BY COURIER January 30, 2015 Ms. Kirsten Walli Board Secretary
BY COURIER January 30, 2015 Ms. Kirsten Walli Board Secretary
Hydro One Networks Inc. 7th Floor, South Tower 483 Bay Street Toronto, Ontario M5G 2P5 Tel: (416) 345-5240 Fax: (416) 345-5866 cell: (416) 903-5240 Oded Hubert Director – Regulatory Compliance Regulatory Affairs BY COURIER January 30, 2015 Ms. Kirsten Walli Board Secretary Ontario Energy Board Suite 2700, 2300 Yonge Street Toronto, ON M4P 1E4 Dear Ms. Walli: EB-2014-0360 - Hydro One Networks’ Application for Extension to Mandated Time-of-Use Pricing Date -Hydro One Networks Responses to Interrogatory Questions Please find attached two (2) hard copies of the response provided by Hydro One Networks to the Interrogatory questions from the Ontario Energy Board. An electronic copy of the Interrogatory responses has been filed using the Board’s Regulatory Electronic Submission System. Sincerely, ORIGINAL SIGNED BY ODED HUBERT Oded Hubert Attach. Filed: 2015-01-30 EB-2014-0360 Exhibit I Tab 1 Schedule 1 Page 1 of 2 Ontario Energy Board (Board Staff) INTERROGATORY #1 1 2 3 Interrogatory 4 5 6 Please provide the geographic location, by municipality, of the 110,000 hard-to-reach customers identified in this application. 7 8 9 10 11 a. Please confirm the status of available commercial cellular network coverage, current and projected, in each location identified. For this group of customers, please also provide a breakdown by indicating the reason why customers are affected (telecommunications infrastructure, automated meter reading infrastructure, etc.). 12 13 14 Response 15 16 17 The table below provides the breakdown, by operations centre (see attached Chart 1), of the 110,000 hard-to-reach customers that were identified in the application. 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 *The source of data (Hydro One’s Customer Information System) does not contain Ontario municipalities. In lieu of municipality, we have therefore provided a customer breakdown by Hydro One operations centres. In addition, we have attached a spreadsheet with a further breakdown to Ontario Township. Filed: 2015-01-30 EB-2014-0360 Exhibit I Tab 1 Schedule 1 Page 2 of 2 1 2 Chart 1 – Hydro One Operations Centres Township Abinger Adelaide Adjala Admaston Ailsa Craig Airy Alban Alberton Albion Alderville 37FN Alfred and Plantagen Allan East Allan West Alnwick Alnwick/Haldimand Alton Amabel Amaranth Ames Amherst Island Ancaster Anderdon Anglesea Anstruther Antrim Appleby Arkona Armour Armstrong Arnold Arnprior Aroland FN Arran Artemesia Arthur Ashby Ashfield-Colborne-Wa Ashmore Askin Asmussen Asphodel Asquith Assiginack Athens Athol Atikokan Poor AMR Network Poor Cell Coverage 194 159 38 4 147 14 57 7 11 17 2 2 37 1 117 11 8 19 2 84 1 43 47 186 15 33 5 143 14 186 2 1 5 19 77 707 18 98 314 103 58 14 1 1 19 6 107 23 59 1 2 15 177 1 122 24 1 121 7 56 7 51 242 49 1 4 1 12 2 51 1 30 116 13 4 59 3 1 1 Filed: 2015-01-30 EB-2014-0360 Exhibit I-1-1 Attachment 1 Page 1 of 27 Atwood Aubrey Augusta Aurora Awrey Aylsworth Badgerow Bagot Baird Baker Bala Baldwin Balfour Balmer Bancroft Bangor Banning Lake Barber Barker Barrie Barrie Island Bastard Bathurst Baxter Bay Of Islands Bayfield Bayham Bayly Beardmore Beaucage Beauchamp Beckwith Bedford Belfountain Belmont Benoit Bentinck Bertram Best Bethune Beverly Bexley Bicroft Bidwell North Big Grassy River FN Big Island FN Bigwood 12 37 141 2 9 11 7 52 7 5 1 32 65 6 41 21 5 17 1 633 23 94 130 189 31 30 71 15 193 7 174 291 27 202 29 168 7 87 115 57 3 32 2 4 29 7 4 7 1 13 7 17 3 6 1 2 719 4 37 37 18 2 25 10 1 1 11 209 31 8 4 5 1 6 19 2 7 1 1 Filed: 2015-01-30 EB-2014-0360 Exhibit I-1-1 Attachment 1 Page 2 of 27 Billings Binbrook Black Black River-Matheson Blackwell Blair Blake Blandford Blandford-Blenheim Blanshard Blezard Blind River Blithfield Bloomfield Blount Blue Blyth Bobcaygeon Bolton Bomby Bond Bonfield Borden Bosanquet Boston Bouck Boulter Bowman Boys Bracebridge Brant Brechin Brethour Briggs Brighton Britton Brock Brockville Broderick Bromley Brooke-Alvinston Brothers Brougham Brower Brownridge Brudenell, Lyndoch a Brunel 79 383 5 1 15 17 239 48 137 30 53 15 13 5 15 26 41 371 3 3 66 1 85 2 41 1 21 79 297 64 3 19 1 288 33 170 232 2 27 38 6 114 10 27 343 83 2 2 4 8 251 40 1 9 3 1 2 13 4 1 1 17 8 2 5 126 1 5 18 173 2 2 7 9 2 10 2 2 10 37 24 1 565 7 Filed: 2015-01-30 EB-2014-0360 Exhibit I-1-1 Attachment 1 Page 3 of 27 Bryce Buchanan Bucke Buckles Burford Burleigh Burns Burpee and Mills Burt Burton Burwash Calder Caldwell Caledon Caledon East Caledon Town Callander Calvert Calvin Cambridge CAMDEN Camden East Camden Gore Cameron Campbellford Cane Canisbay Caouette Cape Croker 27FN Capreol Caradoc Caramat Carden Cardiff Cardwell Carleton Place Carling Carlow/Mayo Carnarvon Carr Carrick Cartier Cartwright Cascaden Casey Casgrain Casimir 26 31 82 65 63 67 74 27 18 35 450 161 265 2 10 26 154 9 113 19 4 32 28 41 47 34 59 67 39 110 107 159 201 260 100 14 27 30 61 7 19 2 14 7 2 1 12 6 31 35 91 1 13 1 1 3 8 29 47 2 1 5 2 3 1 3 1 2 16 20 149 1 6 6 1 22 48 4 42 220 4 15 1 2 4 49 3 7 Filed: 2015-01-30 EB-2014-0360 Exhibit I-1-1 Attachment 1 Page 4 of 27 Cassels Casson Cat Lake FN Catharine Cavan-Monaghan Cavendish Cecile Central Huron Central Manitoulin Centre Hastings Chaffey Chalk River Chamberlain Champlain Chapisse Chapleau Chapman Chapple Charlottenburgh Charlotteville Charlton Chatham Gore Chatham-Kent Chatsworth Cheltenham Cherriman Chesley Chinguacousy Chippewa 42FN Chisholm Chown Christian Is 30FN Clancy Clarence-Rockland Clarendon Clarington Clarke Cleland Clergue Clute Cobalt Cobden Cochrane Cockburn Is 19AFN Cockburn Island Colborne Colchester North 4 11 2 141 137 1 37 110 101 318 7 60 36 1 212 258 49 133 3 12 64 2 41 42 14 216 29 38 19 347 79 251 83 16 7 35 8 36 2 3 43 23 2 1 27 3 70 3 1 107 14 8 1 1 43 70 66 23 3 17 1 4 8 5 33 3 4 12 105 1 39 714 24 5 60 24 48 1 Filed: 2015-01-30 EB-2014-0360 Exhibit I-1-1 Attachment 1 Page 5 of 27 Colchester South Coldwater Coldwell Coleman Colter Commanda Conacher Conger Conmee Connell Constance LK 92FN Cook Corman Cornwall Corrigal Cosby Couchiching 16AFN Cox Coyle Cramahe Crerar Croft Croll Crooks Crystal Lake Culross Cumberland Curran Currie Curtin Curve Lake 35FN Dack Daley Dalhousie Dalles 38CFN Dalton Dance Daoust Darling Darlington Davis Dawn Dawson Dawson Road Lots Deep River Delamere Delaware 63 9 1 38 4 1 51 69 187 7 4 104 1 50 12 11 1 136 30 140 2 209 20 41 1044 1 1 88 25 25 11 380 6 41 15 15 435 2 12 4 92 40 4 25 2 13 6 3 2 19 238 20 34 4 27 3 2 16 1 3 15 47 23 42 1 4 37 107 4 5 327 1 17 194 10 11 1 87 40 3 2 Filed: 2015-01-30 EB-2014-0360 Exhibit I-1-1 Attachment 1 Page 6 of 27 Delaware Village Deloro Denbigh Denison Dereham Deseronto Desmond Devitt Devon Dickens Dieppe Digby Dilke Dill Docker Dokis 9FN Dome Dorion Douro Dover Dowling Downie Doyle Draper Drummond Drury Dryden Dryden City Dudley Dummer Dundalk Dundonald Dungannon Dunnet Durham Dutton/Dunwich Dymond Dysart and Others Eagle Lake FN Ear Falls East Burpee East Ferris East Flamborough East Garafraxa East Gwillimbury East Hawkesbury East Luther 3 6 3 11 82 19 5 5 1 43 117 6 44 12 9 1 25 47 72 62 28 31 67 121 90 12 19 100 60 123 20 16 109 21 38 62 38 239 9 71 5 64 63 107 1030 44 44 336 4 1 1 24 2 10 7 130 17 6 7 1 2 9 6 6 2 3 21 2 1 10 4 2 1 3 57 81 15 8 83 2 1 Filed: 2015-01-30 EB-2014-0360 Exhibit I-1-1 Attachment 1 Page 7 of 27 East Mills East Nissouri East Oxford East Zorra-Tavistock Eastnor Eby Eden Edwardsburgh Effingham Eganville Egremont Eilber Ekfrid Elderslie Eldon Elizabethtown Ellice Elliot Lake Elmvale Elzevir Emily Emo Emo Sudbury Englehart Enniskillen Eramosa Erin Erin Village Errington Escott Essa Eton Euphemia Euphrasia Eva Lake Evanturel Evelyn Ewart Exeter Fairbank Falconbridge Fallis Faraday Farrington Fauquier-Strickland Fenelon Fenelon Falls 5 38 26 4 403 22 10 160 70 17 61 7 24 17 42 156 23 1 37 105 73 138 11 49 178 338 28 12 60 347 10 6 103 53 31 2 69 44 3 8 1 159 7 13 125 26 482 6 4 194 1 14 127 1 10 2 1 9 6 2 2 4 1 28 40 3 7 39 2 9 30 7 4 14 7 70 6 1 1 63 7 1 Filed: 2015-01-30 EB-2014-0360 Exhibit I-1-1 Attachment 1 Page 8 of 27 Ferrie Field Finlayson Firstbrook Fitzroy Fleming Twp Flesherton Flos Foley Foleyet Forbes Forest Forgie Fort Frances Foster Fournier Fowler Fox Frankford Franklin Fraser Freeman French Front of Yonge Fulford Fullarton Gallagher Galway Garibaldi Garson Garvey Gauthier Gemmell Georgian Bay Georgian Bluffs Georgina Georgina Is 33FN German Gertrude Gibbons Gibson Gibson 31FN Gidley Gill Gillies Gillies Limit Glackmeyer 2 31 32 3 65 40 8 91 180 40 30 26 2 11 5 16 9 42 129 21 49 18 57 5 14 1 621 78 1 12 1 49 732 12 22 8 10 70 12 22 114 6 20 2 3 274 5 9 9 54 137 1 2 15 7 5 12 8 2 33 17 35 5 32 181 27 188 1 1 7 26 60 1 4 3 365 53 3 21 6 3 Filed: 2015-01-30 EB-2014-0360 Exhibit I-1-1 Attachment 1 Page 9 of 27 Gladman Glamorgan Glanbrook Glanford Glass Glencoe Glenelg Glenorchy Goderich Godfrey Godson Gogama Golden Lake 39FN Goldie Golding Gordon Gore Bay Gorham Gosfield North Gosfield South Gould Graham Grand Bend Grant Grasett Grassy Narrows 21FN Grattan Gravenhurst Greater Napanee Greenock Grenfell Grey Grey Highlands Griffith Guelph Guilford Gundy Gunterman Haddo Hagar Hagarty Hagerman Hagey Haggart Haileybury Haines Halkirk 20 474 134 75 15 36 189 3 51 3 67 25 58 16 89 9 146 43 81 92 7 43 3 7 236 87 65 25 35 44 29 4 1 47 169 182 231 108 32 196 58 87 18 19 35 142 81 224 1 3 50 27 5 1 33 76 17 2 19 2 34 3 30 1 1 1 59 2 1 2 1 181 1 16 71 13 6 4 104 5 45 8 2 37 27 Filed: 2015-01-30 EB-2014-0360 Exhibit I-1-1 Attachment 1 Page 10 of 27 Hallowell Hamilton Hanlan Hanmer Hanna Harburn Harcourt Hardwick Hardy Harley Harris Harrison Harrow Harvey Harwich Hastings Village Haultain Havelock Havelock Village Hawley Hay Haycock Head, Clara and Mari Hendrie Henry Henvey Henvey Inlet FN Henwood Heron Bay FN Herschel Hess Heyson Hiawatha 36FN Hibbert Hillary Hilliard Hillier Hillsburgh Hinchinbrooke Hislop Hodgson Holland Hornepayne Horton Hoskin Houghton Howard 55 122 7 64 4 346 223 96 73 28 172 35 280 75 21 60 4 9 34 10 84 8 8 112 13 64 175 114 3 1 3 10 39 30 3 191 16 198 10 73 84 42 33 3 2 25 1 1 319 666 5 161 4 2 236 31 22 4 8 91 1 76 22 8 37 60 69 2 30 4 2 13 5 19 10 4 Filed: 2015-01-30 EB-2014-0360 Exhibit I-1-1 Attachment 1 Page 11 of 27 Howe Island Howick Howland Hoyle Hudson Hugel Humphrey Hungerford Hunter Huntley Huron Huron East Huron Shores Hutchinson Hyman Idington Ignace Ilsley Inglewood Ingram Invergarry Inwood Ivanhoe Jack Jackman Jacques Jaffray James Jamieson Jessop Joan Jocko Joly Jones Joubin Joynt Kakabeka Falls Kaladar Kearney Keefer Keith Kelly Kemptville Kendall Kennebec Kennedy Kenora Unorg 13 46 45 1 43 30 235 167 267 65 14 145 16 2 2 30 11 39 5 1 16 4 33 64 2 1 1 7 19 35 4 10 2 65 10 1 1 58 8 149 9 11 2 3 3 27 16 4 13 8 1 4 19 1 5 14 2 2 5 65 85 24 7 3 5 1 4 187 7 23 1 38 2 100 47 16 2 24 9 Filed: 2015-01-30 EB-2014-0360 Exhibit I-1-1 Attachment 1 Page 12 of 27 Kenyon Keppel Kerns Kettle Point 44FN Key River Kilkenny Killarney Killraine Kincardine King Kingsford Kingston Kinloss Kirkfield Kirkland Lake Kirkpatrick Kirkup Kitley Laberge Lac Lacroix FN Lac Seul FN Lahontan Lake Lake Despair Lake Helen FN Lake Of Bays Lake of the Woods Lakeshore Lamarche Lanark-Lang Lancaster Langton Lansdowne Front Lansdowne Rear Larder Lake Latchford Lauder Laura Laurentian Hills Laurentian Valley Laurie Laurier Lavallee Lavant Law Lawson Laxton 73 203 47 23 61 7 219 27 130 1115 21 500 38 1 145 21 166 57 22 12 120 8 4 134 85 35 17 207 71 29 101 101 19 4 15 1 9 50 13 72 2 26 64 106 4 1 13 10 188 1 20 57 1 83 1 7 87 12 16 84 173 2 20 2 97 4 2 69 4 26 15 1 2 2 2 54 28 216 6 16 1 Filed: 2015-01-30 EB-2014-0360 Exhibit I-1-1 Attachment 1 Page 13 of 27 Lebel Lecours Leduc Leeds and the Thousa Leeds Front Leeds Rear Leitch Lemay Leslie Lessard Lett Levack Lewis Limerick Lindsay Lindsay Town Lindsley Lions Head Listowel Little Current Livingstone Lochiel Logan London LongLac LongLake 58FN LongLake 77FN Lorne Lorrain Loudon Loughborough Loughrin Louise Lount Lowther Loyalist Lucan Biddulph Lybster Lyell Lyman Lyon Macaulay MacGregor Machar Mack Maclennan Macnicol 8 2 67 3 40 55 16 12 1 1 8 2 229 196 182 70 3 107 17 27 51 22 56 1 1 9 30 6 59 144 6 33 29 11 217 62 88 95 41 17 83 118 47 40 18 59 4 2 6 3 54 4 2 19 4 194 138 3 33 3 75 1 1 6 2 68 1 67 118 21 8 5 5 18 38 6 32 45 9 5 7 Filed: 2015-01-30 EB-2014-0360 Exhibit I-1-1 Attachment 1 Page 14 of 27 MacPherson Madawaska Valley Madoc Magnetawan Magnetawan 1FN Maidstone Maisonville Malachi Malahide Malden Manitou Rapids 11FN Manvers Mapleton Marion Lake Mariposa Markdale Markham Marks Markstay Marlborough Marmora Marquis Marter Martland Mason Matachewan Matachewan FN Matawatchan Matchedash Matheson Matilda Mattagami Mattagami FN Mattawa Mattawan McAllister McCart McCaulay Lake McClintock McClure McCoig McConkey McCool McDougall McGarry McGeorge McKellar 17 110 80 45 6 249 27 103 82 46 170 47 22 71 19 11 65 1 54 164 38 41 156 10 7 1 69 11 46 34 13 12 7 5 151 41 1 1 117 12 159 72 4 82 15 43 4 1 80 2 6 1 1 2 1 88 7 3 13 14 16 6 40 326 7 1 3 18 49 1 7 20 2 4 30 139 2 130 18 27 3 14 14 Filed: 2015-01-30 EB-2014-0360 Exhibit I-1-1 Attachment 1 Page 15 of 27 McKenzie McKeown McKinnon McLaren McLean McMillan McMurrich McNab McQuesten McVittie Meaford Medonte Medora Melancthon Melgund Melick Merrick Merrickville-Wolford Mersea Metcalfe Methuen Michaud Michener Middlesex Centre Middleton Midhurst Millbrook Miller Milverton Minaki Minden Minden Hills Mine Centre Minto MisCampbell Mississagi 8FN Mississippi Mills Mobert 82FN Monaghan North Monck Moncrieff Mongowin Monmouth Mono Montague Monteagle Monteith 159 117 10 24 68 2 420 49 1 2 39 164 236 159 18 47 51 82 18 508 33 6 131 76 1 19 69 2 34 1 7 64 4 2 8 24 5 8 2 14 3 11 1 474 17 6 3 302 16 70 197 179 42 59 10 8 32 1 19 61 18 65 202 309 109 87 180 27 21 4 1 2 13 120 4 8 14 29 13 82 1 21 Filed: 2015-01-30 EB-2014-0360 Exhibit I-1-1 Attachment 1 Page 16 of 27 Moonbeam Moorefield Moose Moose Cree FN Moose Point 79FN Moosonee Moravian 47FN Morgan Morley Morris Morrison Morson Mosa Mountain Mountjoy Mowat Mulmur Muncee-Delaware FN Munro Munster Murchison Murray Muskego Muskoka Mutrie N Fredericksburgh Nairn and Hyman Nakina Nansen Napanee Neebing Neelon Nelles New Credit 40AFN New Liskeard New Post Band 69FN Newbury Newmarket Nichol Nicol Niobe Lake Nipigon Nipigon Town Nipissing Nipissing FN Noble Norman 27 5 1 1 9 4 4 157 17 81 13 20 48 69 28 341 3 1 1 26 142 9 14 40 3 1 44 1 6 15 7 38 2 4 128 1 26 24 12 114 49 23 1 643 752 29 1 1 1 1 2 9 21 18 53 11 2 8 4 2 1 17 261 4 2 1 3 17 26 2 108 2 5 4 113 5 142 Filed: 2015-01-30 EB-2014-0360 Exhibit I-1-1 Attachment 1 Page 17 of 27 Normanby North Algona Wilberf North Burgess North Canonto North Crosby North Dorchester North Dundas North Easthope North Elmsley North Glengarry North Gower North Himsworth North Huron North Kawartha North Marysburgh North Middlesex North Norwich North Perth North Plantagenet North Sherbrooke North Stormont North Walsingham Northwest Angle 37FN Norwich Notman Nottawasaga Nwest Angle 33AFN Nym Lake Oakland OBrien OConnor Ogden Ojibways of Onigamin Olden Olive Oliver Paipoonge Olrig Omemee Oneida Oneida First Nation ONeill Onondaga Opasatika Ops Orford Orillia Orillia North 61 148 83 19 365 100 40 35 72 39 89 51 37 101 53 36 58 29 117 86 45 69 44 2 27 130 39 36 26 24 94 11 141 123 20 276 5 28 1 17 6 25 3 64 25 3 119 5 84 34 7 11 4 3 3 2 4 4 6 3 3 3 2 8 2 32 3 2 1 7 4 2 5 5 1 1 27 1 11 39 4 10 2 5 5 Filed: 2015-01-30 EB-2014-0360 Exhibit I-1-1 Attachment 1 Page 18 of 27 Orillia South Oro Oro-Medonte Osaquan Osgoode Osnaburgh FN Oso Osprey Otonabee Ottaway Otto Owen Sound Owens Oxford North Oxford On Rideau Pacaud Paisley Palgrave Palmerston Panet Papineau Pardee Parkinson Parry Island 16FN Patience Patterson Patton Patullo Pays Platt FN Pearson Peck Pedley Peel Pefferlaw Pelee Island Pelham Pellatt Pellatt South East Pembroke Penhorwood Pense Pentland Perch Lake Percy Perrault Falls Perry Perth 72 226 2 365 105 99 53 1 25 142 18 28 332 26 9 94 40 20 33 21 27 6 293 5 13 14 71 25 1 112 1 236 101 82 37 23 1 1 8 88 133 33 22 6 1 4 7 1 446 32 13 50 169 16 132 11 25 49 72 9 70 4 3 29 1 3 7 94 6 264 80 3 21 5 29 2 Filed: 2015-01-30 EB-2014-0360 Exhibit I-1-1 Attachment 1 Page 19 of 27 Perth East Petawawa Pettypiece Phelps Phyllis Pic Pickerel Pickle Lake Picton Pilkington East Pilkington West Pinard Pitt Pittsburgh Playfair Plympton Poitras Ponsford Port Burwell Port Hope Porter Portland Powassan Pratt Price Prince Edward Pringle Proton Proudfoot Puslinch Rainy Lake 17AFN Rainy Lake 18CFN Rainy River Rainy River Unorgani Raith Raleigh Rama Rama 32FN Ramara Ramsay Rat Portage 38BFN Rathbun Ratter Rayside Reach Red Gut FN Red Lake 26 219 15 133 2 54 26 76 18 8 117 15 68 9 11 98 1 127 4 16 1 71 21 84 242 204 7 1 6 47 32 80 7 81 135 20 34 81 155 56 47 1 6 119 223 12 1 47 1 3 1 12 6 1 2 65 157 3 3 1 9 2 167 1 284 12 3 42 4 1 3 2 11 7 55 1 4 8 51 Filed: 2015-01-30 EB-2014-0360 Exhibit I-1-1 Attachment 1 Page 20 of 27 Red Rock Red Rock Village Redditt Redvers Reeves RICHARDS Richardson Richmond Ridout Robb Robillard Robinson Rocky Bay FN Rodney Rollins Rolph Romney Rondeau Park Roseberry Ross Rowell Roxborough Rudd Rugby Russell Ryerson S Fredericksburgh Sabine Sables-Spanish River Salter Sandfield Sandwich South Sanford Sarawak Saugeen 29FN Saugeen FN Saugeen Shores Savanne Savant Lake Savard Scadding Scarfe Schreiber Schumacher Scoble Scollard Scugog 9 8 43 7 176 2 83 73 94 27 4 88 6 1 53 21 20 26 65 8 44 2 11 186 200 11 77 108 34 45 93 5 23 19 1 84 2 1 18 4 8 17 16 99 50 3 1 1 12 9 3 45 14 9 13 26 4 169 1 1 44 1 2 1 2 2 4 90 1 13 122 53 58 1 19 2 39 3 23 71 50 49 1 2 164 69 Filed: 2015-01-30 EB-2014-0360 Exhibit I-1-1 Attachment 1 Page 21 of 27 Scugog 34FN Scugog Island Sebastopol Secord Seguin Seine River 23AFN Senn Serpent River 7FN Servos Severn Sewell Seymour Shakespeare Shallow Lake Sharpe Shaw Shawanaga Shawanaga FN Shedden Sheguiandah 24FN Sheguiandah North Sheguiandah South Shelburne Sherborne Sherbrooke South Sherwood Sheshegwaning 20FN Shoal Lake #39Fn Shoal Lake 40FN Shuniah Sibley Sidney Sifton Simcoe Island Sioux Narrows-Nestor Sisk Six Nations 40FN Skey Slate Falls FN Smellie Smith Smith-Ennismore-Lake Smiths Falls Smooth Rock Falls Snider Snowdon Sombra 5 17 255 17 51 98 116 3 50 3 124 14 4 5 5 62 80 51 7 30 26 154 57 165 136 170 105 58 87 244 1 1 133 45 118 5 164 38 129 7 2 91 33 142 8 13 3 22 30 1 16 15 3 51 15 5 1 4 33 10 18 76 1 1 43 10 10 35 19 24 1 10 75 83 3 1 21 2 89 3 Filed: 2015-01-30 EB-2014-0360 Exhibit I-1-1 Attachment 1 Page 22 of 27 Somerville Soper Sophiasburgh South Algona South Bidwell South Bruce Peninsul South Burgess South Canonto South Crosby South Dorchester South Dumfries South Easthope South Elmsley South Glengarry South Gower South Himsworth South Huron South Marysburgh South Monaghan South Norwich South Plantagenet South Porcupine South River South Stormont South Walsingham South-West Oxford Southwold Southworth Spanish River 5FN Spohn Springer Sproule St Clair St Edmunds St Vincent Stafford Stanhope Stanley St-Charles Stedman Stephen Stephenson Stetham Stevens Stewart Stirling Stirling-Rawdon 163 4 38 98 14 183 56 1 161 23 87 31 71 11 52 52 15 10 23 43 23 21 7 97 45 47 62 26 23 25 54 1 105 238 86 29 146 50 3 45 136 18 102 5 1 135 49 8 108 1 4 1 3 1 1 1 3 6 5 3 12 5 1 2 20 1 9 6 151 8 2 5 4 11 6 13 2 1 2 40 4 Filed: 2015-01-30 EB-2014-0360 Exhibit I-1-1 Attachment 1 Page 23 of 27 Stisted Stock Stoddart Stokes Stone Mills Storrington Stouffville Strange Strathcona Strathearn Strathy Strey Striker Strong Studholme Sucker Creek 23FN Sullivan Sunnidale Sutherland Sutton Sydenham Syine Tanner Tara Tay Taylor Tecumseth Teefy Tehkummah Temple Terra Cotta Terrace Bay The Archipelago The Blue Mountains The Nation Municipal The North Shore Thedford Thessalon Thessalon 12FN Thistle Thompson Thorneloe Thorold Thunder Bay Unorgani Thunder Bay, Unorgan Thurlow Tilbury East 405 8 2 2 85 118 784 90 45 10 9 82 91 8 10 117 55 23 19 155 9 12 7 142 11 47 1 98 4 75 16 57 317 14 18 8 69 10 2 33 31 234 76 1 197 19 100 19 41 29 9 21 33 17 6 1 19 3 6 1 2 26 2 15 3 3 6 14 11 387 23 3 1 8 10 15 15 81 5 Filed: 2015-01-30 EB-2014-0360 Exhibit I-1-1 Attachment 1 Page 24 of 27 Tilbury North Tilbury West Tilton Timmins Tiny Tisdale Tiverton Torbolton Tosorontio Trenton Trill Trout Creek Truax Truman Tuckersmith Tudhope Tudor Tudor and Cashel Turnberry Tustin Tweed Tweedsmuir Tyendinaga Tyendinaga 38FN Ulster Umbach Upsala Uxbridge Val Rita-Harty Valora Van Horne Verulam Vespra Victoria Vienna Vogt Wabaseemoong FN Wabasgang FN Wabigoon Wabigoon FN Wahgoshig FN Wahnapitae Wahnapitae FN Wainfleet Wainwright Walker Wallace 29 8 4 172 355 29 14 83 51 156 4 2 1 57 79 1 248 33 30 2 12 3 80 49 20 13 518 4 17 139 128 23 7 186 1 17 71 6 1 5 103 21 8 26 2 14 37 6 24 4 14 17 3 78 169 2 6 3 17 4 5 35 1 1 35 8 19 4 3 1 26 33 34 1 53 13 1 4 Filed: 2015-01-30 EB-2014-0360 Exhibit I-1-1 Attachment 1 Page 25 of 27 Wallbridge Walp IS 46FN Walsh Walters Ware Warkworth Warwick Washagamis 38FN Washago Waters Watt Watten Way Wellington Wells West Bay 22FN West Elgin West Flamborough West Garafraxa West Gwillimbury West Hawkesbury West Lorne West Luther West Nipissing West Nissouri West Wawanosh West Zorra Westmeath Westminster Whitchurch White Fish R 4FN White River Whitefish Bay FN Whitefish Lake 6FN Whitewater Region Whitney Wiarton Wicklow Wiggins Wikwemikong 26FN Wilberforce Wildland Game Rsv Williams Williamsburgh Willingdon Wilson Winchester 93 31 10 118 2 40 1 1 56 153 154 33 30 49 81 58 71 99 101 62 6 22 80 70 30 54 101 6 402 96 47 207 14 8 9 20 52 5 846 87 57 54 66 415 1 41 161 13 4 5 4 1 7 98 16 2 1 4 3 4 3 4 1 1 29 2 13 33 24 6 6 4 1 1 3 45 37 20 15 8 9 8 266 1 Filed: 2015-01-30 EB-2014-0360 Exhibit I-1-1 Attachment 1 Page 26 of 27 Windham Wisner Wolfe Island Wollaston Wood Woodville Worthington Wyoming Wyse Yarmouth Yates Yesno Yonge Zealand Zone Zorra East Geary Grimsthorpe Pyramid Bradshaw Brunswick House FN Longford Dewart Chub Lake Caverley Cathcart Trewartha Burk Deans Benedickson McNevin Genier Dewan Robson Churchill Ladysmith Chester McCallum Kohler McCron Revell Oakes Colliver 127 2 30 159 251 3 25 22 2 97 1 4 51 98 13 182 14 40 34 5 4 16 5 7 1 3 1 4 93 20 5 6 8 2 4 6 3 8 6 5 6 6 5 2 4 8 5 4 2 1 1 Filed: 2015-01-30 EB-2014-0360 Exhibit I-1-1 Attachment 1 Page 27 of 27 Filed: 2015-01-30 EB-2014-0360 Exhibit I Tab 1 Schedule 2 Page 1 of 1 Ontario Energy Board (Board Staff) INTERROGATORY #2 1 2 3 Interrogatory 4 5 6 7 Please provide the geographic location, by municipality, of the 50,000 customers currently on TOU pricing that demonstrate consistently unreliable meter communication identified in this application. 8 9 10 11 12 13 a. Please confirm the status of available commercial cellular network coverage, current and projected, in each location identified. For this group of customers, please also provide a breakdown by indicating the reason why customers are affected (telecommunications infrastructure, automated meter reading infrastructure, etc.). 14 15 16 Response 17 18 19 20 The table below provides the breakdown, by operations centre (see Chart 1 in Exhibit I, Tab 1, Schedule 1), of the 50,000 customers currently on TOU pricing that demonstrate consistently unreliable meter communication identified in the application. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 * The source of data (Hydro One’s Customer Information System) does not contain Ontario municipalities. In lieu of municipality, we have provided a breakdown of the data by Hydro One operations centres. In addition, we have attached a spreadsheet with a further breakdown to Ontario Township. A Abinger Adelaide Adjala Admaston Airy Alberton Albion Alderville 37FN Alfred and Plantagen Allan East Allan West Alnwick Alnwick/Haldimand Alton Amabel Amaranth Amherst Island Ancaster Anderdon Anglesea Anstruther Appleby Arkona Armour Armstrong Arnprior Arran Artemesia Arthur Ashby Ashfield-Colborne-Wa Ashmore Asphodel Assiginack Athens Athol Atwood Aubrey Augusta Aurora Awrey Badgerow Bagot Baird Bala Baldwin Poor AMR Network 1 30 142 95 20 46 86 12 34 27 18 56 253 82 554 79 12 156 36 6 147 13 2 86 7 18 47 148 65 1 26 1 88 33 2 33 4 64 269 2 17 12 98 2 1 24 Filed: 2015-01-30 EB-2014-0360 Exhibit I-1-2 Attachment 1 Page 1 of 21 Balfour Balmer Bancroft Bangor Barrie Barrie Island Bastard Bathurst Baxter Bay Of Islands Bayfield Bayham Beaucage Beauchamp Beckwith Bedford Belfountain Belmont Bentinck Bethune Beverly Bexley Bicroft Bidwell North Big Grassy River FN Bigwood Billings Binbrook Black Black River-Matheson Blake Blandford Blandford-Blenheim Blanshard Blezard Blind River Blithfield Bloomfield Blount Blue Bobcaygeon Bolton Bond Bonfield Booth Borden Bosanquet 34 1 67 53 14 7 120 265 276 11 2 114 1 7 208 199 4 99 178 50 161 52 3 29 1 24 20 27 1 1 3 43 89 40 29 15 11 2 2 1 20 281 6 78 1 2 82 Filed: 2015-01-30 EB-2014-0360 Exhibit I-1-2 Attachment 1 Page 2 of 21 Bouck Boulter Bowman Boys Bracebridge Brant Brechin Brethour Brighton Bristol Britton Brock Brockville Bromley Brooke-Alvinston Brougham Brower Brudenell, Lyndoch a Brunel Buchanan Bucke Buckles Burford Burleigh Burpee and Mills Burwash Caldwell Caledon Caledon East Caledon Town Callander Calvert Calvin Cambridge CAMDEN Camden East Camden Gore Cameron Campbellford Cane Canisbay Cape Croker 27FN Capreol Caradoc Carden Cardiff Cardwell 5 3 13 178 136 56 1 2 109 2 3 185 79 50 45 21 4 15 131 31 21 1 107 66 17 24 34 95 113 135 1 13 32 92 17 106 16 9 7 2 1 8 25 96 45 64 14 Filed: 2015-01-30 EB-2014-0360 Exhibit I-1-2 Attachment 1 Page 3 of 21 Carleton Place Carling Carlow/Mayo Carnarvon Carr Carrick Cartwright Cascaden Casey Casgrain Casimir Cassels Cat Lake FN Cavan-Monaghan Cavendish Central Huron Central Manitoulin Centre Hastings Chaffey Chalk River Chamberlain Champlain Chapisse Chapman Chapple Charlottenburgh Charlotteville Charlton Chatham Gore Chatham-Kent Chatsworth Cheltenham Cherriman Chesley Chinguacousy Chippewa 42FN Chisholm Christian Is 30FN Clarence-Rockland Clarendon Clarington Clarke Cleland Clergue Clute Cobalt Cobden 15 138 6 16 5 44 127 6 12 3 42 2 2 163 99 41 17 63 168 5 6 18 1 14 4 141 89 4 23 96 1 10 5 4 13 11 54 29 114 11 1 204 56 32 6 2 5 Filed: 2015-01-30 EB-2014-0360 Exhibit I-1-2 Attachment 1 Page 4 of 21 Colborne Colchester North Colchester South Coldwater Coleman Commanda Conacher Conger Conmee Constance LK 92FN Cook Cornwall Cosby Couchiching 16AFN Coyle Cramahe Creighton Crerar Croft Crooks Culross Cumberland Curran Currie Curtin Curve Lake 35FN Dack Daley Dalhousie Dalles 38CFN Dalton Darling Darlington Dawn Dawson Dawson Road Lots Deep River Delamere Delaware Delaware Village Deloro Denbigh Denison Dereham Deseronto Desmond Devitt 25 16 48 13 57 4 1 189 13 3 1 110 4 7 2 121 2 6 24 5 39 289 5 17 3 4 25 9 31 1 48 11 218 21 2 10 29 2 20 1 3 1 5 84 2 1 8 Filed: 2015-01-30 EB-2014-0360 Exhibit I-1-2 Attachment 1 Page 5 of 21 Dieppe Digby Dill Dokis 9FN Dome Dorion Douro Dover Dowling Downie Draper Drummond Drury Dryden Dryden City Dudley Dummer Dundalk Dundonald Dungannon Dunnet Durham Dutton/Dunwich Dymond Dysart and Others Ear Falls East Ferris East Flamborough East Garafraxa East Gwillimbury East Hawkesbury East Luther East Mills East Nissouri East Oxford Eastnor Eby Eden Edwardsburgh Effingham Eganville Egremont Eilber Ekfrid Elderslie Eldon Elizabethtown 5 4 10 4 15 17 70 74 16 64 87 153 8 15 17 44 246 19 6 66 26 21 101 11 92 13 111 64 95 945 55 28 4 60 45 104 8 6 137 1 4 154 16 37 8 68 122 Filed: 2015-01-30 EB-2014-0360 Exhibit I-1-2 Attachment 1 Page 6 of 21 Ellice Elmvale Elzevir Emily Emo Englehart Enniskillen Eramosa Erin Erin Village Errington Escott Essa Eton Euphemia Euphrasia Eva Lake Evanturel Exeter Fairbank Faraday Fauquier-Strickland Fenelon Fenelon Falls Ferrie Field Finlayson Firstbrook Fitzroy Flesherton Flos Foley Foleyet Forbes Forest Forgie Fournier Fowler Frankford Franklin Fraser Freeman French Front of Yonge Fullarton Gallagher Galway 16 4 72 150 10 15 37 74 234 40 14 42 181 11 30 155 19 13 38 6 53 15 129 10 1 18 2 4 51 2 294 104 2 1 16 48 5 151 14 124 6 32 1 134 40 1 13 Filed: 2015-01-30 EB-2014-0360 Exhibit I-1-2 Attachment 1 Page 7 of 21 Garibaldi Garson Gauthier Georgian Bay Georgian Bluffs Georgina Georgina Is 33FN German Gertrude Gibbons Gibson Gibson 31FN Gidley Gillies Gillies Limit Glackmeyer Glamorgan Glanbrook Glanford Glass Glencoe Glenelg Goderich Godfrey Gogama Golden Lake 39FN Gordon Gore Bay Gorham Gosfield North Gosfield South Gould Graham Grand Bend Grant Grattan Gravenhurst Greater Napanee Greenock Grenfell Grey Grey Highlands Griffith Guelph Guilford Gunterman Haddo 1 18 1 1 39 257 40 16 14 6 91 25 3 15 1 12 17 30 18 46 6 178 90 5 1 72 42 8 229 55 94 1 31 16 9 91 55 22 46 10 36 4 1 42 118 100 2 Filed: 2015-01-30 EB-2014-0360 Exhibit I-1-2 Attachment 1 Page 8 of 21 Hagar Hagarty Hagerman Hagey Haggart Haileybury Haines Halkirk Hallowell Hamilton Hanlan Hanmer Hanna Harburn Harcourt Hardwick Hardy Harley Harris Harrison Harrow Harvey Harwich Hastings Village Havelock Havelock Village Hay Haycock Head, Clara and Mari Hendrie Henry Henvey Inlet FN Henwood Herschel Hess Heyson Hiawatha 36FN Hibbert Hillary Hilliard Hillier Hinchinbrooke Hislop Hodgson Holland Hornepayne Horton 50 94 42 7 27 6 4 1 89 245 28 42 1 5 61 1 2 6 14 34 10 102 113 2 130 3 44 12 1 4 1 1 2 64 1 1 7 21 1 2 54 39 11 1 222 10 52 Filed: 2015-01-30 EB-2014-0360 Exhibit I-1-2 Attachment 1 Page 9 of 21 Houghton Howard Howe Island Howick Howland Hoyle Hudson Hugel Humphrey Hungerford Huntley Huron Huron East Huron Shores Idington Ignace Ilsley Inglewood Ingram Jacques Jaffray James Jessop Joan Jocko Joly Jones Kaladar Kearney Keefer Kemptville Kendall Kennebec Kenora Unorg Kenyon Keppel Kerns Kettle Point 44FN Killarney Kincardine King Kingston Kinloss Kirkfield Kirkland Lake Kirkpatrick Kirkup 29 63 21 38 52 1 38 34 137 166 88 52 37 28 4 8 1 2 5 58 68 6 1 2 1 22 14 34 86 3 9 5 43 38 107 339 8 9 4 113 454 487 26 1 72 11 44 Filed: 2015-01-30 EB-2014-0360 Exhibit I-1-2 Attachment 1 Page 10 of 21 Kitley Lac Lacroix FN Lac Seul FN Lahontan Lake Lake Of Bays Lakeshore Lamarche Lanark-Lang Lancaster Langton Lansdowne Front Lansdowne Rear Larder Lake Latchford Lauder Laurentian Hills Laurentian Valley Laurier Lavallee Lavant Laxton Lebel Lecours Leeds and the Thousa Leeds Front Leeds Rear Lemay Levack Lewis Limerick Lindsay Lindsay Town Lindsley Listowel Little Current Livingstone Lochiel Logan London LongLac LongLake 58FN LongLake 77FN Lorne Lorrain Loudon Loughborough 48 7 143 96 1 23 20 35 141 143 7 79 154 7 7 2 28 44 17 24 3 31 1 1 1 80 51 1 8 2 4 166 97 1 10 11 118 161 22 114 3 2 1 31 4 6 263 Filed: 2015-01-30 EB-2014-0360 Exhibit I-1-2 Attachment 1 Page 11 of 21 Loughrin Louise Lount Loyalist Lucan Biddulph Lybster Lyon Macaulay MacGregor Machar Mack Macklem Maclennan Macnicol MacPherson Madawaska Valley Madoc Magnetawan Maidstone Maisonville Malahide Malden Manvers Mapleton Mariposa Markdale Markham Marks Marlborough Marmora Marquis Marter Martland Mason Matachewan Matawatchan Matchedash Matheson Matilda Mattawa Mattawan McCart McClintock McClure McConkey McDougall McGarry 4 46 48 111 21 5 4 46 120 41 3 1 14 1 18 69 136 1 83 3 96 36 119 51 174 3 25 3 73 138 10 9 5 3 4 2 82 7 66 4 6 6 46 7 1 117 6 Filed: 2015-01-30 EB-2014-0360 Exhibit I-1-2 Attachment 1 Page 12 of 21 McKellar McKenzie McLean McMurrich McNab Meaford Medonte Medora Melancthon Melick Merrickville-Wolford Mersea Metcalfe Methuen Middlesex Centre Middleton Millbrook Miller Milverton Minaki Minden Minden Hills Mine Centre Minto MisCampbell Mississagi 8FN Mississippi Mills Mobert 82FN Monaghan North Monck Monmouth Mono Montague Monteagle Monteith Moonbeam Moorefield Moose Moose Cree FN Moose Point 79FN Moosonee Moravian 47FN Morgan Morris Morrison Morson Mosa 83 98 99 11 104 24 234 191 63 61 61 111 19 9 56 92 1 4 3 27 174 121 37 89 6 3 71 1 29 111 54 346 170 71 2 26 1 4 1 1 1 11 3 27 81 53 43 Filed: 2015-01-30 EB-2014-0360 Exhibit I-1-2 Attachment 1 Page 13 of 21 Mountain Mountjoy Mowat Mulmur Muncee-Delaware FN Murchison Murphy Murray Muskoka Mutrie N Fredericksburgh Nairn and Hyman Nakina Nansen Napanee Neelon New Credit 40AFN New Liskeard Newbury Nichol Nipigon Nipigon Town Nipissing Nipissing FN Norman Normanby North Algona Wilberf North Burgess North Crosby North Dorchester North Dundas North Easthope North Elmsley North Glengarry North Gower North Himsworth North Huron North Kawartha North Marysburgh North Middlesex North Norwich North Perth North Plantagenet North Stormont North Walsingham Nottawasaga Nym Lake 95 51 23 128 31 7 1 144 10 19 52 4 1 2 33 17 14 5 2 72 18 6 171 11 3 97 111 130 105 81 7 71 73 14 84 44 45 72 43 48 35 30 61 28 60 204 1 Filed: 2015-01-30 EB-2014-0360 Exhibit I-1-2 Attachment 1 Page 14 of 21 Oakland OBrien OConnor Olden Oliver Paipoonge Olrig Omemee Oneida Oneida First Nation Onondaga Opasatika Ops Orford Orillia Orillia North Orillia South Oro-Medonte Osgoode Osnaburgh FN Oso Osprey Otonabee Otto Owen Sound Owens Oxford North Oxford On Rideau Pacaud Paisley Palgrave Palmerston Papineau Pardee Parry Island 16FN Patience Patterson Patullo Peck Pedley Peel Pelee Island Pelham Pellatt Pellatt South East Pembroke Percy Perry 12 22 24 60 117 2 10 4 10 9 1 104 34 8 178 36 404 322 11 67 141 139 22 51 5 15 243 4 8 32 4 35 2 27 2 2 1 2 3 103 2 76 56 139 21 146 145 Filed: 2015-01-30 EB-2014-0360 Exhibit I-1-2 Attachment 1 Page 15 of 21 Perth Perth East Petawawa Pettypiece Phelps Pic Picton Pilkington East Pilkington West Pittsburgh Playfair Plympton Ponsford Port Burwell Port Hope Portland Powassan Prince Edward Pringle Proton Puslinch Rainy Lake 17AFN Rainy Lake 18CFN Rainy River Raleigh Rama Rama 32FN Ramara Ramsay Rat Portage 38BFN Ratter Rayside Reach Red Lake Red Rock Red Rock Village Redditt Redvers RICHARDS Richmond Ridout Robillard Robinson Rodney Rolph Romney Rondeau Park 39 37 59 11 41 61 38 25 54 111 7 41 1 4 181 101 1 51 1 68 154 1 1 3 52 62 2 102 311 7 19 19 167 31 6 7 6 5 29 37 78 13 2 23 30 24 53 Filed: 2015-01-30 EB-2014-0360 Exhibit I-1-2 Attachment 1 Page 16 of 21 Ross Roxborough Rugby Russell Ryerson S Fredericksburgh Sabine Sables-Spanish River Salter Sandfield Sandwich South Sanford Sarawak Saugeen 29FN Saugeen Shores Savant Lake Savard Schreiber Schumacher Scoble Scollard Scugog Scugog 34FN Scugog Island Sebastopol Secord Seguin Serpent River 7FN Severn Sewell Seymour Shakespeare Shallow Lake Sharpe Shawanaga Shawanaga FN Shedden Sheguiandah 24FN Sheguiandah North Sheguiandah South Shelburne Sherborne Sherbrooke South Sherwood Shoal Lake 40FN Shuniah Sibley 89 89 9 109 25 33 1 50 11 23 60 3 19 20 91 1 6 4 7 13 1 7 1 32 16 15 62 16 2 1 185 4 3 1 8 3 12 15 20 32 5 158 96 97 1 13 4 Filed: 2015-01-30 EB-2014-0360 Exhibit I-1-2 Attachment 1 Page 17 of 21 Sidney Sifton Simcoe Island Sioux Narrows-Nestor Six Nations 40FN Smellie Smith Smith-Ennismore-Lake Smiths Falls Smooth Rock Falls Snider Snowdon Sombra Somerville Sophiasburgh South Algona South Bidwell South Bruce Peninsul South Burgess South Canonto South Crosby South Dorchester South Dumfries South Easthope South Elmsley South Gower South Himsworth South Huron South Marysburgh South Monaghan South Norwich South Plantagenet South Porcupine South River South Stormont South Walsingham South-West Oxford Southwold Southworth Spanish River 5FN Springer St Clair St Edmunds St Vincent Stafford Stanhope Stanley 161 1 8 6 36 16 211 58 28 4 9 111 36 141 33 68 10 99 42 1 274 31 83 45 48 48 94 33 41 36 38 32 13 26 86 60 46 87 11 9 32 96 129 129 35 93 37 Filed: 2015-01-30 EB-2014-0360 Exhibit I-1-2 Attachment 1 Page 18 of 21 St-Charles Stedman Stephen Stephenson Stirling Stirling-Rawdon Stisted Stock Stone Mills Storrington Stouffville Strange Strathcona Strathy Strey Striker Strong Studholme Sucker Creek 23FN Sullivan Sunnidale Sutton Sydenham Tara Tay Taylor Tecumseth Teefy Tehkummah Temple Terra Cotta Terrace Bay The Archipelago The Blue Mountains The Nation Municipal The North Shore Thedford Thessalon Thessalon 12FN Thompson Thorold Thunder Bay Unorgani Thurlow Tilbury East Tilbury North Tilbury West Timmins 4 1 34 101 4 126 16 5 37 121 40 1 7 4 2 87 86 3 12 103 52 12 195 2 312 20 119 1 25 5 22 29 36 220 20 14 5 59 3 12 72 5 126 23 29 10 94 Filed: 2015-01-30 EB-2014-0360 Exhibit I-1-2 Attachment 1 Page 19 of 21 Tiny Tisdale Tiverton Tobermory Torbolton Tosorontio Trenton Trill Trout Creek Tuckersmith Tudor and Cashel Turnberry Tweed Tyendinaga Tyendinaga 38FN Umbach Upsala Uxbridge Val Rita-Harty Van Horne Verulam Vespra Victoria Vienna Wabigoon Wahnapitae FN Wainfleet Wainwright Walker Wallace Walp IS 46FN Ware Warkworth Warwick Washagamis 38FN Waters Watt Watten Way Wellington Wells West Bay 22FN West Elgin West Flamborough West Garafraxa West Gwillimbury West Hawkesbury 559 41 4 1 51 64 150 1 2 30 3 42 3 160 18 3 2 325 4 26 138 173 55 9 20 3 94 29 9 39 49 61 6 56 1 65 121 19 6 8 2 19 125 89 69 84 65 Filed: 2015-01-30 EB-2014-0360 Exhibit I-1-2 Attachment 1 Page 20 of 21 West Lorne West Luther West Nipissing West Nissouri West Wawanosh West Zorra Westmeath Westminster Whitchurch White Fish R 4FN White River Whitefish Lake 6FN Whitewater Region Wiarton Wicklow Wikwemikong 26FN Wilberforce Wildland Game Rsv Williams Williamsburgh Wilson Winchester Windham Wolfe Island Wollaston Wood Woodville Worthington Wyoming Yarmouth Yonge Zealand Zone Zorra East 1 42 2 65 27 96 147 4 337 3 3 3 1 14 29 9 99 2 82 54 1 61 48 71 18 62 1 2 6 98 56 46 30 73 Filed: 2015-01-30 EB-2014-0360 Exhibit I-1-2 Attachment 1 Page 21 of 21 Filed: 2015-01-30 EB-2014-0360 Exhibit I Tab 1 Schedule 3 Page 1 of 1 Ontario Energy Board (Board Staff) INTERROGATORY #3 1 2 3 Interrogatory 4 5 6 7 Please provide the geographic location, by municipality, of the 12,000 hard-to-reach customers that were successfully migrated to TOU pricing during the previous extension period. 8 9 10 Response 11 12 13 14 The table below provides the breakdown, by operations centre (see Chart 1 in Exhibit I, Tab 1, Schedule 1) of the 12, 000 hard to reach customers that were successfully migrated to TOU pricing during the previous extension period. 15 #MIGR. TOU 149 54 222 57 1,348 204 119 593 292 243 151 109 358 83 307 150 241 OPERATION CENTER* ALGOMA ALLISTON ARNPRIOR AYLMER BANCROFT BARRIE BEACHVILLE BOLTON BOWMANVILLE BRACEBRIDGE BROCKVILLE CLINTON COBDEN DRYDEN DUNDAS ESSEX FENELON FALLS #MIGR. TOU 137 284 89 630 71 373 71 56 42 445 214 228 460 216 182 85 658 OPERATION CENTER* GUELPH HUNTSVILLE KAPUSKASING KENORA KENT KINGSTON LAMBTON LINCOLN LISTOWEL MANITOULIN MINDEN NEW LISKEARD NEWMARKET NIPISSING ORANGEVILLE ORILLIA ORLEANS #MIGR. TOU OPERATION CENTER* 521 OWEN SOUND 398 PARRY SOUND PENETANGUISHEN 213 E 252 PERTH 233 PETERBOROUGH 150 PICTON 80 SIMCOE 115 STRATHROY 176 SUDBURY 262 THUNDER BAY 72 TIMMINS 295 TRENTON 226 TWEED 119 VANKLEEK HILL 108 WALKERTON 332 WINCHESTER 16 17 18 19 20 *The source of the data for migrated hard-to-reach customers (Hydro One’s Customer Information System) does not contain Ontario municipalities. In lieu of municipality, we have provided a breakdown of the data by Hydro One operations centres. In addition, we have attached a spreadsheet with a further breakdown by Ontario Township. # MIGR. TOU 7 5 2 2 3 7 5 65 5 2 1 2 1 1 8 2 3 1 4 8 3 2 1 3 6 8 1 4 6 1 10 3 9 2 10 29 4 2 99 5 14 4 37 10 3 15 6 1 16 4 1 1 3 1 OPERATION CENTER ALGOMA ALGOMA ALGOMA ALGOMA ALGOMA ALGOMA ALGOMA ALGOMA ALGOMA ALGOMA ALGOMA ALGOMA ALGOMA ALGOMA ALGOMA ALGOMA ALGOMA ALGOMA ALGOMA ALGOMA ALGOMA ALGOMA ALGOMA ALGOMA ALGOMA ALLISTON ALLISTON ALLISTON ALLISTON ALLISTON ALLISTON ALLISTON ALLISTON ALLISTON ALLISTON ARNPRIOR ARNPRIOR ARNPRIOR ARNPRIOR ARNPRIOR ARNPRIOR ARNPRIOR ARNPRIOR ARNPRIOR ARNPRIOR ARNPRIOR AYLMER AYLMER AYLMER AYLMER AYLMER AYLMER AYLMER AYLMER TOWNSHIP BALDWIN BLIND RIVER BRIGHT COBDEN DAY GLADSTONE GRASETT GUNTERMAN HARROW HYMAN LONG MAY MISSISSAGI 8FN PARKINSON SALTER SERPENT RIVER 7FN SHAKESPEARE SHEDDEN SPANISH RIVER 5FN STRIKER THESSALON THESSALON TOWN THOMPSON VICTORIA WELLS ADJALA AMARANTH ESSA MELANCTHON MONO MULMUR PROTON SHELBURNE TECUMSETH TOSORONTIO ARNPRIOR TOWN BAGOT BLITHFIELD BROUGHAM DARLING FITZROY HORTON HUNTLEY MCNAB RAMSAY TORBOLTON BAYHAM DEREHAM MALAHIDE MIDDLETON Malahide NORTH DORCHESTER PORT BURWELL SOUTH DORCHESTER Filed: 2015-01-30 EB-2014-0360 Exhibit I-1-3 Attachment 1 Page 1 of 18 2 8 2 12 8 2 13 2 1 9 8 80 24 58 3 94 2 9 7 177 1 18 163 88 1 13 2 8 2 37 58 2 83 267 2 5 75 26 2 32 8 75 6 4 3 12 14 6 13 29 1 7 9 6 1 AYLMER AYLMER AYLMER AYLMER BANCROFT BANCROFT BANCROFT BANCROFT BANCROFT BANCROFT BANCROFT BANCROFT BANCROFT BANCROFT BANCROFT BANCROFT BANCROFT BANCROFT BANCROFT BANCROFT BANCROFT BANCROFT BANCROFT BANCROFT BANCROFT BANCROFT BANCROFT BANCROFT BANCROFT BANCROFT BANCROFT BANCROFT BANCROFT BANCROFT BANCROFT BANCROFT BANCROFT BANCROFT BARRIE BARRIE BARRIE BARRIE BARRIE BARRIE BARRIE BARRIE BARRIE BARRIE BARRIE BARRIE BEACHVILLE BEACHVILLE BEACHVILLE BEACHVILLE BEACHVILLE SOUTH NORWICH SOUTHWOLD VIENNA YARMOUTH AIRY ANSTRUTHER BANCROFT BANGOR BICROFT BURLEIGH CARDIFF CARLOW CASHEL CAVENDISH CHANDOS DICKENS DUMMER DUNGANNON FARADAY HAGARTY HARCOURT HERSCHEL LAKE LIMERICK LYELL MAYO MCCLURE METHUEN MONTEAGLE MURCHISON NORTH ALGONA RADCLIFFE RAGLAN RICHARDS SABINE SHERWOOD TUDOR WOLLASTON BORDEN COLLINGWOOD ELMVALE ESSA FLOS MEDONTE MULMUR NOTTAWASAGA ORO OSPREY SUNNIDALE VESPRA BLANDFORD BLENHEIM BURFORD DEREHAM DORCHESTER Filed: 2015-01-30 EB-2014-0360 Exhibit I-1-3 Attachment 1 Page 2 of 18 1 1 4 4 1 6 4 3 5 4 2 5 5 1 10 2 37 37 121 217 27 85 1 45 51 2 7 3 84 12 185 4 1 3 1 14 4 2 27 6 1 15 51 9 10 4 30 3 5 9 29 23 28 1 37 BEACHVILLE BEACHVILLE BEACHVILLE BEACHVILLE BEACHVILLE BEACHVILLE BEACHVILLE BEACHVILLE BEACHVILLE BEACHVILLE BEACHVILLE BEACHVILLE BEACHVILLE BEACHVILLE BEACHVILLE BEACHVILLE BEACHVILLE BOLTON BOLTON BOLTON BOLTON BOLTON BOLTON BOLTON BOLTON BOLTON BOLTON BOWMANVILLE BOWMANVILLE BOWMANVILLE BOWMANVILLE BOWMANVILLE BOWMANVILLE BOWMANVILLE BRACEBRIDGE BRACEBRIDGE BRACEBRIDGE BRACEBRIDGE BRACEBRIDGE BRACEBRIDGE BRACEBRIDGE BRACEBRIDGE BRACEBRIDGE BRACEBRIDGE BRACEBRIDGE BRACEBRIDGE BRACEBRIDGE BRACEBRIDGE BRACEBRIDGE BRACEBRIDGE BRACEBRIDGE BRACEBRIDGE BROCKVILLE BROCKVILLE BROCKVILLE DOWNIE GORE DRUMBO EAST NISSOURI EAST OXFORD ELLICE NORTH DORCHESTER NORTH EASTHOPE NORTH NORWICH OXFORD NORTH PLATTSVILLE SOUTH EASTHOPE SOUTH NORWICH SOUTHWEST OXFORD THORNDALE WEST NISSOURI WEST ZORRA ZORRA EAST ALBION BOLTON CALEDON CALEDON EAST VILLAG CALEDON TOWN CHINGUACOUSY KING PALGRAVE TECUMSETH TERRA COTTA CARTWRIGHT CLARINGTON CLARKE DARLINGTON MANVERS SCUGOG SCUGOG 34FN BRUNEL CARDWELL DRAPER FRANKLIN HUMPHREY MACAULAY MATCHEDASH MCLEAN MEDORA MONCK MORRISON MUSKOKA OAKLEY RIDOUT RYDE STEPHENSON WATT WOOD AUGUSTA BASTARD BROCKVILLE Filed: 2015-01-30 EB-2014-0360 Exhibit I-1-3 Attachment 1 Page 3 of 18 12 11 7 16 20 6 5 1 7 14 8 1 1 12 11 1 2 9 1 8 7 7 2 6 2 2 1 2 6 3 1 2 2 5 1 1 4 6 1 5 49 6 4 2 84 6 2 162 1 5 9 3 5 1 7 BROCKVILLE BROCKVILLE BROCKVILLE BROCKVILLE BROCKVILLE BROCKVILLE BROCKVILLE BROCKVILLE BROCKVILLE CLINTON CLINTON CLINTON CLINTON CLINTON CLINTON CLINTON CLINTON CLINTON CLINTON CLINTON CLINTON CLINTON CLINTON CLINTON CLINTON CLINTON CLINTON CLINTON CLINTON CLINTON CLINTON CLINTON COBDEN COBDEN COBDEN COBDEN COBDEN COBDEN COBDEN COBDEN COBDEN COBDEN COBDEN COBDEN COBDEN COBDEN COBDEN COBDEN COBDEN COBDEN COBDEN COBDEN DRYDEN DRYDEN DRYDEN EDWARDSBURGH ELIZABETHTOWN ESCOTT FRONT OF FRONT OF YONGE LANSDOWNE FRONT LANSDOWNE REAR LEEDS FRONT SOUTH GOWER YONGE ESCOTT REAR ASHFIELD BAYFIELD BIDDULPH BLANSHARD BOSANQUET COLBORNE EAST WAWANOSH ELLICE EXETER FULLARTON GODERICH GRAND BEND HAY HIBBERT HULLETT LOGAN MCKILLOP MORRIS STANLEY STEPHEN TUCKERSMITH USBORNE WEST WAWANOSH ADMASTON ALICE BROMLEY COBDEN TOWN DEEP RIVER EGANVILLE FRASER GRATTAN HEAD HORTON MARIA PEMBROKE PETAWAWA ROLPH ROSS SEBASTOPOL SOUTH ALGONA STAFFORD WESTMEATH WILBERFORCE AUBREY BARCLAY BROWNRIDGE Filed: 2015-01-30 EB-2014-0360 Exhibit I-1-3 Attachment 1 Page 4 of 18 4 7 10 1 4 1 4 9 4 10 5 2 1 4 4 159 12 57 4 43 8 19 5 16 5 7 1 3 18 50 7 11 18 4 1 9 14 11 5 1 6 3 26 5 1 11 1 1 23 7 43 2 23 10 3 DRYDEN DRYDEN DRYDEN DRYDEN DRYDEN DRYDEN DRYDEN DRYDEN DRYDEN DRYDEN DRYDEN DRYDEN DRYDEN DRYDEN DRYDEN DUNDAS DUNDAS DUNDAS DUNDAS DUNDAS DUNDAS DUNDAS DUNDAS ESSEX ESSEX ESSEX ESSEX ESSEX ESSEX ESSEX ESSEX ESSEX ESSEX ESSEX ESSEX ESSEX FENELON FALLS FENELON FALLS FENELON FALLS FENELON FALLS FENELON FALLS FENELON FALLS FENELON FALLS FENELON FALLS FENELON FALLS FENELON FALLS FENELON FALLS FENELON FALLS FENELON FALLS FENELON FALLS FENELON FALLS FENELON FALLS FENELON FALLS FENELON FALLS FENELON FALLS DOME DRYDEN CITY EAR FALLS ETON FRENCHMAN HEAD FN IGNACE MUTRIE RED LAKE SMELLIE TEMPLE VAN HORNE WABIGOON WABIGOON FN WAINWRIGHT ZEALAND ANCASTER BEVERLY BINBROOK EAST FLAMBOROUGH GLANBROOK GLANFORD SOUTH DUMFRIES WEST FLAMBOROUGH ANDERDON COLCHESTER NORTH COLCHESTER SOUTH Colchester South GOSFIELD NORTH GOSFIELD SOUTH MAIDSTONE MALDEN MERSEA PELEE ISLAND ROCHESTER ROMNEY SANDWICH SOUTH BEXLEY BOBCAYGEON BROCK CARDEN ELDON EMILY FENELON FENELON FALLS GALWAY GEORGINA GEORGINA IS #33FN GEORGINA IS 33FN HARVEY LAXTON LINDSAY TOWN MARA MARIPOSA OPS REACH Filed: 2015-01-30 EB-2014-0360 Exhibit I-1-3 Attachment 1 Page 5 of 18 11 11 23 4 1 30 10 9 45 1 32 1 4 17 9 15 15 63 50 3 12 2 9 3 6 12 5 8 13 2 15 20 5 6 5 1 1 2 3 1 2 3 7 3 1 5 49 5 2 4 34 1 10 21 6 FENELON FALLS FENELON FALLS FENELON FALLS GUELPH GUELPH GUELPH GUELPH GUELPH GUELPH GUELPH GUELPH GUELPH GUELPH HUNTSVILLE HUNTSVILLE HUNTSVILLE HUNTSVILLE HUNTSVILLE HUNTSVILLE HUNTSVILLE HUNTSVILLE HUNTSVILLE HUNTSVILLE HUNTSVILLE HUNTSVILLE HUNTSVILLE HUNTSVILLE HUNTSVILLE HUNTSVILLE HUNTSVILLE HUNTSVILLE HUNTSVILLE HUNTSVILLE KAPUSKASING KAPUSKASING KAPUSKASING KAPUSKASING KAPUSKASING KAPUSKASING KAPUSKASING KAPUSKASING KAPUSKASING KAPUSKASING KAPUSKASING KAPUSKASING KAPUSKASING KAPUSKASING KENORA KENORA KENORA KENORA KENORA KENORA KENORA KENORA SOMERVILLE THORAH VERULAM EAST FLAMBOROUGH EAST GARAFRAXA ERAMOSA ERIN GUELPH NICHOL PILKINGTON WEST PUSLINCH WEST FLAMBOROUGH WEST GARAFRAXA ARMOUR BETHUNE BRUNEL CARDWELL CHAFFEY CHAPMAN CROFT FRANKLIN JOLY MCCLINTOCK MCLEAN PECK PERRY RIDOUT RYERSON SHERBORNE SINCLAIR STEPHENSON STISTED STRONG BROWER CALDER CASGRAIN CLUTE FOURNIER FOX HAGGART HANLAN KENDALL KENNEDY LAMARCHE MOONBEAM OBRIEN WAY BARWICK BIG GRASSY RIV FN BLUE BOYS BURRISS CARPENTER CLAXTON COUCHICHING 16AFN Filed: 2015-01-30 EB-2014-0360 Exhibit I-1-3 Attachment 1 Page 6 of 18 5 10 2 1 8 1 6 1 5 119 11 6 91 12 10 5 2 5 42 9 22 9 1 12 25 8 6 4 40 46 2 3 2 2 4 9 1 4 1 8 2 1 5 5 16 2 6 1 6 1 2 3 1 1 4 KENORA KENORA KENORA KENORA KENORA KENORA KENORA KENORA KENORA KENORA KENORA KENORA KENORA KENORA KENORA KENORA KENORA KENORA KENORA KENORA KENORA KENORA KENORA KENORA KENORA KENORA KENORA KENORA KENORA KENORA KENORA KENORA KENORA KENORA KENORA KENORA KENORA KENT KENT KENT KENT KENT KENT KENT KENT KENT KENT KENT KENT KENT KENT KENT KENT KENT KENT CROZIER CRYSTAL LAKE DANCE DESMOND DEVLIN DILKE DOBIE FORGIE GIDLEY GODSON JAFFRAY KINGSFORD KIRKUP LAKE DESPAIR LASH MACNICOL MANITOU RAPIDS 11FN MATHER MCCROSSON MELICK MINAKI MINE CENTRE MORSON NIOBE LAKE PELLATT PELLATT SOUTH EAST PHILLIPS PRATT RAINY LAKE #17AFN RAINY LAKE 17AFN RAINY RIVER REDDITT SHENSTON TAIT WATTEN WOODYATT WORTHINGTON ALDBOROUGH CAMDEN GORE CHATHAM CHATHAM GORE DAWN DOVER EUPHEMIA HARWICH HOWARD MORAVIAN 47FN ORFORD RALEIGH RODNEY RONDEAU PARK SOMBRA TILBURY EAST TILBURY NORTH WALPOLE IS 46FN Filed: 2015-01-30 EB-2014-0360 Exhibit I-1-3 Attachment 1 Page 7 of 18 2 4 58 9 40 27 5 110 2 4 18 8 6 38 11 24 9 1 12 2 1 3 1 5 18 18 2 1 4 3 17 4 23 12 2 7 2 10 1 7 6 3 2 2 22 8 13 1 13 4 15 4 47 24 1 KENT KINGSTON KINGSTON KINGSTON KINGSTON KINGSTON KINGSTON KINGSTON KINGSTON KINGSTON KINGSTON KINGSTON KINGSTON KINGSTON KINGSTON KINGSTON KINGSTON LAMBTON LAMBTON LAMBTON LAMBTON LAMBTON LAMBTON LAMBTON LAMBTON LAMBTON LAMBTON LAMBTON LAMBTON LAMBTON LINCOLN LINCOLN LINCOLN LINCOLN LISTOWEL LISTOWEL LISTOWEL LISTOWEL LISTOWEL LISTOWEL LISTOWEL LISTOWEL LISTOWEL LISTOWEL MANITOULIN MANITOULIN MANITOULIN MANITOULIN MANITOULIN MANITOULIN MANITOULIN MANITOULIN MANITOULIN MANITOULIN 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59 1 1 11 1 4 1 4 13 1 1 1 4 2 1 1 8 18 7 5 1 12 92 1 4 NEW LISKEARD NEW LISKEARD NEW LISKEARD NEW LISKEARD NEW LISKEARD NEW LISKEARD NEW LISKEARD NEW LISKEARD NEW LISKEARD NEW LISKEARD NEW LISKEARD NEW LISKEARD NEW LISKEARD NEW LISKEARD NEW LISKEARD NEW LISKEARD NEW LISKEARD NEW LISKEARD NEW LISKEARD NEW LISKEARD NEWMARKET NEWMARKET NEWMARKET NEWMARKET NEWMARKET NEWMARKET NEWMARKET NEWMARKET NEWMARKET NEWMARKET NEWMARKET NIPISSING NIPISSING NIPISSING NIPISSING NIPISSING NIPISSING NIPISSING NIPISSING NIPISSING NIPISSING NIPISSING NIPISSING NIPISSING NIPISSING NIPISSING NIPISSING NIPISSING NIPISSING NIPISSING NIPISSING NIPISSING NIPISSING NIPISSING NIPISSING HISLOP HUDSON INGRAM JAMES KERNS KIRKLAND LAKE LARDER LAKE LAW MAISONVILLE MARTER MCGARRY MORRISETTE NEW LISKEARD OTTO PACAUD ROBILLARD STRATHCONA STRATHY SWASTIKA TUDHOPE EAST GWILLIMBURY GEORGINA KING NORTH GWILLIMBURY REACH SCOTT STOUFFVILLE SUTTON UXBRIDGE WEST GWILLIMBURY WHITCHURCH BADGEROW BASTEDO BONFIELD CAMERON CHISHOLM COMMANDA COMMANDA FN EAST FERRIS FIELD GRANT LOUDON LOUNT MACPHERSON MATTAWA MATTAWAN NIPISSING NIPISSING 10FN NORTH HIMSWORTH OLRIG PAPINEAU PHELPS POITRAS POWASSAN SOUTH HIMSWORTH Filed: 2015-01-30 EB-2014-0360 Exhibit I-1-3 Attachment 1 Page 10 of 18 4 1 16 3 1 8 9 17 3 11 13 30 4 1 2 2 1 10 17 2 3 37 1 1 1 4 1 3 1 11 3 6 18 11 18 13 1 15 605 38 13 26 6 38 10 2 9 12 69 4 10 2 8 1 17 NIPISSING NIPISSING NIPISSING ORANGEVILLE ORANGEVILLE ORANGEVILLE ORANGEVILLE ORANGEVILLE ORANGEVILLE ORANGEVILLE ORANGEVILLE ORANGEVILLE ORANGEVILLE ORANGEVILLE ORANGEVILLE ORANGEVILLE ORANGEVILLE ORANGEVILLE ORANGEVILLE ORANGEVILLE ORANGEVILLE ORANGEVILLE ORANGEVILLE ORANGEVILLE ORANGEVILLE ORANGEVILLE ORANGEVILLE ORILLIA ORILLIA ORILLIA ORILLIA ORILLIA ORILLIA ORILLIA ORILLIA ORILLIA ORILLIA ORLEANS ORLEANS ORLEANS OWEN SOUND OWEN SOUND OWEN SOUND OWEN SOUND OWEN SOUND OWEN SOUND OWEN SOUND OWEN SOUND OWEN SOUND OWEN SOUND OWEN SOUND OWEN SOUND OWEN SOUND OWEN SOUND OWEN SOUND SPRINGER TROUT CREEK WYSE ADJALA ALBION ALTON AMARANTH BELFOUNTAIN BOLTON CALEDON CALEDON EAST VILLAG CALEDON TOWN CHELTENHAM CHINGUACOUSY EAST GARAFRAXA EAST LUTHER ERAMOSA ERIN ERIN VILLAGE ESSA INGLEWOOD MONO PALGRAVE PROTON SCOTT TERRA COTTA WEST GARAFRAXA CARDEN DALTON MARA MEDONTE MORRISON ORILLIA NORTH ORILLIA SOUTH ORO RAMA RAMA 32FN CLARENCE CUMBERLAND ROCKLAND ALBEMARLE AMABEL ARRAN ARTEMESIA CAPE CROKER 27FN CHATSWORTH COLLINGWOOD DERBY EASTNOR EGREMONT EUPHRASIA FLESHERTON GLENELG HEPWORTH HOLLAND Filed: 2015-01-30 EB-2014-0360 Exhibit I-1-3 Attachment 1 Page 11 of 18 15 29 3 9 11 35 2 2 5 10 5 3 112 31 3 3 6 8 1 1 26 7 23 1 8 90 3 8 2 6 22 1 11 1 11 14 94 3 8 2 10 34 13 77 10 5 29 8 8 9 60 7 10 14 37 OWEN SOUND OWEN SOUND OWEN SOUND OWEN SOUND OWEN SOUND OWEN SOUND OWEN SOUND OWEN SOUND OWEN SOUND OWEN SOUND OWEN SOUND OWEN SOUND OWEN SOUND OWEN SOUND OWEN SOUND OWEN SOUND OWEN SOUND OWEN SOUND OWEN SOUND OWEN SOUND PARRY SOUND PARRY SOUND PARRY SOUND PARRY SOUND PARRY SOUND PARRY SOUND PARRY 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EDMUNDS ST. VINCENT SULLIVAN SYDENHAM TARA WIARTON CARLING CHRISTIE CONGER COWPER CROFT FOLEY FREEMAN GIBSON GIBSON 31FN HAGERMAN HARRISON HENVEY HUMPHREY MAGNETAWAN 1FN MCDOUGALL MCKELLAR MCKENZIE MEDORA MONTEITH MOWAT SHAWANAGA SPENCE WALLBRIDGE BAXTER CHRISTIAN IS 30FN COLDWATER GIBSON MATCHEDASH MEDONTE TAY TINY WOOD BASTARD BATHURST BECKWITH Filed: 2015-01-30 EB-2014-0360 Exhibit I-1-3 Attachment 1 Page 12 of 18 3 9 1 3 20 1 6 9 14 14 9 1 3 8 9 11 9 14 7 18 16 6 1 5 7 2 42 19 8 14 9 6 8 18 8 9 1 8 9 1 13 6 5 1 7 2 23 1 1 15 35 2 2 6 4 PERTH PERTH PERTH PERTH PERTH PERTH PERTH PERTH PERTH PERTH PERTH PERTH PERTH PERTH PERTH PERTH PERTH PERTH PERTH PERTH PERTH PERTH PETERBOROUGH PETERBOROUGH PETERBOROUGH PETERBOROUGH PETERBOROUGH PETERBOROUGH PETERBOROUGH PETERBOROUGH PETERBOROUGH PETERBOROUGH PETERBOROUGH PETERBOROUGH PETERBOROUGH PETERBOROUGH PETERBOROUGH PETERBOROUGH PETERBOROUGH PETERBOROUGH PETERBOROUGH PETERBOROUGH PETERBOROUGH PETERBOROUGH PETERBOROUGH PETERBOROUGH PETERBOROUGH 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40 16 1 11 2 3 6 5 8 2 3 3 1 8 1 6 14 11 21 8 1 1 2 1 2 1 6 1 9 3 4 4 22 23 SUDBURY SUDBURY SUDBURY SUDBURY SUDBURY SUDBURY SUDBURY SUDBURY SUDBURY SUDBURY SUDBURY SUDBURY SUDBURY SUDBURY SUDBURY SUDBURY SUDBURY SUDBURY SUDBURY SUDBURY SUDBURY SUDBURY SUDBURY SUDBURY SUDBURY SUDBURY SUDBURY THUNDER BAY THUNDER BAY THUNDER BAY THUNDER BAY THUNDER BAY THUNDER BAY THUNDER BAY THUNDER BAY THUNDER BAY THUNDER BAY THUNDER BAY THUNDER BAY THUNDER BAY THUNDER BAY THUNDER BAY THUNDER BAY THUNDER BAY THUNDER BAY THUNDER BAY THUNDER BAY THUNDER BAY THUNDER BAY THUNDER BAY THUNDER BAY THUNDER BAY THUNDER BAY THUNDER BAY THUNDER BAY BURWASH CAPREOL CARTIER CASIMIR CLELAND COSBY DELAMERE DENISON DIEPPE DILL DOWLING DRYDEN FAIRBANK GARSON HAGAR HANMER HENDRIE HOSKIN LOUISE MACLENNAN MARKSTAY MARTLAND RAYSIDE SECORD WATERS WHITEFISH LAKE 6FN WISNER BLAKE CONACHER CONMEE DALEY DAWSON ROAD LOTS DORION FORBES FOWLER GERALDTON GERTRUDE GILLIES GORHAM HAGEY HAINES HERON BAY FN HUNT JACQUES LONGLAC LONGLAKE 58FN LONGLAKE 77FN LYBSTER LYON MACGREGOR MARKS MCTAVISH NIPIGON TOWN OCONNOR OLIVER Filed: 2015-01-30 EB-2014-0360 Exhibit I-1-3 Attachment 1 Page 15 of 18 14 3 31 5 9 2 1 7 9 4 1 4 2 3 1 1 1 2 15 1 2 1 4 1 30 3 38 33 5 16 1 2 1 1 44 4 57 2 55 15 19 2 1 1 4 11 1 11 3 1 3 53 29 7 22 THUNDER BAY THUNDER BAY THUNDER BAY THUNDER BAY THUNDER BAY THUNDER BAY THUNDER BAY THUNDER BAY THUNDER BAY THUNDER BAY TIMMINS TIMMINS TIMMINS TIMMINS TIMMINS TIMMINS TIMMINS TIMMINS TIMMINS TIMMINS TIMMINS TIMMINS TIMMINS TIMMINS TIMMINS TIMMINS TRENTON TRENTON TRENTON TRENTON TRENTON TRENTON TRENTON TRENTON TRENTON TRENTON TRENTON TRENTON TRENTON TRENTON TRENTON TRENTON TWEED TWEED TWEED TWEED TWEED TWEED TWEED TWEED TWEED TWEED TWEED TWEED TWEED PAIPOONGE PATIENCE PAYS PLATT FN PEARSON PIC RED ROCK VILLAGE SCHREIBER SCOBLE UPSALA WARE CLERGUE DELORO DUNDONALD GERMAN GODFREY HILLARY KEEFER MATHESON MOUNTJOY NEWMARKET OGDEN ROBB SOUTH PORCUPINE STOCK TIMMINS TISDALE BRIGHTON BRIGHTON TOWN CRAMAHE FRANKFORD HUNGERFORD HUNTINGDON ILDERTON MIDDLETON PARK MURRAY RAWDON SIDNEY STIRLING VILLAGE THURLOW TRENTON TYENDINAGA TYENDINAGA 38FN ABINGER ALNWICK BARRIE BELMONT BRIGHTON CAMDEN EAST CAMPBELLFORD CLARENDON ELZEVIR HUNGERFORD HUNTINGDON KALADAR KENNEBEC Filed: 2015-01-30 EB-2014-0360 Exhibit I-1-3 Attachment 1 Page 16 of 18 5 3 7 1 14 2 4 7 23 12 1 6 21 4 1 6 4 6 7 11 3 4 6 3 2 12 6 5 1 11 10 14 6 5 2 3 1 8 1 9 1 2 2 2 15 5 1 2 1 5 1 2 4 1 1 TWEED TWEED TWEED TWEED TWEED TWEED TWEED TWEED TWEED TWEED TWEED VANKLEEK HILL VANKLEEK HILL VANKLEEK HILL VANKLEEK HILL VANKLEEK HILL VANKLEEK HILL VANKLEEK HILL VANKLEEK HILL VANKLEEK HILL VANKLEEK HILL VANKLEEK HILL VANKLEEK HILL VANKLEEK HILL VANKLEEK HILL VANKLEEK HILL VANKLEEK HILL VANKLEEK HILL VANKLEEK HILL VANKLEEK HILL WALKERTON WALKERTON WALKERTON WALKERTON WALKERTON WALKERTON WALKERTON WALKERTON WALKERTON WALKERTON WALKERTON WALKERTON WALKERTON WALKERTON WALKERTON WALKERTON WALKERTON WALKERTON WALKERTON WALKERTON WALKERTON WALKERTON WALKERTON WALKERTON WALKERTON MADOC MADOC VILLAGE MARMORA OLDEN PERCY PORTLAND RAWDON RICHMOND SEYMOUR SHEFFIELD TWEED ALEXANDRIA ALFRED CALEDONIA CAMBRIDGE CHARLOTTENBURGH CORNWALL EAST HAWKESBURY KENYON LANCASTER LANCASTER TOWN LOCHIEL LONGUEUIL LORIGINAL MAXVILLE NORTH PLANTAGENET ROXBOROUGH SOUTH PLANTAGENET VANKLEEK HILL WEST HAWKESBURY ASHFIELD BENTINCK BRANT BRUCE CARRICK CHESLEY CULROSS DURHAM EAST WAWANOSH EGREMONT ELDERSLIE GLENELG GREENOCK HOWICK HURON KINCARDINE KINLOSS MINTO MORRIS NORMANBY PAISLEY PROTON SAUGEEN SULLIVAN TIVERTON Filed: 2015-01-30 EB-2014-0360 Exhibit I-1-3 Attachment 1 Page 17 of 18 3 1 27 8 5 1 4 3 14 15 14 19 90 11 58 2 19 13 14 6 8 1 WALKERTON WALKERTON WINCHESTER WINCHESTER WINCHESTER WINCHESTER WINCHESTER WINCHESTER WINCHESTER WINCHESTER WINCHESTER WINCHESTER WINCHESTER WINCHESTER WINCHESTER WINCHESTER WINCHESTER WINCHESTER WINCHESTER WINCHESTER WINCHESTER WINCHESTER TURNBERRY WEST WAWANOSH CAMBRIDGE CORNWALL CUMBERLAND EDWARDSBURGH FINCH KEMPTVILLE MARLBOROUGH MATILDA MOUNTAIN NORTH GOWER OSGOODE OSNABRUCK OXFORD ON RIDEAU ROXBOROUGH RUSSELL RUSSELL VILLAGE SOUTH GOWER WILLIAMSBURGH WINCHESTER WINCHESTER VILLAGE Filed: 2015-01-30 EB-2014-0360 Exhibit I-1-3 Attachment 1 Page 18 of 18 Filed: 2015-01-30 EB-2014-0360 Exhibit I Tab 1 Schedule 4 Page 1 of 2 Ontario Energy Board (Board Staff) INTERROGATORY #4 1 2 3 Interrogatory 4 5 6 7 Please provide specific details of Hydro One’s plans to ensure that any customers currently on TOU pricing that are converted to two-tier pricing do not receive consecutive, multiple or persistent estimated bills. 8 9 a. 10 11 12 b. 13 14 15 c. Please also explain how Hydro One intends to treat any TOU customers converted to two-tier pricing who receive large true-ups, multiple bills, and large withdrawals from bank accounts as a result of estimated bills. Please clarify how switching customers from TOU pricing to two-tier pricing will help consumers receive accurate bills, not estimates. Please provide details of Hydro One’s proposed communications plan to update TOU customers on their status and transition to two-tier pricing. 16 17 18 Response 19 20 21 22 For customers to be converted to two-tier pricing from TOU pricing, Hydro One plans to continue its current two-tier pricing billing practice. Hydro One’s current practice for the vast majority of its two-tier customers is: 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 i) Residential two-tier customers: Bill on a monthly basis and manually read the meters on a quarterly basis; ii) General Service (less than 50kW) two-tier customers: Bill on a monthly basis and manually read the meters on a quarterly basis; and iii) Seasonal two-tier customers: Bill on a quarterly basis and manually read the meters on an annual basis. 30 31 32 33 To the extent that the Advanced Metering Infrastructure (“AMI”) network provides remote reads within the billing window, these reads will be used to issue bills based on an actual read instead of a planned estimate. 34 35 36 37 As such, Hydro One does not expect that converting customers to two-tier rates from TOU pricing will be a contributor to instances of consecutive, multiple or persistent estimated bills. 38 39 40 41 42 43 a) Hydro One does not expect that converting customers to two-tier rates and employing manual meter reading practices will be a contributor to instances of large true-ups, multiple bills or large withdrawals from bank accounts. Hydro One already has in place, as part of its billing quality controls, mechanisms to identify and flag for manual handling billing instances that fall outside normal tolerances, such as large Filed: 2015-01-30 EB-2014-0360 Exhibit I Tab 1 Schedule 4 Page 2 of 2 true-ups, multiple bills or large withdrawals from bank accounts. Should his type of instance occur, Hydro One’s practice is to proactively contact the customer to discuss the situation and make appropriate arrangements with the impacted customer that address the situation in a suitable manner. . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 b) Hydro One’s request to switch specific hard to reach customers, who are currently on TOU pricing to two-tier rates is driven by the fact that Hydro One is unable to implement an economic remote meter reading solution that is reliable enough to support TOU billing. Currently hard to reach customers experience prolonged period where there is no connectivity to the smart meter thus resulting in TOU billing based on estimates for extended periods of time. Moving these hard to reach customers to two-tier rates allows Hydro One to use a predictable manual meter read practice thus eliminating the need for prolonged billing based on estimates. 14 16 c) The key elements of the communication strategy to update impacted customers is as follows: 17 Customer Communication Objectives 15 18 20 The primary customer communication objectives are to • ensure customers understand their TOU exempt status and the reason for it; 21 • ensure customers understand how their electricity will be priced and the frequency of billing and meter reading; 23 • inform customers how to , if they wish, provide their own meter reads; 24 • inform customers that all existing (and applicable) Hydro One Conservation and Demand Management (“CDM”) programs are available to them; • ensure customers understand the CDM programs to help them manage their electricity use and costs on Two-Tier pricing; • provide customers with the opportunity to speak with a Hydro One representative to get more information about their TOU exempt status, should they require more information; and • provide an escalation protocol for customers with significant concerns. 19 22 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 The primary communication approach is through a proactive targeted direct mail notification package, supplemented by responsive call centre scripting and related tactics. Filed: 2015-01-30 EB-2014-0360 Exhibit I Tab 1 Schedule 5 Page 1 of 1 Ontario Energy Board (Board Staff) INTERROGATORY #5 1 2 3 Interrogatory 4 5 6 7 8 9 Please confirm whether customer accounts identified in this application who remain affected by smart meter network communication issues will be excluded from credit and collections activity, including disconnection, during the five year exemption period requested. Please also indicate if these affected customers will be subject to late payment charges, installation of load limiters, and auto-dialer calls. 10 11 12 Response 13 14 15 16 Hydro One does not see a need to exempt customer accounts that are part of this exemption from any aspects of the normal collections activity, including disconnection, load limiting, auto-dialer calls and late payment charges, for the following reasons: 17 18 • 19 20 21 • 22 23 24 25 • These customers will be billed based on good and predictable meter read frequency (i.e. the same meter reading and billing service that were in place prior to implementation to Smart Metering and TOU pricing) Any collections activity will be based on actual reads (i.e. collections activity will not be triggered by estimated bills). Hydro One already has a robust process in place to address any billing anomalies (e.g. billing error) in a manner that will preclude such instances from triggering collections activities. Filed: 2015-01-30 EB-2014-0360 Exhibit I Tab 1 Schedule 6 Page 1 of 1 1 2 Ontario Energy Board (Board Staff) INTERROGATORY #6 Interrogatory 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Hydro One has proposed to eliminate the exemption reporting schedule as it states the number of customers on TOU pricing is already reported quarterly in the Board’s Reporting and Record Keeping Requirements. If Hydro One is granted a five year exemption, please identify reporting measures that would be appropriate for Hydro One to report its progress to the Board regarding transitioning the affected customers to TOU pricing as well as the number of customers receiving estimated bills as a result of smart meter network communication issues. 11 12 Response 13 14 15 16 Hydro One proposes the following reporting to provide the Board with insight into Hydro One’s progress regarding transitioning the affected customers (by this requested exemption) to TOU pricing: 17 18 • 19 20 21 22 23 At the end of 2016 and 2018 (i.e. At the middle and at the end of the term of the proposed exemption) Hydro One will provide the Board with updates on reliable cellular network coverage expansion and its impact on customers covered by this exemption. To the extent that more reliable cellular coverage enables some of these customers to economically move to TOU pricing, Hydro One will provide a timeline by which these customers will be (or have been) converted to TOU. 24 Hydro One’s view is that more frequent reporting on “reliable cellular network coverage expansion” would not be beneficial or more informative, as cellular network coverage does not change quickly. 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 • The proposed 2016 and 2018 reports will also include a status update of any potential significant improvement in telecommunications infrastructure and/or future technological advancements in automated meter reading infrastructure. 32 33 34 35 36 37 As part of EB-2014-0198 (a Board-initiated Policy Review of Electricity and Natural Gas Distributors’ Residential Customer Billing Practices and Performance), the Board has stated that it is in the process of developing a measure for billing accuracy that would be included on each electricity distributor’s performance scorecard, as established by the Board in 2014. 38 39 40 41 42 43 Hydro One expects that “reporting the number of customers receiving estimated bills as a result of smart meter network communication issues” will be part of the billing accuracy measure to be developed by the Board. As such, Hydro One does not propose any additional reporting in relation to customers covered by this exemption who receive estimated bills as a result of smart meter network communication issues. Filed: 2015-01-30 EB-2014-0360 Exhibit I Tab 1 Schedule 7 Page 1 of 1 Ontario Energy Board (Board Staff) INTERROGATORY #7 1 2 3 Interrogatory 4 5 6 7 Please provide a summary of the results of Hydro One’s net present value calculations conducted for network tuning and indicate whether these calculations are done on a regional basis. 8 9 Response 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Hydro One continuously reviews and adjusts its net present value (NPV) calculations as they pertain to network tuning. NPV calculations are not conducted on a regional basis; calculations are based on the equipment, technology type and infrastructure required to bring customers onto the smart meter network. Hydro One has a smart meter economic model based on a 10-year NPV. Hydro One evaluates the Present Value (PV) cost of reading a single meter manually, and then determines how many meters would need to be included as part of a network implementation to substantiate the cost. Essentially, we evaluate the 10-year PV cost of a network implementation and divide that cost by the cost of a single manual meter read to determine the number of meters required to be picked up by the smart meter infrastructure. If a smart meter network implementation can pick up at least as many meters as are indicated by the economic model, Hydro One will proceed with the network implementation in an effort to transition the customers to TOU pricing. Conversely, if the smart meter network implementation does not meet the economic model criteria, the customer will remain on Two-Tier pricing. The economic model allows for any combination of network infrastructure to achieve the desired number of meters. 27 28 29 Key costs covered by Hydro One’s NPV assessments include labour, potential drive time, required tools, network equipment, data exception handling and annual maintenance. 30 31 32 33 A summary of our baseline economic model can be found in Figure 1 below. As scenarios can vary based on infrastructure and implementation, any scenarios outside our baseline are evaluated on a case-by-case basis. 34 35 36 Figure 1 Filed: 2015-01-30 EB-2014-0360 Exhibit I Tab 1 Schedule 8 Page 1 of 1 Ontario Energy Board (Board Staff) INTERROGATORY #8 1 2 3 Interrogatory 4 5 6 7 Please provide additional details of the impact, current and projected, of the phase out of Bell Canada’s CDMA network, including total numbers of customers impacted, by municipality across the province. 8 9 Response 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Hydro One has received official notice from Bell Canada (“Bell”) that Bell’s CDMA network will be shutting down at the beginning of 2017. Approximately 78% of Hydro One’s smart meter network customers are connected via Bell’s CDMA cellular coverage. Although Bell is not expecting to take any existing towers offline, Bell Canada’s cellular coverage will change and may affect some of Hydro One’s customers. At this time there is insufficient information on cellular coverage to project the number of customers impacted but Hydro One continues to work with Bell Canada to mitigate customer impact. 19 20 21 22 23 24 The table below, broken down by Hydro One operations centre (see Chart 1 in Exhibit I, Tab 1, Schedule 1), provides the number of Hydro One CDMA devices currently installed under Bell Canada’s cellular coverage. The list also includes the number of meters that report to via the CDMA endpoints. Please note, that the end point can be an individual meter or a regional collector. 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 *Please note that the source of data (Hydro One’s Customer Information System) does not contain Ontario municipalities. In lieu of municipality, we have provided a breakdown of the data by Hydro One operations centres. In addition, we have attached a spreadsheet with a further breakdown to Ontario Township. Township Adelaide Adjala Admaston Adolphustown Ailsa Craig Airy Albemarle Twp Albion Alderville 37FN Alfred and Plantagen Allan East Allan West Alnwick Alnwick/Haldimand Alton Amabel Amaranth Amherst Island Ancaster Anderdon Anglesea Anstruther Antrim Appleby Armour Armstrong Arnprior Arran Artemesia Arthur Ashfield-Colborne-Wa Askin Asphodel Asquith Assiginack Athens Athol Augusta Awrey Badgerow Bagot Bala Baldwin Balfour Balmer Bancroft # CDMA Devices # of Associated Meters 32 767 17 884 24 461 1 6 3 3 15 468 2 98 64 7040 1 1 19 804 3 160 2 54 4 495 49 2152 2 2 54 3582 21 1481 2 384 87 10030 41 2979 1 1 19 376 1 1 9 172 32 997 11 575 36 36 12 992 25 2338 14 500 26 1881 1 1 13 1040 2 168 13 482 2 666 6 6 34 2484 10 290 7 190 32 1168 1 14 7 217 37 3407 2 2 25 25 Filed: 2015-01-30 EB-2014-0360 Exhibit I-1-8 Attachment 1 Page 1 of 19 Bangor Barber Barrie Barrie Island Bastard Bathurst Baxter Bayfield Bayham Beaucage Beauchamp Beckwith Bedford Belfountain Belmont Benoit Bentinck Bethune Beverly Bexley Bicroft Bidwell North Big Island FN Bigwood Billings Binbrook Black River-Matheson Blair Blandford Blandford-Blenheim Blanshard Blezard Blind River Blithfield Bloomfield Blue Blyth Bobcaygeon Bolton Bonfield Borden Bosanquet Boston Bouck Bowman Bracebridge Brant 14 1 4 1 32 47 50 6 42 2 1 58 29 4 36 1 37 5 35 16 2 6 1 15 5 12 2 1 10 34 20 35 13 11 1 1 1 6 91 23 2 50 1 2 7 14 29 489 24 84 10 1042 1168 2928 6 2037 44 1 5449 1806 4 2227 53 1919 96 1985 1572 2 384 1 732 55 1253 8 56 402 1938 457 2225 13 209 1 1 1 6 91 1166 2 3843 34 2 7 369 880 Filed: 2015-01-30 EB-2014-0360 Exhibit I-1-8 Attachment 1 Page 2 of 19 Brechin Brethour Bright Additional Brighton Bristol Brock Brockville Bromley Brooke-Alvinston Brougham Brower Brudenell, Lyndoch a Brunel Bryce Buchanan Bucke Burford Burleigh Burpee and Mills Burt Burton Burwash Caldwell Caledon Caledon East Caledon Town Calvert Calvin Cambridge CAMDEN Camden East Camden Gore Cameron Campbellford Cane Canisbay Cape Croker 27FN Capreol Caradoc Carden Cardiff Cardwell Carleton Place Carling Carlow/Mayo Carnarvon Carrick 2 1 1 32 1 29 153 12 18 11 1 7 40 1 12 8 39 28 4 1 1 5 16 40 19 23 6 20 46 9 27 3 3 17 1 5 1 12 52 13 25 29 33 28 5 11 15 2 76 57 172 10 2016 153 456 373 120 6 7 1782 1 889 710 1669 1263 274 1 23 291 781 2906 19 23 158 182 3413 528 1993 3 81 17 3 28 1 716 2125 944 1342 76 33 1092 197 424 734 Filed: 2015-01-30 EB-2014-0360 Exhibit I-1-8 Attachment 1 Page 3 of 19 Cartier Cartwright Cascaden Casey Casgrain Casimir Casson Cat Lake FN Cavan Cavan-Monaghan Cavendish Central Frontenac Central Huron Central Manitoulin Centre Hastings Chaffey Chalk River Chamberlain Champlain Chapleau Chapman Chapple Charlottenburgh Charlotteville Charlton Chatham Gore Chatham-Kent Chatsworth Chelmsford Cherriman Chesley Chester Chinguacousy Chippewa 42FN Chisholm Christian Is 30FN Clarence-Rockland Clarendon Clarington Clarke Cleland Clergue Clifford Clute Cobalt Cobden Colborne 7 21 3 2 1 8 3 1 1 25 8 1 17 5 18 96 1 7 24 1 30 2 25 36 2 6 32 1 1 1 10 1 13 1 10 1 102 1 1 34 11 4 1 4 1 11 18 7 2819 136 113 98 401 3 1 258 2992 747 7 564 116 815 3026 1 255 969 1 325 2 1805 2350 2 6 1232 1 1 29 10 1 2024 1 418 1 8847 1 8 2357 276 141 1 154 1 1450 1094 Filed: 2015-01-30 EB-2014-0360 Exhibit I-1-8 Attachment 1 Page 4 of 19 Colchester North Colchester South Coldwater Coldwell Coleman Collingwood Commanda Conger Cornwall Cosby Cramahe Croft Culross Cumberland Dack Daley Dalhousie Dalton Darling Darlington Dawn Dawson Deep River Delamere Delaware Delaware Village Deloro Denison Dereham Deseronto Devitt Dickens Digby Dilke Dill Douro Dover Dowling Downie Draper Drummond Drury Dryden Dryden City Dudley Dummer Dundalk 13 22 8 1 14 2 2 18 31 5 33 19 16 207 5 1 4 4 8 120 9 1 20 3 19 1 3 4 31 6 1 1 3 2 10 15 34 22 24 32 39 5 13 20 20 29 7 1622 2143 8 1 447 106 2 1023 2401 129 3317 543 402 26326 108 1 88 86 337 12450 660 1 20 286 1099 1 115 205 1174 6 41 1 112 2 178 1052 2035 1235 751 857 5015 45 503 20 1011 1781 7 Filed: 2015-01-30 EB-2014-0360 Exhibit I-1-8 Attachment 1 Page 5 of 19 Dundonald Dungannon Dunnet Dunwich Durham Dutton/Dunwich Dymond Dysart and Others Ear Falls East Ferris East Flamborough East Garafraxa East Gwillimbury East Hawkesbury East Luther East Nissouri East Oxford Eastnor Eby Eden Edwardsburgh Eganville Egremont Eilber Ekfrid Elderslie Eldon Elizabethtown Ellice Elmvale Elzevir Emily Emo Englehart Enniskillen Eramosa Erin Erin Village Ernestown Errington Escott Essa Euphemia Euphrasia Evanturel Exeter Fairbank 1 25 7 1 10 18 27 51 5 22 31 6 95 29 8 21 18 18 2 1 46 8 20 4 18 21 19 60 33 6 13 24 2 7 23 12 26 9 2 1 11 48 8 14 4 31 2 43 406 355 48 10 659 2042 1954 5 1291 2330 490 2652 1419 386 453 18 1795 2 145 1170 8 603 241 1617 2315 2289 8276 1053 6 406 2939 2 7 932 857 2049 9 123 1 468 4341 8 556 804 31 183 Filed: 2015-01-30 EB-2014-0360 Exhibit I-1-8 Attachment 1 Page 6 of 19 Falconbridge Faraday Fauquier-Strickland Fenelon Fenelon Falls Ferrie Field Finlayson Firstbrook Fitzroy Flesherton Flos Foley Foleyet Forest Fournier Frankford Franklin Fraser Freeman Front of Yonge Fullarton Gainsborough Gallagher Galway Garson Garvey Gauthier Georgian Bay Georgian Bluffs Georgian Highlands Georgina Georgina Is 33FN German Gertrude Gibbons Gibson Gibson 31FN Gillies Limit Glackmeyer Glamorgan Glanbrook Glanford Glencoe Glenelg Goderich Godfrey 4 45 6 31 4 1 4 3 1 24 2 26 69 2 17 1 5 36 1 14 9 11 1 2 20 27 1 4 1 23 33 119 1 6 2 1 16 2 2 7 8 8 20 4 21 33 3 142 1566 368 4453 4 5 252 3 31 1898 2 2512 1257 2 17 26 5 1610 10 790 9 513 113 2 197 2482 1 62 101 702 3472 14043 1 212 2 51 663 2 38 389 371 8 4525 4 1394 1506 41 Filed: 2015-01-30 EB-2014-0360 Exhibit I-1-8 Attachment 1 Page 7 of 19 Gordon Gore Bay Gosfield North Gosfield South Goulbourn Gould Graham Grand Bend Grant Grattan Gravenhurst Greater Napanee Greenock Grenfell Grey Grimsby Guelph Guilford Gunterman Haddo Hagar Hagarty Hagerman Haggart Haileybury Haldimand Hallowell Hamilton Hanlan Hanmer Hanna Harcourt Harley Harris Harrison Harrow Harvey Harwich Havelock Havelock Village Hay Head, Clara and Mari Henvey Henvey Inlet FN Henwood Herschel Hess 13 5 16 101 2 9 6 10 2 28 19 8 12 3 30 2 23 32 52 4 11 1 12 2 8 3 43 37 3 36 2 3 10 2 10 2 49 45 4 1 14 7 4 1 2 15 1 573 5 1124 3188 123 39 546 10 66 827 413 750 424 293 794 2 747 877 2967 196 403 1 505 68 8 120 4905 3782 147 4668 41 11 217 211 415 9 3487 3529 638 1 893 112 89 1 76 829 1 Filed: 2015-01-30 EB-2014-0360 Exhibit I-1-8 Attachment 1 Page 8 of 19 Heyson Hibbert Hilliard Hillier Hinchinbrooke Hislop Holland Hope Hornepayne Horton Hoskin Houghton Howard Howe Island Howick Howland Hoyle Hudson Hugel Humphrey Hungerford Hunter Huntley Huntsville Huron Huron East Huron Shores Hyman Idington Ignace Ilsley Inglewood Ingram Innisfil Jack Jaffray James Jessop Joly Jones Kaladar Kawartha Lakes Kemptville Kendall Kennebec Kenyon Keppel 3 12 3 2 23 4 34 3 7 20 2 8 19 4 26 14 2 7 9 54 31 2 86 1 19 19 24 2 3 4 1 2 2 1 1 2 6 5 4 11 16 2 21 3 19 31 40 3 492 153 2 897 131 1372 31 9 1316 2 615 252 202 1166 1098 2 246 143 1627 2319 2 3479 22 972 309 485 81 76 4 1 2 108 99 1 2 272 20 131 315 380 2 21 178 802 1967 2581 Filed: 2015-01-30 EB-2014-0360 Exhibit I-1-8 Attachment 1 Page 9 of 19 Kerns Kettle Point 44FN Killarney Kincardine King Kingston Kinloss Kirkland Lake Kirkpatrick Kitley Lac Seul FN Lake Lake Of Bays Lake of the Woods Lakeshore Lamarche Lanark-Lang Lancaster Lansdowne Front Lansdowne Rear Larder Lake Latchford Lauder Laurentian Hills Laurentian Valley Laurier Law Laxton Lebel Leeds and the Thousa Leeds Front Leeds Rear Levack Lewis Limerick Lindsay Lindsay Town Listowel Little Current Livingstone Lochiel Logan London Lorne Lorrain Loudon Loughborough 2 3 6 45 110 275 13 51 4 22 1 1 4 1 15 5 14 37 11 13 3 1 1 1 29 3 2 17 2 28 8 26 6 2 5 14 63 34 8 2 26 28 38 10 2 1 47 63 3 243 2319 5883 22918 416 4496 46 859 1 14 104 1 1703 246 1060 1885 86 13 444 1 4 1 1767 42 32 814 179 2792 8 1285 775 71 45 503 63 34 8 14 2505 395 3016 153 44 11 3345 Filed: 2015-01-30 EB-2014-0360 Exhibit I-1-8 Attachment 1 Page 10 of 19 Loughrin Louise Lount Loyalist Lucan Biddulph Lyell Lyman Macaulay Machar Maclennan MacPherson Madawaska Valley Madoc Magnetawan Maidstone Maisonville Malahide Malden Manvers Mapleton Mariposa Markdale Markham Marlborough Marmora Marquis Marter Martland Mason Matachewan Matchedash Matheson Matilda Mattawa Mattawan McCart McClintock McClure McDougall McGarry McKellar McKenzie McKinnon McLean McMurrich McNab McVittie 2 11 2 73 24 2 1 20 19 3 5 34 34 3 79 3 38 11 25 22 12 2 15 14 33 3 3 6 1 3 18 4 26 7 6 2 10 8 33 4 22 7 2 35 37 43 2 52 84 176 5387 1683 2 1 658 1109 341 246 924 1440 77 5807 184 2296 1244 1280 817 2245 2 3018 862 1603 149 83 6 1 245 702 108 1674 7 542 12 106 314 1310 308 1500 47 2 779 130 7128 8 Filed: 2015-01-30 EB-2014-0360 Exhibit I-1-8 Attachment 1 Page 11 of 19 Meaford Medonte Medora Melancthon Merrickville-Wolford Mersea Metcalfe Methuen Middlesex Centre Middleton Midhurst Millbrook Milverton Minden Minden Hills Minto Mississagi 8FN Mississippi Mills Monaghan North Monck Moncrieff Monmouth Mono Montague Monteagle Monteith Moonbeam Moorefield Moose Moose Cree FN Moravian 47FN Morris Morrison Mosa Mountain Mountjoy Mowat Mulmur Muncee-Delaware FN Murchison Murphy Murray Muskoka N Fredericksburgh Nairn and Hyman Nakina Nansen 6 49 72 21 24 120 2 4 27 35 1 4 11 61 58 24 1 16 7 21 1 37 52 39 40 1 9 2 6 1 1 12 31 16 17 74 3 34 2 7 1 76 4 3 2 1 2 6 3069 3475 2565 866 2242 2 466 2632 1142 1 4 11 2241 1600 893 1 814 358 1215 17 742 1439 3541 705 1 616 2 6 1 1 1042 1673 1508 1001 5712 155 1052 2 181 1 9907 4 176 173 1 67 Filed: 2015-01-30 EB-2014-0360 Exhibit I-1-8 Attachment 1 Page 12 of 19 Napanee Neelon New Credit 40AFN New Liskeard Newbury Newmarket Nichol Nicol Nipigon Town Nipissing Nipissing FN Norman Normanby North Burgess North Crosby North Dorchester North Dundas North Easthope North Elmsley North Glengarry North Gower North Himsworth North Huron North Kawartha North Marysburgh North Middlesex North Norwich North Perth North Plantagenet North Sherbrooke North Stormont North Walsingham Norwich Nottawasaga Oakland OBrien Ogden Ojibways of Onigamin Olden Olive Oliver Paipoonge Omemee Oneida Oneida First Nation Onondaga Ops Orford 52 2 1 18 1 4 15 1 1 21 8 2 22 13 21 58 16 20 21 41 43 31 15 50 5 19 19 50 38 1 19 22 9 42 6 18 3 1 29 1 1 6 2 4 5 47 11 4438 56 1 18 1 26 863 1 1 799 339 40 785 1019 1189 4612 16 1018 1469 41 4062 2591 424 1478 392 624 19 2579 2248 29 1372 1122 1097 2102 671 1123 226 1 555 1 1 6 203 4 504 8810 804 Filed: 2015-01-30 EB-2014-0360 Exhibit I-1-8 Attachment 1 Page 13 of 19 Orillia Orillia North Orillia South Oro-Medonte Osgoode Osnaburgh FN Oso Osprey Otonabee Otto Owen Sound Owens Oxford North Oxford On Rideau Pacaud Paisley Palgrave Panet Papineau Parry Island 16FN Patton Peck Peel Pelee Island Pelham Pembroke Penhorwood Percy Perry Perth Perth East Petawawa Pic Pickle Lake Picton Pilkington East Pilkington West Pinard Pittsburgh Playfair Plympton Poitras Ponsford Port Burwell Port Hope Portland Powassan 48 15 11 60 92 1 20 19 40 3 65 5 15 44 4 5 3 5 17 16 2 2 43 2 55 14 1 25 61 38 19 44 2 1 22 16 13 1 53 4 36 1 6 2 35 36 4 5042 15 11 3932 7814 1 905 690 2410 118 65 341 15 4974 15 5 3 5 1002 201 2 33 1234 69 3777 654 1 2048 1746 38 1161 4184 2 1 22 550 291 1 2842 186 3085 110 6 2 1585 2038 4 Filed: 2015-01-30 EB-2014-0360 Exhibit I-1-8 Attachment 1 Page 14 of 19 Prince Edward Proton Puslinch Raleigh Rama Rama 32FN Ramara Ramsay Rathbun Ratter Rayside Reach Red Lake Reeves Richmond Ridout Robb Robillard Robinson Rodney Rolph Romney Rondeau Park Ross Roxborough Russell Ryerson S Fredericksburgh Sabine Sables-Spanish River Salter Sandfield Sandwich South Sarawak Saugeen Shores Savant Lake Scarfe Schreiber Schumacher Scugog Scugog Island Sebastopol Secord Seguin Serpent River 7FN Servos Sewell 30 13 58 24 31 7 34 38 1 3 21 54 12 1 31 21 1 2 1 2 9 19 1 20 30 51 31 3 3 29 11 11 203 34 18 1 1 1 1 6 2 5 4 9 6 1 1 3287 413 2031 1563 1729 7 2719 1807 1 68 2057 2525 12 1 704 778 1 78 1 2 1137 1084 1 1532 1564 4264 170 3 12 298 481 242 3425 9130 809 1 36 1 1 6 2 201 96 817 178 1 1 Filed: 2015-01-30 EB-2014-0360 Exhibit I-1-8 Attachment 1 Page 15 of 19 Seymour Shakespeare Shallow Lake Sharpe Shaw Shawanaga Shawanaga FN Shedden Sheguiandah 24FN Shelburne Sherborne Sherbrooke South Sherwood Shuniah Sidney Sinclair Twp Sisk Six Nations 40FN Slate Falls FN Smellie Smith Smith-Ennismore-Lake Smiths Falls Smooth Rock Falls Snider Snowdon Sombra Somerville Sophiasburgh South Bruce Peninsul South Burgess South Crosby South Dorchester South Dumfries South Easthope South Elmsley South Glengarry South Gower South Himsworth South Huron South Marysburgh South Monaghan South Norwich South Plantagenet South Porcupine South River South Stormont 49 4 1 1 2 2 1 4 1 16 12 22 28 1 73 1 1 11 1 1 42 19 41 6 1 23 20 38 9 28 22 27 3 20 17 32 2 10 9 23 9 7 10 34 14 4 28 4291 107 1 13 2 300 1 362 14 16 384 550 1295 1 9461 31 1 11 1 1 4033 2078 41 301 48 445 1641 2016 824 919 886 1348 3 1036 525 4474 2 838 9 1885 1130 293 10 505 14 4 2396 Filed: 2015-01-30 EB-2014-0360 Exhibit I-1-8 Attachment 1 Page 16 of 19 South Walsingham South-West Oxford Southwold Southworth Spanish River 5FN Springer Sproule St Clair St Edmunds St Vincent Stafford Stanhope Stanley St-Charles Stephen Stephenson Stirling-Rawdon Stisted Stoddart Stone Mills Storrington Stouffville Strathcona Strathearn Strathy Striker Strong Studholme Sullivan Sunnidale Sutton Sydenham Syine Tara Tay Taylor Tecumseth Tehkummah Terra Cotta Terrace Bay The Archipelago The Blue Mountains The Nation Municipal The North Shore Thedford Thessalon Thessalon 12FN 17 37 35 1 1 26 2 52 27 6 14 22 26 1 61 63 28 40 1 12 11 36 3 1 7 13 35 3 19 20 7 7 1 2 36 7 25 8 2 3 1 61 21 11 4 16 3 1103 2549 1547 1 1 1196 2 3839 1285 6 1056 2081 1637 76 3298 1715 1862 347 1 646 49 36 23 1 300 479 724 265 1153 1617 7 7 1 2 2382 383 1900 227 2 3 55 3104 636 110 4 316 3 Filed: 2015-01-30 EB-2014-0360 Exhibit I-1-8 Attachment 1 Page 17 of 19 Thompson Thorneloe Thorold Thunder Bay Unorgani Thurlow Tilbury East Tilbury North Tilbury West Timmins Tiny Tisdale Tiverton Torbolton Tosorontio Trenton Trill Tuckersmith Turnberry Tuscarora Tweed Tyendinaga Tyendinaga 38FN Uxbridge Val Rita-Harty Verulam Vespra Victoria Wabaseemoong FN Wahnapitae FN Wainfleet Wainwright Walden Walker Wallace Wallbridge Walp IS 46FN Warkworth Warwick Waters Watt Way Wellington Wells West Bay 22FN West Elgin West Flamborough West Garafraxa 5 1 98 1 43 13 8 13 67 46 41 1 20 20 71 1 20 18 8 8 27 8 111 1 28 38 11 2 1 26 3 1 3 32 5 7 2 33 75 35 2 5 1 6 34 28 18 87 28 7695 1 3597 700 8 2066 67 5016 8668 1 2518 1570 71 25 876 564 941 8 3116 8 5233 41 3310 2367 244 2 1 1344 3 1 67 1861 323 557 2 1460 3364 1510 103 5 1 6 2226 2195 1168 Filed: 2015-01-30 EB-2014-0360 Exhibit I-1-8 Attachment 1 Page 18 of 19 West Gwillimbury West Hawkesbury West Lorne West Luther West Nipissing West Nissouri West Wawanosh West Zorra Westbrook Westmeath Westminster Whitby Whitchurch White Fish R 4FN White River Whitewater Region Whitney Wiarton Wicklow Wikwemikong 26FN Wilberforce Williams Williamsburgh Winchester Windham Wolfe Island Wollaston Wood Wyoming Yarmouth Yonge Yonge Front Of Zealand Zone Zorra East 29 26 10 7 1 31 7 23 1 28 2 1 100 2 2 3 11 10 19 14 16 29 23 29 35 9 22 34 6 45 14 14 7 10 43 1889 943 10 290 25 1261 171 23 1 1424 2 15 5411 2 2 3 1377 816 439 63 1293 569 1213 2751 1466 855 612 1992 6 3123 1070 985 7 602 2185 Filed: 2015-01-30 EB-2014-0360 Exhibit I-1-8 Attachment 1 Page 19 of 19 Filed: 2015-01-30 EB-2014-0360 Exhibit I Tab 1 Schedule 9 Page 1 of 1 Ontario Energy Board (Board Staff) INTERROGATORY #9 1 2 3 Interrogatory 4 5 6 7 Please provide specific details of Hydro One’s processes regarding manual meter reading and meter reads provided by customers and indicate how these are used to generate actual bills under two-tier pricing. 8 9 Response 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Hydro One’s manual meter reading and billing practice related to customers who are on two-tier pricing is as follows: • Residential customers are billed monthly and read quarterly • Seasonal customers are billed quarterly and read annually • General Service customers (less than 50kW) are billed monthly and read quarterly To the extent that remote readings are available from the AMI network, such readings are used to bill customers, instead of billing them on a planned estimate. Customers are encouraged to provide their own meter reads to reduce the volume of planned estimated bills. Interested customers have the option of providing their reads, (within the 4- day billing window) through the Interactive Voice Response (“IVR”), a call to Hydro One’s call centre, or on the web. A customer-provided read will go through the standard read validation and, if acceptable, will be used to generate a bill based on an actual read instead of an estimate. Filed: 2015-01-30 EB-2014-0360 Exhibit I Tab 1 Schedule 10 Page 1 of 2 Ontario Energy Board (Board Staff) INTERROGATORY #10 1 2 3 Interrogatory 4 5 6 7 8 Please provide details of the analyses completed by Hydro One regarding the following: a. the advantages and/or disadvantages of switching TOU customers to two-tier pricing including associated demand management opportunities; and b. the options to achieve compliance and resulting costs and impact on rates. 9 10 Response 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 a. The driver for moving TOU customers who are affected by unreliable smart meter communication to two-tier pricing is the opportunity to address the customer’s primary service need - a timely and accurate bill. Having a customer on TOU rates, where due to technical or economic reasons, reliable smart meter connectivity is not possible, results in extended periods of estimated billing (up to 8 months) which ultimately results in cancel/rebilling and customer dissatisfaction. 18 19 20 21 22 23 Migration of the affected customer to two-tier pricing allows for stability and predictability to be brought to the delivery of billing service. Additionally, it also offers customers the ability to proactively, if desired, enhance the quality of that billing service by providing their own meter reads, an option not possible if on TOU rates. 24 25 26 27 28 From a demand management perspective, TOU customers could potentially lower their bills by shifting their consumption from on-peak to mid-peak and/or off-peak periods. This opportunity will not be available once they are migrated to two-tier billing. 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 However, all existing and applicable Hydro One Conservation and Demand Management (“CDM”) programs are available to all customers (whether on TOU or two-tier). As part of the Hydro One communication plan, the Company will inform the affected customers about the availability of these CDM programs and also help them understand these programs and manage their electricity use and costs on twotier pricing. Filed: 2015-01-30 EB-2014-0360 Exhibit I Tab 1 Schedule 10 Page 2 of 2 1 2 b. The options to achieve compliance are included in Section 3.1 of Hydro One’s December 1, 2014 Exemption Application. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 These options may be summarized as follows: • Lack of Commercial Cellular Networks: o Satellite and WiMax (1.8 GHz) Enabled Collector o Power Line Carrier o In-Person Meter Reading (Drive X) • Poor Communication Reliability: o Further Significant Network Tuning o 400Mhz Extension 12 13 14 15 16 Based on a very preliminary assessment, the cost to achieve full compliance (i.e., to have all affected customers on TOU billing) was estimated to be well over $500 million. Hydro One did not estimate the impact on rates, as the detailed breakdown of costs is not available. Filed: 2015-01-30 EB-2014-0360 Exhibit I Tab 1 Schedule 11 Page 1 of 2 Ontario Energy Board (Board Staff) INTERROGATORY #11 1 2 3 Interrogatory 4 5 6 7 8 9 Please provide specific details, including costs and timelines, of Hydro One’s plans to: a. improve communication reliability of its smart meter network; b. monitor the availability of commercial cellular network coverage for those affected customers that do not currently have available cellular network coverage; and c. adapt to technology changes in cellular network coverage across the province. 10 11 Response 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 a. Hydro One continues to make economical investments in the smart meter network to improve meter communication reliability. Hydro One utilizes net present value assessments to validate investments in the smart meter network. Hydro One has completed network tuning across the province. However it is important to note that the Hydro One smart meter network is dynamic in nature and can be impacted by changes to cellular coverage, product degradation over the product life, product failures and seasonal effects like change in foliage. In an effort to maintain reliability and connectivity, Hydro One will continue to conduct economical finite tuning and maintenance of the network; the current budget for this work in 2015 is $ 2 million. 22 23 24 25 26 27 b. Hydro One, typically sends a request to its cellular service providers, twice per year, for updated cellular tower information. If new tower information is received from the cellular providers, Hydro One assesses opportunities to expand the smart meter network to bring customers online. Hydro One covers these activities via the finite tuning and maintenance mentioned in point (a) above. 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 c. Hydro One works with its cellular vendors so that it is aware of changes that cellular vendors have planned to their networks. As noted above, typically twice per year, Hydro one receives from its cellular service providers projected cellular tower information, including projected dates for upcoming changes. This information, when provided, helps Hydro One assess technology changes in its service provider’s network and evaluate opportunities to bring customers online as well as evaluate impacts to the existing smart meter infrastructure. Our experience has shown that the projected dates provided by the service providers need to be validated for their impact to Hydro One and, as such, this information is used to provide forward looking guidance. Technology changes also need to be validated for impact to the Hydro One network. Hydro One’s process to evaluate opportunities is typically a 6 to 9 month process that includes creation of propagation models, assessment of potential customer impacts, conducting site assessments for actual signal strength, scouting existing infrastructure and design of the smart meter network. Current advances in technology are such that Hydro One is currently installing devices that are compatible Filed: 2015-01-30 EB-2014-0360 Exhibit I Tab 1 Schedule 11 Page 2 of 2 1 2 with the latest available cellular technology for both High Speed Packet Access (“HSPA”) and Long-Term Evolution (“LTE”).
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