new word alive
new word alive
60 seconds - Paula Harris Paula Harris works for Avenue Community Church in Leicester and is leading a seminar track on how to make small bible study groups great. How long have you been in gospel ministry? I worked in student ministry with UCCF for 4 years as a Christian Union Staff Worker from 2003-2007. I’ve been working for Avenue Community Church since that time. My job at Avenue involves a lot of training in all kinds of areas – seminars on, for example, evangelism as a way of life, relationships, Bible handling, 121. It also takes me further a field to speaking at conferences on all sorts of things – women teaching each other, looking at pastoral care and image and self esteem. Tell us about what you’ll be doing this week at NWA? A track on small groups called Small is Beautiful. We’ll be exploring the importance of small groups and living and working with each other, spurring each other on. Ideally, small groups would be communities for change in each other’s lives. What’s been the best experience of being part of a church small group? The best experience for me was when I was widowed in my 20s and having a small group of people rallying around and caring for me. They gave me money to pay for a funeral, they were there at the end of the phone, people remembering anniversaries and birthdays and really little things are really big in feeling loved and cared for. Give us your top tips for a great small group. People willing to be involved in people’s lives, openness and honesty, sharing hospitality, and admonishing and encouraging each other from God’s Word. I don’t think you can change and grow more like Jesus unless you’re willing to be open to people admonishing you and encouraging you – this obviously demands a level of vulnerability. What do you think are the opportunities for gospeling one another in small groups? They’re immense aren’t they because it’s life-on-life – you’re living life together, sharing each other’s joys and sorrows. Where does NWA fit into your church ministry? A small group coming together on a conference like this would be great – you need energising some times, don’t you? And you always come away revitalized and encouraged from big conferences like NWA and you return inspired and driven to put these things into practice into the week by week life of small groups. What kind of person should come to your training track? The seminar track is for anyone who leads a small group and anyone who attends – because in a small group we’re all in it together and we’re all there to encourage each other. The first day we’re going to be exploring these things more and the second we’ll be getting really creative in how you can apply the bible with each other, but doing it different kinds of ways – film boards, case studies….all sorts! Small is beautiful will be taking place on Wednesday & Thursday 3.45pm in Haven Reception new word alive Daily Briefing ‐ Tuesday, 12th April NWA is a refreshing time away from the everyday Isn't it amazing how quickly we develop routines? Have you got yours planned out?! Now it's Tuesday, you may have settled in to the morning Bible Readings, decided on your doctrine tracks and seminars and nominated those in your groups to queue for coffee before the rush! We are creatures of habit, indeed. Yet before the habits become too familiar, I wonder whether today we consider how incredible this time away is. After hours Tim Chester, Beach Club Tuesday, 10.15pm Tim Chester is the director of the Porterbrook Institute (porterbrookinstitute. org) and a leader in The Crowded House. Tim is a wide and deep thinker. Come and quiz him or just listen in. If you would like to ask Tim a question in advance please hand in your written question to New Word Alive customer services. Steph Macleod, Show Bar Tuesday, 10.15pm Steph is a talented singer/songwriter who exudes the reality of Christ in his music. Think John Martyn, Ray Lamontage and add some Scottishness to the sound and you are presented with the earthy sound of Steph Macleod Thank you! A big thank you to Rael Mason for his fabulous piece on Abraham performed in the evening celebrations last night. If you’d like to see more of his work visit: He is also willing to perform at evangelistic open mic nights at church and CU events. Email for more information. You see, it's not everyday that your voices are joined with thousands of others to sing of the glory of Christ; it's not everyday that you leave a Christian meeting and can be on the beach in minutes; it's not everyday that you can play crazy golf with people from CU or church you've not had chance to get to know before; nor every day that your children can be inspired by hosts of other youth; it's certainly not everyday you get to play in a lunchtime football tournament; nor everyday that there’s time to talk and really grapple with the impact of what we’ve heard together. So, after a week you may be pleased to get home, but how great to be away from the everyday! Jodi Hinds, NWA Student Team Notices Pastoral Team If you would like to meet with a member of the pastoral team please make an appointment at the NWA customer services. Follow NWA on Twitter Clive Parnell is going to be tweeting during the event for After Hours.!/NewWordAlive Tuesday Tweetup for tweeters and bloggers Anyone who's talking about #nwa2011 online or is interested in online communities. 8.30pm at Starbucks. Contact Peter Bowyer at @peterbowyer for more info. Lunchtime slots What is gospel ministry and is it for me? Marquee 1, Tuesday, 1pm – 1.45pm A talk and opportunity to ask questions, for anyone considering the possibility of full-time gospel ministry. Hosted by Adrian Reynolds. Youth workers Marquee 3, Tuesday, 1pm – 1.45pm If you are involved in youth work come and meet others doing the same. Hear ideas and encouragements and learn how we can help one another. Hosted by Dave Fenton. Using sport in evangelism Haven Reception, Tuesday, 1pm – 1.45pm Sport can be a great way to make contact with people and bring an opportunity to share the gospel. Hear ideas, discuss and ask questions with representatives from Christians In Sport. Church leaders at NWA Haven Reception, Wednesday, 1pm – 1.45pm If you are a church leader come and tell us how New Word Alive can serve your church in the future. Hosted by Hugh Palmer. Playing with consecrated joy Jason Clarke A day in the life of New Word Alive reveals a curious mix - people who are serious about the word, seriously enjoying the world too. In the morning there is joy as the scriptures are open (children, youth, adults) and in the afternoon there is fun and relaxation with friends (an energetic football match with the opposition, a much pleaded for swim with the children, a quiet coffee with friends). And yet I suspect many of us feel that the morning is the ‘spiritual’ bit and the afternoon is the self indulgent ‘unspiritual’ bit, the bit that fills a few gaps between the more important parts of the conference. To ease the tension most of us will think hard about the ‘why?’ of what we do in the morning and try not to think at all about the ‘why?’ of what we do in the afternoon. Yet the Bible repeatedly affirms the goodness of creation, as Paul puts it, “Everything created by God is good, and nothing is to be rejected, provided it is received with thanksgiving; for it is sanctified by God’s word and by prayer” (1 Tim.4:4). The very word that we study in the mornings declares the world we enjoy in the afternoons to be good, and it’s important to recognise that the scriptures affirm this even though this creation is marred by sin and facing God’s judgment. You see the gospel is not an abstract message to rescue tragically embodied souls. The Bible begins with creation and ends with new creation, God doesn’t abandon a sin condemned world he renews it, and as Paul points out, if anyone is in Christ he is a new creation. Salvation actually remakes us, and though we are we are destined for the new creation we are still living in, and should receive with thanksgiving, this good God-given, God sanctified creation too. So a coffee with a friend, a football match with the opposition, a swim with the kids – it counts, it matters, it’s good because the gospel makes me more human not less. In one of his novels Wendell Berry writes of preachers who thunder their creation denying rhetoric from their pulpits, sermons that seem wise and spiritual but actually deny something fundamental in God’s word. “The people who heard those sermons loved good crops, good gardens, good livestock and work…; they loved flowers and the shade of trees, and laughter and music; some of them could make a fair speech on the pleasures of a good drink of water or a patch of wild raspberries. While the wickedness of the flesh was preached from the pulpit, the young husbands and wives and courting couples sat thigh to thigh, full of yearning and joy, and the old people thought of the beauty of the children. And when the church was over they would go home to heavenly dinners of fried chicken, it might be, and creamed new potatoes and……cherry pie and sweet milk…. And the preacher and his family would always be invited to eat with somebody and they would always go, and the preacher, having just foresworn on behalf of everybody the joys of the flesh, would eat with unconsecrated relish.” Of course it is true, this creation is often a valley of tears, sorrows storm billows often (and inevitably) blow. In grief we often wonder whether we could ever enjoy anything in this sad and difficult world again. And yet even in sorrow, there is often, as C.S.Lewis pointed out, “a few moments of happy love, a landscape, a symphony, a merry meeting with our friends, a bathe or a football match”. Sorrow is the Lord’s severe mercy to remind us that it is the new creation and not this creation that is our ultimate destination. “Our Father refreshes us on the journey with some pleasant inns, but will not encourage us to mistake them for home”. It is also true that time is short and we are to be wise stewards of our time and gifts. There is no getting around the reality that following Christ is (or at least ought to be) costly: as Dietrich Bonhoeffer put it, “When Christ calls a man, he bids him come die”. A theology of play and relaxation can be an excuse for sinful self indulgence and laziness, idols we fashion to excuse wholehearted and costly service of the Lord. But as ever, the solution to one error is not to embrace another. The human heart will always be tempted to take good things and make them ultimate things, it doesn’t mean that the good things that God has created should be rejected, which is why we can delight in the word in the morning and we can play with consecrated joy in the afternoon! Jason is the Director of Training for UCCF: The Christian Unions. He is also a Trustee of New Word Alive. Books Operation World: The Definitive Prayer Guide to Every Nation Operation World is the definitive global prayer guide that will help focus your heart and life towards God’s passion for His glory among all nations. With well over 1 million copies of past versions being sold, this all new 7th edition has been completely updated and revised by Jason Mandryk and his team and covers the entire populated world. Killing Fields, Living Fields, Don Cormack The Cambodian Church was first planted among the rice farmers of North-West Cambodia in the mid-1920s. Growth was slow and painful. This work tells the story through the lives and testimonies of a handful of strategic Christians. Generous Justice, Tim Keller Tim Keller explores a life of justice empowered by an experience of grace: a generous, gracious justice. Here is a book for believers who find the Bible a trustworthy guide, as well as those who suspect that Christianity is a regressive influence in the world. The Tender Heart, Richard Sibbes Richard Sibbes always sought to get under the superficial layer of his listener’s behaviors and deals with their hearts. In The Tender Heart, he explains that those who are tender hearted do not simply desire salvation; they desire the Lord of salvation himself. Only when a person is brought to love the Lord with heart-felt sincerity will they begin to hate their sin truly instead of merely dreading the thought of God’s punishment of it. NWA offering 2 – Speke Baptist Last year NWA made a generous gift that has been used to help provide a large drop-in café facility that will serve as the entry point and hub to the whole centre. The Noah’s Ark centre, when opened, will provide opportunity to multiply word ministry whilst engaging with real issues in a needy community. Ambitions for future projects include projects like a youth drop-in centre, recovery