Splash December 2001-January 2002
Splash December 2001-January 2002
THE SPLASH THE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE MILWAUKEE AQUARIUM SOCIETY, INC. In this Issue: BAP 2001 – The Year In Review Plus Breeding the Pearl Gourami – T. leeri January General Meeting – Joe Olenik Saltwater Fish Elections Night December 2001/January 2002 MILWAUKEE AQUARIUM SOCIETY SOCIETY OFFICERS President: Vice President: Secretary: Treasurer: Sgt. At Arms: Dwight Lehman Ken King Heather Hertziger Jerry Michels Virginia Lehman (414) 332-3735 (262) 284-2684 (414) 875-7831 (414) 353-5370 (414) 332-3735 Ray Gettler Naomi Gettler Bonnie King Joe Martin Ron Revolinski Bob Suchocki Ray Gettler (262) 662-5591 (262) 662-5591 (262) 284-2684 (262) 252-3148 (414) 353-7680 (262) 246-8739 (262) 662-5591 Naomi Gettler Ralph Bahrke Joe Martin Judy Martin (262) 662-5591 (262) 377-6546 (262) 252-3148 (262) 252-3148 Kevin Korotev Tom Wojtech Bob Suchocki Bonnie King Dwight Lehman Ray Gettler Judy Martin Ken King (414) 332-9785 (414) 527-0399 (262) 246-8739 (262) 284-2684 (414) 332-3735 (262) 662-5591 (262) 252-3148 (262) 284-2684 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Chairperson: Splash Editor: Board Members: Past President: THE SPLASH STAFF Editor: Exchange Editor: Technical Editor Publisher: COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSONS Breeders Award Program (BAP): Librarian: Participation Awards (PAP): Program Committee: Membership: Bowl Show: VISIT US AT OUR WEB SITE AT: www.fishclubs.com/WI/MAS A MESSAGE FROM THE EDITOR Another year has passed rather quickly, and I feel that it is time to take care of some unfinished business: First of all, a great big thank you to Judy Martin, our publisher, who has the responsibility of copying the Splash and getting it out in the mail. Without her, I would be lost. Second, thanks to everyone who contributed articles and committee reports. Without you, our publication would be pretty boring (and we wouldn’t have earned a 3rd place finish in the FAAS contest for 6 or fewer issues per year). Last, thanks to my husband, Ray, who has helped me with any problems that I may have had with the software, or scanner, or my moodiness when publication time comes around every two months. With that said, I have a wish list of things for the upcoming year: ♦ More articles, please!!! ♦ A new deadline for articles and committee reports: the new date is the first of every even numbered month (i.e.: February 1st, April 1st, etc.) ♦ More news for the gossip column. I’ll have a sign up sheet at each meeting, so I can keep on top of birthdays, anniversaries, important events, etc. With this in mind, I look forward to an exciting year ahead, and wish you and your family a healthy and happy Holiday Season, and a wonderful 2002! Naomi Gettler Editor MILWAUKEE AQUARIUM SOCIETY, INC JANUARY MEETING PUBLIC WELCOME JOE OLENIK SALTWATER FISH FRIDAY, JANUARY 25, 2002 7:30 P.M. (No Admission Charge) ST. PETER IMMANUEL LUTHERAN CHURCH 7801 W. ACACIA – MILWAUKEE MILWAUKEE AQUARIUM SOCIETY, INC. 1955-2001 General Club Information & Assistance: (262) 662-5591 www.fishclubs.com/WI/MAS 2002 MAS BOWL SHOW SCHEDULE January : A. B. C: D: Goldfish Stuffed fish 6” or smaller Livebearers (no guppies) Youth Entry in above categories February: A. B. C. D. Red or Pink fish (Valentine fish) Photos of 8” or larger fish Pelvichromis Pulcher (Kribs) Youth Entry in above categories D = Youth 2 to 14 years old, any fish in categories A, B or C “DID YOU KNOW???” A LITTLE GOSSIP, NEWS, ETC. ABOUT OUR CLUB MEMBERS THAT’S NOT NECESSARILY FISH-RELATED. Happy Belated Birthday Wishes to Aaron Glass, who celebrated his 36th birthday on November 16th. Happy December birthdays to Joe Martin (12/7) and to Tim Cords. To everyone who is on-line, Aaron Glass has published his own web site, which features photos and information on his aquariums. His site can be located at www.jeezman.com. Be sure to check it out! Aaron has also informed me that there is a new pet shop in Hartland: The Fish Shoppe is located at 365 Cottonwood Ave., Suite C. (262)367-7300, and their web site is: www.thefishshoppe.com I hope everyone who attended this year’s Christmas Party had a great time. Of course the food was wonderful, including Ingrid Revolinski’s chocolate raspberry squares that were to-die-for. Some of the “hot” items in the PAP funny money auction included a “fish” blanket that went to Kevin Korotev, who bid over $300.00 fish dollars, a mirror with a tropical fish motif, a “fishy” shower curtain, and a 6” net. There was also a game that involved not saying the words “no” and “can’t”. When the party began, everyone was given a “fish” necklace. If you were caught saying either of those words, you lost your necklace or necklaces to the person who caught you. Poor Jeff Michels lost a ton of necklaces to Tom Wojtech when he said “I can’t take the pressure anymore”. Not to worry, Jeff, since your wife, Kerri, ending up being the big winner at the end of the party. I don’t know if you heard this or not, but Ken King mentioned at the November board meeting that he was getting “it” from Heather Hertziger. Inquiring minds want to know what “it” is. The next time you see either of them, be sure to ask about “it”. Don’t forget our good friend, Joe Olenik, will be speaking on saltwater fish at the January meeting. Until next time, Naomi MAS-BAP 2001 YEAR END REVIEW The Breeders Award Program (BAP) was established 15 years ago, in 1986, to recognize the fish spawning accomplishments of Milwaukee Aquarium Society (MAS) members. We encourage the sharing of knowledge gained in the pursuit of these accomplishments by requiring written records in the form of both simple reports and in-depth articles of members’ experience. These are intended to be personal, permanent, and verified records of success. Certificates, plaques and trophies are awarded as participants accumulate points. These points are based on the degree of difficulty involved in successfully inducing particular species to breed under aquarium conditions. Members advance from the novice to “Ultimate Breeder” at their own pace. As there is no time limit on advancement, the hobbyist with just a few aquariums can enjoy the benefits of the program as fully as the hobbyist with dozens. The BAP sponsors 4 random prize drawings each year from all spawns submitted and verified within each quarter. In addition; awards are presented at the club’s annual Christmas party for the top participants in two categories; those with 20 tanks or less and those with 21 tanks or more. In this last breeding season, 26 members produced a MAS record of 221 verified spawns, 48 of these were for species never before spawned by Milwaukee Aquarium Society BAP participants. Some of these new species spawns, submitted to the Federation of American Aquarium Societies (FAAS) may garner further national recognition for our local members. Special notice should be given Eric Rogne for submitting an individual’s record of 55 verified spawns…and he didn’t bring in his first bag until the September meeting! The other 5 top breeders in the 2 categories mentioned above were Kevin Korotev, Jerry and Jeff Michels, Terry Tankersley, Dan Cram and Carl Fiala. This last year also saw the expansion of the BAP onto the Internet. Through the efforts of Ron Revolinski, the entire BAP is available at http:// fishclubs.com/WI/MAS This becomes a great resource for participants who need to quickly print a breeding report or check the point value on a newly acquired fish. Whether you’re moved to get involved with BAP from information you find here in the SPLASH or through direct contact with a MAS member, we’re sure you’ll enjoy the experience of participation…and maybe get a free bag of flake food along with the fun. Tom Wojtech Kevin Korotev BAP CHAIRMEN ATTENTION ALL MAS MEMBERS DON’T FORGET!!!! IT’S TIME TO VOTE!! ELECTIONS WILL BE HELD FOLLOWING NOMINATIONS FOR OFFICERS & BOARD MEMBERS FRIDAY, JANUARY 25, 2001 PLEASE TRY TO ATTEND THIS VERY SPECIAL MEETING Breeding the Pearl Gourami - T. leeri By Heather Hertziger, MAS Brianh@execpc.com The pearl gourami is a relatively easy fish to breed and I highly recommend it for someone who wants to try to breed an egg laying fish for the first time. The hardest part of breeding most fish is determining the sex of the fish. I say this is the hardest part because once you have a male/female pair the fish are pretty much capable of handling things on their own. For pearl gouramis determining sex is very easy. The male’s dorsal (the one on his back) fin in a good specimen is elongated and comes to a point at the end. The edges of the male’s dorsal and anal (the one on his belly) fin have a filamentous appearance to them as well. And when the male is in breeding condition his breast from directly under the mouth all the way to the anal fin turn a bright orange-red. The female has a shorter, rounded dorsal fin, no filament-like appendages on any of her fins, and does not turn orange. Once you have a pair you need to isolate them. I use a 10 gallon rectangular tank with no gravel. Place the pair in the tank with a running sponge filter and (this will sound weird but works great) the lid from a small margarine container floating on top of the water. I punch 2 holes in the lid, cut a rubber band in half, and insert one end into each hole and tie a knot so that it stays and then tape the loop that was formed to the outside of the tank so that the lid can float but won't leave the corner. You can leave the lid to float free if you prefer but I like to be able to look under it without having to first look for it. The lid serves as a place for the male to build the bubble nest. After you have the tank set up and the pair in it you need to feed them on high quality flake and frozen foods for about a week. This is called conditioning and it brings the pair into breeding readiness. Once the female has swelled with eggs and the male breast area has turned orange. you need to turn off the filter because the motion of the water will disrupt the male's bubble nest. Now the waiting begins. The male takes in air at the surface and will spit out bubbles at the underside of the margarine lid. After he is pleased with his nest he will position the female under it and wrap himself around her squeezing out the eggs and fertilizing them. He will pause between sessions to gather up the eggs and place them in the nest. The pair will probably mate 3 to 7 times, this depends on the size and age of the female as small, young females produce fewer eggs than older, larger ones. Once the female has run out of eggs the male will begin to chase her away from the nest and you need to remove her for her own safety. The male will guard the nest gathering up any eggs that have strayed and spitting them into the nest and also replacing bubbles as needed. Don't feed the male at this time because he won't eat, don't worry about him starving because he'll only be with the nest for about a week more. In a few days the eggs will hatch and soon after become free swimming. You need to check on them everyday and once you notice that the male can no longer keep up with his fry and that they leave the nest as soon as he puts them back into it, it is time to remove the male. A week after the eggs have hatched the fry will have absorbed their yolk sacs and you need to start feeding them. I like Tetra's food for egg layers because it is a powder and needs no refrigeration. You can also start feeding them baby brine shrimp or decapsulated brine shrimp eggs 2 weeks after hatching. At about 2 months I start giving mine Tetra's growth food and I just crush the flakes up really fine. One thing you need to be sure to do while raising the fry is to stay on top of water changes. Make sure the uneaten food doesn't have a chance to grow fungus, or you can have a massive fry die off. Also when you add new water be sure it is the same temperature or warmer than the water already there. Until the age of 3 months the fry are very susceptible to drafts and cooler temperatures, so you need to keep the tank well covered. Turn the filter back on about 3 weeks after hatching to provide water circulation. Before then the fry aren't strong enough to withstand the current. I haven't said much about water conditions in this article for a very good reason, Pearl gouramis are so easy to breed and raise that just about any conditions will work. I prefer to use conditions that are similar to or the same as the conditions in my main tank where the breeders spend the most of their time. This way the breeders aren't shocked by any change, and the fry that I raise and sell will be used the water conditions in the area. If you're concerned about your fish, try to find breeders that have been spawned in the water found in your area, then you're sure to get fish capable of living and breeding for you. As for temperature, set the breeding tank to the same temperature as the tank that your breeders are usually kept at and during the conditioning period gradually turn it up to about 80 degrees F. The higher temperature will help protect the fry from drafts. In other articles you may read about people using plants to anchor the nest or keeping the water level in the tank at half full and gradually raising it as the fry grow. I don't do either of these things with my pearls. Pearls really don't care, unlike some other gouramis, what they use to anchor the nest, and I've had problems with plants bringing in fungus which attacks the eggs. And I keep the water level near the top of the tank so that when the male chases the female she has more room to get away from him. This saves her from being seriously injured or killed if they spawn while I'm asleep and can't get to her. One other tip, I put the female into the breeding tank about 1 hour before the male, this fools the male into thinking he's in her territory rather than the other way around and cools some of his aggression towards her. That's all I have to say about breeding Pearls. Happy Corydoras what? “In Search of a Name” By Kevin Korotev, MAS Kkorotev@ameritech.net Corydoras are a favorite. Odd and unusual Corydoras are a passion. Identifying them is a challenge, but spawning them is the ultimate breeder’s adventure. Some Corydoras are rare and unusual BECAUSE they don’t spawn readily. Having said that, I consider this a success story. For a few weeks in the summer of 2000, there was a new (to me) Corydoras popping up in fish stores all over town. I had no idea what this fish was despite a thorough search of my reference books and the Internet. I narrowed the choices down to 4 possibilities…and stopped. I had to get them first, then grow them to adult size before ANY identification could be attempted. I “collected” 7 of the nicest from 3 different stores and called them the “TinWoodsman” Cory after the character in The Wizard of Oz. Some names just ARE. You can not force a Corydoras. Maturity takes time, as do experiments with water conditions. This fish seems most active in the classic Cory conditions; neutral pH, soft and cool. They continued to grow for 6 more months and did not appear gravid until a year had passed. By this time my 3 males and 4 females had stopped just short of 3 inches. Having reached this length, 2 of my possible ID choices were eliminated. Frankly though, identification wasn’t on my mind quite as much as it had been. NOW the challenge was to get them spawning. With the editor’s permission, I will insert a list here of spawning tips, which I’ve included in previous Corydoras articles…. 1) Have some tank raised males in the group, as they SEEM more likely than wild males to initiate courtship. 2) Be ready with plenty of good food (live black and frozen bloodworms) when the females FIRST ripen. It seems exponentially harder the longer you/they wait. 3) Keep them cool and change their water (with still cooler water) regularly. 4) Keep a regular, but moderate 'current'. I used a sponge fitted powerhead. 5) Keep the pH under 7.0 6) Have a big group. 7) Know that there are exceptions to all of these points. ******* Although I have an opinion, I am still not confident in the true identity of this fish. I will never be. I did not collect it, am not an expert, and can only use pictures of other often mis-identified fish as my reference. I do, however, enlist the help of people I consider very knowledgeable. In the Winter of 2000, after sending some photos to Julian Dignall at PlanetCatfish, www.planetcatfish.com) I received an email from Ian Fuller. If you’ve done any Corydoras research you know the name. He was “of the opinion” that the fish was a possible unidentified color form or sub-species of Corydoras Tretlii, but was possibly mis-lead “…by the appearance of red in the finnage”. As honored as I was by the response, I admit hesitation in accepting this answer. The PICTURES did show a red tinge, but the actual fish did not appear so. The only other thing to do was get the fish, the actual fish, to another “expert”. I have had dealings with J. Eric Bodrock (www.oddballaquatics.com) of Pittsburgh, Pa almost from my entry into this hobby. I have gained a considerable respect for his knowledge of all things fishy…particularly Corydoras. I wrote him about the fish and piqued his interest. It seemed only natural to then offer him the fish under the condition that he make an identity guess. His enthusiasm was evident in an email sent to me on the night that he received them. Hello Kevin, The fish arrived this morning, around 10:30, in great shape. They are defiantly different than any that I have. I can also say that I never seen them before. COOL! … Later: OK, here we go. They aren't treitlii, the body markings of these is almost solid & their body shape is narrower. From all the "variant" photos of amapaensis I could find, they aren't these. They all have a more distinctive body pattern to them & have a longer forehead to the nose. C. septentrionalis comes in a wide assortment of colors also, but almost always with markings in the tail. Interesting that the Aqualog books say that the septentrionalis are also different ellisae forms? Not much about stenocephalus out there, but the fish on page 116 of Derek Lambourne's "Corydoras Catfish; An Aquarist Handbook" labeled stenocephalus, sure does look like our guys. But the Aqualog photo on page 90, not even close. Need to find more info on these. My guess on the fish is probably a color variant of C. ellisae. Photo of ellisae in Seuss's book , page 173, and photo on page 706 of Burgess's 1989 "An Atlas of Freshwater & Marine Catfishes" show the exact fish we have except for just a very, very faint marking in the tail. The body, shape, and color of these photo's match ours pretty darn close. I'd have to say at this point that that's what they are… Still Later: Hey Kevin, I found another photo of C. stenocephalus in The World Of Catfishes, by Midori Kobayagawa (TFH Publishing), page 92. The photo is the fish that we have… Our fish is most likely stenocephalus. (Until more info is found to show they aren't!) Thanks, Eric …And that becomes the final word…”Until more info is found…” The Clown Killie By Kevin Korotev, MAS Kkorotev@ameritech.net The clown’s joke is on me. I’m writing this because I just realized I have to. I didn’t know this was a Class D fish. I truly believed that I was just having trouble with it. I blamed it on only having a pair to start. If you want to spawn this fish, get a couple pair. I am turning in 6 Epiplatys annulatus today. The old male is the only one that didn’t hatch in my house. He out-lived the old female who (with him) produced two females who, in turn, produced three more fry (with him). The smallest is 45 days today. Did that make sense? Is the old male the problem? I don’t think so. Having only ONE is the problem. SEEING the fry living in the waterline is a problem. Not syphoning fry during water changes is a problem. Picking eggs is a REAL problem…so I decided not to and THEN fry started showing up. If you’re laughing at me now; go write a book. If you want to know how NOT to do these fish, ask me. If you want GOOD advice, drive to “Pets ‘n’ Things” in Cudahy, WI and ask Gary Greenwood. He’s the Killienut who talked me into trying these buggers. He’ll tell you they’re easy. Warm (80 degrees) water in a 1-gallon drum bowl, a mop and live brine shrimp. Incubation time; 2 weeks. Done. Simple. Yah…right. HE can say that. He’s a true, bonafide, worldclass expert. Final piece of wisdom? If you’re going to DO a Class D Killiefish…KNOW it. There’s probably a good reason they’re 20 pointers. Laughing again? How’s that book coming? Board Meeting – October 6th, 2001 In Attendance – Bob and Kathy Suckochi, Ron and Ingrid Revolinski, Ray and Naomi Gettler, Bonnie and Ken King, Dwight Lehman, Jerry Michels, Heather Hertziger. Treasurer’s Report – We have $2287.22 in the treasury with $176.66 in the library fund. The September mini auction had 51 bags for a total of $119. The Rare Fish auction brought in $205.96 and the Fall Auction brought in $1271.93. Membership – We have one new member. PAP – Everything but the Rare Fish points are in the book, the book will be at the November meeting. Bowl Show – The categories for the October bowl show are: Old World Cichlids Halloween Fish (orange or black) Plants Youth Entries The categories for the November bowl show are: New World Cichlids Turkey fish (brown) Original Art Work Youth Entries There is no show in December. Splash – The deadline for this month’s Splash is tonight. Speakers – The speaker for October will be Rick Perez and his topic will be New World Cichlids. The speaker for November will be John Schneider and he will be speaking on Discus. Library – There will be an amnesty month in November. Bring in all overdue books no fine will be collected. FAAS – There is a new spawn list in the new FAAS magazine. Ken has sent 130 species into FAAS for this year. Ken King motioned and Jerry seconded the motion to renew the FAAS dues for 2002. The motion passed and the dues will be paid. Manufacturers committee – we are getting a lot of nice items from the Manufacturers. Open committee positions – We are still looking for a Fish Store Liaison and an Advertising Chair. Website – Ron has added the BAP information to the site. Shedd Trip – The trip will be October 20th we will be meeting at 8am at the State Fair Park Park & Ride. Christmas Party – The party will be December 9th. The planning meeting will be October 23rd 7pm at Jerry Michels’. The gift wrapping will be November 10th at 2pm at Heather Hertziger’s. There will be a White Elephant exchange and Adult gifts at the party. 2002 Auctions – The dates for the Auctions and Speaker Workshop have been set for 2002. The Spring Auction will be April 7th, the Speaker Workshop will be October 19th, and the Fall Auction will be October 20th. Picnic – The 2002 picnic will be July 14th at Jacobus Park. 2001 Speaker Workshop – The 2001 Speaker Workshop was a success with lots of good food thanks to Ken King. Attendance was low which caused discussion in the board about possible changes in the Speaker Workshop/Rare Fish Auction format. Heather Hertziger made a motion to have 2 known speakers at two different general meetings and having 2 smaller rare fish auctions. Jerry Michels seconded the motion, the motion passed. The two meetings with a known speaker and rare fish auction will be the April and October meeting. Dwight motioned and Bonnie seconded the motion to reimburse the Gettler’s for $50 they spent on Mike and Robin’s meal at the Friday fish fry that took place the day before the Speaker Workshop. Fall Auction – A big thank you to everyone who helped with the auction. The club needs more runners at our next auction, if you can help please do. The board decided to change the bag limit per species. There is now a 5 bag limit per species. Color morphs still count as one species. Note to Bob – Do not smoke under the smoke alarm. Jerry Michels will chair and Naomi Gettler will co-chair the next rare fish auction. New Business The Board will discuss reducing or eliminating the raffle at club meetings at the next board meeting. Ray motioned and Bob seconded the motion to renew the post office box for next year. The motion passed. Dwight motioned to adjourn the meeting, Jerry seconded the motion. The motion passed and the meeting adjourned at 8:14pm. General Meeting – October 26th, 2001 Membership – We have 61 paid members, 13 lifetime members, and 5 honorary members. Treasurer’s Report – We have $1784.10 in the treasury and $176.66 in the library fund. BAP – For everyone who was not at last months meeting see Tom Wojtech for new forms and a new rules booklet. Joe Martin has earned his Grand Master 1 and 2. PAP – There is only one more meeting left to earn funny money for the Christmas Party auction. Bowl Show – The categories for the October bowl show are: Old World Cichlids Halloween Fish (orange or black) Plants Youth Entries The categories for the November bowl show are: New World Cichlids Turkey fish (brown) Original Art Work Youth Entries There is no show in December. FAAS – nothing new to report Splash – The Christmas Party is the deadline for the next issue of the splash. Speakers – The speaker for October will be Rick Perez and his topic will be New World Cichlids. The speaker for November will be John Schneider and he will be speaking on Discus. Library – There will be an amnesty month in November. Bring in all overdue books no fine will be collected. Exchange – Ralph Bahrke has brought in some Exchanges for anyone who is interested. Christmas Party – The party will be December 9th at the Mitchell Park Domes Pavilion from 12:30 to 5:30. There will be a TV for Packer Game viewing. Fees will be $7.50 for adults, $5 for children 3-12, there will be a $20 maximum per family. The deadline to sign up is November 23rd. There will be Italian beef, and ham. Sign up to bring a dish, and to help setup and take down. There will be a funny money auction, adult gifts, kids crafts, puzzles and a survey for the adults, and a white elephant exchange with a $10-15 limit, wrap the white elephant gift in white paper and do not put a name on it. BAP fish will be accepted. 2002 Auctions – The Spring auction will be April 7th, and the Fall auction will be October 20th. Picnic – the picnic will be July 14th at Jacobus Park. Speaker Workshop – There will be no speaker workshop in 2002. Instead the club will be bringing in known speakers at two of the General meetings and have a small rare fish auction after the two meetings. The April and October meetings will be the meetings with the known speaker and rare fish auction. The WAKO 20th annual show and the Guppy Auction will be held November 4th. The Guppy Auction will be at the Four Points Sheraton. See Tom Wojtech for more information about the WAKO show. Pets-N-Things 2 for 1 sale will be this weekend. The store will open at 8:30 am. We will be taking nominations for the board at the November meeting. Elections will be held in January. The next board meeting will be November 2nd at the Martins. Board Meeting - November 2nd, 2001 Treasurer’s Report – We currently have $1802.31 in the treasury with $194.96 in the library fund. The mini-auction had 26 bags for a total of $128. Membership – We have 61 paid members, 13 lifetime members, and 5 honorary members. PAP – The book will be at the November meeting. Bowl Show – The show categories for November are: New World Cichlids Turkey fish (brown) Original Art work Youth entries in the above categories. There is no show in December so the participation drawing will be in November. Splash – Nothing new. Speakers – John Schneider will be speaking in November on Discus. Chuck Rambo will be speaking on Lake Victorian Cichlids at our May 17th meeting. The May meeting will feature a rare fish auction. See Ray Gettler if you have any ideas for speakers. FAAS – The board decided to renew the FAAS dues for another year. Manufacturer’s Committee – The gift wrapping for the Christmas party will be November 10. Raffle – Due to a decline in interest in the club raffle, it has been decided to reduce the number of raffles throughout the year. Web page – Please see Ron if you have any ideas or questions about our website. Christmas Party – The menu for the Christmas party will feature Italian Beef and Ham. There will be kids crafts, gifts, a white elephant gift exchange, and a funny money BAP auction. Spring Auction – The Spring Auction will be April 7th. The club has increased the species bag limit to 5 bags per species rather than the usual 4 bags. Fish collecting – The fish collecting trip will be the second or third weekend in June to coincide with Maxwell Street days. Picnic – The club picnic will be July 14th at Jacobus Park. Fall Auction – The Fall Auction will be October 20th. New Business FAAS – Kevin Korotev has offered to take over from Ken King. Ray Gettler motioned that Kevin become our new FAAS representative, Jerry Michels seconded the motion. The motion passed. The next board meeting will be December 1st at 5pm at the Gettler’s. Dwight Lehman motioned that the meeting adjourn, Ken King seconded the motion, the motion passed and the meeting adjourned at 8:30. Respectfully submitted, Heather Hertziger MAS Secretary General Meeting - November 23rd, 2001 OLD BUSINESS: Treasurer’s Report: The club currently has $1802.31. Of this total $194.96 is for the library. Membership: 61 Yearly members, 13 Lifetime members, 5 Honorary BAP: The Annual drawing will be in January PAP: The book is up to date. Just some stragglers to come in yet. Bowl Show: Nov. New World Cichlids, Turkey Fish (Brown), Original Artwork Dec. No Show. Christmas Party FAAS: Membership has been renewed for 2002. Kevin Korotev to be new Chairperson. Splash: Deadline for all articles is December 9 at the Christmas party. Speakers: Nov.: John Schneider on Discus 2002 Jan.: Joe Olenik May: Chuck Rambo Jun.: Al Anderson Sept.: Charlie Grimes Christmas Party: December 9. Doors open at 12:00 p.m. $7.50 Adults, 5.00 Kids Maximum $20.00 per family. Crafts, puzzles, White Elephant (new/slightly used $10-$15 range) Web page: No update Spring Auction: April 7, 2002 Fall Auction: October 20, 2002 Fish Collecting: Tentatively the second or third Saturday in June (Maxwell Street Days in Mukwonago). Annual Picnic: July 14, 2002 Rare Fish Auctions: Will be held after the May and October meetings (2002) December Board meeting: Will be Dec 1 @ the Gettler's. NEW BUSINESS: 2002 Officer Nominations: President: Ken King, Dwight Lehman Vice President: Warren Kloth Treasurer: Jerry Michels Secretary: Sgt. At Arms: Aaron Glass Board Member: Ralph Bahrke, Ed Curran Respectfully submitted, Bonnie King Board Meeting – December 1st, 2001 5:39 meeting came to order. OLD BUSINESS Treasurer’s Report: Club currently has $1615.29. Library has $210.02. Last mini Auction brought in $59.00. Membership: 61 members, 13 lifetime members, 5 honorary members. PAP: Points are up-to-date. We are ready for the PAP Auction at the Christmas party, December 9. Bowl Show: January Goldfish Stuffed fish 6" or smaller Livebearers "No Guppies" February Red, Pink fish (Valentine Fish) Photo of 8" or larger fish Pelvichromis Pulcher (Kribs) Splash: Articles are due by December 9 at the Christmas party. Speakers: January: Joe Olenik Salt water fish May: Chuck Rambo - Lake Victoria June: Al Anderson - Barbs & Rasboras September: Charlie Grimes - Mexico Library $210.02 in fund. Amnesty month is now over. FAAS: Nothing new to report. Manufactures: Nothing new to report. Raffle: On hold until 2002. Possibility of being held every other month. Web Site: Nothing new to report. Advertising: We still have this position open. Remember this is a volunteer position for which you earn PAP POINTS. Christmas Party: December 9th at the Mitchell Park Domes. Pavilion. Spring Auction: April 7, 2002 at Burnham Bowl. Fall Auction: October 20, 2002 at Burnham Bowl Fish Collecting: Second or third Saturday in June. (Same weekend as Maxwell Street days in Mukwonago). Constitution: Revisions to the Constitution were passed and accepted by the Board. The updated copy will be in the next Splash. Voting for the revisions will be at the January meeting. NEW BUSINESS: December 2002 Christmas party has been locked in for December 8, 2002 at the Mitchell Park Domes Pavilion. Meeting adjourned at 7:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Bonnie King General Meeting – December 9th, 2001 This is the Christmas party meeting so business was kept brief. Nominations were taken for the board. Virginia Lehman was nominated to the position of Secretary. BAP – Carl Fiala earned his Senior Breeder award. Awards were also given out for the number of spawns throughout the year: In the 20 tanks and higher category: 3rd Place – Jerry Michels 2nd Place – Kevin Korotev 1st Place – Eric Rogne In the 20 tanks and fewer category: 3rd place – Carl Fiala 2nd place – Dan Cram 1st place – Terry Tankersley Congratulations Everyone! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Respectfully submitted, Heather Hertziger MAS Secretary CHRISTMAS PARTY 2001 I would like to thank everyone who helped with this year’s Christmas Party, especially Naomi Gettler, Bonnie King, Judy Martin, and Ingrid Revolinski, who prepared the meal. Thanks, also to everyone who brought a dish to pass, and who helped set up or clean up afterwards. I hope everyone who attended had a great time. There was the usual fun with the PAP prizes, thanks to our auctioneer, Ken King, who again did a great job. The White Elephant gift exchange was also a huge success. A great big thanks to Bonnie King, who was in charge of the kid’s crafts, and to Bob Suchocki, for bringing his television, so we could watch the Packers beat the Bears. Until next year, Jerry Michels 2002 DATES TO REMEMBER FRIDAY, JANUARY 25 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22 FRIDAY, MARCH 22 SUNDAY, APRIL 7TH (SPRING AUCTION) FRIDAY, APRIL 26 FRIDAY, MAY 17 (SPECIAL SPEAKER NIGHT) FRIDAY, JUNE 28 SUNDAY, JULY 14TH (MAS PICNIC) FRIDAY, AUGUST 23 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27 SUNDAY, OCTOBER 19TH (FALL AUCTION) FRIDAY, OCTOBER 25 (SPECIAL SPEAKER NIGHT) FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 22 SUNDAY, DECEMBER 8TH (MAS CHRISTMAS PARTY) PISCES PAGE 6767676767 For Sale – Want – Trade – Give away 4 Unused CustomSeaLife 96 watt PowerCompact 7100K Ultra-Actinic Blue Bulbs S $45.00/each Contact Aaron Glass (262)691-4739 Aaron_3303@email.msn.com To submit a request for an upcoming issue, please send desired information to: Naomi Gettler, S74 W25825 Hi Lo Drive Waukesha, WI 53189 Or e-mail at fishfam@core.com Deadline is the last Friday of odd-numbered months. Although anyone may purchase from the Pisces market, you must be a member to have an ad posted PROPOSED CHANGES TO THE CONSTITUTION OF THE MILWAUKEE AQUARIUM SOCIETY, INC. TO BE REVIEWED AT AND VOTED ON AT THE JANUARY 25, 2002 GENERAL MEETING THE OFFICERS AND MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF THE MILWAUKEE AQUARIUM SOCIETY HAVE REVIEWED THE CONSTITUTION AND PROPOSE THE FOLLOWING CHANGES: Article VI, Section 4E. currently reads: ARTICLE VI - OFFICERS Section 4. Duties of the Treasurer. The Treasurer shall: E. Make a report at each board meeting of the financial transactions since the last re port. This report shall be published in the society newsletter. The proposed change is as follows: Article VI, Section 4 E. Make a financial report at each general meeting and board meeting. This report shall be published in the society newsletter. Article VI, Section 5 B. currently reads: ARTICLE VI - OFFICERS Section 5. Duties of the Sergeant-at-Arms. The Sergeant-at-Arms shall: B. Maintain snack table. The proposed change is as follows: Article VI, Section 5 B. Maintain a snack table at the general meetings. Article VIII, Section 1 currently reads: ARTICLE VIII - RESIGNATION AND REMOVAL OF OFFICERS AND BOARD MEMBERS Section 1. Any officers and board members wishing to resign shall submit their resignation in writing to the Board of Directors for disposition of same by the board. The proposed change is as follows: Article VIII Section 1. Any officer or board member wishing to resign shall submit their resignation in writing to the Board of Directors for disposition of same by the board. THESE CHANGES WILL BE READ AT THE JANUARY 25TH, 2002 GENERAL MEETING AND VOTED ON AT THAT TIME. AQUA EXHIBITS HUGE SELECTION OF FRESH & SALTWATER FISH OPEN DAILY 10 - 6 SUN. 12-5 4000 GALLON SHARK DISPLAY! 1335 N. 3RD (KING DR.) (414) 224-0486 DOWNTOWN 1 1\2 BLOCKS NORTH OF THE BRADLEY CENTER UPCOMING EVENTS January 5th: Board Meeting – 5:00 p.m. Contact Jerry Michels January 25th: MAS General Meeting Joe Olenik Saltwater Fish St. Peter Immanuel 7:30 p.m. February 1st: Splash Articles & Committee Reports due today February 8th or 9th: Board Meeting Date, Time & Location to be announced February 22nd: MAS General Meeting Speaker to be announced St. Peter Immanuel 7:30 p.m. March 22nd: MAS General Meeting Speaker to be announced St. Peter Immanuel 7:30 p.m. April 7th: MAS Spring Auction Burnham Bowl 6016 W. Burnham Street Milwaukee, WI 12:00 Noon For info call: Naomi Gettler (262)662-5591 April 26th: MAS General Meeting Speaker to be announced St. Peter Immanuel 7:30 p.m. April 26th – 28th: The 2002 American Livebearer Association Convention Four Points Sheraton Canton, Ohio (330)494-7129 www.livebearers.org THE SPLASH The Splash is the official publication of the Milwaukee Aquarium Society, and is published six times per year under the direction of the Board of Directors. Articles are always welcome. Please submit them to the editor (Naomi Gettler) no later than the first day of even numbered months (i.e. February 1st) to be included in the next issue. Articles should be sent to the editor, Naomi Gettler, S74 W25825 Hilo Drive, Waukesha, WI 53189. Or e-mail to fishfam@core.com. We will gladly exchange our publication with all interested societies. Please mail exchanges to Ralph Bahrke, P.O. Box 250824, Milwaukee, WI 53225. Reprints of articles published in The Splash are always permitted and encouraged, provided that proper credit is given in reprinting to The Splash, author and Society. It is also requested that a copy of the issue containing the article reprinted be sent to the address above to be shared with the author. This would be in addition to any exchange copies. Please inform the editor of any address changes in forwarding of this publication to members or other societies. ABOUT THE MILWAUKEE AQUARIUM SOCIETY The Milwaukee Aquarium Society is an organization devoted to the hobby of tropical fish, both freshwater and saltwater. Its membership consists of hobbyists gaining expertise in all phases of raising and breeding tropical fish, as well as area retailers. Our membership’s expertise covers a wide range, from beginners to expert breeders, but all members are interested in promoting the hobby and encouraging others to join in the fun. General meetings are held monthly, generally the fourth Friday of the month, at 7:30 p.m. at St. Peter Immanuel Lutheran Church, 7801 West Acacia, Milwaukee. We thank them for their hospitality. Free parking is always available, and guests are always welcome. Annual membership dues are as follows: Families: $20.00 a year; Individuals: $15.00 a year. Membership dues provide for The Splash, monthly speakers, community support, annual events, and show support. A yearly subscription to the Splash is available for $15.00 a year. New or renewal of membership dues should be sent to the treasurer: Jerry Michels. 6333 West Boehlke, Milwaukee, WI 53223 Forwarding and Address Correction Requested Milwaukee Aquarium Society, Inc. P.O. Box 250824 Milwaukee, WI 53225 The Official Publication of the Milwaukee Aquarium Society, Inc. The Splash
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