Costal Cartilage Injury in Acute Trauma
Costal Cartilage Injury in Acute Trauma
Costal Cartilage Injury in Acute Trauma Matthew O’Brien MD, David Spizarny, MD, Daniel T Myers, MD Department of Radiology, Henry Ford Health System, Detroit, Michigan Abstract Characterization and Trauma Score The costal cartilages, (CC’s,) which can be indicative of sex, bone age, and underlying systemic disease processes, 1-5 often experience the large, sudden forces of acute body trauma including that of motor vehicle collisions. Despite descriptions of the imaging appearances on Radiographs, Ultrasound, and Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 6,7 there is a paucity of literature describing CC injuries on Computed Tomography. Our primary intent is to review and characterize the spectrum of CC injuries based on a ten-year retrospective review of blunt trauma related body CT studies performed at our institution between 2003 and 2013 in which such injuries were prospectively identified. Secondly we propose a simple schema for characterization and classification of costal cartilage injuries based on our review. We then relate that classification system to the American Association for the Surgery of Trauma (AAST) Chest Wall Trauma Score. Finally we demonstrate some characteristic imaging appearances of costal cartilage injuries, and related injuries and complications. We advocate for a simple classification scheme based on type of CC disruption, (fracture, separation,) location, (costochondral, midchondral, costosternal or costomanubrial,) percent displacement in terms of shaft width, and separation distance. Rib fractures play a major role in assessment of the Chest Wall Trauma Score. A summary of this impact is in the table below: Rib Fracture Impact on Chest Wall Trauma Score Grade I II III Rib Fractures ≥ 3 closed < 3 segment unilateral flail chest V ≥ 3 segment unilateral flail chest Bilateral flail chest We propose that costal cartilage injuries be considered similar to rib fractures in the chest wall trauma score as in our experience they appear to impart similar risks and the two often coexist. c. d. 18 16 60 14 Number of Injuries Percent of Injuries 50 40 30 20 12 Rib Fractures 10 CI's 8 6 4 10 2 0 CCh MC CS/CM Type of Injury 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Rib Number Figure 2. Most injuries are costochondral, (CCh,) followed by midchondral, (MC,) then costosternal and costomanubrial, (CS/CM.) e. f. Figure 3. The distribution of injuries roughly follows the distribution of rib fractures in the same group of patients. Notably, the frequency of both cartilaginous injuries (CI’s,) and rib fractures by location is directly correlated with rib length; increasing in frequency from ribs 1-7, and decreasing from 7-12. Figure 5. A right costochondral separation, (a) associated with trauma. After a coughing episode, a follow up study for chest wall swelling reveals a large right anterior lung herniation, (b, c, d) into the chest wall soft tissues through the cartilaginous defect. A postoperative study after emergent intervention (e) demonstrates reduction of the herniated lung, with internal and external fixation of the chest wall. • CC injuries are uncommon injuries and, in our experience, may easily be overlooked. • CC trauma commonly occurs in three locations: 1. The CC attachment to the ossified rib end, or “costochondral junction,” 2. In the mid-cartilage, or “midchondral” location, or 3. At the costosternal/costomanubrial attachment. • Potential complications mimic those of rib fractures, and include: • Associated rib fractures and other costal cartilage injuries • Mediastinal hematomas • Sternal, manubrial, clavicular, and pelvic fractures • Pneumothorax and hemothorax • Chest wall lacerations and subcutaneous emphysema • Greater awareness of spectrum of injuries and their appearances is intended to lead to greater recognition of this traumatic injury. Figure 4. A Costochondral fracture of the 6th rib, (a) with associated clavicular fracture, (b) indicating high energy trauma. Displaced midchondral separations are seen in noncalcified, (c) and calcified, (d) cartilages. A mildly displaced calcified costomanubrial fracture is seen in a patient status post MVC, (e). Note the well-defined hypoattenuation through the noncalcified portion of the cartilage. In another patient, multiple contiguous midchondral cartilage fractures (f) are significantly displaced on this coronal view. Associated Injuries / Complications Figure 2: Distribution of Injuries e. Learning Points Methods Figure 1: Distribution by Location d. b. Figure 1. Diagrammatic representation of the costal cartilages, (blue,) in the thoracic cage. Adapted from Gray’s Anatomy, 20th edition, 1918. Common Sites and Types of CC Injury c. Pictorial Review of injuries a. After approval by our Institutional Review Board (IRB), a retrospective review of radiology reports and CT images from the radiology archive for the prospective diagnosis of costochondral injury in patients undergoing CT scan of the thorax for trauma was performed. We used a medical search engine (Softek Illuminate, Prairie Village, KS, USA) to search a 10 year time frame, (January 2003–December 2013,) in patients 18 years of age or greater. Data search utilized key phrases including “costal”, “chondral”, “cartilage” and “costochondral,” resulting in 44 cases. Each case was reviewed by a Radiologist with 15 years post fellowship experience in trauma imaging to confirm the presence of costal cartilage injury. Review of the electronic medical record was conducted to determine associated injuries and complications. b. *Increase one grade for bilaterality Anatomy of Ribs and Costal Cartilages • Costal Cartilages are the anterior-most portions of the 7 true and 3 false costal rings. • True ribs are individually attached to the sternum via CC’s. • False ribs share a cartilaginous attachment to the sternum. • Floating ribs do not contact the sternum. • Ribs 1 and 2 are uniformly thick and quite dense, with short CC’s. • Ribs increase in length from 1-7, then decrease from 7-12. • CC’s originate from the same mesenchymal sclerotomes as their corresponding ribs. 8 • Each rib and CC form a ring, with most plasticity imparted by the CC’s. 9 • CC’s vascularize and calcify or ossify with age in various patterns which vary somewhat predictably by sex, age and race. 1-5, 10, 11 • Calcification is present in most 20-80 year old patients, begins in the third decade, and may decrease plasticity. 1, 12, 13, 14 < 3 closed IV a. 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