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MARCH 2012 VOL. 48. NO. 3 MARCH 2012 DEALERNEWS.COM 2012 TOP 100 WINNERS 1 W SPECIAL E EDITION: DITION: 2012 TOP OP 100 00 WINNERS! INNERS! www.dealernews.com Some Dealers Are Buyers... Some Dealers Are Sellers... No Matter The Reason All Profitable Dealers Use NPA To Help Make Them Money! For more information visit www.Dealernews.com/readerservice magenta yellow cyan black dn0312_cv2.pgs 02.10.2012 15:36 ADVANSTAR_PDF/X-1a PERFORMANCE RESEARCH JUST TOOK ON A WHOLE, NEW MEANING MOOSERACING.COM MOOSE RACING PRODUCTS ARE AVAILABLE THROUGH YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED PARTS UNLIMITED DEALER. For more information visit www.Dealernews.com/readerservice magenta yellow cyan black dn0312_001.pgs 02.10.2012 15:37 ADVANSTAR_PDF/X-1a VOL. 48. NO. 3 MARCH 2012 CONTENTS 10 DEALER LAB — 2011 DEALER REVENUES TOP $5,000,000 Net profit climbs $508,788 in three years by Joe Delmont MARKETING 12 DEALERSHIP UNIVERSITY — ROD STUCKEY Your existing customers are your No. 1 asset Those who’ve spent with you in the past will likely do so in the future DEALERNEWS 2012 TOP 100 DEALERS 14 TOP 100 DEMOGRAPHICS Facts and figures from this year’s inductees, including average customer age, average dealership size and more 16 DEALER OF THE YEAR City Cycle Sales of Junction City, Kan., takes the top honor this year, impressing the judges with its mission statement, customer service and attention to detail 18 THE RUNNERS-UP/HONORABLE MENTIONS J & L Harley-Davidson, Rexburg Motorsports and Milwaukee Harley-Davidson take the three runners-up spots, respectively, while Cycle Center of Denton and Steve Seltzer Honda take honorable mentions. Road Track and Trail scoops up Best Independent 20 THE DON J. BROWN AWARD/ CONSUMERS’ CHOICE John Parham is recognized with the DJB Lifetime Achievement Award, while newbie Cycle Center of Denton is honored with Consumers’ Choice 22 MERIT AWARDS The judge’s picks for best display, employee incentives, service department, and more 28 ROUNDING OUT THE TOP 100 Stats and photos of the rest of this year’s inductees. MAIN OFFICE 2525 Main St., Suite 400 • Irvine, CA 92614 Toll free 800-854-3112 949-954-8400 • Fax 949-315-3759 www.dealernews.com Brand Director – Kerry Graeber kgraeber@advanstar.com CONTENT General e-mail: editors@dealernews.com Content Director – Mary Slepicka mslepicka@dealernews.com Editor-in-Chief – Dennis Johnson dennis.johnson@dealernews.com Senior Editor – Arlo Redwine aredwine@dealernews.com Associate Editor – Cynthia Furey cfurey@dealernews.com CONTRIBUTORS Contributing Editor – Joe Delmont Contributing Writers – Bruce Steever, Holly Wagner Columnists/Bloggers – Eric Anderson, Joe Delmont, Rick Fairless, Dave Koshollek, Mike Vaughan DESIGN Group Art Director – Beth Silva bsilva@dealernews.com Photographers – Jeff Barger, Joe Bonnello, Brett Flashnick, Branimir Kvartuc, Edward Linsmier, Gary Rohman Color separations and film produced by Advanstar Communications’ Scanning and Digital Prepress Departments EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD Eric Anderson, Morris Baker (Family PowerSports), John Beldock (Erico Motorsports), Gary Christopher (American Honda-retired), Joe Delmont, Tom Hicks (Southern California Motorcycles), Dave Koshollek, Bob Ladd (Shenandoah Harley-Davidson), Nathan Reeves (RevSport!), Bill Shenk (PowerHouse Dealer Services), Mike Vaughan, Steve Zarwell (Zarwell and Co.) Content Submissions – Dealernews welcomes submissions for editorial consideration in print and/or on www. dealernews.com. All submissions to be considered for publication must abide by the Advanstar content license agreement. Dealernews cannot be held responsible for safekeeping or return of any submitted material. To review the license agreement, e-mail editors@dealernews.com. AUDIENCE DEVELOPMENT/CIRCULATION Kristine Buckman, kbuckman@advanstar.com Subscriptions, reprints and other requests, see page 55 2 DEPARTMENTS COLUMNS ShopTalk ............................................. 8 Advertiser Index/Customer Service .. 55 From the Editors ................................. 6 Dealership University ........................ 12 Rick Fairless ...................................... 56 D E A L E R N E W S . C O M MARCH 2012 TOP 100 COMPETITION For information, visit www.dealernews.com/ top100 or contact Mary Slepicka: mslepicka@dealernews.com DEALERNEWS.COM BRINGING YOU THE BEST SERVICE, PRODUCT, AND DELIVERY! 1-800-999-3388 For more information visit www.Dealernews.com/readerservice THIS MONTH @ DEALERNEWS.COM MANAGEMENT SALES SERVICE MARKETING DEALER EXPO SHOP TALK PRODUCTS POWERSPORTS GROUP MANAGEMENT TOP 100 TOP 10 LIST Last month’s most popular stories Corporate Executive Vice President – Danny Phillips Sales Director – Jim Moore Brand Director – Kerry Graeber Director-Electronic Products – Dana Fisher Brand Coordinator – Jeanne Paloma ADVERTISING, SPONSORSHIPS AND E-MEDIA SALES 1. 2012 Harley-Davidson Softail Slim is clean and lean 2. Dealernews announces Top 100 dealers for 2012 KRIEGA MAKES U.S. DEBUT 3. Ural Motorcycles expands dealer network, increases sales in 2011 Dealernews contributing writer Bruce Steever chats with Michael Walshaw, owner of BritKit LLC, about the U.S. debut of Euro-brand Kriega luggage and its plan to expand in this market. To read the Q&A log on to www.dealernews.com/kriega. 4. Honda NC700X adventure bike to be a 2012 model 5. SHOW SPECIALS: Discounts, freebies and more from Indy exhibitors 6. Ride in Peace: Threewheeler pioneer John Lehman DEALER LAB ON SHOP TALK Dealernews contributing writer Joe Delmont provides more information on Bill Shenk’s Florida dealership, Destination Powersports, than we can fit in each issue. Go to www.dealernews. com/shoptalk and click on “The Lab” for more. 7. New from Victory Motorcycles – The Judge 8. Husqvarna revisits roots with Concept Baja model Group Sales Director – Jim Moore, 949.954.8400, jmoore@advanstar.com National Sales Manager – Angela Gibbs, 815.882.7871, agibbs@advanstar.com Showcase, Classified and Recruitment Sales – Megan Russo, 440.891.2713, mrusso@advanstar.com Sales Coordinator – Christina Anders, 949.954.8428, canders@advanstar.com Outside the United States: China – Frances Wang, frances@heliview.cn Germany, Austria, Switzerland, The Netherlands – Hendrik Schellkes, schellkes@hs-fair-solutions.com India – Divya Guliana Khanna, divyag@eigroup.in Italy – Monica Tomei, universal@universalmarketing.it Pakistan – Muhammad Ayyob, ayyob@reachexpo.com Taiwan – Sherman Ko, sherman-ko@umail.hinet.net UK, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland – Alastair Swift, alastair@asa-media.com MEDIA OPERATIONS www.AdsAtAdvanstar.com Senior Production Manager – Karen Lenzen DEALER EXPO www.dealerexpo.com SHOW OPERATIONS Vice President-Operations – Tracy Harris Director of Operations-Dealer Expo – Lorri Monty 9. Victory to unveil 2013 model, custom bikes at IMS New York EXHIBIT SALES Sales Manager – Peggy Zamberlan Sales Account Managers – Matt Cavanaugh, Cass D’Arlon, Angela Gibbs, Patti Ros Sales Coordinators – Christina Anders, Bonni Finer 10. Dealernews announces Special Merit Award finalists in 2012 Top 100 Dealer Competition GET YOUR NEWS FEEDS FROM DEALERNEWS Dealernews delivers the industry’s breaking news and Web exclusives through email with the DealerNEWS ALERT, distributed on Tuesdays and Fridays. Monthly DealerNEWS reports also bring you the latest in the Big Twin market, new products, dealership management and service management. Best of all, your subscription is free! Sign up at www.dealernews.com/enewssignup — or contact editors@dealernews.com for help. MARKETING Vice President-Marketing – Allison Lombardo Marketing & Attendee Development – Toni Lee-Chaudhary www.motorcycleshows.com For more information on exhibiting/supporting the Progressive International Motorcycle Shows, contact Jim Moore, director of sales, at jmoore@advanstar.com. Follow us on Twitter: Check out www.twitter.com/ dealernews for industry news and updates. CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 2501 Colorado Avenue, Suite 280 Santa Monica, CA 90404 Ph: 310.857.7500 • Fax: 310.857.7510 www.advanstar.com Become a fan of Dealernews on Facebook @ www.facebook.com/ dealernewsfan 4 DEALERNEWS.COM NEW PRODUCT OF THE DAY Each day, Dealernews posts information on a new aftermarket product that’s just been released so that you get the 4-1-1 within days of its unveiling (and sometimes before it’s even publicly announced!). Check out the home page at www.dealernews.com every day for your daily product “news feed.” MARCH 2012 President & CEO – Joseph Loggia, EVP-Finance & CFO – Ted Alpert, EVP-Corporate Development – Eric I. Lisman, EVP-Powersports & Vet Groups – Daniel M. Phillips, VP-Operations (Powersports, Vet, License, Fashion Groups) – Tracy Harris, EVP Pharmaceutical/Science – Ron Wall, VP-Information Technology – J. Vaughan, VP-Electronic Media Group – Mike Alic, VP-Media Operations – Francis Heid, VP-Human Resources – Nancy Nugent, VP-General Counsel – Ward D. Hewins Record breaking vehicle to vehicle intercom communication up to ONE mile Pairs via Bluetooth® technology with your phone, your MP3, or GPS New voice recognition technology Works with up to 8 additional G9 users The all New Scalarider® G9 BRINGING YOU THE BEST SERVICE, PRODUCT, AND DELIVERY! 1-800-999-3388 For more information visit www.Dealernews.com/readerservice FROM THE EDITOR Dennis Johnson Why the 2012 Top 100 rocks ANOTHER YEAR, another round of dealers filling out the lineup of the Top 100. It’s always neat to see how grateful the dealers and dealership personnel are for being named a Top 100 dealer. And for good reason. The entry process is no small task — there are many questions to answer and lots of opportunities to share photos that highlight their store’s best and brightest marketing efforts, displays and events. They’re asked to share numbers and demographic information and to hold a magnifying glass up against each department within their dealership. Many dealers go to great lengths to give detailed answers to all the questions, a process that some liken to writing a yearly business plan. Having gone through the bulk of the 2012 entries, it’s apparent that most dealers had to redouble their efforts during the recession and, in the process, honed their business senses. Nearly every dealer mentioned that employee education is hugely important now — whether it’s a HarleyDavidson dealer praising HDU or a metric using one of the many industry-centric training companies. Service departments are detailing and gassing up bikes before returning them in addition to offering wide-reaching pick-up service and winter storage. Events are so common among the Top 100 dealerships, it’s rare to read an entry that doesn’t list even a regular customer-appreciation night, let alone a four-day dealer-led ride. How about dealership bike shows? Some sound like they could be giving some of the more established trophy shows a run for their money. Vintage bikes — of all stripes — seem to be the focus of many of the competitions which often coincide with other big events being held at the stores. And while “customer service is king” can get kind of cliche after a while, it’s clear that many — if not most — dealers are putting a laser-beam focus on serving their customers. With many OEMs launching programs and specials related to CSI scores, we’re seeing dealers doing more follow-up calls and after-service surveys. It also seems that employee satisfaction is of growing performance. There’s the aforementioned employee education, but there’s also an effort to ensure that the hard work of dealership personnel is rewarded For more information visit www.Dealernews.com/readerservice 6 DEALERNEWS.COM MARCH 2012 through spiffs, bonuses, store rides, weekend picnics, in-store competitions, profitsharing programs, retirement programs, medical benefits, and the chance to ride new models as they’re introduced into the dealerships. Turn to page 14 for some stats on the 2012 class and see that the number of years on average an employee has been with a Top 100 dealer is 5.7 years. We get a taste of how much pride they take in this process and the attendant results during our Top 100 awards ceremony that’s held each year in Indianapolis during Dealer Expo. Not only do the dealers get to mingle with fellow Top 100 inductees, they also break bread and rub elbows with OEM, aftermarket and industry VIPs and others. And the program keeps giving throughout the year. Many of the dealers explain in their Top 100 entry how they use the honor in their marketing collateral and in-store displays. Some even send out press releases to their local newspapers and news organizations, often resulting in stories highlighting the Top 100 win of a local business. As I’m writing this, we’re gearing up for Dealer Expo (We produce the March issue before the show) and the awards event. Working Dealer Expo and producing the Show Daily newspaper we print each day of the show is an exercise in controlled chaos. But for those few hours each show where the Top 100 get their due, it’s super gratifying to honor these retailers. They are the main part of the powersports industry equation that make this business possible. Congratulations to the 2012 Top 100 dealers. Dennis Johnson Editor in Chief dennis.johnson@dealernews.com FRONT: 25X8.00R12 / 26X9.00R12 27X9.00R12 / 26X9.00R14 REAR: 25X10.00R12 / 26X11.00R12 27X11.00R12 / 26X11.00R14 For more information visit www.Dealernews.com/readerservice DEALERNEWS ONLINE S H O P TA L K What you’re saying… Are motorcycle shows necessary for dealers?” WOW, RICK FAIRLESS tells it like it is! In addition to Dealer Expo in Indy, I would recommend getting down to Rick’s dealership in Texas as a real life survival guide of what it’s going to take for dealers to stay in business. Join the conversation by clicking on “Shop Talk” on the Dealernews.com home page. — Michael Levy, Denver, Colo. A reader responds to “Indian Motorcycle Charlotte: From enthusiast to loyalist” “YOU CAN’T PURCHASE history, but you can certainly purchase an iconic brand.” True indeed, but this purchase can continue the history if backed up by people like Mr. Moses who “has already played an important role within the team.” — John Kalathas, Sifnos, Greece Readers respond to “Myrtle Beach Harley-Davidson moves spring rally to May 18-28” THIS IS NO DIFFERENT than what Daytona is doing this year — making Join the dealer community at: dealernews.com/shoptalk Become a Facebook fan: facebook.com/dealernewsfan ON DEALERNEWS.COM A reader responds to “Ask Fairless: Visit us online at: dealernews.com a mess. … People in control just do not care about the people who have made plans a year or more in advance. I think people should just stay at home this year from Daytona and Myrtle Beach and cancel their reservations. Then see what happens when the revenue does not come in. Maybe they will take a survey from the people who [have] come to these events for years? The main thing I do not like is that people did not get but about a four month heads up to change their plans. What about the people who have already asked for vacation time and cannot change it because someone else may have that time? — Thomas, South Carolina DAYTONA IS WAY different than the Myrtle Beach situation. Daytona is more of a destination with races, etc., and they announced it over a year ahead of time. About the only ones affected in Daytona are the people with times shares that have been charging outrageous rates for years. Daytona Follow us on Twitter: twitter.com/dealernews Send us an e-mail: editors@dealernews.com wants the bikers and Myrtle Beach does not, so the high and mighty Myrtle Beach Harley shop takes it upon themselves to change the date and get the whole rally in question. ... They played right into the hands of the anti rally people. Wonder who’s side the Harley shop is on. — Dave666, Asheville, N.C . A reader responds to “Indian Motorcycles of Chicago closes” HASTILY FORCING out one of your best dealers, in the fifth largest market in the country doesn’t seem like the best way to building confidence in a brand, or helping sales. Gotta wonder what the folks from Polaris are thinking. — Gearhead, Arlington Heights, Ill. FROM THE SHOP TALK FORUMS SATURDAYS “One of the most vivid memories I have from when I worked in the car business was the Saturday morning sales meeting. It was always humorous how they contradicted themselves. They were intended to be a pep talk and get a salesman’s blood flowing to encourage a momentum of sales and good attitudes throughout the day. But they always turned into a “forced fun” type of meeting with threats of punishment for failed efforts. I remember thinking of how demotivating the meetings actually became and counterproductive. Remember to motivate those around you on what is typically your highest traffic day. Given most are off of work and looking for someplace to go, Saturdays can be very prosperous for not just sales, but for contact’s that you can develop into future sales. Start the day off on the right foot and keep up with motivation throughout the day. Good luck, and make this Saturday the best sales Saturday you have ever had!” — Shop Talk forum member Locard 8 DEALERNEWS.COM MARCH 2012 HIRE A TRUE PROFESSIONAL } Focused {Responsive On-Time } About {Cares Customers } Strong Performer {Team Player } Skilled Hire a motorcycle technician with hands-on experience and the right business skills. If you want a true professional motorcycle technician, look to MMI. Every MMI graduate receives industry-aligned training that includes business and customer service skills. They’re qualified, dependable and ready to learn the way you do business. MMItech.edu/Employers 866-960-8509 For more information about our graduation rates, the median debt of students who completed the program, and other important information, please visit our website at www.uti.edu/disclosure. For more information visit www.Dealernews.com/readerservice 2011 dealer revenues top $5,000,000 NET PROFIT CLIMBS $508,788 IN THREE YEARS BY JOE DELMONT EDITOR’S NOTE: The Dealer Lab project is a joint effort between Dealernews and PowerHouse Dealer Services, a consulting firm run by dealer Bill Shenk, detailing his efforts to return Florida Motorsports to profitability. When he took over management of the two stores — located in Naples and Punta Gorda, Fla., — in July 2009, the Punta Gorda store had been losing money. Shenk and a partner have purchased the Punta Gorda store and renamed it Destination Powersports. Shenk no longer is involved in the Naples location. The financial information in this report is taken from the dealership’s Composite Report supplied by Shenk and is prepared as part of the dealership’s participation in the PowerHouse Dealer 20-Group. The Composite Report is produced from the store’s monthly financial report. In preparing these Dealer Lab reports, Dealernews reviews the dealership’s unaudited P&L statement and Balance Sheet and its Composite Report. WHAT A DIFFERENCE a couple of years makes in the life of a business. Look at Destination Powersports, the Punta Gorda, Fla., Dealer Lab project. In 2009, the store lost $283,455. Last year, it earned $225,333, a turnaround of $508,788. Total revenues for the store increased by more than $2.6 million from 2009 through 2011, increasing from $2.5 million to $5.2 million. Gross Profit doubled, climbing $673,115, from $669,076 to $1.3 million last year. The turnaround is even more impressive when one considers that it came in a down economy when many previously successful powersports dealerships closed their doors in Florida and across the country. 2011 was the first full year under Bill Shenk’s ownership and management. Shenk and a partner purchased the store in February 2010 and reopened it the next month. During the 10 months of 2010 and the full year in 2011, Shenk and his team made major changes in staffing, cleaning up inventories of machines and PG&A, and adding processes and programs at the dealership, including bringing in the important Polaris and Victory franchises. Getting the right staff in place was a huge process. There were 86 different employees that have worked at the dealership in three years (a full staff is about 13 persons.). Read the complete report on the dealership’s turnaround in the February 2012 issue of Dealernews magazine. A copy of the report also is available in Shop Talk at www. dealernews.com. The dealership closed out the year with another strong performance in December, posting a net operating profit of $34,594 on total revenues of $629,168. This compares with earnings of $12,690 on revenues of $341,000 in the previous December. Unit sales revenues were $493,321 on 55 total units, up sharply from the $241,483 revenues and 38 units the dealership sold in December 2010. Interestingly, the dealership sold 17 used motorcycles during the month, compared to 11 used bikes in “We will continue to stay slightly overstaffed in service to ensure our opportunity to grow in the future.” — Bill Shenk CONTRIBUTION TO DECEMBER PROFIT December 2010. Advertising expense at the dealership in December was only $2,345; for the year, it was $66,189. The bulk of this cost was for Internet-related activities, such as developing a new website, Google adwords, and selling products on eBay and other Internet ROLLING EARNINGS Month 12 Months $20,000 $250,000 $200,000 $15,000 $16,652 $150,000 $11,905 $10,000 $100,000 $5,000 $50,000 –$4,775 $957 0 0 $3,044 Sales F&I PG&A SVC The Dealer Lab is a real-world service from 10 DEALERNEWS.COM MARCH 2012 -$50,000 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Month-Over-Month Comparisons and YTD Totals: December 2011 SALES Units Sold (New & Used) Sales F&I (net) Parts Accessories Service Total Sales Total Cost of Sales Gross Profit Dec-11 55 493,321 21,248 32,638 45,301 36,660 629,168 489,885 139,283 EXPENSES Payroll Total Sales (5.25/4 Empl) Total P&A (2.20/2.5 Empl) Total Service (4.5/5 Empl) Flooring % of Total Dollars % of Total Dollars Dealer Top Gun 78.4 3.4 5.2 7.2 5.8 100* 77.9 22.1 78 3 5 7 6 100* 78.0 22.0 Dec-10 38 241,483 11,073 28,163 26,543 33,738 341,000 233,521 107,479 YTD 2010 348 2,355,775 142,143 256,796 226,603 258,061 3,239,378 2,340,108 899,270 YTD 2011 485 3,872,136 188,401 302,591 421,586 411,136 5,195,850 3,853,660 1,342,190 PVS DLR 7,984 388 624 869 848 10,713 7,946 2,767 74.5 3.6 5.8 8.1 7.9 100* 74.2 25.8 % of Dept Gross Profit Dec-11 Dealer Top Gun Dec-10 Dealer Nov-11 YTD 2010 YTD 2011 PVS DLR 27,938 10,079 20,436 4,220 35.8 38.5 55.7 5.4 36 39 56 5 19,624 7,273 18,912 4,847 34.6 39.4 56.0 8.5 25,535 8,011 15,413 3,508 202,923 67,347 159,095 66,683 238,135 93,659 222,880 34,874 491 193 460 72 34.4 37.9 54.2 5 6,888 70,007 13,918 12,562 1,914 94,756 0 64,787 46,635 149,730 120,645 15,989 893,834 0 79,420 66,189 199,793 156,563 24,704 1,116,217 19078 288 26,380 26,380 13,827 19,263 19,263 -2,542 204,354 223,431 % of Dept Gross Profit 6,609 2,345 21,857 12,779 1,943 108,206 19,078 4.7 1.7 15.7 9.2 1.4 77.7 13.7 5 2 16 9 1 78 14 6,261 7,487 17,114 13,245 1,566 96,329 1,616 13,615 32,693 0 2.2 5.2 0 2 5.2 5.8 7 15.9 12.3 1.5 89.6 % of Dept Gross Profit % of Total Dollars % of Total Dollars Additional Income Net Profit Net Profit + Misc Exp 70.8 3.2 8.3 7.8 9.9 100* 68.5 31.5 % of Total Dollars Nov-11 47 373,647 19,372 20,439 40,525 28,530 482,513 361,665 120,848 % of Dept Gross Profit % of Dept. Gross Profit % of Dept. Gross Profit Admin Payroll Advertising Administration Rent Co. insurance Total Expense Misc. Expense Dealer 1,540 12,690 12,690 0 3.7 3.7 164 136 412 323 51 2,301 39 5.9 4.9 14.9 11.7 1.8 83.2 1.4 % of Total Dollars -5 421 461 0 3.9 4.3 Notes: Top Gun = The top performing dealerships in the PowerHouse training group. PVS = Per Vehicle Sold. We now include YTD comparisons for 2010 and 2011. Shenk began operating Punta Gorda dealership on March 1, 2009. * Totals equal 100 because of rounding ** Name was changed during MARCH 2010 ownership change and corporate reorganization. sites. Very little was spent on traditional media. “Mass media is not the place to be,” Shenk says. Service remained strong in December, and for the year, service was the star with the greatest increase over 2010. “With tech productivity at 78 percent for the month and 83 percent for the year, we have the opportunity for an additional 20 percent growth without adding anymore technicians,” Shenk says. For 2010, the percent of tech available hours sold was 59 percent. “In other words, if we would have been able to sell every tech hour we had available in 2010, it would have been another $180,454 in labor revenues,” he says. “For 2011, our growth used up 85 percent of those available hours, resulting in a year over year labor sales increase of $153,075. We will continue to stay slightly overstaffed to ensure our opportunity to grow in the future.” Service is an important profit generator and can stimulate growth throughout the dealer- ship. We’ll have a more detailed discussion of service department operations in next month’s report. Parts and accessories revenues also were very strong in December, totaling $77,939, compared to $54,706 in December 2010. Gross profit for parts was $11,652 and accessories was $14,500 in December. That compares with $9,701 for parts and $8,771 for accessories in December 2010. The big gain here was two often overlooked opportunities. First, increase service and you always increase parts and accessories. And, second, increase the “desirability” of your inventory and staff with more effective commissioned sales people. “We had gains in both but the big gain was the second one,” Shenk says. “We increased parts and accessories sold to walk-in customers by a whopping 50 percent, from $22,857 to $34,108, and our number of transactions [customers] was 498 vs. 549, or only up 10 percent. And the increase in average transaction went from $45.90 to $62.13.” Another improved performer in December was the F&I operation. Revenues were $21,248, or $386 per vehicle sold (PVS), up from revenues of $11,073, $291 PVS in the previous year. “That’s better, but it’s still the weakest area of the dealership,” he says. “We should be at $500-plus PVS, that’s $120 more per vehicle sold. $120 times the 55 units that were sold, equalling $6,600 in real lost gross profit.” So, the bottom line is that the dealership had a very good year in 2011 and has made substantial progress from 2009. It will be interesting to watch the progress of this project in 2012. Bill Shenk is owner and 20 Group moderator of PowerHouse Dealer services, a dealership 20 Group provider and consulting/training company. He has worked full time in the industry since 1976, and purchased his first dealership in 1987. Read past reports and post comments at: www.dealernews.com/dealerlab alern new MARCH 2012 DEALERNEWS.COM 11 MARKETING Your existing customers are your No. 1 asset THOSE WHO’VE SPENT WITH YOU IN THE PAST WILL LIKELY DO SO IN THE FUTURE A former dealer principal, Rod Stuckey is the founder and president of Dealership University and Powersports Marketing.com. Have a question about marketing best practices? Contact him via editors@ dealernews.com On the Web: If you missed any of the educational seminars last month at Dealer Expo and the American V-Twin Dealer Show, be sure to check out our highlights at www. dealernews.com. 12 DEALERNEWS.COM I RECENTLY STUMBLED upon an old story, told by Temple University founder, Russell Conwell. The story was about an old Persian farmer from the mid-1800s who heard countless tales of others earning millions of dollars mining for — and discovering — precious diamonds. The old farmer was so enamored with the idea that he sold his own farm to go in search of these diamonds himself. As the story goes, he spent the rest of his life drifting around the known world searching for the gems, but was unsuccessful. Finally, exhausted and utterly disgusted, he threw himself into a river and drowned. In the meantime, the man who had bought the farmer’s farm was crossing a small stream on the property and noticed a bright shiny object. Thinking it was a piece of crystal, he picked it up and took it back to the house, where he proudly displayed it on his mantle. A few weeks later, a visitor was at the man’s house and noticed the stone on his mantle. He looked closely at the stone and nearly fainted, as it was one of the largest diamonds he’d ever seen. When he told the farmer he’d just discovered one of the largest diamonds in the world, the farmer shared that the creek out back was full of these stones. Maybe not quite as big as the one on the mantle, but smaller, similar stones were sprinkled throughout. The first farmer had owned this farm free and clear, but had sold it for next to nothing to search elsewhere for his fortune. If only the first farmer had taken the time to study, prepare himself, and thoroughly explore the property he already owned before looking elsewhere. If he had done his research, all of his wildest dreams would have come true. Reading this story actually reminds me of a dealer’s customer database. I often refer to your customer list as the No. 1 asset your accountant forgot to tell you about. Or in this case, it may be more appropriate to refer to your customer database as your “Acres of Diamonds.” Here’s why. The person most likely to give you money in the future is the person who’s already given you money in the past At a first glance you may not perceive your customer base as that valuable. However, upon closer examination, if you analyze the lifetime value of your customers and just how much that number is impacted by how well you nurture the relationship, you’ll discover extremely valuable gems. We’ve all heard the common saying, “The grass is greener on the other side of the fence.” Well, if that’s true, it’s only because that grass is receiving better MARCH 2012 care on the other side. Too often I talk with dealers who are looking for the next bright shiny object in their advertising to create a breakthrough. Meanwhile, they’re not training their staff or consistently collecting key customer data such as names, email addresses, home addresses, phone numbers, and birth dates so they can market to them in the future. In fact, many dealers fail to realize that their customers actually expect to be marketed to. And if you don’t, they begin to get a feeling of apathy from you, — as if you don’t care about their business, which in turn makes them more receptive to offers from your potential competitors. This is why I really believe in a consistent, evergreen dealer event marketing plan. Holding events provides a great excuse to market to your existing customers by inviting them to your party, which makes them feel appreciated (even if they don’t attend). Events provide new information that your entire staff can share with prospects and customers, and new information leads to new buying decisions. When properly executed, the hype leading up to a dealer event keeps energy high with the staff and customers, which in turn increases morale throughout the dealership. This positive mojo increases sales leading up to the event and impulse purchases during the event. But sales don’t just increase before and during the event. Events create residual sales in the following weeks. I remember back when we held events at our dealerships. At first I expected every event to have record-breaking sales. Some did. Some did not. However, I noticed there was always a significant amount of sales in the following weeks that were directly related to the event that happened. This proves that it’s not just about what you do or what number of customers attend on the day of the event, but that it’s all about planting seeds for future business. I also found that the more events we had, the easier it became. The repetition of holding consistent events leads to systems, which leads to efficiency, which leads to less pain in promoting said events. You can keep successful event plans in place, and use them the next time around, too. In sum, before you explore the entire world looking for new business, be sure you’ve explored what’s available in your own backyard. If you haven’t been consistently capturing your customer’s key data and inviting them to events at your dealership, you should start now. The best time to plant an oak tree may have been 10 years ago, but the next best time is right now! For more information visit www.Dealernews.com/readerservice 2012 TOP 100 DEALERS — DEMOGRAPHICS Top 100 demographics 2,923 Number of people collectively employed by the Top 100 dealers of 2012 5.7 years % 23.o5men w Average Number of years on average an employee has been with a Top 100 dealer percentage of men and women customers Average customer age n e %m 76.5 41 years old Average size of a Top 100 dealership 32,541 sq. ft. $331.87 Average gross sales per square foot Total new and used vehicles sold by the Top 100 dealers in 2011: 70,185+ Vehicle Brand Stats for the Top 100 of 2012: Suzuki: 45 Yamaha: 42 Kawasaki: 41 Honda: 37 Harley-Davidson: 36 Polaris: 28 BRP/Can-Am: 20 Victory Motorcycles: 16 KTM: 11 KYMCO: 10 Arctic Cat: 9 Lehman Trikes: 9 Ducati: 8 Piaggio Group: 7 Triumph: 7 Fewer than five dealers: BMW, E-Ton, Genuine Scooters, Indian, Schwinn 14 DEALERNEWS.COM MARCH 2012 First-time winners: 23 2x winners: 10 3x winners: 13 4x winners: 16 5x winners: 12 6x-7x winners: 10 8x-10x winners: 11 14x winners: 2 15x to 21x winners: 3 J&W Cycles continues its winning streak, being the only dealer to have placed in the Dealernews Top 100 competition in every year of the competition’s 21-year existence. Insurance Risk Management Visit FandIResourceCenter.com or call 888-265-7524 for more information. With our Streamlined Selling System®, increasing your F&I profits can feel like a drive in the country. Zurich HelpPoint is here when you need more than just insurance. It is our commitment to making it easier for dealerships to earn the maximum per vehicle retail possible. Through Zurich’s exclusive Streamlined Selling System® our Elite Performance dealership customers earned an average F&I profit of $864 per vehicle sold—with our top 20% earning an average of $1,208*. A local Zurich F&I specialist can help you achieve this same success through our proven income development program. Here to help your world. For more information visit www.Dealernews.com/readerservice Products and services are underwritten and provided by individual member companies of Zurich in North America, including Universal Underwriters Insurance Company and Universal Underwriters Service Corporation. Certain coverages and products and services are not available in all states. *Results based on 2010 data. Results also vary to the extent of sales volume and implementation and strict adherence to sales recommendations. ©2011 Zurich American Insurance Company 2012 TOP 100 DEALERS 2012 Dealer of the Year CITY CYCLE SALES INC. — 7-time winner Owner: Wayne A. Jaecke Location: Junction City, Kan. • Store size: 33,612 sq. ft. Vehicle brands: Harley-Davidson, Kawasaki, Suzuki www.citycyclesalesinc.com AS A SIX-TIME WINNER in the Top 100, Wayne Jaecke and City Cycle Sales are no strangers to the program. It’s just that this time around, judges awarded the Junction City, Kan., dealer the competition’s top slot — Dealer of The Year. The store’s mission statement talks about providing customers with a friendly, attentive atmosphere, outstanding service and the highest ethical conduct: What’s not to like about that? This service starts at the front door where customers are acknowledged as soon as they set foot in the dealership. From the front area, it’s easy to see the entire mix of V-twin and metric machines that cover the showroom floor. Knowing that there’s more to a dealership than metal, City Cycle Sales has a large upstairs conference room for HOG meetings and other community events. In fact, the whole dealership was designed with an eye toward accommodating the large crowds that attend the many events hosted at the store. Ample parking and kitchen facilities mean there’s room to prep food for catering to big groups of people. Outside, there is an 80-foot covered porch where customers can either check out more motorcycles or enjoy the live bands that often play there. It’s also a popular meeting spot for groups going out on a ride. Those same riders might find something inside at the store’s dedicated gifts and collectibles corner where items can even be gift wrapped. CCS’s service department is one of the dealership’s highlights. In fact, the dealership reports in its Top 100 entry that a field service advisor for Kawasaki who is a regular customer says the shop is “one of the cleanest, neatest and most organized” that he’s ever seen — quite 16 DEALERNEWS.COM MARCH 2012 a compliment being that he covers a six-state area and sees hundreds of dealerships. Near the back of the service area is a large platform lift that makes loading and unloading bikes a snap. It’s even available at no charge for customers and complete strangers to use to get a vehicle off of a truck or trailer. The store assembles all of its vehicles in its large basement so the service area is kept free of packing materials and such. This same climate-controlled basement is also used to store customer bikes — many of which are stored at a discount for military customers who are deployed. Some more service perks? All bikes brought in for full service leave the shop with a full tank of gas. The dealership will also pick up and deliver customer motorcycles within 50 miles free of charge. At the core of City Cycle Sales’ business is the customer, to whom Jaecke has devoted his entire professional life. His whole goal is to get them in the doors and keep them coming back. To this point, he maintains a great relationship with the nearby Army installation, Fort Riley — home for many years to the famed Big Red One. The store takes part in the installation’s annual safety day with service manager and mechanic Dean Mizes, sharing mechanical safety issues and other employees discussing dressing for safety. Customers purchasing new bikes get T-shirts, cleaning supplies, a hat and some reading materials. They’re also taken around and introduced to the store’s entire crew — the idea is to make them feel right at home. Again, because business doesn’t end or begin at the front door, the dealer is heavily involved in community events. In 2011, City Cycle Sales donated to more than 85 benefit rides, golf tournaments and poker runs throughout the state. It also donates to many fundraisers for local schools, churches and law enforcement agencies. In all, Jaecke strives to provide “down home” service, with the goal of building long-lasting relationships and helping his community. CONGRATULATIONS Presented by FEBRUARY 17TH | FEBRUARY 18TH | FEBRUARY 19TH INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA WE CONGRATULATE THE TOP 100 CLASS OF 2012 AND THE DEALER OF THE YEAR, CITY CYCLE SALES OF JUNCTION CITY, KANSAS FOR MORE INFORMATION ON THE 2012 TOP 100, VISIT WWW.DEALERNEWS.COM The 2012 Top 100 Competition is sponsored by: 2012 TOP 100 DEALERS — THE RUNNERS-UP FIRST RUNNER-UP J & L Harley-Davidson 16-time winner Owners: Jim and Lonnie Enteman Location: Sioux Falls, S.D. Store size: 38,000 sq. ft. Vehicle brand: HarleyDavidson www.jl-harley.com After landing in the Top 100 15 different times, J&L Harley-Davidson now checks in as the year’s First Runner-Up. Education is high on this dealer’s list so each employee is encouraged to take training through HDU, and are compensated when taking the course. Cross-training across all departments is also highly encouraged. Customers also get the royal treatment with a loyalty program that rewards them for making purchases, attending events or volunteering for store functions. J&L has for 16 years run Hot Harley Nights, benefitting the Make-A-Wish Foundation, thus far raising $1.6 million for the organization. SECOND RUNNER-UP Rexburg Motorsports — 7-time time winner Owners: Jared Burt, Allen Ball, Brad Ball Location: Rexburg, Idaho Store size: 45,000 sq. ft. Vehicle brands: Arctic Cat, BRP/Can-Am, Honda, Kawasaki, KYMCO, Polaris, Suzuki, Yamaha ww.rexburgmotorsports.com It seems that every year Rexburg Motor Sports introduces a major effort that causes the judges to take notice. This time, it could have been any number of new initiatives that helped the store garner its 2012 runner-up status — like the “No Bull” policy that all but guarantees no-hassle/no-haggle shopping for its customers, or the Motorfist Lounge, a new addition to the store that acts as a meeting room for the community at large. The store also uses its Facebook page to vet new products — each week an item is posted with pricing, features and benefits, and Facebook fans are encouraged to give feedback and ratings. The more favorable the ratings, the more likely management will stock the product. THIRD RUNNER-UP Milwaukee Harley-Davidson 8-time winner Owner: Chaz Hastings Location: Milwaukee, Wis. Store size: 36,000 sq. ft. Vehicle brand: Harley-Davidson www.milwaukeeharley.com This year’s Third Runner-Up says its mission is “to continue our legacy of embracing the rebel, non-conformist culture of the Harley-Davidson motorcycling community by providing a premium customer experience.” It does so through a mix of regular employee training, a welloiled service department, a host of monthly in-store events and strong customer service — bike buyers can join the monthly New Owners Ride and enjoy a free gourmet meal at one of the owner’s historic 18 DEALERNEWS.COM MARCH 2012 taverns. The store creates ties to other local businesses for crosspromotional purposes and sponsors employee outings that range from family-friendly to adults only. HONORABLE MENTION Cycle Center of Denton — 1-time winner Owners: Randy Martin, Kenny Martin, Carlos Gonzalez Location: Denton, Texas Store size: 30,000 sq. ft. Vehicle brands: Honda, Kawasaki, Polaris, Suzuki www.cyclecenterofdenton.com Located deep in the heart of Texas, Cycle Center of Denton is a familyowned and family-oriented gathering of all-things-powersports. Cycle Center keeps a close eye on keeping customers happy and sends out customer satisfaction surveys each Monday to all individuals who had service work performed the previous week. For filling out the survey, customers get a coupon that gets them 10 percent off a purchase. A follow-up phone call is made if any concerns are noted on the form. Surveys are also sent to those who purchase a new unit. To keep its showroom fresh, Cycle Center uses mobile displays that are regularly rearranged and updated. HONORABLE MENTION Steve Seltzer Honda — 3-time winner Owner: Steve Seltzer Location: Altoona, Penn. Store size: 14,300 sq. ft. Vehicle brand: Honda www.steveseltzerhonda.com It’s the little things that illustrate Steve Seltzer Honda’s commitment to what it calls T.C.S. — Total Customer Satisfaction. For one, its service department works as a well-oiled machine, striving to provide on-time service. And upon walking through the dealership’s doors, you’ll not only find a display of safety literature (free of charge), but you’ll be greeted by a smiling receptionist. Outside of the store, events like motorcycle rides benefit the Promise House for autistic children, as well as organizations that help in fighting Multiple Sclerosis. The store will set up tables, chairs, coffee and cookies for riders before they begin their journeys. BEST INDEPENDENT Road Track and Trail — 3-time winner Owner: Nick Rank Location: Big Bend, Wis. Store size: 21,500 sq. ft. Vehicle brands: Pre-owned www.roadtrackandtrail.com This is the second year in a row that judges have awarded Road Track and Trail the Best Independent merit award. The store counts 25 percent of its customers as repeats and 26 percent as referrals. How do they do it? By making it known that they care about their customers’ safety and well-being. “Our customer service philosophy was molded around our moral code of loyalty and safety,” the store says. “We couldn’t be satisfied with our sales if we weren’t making sure that every vehicle is inspected and road-tested again and again.” Repeat customers also get additional discounts on their vehicle purchases as a thank-you from the store. advertorial /Eh^dZzd :ĂŶϮϬϭϮ :ĂŶϮϬϭϭ ds tŚĂƚƚLJƉĞŽĨƵŶŝƚƐĂƌĞƐĞůůŝŶŐďĞƚƚĞƌ Žƌ ƉŽƐƐŝďůLJǁŽƌƐĞ ƚŚŝƐLJĞĂƌǀĞƌƐƵƐůĂƐƚLJĞĂƌdŚŝƐ ĐŚĂƌƚƐƐŚŽǁƐƐŚŝĨƚƐŝŶŵĂƌŬĞƚƐŚĂƌĞĞĂƌŶĞĚďLJ ƚŚĞƐŝdžŵĂũŽƌƐĞŐŵĞŶƚƐŽĨWŽǁĞƌƐƉŽƌƚƐƵŶŝƚ ƐĂůĞƐŚĂŶŐĞŝŶƐŚĂƌĞŝƐĞdžƉƌĞƐƐĞĚĂƐĂŐĂŝŶ ŽƌůŽƐƐǁŚĞŶĐŽŵƉĂƌĞĚƚŽƵŶŝƚƐĂůĞƐŝŶƚŚĞ ƐĂŵĞŵŽŶƚŚŽĨƚŚĞƉƌĞǀŝŽƵƐLJĞĂƌ ^ĞŐŵĞŶƚ :ĂŶϮϬϭϭ :ĂŶϮϬϭϮ ŝĨĨ KŶZŽĂĚ ϯϯϰй ϯϯϰй ϬϬй ds ϯϯဒй ϯϭဒй ϮϬй hds ϭϰϲй ϭϲϱй ϮϬй KĨĨZŽĂĚ ϭϭဒй ϭϭϭй Ϭϳй ƵĂů ϯϬй ϯϳй Ϭϳй ^ĐŽŽƚĞƌ ϯϰй ϯϰй ϬϬй :ĂŶϮϬϭϮ :ĂŶϮϬϭϭ tŚĂƚƚLJƉĞŽĨƵŶŝƚƐĂƌĞŐĞŶĞƌĂƚŝŶŐŵŽƌĞ Žƌ ůĞƐƐ ĐĂƐŚƚŚĂŶůĂƐƚLJĞĂƌdŚŝƐĐŚĂƌƚƐƐŚŽǁƐ ƐŚŝĨƚƐŝŶŵĂƌŬĞƚƐŚĂƌĞĞĂƌŶĞĚďLJƚŚĞƐŝdžŵĂũŽƌ ƐĞŐŵĞŶƚƐŽĨWŽǁĞƌƐƉŽƌƚƐƐĂůĞƐŵĞĂƐƵƌĞĚŝŶ ĚŽůůĂƌƐŚĂŶŐĞŝŶƐŚĂƌĞŝƐĞdžƉƌĞƐƐĞĚĂƐĂ ƉĞƌĐĞŶƚĂŐĞŐĂŝŶŽƌůŽƐƐǁŚĞŶĐŽŵƉĂƌĞĚƚŽ ĚŽůůĂƌƐĂůĞƐŝŶƚŚĞƉƌŝŽƌ ƐLJĞĂƌƐĂŵĞŵŽŶƚŚ KŶZŽĂĚ ^ĞŐŵĞŶƚ KŶZŽĂĚ :ĂŶϮϬϭϭ ϱϬϮй :ĂŶϮϬϭϮ ϱϬϬй ŝĨĨ ϬϮй ds ϮϮϮй ϮϬϮй ϮϬй hds ϭဒϭй ϭဓဓй ϭဒй KĨĨZŽĂĚ ϲϬй ϱϲй Ϭϰй ƵĂů Ϯϯй ϯϮй Ϭဒй ^ĐŽŽƚĞƌ ϭϭй ϭϭй ϬϬй 5HSRUWVSURYLGHGE\$'3/LJKWVSHHG¶V'DWD6HUYLFHVWHDP$OOUHSRUWV DUHDVDPSOHRI1RUWK$PHULFDQGHDOHUVXVLQJWKH/LJKWVSHHG1;7'06 )RUIXUWKHULQIRUPDWLRQSOHDVHFRQWDFW'DYH-RKQVRQDW $OVRYLVLWDGSOLJKWVSHHGFRPIRUPRUHUHSRUWV ĂĚǀĞƌƚŽƌŝĂů ΞW>ŝŐŚƚƐƉĞĞĚ/ŶĐůůƌŝŐŚƚƐƌĞƐĞƌǀĞĚdŚĞW>ŝŐŚƚƐƉĞĞĚůŽŐŽŝƐĂƚƌĂĚĞŵĂƌŬŽĨW>ŝŐŚƚƐƉĞĞĚ/ŶĐdŚĞWůŽŐŽŝƐĂƌĞŐŝƐƚĞƌĞĚƚƌĂĚĞŵĂƌŬŽĨW /ŶĐ magenta yellow cyan black dn0312_019.pgs 02.10.2012 15:37 ADVANSTAR_PDF/X-1a 2012 TOP 100 DEALERS — SPECIAL MERIT AWARDS DON J. BROWN LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD John Parham, J & P Cycles Location: Anamosa, Iowa Last year, John Parham and his wife Jill announced that they were stepping down as president and vice president of J & P, respectively, handing over the reins to their son Zach. The Parhams founded the company in 1979, and have seen it grow from a small, swap-meet-style vending operation in the back of the family’s Ford van to one of the largest motorcycle parts and accessories retailers in the world. During those years, the store has garnered a respectable collection of awards, including being inducted multiple times into the Dealernews Top 100, as well as winning the Top 100’s Best Independent Dealer award for several years. Most recently, the store was recognized as a “Social Superstar” by RightNow Technologies. The honor is bestowed upon businesses that help improve customer experiences through social media. What’s next on the Parham’s agenda? They’re managing the National Motorcycle Museum in Anamosa, where they have more than 302 motorcycles dating back from 1902 to present. “It is a great honor to be awarded the Don Brown Award,” John Parham says. “To receive this award is one of the greatest honors in Jill and my lives.” CONSUMERS’ CHOICE AWARD Cycle Center of Denton — 1-time time winner Location: Denton, Texas Owners: Randy Martin, Kenny Martin, Carlos Gonzalez Store size: 30,000 sq. ft. Vehicle brands: Honda, Kawasaki, Polaris, Suzuki www.cyclecenterofdenton.com Not only did Cycle Center of Denton pick up an Honorable Mention this year, it swept the Consumers’ Choice category with nearly 30,000 votes. The store keeps close to its community by sponsoring local riding groups and hosting a monthly “ladies night” where it stays open late for women riders and non-riders. Each weekend, Texas B.E.S.T. Rider school is held at the dealership, and every year the store donates a Kawasaki Mule to the University of North Texas. For the yearly customer appreciation blowout, Cycle Center teams up with Smokehouse BBQ, a local restaurant, for catering. After the event, any leftover food is donated to the local food bank and soup kitchen. 20 DEALERNEWS.COM MARCH 2012 SAVING PEOPLE MONEY on more than just car insurance. SM Call 1-800-442-9253 today or visit your local office. Some discounts, coverages, payment plans and features are not available in all states or all GEICO companies. Motorcycle and ATV coverages are underwritten by GEICO Indemnity Company. Boat and PWC coverages are written through non-affiliated insurance companies and are secured through the GEICO Insurance Agency, Inc. GEICO is a registered service mark of Government Employees Insurance Company, Washington, D.C. 20076; a Berkshire Hathaway Inc. subsidiary. © 2012 GEICO For more information visit www.Dealernews.com/readerservice 2012 TOP 100 DEALERS — SPECIAL MERIT EMPLOYEE INCENTIVES Rexburg Motorsports — 7-time winner Owners: Jared Burt, Allen Ball, Brad Ball Location: Rexburg, Idaho Store size: 45,000 sq. ft. Vehicle brands: Arctic Cat, BRP/Can-Am, Honda, Kawasaki, KYMCO, Polaris, Suzuki, Yamaha rexburgmotorsports.com Rexburg knows that a well-rounded employee is a happy employee. That’s why dealership management takes a special interest in each employee’s interests outside of the workplace. The store is flexible enough to work around school schedules, and even sponsors its employees in racing, beauty pageants and scholarship drives. The perks continue at the office, as full-time employees enjoy medical, dental and vision benefits, 401(k) matching and flexible spending accounts. Staff gettogethers are also common, as are celebrating birthdays, and giving out special awards. The red-carpet treatment of its employees is most likely why 50 percent of last year’s new hires came from employee referrals. COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT A.D. Farrow Co. Harley-Davidson — 14-time time winner Owners: Bob and Valerie Althoff Location: Sunbury, Ohio Store size: 115,000 sq. ft. Vehicle brand: HarleyDavidson www.adfarrow.com One hundred years in business means A.D. Farrow has a long history of offering support to charitable rides, rallies and causes in central Ohio. With a record like that, it’s no wonder why the dealership is picking up this award again — it also received it back in 2010. Last year alone, the store supported more than 57 local rides and charity events through cash sponsorships, donations and publicity in the store’s weekly newsletter. One such event, the Brandy Winfield Poker Run, raised $14,900 for various law enforcement charities. And, the dealership’s annual Poker Run and Rally raises funds to support the Ohio Fallen Heroes Memorial, which recognizes all Ohio service members killed in the war on terror. COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT Powersports of Joplin — 5-time winner Owner: Garrett Paull Location: Joplin, Mo. Store size: 21,000 sq. ft. Vehicle brands: Honda, Suzuki, Yamaha www.powersportsofjoplin. com In mid-2011, a tornado made its way through the town of Joplin, Mo., devastating everything in its path. Relief began pouring in 22 DEALERNEWS.COM MARCH 2012 almost immediately after, and staff at PowerSports of Joplin played a big role in getting the community organized and back on its feet. The store offered its parking lot as a relief zone — accepting truckloads of goods and supplies from states as far away as Wyoming — as well as donated ATVs and UTVs to local law enforcement to help in search and rescue efforts and stopping looters. In addition to disaster relief, the store continues to support local track events, Misti’s Mission Relief and even working with ABC television’s “Extreme Home Makeover” to help them build a home in the city. SERVICE DEPARTMENT EXCELLENCE Charlie’s Harley-Davidson — 5-time winner Owner: Charlie Cole Location: Huntington, W.V. Store size: 66,000 sq. ft. Vehicle brand: HarleyDavidson www.charlieshd.com What makes a great service department? How about one where the service manager takes time on his day off to pick up a out-of-town customer with a broken-down bike? That’s Charlie’s Harley-Davidson, and Top 100 judges thought enough of the store’s other service offerings to award it the merit prize for Service Department Excellence. All customers in for service, from minor problems to big ticket items, leave with a cleaned and detailed motorcycle. The store’s Priority Customer Maintenance Plan gives participating customers first dibs at service, covers all maintenance and upkeep and free winter storage. Last winter, the store hosted an invitation-only party for 500 PCMP customers, treating them to live music, food, drinks, door prizes and sales. STORE THEME Frieze Harley-Davidson Sales Inc. — 5-time winner Owner: Virgina G. Frieze Location: O’Fallon, Ill. Store size:33,000 sq. ft. Vehicle brand: HarleyDavidson friezeharley-davidson.com Eco-conscious isn’t just a theme, the store’s Top 100 application says, but “it’s a way in which we live our lives in hopes to inspire all of those around us in protecting and conserving the environment.” Indeed, the store’s efforts reach far beyond recycling used oil. Frieze is the only Harley-Davidson dealership that’s been awarded the Gold Level certification rating from the U.S. Green Building Council. Thoughtful and eco-friendly ideas abound, like using reclaimed bricks, high-efficiency air conditioners, even dual-flush water conserving toilets. Outside of the store, the theme continues: a 60-foot wind turbine saves the store almost 10 percent a month on energy costs, and there was even thought that went into paving the parking lot (concrete instead of black top, to help reflect more sun). For more information visit www.Dealernews.com/readerservice 2012 TOP 100 DEALERS — SPECIAL MERIT CUSTOMER SERVICE Ademec Harley-Davidson — 3-time winner Owners: Mark and Chris Adamec Location: Jacksonville, Fla. Store size: 54,298 sq. ft. Vehicle brand: HarleyDavidson www.adamecharley.com Knowing that Harley owners love to customize their motorcycles, Adamec Harley-Davidson launched its own Harley Owners Workshop, or HOW for short. On the second Saturday of every month the store’s chrome and performance consultant offers workshops that cover motorcycle care, road safety and all the options available for customizing a bike for looks, fit and performance. Held in the store’s showroom, HOW has played a major role in Adamec’s successes — it’s seen a 19.5 percent increase in P&A sales and 31.1 percent increase in service sales in 2011. Attendance ranges from 15 to 40 people per presentation, with many people making repeat appearances. E-COMMERCE World of Powersports Inc. — 5-time winner Owners: Matthew and Mark Jackson Location: Decatur, Ill. Store size: 69,000 sq. ft. Vehicle brand: Arctic Cat, BRP/Can-Am, Harley-Davidson, Honda, Kawasaki, Polars, Suzuki, Victory, Yamaha worldofpowersports.com World of Powersports takes interactive to a whole new level with a program that makes every customer a salesperson. It does this by enlisting “affiliates,” or customers who are willing to post links on their own Web and social media sites that link to the dealership. If a customer makes a purchase through the coded links provided to the affiliate, the affiliate can earn 3 percent to 15 percent commission. This result has been more than a 10 percent increase in the store’s online parts business. The dealership also has added QR codes to many of its units, parts and accessories. These codes link to the store’s website, YouTube videos and more. BEST EVENT Performance Powersports — 3-time time winner Owners: Kurt and Gail Mechling Location: Seneca, S.C. Store size: 22,000 sq. ft. Vehicle brands: Kawasaki, KTM, KYMCO, Piaggio, Polaris, Vespa, Victory, Yamaha www.performance-powersports.com Not that long ago, Performance PowerSports didn’t know a thing about the scooter market. However, after recognizing the possibilities 24 DEALERNEWS.COM MARCH 2012 in courting scooter riders, it went into it whole hog. After bringing on some mainstream OEM brands, the store launched Moped Monday Mexican Meltdown at a local club’s taco and beer night where it bought the first taco for all moped riders and gave away a $25 bar tab. It also held a drawing for a free scooter. Since then, KYMCO has emerged as the dealership’s leading scooter brand and sales went from zero to 70 (units) — a trend store owners hope will lead to sales of 300-plus units a year. BEST DISPLAY J & W Cycles Inc. — 21-time winner Owners: Jimmy Jones, Debora Jones, Robert Jones, Nancy Jones Location: Washington, Mo. Store size: 15,600 sq. ft. Vehicle brands: Kawasaki, Polaris, Suzuki, Victory, Yamaha www.jwcycles.com It took a six-person crew to erect the display that won over the Top 100 judges in this year’s contest. Upon entering the front door, one is greeted with a scene from the great outdoors — complete with giant wooden bear wielding a “Welcome” sign. A cedar fence surrounds a water feature, which sits in front of a Yamaha-bannered backdrop. One customer who owned a tree-trimming service even offered up a truckload of wood chips and logs to scatter about the display. Customer response has been overwhelmingly positive, with several taking their own photos. “We are always excited to see the expression on their faces as they enter the door,” the store says. BEST EXTERIOR Mad River Harley-Davidson — 1-time winner Owners: Mike and Franscene Davis Location: Sandusky, Ohio Store size: 40,000 sq. ft. Vehicle brand: HarleyDavidson www.madriverhd.com Located on the shores of Lake Erie, Mad River HarleyDavidson eschews the cookie-cutter look of the big box retailers that surround it. The store fairly sings with a industrial-flavored nod to the brick-walled factories and hulking industry of the Midwest. A water tower up top harkens to the Motor Co.’s Milwaukee headquarters — squint and you might think you’re standing on Juneau Avenue looking up. As the store owners said in their Top 100 entry, “no other buildings in our area are even close to our dealership.” NEW DISTRIBUTOR, NEW MODELS, NEW COLORS BETTER SERVICES, BETTER SUPPORT, BETTER PRICING ....SAME GREAT QUALITY CALL 951.361.9000 OR VISIT ALLIANCEPOWERSPORTS.COM For more information visit www.Dealernews.com/readerservice 2012 TOP 100 DEALERS — SPECIAL MERIT BEST PROMOTION Dreyer Honda South — 1-time winner Owners: Steve and Terri St. John Location: Whiteland, Ind. Store size: 20,000 sq. ft. Vehicle brand: Honda dreyerhondasouth.com Discounting is a doubleedged sword, so we tip our hats to Dryer Honda South, a store that figured out a way to limit it while increasing return business. The Loyalty Card, much like the cards you have at supermarkets and drugstores, allows customers to accrue 10 points to every dollar they spend in the store. When a customer reaches 2,500 points, they receive a $10 credit on the card and can spend it however they please. In addition, the store has changed all of its sales signs from “Sale Price” to “DHS Member Price,” further garnering customer interest in its rewards program. BEST WEBSITE Ray Price Inc. — 3-time winner Owners: Ray and Jean Price Location: Raleigh, N.C. Store size: 60,000 sq. ft. Vehicle brands: HarleyDavidson, Triumph www.rayprice.com The main page for the storied drag racer’s dual dealerships is a portal to everything Ray Price has going on the Web — websites for both stores, social media, an activities page, you name it. Customers can view new and pre-owned inventory for both Triumph and Harley-Davidson, information on each department and event calendars. In addition to checking out the unit listings, viewers can get a quote online, value their trade-in, apply for financing or insurance, or sign up for a Rider’s Edge course. The H-D page even has a section for the store’s Harley Owners Group’s monthly newsletter and events. MEDIA CAMPAIGN-INTEGRATED Competition Accessories — 5-time winner Owners: Dean V. Kruse, Shawn A. Bowshier Location: Springfield, Ohio Store size: 35,000 sq. ft. Vehicle brands: Ducati, Honda, Kawasaki, KYMCO, Polaris, Suzuki, Yamaha ridemotorcyclesinc.com Competition Accessories took advantage of an offer from Kawasaki that was too hard to pass up. Dealers who purchased 2010 units at the end of the season were entitled to free flooring for a year, along with huge rebates to support their retail efforts. The store turned around and creatively advertised in almost every media imaginable — like TV, print, radio, 26 DEALERNEWS.COM MARCH 2012 email blasts, social media and newsletters. And they had fun with the campaign, using employees from several different departments in its “Kawasaki Leftovers” television ad. Through its efforts, the store has sold through 90 percent of the non-currents it purchased. MEDIA CAMPAIGN-PRINT Chaparral Motorsports — 2-time time winner Owner: David Damron Location: San Bernardino, Calif. Store size: 170,000 sq. ft. Vehicle brands: BRP/CanAm, Honda, Kawasaki, KTM, KYMCO, Polaris, Suzuki, Victory, Yamaha www.chaparral-racing.com Chaparral Motorsports launched its maga-log, a hybrid catalog and magazine that features product listings and editorial coverage through the publication. The idea is to give consumers an evergreen magazine that uses instructional how-to articles, educational product pieces and lifestyle features to convert readers into buyers. For example, a feature on warm weather riding gear also includes listings for ventilated street and dirt riding gear and accessories such as a hydration system and a cooling vest. Prices are included, as are part numbers. MEDIA CAMPAIGN-RADIO/TV Man O’ War Harley-Davidson — 1-time winner Owner: Jim Bentley Location: Lexington, Ky. Store size: 35,000 sq. ft. Vehicle brand: HarleyDavidson www.manowarhd.com Despite the struggling economy, Man O’ War Harley managed to break its sales records during the summer months last year — and the dealership owes it all to a radio spot that ran on the top stations in the area from June through August. “[We] had the most successful months we have ever had as a dealership,” the store says. Ad copy was a seamless merger of words from Harley’s HDnet and in-house writings. Production and voiceovers were done in-house, giving staff a hands-on experience and streamlining the process. Radio counts for 15 percent of the store’s overall ad budget. We’d say that’s money well spent. MEDIA CAMPAIGN-ONLINE Green Mountain HarleyDavidson — 3-time winner Owners: David and Debby Pearson Location: Essex Junction, Vt. Store size: 18,000 sq. ft. Vehicle brand: Harley-Davidson www.GreenMtnHarley.com In November 2011, Green Mountain held its “Our Customers Rock! Party,” advertising the event on its website, Facebook page and “pay per click” advertising on Facebook. Dealer staff dressed in their favorite rock band T-shirt and the store hosted the Rock ‘n’ Roll Group ride. The first customers to fill out an online survey won “I Rock!” T-shirts. About 400 people attended the event and the store logged 951 visits to the special link leading to the survey that resulted in 497 completed surveys. The store attributes five new bike sales to the event, which succeeded in bringing in store traffic during what has historically been one of the slowest months of the year. what we wear ourselves,” staff says. It’s no wonder the store has been judged as one of the best Ducati showrooms in North America. Its service department is a fully branded Ducati Service facility, yet techs work on other brands, as well. VEHICLE BRAND OF THE YEAR BEST USE OF SPACE Ducati Omaha — 3-time winner Owners: Jarel Jensen and Shun Kwong Location: Omaha, Neb. Store size: 6,800 sq. ft. Vehicle brands: Ducati, Genuine Scooter www.ducatiomaha.com Ducati Omaha manages to pack quite a bit into its small space. Tucked into an industrial park in suburbia, Ducati fans find a 6,800 sq. ft. haven with a high-end boutique feel, complete with track lighting and polished concrete floors. Racing memorabilia peppers the showrooms, and staff stands by every single product offered in the store. “We stock d u a l American Suzuki Motor Co. Brea, California For 2012, Suzuki grabs the Vehicle Brand of the Year – a repeat of its win in 2011. This is the award that goes to the OEM most often listed by Top 100 dealers. How’d it do it? By working closely with its dealers to get them to go through the Top 100 entry process. The OEM recognizes that for a store to just enter the Top 100 program, it’s basically reviewing its business plan — not a bad education to get on a yearly basis. s p o r t s t y l e The NEW FX-39DS Red Strike helmet from AFX offers state-of-the-art construction at an affordable price. It is DOT and ECE-22.05 certified — and features an aerodynamic design with a removable, washable liner; a flip-up, flush-fit, quick-release shield with removable visor; and an advanced ventilation system. The FX-39DS is available in a variety of colors and graphics to complement any personality. Get in touch with your Parts Unlimited rep to learn more about helmets from AFX. FX-39DS THE FIRST NAME IN HELMETS afxhelmets.com For more information visit www.Dealernews.com/readerservice MARCH 2012 parts-unlimited.com DEALERNEWS.COM 27 2012 TOP 100 DEALERS Advantage Powersports — 4-time winner Owners: Jeff and Jim Stanfield Location: Kansas City, Mo. Store size: 25,350 sq. ft. Vehicle brands: BRP/Can-Am, Honda, Kawasaki, Polaris, Suzuki, Yamaha www.advantagepowersports.com 28 Adventure Harley-Davidson — 4-time winner Owners: Mike and Franscene Davis Location: Dover, Ohio Store size: 34,000 sq. ft. Vehicle brand: Harley-Davidson www.adventureharley.com Al Lamb’s Dallas Honda — 6-time winner Owner: Al Lamb Location: Dallas, Texas Store size: 34,000 sq. ft. Vehicle brands: Honda www.dallashonda.com Babbitts Sports Center — 1-time winner Owners: Eddie Babbitt, Pam Babbitt Location: Muskegon, Mich. • Store size: 36,900 sq. ft. Vehicle brands: Arctic Cat, Honda, Kawasaki, Polaris, Suzuki, Yamaha www.babbittsonline.com Barney’s of Brandon — 1-time winner Owners: Ray Hempstead, Beverley Newton, Todd Hempstead, Keith Wood Location: Brandon, Fla. • Store size: 25,498 sq. ft. Vehicle brands: BRP/Can-Am, E-Ton, Kawasaki, Piaggio, Suzuki, Vespa, Yamaha www.barneysbrandon.com Bayside Harley-Davidson — 6-time winner Owner: Maurice Slaughter Location: Portsmouth, Va. • Store size: 36,000 sq. ft. Vehicle brands: Harley-Davidson www.baysidehd.com Big St. Charles Motorsports — 2-time winner Owner: Brad and Allen Holzhauer Location: St. Charles, Mo. Store size: 30,000 sq. ft. Vehicle brands: Harley-Davidson, Honda, Kawasaki, Suzuki, Yamaha www.bigstcharlesmotorsports.com DEALERNEWS.COM MARCH 2012 THANK YOU! The Team at Dealernews and Dealer Expo wishes to thank our 2012 Attendees, Exhibitors, Sponsors and the City of Indianapolis for coming together this year to make Indy better than ever. Your energy and enthusiasm for the industry we share is unsurpassed, and we wish you all the best in the coming year. See you in 2013! 2012 TOP 100 DEALERS Bill & Eddy’s Motorsports— 4-time winner Owners: Rick and Robin Whitten Location: Fayetteville, Ark. • Store size: 27,500 sq. ft. Vehicle brands: Kawasaki, KTM, Suzuki, Yamaha www.billeddysmotorsports.net Bud’s Harley-Davidson — 5-time winner Owners: Larry and Mona Morand Location: Evansville, Ind. Store size: 43,500 sq. ft. Vehicle brands: Harley-Davidson www.buds-harley.com Central Texas Powersports — 4-time winner Owners: Steve Littlefield • Location: Georgetown, Texas • Store size: 43,500 sq. ft. • Vehicle brands: BRP/Can-Am, Honda, Kawasaki, Polaris, Suzuki, Yamaha www.ctpowersports.net Cole Harley-Davidson — 4-time winner Owner: Charlie Cole, William Paul Cole Jr. Location: Bluefield, W.Va. • Store size: 37,925 sq. ft. Vehicle brands: Harley-Davidson www.coleh-d.com 30 DEALERNEWS.COM MARCH 2012 Bob Weaver Motorsports & Marine — 9-time winner Owner: Robert W. Weaver Location: North Tonawanda, N.Y. • Store size: 22,500 sq. ft. Vehicle brand: Polaris, Yamaha www.weaverfever.com Champion Motorsports — 9-time winner Owner: Jimmy and Crystal Allison Location: Roswell, N.M. Store size: 26,000 sq. ft. Vehicle brand: E-Ton, Harley-Davidson, Honda, Kawasaki, Suzuki, Yamaha www.championroswell.com Conrad’s Harley-Davidson — 4-time winner Owners: Ray, Patrick and Darren Conrad Location: Shorewood, Ill. • Store size: 85,000 sq. ft. Vehicle brand: Harley-Davidson www.conradshd.com Cool Springs Powersports — 1-time winner Owners: Jim Osborn Location: Franklin, Tenn. Store size: 32,500 sq. ft. Vehicle brands: Honda, Kawasaki, Suzuki, Yamaha www.coolspringspowersports.com Country Cycle — 1-time winner Owners: Marge Clark Location: Winterset, Iowa Store size: 12,000 sq. ft. Vehicle brands: Kawasaki, Lehman Trike, Schwinn, Suzuki www.countrycycle.com Crossroad Powersports — 4-time winner Owner: Eric Osner Location: Upper Darby, Penn. Store size: 23,000 sq. ft. Vehicle brand: Honda, Kawasaki, Piaggio, Suzuki, Vespa, Yamaha www.crossroadpowersports.com For more information visit www.Dealernews.com/readerservice MARCH 2012 DEALERNEWS.COM 31 2012 TOP 100 DEALERS Cruisin’ 66 — 4-time winner Owners: Tim and Nan Woodsome Location: Springfield, Mo. • Store size: 10,000 sq. ft. Vehicle brands: Victory www.cruisin66cycles.com Cycle World — 8-time winner Owners: Glenn and Nancy Diedrich Location: Houma, La. Store size: 20,000 sq. ft. Vehicle brands: Honda, Kawasaki, Yamaha www.cycleworldofhouma.com Cyclewise/Ducati Vermont — 6-time winner Owners: Tamara and Joe Boise Location: New Haven, Vt. • Store size: 6,500 sq. ft. Vehicle brands: Ducati, KYMCO, Suzuki www.cyclewisevt.com Deptford Honda Yamaha — 5-time winner Owners: Donna Coryell Location: Deptford, N.J. • Store size: 22,000 sq. ft. Vehicle brands: Honda, Yamaha www.dhy.com Dothan Powersports — 10-time winner Owners: Don Owens Location: Dothan, Ala. Store size: 22,400 sq. ft. Vehicle brands: Honda, Polaris, Suzuki, Victory, Yamaha www.dothanpowersports.com 32 DEALERNEWS.COM MARCH 2012 Downtown Harley-Davidson Renton — 5-time winner Owners: Bob Lanphere and Terry Stallcop Location: Renton, Wash. Store size: 40,000 sq. ft. Vehicle brands: Harley-Davidson www.downtownhd.com Ducati/Triumph Newport Beach — 2-time winner Owners: Michael and Judy Guerin Location: Costa Mesa, Calif. Store size: 8,400 sq. ft. Vehicle brands: Ducati, Triumph www.ducatinewportbeach.com www.triumphnewportbeach.com Turn Your Customers into Fans. Every customer contact is an opportunity to impress, don’t drop the ball. ADP Lightspeed helps make every customer interaction a success by personalizing customer service, projecting inventory to demand and automating customer follow-ups. 1.800.521.0309 | ADPLightspeed.com See how ADP Lightspeed helps increase your fans. For more information visit www.Dealernews.com/readerservice © ADP Lightspeed Inc. All rights reserved. The ADP Lightspeed logo is a trademark of ADP Lightspeed Inc. The ADP logo is a registered trademark of ADP, Inc. 2012 TOP 100 DEALERS Eastside Harley-Davidson — 1-time winner Owner: Todd Thompson Location: Bellview, Wash. • Store size: 52,000 sq. ft. Vehicle brands: Harley-Davidson www.eastsideharley.com Family Powersports San Angelo — 5-time winner Owners: Morris Baker, Wade Hoak Location: San Angelo, Texas Store size: 21,000 sq. ft. Vehicle brands: BRP/Can-Am, Kawasaki, Polaris, Suzuki, Victory, Yamaha www.familypowersports.com Fay Myers Motorcycle World — 15-time winner Owners: Mark Wallace and Lisa Schomp Location: Greenwood Village, Colo. Store size: 61,000 sq. ft. Vehicle brands: Aprilia, Ducati, Honda, Kawasaki, KTM, MV Agusta, Polaris, Vespa www.faymyers.com Freedom Cycle — 1-time winner Owner: R. Dance Location: Concord, N.H. • Store size: 47,000 sq. ft. Vehicle brands: Arctic Cat, BRP/Can-Am, Honda, Kawasaki, KTM, Suzuki, Yamaha www.freedomcyclenh.com 34 DEALERNEWS.COM MARCH 2012 Experience Powersports — 2-time winner Owner: Lance Cornell Location: Moses Lake, Wash. • Store size: 18,000 sq. ft. Vehicle brands: Kawasaki, KTM, Suzuki, Yamaha www.experiencepowersports.com Filer’s Powersports — 6-time winner Owner: Ted Filer Location: Macedon, N.Y. Store size: 20,000 sq. ft. Vehicle brands: Arctic Cat, BRP/Can-Am, Polaris, Yamaha www.filerspowersports.com Freedom Cycles Inc. — 14-time winner Owners: Michael and Jenni Stanfield Location: Grandview, Mo. • Store size: 75,000 sq. ft. Vehicle brands: Honda, Kawasaki, KTM, Polaris, Suzuki www.freedomcyclesinc.com Fun Bike Center Motorsports — 3-time winner Owners: Elliott Dorsch, Dave Dorsch, Jordan Dorsch, Nick Dorsch Location: Lakeland, Fla. Store size: 60,000 sq. ft. Vehicle brands: Honda, Kawasaki, Yamaha www.funbikecenter.com Gieson Motorsports — 8-time winner Owners: Jon and Linda Gieson Location: Rock Falls, Ill. Store size: 17,850 sq. ft. Vehicle brands: Kawasaki, Lehman Trike, Suzuki, Yamaha www.giesonmotorsports.com For more information visit www.Dealernews.com/readerservice For more information visit www.Dealernews.com/readerservice 2012 TOP 100 DEALERS Go AZ Motorcycles — 1-time winner Owner: Robert Parsons Location: Scottsdale, Ariz. • Store size: 35,000 sq. ft. Vehicle brands: Aprilia, BMW, Ducati, Honda, KTM, Piaggio, Triumph, Vespa www.goaz.com Harley-Davidson of St. Augustine** — 4-time winner Owners: Clark Vitulli and Allen Good Location: St. Augustine, Fla. Store size: 16,000 sq. ft. Vehicle brands: Harley-Davidson www.hdstaugustine.com Grand Rapids Harley-Davidson — 2-time winner Owners: David, Paul and Michael Veracka Location: Hudsonville, Mich. • Store size: 50,000 sq. ft. Vehicle brands: Harley-Davidson www.grandrapidsharley.com Harley-Davidson of Wytheville — 1-time winner Owners: Charlie Cole, W. Paul Cole Jr. Location: Wytheville, Va. Store size: 29,346 sq. ft. Vehicle brands: Harley-Davidson www.hdwytheville.com **This dealership has closed its doors. MOTORCYCLE COOLING VESTS & Accessories Use PROMO CODE “DN312” 10% off your first order!! CONTACT US 1-888-823-2665 www.techniche-intl.com Don’t let the temperature outside ruin your ride ! For more information visit www.Dealernews.com/readerservice 36 DEALERNEWS.COM MARCH 2012 Hot Rod Harley-Davidson — 3-time winner Owners: Carl Miskotten and Dr. Mark Campbell Location: Muskegon, Mich. Store size: 40,000 sq. ft. Vehicle brands: Harley-Davidson www.hotrodhd.com House of Harley-Davidson — 8-time winner Owners: John Schaller Location: Milwaukee, Wis. Store size: 50,000 sq. ft. Vehicle brands: Harley-Davidson www.houseofharley.com Indian Motorcycle Charlotte — 3-time winner Owners: Mark A. Moses Location: Lowell, N.C. Store size: 11,300 sq. ft. Vehicle brands: Indian www.indianmotorcyclecharlotte.com Kearney Yamaha — 6-time winner Owners: Craig and Amy Stokebrand Location: Kearney, Neb. Store size: 22,000 sq. ft. Vehicle brands: Kawasaki, Polaris, Suzuki, Victory, Yamaha www.kearneyyamaha.com concentrate on the essentials to achieve sales success www.rizoma.com e-mail: info@rizoma.com For more information visit www.Dealernews.com/readerservice MARCH 2012 DEALERNEWS.COM 37 2012 TOP 100 DEALERS Killeen Power Sports — 7-time winner Owners: Jim and Linda Foster Location: Killeen, Texas • Store size: 40,000 sq. ft. Vehicle brands: Honda, Polaris, Suzuki, Triumph www.killeenpowersports.com Maxim Honda — 6-time winner Owners: Ray Grupp, Dale Johnson Location: Allen, Texas Store size: 33,000 sq. ft. Vehicle brands: Honda www.maximhonda.com McGrath Powersports — 4-time winner Owner: Mike McGrath Location: Cedar Rapids, Iowa Store size: 40,000 sq. ft. Vehicle brands: Honda, Kawasaki, Polaris, Victory, Yamaha www.mcgrathpowersports.com Motorcycles of Charlotte — 1-time winner Owners: Mark and Gail Engel Location: Charlotte, N.C. • Store size: 20,000 sq. ft. Vehicle brands: BMW, Ducati, MV Agusta, Triumph www.bmw-ducati.com 38 DEALERNEWS.COM MARCH 2012 Lejeune Motorsports — 1-time winner Owners: Jerry and John Stevenson Location: Jacksonville, N.C. • Store size: 33,000 sq. ft. Vehicle brands: Honda, Kawasaki, Suzuki, Yamaha www.lejeunemotorsports.com McHenry Harley-Davidson — 1-time winner Owners: Claude and Diane Sonday Location: McHenry, Ill. Store size: 9,940 sq. ft. Vehicle brands: Harley-Davidson www.mchenryhd.com Northland Motorsports — 6-time winner Owner: Gary Hengeveld Location: Flagstaff, Ariz. • Store size: 35,000 sq. ft. Vehicle brands: Arctic Cat, BRP/Can-Am, Honda, Kawasaki, KTM, Polaris, Suzuki, Victory, Yamaha www.northlandmotorsports.com 7KDQN<RX 7KH7HDPDW'HDOHUQHZV DQGWKH$PHULFDQ97ZLQ'HDOHU6KRZ H[WHQGVDKXJHWKDQNVWRRXU /DXQFK$WWHQGHHV ([KLELWRUVDQGWKH&LW\RI,QGLDQDSROLVIRUPDNLQJ WKHHYHQWHYHU\WKLQJZHZDQWHGIRU\RXDQGPRUH :HRZHWKHVXFFHVVRIWKHÀUVWHYHU $PHULFDQ97ZLQ'HDOHU6KRZWR\RXUVKDUHG SDVVLRQDQGGHGLFDWLRQWRWKH97ZLQFRPPXQLW\ DQGZHORRNIRUZDUGWRPDNLQJWKHHYHQWHYHQ EHWWHUIRU\RXLQWKHIXWXUH 2XUEHVWWR\RXWKLV\HDU 2012 TOP 100 DEALERS Off-Road Express — 4-time winner Owners: James, Ernie and Joe Askins Location: Erie, Penn. • Store size: 25,000 sq. ft. Vehicle brands: Arctic Cat, BRP/Can-Am, Lehman Trike, Polaris, Suzuki, Victory, Yamaha www.offroaderie.com Outdoor MotorSports — 8-time winner Owner: Chris Lien Location: Spearfish, S.D. • Store size: 19,850 sq. ft. Vehicle brands: Arctic Cat, Honda, KYMCO, Lehman Trike, Yamaha www.outdoor-motorsports.com Outer Banks Harley-Davidson — 8-time winner Owners: Maurice Slaughter Location: Harbinger, N.C. • Store size: 16,000 sq. ft. Vehicle brands: Harley-Davidson www.outerbankshd.com Performance Motorsports Yamaha — 1-time winner Owners: Tim Aldrich and Pete Weseloh Location: San Juan Capistrano, Calif. • Store size: 16,000 sq. ft. Vehicle brands: Yamaha www.ocyamaha.com Performance Power Sports LLC — 3-time winner Owners: Harvey J Sharp III and John L Soileau Location: Houma, La. Store size: 16,800 sq. ft. Vehicle brands: BRP/Can-Am, E-Ton, Polaris, Suzuki, Victory www.ppsofhouma.com 40 DEALERNEWS.COM MARCH 2012 Powersports East — 5-time winner Owner: Lynn Nathan Location: Bear, Del. Store size: 23,200 sq. ft. Vehicle brands: Honda, Kawasaki, KYMCO, Polaris, Suzuki, Yamaha www.powersportseast.com Rainbow Cycle and Marine — 2-time winner Owner: Rick Whitten Location: Rogers, Ark. Store size: 32,000 sq. ft. Vehicle brands: Kawasaki, Suzuki, Yamaha www.rainbowcycle.com Tested. Approved. Available for mere mortals this spring. Geoff Aaron "Super Hero" For more information visit www.Dealernews.com/readerservice 2012 TOP 100 DEALERS Rawhide Harley-Davidson — 1-time winner Owners: Matt Chiappetta, Michael Veracka, David Veracka, Paul Veracka Location: Olathe, Kan. • Store size: 52,000 sq. ft. Vehicle brands: Harley-Davidson www.rawhidharley.com Rec-Tech Power Products — 1-time winner Owner: Alan Lorenz Location: Lloydminster, Alberta, Canada. • Store size: 3,000 sq. ft. Vehicle brands: BRP/Can-Am www.rectechpowerproducts.com Renegade Harley-Davidson — 3-time winner Owners: Kate Ribar and Eddy Soberon Location: Alexandria, La. • Store size: 29,441 sq. ft. Vehicle brands: Harley-Davidson www.renegadehd.com Rick Fairless’ Strokers Dallas — 4-time winner Owner: Rick Fairless Location: Dallas, Texas • Store size: 30,000 sq. ft. Vehicle brands: Victory www.strokersdallas.com Rick Roush Motor Sports — 5-time winner Owner: Rick Roush Location: Medina, Ohio Store size: 40,091 sq. ft. Vehicle brands: Honda, Kawasaki, KTM, Suzuki, Yamaha www.rickroushmotorsports.com 42 DEALERNEWS.COM MARCH 2012 Ride Now Powersports of Peoria — 1-time winner Owner: Coulter Group Location: Peoria, Ariz. Store size: 110,000 sq. ft. Vehicle brands: BRP/Can-Am, HarleyDavidson, Honda, Kawasaki, Lehman Trike, Polaris, Suzuki, Victory, Yamaha www.ridenowpeoria.com Scooternerds.com/Vespa Greensboro/ Select Cycle — 2-time winner Owners: John and Dorrie Hill Location: Greensboro, N.C. Store size: 6,500 sq. ft. Vehicle brands: Aprilia, Genuine Scooter, KYMCO, Piaggio, Vespa scooternerds.com, selectcycle.com Sierra Cycles — 2-time winner Owners: Barry and David Levitt Location: Sierra Vista, Ariz. Store size: 9,000 sq. ft. Vehicle brands: Arctic Cat, Kawasaki, Lehman Trike, Suzuki www.sierracycles.com Signature Harley-Davidson — 8-time winner Owners: Tim Sherman, Mike Lenhart, Jim Frauenberg Location: Perrysburg, Ohio Store size: 20,000 sq. ft. Vehicle brands: Harley-Davidson www.signaturehd.com Smoky Mountain Harley-Davidson — 4-time winner Owners: Scott and Monet Maddux Location: Maryville, Tenn. Store size: 50,000 sq. ft. Vehicle brands: Harley-Davidson smh-d.com South Texas Suzuki — 2-time winner Owners: Ken and Kelley Haney Location: Lytle, Texas • Store size: 10,800 sq. ft. Vehicle brands: Lehman Trike, Suzuki www.southtexassuzuki.com Southbay Motorsports — 4-time winner Owners: Hal Brown, Ted Zuidema, David Wiles Location: Chula Vista, Calif. • Store size: 51,000 sq. ft. Vehicle brands: BRP/Can-Am, Ducati, E-Ton, Honda, Kawasaki, Polaris, Suzuki, Triumph, Victory, Yamaha www.sbmotor.com For more information visit www.Dealernews.com/readerservice MARCH 2012 DEALERNEWS.COM 43 2012 TOP 100 DEALERS Sport Cycle Suzuki/Sea-Doo — 2-time winner Owner: Jo Jo Dzurkovich Location: Leesport, Penn. • Store size: 12,000 sq. ft. Vehicle brands: BRP/Can-Am, Lehman Trike, Piaggio, Schwinn, Suzuki, Vespa www.sportcyclesuzuki.com Tifton Harley-Davidson/Buell — 1-time winner Owner: Daren Keeter Location: Tifton, Ga. Store size: 29,572 sq. ft. Vehicle brand: Harley-Davidson www.tiftonharley.com Tom’s Cycle — 1-time winner Owner: Thomas Parker Location: Indiana, Penn. Store size: 17,000 sq. ft. Vehicle brands: Honda, Kawasaki, Lehman Trike, Suzuki, Yamaha www.toms-cycle.com VanDerZee Motorplex — 4-time winner Owner: Raymond VanDerZee Location: South Haven, Mich. • Store size: 10,334 sq. ft. Vehicle brands: Kawasaki, KYMCO, Schwinn, Yamaha www.vanderzeemotorplex.com 44 DEALERNEWS.COM MARCH 2012 Star City Motor Sports — 9-time winner Owners: Robert and Patricia Kay Location: Lincoln, Neb. • Store size: 64,000 sq. ft. Vehicle brands: BRP/Can-Am, E-Ton, Honda, Kawasaki, Polaris, Schwinn, Suzuki, Victory, Yamaha www.starcitymotorsports.com Vandervest Harley-Davidson — 4-time winner Owners: Rick and Lynn Vandervest Location: Peshtigo, Wis. Store size: 40,000 sq. ft. Vehicle brand: Harley-Davidson www.vvhd.com Village Motorsports — 1-time winner Owner: Jack Goodale Location: Grand Rapids, Mich. • Store size: 40,000 sq. ft. Vehicle brands: BRP/Can-Am, Honda, KTM, KYMCO, Polaris, Suzuki www.villagemotorsports.net Village Motorsports — 1-time winner Owners: Lucretia and Jacob Wolfcale, Nancy and George Carter Location: Unionville, Va. Store size: 22,500 sq. ft. Vehicle brands: Kawasaki, Suzuki www.villagemotorsportsva.com Wildcat Harley-Davidson — 3-time winner Owners: Scott and Monet Maddux Location: London, Ky. Store size: 34,000 sq. ft. Vehicle brand: Harley-Davidson www.wildcatharley.com For more information visit www.Dealernews.com/readerservice Xtreme Machines — 5-time winner Owners: Michael A. Resciniti, Josephe Resciniti, Michale P.J. Resciniti, Genevieve Resciniti Location: Millstone, N.J. Store size: 34,600 sq. ft. Vehicle brands: BRP/Can-Am, Kawasaki, Polaris, Suzuki, Triumph, Victory, Yamaha www.xtrememachines.us MARCH 2012 DEALERNEWS.COM 45 2 0 1 2 T O P 1 0 0 D E A L E R S — G R E AT I D E A S The 2012 Top 100’s ideas of note REXBURG MOTORSPORTS launched a fully convertible e-commerce platform enabling customers to configure a vehicle, obtain a discounted price quote, eSign a purchase agreement and place a deposit on the vehicle they are purchasing, all in about five minutes. At the preowned-only store, ROAD, TRACK AND TRAIL, repeat customers get a discount on vehicle purchases. And, any customer who purchases a motorcycle automatically gets 15 percent off in the parts department on the day of the sale. Southbay Motorsports runs a “Cashier of the Month” program where the winning cashier is awarded a certificate and $50 cash. The store says the program has proven to be very successful in keeping our cashiers accurate. GIESON MOTORSPORTS has increased its efforts in the preowned market, where composite numbers show higher margins. The bikes are incorporated into the main sales floor to build value and keep them cleaner and more presentable. The inclusion of used Harley-Davidsons has resulted in higher profit margins and new customers. 46 DEALERNEWS.COM MARCH 2012 At House of Harley, the service manager and assistant manager lead customer rides each year, ranging from a hardriding, 2,000-mile, four-day southern BBQ getaway, to a leisurely Wisconsin day trip. HOUSE OF HARLEY-DAVIDSON offers its staff a comprehensive benefit program including health insurance, dental insurance, matching 401(k), PTO, generous store discounts, free flu shots, tuition reimbursement, and a new profit-sharing program. BOB WEAVER MOTORSPORTS & MARINE says that on its most current sales and delivery survey summary, the top three reasons customers picked for buying at the store were: 1) I felt welcomed at the dealership, 2) Honest and friendly dealership personnel and 3) Dealership reputation. Champion Motorsports rewards vehicle buyers with an email thank you and $10 gift certificate within a day of the sale. If they refer friends or family (not at the same address), they get a $25 gift card once those referrals are verified. In summer 2011, DEPTFORD HONDA YAMAHA created the Redneck Yacht Club, which it promoted via Facebook and Twitter. Customers submitted to the store’s Facebook fan page photos or videos of themselves having fun in water, sand or mud with a Honda or Yamaha product. The entry that received the most likes won a prize package to a local gourmet deli. The contest attracted 12 finalists and nearly 1,000 votes on the fan page. In 2011, Killeen Powersports changed direction in its marketing and management philosophy by empowering all employees to have more input on running the store. There is a strong emphasis on education and creative thinking — DMS training, web design, domain management and social networking all play a large role. There was even a sizable cash bonus available should the store’s customer email list hit 5,000 addresses by the end of 2011. ADVENTURE HARLEY-DAVIDSON uses “Adventure Bucks” as incentives for employees, who can redeem the “Bucks” for a prize of their choosing. They earn the scrip by going above and beyond their job description to help fellow employees and patrons. The prizes range from gift cards to a free day off with pay. AL LAMB’S DALLAS HONDA has signed up to be part of the Progressive International Motorcycle Shows tour (owned by Advanstar, Dealernews’ parent company). During the tour, Al Lamb’s has a race semi that it stocks with parts and accessories that goes to each stop and sells to show attendees. When the economy really started to bottom out in Michigan four years ago, Babbitts Sports Center launched www.babbittsonline.com for online parts sales. What started out with three employees and a about 50 orders a day has now outgrown three shipping and receiving areas. Through the e-commerce effort, the store ships between 600 and 1,000 orders daily and employs 28 people. SMOKY MOUNTAIN HARLEY-DAVIDSON hosted the 2011 Latin American Motorcycle Association National Rally at The Shed, an events venue adjacent to the dealership. More than 700 LAMA members attended the event that featured live music, lunch, a bike show and a screening of “Harlistas,” the documentary movie about Latino motorcycle culture. At Cycle Center of Denton, all service customers receive a customer satisfaction survey within a week of the work performed. For filling out the survey, they’re given a coupon for 10 percent off a purchase. If any problems are noted on the form, the dealership follows up with a phone call to address the issue. ADVANTAGE POWERSPORTS’ customers who purchase the store’s Advantage Plan get three years of manufacturer’s recommended service, oil changes, free summer/ winterization, priority handling on all needs, locked-in labor rates and same-day service for most normal maintenance. DUCATI OMAHA’S e-commerce operation allows the Duc-only store to reach a more diverse audience through parts sales for Japanese brands in addition to Ducati. Their efforts have resulted in gross sales of almost $1 million for the past three years, while maintaining more than 30 percent gross margin on those sales. The store is in the top three for OEM parts distribution through its website. FREEDOM CYCLES proudly offers test rides on the acreage adjacent to the dealership, where customers can test ride vehicles in the dirt. This allows them to get the feel of handling ATVs and UTVs before making their purchasing decisions. Cruisin’ 66 has a long-running military discount program. All active military and law enforcement receive 10 percent off all purchases, and the store offers free motorcycle storage to all military personnel while they are deployed. Once a month, PERFORMANCE POWER SPORTS employees vote on who they think has taken extra initiative. That person receives a paid day off of their choice. MARCH 2012 DEALERNEWS.COM 47 CORPORATE PROFILE About our Company: Specifier Products, Inc. (SPI) was established for the sole purpose of marketing STONECARPET, a unique, natural quartz stone flooring system, in the U.S. Edward Sexton, Sr. Michael Sexton The concept for this product was originally developed in Western Europe, where it has been used for the past 40 years, primarily as a commercial flooring system, but also as a residential floor covering. Year Founded: Showrooms: 1992 Illinois, Wisconsin The ownership of SPI represents a comprehensive background with significant experience in three areas directly related to the success of this flooring system: marketing, maintenance and manufacturing. STONECARPET – Dealers Choice WHY STONECARPET? STONECARPET is rugged enough to withstand the daily rigors of a Powersports Dealership, and will not look increasingly worn over time. STONECARPET is a seamless and easily maintained floor surface. Complex logos and designs can also be placed throughout the floor, increasing the potential design opportunities and attractiveness of the dealership. High customer satisfaction is underscored by the fact that many motorcycle dealers have multiple STONECARPET installations. STONECARPET provides a strikingly attractive appearance and unlimited design capabilities. This capacity is demonstrated by the picture (seen here) of the Tifton Harley-Davidson in Tifton,Georgia • Acoustical Benefits • Comfortable "soft" walk • Safe, slip-resistant • ADA-compliant • Long lasting • Simple, low-cost maintenance • No puddling from spills, melted snow, etc. • Highly resistant to chemicals & stains Specifier Products Inc. 985 Graceland Avenue, Des Plaines, IL 60016 Telephone Toll-Free 847-297-0404 800-697-9109 Website www.stonecarpet.com Fax 847-827-1191 SPECIFIER PRODUCTS ❝ Superstition Harley Davidson • Arizona DEALERS CHOICE We have used Stonecarpet® on 3 different occasions. Our repeated use demonstrates our belief in Stonecarpet® as the perfect showroom floor. It has no ugly grout lines and always looks great” – Beverly & Mark LeResche ❝ We have installed Stonecarpet® three times since 2001. It’s easy to maintain and comfortable to walk on. We love it, our customers love it” – Bob Johnston Specifier Products, Inc. Olive Branch Suzuki & Yamaha Desota Honda Olive Branch, MS 48 DEALERNEWS MARCH 2012 Toll Free: 800-697-9109 • www.stonecarpet.com DEALERNEWS.COM PRODUCTS & SERVICES SHOWCASE ACCESSORIES ACCESSORIES t s d e h k c p l a u D A N E S B D 0 1 H M S a n h to e lu B a e u f o s d a y 0 r9 e d n g ra e v v te a ic n u m s rd 4 ip w h to e u S D t e s d a • v o o l 9 l a u rD c k 0 ls a e rD r -B D 0 1 H M S t# 0 e a ® e O c c B $ 2 o a 0 P P • e a p u n ig s to m rc w n o is v e lu .b -B D 0 1 H M S e b m u rtN o w a For more information visit www.Dealernews.com/readerservice ACCESSORIES M! 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Service Manager • Sales Director Director of Quality • Systems Engineer Brammo, Inc., is a leading electric vehicle technology company headquartered in North America. Brammo designs and develops electric vehicles including the Encite,TM Enertia,TM EmpulseTM and EngageTM motorcycles. Brammo is an OEM supplier of its innovative Brammo Digital DrivetrainTM systems including the Brammo PowerTM battery pack and Brammo PowerTM vehicle management system. Brammo has vehicle distribution and marketing operations in North America, Europe and Asia. S Y m Brammo is currently seeking industry experienced candidates to fill the following roles: • W • •pI oM m For more information visit www.Dealernews.com Brammo is the current TTXGP eGrandPrix champion of North America. To learn more and apply for these positions visit www.brammo.com/careers P . H w For more information visit www.Dealernews.com/readerservice 50 DEALERNEWS MARCH 2012 For more information visit www.Dealernews.com/readerservice DEALERNEWS.COM PRODUCTS & SERVICES SHOWCASE DEALERSHIP OPPORTUNITIES DISPLAY FIXTURES Rock Eagle Store Fixtures www.rockeagle.com The GrooveTube System Our unique GT-Helmet Tower holds 35-40 helmets with only a 40” footprint! They are durable, cost efficient and move easily on heavy-duty casters. Customize to match your store design. Any size, shape or color is available. GT-Helmet Tower The new GT-TShirt Rounder! Very high capacity. We took the standard plain old round rack that has been a staple in retail for decades and incorporated it into our fun and flexible GT Fixture GT-T-Shirt Rounder System! This GT-Mobile Slat Unit has a 48” x 48” slat section on both sides and comes with 6 adjustable shelves. This GT-ÓLil JoeÓ Rounder can handle all of your heavy items. Full mobility and on heavy duty casters. Great alternative to the standard wall rack. GT-Mobile Slat Unit GT-“Lil Joe” Rounder www.rockeagle.com 800-747-2270 For more information visit www.Dealernews.com/readerservice DISTRIBUTORS For more information visit www.Dealernews.com/readerservice DISTRIBUTORS DISTRIBUTORS BECOME A NEW WORLDWIDE WATERCRAFT PARTS DISTRIBUTOR CAR DEALER From high performance parts for racing, to the widest selection of repair parts and accessories, Hot Products has it all. Download our 264 page catalog which features 67 pages of the newest Four Stroke Performance parts available and in stock! 8830 Rehco Road Suite F San Diego, CA 92121 Ph: (858) 453-4454 Email: Sales@HotProductsUSA.com Hot Products Only Sells To Approved Dealers! WWW.HOTPRODUCTSUSA.COM For more information visit www.Dealernews.com/readerservice DISTRIBUTORS Dealers Call for Discount! The Best Gloves. Period. NEW ENERGY VEHICLES Santa Rosa, California Publicly Owned, Stock Symbol ZAAP Telephone: +001(707)525-8658 www.zapjonway.com For more information visit www.Dealernews.com/readerservice DEALERNEWS.COM For more information visit www.Dealernews.com/readerservice Accepting Dealer Applications info@heldusa.com 888-435-3872 For more information visit www.Dealernews.com/readerservice MARCH 2012 DEALERNEWS 51 PRODUCTS & SERVICES SHOWCASE DISTRIBUTORS KK Motorcycle Supply Call Today! 855.832.2403 kk-powersports.com We have everything you need to work on your bike, and everything your customers need to work on theirs! Clymer Manuals Barnett Clutches Written by enthusiasts for enthusiasts Made in the U.S.A. since 1948 EBC Brakes • Clymer’s library consists of over 400 manuals covering motorcycles, ATVs, and UTVs, from hundreds of manufacturers. Manufacturers of The World’s Largest Range of Brakes • Offers replacement and • EBC Brakes are made in one of its two specialist factories in the U.K. & U.S.A. performance upgrade clutch kits, springs, baskets, pressure plates, clutch covers, tools. etc. For more information visit www.Dealernews.com/readerservice 52 ONLINE LISTING SOFTWARE PARTS & ACCESSORIES ADVERTISING For more information visit www.Dealernews.com/readerservice For more information visit www.Dealernews.com/readerservice For more information visit www.Dealernews.com DEALERNEWS MARCH 2012 DEALERNEWS.COM PRODUCTS & SERVICES SHOWCASE PERFORMANCE PARTS PERFORMANCE PARTS For more information visit www.Dealernews.com/readerservice REPLACEMENT PARTS 402.371.7002 Quality used ATV parts guaranteed Our inventory is stocked with many late model units Every part is pictured, described, and viewable online Shop 24/7 online and receive fast shipping 800+ machines parted out and stored in our warehouse E-MAIL US AT: parts@powersportsnation.com www.powersportsnation.com For more information visit www.Dealernews.com/readerservice PERFORMANCE PARTS S PG r& e im T p La naD iso u q c A ta For more information visit www.Dealernews.com/readerservice REPLACEMENT PARTS ADVERTISING CONTROL LEVERS Looking for control levers for 1960s to 2011 motorcycles, EMGO offers hundreds of replacement levers. Contact your EMGO distributor or check our guide available on-line @ www.emgo.com For more information visit www.Dealernews.com/readerservice DEALERNEWS.COM Box 664 Mableton Ga. 30126 For Charter Pricing details, contact Megan Russo: 800.225.4569 x2713 For more information visit www.Dealernews.com/readerservice For more information visit www.Dealernews.com MARCH 2012 DEALERNEWS 53 PRODUCTS & SERVICES SHOWCASE REPLACEMENT PARTS 796/848/1098/1198 796/848/1200 Multistrada 5953 Engineer Dr., Huntington Beach, CA 92649 • 714-379-9040 • Fax 714-379-9042 For more information visit www.Dealernews.com/readerservice TOOLS & EQUIPMENT SALVAGE New & Used Parts for Japanese Streetbikes Special Pullers and Tools for Motorcycle, ATV, Scooter, PWC, and Snowmobile applications. A & J CYCLE SALVAGE 10 INDUSTRIAL HIGHWAY, LESTER, PA 19113 (610) 521-6700 FAX (610) 521-6868 www.ajcyclesalvage.com UPS SHIPMENTS DAILY For more information visit www.Dealernews.com/readerservice Repeating an ad ENSURES it will be seen and FREEremembered! SPACE 1/8 HORIZONTAL Call Megan Russo for advertising information at 800.225.4569 x2713 DENNIS STUBBLEFIELD SALES, INC. Made in USA. PHONE: 949-240-9357 FAX: 949-240-0104 www.dssalesusa.net For more information visit www.Dealernews.com/readerservice 54 DEALERNEWS MARCH 2012 DEALERNEWS.COM CUSTOMER SERVICE A D I NDE X ADVERTISER SUBSCRIBER CUSTOMER SERVICE PAGE WEBSITE A. D. Farrow Co. 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Digital subscription rates: $40. For air-expedited service, include additional $89 per order annually. Single copies (prepaid only): $8 U.S.; $13 Canada and Mexico; $18 all other countries. Back issues, if available: $18 U.S. and Possesions, $25 Canada and Mexico; $30 all other countries; include additional $6.50/order plus $2/additional copy for U.S. postage and handling. If shipping outside the U.S., include additional $10/order plus $3/additional copy. Periodicals postage paid at Duluth, MN 55806 and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to DEALERNEWS, P.O. Box 6050, Duluth, MN 55806-6050. Canadian GST number: R-124213133RT001, PUBLICATIONS MAIL AGREEMENT NO. 40612608. Return Undeliverable Canadian Addresses to: Bleuchip International P. O. Box 25542 London, ON N6C 6B2 CANADA Printed in the U.S.A. ©2012 Advanstar Communications Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including by photocopy, recording, or information storage and retrieval without permission in writing from the publisher. Authorization to photocopy items for internal/educational or personal use, or the internal/educational or personal use of specific clients is granted by Advanstar Communications Inc. for libraries and other users registered with the Copyright Clearance Center, 222 Rosewood Dr. Danvers, MA 01923, 978-750-8400 fax 978646-8700 or visit http://www.copyright.com online. For uses beyond those listed above, please direct your written request to Permission Dept. fax 440-756-5255 or email: mcannon@advanstar.com. Dealernews does not verify any claims or other information appearing in any of the advertisements contained in the publication, and cannot take any responsibility for any losses or other damages incurred by readers in reliance on such content. Dealernews welcomes unsolicited articles, manuscripts, photographs, illustrations and other materials, but cannot be held responsible for their safekeeping or return. Advanstar Communications Inc. provides certain customer contact data (such as customers name, addresses, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses) to third parties who wish to promote relevant products, services, and other opportunities that may be of interest to you. If you do not want Advanstar Communications Inc. to make your contact information available to third parties for marketing purposes, simply call toll-free 866-529-2922 between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. CST and a customer service representative will assist you in removing your name from Advanstar’s lists. Outside the US, please phone 218-740-6477. MARCH 2012 DEALERNEWS.COM 55 From mini-bikes to the Hamsters WHERE WOULD I BE TODAY WITHOUT MOTORCYCLES? DON’T KNOW, BUT I WOULDN’T WANT IT ANY OTHER WAY MOTORCYCLES HAVE BEEN the one constant focus in my life. When I was 9 years old, my dad brought home a Suzuki mini-bike for my brother and me to share. That’s the bike that started me down a path that would take me to distant, exotic places and give me a mind-blowing life beyond my wildest dreams. TIE-DYED TALES Rick Fairless is the owner of Strokers Dallas (a Top 100 dealer), Strokers Icehouse and Strokers Ink. On the Web: Can you relate to Fairless? Tell us about your first ride and love of motorcycles in the comments section of this column at www.dealernews. com/MotoLove. 56 DEALERNEWS.COM My brother and best bud, Randy, and I are only 11 months apart. We grew up in a middle class neighborhood in Irving, Texas, with lots of kids our age. After my dad, a welder, brought home that mini-bike, the other kids in the neighborhood started getting their dads to follow suit. We couldn’t wait for school to be out so we could ride that mini-bike. There were lots of acreage to fool around on, and I got very good at fixing all the neighborhood bikes. I couldn’t leave ours alone. I was always messing with them, trying to make them better and more cool. When we turned 15, Randy and I got jobs to save up the money to buy “real” motorcycles. Off we went to get our dream bikes. My dad told us to save up half the money and he’d take us to get whatever bikes we wanted. I bought a 1973 Honda CL 100 and Randy bought a 1973 Yamaha 100. Before long, I learned to wheelie that Honda from Dallas to Houston. Finally, I had a street bike, a bike I could ride to school. A real bike I could use to get a date with a good-looking chick. Man, I was living large on that Honda brother! A few years later I’d gone through many import motorcycles and loved every dang one of them. And then one day while at Brown’s Cycle chopper shop in downtown Dallas, I saw a used 1974 XLCH Sportster and it spoke to me. The next thing I knew I was on a test ride booking through downtown Dallas and feeling more alive than I had ever felt before in my life. I had never ridden a bike that made me feel so free like I did on that first Harley-Davidson, and by God I had to have that bike — money or none. (I had good credit and a pen in my back pocket.) Fast forward, and I was on the corporate track at Glidden, raising a mess of kids and living for the weekends so I could hang, wrench and ride. All of my buddies and their wives hung out on our three acres, working on our bikes every night after work and riding every weekend, all weekend long. That’s when I got bit by the customizing bug, added a couple more Harleys to my stable and started showing at local bike shows. Success here led to showing on the national level. MARCH 2012 I loved custom motorcycles and all that came with them. We’d sit around, drinking stupid quantities of beer, dreaming out loud about owning our own motorcycle shop. My perfect shop was a really cool, laid back, custom chopper shop with a beer joint on the same property. But it always seemed like just a dream. I always wondered why someone didn’t open up a cool custom shop in Dallas where you could buy parts from guys like Arlen Ness, Pat Kennedy, Donnie Smith and Dave Perewitz. A big shop, like a Harley dealership, only with cool custom bikes and parts that we could see only in magazines and catalogs. Then, one day while dreaming about my dream shop, it hit me like a hammer upside my ugly head. I thought, “Hey Fairless, why can’t that guy be you?” So I started the process of checking into what it would take to open a motorcycle shop and beer joint and finally made it happen. I made my dream a reality. And now we’re in the present day. Business is good and we are surviving this shitty economy. I look back to all the places that motorcycles have taken me — figuratively and literally — and realize two wheels have given me a life that I never even imagined. This industry opened many doors and allowed me to ride and meet a ton of famous people. Motorcycles even introduced me into the fold of the Hamsters USA. These guys are the industry icons that I grew up idolizing. I’m very proud to be a member of the Hamsters. Through this industry, I have been lucky enough to be featured on several different TV shows. I have been to Sturgis every year for the past 25 years in a row. I have had my own radio show. I have signed thousands of autographs and taken thousands of pictures and loved every dang second of it! The motorcycle business has provided me and my family an unbelievable life for many years, and hopefully will continue to provide that lifestyle for my children after I have checked out and gone golfin’. This industry has been more than a vocation to me. It’s my identity. It’s who I am. It’s my life. I haven’t missed one single day of work since I opened my motorcycle shop 17 years ago and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Motorcycles have always been there for me. My wife understands that while I fell in love with her at 19, I fell in love with motorcycles at 9 years old. Where would I be today without motorcycles? I don’t know, but I wouldn’t want my life any other way. For more information visit www.Dealernews.com/readerservice magenta yellow cyan black dn0312_cv3.pgs 02.10.2012 15:37 ADVANSTAR_PDF/X-1a For more information visit www.Dealernews.com/readerservice