feature garden forms 2016
feature garden forms 2016
FEATURE GARDEN FORMS 2016 Please fill-out the attached and submit no later than dates indicated. All forms can also be found at www.canadablooms.com Dear Feature Garden Builder: Within this package you will find the following IMPORTANT forms, with their respective return dates. Note #1 - #4 have been received by you in a prior email. PLEASE FILL-OUT ALL REQUIRED FORMS AND RETURN AS INDICATED No. Form Title Return Date 1 Feature Garden Contract 2016 Immediately 2 Letter of Intent (for Barcoded Tickets) As you wish 3 Final Design, Garden Name & Description April 30, 2015 4 “How did the theme “It’s a Party!” inspire your design for CB 2016?” Paragraph for website. Nov 23, 2015 5 Plant Order Nov 30, 2015 6 Sand & Bark Order Jan. 8, 2016 7 Move In Forms Part 1 & 2 Jan. 22, 2016 8 Exhibitor Safety Jan. 22, 2016 9 Material Delivery Form Feb 12, 2016 10 Feature Garden Sign Info Feb. 12, 2016 11 Exhibitors Insurance - proof of your own carrier’s coverage Feb. 12, 2016 12 Badge Order Done Feb. 19, 2016 13 Garden Tour Questionnaire Feb. 19, 2016 14 Plant Labels List Feb 26, 2016 Showtech & EC Supplier forms can be downloaded at http://canadablooms.com/get-involved/become-an-exhibitor/ Print and fax orders as required, or fill out and pay on-line using password “3639HOM6” 15 Showtech: Feb 19, 2016 Electrical, Mechanical, Lighting, Plumbing 16 Feb 19, 2016 Enercare: Location Grid + Parking 17 Brochure for Exhibitors, Security Tips and Online Password; www.enercarecentre.com THE FLOWER & GARDEN FESTIVAL ENERCARE CENTRE, EXHIBITION PLACE FEATURE GARDEN CONTRACT 2016 COMPANY NAME: _____________________________________________________________________ CONTACT PERSON: ___________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS: _____________________________________________________________________________ CITY/PROVINCE: _____________________________POSTAL CODE: ________________________ TELEPHONE: _________________________________FAX: ___________________________________ CELL: ________________________________________EMAIL: _________________________________ Feature Garden Space: _____________________________ Square feet (Canada Blooms may provide up to 20% extra, unsubsidized space to allow for creative design) Garden Number: ____________________ I agree to abide by the rules and regulations set out by this contract. Signature: __________________________________ Please return by fax or mail to: Canada Blooms 7856, 5th Line S., Milton, ON L9T 2X9 Telephone: 416-447-8655 Fax: 416-447-1567 OFFICE USE ONLY Date received: _________________________ Accepted by: _________________ Garden #: ___________ Forms submitted: Design Move In Badge Order Garden Description Exhibitor Safety Certificate of Insurance Sand & Bark Plant Order Sign Info EXHIBIT RULES & REGULATIONS 1. SHOW MANAGEMENT - The words “Show Management’ as used herein refers to CANADA BLOOMS, its employees and agents. The enforcement and interpretation of the following rules and regulations is the responsibility of Festival Management. 11. FEATURE GARDEN CONTRACTOR BADGES - Feature Garden Contractor badges will be supplied by Festival Management for exhibit personnel. These must be worn at all times while in the show building and exhibit area and are required for entry to the festival. 2. SPACE - The application for feature garden space, when duly signed by the exhibiting firm and Festival Management, shall constitute a valid contract between the parties. 12. FOOD AND/OR ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES - The preparation and/or serving of food or beverages of any kind without the written permission of Festival Management is prohibited. Serving of alcoholic beverages on the exhibit floor is prohibited. 3. USE OF SPACE AND RESTRICTIONS - The space contracted is to be used solely by the Feature Garden Contractor whose name appears on the application and the Feature Garden Contractor’s sponsor, if one exists, as agreed to by both parties and only products and or services of the Feature Garden Contractor or Feature Garden Contractor’s sponsor may be exhibited. Festival Management reserves the right to correct such violations by having the Feature Garden Contractor alter, remove or rearrange any or all of the displays so that it will comply with the regulations or if the Feature Garden Contractor is not available to make such corrections at the Feature Garden Contractor’s expense. Festival Management reserves the right to restrict exhibits which because of noise, operation of equipment, creation of safety hazards or any other reason become objectionable or otherwise distract from neighbouring exhibits. No representation of the Feature Garden Contractor, his products or services may be carried on in the aisles, corridors, feature area or other designated common area of the facility. 4. MATERIALS HANDLING - Dollies and other necessary equipment will be provided free of charge during the official move-in and move-out hours. Feature Garden Contractors must have their representatives on hand to supervise loading, placing of exhibit material, dismantling and reloading of exhibit materials. 5. SAFETY - All Feature Garden Contractors must comply with Ontario Safety Standards while on this site. All provincial Safety Regulations and Safety Procedures are to be followed. During move-in and move-out all exhibitors are required to have and use the appropriate Personal Protective Equipment while on the event premises. 6. FIRE REGULATIONS - All Feature Garden Contractors must comply with local fire regulations. Only fireproof materials may be used in displays and wiring must conform to CSA or UL specifications. Fire exits and aisles must be kept clear at all times. The Feature Garden Contractor assumes all responsibility for ensuring that exhibits meet these standards. 7. ELECTRICAL SAFETY CODE REQUIRMENTS - All Feature Garden Contractors must comply with the Electrical Safety Code Requirements of Ontario Hydro. The Feature Garden Contractor assumes full responsibility for ensuring that exhibits meet these standards. 13. LIABILITY AND INSURANCE - Neither CANADA BLOOMS nor any of its officers, directors, employees or agents, nor the owners, employees or representatives of the exhibit facility will be responsible for any injury, loss or damage that may occur to the Feature Garden Contractor or the Feature Garden Contractor’s employees or property from any cause whatsoever prior, during or subsequent to the period covered by the exhibit contract. The Feature Garden Contractor upon signing this contract expressly releases the foregoing Association, individuals and firms from and agrees to indemnify same against any and all claims for such loss, damage or injury. Feature Garden Contractors desiring to carry insurance on their exhibits will place it at their own expense. The Licensee must provide adequate insurance coverage to cover license period. All Feature Garden Contractors must supply proof of insurance. Feature Garden Contractors are fully responsible for all activity that occurs as a result of their operations at Canada Blooms. Feature Garden Contractors must have minimum insurance as follows: $2,000,000 Comprehensive General Liability Non-owned Automobile Liability Products and Completed Operations Cross Liability Clause Severability of Interest Clause Tenants Legal Liability Additional Insurance as Required The insurance policy will also include: The Enercare Centre, BILD (Building Industry & Land Development), Landscape Ontario, Garden Club of Toronto, and Canada Blooms: The Flower & Garden Festival shall be additional insured on all policies with respect to liability arising from the operations of the named insured. A copy of the insurance policy or certificate of insurance is required to be sent to the E.C. and Canada Blooms two months prior to the event. The insurance policy will be held by both parties until an inspection of the premises is made after the event and applied, as required, at the discretion of the D.E.C. in order to repair any damages caused by the Show Management, their employees, servants, agents and/or Feature Garden Contractors during the license period. 8. DAMAGE TO PROPERTY - Feature Garden Contractors are liable for all damage caused by them to the exhibit facility, booth equipment or to other Feature Garden Contractors property and shall indemnify the Facility Management, Show Management and/or Official Service Contractor against and hold them harmless from any complaints, suits or liabilities resulting from negligence of the Feature Garden Contractor in connection with the Feature Garden Contractor’s use of exhibit space. 14. EXCLUSIVE RIGHTS - Participating Feature Garden Contractors have the exclusive right to promote or sell goods and services in the festival. All other parties who attempt to make any sales solicitations without the expressed written consent of the Festival Management will be permanently removed from the show area. Feature Garden Contractors are asked to report any infractions to the Show Offices so that immediate remedial action can be taken. 9. CARE OF BUILDINGS - Painting, nailing or drilling of floors, walls, ceilings or any part of the building is not permitted. Feature Garden Contractors laying any floor covering must use an adhesive that will not damage the floor and is easily removed. No signs or any other articles are to be fastened to ceilings, walls, pipes or electrical fixtures. 15. ENTRY TO SHOW - Show Management reserves the right to decline admission to any visitor, Feature Garden Contractor or Feature Garden Contractor’s employee who, in the opinion of Festival Management is unfit, intoxicated or in any way creating a disruption of the festival. 10. SECURITY - Festival Management will employ reputable guards on a 24hour basis for the duration of the exhibition and will take reasonable precautions to safeguard Feature Garden Contractors’ property. However, Show Management assumes no liability for loss or damage, however caused, of goods, exhibits or other materials owned, rented or leased by the Feature Garden Contractor. 16. GARDEN ASSIGNMENT - Canada Blooms reserves the right to decline any and all garden spaces as it best determines. 17. PAYMENT OF SUBSIDY – If in the event a contractor is unable to fulfill their obligation to install an exhibit at Canada Blooms, all subsidy money will be reimbursed to Canada Blooms, without exception. 18. PLANT AREA COVERAGE – minimum of 30% for gardens 1,000 sq.ft. or less and 40% for gardens over 1,000 sq. ft. LETTER OF INTENT BETWEEN THE CANADA BLOOMS HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY AND ___________________________________________________ The purpose of the Agreement is to set forth the general terms of a mutual agreement between Canada Blooms and ____________________________________. This agreement reflects our understanding of the terms and conditions of the Canada Blooms advance admission tickets sales. It is Canada Blooms intention to produce a Festival that features flower and garden displays, co-located with a commercial marketplace, as well as the best gardening products and services of amateur and professional participants. Ticket Sales Canada Blooms shall provide ____________ (# of tickets – minimum 50) for Special Guest admission to Canada Blooms: The Toronto Flower and Garden show to be held from March 11 - 20, 2016 at the Enercare Centre, Exhibition Place. Tickets are available to select participants in Canada Blooms without advance charge and are to be distributed to your best customers. Upon redemption at Canada Blooms the tickets will be scanned and identified as belonging to your numbered allotment. Landscape Ontario members will be invoiced for the ticket numbers redeemed at the discounted price of $12. Non-members will be invoiced at face value. RETURN THIS FORM BY FAX TO: (416) 447-1567 Organization/Company: _________________________________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Phone No.: _____________________________Fax No.: ____________________________________ Name & Title of Company Representative: ________________________________________________________________ Signature: _______________________________________________________________________ Canada Blooms Representative: ___________________________________________________________ Ticket Numbers: _______________________________________________________________________ Date: ________________________________________________________________________________ Received by: __________________________________________________________________________ March 11-20, 2016 Plant Form: Perennials Perennials: Variety (Proper Name) Variety (Common name) Supp Size Available Order Price Total to Invoice Comments Ferns Adiantum pedantum maidenhair fern BN 1g 50 $9.00 $0.00 Athyrium 'Dres Dagger green foliage TN 1g 36 $10.00 $0.00 Agastache 'Blue Boa' deep violet blue TN 1g 36 $10.00 $0.00 Agastache 'Kudos Ambrosia' pale orange, light rose pink TN 1g 36 $10.00 $0.00 Alchemilla mollis Lady's Mantle BTN 1g 52 $10.00 $0.00 Armeria maritima Bloodstone bright pink BTN 1g 48 $10.00 $0.00 Asarum splendens Wild Ginger BN 1g 50 $9.00 $0.00 Astilbe x arendsii Fanal Fanal Astilbe - red BTN 1g 30 $10.00 $0.00 Astilbe - white White Astilbe Bridal Veil BTN 1g 46 $10.00 $0.00 Astilbe Maggie Daley pink BTN 1g 57 $10.00 $0.00 Astilbe chin Purple Candles purple foliage BTN 1g 100 $10.00 $0.00 Bergenia ‘Bressingham Ruby’ red flwr w brite green leaf heavily silvered leaves BN 1g 50 $9.00 $0.00 TN 1g 26 $10.00 $0.00 BN 1g 50 $9.00 $0.00 Herbaceous Brunnera 'Alexanders Great' Carex morrowii 'Ice Dance' variegated sedge Carex 'Evergold' Evergold Sedge BN 1g 50 $9.00 $0.00 Centaura 'Caramia' Pink Knapweed BTN 2g 100 $10.00 $0.00 Coreopsis 'Firefly' yellow & red bicolour flwr TN 1g 36 $10.00 $0.00 Coreopsis 'Imperial Sun' sunny gold flowers TN 1g 36 $10.00 $0.00 TN 1g 0 $10.00 $0.00 TN 1g 36 $10.00 $0.00 Willow 1g 50 $10.00 $0.00 BTN 1g 95 $10.00 $0.00 BN 4.5" 50 $20.00 $0.00 TN 1g 26 $10.00 $0.00 BN 1g 50 $9.00 $0.00 BN 1g 50 $9.00 $0.00 BN 1g 50 $9.00 $0.00 BTN 1g 100 $10.00 $0.00 violet purple flowers BTN 2g 100 $15.00 $0.00 Lenten rose, BN 1g 50 $12.00 $0.00 Coreopsis 'Lightening Bug' Dicentra 'Amore Pink' Dicentra 'My Cherry Sparkler' Echinacea 'Cheyenne Spirit' Erica Eucomis 'Oakhurst' Euphorbia Ascot Rainbow Euphorbia Blackbird Euphorbia Tasmanian Tiger Euphorbia Black Pearl Geranium 'Rozanne' Helleborus Ice Breaker Fancy red-eyed gold flowers pink flwr, blue-green foliage red flower w white stamwns bright mix of orange, red, ylw pink, red, white, yellow cream flwr, pineapple shape grey green leaves edged in yellow dk purple foliage w brite ylw flwr grey evergreen leaves edged in wh lime grn cupped flwr w black ctr 10/tray Helleborus Shooting Star Helleborus Monte Cristo Helleborus Cinnamon Snow Lime/Apricot Blooms with a Pink Reverse Cream flowers with a peachy rose blush creamy white flwr w rose and cinnamon Helleborus Light Pink BN 1g 50 $12.00 $0.00 BN 1g 50 $12.00 $0.00 BN 1g 50 $12.00 $0.00 BN 1g 50 $12.00 $0.00 $9.00 $0.00 Heuchera purple foliage BN 1gal 50 Heuchera 'Blackberry Crisp' burgundy TN 1g 0 Heuchera 'Blondie' caramel TN 1g 36 $10.00 $0.00 Heuchera 'Blondie in Lime' lime TN 1g 36 $10.00 $0.00 Heuchera 'Champagne' peach & gold TN 1g 36 $10.00 $0.00 Heuchera 'Grape Soda' rose pink TN 1g 0 $0.00 Heuchera 'Paprika' cherry coral foliage TN 1g 0 $0.00 Heuchera 'Red Lightning' dk red veins over gold leaf TN 1g 0 $0.00 Heuchera 'Rio' peach amber foliage TN 1g 36 $10.00 $0.00 Heuchera 'Tokyo' lime foliage TN 1g 36 $10.00 $0.00 Heuchera 'Caramel' Caramel coral bells BN 1gal 50 $9.00 $0.00 Heuchera 'Frosted Violet' frosted violet coral bells BTN 1gal 47 $10.00 $0.00 Heuchera Obsidian Obsidian Coral Bells BN 1gal 50 $10.00 $0.00 Heucherella 'Buttered Rum' carmel TN 1g 0 MORI 1g 25 $10.00 $0.00 MORI 1g 25 $10.00 $0.00 BTN 1g 100 $10.00 $0.00 BTN 1g 100 $10.00 $0.00 BTN 1g 100 $10.00 $0.00 BTN 1g 100 $10.00 $0.00 BTN 11cm 100 $7.00 $0.00 BN 1g 50 $9.00 $0.00 Supp Size Available Price Total BTN 1g 60 $10.00 $0.00 Willow 1g 50 $10.00 $0.00 BTN 1g 100 $10.00 $0.00 BTN 1g 100 $10.00 $0.00 Hosta 'Honeybells' Hosta 'Earth Angel' Hosta 'First Frost' 2010 Hosta 'Fire Island' Hosta 'Rainforest Sunrise 2013 Hosta 'Wolverine' large erect oval lite grn leaf blue grey leaf, white margin blue leaf w yellow margin bright ylw leaf w red stem lite grn leaf w dk grn edge long blue leaf w wide gold margin Lavandula 'Ellegance Purple' Lewisia cotyledon Variety (Proper Name) Leucanthemum 'Real Glory' Leucanthemum 'Limon Love' Lilium asiatic 'Tiny Dino' Lilium asiatic 'Tiny Ghost' fleshy foliage Variety (Common name) white petal w centre ylw wh petal w soft yellow centre orange, 12-18" no staking red, 12-18" no staking $0.00 $0.00 Lysimachia nummularia Creeping Jenny BN 4.5" 50 $20.00 $0.00 Nepeta 'Blue Dreams' bushy upright leaves blue flwr BTN 11cm 100 $7.00 $0.00 Penstemon 'Purple Gentlemen' purple flowers Willow 1g 50 $10.00 $0.00 Penstemon 'Rich Pink Highlights' pink flowers Willow 1g 50 $10.00 $0.00 Platycodon Fuji Blue deep blue Balloon Flower BTN 1g 100 $10.00 $0.00 Primula assorted colours BN 4.5" 50 $20.00 $0.00 Primula Dble Bele Amethyst Ice BN 5.5" rd 50 $6.50 $0.00 Primula Dble Bele. Nectarine BN 5.5" rd 50 $6.50 $0.00 Primula Dble Bele. Cream BN 5.5" rd 50 $6.50 $0.00 Primula Dble Bele. Pink Ice BN 5.5" rd 50 $6.50 $0.00 Comments 10/tray 10/tray Primula Dble Bele. Valentine BN 5.5" rd 50 Primula Dble Bele. Yellow Ruffle BN 5.5" rd 50 Pulmonari Trevi Fountain Cobalt Blue Flowers BN 1g 50 $9.00 $0.00 Sagina Irish green BN 3.5" 50 $35.00 $0.00 18/tray Sagina Scotch Moss yellow BN 3.5" 50 $35.00 $0.00 18/tray BN 3.5" 50 $35.00 $0.00 18/tray TN 1g 0 TN 1g 36 Sedum assorted Sedum 'Dark Magic' Sedum 'Dynomite glossy purple black foliage rose flwr, dark foliage $6.50 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $10.00 $0.00 Sedum 'Marina' blue grey leaves TN 1g 0 $0.00 Sedum 'Rosetts' blue grey leaves TN 1g 36 $10.00 $0.00 Sedum 'Cherry Tart' cherry tart sedum BTN 1gal 65 $10.00 $0.00 Sedum 'Purple Emperor' purple foliage BTN 1gal 50 $10.00 $0.00 Sedum 'Matrona' pink flwr on red stems BTN 1gal 40 $10.00 $0.00 Sempervivum Hens & chicks BN 3.5" 50 $35.00 $0.00 Sempervivum Hens & chicks BN 1g 50 $7.00 $0.00 purple w red centre leaf bright pink 6" flwr spikes Variety (Common name) TN 1g 72 $10.00 $0.00 BTN 1g 100 $10.00 $0.00 BN 4.5" 50 Vinca minor Mrs Bowls BN 1g 50 $7.00 $0.00 Vinca minor Mrs Bowls BN 3.5" 50 $35.00 $0.00 Vinca minor Atropurpurea dark purple BN 3.5" 50 $35.00 $0.00 Tiarella 'Pacific Crest' Veronica 'Giles van Gees' Vinca minor SUPPLIERS: BN - Brownridge Perennials $0.00 $ BTN - Brookdale Treeland Nurseries 18/tray 10/tray 18/tray - TN - Terra Nova, Willow - Willobrook, MORI - Mori Nurseries Notes: 1. First come first serve, but for a short time I can try to source cultivars that you may not see on this list, just let me know what you need. 2. All pricing is forced and delivered to your garden at the Ener Care Centre, CNE 3. I will confirm ordes alread placed to date. Don't hestitate to contact me if you have any questions. March 11-20, 2016 Plant Form: Trees, Shrubs & Evergreens Note: 1. First come first serve, but for a short time I can continue to source many cultivars both on this list and not 2. All pricing is forced and delivered to your garden at the Ener Care Centre, CNE 3. I will shortly confirm orders already placed Don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. Trees: Variety (Proper Name) Variety (Common name) Size Available Price Acer platanoides 'Royal Red' Royal Red Maple 60mm 6 $ 200.00 Gleditsia tria Green Locust 50mm 1 $ 175.00 Magnolia stellata Susan Magnolia 175cm 1 $ 200.00 Malus 'Courageous' Pink Flowering Crabapple 175cm, 10g 6 $ 100.00 Malus 'Rinki' Rinki Columnar Crabapple 50mm 1 $ 150.00 Malus baccata - white Manchurian Crabapple 50mm 1 $ 150.00 Malus 'Gladiator' pink flowers w purple leaf 175cm, 10g 6 $ 100.00 Malus 'Robinson' pink flower 250cm, 12g 4 $ 80.00 Pyrus calleryana 'Chanticleer' Chanticleer pear 50mm 2 $ 150.00 Quercus palustris Pin Oak 50mm 1 $ 175.00 Syringa reticulata 'Copper Curls' Copper Curls Tree Lilac 200cm, 19g 6 $ 100.00 Size Available Order Shrubs & Standards: Variety (Proper Name) Variety (Common name) Price Acer palmatum Japanese maple - range in size and price accordingly, let me know what you are looking for Cornus alternifolia Redtwig Dogwood 3g lots $ 20.00 Cornus sericea 'Budds Ylw Yellow Twig Dogwood 3g lots $ 20.00 Cotoneaster dam 'Coral Beauty' Coral Beauty Cotoneater 3g lots $ 20.00 Forsythia 'Courtasol' Gold Tide forsythia 3g lots $ 20.00 Forsythia x int 'Sugar Baby' PW Sugar Baby Forsythia 2g 12 $ 20.00 Hedera helix 'Baltica' Baltic Ivy 1g lots $ 10.00 Hydrangea macrophylla 'Endless Summer' Endless Summer - blue 3g 6 $ 30.00 Hydrangea macrophylla 'Twistn-Shout' pink 3g 6 $ 30.00 Hydrangea Blushing Bride white hydrangea 3g lots $ 30.00 Hydrange mac 'Peppermint Swirl' distinctive pink with red stripes 3g lots $ 20.00 Potentilla frut. 'Cutie Pie Pink' flwr outer light pink to darker ctr 3g lots $ 20.00 Order Potentilla frut. 'Lemon Sweetie' flwr outer light yellow to darker ctr 3g lots $ 20.00 Physocarpus diabolo Diabolo Ninebark 3g lots $ 20.00 Physocarpus op. 'Maroon Sunset' deep purple foliage 3g lots $ 20.00 Physocarpus op. 'Sunny Outlook' yellow foliage 3g lots $ 20.00 Rosa DIY Diana white flower 3g lots $ 20.00 Rosa Carefree Caroliine double pink flower 3g lots $ 20.00 Rosa Va-Va Victoria white & pink combination 3g lots $ 20.00 Rosa Greta's Got This red flower 3g lots $ 20.00 Weigela 'Burgundy Fire' red foliage w purple flower 3g lots $ 21.00 Weigela 'Rosy Red Hot' bright red flower w green foliage 3g lots $ 22.00 Weigela 'Pearl Sonic Bloom' PW Pearl Sonic Bloom 2g 15 $ 20.00 Size Available 1g 10 $ 10.00 Evergreens Variety (Proper Name) Variety (Common name) Price Gaulteria procumbens Wintergreen Picea abies 'Cupressina' Columnar Norway Spruce 1.5m, 12g 1 $ 200.00 Picea pungens 'Royal Knight' Royal Knight Blue spruce 1.5m, 10g 10 $ 100.00 Picea pungens 'Baby Blue' Baby Blue Spruce 150cm 2 $ 150.00 Rhodo Elite 'P J M' bright purple rhodo 50cm, 7g 5 $ 50.00 Rhodo Nova Zembla red flower 80cm, 7g 6 $ 50.00 Rhodo Nova Zembla red flower 50cm, 7g 6 $ 50.00 Rhodo Boursault rose lilac flowers 50cm 6 $ 35.00 Rhodo Pink Roseum pink flower 80cm 5 $ 35.00 Taxus hicksii Hicks yew 80cm, 15g 5 $ 30.00 Order SAND & BARK ORDER FORM Canada Blooms 2016 Company Name: Garden #: Contact Person: Email: Form must be submitted by Friday, January 8, 2016 Tonnes of Sand = Cu. Yds. of Mulch = We recommend you use sand for building landscapes and mulch for planting beds. Please calculate amounts carefully. Excess materials will be removed at your cost. Please return info/form to: davidturnbull@canadablooms.com OR Fax: (416) 447-1567 MOVE-IN FORM - Part 1 – FEATURE GARDENS Exhibitor Name: Garden # Contact Name: Shipper (if different company name): Address: City: Prov/State: Telephone: ( Postal / Zip Code: ) Email: Please return by fax (416) 447-1567 or email to: davidturnbull@canadablooms.com Please provide this information by January 22, 2016 I will require a Loading Dock. I will not require a Loading Dock but will drive on the show floor. Please specify type of vehicle to be on the show floor ________________________________ I will use my own equipment. (Please see the insurance section in the manual.) I will require a forklift Please note: Time will be allotted on a first come basis. Your time will be automatically confirmed, unless we call to make other arrangements. 4 AM 5 AM 6 AM 7 AM 8 AM 9 AM 10AM 11AM 12PM 1 PM 2 PM 3 PM 4 PM 5 PM 6 PM 7 PM 8 PM 9 PM 10PM 11PM 4 AM 5 AM 6 AM 7 AM 8 AM 9 AM 10AM 11AM 12PM 1 PM 2 PM 3 PM 4 PM 5 PM 6 PM 7 PM 8 PM 9 PM 10PM 11PM 12AM 3 AM THUR 3 AM WED 2 AM TUES 2 AM MON N 1 AM SUN 1 AM 12AM SAT DRIVE ONTO FLOOR TIMES: SAT SUN MON NN TUES WED CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE TIMES: THUR MOVE IN/ TIME REQUEST – PART 2 RETURN WITH PART 1, NO LATER THAN JANUARY 22, 2016 COMPANY NAME GARDEN # No forklifts available Exhibitor Safety All “Exhibitors” are required to have and use the appropriate Personal Protective Equipment while on the event premises. This venue falls under the Ontario Health and Safety Act. The Ministry of Labour has the right to close the show if polices are not adhered to. Canada Blooms requires that everyone abide by Ontario Safety Standards while on this site. All provincial Safety Regulations and Safety Procedures are to be followed. For all personnel involved in the setup and teardown of the show: Hard hats, reflective vests and safety shoes/boots (green tag) are mandatory. Other personal protective equipment (gloves, safety glasses, hearing protection) should be worn as required. Canada Blooms requires that this form be signed and returned no later than January 22, 2016. Fax (416) 447-1567 or Email davidturnbull@canadablooms.com Company Name Company representative (print) Signed Dated Material Delivery Information "[please fill in Exhibitor Name, Garden # & Cell #]" Delivery Companies Please ensure your GARDEN # AND COMPANY NAME is CLEARLY LABELLED on all deliveries, so we can provide effective service for you and your suppliers. (1) Company Contact Name Cell phone Date of Delivery Time expected Product (2) Company Contact Name Cell phone Date of Delivery Time expected Product (3) Company Contact Name Cell phone Date of Delivery Time expected Product (4) Company Contact Name Cell phone Date of Delivery Time expected Product (5) Company Contact Name Cell phone Date of Delivery Time expected Product (To be delivered Top 2 immediately to priority shipments your garden) RETURN BY FRIDAY FEB 12TH to davidturnbull@canadablooms.com or FAX (416) 447-1567. Feature Garden Sign Form Contact Info: Company Name Contact Name Email Address Information must be entered as it will appear on the garden sign: Garden # Garden Title Garden Theme (2 lines) Donations (names of companies from whom you have received products) Sponsor (only if sponsored): Design by: Built by: Return via email to davidturnbull@canadablooms.com by Feb 12, 2016 IMPORTANTPlease take care of immediately! RE: CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE As you may know, as an exhibitor participating in a show, you must have adequate Liability Insurance with a minimum $2,000,000 limit to protect the Exhibitors, the attending public, the show organizer and yourself. Our insurance policy does not extend coverage to any exhibits and requires you to submit a Certificate of Insurance upon receipt of the exhibitor’s manual. There are (2) ways to arrange the required Insurance: OPTION #1: SINGLE EVENT INSURANCE CANADA BLOOMS has appointed exhibitorinsurance.com as the recommended Insurance contractor for exhibitors. Order directly online at www.exhibitorinsurance.com and scroll to CANADA BLOOMS 2014 OPTION #2: YOUR OWN INSURANCE the following requirements below: Canada Blooms: The Toronto Flower & Garden Festival, The Direct Energy Centre, Marketplace Events, Landscape Ontario, listed as additional insureds. March 4-22, 2016 (includes move in and out dates) Deductible. Liability Your understanding and compliance with this requirement, is greatly appreciated and we thank you for your effort in ensuring the well-being of everyone. GARDEN TOUR QUESTIONNAIRE FOR GARDEN BUILDERS Each year Canada Blooms offers guided tours. Our visitors want the inside scoop and only you, the feature garden builder/landscape designer, can tell us about your garden. We are only looking for a couple of sentences for each question, so it won’t take much of your time. This process helps us make the garden tours a great experience for us all. Return by February 19 via fax (416-447-1567) or email: info@canadablooms.com 1. What is the inspiration behind the garden and how does it link to the theme of the festival (Theme for 2016 – It’s A Party). 2. What is the highlight or special feature in your garden? 3. What notable plant materials have you included? 4. Highlight any eco-friendly aspects of your garden.