d5 - GreenCom
d5 - GreenCom
MyGrid; Energy Efficient and Interoperable Smart Energy Systems for Local Communities (FP7 318213) D5.1 Home Appliance, Analysis Review Report Energy Generation and Date 28-03-2013 Version 0.5 Published by the GreenCom Consortium Dissemination Level: [Confidential or Restricted or Public] Project co-funded by the European Commission within the 7th Framework Programme Objective ICT-2011.6.1 Smart Energy Grids Storage GreenCom D5.1 Analysis of Greencom TechnoogiesHome Appliance , Energy Generation and Storage Analysis review Report Document control page Document file: Report_V0.5 Document version: Document owner: D5.1 Home Appliance , Energy Generation and Storage Analysis Review Work package: Task: Storage Technologies. Deliverable type: WP5 – Sensors and Actuators T5.1 – Analysis of Home Appliance, Distributed generation and Distributed Document status: 0.5 Liam Moore (The Tyndall National Institute) [R or P or O] R approved by the document owner for internal review approved for submission to the EC Document history: Version Author(s) Date Summary of changes made 0.1 0.2 2013-01-08 2013-02-15 Document Created Added Sensing and Control inputs 2013-03-15 Added E-MIDTS and ISMB contributions 0.4 Liam Moore, Mike Hayes, Liam Moore, Richard Croyle, Samuel Bobbino Liam Moore, Riccardo Tomasi, Francesco Sottile, Steffen Damm Hansen Liam Moore 2013-03-15 0.5 Liam Moore 2013-03-26 Modified to Reviewers comments HAN Section Modified to Reviewers Comments DS &DG Section Final version submitted to the European Commission 0.3 Internal review history: Reviewed by Date Summary of comments Richard Croyle (Sensing and Control) 2013-03-19 Jaroslav Pullman (FIT) 2013-03-26 Francesco Sottile (ISMB) 2013-03-15 Make it clear that holistic view needs to be clarified in year 2 of the project add in more information such as in Solar panel section Add in more information on WSN. Create Acronym list, Add in more information and diagrams in some areas (metering in HAN section for example) Formatting , Spelling, Structural changes , add in more detail in some areas such as device descriptions Legal Notice The information in this document is subject to change without notice. The Members of the GreenCom Consortium make no warranty of any kind with regard to this document, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The Members of the GreenCom Consortium shall not be held liable for errors contained herein or direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this material. Possible inaccuracies of information are under the responsibility of the project. This report reflects solely the views of its authors. The European Commission is not liable for any use that may be made of the information contained therein. Document version: 0.15 Page 2 of 122 Submission date: 28-03-2013 GreenCom D5.1 Analysis of Greencom TechnoogiesHome Appliance , Energy Generation and Storage Analysis review Report Index: 1. Executive summary ............................................................................................................ 6 2. Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 7 3. Analysis Objectives ............................................................................................................ 8 4. Wireless Technology Overview ......................................................................................... 9 4.1 Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) Overview..................................................................... 9 4.2 Wireless Mote Summary............................................................................................... 10 4.3 Software Summary ....................................................................................................... 11 TinyOS 12 Contiki 12 Embedded C ................................................................................................................ 12 4.4 Power Options for Wireless Motes. ............................................................................... 12 Mains Powered ............................................................................................................ 12 Battery Powered ........................................................................................................... 12 Energy Harvesting ........................................................................................................ 12 5. Smart Home Appliance Analysis ..................................................................................... 14 5.1 Home Automation Networks (HAN) and Domotics ........................................................ 14 Sensors........................................................................................................................ 14 Actuation / Switches ..................................................................................................... 16 Control Platforms.......................................................................................................... 16 Decision Hubs / Gateways............................................................................................ 16 5.2 HAN Implementations................................................................................................... 17 5.3 Communications Protocols ........................................................................................... 18 HAN RF Standards....................................................................................................... 18 2.4GHz IEEE 802.15.4 Home Automation Protocols ..................................................... 21 Bluetooth...................................................................................................................... 27 802.11 (Wi-Fi) .............................................................................................................. 28 Sub 1GHz Protocols ..................................................................................................... 28 Wired Technologies...................................................................................................... 34 5.4 Smart Appliances ......................................................................................................... 36 Home Energy Hubs and Platforms................................................................................ 43 6. Existing Home Automation / AMR Projects ..................................................................... 47 7. Energy Generation and Storage Wireless monitoring Technologies ............................. 49 7.1 Standards and Roadmaps for smart micro-gird ............................................................. 49 NIST Smart Grid References ........................................................................................ 49 CoAP 50 ETSi /M2M ................................................................................................................... 51 7.2 Wireless Protocols and Technologies ........................................................................... 53 Zigbee Smart Energy.................................................................................................... 54 6LoWPAN and the Smart Grid ...................................................................................... 56 Industrial and commercial protocols .............................................................................. 57 10. Heat Pumps....................................................................................................................... 61 8.1 Heat Pump Monitoring and Control ............................................................................... 61 Heat Pump Monitoring .................................................................................................. 61 Data Sampling suggested requirements. ...................................................................... 62 Heat Pump Control ....................................................................................................... 64 11. Distributed Generation Devices ....................................................................................... 65 9.1 Solar Generation........................................................................................................... 65 Photo Voltaic Panels .................................................................................................... 65 Thermal solar heating ................................................................................................... 67 11.2 Wind Generation ................................................................................................. 67 12. Distributed Storage .......................................................................................................... 69 Batteries ............................................................................................................................. 69 Document version: 0.15 Page 3 of 122 Submission date: 28-03-2013 GreenCom D5.1 Analysis of Greencom TechnoogiesHome Appliance , Energy Generation and Storage Analysis review Report Thermal Mass ..................................................................................................................... 71 Monitoring and Environmental Considerations .................................................................... 71 Sensors and metering required ........................................................................................... 71 Technologies available ....................................................................................................... 72 Metering ............................................................................................................................. 73 13. Overall Network Topology................................................................................................ 75 11.1 Wireless Considerations.............................................................................................. 76 13.2 Operating Environment and Technologies deployed ............................................ 77 Local CHP - Fur Kraftvarme amba ................................................................................ 79 Wind power .................................................................................................................. 79 Photo Voltaics (PVs)..................................................................................................... 80 Heat Pumps (HPs) ....................................................................................................... 82 Micro Combined Heat and Power ................................................................................. 82 14. Summary and Conclusions .............................................................................................. 84 References .............................................................................................................................. 88 List of Figures and Tables ................................................................................................... 91 Figures ............................................................................................................................... 91 Tables ................................................................................................................................ 91 Appendix A Summary of gateway devices ............................................................................ 93 Appendix B Summary of energy hub platforms .................................................................... 94 Appendix C Summary of NIST Standards ........................................................................... 112 Appendix D:- European Project Summary ........................................................................... 120 Document version: 0.15 Page 4 of 122 Submission date: 28-03-2013 GreenCom HAN WSN WSM WSAN HVAC COTS EV RF AMR PLC UDP TCP Phy ADC CT IR QOS HACP GW FFD RFD PAN LAN WAN OEM BTLE MBus M2M CoAP SEP COP SPI CHP D5.1 Analysis of Greencom TechnoogiesHome Appliance , Energy Generation and Storage Analysis review Report Acronyms and Abbreviations Home Automation Network Wireless Sensor Network Wireless Sensor Mote Wireless Sensor Actuator Network Heat Ventilation Air Conditioning Commercial off the Shelf Electric Vehicle Radio Frequency Automated Meter Reading Power Line Communications User Datagram Protocol Transmission Control Protocol Physical Analogue to Digital Conversion Current Transformer Infra-Red Quality of Service Home Area Control Platform Gateway Full Functional Device Reduced Functional Device Personnel Area Network Local Area Network Wide Area Network Original Equipment Manufacturer Blue Tooth Low Energy Message Bus Machine too Machine Constrained Application Protocol Smart Energy Profile Coefficient of Performance Seasonal Performance Indicator Combined Heat & Power Document version: 0.15 Page 5 of 122 Submission date: 28-03-2013 GreenCom D5.1 Analysis of Greencom TechnoogiesHome Appliance , Energy Generation and Storage Analysis review Report 1. Executive summary This document evaluates all technologies associated with smart home appliances, energy generation and storage monitoring and control. These technologies will comprise the physical architecture on which the GreenCom platform will , gather its data from, make decisions about and issues its commands to. In order to ensure that the GreenCom project is thoroughly relevant and compatible with the emerging smart grid the platform needs to utilize and work with the existing generation and storage infrastructures that exist and be compatible with the state of the art in terms of wireless monitoring and control infrastructure to ensure that it is properly future proofed. This will be especially important to ensure the validity of any results generated as well as to enable future exploitation of the technology either as a commercial entity or for future research and development opportunities. This document starts by looking at general wireless monitoring technologies available in terms of commercial off the shelf (COTS) sensor motes and COTS wireless transceivers. The document will then focus on the Smart Home appliances including Standards Wireless Technologies used Wireless Protocols Appliances and control technologies Existing work and projects After examine the topics listed above a picture will have emerged outlining what standards are available and what wireless technologies exist. Looking at existing products and projects will than enable a decision to be made on what technology can be used to ensure it is compatible with existing products and also ensure that it is future proofed. The next part of the document evaluates energy generation monitoring solutions and will include Power generation Solar, wind, heat pumps Standards Monitoring solutions The final section will focus in storage systems Batteries, Thermal mass Control and monitoring issues and technologies Based on the evaluation a wireless technology will be suggested for use within the distributed generation and storage portion of this project. As well as suggesting a wireless technology this portion will examine generation and storage mediums suggest key metrics to monitor as well as sensors required to achieve this. This section will also outline the holistic view of the DS & DG framework from a networking point of view. The document finishes up with a summary and suggested technologies and wireless architecture which can be fed into deliverable 5.2 System Specifications. Document version: 0.15 Page 6 of 122 Submission date: 28-03-2013 GreenCom D5.1 Analysis of Greencom TechnoogiesHome Appliance , Energy Generation and Storage Analysis review Report 2. Introduction Within the area of micro-gird technology there are three separate class of devices these are a. Loads (home appliances, Heating) b. Generation devices (Solar , Wind) c. Storage devices (Batteries, EV) The load is essentially the home environment with regards to a micro-grid, The load consumes energy through heating and day to day usage of various appliances. In order to completely enable a smart microgrid approach the load has to be fully understood (monitored) and control infrastructure needs to be put in place. In this report the various home automation technologies are outlined that are currently available. A review of smart appliance technologies is also given with a focus on the communications standards used within these technologies and the availability and popularity of each technology. The report will identify the technologies most commonly used in home load management and automation and will suggest a wireless technology for use within the GreenCom project. The technology selected will need to be suited to the needs of the home environment in terms of ease of use, installation procedure and integration. The technology selected should ideally be supported by a number of off the shelf products especially in the area of inline actuation and control for domestic appliances. The reason for this is to ensure safety and comfort for the home users within the GreenCom project (any OTS solution will be CE certified and tested). The generation devices within a micro-grid are any device that will generate energy that can be used or stored by the load. The energy supplied can be in the form of electrical power as from electric P.V. and electric wind turbines or in the form of heat energy that can be supplied from thermal solar collectors. When energy is produced decisions need to be made on what to do with that energy, this can be directly feed it to the load, if possible feed it to the main grid or store the energy either locally or in a community storage area for use later on. In order to make any decisions monitoring of the generation and storage systems needs to be carried out as well as controlling the directions of power flow. As mentioned, storage systems provide a manner to ensure that any locally generated energy that is not immediately consumed may be held over a defined period of time for later usage. Storage systems can consist of conventional electrical storage such as battery banks or thermal storage systems that stores energy as heat. Such local storage systems are an emerging technology with several solutions currently being proposed, or developed. The challenge with integrating storage systems into a micro-grid is in making decisions on when to store energy or when to feed it to the home or grid. Adding local storage to a generation source such as batteries to an electrical P.V. installation increases the cost significantly and is only promoted for areas that generally can suffer frequent blackouts. One option that has potential in this area and affects any decision making with regards to energy transport and management is the concept of shared storage where storage is rented by users from a community resource. This report outlines the type of generators and storage systems encountered by the market research work of this project work package, the key metrics to measure in these systems and what technologies are available from a wireless monitoring and control perspective. Document version: 0.15 Page 7 of 122 Submission date: 28-03-2013 GreenCom D5.1 Analysis of Greencom TechnoogiesHome Appliance , Energy Generation and Storage Analysis review Report 3. Analysis Objectives Home Automation Network In this section the objectives of the analysis are to define what comprises a HAN in the framework of the GreenCom project and will examine the various components and communications mediums that make up a home automation network. There are a number of standards that are suitable for use with the HAN application area this report will introduce and compare the various wireless standards for RF communications suited to the home automation network. Various RF protocols existing using various standards and this report will outline and compare RF technologies for the home automation network. In order to determine the most relevant wireless protocols used the report will investigate the existing commercially available devices for the HAN as well as outlining existing projects in the HAN area their aims and what technologies they have employed. Distributed Generation and Distributed Storage With a micro gird infrastructure there will be a combination of distributed generation devices and distributed storage systems. Monitoring and controlling these devices requires a reliable and secure infrastructure that can respond dynamically to varying conditions, and respond reliably to commands from the central decision making engine. This analysis will examine possible wireless monitoring and control protocols and technologies that may be suitable for distributed generation and storage applications and will suggest a possible technology for use within the GreenCom project. The analysis will also outline the generation and storage device that are available and will list the key metrics that should be monitored as well as the sensors that can be used to do this. The report will also look at typical installations for storage and generation outlining the components that would be used for enabling and controlling these. The report finishes with the proposed holistic view of the monitoring network and a summary conclusions and recommendations sections. Document version: 0.15 Page 8 of 122 Submission date: 28-03-2013 GreenCom D5.1 Analysis of Greencom TechnoogiesHome Appliance , Energy Generation and Storage Analysis review Report 4. Wireless Technology Overview This section will give an overview of existing wireless technology out there. Starting with a wireless mote and software summary which can be used to provide input for any hardware that is developed and specified as part of the GreenCom framework. 4.1 Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) Overview A wireless sensor network consists of a number of distributed resource constrained devices that communicate over a wireless medium in a networked framework. The device applications can be for control and actuation, parameter monitoring, relaying and routing, coordination / gateway. The overriding aim of any wireless network is to provide reliable and efficient communications to enable the WSN application (be it energy monitoring, health monitoring etc….). The basic building blocks of a wireless sensor network are the wireless sensors motes. These motes are typically low powered devices with low data rates and low on-board resources, running some application such as temperature monitoring or controlling a switch. Mote architecture is shown below in Figure 1. As can be seen a mote consists of an on-board microcontroller which acts as the brains of the device. This can interface with a single / number of sensors or actuators and has a wireless transceiver for communications to the network. Figure 1 Wireless 802.15.4 mote architecture Wireless sensor networks are typically self-organising, with the ability to manage enrolment, message routing and security. Wireless sensor networks can be arranged in various topologies, these include simple point to point, star, tree and mesh configurations. Figure 2 below outlines these. Document version: 0.15 Page 9 of 122 Submission date: 28-03-2013 GreenCom D5.1 Analysis of Greencom TechnoogiesHome Appliance , Energy Generation and Storage Analysis review Report Figure 2 Network Topologies Peer to peer is a simple communications interface between two devices. A star topology builds on this allowing communications between one central device and a number of other motes (end devices). The Tree builds on the star topology allowing central devices (routers or coordinators) to communicate with each other and respective end devices. Mesh networking allows all devices to communicate with each other. Star and tree topologies have issues with single point of failure if any of the routers go out of operation entire sections of the network can be disabled. The advantages of star and tree configurations are in terms of power management and simplified routing. End devices don’t need to listen and can sleep for long periods of time wake up and send messages. The routers are (for the most part) always on to be able to respond messages and forward these on to other routers or coordinator motes. Full mesh networks on the other hand are the most reliable as they have no single point of failure if a mote goes down messages can be routed around via other motes. They do suffer issues with power management and synchronization of devices is critical to ensure messages aren’t lost due to sleeping motes. 4.2 Wireless Mote Summary A number of generic wireless research motes exist that are commercially available. These motes are flexible enough for a range of applications and can be used in application areas where no dedicated smart device exists (for example measuring pipe temperatures in Heat pumps) Table 1 below compares currently available “turn-key” wireless sensor node platforms that exist there frequencies and architectures. Table 1 Off-the Shelf Mote Summary Platform Size (mm) W X L XH Telos B 32 X 65 X 6.6 Mica 32 X 57 X 6.3 Document version: 0.15 Freq 2.4 2.4 Transceiver Microcontroller Memory cc2420 MSP430F1611:- 8MHz 16bit RAM: 10K Flash: 48K Atmel Atmega:- 8Mhz 8bit RAM: 4K Flash: 128K cc1000 Page 10 of 122 Submission date: 28-03-2013 GreenCom Sun Spot Shimmer D5.1 Analysis of Greencom TechnoogiesHome Appliance , Energy Generation and Storage Analysis review Report 2 X 44 X 12.7 2.4 32 X 57 X 6.3 2.4 MSP430F1611:- 8MHz 16bit RAM: 10K Flash: 48K cc2429 Atmel Atmega:- 8Mhz 8bit RAM: 4K Flash: 128K RAM: 512K Flash: 4M cc2420 IRIS 64 X 38 X 25 2.4 AT86RF230 Atmet AT91RM9200:- 180MHz 16bit EXRF2480 29 X 80 X 14 2.4 cc2500 MSP430F2247:- 16Mhz 16bit RAM: 1K Flash: 32K Wismote 45 X 65 X 10 2.4 cc2520 MSP430F5437:- 16Mhz RAM 16K Flash 256K Epic 24 X 24 X 2.5 2.4 cc2420 MSP430F1611:- 8MHz 16bit RAM: 10K Flash: 48K Tiny node 548 30 X 21.5 X 3 868915 Semtech XE1205 MSP430F1611:- 8MHz 16bit RAM: 10K Flash: 48K Lotus 76 x 34 x 7 2.4 RF231 Cortex® M3 32-bit:- 100Mhz RAM: 64K Flash: 512K Micro pelt 37 X 71 X 44 2.4 cc2500 MSP430F2274:- 16Mhz 16bit RAM: 1K Flash: 32K 2.4 cc2420 /cc2520 MSP430F5437:-16Mhz RAM 16K Flash 256K Tyndall Mote 25 X 25 X Var This table gives an indication of what the specification for a wireless mote used in Greencom may consist of. 4.3 Software Summary Typically wireless sensor motes are programmed using the C programming language or a variation of it. Assembly language can still be used especially in timing critical applications. There are embedded operating systems that are designed to run on small systems such as WSN’s. The advantages of using an operating system over pure embedded C is that an operating system provides a level of abstraction over the underlying hardware layer , negating the need to write some standard drivers and offering a structured environment for coding. The operating systems can come with some features built in such as protocol stacks, and event management. Document version: 0.15 Page 11 of 122 Submission date: 28-03-2013 GreenCom D5.1 Analysis of Greencom TechnoogiesHome Appliance , Energy Generation and Storage Analysis review Report TinyOS TinyOS (David Gay et al, 2007)is an open source, BSD-licensed operating system designed for low-power wireless devices, such as those used in sensor networks, ubiquitous computing, personal area networks, smart buildings, and smart meters. TinyOS uses a variation of C called NesC as its programming language which is optimised for the memory constrained sensor motes. Programs are built out of software components connected to each other using interfaces. TinyOS is also built around a lightweight event scheduler where all program execution is performed in tasks that run to completion. After linking, modifying the system is not possible TinyOS provides abstractionism for common components such as packet compiling , routing and sensing. TinyOS comes with the blip low power wireless stack for communications. Blip is a 6LowPan variant operating over IPV6. Contiki Contiki (A. Dunkels, 2004) is another operating system operating within the WSN space. Like TinyOS Contiki operates an open source, BSD-licensed operating and is specifically for the area of wireless sensor motes. Contiki operates an event driven kernel. Applications run on top of this and are dynamically loaded and un-loaded at run time. Contiki processes use proto-threads that provide a thread like programming style on top of the event driven kernel. Traditional C language is used to program in Contiki. In order to provide run-time reprogramming for TinyOS, Levis and Culler have developed Maté, a virtual machine for TinyOS devices. Code for the virtual machine can be downloaded into the system at run-time. The virtual machine is specifically designed for the needs of typical sensor network applications. The advantages of using a virtual machine instead of native machine code is that the virtual machine code can be made smaller, thus reducing the energy consumption of transporting the code over the network. One of the drawbacks is the increased energy spent in interpreting the code for long running programs the energy saved during the transport of the binary code is instead spent in the overhead of executing the code. Contiki also comes with an IPV6 stack over 802.15.4 as an option and can use UDP or TCP/IP as the protocol structure. Embedded C An Operating system does not necessarily have to be used and it may be desirable to forego the overhead associated with running an embedded system. In this case embedded C with a protocol stack and application run directly on the mote. 4.4 Power Options for Wireless Motes. Mains Powered The ideal solution for powering a wireless sensor network is mains power. A constant power source enables the wireless device to be in an always on state , as well as allowing greater range and data throughput. The practicalities of this depend on the operational environment. For example within the home environment it is conceivable that at least part of the network can be powered by mains. For a Zigbee network this is nearly essential to ensure correct operation of the coordinator mote. Battery Powered Battery power is the most common method of powering wireless sensor motes today. The advantages of battery is that it makes individual motes flexible in terms of placement and if the wireless technology is chosen appropriately life times of up to 3-5 years can be achieved. 802.15.4 is designed for battery operated systems. The drawbacks are a reduced duty cycle to achieve long life times, limits what can be monitored (better for slow changing events like environmental temperature) as well as the maintenance overhead of battery changes in large WSN deployments. Energy Harvesting Energy harvesting is beginning to be looked seriously as a way of permanently powering wireless sensor motes. The major obvious advantage being the fact that it removes the overhead with maintenance and battery changes. Protocols such as EnOcean are built specifically for energy scavenging wireless sensor networks. Energy sources for energy scavenging can be Light (indoor / outdoor) Document version: 0.15 Page 12 of 122 Submission date: 28-03-2013 GreenCom D5.1 Analysis of Greencom TechnoogiesHome Appliance , Energy Generation and Storage Analysis review Report Temperature differential Vibration Ambient RF Flow The source used depends on the application and the available sources. The most energy rich source tends to be light with a range of solar panel options available the solar panel chemistry selected should be optimised for either indoor or outdoor Document version: 0.15 Page 13 of 122 Submission date: 28-03-2013 GreenCom D5.1 Analysis of Greencom TechnoogiesHome Appliance , Energy Generation and Storage Analysis review Report 5. Smart Home Appliance Analysis This section of the report aims to introduce home automation networks with an overview of their structure. It then looks at relevant wireless standards to the home automation market. An overview of available wireless technologies is presented and the section finishes with an outline of existing networkable smart appliances and what technologies they use. 5.1 Home Automation Networks (HAN) and Domotics The area of Home automation also known as Domotics is a field within building automation which focuses specifically in the area of private homes and the automation of specific tasks and services for the goal of Increasing comfort Increasing safety Increasing security Increasing energy efficiency HAN Components The home automation network is the infrastructure used to carry out automation of the home environment. A home automation network is made up typically of six major system components. These are 1. Sensors 2. Actuators 3. Control platforms 4. Decision hub 5. The network communications interface 6. The GW communications interface Sensors Sensors are used to monitor key metrics with regards to home automation. A typical list of sensors is shown below in Table 2 (General Sensors only not including heat pumps / specialist equipment such as pool heating etc...). These metrics can be used in the control strategy for the HAN or used to determine the effect any control strategy has such as monitoring reductions in electricity usage. The complete sensor selection and specification for the purposes of the GreenCom project will be in deliverable D5.2 (M8). Below are indicators of what to expect. Metric Table 2 Key Sensors Required for HAN Sensor Type (Phy) Purpose Temperature RTD, Thermocouple, IR, Digital Temperature sensors are used to measure indoor and outdoor temperature. The values measured can be used as set points for the heating system as well as determine degree days. Electricity Current sensor (Clamp, Coil, CT, Shunt), Determine the electrical consumption of a building or individual device. In some homes existing electrical meters can be Voltage Measurement (Bridge –ADC) Document version: 0.15 Page 14 of 122 Submission date: 28-03-2013 GreenCom D5.1 Analysis of Greencom TechnoogiesHome Appliance , Energy Generation and Storage Analysis review Report Existing installed meters (Over RS485, RS232, SPI etc...) integrated with or for individual devices plug meters can be used. Pulse Gas Flow meter (paddle, Ultra Sonic). Existing meters typically pulse counting or serial communications interface to relay information to a datalogger. (the flow meter counts gas flow and a pulse is generated for every Xmeters cubed) Determine the Gas consumed by a building, typically utility company enables, upgrades existing meter for remote monitoring. Light Light Dependent Resistor, Photodiode Determine light levels for both indoor and outdoor. Can be used as the metric for controlling indoor/ outdoor lighting. Humidity Capacitive, Resistive Can be used as a metric in Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning systems. Carbon Dioxide NDIR, Chemical CO2 can be used as indication for air quality and performance of HVAC systems (QOS) also can be used for determining occupancy and adjusting HVAC accordingly to number of people present. Occupancy Sensor Optical, Acoustical Can be used for determining on/off of lighting HVAC and appliances Water Acoustic / Flow Used to determine home consumption of water Table 3 Sensor Typical Values Property Temperature Current Voltage Electricity Meter Humidity CO2 Wind Type RTD (Piping) Thermocouple (piping) Digital (room air) Clamp/Coil Probe CT /Voltage Capacitive Electrochemical Paddle/Acoustic Light LDR Document version: 0.15 Range -200 – +500C -180-+5000C Accuracy +/- 0.15 +/- 1C -40-+125C 0 – 1000A 0 – XKV 0-XKW 0-100% RH 0-1500ppm 0-160MPH / 359 degrees 0 – 100Klux +/- 0.33 +/- 1.5% – 8% +/- 1% +/- 2% +/- 3% +/- 5% +/- 1m/s +/- 5degrees +/- 1% Page 15 of 122 0- Submission date: 28-03-2013 GreenCom D5.1 Analysis of Greencom TechnoogiesHome Appliance , Energy Generation and Storage Analysis review Report Gas Water Acoustic / Flow Acoustic / Paddle N/A N/A 1 pulse = Xm3 1 pulse = Xm3 Actuation / Switches This element of the HAN is carried out by dedicated switching elements within the network. The most basic form of control defined within the HAN is on/off functionality. This is incorporated into smart plugs, load controllers and lighting switches. The physical device may be mechanical or solid state actuators which sit inline with the live or neutral wire on the power supply to the device being controlled. The actuator is controlled via a voltage signal from an embedded microcontroller. Dimming controllers are also possible with embedded systems to set light levels between 0 – 100%. For complicated control strategies such as setting washing cycles on a washing machine, the functionality needs to be built into the appliance. Some white good systems may come with control interfaces such as KNX or Modbus. Hacking into existing systems to retro-fit this control may be possible but is expensive and time consuming and will void warranties. Control Platforms The control platform is the device connected to the system that is being monitored / controlled by the home automation network. This device may be wireless or wired but in the context of a home automation network it takes its control instructions from a remote central management unit. Control platforms can be generic wireless motes such as TelosB or Micas or can be dedicated HAN controllers embedded into devices in the home or add on modules such as smart plugs. Figure 3 Left Mica Mote, Right Smart Plug For the GreenCom project control platforms are not going to require a large amount of resources as they will only be required to have enough capability to run the wireless stack with a basic sense/ actuation application running on top. Low power operation for battery life will be required. Deliverable D5.2.1 (M8) will define the specifications for the home area control platform (HACP). Decision Hubs / Gateways Within the home automation network the decision hub is where automation and control decisions are made and commands are issued from, to the rest of the HAN. The decision HUB can run locally on a PC or device within the home or can be held remotely as a cloud based application. The gateway device is the device that acts as the medium between the deployed home automation technology and the decision hub. Gateways can be a PC or laptop, or some sort of embedded computer such as an ARM based fan-less computer. Using a PC or laptop may not be the most efficient method as these are typically expensive devices and need to be always on. The resources required by the gateway in terms of Document version: 0.15 Connectivity Processor power Page 16 of 122 Submission date: 28-03-2013 GreenCom D5.1 Analysis of Greencom TechnoogiesHome Appliance , Energy Generation and Storage Analysis review Report Memory Power consumed Storage Cost Depend on how the GW is going to be configured within the home automation network. In GreenCom and according to the requirements, the GW is going to be a device that sends data to and receives commands from a cloud based service. The GW will also have some limited control software running locally and a middleware platform (e.g. LinkSmart (M. Eishenhaur, 2009), as well as local storage for times when internet access may be down. In terms of connectivity the requirements are going to be internet connection (Wi-Fi, Ethernet, and GPRS). With the requirements to run middleware and control software locally this precludes low speed processors such as 8/16bit micros and will require a 32bit architecture with the ability to run some form of 32bit OS (Linux or windows) with a processor speed in the order of MHz-GHz. Similarly RAM requirements are going to be in the order of Mega to Giga bits. The amount of storage required for times without internet connectivity depend on user requirements for minimum downtime and average expected data in that time. Cost and power consumed should be kept as low as possible and the form factor of the device should also be un-obtrusive as this will be in people’s homes. Appendix A compares available embedded computers in this area. Deliverable D5.2.1 (M8) will define the specifications for the gateway. 5.2 HAN Implementations The HAN implementation models have several options, these are: Smart Meter Controlled Model Internal Controller model Gateway / External Controlled Model Figure 2 shows an overview picture of a HAN following a gateway external control model. The difference between this and the internal controller model is there is no backhaul network, and if it was smart meter controlled the meter would be the gateway with a backhaul connection to the service provider. Figure 4 HAN Overview With the smart meter controlled network the smart meter acts as the central hub for the deployed wireless system. The smart meter will have some sort of home area/automation network communications technology built-in such as a low powered RF connection or PLC. Devices deployed in the home will report back to the Document version: 0.15 Page 17 of 122 Submission date: 28-03-2013 GreenCom D5.1 Analysis of Greencom TechnoogiesHome Appliance , Energy Generation and Storage Analysis review Report smart meter and the meter acts as the data hub for the home sending the gathered data back to the utility provider via GSM or long distance GSM. Internal controlled HANs do not have an external connection to the outside world. An internal controller is used to control the automation network. Data can be viewed via an in home display (Dedicated console / PC) and control strategies and decisions are programmed / implemented through the same device. The gateway / external controlled model use a dedicated gateway device (embedded PC / laptop etc...) as the connection to the external world. The gateway also has a HAN communications interface to deployed devices. Data is reported to a web based service and rules / decisions can be fed to the HAN via the gateway device. Within the GreenCom project the model is primarily going to focus on external controlled approach. 5.3 Communications Protocols The communications medium between the different components of the HAN presents its own challenges to the development of a successful home automation strategy. A number of wireless and wired technologies exist that can be used for HAN systems. With regards to the home environment the two technologies that are most commonly used are RF communications and power-line communications thanks to the easily retro fitable nature of the technologies not requiring additional wiring or infrastructure. HAN RF Standards RF communications within a HAN are typically carried out over low power radio links. Typical RF requirements for HANs are low power, low data rate, networking support. Deliverable D5.2.1 (M8) will define the final protocol used within the HAN. This sections summarizes the main IEEE wireless sensor standards of interest 802.15.4 (low rate wireless networks) 802.15.4a 802.15.1 (Bluetooth) 802.11 (Wi-Fi) IEEE 802.15.4 802.15.4 (IEEE Standards Organisation 2006) specifies the physical and MAC layers for low data rate wireless personnel area networks. The 802.15.4 targets applications that focus on long lived deployments where applications may work off a battery based power supply for months if not years. Numerous specifications are based on this standard including ZigBee, 6LoWPAN, WirelessHart and MiWi. The 802.15.4 standard covers three frequency bands with a total of 27 channels. One channel is available at 868MHz, ten channels between 902 to 928MHz, with a 2MHz separation and 16 channels available between 2.4 – 2.485 GHz with a 5 MHz separation between channels. A maximum range of 100m is available, typically depending on power output. The 2.4GHz channels use a QPSK modulation with a maximum data rate of 250kbs. The 868/902 MHz channels have a data rate of 20Kbs\40Kbs and use a BPSK modulation scheme. 802.15.4 devices can be broken down into two networking categories these are Full Function Device (FFD) and Reduced Function Device (RFD). An FFD provides the full 802.15.4 set of MAC services. A mote set up as an FFD can act as a network coordinator and can communicate with any other mote directly on the network. An RFD has a reduced MAC service set with reduced memory and can only act as an end device on the network. The 802.15.4 standard supports two networking topologies these are a star topology and a peer – peer or mesh topology. With the star topology there is a central network coordinator mote through which all other motes will communicate. Peer to peer is a more flexible topology where motes on the network can communicate directly with each other creating a self-healing mesh network. The 802.15.4 MAC layer can operate in two modes: Non Beacon Enabled mode using un-slotted CSMA/CA (Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Contention Avoidance) or Beacon Enabled mode using Slotted CSMA/CA with or without Guaranteed Time Slots (GTSs). The latter case using un-slotted CSMA/CA operates as follows: each time a device needs to access the radio channel, it waits for a random back off period, at the end of which, it senses the channel. If the channel is found to be idle, then the device transmits the data; otherwise, it waits for another random period before trying to access the channel again. With beacon enabled mode the Document version: 0.15 Page 18 of 122 Submission date: 28-03-2013 GreenCom D5.1 Analysis of Greencom TechnoogiesHome Appliance , Energy Generation and Storage Analysis review Report network coordinator can assign guaranteed time slots to devices with specific bandwidth requirements. The network coordinator achieves this through the issuing of a super frame structure which is made up of three parts: 1) The inactive part 2) A contention access period (CAP) 3) A contention-free period (CFP) The inactive part is used for saving energy (nodes can switch off during this phase) or for exploiting multihops. During the CAP period CSMA/CD algorithm is used. This works the same as in the non-beacon enabled mode. The radio listens before it sends, if the radio is busy it backs off for a period of time(back-off period) aligned with the superframe slot boundaries of the coordinator; therefore, the beginning of the first back-off period of each node is aligned with the beginning of the beacon transmission. Moreover, all transmissions may start on the boundary of a back-off period. During the contention free period the coordinator can assign up to 7 guaranteed time slots for motes with specific bandwidth requirements. IEEE 802.15.4a This is a subset of the 802.15.4 (IEEE Standards Organisation 2007) standards which focuses on new physical layers for accurate ranging and location. This standard offers two different physical layers. One based on Impulse Radio Ultra Wideband (IR-UWB) and the other on chirp signals. The IR-UWB signal is based across three frequency bands. A sub 1GHz band centred on 499.2MHz a low band between 3-5GHz and a high band 6-10GHz. Table 4 below shows these channel assignments to these bands. Channel 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Table 4 UWB Channel Assignments Channel Centre Frequency Bandwidth 499.2 499.2 3494.4 499.2 3993.6 499.2 4492.8 499.2 3993.6 1331.2 6489.6 499.2 6988.8 499.2 6489.6 1081.6 7488.0 499.2 7987.2 499.2 8486.4 499.2 7987.2 499.2 8985.6 499.2 9484.8 499.2 9984.0 499.2 9484.8 1355 A device is not required to support all these channels but three mandatory channels should be supported; these are 0, 3 and 9. UWB as defined here uses an impulse based radio approach. Each symbol transmitted is associated with a sequence of pulses called bursts. Different rates can be obtained by varying the number of pulses in a burst. Data bits are mapped using a combination of Pulse Position Modulation (PPM) and Pulse Amplitude Modulation (PAM). Data rates of up to 27Mbs are achievable with this method. Chirp on the other hand works in the 2.4GHz band (for worldwide compatibly reasons). Some regions to this date have no provision for UWB, and due to its out of band transmission mechanism is banned. Chirp works on 124 channels with 5MHz spacing. The bit rate is limited to 1Mbs. The MAC layer of this standard is the same as 802.15.4 above but with one difference. Instead of CSMA/CD access method it uses an ALOHA strategy. This differed from CSMA\CD as it doesn’t listen before sending. If a collision occurs a resend is attempted at a later time. IEEE 802.15.1 The 802.15.1 (IEEE Standards Organisation 2003) system (forming the basis of the Bluetooth standard) was designed to act as a Wireless Personal Area Network (WPAN) with the aim of replacing wired devices Document version: 0.15 Page 19 of 122 Submission date: 28-03-2013 GreenCom D5.1 Analysis of Greencom TechnoogiesHome Appliance , Energy Generation and Storage Analysis review Report connected to a PC or mobile device. The operating characteristics of this standard are between the 802.11 standard and the 802.15.4 standard. 802.15.1 physically is characterized as an ad-hoc network with up to 8 devices connected with data rates of up to 1Mbs. Range is typically 10 meters or less with the option of going up to 100M for higher class devices. 802.15.1 devices are divided into three classes depending on their output power Class 1: maximum output power of 20 dBm Class 2: maximum output power of 4 dBm Class 3: maximum output power of 0 dBm Power control is mandatory for class 1 devices, and optional for others. Power control can effectively reduce the power consumption, which is critical for many portable devices. Power control can also minimize the interference to other devices. The power is controlled by Link Management Protocol (LMP) layer. 802.15.1 devices can create small pico and scatter nets where one device acts as the master and can communicate with up to 7 slave devices. Multiple piconets can combine into multihop scatternets. Communications on the piconet level is carried out over a single hop between master and slave. Slaves cannot communicate directly and 802.15.1 defines a Time Division Duplexing (TDD) scheme. Time is divided into slots of 625us. The master communicates with the slave on the odd numbered slots and slaves send their response on the even numbered slots. Each packet may consume 1, 3, or 5 slots. After each packet, the piconet hops to a different channel; the next channel's frequency is determined using a pseudo-random number generator. IEEE 802.11 IEEE 802.11 defines a set of standards for wireless local area network operating in the 2.4, 3.6 and 5GHz range. A device that can use the 802.11 standard (such as a personal computer, video game console, Smartphone, tablet, or digital audio player) can connect to a network resource such as the Internet via a wireless network Access Point (AP). Such an AP (or hotspot) has a range of about 20 meters indoors. Depending on the version 802.11 standard used, different bit rates are available. Table 5 802.11 Variant Characteristics Variant Data Rate Range Modulation a 54Mbit/s 30 meters OFDM b 11Mbit/s 30 meters DSSS g 54Mbit/s 30 meters OFDM/DSSS n 150Mbit/s 50 meters OFDM The frequency band used is divided into channels, with a total of 13 channels spaced 5 MHz apart. Availability of channels is allocated by country. 802.11 defines frame types for use in transmission of data as well as for management and control of the network links. All frames have a MAC header a Frame Check Sequence (FCS) and there is an optional payload. The first bytes on the MAC header are the frame type identifier specifying the form and function of the frame. For a full list of frames and message types reference (IEEE Standards Organisation 2011). Summary of Standards Table 6 below shows a comparison of the standards discussed. Standard Modulation 802.15.4 DSSSPSSSCSSQPSKDPSKGFSK-ASK PPM-PAM 802.15.4a Document version: 0.15 Table 6 Summary of Standards Frequency Power Data rate O/P (max) (max) 779-787 30dbm 250kbs MHz 868- (America) 915MHz / 20dbm 2.4GHz (Europe) See Table 1 N?A Page 20 of 122 27Mbs Topologies Application areas Star/Mesh Low power sensing and control across all areas Star/Mesh Location and tracking as well Submission date: 28-03-2013 GreenCom D5.1 Analysis of Greencom TechnoogiesHome Appliance , Energy Generation and Storage Analysis review Report 802.15.1 FHSSGFSK 2.4GHz 20dbm 3Mbs Piconet/adhoc 802.15.1-V4(BTLE) FHSSGFSK See Table 3 2.4GHz 5dbm 1Mbs Peer-peer / star 2.4-5GHz 30dbm See table 3 802.11 as data communications Media streaming / wireless peripherals / Automotive /medical applications Medical / active RFID Wireless Networking The most established standards to date are 802.15.1, 802.11 and 802.15.4. These standards are aimed at very different application areas. 802.11 is aimed at high speed data transfers such as media and internet streaming. 802.15.4 is at the other end of the spectrum aimed at low duty cycle low data rate applications such as sensors and remote monitoring. 802.15.1 is in between the two aiming at moderate data rates and power consumption in areas such as wireless peripheral connections. The emerging standards are trying to address new application areas, such as health and industrial monitoring and have yet to be established and widely adopted. 2.4GHz IEEE 802.15.4 Home Automation Protocols This section looks at a range of 2.4GHz communication protocols that are currently used within the home area environment that are based on the IEEE 802.15.4 standard. ZigBee (ZigBee Alliance, 2007) Freq ZigBee 868/915/2.4G Hz Topology Security Market Phy Mesh AES128 Home/Commercial/ Metering 802.15.4 Stack Size Up to 100K Range (LOS) 100M Uses the 802.15.4 standard as the basis for its PHY and MAC layers but adds additional capabilities. These are defined in various profiles, some of the profiles of interest to this study are ZigBee Pro (HA) Home Automation ZigBee Pro (SE) Smart Energy for commercial applications, Smart Metering ZigBee Pro (SE2) Amongst other things add TCP/IP connectivity with IPv6 Advantages / Disadvantages Free to use*, large presence in the current HA market place. Number of off the shelf systems available ranging from Transceivers to OEM - Smart Appliances. New profiles are helping to overcome interoperability issues. Higher power consumption compared to some other protocols, Can still have interoperability issues due to custom device creation, up to 120K stack. Market Presence Significant *Free to use for R&D purposes If developed into commercial product membership to the ZigBee Alliance is required Document version: 0.15 Page 21 of 122 Submission date: 28-03-2013 GreenCom D5.1 Analysis of Greencom TechnoogiesHome Appliance , Energy Generation and Storage Analysis review Report The ZigBee Alliance consists of a number of companies that develop and maintain the ZigBee Standard. The ZigBee protocol is based on the IEEE 802.15.4 standard. ZigBee is a low cost low duty cycle protocol that can be operated from battery power over a long period of time. ZigBee networks can consist of three different device types. ZigBee Coordinator: every ZigBee network requires a coordinator. This device has the responsibility of creating and managing the network. The coordinator stores information about the network grants access to the network and manages the security of the network. ZigBee Router: routers can act as an end device carrying out some application such as monitoring some parameter or actuation. They also act as intermediate devices passing on messages from other motes operating within the network. ZigBee End Device: these are the most basic motes of a ZigBee network. They have enough functionality to communicate with the coordinator mote and can run some applications as well. They cannot relay messages. The ZigBee Specification is broken down into two different implementations with different feature sets these are ZigBee and ZigBee PRO. ZigBee is typically used for smaller networks up to a couple of hundred of motes while ZigBee PRO adds additional features and allows extended networks up to thousands of motes. Table 7 below outlines the two specification features; ZigBee PRO is by far the more popular of two with developers. Table 7 ZigBee V ZigBee PRO PHY and MAC Routing Addressing Security ZigBee 802.15.4 AODV Tree AES-128 ZigBee PRO 802.15.4 AODV, many to one Stochastic Link Keys etc... One of the early issues with ZigBee was that while ZigBee was a standard this didn’t translate to interoperability between related ZigBee devices due to a closed proprietary command structure employed by various manufacturers. As a result one ZigBee device from one manufacturer was not guaranteed to work with a ZigBee device from another manufacturer. ZigBee has addressed this issue by creating a number of public application profiles. These profiles are: ZigBee Building automation (for commercial buildings) ZigBee Remote Control ZigBee Smart Energy (Metering, thermostats etc...) ZigBee Health Care (Health and fitness monitoring) ZigBee Home Automation (Smart homes) ZigBee Input device (touch pads etc...) ZigBee Light Link (LED Control) ZigBee Retail Services (Smart shopping) ZigBee Telecom Services (Value added services) The application profile allows WSN devices from multiple manufactures to operate together in the same network. The application profile provides a design framework for a specific market sector by defining a set of devices that can be used together within that particular market segment. Each device is in essence a software entity which encompasses a set of property and functions. An application profile will outline the definition for data supported and the operations that can be carried out by the application running on the device. These definitions are divided into attributes and clusters. Attributes: They make up the data entity itself such as temperature or power. Clusters: Combines related attributes with commands and is further split into two sections; these are Server and Client. Server clusters store the attributes then receives the commands to manipulate stored data. For example a command may be sent to query the data for temperature and the temperature then sent back. Client output clusters sends commands to server and can manipulate server attributes as well as receive server responses. Common clusters across all ZigBee profiles are put into the ZigBee cluster library; these include clusters for synchronization and time. Each application profile then has its own application specific cluster library and these are described under their relevant sections below. The profiles that relate to the subject matter being discussed here are ZigBee Home Automation and ZigBee Smart Energy. These will be discussed specifically in their associated sections. ZigBee is well supported by Document version: 0.15 Page 22 of 122 Submission date: 28-03-2013 GreenCom D5.1 Analysis of Greencom TechnoogiesHome Appliance , Energy Generation and Storage Analysis review Report a number of vendors, companies such as Texas Instruments, Digi, Ember and Freescale all support this protocol. The ZigBee model is shown below in Figure 5. Figure 5 ZigBee Model ZigBee Home Automation (ZigBee Alliance, 2010) ZigBee home automation is a profile for controlling and monitoring appliances within the home environment. The clusters attributes and devices defined reflect this. General Cluster Basic ID Alarm Time Commissioning Power Config HA Cluster Temperature measurement On/Off Level Control Thermostat Fan Control Metering Devices Actuators Dimming Switches Thermostats HVAC ZigBee HA profile is focused on networks from 2-500 motes with a sporadic operational profile with long periods of ideal time (devices sleep most of the time until a user interaction causes an event). ZigBee HA is created with non-technical end users in mind with the following goals Interoperability between all manufactures using ZigBee HA “Easy” set-up and maintenance of a HA network Easy retrofitting and installation ZigBee HA Commissioning ZigBee HA follows the standard network layout as defined in the ZigBee PRO and the 802.15.4 standard. Where there is one coordinator device that creates, maintains and controls the network. Numerous enddevices that can be bound to physical systems and parameters’ (temperature sensors, light switches etc...) and the network can be extended via router devices (which can also act as end devices). There are three commissioning modes for ZigBee HA networks, these are: A-Mode (automatic mode) where devices are commissioned automatically into the network with no user interaction E-Mode (easy mode) where devices are en-rolled into a network with minimum interaction (for example a button press or additional remote control) S-Mode (system mode) requires external tools to en-roll devices (more suitable for large commercial installations or where security is of higher priority) From the HAN perspective the commissioning needs to be self explanatory and user friendly for the technology to be utilized. In that situation A-mode and E-Mode are the preferred options. But care has to be taken that neighbouring HAN devices are not en-rolled into a network and vice-versa. Binding of devices also Document version: 0.15 Page 23 of 122 Submission date: 28-03-2013 GreenCom D5.1 Analysis of Greencom TechnoogiesHome Appliance , Energy Generation and Storage Analysis review Report needs to be taken into consideration for example binding and on/off switch to a light actuator, see the ZigBee HA documentation under section C2.1. OEM Devices While there is a significant range of ZigBee HA devices available off the shelf (OTS), there may be parameters to be monitored or controlled that is not covered by an OTS solution. In this case a custom solution may be required. There are a number of silicon providers that provide everything from ZigBee/802.15.4 compatible transceivers up to integrated solutions that combine the transceiver with an onboard MCU running the ZigBee Stack with HA profile. Some of these manufacturers include, Texas Instruments, Telegesis, Digi International and Amber. 6LoWPAN 6LoWPAN Freq 2.4GHz Topology Star/Mesh? Security AES128 Market R&D Phy 802.15.4 Range Linked to protocol Defined in IETF RFC4944 (The IETF Trust, 2007) This is unlike the other protocols in that 6LoWPAN is essentially an adaption layer between 802.15.4 and IPv6 packets. Therefore it is possible to have an implementation of 802.15.4 that can utilise TCP/IP and UDP in the transport network layers. To date there has not been much commercial up take with this technology with most of its use being in Universities and Research. But that is set to change with emerging application standards such as ZigBee SEP2.0 incorporating IPV6 addressing. Advantages / Disadvantages The use of IPV6 addressing allows the use of HTTP mechanisms for addressing motes allowing an internet of things approach to WSN development along with the use of JSON formatting and TCP UDP data transfer. Not a lot of penetration at the moment, still very much in the research domain and as such not entirely proven technology Market Presence A number of OEM manufactures are developing 6LoWPAN chipsets with in built wireless stacks, actual uptake to date from the commercial sector has been limited and is currently used in research. For future applications high potential. 6LoWPAN is an acronym for IPV6 over low power Wireless personnel area networks. 6LoWPAN is an IETF draft standard that defines how IPv6 frames can be carried over the 802.15.4 compatible radios. 6LoWPAN itself is not a wireless protocol but a header compression scheme for IPv6 addresses. Using 6LoWPAN data transfer mechanisms such as UDP and TCP-IP can be carried out on small resource constrained wireless sensor motes. 6LoWPAN is an adaptation layer that can be included into the traditional OSI model as shown below in Figure 6. Figure 6 6LoWPAN in OSI Document version: 0.15 Page 24 of 122 Submission date: 28-03-2013 GreenCom D5.1 Analysis of Greencom TechnoogiesHome Appliance , Energy Generation and Storage Analysis review Report Due to the addition of this extra layer, it allows 6LoWPAN to be used or integrated with existing protocols such as ZigBee. 6LoWPAN: JENNET-IP JenNet IP is a wireless protocol offered by NXP. It is an IP based protocol utilizing IPV6 over 6LoWPAN and also boasts a very small footprint (man 22K). It can form self healing mesh networks comprising up to 500 motes. It is focused on home and building automation and their integration into smart cities via an internet of things approach. All end devices are essentially owned by NXP limiting its scope. 6LoWPAN Standardization IETF The 6LoWPAN standards are maintaned and provided to the public free of charge by the IETF at the following address: http://datatracker.ietf.org/wg/6LoWPAN/ IPSO The IPSO acronym stands for IP for Smart Objects [10]. The IPSO Alliance is an open group of member companies that are working together to market and educate about using IP as the protocol for sensor and control networks (generically defined as "smart objects"). The Alliance is a global non-profit organization serving the various communities seeking to establish the Internet Protocol as the network for the connection of Smart Objects by providing coordinated marketing efforts available to the general public. Their purpose is to provide a foundation for industry growth through building stronger relationships, fostering awareness, providing education, promoting the industry, generating research, and creating a better understanding of IP and its role in connecting Smart Objects. The main goals of the IPSO Alliance are the following: Promote IP as the premier solution for access and communication for Smart Objects. Promote the use of IP in Smart Objects by developing and publishing white papers and case studies and providing updates on standards progress from associations like IETF among others and through other supporting marketing activities. Understand the industries and markets where Smart Objects can have an effective role in growth when connected using the Internet Protocol. Organize interoperability tests that will allow members and interested parties to show that products and services using IP for Smart Objects can work together and meet industry standards for communication. Support IETF and other standards development organizations in the development of standards for IP for Smart Objects. It should be noted that the objective of the Alliance is not to define technologies, but to document the use of IP-based technologies defined at the standard organizations such as IETF with focus on support by the Alliance of various use cases. The IPSO Alliance does not aim to define new protocols, as stated before. They will be working with International Standards Organizations such as the IETF, ISA, IEC and IEEE and will document and utilize the standards developed by them, such as IEEE 802.15.4 and 6LoWPAN. The use of IP in sensor and control networks and with Smart Objects will greatly simplify the development, deployment and maintenance of new applications, by providing a known programming and networking paradigm, a large number of existing protocols, existing tools both for development and for diagnostics. The IPSO alliance, based on these International standards, will provide use cases, tutorials, demonstrations promoting the use of these and other open standard protocols. Additionally many of the members of the Alliance participate in the IETF and other standards groups and will work within those groups to track standards efforts for IPSO member companies and to provide a voice from member companies to those standards efforts. Document version: 0.15 Page 25 of 122 Submission date: 28-03-2013 GreenCom D5.1 Analysis of Greencom TechnoogiesHome Appliance , Energy Generation and Storage Analysis review Report Mi-Wi MiWi Freq Topology Security Market Phy 2.4GHz / 868MHz Star/Mesh 128bit AES Process/Commercial/Home 802.15.4 Range (LOS) 100 A proprietary protocol developed by Microchip. The current version is MiWi 3.2 (Microchip Corporation, 2010) which has a smaller footprint than ZigBee. There are two versions MiWi P2P and MiWi Mesh. There is a beta release of MiWi 4.1 that adds amongst other things time synchronisation for improved power consumption and 64 hop capability. Advantages / Disadvantages Small stack, simplified networking layer. Proprietary / requires microchip processors / no market presence Market Presence Not clear, it does not look significant Mi-Wi is a proprietary offering from the vendor microchip, which aims to offer a less complicated wireless protocol stack than the more complex standards out there such as ZigBee. Mi-Wi like ZigBee utilizes the 802.15.4 physical and MAC layers and combines this with a much simpler networking layer to reduce the stack size. It supports both peer-to-peer and star topologies with no routing mechanism (the network is defined by the radio range). It uses all device classifications outlined in 802.15.4 (FFD and RFD). One major drawback with Mi-Wi outside of the proprietary nature of the protocol is that it is linked to microchip only MCU’s limiting the extent to which this can be deployed and utilized. Mi-Wi has not made any penetration into the smart appliance market and its future is uncertain. A3 A3 Freq Topology Security Market Phy 2.4GHz Star/Mesh AES128 Metering 802.15.4 Range (LOS) 100 A proprietary Mesh protocol from Spinwave that sits on 802.15.4. This uses 3 axis of agility (thus the name) to avoid interference, namely temporal, spatial and density. Temporal is dynamically selecting channels with the minimum of interference (not the same as FHSS) by monitoring all 16 channels and selecting the best 4. Spatial is similar to a cellular idea where the frequency footprint covers a specific predetermined area. Density is simply putting in additional routers in areas where data traffic is high. Other highlights are efficient mesh algorithms, special link test transmissions to determine optimum pathways This is a time synchronised system which means mesh networking is possible with long sleep times as all devices on the network are synched to wake at the same time. Advantages / Disadvantages Dynamic path adaptation as described above. Not a home automation technology primarily metering Market Presence More than 30,000 devices have been used by several hundred different customers in a wide variety of applications, including: Demand Response, Energy Efficiency, Data Centre Monitoring, Energy Use Monitoring, Food and Drug Temperature Monitoring, Energy Management, Soil and Crop Temperature Monitoring, Energy Auditing, Document version: 0.15 Page 26 of 122 Submission date: 28-03-2013 GreenCom D5.1 Analysis of Greencom TechnoogiesHome Appliance , Energy Generation and Storage Analysis review Report A3: wireless sensor network for harsh RF environments, integrates with virtually any building automation system or monitoring application through open protocols and direct I/O. Using a patent-pending frequencyhopping technology, A3 networks automatically adapt to interference for maximum reliability. A3 products include wireless pulse counters for sub-metering, temperature, humidity, and voltage sensors, along with a complete line of gateways for interfacing devices with virtually any open protocol automation system (BACnet, LON, Modbus). Bluetooth Bluetooth Freq Topology Security Market Phy 2.4GHz Piconet AES128 Home / Remote control 802.15.4 Range (LOS) 10 100M Bluetooth is based on the 802.15.1 transmission standard and comes as standard Bluetooth and Bluetooth low Energy (BTLE). BTLE hopes to compete with low power protocols such as ZigBee but the application space it wishes to compete in is uncertain although home automation looks likely Advantages / Disadvantages Compatible with standard Bluetooth which creates a wealth of devices that it is interoperable with. Not much penetration into HA Specifically Market Presence Millions of Bluetooth enabled devices such as phones, laptops and tablets, Penetration in the area of HAN specifically has been limited Based on the IEEE 802.15.1 standard, Bluetooth is a transmission standard for data communications over short distances. The Bluetooth special interest group manages the standard. Bluetooth is emerging in a number of application areas including automotive and medical systems. The main problem with the standard is the lack of a sleep mode. This means Bluetooth is not suitable for long term resource constrained applications. The SIG have developed an add on standard to address this known as Bluetooth low energy (BTLE). Bluetooth low energy is a competing protocol to existing technologies such as ZigBee where the aim is for low power low data rate communications. Bluetooth low energy achieves this not by changing the physical radio but by modifications to the existing Bluetooth protocol. A comparison of Bluetooth and BTLE is shown below in Table 8. Table 8 Comparing Bluetooth to Bluetooth low energy Specification Bluetooth BTLE Distance 100M 50M Latency 100ms 6ms Data rate 3Mbs 1Mbs Topology Scatternet Star-bus Peak current consumption 50mA 20mA BTLE is being touted as a solution for a number of application areas including healthcare (personnel area networks) security and home automation. That said, penetration into any of these areas is non-existent as at it stands. Document version: 0.15 Page 27 of 122 Submission date: 28-03-2013 GreenCom D5.1 Analysis of Greencom TechnoogiesHome Appliance , Energy Generation and Storage Analysis review Report 802.11 (Wi-Fi) 802.11b/g/n Freq 2.4GHz Topology Mesh Security Market Home/Commercial/Metering Phy 802.11 Range(LOS) 30M Within the 802.11 spec there is some latitude with regard to the implementation. WiFi as its traditionally known is optimised for data throughput. However it can be optimised for power consumption. Gainspan has developed a SoC with this low power optimisation which is used by a number of companies. One of the optimisations being the speeding up of the wakeup time. Advantages / Disadvantages The protocol is TCP/IP ready and can utilise existing 802.11 networks. Power hungry, not necessarily suited to low power operation. Large complicated stack. Market Presence 802.11 is being used and sold in the Market place today Aginova being one example. Wi-Fi is defined as any wireless local area network technology that is based on the 802.11 standards. The Wi-Fi alliance ensures product interoperability through an independent certification process which is one of the essential components for successful update of technology. Wi-Fi also has a wide array of existing compatible infrastructure and more and more residential habitats are using Wi-Fi for internet connection. WiFi typically has a high power requirement although low power versions from companies such as ST, are coming to the market but transmit and receive powers can still be several times higher than 802.15.4 equivalents, which makes Wi-Fi unsuitable for battery powered sensor motes. Wi-Fi is a potential option for connecting the HAN GW to the internet services, this approach requires a Wi-Fi internet connection to be available. Sub 1GHz Protocols EnOcean EnOcean Freq 315/868 Topology Star Security Proprietary Market Home/Commercial Phy ASK Developed by EnOcean GmbH, this protocol has been adopted by a large amount of companies within the EnOcean alliance that claims over 700 products produced by over 170 partners in the home and commercial building management market. This protocol has synergies with EIB/KNX, Lon, ModBus and TCP/IP. Advantages / Disadvantages Wireless platform that is optimised for self powering by energy harvesting, with better than average sleep current of less than 1uA. It is a proprietary protocol to develop with and use requires signing up to and paying the EnOcean Alliance. Technical issues also with reliability as well as the number of gateways required for large installations. Market Presence Appears to have been adopted by many system solution providers. EnOcean claim over to have installations in over 150,000 buildings. A report by Research and Markets in July 2008 forecast sales of $1.4B for 2013 (these figures seem optimistic). Wavenis, Z-Wave and ZigBee were seen as the main competitors. The EnOcean wireless standard was ratified as the international standard ISO/IEC 145433-10, EnOcean (Anders A, 2011) is a low power wireless technology which uses energy harvesting to create battery less wireless sensor nodes and networks. The technology operates in the 868MHz and 315MHz range and to date the main application is in building automation. EnOcean uses environmental differentials to generate power for the motes. The power sources can range from mechanical force (in their light switch motes) to indoor lighting. EnOcean runs at 315/868Mhz and uses a star topology with an ASK modulation pattern. Each data frame is kept small to 14bytes and only 1’s are sent over the air to further reduce energy usage. The EnOcean Document version: 0.15 Page 28 of 122 Submission date: 28-03-2013 GreenCom D5.1 Analysis of Greencom TechnoogiesHome Appliance , Energy Generation and Storage Analysis review Report wireless standard was ratified as the international standard ISO/IEC 14543-3-10 (ISO/IEC 14543-3-10, 2010). Z-Wave Z-Wave Freq Topology Security Market Phy 868 Mesh Proprietary Home/Commercial ASK Range (LOS) 100-200M Z-Wave alliance uses a proprietary protocol developed by Zensys. All Z-Wave devices are interoperable. Advantages Disadvantages Due to the proprietary nature of the protocol, interoperability is guaranteed between devices. Proprietary protocol requires licence fees to be paid to Z-Wave. Market Presence Significant Z-Wave (http://www.z-wavealliance.org/) is a wireless home protocol focused on the area of home automation. The Z-wave alliance is built around a proprietary wireless protocol developed by a Danish company Zensys. Within a Z-wave network you have two types of devices. These are controller devices and slaves. The controllers are responsible for network management, they can initiate transmissions, are aware of the network topology and control provisioning. There is one primary controller per network, which contains the routing table as well as the control of provisioning. The other controllers in the network derive their information from this controller. The slave devices can act as routers with a limited knowledge of the network but apart from that they cannot initiate transmissions and are purely reactive devices. The Z-wave protocol operates in the 868/900Mhz (European / American ISM band). The data rate is 40Kbs with an FSK modulation. The protocol supports acknowledgements and retransmissions with four frame types supported, these are: acknowledgements, broadcasts, unicast and multicast. A CSMA approach is used. A message is sent from the sender and it waits for an acknowledgement from the addressed device for a time period t. If no acknowledgement is received in this time period, a resend of the original message is carried out. The sending device will attempt this three times. If at the end of the third attempt there is still no acknowledgement received, the sending device will give up and report a message send failure to the master controller and the user. Z-wave supports mesh network and uses Dynamic Source Routing to as its routing algorithm. This is similar to the AODV approach used by ZigBee with the difference being that the source specifies the path taken by the data packet. Z-Wave mesh networks can begin with a single controllable device and a controller. Additional devices can be added at any time, as can multiple controllers, including traditional hand-held controllers, key-fob controllers, wall-switch controllers and PC applications designed for management and control of a Z-Wave network. Z-wave Network set-up and commissioning A device must be "included" to the Z-Wave network before it can be controlled via Z-Wave. This process (also known as "pairing" and "adding") is usually achieved by pressing a sequence of buttons on the controller and the device being added to the network. This sequence only needs to be performed once, after which the device is always recognized by the controller. Devices can be removed from the Z-Wave network by a similar process of button strokes. This inclusion process is repeated for each device in the system. Because the controller is learning the signal strength between the devices during the inclusion process, the devices themselves should be in their intended final location before they are added to the system. However, once a device has been introduced into a network, it can become troublesome to remove the unit without actually having the functional unit present. A number of Z-Wave users have complained that a Z-Wave controller can be functionally destroyed by the bulb that it controls blowing and any controlling units then report errors every time a command that would Document version: 0.15 Page 29 of 122 Submission date: 28-03-2013 GreenCom D5.1 Analysis of Greencom TechnoogiesHome Appliance , Energy Generation and Storage Analysis review Report affect that unit is sent, i.e., group commands / scene commands / all-on / all-off, etc. The only way to restore the service to a non-error reporting state is to factory reset all controllers and then relearn all Z-Wave devices. OEM Devices Where Z-wave differentiates from its closest RF rival ZigBee is that Z-wave is a proprietary protocol stack that requires developers to pay to develop applications. This proprietary nature also extends to the radio chipsets manufactured for Z-wave applications where there is ultimately a single chipset manufacturer (Sigma Designs), although recently Mitsumi have started developing Z-wave radios. Bare bone radio chipsets are sold in large quantities and developers than purchase system on chip solutions with embedded microcontrollers to develop their OEM applications which can limit flexibility in development. ONE-NET One-Net Freq 868 Topology Star / peerpeer/ multihop Security Market Home Phy FSK Range (LOS) 200 One-Net is an Open source protocol for home automation. Originally developed by Threshold in the US. It operates over 868 / 905Mhz and designed specifically for battery operated equipment. Claimed Selling Points Completely open source supported by a number of chip manufacturers Market Presence Non-existent, some Renaissance development kits never a likely competitor to ZigBee and Z-Wave for the home automation market used by hobbyists. ONE-NET (http://one-net.info/) is an open source protocol aimed at the home automation market and originally developed and released by Threshold in the United States. It is designed for low power low cost battery operated equipment within the home environment. It is compatible with a number of low cost wireless transceivers available from a number of manufactures (TI, FreeScale, Analog Devices). ONE-NET operates in the 868/915MHz frequency band and employs an FSK modulation scheme. ONE-NET features a dynamic data rate protocol with a base data rate of 38.4 kbit/s. The specification allows per-node dynamic data rate configuration for data rates up to 230 kbit/s ONE-NET does not support mesh topologies and instead focuses on peer-to-peer and star network topologies. ONE-NET uses Extended Tiny Encryption Algorithm for security. A ONE-NET network is centred around a master mote device. This mote is responsible for en-rolling new devices into the network handing out network Ids to new device and encryption keys. It also sets up peer-topeer communications by binding devices and can act as a router for messages. ONE-NET devices use a CSMA channel access mechanism with exponential back off to avoid collisions. Document version: 0.15 Page 30 of 122 Submission date: 28-03-2013 GreenCom D5.1 Analysis of Greencom TechnoogiesHome Appliance , Energy Generation and Storage Analysis review Report KNX-RF KNX-RF Freq Topology Security Market Phy 868 TBD None Home/ Metering/Commercial FSK Range (LOS) Not listed Developed by the KNX association that has over 200 members. KNX has wired and wireless (KNX-RF) versions. This is published as a standard via ISO/IEC/CENELEC/ANSI and should guarantee interoperability between manufacturers products. The radio technology itself appears to be unremarkable employing a Listen Before Talk system to avoid collisions. The protocol is energy efficient with modules quoting better than average sleep, average Rx and Tx current consumption. This protocol has synergies with Wireless MBus and other KNX standards (including IP). KNX-RF radio use “off the shelf” IC’s for the MCU and RF. Advantages / Disadvantages Better than average sleep current, and synergies with Wireless M-Bus and other KNX standards. Market Presence There is a presence in the market with two module manufacturers and a few system solution suppliers (including Siemens) marketing products. The market penetration is more towards large buildings but is moving towards home automation. KNX is a standardized network protocol for building automation. KNX defines several communications mediums, these are twisted pair, powerline, Radio, IR and Ethernet. KNX-RF communicated over 868MHz with an FSK modulation format, CSMA/CA is used at the MAC level. Developed by the KNX association that has over 200 members. KNX has wired and wireless (KNX-RF) versions. This is published as a standard via ISO/IEC/CENELEC/ANSI and should guarantee interoperability between manufacturers products. EverBlu EverBlu Freq Topology Security Market Phy 868 TBD None Home/ Metering/Commercial FSK Range (LOS) Not listed Used in AMR systems which boosts long range mesh capabilities. Combines mesh networking with a remote connectivity such as GPRS. Advantages / Disadvantages Long Range mesh network. Primarily a metering protocol Market presence Making some headway into the metering market 1 million devices world wide. EverBlu is an Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) system based on wireless mesh point-to-multipoint communication infrastructure. It is an ultra-low-power (bi-power), bi-frequency, long-range (300m), wireless mesh technology. The LAN layer of EverBlu is coming from the former Radian protocol [20], designed 10 years ago by a European user association (EDF, GDF, Severn Trent Water, Aquametro, Itron, Schlumberger, Sontex and Viterra). EverBlu endpoints can be read in dual mode either using EverBlu fixed network or walk-by collection system compatible with Radian protocol. Document version: 0.15 Page 31 of 122 Submission date: 28-03-2013 GreenCom D5.1 Analysis of Greencom TechnoogiesHome Appliance , Energy Generation and Storage Analysis review Report EverBlu is suitable for multi-energy applications involving water, gas electricity and heat metering. As it is a long-range mesh radio network, it is convenient for urban, suburban or rural environments. EverBlu endpoints can be read in dual mode either using EverBlu fixed network or walk-by collection system compatible with Radian protocol. About 1 million radio modules for water, gas and heat meters based on Radian protocol have been installed worldwide. These meters have been installed all around the world (except North America), with major installations in France, UK, Italy, Australia... EverBlu is a combination of a radio mesh network combined with a WAN communication infrastructure (e.g. GPRS). Using one gateway for up to 1200 endpoints limits the infrastructure investment and significantly reduces the operation costs related with communication fees over GPRS. Insteon Insteon Freq Topology Security Market Phy 904 / PLC MESH AES-128 Home/ Metering/Commercial QPSK Range (LOS) 150 Dual-band home automation / building control standard. Uses powerline communications at 131KHz for PLC and 904 for the RF. The system uses a hop count mesh networking approach and combines dedicated PLC motes / dedicated RF motes with hybrid modules to make the cross-over. Advantages / disadvantages Better reliability than RF / PLC alone and backward compatible with X10. Currently not available for European Market. Market Presence The current market penetration is relatively significant with a number of INSTEON device available mainly in the U.S. Insteon is a dual band powerline and RF home automation protocol which is based upon and compatible with X10 presented in section 0. Insteon RF operates at 904Mhz with an FSK modulation format and operates over PLC at 131KHz with a BSK modulation format. It can operate peer-to-peer, mesh and un-supervised networking modes. Unlike ZigBee and other 802.15.4 protocols, every device within an Insteon network are repeaters. There is no master controller or logging software for the Insteon network. Insteon devices can be power line only / RF only or RF-Power line dual devices. Insteon devices do not use routing tables, a simple hop count method is used to send messages through a network with a maximum number of hops of 3. Dash 7 DASH 7 Freq 433 Topology Star Security AES128 Market Commercial / Home / Metering Phy FSK/GFSK Range (LOS) 1-2KM Dash7 Alliance 50 members A system using the ISO/IEC 18000-7 standard for active RFID, maximum RF bit rate 200kb/s, 2 second worst case latency. IPv6 support, real time location within 4Meters, multihop. Location based services, ticketing, mobile advertising, building automation. Enjoys support from the big IC manufacturers Texas Instruments, ST Microelectronics, Melexis, Semtech and Analog Devices. Despite this there appear to be only 3 companies with certified Dash7 products according to the web-site. Advantages / Disadvantages Due to the use of 433MHz may give an advantage in buildings. Reports to have lower power requirements Document version: 0.15 Page 32 of 122 Submission date: 28-03-2013 GreenCom D5.1 Analysis of Greencom TechnoogiesHome Appliance , Energy Generation and Storage Analysis review Report compared to ZigBee. No real penetration in this area. Market Presence At the time of review none were found in the Commercial market arena. Dash 7 is a technology that has been born out of the Active RFID market. Initially as an attempt to unite differing Active RFID protocols behind one standard, it is now reaching into markets traditionally dominated by other WSN technologies. Dash 7 operates at 433MHz and therefore achieves long transmission range when compared to 802.15.4 2.4GHz based WSN systems and Dash markets itself from the point of view that not many repeaters are needed to from a network (reducing system costs.) Operating at 433MHz allows for low power draw and multi-year battery life is claimed. Mode 1 is the current existing system, but this only uses one cannel in the 433MHz band, is therefore prone to interference and cannot complete bi-directional communication between tags. Mode 2 is currently under development. It has an upgraded MAC and PHY, will allow for multiple channels and support tag to tag communication, thereby opening up BEM/HAN. It is also targeting IPv6 support and high data encryption, in this manner it also has the potential to support smart metering applications. Wireless MBUS Wireless MBUS Freq 868 Topology Mesh Security Proprietary Market Home/Commercial Phy ASK Range LOS 1-2Km Wireless M-BUS is an asynchronous protocol that provides group communication between components. It is a European standards for AMR applications and operates in the 868 MHz frequency but also 169MHz. Advantages / Disadvantages Based on internet technologies completely standardized enabling interoperability. AMR applications targeted. Market Presence Significant in AMR companies such as ITRON / ELESTER embracing this as an option for their meters. Message Bus (Mbus) is an asynchronous, message-oriented coordination protocol that is based on Internet technologies and provides group communication between application components. Wireless M-Bus is a new European standard for remote reading of consumption meters (water, gas electricity and heat) as well as for various sensors and actuators. With its standardization for remote readout of meters this technology is of great importance for the energy industry as relevant users. The standardization of the Wireless M-bus results in further technical possibilities. In particular devices of different manufacturers can be operated on the same technology; the users are free therefore in the choice of the manufacturer. On the other hand, a stimulation of the market can be expected, also regarding other M-bus based counters, so that with the very variable configuration options even difficult problems can be solved. Document version: 0.15 Page 33 of 122 Submission date: 28-03-2013 GreenCom D5.1 Analysis of Greencom TechnoogiesHome Appliance , Energy Generation and Storage Analysis review Report Wireless M-Bus is a technology based on the EN standard (EN13757-4:2005). It operates in the ISM 868MHz band in point-to-point mode, with single-channel operation and a basic FSK modulation scheme. One channel is dedicated to the downlink (master-to-slave) and another is dedicated to the uplink (slave-tomaster). Two different data rates of 100kcps or 32kcps have been setup, depending on channel operation and operating modes: T1 (1-way communications, T2 (2-way communications), S (full time reception). Wireless M-Bus does not feature spread spectrum techniques (no robustness against interferers and low capability of coexistence), without wireless relay (range extender), and in addition, neither self-configuring nor self-healing for smart, flexible, reliable and efficient management over many years operation, such as that required for covering entire cities. Wired Technologies Powerline Communications (Versus Wireless) PLC communications uses the power wiring of the house to transport data from distributed devices plugged into the home power network. PLC communications at an initial glance looks quite attractive. No extra wiring is required, most homes have a number of access points via wall sockets and high speeds can be achieved for data transfer. PLC is generally not considered the best medium for carrying data generally as PLC was never specifically designed for data transfer mechanisms. Problems with PLC include noise on the line, impedance issues with the line leading to attenuation, issues with surge protectors blocking signals and the impact of house hold appliances can all effect network performance. Also “signal leak” can also be a problem where the signal travels outside the area of use and impacts on neighbouring power networks (Yousuf M, 2007), (Chunduru, V , 2006). From the perspective of wired versus wireless systems for this project PLC technology is not recommended. While wireless also has its limitations including interference issues and reliability these issues are easier to surmount if they arise in a field deployment. For example if its discovered that the protocol in question is suffering due to interference from a local source solutions to overcome this can involve simply adding more wireless repeaters or changing the communications frequency or channel. If issues arise during a PLC installation, the fact of being tied to the local houses power supply will restrict work around solutions. Adding more repeater devices is not practical (especially if the issue is linked to impedance of power lines) and changing frequency is not an option. With that in mind there is a brief overview of some wired protocols below and hybrid protocols have been included under the RF section (Insteon, RF-KNX) to give an overview of how these technologies work and that they are a possibility for the HAN application area. X10 X10 uses power line wiring as its primary communications mechanism. But a wireless radio based transport protocol is also defined. X10 was the first general purpose protocol for home automation developed. X10 can integrate with the wiring configuration within a home and send digital signals along this. Information is encoded in a 120KHz carrier and data is sent in bursts during Zero crossings of the AC power waveform. One bit is transmitted at each Zero crossing. Data packets are sent as an address and a command from a central controller to a controlled device. Power transformers and multiphase systems act as blocking components to the digital signal and need to be bridged using passive capacitors or X10 repeaters. Inductive filters are used to block X10 signals from leaving the home and contaminating neighbouring X10 systems that may be deployed. The protocol consists of a 4-bit local code a 4-bit device code and 4-bit command. When the network is being set-up each device is required to have the same local code each device needs to be assigned an individual address (0-256). The X10 radio protocol uses 433MHz and transmits packages in a similar manner to the line communications. The radio protocol exists to interface X10 with systems such as alarms and lighting and X10 controllers (human interface). X10 Limitations X10 hardware use solid state switches which can pass very small amounts of leakage current. This can cause flicker issues with fluorescent bulbs and not all devices (especially low power devices < 50W) can operate correctly with a solid state interface. Document version: 0.15 Page 34 of 122 Submission date: 28-03-2013 GreenCom D5.1 Analysis of Greencom TechnoogiesHome Appliance , Energy Generation and Storage Analysis review Report X10 has received numerous complaints over the years due to low impedance shorts caused by large loads (ovens, microwaves) as well as power supplies in computers. This low impedance shorts pass X10 signals from live to neutral effectively killing all communications within the circuit. Spurious on/off commands can also be issued via nearby wireless systems (television, mobile phones) and as a result the impact and quality of service is affected. Further issues are to do with the speed of data transmission due to the nature of zero crossing communications. Also messages get lost through collisions and interference and there is no security implement within X10. LonWorks Lonworks introduced by Echelon Co. in the mid-nineties, is a general-purpose and peer-to-peer control network that is widely deployed in intelligent building and industrial supervision, mainly supporting a range of communication media including twisted pair, coaxial cable, fibre, Infrared/ (RF) and P. The core technology of Lonworks is the Neuron chip that encapsulates three microcontrollers dealing with the embedded LonTalk protocol, each of the three microcontrollers takes responsibility for functions within the OSI model. Normally, each control point called node in Lonworks-based networks consists of a sensor/actuator, Neuron chip with a unique 48-bit ID as well as a transceiver attached to the physical medium. With a 3-layer addressing pattern (domain, subnet and node) and programmable nodes. The technology has enjoyed remarkable take up within the manufacturing and commercial sector the cost of the technology has acted as a barrier to its implementation within the home environment. BacNet (ISO/IEC 14908-1:2012) is a competing protocol to LonWorks and while BacNEt can be used in the home it is more likely to be found in larger commercial buildings. HomePlug (Homeplug Alliance,2010) Home plug is standardized under the IEEE 1901 (IEEE 1901, 2010) for high speed communications over powerline. Homeplug attempts to overcome the issues of attenuation and noise by employing an OFDM modulation scheme as well as adaptive bit loading. Adaptive bit loading enables each subcarrier to be modulated in order to achieve the highest possible data rate that can be supported by the carrier’s channel Adaptive bit loading enables every subcarrier in the OFDM signal to carry as much data as possible for the given line conditions. The drawback to adaptive bit loading requires that the transmitter knows what the signal strength is prior to sending the data packet. This is achieved by sending sounding packets periodically to enable transmitters to build up a knowledge of the expected carrier signal strengths, these are known as tone maps. The tone map describes the signal strength for each carrier with the OFDM signal (1155 in total). Each Homeplug device needs to maintain a tone map for every other device in the network with a total number of tone-maps – N-1. This adds an extra layer of complexity to the devices but speeds of up to 200Mbs are achievable within this approach. Homeplug uses CSMA as its channel access scheme with support for TDMA as well. The network is controlled by a central co-ordinator that periodically sends synchronization packets to ensure each device is synched to the AC line. Home plug Green is intended for the application area of smart grids including: Monitor and control devices via low speed, low cost powerline communications; Smart Energy: demand response, load control, energy efficiency; Home/Building Automation. The speed and complexity of HomePlug AV is not required for smart grid applications where typically only small data packets will be transferred between devices. HomePlug Green modifies the original Homeplug AV standard (while still ensuring interoperability) to something more suitable for the Smart grid environment. The main difference between HomePlug and HomePlug Green is the peak data rate is vastly reduced for the smart grid application. This is due to the fact that such high data rates are not required for Smart Grid / Home Automation applications. The data rate for HomePlug green is 10Mbps. HomePlug Green also does not employ adaptive bit loading and does not support TDMA in its MAC layer further reducing the complexity of the devices. Home plug is generally considered more reliable than the earlier X10 but can suffer the problems associated with PLC as outlined above. Document version: 0.15 Page 35 of 122 Submission date: 28-03-2013 GreenCom 5.4 D5.1 Analysis of Greencom TechnoogiesHome Appliance , Energy Generation and Storage Analysis review Report Smart Appliances A Smart Appliance is any device that is electrically powered and has the ability to receive / send and react to messages from a third party source and adapt its behaviour in accordance with commands sent. Appliances can be inherently smart (i.e. the communications and intelligence can be built into them such as smart washing machines / dishwasher) or can be made smart with the addition of external components such as smart plugs load controllers and switches. External Components There are a number of retrofittable wireless home automation devices commercially available. The main technologies available are ZigBee (HA/SE) Z-Wave EnOcean Insteon (not suitable for European market at this time) Table 9 below gives an overview of the devices available and estimated cost range. Table 9 List of device types and protocols supported Device Function Plug Actuators On/OFF Metering Thermostat Temperature measurement Control Metering On/Off Load Control Actuators HVAC Light Control Dimming,Switches Level Control / On/off Temperature / Humidity Temperature measurements / Humidity Measurements Measures domestic light levels Light Sensors PIR Measures motion Radiator Control Valves Controls flow to a radiator Monitors consumption to the entire house Electric Metering Protocols Supported ZigBee / Z-wave /Insteon / EnOcean / Wi-fi Zigee / Z-Wave /Insteon / Wifi Costs € ZigBee / Z-wave / EnOcean / Insteon ZigBee / Z-wave / EnOcean / Insteon /Wi-fi ZigBee / Z-wave / EnOcean / Insteon /Wi-fi ZigBee / Z-wave / EnOcean / Insteon /Wi-fi ZigBee / Z-wave / EnOcean / Insteon /Wi-fi Z-Wave / ZigBee 150 - 250 ZigBee / Z-wave / EnOcean / Insteon /Wi-fi 100-300 60 - 130 200 - 500 50 - 200 50 - 150 30 - 60 30 - 60 150 – 200 The next section will compare these devices with comparisons from different manufacturers. The list is not exhaustive as the protocols listed (ZigBee, Z-Wave, EnOcean) have a large number of suppliers for most device types and below is to give an indication of what is available and compare costs and specifications (where information is available). Insteon has been excluded as the frequency of operation currently clashes with GSM in the European market. Document version: 0.15 Page 36 of 122 Submission date: 28-03-2013 GreenCom D5.1 Analysis of Greencom TechnoogiesHome Appliance , Energy Generation and Storage Analysis review Report Smart Meters Finding the electricity / gas / water consumption of an entire home requires the use of metering devices such as electric meters on the main inlets into the home. These devices monitor and report on the total consumption of the home load. Smart meters can be purchased from companies such as Elster and Itron that have wireless technology embedded or existing meters can be modified with add on modules that can monitor the meter outputs and report this wireless via some sort of protocol. Table 10 Smart Meters Company Protocol Cost (approx) [€] Info Range / Accuracy (Typical across devices) Smartenit Zigbee HA/SE €150 Add on module for electric meters +/-2% Kampstrump Z-wave €189 Electric meter +/-2% Wi-CT EnOcean €120 Current Clamp +/-2% Plug Actuators These devices are wireless plug actuators where the device to be controlled is plugged into the plug actuator and the actuator then plugged into the wall. These device generally offer metering and remote on/off capabilities. Figure 7 Smart Plug ZigBee HA from HAI These plug actuator devices are available across a range of protocols and can generally act as routing devices as well for the wireless networks they support. They typically operate on 110V – 350VAC with a maximum load rating of anything between 3 – 18 Amps. Table Table 11 below gives an indication of what is available, what protocols are supported and rough guide to costing (it is not a complete list but more indicative of what is out there). Company Document version: 0.15 Protocol Table 11 Plug device overview Cost (approx) [€] Info Page 37 of 122 Range / Accuracy (Typical across devices) Submission date: 28-03-2013 GreenCom D5.1 Analysis of Greencom TechnoogiesHome Appliance , Energy Generation and Storage Analysis review Report Plogg ZigBee Pro Smartinet ZBMPlug15 ZigBee HA 50-65 per plug Ploggs aren’t ZigBee HA Other two are. Up to 15A Dimmer Versions also available Up to 12A En-Ocean plug devices Up to 13A HAI Duwi Z-Wave 45-70 Merten Seemless sensing En-Ocean 50-100 Ecologix Maintrionic 1 – 3.6KW with accuracy of 12% 1 – 2.8KW accuracy of 12% 1-3.6KW (no accuracy quoted) Thermostat Figure 8 ZigBee HA Thermostat The thermostat is used to monitor temperature in a zone or room and maintain a set temperature. The thermostat will send commands to switch on and off the heating to achieve this. The wireless thermostats also come with a range of protocol options. They are generally compatible with a range of HVAC systems offering services such as Graphical LCD Heating and cooling setpoint display System mode (Off, Auto, Heat, Cool) Fan mode display and control (Auto, High, Med, Low) On-screen setup of HVAC type, fan type, changeover type for HP systems, F/C mode and sensor calibration Temperature Humidity (in some models) Table 12 Thermostat device overview Company Protocol Cost (approx) [€] Info Range / Accuracy HAI (OMNISTAT) ZigBee HA 250-400 Can also act as network coordinators as well as connected to a PC No details on range or accuracy RCS Thermostats Z-Wave 150-400 -9 to +127 IllUMRA En-Ocean Not available 0 – 40C Ecobee 0.4C Document version: 0.15 Page 38 of 122 Submission date: 28-03-2013 GreenCom D5.1 Analysis of Greencom TechnoogiesHome Appliance , Energy Generation and Storage Analysis review Report Load Control Actuators These devices can be used to monitor and control electrical loads that may either have a higher power rating than the plug actuators can handle or do not have a suitable plug interface. They are wired in line with the electrical device to be monitored and controlled and are typically available from the more home automation specific protocols (ZigBee, Z-wave, Insteon). They operate in the 110-350VAC range with loads up to 60 amps. Figure 9 Load Control Actuator Z-wave Table 13 Load Control Actuators Comparisons Company Protocol Cost (approx) [€] Range / Accuracy HAI ZigBee HA 100-200 Up to 30Amp loads Z-wave 50-150 Up to 10Amps Smartinit Computime Aeonlabs Zwaeomes Light Control Dimming Switch Dimmer switches control light levels and can adjust levels between fully on (100% ) and off (0%).These levels can be adjusted based on ambient light or timing. They can be manually controlled at the physical device or controlled remotely via the wireless network. They integrate into lighting systems the same way as traditional dimming switches. Table 14 Dimmer Switch Analysis Cost (approx) [€] Company Protocol Centralite ZigBee HA 100-150 Z-wave 70 -100 EnOcean 80-120 Info Smart Enit LG Electronics GE 40506 Leviathon Duwi Illumra E3XD01FPleviathon WSD0101 Self Powerd Temperature / Humidity Document version: 0.15 Page 39 of 122 Submission date: 28-03-2013 GreenCom D5.1 Analysis of Greencom TechnoogiesHome Appliance , Energy Generation and Storage Analysis review Report These sensors can be used to monitor indoor conditions and these values can be used to feed back to control strategies for heating and ventilation. These sensors can be integrated with the thermostats or purchased as stand-alone devices. Ranges from 0 -100% relative humidity. Table 15 Temperature / Humidity Sensor comparisons Company Protocol Cost (approx) [€] Range Accuracy Smartinet ZBHT ZigBee HA 50 -10 to + 50C +/- 0.5 10-90% RH NETVOX-Z712 (outdoor temperature sensor) ZigBee HA RCS TS3 Z-Wave 80 -20 to +60C +/- 0.5 10 – 90% RH 40 -9 to +125C +/- 0.5C 10 – 90% RH Everyspring ST814 Z-wave 60 -4 to +122 +/- 0.5C 10-90% RH EnOcean STM-330 EnOcean 45 -20 to +60 +/- 0.5C (solar powered sensor) EnOcean HSM 300 EnOcean 50 0 -100% RH Light Sensors Light sensors for feedback for lighting control systems can send automatic messages in some cases to paired light switches to turn on / off or adjust dimming based light switches. Table 16 Light Sensor Comparisons Company / part Protocol Cost (approx) [€] Info Develeco ZigBee HA 100-150 12 meter range integrated light sensor to 1Klux Z-wave 50-120 12 meter range integrated light sensor to 1Klux EnOcean 100-150 1Klux HAI Aeon Labs EZMotion Home Seer Leviathon WSCPW PIR Motion sensing can be used for alarm systems as well as occupancy. Motion sensing can be used as a control metric for all systems within the home environment. For example if no one is sensed to be home shit down commands to all non essential equipment can be sent. Table 17 Occupancy Sensor Comparisons Company / part Protocol Cost (approx) [€] Info Develeco ZigBee HA 100-150 12 meter range integrated light sensor to 1Klux Document version: 0.15 Page 40 of 122 Submission date: 28-03-2013 GreenCom D5.1 Analysis of Greencom TechnoogiesHome Appliance , Energy Generation and Storage Analysis review Report Everspring / HSP02 Z-wave 53 PIR Detector 12 meter detection range Illumra E3T-M04-SB24 EnOcean 120 Up to 12 meter range / self powered Radiator valves Figure 10 Danfoss Radiator Valve Radiator valves can be used to control and adjust radiator heating by increasing or decreasing the water flow to them. The temperature readings can be down by the valve or by a remote thermostat / temperature sensor. Company Protocol Cost (approx) [€] Info Adhoco. V1-HA ZigBee HA 150 Controls flow through the valve based on remote thermostat information Danfoss Z-wave 70 Same as above SAB02 ENOCEAN 140 Same as above (315Mhz) Spartan ME8330 Smart Appliances (White Goods) A number of companies are looking into smart appliances as a new product line these companies include GE Appliances 4LG Electronics Samsung Electronics Whirlpool Miele GE Appliances have been one of the first on the market to introduce a new range of networkable smart appliances. GE have entered the market place with their GE Brillion range of smart devices. The devices currently being tested include a Brillion smart sensor suite for the home Brillion smart plugs and Brillion thermostats. A GE Brillion enabled hybrid water heater is also available. The GE Nucleus home energy Hub (Summary and Analysis of existing platforms for more details) is the central brains behind the GE Brillion technology and is specified as being Wi-Fi and ZigBee SEP 1.0 Certified. 4LG Electronics are currently planning to release a range of smart appliance technologies that will be “smart grid ready” in the next couple of years. At CES 2012 LG debuted their new Wi-Fi/NFC smart diagnosis technology. This technology is being incorporated into an oven and washing machine. The technologies are Document version: 0.15 Page 41 of 122 Submission date: 28-03-2013 GreenCom D5.1 Analysis of Greencom TechnoogiesHome Appliance , Energy Generation and Storage Analysis review Report all communicated through smart app either on a TV or phone, and in terms of the smart washing machine load distribution is touted as one of its functions (Delay washing at peak electrical times). Samsung have entered the home automation market with a number of offerings embracing Wi-Fi technologies. Commercially available the Samsung M-Fi Dryer / Washer comes with Wi-Fi technology to allow control and monitoring of your washing machine via internet enabled devices such as tables smart phones and PC’s. The functionality of the machine centers around notifications when laundry is finished and allows for setting and starting of new loads. It is currently priced at 1700 dollars. Samsung also offer a range of Wi-Fi enabled refrigerators these offer nothing in the way of remote controlling or monitoring but allow access of the fridge to the internet with Apps running locally on the fridge (web browser , recipe books etc…) Miele have released a remote vision wireless module for its range of white goods. The remote vision technology connects to the users Wi-Fi and sends back failure and service alarms to monitoring company for early fault detection and solving. Whirlpool have committed to making their new appliances smart by 2015 and interoperable with smartgrid infrastructure. Technologies they are looking at include ZigBee SE and Wi-Fi, further details at this time are not available. Other white good manufactures such as Bosch have stated at CES 2012 that they will remain absent from the smart appliance area until key issues with the technologies are overcome. The main challenge cited was in the area of standardization and interoperability where the technology to be used going forward is still not clear. Based on the limited information available from trade shows such as CES the majority of white good manufacturers are poised to enter the smart appliance market to some extent or other especially with regards to “smart grid” ready devices. The technologies they plan to use are still unclear and this is primarily due to the lack of regulation and standardization across this area. Early offerings are looking at a number of technologies with Wi-Fi and ZigBee the two technologies that are getting the most references. Smart Metering Technologies Two of the major metering manufacturers in Europe are ITRON and ELSTER. Both companies have been engaged in research projects to develop the next generation of smart meters for use in residential AMR applications. They both produce meters for a range of applications (water, gas and electricity). Itron have had a number of metering devices through ZigBee Certification (http://www.ZigBee.org/Products/ByStandard/ZigBeeSmartEnergy.aspx) for the ZigBee SEP 1.0 Profile. These devices include ZigBee electric meters, ZigBee Gas meters as well as ZigBee gateways and add on modules with ZigBee communications interfaces. Itron also have integrated a number of other wireless technologies into their products offering, these include GPRS solutions for AMR with their Centron and Sentinel smart metering offerings. These meters (Gas and water specifically) typically run off battery and to extend battery life, transmission frequencies of once or twice a day are allowed. Elster are also looking into ZigBee technologies in conjunction with Freescale semiconductor who they have entered into partnership with. Elster have produced the REX2 electric meter with ZigBee interface and also offer up a V200 water meter with ZigBee interface as well as currently working on a ZigBee gas meter through the ME3gas Artemis funded project. Elster have also produced GSM /GPRS metering systems such as DM600 metering system that connects to existing meters through a number of interfaces and transfers date over GSM/GPRS. Elster have also produced the AS300 electricity meter and BK-G4 gas meters. These meters are compatible with a number of communication technologies including ZigBee, Wavenis, PLC, MBus and GSM/GPRS. Alcara, based in the US, has developed RF based AMR solutions known as the Star Network. This system uses licensed radio bands to transmit over long distances for remote measurement. The system is an add module for IR or pulse output meters where the signals are captured and transferred wirelessly to a central station. The frequency of operation is 450-470MHz and a backhaul network of Wi-Fi or Ethernet is used in conjunction with this. This system is deployed in North America. Other companies such as Badger meter and Omron all offer a range of wireless technologies for smart metering again with a range of wireless interfaces, (Wi-Fi, Proprietary, ZigBee etc...). As with the Smart Document version: 0.15 Page 42 of 122 Submission date: 28-03-2013 GreenCom D5.1 Analysis of Greencom TechnoogiesHome Appliance , Energy Generation and Storage Analysis review Report Appliances companies are still developing or waiting on standardized technologies before any concentrated plan or technology is put forward. In 2009 the European commission tasked the standardization bodies to develop standards for Automated Metering Reading (AMR) mandate 441. CEN, CENELEC and ETSI in conjunction with meter manufacturers have started the process of standardization with initial guideline released in 2011. A number of standards have outlined protocols and communication interfaces with no wide spread adoption to date of any particular technology. Home Energy Hubs and Platforms This section of the report compares the commercially available home energy hubs and platforms outlining a brief description of the device what technologies they have employed and what their market penetration currently looks like. The purpose of which is to create a table outline where the current market is heading with regards to wireless technology for energy management. Table 18 Overview of energy hubs and platforms (See Appendix B for full description of each technology) Company / Platform Name Description Standards / Specifications GE Appliances Nucleus The Nucleus can be integrated with smart meters and act as a home energy monitor. It can store house data and estimate pricing for up to three years Its display, monitoring, control, and network products include Energize, an energy application suite for home energy management; Insight in-home display; SetPoint smart thermostat; Volt smart outlet; LCS load control switch; Transport IP gateway; Relay; and Translate, a device for connection to automatic meter reading networks This product enables IP communications for all wireless meters, submeters and home automation devices and in addition seamlessly integrates M-Bus and Wireless M-Bus devices into IP. NanoStack™ 2.0 is integrated into electric meters, sub-meters and home automation devices, providing an all-IP network using inexpensive radio chips, yet allowing for reliable mesh networking. Two Product lines A3 (See 2.4Ghz protocols) and EM. EM: wireless sensor and control solution for energy management and demand response. The BMS interface is used to interface the wireless mesh network to Building Management Systems, PLCs, and monitoring applications. Sensor data (e.g. temperature, relative humidity, contact closures, voltage, current, meter pulses) is transmitted wirelessly to the receiver radio and Wi-Fi 802.15.4 ZigBee 1.0 Tendril Networks Inc Sensinode Spinwave Systems Document version: 0.15 Page 43 of 122 802.15.4 ZigBee 1.0 6LoWPAN Coap Wireless BUS 802.15.4 Bacnet Lonworks Modbus SEP Market Penetration / Usage / Other information Connected to GE Brillion devices market uptake yet to be defined SEP 50 Smart energy projects around the world M- Mainly development platform used to promote their software More than 30,000 devices have been used by several hundred different customers in a wide variety of applications Submission date: 28-03-2013 GreenCom D5.1 Analysis of Greencom TechnoogiesHome Appliance , Energy Generation and Storage Analysis review Report mapped to protocol objects by the gateway. Digi International 4Noks S.R.L. Pikkerton GmbH Telegesis Energate INC Smartenit(formerly SimpleHomeNet) Document version: 0.15 The ConnectPort X2 Gateway for Smart Energy provides a low-cost connection between a Home Automation Network (HAN) and remote web applications or utility hosted websites designed for customer engagement. Intended to share the connection of a homeowner's broadband Internet router, the gateway provides near real-time energy data access and control capabilities based on the Smart Energy devices. 4Noks supplies devices and GW with an open API to Integrators. They offer an appliance control system called ‘Intelligreen’ (similar to Plugwise). BEM/HAN solutions are supported through intelligreen & their Industrial routers and Modbus bridge. The easy programmable ZigBeeGateway ZBG-100 consists of a GHz class ARM-based CPU with strong peripheral components like Gigabit Ethernet, one SD-Card slot for data logs or applications and a 2.4 GHz ZigBee coordinator module. The Linux environment ensures stable network services as well as easy application and interface programming. Services like SNMP, SMTP, HTTP, etc. are easy to integrate. The ETRX2 EAP Ethernet Access point is a “gateway” allowing access to ETRX2 mesh networking modules via an industry standard Ethernet IP Network. Once the IP address of the EAP has been established and Firewall access set, the EAP can be accessed from anywhere in the world. Applications: Remote Diagnostics and upgrades, networked monitoring and remote control, remote data acquisition – e.g. temperature monitoring, bridging between Ethernet and ZigBee. ZigBee SEP UDP / TCP Sales: $190.6M (60% of sales in US). Locations in United States, Germany, Spain, UK, India, Singapore, China ZigBee Modbus-RTU OEM alliance with EasyIO, a large Singaporean corporation specializing in M2M and Building automation. ZigBee Provides GW/s and ZigBee OEM modules for development in a number of products The Foundation Smart Thermostat and Home Energy Gateway allow utilities to drive home energy management from the pilot stage to widespread deployment. Smartenit’s load control devices measure power consumption and are aware of prices from the utility. This ZigBee At trial stages ZigBee HA ZigBee SE Home automation and energy management mobile application: 500- Page 44 of 122 ZigBee Submission date: 28-03-2013 GreenCom D5.1 Analysis of Greencom TechnoogiesHome Appliance , Energy Generation and Storage Analysis review Report allows the consumer to initiate a power-down of their appliances based upon certain price points, usage, time or in response to a demand response event from the utility. Smartenit is the first to offer a smart energy multiple-relay load controller as a solution to control dual-speed appliances such as pool pumps. EcoBee Hai Control4 Intelligent SmartEnvironments Alert Me TED Document version: 0.15 Ecobee, a Canadian company, have developed a LCD ZigBee Pro SE and HA smart thermostat. The device includes advanced, clearly presented information to allow a user to monitor and control their environment. Ecobee also provide a Web based Energy Management interface as well as an iPhone app in order for a user to monitor and control energy usage. Add-ons also available (i.e. smart plugs, remote sensor module). Support with regards to APIs is unknown HAI (Home Automation Incorporated) are a US based company who have been working in the home demotic environment for several years. They offer ZigBee Pro SE certified devices. The Hardwired Load Control Module is a 20 AMP Relay Module that connects directly to voltage outputs on HAI home controllers and expanders and includes a manual override switch. They also manufacturer Plug controllers / thermostats. The Control4 Wireless Thermostat adds intelligent temperature control and flexibility that supports most HVAC systems and offers up to 6 set points per day determined by the user. Provides a number of devices for home monitoring and control including. AlertMe SmartHeating allows the user to programme and remotely control heating anywhere over the internet or using a smartphone. TED is a system that is based on Current Transformer HW that a user can clip to the power circuit that they wish to monitor. Ted then couples this either with their own wireless LCD power monitors, or their PC SW. Additionally TED is certified for use with Google Power meter. Switching Page 45 of 122 1,000 downloads. They are concluding joint pilot project with leading EV charging station provider ClipperCreek and a large US utility. ZigBee HA ZigBee SE ecobee is supported by a network of over 3,000 quality HVAC contractors and distributors across North America ZigBee Pro ZigBee SE ZigBee HA ZigBee (includes over the air reprogramming) Strategic agreement with Cisco. More than 1,900 custom integrators, retail outlets, and distributors in over 70 countries GPRS ZigBee SE ZigBee PRO ZigBee but proprietary. PLC Newer version with ZigBee Submission date: 28-03-2013 GreenCom D5.1 Analysis of Greencom TechnoogiesHome Appliance , Energy Generation and Storage Analysis review Report on/off of devices not yet supported. Current Cost CurrentCost has current transformer clamps that operate on both UK/EU and USA voltages. These current clamps transmits data wirelessly to the Current Cost LCD displays, that may then be connected to a PC, or Gateway to allow uploading of data to the Current Cost web Site. Additionally, CurrentCost has power socket Energy meters for the UK market that allows UK based users to obtain more detailed appliance level energy static information and to be able to remotely turn off devices and thereby save energy. Proprietary active with gas and water utilities in addition to electric utilities a There Gate Open Linux Platform for energy managemetn Z-Wave GSM GPRS There Corporation has begun cooperation with Smarthome Srl. in Italy. There’s smart technology, produced under the Italian Virtuoso brand, manages home heating, among other things. EcoManager Submetering wireless system Proprietary No information EnergyHub The EnergyHub Mercury platform can control thermostats from vendors such as Carrier and Radio Thermostat Company of America, HVAC compressors, water heaters, pool pumps, and electric vehicle chargers. Razberry uses the raspberry PI fanless computer in conjunction with a Z-wave module creating a Z-wave gateway device The “Open Home Automation Bus” comprises a software platform (Java/OSGi) supporting a variety of domotics tasks (e.g. querying the appliance status and rule based control). ZigBee Large market share in USA Z-wave Just Realised KNX, ZigBee Research, Open source community RazBerry openhab Document version: 0.15 Page 46 of 122 Submission date: 28-03-2013 GreenCom D5.1 Analysis of Greencom TechnoogiesHome Appliance , Energy Generation and Storage Analysis review Report 6. Existing Home Automation / AMR Projects Existing Home Automation AMR Projects This section will look at some existing projects which focus on Home automation and metering. Table 19 Comparative description of current HA projects below offers a brief description of each project along with the innovation they are trying to achieve as well as the monitoring and control technologies that are used as part of these projects. The main aspect of interest from this reports perspective is the technologies used as this can give indications of what has been successfully trialled in other projects. See Appendix D for more detailed description of each project. Table 19 Comparative description of current HA projects Project Description Innovation ME3Gas: This project addresses the development of a new generation of smart gas meters, based on embedded electronics, communications and the remote management of a shut-off valve, which shall offer a whole range of added values: management of multiple tariffs and payment modalities, remote gas cut off, security alarms, absolute index, temperature correction. Specification, implementation and dissemination of an open architecture for wireless communication will also be addressed in the project. eDiana: Development of an open middleware for energy efficiency and control in the home environment. Development of new Smart Gas meters and as well as the development of a service orientated middleware architecture. AIM: This Project aims to create technology for profiling and managing white goods at home. InTube: Intube aims to increase energy efficiency by creating smarter BMS and Neighbourhood monitoring systems via integration of ICT tools. ITOBO: ITOBO aims to develop a holistic, methodological framework for life-cycle oriented information management and decision support in the construction and energy- management sectors Beywatch: Develop embedded technologies for optimizing residential energy usage Dehems: The Digital Environment Home Energy Management system (DEHEMS) investigated the ways technology can improve domestic energy efficiency. Smart House / Smart Grid (FP7) This project set out to validate and test how ICT-enabled collaborative technicalcommercial aggregations of Smart Houses Document version: 0.15 Model-based architecture based on the concept of cells (households) and macrocells (residential and non-residential buildings). Developed new algorithms for analysing user profile based on information supplied by a wireless sensor network. Primarily software they have developed tools for measuring and analysing building energy profiles based on data supplied from smart meters Integrated Systems Analysis and Middleware Inference algorithms for IBS inference Application areas: hybrid systems modelling, control of lighting and HVAC Beywatch created a monitoring and control system at the appliance level as well as a supervisory control device for the entire network called the Agent within the beywatch architecture. Dehems went beyond the traditional approach of looking at how much energy was used in domestic setting to how the energy was used in domestic settings. The project ran several pilots deploying wireless and PLC technologies to create home automation networks. Page 47 of 122 Technologies Used Tyndall Motes, Tiny Motes (6LoWPAN), ZigBee Plugwise, Linksmart middleware 802.15.4 ZigBee / 802.15.4 / PLC RFID Wi-fi, Z-wave, ZigBee, ASUS Embedded PC. ZigBee Z-wave / PLC Submission date: 28-03-2013 GreenCom D5.1 Analysis of Greencom TechnoogiesHome Appliance , Energy Generation and Storage Analysis review Report provide an essential step to achieve the needed radically higher levels of energy efficiency in Europe. INTrEPID: Aims to optimize residential subsystem control as well as creating neighbourhood energy exchange mechanisms SMARTHG: Develop smart control strategies for residential applications Document version: 0.15 New project but aims at developing Advanced monitoring and diagnostic capabilities Supervisory control strategies and sub-system coordination (HVAC, Lighting etc...) Inter building energy exchanges No Details SmartHG will develop Intelligent Automation Software services gathering real-time data about energy usage from residential homes and making automation decisions on that data to minimise energy usage and cost for each home, support the Distribution Network Operator (DNO) in optimising operation of the grid. SmartHG rests on the following four pillars. (source:http://smarthg.di.uniroma1.it/) No Details Page 48 of 122 Submission date: 28-03-2013 GreenCom D5.1 Analysis of Greencom TechnoogiesHome Appliance , Energy Generation and Storage Analysis review Report 7. Energy Generation and Storage Wireless monitoring Technologies This section of the report is going to focus on the distributed generation and storage portion of the review. The main role of the GreenCom deployment will be firstly in monitoring the infrastructure of the generation and storage systems. The primary component that will be monitored will be energy; either heat or electricity and metering of this energy will be one of the most critical elements with regards to deployed technology. Load switching between generators – grid – storage is the other critical element of the infrastructure and needs to be accommodated by the supported technologies. The final element that will need to be taken into account is environmental and how that affects individual storage and generation systems. 7.1 Standards and Roadmaps for smart micro-gird NIST Smart Grid References National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) was born in 1901 in order to promote U.S. innovation and industrial competitiveness. To coordinate development of a framework to achieve Smart Grid devices and systems interoperability, NIST has created a Smart Grid Interoperability Panel (SGIP). SGIP is a partnership of both private and public organizations with specific aim to coordinate the process of standardization of protocols and models to achieve interoperability and cooperation of smart devices and systems in the field of Smart Grid. Since Smart Grid is a composition of complex systems, competences are been divided in groups of expertise. These groups are known as Priority Action Plan (PAP) and each works on a specific area such as architecture, security, electrical vehicle and wind plant communications. Currently 22 PAP are defined (Table 20), of which 9 have been completed. Table 20 List of PAP # 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Document version: 0.15 Priority Action Plan Meter Upgradeability Standard Role of IP in the Smart Grid Wireless Communications for the Smart Grid Common Price Communication Model Common Schedule Communication Mechanism Standard Meter Data Profiles Common Semantic Model for Meter Data Tables Electric Storage Interconnection Guidelines CIM for Distribution Grid Management Standard DR and DER Signals Standard Energy Usage Information Common Object Models for Electric Transportation Mapping IEEE 1815 (DNP3) to IEC 61850 Objects Harmonization of IEEE C37.118 with IEC 61850 and Precision Time Synchronization Transmission and Distribution Power Systems Model Mapping Harmonize Power Line Carrier Standards for Appliance Communications in the Home Wind Plant Communications Harmonize Power Line Carrier Standards for Appliance Communications in the Home SEP 1.x to SEP 2 Transition and Coexistence Wholesale Demand Response (DR) Communication Protocol Page 49 of 122 Status Completed Completed Ongoing Completed Completed Ongoing Completed Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Completed Completed Ongoing Completed Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Completed Ongoing Submission date: 28-03-2013 GreenCom D5.1 Analysis of Greencom TechnoogiesHome Appliance , Energy Generation and Storage Analysis review Report 20 21 Green Button ESPI Evolution Weather Information Ongoing Ongoing Table 21 - Both opened and completed PAP SGIP also maintains a Catalog of Standards (CoS) for Smart Grid. CoS is a compendium of technologies, best practices and standards that allow development and deployment of a Smart Grid. At this moment CoS 1 contains 56 standards . In Appendix C a brief description for each PAP and a list of all relevant standard considered or generated by them is provided. The goal of this list is to provide a short overview of a number of Smart Grid and ICT standards which are relevant to GreenCom objectives. CoAP Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP) [1] is an application layer protocol designed to allow communication between constrained IoT nodes and networks used in energy-related M2M applications scenarios, such as building automation and smart metering. Since its primary goal is exposition of the WSN and smart object as Web resources, CoAP is generally used in conjunction with IP-based standards such as IPv6 over Low power Wireless Personal Area Networks (6LoWPAN). Refinement of the CoAP standard is still ongoing within the IETF Constrained RESTfull Environments (CoRE) group [2], which focuses on LoWPAN applications based on constrained nodes and heterogeneous network protocols. As described in previous sections, WSN generally have low computing capacity, small amount of memory and are battery powered. Due to these limitations, CoAP has been designed to cope with low data rates radio links which are subject to high packet error rates. CoAP is based on a Representational State Transfer (REST) architecture in which resources are abstract and are identified by Universal Resource Identifiers (URIs) [3]. Resources are decoupled by the services and can be represented with various formats, such as JSON or XML. For these reasons REST architectures are suitable for developing IoT and M2M applications, in fact, sensors become abstract resources identified by URIs, represented in several format and manipulated by the same methods provided by HTTP. Within CoAP HTTP functionalities have been redesigned taking into account constrain nature of the devices, in order to make the protocol suitable for M2M applications. Moreover, HTTP uses TCP as transport protocol, but it is not appropriate for sensors networks, its overhead is too high for short-lived transactions. Even if CoAP does not specify underlying protocol, usually its implementations are based on User Datagram Protocol (UDP) as transport protocol because TCP has significantly higher overhead and lacks of multicast support. Request/Response Messages CoA P UPD 6LoWPAN IEEE 802.15.4 MAC IEEE 802.15.4 PHY Figure 11- Example of CoAP stack The CoAP logical architecture (Figure 11) consists of two layers: Messages layer and Request/Response layer. CoAP Messages layer is used to deal with UDP and the asynchronous nature of the interactions; it manages the single message exchange between end points. Request/Response layer is responsible for the transmission of requests, the manipulation and transmission of the resource. Interactions are managed by method and response codes similar to HTTP, a client uses a method code to send a request for a resource on a server and the server responds with a response code. CoAP protocol provides some reliability features, such as a retransmission mechanism or a duplicate detection using IDs. A retransmission mechanism foresees that a “confirmable” message can be retransmitted if a default timeout expired using a simple stop-and-wait protocol and exponential back-off 1 http://collaborate.nist.gov/twiki-sggrid/bin/view/SmartGrid/SGIPCoSStandardsInformationLibrary Document version: 0.15 Page 50 of 122 Submission date: 28-03-2013 GreenCom D5.1 Analysis of Greencom TechnoogiesHome Appliance , Energy Generation and Storage Analysis review Report between retransmissions. Asynchronous communication is another important feature for IoT and M2M applications. A CoAP protocol provides asynchronous mechanism which foresees that when a server is not able to respond to a request immediately, it acknowledges the reception of the message and postpones the response. This mechanism is based on a request/response token matching. As seen before, one of the aims of CoAP is to easy integrate smart object with the Web paradigm. For this reason, in the CoAP core definition [1] there is a specific section dedicated to HTTP-CoAP cross-protocol mapping process. The mechanism, as described in [4], is based on a cross-protocol Reverse Proxy which occupies to translate HTTP request and response to CoAP and vice-versa. This mechanism allows HTTP client to access to a CoAP network in transparent mode. CoAP features are relevant for GreenCom for several reasons. In first place, while CoAP is still an emerging technology, other standards (e.g. ETSI M2M) are adopting it as a key component for accessing, browsing and controlling resources on smart objects (e.g. appliances, meters, etc.). In second place, CoAP includes a support for “profiles”, currently under definition, which might enable seamless discovery, browsing and control of devices capabilities. Finally, as CoAP primary networking layer is based on IP protocol, the adoption of CoAP devices might ease re-use of existing networking tools and infrastructure, easing integration of devices. ETSi /M2M ETSI M2M The term M2M (Machine-to-Machine) refers in general to technologies able to allow wireless and wired systems to communicate with each other. In the last years many forms of M2M communication and architectures technologies have been implemented, providing support for integrating several kinds of sensors, actuators and other fixed and mobile devices. The decrease of cost of communication technologies, the improvement of networks performance, the increase of scale and the availability of dedicated services platforms is stimulating the adoption to build large-scale M2M networks. Currently, a wide number of communication and architecture standards already exist in the M2M market. However, the lack of consolidated standardization results, has caused in the past proliferation of proprietary technologies, often optimised for a particular application scenario, reducing the potential for “open” interoperable applications leveraging large scale deployments of M2M devices. For these reasons the European Telecommunication standards Institute has founded the ETSI M2M Technical Committee (TC M2M), which is currently dealing with this challenge. The role of this committee is to provide an end-to-end standard solution for the integration of the different communication technologies deployed in the field of IoT. The committee includes some telecom operators, company and M2M experts from several countries. The complexity of multiple M2M technologies and services was managed in the first release of standard that aiming to provide a standardized platform for M2M (described in (ETSI TS102 689 , 2012), (ETSI TS102 690 , 2012) and (ETSI TS102 935 , 2012) ). This release offers a set of standards describing a complete horizontal service layer for M2M communications which enables integration of different communication technology choices behind a unified M2M platform. ETSI M2M Release 1 is built upon existing and mature standards from ETSI and other consortium such as IETF and 3GPP. The objective of this work is to produce a reduction of complexity in deployment of M2M solutions with a direct result in term of development cost and time. The ETSI M2M standards specify several architectural components including M2M devices, gateways with associated interfaces, Applications Programming Interfaces, access network supporting existing ICT, core network and a Service Capabilities Layer [(ETSI TS102 690 , 2012), (ETSI TS102 935, 2012). Release 1 defines also other aspects such as security, traffic scheduling, device discovery and lifecycle management features. The ETSI M2M Release 1 standards are published as a set of three main specifications (ETSI TS102 689 , 2012), (ETSI TS102 690 , 2012), (ETSI TS102 935 , 2012)which are available for download from the ETSI website. Figure 12 shows the high level ETSI M2M architecture and its key concepts are reported as follow: M2M Device Device capable of replying to request for data contained within those devices or capable of transmitting data autonomously. A device can be directly connected to Network Domain or via a M2M Gateway. M2M Area Network (Device Domain) Provide connectivity between M2M Devices and M2M Gateways. This network can includes Document version: 0.15 Page 51 of 122 Submission date: 28-03-2013 GreenCom D5.1 Analysis of Greencom TechnoogiesHome Appliance , Energy Generation and Storage Analysis review Report technologies such as IEEE 802.15.1, Zigbee, Bluetooth, IETF ROLL, ISA100.11a, PLC, M-BUS, Wireless M-BUS and KNX. M2M Gateway It runs M2M Applications using M2M Service Capabilities and allows M2M Devices inter-working and interconnection to the Network Domain. M2M Communication Networks (Network Domain) Communications between the M2M Gateway(s) and M2M Application(s). Protocol in Network Domain can be xDSL, HFC, satellite, GERAN, UTRAN, eUTRAN, W-LAN and WiMAX. M2M Service Capabilities Layer (SCL) M2M software in which common functionalities are implemented to serve the M2M Application. It can be within M2M Device (DSCL), Gateway (GSCL) and the Network (NSCL) and provides a set of APIs to expose the M2M Service Capabilities closest to the application using them. Service Capability Layer is developed on top of connectivity layer and provides functions like registration, access right, security, authentication and subscribe/notify. M2M Applications Applications that implement service logic and use M2M Service Capability Layer accessible via open APIs. [ http://www.etsi.org/technologies-clusters/technologies/m2m] Figure 12– High level architecture of the ETSI M2M. In order to standardize the procedure used for enabling entity communication ETSI M2M specification defines some Reference Point (Figure 12, Marylin Arndt “Standardisation on M2M at ETSI M2M platform” the 2nd FOKUS FUSECO Forum 2011), and Service Capability Layer provides functions that are to be exposed on these Reference Points: mIa - M2M application interface: it is used by the Network Applications (NA) to communicate with the Network Service Capability Layer (NSCL) dIa - Device application interface: allows Device Application (DA) residing in a M2M Device to access to Service Capability in the same Device or in a Gateway mId - M2M to device interface: it is used for the inter-SCLs communication Information exchanged between M2M Application and/or M2M Service Capability Layer are based on REST architecture style. RESTful defines four basic methods (also called “verbs”) in order to implements CRUD (Create, Read, Update and Delete) operations. In addition to these basic methods, have been defined two useful methods: Document version: 0.15 Page 52 of 122 Submission date: 28-03-2013 GreenCom D5.1 Analysis of Greencom TechnoogiesHome Appliance , Energy Generation and Storage Analysis review Report NOTIFY: used to indicate the operation for reporting a notification about a change of a resource as a consequence of a subscription. This verb would either map to a response of a READ method in case that the long polling mechanism is used, or to an UPDATE method in case that the asynchronous mechanism is used EXECUTE: for executing a management command/task which is represented by a resource. This verb corresponds to an UPDATE method without any payload data (ETSI Technical Specification TS 102 690, 2011) Resources described cover different aspect like applications data, security information, buffering feature, location, group, subscription, notification, discovery and many others. Resources are organized in a tree structure which is completely described in [2]. A horizontal M2M platform is designed to provide support for a wide range of devices and services. Main use cases considered include smart metering system, eHealth application, city automation, consumer applications and car automation. ETSI Technical Report (TR) under preparation outline these and other potential use cases is being prepared for several areas, which can be used to extend the scope of the core specifications. In 2012 a Smart Grid specific TR has been published [4], in order to outline relevant extensions needed to match the smart grids requirements. ETSI TC defines smart grid architecture conceptually divided in 3 layers: Energy Layer: which manage the energy production/generation, distribution, transmission and consumption. In this layer we can find sensor, actuator, storage and generation system; Control & Connectivity Layer: it occupies for monitoring network, system reliability, security, routing, traffic engineering and metering; Service Layer: it covers all service related to Smart Grid usage such as billing, subscription management and activation, data models and applications. The focus of the ETSI M2M TR for Smart Grid focused on Control&Connectivity and Service layer in order to assess the impact on M2M functional architecture. Additional requirements are being derived from this work and in particular related to customer and provider security, real-time communication and interfacing with legacy industrial, building and automation control protocols. Mainly related to security features, an important differentiation has been made with introduction of the “customer domain” and “energy domain” concepts. Where “energy domain” is the domain situated “before” energy meter and “customer domain” is the domain situated “after” energy meter. The ETSI M2M standard, although still under evolution, must be carefully monitored for future GreenCom developments, as partial adoption of M2M features could enhance the impact of developed solutions. A follow on to the ETSI M2M standards is the 1M2M committee that are drafting further standards for a common machine to machine communications framework (http://www.onem2m.org/). 7.2 Wireless Protocols and Technologies The smart grid is a new and emerging concept and as a result there are few specific wireless technologies that deal with the emerging grid topologies and communications. To determine what technology is required the system requirements need to be defined. These system requirements will include Reliability:- The electrical distribution network is a critical infrastructure for current societal needs as a result the control and monitoring network is going to need to be reliable with low latency in terms of response to commands with real time or near real time monitoring Scalability:- For most countries the grid is a vast network which may contain numerous micro-grid structures all requiring their own monitoring and control infrastructure. A highly scalable wireless infrastructure needs to be adopted to ensure future proofing of any solution selected. Security:- Highly sensitive information on grid usage will be transmitted from location to location as well as the potential for control operations to be transmitted as well. Any solution needs to ensure security on the wireless level. Interoperability:- Inter system communications across all aspects of the grid infrastructure will also be important and knowing that one device can integrate easily with the existing infrastructure will be important. Unlike the home automation environment commercially available products that combine all requirements (metering , switch and wireless reporting) aren’t widely available. In terms of commercial technologies that Document version: 0.15 Page 53 of 122 Submission date: 28-03-2013 GreenCom D5.1 Analysis of Greencom TechnoogiesHome Appliance , Energy Generation and Storage Analysis review Report are directed to this application space Zigbee with the Smart Energy Profile is one of the few well know technologies out there that have commercially available components. Zigbee Smart Energy Freq Zigbee 868/915/2.4G Hz Topolog y Mesh Securit y AES12 8 Market Phy Home/Commercial /Metering 802.15.4 Stack Size Up to 100K Uses the 802.15.4 standard as the basis for its phy and MAC layers but adds additional capabilities. These are defined in various profiles, some of the profiles of interest to this study are Zigbee Pro (SE) Smart Energy for commercial applications, Smart Metering Zigbee Pro (SE2) Amongst other things add TCP/IP connectivity with IPv6 Advantages / Disadvantages Free to use*, some presence in the smart grid metering market. Some off the shelf products available Higher power consumption compared to some other protocols, Can still have interoperability issues due to custom device creation, Up to 120K stack. Future of SEP1.0 is uncertain as SEP2.0 is due to be released in the next year or so. Market Presence Emerging into smart grid *Free to use for R&D purposes If developed into commercial product membership to the Zigbee Alliance is required Zibgee Smart Energy (Zigbee Alliance 2011) is being aimed at the HAN side energy management of the smart grid infrastructure specifically in smart metering and energy management and control. The SE profile has some restrictions with the general physical layer these are 1. Use channels 11,14,15,19,20,24,25 to avoid conflicting with Wi-fi 2. Restrict broadcasts to 1 per second 3. Use advanced security options The profile also specifies clusters and devices as shown below in Table 2 Table 22 Zigbee SE Clusters and devices General Cluster Basic ID Alarm Time Commissioning Power Config SE Cluster Price Demand Response & monitoring Metering Messaging Link Key establishment Load Devices Energy Service Portal Metering device In premise display Programmable Thermostat Load Control Device Smart Appliance Range Extender The Zigbee SE profile is primarily aimed at the utility /metering side of the home automation market and this can be seen in the requirements for advanced security options which are strictly enforced in this profile. All communications are secured with an SE environment to protect the network from malicious and unintentional interference. Zigbee SE Commissioning Zigbee PRO provides two types of encryption key. These are the Network key which is randomly generated by the trust centre and shared amongst all nodes and the application link key which is a unique key for communications between nodes. Zigbee SE compatible devices are required to make use of the application link key. Document version: 0.15 Page 54 of 122 Submission date: 28-03-2013 GreenCom D5.1 Analysis of Greencom TechnoogiesHome Appliance , Energy Generation and Storage Analysis review Report When establishing an application link key between the Co-ordinator node and a joining node (any SE device), Pre-configured link key for the joining node is required. The Pre-configured Link-Key is shared between the joining node and the trust centre. In order to carry this out when the mote is manufactured the node is assigned an installation code which is distributed with the mote. During installation the utility/network operator requires this code (communicated via phone / email etc...) The network operator derives the link-key from this code and sends it to the Trust Centre for the SE network. When joining the joining node sends a ‘join request’ to the Co-ordinator/Trust Centre, which returns a ‘transport key’ containing the network key encrypted using the preconfigured link key of the newly joined node. The Key Establishment cluster on the joining node then uses both nodes security certificates to generate an application link key through a sequence of exchanges with the Co-ordinator, encrypted using the network key. The established application link key can subsequently be used to encrypt communications between the joined node and the Co-ordinator. SEP 2.0 The future of SEP 1.0 is not clear the Zigbee Alliance is currently drafting a second version of the smart energy profile that is focusing on integrating TCP support as well as making it compatible with technologies that are targeting NIST objectives. The new SEP 2.0 protocol will include support for distributed generation and storage sources as well as diagnostic supported for energy service operators. The new stack will be called Zigbee IP in terms of stack size and hardware requirements it will be comparable to the existing Zigbee standards but not directly compatible. SE2.0 Proposed by Zigbee and Home Plug alliances as: A networking and application integration platform for messages between customer devices and energy services providers. It takes input from UCAIug, OpenSG, OpenHAN and OpenADE. State that they are targeting NIST smart Grid interoperability objectives Smart grid is a key target with clear Demand response and load control, pre-payment, etc use cases defined. Distributed energy sources are included(wind, solar generators, etc.) PEV(Plug in Electric Vehicle)/Green car is included in the specification with clearly defined use cases. Diagnostics and monitoring is included for energy Service operators/utilities(includes hand held Access use cases for field testing.) Currently the Specification is under development with both MRD(Marketing Requirements Document) and TRD(Technical REquirement Documents defined.) The MRD(Marketing Requirements Document) has ‘Specification openness’ as a priority Table 23 Zigbee SEP 2.0 at a glance Layer Application layer Layer contents/technology used 8. Definitions for demand response, Comment PEVs (Plug in Electric Vehicles), pre-payment etc. Transport layer 9. UDP and TCP Adaption layer (This layer is different to standard IP to bridge from standard IPv6 to selected substrates/Link layers) Network layer 6loWPAN to be used for 802.15.4 Homeplug no adaption needed other phy/mac network HW TBD Document version: 0.15 IPv6 Page 55 of 122 Submission date: 28-03-2013 GreenCom D5.1 Analysis of Greencom TechnoogiesHome Appliance , Energy Generation and Storage Analysis review Report Link layer 802.15.4,Homeplug,802.11,ethernet This is very much different to the current Zigbee SE spec (Zigbee Smart Energy Application Profile) that was developed from the point of view of communication from a coordinator to the local devices in the HAN via Zigbee ZCL comms only. Network Coordinators: 802.15.4 (Zigbee Smart Energy Application profile) and Homeplug coordinators and their networks effectively sit below the Zigbee SE2.0 specs – they state that ‘the smart Energy Profile is designed to run over any network/target substrate’. They further state that they will also target 802.11 (Wi-Fi.) In this manner SE2.0 has very good potential to become a powerful smart grid player, although: for PLC devices it is stated preferential Support of HomePlug. It is also stated that ‘ the link layer may not be appropriate for alternative substrates’. I.e. they do not list any other hardware Support outside of homeplug, 802.15.4 and 802.11 at the moment such as bluetooth, Z-wave (long standing competitor to Zigbee,) wireless m-bus An ESI (Energy Services Interface) is defined. This is defined as the link between the HAN and an Energy Services provider and signals Zigbee SE 2.0´s intent to provide the complete, or majority share of the Utility/Energy Service providers communication netowrk. They are assuming that devices WILL be compromised to ensure that the security of the entire network is maintained. A high amount of security is built into the system as recommended by NIST and ANS among others. A whole 27 pages of the 109 page TRD is dedicated to security and cryptography.) A set of detailed test specifications are developed alongside the specifications to allow approving of devices that conform to the standard o o 6LoWPAN and the Smart Grid 6LoWPAN Freq 2.4GHz Topology Star/Mesh? Security AES128 Market R&D Phy 802.15.4 Range Linked to protocol Defined in IETF RFC4944 This is unlike the other protocols in that 6LoWPAN is essentially an adaption layer between 802.15.4 and IPv6 packets. Therefore it is possible to have an implementation of 802.15.4 that can utilise TCP/IP and UDP in the transport network layers. To date there has not been much commercial up take with this technology with most of its use being in Universities and Research. But that is set to change with emerging application standards such as Zigbee SEP2.0 incorporating IPV6 addressing. Advantages / Disadvantages The use of IPV6 addressing allows the use of HTTP mechanisms for addressing motes allowing an internet of things approach to WSN development along with the use of JSON formatting and TCP UDP data transfer. Not a lot of penetration at the moment, still very much in the research domain and as such not entirely proven technology Market Presence A number of OEM manufactures are developing 6LowPan chipsets with in built wireless stacks, actual uptake to date from the commercial sector has been limited and is currently used in research. Could be the enabling technology for wireless integration into the smart grid 6LoWPAN was already covered technically within the HAN 2.4GHz protocols section and was considered not suitable for the HAN due to the lack of supported technologies (requirements for smart plugs that are CE certified to sit in between the appliance and power and to act as sub-meters and switches for devices was one of the overall concerns for this area). Document version: 0.15 Page 56 of 122 Submission date: 28-03-2013 GreenCom D5.1 Analysis of Greencom TechnoogiesHome Appliance , Energy Generation and Storage Analysis review Report For the distributed generation and distributed storage section of this work 6LoWPAN becomes an interesting option as seen from the Zigbee SEP 2.0 Specifications as well as the ETSI M2M and CoAP frameworks it is being road mapped as a potential enabler of the future smart grid. The 6LoWPAN approach fits in with the smart grid concept where large amount of wireless(or wired) networks will be deployed across the entire scope of the grid infrastructure (Hao Liang, 2012). Managing these networks in a coordinated manner requires an approach that can handle the vast amount of potentially deployed interfaces and devices. 6LoWPAN using IPV6 addressing creates an almost inexhaustible addressing scheme for new devices and is compatible with the long existing TCP and UDP data transfer mechanisms. While commercial uptake to date of the technology has not existed this looks likely to change and as a result there is an opportunity for the GreenCom project to advance the state of the art in this area. Industrial and commercial protocols As mentioned previously wireless technology specifically targeting the smart grid application space is still in its infancy. Within industrial applications they are a number of established protocols that address industrial concerns such as Reliability Latency Scalability Low Maintenance overhead Interoperability Standardization Security These objectives also fit in with the requirements for smart grid applications were accurate and reliable monitoring of energy consumption and generation is required as well as responsive systems to implement load shaving and dynamic electricity switching between distribution and storage. Two of the widely used industrial wireless protocol technologies are WirelessHart (WirelessHart Alliance, 2011) and ISA100.11.a (ISA.org, 2008). WirelessHART and ISA100.11.a WirelessHART Freq 2.4GHz Topology Mesh Security 128bit AES Market Process/Industrial/Energy Phy 802.15.4 Developed by the HART foundation this is an open wireless standard that uses a time synchronised mesh architecture (TSMP) and was approved as a full international standard by the IEC in April 2010. The technology is based on Dust networks TMSP Mesh technology and claims to be very power efficient. Due to its heritage this protocol has synergies with the HART process standards and is backwards compatible. Advantages / Disadvantages Guaranteed Interoperability between device manufacturers Frequency hopping data transmission layer helps to increase packet transmission reliability in environments that are challenging for RF transmissions (e.g. Industrial environments). Market Presence There is a presence in the market a number of the larger system solution suppliers (including Siemens, Pepperl & Fusch and Endress & Hauser) marketing systems. The size of the market penetration is not known. The main competitors to WirelessHART is ISA100.11 and the incumbent wired process installations. WirelessHart is a wireless extension to the earlier HART wired protocol that was primarily aimed at the numerous 4-20ma communications interfaces installed around industrial sites world-wide. WirelessHart certified products guarantee out of the box interoperability with other WirelessHart devices. It is used primarily in industrial process control. Its penetration into the area of the smart grid is not known at the time Document version: 0.15 Page 57 of 122 Submission date: 28-03-2013 GreenCom D5.1 Analysis of Greencom TechnoogiesHome Appliance , Energy Generation and Storage Analysis review Report of writing but researchers (Yide Liu, 2012) have suggested it as a possible option for the distribution and storage side of the grid. ISA100.11.a Freq 2.4Ghz Topology Mesh / Star /Tree Security 128bit AES Market Automation / Process / Grid Phy 802.15.4 ISA is developed by the international Society of Automation with the aim to create an open and flexible standard for wireless monitoring and control. Advantages / Disadvantages The open nature of the standard creates a flexible protocol that enables the tunnelling of other communications protocols. Interoperability not guaranteed due to its open nature Market Presence Emerging market presence mentioned in NIST interim report 2009 as possible smart grid technology for electrical monitoring / distribution. ISA100.11 is a wireless networking standard developed by the International Society of Automation. The principles of ISA100 is given below The design criteria for ISA100.11a include: Flexibility Support for multiple protocols Use of open standards Reliability (error detection, channel-hopping) Security Latency The protocol stack, system management and security is all defined for ISA100.11 over low power wireless networks (802.15.4). There is no application layer specified for this standard and tunnelling existing communications protocols such as HART is possible. The network and transport layers are based on 6LoWPAN and UDP. A non compliant 802.15.4 MAC is used in the data link layer. The ISA100 technology has been proposed as a possible technology enabler for smart grid based wireless monitoring and control systems. While it has been initially developed for the process and manufacturing sector the principles of the standards such as guaranteed latency and reliability can be adapted to the mission critical applications to the smart grid (monitoring and controlling electrical distribution). WirelessHART and ISA100.11.a There are some differences between the two standards but overall they are more similar than different. Both standards operate with 2-MHz wide channels in the 2.4-GHz band, using DSSS and FHSS combined with OQPSK modulation techniques, giving a maximum raw data rate of 250 kb/s. Time division multiplexing is used by both standards and both employ self configuring self healing mesh networks, making both standards robust enough for the industrial setting. ISA100.11a utilizes a CCA operation mode which would offer improvements in terms of co-existence with existing 802.11 Wi-Fi networks. The HART protocol is an open standard, master-slave token passing network protocol, where devices are connected over 4-20 mA analogue loop. Wireless Hart adds wireless capability to the existing HART protocol. It uses 802.15.4 compliant radios to do this. WirelessHart utilities a Time Division Multiple Access technology to for communications coordination between devices. This TDMA approach also makes the wireless network more deterministic in terms of latency. ISA offers the option for tunnelling existing protocols through its standard. In theory any existing protocol which is technologically compatible could be used, such as Zigbee, 6Lowpan or even the HART protocol itself. On the other hand the inflexibility of WirelessHart offers a better alternative in terms of “out of the box” Document version: 0.15 Page 58 of 122 Submission date: 28-03-2013 GreenCom D5.1 Analysis of Greencom TechnoogiesHome Appliance , Energy Generation and Storage Analysis review Report plug in play capabilities, with the certainty that a WirelessHart product from one vendor will work with another. SNAP SNAP Freq 2.4GHz/868MHz Topology P2P/Star/Mesh Security 128bit AES Market Metering/Process/Commercial Phy 802.15.4 Synapses Radio…Peer to Peer no specific end or router nodes means the network can form itself, self healing. SNAP is multi platform compliant able to run on any computer or microcontroller. Advantages / Disadvantages Protocol stack can include 802.15.4, 802.11, USB, TCP/IP, Ethernet, RS232/485. It has a high overhead and requires complex mote synchronization techniques. Market Presence LED Lighting, Solar farm monitoring, transmission and delivery side of the grid SNAP stands for Scalable Node Address Protocol and has been developed by Synapses technology based in the U.S. The S.N.A.P protocol can run on any computer or microcontroller One of the key features of SNAP is that it performs full mesh routing using any and all available communications interfaces. Employing standard protocols, SNAP fully exploits the communications capabilities made available by the device upon which it is running. These protocols may include IEEE 802.15.4, WiFi, TCP/IP, Ethernet, USB, RS232, and RS485. When an instance of SNAP is first created it is informed as to what communications interfaces are available for use. Message “pings” are automatically sent across these mediums to determine if other SNAP devices are present. As SNAP devices are discovered they automatically form themselves into a mesh network. There is no central controller in a SNAP network. Off the shelf hardware is available for the SNAP protocol with the stacks embedded with an 802.15.4 compliant radio. SenzaNet SenzaNET Freq 2.4GHz Topology Star/Mesh Security 128bit AES? Market Metering/Process/Commercial Phy 802.15.4 A time synchronised system Claims routing nodes can run on batteries (unlike Zigbee) due to time synchronisation SenzaNET is really a framework that allows the user to either incorporate WirelessHART, 6LoWPAN or SenzaNET protocol plugins. SenzaNET is effectively a Lite version of WirelessHART and is therefore forward compatible. Advantages / Disadvantages ‘Can easily integrate commercial process buses such as Modbus, Profibus, CAN etc and Ethernet. Market Presence Seems to have a bigger play in Process market. Panasonic have adopted a custom version of SenzaNET in its 802.15.4 modules and its specification lists metering and Smart Grid applications as one of its target markets. SenzaNet (www.e-senza.de) is a framework that allows the user to incorporate a number of wireless protocols that are 802.15.4 compliant. Uses time synchronisation to allow devices to sleep and wake up at the same time to allow router devices to enter into low power modes. SenzaNet is developed in a modular format with abstracted 802.15.4 layers. This modularity allows the insertion of plugins to configure the Document version: 0.15 Page 59 of 122 Submission date: 28-03-2013 GreenCom D5.1 Analysis of Greencom TechnoogiesHome Appliance , Energy Generation and Storage Analysis review Report protocol to what is required. Wireless Hart with a 6LoWPAN plug in is commonly used. Figure 13 below shows a block diagram of the stack. User Application Wirele ssHart Application Objectss UDP Hart 6Lo SN100 Plugin WP Plugin AN 802.15.4 MAC & PHY Figure 13 SenzaNet Stack Document version: 0.15 Page 60 of 122 Submission date: 28-03-2013 GreenCom D5.1 Analysis of Greencom TechnoogiesHome Appliance , Energy Generation and Storage Analysis review Report 10. Heat Pumps From the business cases and user requirements being developed early as part of work package 2 of the GreenCom project it is becoming clear that heap pump technology can play an important role within load management and peak electricity consumption shaving. In terms of classification heat pumps can be considered a load due to the fact that they consume energy, but could also be considered a storage device as they can store electrical energy as heat for later use. They could also be classified as a generator due to the fact, that they produce more heat than electricity consumed due to exploiting thermal gradients. Due to this fact for this report they have been given a section on their own until further classification is possible as part of the GreenCom architecture. 8.1 Heat Pump Monitoring and Control A heat pump is a device that transfers energy from a heat source to a heat sink via a temperature gradient. A heat pump requires some external energy source (such as mains electricity) to accomplish the task of transferring thermal energy from source to sink. When a heat pump is used in a heating system it works similarly to a refrigeration unit used in HVAC or Fridge Freezers but in a reverse manner. It releases the heat into the target space taken from the source environment rather than taking it from the target space and releasing it into external environment. Heat pumps can draw their heat from external air, the ground or water. A ground source heat pump uses the earth as a heat source in the winter and in the summer can use it as a heat sink. This design takes advantage of the temperature differential in the ground to boost efficiency and reduce the operational costs of heating and cooling systems. The same principal applies to air and water source heat pumps. Heat Pump Monitoring A number of reports (UK energy Trust, March 2012) have looked into what parameters to monitor within heat pumps. These parameters are not used to derive its energy efficiency, as this has a very narrow definition. Instead the coefficient of performance (COP), also known as the primary energy ratio (PER) and the seasonal performance factor (SPF) are derived. COP and SPF are the true indicators of how well a heat pump is working. The COP of a heat pump is defined as the ratio of heating (or cooling) provided over the electrical energy used by the device. The SPF is defined as the total ratio of the heat delivered and the total energy supplied over the season. i.e. COP SPF Q W Q W Where Q = is heat supplied / removed to storage reservoir W= Energy consumed by the heat pump In order to measure the COP two principal measurements are required these are 1. The electricity consumed by the heat pump (compressors, fans controls) 2. The heat delivered to the heating system. This is the bare minimum required for heat pump monitoring. In order to get a better picture of how the heat pump is performing other measurements that may be required are 1. Source temperature (Away from the source and close to the source loop) Document version: 0.15 Page 61 of 122 Submission date: 28-03-2013 GreenCom D5.1 Analysis of Greencom TechnoogiesHome Appliance , Energy Generation and Storage Analysis review Report 2. Sink temperatures: - Variations on home and the loads on the heat pump mean that the temperature at which heat is delivered will vary between installation to installation. This is difficult to predict this needs to be quantified in real time for a complete analysis and to implement proper control These four parameters enable a complete understanding of the heat pump itself. What these measurements fail to consider is the actual heat system / load the pump is connected to. This will also have a large effect on the heat pump performance. To monitor that required measurements are 1. Flow and return temperatures on the heating system 2. Delivery temperatures of the supplied heat Data Sampling suggested requirements. The UK Energy trust issued a report (UK energy Trust, March 2012) in 2012. In this report is recommendations for sampling rates for the metrics needed to be monitored the recommendation in sampling between 1 every 5 minutes to 1 every 10 minutes. This same report also recommends the following in terms of resolutions and accuracies for heat pump monitoring Measurement Electricity consumption Heat output Hot water consumption Ground and fluid temperatures Internal air temperatures External air temperatures Accuracy +/-2% Resolution 5 Wh +/-3% +/-2% 10 Wh 1 litre +/-0.25C 0.05C +/-0.25C 0.05C +/-0.25C 0.05C From the literature a recommended sensor layout is shown below to capture all parameters associated with the heat pump (UK energy Trust, March 2012). Document version: 0.15 Page 62 of 122 Submission date: 28-03-2013 GreenCom D5.1 Analysis of Greencom TechnoogiesHome Appliance , Energy Generation and Storage Analysis review Report S Outdoor Environment H Indoor Enironment S Heat Source Heat Sink T T H T T 5 8 Heat Pump Ground Pump E T 6 T T 7 E 1 Air Pump T W Sensors can be grouped onto motes E T9 2 C 0 Table 24 Heat Pump Sensor suite complete list Sensor Designation Sensor Type Sensor Purpose T1 Temperature sensor Ground temperature away from extraction point T2 Temperature sensor Ground temperature at extraction point T3 Temperature sensor Air Inlet temperature T4 Temperature sensor Out-side Air temperature T5 Temperature sensor Temperature heat source loop in T6 Temperature sensor Temperature heat source loop out T7 Temperature sensor Temperature sink out T8 Temperature sensor Temperature sink in T9 Temperature sensor Air temperature indoors E1 Electricity meter Electricity consumption of pump E2 Electricity meter Total home electricity consumption Document version: 0.15 Page 63 of 122 Submission date: 28-03-2013 GreenCom D5.1 Analysis of Greencom TechnoogiesHome Appliance , Energy Generation and Storage Analysis review Report H1 Humidity sensor Outside humidity sensor H2 Humidity sensor Inside humidity sensor EH1 Heat meter Heat delivered to system S1 Light sensor Outdoor light levels S2 Light sensor Indoor light levels W1 Wind sensor Wind direction and speed C0 C02 gas sensor CO2 for air quality levels Heat Pump Control Heat pump control may be an integral part of a heat pump or a separate unit wired to the heat pump. Controllers are used to set the appropriate flow and return temperatures for fluid passing through the heat pump to set the hot water temperature if the heat pump provides this. Set the on and off thresholds of the heat pump. The controller should also auto adjust to changes in outside temperature values. A thermostat positioned in a room can also send signals back to turn and off the heat pump when temperature drops below certain thresholds. To enable wireless integration may require the use of low level interface cards where on / off control can be routed out to an external control source. This can be connected to a wireless actuation mote and signals can be sent to switch states on the pump. Some Zigbee HA devices are also designed for heat pump interfacing such as the HAI omnistat shown below. Figure 14 HAI Zigbee Document version: 0.15 Page 64 of 122 Submission date: 28-03-2013 GreenCom D5.1 Analysis of Greencom TechnoogiesHome Appliance , Energy Generation and Storage Analysis review Report 11. Distributed Generation Devices 9.1 Solar Generation Solar generation is the method of generating power from natural sunlight. For the home market two types of solar generation exists. There are the traditional electrical photo voltaic cells as well the thermal solar installations. Both installation types rely on panels attached (generally) to the roof of a house normally in a southerly facing direction. Electric P.V. generates electricity that can be fed via an inverter to the home electricity supply (or onwards directly to the grid or stored in battery). Photo Voltaic Panels The power output from a typical electrical P.V. system depends on the size of the installation (which more often than not is linked to roof space) but are typically from 1 -6KWhr.. A typical direct feed solar arrangement is shown below where the output of the solar panel is fed via an inverter to the input to the home or grid. Key metrics to measure are Light (lux), Temperature (Celsius) and power generated (Watts) which can be measured at the location of the panel itself. The output of a solar panel depends largely on efficient it is on turning the light energy to electrical energy. Efficiency is determined under standard test conditions (STC) the specification for which is typically a temperature of 25C an irradiance of 1000W/m2 and an air mass spectrum of 1.5. Under these conditions a solar cell with efficiency of 10% with a 0.01m2 area would produce 1 watt of power. In domestic PV where the primary technology is silicon based cells 20% efficiency is considered a very high conversion factor, with companies such as SunPower (USA) achieving efficiencies 22.5% and claiming double that of competing manufacturers (12% -15%). Document version: 0.15 Page 65 of 122 Submission date: 28-03-2013 GreenCom D5.1 Analysis of Greencom TechnoogiesHome Appliance , Energy Generation and Storage Analysis review Report M1 M1:- Light , M2:- Electricity delivered to the home / possible to measure from the inverter or at Inverter M2 Electric Panel Home or Grid Figure 15 Solar Panel Installation Block Key Metrics and Sensors From an electric solar panel Key metrics include Light Temperature at panel Power to Load Measuring the light arriving at the solar panel allows characterization of the efficiency of the solar installation. Over time if there is power drop off versus light this can be used to feed alarms to the end users to investigate and carry out maintenance to ensure operational efficiency of the system. Temperature of the solar panels also affects the operational efficiency of the system. The temperature should be measured on or as close to the panel as possible. A drop in performance of 1% per degree Celsius after the 40C mark can be expected on silicon based panels. This temperature is the temperature of the panel itself and can equate to about 28-32C ambient temperature, which is achievable for a number of temperate climates in the summer months. Where the electricity produced is measured (at panel / or after inverter) will depend on future specifications (D5.2.1 /D5.2.2). In terms of control for a solar panel relays or smart switching inverters can be used to determine where the power generated goes (home / grid or maybe storage) Document version: 0.15 Page 66 of 122 Submission date: 28-03-2013 GreenCom D5.1 Analysis of Greencom TechnoogiesHome Appliance , Energy Generation and Storage Analysis review Report Thermal solar heating Solar thermal power converts solar energy directly to heat energy and feeds this energy directly to the home heating system. Different collector types exist: low, medium and high temperature collectors. Low temperature collectors may be used to heat small swimming pools, medium feed into a home heating system and high are used to mass power production. They operate differently to electrical P.V. with typically higher efficiencies. Within the framework of GreenCom low - medium temperature solar collectors are found in residential home heating systems. The principle behind solar thermal energy is simple: A solar collector absorbs heat from the sun, and fluid warmed by passing through tubes in the collectors is distributed to the appropriate system. The main differentiator between these and normal electrical generation is the energy collected cannot be fed to the Grid via conventional means and only used for heating purposes. M1:- Heat Meter (KWhr) M2:- Light and Temperature M3:- Temperature on return M 1 M 2 M 3 Tank Boiler Key Metrics and Sensors Heat delivered to the load versus light at the panel is one of the Key metrics for monitoring thermal solar panels. Metering is discussed below. Temperature in this case can be ambient temperature and the temperature on the return line of the system. There are upper limits to what temperatures the water will be heated and this is controlled by temperature controllers at the boiler. 11.2 Wind Generation Wind turbines use large blades to catch the wind. When the wind blows, the blades are forced round, driving a turbine which generates electricity. The stronger the wind, the more electricity is produced. Power output of typical home based turbines can range from 1KWh to 15KWh. There are two types of domestic-sized wind turbines: Document version: 0.15 Page 67 of 122 Submission date: 28-03-2013 GreenCom D5.1 Analysis of Greencom TechnoogiesHome Appliance , Energy Generation and Storage Analysis review Report Pole mounted: these are free standing and are erected in a suitably exposed position (output around 5kW to 6kW) Building mounted: these are smaller than mast mounted systems and can be installed on the roof of a home where there is a suitable wind resource. Often these provide output of 1kW to 2kW. The wind turbine electrical set up is similar to Figure 15 above. Wind is not as popular as solar power for home generation needs due to the space required to mount them as well as perceived issues with noise and appearance. Wind offers obvious advantages over solar panels in terms of availability. They offer the potential for 24 hour generation not being tied to daylight. A wind solar hybrid offers a complementary system for generation where the peak generation times for wind and solar are at different times of the day (Widen Joakim, 2011) offering a more stable power generation solution. Key metrics and Sensors The main parameters of interest when monitoring a wind installation is power output of the wind generator versus the wind speed. Metering is covered below in the metering section. Wind speed can be measured with a number of methods including cup based anemometers, ultrasonic anemometers and hot wire anemometers. All devices are shown below in Figure 16. Figure 16 Wind Speed Sensors The cup anemometer (and wind mill anemometer) is the more common system relying on mechanical motion of the cups to produce an electrical signal in relation to wind speed. These are low powered systems but require a large area for the sensor themselves. Wind direction can be of interest when user adjustable dynamic control of the turbine is possible adjusting the pitch of the blades as well as the yaw of turbine itself to maximize power capture from the turbine. The majority of turbines purchased would not have this level of user dynamic control available and any control would is automatically carried out. Document version: 0.15 Page 68 of 122 Submission date: 28-03-2013 GreenCom D5.1 Analysis of Greencom TechnoogiesHome Appliance , Energy Generation and Storage Analysis review Report 12. Distributed Storage Distributed storage is a critical component for the smart mirco-grid infrastructure. Since the micro-grid consists of intermittent users and intermittent generators distributed storage is the method used to match demand to generation. Traditionally within micro-grids storage is generally achieved through electrical storage in battery banks or through thermal storage for heating. When a solar or wind installation is carried out the generation can be connected directly to the load (as in the home) and to the grid. The other way is a hybrid installation where the generators can be connected to a battery bank than load and grid. The battery bank is typically re-charged from the generators and this is fed into the inverter for consumption by the load. The battery option per home can be expensive as extra equipment needs to be installed primarily in the form of a charge controller and battery bank. One concept that is being investigated within the domain of electrical storage is to develop community storage solutions. Here a company creates a large battery bank and “rents” space on battery bank for users to distribute their energy at low peak times for use at high peak times. Australia’s smart city smart grid (Smart Grid Smart City, 2012) initiative is running pilots on this concept using lithium batteries as the storage mechanism. Batteries For electrical storage for micro-grid applications the batteries is currently the most cost effective, reliable and efficient method for storing electric energy. Different battery chemistries are designed for different types of charge / discharge cycles. In terms of storage for solar and wind systems there are a number of requirements a battery system should adhere to. These batteries need to be able to withstand repeated heavy discharge followed by short periods of quick re-charging. If the battery selected is not able to withstand these conditions then battery damage and in extreme cases battery exploding can occur. The type of battery that is required for these systems is known as a “deep cycle battery”. The battery also offers the greatest amount of flexibility to the smart micro-gird application. Renewable generated energy can be fed directly to the load or stored in the battery and released later either to the load or back to the grid. Battery based energy can also be used to power a range of loads unlike thermal energy that can only be used for heating. Lead Acid There are two types of lead acid batteries. These are starting batteries and deep-cycle batteries. Starting batteries will be used for applications where a large short burst of energy is required followed by long period of recharging (starting a car). Deep-cycle lead acids on the other hand are the batteries more suitable for Grid applications. Lead acid batteries for micro-grid operation come in a number of different types. 1. Flooded Lead Acid batteries are batteries with caps for water. These batteries tend be cheap and have operational lifetimes over a number of years. They release gas when being charged and as a result need to be placed in a vented area (preferably outdoors) they also require water top-ups. 2. Gel lead acids are batteries are more expensive but they do not vent gas and as a result they can be used indoors. 3. Absorbed Glass Mat (AGM) batteries are considered one of the better technologies for micro-grid use. They are the most expensive but offer longer life spans with better electrical ratings. Due to cost considerations when a battery backup system is used lead-acid is the primary battery technology used today. Lithium Ion Lithium batteries are beginning to emerge as a home electric storage option and are seen within the emerging electric vehicles that are being produced. Lithium has a number of advantages over the traditional lead acid including a higher energy density, higher specific energy a larger charge window a higher cycle life and better efficiency. The main draw back with lithium batteries is the cost per kWh compared to the lead acid counterpart. Lithium batteries are also more likely to enter what’s known as thermal runaway where a battery heats up causing the venting of gas and explosion. The reason lithium is more likely to do this is due to the higher energy density of the cell. Table 25 below gives a comparison of the two technologies (using Document version: 0.15 Page 69 of 122 Submission date: 28-03-2013 GreenCom D5.1 Analysis of Greencom TechnoogiesHome Appliance , Energy Generation and Storage Analysis review Report lithium ion as the comparison). Other new technologies such as lithium vanadium are being touted as possible solutions for storage within the smart grid. Vanadium for example has the potential to have higher energy densities that lithium ion with extremely low self discharge rates which may make it suitable for grid storage in the future/ Table 25 Comparison of battery types Lead Acid Lithium Ion Energy density (Wh/L) (the amount of energy stored per volume) 100 250 Specific energy (Wh/kg) (Energy per specific mass) 40 150 Cycle Life (Number of complete charge discharge cycles a battery can perform) 1200 @ 50% 1900@80% Cost (€/kWh) 40 400 Safety Can vent gas / enter thermal run away More likely than lead acid to enter thermal run away The main point to note for the different battery technologies within the micro-grid is they will have different behaviour characteristics that may need to be taken into account for dynamic storage and retrieval of power. Electric Vehicle An electric vehicle uses electrically driven motors to achieve movement. Electric vehicles are most An electric vehicle uses electrically driven motors to achieve movement. Electric vehicles are most commonly associated with the emerging electrical cars such as the Nissan Leaf or Tesla roadsters but also include buses, trains, and motor cycles. While electric vehicles can fall into a number of separate categories the type that will have most integration with the emerging smart grid is the plug-in battery powered electric vehicle. Here the battery in the vehicle supplies the energy to drive the motors. This energy is transferred into the battery from charge points on the grid either in the home / work or distributed charge stations around a community. The electric vehicle research has proven the feasibility of the concept (range, expense, charging times etc…). With advances in EV technology as well as advances in the emerging smart grid combined with the rise in fuel prices in recent times EV technology could become a widely adopted, critical component within the smart grid infrastructure. Beyond load management it emerges as a potential storage and load shifting resource (Masoum A, 2010). The main concern with the current grid set-up is that the emergence of plug-in electric vehicles an extra load is added at peak times to the grid further reducing the reliability of the grid as well as causing potential power problems. Simulated results as provided by (Masoum S et al, 2010) show that a wide and rapid uptake of plug-in electric vehicles (PEV) could result in major grid instability due to mass charging coinciding with time of typical peak use (after work for example) . While PEVs could act as a potential threat to the reliability of the grid system on the other hand they could possibly be seen as another distributed storage element within the grid infrastructure. Since PEVs would be parked 95% of the time in a daily cycle there is ample opportunity to use these devices to move energy from the grid and possibly back again. EV batteries technologies which typically use lithium based chemistry can handle large sudden discharge events efficiently such as those that might be experienced at peak times during a day. The potential for using EV within the grid as a DS source is still a thing for the future when uptake of PEVs is higher but the management and control for the grid needs to be in place to avoid de-stabilizing the electricity supply network. The potential for using EV within the grid as a DS source is still a thing for the future when uptake of PEVs is higher but the management and control for the grid needs to be in place to avoid de stabilizing the electricity supply network. Document version: 0.15 Page 70 of 122 Submission date: 28-03-2013 GreenCom D5.1 Analysis of Greencom TechnoogiesHome Appliance , Energy Generation and Storage Analysis review Report Thermal Mass Hot water thermal storage tanks are used for storing hot water for space heat and domestic use. These storage systems can retain heat for days if properly insulated. They collect energy from a number of sources but in terms of the GreenCom project the sources of interest are electric and thermal solar panels as well as heat pumps. In terms of measuring energy produced flow meters need to be placed in line with the hot water in-let for the solar system. With regards to electric thermal storage they are metered similarly to a heat pump measuring power consumed versus heat output obtained. Monitoring and Environmental Considerations For a complete monitoring solution for storage elements within the smart grid environmental impacts need to be taken into account. Battery performance for example can be affected by both temperature and humidity. For example lead acid batteries which are a common chemistry used within generation and storage systems are optimal in the temperature range from 20-25C. When the temperatures move to different extremes outside this range it can affect the battery performance both in terms of charge characteristics, lifetime and peak current output. For example battery capacity on a lead acid battery can reduce by 1% per degree C below 20C while higher temperatures accelerate aging and self-discharge properties of the battery. As a result any solution for battery monitoring within the GreenCom project should include where possible temperature and humidity monitoring. The ambient conditions of the battery should be monitored and if possible the temperature of the battery itself would also be of interest especially for generating failure alarms for overcharging. Sensors and metering required This section is indicative of current standard installations that are in place. The GreenCom project may follow a similar set-up or use a different approach that may present itself. This cannot be determined until year two of the project when the holistic view of the DS &DG system is fully specified. For the storage systems the sensors required will include metering and environmental sensors. Electricity and heat metering will be required with similar set-ups to those outlined in the metering section above. Environmental sensing in the form of temperature and humidity sensors will be also required. Monitoring the charge and discharge curves of the battery as well as the overall system state will also be required to get an understanding of how the storage systems are being used and how best to control them. Below is an outline block diagram of a generation / storage system. The generators can either be directly connected to the battery banks first via a charge controller and then the battery banks are connected to the load via an inverter. Or there can be switch enabled routing of the power flow depending on what the system requires. i.e. power can be drawn from batteries or generated electricity. Document version: 0.15 Page 71 of 122 Submission date: 28-03-2013 GreenCom D5.1 Analysis of Greencom TechnoogiesHome Appliance , Energy Generation and Storage Analysis review Report Figure 17 Hybrid generation storage system Technologies available There are a number of off the shelf (non-wireless) solutions available for battery monitoring and power control. These solutions can be connected to the battery terminals and will monitor the charge state of the battery as well as provide information such as the last time the battery was charged. These systems are normally compatible with a range of battery types which is selected on the device at installation (jumper connection / switch / software set-up). These battery monitors can also have integrated digital connections such as RS232 / RS485 lines for connection to a PC or data logging device (such as a wireless mote). Companies such as Bogart engineering offer devices such as the Trimetric and Pentametric battery monitoring devices for renewable storage batteries. These devices offer voltage and current measurement as well as calculating power in watt hours. Battery monitoring can also be integrated directly with the charge controller as is the case for the Magnum or sterling systems shown below. For the deployment planned in GreenCom a digital interface to the motes would be required in order to switch the power supply to / from the batteries. Simple relays that are rated for the maximum power expected can be used here. Pentametric battery monitor. Sterling smart battery charger and monitor Figure 18 Smart Battery Monitors and Charger Document version: 0.15 Page 72 of 122 Submission date: 28-03-2013 GreenCom D5.1 Analysis of Greencom TechnoogiesHome Appliance , Energy Generation and Storage Analysis review Report Metering Heat Any heat metering will require the use of either a digital or analogue heat meter to be installed in-line or on the water system piping. A heat meter is used to measure the amount of heat (in terms of kWh) that has been dissipated in a loop of pipe work A range of heat meters exist that can be used for this. Types of heat meter include inline mechanical meters with an inline temperature sensor. In-line ultrasonic meters use an ultrasonic sensor for the mechanical measurements. Non-invasive systems use a clamp on ultrasonic sensor to measure flow and clamp on temperature sensor for temperature. They can cost from 100 – 1500 Euro depending on pipe diameter and interface type. For example an inline mechanical meter can cost as little as 100 Euro where a non-invasive ultrasonic meter with digital output could cost between 1000-1300 Euro. Once a meter is installed a wireless sensor mote can be attached to the meters interface (pulse output where 1 pulse = XKWhr or 0-X volt analogue output and this can be relayed back to the central system). Figure 19 In-Line Heat meter with LCD and pulse output Electricity metering For electric metering there are a number of wireless electric meters that can be connected in-line with the electrical load. There are wireless options running the Zigbee HA and SE 1.1 protocol as well as proprietary wireless protocols. A full electrical metering installation will use current and voltage to calculate the power being used by the load. The voltage measurement requires a physical electrical connection to the line while a current uses a clamp on arrangement. If the voltage is constant (or can be assumed constant such as in a home load) than a current clamp can be used on its own with the understanding the voltage is assumed to be constant for any calculations. If wireless meters are not available again a similar approach can be taken as with the heat metering where a non-wireless electrical meter is connected into the system to be monitored. These electrical meters will have a digital interface and can be polled by an attached wireless sensing platform via any number of serial protocols (RS232 / Modbus over RS485). Table 26 List of monitoring requirements for generation and storage System Solar (P.V) Metric Light Document version: 0.15 Measurement Unit Lux Sensor Types Sensor Specification (approximate) LDR / Photodiode Page 73 of 122 Range Accuracy 0-1M lux +/- 1% Submission date: 28-03-2013 GreenCom Solar (thermal) Wind Batteries D5.1 Analysis of Greencom TechnoogiesHome Appliance , Energy Generation and Storage Analysis review Report Temperature Celsius RTD, Thermocouple, IR, Digital -200 – +5000 +/- 1C Power Kilo Watt Hours Electric meters (Current and voltage measurements) 0 – XkWh +/- 2% Light Lux LDR / Photodiode 0-1M lux +/- 1% Temperature Celsius RTD, Thermocouple, IR, Digital -200 – +5000 +/- 1C Heat Delivered Kilo Watt Hours Heat meters 0 – XkWh Speed / Direction Kilometres per hour Mechanical, Ultrasonic, hot wire +/- 1m/s +/5degrees Power Kilo Watt Hours Electric meters (Current and voltage measurements) 0160MPH / 0-359 degrees 0 – XkWh Yaw / Pitch / rotor speed (if controllable) Angle Gyroscope accelerometer / 360 degrees / up to 250g +/- 2000 degree /sec and / +/-0 0.1g/ms Charge Current Amps Shunt / Current transformer / rogoski coil 0 – 1000 amps (depends on current range of coil) Terminal Voltage Volts Voltage probe 0 – 1000V +/- 2% Temperatures Celsius RTD, Thermocouple, IR, Digital -200 – +5000 +/- 1C Power draw Kilo watt hours Electric meters (Current and voltage measurements) 0 – XkWh +/- 2% Document version: 0.15 Page 74 of 122 +/- 2% Submission date: 28-03-2013 GreenCom D5.1 Analysis of Greencom TechnoogiesHome Appliance , Energy Generation and Storage Analysis review Report 13. Overall Network Topology Unlike the home area/automation network which is primarily a localized self-contained environment the boundaries of a network for control and monitoring of a distributed generation and distributed storage system are not as clearly defined. Within the HAN there are distributed networked load devices within the home all reporting to a central gateway with one gateway per house. For the generation and storage side the infrastructure can be spread out over a neighbourhood or even several neighbour-hoods or entire communities (such as an island). The geographically distributed nature of the micro grid means that logical groupings of devices may be formed based on low-power network (802.15.4 for example), communications distance with a number of connections to a backhaul network, such as 3G or GSM, to transfer data to and from the management software. Figure 20 below outlines this concept. In the micro-grid there will be several groupings of generators and storage systems each with their own individual gateway. The gateway is connected to the backhaul network via a remote link (Wi-Fi to wired broadband connection, GSM network etc…). Similar groupings have been outlined by researchers such as Hao Ling et al , 2012 in IEEE Wireless Communications magazine. Back Haul (Fibre / 3G / GSM) D D D D D Grid D D D D Back Haul (Fibre / 3G / GSM) Document version: 0.15 Page 75 of 122 Submission date: 28-03-2013 GreenCom D5.1 Analysis of Greencom TechnoogiesHome Appliance , Energy Generation and Storage Analysis review Report Gateways Individual HANs Distributed Generation Distributed Storage DS Figure 20 Network Topology of DS & DG system 11.1 Wireless Considerations The groupings in Figure 20 will be based on proximity to each other with the confines of wireless network technology and the ranges which data can be routed reliably before it makes sense to use a gateway. Range depends on the Power available for transmission of the wireless signal , Frequency of the signal Density of the mesh network. Path loss Propagation environment Radio positioning Antenna type Line of site for typical 2.4GHz 802.15.4 radios for example point to point can vary from 30 meters up several kilometres depending on factors such as radiated power , antenna selection and reliever sensitivity. Changing the frequency can also increase the range for example an 868 radio with 25dBm of radiated power may achieve distances up to 40km. This can be further increased by introducing repeaters and mesh networking. An estimation of what is achievable is not possible until the environment is known including building densities available power sources and locations for radio placements. Propagation losses for the transmitted radio waves are influenced strongly by the environment they are placed and influence the maximum achievable reliable range considerably. For example a radio with an ERP of 5dbm may achieve up to 300 meters line of site range with no obstacles obstructing and a 2dbi 17cm half dipole antenna. Within an indoor environment this could drop as low as 50 meters and be anywhere in between for an outdoor operating environment. Propagation losses due to environment are categorized below Absorption losses; when radio signal passes through an object (buildings, vegetation) Diffraction losses; object in the path causing the radio signal to reflect around Multipath reflections; radio signal arrives via multiple paths An understanding of the environment is required to accurately estimate the range and as a result the extent of generation and storage network groupings that are possible within the micro-grid framework. Document version: 0.15 Page 76 of 122 Submission date: 28-03-2013 GreenCom 13.2 D5.1 Analysis of Greencom TechnoogiesHome Appliance , Energy Generation and Storage Analysis review Report Operating Environment and Technologies deployed The main operating environment for the GreenCom project will be piloted in Denmark. This section serves the purpose of giving and impression of the operating environment on the Island of Fur and of the possibilities for generation and storage devices, which are already available and what the expectations are in the future. The Island of Fur has some very ambitious climate goals stating that the Island should be 100% CO2-neutral in 2020 and that 20% of the power consumption should be covered by solar panels in 20152. These goals have been defined in the Innovation Fur-project, with Branding Fur, the Municipality of Skive and EnergMidt. In order to realize these high ambitions and climate goals, Innovation Fur will attempt to define and generate interesting projects, which can obtain the necessary external funding from EU, the Region of Central Jutland, different national finding and private funding. The GreenCom project is a good example of the synergies that arise from coupling local demonstration facilities with European expertise and external funding. It results in a project that aims at advancing the knowledge about different technologies for Smart Grid and ICT, not only on the Island of Fur, but in a panEuropean context. The GreenCom projects therefore fits perfectly with the ambition of testing the Smart Grid and determine the scale of production and storage and how these Distributed Energy Resources (DER) and individual, customer related production and storage solutions could be included in the power grid. Facts of the Island of Fur In order to be able to relate the numbers, it is important to have an overall understanding of the size of the Island and the activities ongoing. Therefore, this section will state some overall facts about the Island: Size: 23 km2 856 inhabitants in 424 households 500 summer houses – 180.000 tourists (summer) Permanent ferry connection – 70 daily departures Companies: 2 o “Fur Bryghus” – Local beer brewery o Damolin (kitty litter) o Skamol (insulation for industry and households) o 10 smaller business- and service companies Institutions: o Local school (0.-6. great) – 50 pupils o 1 kindergarten Energy Supply - http://www.energy-supply.dk/article/view/78033/ambitiose_klimamal_for_limfjordsoen_fur Document version: 0.15 Page 77 of 122 Submission date: 28-03-2013 GreenCom D5.1 Analysis of Greencom TechnoogiesHome Appliance , Energy Generation and Storage Analysis review Report Overview of DER In order to illustrate the primary DERs, including energy production and energy storage on the Island of Fur, E-MIDT has created the following illustration: Figure 21 Location of current and potential future DER from wind power on the Island of Fur - (EnergiMidt) (Green Dot :- CHP, Blue Dot:-Wind Turbines installed, Red Dot:- Future Wind Installation) Document version: 0.15 Page 78 of 122 Submission date: 28-03-2013 GreenCom D5.1 Analysis of Greencom TechnoogiesHome Appliance , Energy Generation and Storage Analysis review Report Local CHP - Fur Kraftvarme amba The green point in the figure above shows the location of the Local CHP on the Island of Fur. The local CHP was established in September 1995, as a Small Natural gas based CHP. Therefore, the primary production comes from a gas engines producing electricity, where the waste heat from the power generation process is used for heating water, which increases the efficiency of the plant to around 90%. The power is sold to the power grid, while the heat is provided to the 236 connected customers through a district heating grid with a total length of 11 kilometers. During the cold winter months, when the gas engine cannot provide the necessary heat a gas Figure 22 Fur Kraftvarme A.m.b.A boiler can be used to ensure the heat for the customers. Excess heat can be stored in two large hot water storage tanks, which contributes to a stabile heat supply3. Chairman for Fur Kraftvarmeværk A.m.b.A, Esben Sejer Jeppesen, has provided E-MIDT with the following specifications on the production- and storage facilities: Gas engine: Maximum power capacity: 980 kW Maximum heat capacity: 1,3 MW Gas boiler: Maximum heat capacity from gas boiler: 2 MW Hot water storage: Two hot water storage tanks of 155.000 liters each, giving a total of 310.000 liters, which is equivalent to 17-18 MWh of storage. Due to energy political goals in Denmark, stating a vision of 100% RE in power- and heating sector in 2035 the future plan for reducing the use of natural gas has been discussed at Fur Kraftvarme. In this process of gradually replacing the natural gas with RE sources, many different solutions has been discussed, including biomass boilers, geothermal project and using excess process heat from a local production company, Skamol, which is a company providing thermal insulating materials for heat-intensive industries and passive fire protection for households, based on a special type of earth material, based on ancient deposits of algae, which is unique to the area and in the world4. Recently, a solution of installing a large heat pump and creating a Smart Grid Ready CHP has also been discussed, but there is still no specific plan for the future of Fur Kraftvarme A.m.b.A. Wind power Based on the overview of the DERs on the Island of Fur, the blue points marks the current DERs from the 5 two small wind turbines on Fur, each with a capacity below 450 kW . As these wind turbines are quite old, there are plans of replacing them with two new and larger wind turbines each within the range of 850 kW – 2MW capacity, which could be located where the two red points are. In Denmark, the most typical on-shore wind turbine is the three-bladed propeller-type rotor on a horizontal axis, placed on the upwind side of a tubular steel tower, electricity producing and grid connected. Normally, these types are pitch regulated. Over the recent years gearless wind turbines with compact multi-pole permanent-magnet synchronous generators have been installed. On-shore wind turbines are installed either as single turbine, in small clusters or in wind farms with a large number of turbines. The wind turbines starts producing electricity from wind speeds of 3-4 m/s, but the rated power generation is reached at wind speeds of around 10-12 m/s. For safety and security reasons the maximum operational wind speeds are limited to approx. 25 m/s. In Denmark the wind resources are generally quite attractive for exploiting the wind power especially at the west coast, where the strong western winds provides almost perfect conditions for wind turbines. At the same time Denmark is a flat country with a lot of coastline, proving many opportunities for installing wind turbines also further inland. 3 4 5 Information about Fur Kraftvarmeværk A.m.b.A - http://www.furnyt.dk/v/index.php/alfabetisk-oversigt/64-fur-kraftvarmevaerk Skamol A/S - http://www.skamol.com/About-Skamol.2.aspx The Municipality of Skive - http://www.energibyenskive.dk/da/projekter/vindmoeller/ Document version: 0.15 Page 79 of 122 Submission date: 28-03-2013 GreenCom D5.1 Analysis of Greencom TechnoogiesHome Appliance , Energy Generation and Storage Analysis review Report The Island of Fur is located in an area, which in Denmark is considered to be average or slightly above average in the scale of wind and thereby attractivity of wind turbines, as the middle wind speed over the year is between 7 m/s – 7,5 m/s6 (Energistyrelsen, 2009). The seasonal variation of the energy content in winds over Denmark is shown in the figure below (Energistyrelsen, 2012): Figure 23 Wind distribution in Denmark - (Energistyrelsen, 2012) In Denmark, there are a number of guidelines and restrictions for erecting on-shore wind turbines, which can be seen from the list below. All the following elements are important points, which are taken into consideration in the final evaluation of the environmental impact and thereby the decision of realizing the wind turbine projects(Energistyrelsen, 2009)7. Visual implications (Evaluation of placement in the landscape, type of landscape, size of the wind turbine etc.) Noise limitations (maximum of 44 dB in a distance of 15 meter from the household at wind speeds of 8 m/s) - Shadow effects (Below 10 hours of high frequency blinking pr. year) Effects of mounted light markings (Should be visual from a horizontal perspective to ensure air traffic safety) Light reflections from rotor blades (gloss index below 30) The biggest challenge for wind power on the Island of Fur is the visual implications and the respect- and concern for the nature and environment on the Island, as Fur is a protected and preserved area. Therefore, wind power projects are being evaluated from project to project. Especially, the northern areas of the Island are under extremely high levels of preservation, based on historical value and tourism activities, which means that it is not allowed to make changes in the terrain, including new buildings and planting and larger stones may not be removed and the public should keep quiet and are not allowed to set up tents, make bon 8 fire or even walk their dog . Photo Voltaics (PVs) The recent development of solar power, in Denmark are good examples of how effective own- or net production scheme can be in terms of commercializing RE-technologies for the private segment. Last year the energy companies experienced a boom in the sale of solar panels of about 700% per cent from May 9 2011 to December 2011, especially for private households , and the development has continued in 2012. At some point E-MIDT was actually having a waiting list for installation of solar panels, because the company’s supplier cannot keep up with the demand10. 6 Map showing wind resources - http://fys.dk/fipnet/9_vind/91_temaer/914_vindressourcekort/ Report from Energistyrelsen; ”Wind Turbines in Denmark” - http://www.ens.dk/Documents/Netboghandel%20%20publikationer/Vedvarende%20energi/2009/HTML/Vindm%F8ller%20i%20Danmark/pdf/978-87-7844-820-0.pdf 8 Danish Nature Agency - http://www.naturstyrelsen.dk/Naturbeskyttelse/Skov/Statsskovene/Hvad/Arealer/Midtjylland/Arealer+paa+Nordfur.htm 9 Ingeniøren - http://ing.dk/artikel/124688-solcellegennembrud-hos-private 10 Ingeniøren - http://ing.dk/artikel/124983-energi-midt-kan-ikke-foelge-med-solcelle-efterspoergslen 7 Document version: 0.15 Page 80 of 122 Submission date: 28-03-2013 GreenCom D5.1 Analysis of Greencom TechnoogiesHome Appliance , Energy Generation and Storage Analysis review Report The development is explained by some attractive schemes and subsidies for solar panels, like the Net Metering Scheme, which allows people to “store” excess solar power, produced in the summer, on the power grid and use it for free in the winter. In practice, it means that the power meter runs backwards in the summer and normally during the winther months with no or little solar production. For many years it was considered unattractive to install solar panel in Denmark, but under normal Danish solar conditions, the solar panel have had a ROI on 10-12 years, but depending on which net scheme is being used, some installation might have been closer to 7-8 years11. This is primarily due to another attractive scheme is the possibility to write of 25% of the investment of a solar panel pr. year, until the left over value is approximately 12.000 DKK. Finally, it has been possible to subtract the expenses for installation over the tax bill, which is a scheme that will run throughout 2012. Figure 24 The seasonal variation of electricity generation from a typical PV system in Denmark - (EnergiMidt Strategiavis, 2012) Besides being good investment for the customer it also good for the environment, as the solar panels have another positive side effect. Experiences show that Danes, which has installed solar panels, are actually using 5-10% less power, than they did before12. This is an interesting discovery, as it is important that people begin to change their behaviour and relationship to their energy consumption in order to engage the customers in the green conversion of the energy system, where customers should play an important role. During the last couple of year there has been a great interest in solar panels among the inhabitants on the Island of Fur, as they have the largest share of installed solar capacity in Denmark, with 6,4%, compared to the average of around 2,3% in the rest of Denmark13. The 6,4% solar capacity on the Island of Fur corresponds to 27 private solar panel solution providing an estimated current solar capacity on 108-162 kW. However, the latest development in solar scheme in Denmark, with the stop of the Net Metering Scheme and change to hour based billing on solar power has stopped and only few solar private solar panels have been sold afterwards. Therefore, E-MIDT naturally expects that the same thing will happen on the Island of Fur. Unless, the solar scheme in Denmark changes again over the next years, the capacity from solar panels are not expected to be much more than from the 20 solar panels solutions, which E-MIDT have received funding for. If these solar panel solutions has an average capacity of 4-6 kW, which is the typical installation size in Denmark. This is primarily due to an earlier limit of 6 kW installations for private solar panels, but under the new solar scheme in Denmark, there is no longer any limit. Based on these assumptions total capacity of these new solar panels are expected to be around 80-120 kW. With the current installed solar capacity and the expected new capacity the total capacity will be in the range of 188 – 282 kW in 2015. The most common technology used for solar panels in Denmark is the crystalline silicon solar cell technology, where the silicon solar cells are typically assembled into modules of 54-72 individual cells. The module voltage is typically 25-40 volt DC, but higher voltages can be obtained by connecting more modules, either in series or in parallel. Most common in the market are PV modules with a capacity of 180-270 Wp, but up to 440 Wp is available. Typical solar roof-top system in Denmark with a capacity of 4 –6 kW, will correspond to an area of 30 – 50 m2 for crystalline silicon. A PV system with a capacity of 1 kWp will typically produce 850-900 kWh per year(Energistyrelsen, 2012). 11 12 13 Ingeniøren - http://ing.dk/artikel/120726-prisfald-og-nyt-fradrag-goer-solceller-til-guldrandet-investering TV2 Nyhederne - http://nyhederne-dyn.tv2.dk/article.php/id-46617875:salg-af-solceller-er-eksploderet.html Energy Supply - http://www.energy-supply.dk/article/view/96653/solcellerekord_pa_fur Document version: 0.15 Page 81 of 122 Submission date: 28-03-2013 GreenCom D5.1 Analysis of Greencom TechnoogiesHome Appliance , Energy Generation and Storage Analysis review Report Heat Pumps (HPs) E-MIDT provides both ground source- and air-to-water based heat pumps from the following suppliers: Recent analysis Recent analysis shows that air-to-water heat pumps are becoming increasingly popular. Economic analysis 14 shows that the ROI are 8,4 years for both, air-to-water and ground source based heat pumps , but as it is easier to install an air-to-water heat pumps, these are preferred by many, when replacing their current oil burner. E-MIDT has received funding for 21 heat pumps, and depending on the size of the heat pumps, which typically varies from 2-5 kW, we can expect from 41-105 kW to be installed over the next years. In order to ensure the best performance of the heat pump it is recommended to make an energy audit before installing the heat pump. Over the last couple of years the inhabitants on the Island of Fur have been offered free energy audits, and typically it is beneficial for many households to increase insulation on ceilings and cavities, which will typically be and investment of 20-50.000 DKK or €2.650-6.650. Many of these energy audits on Fur have been carried out by former E-MIDT energy consultant, Olav Bliksted. His experiences from talking to the inhabitants on the Island of Fur are that many people are willing to spend extra money, when there are already in the process of improving the climate impact. People in general are focused on the economy, but there are also many people, who find it interesting to do something good for the environment15. Micro Combined Heat and Power Micro CHP is primarily a Combined Heat and Power (CHP) solution, primarily for domestic purposes, as it will be placed inside the household or the user in a household, but might also be useful in small office buildings. It is expected that Micro CHP with Stirling engines and gas engines will be commercially available within few years, as these technologies are the most developed at this point. However, some Danish companies, like Haldor Topsoe, IRD Fuel Cells and Dantherm Power are focusing on developing Micro CHP’s based on the fuel cells technology, as it should be beneficial to convert power from wind turbines or solar panel into RE gas or Hydrogen, which can be used for domestic heating. This type of Micro CHPs technology is very flexible as it will be able to store cheap electricity from the grid as Hydrogen, which can then be used for domestic heating. If needed, it will also be able to produce electricity to the power grid. This solution is expected, not only be more environmentally friendly, but also more efficient16 and at the same time it will support the ideas of a Smart Grid and a Smart Energy System, like in GreenCom. One of the ideas of using Micro CHPs in a Smart Energy System in Denmark is to be able to connect all these Micro CHPs, so that they will act a large virtual power plant (VPP) and in practice be considered as one unit or one plant. The idea is that this VPP should be remotely controlled and have the same regulation ability to the power system as a traditional CHP. This will naturally demand a huge introduction and commercialization of Micro CHPs and will also demand a well-functioning Smart Grid. However, the solution should help to ensure the stability of the power grid and help to reduce or avoid investments and reinforcements of the distribution grid, without building new CHPs and reduce the CO2 emissions17. 14 EnergiMidt A/S - http://www.energimidt.dk/privat/varmepumper/oekonomi/oekonomiske-eksempler-paa-varmepumper The Energy City of Skive - http://www.energibyenskive.dk/media/11810/fur_kan_f__solcelle-park.pdf 16 DONG Energy - http://www.dongenergy.com/da/innovation/developing/pages/micro_chp.aspx 17 DONG Energy - http://www.dongenergy.com/da/innovation/developing/pages/micro_chp.aspx 15 Document version: 0.15 Page 82 of 122 Submission date: 28-03-2013 GreenCom D5.1 Analysis of Greencom TechnoogiesHome Appliance , Energy Generation and Storage Analysis review Report Table 27 Technical Data from 1-10KW Residential Micro SHPs and power fuel cells using Natural Gas Some of issues or downsides of the Micro CHPs are their operating lifetime, electrical efficiency and long start-up time, which are illustrated in the table below: As the table also shows, these elements are expected to improve over the years, and the Micro CHPs has the advantage compared to normal CHPs, that there is no or very little loss in the heat distribution, as the Micro CHPs are located where the heat and power is consumed. As Micro CHPs are developed to meet the need for covering the power and heating consumption of a household, the typical size or capacity are between 0,5-5 kW. In the period from 2012-2015, E-MIDT have received funding for two Micro CHPs, which should contribute with around 10 kW on the capacity on the Island of Fur. Document version: 0.15 Page 83 of 122 Submission date: 28-03-2013 GreenCom D5.1 Analysis of Greencom TechnoogiesHome Appliance , Energy Generation and Storage Analysis review Report 14. Summary and Conclusions Home Automation conclusions From the review carried out it can be seen there are a number of wireless technologies available that target the area of Home/building automation and smart metering. To narrow down these technologies to find a suitable selection for the GreenCom project key parameters for a HAN both in general and for the Greencom project specifically needs to be considered. Table 28 RF Technologies comparisons ZigB ee KNXRF RfBand 2.4 868 868 Stan dard ZigB ee Stan dard KNX IETF RFC49 44 TCP/I P supp ort Mod ulati on BitRate Rang e (LOS ) Yes (SE P2.0 ) DSS S Yes Yes FSK/ GFS K 16.5 DSSS MAC Meth od CSM A/C A or TDM A No Prop rietar y 25040 10100 6LoW PAN Wi-Fi 2.4868 2.4 5.2 Senza Net Das h7 Wave nis EnO cea n 433/ 868 ZWav e 868 MiWi One -Net 2.4 868 802. 15.1 EnO cea n Allia nce ZWav e Allia nce Micr ochi p prop eriter y Yes OneNet open stan dard 2.4 433 E-Senza Technologi es ISO/I EC Yes No Yes No No yes Yes DSSS GFS K ASK FSK DSS S BPS K 250 FSK/ GFS K 200 FHSS 250 DSSS /OFD M 54M 100 1-3M 125 200 250 40 100 100 100 100 1KM 1KM 1100 (dep endin g on class ) 30 100 100 250 CSM A CSMA/ CA or TDMA Res end CSM A/C A CSM A/CA CSM A/C A No No No CSM A/CA or TDM A No Yes Yes Yes No 802.1 1 No yes 433/8 68/91 5 Wave nis OSA Blue toot h 2.4 No No A number of researchers (Paul Ejnar et al…, 2011) have carried out comparative analysis on a various home automation protocols and have listed a number of key parameters that should be met when deploying a wireless sensor network for the HAN application area. These are Interoperability / Future proofing Logistics / How widely supported/available are these technologies. Reliability / able to deal with reflections and noise Distance < 30 Meter typical Document version: 0.15 Page 84 of 122 Submission date: 28-03-2013 GreenCom D5.1 Analysis of Greencom TechnoogiesHome Appliance , Energy Generation and Storage Analysis review Report Low power for battery operation Low Bandwidth requirements Ease of installation / network set-up and use In terms of interoperability and availability the list is quickly narrowed down to a shorter number of protocols these are ZigBee, Z-wave, EnOcean, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Wavenis. While there are a number of very promising emerging technologies that will eventually create highly interoperable home automation network applications mainly via IPv6 and internet compatibility, these technologies are still emerging and have not completely entered into the market as of yet. Reliability in this case is generally talking about radio frequency interference introduced by the home. Sources of noise include Interference from other radio equipment (Wi-Fi / Bluetooth / 802.15.4) Interference from home equipment (microwaves etc...) Multiple paths transmission Physical failure (mote power loss, movement) Packet loss The ability to form mesh networks and heal can help combat the problems above, if motes “drop out” for whatever reason if the packages can re-route via other motes this improves the reliability. Packet loss can also be mitigated with acknowledgments and re-transmissions and also via medium access methods such as listen before talk. Motes need to be able to transmit up to 30 meters in the indoor environment to ensure coverage this can be overcome with routers but this adds to installation costs and complexity. Not all motes in a HAN will have access to a mains power supply the wireless technology used needs to be compatible with battery operating constraints with a low watt per bit ratios. For home users adopting and maintaining these technologies ease of installation and network maintenance quickly becomes critical commissioning and enrolling the devices in the physical network needs to be user friendly and “easy” to carry out. Taking all the above into account and the number of available and compatible technologies are further reduced down to three main options, these are: 1. ZigBee HA 2. Z-Wave 3. EnOcean Each of these technologies offers their own set of advantages. ZigBee is completely open for use with the standards published but there are still some questions about inter manufacturer compatibility even within the structures of the user profiles. Z-Wave and EnOcean on the other hand require developers to sign up and pay fees to the individual alliances. In terms of available devices Z-wave seems to have made the most in terms of market penetration with ZigBee and EnOcean following it. When creating the infrastructure for the home automation network primarily off the self-solutions can be used, but there will be occasions when a custom device is required to interface with non-standard equipment (such as heat pumps or pulse output meters). The use of open source and available material with a number of radio manufacturers will be an important issue at this point and it is for that reason that the overall recommendation for the HAN is to use ZigBee HA. The home control platform will follow the format of similar technologies defined and will essentially be a wireless sensor node with dedicated sensing and control functionalities running the wireless protocol. For the HAN, where safety and comfort will be of utmost concern as much as possible, any technologies interfacing with or controlling power to appliances will be off the shelf parts with safety certification, this will include the plug devices and load control devices listed above. The list of gateways below will be used to define the final gateway specification. Further discussions with relevant partners in this area will define the specification based on software requirements. The final specification will be outlined in Deliverable D5.2.1 (M8). For the home automation / area network the main conclusions are: Document version: 0.15 Page 85 of 122 Submission date: 28-03-2013 GreenCom D5.1 Analysis of Greencom TechnoogiesHome Appliance , Energy Generation and Storage Analysis review Report There is hardware available for the home automation market. This hardware should be utilized to simplify system set-up While future technologies such as IPv6 look promising thre are not market ready at this point Technologies selected should conform to the main requirements of the HAN Ease of installation and management Manufacturer interoperability Availability Low Power / Low data rate Reliability ZigBee HA / Z-wave and EnOcean all viable options For the GreenCom project ZigBee HA is the overall recommendation in terms of wireless technology due to its open source nature. Distributed Generation and Storage This report has outlined the likely generation and storage devices that may be seen within a micro-grid. To successfully manage generation-demand within these micro grids the first step is determining what needs to be monitored for these devices and then how to control them. With correct monitoring better decisions can be made when deciding what to do with generated power and the distributed storage. Correct monitoring is also important for upper level decision layers so they can forecast what might be generated and what may need to be stored as well as knowing the state of individual devices within the grid. Examining what wireless monitoring and control infrastructures are available for the DS & DG portion of the grid infrastructure it quickly becomes clear that unlike the home automation network portion of the microgrid, technologies for this section of the grid are still in the infancy of development. The Zigbee Alliance have made an attempt with SEP 1.0 the future of which is uncertain as the initial SEP2.0 draft looks to embrace an IP Interface instead and as a result would not be immediately compatible with SEP 1.0. The use of 6LoWPAN and HTTP interfacing is a promising development for control and monitoring of the smart grid and this can be seen within the Industrial protocols which are also supporting 6LoWPAN and TCP data transfer mechanisms. The advantages of using an internet of things approach to connect the wireless infrastructure on the grid are instant scalability using the vast number of available IPV6 addresses as well as interoperability, as standard internet protocols can be used for communication. The disadvantages are with upper layer security (radio layers can still use the same AES128 based encryption) and the difficulties that may be encountered when porting communications such as TCP on to small resource constrained devices over a large mesh network. For the GreenCom project the potential advantages of 6LoWPAN and the lack of a creditable alternative with wide spread use protocol for the distribution and generation side of the grid lead to the overall suggestion to use a wireless IPV6 approach for communication between devices over the 802.15.4 radio standard. While ZigBee Home Automation has been suggested for the home networking portion of the GreenCom project that decision was based on the need to use off the shelf actuators (mainly plug actuators) that have been safety and CE certified. These constraints aren’t present within the DS and DG side of the project. As can be seen when control or high power monitoring is required existing approved infrastructure such as power and heat meters, or battery monitors can be used and then interfaced with a wireless sensor platform. This ensures that there is a layer between the wireless monitoring and control and any mains / high power devices. If a complete IPV6 solution is to be implemented a translation layer above the Zigbee HAN devices can be introduced either at the gateway level or on the coordinator devices. This layer can assign IPV6 addressing to Zigbee devices as well as translate between the Zigbee communications to the TCP communications. This has the added advantage of creating what would be a real world scenario for smart grid wireless device networking: linking heterogeneous devices through a common framework. Also due to the fact that 802.15.4 will be the communications medium common hardware can be developed for use with the HAN and the DS & DG where only the firmware will be different. In terms of devices to be monitored and controlled it is obvious, looking at the proposed pilot site, that heat pumps will play a crucial part in any deployment, with solar power and wind also contributing to the generation schema. The metrics and sensors required to measure these have been suggested above. 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Website References [1] http://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-core-coap/ [2] http://datatracker.ietf.org/wg/core/ [3] http://hinrg.cs.jhu.edu/joomla/images/stories/IPSN_2011_koliti.pdf [4] http://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-castellani-core-http-mapping/ Document version: 0.15 Page 90 of 122 Submission date: 28-03-2013 GreenCom D5.1 Analysis of Greencom TechnoogiesHome Appliance , Energy Generation and Storage Analysis review Report List of Figures and Tables Figures Figure 1 Wireless 802.15.4 mote architecture ..................................................................... 9 Figure 2 Network Topologies ............................................................................................. 10 Figure 3 Left Mica Mote, Right Smart Plug ........................................................................ 16 Figure 4 HAN Overview ..................................................................................................... 17 Figure 5 ZigBee Model....................................................................................................... 23 Figure 6 6LoWPAN in OSI ................................................................................................. 24 Figure 7 Smart Plug ZigBee HA from HAI .......................................................................... 37 Figure 8 ZigBee HA Thermostat ........................................................................................ 38 Figure 9 Load Control Actuator Z-wave ............................................................................. 39 Figure 10 Danfoss Radiator Valve ..................................................................................... 41 Figure 11- Example of CoAP stack .................................................................................... 50 Figure 12– High level architecture of the ETSI M2M.......................................................... 52 Figure 13 SenzaNet Stack ................................................................................................. 60 Figure 14 HAI Zigbee ......................................................................................................... 64 Figure 15 Solar Panel Installation Block ............................................................................ 66 Figure 16 Wind Speed Sensors ......................................................................................... 68 Figure 17 Hybrid generation storage system ..................................................................... 72 Figure 18 Smart Battery Monitors and Charger ................................................................. 72 Figure 19 In-Line Heat meter with LCD and pulse output .................................................. 73 Figure 20 Network Topology of DS & DG system .............................................................. 76 Figure 21 Location of current and potential future DER from wind power on the Island of Fur - (EnergiMidt)............................................................................................................... 78 Figure 22 Fur Kraftvarme A.m.b.A - ................................................................................... 79 Figure 23 Wind distribution in Denmark - (Energistyrelsen, 2012) ..................................... 80 Figure 24 The seasonal variation of electricity generation from a typical PV system in Denmark - (EnergiMidt Strategiavis, 2012) ........................................................................ 81 Tables Table 1 Off-the Shelf Mote Summary................................................................................. 10 Table 2 Key Sensors Required for HAN ............................................................................ 14 Table 3 Sensor Typical Values .......................................................................................... 15 Table 4 UWB Channel Assignments .................................................................................. 19 Table 5 802.11 Variant Characteristics .............................................................................. 20 Table 6 Summary of Standards ......................................................................................... 20 Table 7 ZigBee V ZigBee PRO .......................................................................................... 22 Table 8 Comparing Bluetooth to Bluetooth low energy ...................................................... 27 Table 9 List of device types and protocols supported ........................................................ 36 Table 10 Smart Meters ...................................................................................................... 37 Table 11 Plug device overview .......................................................................................... 37 Table 12 Thermostat device overview ............................................................................... 38 Table 13 Load Control Actuators Comparisons ................................................................. 39 Table 14 Dimmer Switch Analysis ..................................................................................... 39 Table 15 Temperature / Humidity Sensor comparisons ..................................................... 40 Table 16 Light Sensor Comparisons.................................................................................. 40 Table 17 Occupancy Sensor Comparisons........................................................................ 40 Document version: 0.15 Page 91 of 122 Submission date: 28-03-2013 GreenCom D5.1 Analysis of Greencom TechnoogiesHome Appliance , Energy Generation and Storage Analysis review Report Table 18 Overview of energy hubs and platforms .............................................................. 43 Table 19 Comparative description of current HA projects .................................................. 47 Table 20 List of PAP .......................................................................................................... 49 Table 21 - Both opened and completed PAP ..................................................................... 50 Table 22 Zigbee SE Clusters and devices ......................................................................... 54 Table 23 Zigbee SEP 2.0 at a glance ................................................................................ 55 Table 24 Heat Pump Sensor suite complete list ................................................................ 63 Table 25 Comparison of battery types ............................................................................... 70 Table 26 List of monitoring requirements for generation and storage ................................ 73 Table 27 Technical Data from 1-10KW Residential Micro SHPs and power fuel cells using Natural Gas........................................................................................................................ 83 Table 28 RF Technologies comparisons............................................................................ 84 Table 29 Comparisons of available GW’s .......................................................................... 93 Document version: 0.15 Page 92 of 122 Submission date: 28-03-2013 GreenCom D5.1 Analysis of Greencom TechnoogiesHome Appliance , Energy Generation and Storage Analysis review Report Appendix A Summary of gateway devices Table 29 Comparisons of available GW’s Name Rasberry PI A Rasberry PI B Processor Core BroaddCom BCM2835, ARM1176JZF (ARM 11:-ARMv6Z) BroaddCom BCM2835, ARM1176JZF (ARM 11:-ARMv6Z) Processor Speed RAM WIFI builtin 700 MHz 256MB No 700 MHz 512MB No 1GHz 512MB (400Mhz) No Peripherials 8 × GPIO, UART, I²C bus, SPI bus with two chip selects, +3.3 V, +5 V, 9 × GPIO, UART, I²C bus, SPI bus with two chip selects, +3.3 V, +5 V, 96 GPIO including I2C, UART, I2S, SPI, 802.11b/g/n 4 TTL Lines (UART) ODROID-U2 ARM Cortex A8-A10 ARMv7-A 1.2GHz Allwinner A10 ARM Cortex A8 :- ARMv7-A Exynos Cortex-A9Quad Core OMAP -L138 ARM9E:-ARMv5TEJ ARM926EJ-STM RISC CPU Samsung Exynos4412 Prime Cortex-A9 Quad Core Beagle Bone 720MHz superscalar ARM CortexA8 :- ARMV7a 720Mhz 256MB (400Mhz) No UART 2x I2C, 5x UART, I2S, SPI, CAN, 66x 3.3V GPIO, 7x ADC NimbusPlug (IONICS) Armada Marvel (ARM 9E:-ARMv5te) 1.2Ghz 512MB No Serial / JTAG Sheeva Plug (globaltechnologies) 1.2Ghz 512MB (400Mhz) No JTAG/Serial/UART Guruplug (globaltechnologies) Armada Marvel (ARM 9E:-ARMv5te) Marvell Kirkwood 6281 (ARM9E:ARMv5te) 1.2Ghz 512MB (800Mhz) 802.11b/g/n JTAG/Serial/UART TonidoPlug 2 Armada 310 (ARM V9-ARMv5te ) 800Mhz 512MB 802.11b/g/n 720Mhz 256MB (400Mhz) No 4 X Serial Lines / SPI/ I2C 2x I2C, 2 5x UART, I S, SPI, CAN, 66x 3.3V GPIO, 7x ADC 1.2Ghz 512MB 802.11b/g/n Serial / JTAG / UART Cubieboard Hackberry A10 ODROID-U Hawkboard Beagle Board StratusPlug (IONICS) Document version: 0.15 TI ARM CortexA8(OMAP3530) Armada Marvel (ARM 9E:-ARMv5te ) 1.2Ghz 1.4Ghz 512MB 1GB (800Mhz) 300Mhz 128MB Ram @150Mhz no 1.7Ghz 2GB (800Mhz) no Page 93 of 122 no UART UART /I2C /SPI/ GPIO Submission date: 28-03-2013 GreenCom D5.1 Analysis of Greencom TechnoogiesHome Appliance , Energy Generation and Storage Analysis review Report Beagle Board XM DreamPlug (globaltechnologies) FriendlyARM mini 6410 FriendlyARM mini 210 D2Plug (globaltechnologies) CirrusPLug (IONICS) GUMSTIX DUOVERO Trim Slice PandoraBoard Via Artigo TI ARM CortexA8(OMAP3530) ARMV7a Marvel Sheeva 1.2 GHz (ARMv5TE) S3C6410 ARMCortex A8 :-ARMv7A S5PV210 ARM Cortex-A8 :-ARMv7A PX-A510 Arm V7:ARMv5TEJ Marvell Armada 88F6282 (ARM 9E:ARMv5te) OMAP4430:ARMv7-A:- ARM Cortex-A9 :NVIDA TEGRA 2:ARMv7-A:- ARM Cortex-A9 :ARMv7-A:- ARM Cortex-A9 :X86 Via Eden Intel Atom Z530 1.6GHz / Z510 Fit PC 2 1GHz 512MB (400Mhz) 2x I2C, 5x UART, I2S, SPI, CAN, 66x 3.3V GPIO, 7x ADC 1.2Ghz 512MB (800Mhz) 802.11b/g/n JTAG / UART 533Mhz 256MB no I2C, SPI, UART, RS232, 90 GPIO 1GHz 512MB 802.11b/g/n I2C, SPI, UART, RS232, 90 GPIO 800Mhz 1GB (800Mhz) 802.11b/g/n JTAG 2GHZ 1GB 802.11b/g/n Serial / JTAG / UART 1GHz 1GB No GPIO/Serial 1GHz 1GB (700Mhz) 802.11b/g/n 1.2Ghz 1GB(800Mhz) 802.11b/g/n GPIO/Serial GPIO/Serial /JTAG/UART/SPI/I2C 1Ghz 4GB(800Mhz) 1GB (400Mhz) 802.11b/g/n RS232 802.11b/g/n USB 1.1GHz Appendix B Summary of energy hub platforms 1. GE Nucleus Home Energy Hub Description GE Appliances offering to the home energy hub market is the Nucleus device which uses GE Brillion technology. The Nucleus can be integrated with smart meters and act as a home energy monitor. It can store house data and estimate pricing for up to three years. It also has Wi-Fi connectivity allowing it to be accessed via internet connections with devices such as tablets and smart phones. Technical details on the device are scarce as its mostly marketing information that is available below is a summary of the available technical specifications. - Electrical Rating Input Voltage 100-240VAC/50-60Hz Input Amps/Watts (max)3.5W Plug Right Angle - Features Power On WiFi Connected LED Indicator Lights Energy Network 1 (ZigBee® from meter) Energy Network 2 (ZigBee to devices) Memory/Data Device On-Board Storage30 days @ 1 min; 3 yrs @ 1 hr Demand Events WiFi 802.11b/g compatible 1 WiFi radio for in-home LAN 802.11 2 SEP 1.0 1 ZigBee radio for utility ESI 802.15.4 ZigBee Compatible Radio Receiver SEP 1.0 1 ZigBee radio for HAN 802.15.4 Document version: 0.15 Page 94 of 122 Submission date: 28-03-2013 GreenCom D5.1 Analysis of Greencom TechnoogiesHome Appliance , Energy Generation and Storage Analysis review Report Ethernet Connection Nucleus Configuration SEP 1.0 RJ45 connector 1 Ethernet port for in-home LAN 802.11 CD-rom-PC Configuration (Mac and/or PC) 2. Tendril Networks, Inc. Description Tendril Networks, Inc. provides a cloud platform to energy service providers and their customers for their energy management applications. The company offers consumer engagement products, applications, and services powered by Tendril Connect, an energy management platform that creates a dialogue between energy service providers and their customers, as well as allows customers to track energy costs and consumption by appliances, electronics, and household devices within the home. Its display, monitoring, control, and network products include Energize, an energy application suite for home energy management; Insight in-home display; SetPoint smart thermostat; Volt smart outlet; LCS load control switch; Transport IP gateway; Relay; and Translate, a device for connection to automatic meter reading networks. Specifications Smart Energy ESP (Energy Services Portal) capable Atmel ARM-9 Control Processor operating at 180 MHz with 16MB Flash and 16MB RAM Embedded Linux OS 16MB RAM, 8MB Flash ZigBee® Smart Energy 1.0 certified ZigBee/802.15.4 Radio 2.400-2.483 GHz, unlicensed ISM band 100mW power-amp output -94dBm receiver sensitivity Internal power consumption: 2.2W Over-the-Internet (OTI) software updates Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) enabled, or Pre-configured Key enabled, for AMI and AMR configurations Standards ZigBee SE certified FCC certified UL certified Proprietary SW Market Penetration Tendril works with more than 35 energy providers as well as product and service providers and has implemented more than 50 smart energy projects around the world. Additional Information http://www.tendrilinc.com 3. Sensinode Description Sensinode provides a unique solution for automatic metering infrastructures (AMI), enabling IP communications for all wireless meters, submeters and home automation devices and in addition seamlessly integrates M-Bus and Wireless M-Bus devices into IP. NanoStack™ 2.0 is integrated into electric meters, sub-meters and home automation devices, providing an all-IP network using inexpensive radio chips, yet allowing for reliable mesh networking. The solution allows for battery powered devices with a lifetime of years. NanoRouter™ 2.0 products provide routing between the wireless devices running NanoStack™ 2.0 and the utility backbone. NanoRouter™ 2.0 is also available for integration into electric meters which act as the gateway to the utility backbone network. The NanoService Platform is a flexible and highly-scalable product designed to enable the deployment of challenging Document version: 0.15 Page 95 of 122 Submission date: 28-03-2013 GreenCom D5.1 Analysis of Greencom TechnoogiesHome Appliance , Energy Generation and Storage Analysis review Report M2M applications on private server, private cloud or public cloud environments. NanoService Platform Features Scales from Server to Public Cloud Deployments Designed for up to 20 Mnodes or 100 Mtransactions/day per clúster Resource registration and directory Push eventing and subscriptions Semantic naming and lookup End-to-end Web Services HTTP REST APIs Efficient M2M with CoAP Web-based Admin GUI Complete graphical Reference Applications with source code Java SDK with source code NanoService Device Libraries C, Java and Android NanoStack 2.0 Features Hardware Platform: - Embedded device SoC: CC2530 RF MCU - Access Point: NanoRouter 2.0 Development tools: IAR Workbench ver. 8.10 (or later) for 8051 Network layer protocol: 6LoWPAN - ICMP (Standard based HC and RPL, ND draft version 16) - Max packet size: 1280 bytes - Routing table size: 40 entries - Automatic fragmentation Transport layer protocol: TCP/UDP RPL routing with storing and non-storing modes Security: AES-CCM Socket-API: BSD style socket API for application Concurrent sockets: max 5 Power saving functions Standards • 6LoWPAN (offered free of charge by the IETF) • Also have a 6LoWPAN/wireless m-bus bridge. Market Penetration Offices in Finland and San Diego. Additional Information HW seems to be offered to promote their SW. Potential licence fee for nanostack usage. Major contributors in the IETF for the standardization of key technologies for the Internet of Things, 6LoWPAN and CoAP, were a founder of the IPSO Alliance and are active members of other key industry forums such as the ZigBee Alliance.http://www.sensinode.com 4. SpinWave Systems, Inc. Description Spinwave Systems offers two product lines (A3 and EM) for all your monitoring, energy management and building automation applications. A3: wireless sensor network for harsh RF environments, integrates with virtually any building automation system or monitoring application through open protocols and direct I/O. Using a patent-pending frequency-hopping technology, A3 networks automatically adapt to interference for maximum reliability. Document version: 0.15 Page 96 of 122 Submission date: 28-03-2013 GreenCom D5.1 Analysis of Greencom TechnoogiesHome Appliance , Energy Generation and Storage Analysis review Report A3 products include wireless pulse counters for sub-metering, temperature, humidity, and voltage sensors, along with a complete line of gateways for interfacing devices with virtually any open protocol automation system (BACnet, LON, Modbus). EM: wireless sensor and control solution for energy management and demand response. The BMS interface is used to interface the wireless mesh network to Building Management Systems, PLCs, and monitoring applications.Sensor data (e.g. temperature, relative humidity, contact closures, voltage, current, meter pulses) is transmitted wirelessly to the receiver radio and mapped to protocol objects by the gateway. Features High Reliability: The Spinwave A3 Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) utilizes mesh architecture and features RF interference avoidance through selfadapting frequency agility. Easy to Maintain: Sophisticated power management results in long battery life of 3 to 8years, depending on user-selectable transmission intervals. Battery health and communication health are continuously monitored. Flexible and Scalable: System can grow from a few to hundreds of monitoring points. Sensors can be easily added, moved, or removed. Multiple Interface Options: The A3 WSN interfaces to virtually any automation system (BMS, PLC), monitoring application or network management tool. Install Quickly and Economically: Wireless system can be installed with no disruption to operations. Specifications 2.4GHz, IEEE 802.15.4 Receiver Sensitivity -95dBm Receiver Adjacent Channel Rejection +/-5MHz, 46/39 dB Receiver Alternate Channel Rejection +/-10MHz, 58/55 dB Open field Range Receiver/Router: up to 3500 ft. (1 km) Receiver/Sensor: up to 1000 ft. (300 m) Standards BACNet LON Modbus Market Penetration More than 30,000 devices have been used by several hundred different customers in a wide variety of applications, including: Demand Response, Energy Efficiency, Data Center Monitoring, Energy Use Monitoring, Food and Drug Temperature Monitoring, Energy Management, Soil and Crop Temperature Monitoring, Energy Auditing, Additional Information http://www.spinwavesystems.com/ 5. Digi International, Inc. Description The ConnectPort X2 Gateway for Smart Energy provides a low-cost connection between a Home Area Network (HAN) and remote web applications or utility hosted websites designed for customer engagement. Intended to share the connection of a homeowner's broadband Internet router, the gateway provides near real-time energy data access and control capabilities based on the Smart Energy devices enabled in the customer's home, such as a Programmable Communicating Thermostats (PCTs), In-Home Displays (IHDs), and Smart Energy utility meters. iDigi Manager Pro is a feature of all Digi cellular gateways, routers, devices and components. iDigi Manager Pro provides a robust suite of network management tools including authentication, configuration management, account management, asynchronous updates and alerts, group and individual software updating, network data storage and gateway programming. Features/Standards ZigBee Alliance Smart Energy Public Application Profile 1.1 and backwards compatible with 1.0 UDP/TCP, DHCP, SNMPv1 LEDs: Ethernet status, Power, ZigBee link/activity 10/100 Ethernet for connecting to home Internet router Enables the Home Area Network (HAN) and additional Smart Energy products such as Programmable Communicating Thermostat (PCT) and In-Home Display (IHD) products available from many manufacturers Document version: 0.15 Page 97 of 122 Submission date: 28-03-2013 GreenCom D5.1 Analysis of Greencom TechnoogiesHome Appliance , Energy Generation and Storage Analysis review Report Uses Digi-hosted iDigi® Device Cloud™ to manage connectivity, configuration and software upgrades Security: SSL tunnels AS70, ISO 27001, NIST, CSA, NERC CIP compliant ZigBee: XBee-PRO® 80 mW (+19.1 dBm, including 2.1 dBi antenna) / Int'l 10 mW (+10 dBm) Safety: EN60950 Emissions/Immunity: CE, FCC Part 15 (Class B), IC, ETSI, C-TICK, Telec Specifications http://www.pikkerton.com/_mediafiles/45-ds_connectportx.pdf Cost Service Description Tier iDigi Manager Pro Charged per month, 1 to 5 per registered device 6 to 100 101 to 10,000 Over 10,000 Digi Manager Pro Charged annually, Annual Fee per registered device iDigi Cloud Web Charged per Up to 2MB device to Services transaction cloud, $1.99 monthly 100MB cloud to minimum device, (13,267 transactions) unlimited cloud to application iDigi SMS Outgoing iDigi short message service $1.99 monthly minimum (40 messages) iDigi Data Streams Per gigabyte (GB), - Pricing Free € 1.49 € 0.59 Quote € 6.48 € 0.00014 € 0.05 € 0.08 Market Penetration Sales: $190.6M (60% of sales in US). Locations in United States, Germany, Spain, UK, India, Singapore, China. Additional Information http://www.digi.com/ 6. 4Noks S.R.L. Description 4Noks supplies devices and GW with an open API to Integrators. They offer an appliance control system called ‘Intelligreen’ (similar to Plugwise). BEM/HAN solutions are supported through intelligreen & their Industrial routers and Modbus bridge. Systems need to be created by Integrators. They supply a suite of ZigBee Pro wireless devices from energy monitoring power sockets to temperature and humidity sensors that they supply along with a gateway to system developers for the creation of end customer ready solutions. They manufacture three models of gateways: 1) ZC-GW-485-EM Gateway Modbus RS485 2) ZC-GW-USB-EM Gateway Modbus USB 3) ZC-GW-ETH-EM Gateway Modbus Ethernet Features (of ZC-GW-485-EMGateway Modbus RS485) Protocol converter from Modbus/RTU to ZigBee Standard ModBus RS485 interface Coordinator function for a ZigBee network Local memory stores battery powered sensors data Transparent bridge towards other Modbus devices External antenna Specifications Chip Ember EM2420 Compatible IEEE 802.15.4 Document version: 0.15 Page 98 of 122 Submission date: 28-03-2013 GreenCom D5.1 Analysis of Greencom TechnoogiesHome Appliance , Energy Generation and Storage Analysis review Report Stack EmberZnet 3.4.x (ZigBee PRO) Modbus/RTU Supply: 12-24 Vcc/Vca (±10%); 100mA; 50/60Hz Connections: RS485 with pull out terminals (3,81 mm pitch) Operating temperature: -10 ÷ +60°C; <80% U.R. not condensing Storage temperature: -20 ÷ +70°C; <80% U.R. not condensing Degree of protection: IP 55 ETSI EN 300 328: Radio Compatibility for digitals wide band transmissions ETSI EN 301 489: Radio Compatibility EN 61000-6-2: Electromagnetic Compatibility - Emissions EN 61000-6-3: Electromagnetic Compatibility - Immunity EN 60950-1: Electric Safety Market Penetration OEM alliance with EasyIO, a large Singaporean corporation specializing in M2M and Building automation. Additional Information http://www.4-noks.it/?lingua_sito=uk 7. Pikkerton GmbH Description The easy programmable ZigBee-Gateway ZBG-100 consists of a GHz class ARM-based CPU with strong peripheral components like Gigabit Ethernet, one SD-Card slot for data logs or applications and a 2.4 GHz ZigBee coordinator module. The 230V power supply is integrated, therefore the device can start immediately after getting plugged into a wall socket. The Linux environment ensures stable network services as well as easy application and interface programming. Services like SNMP, SMTP, HTTP, etc. are easy to integrate. Furthermore optional there´s a complete OSGi-framework available.They also offer Digi ConnectPort X Gateways, XStick USB and other Digi HW. Features ISM 2.4 GHz frequency ZigBee-Gateway ZBG-100 6.3 mW (+8 dBm) TX power Internal antenna Approved for use in US, Canada, Australia, Europe Advanced mesh networking and low-power modes supported Customized Implementations / Integrations OSGi Framework 230 VAC internal Power Supply Interfaces 1x Gigabit Ethernet SD Card USB 2.0 Processor Type: Marvell Kirkwood, Sheeva-Core, ARMv5TE compliant Clock: 800 MHz – 1,2 GHz L1 Cache: 16K Instruction, 16K Data L2 Cache: 256 KB RAM: 512 MB DDR2 400 MHz, 16-Bit Bus Flash: 512 MB NAND Network: LAN 1x 10/100/1000 Gigabit Ethernet RTC: available, battery-buffered I/O: 1x USB 2.0 (Host); SDIO: SD Card Slot Power Supply Connection: 100–240 V, 50-60 Hz, Euro plug (EN50075), integrated Power Max: 20 W RF Protocol: IEEE 802.15.4 ZigBee, Coordinator, max. 250 KBit/s Frequency: ISM 2.4 GHz TX Power: 3.1 mW (+5 dBm), 6.3 mw (+8 dBm) (Boost-Mode) RX Sens: -100 dBm, -102 dBm (Boost-Mode) Document version: 0.15 Page 99 of 122 Submission date: 28-03-2013 GreenCom D5.1 Analysis of Greencom TechnoogiesHome Appliance , Energy Generation and Storage Analysis review Report Approvals: US, Canada, Australia, Europe Operating System: Linux 2.6 Width: 69,5 mm Height: 110 mm Depth: 48,5 mm Environmental Temperature: +5..+35 °C Humidity: Non-condensing, only for dry areas Additional Information http://www.pikkerton.com/ 8. Telegesis Ltd. The ETRX2 EAP Ethernet Access point is a “gateway” allowing access to ETRX2 mesh networking modules via an industry standard Ethernet IP Network. Once the IP address of the EAP has been established and Firewall access set, the EAP can be accessed from anywhere in the world. Applications: Remote Diagnostics and upgrades, networked monitoring and remote control, remote data acquisition – e.g. temperature monitoring, bridging between Ethernet and ZigBee. As a helpful starting point for developers, Telegesis supplies the simple Telegesis Terminal Application with the EAP. Device deployment and network initiation are simplified with Dynamic Host Protocol Support (DHCP) and additional IP configuration methods via the included Windows®-based Lantronix DeviceInstaller™ software. The supported Com Port Redirector™ (CPR) software maps ‘virtual COM’ ports on a PC platform and redirects application data destined to an attached device. Rather than going out of the local COM port, the data is transmitted across the Ethernet network to/from the Lantronics ® XPort Direct using TCP/IP. CPR is also licensed as an API to OEMs for incorporation into their applications on non-PC platforms such as a web pad or PDA. EAP – ETHERNET ACCESS POINT FEATURES Combines a Telegesis ETRX2 module with a Lantronix® serial to Ethernet bridge. Complete TCP/IP protocol stack and Windows deployment software. Interface: Ethernet 10Base-T or 100Base-TX (AutoSensing). Management: Telnet and Microsoft Windows®- based utility for configuration. Can offer access to the remote AT-Command Interface via a virtual COM port. SIF interface for Custom application development and real time debugging of custom firmware. ETRX2 FEATURES The ETRX2 is based on the Ember Corporation EM250 single chip ZigBee/802.15.4 solution with on-die 16-bit XAP2b microprocessor. No need for RF design experience or expertise. 2.4GHz ISM Band digital direct sequence spread spectrum transceiver. Hardware acceleration for IEEE802.15.4 operations. Hardware supported encryption (AES-128). Pre-programmed with Telegesis AT-Command interface based on the EmberZNet meshing stack. Can be configured to act as a ZigBee coordinator, router or end device. Up to 4dBm output power. Sensitivity up to -98dBm (1% PER). Market Penetration Telegesis is the world’s largest supplier of ZigBee modules based on technology from Ember Corporation. Collaborating with Munisense to provide a complete technology package for Smart Lighting management through wireless ZigBee enabled modules and home gateways. Also, Avnet Memec, a leading global technology distributor, has recently been appointed as pan-European distributor for Telegesis UK Limited. Additional Information http://www.telegesis.com/products/etrx2_eap_ethernet_access_point.htm Document version: 0.15 Page 100 of 122 Submission date: 28-03-2013 GreenCom D5.1 Analysis of Greencom TechnoogiesHome Appliance , Energy Generation and Storage Analysis review Report 9. Energate Inc. Description The Foundation Smart Thermostat and Home Energy Gateway allow utilities to drive home energy management from the pilot stage to widespread deployment. Utilities now have a cost effective solution that provides consumers with a simple, easy to use device that provides utility-grade connectivity, security and interoperability and delivers information on their energy consumption and costs. Foundation will be of interest to utilities with established demand response programs as well as to those looking introduce new demand side programs to reduce energy consumption and control peak load demand by providing devices that enable consumers to effectively manage their energy consumption. Features Support Load Control programs with a variety of control features Offer dynamic pricing programs (TOU & CPP) Offer Peak Time Rebate programs Optimize electric vehicle charging Enable Distributed Generation (e.g., solar) Deploy new features using Over-The-Air (OTA) upgrades Key Features ZigBee On Board Advanced environmental control algorithms that accurately and precisely control the temperature. Proprietary silent switching technology. Menu-driven user interface with extensive help screens. Multiple hold types: Temporary, Timed, Vacation, & Permanent. Supports multiple levels of event participation in voluntary and mandatory load control events. 7, 5/2 or 5/1/1 day schedule with up to six setpoints per day Two levels of passwords (user & installer). Support for DR over Broadband using the ZIP Connect IP Gateway Up to 2 Heat/2 Cool (Conventional) Up to 3 Heat/2 Cool (Heat Pumps) Control Accuracy ±0.9°F @ 68°F Plenum Fan Control Heat Pump Fault Input Automatic Short Circuit Detection Auto changeover hysteresis (default 2°F, option 0-6°F) Anticipation time Maximum recovery time Max & min setpoint range Timed filter reminder Multiple reset options Specifications Size - 6.5”H x 4.5”W x 1.25”D Display – 2.58” x 1.45”, 128 x 64 dot matrix with white LED backlighting Operating range - 32°F to 122°F Power rating 20-30 VAC IEEE 802.15.4 compliant ZigBee radio 2405-2483.5 MHz channels 11-26, 5MHz Spacing -102 dBm receive sensitivity +20 dBm output power (100 mW) typ Market Penetration Offices in Ottawa, Toronto and California. Utility trial with Oklahoma Gas & Electric: 50,000 households. Recently received $3 million in funding to develop and install energy management displays in 1,000 Ontario homes. Additional Information http://www.energateinc.com/ Document version: 0.15 Page 101 of 122 Submission date: 28-03-2013 GreenCom D5.1 Analysis of Greencom TechnoogiesHome Appliance , Energy Generation and Storage Analysis review Report 10. Smartenit (formerly SimpleHomeNet) Description Smartenit’s load control devices measure power consumption and are aware of prices from the utility. This allows the consumer to initiate a power-down of their appliances based upon certain price points, usage, time or in response to a demand response event from the utility. Smartenit is the first to offer a smart energy multiple-relay load controller as a solution to control dual-speed appliances such as pool pumps. Smartenit has a wide portfolio of controlling and monitoring devices (only the Harmony Platinum gateway will be described here – see website for information of other gateway devices). It provides the bridge between an Ethernet connection and a wireless or hybrid home/building automation network. It is accessible from anywhere including the Internet through built-in web services. Harmony has a built-in IEEE802.15.14 radio configurable for ZigBee PRO, 6LoWPAN and JenNet, plus an interface to an INSTEON and/or X10 network through a SmartLabs PLM (not included.) Harmony is the first HAN gateway able to manage and harmonize these diverse protocols. Harmony operates stand-alone with built-in sophisticated automation software, therefore, there is no need for a dedicated PC. The computing platform is based on a 32-bit RISC CPU (AVR32) and Linux making custom powerful applications easy to develop and deploy. Harmony XML Client API available on website. Specifications (Harmony Platinum) Operating Voltage: 7.5—12 VDC @ 0.2A max Internal Memory: 2Mb Flash, 32Mb DRAM Interfaces: Ethernet: 10/100MBS USB: 2.0 Compliant Serial: RS-232C and RS-485 Size: 5.50” W X 4.00” W X 1.25” H Exclusive of antenna Weight: 7.2 Oz. Mounting: None required. Can be placed on any flat surface. Indicators: Red LED for power Available Wireless Protocols: ZigBee PRO, JenNet, 6LoWPAN Reset: Accessible reset switch Real Time Clock: Built-in, battery-backed RTC Processor: AP7000—32-bit MCU/DSP Internal Memory: Parallel Flash: 2 or 8Mb DRAM: 32Mb or 128Mb Ethernet Interface: One port, 10/100Base-T Wireless Interface: JN5148 IEE 802.15.4 radio transceiver. Available with either ZigBee PRO, JenNet or 6LoWPAN USB: One port, USB 2.0 Compliant. Serial: One port on RJ45 jack with RS-232C and RS-485 drivers. Pin-out compatible with Smarthome 2412S PLM. Real Time Clock: Battery-backed RTC Resource Expansion (OEM version): Connectors J5-J7 (similar to Atmel NGW100) for interfacing GPIO, SPI, I2C, Graphics, Audio, etc. Storage Expansion: SD/MMC socket. JTAG: Available internal connector Power required: 7.5V—19V DC input. From either Serial or dedicated jack. Market Penetration Home automation and energy management mobile application: 500-1,000 downloads. They are concluding joint pilot project with leading EV charging station provider ClipperCreek and a large US utility. Price (Harmony Platinum) $279.99 Additional Information http://www.simplehomenet.com/ 11. EcoBee Document version: 0.15 Page 102 of 122 Submission date: 28-03-2013 GreenCom D5.1 Analysis of Greencom TechnoogiesHome Appliance , Energy Generation and Storage Analysis review Report Description Ecobee, a Canadian company, have developed an attractively designed Colour LCD ZigBee Pro SE smart thermostat. The device includes advanced, clearly presented information to allow a user to monitor and control their environment. Ecobee also provide a Web based Energy Management interface as well as an iPhone app in order for a user to monitor and control energy usage. Add-ons also available (i.e. smart plugs, remote sensor module). Support with regards to APIs is unknown. Features Wi-Fi enabled Free mobile apps Easy-to-use ecobee Web Portal No annual / monthly fees Live weather Full-color touch screen Humidity control Two dry contact inputs Optional temperature sensors Specifications ZigBee Pro(WL) - CERTIFIED ZigBee Pro SE version available Temperature Ranges: Heat: 45 – 79°F (7 – 26°C) Cool: 45 – 92°F (14 – 33°C) Display: 40 – 100°F (5 – 37°C) Sensitivity: +/- 1°F (0.5°C) Equipment Interface Operating: -40F to 160F (-40C to 70C) Thermostat Operating: 32F to 130F (0C to 55C) Market Penetration ecobee is supported by a network of over 3,000 quality HVAC contractors and distributors across North America. Additional Information Heat Pump Compatibility Chart (http://help.ecobee.com/entries/20589382-hvac-equipment-compatibility). Extensive Support “Knowledge Base” on website. http://www.ecobee.com/ 12. Hai Description HAI (Home Automation Incorporated) are a US based company who have been working in the home demotic environment for several years. They offer ZigBee Pro SE certified devices. The Hardwired Load Control Module is a 20 AMP Relay Module that connects directly to voltage outputs on HAI home controllers and expanders and includes a manual override switch. Can control 120, 240 or 277V AC loads. Ideal for lighting control in small commercial environments. Requires 120V and neutral wires. The Hardwired Load Control Module may be used to lock out energy consuming devices when electricity costs are high using an HAI controller's scheduling features. The Omnistat2 Thermostat supports conventional and heat pump systems and dual fuel with 2nd stage auxiliary heat. In addition to these devices they also offer further energy control products, such as lighting control products. Features Single stage including Gas, Oil, Steam, Hydronic, Forced Air, Radiant, Electric 2 Stage Conventional Heat Pumps, including Air to Air heat pumps or Geothermal 2 Speed Heat Pumps with 3rd stage auxiliary heat Compatible with zone control systems that require a master thermostat Variable Speed Fan Control Dual Fuel Heat Pumps Document version: 0.15 Page 103 of 122 Submission date: 28-03-2013 GreenCom D5.1 Analysis of Greencom TechnoogiesHome Appliance , Energy Generation and Storage Analysis review Report Humidity sensing and display Humidifier control Dehumidifier control Dimensions: 5 1/2" W x 3 5/8" H x 1 1/8" D Learns how your home heats and cools to intelligently control the equipment for efficiency and comfort Graphical display of HVAC usage by week 7 day schedule with copy function Automatic temperature setbacks for Home, Night, Away, and Vacation when integrated with an HAI home control system Filter reminder for peak efficiency Built-in vacation mode feature - restores temperatures before arriving home Communicates with HAI home control systems and other manufacturer’s automation systems Remote access via Internet and telephone (optional) Expansion port for wireless communication Additional Information http://homeauto.com/main.asp 13. Control4 Description The Control4® Wireless Thermostat adds intelligent temperature control to your home and flexibility that supports most HVAC systems and offers up to 6 set points per day that you get to determine. Enjoy a heating and cooling schedule personalized to your lifestyle that can be activated by a single touch. Conserve energy by adjusting the HVAC automatically to respond to the outside temperature, season or time of day. Add convenience by controlling the temperature from any Control4 User Interface whether you’re in the next room or the next state. Features You can specify separate heating and cooling set points. The Wireless Thermostat follows a programmed temperature-change schedule or temperature changes that you set manually. Navigation control options: Wireless Touch Screen, the Mini Touch Screen, the System Remote Control (On-Screen display or LCD display), and the LCD Keypad. The Wireless Thermostat is programmable - up to six Program Events per day (seven days a week), including Wake, Away, Return, Sleep, Custom 1, and Custom 2. Communication with a Control4 controller. The Wireless Thermostat communicates with your Control4 controller to obtain scheduling commands. Along with scheduling, the Wireless Thermostat receives time (date, day of week, and time) data from the Control4 controller and displays it accordingly. The Wireless Thermostat also displays temperature, the mode (Off, Heat, Cool, and Auto), whether the fan is operating, whether its buttons are locked, and whether the battery needs replacing. Specifications Wired power 1/10W at 24 VAC, 50/60 Hz Battery backup 1 – CR123A 3V Display (H x W) 1.25” × 3” (32 mm × 76 mm) LED backlight User programmable schedule Document version: 0.15 Page 104 of 122 Submission date: 28-03-2013 GreenCom D5.1 Analysis of Greencom TechnoogiesHome Appliance , Energy Generation and Storage Analysis review Report Set points per day Up to 6 Auto cooling/heating changeover Heating/cooling overshoot, adjustable User EVENT over-ride types Permanent, HOLD 2 hours, HOLD until next event Exceptional programmability Capability and expandability Thermostat control interfaces is available on any Control4® Controller and Touch Screen interface User adjustable event support 6 each day: Awake, Away, Return, Sleep, Custom1, Custom2 Wake-up event , wake-up event can include Thermostat support Critical event support, email notification or critical event support Programmable backlight Local adjustment lockout Set point 40° F to 90° F (5° C to 32° C) Operating temperature 14° F to 185° F (-10° C to 85° C) Storage temperature 0 to 95% (non-condensing) Operating relative humidity, common wire (5 wire configuration) recommended Direct replacement uses standard HVAC wiring topology Yes, common wire (5 wire configuration) recommended ZigBee (IEEE 802.15.4), 2.4 GHz, 15-channel, spread-spectrum radio, mesh networking Upgradable, over ZigBee H x W x D 3.7” × 4.5” × 1.2” (94 mm × 114 mm × 30 mm) Weight 7.4 oz (214 g) Optional Accessories: Flush Mount Remote Temperature Sensor AC-FMTS1-W; Duct/Outdoor Remote Temperature Sensor AC-DOTS1-W Market Penetration Strategic agreement with Cisco. More than 1,900 custom integrators, retail outlets, and distributors in over 70 countries. Control4 is the platform of choice for major consumer electronics companies, hotels, businesses and utilities that require an intelligent, open and affordable control solution. Additional Information http://www.control4.com/ 14. Intelligy Smarter Environments (by Millennium Electronics) Description Intelligy GPRS Module provides internet connectivity for the Intelligy Display and the Home Area Network (HAN). Through this TCP/IP enabled gateway, consumers can view their energy consumption and remotely control appliances connected to the HAN through a user friendly interface on any web browser or any webenabled device. Millennium’s ZigBee® SE Certified Demand Response Enabling Device (DRED) provides Utilities means to initiate Demand Response Modes on air conditioners using Thermistor Temperature Control. Intelligy Demand Response Enabling Device (DRED) provides Utility Companies the ability to remotely initiate Demand Response Modes on high consumption equipment such as air-conditioners (thermistor temperature controlled) pool pumps and water heaters. Document version: 0.15 Page 105 of 122 Submission date: 28-03-2013 GreenCom D5.1 Analysis of Greencom TechnoogiesHome Appliance , Energy Generation and Storage Analysis review Report Intelligy Serial Communication Module allows equipment, eg. Solar Inverters, that are traditionally connected via RS-232 be connected to the Intelligy Display and the HAN wirelessly. Intelligy Display has a large touch screen which enables consumers to monitor total home energy cost and usage, control and monitor energy consumption of specific appliances through our innovative Power Monitoring Switches / Devices and pictorially illustrate total household energy used and generated. Intelligy Power Monitoring Device (PMD) provides consumers means to monitor a circuit or an individual appliance’s power consumption, relay the data to and view it on the Intelligy Display. Specifications (Intelligy GPRS Module) Input Power: 90 to 240Vac 50/60Hz Output Power: 12Vdc, 1.5A GPRS: Quad-band EGSM 850 / 900 / 1800 / 1900MHz Output Power – Class 4 (2W) @ 850 / 900MHz – Class 1 (1W) @ 1800 / 1900MHz GPRS Data – GPRS Class 10 – Mobile Station Class B – Coding Scheme 1 to 4 – PBCCH Support Indoor Range: Up to 30m Transmit Power Output: 1mW (0dBm) Receiver Sensitivity: -101dBm Frequency: ISM 915MHz Specifications (ZigBee® SE Demand Response Enabling Device) Indoor Range: Up to 90m Transmit Power Output: 100mW (20dBm) EIRP Receiver Sensitivity: -98dBm Frequency: ISM 2.4GHz Standby power: Less than 1 Watt Operating power: 2 Watts (Maximum) Relay Output Connection o For connection to auxiliary relay/contactor or AS4755 interface o Terminal Rating: 240Vac 10A o Relay Contact Rating: 240Vac 10A (Resistive) 240Vac 3A (cos = 0.4) 30Vdc 10A Temperature Sensor Connection o 2-way terminal block for connection to the air thermistor circuit o Fixed Resistor Values: 6k8, 13K, 27K o Variable Resistor Values: 50k, 200K, 200K o All Resistors are Rated: 0.125W or greater Input Power: 100–240Vac, 50/60Hz Dimensions: 165mm (L) x 85mm (W) x 55mm (H) 6.5in (L) x 3.4in (W) x 2.2in (H) Storage Temperature: -10° C – 70° C (14° F - 158° F) Operating Temperature: -10° C – 60° C (14° F - 140° F) Relative Humidity: 90% Non-Condensing IP Rating IP65 Document version: 0.15 Page 106 of 122 Submission date: 28-03-2013 GreenCom D5.1 Analysis of Greencom TechnoogiesHome Appliance , Energy Generation and Storage Analysis review Report Specifications (Intelligy Serial Communication Module) Indoor Range: Up to 30m Transmit Power Output: 1mW (0dBm) Receiver Sensitivity: -101dBm Frequency: ISM 915MHz Protocol: Proprietary Input: 5Vdc Dimensions: 20mm (H) x 96mm (W) x 40mm (D) 0.8in (H) x 3.8in (W) x 1.6in (D) Storage Temperature: 5°C – 50°C (41°F – 122°F) Operating Temperature: 5°C – 50°C (41°F – 122°F) Relative Humidity: 95% Non-Condensing ZigBee® RS-232 o Indoor Range: Up to 100m o Transmit Power Output: 100mW (20dBm) o Receiver Sensitivity: -102dBm o Frequency: ISM 2.4GHz o Protocol: ZigBee® / Proprietary Input: 5Vdc Dimensions: 20mm (H) x 96mm (W) x 40mm (D) 0.8in (H) x 3.8in (W) x 1.6in (D) Temperature Storage Temperature: 5°C – 50°C (41°F – 122°F) Operating Temperature: 5°C – 50°C (41°F – 122°F) Relative Humidity 95% Non-Condensing Market Penetration Ofices in Victoria (Australia), Hong Kong and Los Angeles. Additional Information http://www.intelligy.com.au/ 15. AlertMe Description AlertMe SmartHeating allows the user to programme and remotely control heating anywhere over the internet or using a smartphone. They use ZigBee Pro and even have certified devices, but are unwilling to offer their devices to integrators (including systems for large companies.). Can Link to Google Power Meter. Only interested in selling their complete system(closed) either direct to end consumers, or to large smart grid service providers(Utilities.) Plug an appliance into a SmartPlug and see how much energy it’s currently using as well as help control it. While appliances that have ‘standby’ settings may not cost a lot on their own, a house full of them could save plenty. By fitting them with SmartPlugs and turning these appliances on or off at the socket, either online or using your smart phone, you can control your energy use even if you’re out. Features Wireless enabled home thermostatic controls unit connects to the AlertMe Hub gateway Transforms hard to manage controls into a simple and intuitive online dashboard or Smart Phone interface Enables remote control of heating/cooling online from anywhere Set and forget it and even manage holiday mode online Adds convenience and enhanced comfort while addressing cost and waste Professional install and set-up Document version: 0.15 Page 107 of 122 Submission date: 28-03-2013 GreenCom D5.1 Analysis of Greencom TechnoogiesHome Appliance , Energy Generation and Storage Analysis review Report Prices SmartPlug: £25.00 SmartMeter reader: £29.00 SmartDisplay: £29.99 Additional Information https://www.alertme.com/ 16. Ted (The Energy Detective) TED is a system that is based on Current Transformer HW that a user can clip to the power circuit that they wish to monitor. Ted then couples this either with their own wireless LCD power monitors, or their PC SW. Additionally TED is certified for use with Google Power meter. Switching on/off of devices not yet supported. Can Link to Google Power Meter. Primarily uses a home wires for data transmission, however newer variant also uses ZigBee to transmit data to the wireless LCD display. Seem to be open to offer their API to third parties. All TED systems are certied to conform to UL Standards in the US and Canada (ANSI/UL STD 916 - Certied to Canada STD C22.2 #205) by Intertek (ETL le 3185753), as well as all FCC requirements. TED series is suitable for use only on 120/240 V single or split-phase 60Hz service (typical of any North American home). TED is suitable for electrical service up to 200 Amps, or up to 800 Amps with four parallel 200A feeds (with 4 MTUs). TED is suitable for services with maximum 350 MCM conductors. Market Penetration Sold through Lowe’s Hardware chain. The device currently only works over the US power supply system, however they are working on an EU version. Prices Energy monitoring packs range from $200 - $455. Additional Information http://www.theenergydetective.com/ 17. Current Cost Description Current Cost, an English company basaed in Cambridge claim to be the World´s leading manufacturer of Energy Real Time Displays (portable LCD displays.) current cost sell directly to the public via their web site, but also have been completing deals with third party energy consumption device providers sometimes with Current cost supplying their product as a ‘white box’ product that is resold by the third party. Current cost have Current Transformer clamps that operate on both UK/EU and USA voltages. These current clamps Transmitt data wirelessly to the Current Cost LCD displays, that may then be connected to a PC, or Gateway to allow uploading of data to the Current Cost web Site. Additionally, current cost have power socket Energy meters for the UK market that allows UK based users to obtain more detailed appliance level energy static information and to be able to remotely turn off devices and thereby save energy. C2 is found in every device and now available in individual recognition plugs, standard meters, load management devices. The information gathered by the C2 software can be downloaded to a PC or as a part web application so households, housing associations and any other organisation can track improvement in energy efficiency and wastage reduction. Specifications (NetSmart gateway) Operating voltage: 5v Input Voltage (limits) 6-20V Power Adapter: 9VDC, 300mA, 2.1mm center positive. Power can also be provided using the USB port. Weight: 142g Dimensions:100mm x 76mm x 41mm Document version: 0.15 Page 108 of 122 Submission date: 28-03-2013 GreenCom D5.1 Analysis of Greencom TechnoogiesHome Appliance , Energy Generation and Storage Analysis review Report Communication: Serial communication over USB with debug output. USB can also be used for powering the prototype bridge. Automatic Software Reset: The NetSmart can be reset by unplugging the power from the NetSmart, wait 5 seconds, then re-connect the power to theNetSmart. This will do a clean reset of the NetSmart, which will then cycle through setting up DHCP and communicating with the Current Cost broker. Microcontroller: ATmega168 Memory:16 KB of flash memory EEPROM: 512 bytes (ATmega168) RJ45 Ethernet port: The RJ45 Ethernet port has two LEDs: Link/Act and 10/100. The Link/Act LED should be on when connected. If the Link/Act LED is not ON, this usually means there is a bad network connection or bad cable. More details about LED activity: LED: Link Activity (LINK/ACT) GREEN = link active BLINK = network activity OFF = link inactive LED: 10/100 Baud Rate / Network Speed AMBER = 100Mb OFF = 10Mb Market Penetration Current cost have a large portfolio of LCD energy displays, are active with gas and water utilities in addition to electric utilities and are well positioned to build market share. Partnerships with E.ON, Scottish Power, eDF, Scottish and Southern Energy. Price (NetSmart, various models) 30 – 43 pounds Additional Information http://www.currentcost.com/ 18. There Corporation Description The ThereGate™ sets new platform for Home Energy Management System (HEMS) standards. It is built on robust Open Linux Platform supporting wired and wireless technology, used in millions of devices globally. Combination of solid technology platform and There Corporations' strong IPR portfolio has enabled us to build unique product. On top of the ThereGate platform we build different product portfolios that provide the right services to certain customer segments. The product sets are built of a ThereGate router and a number of selected measuring devices and actuators from other manufacturers and the software tying them together to provide the required services. The different software components reside in the ThereGate and in the networks according to needs. We already have a number of different product sets that are currently piloted by real people in their everyday life with functionalities ranging from real-time measurement of energy consumption as well as other related parameters, through optimized control of heating systems to load control based on dynamic electricity prices (Demand Response). ThereGate is the ultimate data logger because it can adapt to a wide number of different sensors, actuators and systems using different communication technologies. This is due to the Linux based open and layered architecture that provides the ability to abstract the underlying layers of technologies and protocols from applications. In fact this actually enables ThereGate based solutions to use any protocol and technology – any device or system – ever manufactured! It just needs the appropriate physical communications hardware to be added to the gateway, either externally by the USB ports, or internally to the PCB with extension slots. Device drivers and Technology Adapters need to be added on the software side. The communication methods and protocols can be both wired and wireless. The following communication hardware and software are already implemented in ThereGate: Ethernet, WLAN, 3G, Z-wave and M-bus with a large number of measuring devices from different manufacturers tested and supported as parts of ThereGate solutions. These include: A number of three-phase electricity main meters Sub-metering equipment in many different forms District heat meters Water meters Temperature sensors An important part of the data acquisition is the ability to store information either temporarily or in a more permanent fashion. So that it can be transferred to back-end servers or cloud services in the most effective way. ThereGate provides Gigabytes of non-volatile memory for this purpose in the form of both internal and external SD cards as well Document version: 0.15 Page 109 of 122 Submission date: 28-03-2013 GreenCom D5.1 Analysis of Greencom TechnoogiesHome Appliance , Energy Generation and Storage Analysis review Report as a database for secure data storage. Evaluation Kit: 1 ThereGate TG800GZ 4 x Gbps LAN Ports 1 x Gbps WAN Port 4 x USB 2.0 full speed host 802.11 b/g/n, 300 Mbps transfer rate GSM/GPRS/3G Integrated Z-Wave controller (European) TPM (Trusted Platform Module) Apache Web server 1 TempSensor -40 … 60°C 1 Plug-in switch/energy meter 10A/230V 1 ThereGate API 1 Year Software License (Remote Access) Installation Guide, Tips&Tricks Market penetration Energy management company There Corporation has begun cooperation with Smarthome Srl. in Italy. There’s smart technology, produced under the Italian Virtuoso brand, manages home heating, among other things. Additional Information http://therecorporation.com/en 19. EcoManager by EDF Energy Description EcoManager is a wireless appliance controller that helps you monitor and control the amount of electricity you use at home. Connect your appliances to the transmitter plugs included, and you'll soon see how much electricity the appliances use, the equivalent CO2 and the potential cost of running them – even when on standby. And once you know that, you can work out how and where you can use less electricity. Then use EcoManager to remotely switch off connected appliances you're not using, to help you save energy and money. The product and its underlying technology is supplied by CurrentCost Using the Current cost protocol called C2 and running in the 433MHz band. The transmission distance is quoted as 30m, this is shorter range than would normally be possible and maybe limited to this to try and avoid interference from several other technologies in this frequency space(such as toys, garage door remote controllers, etc. Specifications – don’t seem to be available Price 70 pounds Additional Information http://www.edfenergy.com/products-services/for-your-home/ecomanager/ 20. EnergyHub Description Since 2007, more than 20 utilities across North America have chosen EnergyHub’s award-winning technology for their demand response and energy efficiency programs. Our secure and scalable Mercury platform manages hundreds of thousands of connected devices across a variety of networks, allowing utilities to deploy the device technology that best meets their program goals and budgets. Mercury powers both demand response and energy efficiency programs. EnergyHub can also help you lower utilities’ deployment and operating costs through retail demand response programs. Our innovative solutions lead the industry in consumer usability and appeal. By better engaging consumers, utilities can improve program performance for both demand response and energy efficiency without additional cost. Whether you’re an investor-owned utility, a municipal utility, or a cooperative, EnergyHub has the right solution for you. Document version: 0.15 Page 110 of 122 Submission date: 28-03-2013 GreenCom D5.1 Analysis of Greencom TechnoogiesHome Appliance , Energy Generation and Storage Analysis review Report The Mercury platform can control thermostats from vendors such as Carrier and Radio Thermostat Company of America, HVAC compressors, water heaters, pool pumps, and electric vehicle chargers. This extensive device compatibility allows utilities to select the devices that fit their budgetary and operational parameters. The platform can also operate over a variety of communication networks (broadband, AMI, cellular) and HAN technologies (Wi-Fi, ZigBee, Z-Wave). • Easily program thermostat to a daily schedule • Put entire house to sleep with the touch of a button • Automatically turn off the window air conditioners when leave for work, and schedule them to turn back on before come home • Automate and completely shut down devices • Access and control data and appliances remotely • Find out how much they’re saving versus others • Get tips from customer’s utility for lowering energy costs If already have a ZigBee®-enabled smart meter in home—provided by the utility—the system can communicate with the meter automatically. If don’t yet have a Smart Meter, energy hub can provide with a simple add-on that measures whole-home usage EnergyHub supports customizable demand response for multiple endpoints, including HVAC and major appliances. The EnergyHub system benefits from the presence of a ZigBee®-enabled smart meter, but can operate without one. EnergyHub is also working with AMR vendors to support legacy one-way wireless meter reading systems. EnergyHub also offers a customizable web portal for customers to access the system’s tools. Consumers can use the portal to fully understand their energy use and to compare their usage with others in the community. The portal also gives consumers the same controls that they have with the Dashboard, seamlessly blending the Internet and inhome user experience. An analytics portal gives a utility in-depth information about its customers. Utilities can gain insight into how consumers are using energy, and can find out, for example, whether a new pricing structure is achieving favorable results. Market penetration Large market share in USA. Partnerships with major HVAC suppliers. DR programs with SDG&E as well as utilities in Wisconsin and Minnesota. Additional Information http://www.energyhub.com/ 21. RaZberry RaZberry is a Rasberry PI platform with a Z-wave interface module included into the system. The specifications for the RaZberry are the same as for the PI B Model. Document version: 0.15 Page 111 of 122 Submission date: 28-03-2013 GreenCom D5.1 Analysis of Greencom TechnoogiesHome Appliance , Energy Generation and Storage Analysis review Report Appendix C Summary of NIST Standards PAP 0 - Meter Upgradeability Standard (completed) This PAP identified requirements for meter upgradeability. More specifically, the intention here was to ensure that technologies or solutions selected by electric utilities would allow for evolution and growth as Smart Grid standards evolve. For example, in order to manage meter’s change as the Smart Grid grows, it is essential to be able to upgrade firmware of smart meter in the field without replacing the equipment or “rolling a truck” to manually upgrade the meter firmware. Standard SG-AMI 1-2009 (Closed Standard) 18 Description Impact on GreenCom The standard describes functional and security requirements for the secure upgrade - both local and remote - of smart meters. This standard provides a number of suggested functional requirements for the meters which should be taken into account for any smart grid deployment. PAP 1 - Role of IP in the Smart Grid (completed) Aim of this PAP is to explore internet protocols and technologies in order to evaluate their applicability in the Smart Grid scenarios. Internet protocols seem a good choice for interoperability networks, for this reason this PAP want to investigate capabilities of the existing stack and evaluate advantage in using it in Smart Grid environment. The work in this PAP has started with a review of Smart Grid communication networks requirements and continued with a definition of a network architecture and technologies for Smart Grid. Standards Description Impact on GreenCom IETF-6272 “Internet Protocols for the Smart Grid” This standard provides an overview of all key internet protocols of the IETF suite (i.e. IP) which are relevant for smart grid applications. The document classifies standards by communication layer (e.g. Network, Transport) also covering management/security issues (e.g. service/resource discovery, security, business architectures, etc.) Defines a transport independent application-level messaging protocol for exchanging ANSI IEEE 1377-formatted table data between smart meters and other smart devices. Smart Grid is a composition of distributed systems. In GreenCom project can be helpful use existing networks in order to drastically reduce the costs of development, deployment and maintenance. IEEE 1703-2012 This protocol provides security, reliability and speed transferring data between enddevice nodes. These features are required in several points into the smart grid. PAP 2 - Wireless Communications for the Smart Grid (Ongoing) The main objective of this PAP is to assess the appropriateness of wireless communications technologies to meet Smart Grid applications. More specifically, this PAP investigates the strengths, weaknesses, capabilities, and constraints of existing and emerging standards for wireless communications. In order to achieve this task, this PAP works with the appropriate standard development organizations (SDOs) to determine the characteristics of each wireless technology for Smart Grid applications. Standard Description Impact on GreenCom 18 Note: this is a closed standard. As for other closed standards in this list, links to standard documents have not been provided. Information has been extracted from publicly available summaries. Document version: 0.15 Page 112 of 122 Submission date: 28-03-2013 GreenCom D5.1 Analysis of Greencom TechnoogiesHome Appliance , Energy Generation and Storage Analysis review Report NIST IR 7761: Wireless Guidelines v1.0 This standard is an initial guide to the key tools and methods that Smart Grid system designers and developers can use to evaluate and make informed decisions about existing and emerging wireless standards and associated technologies. This standard can be used as a guideline to improve specifications of wireless components of the GreenCom system, within WP5. PAP 3 - Common Price Communication Model (completed) This PAP analyse value of the information and products present in a Smart Grid with particular focus on a pricing. A common price model must be defined to evaluate impact of energy production and consumption in business scenarios. The main objective of this PAP is to develop price and product definitions supported by several use cases. Standard Description Impact on GreenCom OASIS - Energy Market Information Exchange (EMIX) Standardize price and products definitions in order to allow a common understanding about information provided by grid and automatic systems to make decisions to optimize energy and economic results. Main aim of GreenCom is to optimize energy exchange between local installations. This task needs an automatic engine for decision support that must now all relevant value in the grid domain. This standard can help to identify and classify these values. Moreover, such standard might be relevant for any business case involving exchange of price signals or similar information. IEC 61970 It is a standard series for defining software interface for Energy Management Systems. In particular part 301 - Common Information Model (CIM) defines a common ontology for information related to electric power industry. The aim is to allow software information exchanges of data regarding configuration and status of electrical networks. GreenCom needs to guarantee interoperability with devices already present in the market as well as future technologies. To this aim, standards such as IEC61970 could improve the definition of GreenCom data models and software interfaces. PAP 4 - Common Schedule Communication Mechanism (completed) The main objective of this PAP, is to propose a common specification of schedule-related information across different domains (including smart grid) to better support interactions between each other. The motivation is to better coordinate the future increase of distributed energy resources, including both distributed energy generation and demand response. The idea is to create a sort of coordination mechanism (similar to iCalendar used for human interactions and human scheduling) to easy the coordination of the increasing number of physical processes that are managed by web services. The final goal of this action plan is to survey the existing specifications for calendaring and develop a standard describing how to schedule event and how event information is passed between and within services. Standard Description Impact on GreenCom Standards Information Form for WS-Calendar This standard uses information model of WS-Calendar to define information payloads for web services and service-style This standard could be relevant to support time-based schedule information about users, appliances, forecasts, etc. Document version: 0.15 Page 113 of 122 Submission date: 28-03-2013 GreenCom D5.1 Analysis of Greencom TechnoogiesHome Appliance , Energy Generation and Storage Analysis review Report interactions [SOA-RM]. The use of WS-Calendar will align the performance expectations between execution contexts in different domains. The idea is to bringing a common scheduling context to diverse interactions in different domains. PAP 5 - Standard Meter Data Profiles (Ongoing) Main objective of PAP 5 is to define a synthetic set of devices specification that meet most of the relevant needs of the smart grid related applications. The work starts from ANSI C12.19 standards which define an extensive set of End Device data Tables. Devices definition is driven by a data type profiles for specific use cases and requirements definition. Standards Description Impact on GreenCom IEEE 1377-2012 Provides a common data structure for data exchange between end devices. This data structure is defined as sets of tables which are grouped together into segments called decades. Each decade regards a particular feature-set and related function such as Time-of-use, Load Profile, etc. Table data is transferred from or to the end device by reading from or writing to a particular table or portion of a table. Related standards are IEEE 1703 which describes IEEE 1377 devices communication over network. This standard provides guidelines for end-to-end devices communication techniques and data interoperability. It assumes devices as defined in IEEE 1377. As said for PAP01, IEEE 1377 and IEEE 1703 define a set of standards useful for energy data representation and energy data exchange between smart grid components. A data model that well fits with communication technologies can drastically reduce development and deployment time. This work is overall relevant for device profiling activities in GreenCom. SmartGrid/AEIC AMI Interoperability Standard Guidelines for ANSI C12.19 / IEEE 1377 / MC12.19 End Device Communications and Supporting Enterprise Devices, Networks and Related Accessories This standard could be relevant for defining in GreenCom a common network and model able to support heterogeneous devices and protocols. PAP 6 - Common Semantic Model for Meter Data Tables (completed) Since there are several forms of data representation, which require complex gateways to translate from one to another representation for information sharing, the main objective of this PAP was to develop an exact and reusable representation of the ANSI C12.19 data model to support interoperation between meters and many other applications and services. Standard Description Impact on GreenCom ANSI C12.19 – 2008 This standard defines a table structure for utility application data to be passed between an end device (i.e. an electricity meter) and a computer (i.e. a hand-held device carried by a meter reader). The standard does not define end device design criteria nor specify the language or protocol used to transport that data. The purpose of the tables is to define structures for transporting data to and This standard provides a number of suggested functional requirements concerning transporting data to and from end devices. GreenCom may take into account these requirements in order to be compliant with the proposed table structure (e.g. in any component leveraging semantic technologies). Document version: 0.15 Page 114 of 122 Submission date: 28-03-2013 GreenCom D5.1 Analysis of Greencom TechnoogiesHome Appliance , Energy Generation and Storage Analysis review Report from end devices. A related standard, IEC 61968 defines a CIM information model for energy data (see PAP8). ANSI C12.22 - 2008 This standard describes the communication of C12.19 tables over a network. Possibly relevant for protocol definition aspects within GreenCom communication protocols PAP 7 - Electric Storage Interconnection Guidelines (Ongoing) The objective of this PAP is to define guidelines for allow integration of storage systems in smart grid environment. These guidelines cover standards regarding electrical interconnections, communication and implementations. A particular interest is addressed to hybrid generation-storage systems. Standards Description Impact on GreenCom IEEE 1547-2008 “Interconnection standards” Provides standards for interconnecting Distributed resources with Electric Power systems. Currently there are several complementary standards which are designed to expand or clarify the initial standard. Is a series of standards about information exchange between electrical distribution systems. IEC 61968 defines interfaces for major component involved in a Distribution Management System. This standard has been recently updated to fit in smart grid scenarios and to provide support for integrating energy resources. IEC 61968 This standard might be relevant to cope with DSO/Microgrid integration issues. PAP 8 - CIM for Distribution Grid Management (Ongoing) The main objective of this PAP is to develop an approach for integrating and expanding the application level communications from the following standards for SmartGrid applications: IEC 61968, Multispeak, IEC 61970-301 and IEC 61850. The purpose of integrating these standards is to provide a basis for powerful integration for both real time operations as well as support for a variety of back office applications. Moreover, this PAP aims at obtaining a scalable strategy to integrate other identified standards. Standard Description Impact on GreenCom IEC 61968 and Multispeak These standards provide the structure and semantics for integrating a variety of back office applications. IEC 61850 This standard provides a basis for field equipment communications and provides semantics for communications with field equipment including both real time operations as well as nonoperational data such as condition monitoring. GreenCom may take this standard into consideration mainly regarding the integration of back-office systems (e.g. smart energy systems deployed in a server room in the operators premises). GreenCom may take this standard into consideration mainly regarding the aggregation and analyzation of real-time or near realtime data consumption coming from devices such as appliances, smart home devices, sensors, actuators, etc. This standard might be relevant to cope with DSO/Microgrid integration issues. PAP 9 - Standard DR and DER Signals (Ongoing) This PAPa aims at defining a common semantic model for standard DR (Demand Response) signals. The effort shall ensure that DR & DER signal standards support load control, supply control, and environmental signals both Document version: 0.15 Page 115 of 122 Submission date: 28-03-2013 GreenCom D5.1 Analysis of Greencom TechnoogiesHome Appliance , Energy Generation and Storage Analysis review Report for the demand and the generation side. Standard OpenADR (Open Demand Response) Automated Description Impact on GreenCom OpenADR aims at defining a DRsupport protocol in order to have commercial and industrial buildings reacting to standardized electricity price and reliability signals. OpenADR might be relevant for GreenCom in use cases involving demand response tasks. PAP 10 - Standard Energy Usage Information (completed) The main objective of this PAP, whose status is completed, was to provide data standards to exchange fine grained and timely information about energy usage. By using these standards, customers and customer-authorized thirdparty service providers can access energy usage information from the Smart Grid and meter, enabling them to make better decisions about energy use and conservation as well as provide real-time feedback on present and projected performance. Standard Description Impact on GreenCom NAESB REQ18/WEQ19: Energy Usage Information (not available19) Detailed information is not available free of charge. Possible impact on exchange of “generalized” information about consumption within households. PAP 11 - Common Object Models for Electric Transportation (completed) This PAP explores Plug-in Electric Vehicle area and wants to provide some standards to promote adoption of PEV in society. Standards within this area could be relevant for Vehicle-to-grid application, currently out of scope of the GreenCom scenarios. PAP 12 - Mapping IEEE 1815 (DNP3) to IEC 61850 Objects (Ongoing) The main objective of this PAP, whose status is still active, is to create a mapping between the communication protocol functionalities defined by the IEEE 1815 (DNP3 - Distributed Network Protocol) with the standard IEC 61850 (see PAP 8). This action is motivated by the fact that the DNP3 standard (adopted in Norht America power grid) is not fully capable of enabling all foreseen Smart Grid functions. Since the future Smart Grid must accommodate and build upon the legacy systems of todays power grid, this PAP goes in this direction by creating the mapping between the old DNP3 and the new IEC 61850. Since this standard is used in North America, it is only marginally relevant to GreenCom. PAP 13 - Harmonization of IEEE C37.118 with IEC 61850 and Precision Time Synchronization (completed) Standard IEEE C37.118 defines requirements for measurement and determination of phasor values. IEC 61850 is a standard for design electrical substation and cover aspect as requirements, architecture, communication and data models. Standard Description Impact on GreenCom IEEE C37.238-2011 “IEEE Standard Profile for Use of IEEE 1588 Precision Time Protocol in Power System Application” IEEE 1588 provides protocols and components enabling precise synchronization of clock in a distributed system. IEEE C37.238 defines a smart grid profile of this protocol. GreenCom is mainly a distributed system and its components need to be synchronized each other. Moreover, in a smart grid, most of the data exchanged by components are related to the time and synchronization errors can be reflected in uncontrollable behaviour. 19 Link to the above standards are available only to NAESB members.http://collaborate.nist.gov/twikisggrid/bin/view/SmartGrid/PAP10EUIFinalArtifacts Document version: 0.15 Page 116 of 122 Submission date: 28-03-2013 GreenCom D5.1 Analysis of Greencom TechnoogiesHome Appliance , Energy Generation and Storage Analysis review Report PAP 14 - Transmission and Distribution Power Systems Model Mapping (Ongoing) The main objective of this PAP is to define strategies for integrating standards in the area of transmission operations. So far the PAP has provided the standard IEEE C37.239 that defines a way to integrate power system events from different standards into a common format that can be shared across the enterprise. Standard Description Impact on GreenCom IEEE C37.239 This standard defines a common format for data files used for the interchange of various types of event data collected from electrical power systems or power system models. Moreover, the standard discusses the following features: extensibility, extension mechanisms, and compatibility of future versions of the format. IEEE 2030 “Guide for Smart Grid Interoperability of Energy Technology and Information Technology Operation with the Electric Power System (EPS), EndUse Applications, and Loads” Try to merge different world experiences on smart grid installations and define a series of standard to allow interoperability between smart grid components. This work provides a concept of interoperability in terms of hardware/software machine-to-machine communication, data formats and semantic of the content exchanged. This standard is only marginally relevant to GreenCom as it is more centered in the TSO/DSO interaction domain. It could be considered for inspiration purposes in microgrid aggregation scenarios. This standard covers many aspect of the smart grid and offers a wide overview of the actual technologies and installations in the world. PAP 15 - Harmonize Power Line Carrier Standards for Appliance Communications in the Home (Ongoing) Power Line Communication (PLC) seems to be a promising technology to achieve appliances communication in Home Area Network. Objective of this PAP is to explore PLCs technologies and evaluate applicability of these for devices communication in HAN. Outcome of this work are a series of standard that allow communication between different vendor devices and technologies. Standard Description Impact on GreenCom IEEE 1901 “Standard for Broadband over Power Line Networks: Medium Access Control and Physical Layer Specifications” Is a standard for high-speed communication devices via electric power lines. This standard can be used for communication devices in LAN, for Smart Energy applications, for vehicles and other systems. A relevant part of GreenCom is located in HAN. HAN is an heterogeneous environment both for communication technologies and devices. Devices are often provided by different vendors and use different proprietary protocols. Power Line Network are often used because of its easy and not intrusive installation, so this standard might be considered as an additional communication technology for wire line systems. PAP 16 - Wind Plant Communications (Ongoing) Since most of the existing command and control infrastructures for wind power plants and site monitoring are based on proprietary technologies and old protocols that are not capable of being managed or secured, this PAP, whose status is still active, aims at ensuring the adoption of standards for wind power plant communications that guarantee interoperability. The standard related to this PAP is IEC 61400 standard. In particular, part 25 of this standard is focused on wind power plant communication. Standard Description Impact on GreenCom IEC 61400-25 standard The standard IEC 61400-25 provides a uniform communications basis for the monitoring and control of wind power plants. In particular, it defines wind This standard could be relevant for Distributed Document version: 0.15 Page 117 of 122 Submission date: 28-03-2013 GreenCom D5.1 Analysis of Greencom TechnoogiesHome Appliance , Energy Generation and Storage Analysis review Report power plant specific information, the mechanisms for information exchange and the mapping to communication protocols. In this regard, the IEC 61400-25 series defines details required to exchange the available information with wind power plant components in a manufacturer-independent environment. Generation Issues in GreenCom. PAP 17 – Facility Smart Grid Information Standard (Ongoing) To achieve balancing between power demand and production, Smart Grid needs of a systems for real-time analysis and automatic decision. These systems require much basic and complex information such as load consumptions, weather, day of the year, hour of the day and many others. This PAP has as objective to define a common data model for communication between end devices and control decision systems within the Smart Grid. Currently no standard are defined in this PAP, but it should be monitored in future developments of GreenCom. PAP 18 - SEP 1.x to SEP 2 Transition and Coexistence (completed) The main objective of this PAP was to develop specific requirements that must be met to allow for the coexistence of SEP 1.x and 2.0 and to support the migration of 1.x implementations to 2.0 in smart grid applications. In particular, this PAP assumed that the meters themselves are capable of running SEP 1.x or 2.0 via remote firmware upgrade. The focus of this PAP was on the events leading up to and impact of such an upgrade. This PAP produced the following white paper: PAP18 "White Paper" Final Artifact Page Standard Description Impact on GreenCom SGIP 2011-0008-1 This document addresses SEP 1.x to SEP 2.0 migration and coexistence. In particular, it outlines the requirements and best practices, and applies them to the migration and coexistence of versions of other applications that are not backwards compatible. Moreover, it focus on translation of the SEP applications by an Application Layer Gateway (ALG) that considers also manufacturers that would like to include translations to other ZigBee or “non-ZigBee” applications within the ALG. This standard might be relevant for GreenCom devices integrated through ZigBee technologies. PAP 19 - Wholesale Demand Response (DR) Communication Protocol (Ongoing) Similarly to PAP 9, this PAP aims at defining a common semantic model for standard DR (Demand Response) signals. The effort shall ensure that DR & DER signal standards support load control, supply control, and environmental signals both for the demand and the generation side. The main difference with PAP 9 is that the focus of PAP19 is centred on wholesale operations and could be thus more relevant in “aggregation” scenarios and ESCO-operated contracts. Standard OpenADR (Open Demand Response) Automated Description Impact on GreenCom Parts of OpenADR in the 2.0 release also focus on wholesale operations Wholesale operations might be relevant for GreenCom e.g. to impact on business models with new actors (e.g. aggregators and ESCOs) are entering the market. PAP 20 - Green Button ESPI Evolution (Ongoing) The main objective of this PAP, whose status is still active, is to foster the requirements for and establish standards evolution that allow consumers to have access to their own energy usage information (EUI) in a downloadable, easy-to-use electronic format, offered by their utility. More specifically, this PAP will support a robust and rapid penetration of interoperable goods and services in support of exchange of EUI. Standard Description Impact on GreenCom NAESB REQ18/WEQ19: Energy A standard for EUI exchange. To be monitored for Document version: 0.15 Page 118 of 122 Submission date: 28-03-2013 GreenCom D5.1 Analysis of Greencom TechnoogiesHome Appliance , Energy Generation and Storage Analysis review Report Usage Information 20 standard ) (closed future GreenCom developments. PAP 21 - Weather Information (Ongoing) In Smart Grid weather information assume a relevant importance, for example for automatic decision systems as described for PAP 17. This PAP analyses aspect related to communication, measuring and forcasting of weather data, in order to harmonize standards for bi-directional exchange of weather information. Currently no standard are defined in this PAP, but it should be monitored in future developments of GreenCom. 20 Link to the above standards are available only for NAESB members. http://collaborate.nist.gov/twikisggrid/bin/view/SmartGrid/PAP10EUIFinalArtifacts Document version: 0.15 Page 119 of 122 Submission date: 28-03-2013 GreenCom D5.1 Analysis of Greencom TechnoogiesHome Appliance , Energy Generation and Storage Analysis review Report Appendix D:- European Project Summary ME3GAS (ARTEMIS EU-FP7 2010 -2013) Objectives: The goal of ME³GAS is to put consumers in control of their appliances and energy efficiency. In this context, ME³GAS project addresses the development of a new generation of smart gas meters, based on embedded electronics, communications and the remote management of a shut-off valve, which shall offer a whole range of added values: management of multiple tariffs and payment modalities, remote gas cut off, security alarms, absolute index, temperature correction. Specification, implementation and dissemination of an open architecture for wireless communication was also addressed in the project. ME³GAS also incorporated a service-oriented middleware for embedded systems linksmart to create services and applications across heterogeneous devices to develop an energy-aware middleware platform. Hiding the complexity of the underlying device and communications technologies for application developers and raising the level of programming abstraction to a web services layer. Methodology / Technology used: New smart gas meters were developed as part of this project based on two wireless technologies GPRS and ZigBee. The middleware platform was tested in a number of Pilot sites. At the time of compiling this report 6LoWPAN via contiki was being used as well as Plugwise devices running ZigBee Pro. Website: http://www.me3gas.eu/ eDIANA (ARTEMIS EU-FP7 2009 - 2012) Objectives: The goals of eDiana are similar to the objectives of ME³Gas, to increase energy efficiency of embedded devices. The eDiana project aims at achieving a reference model-based architecture based on the concept of cells (households) and macrocells (residential and non-residential buildings). Such cells can then be interconnected to form more complex networks of whole districts. Technically eDiana aims at realizing these goals by developing an open middleware helping to integrate cells into existing power grids Methodology / Technology used: Development of a hardware agnostic middleware platform using a reference model based architecture. Proof of concept / pilots were carried out using an extension and modification of ZigBee standard. They mention specifically the application profiles and interoperability of ZigBee as there main reasons for selecting this technology. Website: http://s15723044.onlinehome-server.info/artemise/ Sofia (ARTEMIS EU-FP7 2009-2012) Objectives: Sofia project is targeting to make "information" in the physical world available for smart services connecting the physical world with the information world. Although the Sofia project is not targeting energy efficiency, one of their applications is dealing with this. Sofia is advocating an ontology based approach for automatic generation of device code. However, their main focus is mainly on powerful mobile devices like Nokia phones compared with resource-constrained devices, actuators and sensors to provide a true ambient intelligent environment. Website: http://www.sofia-community.org/ AIM (FP7:- 2008-2010) Objectives: The main objective is to develop technologies for managing energy consumption in domestic environments in real-time. Target groups are either power distribution network operators who monitor power consumption of larger residential areas or residential users who monitor and manage their home network. Methodology / Technology used: AIM distinguishes between the home and the outside network. Residential users administer their home networks while functionalities are exposed as services to the outside network via a gateway offering functions for policy management, device discovery, and proactive configuration. The project created a energy management device (EMD) which was protocol agnostic that could connect with an “AIM” gateway to deliver its information back. It was primarily set up over PLC but was interoperable with ZigBee / Wi-Fi and other protocols via the provision for add on boards to the EMD. The EMD device could Document version: 0.15 Page 120 of 122 Submission date: 28-03-2013 GreenCom D5.1 Analysis of Greencom TechnoogiesHome Appliance , Energy Generation and Storage Analysis review Report control white goods via a KNX interface (Assuming the device had inbuilt KNX slave device). When commands were sent from the gateway in conjunction with the standard power metering selected programmes could be run on the appliance it was connected to. Website: http://www.ict-aim.eu/ BeyWatch (EU 2008 to 2011) Objectives: Targeting environmental sustainability, energy efficiency and new power distribution business models, BeyWatch aims to design, develop and evaluate an innovative, energy aware, flexible and usercentric solution, able to provide interactive energy monitoring, intelligent control and power demand balancing at home, block and neighbourhood level. The system will interconnect legacy/consumer electronic devices with a new generation of energy-aware white-goods in a common network, where multilevel hierarchic metering, control, and scheduling will be applied, based on power demand, network conditions and personal preferences. By scheduling and con trolling the electronic devices operation, BeyWatch aims to minimize power distribution peaks, balancing energy load in power distribution networks and ultimately achieving predictable large-scale energy-consumption profiles. Moreover, BeyWatch will integrate an innovative combined photovoltaic/solar (CPS) system, which will provide hot water for white goods in order to reduce/remove the energy-hungry heating operational cycles and generate electrical energy, which can be utilised at home, or during peak periods even fed to the electricity network in a reverse power generation/ distribution business model. Methodology / Technologies: Beywatch created a monitoring and control system at the appliance level as well as a supervisory control device for the entire network called the Agent within the beywatch architecture. For White appliances Baywatch recommendended the use of Wi-Fi , ZigBee, and Z-wave as these are low cost interoperable and widely accepted. The agent could interface with these appliances as well as smart meters and service providers. The Agent hardware was based on an embedded linux system which was the ASUS Eee Box B202 RG with an Atom N270 1600Mhz proccessor 1GB RAM and 80GB harddrive. Consumed a maximum of 20Watts of electricity, Website: http://www.beywatch.eu/ Intube (2008 -2011) Objectives: IntUBE will develop tools for measuring and analysing building energy profiles based on user comfort needs. These will offer efficient solutions for better use and management of energy use within buildings over their lifecycles. Intelligent Building Management Systems will be developed to enable real-time monitoring of energy use and optimisation. Neighbourhood Management Systems will be developed to support efficient energy distribution across groups of buildings. These will support timely and optimal energy transfers from building to building based on user needs and requirements. New Business Models to make best use of the developed Management Systems will be created. The results of IntUBE are expected to enhance not only the comfort levels of buildings users, but also reduce overall energy costs through better energy efficiency. These results will be demonstrated in at least three pilot cases: social housing in Spain, office buildings in Finland and a third case defined during the project. Methodology / Technology Used: Documentation doesn’t mention technologies deployed Website: http://www.intube.eu/ ITOBO (SFI, 2007 to 2012) Objectives:- ITOBO aims to develop a holistic, methodological framework for life-cycle oriented information management and decision support in the construction and energy- management sectors. This is achieved by making specific research contributions to ICT in Ubiquitous sensing infrastructures by supporting seamless and dynamic end-to-end network composition and service operation through sensor and RFID hardware. Disruptive networking paradigms by enhancing the management of large-scale, complex networks, services, and mobile users through introducing new network and management approaches. Decision support systems with the development of novel constraint-based preference models and optimisation algorithms that support the configuration, adaptation, and servicing of smart buildings and the networks that manage them. Dynamic, re-configurable service architectures: by designing a system architecture that will support scale-free composition of service coalitions with managed operation across several administrative (e.g. tenant, owner, building-operator) and business domains (e.g. suppliers, network operators, facility managers). Document version: 0.15 Page 121 of 122 Submission date: 28-03-2013 GreenCom D5.1 Analysis of Greencom TechnoogiesHome Appliance , Energy Generation and Storage Analysis review Report Methodology / Technology Used:- ITOBO used passive RFID technologies for indoor localization. Website: use.ucc.ie/itobo/ DEHEMS (FP7 2008-2011) Objectives: The Digital Environment Home Energy Management system (DEHEMS) investigated the ways technology can improve domestic energy efficiency. The aim was to improve the current monitoring approach used by residential houses. Methodology / Technology Used: Dehems went beyond the traditional approach of looking at how much energy was used in domestic setting to how the energy was used in domestic settings. This involved sub metering based on wireless plug devices.This project used wireless technology as the enabler for the project specifically Plugwise ZigBee Pro plugs. PitFalls: This project initially looked at using PLC devices but decided against it due to the limitations of PLC and went with wireless technology itself (while it has limitations they believed it more suitable to home energy monitoring). Website: http://www.dehems.eu/ Smart House / Smart Grid (FP7 2008-2009) Objectives: This project set out to validate and test how ICT-enabled collaborative technical-commercial aggregations of Smart Houses provide an essential step to achieve the needed radically higher levels of energy efficiency in Europe. The project describes itself as the roadmap to mass production and uptake of smart home and smart grid technologies. To prove the concept a number of field trials are carried out. All technologies used in the project were to be based on open source and open industry standards. Methodology / Technology Used: Within this project a gateway device was developed based on a Vortex x86 1 GHz CPU running embedded linux as the operating system. The wireless technologies used within the project were wi-fi for gateway connection back to the cloud. ZigBee and Z-wave were also trialled as the home automation technologies. Lessons Learnt: Issues with Z-wave were described during the field trials which was mainly due to intermediate signal loss. This resulted in device switching on more than they should. The resolution for this problem is to ensure adequate radio surveys are carried out before wireless installations. Website: http://www.smarthouse-smartgrid.eu/ INTrEPID (FP7 Nov 2012 – 2015) Intelligent systems for energy prosumer buildings at district level. This project aims to develop technologies that will enable energy optimization of residential buildings. The project looks at optimizing control of internal systems with a residential building as well as external links to the outside world including other buildings, producers, distributors and enabling energy exchange. SMARTHG (FP7 Oct 2012 – 2015) Energy Demand Aware Open Services for Smart Grid Intelligent Automation. This project focuses on the development of Automation services gathering real time from Residential homes about energy usage and using this data to create intelligent automation and reduce this consumption of energy. Website: http://smarthg.di.uniroma1.it/ Document version: 0.15 Page 122 of 122 Submission date: 28-03-2013