Dua for breaking Fast at the time of Iftar
Dua for breaking Fast at the time of Iftar
Dua for breaking Fast at the time of Iftar The month of Ramadhan [is that] in which was revealed the Qur'an, a guidance for the people and clear proofs of guidance and criterion. So whoever sights [the new moon of] the month, let him fast it; O Allah! For you I have fasted and now I break this fast with food which you provided for me. *Expected commencement date of Ramadan and Eid-ul-Fitr. 1.For moon sighting information visit our website (http://www.rootyhillmasjid.com.au) - (02) 9675 6246 Mobile 0422 358 096 New Moon Date : 17/6/2015 @ 00:05AM (Age of the moon at sunset is mature) |17/6/2015 Sunset 17:52, Moonset 18:42 (Moon existing on horizon for 50min after sunset) New Moon Date : 16/7/2015 @ 11:24AM (Age of the moon at sunset is mature) | 16/7/2015 Sunset 18:00, Moonset 18:24 (Moon existing on horizon for 24min after sunset) P: 02 9675 6246 |E: info@rootyhillmasjid.com.au | A: 33 Headcorn, Mt. Druitt, NSW, 2770, Australia. (Dua for Keeping Fast at Sehar Niyyat) I Intent to keep fast today for the month of Ramadan. Isha Salah at Rooty Hill Masjid will be offered at 7:15 PM Zakat Al-Fitr (Fitrana) Zakat al-Fitr (fitrana) is charity given to the poor at the end of the fasting month of Ramadan. IAWSS suggest that $10 is given for each member of the household – including children, adults, servants etc. – before the day of Eid IAWSS Bank Details Acc Name : Islamic Association Western Suburbs Sydney Acc BSB : 062597 Acc Number : 10197103 Please mention “FITRANA” in the description column if the money is for Fitrana or “Sadqah” if the money is for Sadqah.