Brochure - Gate City Church


Brochure - Gate City Church
Who’s in charge at your house?
This program is designed to train you to react to
your children in a way that disciplines them with
humor, keen insight and proven experience.
Dr. Phelan, author of the book used in this program,
simplifies the job of parenting in three
straightforward steps:
Program Topics
3 Parental qualities that foster
competence in kids
How to encourage and respect your
child’s growing independence
10 strategies for building self-esteem
Step 1: Controlling Obnoxious Behavior:
Learn an amazingly simple technique to get the kids
to STOP doing what you don’t want them to do
(whining, arguing, tantrums, sibling rivalry, etc.).
Step 2: Encouraging Good Behavior:
Learn several effective methods to get your kids to
START doing what you do want them to do.
(Cleaning rooms, picking up, going to bed,
homework etc.).
Up and out in the morning
How to get your kids to pick up
after themselves
Making mealtimes more enjoyable
How to avoid Homework Civil
Going to bed and staying there!
Step 3: Strengthening Your Relationship:
Learn four powerful techniques that reinforce the
bond between you and your children.
If you are interested in attending
the 1-2-3 Magic Program,
please contact us
for registration information.
(603) 598-6205
In 1-2-3 Magic you will also learn how to
manage the Six Kinds of Testing and
Manipulation, how to handle misbehavior in
public and how to avoid the Talk-PersuadeArgue-Yell-Hit Syndrome. You’ll also discover
how your silence can speak louder than your
Sign up today and be back in
charge of your home tomorrow!
Family meetings: obnoxious but
The Details:
There is no charge for this program. The 1-2-3
Magic Workbook will be available for purchase
by each participant on the first day of class.
The cost is under $20.00.
Pre-registration is required since group size is
limited. The program will be closed to new
participants after the second session.
1-2-3 Magic is part of our
Growth & Healing Series.
The Greater Nashua
Growth & Healing Center
For more information on
this and other classes offered,
please call
(603) 598-6205
The Greater Nashua
Growth & Healing Center
A Happy Parent
“I HIGHLY recommend this program to
any parents that are spending more
time yelling and or nagging their child
than smiling and laughing with them.
This is an awesome, effective method
of discipline! The premise is simple and
the results are great.”
8 Franklin Street | Nashua, NH 03064 | (603) 598-6205
Our pediatrician recommended it!
“I realized quickly that 1-2-3 Magic can
be a magnificent preventative measure
that any parent can take to avoid
raising a child later on down the line
that needs excessive discipline or
grows to be out of control.”
Effective Discipline of
young Children 2-12