newsletter 12-2015final - Red Bank Regional High School
newsletter 12-2015final - Red Bank Regional High School
RBR — oVER 100 YEARS oF ACADEMIC ExCELLENCE R E D B A N K R E G I o N A L H I G H S C H o o L WINTER RBR Welcomes Adam Recktenwald to its Administrative Team 2015 CoMMuNITY NEWSLETTER Congratulations to Our Students and Staff on all their Amazing Accomplishments Westminster Choir College. Jade Glab, and Dannielle Wolf, placed third and fourth in their respective divisions of Classical Voice. Adam Recktenwald joined the RBR administrative team this school year as its new administrator. He is responsible for the Visual & Performing Arts Academy, the Academy of Finance as well Culinary Arts and Early Childhood Education. He replaces retired Supervisor of 4-Year Academies Peter Grandinetti with supervision of the Academy of Information Technology and Academy of Engineering shifting to Math and Science Supervisor Susan Zielinski. Mr. Recktenwald spent the last nine years teamteaching Visual Arts in East Brunswick High School’s unique 12th grade cross-curricular Humanities program. Like Red Bank Regional, EBHS is also a NJ Model School for the Arts. Adam began his teaching career as a middle school English teacher. In his spare time, he is an amateur illustrator, musician and writer. RBR’s new supervisor hopes to help grow and fine-tune RBR’s already outstanding programs. Some additions to the areas under his responsibility include a new Guitar major in the strings program (see related article on new guitar program) and an additional baking course in the Culinary Arts. He is looking to strengthen the community connections that RBR has within some of the programs such as in the Visual Arts and Academy of Finance. He also hopes to focus on consolidating and increasing electives in the Early Childhood Education major to transform it into a true teacher preparatory program. Adam is thrilled to be at RBR stating, “Administration and my peers have been so supportive of my transition. The staff and students are extremely talented and the small teacher to student ratio as well as the dedication to each individual student is so wonderful. We have people who care so much about their programs both on a day-to-day basis and for the future.” RBR Technology Teacher Jeremy Milonas was named the NJ Air Force Association’s Teacher of the Year for his accomplishments in engaging students in science technology, engineering and math (STEM). Congratulations to Eagle Scouts: Andrew Noglows, Sam Gregg and Joe Ferguson. Megan Moran and Gabby Scerbo performed in BIG at the Monmouth University Theatre this past summer. Twenty-four VPA vocal majors performed in the Doris Lenz Festival. Alexa DeAnna, was chosen to participate in a master class with Dr Sean McCarther of Congratulations to our All State Opera vocal majors: Dannielle Wolf, Jael Cross, Sydney Gannon, Erin Ostrowski, Claire Taylor, Jenna Smith, and Jackie Render. Our choral students made the prestigious All Shore Honor Chorus this year and will perform in February at the regional function at RBR. They are: Devin Barry, Jack Faccone, Brian Healey, Dannielle Wolf, Lauren O'Brien, Mara Campolattaro, Ricci Bigelow, Shea Grant, Erin Ostrowski, Lea Fanizzi, Asha Clarke, Alexa DeAnna, Maddie Stout, Gianna Pallante, and Victoria White. RBR vocal majors who made the prestigious All State Chorus Groups include: Dannielle Wolf, and Jade Glab, Mixed Chorus, and Victoria White and Erin Ostrowski, Women’s Chorus. continued on page 3 RBR Adds New Guitar Program to Visual & Performing Arts Academy This year, incoming Visual & Performing Arts students can concentrate their study in the guitar, a brand new major within the strings program. The new course has proved very popular with more than half of the string majors choosing the instrument as a major. There are also 26 students in the guitar class elective. Strings teacher Jeffrey Boga states, “Students come to school with a rock background and receive more classical training which is necessary for them to pursue scholarships at music universities and to perform at professional events.” The guitar majors made their debut at RBR’s Hispanic Heritage program and have performed with five other schools in an inter-district string concert. They also performed at the Monmouth Mall for the holidays, other school events and will attend an orchestral festival in the spring at the university of Delaware. R B R H o N o R S I T S L o N G - S E RV I N G S TA F F 15 Years to 19 Years: Vanna Acuna, Mark Alter Myra Buffaloe, Gail Canning, Alan Choback, Steven DePolo, Cassandra Dorn, Scott Ferris, Carl Grillo, Ann Hansen, Lynn Hansen, Jennifer Kanuga, Marlene Kessler, Margaret Kirk, Jeffrey Light, Dawn Lisko, Stacy Liss, Scott Martin, Marisol Mondaca, Dorianne Murray, Bradley olsen, Manuel Pabon, Teresa Shulman, Kathleen Smith, Michelle Spencer, Valerie Zitzman, Kristopher Zook 20 Years to 24 Years: Denise Barrett, Barbara Beckett, Nancy Bellezza, Marilee Celestino, Risa Clay, Ernest D’Albero, Micheal DeCotis, Faith DeRoos, Suasan Eads, Christina Emrich, Mary Howley, Patricia Joiner, Debbie orrigo, Diane Rocco, Cheryl Washington 25 Years to 29 Years: Kathleen Blackwell, Donna Carotenuto, Joseph Cerbone, Mary Karlo, Sue Kelly, Patrick McCormack, Lynn McGowan, Erika Robinson 30 Years to 39 Years: Bernice Colton, Valerie Hughes, John Quinn 40 Years: Frank (Dusty) Bublin WE WELCoME ouR NEW STAFF Pictured left to right are: Nathaniel Mendeita, ELL Instructional Aide, William Enny, Math, Kenneth Wernick, Special Education, Jessica Gonzalez, Math, Rueben Jackson, VPA, Jillian Eisenbraun, Science, Jack Provine, Physical Education, Kevin Benny, Math. (Missing are: Thomas Robbins, Technology, Adame Recktenwald, Supervisor, John Aliaga, Social Studies, Lynn Geltzeiler, Instructional Aide, Amanda Monteforte, Guidance Support Staff, Maria Jose Martinez-Reid, ELL Instructional Aide) Congratulations to Our Students and Staff on all their Amazing Accomplishments CoNTINuED FRoM PAGE 1 AOIT students Louis DiOrio, Tyler Birn and Zachary Carrano took fourth place In Network Design at the national FBLA contest held in Chicago over the summer. Cris Sochacki, Josh Even and Logan Applegate also earned entrance to this national competition. Neil Villapiano earned a College Broadcasting Journalism Certification from Hoftra University’s Professional Development School. Mara Campolattaro father/daughter mission and built an aqueduct impoverished village Republic. helped organize a which fundraised for to bring water to an in the Dominican To Our Athletes on their Amazing Fall Season betterment of the community. Working with her friends and fellow RBR students Morgan Grant and Samantha LaRocca, the students won a contest through the website to deter distracted driving among many other initiatives. Two of the girls recently attended the popular Halo Awards in NYC as guest of the company celebrating teenager community service. RBR and our football fans collected over 1,000 lbs of food at the Thanksgiving Day Game! Five Red Bank Regional High School student athletes recently signed to play college sports at the schools they will be attending next year. The Buccaneer Football team had its best season in decades. They clinched their Division title with a historic win over RBC in October and the Thanksgiving Day defeat of Long Branch. They advanced to the state championship ending the season with a 11-1 record. Sadiq Palmer was named B-North Defensive Player of the Year; other players making All Division B North were: Matt Reardon, Sean Naiman, Rick Wild, Jack Navitsky, Chris Outterbridge, Alim Godsey, Jack O’Connor; 1st Team AllShore: Sadiq Palmer, Sean Naiman, Jack O’Connor; 2nd Team All-Shore: Chris Outterbridge, Matt Reardon, 3rd Team All-Shore: Jack Navitsky Girls Cross Country won their Division title for the third year in a row, and was ranked as high as fourth in the state and second in the Shore Conference. Also, for the third year in a row, the team was the winner of the Principal’s Cup for earning the highest combined GPA of all other sport teams. Star Lauren Sapone shined as the winner of two invitational runs and the Girls’ Monmouth County Championship. Girls Tennis won their Division with a record of 14-4. Abby Decker and Anya Tewari reached the semi finals in the Monmouth County Tournament and qualified for the Singles Tournament. Julia Nijnens, who made a community service trip to Africa over the summer, was recognized as a Global Leadership Adventure Ambassador to promote volunteerism and mentor future teenage volunteers. Emma Craven, who has interned for the teenage community-minded website, has performed 16 campaigns for the They are: Jon Pierce, (lacrosse) Susquehanna University; Madison Wood, (girls’ lacrosse); Fairleigh Dickinson University; Claudio LoBriaco, (baseball) Swarthmore College; Lauren Sapone, (cross country and track) Dartmouth, and Nicholas Massa, (baseball) Manhattan College. Boys Cross Country finished second in their division with a 71 record. Tyler Schwinn won the Freshmen Shore Coaches Invitational and was the first freshman finisher the Monmouth Country Championship in the varsity race. Boys Soccer advanced to the second round of the NJSIAA State Championship. Jacob Curtis, was voted 1st Team All Conference All-State Group 3, Chris Fuentes, 2nd Team All-Division Jake Lane, 2nd Team All-Division. Girls Soccer qualified for the NJSIAA State Tournament Field Hockey had its best season in years with seven wins and advanced to the second round of the NJSIAA State Tournament. BUC BACKER FOUNDATION TAKES ON NEW INITIATIVES UPCOMING PROGRAMS FOR THE BALANCE OF THE YEAR INCLUDE: Everyone entering our school campus this fall was greeted with an array of fall colors and plants providing a much more welcoming environment thanks to our BUC Backer Foundation’s new beautification program. “We wanted the exterior to reflect how wonderful this award-winning school is on the inside. We want the campus to be a reflection of what RBR is about,” stated project designer and RBR BUC Backer member Dulce Feta-Daly, who spearheaded the program for the foundation. Additionally, this year, the foundation, under the leadership of its new co-presidents Carmelina MacPherson and Patti Forsman have planned a series of informative talks open to the public on a wide-range of important topics. In October, BBF in conjunction with the SOURCE, sponsored this very powerful program for parents on the phenomenon of Teenage Suicide presented by the advocacy group A.I.R.( Attitudes in Reverse) geared toward a parental audience. In November, Social Studies teacher Justin Biggs gave a presentation and demonstration on Mindfullness. Mr. Biggs will be creating a Mindfullness program at RBR with the aid of a BUC Backer foundation grant he received last year. FEBRUARY 9 - STUDENT HEALTH SERIES MARCH 8 - DRUGS/HEROIN LECTURE APRIL 12 - RANDY LEVIN -COLLEGE SERIES MAY 10 - MINI JOB FAIR CHECK THEIR WEBSITE FOR FURTHER INFORMATION AT HTTP://WWW.BUCBACKERFOUNDATION.COM/ Red Bank Regional High School Board of Education 101 Ridge Road Little Silver, N J 07739 John Garofalo President 2015 Board of Education Emily A. Doherty Vice President Christopher Alworth Eugene Koster Lisa Gilmour Randy Mendelson Frank Neary, Jr. Patrick Noble Mehmet Ors Mr. Thomas Pagano Interim Superintendent of Schools Christina M. Galvao Board Secretary/ Business Administrator Risa Clay Principal RBR Community Newsletter Marianne Kligman - Writer Gail Van Winkle - Layout/Design RBR is now on Facebook; go to the link on our website Save the Dates: Ladies Day Out The BuC Backer Foundation Ladies Day out is January 31, 2016, Noon to 3:30 pm. The popular event features fabulous chance auction gifts, a three-course lunch, champagne punch and the magnificent water views of the Navesink from the balcony of the oyster Point Hotel, located at 146 Bodman Pl, Red Bank. Tickets are $55 per person ($50 for senior citizens and $25 for RBR staff). Visit the BuC Backer website at for more information. Andrew Kroon Memorial Fashion Show The Andrew Kroon Memorial Fashion Show takes place on Sunday, February 21, 2016, at the oyster Point Hotel in Red Bank. It features fabulous gift baskets, a 50-50 raffle, an accessories boutique and local shop fashions modeled by RBR students. For more information contact RBR Placed on the College Board’s 6th Annual AP® District Honor Roll for Significant Gains in Student Access and Success RBR is one of 425 school districts in the u.S. and Canada being honored by the College Board with placement on the 6th Annual AP® District Honor Roll for increasing access to AP course work while simultaneously maintaining or increasing the percentage of students earning scores of 3 or higher on AP Exams. Reaching these goals indicates that a district is successfully identifying motivated, academically prepared students who are ready for the opportunity of AP. To be included on the 6th Annual Honor Roll, RBR had to increase the number of students participating in AP while also increasing or maintaining the number of students earning AP Exam scores of 3 or higher since 2013.