flat roofs
flat roofs
Pág. 1 Sesión 1/4 Asignatura Clave Máster y Curso FLAT ROOFS ROOFS Construction II. Systems. 2nd year Construction Area Academic Year 2014-2015 Review 04/03/2015 Authors: Carlos Gelpí Almirall / Xavier Belil / Josep Olivé Pàg. 2/75 Àrea de Construcció Construcció II AR012 Index 1.1. Definition 1.1. definition 1.2. water tightness principals 2. Design principals 2.1. dimensioning of roof slopes and inclinations 2.2. main layers of a flat roof 3. Singular points 4. Typologies 4.1. Conventional (cat. No invertida o convencional) 4.2. Ventilated (cat. Ventilada) 4.3. Inverted, also Upside-down (cat. invertida) 4.4. Green roofs (cat. enjardinada) 4.5. Flooded roofs (cat. inundada) 4.6. Roofs for the traffic of vehicles (cat. per trànsit rodat) 5. Installation and execution controls 6. Information sources General definition Flat roofs are those which have a slope < 5%. Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 3/75 Definition l Design l Singular points I Typologies l Installation and control l Information sources AR012 Construcció II INCLINADES > 5% 5% FLAT ROOFS < 5% Font: Construir la arquitectura, Andrea Deplazes. Ed. GG AR012 Construcció II Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 4/75 Definition l Design l Singular points I Typologies l Installation and control l Information sources Water tightness principals 1. Absolute continuity of the water tightness envelope The material which makes this function is the one which will always be absolutely waterproof, both conceptually and materially. 2. Geometry: sealing (Cat. Segellat) and overlapping (Cat. Encavalcament) Usually, although not always, the covering materials are not continuous. In these cases, we rely water tightness on the water tightness of the joints between the pieces using: - Chemical sealing between pieces: welding, chemical merging, adherence, etc.. - Secondarily, the slope and overlap between pieces as well. Slope of the roofs according to CTE Flat roofs are those which have a slope < 5%. However, this value is an average value (of most of the slopes) of the roof because, usually, some slopes can have an inclination much higher if the routing between flashing and drain is small. Construcció II Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 5/75 Definition l Design l Singular points I Typologies l Installation and control l Information sources steep slopes regulatory slopes AR012 Slopes of flat roofs *Use *Protection *Pedestrians *Trafficable *Slopes in % *Vehicles *Non trafficable *Green roofs *fixed flooring *Floating (loose laid) flooring *traffic layer *Gravel *Self-protected sheet *Topsoil Geometry of the slopes AR012 Construcció II Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 6/75 Definition l Design l Singular points I Typologies l Installation and control l Information sources CTE DB HS 1 2.4 ROOFS -GEOMETRY OF THE ROOF. Determining the project’s roof geometry taking into consideration the water drains. The drains must be separated from the roof’s perimeter minimum 30cm according to CTE. Construcció II Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 7/75 Definition l Design l Singular points I Typologies l Installation and control l Information sources Dimensioning the sides CTE DB HS 1 2.4 CUBIERTAS -WATER EVACUATION: Selection of the minimum number of the necessary water evacuation elements. According to CTE, the minimum number of water evacuation elements will be two, and will depend on the roof’s surface. CTE DB HS 5 Table 4.6 *Number of drains needed according to the roof’s surface *Surface of the roof’s horizontal projection (m2) *Number of drains Selection of the surface of the formation of slope referred to the building’s roof surface. CTE DB HS 5 Table4.6 . If we are not able to place the minimum number of drainpipes, we must place at least two overflows (Cat. rebosaderos) and each one on different roof limits. -MAXIMUM SURFACE FOR A DOWNPIPE. The precipitation measurements data will determine the diameter of these elements, not the number of them. AR012 *Diameter of the water downpipes for a precipitation of 100 mm/h *Surface of the roof’s horizontal projection (m2) We must apply a correction factor for other precipitation values. (see CTE DB HS 5) *Nominal diameter for downpipes (mm) AR012 Construcció II Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 8/75 Definition l Design l Singular points I Typologies l Installation and control l Information sources Characteristics of the slopes - Recommended (and regulatory) not to exceed slopes more than 5% and less than 1%. - Minimum thickness of the layer that forms the slope is 30mm and maximum 150mm. According to CTE DB HS 5 - Expansion joints (with a thickness of 30mm) must be provided every 10-15 linear meters and over all the perimeter in contact with elements that cross the roof such as: railings, chimneys, parapets, ledges, etc. -If the pavement is fixed on mortar or concrete, the joints must make grids smaller than 5m on every side. - We must respect and maintain the structural expansion joints of the building. - The drains (or lowest point of the roof) must be separated by at least 30cm from the limits of the roof, in the case of a vertical drain. Pàg. 9/75 Definition l Design l Singular points I Typologies l Installation and control l Information sources Main layers of a flat roof 1. SUPPORT OR STRUCTURAL BASE: (Cat. Suport o base estructural) Àrea de Construcció - Depends on the constructive system of the building. 2. SLOPE FORMATION SYSTEMS (Cat. Sistema de formació de pendents) - Provides slope to the roof for the evacuation of water. 3. VAPOR BARRIER: (Cat. Barrera de vapor) Construcció II AR012 Its own base structure / Cellular concrete / Mortars / Lightened mortars (perlite) / Leveling mortars (Cat. Pròpia base estructural/Formigó cel·lular / Morters alleugerits (perlita) /Morters de regulació) Polyethylene sheet / Kraft paper/ - Its placement will depend on the section of roof’s hygro-thermal calculation Bitumen sheets / Metallic foils and on the environmental conditions. It cuts water vapor in order to avoid condensations. Làmines de betum/ Làmines metàl·liques) - It can also prevent the entrance of air and dust from the exterior. 4. WATERPROOF LAYER: (Cat. Impermeabilitzant) - It is the layer in charge of ensuring watertight ness of the roof. 5. INSULATION: (Cat. Aïllament) Wooden / Concrete / Metallic structures (Cat. Estructures de: Fusta / Formigó / Metàl·liques) - Responds to a study of the energetic demand according to the climatic conditions of the environment where the building is placed. Its function is to control the transfer of thermal energy between the interior and exterior of the building and to ensure its interior thermal comfort. 6. SEPARATING OR DIFUSING LAYERS: (Cat. Capes separadores o difusores) - Avoid direct contact between chemically incompatible materials. - Avoid puncturing the waterproofing layer. - Avoid adherence of the waterproofing layer - Prevent the pass of soils in gravel and green roofs. 7. PROTECTING OR FINISHING LAYER: (Cat. Capa de protecció o acabat) Layer put down to respond to the direct actions of the exterior elements on top of the roof (UV rays, rain, snow, wind, etc.) (Cat. Làmines de polietilè / Paper Kraft / Precast : Bituminous foils / Synthetic sheets On site: Paintings applied using a roller or projected paintings (Cat. Prefabricats : Làmines bituminoses / Làmines sintètiques In situ: Pintures aplicades amb rodet o projectades) Rigid. Polystyrene / cellular glass / cork / polyurethane. Not rigid (using chambers) glass wool / polyurethane / rock wool (Cat. Rígids. Poliestirè / vidre cel·lular / suro / poliuretà No rígids (per cambres) llana de vidre / /Poliuretà / Llana de roca) Geotextiles with different densities / PVC / Reinforced geotextile with polyurethane membrane / etc. (Cat. Geotèxtils de diverses densitats/ PVC / Geotèxtil armat amb malla de poliuretà/ etc.)z Flat trafficable roof: Ceramic flooring / Floating flooring Flat non trafficable roof: Heavy protection/ Gravel / Concrete Green flat roof: Vegetable soil and vegetation Industrial roof: Metallic sheet / Deck (see classification table) (cat. Plana Transitable: Paviment ceràmic / Paviment flotant Plana No transitable: Protecció pesada / Grava / Formigó Plana enjardinada: Terra Vegetal i vegetació Coberta Industrial: Xapa Metàl·lica / Deck) Pàg. 10/75 Definition l Design l Singular points I Typologies l Installation and control l Information sources Singular points AR012 Construcció II Àrea de Construcció CTE DB HS 1 2.4. CUBIERTAS 2.4.4. Singular points conditioning factors: The CTE DB HS, Spanish Building Code, numbers and describes the particularities which all singular points have to fulfill and are considered in CTE. The main points are: - Link with vertical elements - Drains and overflows - Expansion joints - Elements that cross the roof. - Fastening elements on roofs - Access and openings. AR012 Construcció II Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 11/75 Definition l Design l Singular points I Typologies l Installation and control l Information sources Links with vertical wall face Waterproof layer - Overlaps, reinforcement and minimum dimensions in singular points according to CTE are mandatory. Vertical wall Waterproof layer Protection Figure 2.13 Encounter of the roof with a vertical wall face. Protection Drain and overflow gutter Vertical wall Waterproof layer Lowered support Overflow gutter Construcció II Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 12/75 Definition l Design l Singular points I Typologies l Installation and control l Information sources AR012 Figure 2.15 Overflow gutter Drain Figure 2.14 Lowered support around the drains Drains Horizontal drainage Drains and vertical precast drainages (cat. Bonera i desguàs vertical prefabricats) Construcció II Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 13/75 Definition l Design l Singular points I Typologies l Installation and control l Information sources AR012 Drain dome (cat. Morrió / paragraves) Gully drain Siphonic drain (cat. Bonera sifònica) (cat. Desguàs horizontal) Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 14/75 Definition l Design l Singular points I Typologies l Installation and control l Information sources Expansion joints. Finishing layers Types of obligatory joints: 1. Joints from the own structure every 30 m 2. Joints of the formation of slopes every 10-15 m Figure 18. Example of an expansion joint and roof’s perimeter. Width of the joint of 30 mm minimum. (CTE DB HS1 Cubiertas). 3. Flooring joints on trafficable roofs every 5 linear Construcció II 1. meters and around all the perimeter. 2. AR012 Figure 19. Example of a roof joint 3. Figure 20. Example of a protection layer joint. Expansion joints. Limits Construcció II - Expansion joints (with a thickness of 30mm) must be provided every 10-15 linear meters and over all the perimeter in contact with elements that cross the roof such as: railings, chimneys, etc. - Joints must be made in all those rigid layers that can undergo deformations or create unwanted forces with thermal origins; the most common ones are: slope formation layers and adhered rigid floorings. AR012 Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 15/75 Definition l Design l Singular points I Typologies l Installation and control l Information sources -The rigid pieces which make up flashings must be independent from the roof’s finishing leafs. -If the pavement is fixed on mortar or concrete, the joints must make grids smaller than 5m on every side. -We must maintain the structural joints of a building. Pàg. 16/75 Definition l Design l Singular points I Typologies l Installation and control l Information sources Elements which cross the roof AR012 Construcció II Àrea de Construcció Solution installing vertical elements (walls) and solving the perimeter. Others: - Elements that make up a roof. - Machines fastenings on top of the roofs. Section of the layout of building services on a roof. Solution of “INTEMPER” products. AR012 Construcció II Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 17/75 Definition l Design l Singular points I Typologies l Installation and control l Information sources Elements which cross the roof and fastening elements Example of the solution for a trafficable flat roof with mortar slabs that incorporates insulation. In the photographs below we see the details of the installation machine’s fastening element, placed, floating, on top of the finishing layer, and the waterproofing treatment of the structural elements which cross the roof. AR012 Construcció II Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 18/75 Definition l Design l Singular points I Typologies l Installation and control l Information sources Fastening elements Regulatory norms for fastening elements: Try to always avoid puncturing the waterproofing layer with the fastening elements Place the fastening elements for hand railings, antennas, etc. on vertical walls. AR012 Construcció II Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 19/75 Definition l Design l Singular points I Typologies l Installation and control l Information sources Security features An indispensable element for a flat roof that is trafficable only for the maintenance of installation elements and that does not have any kind of hand railing, is what is known as a horizontal lifeline: a wire which offers security on sites and from where workmen hang using a harness. AR012 Construcció II Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 20/75 Definition l Design l Singular points I Typologies l Installation and control l Information sources Skylights. Precast skylights. Dome-type precast skylights placed on top of flat roofs with self-protected asphalted sheets. AR012 Construcció II Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 21/75 Definition l Design l Singular points I Typologies l Installation and control l Information sources Skylights. Precast skylights. Precast skylights placed on top of flat roofs with a metallic sheet AR012 Construcció II Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 22/75 Definition l Design l Singular points I Typologies l Installation and control l Information sources Skylight On site executed skylights. This type of skylight needs special attention when it is executed and placed on a building. Pàg. 23/75 Definition l Design l Singular points I Typologies l Installation and control l Information sources Typologies. Summary table Typologies Conventional (not inverted) AR012 Construcció II Àrea de Construcció (cat. no invertida) Ventilated (cat. ventilada) Inverted (cat. invertida) Green roof Non trafficable (cat. no transitable) Self-protected (cat. Autoprotegida) Trafficable (cat. Transitable) deck Catalan roof Improved Catalan roof (cat.catalana millorada) Double leaf roof (cat.coberta doble full) Non trafficable (cat. no transitable) Trafficable (cat. transitable) (cat. enjardinada) Extensive (cat. extensiva) Intensive (cat. intensiva) Flooded roofs Water reservoir roof -aerobic(cat. aljub -aeròbica-) (cat. inundada) Green roof with a water reservoir -non aerobic(cat. aljub enjardinada -anaeròbica-) For the traffic of vehicles (cat. per trànsit rodat) Conventional (not inverted) flat roof The waterproof layer is placed on top of the insulation layer. This layer is generally protected by the roof’s finishing layer if it’s trafficable. If the roof is not trafficable, we must protect it or place a waterproofing self-protective layer. AR012 Construcció II Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 24/75 Definition l Design l Singular points I Typologies l Installation and control l Information sources CONVENTIONAL ROOF (WARM) VENTILATED CONVENTIONAL ROOF (COLD) AR012 Construcció II Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 25/75 Definition l Design l Singular points I Typologies l Installation and control l Information sources Conventional. Non trafficable roofs. Is the kind of roof which is not appropriate for the traffic of people. This type of roof is only trafficable occasionally for the roof’s maintenance. They are able to have different types of protective layers: self-protective waterproofing layer, gravel, vegetation, water, etc. An example of a roof’s solution using two waterproofing layers and reinforcements on the limit of the roof. 1. Formation of slopes (Cat. Formació de endents) 2. Protection layer (cat. Capa de protecció) 3. Vapor barrier (Cat. Barrera de vapor) 4. Thermal insulation (Cat. Aïllament tèrmic) 5. Bottom waterproofing layer (cat. Làmina inferior de la impermeabilització) 6. Top waterproofing layer, with an incorporated protective layer against UV rays (cat. Làmina superior de l’impermeabilització, amb capa de protecció contra UV incorporada) 7. Sealing and fastening element on the end of the waterproofing layer (cat. Element de segellat i fixació a l’extrem de la impermeabilització) Conventional. Non trafficable roofs. Self-protected roof Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 26/75 Definition l Design l Singular points I Typologies l Installation and control l Information sources AR012 Construcció II Font: gràfic i imatge, revista TECTÓNICA Support layer Slope Separating layer Thermal insulation Waterproofing Structural joints Roof joints Protective layer joints AR012 Construcció II Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 27/75 Definition l Design l Singular points I Typologies l Installation and control l Information sources Conventional. Non trafficable roofs. Self-protected roof With a slate layer With an aluminum metal sheet (cat. amb capa de pissarra) (cat. amb làmina d’alumini gofrat AR012 Construcció II Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 28/75 Definition l Design l Singular points I Typologies l Installation and control l Information sources Conventional. Trafficable roofs. •This type of roof have the finishing layer and waterproof layer exposed. This means that both must be designed to withstand high differential temperatures and important fluctuations in humidity (dry-wet cycle). •Due to the effects produced by solar radiation, thermal difference between day and night, low humidity, and lack of continuous rainfall, the durability of the waterproofing layer placed on top of an insulation layer in warm and temperate climates is short. •If an insulation layer is placed on top of the formation of slope layer, the finishing layer can suffer from excessive deformations caused by over-heating. It is important to place deformation and expansion joints. •This kind of roof can have a problem during its execution which affects its water tightness. This is due to a possible puncturing of the waterproof layer during the execution of the finishing layer. Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 29/75 Definition l Design l Singular points I Typologies l Installation and control l Information sources Conventional. Trafficable roofs. This type of roof is characterized by having a protective layer that allows traffic, either pedestrian or vehicular. In the example below, the insulation is correctly placed under the slope formation layer. Protection and finising layer (Cat. capes d’acabat i protecció) Separating layer (cat. Capa separadora) Waterproofing layer (cat. Impermeabilizació) Separating layer Construcció II AR012 (Cat. Capa separadora) Slope formation layer Structural support (cat. Formació de pendents) Thermal insulation (cat. Aïllament tèrmic) Vapor barrier (cat. Barrera de vapor) (cat. Suport structural) Interior finishing (cat. Acabat interior) Construcció II Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 30/75 Definition l Design l Singular points I Typologies l Installation and control l Information sources Conventional. Deck-type A special type of conventional flat roof which has a light support, usually made up of corrugated metallic plates. Common in industrial construction The whole roof has a very light weight. Source: table and image, TECTÓNIC magazine Support layer Slope AR012 Separating layer Thermal insulation Waterproofing Structural joints Roof joints Protective layer joints AR012 Construcció II Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 31/75 Definition l Design l Singular points I Typologies l Installation and control l Information sources Conventional. Deck-type The water tightness layer must be made up of any type of waterproof material which is not altered by UV rays. Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 32/75 Definition l Design l Singular points I Typologies l Installation and control l Information sources Ventilated flat roof. Catalan roofing. Ventilated flat roof (cold roof). When using this type of roof traditionally, we have relied the water tightness on its finishing materials. The base is made by “n” repetitions (usually n =3 or 4) of the finishing layer placed in different directions and with steep slopes in order to prevent the direct filtration of rainwater through the joints. This type of roof is only appropriate in warm or hot climates with sporadic rains, due to the fact that it relies on the ventilation of its chamber and solar radiation to dry any possible water infiltration (which can affect the interior of the building). Catalan roofing has no waterproof layer nor insulation layer. base with 3 layers of tiles AR012 Construcció II render flashing joists tiling brick filler vault soil layer Honeycomb bond partition Sources:. “Com he de construir”, Benavent de Barberà. Ed. Bosch “Diccionari de la construcció”. Miquel Fullana. Ed. Moll AR012 Construcció II Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 33/75 Definition l Design l Singular points I Typologies l Installation and control l Information sources Ventilated flat roof. Catalan roofing. Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 34/75 Definition l Design l Singular points I Typologies l Installation and control l Information sources Ventilated flat roof. Improved Catalan roofing. • The improved Catalan roofing incorporates a waterproof layer and an insulating layer, ensuring that the roof conforms with comfort requirements. Construcció II Source: table and image, TECTÓNIC magazine -Not necessary Vapor barrier layer Thermal insulation Support AR012 Slope Waterproofing Separating layer Protection layer Structural joints Roof joints Protective layer joints AR012 Construcció II Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 35/75 Definition l Design l Singular points I Typologies l Installation and control l Information sources Ventilated flat roof. Improved Catalan roofing. Ventilated flat roof. Improved Catalan roofing. Double leaf roof. A roof that is based on the Catalan roof, applied to modern construction techniques. It was common during the early 60’s. Usually without an insulating layer AR012 Construcció II Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 36/75 Definition l Design l Singular points I Typologies l Installation and control l Information sources Precast housing. Montbau. Barcelona. 1960. Casamor-Dargallo-Giralt-Serra Goday Inverted flat roof The waterproof layer is placed under the insulation layer. These roofs are finished with gravel, pavements, slabs, etc. The insulating layer must have closed pores, and must be able to get wet without altering its characteristics. These roofs thermally protect the waterproof layer in order to achieve longer durability and tightness. AR012 Construcció II Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 37/75 Definition l Design l Singular points I Typologies l Installation and control l Information sources NON TRAFFICABLE INVERTED (UPSIDE-DOWN) ROOF TRAFFICABLE INVERTED (UPSIDE-DOWN) ROOF Inverted flat roof with a gravel finishing Construcció II Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 38/75 Definition l Design l Singular points I Typologies l Installation and control l Information sources Source: table and image, TECTÓNIC magazine Layer of support Slope Separating layer AR012 Waterproofing Separating layer Thermal insulation Protective layer Structural joints Roof joints Protective layer joints Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 39/75 Definition l Design l Singular points I Typologies l Installation and control l Information sources Inverted flat roof with a ceramic finishing According to some installers, the insulating layer’s tendency to prevent heat flow into the interior of the building may create problems of excessive deformations in the finishing layer by causing it to over-heat It is very important to place deformation and expansion joints. Construcció II Source: table and image, TECTÓNIC magazine Vapor barrier layer - If the space’s hydro-thermal conditions demand it Support Slope Separating layer AR012 Waterproofing Thermal insulation Protective layer Structural joints Roof joints Protective layer joints Inverted flat roof with insulation panels (Cat. Llosa aïllant) Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 40/75 Definition l Design l Singular points I Typologies l Installation and control l Information sources AR012 Construcció II Source: table and image, TECTÓNIC magazine Separating layer Layer of support Slope Separating layer Waterproofing Separating layer Thermal insulation Structural joints Roof joints Protective layer joints Inverted flat roof with insulation panels (Cat. Llosa aïllant) AR012 Construcció II Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 41/75 Definition l Design l Singular points I Typologies l Installation and control l Information sources Trafficable upside-down flat roof AR012 Construcció II Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 42/75 Definition l Design l Singular points I Typologies l Installation and control l Information sources Inverted flat roof with insulation panels (Cat. Llosa aïllant). Installation Construcció II Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 43/75 Definition l Design l Singular points I Typologies l Installation and control l Information sources Inverted flat roof with floating flooring ADVANTAGES: - A ventilated chamber is created that significantly improves the roof’s thermal behavior during summer. - An absolutely flat surface is created which is ideal for other uses. - Allows many types of finishing with many different dimensions - If its finishing is not fixed, maintenance is done very quickly. AR012 DISADVANTAGES: - During its installation phase, the finishing has to be either protected or placed at the very last moment, this way protecting its insulation layer (mortar layer) and then maintenance is not so easy. - Not fixed finishing can move if it is not well placed or adjusted. - Finishing with flexion resistance, not always adequate for intense or heavy uses. Inverted flat roof with floating flooring (Cat. Coberta plana invertida amb paviment flotant) Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 44/75 Definition l Design l Singular points I Typologies l Installation and control l Information sources Source: table and image, TECTÓNIC magazine Construcció II Layer of support Slope Separating layer Waterproofing AR012 Separating layer Thermal insulation Separating layer Protective layer: supports Protective layer: flooring Structural joints Roof joints Protective layer joints AR012 Construcció II Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 45/75 Definition l Design l Singular points I Typologies l Installation and control l Information sources Inverted flat roof with floating flooring. Types of finishing. AR012 Construcció II Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 46/75 Definition l Design l Singular points I Typologies l Installation and control l Information sources Inverted flat roof with floating flooring. Example. Construcció II Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 47/75 Definition l Design l Singular points I Typologies l Installation and control l Information sources Flat green roof (Cat. Coberta plana enjardinada) ADVANTAGES: - Thermal inertia: avoids the solar radiation on the surface of the materials of the roof. It prevents over-heating. Heat storage. - It protects the waterproof membrane reducing its thermal movements and increasing the roof’s useful. - Create an additional thermo-insulating layer - Increases acoustic insulation - Avoids overloading drainage systems AR012 DISADVANTAGES: - Possibility of leaks if work is not executed perfectly (not water tightness). It needs a good drainage. - Greater structural requirements due to the weight the roof has to support. - Possible installation cost increase due to the necessity of using waterproof layers with anti-root protection, installations for drainage and watering installation for intensive roofs. Plants Organic substrate Filtering fabric Water storage Geotextile fabric Waterproofing and anti-root layer Pàg. 48/75 Definition l Design l Singular points I Typologies l Installation and control l Information sources Flat green roof Layers of the System Every 50-70m2 A – Support Àrea de Construcció B – Vapor barrier C – Thermal insulation D – Waterproofing layer E – Geotextile anti-root protection F – Storage Board G – Geotextile layer for filtrations Source: table and image, TECTÓNIC magazine Construcció II Layer of support Slope Separating layer Thermal insulation AR012 Waterproofing Separating layer Protective layer: sub-base Protective layer: substrate Structural joints Roof joints Protective layer joints Drain H – Substrate layer Flat green roof. Example AR012 Construcció II Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 49/75 Definition l Design l Singular points I Typologies l Installation and control l Information sources Cultural facility. Les Planes de Son. Alt Àneu, Pallars Sobirà. 2002. F. Rius. AR012 Construcció II Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 50/75 Definition l Design l Singular points I Typologies l Installation and control l Information sources Types of green roofs Extensive: - Low maintenance for this type of roof (watering not necessary) with an autorenewable natural vegetation. - Use of sedum-type plants: resistant plants that use a small amount of water - Small amount of weight and thickness for soil (10 cm approx.) - Reduced execution and maintenance cost - Small necessity of being exposed to the sun - It is usually used in facilities, services, … -Intensive: - Roofs with a regular or intensive maintenance. -Gardens with perennial plants (such as bushes, grass..) -Very heavy and thick soil (70 cm approx.) -Usually used for private sector roofs. INT vs EXT EXTENSIVE INTENSIVE minimum regular / high Vegetation resistant, self-sufficient Very varied, many species Thickness small ( low weight) Moderate / high(very heavy) roof protection ecologic layer Special gardens, leisure spaces Maintenance Use Flooded flat roof (Cat. Coberta plana inundada) Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 51/75 Definition l Design l Singular points I Typologies l Installation and control l Information sources Construcció II Source: table and image, TECTÓNIC magazine Separating layer Thermal insulation Layer of support Slope AR012 Separating layer Waterproofing Protection Structural joints Roof joints gràfic: REVISTA TECTONICA Flooded flat roof. Typologies Variant of the roof, which has an area where water is deposited with thickness not greater than 20cm. This layer of water is a great insulation for the roof and has an important thermal mass (inertia) which provides energy savings for the whole building. Water reservoir aerobic roof Water reservoir anaerobic roof (cat. Coberta aljub aeròbica.) (cat. Coberta aljub anaeròbica) Water is in an open space. They may have problems with insects and bacteria. Water is isolated where sun light does not get to it, therefore, bacteria does not grow in it. Source: table and image, TECTÓNIC magazine AR012 Construcció II Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 52/75 Definition l Design l Singular points I Typologies l Installation and control l Information sources Miró foundation. Palma de Mallorca. 1992. R. Moneo Water reservoir roof AR012 Construcció II Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 53/75 Definition l Design l Singular points I Typologies l Installation and control l Information sources Funeral Service Building in León. León. 2000. Jordi Badia - Josep Val Flat roof for the traffic of vehicles Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 54/75 Definition l Design l Singular points I Typologies l Installation and control l Information sources Source: table and image, TECTÓNIC magazine Construcció II Layer of support Slope Separating layer Waterproofing AR012 Separating layer Protective layer: flooring Structural joints Roof joints Protective layer joints Drain AR012 Construcció II Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 55/75 Definition l Design l Singular points I Typologies l Installation and control l Information sources Materials used for the formation of slopes - Cellular concrete - Concrete with lightweight aggregates (expanded clay) for the formation of slopes. Generally with a soft or liquid consistency and with no resistant capacity. - Expanded clay with a mortar top layer with a thickness of 30mm. - Mortars with lightweight aggregates: expanded polystyrene - Rigid insulation boards AR012 Construcció II Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 56/75 Definition l Design l Singular points I Typologies l Installation and control l Information sources Process of the formation of slopes using amorphous materials - Clean the structural support. - Create a perimeter wall using bricks, blocks or concrete around all the perimeters, chimneys and installation channels. Provide the placement of a deformable joint using expanded polystyrene. - Formation of reference points marking general levels. - Creation of screeds (cat. mestres) using mortars, small walls … for the formation of slopes falling to the rain water evacuation elements. -Pouring of the formation of slope material. - If it is the case, use a thin finishing layer in order to hold the waterproof layer and not have any puncture risks. AR012 Construcció II Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 57/75 Definition l Design l Singular points I Typologies l Installation and control l Information sources Improved Catalan roofing. Installation. Example of a ceramic matchboard flooring (Cat. tauler ceramic encadellat), which has only a support function because it will have a waterproofing layer on top. Construcció II Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 58/75 Definition l Design l Singular points I Typologies l Installation and control l Information sources Vapor barrier Vapor barriers prevent the vapor present in indoor areas (warmer areas) from passing to colder areas where water could condensate. Vapor barriers must always be placed on the roof’s warm face. -Their placement is determined by a calculation described in CTE DB HE1 “estalvi d’energia”. Therefore, it will depend on the hydro-thermal calculation of the roof’s section. - This layer will prevent vapor from dissipating across the roof. - It is very important in non-ventilated roofs and on those roofs which have the waterproofing membrane on top of the insulating layer. - The old regulation established that those materials whose resistance value against vapor is between 0.86 and 20 mmHgm2 day/g can be considered as vapor barriers AR012 Example of a vapor barrier - Polytylene sheet (cat. Làmina de polietilè.) - Oxyasphalt layer (cat. Capa d’oxiasfalt.) - Aluminum paper film (cat. Film de paper d’alumini) . Bituminous waterproofing layer Placement using hot welding: blowtorch. Heat welding of the overlapping parts of the bituminous (or asphaltic) fabric rolls. It is fastened by adherence. As a water tightness strategy, the overlap is indispensable. AR012 Construcció II Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 59/75 Definition l Design l Singular points I Typologies l Installation and control l Information sources Overlaps of the bituminous membrane Bituminous waterproofing layer. Double coating. The waterproof membrane has to be doubled on all the roof surface and at the points where it is folded. (sometimes it is done three times). Doubling the coating is done in order to ensure the general water tightness, and specially on the joints where rolls are placed with a staggered pattern to assure greater water tightness. This is also done on the points where waterproof layer are fold because these are weak points; points where waterproof layers lose plasticizers because of the overheating, and points where expansion movements can provoke the breaking of the waterproof layer first. For this reason, when possible, the folds are made doubling the membranes and round shaped (halfpipe design). AR012 Construcció II Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 60/75 Definition l Design l Singular points I Typologies l Installation and control l Information sources Execution of the roof perimeters with a bituminous membrane. Bituminous waterproofing. Mechanical fastenings Placement on Deck-type roofs done using mechanical fastenings. Although it is a mechanical fastening, the bottom overlap has to be welded to the top overlap as well. Mechanical fastened layers come prepared with a reinforced band on the area where the fastening will be done. AR012 Construcció II Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 61/75 Definition l Design l Singular points I Typologies l Installation and control l Information sources Overlap of bituminous layer using mechanical fastenings on top of an insulating rigid board or a wooden board. Detail above taken from “SIPLAST” Waterproofing. PVC. Welding between PVC membrane with tetrahydrofuran (chemical welding) or by using hot air. Installation process using mechanical attachments and heat-welding of the joints using a machine. AR012 Construcció II Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 62/75 Definition l Design l Singular points I Typologies l Installation and control l Information sources Hold the membrane Hold the membrane to the substrate Joint heat-welding Waterproofing. PVC. Singular points AR012 Construcció II Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 63/75 Definition l Design l Singular points I Typologies l Installation and control l Information sources Execution of the roof perimeters with PVC sheets Waterproofing. EPDM The joints can be executed using auto-adhesive bands or synthetic rubber priming. AR012 Construcció II Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 64/75 Definition l Design l Singular points I Typologies l Installation and control l Information sources Placement of a large three-dimensional EPDM membrane (made at the factory using vulcanization) Waterproofing using continuous membranes AR012 Construcció II Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 65/75 Definition l Design l Singular points I Typologies l Installation and control l Information sources Acrylic rubber emulsion applied using a roller Reinforcement of the drain using a rubber emulsion and reinfrocement Waterproofing using continuous membranes Polyurethane emulsion applied using pressure AR012 Construcció II Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 66/75 Definition l Design l Singular points I Typologies l Installation and control l Information sources Forum building. Barcelona. 2004. Herzog & De Meuron Waterproofing using mortars AR012 Construcció II Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 67/75 Definition l Design l Singular points I Typologies l Installation and control l Information sources Santa Caterina Market. Barcelona. 1997-2005. EMBT Waterproofing. Controls Water tightness checks of the membrane in flooding situations AR012 Construcció II Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 68/75 Definition l Design l Singular points I Typologies l Installation and control l Information sources As a waterproofing envelope, the sheets must undergo a load test in order to ensure their complete water tightness. The water is left between 24 and 72 hours, constantly checking that there are no water leaks. It is best to do the testing twice: - The first testing once the waterproofing layer is placed - The second testing once all the other layers are placed on top of the waterproofing layer, when the roof is finished. AR012 Construcció II Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 69/75 Definition l Design l Singular points I Typologies l Installation and control l Information sources Thermal insulation. Controls Insulation characteristic checks: Identification UNE 92.110 I II III IV V VI VII 10 12 15 20 25 30 35 On one side, we need to check the pack’s information (and, if expanded polystyrene, the brands) On the other side, we need to check the correct execution: - Layer’s continuity - Overlap of the joints, if it has to be done with two layers -Material and thickness defined on the project. Thermal insulations. Controls Installation on top on the waterproofing layer (non-hydrophilic insulation, tongue and groove, and with a finishing layer.) AR012 Construcció II Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 70/75 Definition l Design l Singular points I Typologies l Installation and control l Information sources Placing around a roof’s projecting element: avoid discontinuities in the insulating layer to avoid creating thermal bridges. AR012 Construcció II Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 71/75 Definition l Design l Singular points I Typologies l Installation and control l Information sources Separating layers Most common functions and examples: - Permit differentiated movements between the different roof layers - not adhered sheets - Avoid contact between materials with chemical incompatibilities (metallic or synthetic materials) - PVC – bituminous sheets and EPDM - Membranes with plasticizers (Bitumen, PVC) – foam (thermal insulation) - Metals – some types of woods - Metals in contact (see 1st year’s class) - Avoid adherence between different layers: - Facilitate the drainage between the slab and the waterproofing layer - Protect layers from puncturing: - Waterproofing layers– formation of slope layers - Waterproofing layers– gravel-finished layers - Avoid plants from creating roots in the roof: - Green roofs - Roofs with gravel-finishing Separating layers can be sheets; lining of products or incorporated material. We must control that they are placed, and that they are placed in an adequate position, to avoid compromising the durability of the roof. AR012 Construcció II Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 72/75 Definition l Design l Singular points I Typologies l Installation and control l Information sources Separating layers 1. GRAVEL FINISHING 1. cat. ACABAT GRAVA 2. GEO-TEXTILE FELT 2. cat. FELTRE GEOTÈXTIL 3. INSULATION 3. cat. AÏLLAMENT 4. GEO-TEXTILE FELT 4. cat. FELTRE GEOTÈXTIL 5. WATERPROOFING SHEET 5. cat. LAMINA IMPERMEABLE 6. SLOPES 6. cat. PENDENTS Pàg. 73/75 Definition l Design l Singular points I Typologies l Installation and control l Information sources Finishing layers AR012 Construcció II Àrea de Construcció Most common functions and examples: -Protect waterproofing and thermal insulation layers that can damage with the effects of UV rays -Loss of flexibility -Degradation caused by plasticizer loss: cracks -Avoid the movement of materials (due to wind suctions) -Ballast (adding stability) of the waterproofing membrane or light insulations -Provide an adequate surface for the use you want to give to the roof (trafficable roofs) AR012 Construcció II Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 74/75 Definition l Design l Singular points I Typologies l Installation and control l Information sources Finishing layers The gravel avoids the movement of light materials due to the wind’s suction. Bituminous membranes, in order to be placed on the surface of the roof, need to be self-protected of the UV rays, by using thin metallic sheets adhered to the bitumen. Àrea de Construcció Pàg. 75/75 Definition l Design l Singular points I Typologies l Installation and control l Information sources Information sources Bibliography Flat roof constriction Manual. Materials, designs, applications. Ed. Birkhäuser. Sedlbaure, Schunck, Barthel, Künzel Constructing architecture, materials processes structures.. A handbook. Ed. Birkhäuser. Andrea Deplazes. Construction Materials Manual. Ed. Birkhäuser. Hegger, Auch-Schwelk, Fuchhs, Rosenkranz AR012 Construcció II Class bibliography. CTE. Documento Básico HS. Salubridad. HS1-2.4.Cubiertas 1st year class notes: www.salle.url.edu/tecnologia Classes de 1r curs a: www.salle.url.edu/tecnologia Complementary bibliography. RECOMENDED Tectónica núm. 6 (Cubiertas planas I) Detail . Cubiertas año 2002, núm. 1 Detail . Cubiertas año 2004, núm. 4 ITEC. La coberta captadora als edificis d'habitatges Diccionari visual de la construcció www.10.gencat.net/ptop/binaris/Dicc_cap3_tcm32-12286.pdf