New York: Hot Picks
New York: Hot Picks
NEW YORK: HOT PICKS Overview Womenswear Accessories Vintage Restaurants Arts & Culture Hotels New York dazzles 24/7. This pulsating retail haven is a spectacle of amazing window displays, awe-inspiring department stores and slick designer fashion, seducing even the most reluctant of shoppers. Carrying off the latest trends with panache, New York sets the standard for dressing with attitude. Use in conjunction w ith ou r Storefinder Maps to create y our bespoke New York sh opping itinerary . Key Areas Chelsea: Manhattan's art gallery district contains som e of the best dealers between 1 0th and 1 1 th Av enu es, from 2 4th to 2 7 th Street, which explains w hy the Balenciaga and Com m e des Garçons flagships are here. For significantly m ore retail, head south to the Meatpacking District. East Village: A bu sy residential neighborhood with a bohem ian history , now know n for back-to-back boutiques, cafes, and affordable v intage and streetw ear shops. Its m any bars tend to attract college stu dents. Lower East Side: Som e of New York's hippest contem porary boutiques are here, as well as upscale streetw ear shops and great v intage. By night the densely packed streets - lined w ith historic tenem ent buildings from its slu m day s - are filled w ith tw enty som ethings heading to the area's bars, rock v enues and sm all clu bs. Meat packing Dist rict : Slick designer brands, hip denim labels and expensiv e fu rnitur e stores define this downtow n shopping m ecca. Now there's also the High Line, an innov ativ e park constru cted on the elev ated tracks of a form er industrial train line. Despite its sm all size, the area also has sev eral of the city 's m ore sw ank hotels, and by night it's w here m odels and play boy s com e clubbing. Midt own: This large area running from 3 4th Street to 59th, w here Central Park begins, is fam ous for its Fifth Av enu e designer flagships, departm ent stores, Tim es Square, Rockefeller Center and Garm ent District, w here y ou'll find fabric and trim shops. Find a conv enient lineup of high street brands along 3 4 th Street at Herald Squ are, near the Macy 's flagship and JC Penney . Nolit a and Noho: Quaint boutiques, local designers and European-sty le cafes line the pretty streets of Nolita, which is nam ed for being north of Little Italy . North of Houston, Noho is a like-m inded extension of the neighborhood. SoHo: Downtow n's biggest concentr ation of m id-m arket and designer brands as well as cutting-edge fu rnitu re stores. Sty lish activ e sports gear, lov ely kidsw ear and sleek beauty stores are also a draw. Once shops close, the streets becom e em pty . Union Square and Flat iron: Dow n Fifth Av enue and Broadw ay betw een 1 4th and 2 3 rd Streets is a collection of high street brands (Anthropologie, Zara, Pu m a). The w ide, open blocks are not as trafficked as Midtown and are otherw ise dev oted to sm all and m id-sized office buildings. Union Square's big draw is Whole Foods and its outdoor farm ers m arket. Tribeca: Large loft buildings, cobbled streets and proxim ity to Wall Street hav e m ade Tribeca one of Manhattan's m ost expensiv e neighborhoods. Upscale furniture show room s dom inate the retail scene; m any fine restau rants and m edical spas are also here. Upper East Side: Facing Central Park, this posh residential neighborhood inclu des Madison Av enue designer flagships, tastefu l kidswear and European bedding stores, Museum Mile, Park Av enue and plenty of French restaurants. West Village: The leafy and m anicured residential streets of this historic neighborhood hav e inspired niche retail concepts from Marc Jacobs (who has sev eral stores here), Tom m y Hilfiger, Ralph Lauren and Coach. One highlight is the area's m any kidsw ear boutiques. Celebrities are know n to take up residence here and financiers frequ ent the area's Eurocentric bistros and bars. Williamsburg, Brooklyn: This y ou th-heav y hipster hangou t has 2 4-hou r appeal. There are sty lish bou tiqu es, trendy v intage and creativ e interiors stores, and local furniture designers, but particular ly atm ospheric are its m any nighttim e bars and r estaurants. Don't miss Opening Cerem ony for indie designers Lu xury icons Bergdorf Goodm an and Barney s New York Bou tiqu e shopping in Nolita and the Low er East Side Brow sing y ou r way throu gh SoHo A trip to Brookly n: the Brookly n Flea, boutique shopping, hav e dinner in William sburg, or take a jog in Prospect Park A v isit to one m ajor m useu m (the Met, MoMA, the Whitney , the Guggenheim ) and a Central Park stroll The High Line Su m m er m usic and film festiv als: Siren festiv al, Rooftop Film s, Central Park Film Festiv al, Central Park Su m m erstage, Metropolitan Opera in the Parks, Riv er to Riv er Festiv al, Warm -Ups at P.S.1 , All Points West, parties at McCarren Park Pool The Ham ptons in the sum m er How to get there New York's m ajor airports are JFK and LaGuardia ; New ark Liberty International Airport is also nearby , in New Jer sey All airports are serv ed by shuttle bu s and train serv ices, bu t JFK is the only airport w ith direct subway access The NYC subw ay costs $2 per ride, and the Air Train to JFK costs $5 each w ay When to go For spring/sum m er product: Febru ary to June For early high-su m m er produ ct: Apr il For au tum n/winter and back-to-school produ ct: late Ju ly to Decem ber Sale season: January and July Opening hours Stores are generally open sev en day s a week, bu t sm aller bou tiqu es (Nolita, Low er East Side, William sburg) and art galleries are closed Monday and Tu esday Most art galleries close during the m onth of Au gu st Larger stores open 1 0am -8pm ; sm aller stores 1 2 pm -7 pm . On Su nday , stores som etim es close by 6pm Useful info Langu age: English Cu rrency : US dollar Tim e zone: EST Dialing code: + 1 Pu blic transport: MTA What's new Click here for all the latest store, gallery and restau rant openings in New York NEW YORK WHAT'S NEW Cafe Kristall There’s nothing like a hearty plate of Austrian food to ward aw ay the w inter chill. Head for SoHo, w here y ou can taste apple stru del in the bedazzling su rroundings of Café Kristall, inside Sw arov ski’s Cry stallized Boutique. We hope other fav ou rites by Chef Gutenbru nner, including Wiener schnitzel, w ill be on the m enu as well. Lindsey Dupler, WGSN 06 December Cafe Krist all SoHo Sw arov ski Cry stallized Boutique 7 0 Mercer Street Tel: + 1 (2 1 2 ) 2 84 1 500 Web: w ww .w allserestau Subway: Spring/Broom e OHWOW at Cappellini A WGSN fav ourite, set designer Rafael de Cárdenas has created y et another whim sical and inspiring retail space. De Cárdenas collaborated w ith Al Moran and Aaron Bondaroff of OHWOW on the space, w here colour is celebrated and signature clashing graphic patterns ar e em phasised. The resu lt is a festiv e shop w here the w alls appear to be wr apped like Christm as presents. Handpainted, them ed ornam ents are av ailable for sale, by artists including Terence Koh and Scott Cam pbell. Elle Hankinson, WGSN November 19-January 31, 2011 Denim giant Lev i’s opens its second US concept store selling high-end lines and lim ited edition produ cts only - inclu ding Lev i’s Archiv e and Lev i’s Vintage collection, as w ell as collaboration pieces from brands including Pendleton and Filson. A sm all selection of nonLev i’s branded products is also av ailable, from field note books to red toe socks, in order for the urban custom er to com plete the trendy bu m pkin look. The store space takes up 4,500sq ft and is in close proxim ity to a wealth of prem ium brand stores, inclu ding Stella McCartney and Scoop. The rustic interior incorporates ply w ood and w rought iron, and play s on the brand’s distinctiv e heritage. Elle Hankinson, WGSN Opens 29 Nov ember OHWOW at Cappellini 1 52 Wooster Street New York NY 1 001 2 Tel: + 1 (2 1 2 ) 96 6 06 69 Web: w ww .oh-w /popu p Levi’s Meatpacking District store Lev i’s Meat packing Dist rict st ore 4 1 4 West 1 4th Street New York NY1 001 4 Tel: + 1 (2 1 2 ) 2 06 07 7 4 Subway: Houston Street Maison Bellaish boutique Israel-based designer Victor Bellaish has expanded to the US with Maison Bellaish, his first flagship store in the cou ntry , located in New York’s Meatpacking District. The 1 ,500sq ft space is inspired by early 2 0th-century Parisian dressing parlou rs, and the Maison Bellaish collection m ixes contem porary design m otifs w ith Art Nou v eau details, resulting in craftsm an-like pieces that are fem inine and unique. Silk, lace, exotic feathers, Sw arov ski cry stal and gau ze prev ail in ev eningw ear, skirts and bridalw ear. Necklaces, belts and other accessories are also av ailable. 23 Nov ember OC Concept Store is New York’s first interactiv e luxury boutique for m en, w om en and children, and w as created to prov ide the ultim ate bespoke shopping experience. The 3 ,400sq ft space hou ses a fine selection of art, tim epieces, beauty produ cts, leather goods and jew ellery in addition to tem porary art installations that ar e also av ailable for pu rchase. 23 Nov ember The owners of Mary Qu een of Scots, the Low er East Side’s new est hip brasserie serv ing an under-$3 0 m enu, describe it as “Viv ienne Westwood m eets the Sex Pistols m eets a touch of classic Scottish roy alty ". Booths are upholstered in brightly coloured, bu ttontucked tartan plaid and weathered leather, and the w alls are cov ered in w allpaper printed with m assiv e-scale cornflowers. The FrancoBritish m enu includes Scottish halibut en papillote w ith fingerling potatoes and tom ato cônfit, and the booze list has such hard-to-find scotches such as the oaky Arran Malt St Em ilion. 23 Nov ember Maison Bellaish 3 6 Little West 1 2 th Street Meatpacking District New York 1 001 4 Tel: + 1 (2 1 2 ) 64 6 47 6 53 63 Web: w ww .m OC Concept Store OC Concept St ore 6 55 Madison Av enue Upper East Side New York 1 006 5 Tel: + 1 (2 1 2 ) 7 59 9 2 2 0 Web: w ww Mary Queen of Scots brasserie 1534 restaurant Mary Queen of Scot s 1 1 5 Allen Street Low er East Side New York 1 0002 Tel: + 1 (2 1 2 ) 46 0 09 1 5 Web: w ww .m ary queenofscotsny Taking its nam e from the date French explorer Jacques Cartier set out on his first v oy age, 1 53 4 is the place in Nolita to experience cocktails celebrating the flav ou rs of France and its form er colonies. The m enu also has a French-colonial v ibe, w ith dishes such as harissa-spiced lam b m eatballs, m ini banh m i with house pâté, and croquem onsieu r. 23 Nov ember We’re w ondering if New York is really in need of another coffee shop for caffeine-lov ers to get their fix? The answ er is alm ost certainly no, bu t New Yorkers should m ake an exception for this new espresso bar located near Gr and Central Station. Designed by New York stu dio Nem aw orkshop, the coffee shop is based on the concept of a library tu rned on its side. The floor looks to be lined in tom es, an illu sion created by fu ll-sized sepia photographs printed on to tiles, and the effect is that of the norm rotated - and for that alone D’Espresso is certainly w orth a v isit. 8 November 1534 2 0 Prince Street Nolita New York 1 001 2 Tel: + 1 (2 1 2 ) 96 6 507 3 D’Espresso cafe opening D’Espresso 3 1 7 Madison Av enue New York 1 001 7 Tel: + 1 (2 1 2 ) 86 7 7 1 41 Web: w ww Ashley Wallis, WGSN John Dory Oyster Bar Restaurateurs April Bloom field and Ken Friedm an, of the Michelin-starred Spotted Pig and the Breslin Bar & Dining Room , are behind the Ace Hotel’s latest v enture, the John Dory Oy ster Bar. Set to open in Nov em ber, the casu al 1 2 0-seat restaurant will be a bustling hu b, ow ing its design m ore to a bar than a restau rant, with cocktails by Sasha Petraske of Milk & Honey , counter-sty le seating and a selection of sharing seafood plates all under $2 5. Ashley Wallis, WGSN All Saints Spitalfields Opens: November 1 The John Dory Oyst er Bar The Ace Hotel 2 0 West 2 9th Street New York NY 1 0001 Web: w ww .thejohndory .com The British are (still) com ing. UK contem porary chain All Saints opened recently in SoHo, black v intage sew ing m achines in its window . The dim lighting and edgy , rock 'n' r oll sty ling for which it's know n is replicated top-tobottom in its new SoHo digs, w here w om en and m en w ill find accoutrem ents such as sequined shorts and biker boots. 06 Oct ober All Saints Spitalfields 51 2 Broadway SoHo Tel: + 1 (64 6) 862 1 83 2 Web: w ww Andre w Yang, I sadore , 2009 Annie Havlicek This y oung designer gradu ated from Parsons in 2 006 and now has a Manhattan bou tiqu e to com plem ent her Brookly n studio. Silk tops and soft dresses hav e a distinctly fem inine appeal. Vintage inspiration creates irr ev erent details, as in the rope-like straps of one sum m er dress. Also here are jew ellery , shoes and hats for hip y ou ng wom en, and ceram ics that Hav licek finds. 06 Oct ober Annie Hav licek 1 54 Orchard Street Low er East Side 1 0002 Tel: + 1 (2 1 2 ) 2 6 0 02 00 Web: w ww .anniehav BES Bou tiqu e Eat Shop, or BES, is a carefully curated restau rant that features the w ork of local artists and Chelsea galleries. The food is a qu irky bu t delicious take on contem porary world cuisine, from hearty lem on pancakes and the bacon-topped v ersion of the allAm erican PB&J, to cev iche w ith w onton chips. The specialty cocktails are a nice com plem ent. Forever 21 06 Oct ober BES 559 West 2 2 nd Street Chelsea 1 001 1 Tel: + 1 (2 1 2 ) 41 4 87 00 Web: w ww The fou r-floor, 9 0,000sq ft store is not only the LA-based chain's biggest, but it's actually the biggest single apparel store in all of Manhattan. Div ided into sub-brand boutique spaces, it features a new prototy pe space for plus-sized ju niors line Faith 2 1 and a m ore com pelling retail space for m en's brand 2 1 Men. There are also large dedicated areas for children and beau ty . 06 Oct ober Forev er 2 1 Tim es Squ are 1 450 Broadw ay Tim es Square Midtow n Tel: + 1 (2 1 2 ) 3 02 0594 Web: w ww .forev er2 1 .com If y ou're a night ow l, y ou'll be pleased to know that the store stay s open u ntil 2 am . Hudson Hall restaurant The Hu dson Hotel's new restaurant, Hu dson Hall, is a fancier take on a New England prep school cafeteria, the kind w ith high-back, car v ed wooden chairs. Going along w ith the them e, guests craft their own m eals with sm all plates sou rced locally from the Hudson Valley area. The easy -to-eat m enu of crab salad sandw iches and chicken confit casserole w as created by chef Brian You ng, w ho com es m ost recently from Tav ern on the Greene. An in-hou se m ixologist pours m ore sophisticated v ersions of the booze that fraternity brothers tend to drink in shots. 06 Oct ober Hudson Hall Hudson Hotel 3 56 West 58th Street Midtow n 1 001 9 Tel: + 1 (2 1 2 ) 554 6000 Web: w ww .hu J Crew Bridal Boutique This beautifully perform ing apparel chain continues to wow its com petitors w ith niche store concepts, and this tim e it's show ing off bridal. The 4,000sq ft shop is inspired by the look of a French salon, w ith a fancy address to m atch at Madison Av enue and 66 th Street. Besides w hite gow ns and bridesm aid dresses, there are tuxedoes, honey m oon resor tw ear, v intage jewellery , Cosabella lingerie and an exclu siv e collection of cocktail dresses. Lanvin store opening 06 Oct ober J Crew Bridal Boutique 7 69 Madison Av enu e Midtow n Web: w ww The French luxury house's New York flagship, designed u nder the creativ e direction of Alber Elbaz, takes u p three floors of a Madison Av enue tow nhouse. Abov e the boutique are the brand's new US headquarters. The black-and-w hite interior is m eant to allude to an elegant w om en's club, w hile also exu ding the com fort of hom e. Refined elem ents like an Art Deco chandelier are m ixed w ith industrial w rought iron racks and blackened steel bookshelv es. 06 Oct ober Lanv in 81 5 Madison Av enue Upper East Side 1 0065 Tel: + 1 (64 6) 4 3 9 03 81 Web: w ww .lanv The 2 nd floor, the heart of the store, features the traditional Lanv in parquet floor (unlike the 1 st floor's graphic m arble design), and the third floor houses the Blanche w edding collection. Loopy Mango We lov e Loopy Mango's new SoHo digs, m u ch larger than its form er space in Dum bo, and beau tifu lly m erchandised. The shop carries unusu al labels from artful, qu ality -driv en brands such as H+ Par Hannoh, Mr Larkin, A Piece Apart and Zena handbags. Aside from wom en's, there are a few m en's and children's item s, bu t y ou'll really score with the shop's gorgeous assortm ent of v intage interiors, from oil paintings to gilded fish bow ls and ev ery thing in betw een. 06 Oct ober Loopy Mango 7 8 Grand Street Soho 1 001 3 Tel: + 1 (2 1 2 ) 3 4 3 7 4 2 5 Web: w ww .loopy m Nike Bowery Stadium Nike's new shop on the Low er East Side is a concept store that changes according to the calendar of world sporting ev ents. Until m idJu ly it's all about the World Cu p, but next w ill be basketball as a follow -u p to the LA Lakers' NBA cham pionship. Other Nike Stadium s exist in Berlin, Paris, Toky o and London. The 1 ,83 0sq ft space in New York contains two large screens play ing World Cup gam es w ith bench seating. Soccerspecific produ ct featured on the m erchandise floor along with Bow ery Stadiu m -branded Tshirts and sneakers. Painkiller T iki Bar 06 Oct ober Nike Bowery Stadium 2 7 6 Bowery Low er East Side Open: Thu rsday -Su nday 1 2 -7 pm Web: w ww .nikestadiu m In the form er East Side Com pany Bar space is a new drinks spot thatwants to rev iv e the Poly nesian craze so popular du ring the 50s. Step inside to sip 2 1 st century takes on ru m heav y Mai-Tais and Zom bies. The ov ersized Tiki m ugs recall the v intage aesthetic, but the bu zzing bar feels m ore like a m odern nov elty than a retro throwback. 06 Oct ober Painkiller Tiki Bar July 2 2 01 0 4 9 Essex Street Low er East Side Tel: + 1 (2 1 2 ) 7 7 7 84 54 The Lion With a new Am erican m enu designed by the chef at Wav erly Inn, The Lion is a no-brainer for foodies. Bu t this elegant West Village eatery is also gor geou sly finessed, w ith fine art abov e its green leather banqu ettes, and its history as a for m er cabaret includes late-night per form ances from Bette Midler. Dancing celebrities m ay be a thing of the past, bu t dining ones are now com m only seen. 06 Oct ober The Lion 6 2 West 9th Street West Village Tel: + 1 (2 1 2 ) 3 53 8400 Web: w ww .thelionny NEW YORK: HOT PICKS Womenswear 3.1 Phillip Lim The New York based designer's men's and women's collections straddle the line between contemporary and designer, and this store also features exclusive and experimental items. 3.1 Phillip Lim 115 Mercer Street SoHo 10012 Tel: +1 (212) 334 1160 Web: A small, upscale NYC-based line featuring gorgeous hand-knit tops and quilted separates for women, with some accessories and kidswear. A Détacher 262 Mott Street Nolita 10012 Tel: +1 (212) 625 3380 web: 3.1 Phillip Lim A Détacher A Détacher Bird Brooklyn's top-rated women's boutique with three locations, Bird carries stylish local favourites Rachel Comey and Vena Cava alongside Isabel Marant, Martin Margiela Ligne 6 and Tsumori Chisato. Its newest and biggest location is a beautifully designed, LEED-certified building in Williamsburg. Bird 203 Grand Street Williamsburg, Brooklyn 11211 Tel: +1 (718) 388 1655 Web: A discriminating, high-end women's boutique with a focus on cutting-edge and quality European labels, known to dress celebrities. In an airy space with antique fixtures, you'll also find a handful of very special vintage items, gorgeous jewellery and Curve's own line. Curve 83 Mercer Street SoHo 10012 Tel: +1 (212) 966 3626 Web: In duelling shades of white and black, this inspiring men's/women's store offers its own apparel/jewellery designs and great vintage, all with a blend of European and Japanese sensibilities; found furniture is upstairs. Dear: Rivington 95 Rivington Street Lower East Side 10002 Tel: +1 (212) 673 3494 Web: Bird Curve Curve Dear: Rivington Dear: Rivington Début Devoted to fashion from emerging designers, this women's boutique is surprisingly good, stocking quality items from around the world and the graduate collections of promising Parsons design school students. Début 298 Mulberry Street Nolita Tel: +1 (212) 343 2717 Web: The wrap dress designer's glossy New York flagship - corporate offices above. Diane Von Furstenberg 440 West 14th Street Meatpacking District 10014 Tel: +1 (212) 741 6607 Web: Obscure European contemporary labels are the focus here, where you'll find edgy styles, T-shirts and little black dresses. There's also terrific jewellery and rotating art installations. Eva New York 355 Bowery Noho 10003 Tel: +1 (212) 925 3890 web: Début Diane Von Furstenberg Diane Von Furstenberg Eva New York Eva New York Jumelle A favourite among many in Williamsburg, this Bedford Avenue boutique stocks high-end contemporary labels from New York and abroad with a small selection of must-have shoes and accessories. Jumelle 148 Bedford Avenue Williamsburg, Brooklyn 11211 Tel: +1 (718) 388 9525 Web: Known for carrying some of New York's most upand-coming designers, it's a sleek designer boutique with high-end women's labels like Lanvin and Balenciaga. There's also stylish kidswear downstairs. Kirna Zabête 96 Greene Street SoHo 10012 Tel: +1 (212) 941 9656 Web: Of Kyung Lee's three New York boutiques, this is her first and most beloved. Suffused with a perfumey sense of antique glamour, it carries reworked vintage dresses and new designs that stand out for their tasteful, feminine details. Albertine 13 Christopher Street West Village 10014 Tel: +1 (212) 924 8515 Web: albertine-nyc Jumelle Kirna Zabête Kirna Zabête Albertine Albertine Marc Jacobs The collection store from the New York fashion icon. Marc Jacobs 163 Mercer Street SoHo 10012 Tel: +1 (212) 343 1490 web: A beautifully curated women's boutique, and our top pick. Different from the pack, it stocks indie designers like Ohne Titel and Jasmin Shokrian, exceptional vintage (including accessories) and unusual jewellery. Maryam Nassir Zadeh 123 Norfolk Street Lower East Side 10002 Tel: +1 (212) 673 6405 Web: This two-floor boutique is the fashion insider's outpost for au courant design from around the world, as well as its own very stylish clothing and accessories for men and women. Opening Ceremony 35 Howard Street SoHo 10013 Tel: +1 (212) 219 2688 Web: Marc Jacobs Maryam Nassir Zadeh Maryam Nassir Zadeh Opening Ceremony Opening Ceremony Pinky Otto A small label with a knack for pulling off sophisticated and demure, fast-fashion separates. Pinky Otto 49 Prince Street Nolita 10012 Tel: +1 (212) 226 3580 Web: Girly dress boutique with an unusual range of international designers and accessories, affordably priced. Pixie Market 100 Stanton Street Lower East Side 10002 Tel: +1 (212) 253 0953 web: The girls behind No. 6 turned their talent for finding great vintage into a line of reworked vintage dresses that took off at places like Barneys New York, as well as a by-appointment vintage archive in their store. The Nolita boutique also carries a terrific selection of of-the-moment designer items including gorgeous jewellery, clogs and great boots. No. 6 6 Centre Market Place Nolita 10013 Tel: +1 (212) 226 5759 Web: Pinky Otto Pixie Market Pixie Market No. 6 No. 6 Zero + Maria Cornejo The flagship and studio of the Chilean-born, New York-based designer known for architecturally cut womenswear. Zero + Maria Cornejo Zero + Maria Cornejo 33 Bleecker Street Noho 10012 Tel: +1 (212) 925 3849 Web: NEW YORK: HOT PICKS Accessories Albertine General Jew ellery junkies should be sure not m iss Ky ung-Lee's third West Village store (following cult dress bou tiqu es Albertine and Claudine), which isolates her collection of lov ely v intage pieces as well as a v ariety of beautifu l contem porary jew ellery . Albert ine General 1 5 Christopher Street West Village 1 001 4 Tel: + 1 (2 1 2 ) 92 4 851 5 Web: w ww .albertine-ny Contem porary wom en's jew ellery from the popu lar New York-based designer, w ith three stores in the city . Alexis Bit t ar 1 1 00 Madison Av enu e Upper East Side 1 002 8 Tel: + 1 (2 1 2 ) 2 4 9 3 581 Albe rtine Ge ne ral Alexis Bittar 3 53 Bleecker Street West Village 1 001 4 Tel: + 1 (2 1 2 ) 7 2 7 1 093 4 65 Broom e Street SoHo 1 001 3 Tel: + 1 (7 1 8) 42 2 7 580 Web: w ww Ale xis Bittar Calypso Bijoux The boho chain's resort-friendly jew ellery . Calypso Bijoux 2 52 Mott Street Nolita 1 001 2 Tel: + 1 (2 1 2 ) 3 3 4 97 3 0 Web: w ww .caly A Bedford Av enue accessories boutique stocking great local lines su ch as Digby & Iona and Bittersweets NY, alongside other w om en's accessories and gifts in a pretty , intim ate space. Cat bird 2 1 9 Bedford Av enue William sburg, Brookly n 1 1 21 1 Tel: + 1 (7 1 8) 599 3 457 Web: w ww .catbirdny Aw ard-winning designer Philip Crangi's decadent m en's and wom en's contem porary jew ellery collections, w hich often reference historical sty les. Crangi Family Project 9 Ninth Av enue Meatpacking District 1 001 4 Tel: + 1 (2 1 2 ) 92 9 0858 Web: w ww .crangifam ily Calypso Bijoux Catbird Catbird Crangi Family Project Crangi Family Proje ct Diana Broussard Italian-m ade leather pum ps and beautiful handcrafted jew ellery from the NY-based designer, w ho has w orked for Calv in Klein, Christian Dior and Gu cci. Diana Broussard 2 2 Christopher Street West Village 1 001 4 Tel: + 1 (64 6) 3 3 6 63 6 4 Web: w ww Fine antiqu e jew ellery w ith an em phasis on the Victorian and Art Deco periods. Doyle & Doyle 1 89 Orchard Street Low er East Side 1 0002 Tel: + 1 (2 1 2 ) 67 7 99 91 web: w w w.doy ledoy A high-end, m asterful m ix of rare fu rniture, statuary and wom en's jew ellery , both antique and new , all arranged m useu m -sty le. De Vera 1 Crosby Street SoHo 1 001 3 Tel: + 1 (2 1 2 ) 62 5 083 8 web: w w Diana Broussard Doyle & Doyle Doyle & Doyle De Vera De Ve ra Erie Basin The lov ingly cu rated Erie Basin sells gorgeous antique jewellery that's alw ay s in touch w ith the latest trends, as well as sm all antiquities and classical kitsch. Erie Basin 3 88 Van Brunt Street Red Hook, Brookly n 1 1 231 Tel: + 1 (7 1 8) 554 61 47 Web: w ww Cu tting edge furniture store The Fu tu re Per fect houses an accessories shop-in-shop from LA-based Ten Ov er Six. The Fut ure Perfect : Ten Over Six 55 Great Jones Street Noho 1 001 2 Tel: + 1 (2 1 2 ) 47 3 2 500 web: w w w.thefu tu Iconic New York w om en's departm ent store, pu rchased by Lim ited Brands, that's now dev oted entirely to accessories and beauty . A Frédéric Fekkai salon is upstairs. Henri Bendel 7 1 2 Fifth Av enu e Midtow n East 1 001 9 Tel: + 1 (2 1 2 ) 2 4 7 1 1 00 web: w w Erie Basin The Future Perfect: T en Over Six The Future Pe rfe ct: Te n Ove r S ix Henri Bendel He nri Be nde l Jack Spade Sty lish m en's bags in leather and canv as from Kate Spade's m ale cou nterpart. Jack Spade 56 Greene Street SoHo 1 001 2 Tel: + 1 (2 1 2 ) 62 5 1 82 0 Web: w ww Exotic, tribal-inspired jewellery inside a gallery -like space. Jill Plat ner 1 1 3 Crosby Street SoHo 1 001 2 Tel: + 1 (2 1 2 ) 3 2 4 1 2 98 web: w w Fine jew ellery from plain gold to diam onds, with m any Art Deco-inspired designs. Karen Karch 2 40 Mulberry Street Nolita 1 001 2 Tel: + 1 (2 1 2 ) 96 5 9 699 Web: w ww Jack S pade Jill Platner Jill Platne r Karen Karch Kare n Karch Linda Derector Designer ey ew ear boutique for m en and wom en w ith a terrific selection from Europe and Japan, and an ev en better selection of v intage. Linda Derect or 2 1 1 Mott Street Nolita 1 001 2 Tel: + 1 (2 1 2 ) 680 3 02 3 Web: w w Michele Quan and Robin Renzi design 1 8K gold jew ellery , often spotted on y ou ng celebrities. Linda Derect or 2 1 1 Mott Street Nolita 1 001 2 Tel: + 1 (2 1 2 ) 680 3 02 3 Web: w ww .m eandrojew elry .com A creativ e in-house line of ey ewear, alongside new sty les from Chloé and Blinde. Selima Opt ique 59 Wooster Street SoHo 1 001 2 Tel: + 1 (2 1 2 ) 3 4 3 94 90 Web: w ww .selim Linda De re ctor Me&Ro Me &Ro Selima Optique S e lima Optique Ted Muehling This store and w orkshop carries Muehling's natu re-inspired jew ellery and decorativ e objects m ade in silv er, bronze, porcelain, and glass. Ted Muehling Ted Muehling 2 7 How ard Street SoHo 1 001 3 Tel: + 1 (2 1 2 ) 43 1 3 82 5 Web: w ww .tedm A top-notch, contem porary w om en's jewellery showcase w ith collections arranged by designer, in an inspiring space com bining natu ral and m odern elem ents. Ten Thousand Things 4 2 3 West 1 4th Street Meatpacking District 1 001 4 Tel: + 1 (2 1 2 ) 3 52 1 3 3 3 Web: w ww .tenthou sandthingsny Te d Mue hling Ten T housand T hings Te n Thousand Things NEW YORK: HOT PICKS Footwear Belle by Sigerson Morrison The sty lish NYC-based footw ear brand offers slightly lower prices and a handbag selection with this diffu sion line. Belle by Sigerson Morrison 2 42 Mott Street Nolita 1 001 2 Tel: + 1 (2 1 2 ) 94 1 5404 Web: w ww .siger sonm Legendary French shoem aker's qu aint outpost for stilettos and platform s. Christ ian Loubout in 59 Horatio Street West Village 1 001 4 Tel: + 1 (2 1 2 ) 2 55 1 9 1 0 Web: w ww Be lle by S ige rson Morrison Christian Louboutin Christian Louboutin Coclico Fem inine, m id-height pum ps and sandals in Spanish leather are the draw here; there is also a pretty selection of clothing and accessories. Coclico 2 7 5 Mott Street Nolita 1 001 2 Tel: + 1 (2 1 2 ) 96 5 546 2 Web: w ww Italian-m ade leather pum ps and beautiful handcrafted jew ellery from the NY-based designer, w ho has w orked for Calv in Klein, Christian Dior and Gu cci. Diana Broussard 2 2 Christopher Street West Village 1 001 4 Tel: + 1 (64 6) 3 3 6 63 6 4 Web: w ww Trend-consciou s boutique focused on its ow n line of affordable footw ear, and also carry ing clothes from contem porary labels like 1 2 th Street by Cy nthia V incent and Vince. Dolce Vit a 1 49 Lu dlow Street Low er East Side 1 0002 Tel: + 1 (2 1 2 ) 52 9 2 1 1 1 web: w w w.shopdolcev Coclico Diana Broussard Diana Broussard Dolce Vita Dolce Vita Edon Manor A high-end wom en's footwear boutique that offers shoes and handbags from Giv enchy , Viv ienne Westw ood and Sergio Rossi. Edon Manor 3 91 Greenw ich Street Tribeca 1 001 3 Tel: + 1 (2 1 2 ) 43 1 3 890 Web: w ww .edonm Designer footw ear lines from Italian m anufacturer Gibo including John Galliano, Chloé, Marc Jacobs and Paul Sm ith. Iris 82 7 Washington Street Meatpacking District 1 001 4 Tel: + 1 (2 1 2 ) 64 5 0950 Strappy stepping-out heels from the high-end, London-based brand. Jimmy Choo 6 45 Fifth Av enu e Midtow n East 1 002 2 Tel: + 1 (2 1 2 ) 593 0800 Web: w ww .jim m y Edon Manor Iris I ris Jimmy Choo Jimmy Choo Leffot A unique m en's footwear boutique offering traditional, handcrafted shoes from the finest Eu ropean brands - Gaziano & Girling, Aubercy , Artioli and Church's - in a sleek, m asculine setting. Leffot 1 0 Christopher Street West Village 1 001 4 Tel: + 1 (2 1 2 ) 989 457 7 Web: w ww The uptow n flagship of the cu lt stiletto m aker. Manolo Blahnik 3 1 West 54th Street Midtow n West 1 001 9 Tel: + 1 (2 1 2 ) 582 3 007 Web: w ww .m This tw o-floor bou tique is the fashion insider's outpost for au courant design from around the world, as well as its ow n v ery sty lish clothing and accessories for m en and w om en - w e lov e the shoes. Opening Ceremony 3 5 How ard Street SoHo 1 001 3 Tel: + 1 (2 1 2 ) 2 1 9 2 688 Web: w ww .openingcerem ony .us Le ffot Manolo Blahnik Manolo Blahnik Opening Ceremony Ope ning Ce re mony Saks Fifth Avenue The 2 007 -renov ated shoe departm ent of Saks Fifth Av enu e is so large, it requires its own postal code, and offers good com petition to com peting salons at Barney s and Ber gdorf Goodm an. Saks Fift h Av enue 6 1 1 Fifth Av enue Midtow n East 1 002 2 -SHOE Tel: + 1 (2 1 2 ) 7 53 4 000 Web: w ww .saksfifthav From the ow ner of Mini Mini Market, William sbu rg's Shoe Market features a trendy selection of shoes that are also com fortable and affordable - for m en, w om en and kids. Shoe Market 1 60 N Sixth Street William sburg, Brookly n 1 1 21 1 Tel: + 1 (7 1 8) 3 88 84 95 Web: w ww .shoem arketny Wom en's footw ear from the sty lish and m odern NYC-based brand. The Upper East Side flagship (opened in 2 01 0) also sells art and third-party accessories brands. Sigerson Morrison 1 9 East 7 1 st Street Upper East Side 1 002 1 Tel: + 1 (2 1 2 ) 7 3 4 2 1 00 S aks Fifth Ave nue Shoe Market S hoe Marke t Sigerson Morrison 2 8 Prince Street Nolita 1 001 2 Tel: + 1 (2 1 2 ) 2 1 9 3 893 Web: w ww .sigersonm S ige rson Morrison NEW YORK: HOT PICKS Vintage Amarcord (designer stock) Designer labels from the v intage chain's topnotch selection of Eu ropean v intage clothing and accessories from the 1 9 40s to the 1 980s. Amarcord (designer st ock) 2 52 Lafay ette Street SoHo 1 001 2 Tel: + 1 (2 1 2 ) 43 1 4 1 6 1 Web: w ww .am arcordv At the m ain store, y ou'll find a trend-sav v y selection of Eu ropean v intage clothing and accessories from the 1 940s to the 1 980s. Nearby is an appointm ent-only show room featuring a large selection for m en, w om en and children bought m ainly in Italy and Western Eu rope. Amarcord (t rendy st ock) 2 2 3 Bedford Av enue (store) William sburg, Brookly n 1 1 21 1 Tel: + 1 (7 1 8) 96 3 4001 1 2 ,000sq ft of stocked v intage clothing and accessories from a v ariety of eras - a great resou rce for stage production and film . Cheap Jack's 3 03 Fifth Av enue Midtow n 1 001 6 Tel: + 1 (2 1 2 ) 7 7 7 9564 Web: w ww Amarcord (de signe r stock) Amarcord (trendy stock) 2 42 Wy the Av enu e (showroom ) William sburg, Brookly n 1 1 21 1 Tel: + 1 (7 1 8) 3 88 2 884 Web: w ww .am arcordv Amarcord (main store , and showroom) Cheap Jack's Che ap Jack's Chelsea Girl Couture Vintage designer dresses and accessories, w ith a less expensiv e offshoot on Thom pson Street. Chelsea Girl Cout ure 1 86 Spring Street SoHo 1 001 2 Tel: + 1 (2 1 2 ) 3 4 3 7 090 Web: w ww Upscale side-by -side v intage boutiqu es selling nov elty pieces for m en and wom en, from the Victorian era to the early 9 0s. Ask to check out the 2 nd floor. Cherry 1 7 -1 9 Eighth Av enue West Village 1 001 4 Tel: + 1 (2 1 2 ) 92 4 1 41 0 Tel: + 1 (2 1 2 ) 92 4 51 88 Web: w ww .cherry bou tiqu Vintage store w ell-lov ed for its large assortm ent of w om en's shoes, bags and belts. The carefully chosen apparel, m u ch of it designer, is arranged by colou r alongside Edith's ow n line. Edit h Machinist 1 04 Riv ington Street Low er East Side 1 0002 Tel: + 1 (2 1 2 ) 97 9 99 92 An elegant selection of v intage w om ensw ear dating back to the 1 890s. Exquisit e Cost ume 3 7 7 Broom e Street Nolita 1 001 3 Tel: + 1 (2 1 2 ) 96 6 41 42 Web: w ww .exqu isitecostu m Che lse a Girl Couture Cherry Che rry & Che rry Me n Edith Machinist Edith Machinist Exquisite Costume Exquisite Costume Fille de Joie A fun boutique w ith a large selection of v intage French w om ensw ear and accessories, as w ell as a few unusual new lines. Fille de Joie 1 97 Grand Str eet William sburg, Brookly n 1 1 21 1 Tel: + 1 (7 1 8) 599 3 52 5 Web: w ww .filledejoieny Cu lt fav ou rite for glam orous, designer wom ensw ear. Collectors com e here for v intage Azzedine Alaïa, Ossie Clark and Com m e des Garçons. Frock 1 7 0 Elizabeth Street Nolita 1 001 2 Tel: + 1 (2 1 2 ) 594 53 80 Web: w ww .fr ockny A cleanly pressed, w ell-edited selection of wom ensw ear and accessories m ostly from the 1 9 60s to the 1 980s. Local Clot hing 3 2 8 East Ninth Street East Village 1 0003 Tel: + 1 (2 1 2 ) 7 7 7 3 850 Web: w ww A carefu lly edited selection of w om en's v intage clothing and accessories from this Sw edish dealer. Malin Landaeus 1 55 North Sixth Street William sburg, Brookly n 1 1 21 1 Tel: + 1 (64 6) 3 61 02 61 Web: w ww .m alinlandaeu Fille de Joie Frock Frock Local Clothing Local Clothing Malin Landae us Narnia A local fav ourite know n for prom oting quality ov er labels, including som e designer item s and a good selection of boots. Narnia 1 61 Riv ington Street Low er East Side 1 0002 Tel: + 1 (2 1 2 ) 97 9 06 61 The replacem ent to Chelsea Girl Vintage takes on the sev enties, and this tim e the suede v ests and boot-cu t denim is for both m en and wom en. Laurel Canyon Vint age 6 3 Thom pson Street 1 001 2 Tel: + 1 (2 1 2 ) 3 4 3 1 658 Web: w ww .lau relcany onv One of the city 's best selections of designer v intage for wom en, as well as the ow ner's ow n line. Resurrect ion 2 1 7 Mott Street Nolita 1 001 2 Tel: + 1 (2 1 2 ) 62 5 1 3 7 4 Web: w ww .resu rrectionv A denim -focused v intage store w ith an excellent selection of w orkw ear and u tility pieces. St ock 1 43 East 1 3 th Street East Village 1 0003 Tel: + 1 (2 1 2 ) 505 2 505 Narnia Laurel Canyon Vintage Laure l Canyon Vintage Resurrection Re surre ction Stock S tock What Goes Around Comes Around (showroom) The store carries trendy v intage, an in-house line and other hip brands to com plem ent its contem porary feel. The Tribeca show room , by appointm ent only , is one of New York's biggest and best, and categorises clothing by era and sty le such as v arsity , m od and m otorcy cle. What Goes Around Comes Around (showroom) 3 51 West Broadway (store) SoHo 1 001 3 Tel: + 1 (2 1 2 ) 3 4 3 1 2 2 5 1 3 -1 7 Laight Street (show room ) 5th Floor, Room 2 8 Tribeca 1 0001 3 Tel: + 1 (2 1 2 ) 2 7 4 83 40 Web: w ww .w hatgoesaroundny What Goe s Around Come s Around NEW YORK: HOT PICKS Restaurants Balthazar Popu lar Parisian-sty le brasserie w ell known for great serv ice, a solid bru nch and long waits for dinner (if y ou hav en't m ade a reserv ation). A take-ou t bakery is attached. Balt hazar 80 Spring Street SoHo 1 001 2 Tel: + 1 (2 1 2 ) 96 5 1 41 4 Web: w ww .balthazarny .com From the ow ners of The Spotted Pig com es this m uch-hy ped restaurant inside the Ace Hotel, with kitschy English hunting lodge decor and a m eat-heav y m enu . It's loud, trendy and pu b-like, but w e found the lam b burger to be v ery deliciou s. The Breslin Bar & Dining Room Ace Hotel 2 0 West 2 9th Street Chelsea 1 0001 Tel: + 1 (2 1 2 ) 67 9 1 93 9 Web: w ww This liv ely restaurant serv ing traditional Am erican cuisine from different regions is especially popu lar for brunch. Bubby's 1 2 0 Hu dson Street Tribeca 1 001 3 Tel: + 1 (2 1 2 ) 2 1 9 0666 Web: w ww .bubby This popular West V illage brunch spot is decked w ith m irrors and charm ing little tou ches, and the French/Am erican cuisine also draw s sm all crowds for dinner. Cafe Cluny 2 84 West 1 2 th Street West Village 1 001 4 Tel: + 1 (2 1 2 ) 2 55 6900 Web: w ww .cafecluny .com The Breslin Bar & Dining Room Bubby's Cafe Cluny DBGB Kitchen & Bar French cu isine m eets Am erican fare - heav y on the m eat - from m aster chef Daniel Boulud. Bru nch draws a dow ntown socialite crow d. Vegetarians shou ld look elsewhere. DBGB Kit chen & Bar 2 99 Bowery Noho 1 0003 Tel: + 1 (2 1 2 ) 93 3 53 00 Web: w ww .danielny Bru nch at Freem ans is som ething of a ritual for Manhattan residents, w ith deliciou s eggs and salads on the m enu. Tucked aw ay in Freem an's alley on the Lower East Side, this place still attracts hoards of locals, so m ake sur e to be there w ell in adv ance for dinner or weekend brunch. Freemans End of Freem an Alley , off of Riv ington betw een Bower y and Chry stie Low er East Side 1 0002 Tel: + 1 (2 1 2 ) 42 0 001 2 Web: w ww .fr eem ansrestau Freemans The Grand Central Oyster Bar & Restaurant This classic Manhattan restaurant (since 1 9 1 3 ) sits undergrou nd, beneath the v aulted tile ceilings of Grand Central Station. Oy sters, clam chowder and fine seafoods are serv ed on picnic-sty le cloths in a busy , v intage Gotham setting. The Grand Cent ral Oyst er Bar & Rest aurant 89 East 42 nd Street Midtow n East 1 001 7 Tel: + 1 (2 1 2 ) 4 90 6 650 Web: w ww .oy sterbarny .com If y ou can't leav e New York w ithout try ing the pizza, w ait in line for a take-ou t slice at Joe's in the West Village, or y ou can w ait in line for y ou r own table here at the perennially popu lar Grim aldi's in Brookly n. Enjoy Brookly n Bridge v iew s as y ou inch y our w ay inside. Grimaldi's Pizzeria 1 9 Old Fu lton Street Du m bo, Brookly n 1 1 2 01 Tel: + 1 (2 1 2 ) 858 4 3 00 Web: w ww .grim Facing the street is a sim ple taqueria, but head dow nstairs and straight through the kitchen (speakeasy -sty le) to the brasserie and tequila bar for u pscale Mexican food in a cosy , dim ly lit setting. La Esquina 1 06 Kenm are Street Nolita 1 0002 Tel: + 1 (64 6) 61 3 7 1 00 Web: w ww .esquinany Grimaldi's Pizzeria La Esquina Marlow & Sons Com bines a sm all grocery of gourm et im ports with a rustic, candlelit bar and restaurant serv ing a delicious m enu of seafood, salam is, cheeses and reasonably priced wines. Marlow & Sons 81 Broadw ay William sburg, Brookly n 1 1 2 1 1 Tel: + 1 (7 1 8) 3 84 1 441 Web: w ww .m arlow Inv entiv e noodle joint serv ing m eaty ram en dishes cou nter-sty le, and a w arm atm osphere of low -fi rock m usic and constant chatter. There's also the m ore casual Mom ofuku Ssam Bar nearby , or the owner's Milk bakery serv ing decadent candy bar cakes. Momofuku 1 63 First Av enue East Village 1 0003 Tel: + 1 (2 1 2 ) 47 5 7 899 Web: w ww .m om MoMA's aptly nam ed restau rant is a real treat ju st to w alk into, past an artful window display and on to sleek tables facing the m useum 's courty ar d. The French-Am erican cuisine is the w ork of Alsatian-born chef Gabriel Kreuther, although a casual drink at the bar is another option. The Modern 9 West 53 rd Street Midtow n 1 001 9 Tel: + 1 (2 1 2 ) 3 3 3 1 2 2 0 Web: w ww .them odernny This old-tim ey tav ern (opened 1 93 7 ) w as renov ated by the group behind hotspots Pastis, Balthazar, and Schiller's, and is now one part New York pub and the other, Paris bistro. Minet t a Tavern 1 3 3 MacDougal Street West Village 1 001 2 Tel: + 1 (2 1 2 ) 47 5 3 850 Web: w ww .m inettatav ernny .com A sw ank sushi restau rant and cocktail lounge from Iron Chef Masaharu Morim oto. Morimot o 88 Tenth Av enu e 1 001 1 Chelsea Tel: + 1 (2 1 2 ) 989 8883 Web: w ww .m orim otorestau Pretend y ou 're in Paris at this perennially cool French bistro. Past is 9 Ninth Av enue Meatpacking District 1 001 4 Tel: + 1 (2 1 2 ) 9 2 9 4 844 Web: w ww .pastisny .com Keith McNally 's latest v entu re is a m odern pizzeria. Pulino's Bar & Pizzeria 2 82 Bowery Low er East Side 1 001 2 Tel: + 1 (91 7 ) 2 89 93 57 Momofuku The Modern Minetta Tavern Morimoto Pastis Pulino's Bar & Pizzeria Pure Food & Wine A m ust for v egans, Pure w ill prov e ju st as tasty to m eat eaters. The innov ativ e v egetarian and v egan restaurant is totally raw - as in nothing on the m enu is cooked and surprisingly tasty . Pure Food & Wine 54 Irv ing Place Gram ercy 1 0003 Tel: + 1 (2 1 2 ) 47 7 1 01 0 Web: w ww .purefoodandw Trend-setting Anglo/Am erican gastr opu b serv ing burgers and oy sters, especially crow ded on the second floor. The Spot t ed Pig 3 1 4 West 1 1 th Street West Village 1 001 4 Tel: + 1 (2 1 2 ) 62 0 03 93 Web: w ww A glam orous seafood and chops place - w e lov ed the m illion dollar chicken - inside the Standard Hotel, w hich was com pleted in 2 009 and ov erlooks the Meatpacking District's High Line park. The St andard Grill 848 Washington Street 1 001 4 Meatpacking District Tel: + 1 (2 1 2 ) 64 5 4 1 00 Web: w ww This v ery atm ospheric Japanese restaurant is alw ay s an experience, from the slightly hidden entrance to its dim corridors, the curtains that fall ov er each indiv idual wooden booth and the m odern Japanese cu isine. There's also a terrific v ariety of sake. Zenkichi 7 7 North 6 th Street William sburg, Brookly n 1 1 21 1 Tel: + 1 (7 1 8) 3 88 89 85 Web: w ww The Spotted Pig The Standard Grill Zenkichi NEW YORK ART LISTINGS Balenciaga: Spanish Master Conceiv ed by Oscar de la Renta and curated by Ham ish Bowles, Balenciaga: Spanish Master explores the strong influences that Spanish art, cultu re, religion and history hav e had on the legendary designer Cristóbal Balenciaga. The exhibit show s v ariou s signature pieces from the designer’s 9 3 collections, including sev eral garm ents that hav e nev er before been seen by the pu bic, and connects them with Spanish cu ltural references. Ally son Rees, WGSN Unt il February 19, 2011 Balenciaga: Spanish Mast er Queen Sofia Spanish Institute 684 Park Av e New York NY 1 0065 Open: Monday -Thursday 1 0am -6pm , Friday 1 0am -8pm , Saturday 1 0am -5pm Subway : 4 ,6 to 6 8th St. Hunter College Tel: + 1 (2 1 2 ) 6 2 8 042 0 w w w.queensofiaspanishinstitu Counter Space: Design and the Modern Kitchen Cou nter Space highlights MoMa’s new acqu isition of the iconic Frankfurt Kitchen, designed in 1 92 6–2 7 by architect Grete Schütte-Lihotzky . More than just an innov ativ e piece of design, the Frankfu rt Kitchen represents an ev olu tion in popular attitu des tow ard the dom estic role of wom en, fam ily life and consum erism , and w as a cataly st in m odern thinking in the dom estic sphere. Com plem enting the kitchen itself is a selection of design objects, architectu ral plans, posters, archiv al photographs, and selected artw orks from MoMa’s perm anent design collection. Ann Larsson, WGSN Sept ember 15 – March 14 2011 Count er Space: Design and t he Modern Kit chen MoMa 1 1 West 53 rd Street New York 1 001 9 Tel: + 001 2 1 2 7 08 94 00 Open: Daily 1 0.3 0am -5.3 0pm , Friday until 8pm , closed Tu esday Ent ry: $2 0 Subway: B,D,F,M to 47 th-50th St. Rockefeller Center or E,M to 5th Av enu e-53 rd St. w ww .m om NEW YORK: HOT PICKS Hotels 60 T hompson Sim ple and m odern in design, its u nderstated lu xe has attracted celebrities ranging from Stella McCartney to Billy Zane. Its m etropolitan m id-century sty le m akes it especially glam orou s. Doubles from $6 99. 60 Thompson 6 0 Thom pson Street SoHo 1 001 2 Tel: + 1 (2 1 2 ) 43 1 0400 Web: w ww .60thom The fashionable Ace Hotel caters to a y ounger generation of trav ellers w ith bunk bedroom s (as an option), v intage fu rniture and a staff in custom Lev i's. Loft room s are sty lish and charm ing, but it's the hotel's additions that really stand out - the trendy Breslin gastropub and soon-to-com e boutiques from Project No. 8 and Opening Cerem ony . Room s from $2 2 0. Ace Hot el 2 0 West 2 9th Street Chelsea 1 0001 Tel: + 1 (2 1 2 ) 67 9 2 2 2 2 Web: w ww The hotel boasts ev ery thing from red-su ited bellhops to retro C.O. Bigelow toiletries. The lobby is an elegant drawing room from a by gone age, w ith v elv et sofas, intricate dark wood furniture, antlers and taxiderm y . The gor geou sly cluttered restaurant, Gem m a, offers rustic Italian cuisine. The Bowery Hot el 3 3 5 Bow ery East Village 1 0003 Tel: + 1 (2 1 2 ) 505 91 00 Web: w ww .thebow ery The dram atic, soaring lobby fu rnished w ith leather-cov ered colu m ns and alpaca w oolcov ered sofas are ju st a few reasons to get hooked on this sty lish m idtown hotel. Situated at the heart of the Fifth Av enue shopping area, Cham bers is also just blocks from Central Park. Doubles from $3 7 5. Chambers 1 5 West 56th Street Midtow n Tel: + 1 (2 1 2 ) 97 4 5656 Web: w ww .cham 60 Thompson Ace Hotel Ace Hote l The Bowery Hotel The Bowe ry Hote l Chambers Chambe rs Cooper Square Hotel This 2 009 addition to the Bowery is a 2 1 -story glass bu ilding w ith 1 4 5 room s featu ring restfu l, m odern interiors designed by Antonio Citterio. The sleek library dow nstair s has a cosy fireplace, and there's a lov ely bar as w ell. Doubles from $3 7 5. Cooper Square Hot el 2 5 Cooper Square East Village 1 0003 Tel: + 1 (2 1 2 ) 47 5 57 00 Web: w ww .thecoopersqu British hotel group Firm dale opened its first US location on SoHo's Crosby Street, and giv es the sw anky , loft-like building - w hich is LEEDcertified - a London edge w ith an afternoon tea hou r. There's also a state-of-the-art film screening room and leafy courty ard off the bar. Doubles from $495. Crosbt St reet Hot el 7 9 Crosby Street SoHo 1 001 2 Tel: + 1 (2 1 2 ) 2 2 6 0055 Web: w w w.crosby A pioneer in the Meatpacking District, the Gansev oort still gets sum m er crow ds for its rooftop bar and pool. The neighbou rhood's best bou tiques, clubs, galleries and restaurants are ju st steps aw ay . Hot el Gansev oort 1 8 Ninth Av enue Meatpacking District 1 001 4 Tel: + 1 (2 1 2 ) 66 0 67 45 Web: w ww .hotelgansev No tw o room s are alike in this beautifully fu rnished hotel co-owned by Robert De Niro. The hotel's Shibui spa boasts a luxurious, lantern-lit sw im m ing pool and lounge fram ed under a 2 50-y ear-old w ood and bam boo farm house. Room s from $4 7 5. The Greenwich Hot el 3 7 7 Greenwich Street Tribeca 1 001 3 Tel: + 1 (2 1 2 ) 94 1 8900 Web: w ww The location is a bit far on the w est side bu t if y ou 're a design lov er, the Hudson hotel's stu nning bar, lounge and restaurant designed by Philippe Starck is hard to beat. Doubles from $2 2 9. The Hudson 3 56 West 58th Street Midtow n 1 001 9 Tel: + 1 (2 1 2 ) 554 6000 Web: w ww .hu Coope r S quare Hote l Crosby Street Hotel Crosby S tre e t Hote l Hotel Gansevoort Hote l Ganse voort The Greenwich Hotel The Gre e nwich Hote l The Hudson The Hudson The Jane The cheap and chic Jane, bu ilt in 1 9 08 as a hotel for sailors, offers affordable cabin-sty le room s w ith free w ifi, LCD TV, DVD play er and iPod docks. Bathroom s are com m u nal unless y ou opt for the luxury of a double bed in a Captain's Cabin. Spend y our m oney at the popu lar downstairs bar or the Ballroom , which is set to re-open in 2 01 0. Cabins from $7 9. The Jane 1 1 3 Jane Street West Village 1 001 4 Tel: + 1 (2 1 2 ) 92 4 67 00 Le Parker Meridien prides itself on a m ix of lu xury and leisure, exem plified by the huge Dam ien Hirst painting in the lobby and the rooftop pool on the 4 2 nd floor (com plete with v iew s ov er Central Park). Bu t w hat draws gu ests and non-guests alike is its back room Bu rger Joint, m ade to feel like a casu al roadside stop, w ith v ery tasty burgers and fries. Dou bles from $3 9 5. Le Parker Meridien 1 1 8 West 57 th Street Midtow n West 1 001 9 Tel: + 1 (2 1 2 ) 2 4 5 5000 Web: w ww .parkerm The 1 2 0 room s and four penthouse su ites resem ble a m odern ship cabin, with burnished teak paneling and sleek luggage shelv es. There are also terrific restaurants dow nstairs one Italian and the other Japanese - w ith a large outdoor cou rty ard that's lov ely in the sum m er. The Chelsea location puts y ou close to art galleries and the edge of the Meatpacking District. Room s from $2 2 5. The Marit ime Hot el 3 63 West 1 6th Street Chelsea 1 001 1 Tel: + 1 (2 1 2 ) 2 4 2 43 00 Web: w ww .them aritim Often the hotel of choice for su perm odels as well as m edia and creativ e ty pes, Parisian designer Christian Liaigre is responsible for its interior, and u nifor m s are designed by New York's own Isaac Mizrahi. Doubles from $495. The Mercer 1 47 Mercer Street SoHo 1 001 2 Tel: + 1 (2 1 2 ) 96 6 6060 Web: w ww .m The Jane Le Parker Meridien Le Parke r Me ridie n The Maritime Hotel The Maritime Hote l The Mercer The Me rce r The Pod Hotel If y ou don't m ind sm all room s, The Pod is a real bargain. Decor is m inim al but nice, w ith splashes of colour from bright textiles and accessories. There's also a rooftop garden bar, free wifi and iPod docking stations. Room s from $9 9. The Pod Hot el 2 3 0 East 51 st Street Midtow n East 1 002 2 Tel: + 1 (2 1 2 ) 3 55 03 00 Web: w ww In the gru ngy -cool env irons of the Low er East Side is this striking glass tower, w here lu xurious w hite room s feature Frette linens, steam show ers and Japanese-sty le soak baths. Doubles from $3 99. Hot el on Rivingt on 1 07 Riv ington Street Low er East Side 1 0002 Tel: + 1 (2 1 2 ) 47 5 2 600 Web: w ww .hotelonriv One of New York's oldest hotels, the St Regis em bodies the sort of European opulence cov eted by w ealthy Am ericans when the hotel first opened in back in 1 904 . Plush reprodu ction rococo furniture, opu lent fabrics and inlay ed stone floors w hisper old w orld elegance - and y ou'll pay for it. Dou bles from $7 2 5. St Regis 2 East 55th Str eet Midtow n 1 002 2 Tel: + 1 (2 1 2 ) 7 53 4 500 Web: w ww .starw The Pod Hote l Hotel on Rivington Hote l on Rivington St Regis S t Re gis The SoHo Grand Per haps SoHo's chicest place to stay . It has an airy , industrial-chic look and an alw ay s-busy bar attracting the m ore creativ e business ty pes. You're perfectly positioned for SoHo shopping. Dou bles from $3 00. The SoHo Grand 3 1 0 West Broadw ay SoHo 1 001 3 Tel: + 1 (2 1 2 ) 96 5 3 000 Web: w ww The exclusiv e SoHo House - w ith its m em bersonly penthouse bar and billiards room - is actually in the Meatpacking District. Its beau tifu l room s hav e a rustic, m odern sensibility , with England's Cowshed produ cts to m atch. Dou bles from $52 5. SoHo House 2 9-3 5 Ninth Av enue Meatpacking District 1 001 4 Tel: + 1 (2 1 2 ) 62 7 9800 Web: w ww .sohohouseny .com Sister of to the SoHo Grand, the triangu larshaped Tribeca Grand has all the standard am enities of a m odern lu xu ry hotel, as w ell as a large lobby bar that's often buzzing w ith sm all fashion- and film -related parties. Doubles from $3 2 5. Tribeca Grand Hot el 2 Av enu e of the Am ericas Tribeca 1 001 3 Tel: + 1 (2 1 2 ) 51 9 6600 Web: w ww The S oHo Grand SoHo House S oHo House Tribeca Grand Hotel Tribe ca Grand Hote l The Standard 01/02/2011 New York: Hot Picks The Meatpacking District's new est hotel is a wondrous feat of glass perched ov er the innov ativ e High Line park. It's not only per fectly located for designer shopping dow ntow n, bu t contains som e of the area's bu zziest places to eat, drink and dance. Room s from $1 95. The St andard 848 Washington Street Meatpacking District 1 001 4 Tel: + 1 (2 1 2 ) 64 5 4 646 Web: w ww The S tandard…/new_york_hot_picks.html 6/6