2013 SCCLS Annual Report - South Coastal Counties Legal


2013 SCCLS Annual Report - South Coastal Counties Legal
January - December
Marking Our 49 th Year
of Service & Partnerships
www. sccls .org
South Coastal Counties Legal Services with its subsidiary, the
Justice Center of Southeast Massachusetts (Justice Center),
is the principal provider of free, non-criminal civil legal
assistance to poor and low-income people living in
Southeast Massachusetts, Cape Cod and the Islands.
SCCLS ensures vulnerable people get the legal services they
require to access the judicial system and overcome legal
barriers to personal safety, financial security, educational
attainment, individual rights, and adequate food and shelter.
SCCLS’ subsidiary, the Justice Center, also provides legal
assistance in immigration matters.
Learn more about SCCLS at our website:
w w w . s ccls. o rg
Vulnerable people in 5 counties rely on SCCLS.
Your support ensures them justice.
Bristol County: 22 Bedford St., 1st fl., Fall River, MA 02722
Cape & Islands: 460 West Main St., Hyannis, MA 02601
Plymouth County: Justice Center, 231 Main St., Suite 201, Brockton, MA 02301
Administrative Mailing Address: PO Box 2507, Fall River, MA 02722-2507
Legal Intake Call Center: (800) 244-9023
Open for calls: Mon. - Thur. 9:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
South Coastal Counties Legal Services
Message from the
B oa r d Co-Chair s
Dear Friends, Colleagues & Supporters of Justice,
On behalf of the SCCLS Board of Directors and the Justice Center’s
Board of Managers, we are pleased to report that 2013 was a successful
year of rebuilding and stabilization for SCCLS.
This past year, SCCLS and the Justice Center helped nearly 4,000
clients. SCCLS closed out 2013 in its strongest fiscal position in four years.
This was due to strategic reorganizing over the past three years and the
financial contributions from donors like you. Thank you!
Too often SCCLS’s free civil legal aid is the only thing that keeps
a family in their home, allows an elder to fight financial exploitation, or
secures safety for a victim of domestic violence and her children. SCCLS
helps people in the most heart wrenching of circumstances when no other
social service agency can. SCCLS empowers poor people with the legal
representation they need to fully access the judicial system and maintain
their rights.
This year’s annual report illustrates the importance of civil legal aid in
the lives of poor people. We each have a role to play in building a civil
society that strives to ensure justice and fairness to all its members, not
based on a person’s wealth but based on their standing as equals under the
law. We ask that you join us in this effort by donating to SCCLS and/or
volunteering your time in the coming years.
Most Sincerely,
Arthur L. Pressman, Esq.
Board Co-Chair
Nixon Peabody LLP
Matthew J. Bresette, Esq.
Board Co-Chair
Nutter, McClennen & Fish, LLP
“We faced eviction and
homelessness. SCCLS
saved my family’s
tenancy and ensured
that my children and
I would not have to
live in a shelter.
Thank you!”
Mandy, pictured at left, with her three children &
SCCLS AmeriCorps Member, Attorney Marie Clougher.
~ Mandy, mom & housing client
2013 Annual Report
“There can be no equal justice where
the kind of trial a man gets depends on
the amount of money he has.”
- Hugo L. Black, U.S. Supreme Court Justice
Executive Director’s Update
Dear Friends and Supporters,
South Coastal Counties Legal Services is fortunate to
have the exceptional skills and dedication of our staff
members, board of directors, volunteers, partner agencies, and the generosity of
friends and donors like you. As SCCLS nears its 50th anniversary, I am honored
to be part of such a wonderful community of people dedicated to making our
American pledge to provide “Justice for All” a reality.
Each year vulnerable children, victims of domestic violence, frail elders,
homeless families, people with disabilities, and veterans returning from combat ask
SCCLS for the legal assistance they need to access life’s most basic necessities:
stable housing, freedom from violence, health care, and the opportunity to provide
for their families. By offering our neighbors quality civil legal assistance, SCCLS
not only ensures the most vulnerable among us have every protection allowed by
law, but also makes our communities in Southeastern Massachusetts, Cape Cod &
Islands safer, healthier, and more just.
Please enjoy looking back on a year in which, together, we were able to
accomplish so much on behalf of the most vulnerable members of our community.
Thank you for your past and continued investment in SCCLS. We could not have
achieved the many successes outlined in this year’s annual report without you.
Best Regards,
Susan Nagl, Esq.
It was the fear that my husband would end my life and
what would become of my two-toddlers that made me
contact legal aid. SCCLS helped me through the court
process to gain independence & safety. My daughters
are now 12 & 14 years-old and they are doing great
in school and socially. I am grateful to SCCLS for being
there when we needed them most!
~ Anonymous, Family Law client & Survivor of domestic violence
South Coastal Counties Legal Services
SCCLS Board of Directors
Matthew J. Bresette, Esq., Co-Chairperson
Arthur L. Pressman, Esq., Co-Chairperson
Cynthia L. Hanley, Esq., Treasurer
Bettina M. Holton, Esq., Secretary
Joel J. Brickman, Esq. Sarah H. Manning, Esq.
Rev. Edward V. Downie
Donaria Miranda
Holly S. Dyar, Esq.
Herland Walker-Pierre, Esq
Amanda Glinsky, Esq.
Michael Ready, Esq.
Tara Iula
Euclides Semedo
Susan Mandra Thompson, Esq. Leonard Spinner
Thank You to Our 2013
Board of Directors,
Board of Managers,
Friends Committee
& Staff!
SCCLS Board Members
Justice Center Board of Managers
Bettina M. Holton, Esq., President
Arthur L. Pressman, Esq., Secretary
Leonard Spinner, Treasurer
Carolina Africano, Esq.
Staff Members
SCCLS & Justice Center
Susan Nagl, Esq., Executive Director*
Brian O’Connor, Esq., Program Manager
Juliane Clark, Esq., Managing Attorney
Raymond Yox, Esq., Managing Attorney*
Staff Attorneys & Legal Advocates
Raquel Antonio, Paralegal
Dianne Lawlor, Esq.
Ana Barboza, Paralegal
Patricia Lobaton*
Rasheda Dickerson
Susan Love, Esq.
Rosa Farizo, Paralegal*
Tina Leahy, Paralegal
Laura Flynn, Esq.
Doug McCormac, Esq.*
Anielka Sanchez Godinez, Esq
Rick McIntosh, Esq.*
Mary Beth Goodfellow, Esq.*
Michael Moloney, Esq.
Suzanne Bean Hicks, Esq.
Migdalia Nalls, Esq.
Elizabeth Hinkley, Esq.
Lolly Pinto*
Bennett Jaffee, Esq.
Carol Schafer, Esq.*
Mariah Jennings-Rampsi, Esq. Simisola Solanke, Paralegal
Thomas Kosman, Esq.*
Jane Sugerman, Esq.
Melissa Kwapong, Esq. Weayonnoh Nelson-Davies, Esq.
Kimberly Yox, Esq.
Justice Center of S.E. Mass
Brockton Office
Fall River Office
Michelle DuBois
Kathleen Marx
Colleen Finan
Julie O’Hanley *
Jeanne Marcotte*
Gisele Pappas
Jacqueline Sullivan
Hyannis Office
AmeriCorps Members
Marie Clougher, Esq.
Dominica Dela Cruz
Jessica DeLoureiro, Esq.
Priscila Espinosa
Colleen Finan
Laura Flynn, Esq.
Michael Moloney, Esq.
Simisola Solanke
Heather Stoloff
Sarah Tammelleo, Esq.
Alysha Welsh, Esq.
Milton Wong, Esq.
* Over 20 years of service to legal aid.
South Coastal Friends of Legal
Services Committee
Troy L. Costa, Esq.,
Veronica Whelan, Esq.,
Cecelia Porche,
Sandra Angelini,
Event Chair
Carolina Africano, Esq.
Miriam Babin, Esq,
Matthew J. Bresette, Esq.
Administration Office
Thomas Cleary, Esq.
Rev. Edward Downie
Justine Dunlap, Esq.
Stuart Graham
Elizabeth Hill
Bettina Holton, Esq.
Kate Kilguss, Esq.
Sarah Manning, Esq.
Susan Nagl, Esq.
Roger Stanford, Esq.
2013 Annual Report
2013 LEGAL MATTERS: Services Provided
SCCLS and the Justice Center worked on 3,992 legal cases in
2013. Through the services listed below, SCCLS touched the
lives of 9,519 local low-income clients and their
dependent family members.
Housing Law:
1,584 tenants & homeowners were helped to avoid
homelessness, prevent eviction or foreclosure, improve
unsanitary living conditions, and access affordable
housing opportunities.
Family Law:
550 individuals & families received legal assistance
in family law matters such as divorce, custody, support,
paternity, guardianship. SCCLS prioritizes cases that
involve domestic violence.
Income Maintenance & Benefits Law:
425 elderly, disabled, & poor clients were helped
to access essential services such as: food stamps,
veterans benefits, Social Security, SSI, SSDI, Medicare,
Medicaid, & Temporary Assistance for Needy Families.
Immigration Law:
392 immigrants were helped with family reunification,
adjustment of status, naturalization, & victims of domestic
violence or violent crimes were provided protection.
Consumer Law:
294 consumers struggling with extreme debt and
financial exploitation received legal help to resolve
the threats to their financial well-being.
Unemployment Insurance:
247 workers with unfair challenges to unemployment
insurance received legal counsel and representation.
Individual Rights:
249 vulnerable clients facing threats to individual
rights were helped with a variety of issues including:
private health care, job discrimination, wage claims,
and disability rights.
Elder Law:
176 elderly & terminally ill clients were assisted
with end-of-life planning through the provision of wills
& advance directives.
Education Law:
75 children with learning disabilities achieved
access to needed educational services, which they
were being denied.
South Coastal Counties Legal Services
Like Dave, Many of Us Are Just One
Illness Away from Poverty
David worked his entire life. He had
been a cab driver for 8 years when his
right side went numb during a shift. Later
that day, the whole right side of his body
was paralyzed for several minutes. Dave
recognized that something was wrong
and went to the emergency room. After
numerous tests, Dave was told that he had
suffered ischemic attacks and also was
diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS).
Dave with SCCLS Attorney Melissa Kwapong
Dave continued to work full-time but as his symptoms progressed he was forced
to reduce his hours. Over time, problems with Dave’s vision, memory and balance
intensified to the point where he no longer felt safe to drive a cab. This loss of
income placed a gigantic financial strain on Dave’s ability to survive. His family
and friends assisted him as much as they could. However, Dave was
only 58 and could not call on family and friends to provide this level of
assistance for the rest of his life.
Dave’s brother urged him to apply for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI).
SSDI is a federal disability program that provides disability payments to workers
with severe mental or physical health conditions that prevent them from working.
At first, Dave did not want to apply because he had always been self-sufficient and
did not want to rely on governmental assistance. However, as his illness worsened, it
became clear to Dave that he had no other choice so he applied. The SSDI application
process was confusing, and his application was initially denied. Dave appealed the
denial, but the appeal process took several years. During this period, Dave was too sick
to work, had exhausted his savings, and became entirely reliant on family and friends.
Times were tough for Dave.
In March 2014, Dave learned his appeal hearing would be the next month. After
waiting 3 years, Dave felt this appeal hearing was his last shot. He called SCCLS
for help and his case was accepted and assigned to Attorney Melissa Kwapong.
Attorney Kwapong went to work right away collecting hundreds of pages of medical
records that Social Security had not considered in rendering the prior denials. She
submitted all of the records to Social Security so the judge could make a decision
based on all of Dave’s medical treatment and his current medical status. She prepared
Dave for the appeal hearing and represented him in court that day.
Thanks to SCCLS, Dave received a fully favorable decision. He was awarded
retroactive benefits, monthly SSDI financial benefits, and eligibility for MassHealth and
Medicare. Dave is now assured that he will be financially stable and, most importantly,
will have access to appropriate medical care as he deals with the effects of a chronic,
progressive illness.
2013 Annual Report
SCCLS partners with over 120 agencies, municipalities, and membership
groups to help clients. Here is a profile of just three of our partnerships:
HomeCorps has allowed SCCLS to hire 3 attorneys who
provide representation to homeowners faced with foreclose
and tenants living in foreclused properties.
To date, HomeCorps attorneys have closed
133 individual cases. Clients have received
one-time payments or savings totaling more
than $500,000 and have received community
benefits totaling $51,216.
HomeCorps Partners: AG Martha Coakely’s Office, National Consumer Law Center, Mass Law
Reform Institute, multiple community action agencies agencies, five legal service agencies, MLAC.
Mass. Legal Assistance for Self-Sufficiency Program (MLASSP)
MLASSP is a statewide AmeriCorps program, administered by SCCLS, that
places 28 college and law school graduates at 11 civil legal aid agencies
throughout the Commonwealth. Since 2005 MLASSP has graduated over
200 members. In the 201213 service year, MLASSP legal
advocates served over 47,600
hours and assisted over 1,900
clients in housing, elder, family,
consumer, immigration, benefits,
and individual rights cases. The estimated value of their service is $1,326,557.
Project LISA (Legal Intention for Survivors of Abuse)
A 3 year grant from the Dept. of Justice’s Office on Violence Against Women funds
Project LISA. This project provides holistic civil legal aid to survivors of domestic
violence, sexual assault and stalking from within the safety of domestic violence
shelters or other partner sites that specialize in providing survivor focused services.
Project LISA Partners: A Safe Place, Family & Community Resources, Independence House,
SCCLS; SS Women’s Resource Center; Women’s Center New Bedford; & STARR.
Staff Member Profile: Doug McCormac
Having served the nation admirably in Vietnam, Doug McCormac
came home with a new understanding of poverty and a desire to
help. After working as a Union Organizer, he went to law school
and has been working at SCCLS ever since. We applaud Attorney
McCormac for his 26 years of dedication to legal aid. When asked
why he chose a career with SCCLS, Attorney McCormac replied,
“I enjoy working on behalf of poor people. It is honorable work.”
South Coastal Counties Legal Services
Thank You 2013 Community Par tners
& Outreach Sites:
A New Day
A Safe Place
Acushnet Council on Aging
Council of Churches
Attleboro Council on Aging
Barnstable County Bar Association
Barnstable Health & Human Service
Advisory Council
Barnstable County Bar Association
Boston Bar Association
Bourne Council on Aging
Brewster Council on Aging
Bridgewater Council on Aging
Bristol County Bar Ass.
Bristol County Elder Services
Brockton Adult Learning Center
Brockton Council on Aging
Brockton Neighborhood Health Center
Brockton Public Library
Brockton Tenant’s Association
Buttonwood Senior Center
Cape & Islands Domestic Violence
Cape Organization for Rights
of the Disabled
Catholic Social Services
Central United Methodist Church
Chatham Council on Aging
Coalition Against Poverty
Coastline Elderly Services
Committee to End Homelessness
on Cape Cod
Community Action Committee
Economic Development Corporation
Dartmouth Council on Aging
United States Bankruptcy Court
Eastham Council on Aging
Easton Council on Aging
Edgartown Council on Aging
Elder Services of Cape Cod & the Islands
Fairhaven Council on Aging
Fairhaven Senior Center
Fall River Bar Association
Department of Transitional Assistance
Probate and Family Court
Fall River/New Bedford Housing
Falmouth Council on Aging
Family & Community Resources
Flint Senior Center
Foster Parent Annual Conference
Good Samaritan Medical Center
Attleboro/Taunton Reg. Transit Authority
Greater Fall River Domestic
Violence Coalition
Greater New Bedford Allies for Health
& Wellness Domestic Violence CMT
Greater New Bedford Ass. of Realtors
Hanover Council on Aging
Harwich Council on Aging
Hanson Council on Aging
Hazelwood Senior Center
Housing Assistance Corporation
Immigrants Assistance Center
Independence House
Larson Senior Center
Marion Council on Aging
Marshfield Council on Aging
Mashpee Council on Aging
Mass. Bar Association, Access to
Justice Council
Mass. Continuing Legal Education
Mass. Dep. of Transitional Ass.
Mass. Family Law Task Force
Mass. Legal Assistance Corp.
Mass Law Reform Institute
Mass. Migrants Education
Mass. Service Alliance
Mass. Trial Court
Mayor’s Coalition Against Homelessness,
Fall River
Middleboro Council on Aging
MLP Boston
Morton Hospital Neighborworks
New Bedford Bar Association
New Bedford Community Center
New Bedford Housing & Comm. Dev.
New Bedford Public Library
Oak Bluffs Council on Aging
Old Colony Elder Services
Old Colony Planning Council
Orleans Council on Aging
Plymouth Area Roundtable on
Domestic Violence
Plymouth Council on Aging
Plymouth County Bar Association
Plymouth District Bar Association
Portuguese Speaking Elder Network
Prevent Foreclosures Cape Cod
Provincetown Council on Aging
Rockland High School
Saint Anne’s Hospital
Sandwich Council on Aging
Second Congregational Church
Self Help Inc.
Senior Celebration
Southeast Housing Court
South Shore Community Action Council
South Shore Women’s Resource Center
St. Patrick’s Parish, Brockton
Steward Health Care System
Stoughton High School
Taunton Council on Aging
Taunton Emergency Taskforce
Taunton State Hospital
Tenancy Preservation Program
Wareham Council on Aging
The Woodlands
Truro Council on Aging
United Way of Greater
United Way of Greater Fall River
United Way of Greater Plymouth Cnty.
U-Mass. Dartmouth
U-Mass Dartmouth School of Law
Up-Island Council on Aging
Vineyard Haven Council on Aging
Volunteer Lawyers Project
Voz de Emigrante (Portuguese Radio)
Wellfleet Council on Aging
Women’s Center
YWCA Southeastern Massachusetts
“Without MassHealth I would not be able
to access the services I needed to live in the
community with dignity. My daughter helped
me apply twice without success.
We talked with Coastline Elderly Services
and they referred us to SCCLS.
Heia (81 years-old) seated,
with her daughter
SCCLS guided me successfully through the
whole process. I now have MassHealth and
can live at home and not in a nursing home.
We are grateful for SCCLS!”
~ Heia, Elder Law Client
2013 Annual Report
SCCLS Helps to Fulfill A Mother’s
Dying Wish For Her Young Children.
A terminally-ill single mother, “Heather”
was in need of around the clock medical care.
Due to her illness, Heather and her children
moved in with Heather’s mother, “Sylvia.”
Inevitably, the grandmother began taking on
care giving roles for Heather and the children.
Heather’s family was in crisis.
This case and
being able to assist
this family is an example
of why I wanted to
become a lawyer.
~ Amber Cohen, Esq.
PAI Volunteer
Heather worried constantly about what would happen to her children after
she passed. The children’s father was not active in their lives and she worried
about who would provide for them financially and emotionally. Heather wanted
the stability and continuity for her children that could only come from giving
guardianship to their grandmother, Sylvia. She expressed this desire to her
doctors, but the legal process required them to hire an attorney. That cost was
beyond Heather or Sylvia’s financial capacity.
Heather’s health workers at Old Colony Hospice contacted SCCLS for help.
Through SCCLS’ Private Attorney Involvement (PAI) Program, Heather’s case
was accepted by two local attorneys who specialize in family law and probate.
Attorneys Amber Cohen and Thomas Cleary immediately met with Heather and
Sylvia. Shortly thereafter, the attorneys filed a guardianship petition for each child
in Probate and Family Court. Less than two months later, and only after several
court appearances, Sylvia was appointed as the legal guardian of her grandchildren.
Tragically, Heather passed away just a month after the guardianships were enacted.
Although Heather’s life ended far too soon, she was grateful for the
help she received and was at peace knowing her children would be
taken care of and loved by a family member.
case illustrates the importance of
“ This
pro bono work and the role of SCCLS
in promoting access to justice by assisting
disadvantaged members of our community.
It is our pleasure to assist on this case.
~ Thomas Cleary, Esq., PAI Volunteer
PAI Attorneys Cohen & Cleary
South Coastal Counties Legal Services
Thank You to Our Private Attorney
Involvement (PAI) Volunteers!!!
Joan Aanavi, Esq.
Melissa Alden, Esq.
Anthony P. Alessi, Esq.
Irene Bagdoian, Esq.
Philomena A. Barboza, Esq.
Benjamin Barry, Esq.
Nikole Bashforth, Esq.
Neville Bedford, Esq.
Michelle D. Beneski, Esq.
Yvonne Borelli- Chace, Esq.
Patricia Bloom-McDonald, Esq.
Tammy Fern Bouchard, Esq.
Anthony Bowers, Esq.
Maja Bozic, Esq.
Matthew J. Bresette, Esq.
Anthony C. Bucacci, Esq.
Lisa S. Carlson, Esq.
John C. Cartwright, Esq.
Michael A. Castner, Esq.
Thomas J. Cleary, Esq.
Amber R. Cohen, Esq.
Edward C. Conroy, Esq.
Michael Conway, Esq.
Patrick Cook, Esq.
Amanda Cooper, Esq.
Troy L. Costa, Esq.
David A. Coughlin, Esq.
Georgia Curtis, Esq.
Kristina Da Fonseca, Esq.
Jan E. Dabrowski, Esq.
Idelta Dasilva, Esq.
Honoria Dasilva- Kilgore, Esq.
Paul D. DeCenzo, Esq.
Antonio Daniel DeNardis, Esq.
Eric P. DiMarzio, Esq.
Erin Donovan, Esq.
Mary O’Donnell Downey, Esq.
Edward M. Duvall, Esq.
Holly S. Dyar, Esq.
Henry C. Ellis, Esq.
Nan Evans, Esq.
Paul Farrell, Esq.
Laurie Freeman, Esq.
Brian Garner, Esq.
Eve M. Gates, Esq.
Julie Gaudreau, Esq.
Anna Gemelli, Esq.
Jenessa Gerard-Pateakos, Esq.
Amanda A. Gliniski, Esq.
Val C. Ribeiro, Esq.
Bledar Gora, Esq.
Jon Rockwood, Esq.
Laurie P. Grant, Esq.
Deborah G. Roher, Esq.
Jacqueline M. Grasso, Esq.
Lawrence J. Rose, Esq.
Aaron Greenlee, Esq.
Thomas Rugo, Esq.
Kristen Greenwood, Esq.
Andrew N. Ruff, Esq.
John F. Groark, Esq.
Ian Padraic Ryan, Esq.
Lisa K. Habboub, Esq.
John F. Ryan, Esq.
Richard Healy, Esq.
Andrew Schwartz, Esq.
Bettina M. Holton, Esq.
Erin Semcken, Esq.
Kathleen Horan-McLean, Esq.
Lois Z. Silva, Esq.
Renee M. Howayeck, Esq.
Robert S. Simonian, Esq.
Scott C. Hubbell, Esq.
Margarita G. Smirnova, Esq.
Alexander J. Kalife, Esq.
Juliane Soprano, Esq.
Michelle Keith, Esq.
Thomas H. Souza, Esq.
Paul E. Kelleher, Esq.
Robert J. Spavento, Esq.
Eric Levitt, Esq.
Roger Stanford, Esq.
Kenneth D. Lipman, Esq.
Diane C. Stewart, Esq.
Heather J. Lynham, Esq.
Mary Jeanne Stone, Esq.
Richard W. Mable, Esq.
Brittany J. Strojny, Esq.
William K. Mackey, Esq.
Sharon Sullivan-Puccini, Esq.
Michael J. Malloy, Esq.
Daniel M. Surprenant, Esq.
Jane Mangili, Esq.
Moira Tierney, Esq.
Jenny Margeson, Esq.
George Paul VanDuinwyk, Esq.
Robert L. Marzelli, Esq.
Robert R. Waldo, Esq.
Janis E. Martin, Esq.
Jane Warren, Esq.
Shawn Masterson, Esq.
Ronald J. Weiss, Esq.
Thomas Mathieu, Esq.
Veronica Whelan, Esq.
Stephen McGonigle, Esq.
Lynn Whitney, Esq.
John McGowan, Esq.
Joshua J. Wood, Esq.
Chad J. McGuire, Esq.
Thomas J. Yelverton, Esq.
Brandy L. Medina, Esq.
John E. Zajac, Esq.
Joseph L. Michaud, Esq.
Elisa Zawadzkas, Esq.
Stephen K. Midgley, Esq.
Julie C. Molloy, Esq.
In 2013,
Nicholas G. Mosca, Esq.
Kathleen Navin, Esq.
PAI volunteers
Alexander J. Nesson, Esq.
spent 3,073 hours
Stacie Nye-Buckley, Esq.
Wendy A. Pacheco, Esq.
providing free legal
Michele L. Pearsall Hall, Esq.
representation to poor
Emily Perini, Esq.
Angela Rae Philbrook, Esq. clients.This time equals
David G. Prentiss, Esq.
$614,000 in legal
Kerri A. Quintal, Esq.
Bruce S. Raphel, Esq.
fees donated.
Jason Rawlins, Esq.
Thank you!
Marie E. Reidy, Esq.
2013 Annual Report
Thank You to Our Donors!
Through the generosity of our Community Partners, South Coastal Counties Legal Services
receives grants, donations from individuals, and event sponsorships that support our
programs and enable the agency to intercede at critical times in people’s lives with the free legal
representation they require to stabilize their lives. SCCLS recognizes and thanks the
following 2013 Community Partners who support our work and mission:
Attorney General Martha Coakley’s
HomeCorps Program
Azorean Government
Charles F. Bacon Trust,
Bank of America, N.A., Trustee
John W. Boynton Fund,
Bank of America, N.A., Trustee
Bristol County Elder Services
Bristol Cnty Savings Charitable Foundation
Coastline Elder Services
Corp. for National & Community Service
Dept. of Justice, Violence Against Women,
Legal Assistance To Victims Grant
Elder Services of Cape Cod & Islands
Island Foundation
Legal Services Corporation
Lloyd D. Balfour Foundation, Bank
of America, N.A., Trustee
Mass. Bar Foundation
Mass. Legal Assistance Corporation
Mass. Service Alliance
Old Colony Planning Council
Steward Healthcare Systems
United Way of Greater Attleboro/Taunton
United Way of Greater Plymouth County
City of Brockton CDBG
City of New Bedford CDBG
HUD Cape Cod
Town of Brewster
Town of Bourne
Town of Carver
Town of Chatham
Town of Dennis
Town of Falmouth
Town of Halifax
Town of Harwich
Town of Marshfield
Town of Mashpee
Town of Nantucket
Town of Orleans
Town of Provincetown
Town of Sandwich
Town of Truro
Town of Wellfleet
Champions for Justice
Defenders of Justice (cont.)
Friend of Justice (cont.)
Elaine M. Epstein, Esq.
Susan Nagl, Esq. & Patricia Pap, Esq.
Nutter, McClennen & Fish, LLP
Plymouth County Bar Association
Heros for Justice
Plymouth Distric County Bar Ass.
Steward’s Saint Anne’s Hospital
United Way of Greater Fall River
Veronica Whelan, Esq. &
Edward McGlinchey
Ret. Judge John Xifaras &
Margaret D. Xifaras,
Lang, Xifaras & Bullard
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of
Falmouth, Social Action Comm.
Friend of Justice
New Bedford/ Fall River Comm.
of the Women’s Bar Ass.
Val Ribeiro, Esq.
Deborah G. Roher, Esq.
Allan G. Rodgers, Esq.
Eric Scherzer
S. Shore Comm. Action Council
Senior Whole Health
Sharon Sullivan-Puccini, Esq.
Adam Swinson & Michelle DuBois
Elmas Toussaint
Unitarian Church of Barnstable
Alternative Gift Fair
Webster Bank
W.B. Mason, Leo Meehan
Supporter of Justice
Donors $199 & below
Anonymous (7 donors)
Joan Aanavi, Esq.
Catherine Aloisi, Esq.
Sandra Angelini
Raquel & Heath Antonio, Esq.
Margaret Atwood
Clara A. Audette
Peter Berthiaume
Donors $2,000 +
Donors $900-1,999
Alumni, 70’s Brockton Legal Ser.
BayCoast Bank
Dean Mary Lu Bilek, UMass Law
Bristol County Bar Association
Cape Cod Five Cents Savings Bank
Stephen L. Cowell, Fair Share Dev.
Holly Sanborn Dyar, Esq.
Bettina Holton, Esq.
Kathryn C. Kilguss, Esq.
The Nauman Family
NixonPeabody, LLP
Roger Williams U. School Of Law,
Dean David Logan
Defenders of Justice
Donors $400-999
Donors $200 to 399
Anonymous (3 donors)
Miriam Babin, Esq.
Matthew J. Bresette, Esq.
Margaret P. Casper
Dianne & Clement Brown
Jason Buffington, Esq. &
Juliane Clark, Esq.
Christine & Eric Cody
Troy L. Costa Esq.
Dunning, Kirrane, McNichols
& Garner
Donors $400-999
Anonymous (2 donors)
Mary Ann & Anthony Garro
Carolina Africano, Esq. & Craig Dutra Diomaris Garcia
Deborah Baker
HarborOne Bank
Bogle, DeAscentis & Coughlin, PC Luana & Gary P. Johnson
Bristol Cnty Estate Planning Council Janne Hellgren, Esq.
Joel Brickman, Esq.
Kenneth D. Lipman, Esq.,
Lipman & Lipman
Michael Dangelo
Francis J.(Jay) Lynch, III, Esq.
Justine Dunlap, Esq.
Lynch & Lynch
Elizabeth Hill
H. Manning, Esq.
Stuart Graham, Esq.
Mandra Thompson, Esq.
Keches Law Group, Seth Elin, Esq.
& James Thompson
Michelle Ann Keith, Esq.
Judy Meredith
Kathleen Horan McLean, Esq.
Rep. Christopher M. Markey, Esq.
Arthur & Deborah Pressman
South Coastal Counties Legal Services
Donors $200 to 399
Commemorative Gifts
Donations were made in honor of:
Joel & Jody Brickman
Rick McIntosh, Esq.
Susan Mandra Thompson
Kim & Ray Yox
Donations were made in memory of:
Virginia Curley
James Santino Gaudiano Sr.
Bill O’Malley
Supporter of Justice (cont.)
Donors $199 & below
Jamie Berberena
John D. Blake, Esq.
Thelma & David Bold
Christine Bolinder
Paulette Bolton
Maja Bozic, Esq.
Susan F. Brooks, Esq.
Eleanore Brown
Carol & Frank Buda
Virginia & Thomas F. Burke, Esq.
Elizabeth Cady
William G. Camara, Esq.
Frank Carbone
Lisa Carlson, Esq.
John J. Carroll, Jr., Esq.
Sokhom Chhouk
Child & Family Services
Amber Cohen, Esq.
Citizens for Citizens
Karen A. Clark
Thomas J. Cleary, Esq.
Marie Clougher, Esq.
Coalition Against Poverty
Mary M. Connolly, Esq.
Irene & Charles Consentino
Thomas P. Crotty, Esq.
Rep. Josh Cutler, Esq.
Janet & James Dailey
Robert Dargis
Michael & Nancy Lee Darst, Esq.
William C. Decas, Esq.
Register Gina DeRossi, Esq. &
Darren Goldberg
Rev. Edward Downie
Dwight G. Duncan, Esq.
Jillian G. Ellis, Esq.
Elaine & Paul Espinola
Benjamin C. Evans, Esq.
Nan Evans, Esq.
Fall River Municipal Credit Union
Paul G. Farrell, Esq.
John Farrissey, Esq.
Suzanne Fletcher
Edith Mancini Fortier
Anthony & Mary Ann Garro
Eve M. Gates, Esq.
Betty Gay
Lauren Gentile
Perry R. Gilbert
Gail & Glen Graham
David & Jill E. Grochmal, Esq.
Rep. Patricia A. Haddad
Carolyn & Paul G. Hamel, Esq.
Cynthia L. Hanley, Esq.
Stephen & Cynthia Hanna
Jennifer P. Heald, Esq.
Michael Hillinger, Esq.
Nona Holmes
Robyn Homaker
Steve Horn, D.D.S.
Suzanne I. Houghton
Tara Iula
Lois & Ret. Judge George Jacobs
Anne Borhek
Chatham Wayside Inn
Churchill Linens
Ricki Cowell
Duxbury Rug Hookers
Mary & Bennett Jaffee, Esq.
Regina & Richard Jalbert
Barbara Jennings-Rampsi
Mary & Ret. Judge Malcolm Jones
Malcom Jones
Robert Jones
Rabbi Raphaell Kanter
Kevin Keating, Esq.
Tena Kerns, Esq.
Stephen Kiley, Esq.
James P. Killoran, Esq.
Thomas P. Killoran, Esq.
Melissa Kwapong, Esq.
Katherine Lacoste
Dianne Lawlor, Esq.
Robert Levy, Esq.
Maria Lima
Debra Lindstrom
Miriam London
Gerlinde Lowe
Julie A. Lynch, Esq.
Paul J. Machado, Esq.
Carol R. Mallory, Esq.
Robert J. Marchand, Esq.
John A. Markey, Esq.
Mass. Bay Law Associates, P.C.
Bonnie Matterand
Patrick T. Matthews, Esq.
Mary M. McAuliffe, Esq.
Adrienne McGrath
Mary A. McNulty
Qi & Stephen McIntosh
Deb & Richard McIntosh, Esq.
Theresa McNamara
Donna McQuade
Inez & Gilbert Mello
Joseph L. Michaud, Esq.
Linnea Michel, Esq.
Donaria Miranda
Gino Mucci
Regina Mullen
Charles Murray, Esq.
Robert F. Murray, Esq.
New Bedford Women’s Center
Lucie A. O’Brien
Brian O’Connor, Esq.
Detra & David Offutt
Patrick O’Grady & Jim Wheeler
James Michale O’Sullivan
Alla P. Owen
Gisele Pappas
Veronica Parico, Esq.
Margaret Pelletier
Andrew Peppard, Esq. &
Janet Freedman
Ann Ponichtera DeNardis, Esq. &
Antonio Daniel Denardis, Esq.
Cecelia M. Porche
Lonnie Powers, Esq.
James P. Powderly, Esq.
Gilbert R. Perry
Rosa Previdi, Esq.
John Quinn, Esq.
Stuart W. Rapp, Esq.
Michael Ready, Esq.
Ret. Judge Joseph J. Reardon
Robert C. Remy
Rita Resende
Michele L. Rioux, Esq.
Natalie L. Roberts
Donald J. Robertson
William P. Rose
James B. Ross, Esq.
David Rossman, Esq.
Ervin “Tootsie” Russell
Harold Russell
Jenny and Robert Ryan
Anthony J. Santoro, Esq.
Paul Santos, Esq.
Dorothy A. Savarese
Irene Scharf, Esq.
Eric Scherzer, Esq.
Euclides Semedo
Schonland & Associates
Sharon A. Serra
Stella Shlayen, Esq.
Barbara Siegel
Chuck Smiler
Walter Smith
Rita Sousa
Joseph Souza
Adrienne Southgate
Leonard Spinner
Bill Strerrett
Lorraine & Ned Stewart
Jane E. Sullivan, Esq.
Judith Ellen Quinn
Erica Szuplat
Andrew Teitz, Esq.
Louise Ellen Teitz, Esq.
Jennifer Theroux, Esq.
Gary Thomas, Esq.
Ret. Judge John Tierney
Rosemary Tierney
Luke Travis, Esq.
Bruce Tripp
John Twohig, Esq.
Mary C. Valentine
James T. Van Buren, Esq.
Lewis S. Victor, Esq.
Marina Vieira
Ret. Judge Augustus Wagner
Herland Walker Pierre, Esq.
Joan Walker
Albert Wallis, Esq.
Patricia Ward
Patricia Ware
Leslie M. Ware
Ruth Weil, Esq.
Joshua Werner, Esq.
Lynn Whitney, Esq.
Grace & David Wyss
Alvin Youman, Esq.
Helen Young
Karen & William Young
Michael P. Young, Esq.
Kimberly & Ray Yox
Michael J. Zeman, Esq.
Judith S. Ziss, Esq.
Thank You to Our In-Kind Donors:
Pat Farrell
Ex-Press Printing
Festival Ballet, Providence
GAM Theater
JoAnn Gouzoules
Mi Herzog
JT Food Products
Dennis Lehane
Peter Martin
Narrows Center for the Arts
Out of Habit
Pranzi Catering & Events
Kevin Roberts
Rox Baseball
Chuck Talley
Matt Taibbi
2013 Annual Report
Client Income:
SCCLS has income limitations for clients to ensure
clients can not afford to hire a private attorney.
Examples from the
2013 Poverty Guideline:
# of
in family
Income Limit
67% of clients were at or below Federal Poverty Line
22% of clients were between 100 -125% of the Federal Poverty Line
11% of clients were at 126% of the Federal Poverty Line or above
Client Age:
Client Gender:
18 to 59 years of age (67%)
60 & over (31%)
Under 18 years old (2%)
Female (71%)
Male (29%)
2013 Clients’ Legal Problem Areas
Housing Law (39%)
Family Law (14%)
Income Maintenance (11%)
Immigration (10%)
Consumer (7%)
Employment (6%)
Health (5%)
Wills & Directives (4%)
Education Advocacy (2%)
Individual Rights (2%)
Too Often Seniors Live Poverty.
Each month Manuel & Idalina make tough
choices between paying rent or utility bills
and buying medicine or food. Manuel and
Idalina came to SCCLS when their electricity
and gas were turned off for non-payment.
Paralegal Rosa Farizo, Idalina & Manuel
Paralegal Rosa Farizo reviewed the couples’ financial position and found that they
were paying close to 50% of their income to rent each month, with just $350
remaining for food, medicine, utility bills and all other costs.
Ms. Farizo advocated for the couple with the utility companies and got their services
restored. She then assisted the couple in applying for subsidized housing (via 3
complicated applications). Once approved, this will reduce the couple’s costs for
housing. She also assisted the couple with completing an application for food
stamps. Finances are tight for this elderly couple, but with the free help they
received from SCCLS, there is light on the horizon.
South Coastal Counties Legal Services
Financial Statements
Mass. Legal Assistance Corporation
Legal Services Corporation
Contract Revenue
Grants & Contributions
United Ways
Cy Pres Award
Other Revenue & Special Events
Donated/Volunteer Services
Benefits & Taxes
AmeriCorps Members Stipends & Benefits
Personnel Subtotal
Donated/Volunteer Services
Debt Forgiveness
89.5 cents of each dollar
donated to SCCLS
Supports Programs!
% of SCCLS Expenses That Support Progrmas, Administrative
or Fundraising
8.4% administration
89.5% direct
2.1% fundraising
Denise, pictured center, with her two sons.
“The representation SCCLS
provided with my son’s
education meant everything
to us. Because of SCCLS my
sons can achieve their goals in
life. SCCLS made us feel like
billion dollar clients. ”
~ Denise Hart, SCCLS clients &
mother of a special education student
2013 Annual Report
December 4, 2014
6:00 to 9:00 pm
Please join us for the 3 rd Annual
Equal JusticE cElEbration
Together We Can Open The Doors to Justice.
1 st Annual SCCLS
P.O. Box 2507
Fall River, MA 02722