February - Oregon Buddhist Temple
February - Oregon Buddhist Temple
Receiving Love on the Oregon PureLand Path OBT Established 1903 The Oregon Buddhist Temple Monthly Newsletter President’s message Cathy Yarne, OBT President P P P Dear Sangha, One of the most important things I've gained from this past year as the temple president is gratitude. Our temple functions because we have so many dedicated and generous volunteers. Your commitment to our temple is greatly appreciated. THANK YOU We are indebted to the 4 board members whose 3 year term has expired. Please take a moment to thank Angie Hughes, Craig Yanase, Marilyn Achterman and Ray Fukunaga for their dedication to our temple. Each of these individuals have been valuable members of the Board and put a great deal of time, energy and "sweat" into our temple. In their place, we welcome the newly elected Board members; Ken Garner, Kim Kono, Shinya Ichikawa and Mie McGraw. Their experience, skills and creativity will be assets to the Board. Thank you for your involvement and willingness to "lead" at our temple. February 2016 These individuals have enabled us to provide opportunities to learn and share the Buddha-Dharma. Other than the service we canceled because of the snow, OBT has not missed an opportunity to hold services and activities for our Sangha. This is a significant accomplishment considering we are without a resident minister. With Rev. Fujimoto's cooperation, we've been able to meet all the requests for private services, memorials and funerals. The Board, BEC and minister assistants have also sought his advise, guidance and support on numerous occasions. THANK YOU During the next few months, we are looking forward to some exciting events. More than 35 people will be attending the NW Convention in Ontario. In the Spring we have our Salmon - Sushi Dinner and a special seminar with Rev. Kiyonobu Kuwahara from the Jodo Shinshu Center. Thank you in advance for your support and help at these future events. Gassho, Cathy * . Do you have a vehicle large enough to transport a small sofa to be recycled? *. We are still collecting air pots / thermo pitchers. THANK YOU I spent time reviewing the minutes of our Board meetings over the past year. It's satisfying to know the Board has accomplished a great deal and it helps my confidence for the year ahead of us. I can't find a better word other than "proud." Much credit goes to the Board, Dharma school teachers and our members for stepping up to ensure that our temple continues to function smoothly. However, I personally am truly grateful and indebted to our Minister Assistants (Alice Ando, Brenda Fugate, Jean Matsumoto and Etsu Osaki) and Rev. Fujimoto. OBTBOARD board@oregonbuddhisttemple.com TermEnding2018:KenGarner(Vice President),Shinya Ichikawa,KimKono,MieMcGraw TermEnding2017:Katie Tamiyasu, Judy Hittle, Phaedra Urban, and Cathy Yarne (President) TermEnding2016:Susan Endecott, Al Ono, Amy Peterson, Charles Reneau OBTFinancialOfficer:Elaine Yuzuriha “The purpose of the Oregon Buddhist Temple is to insure that the Jodo Shinshu Sangha have the facilities, resident minister and other resources they need to share the Buddha Dharma in their daily lives and during their major life events.” Oregon Buddhist Temple 3720 SE 34th Avenue Portland, OR 97202-3037 503-234-9456 503-231-1551 (fax) e-mail: oregonbuddhisttemple@yahoo.com website: http://www.oregonbuddhisttemple.com This monthly newsletter is published by the Oregon Buddhist Temple, a Buddhist Churches of America temple affiliated with Jodo Shinshu Hongwanji-Ha. Please contact the temple with any comments, questions or concerns, or if you wish to report a change of address. Send news items to Editor Amy Peterson at: newsletter@oregonbuddhisttemple.com. 2 The Oregon PureLand Path February 2016 Shotsuki Hoyo This is a monthly memorial service to honor and remember those loved ones who passed away during that month. Families are encouraged to honor their family at 10 am during our regular Sunday Service February 28, 2016. In the past, families were notified by mail regarding a service for a deceased family member. However, with this plan, no letters will be sent. It will be one special service for all families who lost a loved one in the month of FEBRUARY. Please join us in honor of your relative(s) or friends during service February 28th. Listed below are the names of those who passed away starting from 1930. Oregon Buddhist Temple has records from 1904. If a name is missing, incorrect, or prior to 1930, please notify Jean Matsumoto, Etsu Osaki, or the temple. You can leave a message at 503-234-9456. Ando, Denny Masaru 2/2/2004 Asai, Sagoro 2/18/1969 Dorman, Bob 2/2009 Ebihara, Sumie 2/1/1957 Egashira, Kikuno 2/7/1997 Egashira, Reisaku 2/16/1978 Fujii, Hiroshi Hyde 2/26/2005 Fujii, Kechitaro 2/23/1936 Fujii, Yonezo Fred 2/21/1973 Fujii, Yoshino 2/16/1963 Hasegawa, Itoyo 2/23/1937 Hayashida, Masako 2/3/2004 Hearing, Sachie Yuki 2/2/1989 Hironaka, Shigeru 2/15/2005 Hirose, Ichiro 2/7/1943 Honma, Ira 2/27/1988 Ikata, Sueo Buddy 2/27/1992 Ikeda, Masaharu 2/21/1975 Imada, Toyoshiro 2/18/1949 Ishida, Nobuko 2/11/1973 Ishii, James Kentaro 2/27/2010 Ishizaka, Sanji 2/1/1947 Ito, Yoshizo 2/1/1995 Kanai, Tamakichi 2/24/1930 Kasubuchi, Mary Waseko 2/24/2010 Kato, Yoshitsuya 2/9/1932 Kiyohiro, Masaaki 2/23/1939 Kiyomura, Ichiro 2/11/1946 Kobayashi, Sakae 2/7/1966 Koida, Tsuta 2/3/1931 Kurauchi, Kamekichi 2/19/1932 Kuribayashi, Seiichi 2/2/1945 Maehara, Charles 2/16/1977 Maekawa, Seizo 2/26/1940 Maekawa, Shozo 2/17/1990 Miura, Tamuro 2/13/1966 Miyoshi, Jimmy 2/2/1984 Mori, Kiyoshi 2/5/1938 Morishita, Orga Fusae Junie 2/27/1997 Morishita, Seikichi 2/38/1938 Morita, Bessie Shinobu 2/4/2012 Nakamura, Kanesuki 2/22/1956 Nakamura, Saya 2/21/1987 Niemi, Isao 2/26/1962 Nishii, Matsutaro 2/4/1932 Nishimura, Shikaichi 2/7/ 1945 Ochikubo, Mika 2/7/1936 Ogawa, Kumataro 2/28/1933 Oguri, Tasutaro 2/1/1961 Ohashi Tora 2/3/1930 Oji, Torakichi 2/29/1937 Okita, Tatsu 2/23/1967 Okubo, Haru 2/7/2006 Okubo, Zitsutaro 2/3/1930 Onishi, Kyusuke 2/25/1942 Ono, Uechi 2/13/1942 Parks, Kayoko 2/3/1992 Saheki, Hachiro 2/25/1931 Saito, Kane 2/28/1946 Saito, Toshi 2/4/1945 Sakamoto, Soburo 2/2/1939 Sasegawa, Umeo 2/7/1935 Shiraishi, Sayo 2/23/1952 Sugahiro, Atsutaro 2/19/1932 Sugihara, Seigo 2/24/2003 Sumida, Mary 2/20/1934 Sumida, Shigeru 2/17/1933 Sunamoto, Sen 2/4/1967 Tadasumi, Mary 2/23/1954 Takao, Kiyoko 2/7/1940 Takeda, George Takeo 2/27/1992 3 The Oregon PureLand Path February 2016 TEMPLE BUILDING HISTORY cont’d: THE STRUGGLE (1963-65) OBWA News by Ann Shintani-Winner (Japanese minutes translated by Kiyomi Dickinson) 11/12/63 – Emergency General Meeting: A report was made to the general membership that $20,863.27 was th paid for the lot on 34 and Powell (located for the Oregon Buddhist Church by a realtor friend of Herb Osaki). An estimate for building of a new church costing $83,040 was approved by the general membership. Blue prints will take approximately 4 months to be made and building the structure will take approximately 6 months. The OBWA received a generous donation from the Teramura family from Ontario, Oregon, in memory of Haru Furukawa. Note of interest included in minutes: a memorial service for President John F. Kennedy was held on 11/25/63 with 82 members (Issei, Nisei and Sansei) attending. 12/9/63 – A second drawing of the new building was submitted with construction costs rising to $151,300. 2/11/64 – Reverend Nishimura and Mr. Muramatsu and Mr. Nakamura went to Ontario to ask for donations. Between 3/31 and 9/2/64, after receiving offers from 18 architects, Ralph C. Bonadurer, AIA was selected to prepare the blueprints aided by George Okamoto, AIA with Skidmore Owens & Merrill, (a member of our temple). On 9/14/64, Mr. Okamoto brought a model of the new building and asked for comments and requests for any changes. Oregon Bukkyo Fujinkai (OBWA) requested and received detailed explanation of the kitchen. 1/10/65 – General Meeting: The financial report for the new building was submitted as follows: Income 1963-1964: $68,956.61; Expenses: $22,573.17; Balance: $46,383.17. Total amount pledged: $89,998.00; Amount collected: $53,746.30. 2/26/65 – New Building Committee: Bonadurer was paid $1,200 when blue prints were completed. Okamoto spent 103 hrs working with Bonadurer who paid him $5/hr. Okamoto accepted $3/hr and donated $2/hr (for 103 hrs) to building fund. Meetings of the New Building Committee were held between 3/10/65 and 5/10/65 during which a contract was signed with Onchi Construction Committee. A letter was mailed informing the general membership that a committee member would soon be visiting asking for donations. By the June 14th meeting, Mr. Tony Kato had received pre-approval for a loan from Portland Federal Savings Bank in case costs could not be met from donations. It was decided to have the groundbreaking ceremony on 6/20/65 with BCA Shocho (Bishop) Hanayama in attendance (see picture in November 2015 issue). Temple building history – more next month. OBWA New Year Party: Saturday, February 6, from 10:30am (registration) at Holladay Park Plaza. The annual New Year party in February includes our OBWA meeting. We will have a bento lunch, bingo, and entertainment. Please bring a white elephant gift, and non-perishable food and toiletries for our donation drive. All ages welcome! Please RSVP to Yasuko Fields for bento orders or Marilyn Achterman if you are an invited special guest. Lady Kujo and Lady Ohtani Service: Sunday, February 7, 10am. OBWA member chairs this service, which recognizes the significant contributions of two women in Jodo Shinshu Buddhist Women’s Association history. Northwest District Buddhist Convention. OBWA is also affiliated with a regional board, called the Northwest District BWA. We will meet with other women from Seattle, Tacoma, Spokane, Ontario, White River, and Yakima areas during annual meetings. It is a chance to renew a sense of appreciation, feel camaraderie, and meet new and friendly faces. February Highlights Feb 7 Lady Kujo/ Lady Ohtani Memorial Feb 12-14 NW District Buddhist Convention Feb 20 OBWA Meeting 10:00 AM Feb 21 Nirvana Day Pet Memorial Vegetarian Potluck Rev. Fujimoto Board Meeting Feb 28 Shotsuki Hoyo 4 The Oregon PureLand Path February 2016 TOBAN FOR FEBRUARY 2016 Dharma School News Ann Shintani is planning to work more music into the Dharma School program. Any assistance is greatly appreciated. Nirvana Day / Pet Memorial is coming up in February. Please bring a memento of your pet for the service. According to legend, animals surrounded the body of the Buddha upon his death. Animals help us see some of our best and worst traits and the Jakata Tales have been used for centuries to tell the stories of the Buddha. Girl Scout News It’s Girl Scout Cookie time. It’s not too late to order Cookies for delivery in February. All cookies are Kosher, Thin Mints are Vegan and Toffee Tastics are Gluten Free. All cookies are $4 per box except for Toffee Tastics which are $4.50 per box. FOR SALE (2) dinette tables 1950’s era, brown formica tables with collapsible legs. 35’”x 47” In good condition. Contact: Cathy Yarne Anderson, Lisa Endecott, Susan Leedham, Chris Maeda, Laura McGraw, Mie Ouchida, Fusako Shintani-Winner, Ann Winner, Scott Yokoyama, Jenna Endecott, Kiyo Hardee, John Leedham, Susan Masuoka, Connie Moro, Marlene Peterson, Amy Ward, Adam Yamauchi, Judy Toban not only means “my turn” but “my chance” to show my appreciation to all the men and women whose monetary donations and hard work resulted in this beautiful place, our Temple, to hear the Dharma. Words of Jean Matsumoto - 1995 There’s no greater Dana than selfless giving. You can use monthly Temple clean up as a meditation itself. You don’t have to be on this month’s Toban list to help make the Temple an inviting place. If you’d like to be placed on a the list, please contact Jean at: jamatsumoto@gmail.com. 5 The Oregon PureLand Path Board Summary by Susan Endecott Board of Directors Meeting, Friday, January 8, 2016 th Following is a summary of the January 8 meeting. For OBT members wishing to review the full minutes of the meeting, copies are kept in a notebook in the OBT Library. • The meeting was called to order at 7:10 pm with gassho. • New Board members for 2016 were introduced. • Elaine Yuzuriha presented the temple financial reports for yearend 2015: Balance Sheet as of Dec. 31, 2015; Profit & Loss Statement which showed a positive net income for 2015. She also presented the proposed budget for 2016. • President, Cathy Yarne, asked Board members to sign up to chair major services and to chair (or find other temple members to chair) the temple fundraising events for 2016. • Portland Taiko (PT) Executive Director, Wynn Kiyama, proposed a change in the designated storage areas to be set aside for PT use. He requested use of the alcove in the room in the northwest corner of the basement, which would mainly require moving of the children’s books. PT would then be able to give back some of the space behind the sliding doors on the south side of the basement which had been cleared for their use. This request was approved by the Board. • Marilyn Achterman reported on OBT’s December mochitsuki event. About 900 lbs of rice were made into mochi, and nearly all was sold. • There was discussion of possible changes that could be made to the temple lobby area to make it more welcoming. Rev. Fujimoto has made some suggestions. • Wynn Kiyama requested use of the temple basement from 5:00 to 9:00 AM on Monday, Jan. 25 to film a Fox news segment promoting the Jan. 31 Community Mochitsuki event. This request was approved by the Board. • Election of officers for 2016: Cathy Yarne, President; Ken Garner, Vice-President; Kim Kono and Susan Endecott, Co-Secretaries • Discussion of changing the day/time of Board meetings from Friday evenings. For the coming months, meetings will be held on Sunday afternoons at 12:30, dates to be determined. • Meeting adjourned at 10:00 pm. February 2016 LOTUS CIRCLE – February Jean Matsumoto Let it snow! In spite of white stuff on the ground, the Flower Toban members find beautiful flowers to arrange so creatively on our altar. Thank you to members of the Lotus Circle who by donating to our fund allow our ladies to purchase the flowers each week. The generous donors who are honoring the memory of their loves ones this month are: • February 7 – Judy Hittle in memory of (imo) her parents, Joriu and Fumiko Asato • February 14 – Dan Miura imo his parents, Tamuro and Rin • February 21 – Yasuko Fields imo of father, Ryoo Maekawa; Janice Okamoto imo husband George and her parents-in-law, Hisashi and Misuyo • February 28 – Judy Yamauchi imo her husband, Hiroshi; parents, Masaru and Chiyoko Please feel free to check out what Ken Garner (webmaster@oregonbuddhistemple.com) has done on our webpage to share memories of loved ones. If you have questions about how the Lotus Circle works, I can be reached at 503-280-2463 or jamatsumoto@gmail.com. CONDOLENCES Sympathy is extended to the family of Robert Takeuchi who passed away on December 25, 2015, at the age of 72. Condolences can be sent to Nancy Takeuchi, 13515 SE Marsh Rd, Sandy, OR 97035. Sadly, we have learned of the recent passing of James Yasutome. Condolences can be sent to Kay and Jessica Yasutome, PO Box 8771, Bend, OR 97708-8771. We regretfully announce the death of Ben Tano on January 17, 2016. Deepest sympathies go to Alice and her daughters, Nanette (Brad) Magee, Cynthia (Doug) Tathwell and Kim (David) Weaver. A funeral will be held at the Oregon Buddhist Temple on Thursday, January 28, 2016, at 1:30 pm. With sadness we learned of the passing of some friends from Ontario, OR. Sympathies to the families of Hideo Harada, who passed away December 15, 2015. He is the father of Rev. Marvin Harada and Donna Sasaki and families. We will miss his dancing at conventions. Also with sadness and sympathies to the family of Glo and Connie Shimojima. Glo passed away on December 24, 2015 and Connie on January 9, 2016 after 73 years of marriage. Connie had the longest attendance at our district conventions. Their children are son Pat and daughters, Lynn Hettick, Gail Harada, Edie Hinds, Peggy Nakamura and families. 6 The Oregon PureLand Path February 2016 Oregon Buddhist Temple Dec 2015 Donations IN MEMORY OF LILY KAJIWARA LaRhette Swann IN MEMORY OF IRENE JUNKO STUMPF Richard D. Stumpf SHOTSUKI HOYO In Memory of Nami & Art Sasaki Sasaki Family Herb & Etsu Osaki In Memory of Susanne Meyers Sasaki Family In memory of Ben Ishida Robert & Susan (Ishida) Yoneda In memory of Nobu Ishida May Ishida In memory of George Ishida May Ishida In memory of Bob & Frank Ando Diane Ando Harder Roberta Ando In memory of Sekitaro Fujii Diane Ando Harder In memory of Sakae Ando Diane Ando Harder In memory of Harumi Nunotani Cathlyn Yarne Carolyn J. Saiget Fumi Saito In memory of Yasashi Ichikawa Herb & Etsu Osaki Shinya & Jayne Ichikawa In memory of Irene Hayashi Susan Endecott In memory of Zoichi Yuzuriha Todd & Elaine Yuzuriha In memory of Baiichi Masuoka Nobuko Masuoka LOTUS CIRCLE Nobuo & Takako Ishida Sumie Ishida Jean Matsumoto Ernest Takeda Alfred Ono YEAR END DONATIONS Ernest Takeda Phaedra Urban Shigeru & Yoko Yuzuriha Judy & Paul Hittle Chris Dart Junko Iwao Toll Jean Matsumoto Leslie Uyeji Sahomi Tachibana K. David Itamura Shoun & Grace Ishikawa Ted & Martha Tamaki Craig & Lisa Yanase Alfred Ono Joseph & Lora Wahl May Kasahara Chiho Okita Yoshie Kagawa Dana Kakishita Richard & Kumiko Mishima Elaine F. Furumoto Yoshi & Tomoko Ono Katsuya & Grace Amasuga Todd & Elaine Yuzuriha Pat & Tom Hokama Kimiko Iwamoto Rose T. Ikata Carolyn J. Saiget Randy & Dana Kunisaki Sumie Ishida Katie Tamiyasu Janice Okamoto Jean Tateishi Herb & Etsu Osaki Takako Maeda Takako Yamaguchi Toyoko Oguri (In memory of Setsu Ueno) SPECIAL DONATIONS Setsy & Chip Larouche Alice Sumida (for tree trimming) James & Judith Nakashima Susan Endecott Shigeo & Frieda Fujikawa (for special services) May Ishida Susan Leedham Jacob Hooker Jean Matsumoto (Hishinuma fund) Susan Endecott (Hishinuma fund) Hiroshi & Janie Matsushima (Rev. Fujimoto visit) Philip L. & Cascinda Kollas Jean Matsumoto (Tamura-Terakawa Scholarship) Perlingieri Family Cathlyn Yarne (New Year party) Michiko Kumashiro Ami Kinoshita Jose & Kenora Roberta Ando Anonymous Major Media LLC BODHI DAY Anonymous (2) Robert Matsunaga Takako Maeda Pat Hokama HOONKO Henry Mishima Toshiko Hayashi Anonymous Richard & Kumiko Mishima Gerald & JoAnn Sumoge Sahomi Tachibana Fumi Saito 2015 MEMBERSHIP Kara Mie McGraw David B. Hollander 2016 MEMBERSHIP Jean Tateishi Elaine & Todd Yuzuriha Shinya & Jayne Ichikawa Gerald & JoAnn Sumoge Ray & Lori Fukunaga Carolyn J. Saiget Kiyomi Dickinson Shigeo & Frieda Fujikawa Setsy & Chip Larouche Katie Tamiyasu Alfred Ono Michiko Kumashiro Robert & Gail Tsutsumi Steve & Clara Pawlowski Traci & Wynn Kiyama Toshiko Hayashi Junko Iwao Toll Ami Kinoshita Susan Leedham May Ishida Richard & Karen Shiraishi Henry Mishima Kim Kono & Randy Choy Roberta Ando Susan Endecott Hiroshi & Janie Matsushima MEMBER PLEDGE DONATIONS Diane Ando Harder Alice Tano Takako Maeda Jean Matsumoto Acknowledgements are mailed to individuals for donations of $250 or more, to donors not on the OBT mailing list, and to any donor upon request. Please inform Susan Endecott of any significant errors or omissions at: sjendecott@gmail.com 7 The Oregon PureLand Path February 2016 Thank You for Your Donations by Envelopes and PayPal Envelope donations are greatly appreciated. PayPal donations can also be made by following a link to the OBT donate page at: http://www.oregonbuddhisttemple.com/donate/paypal.html. OBT’s PayPal account can be used by anybody to make a donation to OBT. They do not need to have a PayPal account. Follow simple instructions for donation designations. Attention High School Graduating Seniors: Applications for the Japanese American Community Scholarships are due March 1, 2016. At least ten scholarships are awarded each year to graduating seniors. The scholarship application is available on the www.pdxjacl.org website. Applicants are required to have had at least one parent be a member of a sponsoring organization since at least October 15, 2015 and must reside within Clackamas, Multnomah, Washington (OR) or Clark counties. Oregon Buddhist Temple is a sponsoring organization of the annual Japanese American Community Graduation Banquet. Please see the applications for more details or contact Elaine Yuzuriha at (360) 253-9532. All applicants must be available for an interview to be scheduled on Saturday, April 2nd, 2016. This is a wonderful opportunity to garner scholarships for post secondary education. Get your applications in soon! This year, the Japanese American Community Graduation Banquet is a luncheon held on Sunday, May st 1 , 2016. We would like to send invitations to all graduating high school seniors who have attended Oregon Buddhist Temple Dharma School and whose parents are members of OBT. Please help us by contacting Elaine Yuzuriha at (360)253-9532 (e.yuzuriha@comcast.net) with the graduate’s name and contact information. Thank you for your help! MEMBERSHIP by Al Ono Happy New Year 2016. I hope this will be a happy and fulfilling New Year. I also hope that part of this wish or a guide to this fulfillment is the Oregon Buddhist Temple. You can support the Temple in many ways by participating in events such as Sunday services and also attending the special events such as the Hoonko Seminar by Rev. Kobata from San Francisco Buddhist Temple, which will be on Saturday, January 23, and the Hoonko Service on Sunday, January 24. Hopefully you can even enjoy the interaction with our Sangha members. Part of the success of these and many more activities to hear the Dharma come from your telling us you support OBT. Your membership is one way to show this support. Enclosed in this newsletter is the membership form to fill out to be part of the Sangha. An additional donation to help OBT continue as a gathering place to hear the Dharma will be appreciated. In Gassho, Alfred Ono Chairperson, Membership Committee 8 The Oregon PureLand Path February 2016 OREGONBUDDHISTTEMPLEMEMBERSHIP—2016 MembershipintheOregonBuddhistTempleshowsthatyouwanttosupporttheTempleanditsplaceinourlives.It demonstratesthatyouwanttheDharmaandSanghatocontinuetobeapartofyourlife. Membershiprequiresonetosignupandpayafeeof$250.00perpersonor$500perfamily.Ifyouprefer,youcanmakea pledgetomakeperiodicpaymentstocompletethefee. Informationaboutyou Name/s:________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City________________________________________________State________________________________ZipCode__________________________________ Phone___________________________________________________________EMail_______________________________________________________________ FullPayment:$250.00permember Familymembership$500.00forafamily Pledgepayment:Amountpermonthpermember_______________________________________________________________________________ AdditionaldonationtoOBT(Thankyou)__________________________________________________________________________________________ Totalenclosed________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Pleasedropofftheformandpaymentinanenvelopemarked“membership”atthegreetingtableonSunday,attheTemple officeormailto: OregonBuddhistTemple 3720SE34thSt. Portland,Oregon97202 YoucanalsousethePayPallinkathttp://www.oregonbuddhisttemple.com/donate/paypal.html Note:someattendeeswouldliketobemembersbutfindthefeeafinancialburden.Ifyouwouldliketohelpoutaspecific memberorgiveingeneraltothosewhoneedhelpinfindingthemembershipfee,pleaseaddthisamounttotheabove total. Iwouldliketohelpsomeonebecomeamember,mydonationis________________________________________________________________. Thisdonationisforamembershipfor______________________________________________________________________________________________. Iwouldlikethistogotoapooltohelpothersbecomemembers_________________________________________________________________. ThankyouforsupportingtheOregonBuddhistTemple! 9 The Oregon PureLand Path February 2016 10 The Oregon PureLand Path February 2016 2016 SalmonSushiFest Sunday, March 6th 11:00 AM to 6:00 PM $15.00 Oregon Buddhist Temple 3720 SE 34th Ave. Portland, OR www.oregonbuddhisttemple.com ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………............................. (preorder form) SalmonSushiFest Sunday, March 6, 2016 11 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. meal includes: salmon, marfar chicken, vegetable, salad & rice also available for purchase: SUSHI (makisushi, inari sushi, & CA rolls), Marfar Chicken (ala carte), wine & beer Salmon Dinners ____ X $15 = $ ______ quantity name :_____________________________ total $ salmon please print Sushi Assortment ____ X $7.50 = $ _______ quantity phone # : ______________________________ total $ sushi Marfar Chicken _____ x $7.50 = $ _______ (ala carte: chicken only)) quantity email :_______________________________ total $ marfar optional TOTAL $ amount enclosed = $___________ Oregon Buddhist Temple 3720 S.E. 34th Ave. Portland, OR 97202 submit orders by Feb. 26th
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