Uspenskiy Processing Complex
Uspenskiy Processing Complex
Uspenskiy Processing Complex LLC USPENSKIY PROCESSING COMPLEX Two pieces of news: a good one and a bad one LLC USPENSKIY PROCESSING COMPLEX Let’s start with the bad one LLC USPENSKIY PROCESSING COMPLEX 90% of wastes in Russia are not recycled* They are stored like this: *According to the data of the consulting company LLC AT Consulting “Research of oil-slum processing market in the RF in 2013-2014” LLC USPENSKIY PROCESSING COMPLEX And every 7-8 years The area of contamination with oil products in Russia in 2012 was 70,000 ha* It’s a territory compared to the territory of the state of Singapore in South-Western Asia, 715.8 sq. km *According to the data of the Ministry of Civil Defense and Emergency Situations of Russia LLC USPENSKIY PROCESSING COMPLEX The area of contamination with oil products in Russia in 2014 was 70,000 ha* It looks like this: *According to the data of the Ministry of Civil Defense and Emergency Situations of Russia LLC USPENSKIY PROCESSING COMPLEX Sources Steaming stations LLC USPENSKIY PROCESSING COMPLEX Dead leavings in tank fields Oil spillages Sources Old oil sump storages LLC USPENSKIY PROCESSING COMPLEX Leavings in old boiler plants Rejects of oil processing plants The First Stage of Getting Raw Materials Steaming stations Dead leavings in tank fields The number of steaming stations and terminals of preparing tanks for loading and repair in Russia is more than 70. The total amount of the raw materials got this way is 300,000 tons per year. Total number of tank fields in Russia is 142 million cubic meters. The total amount of oil-slime of tank storage is 431,000 tons annually Ways of getting raw materials Ways of getting raw materials Raw materials will be delivered by railway and motor transport Raw materials will be delivered by railway and motor transport * Report by LLC AT Consulting Washing and Steaming Enterprises Market Research in 2012 LLC USPENSKIY PROCESSING COMPLEX * Report by LLC AT Consulting Steal Reservoirs Cleaning Market Research in the RF The Second Stage of Getting Raw Materials Old oil sump storages Leavings in old boiler plants Rejects of oil processing plants Oil spillages It is planned to get the above-mentioned raw materials by means of acquisition of mobile complexes and signing a cooperation memorandum with LLC ECO-SPAS Bataisk, which is the biggest company in the south of Russia, which main line of business is collection, transportation, sterilization and further use and processing of industrial and domestic waste. The above-mentioned company has more than 2,000 clients, which makes it possible to ensure cooperation in providing raw materials for the complex. LLC USPENSKIY PROCESSING COMPLEX The volume of storage exceeds the volume of processing LLC USPENSKIY PROCESSING COMPLEX Reasons: High cost: disposal of 1 ton of oil wastes = 5,000 – 11,000 rubles There are few enterprises that offer disposal services (1-2 enterprises per region) Complexity of the technological process LLC USPENSKIY PROCESSING COMPLEX How much do we lose? Cost of disposal of such a site is 11,000,000 rubles LLC USPENSKIY PROCESSING COMPLEX The volume of the processed oil products is approximately 1,500 tons or 15,000,000 rubles How many sites like that could there be in one area? LLC USPENSKIY PROCESSING COMPLEX In reality it looks like this: LLC USPENSKIY PROCESSING COMPLEX And now a good piece of news There are technical possibilities to process oil waste to make it a marketable product LLC USPENSKIY PROCESSING COMPLEX What Characteristics of Unconventional Oil Products Can Be Improved Characteristic name Units of measurement Unconventional Standard Viscosity sq.m./s (cSt) From 16 to 60 16 Ash content % Up to 2% 0,05 0,14 Content of solids % Up to 10% 0,1 Water content % Up to 70% 0,1 С Up to 20 0С 110 С Up to 65 0С 25 42 Flash point 0 Freezing point 0 Density LLC USPENSKIY PROCESSING COMPLEX kg/m3 Technologies ô Oil products dehydration Fuel oil and oil waste solids ô Nonstandard fuel oil visbreaking ô Precise oil filtration ô withdrawal of paving bitumen by ô Getting oxidation oil and condensed fuel ô Crude distillation grade standard fuel ô Commercial and bitumen and additive agents ô Fuel oil vacuum distillation LLC USPENSKIY PROCESSING COMPLEX introduction Procession of semi-liquid oil containing waste ô Processing of oil-water emulsions This is the way the idea… TO CREATE A universal processing complex APPEARED Its main idea is a possibility to process any unconditional oil waste into a marketable product LLC USPENSKIY PROCESSING COMPLEX Uspenskiy Processing Complex LLC USPENSKIY PROCESSING COMPLEX Six Production Facilities Oil-slime dehydration and purification unit Viscosity and oil products congelation reduction unit Filtration unit Compounding of commercial oil Processing of fuel oil and tar oil into bitumen Primary oil processing LLC USPENSKIY PROCESSING COMPLEX Planned Production Facilities Own electric power generation using multiply-unit gas engine power plants Pyrolysis of black oil fuel and organic waste Purification of motor oil from sulfur-containing compounds Water-in-oil emulsions recovery LLC USPENSKIY PROCESSING COMPLEX To implement the project we have chosen the best site A large territory – 40 hectares LLC USPENSKIY PROCESSING COMPLEX Operating branch railway LLC USPENSKIY PROCESSING COMPLEX Possibility to provide logistics services covering the territory of 3,000 km2 Available labour force All that allows to create 12 profit centres Production 12 profit centres Intermediate trade operations Services LLC USPENSKIY PROCESSING COMPLEX Bitumen Oil products Fuel oil export Purchase of unconventional fuel oil (with processing and sale) Purchase of fuel oil for further resale (using compounding schemes) Transshipment of fuel oil Transshipment of bitumen Transshipment of gas Fuel oil dehydration Fuel oil filtration Viscosity breaking and reduction of fuel oil setting point Transport company High economic efficiency of the project with the volume of investments of 1,072,273,613 rubles Indexes of the project economic efficiency: Accepted discounting rate (D), % Indexes 20 Payback period (PBP), years 5 Discounted payback period (DPP), years 7 Profitability index (PI) Net present value (NPV) [1], rubles/euro 1,22 163 725 685 /2 183 009 Internal rate of return (IRR), %. 27,7 Modified internal rate of return (MIRR), % 23,4 [1] For attractive investment projects the NPV index should be above 0 (zero). Period of integral indexes calculation is 8 years. Euro rate as of 01.01.2015 = 75.00 rubles LLC USPENSKIY PROCESSING COMPLEX Proceeds from Sales and Net Profit by Years of the Project Implementation, Million Rubles 3 000 2 662 516 949 2 598 576 271 2 597 947 034 2 598 576 271 2 598 576 271 2 598 576 271 2 500 2 000 1 500 425 139 830 1 000 500 0 - 500 LLC USPENSKIY PROCESSING COMPLEX 210 491 744 - 19 046 614 1st year 214 397 741 245 215 235 274 256 065 6th year 7th year 329 354 392 229 149 240 -62 082 829 2nd year 3rd year 4th year 5th year 8th year Advantages of the project: Low competitiveness in this segment High profitability Advantageous location Short pay-off period High profitability Resistance to changes Environmental focus LLC USPENSKIY PROCESSING COMPLEX Investment Cost Stages No. Costs connected with: Amount, rubles 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 Preliminary stage 1. 1.1 1.2 1.3 2 2.1 2.2 3 3.1 3.2 Acquisition of the basis Land plots 80 000 000 Acquisition of 12 ha of land 2 400 000 Acquisition of 22.8 ha of land 2 850 000 Design Design work Design of additional railway lines 35 000 000 1 768 608 Equipment acquisition and assembly Tank farms for different kinds of raw materials and oil for 30-35 thousand tons with fuel compounding blocks Equipment set for oil-slime and unconditional fuel oil processing LLC USPENSKIY PROCESSING COMPLEX 180 000 000 40 000 000 3.8 3.9 3.10 4. 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4. Integrated unit for atmospheric vacuum oil processing with a desalination facility Bitumen production unit 40 000 000 Steam boiler room 20 000 000 Emergency power plant for 0.7 MW 15 000 000 Water intake, gas, electric power lead-in, waste water collection and purification (excluding power transmission lines) Repair and auxiliary equipment 25 000 000 Laboratories equipment (excluding buildings) 20 000 000 Fire reservoirs and pumped storage plants 30 000 000 25 000 000 5 000 000 Supply pipelines Power supply 40 000 000 Gas supply 8 000 000 Water supply 2 000 000 Supply pipelines connection 25 000 000 Investment Cost Stages 5. 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 6. 6.1 6.2 6.3 7. 7.1 Construction works Plant management with a canteen and a building for drivers’ rest (modular constructions) Laboratories (modular) 45 000 000 Central warehouse and a garage (reconstruction) 15 000 000 Maintenance department (light-weight design ) 10 000 000 Operator room 20 000 000 Site improvement, including roads and parking places 80 000 000 Repair and construction of railway lines 20 000 000 5 000 000 Starting-up and adjustment and automation Enterprise automation 50 000 000 Alarm and video surveillance system 5 000 000 Fire-fighting measures costs 5 000 000 Permissions and licenses Licenses obtaining LLC USPENSKIY PROCESSING COMPLEX 8 000 000 8. 8.1 9. 9.1 10. 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 11 Special technical equipment acquisition Automotive engineering acquisition Office equipment Office equipment Current assets LLC UPC Transport company Trading house Research and development Authorized capital 6 000 000 31 171 471 2 000 000 120 600 000 130 000 16 100 000 Previous investments Administrative –economic costs 30 000 000 Total: 12 359 534 1 072 273 613 Uspenskiy Processing Complex today: The project has been approved at all levels and it is in the list of 300 investment projects of Rostov region; Initial permissive documentation has been collected; Complex projecting work has been commenced; A site for the complex construction has been acquired; Pre-project works on construction of the complex have been completed, all technological schemes have been determined; The project is presented at the investment forums at a both Russian and an international levels. LLC USPENSKIY PROCESSING COMPLEX Cooperation Memorandum Has Been Signed LLC USPENSKIY PROCESSING COMPLEX This is a pilot project to solve the problem of oil product contamination in Russia LLC USPENSKIY PROCESSING COMPLEX Offers for Investors Project Financing Variants Variant 1: Additional capitalization of the project to project financing Offers: LLC USPENSKIY PROCESSING COMPLEX Investment amount – to 370,285,691 rubles; Participation share in the company – to 20%; Investment return period – to 36 months; Project withdrawal through selling a share in the authorized capital stock to company’s members or to the third parties. Offers for Investors Total Project Financing Variant 2: Offers: LLC USPENSKIY PROCESSING COMPLEX Investment amount – to 1,072,273,613 rubles; Participation share in the company – to 40%; Investment return period – 60 months; Project withdrawal through selling a share in the authorized capital stock to company’s members or to the third parties; A possibility of federal development of the project; Company’s IPO entry Offers for Investors Total Project Financing Variant No. 3: Completion of projecting, acquisition of all the required production facilities, acquisition of the permission for construction (at the initiator’s cost) Offers: LLC USPENSKIY PROCESSING COMPLEX - investment amount - tо 1,422,000 rubles - participation share in the company - to 60 % - investment return period - to 60 months - withdrawal from the project by selling a share in the authorized capital to the members of the company or to the third parties Offers for Investors Total Project Financing Variant No 4: Completion of projecting, acquisition of all the required production facilities, acquisition of the permission for construction, registration of all possible rights and patents, exploring and preparation of all managerial issues (by the initiator’s efforts and at the initiator’s cost) Offers: LLC USPENSKIY PROCESSING COMPLEX - investment amount - tо 1,572,000 rubles - participation share in the company - to 70 % - investment return period - to 67 months - withdrawal from the project by selling a share in the authorized capital to the members of the company or to the third parties Company’s Structure Management company Public Joint-Stock Company FEDEREX (assets holder) 100% owner of authorized capital stock of all companies being its part LLC UPC Production and processing LLC USPENSKIY PROCESSING COMPLEX Trading house (sales company) Transport company (shipping operations) Research company (search, analysis and adoption of new technologies) General Designer LLC KOHLBECKER AND ANTONYUK LLC USPENSKIY PROCESSING COMPLEX General Designer Automobile Plant BMV in the city of Kaliningrad Air Products Plant, Rostov region Pearlite Manufacturing Plant, Rostov region Textile Factory, Rostov region Sugar Mill, Rostov region Technonikol Plant, Rostov region LLC USPENSKIY PROCESSING COMPLEX Rolled Iron Manufacturing Plant Donelectrostal, Rostov region Lighting Fittings Manufacturing Plant, Ryazan region Oil Manufacturing Plant, Rostov region Glass Manufacturing Plant, Rostov region Uspenskiy Processing Complex LLC Uspenskiy Processing Complex Rostov-on-Don, 162 Tekuchev street, office 302 Tel. (863)2806656 Tel./fax (863)2345608 Thank you for your attention! LLC USPENSKIY PROCESSING COMPLEX