Name Contact person Adress Zip Code City Country Phone Fax E-mail Bagde name 1 2 3 SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES All prices are VAT excluded (20%) QUANTITY stand space of min 6 sqm 2x3 with a table only (additional space: 500 €/ sqm) Please indicate booth number preference_________________ □ 3000€ 2 x 3 sqm equipped booth (partition, carpet, lights, electrical outlet, company name) Please indicate booth number preference_________________ □ 3600€ Additional space (500 €/ sqm) □ 500€ □ 1500€ □ 1500€ □ 1500€ □ 3000€ □ 5000€ 1 Promotional document or 1 Flyer in the congress bags Pens for the congress Writing pads for the congress bag 300 p Speaker and delegate badges Gala Dinner TOTAL COST Advertisements in program book: □ 3500€ □ 3000€ □ 3000€ □ 2000€ Back outside A4 cover Inside front A4 cover Back front A4 cover Inside full page A4 ad TOTAL HT _____________________ € VAT 20% TOTAL TO BE PAID _____________________ € PAYMENT □ Bank transfert - payment in Euros payable to 4th WPSC Monaco - For members CEE (no bank charges) Mention the registrant’s name + 4th WPSC Monaco reference on all the bank documents. Paying bank: BNP PARIBAS - For other countries ADD 35 € (Bank charges) Bank code: 30004 Branch code: 01045 Account number: 00010083477 Key digits: 82 IBAN: FR7630004010450001008347782 BIC - SWIFT: BNPAFRPPCAN Signature: □ I have read the general conditions Responsable exhibitors: Elise Michel - +33 (0) 6 12 13 57 56 - elise.michel@plasticsurgery-monaco.com Office: ME World Events Organisation - 17 Rue Léon Goyet - 06150 Cannes la Bocca - France RCS 3936222200019 TVA FR 2139362222000019 4th WORLD PLASTIC SURGERY CONGRESS - November, 24th, 25th and 26th 2016 - Monaco Notes: ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 4 th World Plastic Surgery Congress Monaco All rights reserved (R) 2016 15 rue Léon Goyet - 06150 Cannes la Bocca - France Phone +33 (0) Mobile +33 (0) SARL au capital de 7 600 euros. Code APE 804 C RCS 393 622 220 00019 . TVA FR 213 936 2222 0000 19