applied science - pecipta 2011


applied science - pecipta 2011
Category: MM
Name of Institution: Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM)
Project: Superior Red Rice with Low Gi
Group Leader: Wickneswari Ratnam
Project ID: UKM/MM/10/AS
Contact: 03-89213840
Team Members: Atiqur R. Bhuiyan, Parviz Fasahat
Abdullah M. Zain, Abdul Rahim Harun
Narimah Md. Kairudin, Aminah Abdullah
Kharidah Muhammad,
Tilakavati Karupaiah, Chuah K Aik
Tan C Heen
Short Description: Five transgressive variants derived from a cross between the wild rice, Oryza rufipogon
Griff and a high yielding Malaysian rice cultivar O. sativa L. indica cv. MR219 were
evaluated for red pericarp stability, grain yield potential and resistance to blast disease.
The experiment was conducted at a single location over two seasons. Grain yield was
significantly higher (15%) than MR219 for variant G33 (R14-3-66-4-B-B) which also
possessed the desired physico-chemical properties of grain with high antioxidant
activity (Ferric Reducing Ability of Plasma = 107.72 µmolFeSO4/g and Total Phenolic
Content = 0.49 mg GAE/g), low glycemic index (GI =51) and low insulin index (II =
39). The same variant was resistant to blast disease and the red pericarp colour was
stable. The transgressive variant G33 is recommended for cultivar development as a
specialty rice.
Name of Institution: University of Malaya (UM)
Project: Plasmonex - A Single Step Multiplex Pcr
Detection System for Human Malaria
Group Leader: Chua Kek Heng
Project ID: UM/MM/01/AS
Contact: 03-79676289
Team Members: Rohela Mahmud
Yvonne Lim Ai Lian
Lee Ping Chin
Chew Ching Hoong
Short Description: This is a single step PCR method for the detection of five main human malaria parasites,
P. falciparum, P. vivax, P. malariae, P. ovale, and P. knowlesi with a stable internal
Name of Institution: Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK)
Project: A New Innovative Product Development
of Halal and High Quality Budu
Group Leader: Awang Soh @ Yusoff bin Mamat
Project ID: UMK/MM/06/AS
Contact: 09-7717049
Team Members: Wan Anis binti Wan Ahmad
Short Description: Budu is a brown liquid condiment consumed mainly by those in Kelantan and
Terengganu. A new innovative halal budu is produced because of the hesitation
towards budu consumption. Halal Budu is a high protein budu where minced fish flesh
is used as a raw material by mixing with coarse salt in a ratio 1:3 (w/w), salt : fish. The
mixture is placed in covered polyethylene (PE) container and left outdoor 5 months
under the sun for natural fermentation. After fermentation, the budu is ground with palm
sugar and tamarind before bottling. Halal Budu is produced in good hygienic practices
with appropriate utensil and equipment without added food coloring substances,
monosodium glutamate (MSG) or other food additives. Bacteria growth was not
detected in the plate count agar 0.5% NaCl within 48 hours.
EventD from Raha.indd 36
9/7/2011 2:30:48 AM
Project: Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Properties
In Natural Blue Colour of Gynochthodes
Sublanceolata (Pitang Leaves)
Group Leader: Awang Soh @ Yusoff bin Mamat
Project ID: UMK/MM/07/AS
Contact: 09-7717049
Team Members: Nur Hanisah binti Mohamed Arif
Short Description: Pitang leaves (Gynochthodes sublanceolata) express several colours due to the
presence of various pigments. It has been used as a food colorant for nasi kerabu
in Kelantan resulting the rice to be dark-purplish. Extraction of the leaves produce a
dark-purplish colour and analysis of the extract shows higher antioxidant properties
with percentage of DPPH inhibition (75.7 ± 0.05), in comparison to Salacca edulis
(salak fruit), Hylocerous polyrhizus (red pitaya), and Ipomea batatas L. (purple sweet
potato). The extraction also shows antibacterial properties which inhibit the growth
of Salmonella typhimurium, Staphylococcus aureus, Citrobacter aeruginosa, Shigella
boydii, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Escherichia coli. Gynochthodes sublanceolata
seems to have high potential as food colorant which provides beneficial values such as
antioxidant and antibacterial which are not provided by synthetic coloring.
Name of Institution: Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK)
Project: High Density & Strength Composite
Lumbers from Compressed Oil Palm
Fronds (COPaF) An Eco-Friendly
Material, Strong, Durable, Light and
Cheap Alternative to Future Wood
Group Leader: Razak bin Wahab
Project ID: UMK/MM/05/AS
Contact: 09-7717137
Name of Institution: Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK)
Team Members: Mohd Sukhairi Rasat
Izyan Khalid
Short Description: Composite lumber made from the sliced & compressed oil palm fronds is a new type of
wood composite introduced as an alternative to future timber. These lumbers (COPaF)
are composed of compressed fibres from the agriculture waste fronds of Oil Palm trees,
which are cultivated and found in abundance in Malaysia. The technology involved in
manufacturing the products is quite straight forward. The fronds are peeled of their skin
and sliced in longitudinal direction. The materials are then compressed using rollers
compressed machine before undergoing gluing and assembly process to form the
Compressed Oil Palm Composite Lumbers with enhanced density and strength.
Name of Institution: Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS)
Project: INVENTION Lestani™ : A Potential
BioFungicide for Present and Future
Control of Ganoderma Boninense, the
Devastating Pathogen of Basal Stem Rot
Group Leader: Chong Khim Phin
Project ID: UMS/MM/03/AS
Contact: 088-320000
Team Members: Markus Atong
Ridzwan Abdul Rahman
Short Description: LesTani™ is a formulation of phenolic acids effective in preventing and healing oil palm
roots from Ganoderma Boninense Infection. In vitro studies and green house trials
results have shown this product to be successful in limiting the growth of G. boninense
after infecting the oil palm roots.
EventD from Raha.indd 37
9/7/2011 2:30:48 AM
Name of Institution: Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS)
Project: A Novel Method for the Estimation of
Genome Sizes using Real-Time Pcr
Group Leader: Vijay Kumar
Project ID: UMS/MM/04/AS
Contact: 088-320000
Team Members: Ahmad Mukhlis B. Abdul Rahman
Noor Hydayaty bt. Md. Yusuf
Short Description: This innovation describes a unique protocol that has been developed to rapidly estimate
the genome size of an organism without the use of expensive equipments. It is useful
for the determination of changes that occurs to the genome size during phylogenesis.
Mutations such as large chromosomal aberration, which leads to diseases, may be
easily detected using this method. The method may also provide a tool to identify new
species as each species has a unique genome size.
Name of Institution: Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT)
Project: Crunchy Roselle Pickles
Group Leader: Mohd Nizam Lani
Project ID: UMT/MM/03/AS
Contact: 09-6683618
Team Members: Roshita Ibrahim, Goh Yoke Hoon
Nasrenim Suhaimin,
Mohamad Faez Adenan
Bernard Lai Kok Kit, Siti Nuraini Sulong
Nurul Atiqah Ramli
Sayed Mohd Zain S Hasan
Short Description: The crunchy roselle pickle with sweet and sour taste is a ready-to-eat product. It can also
be used as condiment in preparation of fruit/vegetable salad, chutney, cake decoration
and dishes. It provides high values of nutritional contents which good for health. This
product has been well accepted by consumers nationally and internationally.
Name of Institution: Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT)
Project: Improved Technique in Vital Copepod
Production: Green Technology for
Group Leader: Zaleha Kassim
Project ID: UMT/MM/05/AS
Contact: 09-6683618
Team Members: Busra binti Ibrahim
Sellina binti Mohd Zaki Tan
Short Description: The proposed technology is an improved technique to culture copepods in batch
culture system of transparent container of selected sizes under natural warm condition.
Copepods are offered with locally available vegetables and other organic source in the
pre-treated forms (grinded, juiced or dead form). This technique totally excludes the
use of mechanical aeration and microalgal diet which is known to incurr significant cost
in the hatchery production. The labour cost is minimized by replication culture method
that improves efficiency in handling, harvesting and packaging.
EventD from Raha.indd 38
9/7/2011 2:30:48 AM
Project: Breakthrough in Isolation of Humic Acids
from Tropical Peats
Group Leader: Ahmed Osumanu Haruna
Project ID: UPM/MM/03/AS
Contact: 086-855406
Team Members: Susilawati Kasim, Nik Muhamad Ab Majid
Short Description: This work developed a simple, rapid, and cost effective method to isolate HA from
humified substances. A 0.1 M KOH was used to extract and fractionate HA in 6
hours instead of the existing 1 to 2 days. Distilled water was used to purify isolated
HA (without altering their true nature) instead of using HF, HCl, and an expensive
process called dialysis. The HA were purified within 1 hour instead of 1 to 7 days.
This was possible because the distilled water used served as Bronsted-Lowry acid
during the purification process. A further attestation was the fact that the colour of the
aliquots during purification was lighter than that of unpurified fulvic acids. Conservative
estimation indicates that the technology developed could reduce 50% of the cost and
time involved in purification of HA.
Name of Institution: Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)
Project: Psychrozim: A Novel Cold Active
Bifunctional Enzyme for Low
Temperature Industrial Application
Group Leader: Raja Noor Zaliha Raja Abd Rahman
Project ID: UPM/MM/12/AS
Contact: 03-89467592
Name of Institution: Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)
Team Members: Shukuri Mohamad Ali
Abu Bakar Salleh
Mahiran Basri
Short Description: Psychrozim : A Novel Cold Active Bifunctional Enzyme for Low Temperature Industrial
Name of Institution: Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)
Project: HaFYS: DNA-Based Detection for Halal
Group Leader: Yaakob Che Man
Project ID: UPM/MM/07/AS
Contact: 03-89430405
Team Members: Suhaimi Mustafa
Farihah Liyana Khalid
Short Description: Here, we present DNA-based methods for porcine detection in raw and cooked food
products. Specific primers and probes were designed on the mitochondrial genes. Two
DNA based real-time chemistries were utilized, namely, SYBR Green and Taqman
which detects porcine DNA with both the SYBR Green and Taqmanchemistries with
sensitivity level of 0.001 and 0.0001ng porcine DNA in the PCR reaction mixture,
respectively. This system detects traces of porcine DNA in raw and processed meat
products with UPM’s patented specific primers and probe to detect pork (sensitivity
threshold of 0.01%). The system consists of portable real-time PCR analyzer,
disposable test module, lyophilized PCR reagents and DNA extraction kit.
EventD from Raha.indd 39
9/7/2011 2:30:48 AM
Name of Institution: Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia
Project: Arsenic Test Kit for Drinking Water
Group Leader: Ong Keat Khim
Project ID: UPNM/MM/06/AS
Contact: 03-90513400
Team Members: Teoh Chin Chuang
Neza Ismail
Siti Hasnawati Jamal
Mohd Lip Jabit
Nurul Afiqah Azmi
Short Description: This is a simple and low cost test kit to detect arsenic (III) in drinking water, developed
based on colorimetric method. The test kit can detect arsenic at concentrations of
10, 100, 300 and 500 ppb. The concentrations of arsenic in water samples can be
quantified by comparison of the colour formed on the paper strip with standard colour
chart through human visual interpretation or image processing technique.
Category: MO
Name of Institution: Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM)
Project: S3RG1 : Segmentation Platform for
Mammography Image Analysis
Group Leader: Abdul Kadir Jumaat
Project ID: UiTM/MO/01/AS
Contact: 03-55211179
Team Members: Siti Salmah Yasiran
Aminah Abdul Malek
Wan Eny Zarina Wan Abdul Rahman
Arsmah Ibrahim
Rozi Mahmud
Rohana Embong
Short Description: A segmentation platform for mammography image analysis called S3RG1 is developed
in order to detect breast abnormalities. The S3RG1 software consist of 3 segmentation
methods based on active contour or snake model (Balloon snake, GVF snake, and
EDAC) and 1 based on region growing model called automatic seed based region
growing model. The results obtained show that the boundaries of abnormalities were
successfully segmented using these methods in the S3RG1 software.
Name of Institution: Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM)
Project: Halmallow
Group Leader: Aryantee binti Rais
Project ID: UiTM/MO/05/AS
Contact: 03-55443873
Team Members: Aizatul Aida binti Khairol Annuar
Munyati binti Abdul Halim
Noor Amylia binti Kamaruddin
Noraini binti Deraman
Anida binti Yusoff
Normah binti Ismail
Zaibunnisa binti Abdul Haiyee
Short Description: Novel Halmallow was developed by modifiying conventional marshmallow through
substitution of sugar with palm sugar. The use of palm sugar adds a unique and
distinctive sweetness to Halmallow. The nutritional value of Halmallow increased
adding of ginger that pungent taste to this product. Since halal gelatine was used in the
making of Halmallow, this product can cater for Muslim consumers. Halmallow is also
a tidbit that is suitable for health conscious people and children.
EventD from Raha.indd 40
9/7/2011 2:30:48 AM
Project: TamraChoc
Group Leader: Mohd Rahmat bin Bahaudin
Project ID: UiTM/MO/06/AS
Contact: Email:
Team Members: Nor Hasnie bt Shafie
Nur Bahiyah bt Abu Bakar
Nur Ikhfa bt Musa
Nur Sadrina bt Mohd Pauzi
Siti Asiah bt Kamarudin
Norizzah bt Abd Rashid
Zainal Samicho, Suzaira bt Bakar
Short Description: ‘TamraChoc’ is a low sugar milk chocolate with tamarind (Tamarindus indica L.) filling.
In this product, maltitol was used to replace table sugar. Tamarind contributes to
sourness and the chocolate gave an authentic taste to the product. Tamarind contains
antioxidant and reduces the blood sugar level and cholesterol. TamraChoc is a new
product which contains low sugar and less cholesterol that reduces the problem of
obesity, cardiovascular disease and diabetes.
Name of Institution: Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM)
Project: Fiber-Ger
Group Leader: Noraslina binti Mohd Nasir
Project ID: UiTM/MO/10/AS
Contact: Email:
Team Members: Noriham Abdullah, Noorlaila Ahmad
Amir Fiqri Hafiz bin Ahmad
Mohd Yazid bin Kahar
Ezatul Farita bt. Rohawi
Wan Farah Diana bt. Wan Muhammad
Name of Institution: Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM)
Short Description: It is a known fact that burgers have become major public enemy due to its high fat,
salt and calories content. Fiber-ger beef patties that will be developed is made from
waste by product of coconut and soybean. These by-products contain fibre that is able
to decrease the fat content, minimise the product cost and maintain nutritional and
sensory qualities of the patties. The process of manufacturing involved simple and
cheap technology which can be adopted by small and medium scale industries.
Name of Institution: Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM)
Project: DF Pectin (pectin from dragon fruit)
Group Leader: Nazaruddin Ramli
Project ID: UKM/MO/11/AS
Contact: 03-89213817
Team Members: Norazelina Sah Mohd Ismail
Norziah Mohd Hani, Zainudin Meon
Short Description: Pectin has been successfully extracted from dragon fruit peel which is the biowaste
from dragon fruit processing industry. The obtained dragon fruit pectin has high yield
that is comparable and higher than the apple and citrus pectin. Pectin was isolated
by enzymatic extraction. The lack of chemicals during pectin extraction may allow the
food industry to move towards environmentally friendly technology and sustainable
EventD from Raha.indd 41
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Name of Institution: Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM)
Project: The Development of Herb Drink from
Kemunting Cina, Pecah Beiling, and
Melada Pahit
Group Leader: Nazaruddin Ramli
Project ID: UKM/MO/12/AS
Contact: 03-89213817
Team Members: Haslina Mohamad
Norain Yahya
Abu Huzaifah Dato’ Haji Hashim
Short Description: The purpose of this study is to develop herb drink from the combination of Strobilanthes
crispus, Cattharanthus roseus and Brucea javanica and to confirm that the herb drink
not toxic for diabetic patients. It is also to compare the antioxidant activity of these three
Name of Institution: Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM)
Project: Probiotic Chocolate
Group Leader: Nazaruddin Ramli
Project ID: UKM/MO/13/AS
Contact: 03-89213817
Team Members: Mamat Said
Rosma Mohd Rahim
Liew Siew Ling
Norakiah Abd Sani
Siti Rahayu Mat Akar
Short Description: The development of chocolate using Lactobacillus plantarum will increase the
perception and nutrition value of chocolate. The chocolate itself is a good energy
provider and by complementing the dark chocolate containing probiotic bacteria will
lead to good functional food. L. plantarum is an easy probiotic to incorporate into diet as
the invention of the L. plantarum complement in chocolate is found to be most effective,
particularly in providing antimicrobial, anti mutagenic, anticarcinogenic properties and
promoting effect of reduction in serum cholesterol level.
Name of Institution: Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT)
Project: MR219-4, An Efficient Water - use
Genotype Developed through Mutation
Group Leader: Abdullah Md Zain
Project ID: UMT/MO/02/AS
Contact: 09-6683618
Team Members: Abdul Rahim bin Harun
Sariam bt Othman
Maziah bt Mahmud
Sayed Mohd. Zain bin S.Hasan
Adzemi bin Mat Arshad
Ismail bin Mad Nor
Short Description: MR219-4 is a cutting-edge rice line because it is an “efficient-water-use“ genotype
adapted to water stress and yet produces acceptable yield and quality. MR219-4 can
be recommended in drought-prone rice granaries replacing the non-tolerance varieties
of today. The superior adaptation and yield performance of mutant MR219-4 under
aerobic condition was obviously a very interesting finding because future rice cultivation
can be also be done under sprinkler assisted irrigation. In addition, mutant MR219-4 is
a multipurpose rice genotype because it also has salinity and submergence tolerance
responses and therefore can be used as parent for future breeding for salinity and
submergence tolerance rice varieties.
EventD from Raha.indd 42
9/7/2011 2:30:48 AM
Project: Herbicide (Glyphosate) Rapid Detection
Kit for Goosegrass
Group Leader: Cha Thye San
Project ID: UMT/MO/04/AS
Contact: 09-6683618
Team Members: Chuah Tse Seng, Anne Marie Kaben
Short Description: The Herbicide (Glyphosate) Rapid Detection Kit for Goosegrass (Eleusine indica)
was developed using RAPD-SCAR approach. The primer sets (S4SNF/S4R1 and
S4R8NF/S4R1) showed consistent amplification results from more than 20 susceptible
and resistant biotypes of goosegrass collected from agricultural lands in Malaysia.
The developed kit enables the screening and detection of the herbicide glyphosatesusceptible and-resistant populations of goosegrass in just 4 hours as compared to
more than 6 weeks taken by conventional whole plant bioassay method.
Name of Institution: Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT)
Project: Bottle-exchangeable Water Sampler for
Microbiological Studies
Group Leader: Hii Yii Siang
Project ID: UMT/MO/01/AS
Contact: 09-6683618
Team Members: Mohd. Sharol bin Ali
Short Description: This replaceable container-replaceable water sampler was invented for microbiological
studies. A researcher can autoclave many containers and replace them during sampling.
It overcomes the limitation of the number of samples when using conventional water
sampler. It is small and light weight. Over-size water sampler causes problems in the
logistic arrangement and the cost of its operation. The invention can be hand-operated.
We could obtain samples within a shorter time and dissolve gases with greater degree
of accuracy. Compared to other water samplers, which require at least two female
researchers to operate, this new invention can be easily handled by a female researcher.
Name of Institution: Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT)
Project: Green-Cell
Group Leader: Mohd Ikmar Nizam bin Mohamad Isa
Name of Institution: Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT)
Project ID: UMT/MO/05/AS
Contact: 09-6683618
Team Members: Ahmad Salihin bin Samsudin
Muhammad Aisamuddin bin Nadzri
Zakiyah binti Ahmad
Short Description: This Green-Cell @ bio-polymer electrolyte (BE) system is based on CMC-AB. It is
to overcome the world of modern technology demands for long-life, environmentally
friendly, low-cost, reliable and rechargeable batteries. It is with specific energy power
compared to commercial electrolytes used in batteries today. The traditional batteries
are high in conductivity, hazardous and non-biodegradable. The CMC-AB biopolymer
BE produced is a step towards the development of a Green Nation
Name of Institution: Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS)
Project: fastip-X Kit
Group Leader: Ho Wei Seng
Project ID: UNIMAS/MO/04/AS
Contact: 08-2582975
Team Members: Lai Pei Sing
Pang Shek Ling
Ismail Jusoh
Short Description: The fasTiP-X Kit is a simple procedure to prepare DNA for PCR amplification. It can
be completed in 20 minutes and therefore increases the possibility for high-throughput
genotyping. It allows DNA extraction without contacting any harmful chemicals and
liquid nitrogen. Besides, it uses small amount (about 5mm2) of samples which reduces
minimal lost of sample. This kit is useful in forestry forensic, genetic diversity, markerassisted selection (MAS) and species/clone identification.
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Name of Institution: Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS)
Project: Efficacy of New Organotin(IV)
Compounds against Wood Decay Fungi
Group Leader: Md. Abu Affan
Project ID: UNIMAS/MO/24/AS
Contact: Email:
Team Members: Fasihuddin b. Ahmed
Ismail Jusoh, Md. Abdus Salam
Md. Rezaur Rahman
Short Description: It is a very effective method of chemically anchoring organotin(IV) compounds to wood
via polymerization for long time protection of wood against biodegradation. It is also
environmental friendly and easy to handle for timber preservation. Beside, it is ideal
for urban and rural residential project such as retaining walls, benches, door, window
and frame. The organotin (IV) compounds contribute to royalties income in national
economy from successful commercialization of project output. In addition, it is relatively
cheap and promotes clean environment. The organotin(IV) compounds can be used in
textile industry to prevent unpleasant smell in textiles during heavy sweating.
Name of Institution: Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin (UnisZA)
Project: ‘Tropicasweet’ Pitted Salak With
Cinnamon Flavor
Group Leader: Che Abdullah bin Abu Bakar
Project ID: UniSZA/MO/05/AS
Contact: 09-6275515
Team Members: Kamarul ‘Ain Mustafa
John Tang Yew Huat, Asmaliza Abd Ghani
Norlia Muhamad
Tengku Farizan Izzi Che Ku Jusoh
Roslan Arshad, Siti Husna Zakaria
Short Description: Tropicasweet is a shelf-stable dried fruit product manufactured from mature fruits
of salak or also known as “snake fruit”. It makes a great and healthy food for an
active lifestyle as it is a good source of fiber and free of fat and preservative. It can
be consumed directly as snack or use to enhance other food products such as fruit
cocktails, baked products or it can be chopped and sprinkle over cereal, fruit salad or
desert for a delicious treat.
Name of Institution: Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin (UnisZA)
Project: Golden Instant Spicy
Group Leader: Che Abdullah bin Abu Bakar
Project ID: UniSZA/MO/05/AS
Contact: 09-6275515
Team Members: Kamarul ‘Ain Mustafa
John Tang Yew Huat, Asmaliza Abd Ghani
Norlia Muhamad
Tengku Farizan Izzi Che Ku Jusoh
Roslan Arshad, Siti Husna Zakaria
Short Description: GOLDEN INSTANT SPICY MIX is a multipurpose seasoning powder produced from all
natural raw ingredients. It has a low water activity thus chilling or freezing is not required
to preserve its quality over a period of six to 12 months. As it comes in a powder
form the product can be conveniently packed for distribution. It can be used directly to
make sauces or salad dressing, coating for fried foods, seasoning for scrambled eggs,
sandwiches and fillings for bakery products.
EventD from Raha.indd 44
9/7/2011 2:30:49 AM
Project: Natural Red-purple Colourant from
Dragon Fruit(Hylocereus polyrhizus)
Group Leader: Sharifah Kharidah Syed Muhammad
Project ID: UPM/MO/04/AS
Contact: 03-89468394
Team Members: Jamilah Bakar
Short Description: Dragon fruit (Hylocereus polyrhizus) powder can be utilized to replace the pink to redpurple artificial colours found in foods. Some artificial colourants have been reported to
cause allergic reactions, hyperactivity and urticaria in children, and genotoxicity.
It can be applied in dairy products (yoghurt, yoghurt drink, milk drink, cultured milk
drink, and ice cream), cordials and beverages, confectionaries, desserts, sauces
and dressings, jams, jellies, snacks and baby food. Besides the food industry, other
intended markets are pharmaceutical, neutraceutical and cosmetic industries.
Name of Institution: Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)
Project: A novel Additive that Reduces Oil
Absorption and Fat Deterioration in Food
Group Leader: Suhaila mohamed
Project ID: UPM/MO/02/AS
Contact: 03-89472168
Team Members: Fatihanim Mohd Nor
Short Description: A novel additive made from edible plant extract that reduces oil absortion in food,
prevents fat deterioration and conferring health benefits to the consumer. A natural
product which has been demonstrated to reduce oil absorption in food by up to 85%.
Name of Institution: Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI)
Project: Catalyst for Bioethanol
Group Leader: Saberi b. Othman
Name of Institution: Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)
Project ID: UPSI/MO/07/AS
Contact: 05-4506472
Team Members: Zulkifley b. Mohamed
Ramli b. Ibrahim
Short Description: Catalyst for bioethanol
Name of Institution: Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM)
Project: Freshness Index of Meat (a) Chicken Halal Market (b) Pork - Non-Halal Market
Group Leader: Azhar Mat Easa
Project ID: USM/MO/06/AS
Contact: 04-6533888
Team Members: Tan Thuan Chew
Abbas F.M. Alkarkhi
Short Description: The food industries have been relying on their suppliers to provide fresh meat as raw
materials for production. The variations in the freshness of the meat cause variation
in the final products’ quality. The time has come for the industries to test and verify the
extent of freshness in the raw materials before further processing. This can be done
using the freshness index (FI) that could be obtained in less than 3 hours. FI provides
quick way to tell fresh from frozen meat.
Name of Institution: Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM)
Project: High Performance of Al2O3/Y-TZP Filled
PMMA Denture Base
Group Leader: Zainal Arifin Ahmad
Project ID: USM/MO/08/AS
Contact: 04-5996128
Team Members: Ahmed Omran Alhareb
Short Description: The properties of PMMA denture base material has been improved using a specific
addition of alumina/zirconia mixture. This product has higher flexural and tensile modulus,
hardness and complies with ISO1567-2000. These superior properties have become
better alternative to the existing denture base materials with almost similar price.
EventD from Raha.indd 45
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Name of Institution: Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia
Project: Rare Earth Gd-Doped Ingan Magnetic
Group Leader: Siti Nooraya bt Mohd Tawil
Project ID: UTHM/MO/09/AS
Contact: 07-4537613
Team Members: Hajime Asahi
Daivasigamani Krishnamurthy
Short Description: InGaGdN magnetic semiconductors were prepared by MBE. EXAFS studies confirmed
that Gd atoms substitute group III sites. PL emission was observed and its peak
energy was changed with in content. SQUID measurements showed room temperature
Name of Institution: Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM)
Project: Antioxidant Rich Virgin Coconut Oil
Group Leader: Mailin Misson
Project ID: UTM/MO/25/AS
Contact: 07-5531565
Team Members: Siti Nor Azlina bt Abd Rashid
Muna bt Mohamed, Norliza Abd Latiff
Nor Farahiyah bt Aman Nor
Norasiah bt Sadek, Mohd Roji b Sarmidi
Ramlan Abd Aziz
Short Description: This product is a blending of Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) with rich raw chocolate for
enhancement of chocolate’s antioxidant properties. It was economically developed
under mild processing temperature to preserve the flavonoid components. Addition
of VCO in chocolate formulation was found to enhance the antioxidant level and
exceeding most of the commercially available dark chocolates. In addition, it promotes
VCO’s medicinal benefits of antimicrobial, antiviral and antifungal properties. Hence,
the product offers promising potential for nutraceutical and functional food application.
Name of Institution: Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM)
Project: Novel Method for Fast Single Cells
Stiffness Measurement using Buckling
Group Leader: Mohd Ridzuan bin Ahmad
Project ID: UTM/MO/17/AS
Contact: 07-5536333
Team Members: Toshio Fukuda
Short Description: We propose a buckling nanoneedle as a force sensor for stiffness characterization
of single cells. We performed in situ measurements of mechanical properties of
individual W303 wildtype yeast cells using a buckling nanoneedle inside an integrated
SEM (ESEM)–nanomanipulator system. Finer local stiffness property of single cells
was compared at different pressure and different temperature ranges. This detection
method of the stiffness variations of the single cells could be applied in the future fast
disease diagnosis based on single-cell stiffness analysis.
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Project: Novel Method for Real-time Single Cells
Viability Detection using Dual Nanoprobe
Group Leader: Mohd Ridzuan bin Ahmad
Project ID: UTM/MO/19/AS
Contact: 07-5536333
Team Members: Toshio Fukuda
Short Description: We performed single pulses current measurement on single cells using dual nanoprobe
through environmental scanning electron microscope (ESEM)-nanomanipulator system.
The nanoprobe was fabricated using focused ion beam (FIB) tungsten deposition and
etching processes. The characteristics of the nanoprobe were examined from the
energy dispersion spectrometry (EDS) and noise analyses. In this work, for the first
time, the electrical property of single cells under their native condition was presented.
In order to apply this method for cell viability detection, two types of cells were used,
i.e. dead cells and live cells. The results showed that there is a significant difference on
the electrical measurement data between dead and live cells.
Name of Institution: Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM)
Project: Novel Method for Measuring Single Cells
Adhesion Force using Nanofork
Group Leader: Mohd Ridzuan bin Ahmad
Project ID: UTM/MO/20/AS
Contact: 07-5536333
Team Members: Toshio Fukuda
Short Description: This novel method measures single cells adhesion force using a nanofork. The nanofork
was used to pick-up a single cell on a line array substrate inside ESEM. The line array
substrate was used to provide small gaps between the single cells and the substrate.
Therefore, the nanofork could be inserted through these gaps in order to successfully
pick-up a single cell. The nanofork was fabricated using focused ion beam (FIB) etching
process while the line array substrate was fabricated using nanoimprinting technology.
To investigate the effect of contact area on the strength of the adhesion force, two
sizes of gap distance of line array substrate were used, i.e. 1 μm and 2 μm. Results
showed that cells attached on the 1 μm gap line array substrate required more force
to be released as compared to the cells attached on the 2 μm gap line array substrate.
Name of Institution: Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UNIMAP)
Project: Hydrophobic Silica Aerogel for Metal
Group Leader: Mst Noorzahan Begum
Name of Institution: Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM)
Project ID: UniMAP/MO/16/AS
Contact: 04-9798929
Team Members: Md. Fazlul Bari, Khairel Rafezi bin Ahmad
Shamsul Baharin Jamaludin
Short Description: Hydrophobic aerogel immobilized with Cyanex 272, is a promising material for the
extraction, separation and recovery of metals from aqueous solution. The performance
is not changed after wash and is higher than conventional materials.
Name of Institution: Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UNIMAP)
Project: High Precision ISFET
Group Leader: Uda Hashim
Project ID: UniMAP/MO/22/AS
Contact: Email:
Team Members: Naim bin Haron, Azizullah bin Saifullah
Muhamad Emi Azri bin Shohini
Short Description: ISFET is a semiconductor device based on a conventional MOSFET structure except
the gate electrode was replaced from the metal gate and has combine series of the
reference electrode, electrolyte and chemically sensitive insulator or membrane.
ISFET act as potentiometer sensor which is a novel tool to recognize varieties of ion
concentrations in many applictions.
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Category: Y
Name of Institution: Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM)
Project: Introduction of YumMush Veg-get
Group Leader: Mohd Bistari Sadri
Project ID: UiTM/Y/05/AS
Contact: Email:
Team Members: Norfaeza bte Zulkipli
Siti Suhada bte Junoh
Raimi Iziana bte Abdullah
Short Description: The study was conducted to determine the ability of yam and mushroom instead
of chicken in nugget making. This commercialization product is known as Yam and
Mushroom vegetarian nuggets. It is expected to be much healthier alternative product
in comparison with the same product in the market especially for vegetarian. The yam
and mushroom is low in fat compare with chicken in ordinary nugget. This innovation
gives a good choice to consumers who prefer low fat diet.
Name of Institution: Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM)
Project: Rain Proof Cover (RPC) for Automobile
Group Leader: Elrickson Anak Litercelon Kaon
Project ID: UiTM/Y/02/AS
Contact: 08-2677601
Team Members: Liew Fui Kiew
Nurul Wahidah binti Abdul Wahab
Awang Syazuan Shafiq bin Awang Jaya
Short Description: Rain is common in Malaysia. When it rains, every car driver will be drenched the moment
he/she steps out from his/her car. The Rain-Proof Cover will resolve rain drenching the
driver and passenger problem. This product consists of a flexible rain proof cover which
is installed at the side of the car door. This cover will prevent the users from getting wet
by providing a shelter as they are getting ready to use their umbrella. This product is
economical, long lasting and easy to use.
Name of Institution: Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM)
Project: Introduction of Banana Kaya with
Group Leader: Khairun Najihah bt Sabri
Project ID: UiTM/Y/06/AS
Contact: Email:
Team Members: Mohd Aliff bin Abdul Majid
Musnadzirah binti Mohd Suhaimin
Short Description: This kaya is made from banana. It is known as Banana Kaya with chocolate, a new
innovation which is different from those in the current market. It is expected to be much
healthier and delicious in comparison with the same product in the market as banana is
high in nutritional value (protein and potassium). Other ingredients are chocolate (high
in antioxidant), coconut milk, and eggs. The innovation of the Banana Kaya is cost
effective. Its simple preparation makes it practical to be mass-produced and makes
kaya a routine food taken with bread or snacks.
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