TEDplus V1.1 eng
TEDplus V1.1 eng
TED®plus Operating Instructions Version 1.0 Status: 06.2005 LAWO - MARK IV Industries GmbH Stockfeldstrasse 1 D - 76437 Rastatt Telephone: (49)07222 / 1001 – 0 Fax (49)07222 / 1001 – 134 Internet: http://www.lawo.info e-mail: support@lawo.info Operating instructions TED®plus LAWO – Mark IV IDS Group GmbH works according to high quality standards This is confirmed by certifications in accordance with: The technical specifications, texts and diagrams contained in this document have been compiled carefully. However, further developments in our products and technical progress may result in changes. For this reason, no responsibility can be taken for the correctness of this information. No responsibility shall be taken if the specified operating instructions are not adhered to, if changes are made to our products, or if non-original spare parts are replaced or used _________________________________________________________________________ TEDplus V1.0 2 Operating instructions TED®plus 1. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................5 2. INSTALLATION OF TED®PLUS ........................................................................................6 2.1 System requirements........................................................................................................................................................ 6 2.1.1 Minimum requirements ................................................................................................................................................ 6 2.1.3 Specifications for Windows NT and Windows 2000 users......................................................................................... 6 2.2 General instructions......................................................................................................................................................... 7 2.2.1 Automatic installation................................................................................................................................................... 7 2.2.2 Manual installation ..................................................................................................................................................... 11 2.2.3 After installation.......................................................................................................................................................... 12 BUSDATEN folder................................................................................................................................................... 13 Own CUSTOM.CFG................................................................................................................................................ 14 SYSTEM folder ........................................................................................................................................................ 15 3. WORKING WITH TED®PLUS...........................................................................................16 3.1 Restrictions ..................................................................................................................................................................... 16 3.2 TED®plus start menu .................................................................................................................................................... 17 3.3 Entry screen.................................................................................................................................................................... 17 3.4 Meaning of individual options and menus on the entry screen .................................................................................. 18 3.4.1 Icons.............................................................................................................................................................................. 18 3.4.2 Menus when no bus models have been loaded .......................................................................................................... 19 File menu................................................................................................................................................................... 19 Font menu ................................................................................................................................................................. 20 Special menu ............................................................................................................................................................. 21 Data transfer menu .................................................................................................................................................. 22 3.4.3 Menus when one or several bus models have been loaded....................................................................................... 23 File menu................................................................................................................................................................... 23 Display menu ............................................................................................................................................................ 25 Entry menu ............................................................................................................................................................... 25 Cycle menu................................................................................................................................................................ 26 Font menu ................................................................................................................................................................. 26 Extras menu.............................................................................................................................................................. 27 Data transfer menu .................................................................................................................................................. 28 Window menu........................................................................................................................................................... 28 4.0 DESTINATION INPUT.....................................................................................................29 4.1 Select bus model ............................................................................................................................................................. 29 4.2 Explanation of symbols.................................................................................................................................................. 30 4.2.1 Display processing ....................................................................................................................................................... 30 4.2.2 Input ............................................................................................................................................................................. 31 4.2.3 Destinations.................................................................................................................................................................. 32 4.2.4 Cycle processing .......................................................................................................................................................... 33 4.2.5 Column......................................................................................................................................................................... 34 4.2.6 Entry............................................................................................................................................................................. 34 4.2.7 Return buffer............................................................................................................................................................... 35 4.2.8 Font overview .............................................................................................................................................................. 35 _________________________________________________________________________ TEDplus V1.0 3 Operating instructions TED®plus 5.0 FONT EDITOR.................................................................................................................36 5.1 EXPLANATION OF ICONS IN FONT EDITOR ...............................................................37 5.1.1 Explanation of characters........................................................................................................................................... 37 5.1.2 Font menu .................................................................................................................................................................... 37 5.1.3 Characters menu ......................................................................................................................................................... 38 5.1.4 Process menu ............................................................................................................................................................... 38 5.1.5 View menu.................................................................................................................................................................... 39 5.2 Create font ...................................................................................................................................................................... 39 5.3 Change existing font....................................................................................................................................................... 41 6.0 SHORT CUTS..................................................................................................................42 6.1 Font editor short cuts..................................................................................................................................................... 42 7.0 QUICK GUIDE .................................................................................................................43 7.1 Enter destinations........................................................................................................................................................... 44 _________________________________________________________________________ TEDplus V1.0 4 Operating instructions TED®plus 1. Introduction Welcome to work with the graphic travel destination editor TED®plus, a Lawo® editor based on Microsoft Windows. This new editor, which is already available in Version 1.0, offers a large range of new functions building on its predecessor, TED900, and all the possibilities offered to you by the Microsoft Windows operating system in all its varieties. Introductory note: This description was produced with the help of TED®plus Version You will often notice that the term LLE appears in the images and the term LAWO in the text. This is due to the renaming of LLE as LAWO. Urgent note: The first rule of caution is that one must save data and work on and change copies only. As the function ‘Reverse changes’ has not yet been implemented, please save a copy of your CUSTOM.CFG and the DISPLAY DATA to another source before working with them, as you should do for all other data. _________________________________________________________________________ TEDplus V1.0 5 Operating instructions TED®plus 2. Installation of TED®plus 2.1 System requirements TED®plus requires a particular performance capability of its operating system and its hardware environment, in order for it to operate to its full potential. 2.1.1 Minimum requirements • • • • • • • • Graphics card with >= 65536 colours and a resolution of >= 1024 x 768 pixel Pentium processor >= 600MHz Main memory >= 128MB Microsoft Windows 9x, ME, Windows NT, Windows 2000 or XP operating system CD-ROM or DVD drive Laptop manufacturers feature a PCMCIA drive (the card must be removed from the laptop on the command “safe to remove hardware” in Windows XP) Parallel port for use of PC card drive Serial port for use of download device 2.1.3 Specifications for Windows NT and Windows 2000 users • • • • • Read and write authorisation(*) for the TED.INI file in the TED directory Read and write authorisation for the display files in the CUSTOM .CFG Read authorisation for the TEDplus.EXE files. Read authorisation for all language files (lang.*) in the TED directory Administrative rights for installation, especially for the RAM card driver (*) Please ask the system administrator of your company if necessary _________________________________________________________________________ TEDplus V1.0 6 Operating instructions TED®plus 2.2 General instructions Installation of the editor is a relatively simple procedure. An installation routine is followed, which sets up a TEDplus folder in the C drive and copies in the files. With Windows 2000, Windows NT and Windows XP operating systems, a service is set up (Driverx.SYS) and with Windows 9x a virtual device driver is installed (Driver.VXD). In both cases, the drivers enter themselves in the registry during the first start procedure. To remove the software, choose the SOFTWARE-icon under START / SETTINGS / CONTROL PANEL and delete the entries under START / PROGRAMS. 2.2.1 Automatic installation Insert the supplied CD ROM into the drive. If the autostart function of the CD ROM drive is activated, the installation will begin automatically after the drive has been closed. Press the key to proceed with installation _________________________________________________________________________ TEDplus V1.0 7 Operating instructions TED®plus or press the key to halt installation and then follow further instructions on the screen. If you accept the preset installation path, press to proceed, or press to set the path yourself. Then continue by pressing _________________________________________________________________________ TEDplus V1.0 8 Operating instructions TED®plus If you accept the default names of the program managers group (LAWO), press to proceed, or select the desired names yourself. Then continue by pressing When everything has been entered to your satisfaction, press to initiate installation. Otherwise choose and enter your changes or press to halt the installation. _________________________________________________________________________ TEDplus V1.0 9 Operating instructions TED®plus After clicking on the box the appropriate files are installed. Finally, you will be asked whether you wish to copy the vehicle data, fonts and operating programs that have been supplied. You can begin this process by clicking on or go straight into and copy the information later, manually. If no error messages appear, close the installation process with In order to make your life a little easier, we have set up a Start icon on your desktop. Tedplus.lnk Double click on it and TED®plus will start up. When you have done this, your TED®plus is ready. Continue with Section 2.2.3. _________________________________________________________________________ TEDplus V1.0 10 Operating instructions TED®plus 2.2.2 Manual installation If your autostart function is deactivated, you must begin the installation yourself. Open EXPLORER, select the CD ROM drive and start the program Setup.exe. The installation routine will start up. Please follow the installation instructions as per Section 2.2.1 _________________________________________________________________________ TEDplus V1.0 11 Operating instructions TED®plus 2.2.3 After installation After installation select driver status from the extras menu to check whether the driver for the RAM card drive has been installed properly. This need only be done if your system has not recognised the drive. You need administrator rights to carry it out. If there is a green dot at the end of the drive status, everything is fine. If this is not the case, start up CheckDriver.exe from the sub-folder Driver problems on the supplied CD ROM and follow the procedures (the procedures are only valid for Windows NT, 2000, XP). Procedures: - close the program TED®plus - extract to a directory - start CheckDriver program - then press “Remove driver“ - restart computer - after restarting log on again as administrator - start program again and press Install driver If you have not specified any other installation path, the Setup program will install TED®plus by default in the (C:) drive A new LAWO sub-folder will be set up in the Programme folder, in which further sub-folders for TED®plus will be set up. _________________________________________________________________________ TEDplus V1.0 12 Operating instructions TED®plus BUSDATEN folder In the Bus data folder, find the sub-folder for the operating program (System), the supplied fonts and all relevant data for the various bus configurations. e.g. [bus name].FR1 for the front display, [bus name].SR1 for the side right display, [bus name].HE1 for the back display, if necessary [bus name].SL1 for the side left display, the relevant configuration data CUSTOM.cfg and the Card.cfg, where bus name stands for the bus model. e.g. Citaro.FR1. [bus name].FRA [bus name].SRA [bus name].HEA [bus name].SLA TEDplus secures the old status under this name when saving. These files exist for the restoration of lost data. Rename e.g. FRA as FR1 for this purpose. Set up your own sub-folder structure in this folder, which will function as your data protection folder. If you carry out a manual update of TED900 on TED®plus no destination files and no configuration files CUSTOM.cfg will be supplied by us. In this case, copy your files into this folder or a corresponding sub-folder, which you must set up yourself. _________________________________________________________________________ TEDplus V1.0 13 Operating instructions TED®plus Own CUSTOM.CFG If you use your own configuration file CUSTOM.CFG the path for the supplied fonts must be changed. A section of your CUSTOM.cfg should resemble this example: ;specifications for computer environment Colour = yes EprommerCOM = 1 ;1 or 2 DownloadCOM = 1 ; Font path = .\FONTS\ ; Printer model = HPLaser ;E9 needle ;possible: E9 needle, E24 needle, HPLaser, HPDesk Print mode = fast ;possible: fast, quality ;MemReserve = 50 [Bus1] Control unit = LLE8014 Line figures = 3 Line behaviour = integrated Messages = no Cycle time = 20 Sender address = 1 Download model = DLAZ Eprom model = M1 ;Format: [bus name] (1 - 15 characters) ;possible: LLE8014, IBIS, Haeni, Init, Elgeba, or AEG ;for marcation of non-integrated lines ;possible: integrated, non-integrated, encoded ;enable/disable message entry ;unity: 1/10 s ;0 = no sender ;possible: no DL, DLAZ, DLZR ;possible: K256, K512, M1 ;commentary = "commentary" Change path specifications for TED900 fonts (font path) and driver files (Bifid) with the help of a text editor e.g. NOTEPAD (ASCII-Text !) as follows, never use WORD for this purpose. font path = C:\Bus data\LLE\FONTS\ ; this is the new path ;BCIPfad = C:\TED900\LLEBCI\ ; is no longer necessary for TEDplus. Path specification must agree with the font path on your computer. Save the configuration files. FONTS folder In the fonts folder you will find all fonts supplied by us. You should also set up a sub-folder ‘own fonts’ to save the supplied data, in order to prevent this being overwritten by us during future updates. In addition: Always save changed fonts under a new name in your fonts folder. _________________________________________________________________________ TEDplus V1.0 14 Operating instructions TED®plus SYSTEM folder In the System folder, you will find all operating systems supplied by us for the various Lawo® display computers. You will find the following files: 306xc1_2.bin e306x _d.bin MALCSGL.F00 MOLCD_D.F00 MONO_D3.F00 MONOSGL.F00 SICFZDEZ.BIN operating program for TopForm CU1- and CU2 units operating program for TopForm-Master CU3 operating program for LCD-Monomaster, Single Version(*) operating program for LCD-Monomaster, decentralised data keeping operating program for Monomaster, decentralised data keeping operating program for Monomaster, Single Version operating program for SICMA-Master computer (*) Single Version: there is a master computer in every display Em_prog.cfg This file takes TED®plus operating program designations and displays them in plain text. In this folder you will find operating programs for decentralised data storage only _________________________________________________________________________ TEDplus V1.0 15 Operating instructions TED®plus 3. Working with TED®plus. 3.1 Restrictions • • Maximum number of entries is 9999. Number of cycles per line entry is restricted to 1. Note that the display computer’s memory space is limited and will not be able to store 9999 destinations. Please understand that we cannot at present guarantee that your binary display files will not be damaged. Therefore we again recommend that you save the relevant files and work only with copies. _________________________________________________________________________ TEDplus V1.0 16 Operating instructions TED®plus 3.2 TED®plus start menu Click the Start icon on your desktop to start the program. 3.3 Entry screen TED®plus starts with the following screen: This screen should look familiar to all Windows users. It has been set up using the standard Windows screen layout, well-known icons and menu layout. This simplifies its use greatly. For those of you to whom this screen layout is not familiar, we would like to explain the meaning of the individual screens. _________________________________________________________________________ TEDplus V1.0 17 Operating instructions TED®plus 3.4 Meaning of individual options and menus on the entry screen Many screens and menus are used in the operation of this graphic interface; their meanings are introduced in the following: 3.4.1 Icons Close window and drop into the taskbar. Maximize screen on / off. Exit program. Arranging the loaded vehicles in different windows, tiled horizontally, tiled vertically, or cascaded. See also menu Window Load one ore more vehicles, which are contained in the CUSTOM.CFG. To save Select and open a CUSTOM.CFG. _________________________________________________________________________ TEDplus V1.0 18 Operating instructions TED®plus 3.4.2 Menus when no bus models have been loaded File menu In the ‘file’ menu, a configuration file that has already been loaded, and is therefore listed in the top lines, can be loaded with a simple click or newly chosen from the menu item “Load configuration files.” Open CUSTOM.cfg for this purpose. Naturally, a vehicle can only be chosen when a configuration file has been loaded beforehand. A range of eight bus models is possible. Once editing and saving have been done, the program ends. _________________________________________________________________________ TEDplus V1.0 19 Operating instructions TED®plus Font menu When this menu is chosen, the font editor is loaded, the use of which is described in Section 5. _________________________________________________________________________ TEDplus V1.0 20 Operating instructions TED®plus Special menu This menu allows vehicle data to be copied from one bus model to another. The other bus model must be contained in the configuration files. You must open CUSTOM.cfg beforehand. File testing and error protocol serve to verify the function of the destination editor in the case of an error and to transfer information to Support. Vehicle info is primarily intended to give an overview of the bus models contained in a configuration file, which must be opened beforehand, and its displays. The display picture and the behaviour of the destination editor can be set and changed through the Options menu. There is a choice of several languages. Driver status gives information about the installed RAM card driver (see Section 2.2.3) Select Language, do a form check, get vehicle information, show error log, or set options. _________________________________________________________________________ TEDplus V1.0 21 Operating instructions TED®plus Data transfer menu This menu makes available functions for the PC RAM card in conjunction with our L1151A or a laptop drive and the download unit. The help function gives information about the software version. The Test connection function allows the computer to check whether a connection belongs to the unit, and Show content allows you to view your data on the corresponding unit in both cases. Work with the PC RAM card if this has been formatted before the description. The Help function provides information about the software version. _________________________________________________________________________ TEDplus V1.0 22 Operating instructions TED®plus 3.4.3 Menus when one or several bus models have been loaded After a configuration file has been loaded, additional available menus are activated. File menu In the ‘File’ menu, the options Save destination data, Print destination lists and Close the active bus model will appear (see also Section Process menu The ‘Process’ menu contains the Search option, which finds Objects (text or icons) outside the display or hidden objects (text or symbols), which would otherwise be difficult or impossible to find, in selected displays. There is an example of this below. _________________________________________________________________________ TEDplus V1.0 23 Operating instructions TED®plus When you have applied the function ‘Extras’ copy vehicle data, it is possible that a line number will no longer be visible at the front when you open your destinations. This can occur due to different display sizes. Go to 'Process' search. This window will appear. Choose Object outside display. Then click on The search list will now appear. All data found is displayed and its original position in the text is described. In this example, the object is a line number, which was positioned in the front display under entry 1 and cycle 1. Click on Make visible and then go to Close. (All hidden objects are displayed). The line number will reappear in the display. Confirm the entry with ENTER, and the complete display is restored. You may have to reformat the text (see Section 4.2.2) if the display height has changed. The search option for Texts is currently unavailable. The Hidden objects function shows signs that are not represented in the font. _________________________________________________________________________ TEDplus V1.0 24 Operating instructions TED®plus Display menu The Display menu allows the user to copy the complete data of a display (e.g. front display) and to insert them into another display (e.g. right side display). The Align display texts function allows a fast alignment of line numbers and text. If there are entries in symbol form, they must be adjusted as described in Section 4.2.4, as the system aligns symbols as if they were text. Vertical alignment is not advisable. If the data are removed by the Delete display data function, they are irretrievable. Please note that the operations Insert, Delete and Align cannot be reversed. It is recommended that you save the data before implementing these operations, in order to be able to return to this point if necessary. Entry menu The entry menu conveniently allows you to copy the data of one entry for all displays (e.g. entry 1 of the front display, right side, rear and left side) and insert them into another entry (e.g. entry 200). The active entry of all displays can be deleted. It is also possible to apply these functions to individual columns. The function define entry area allows the user to insert entries between entries 5 and 10, for example. These are empty. Please note that all entries after entry 5 will be moved down. It is also possible to delete entry areas. Do not forget to Save beforehand _________________________________________________________________________ TEDplus V1.0 25 Operating instructions TED®plus Cycle menu The cycle menu offers the convenient possibility of copying the active cycle of an entry (e.g. cycle 1, entry 1 of the front display) and inserting it into another cycle of a different entry (e.g. cycle 2, entry 200 of the right side display). The active cycle of the display can also be deleted. Do not forget to save beforehand Font menu In the font menu, fonts can be loaded, removed or replaced by another font (see Section 4.2.8). A use statistic supplies information about which fonts are being used. It is also possible to find out whether and how often a particular font is used. If, for example, the destination files exceed the memory of the display computer, this menu can be used to check which fonts could be deleted and replaced by others. The font editor can be used to view a font, if, for example, a particular character is being looked for. It is also possible to change a font and store it under a new name. There is a more precise explanation of how to produce a new font in Section 5. Please work only with copies here also _________________________________________________________________________ TEDplus V1.0 26 Operating instructions TED®plus Extras menu In the Extras menu, further options in addition to those given in Section can be found. ASCII data can be exported in order to gain an overview of the data contained in the active vehicle. To get an overview of how the entries or cycles are laid out, please choose the Overview option. The task bars for text, cycle and entry processing can be activated and deactivated. _________________________________________________________________________ TEDplus V1.0 27 Operating instructions TED®plus Data transfer menu As travel destination data has by now been written or loaded, the menu option Write data has appeared on the RAM card in the Data transfer menu. Start this function and choose the operating program concerning control unit. Insert the card into the card drive and then select Write data. (See also Section Window menu The Window menu provides the standard choices in MS Windows for window layout: horizontal, vertical or cascaded order; if more than one bus model has been loaded. _________________________________________________________________________ TEDplus V1.0 28 Operating instructions TED®plus 4.0 Destination input 4.1 Select bus model It is only possible to select a vehicle when a configuration file has been loaded beforehand. Select the File menu, go to Load configuration files and open the CUSTOM.cfg file. It is now possible to select a bus model. If there are destinations have not yet been entered, the following screen will open and it will be possible to enter destinations. In the following section, entering and changing destinations is explained. Line number display field (line area) Line number and Text positioning Text display field (text area) Input field Display LAWO control unit Columns Active column (red background) Individual column processing Select and change text, line number or symbol type Cycle processi ng Entry processing _________________________________________________________________________ TEDplus V1.0 29 Operating instructions TED®plus 4.2 Explanation of symbols Firstly an explanation of the colours, which we use in our example. It is possible to choose the colour under extras options. Simply click on the colour to be changed. A display with various colours will appear. Choose a new colour. Text can bechanged Text is fully processed Text is moved into a new cycle Image of the locked text 4.2.1 Display processing Separation (LeftC – description in CUSTOM.cfg) between line number and text entry. This separation is only virtual and will not appear on the display. It serves to simplify the editing procedure. Image after input of line number. Please always use a font with the designation “LNR” when entering line numbers in order to achieve the optimal image. Image after input of text. Text can be inputted in one or two-line form. The font can be changed using the font overview option with a simple click. _________________________________________________________________________ TEDplus V1.0 30 Operating instructions TED®plus 4.2.2 Input To activate an input, click inside the input field. The cursor blinks and you can enter a figure or text, which will appear in the display. The text always begins on the left edge of the display window. You will need the bar on the following page to adjust the text position further. Once the text has been entered it appears in green, meaning that it is active and can be changed. Confirm your input with ENTER and the text appears in yellow, meaning that it is inactive. If you now wish to change the text or text position, you must reactivate it, simply by clicking on any point within the text. This also applies to the line number. See Section 5.2.8 for changes in font. Moving text information display (only for LED displays, right click on text for change of speed) Draw a right angle to bring up entries Lock text (active lock) for cycle repetition Enlarge font size Set font to a standard Reduce font size Horizontal layout Vertical layout Change text direction Delete active object Alignment for two-line text Alignment over the whole display Alignment of text within text area Alignment of line number within line number area _________________________________________________________________________ TEDplus V1.0 31 Operating instructions TED®plus 4.2.3 Destinations Using the column function, it is possible to copy and insert individual columns if you wish to use the same texts in front and right side. It is advisable to align the front and copy this into the right side, to enter the line number into the back and to copy this into the left side (if applicable). Active column Active cycle Text has been locked and will be carried over when a new cycle is created _________________________________________________________________________ TEDplus V1.0 32 Operating instructions TED®plus 4.2.4 Cycle processing Every cycle appears on the display for two seconds Invert the display colour of the cycle Copy cycle into interim storage Insert cycle from interim storage Delete active cycle Move cycle up or down Append cycle (beneath active cycle) Insert cycle (above active cycle) Unlock text of active cycle Example: Active column Text locked . Append text, . if text and line number have been locked they will be carried over into the new cycle. now possible to insert a second line Active cycle _________________________________________________________________________ TEDplus V1.0 33 Operating instructions TED®plus 4.2.5 Column This function allows the user to copy individual columns (front, right side, back etc.), to insert them into a new column or to delete them. For this, the column must be activated, which is indicated by the red colour. Delete active column Insert column from interim storage Copy column into interim storage Invert display colour of column 4.2.6 Entry This function allows the user to move between entries, copy them entirely, insert them into a new place or delete them entirely. Delete entry Insert entry from staging Copy entry into staging Invert display colour Last assigned entry Go to next assigned entry Go to next assigned entry (browse) Go to previous entry (browse Go to previous assigned entry First assigned entry Entry number display It is also possible to insert the figure 0 into an entry. This entry will be displaced when, for example, no destination number is sent from the control unit. It is possible to insert "business trip“ or your logo here. _________________________________________________________________________ TEDplus V1.0 34 Operating instructions TED®plus 4.2.7 Return buffer This function is only possible in conjunction with the LAWO control unit.. The driver has the option of displaying the line number and end destination on his display. Activate the Front column. Then click on the number (appears in active colour) in the display processing screen and click in the empty field for the line number of the return buffer. The line number will appear. Continue as for end destination. Destination field Line number field Destination field (second line) 4.2.8 Font overview In our example, the fonts for text, line numbers and symbols are preset This number is the same as the height of the point of a character and depends on the use of the display height e.g. 16 x 112. Example of a font for the representation of symbols Example of a font for the representation of line numbers Active font If you wish to change the font of a text, activate the text by clicking within it and select the desired font. The text will appear in the new font immediately. _________________________________________________________________________ TEDplus V1.0 35 Operating instructions TED®plus It is also possible to select another font under Load font. Using the control key, it is also possible to select several fonts. To remove a font, make sure that the font is not active and that you have not used this font (select Font use statistic) It is also possible to replace a font, e.g. if the line number in an active cycle appears in height 13 instead of height 16, so that the display is only 13 dots high. You may need to use this function once you have copied complete bus data (of various display heights) 5.0 Font editor The font editor can be opened by choosing this menu or by pressing CTRL + E. It is now possible to create a new font or to open and adapt an existing font to your own needs. _________________________________________________________________________ TEDplus V1.0 36 Operating instructions TED®plus 5.1 Explanation of icons in font editor 5.1.1 Explanation of characters Highlight individual points (left click -> point becomes yellow, right click -> .points becomes black) Icons Choose background colour Swap background colour with foreground colour (invert) Reflect symbol or letter vertically Reflect symbol or letter horizontally 5.1.2 Font menu This menu allows you to Open, Store and Create new fonts. It is also possible to store the fonts in bitmap format and use them in other ways. The features of a font can be changed in Options. The Overview displays already existing characters (see Section 5.3). Once work is finished and saved, it is safe to Close the program. _________________________________________________________________________ TEDplus V1.0 37 Operating instructions TED®plus 5.1.3 Characters menu All values entered can be deleted. It is also possible to store the selected character in bitmap form to use it in other ways, or to load an already existing bitmap file. All points on the display appear in black with fill in background colour and in yellow with fill in foreground colour. Invert allows you to swap the background colour with the foreground colour. It is possible to mirror the symbols and letters vertically and horizontally. The width of the display can be increased or reduced. 5.1.4 Process menu The process menu allows you to copy fonts from one font editor into another. Use this function when you wish to create a new font from various different fonts. Open font editor 2x It is now possible to copy from existing data, symbols and characters and to insert them into a new data record. _________________________________________________________________________ TEDplus V1.0 38 Operating instructions TED®plus 5.1.5 View menu ‘Character features’ are preset and shown on the left side of the screen. You can move them to the right side of the screen by selecting Reverse screen elements. 5.2 Create font To create a new font, go to the new font menu. A screen will open, in which you must enter the initial details. These entries can be changed at any time through font options. Enter the height of the font in points here. This is a guide line. It helps in the representation of small letters with descenders e.g. g, j, etc. It also helps to adjust two fonts to one another (e.g. in heights 16 and 13). For this, you must set the base line to 13. Distance between characters (must be < = 1). Once you have entered this information, click on _________________________________________________________________________ TEDplus V1.0 39 Operating instructions TED®plus Next, you must determine the width of the display. Finally it is possible to create the symbol by left clicking on the points. These will now appear in yellow. Right click on the points to make them black again. Entry of a symbol or letter using the keyboard. Here you enter a number, which will have effect when all characters are selected by the keyboard. You can enter the symbol or character into the input field with ALT and this number (ASCII – character number). Determine display width (in red). Positioning of symbol or letter Full-screen representation of the display Enlarged or reduced representation of the display Base line This is how a letter could appear. Once you have created a symbol, click on store font in. Select the ‘bus data’ ‘fonts’ path and store your symbol under a chosen name. _________________________________________________________________________ TEDplus V1.0 40 Operating instructions TED®plus 5.3 Change existing font To open an existing font, go the Open font menu. Choose the font that you want to work with from your fonts folder. It is now possible to select a symbol on the keyboard or to enter a number on the number pad. Alternatively, press F5 to get an overview or use the arrow cursors. If you want to print the overview, open the file with the EXEL program in your fonts/printouts folder. Pressing F5 gives you an overview of all existing symbols and characters. Symbol being represented Width of display Breadth of display It is possible that all available characters on your keyboard are already in use. Once this sign appears in the overview, you must input it by pressing ALT and the corresponding number (here 154). The letter U will then appear in the TED®plus display field. To create a new symbol, choose an empty field in the overview and begin to adapt the font. All entries and symbols are identical with Section 5.2. Once the font has been changed successfully, go to Save font to overwrite the old font or to Save as to create a new font. _________________________________________________________________________ TEDplus V1.0 41 Operating instructions TED®plus 6.0 Short cuts 6.1 Font editor short cuts Font New Open Save Save as Options Overview Close Ctrl+N Ctrl+O F2 Ctrl+S F4 F5 Shift+F4 Character Delete Fill in background colour Fill in foreground colour Invert Reflect vertically Reflect horizontally Increase width Reduce width Ctrl+Del Ctrl+B Ctrl+W Ctrl+I Ctrl+J Ctrl+H Ctrl+Page Up Ctrl+Page Down Adapt Copy Insert Ctrl+C Ctrl+V 6.2 TED®plus short cuts File Load configuration file Select vehicle Save Print Close End program Ctrl+O Ctrl+B F2 Ctrl+P Shift+F4 Alt+F4 Process Search Ctrl+F Font Load Delete Use statistic Editor Options Ctrl+L Ctrl+R Ctrl+U Ctrl+E Ctrl+Alt+O Data transfer [RAM card] Test connection [RAM card] Format [RAM card] Write data [RAM card] Show content [Download] Test connection [Download] Write data [Download] Show content Ctrl+Alt+T Ctrl+Alt+F Ctrl+Alt+S Ctrl+Alt+C Shift+Ctrl+T Shift+Ctrl+S Shift+Ctrl+C _________________________________________________________________________ TEDplus V1.0 42 Operating instructions TED®plus 7.0 Quick guide 1. Open TED®plus icon 2. Load configuration file 3. Open CUSTOM.cfg Or, if TED®plus is already open, select „C:\Programme\Lawo\Bus data\Custom.cfg“ 4. Select bus model 5. Confirm with OK _________________________________________________________________________ TEDplus V1.0 43 Operating instructions TED®plus 7.1 Enter destinations 4. & 6. 7. 3. 5. 2. 1. 1. Select entry. 2. Choose font for line number or insert new font with load font. 3. Click on FRONT. 4. Click within the entry field, enter line number and confirm with ENTER -> line number appears. 5. Choose font for text. 6. Click within the input field, enter text and confirm with ENTER -> text appears. 7. Activate text and line number by clicking on them and position the text using keys (horizontal + vertical positioning) -> ENTER. The first destination has been entered. Now you can copy it into RIGHT SIDE. _________________________________________________________________________ TEDplus V1.0 44 Operating instructions TED®plus 11. 9. 8. 10. 8. Copy column into staging. 9. Click on RIGHT SIDE. 10. Insert column from interim storage, change sentence if necessary (point 2 or. 5). For the BACK entry proceed as per points 2 – 4. You can then copy the entry into the LEFT SIDE (if necessary). Follow points 8 – 10. 11. Process and save further entries. _________________________________________________________________________ TEDplus V1.0 45