FIREWIRE - Liberty ISD Bookmobile


FIREWIRE - Liberty ISD Bookmobile
L i b e r t y
H i g h
S c h o o l
Vol. 9 Issue 10
Nov. 26, 2012
Shane Deel resigns as Head Coach/AD
By Bruce Wright
In a press release dated Nov.
19th, the LISD school board put out the
following statement: “The Board of
Trustees of the Liberty Independent
School District accepted the resignation
of Head Coach and Athletic Director
Shane Deel tonight in a special called
meeting. The Board and Administration
of the LISD acknowledge and deeply
appreciate Coach Deel’s important role
in the Liberty ISD Athletics over the past
five years. Coach Deel supervised a
focus on all sports – girls and boys, and
established new competitive soccer
programs for both girls and boys – an
accomplishment most Districts of our
size cannot claim.
The Board of Trustees and
Administration wish Coach Deel the
very best in his future endeavors after he
leaves the LISD.
Coach Deel will
continue as an employee
of the LISD through
January 15, 2013. Coach
Deel has offered to assist
in any way he can during
the transition.”
The Board has
scheduled a meeting for
Dec 3rd to set a timeline
for replacement and to
committee comprised of
district officials and
community members. If
things move quickly a
new coach could be in
place by spring training
drills. As with most
coaching changes, other
coaching positions will be
affected. In the interim, coaches will
continue to lead their specifically
assigned sports as new leadership is
As reported by KSHN radio,
Deel will receive a severance as he was
in only the first year of a 2 year contract.
Shane Deel came to Liberty
from Bryan High School where he was
the defensive coordinator. Before that,
Deel made coaching stops in Magnolia
and San Angelo Central.
Deel began work for LISD on
March 10, 2008 and amassed an overall
record of 20-29 in five seasons. The
Panthers ended the 2012 season with a 37 record.
Choir members perform at Julie Rogers in Bmt.
By Evelin Vazquez
Some of the choir students
performed at a concert which was held in
Julie Rogers Theatre in Beaumont. The
students had to compete in the regions to
be able to perform at the concert which
was Monday Nov.13 at 7PM. The
students were Sierra Morrison (9), Aaron
Durham (12), Morgan Hopper (12),
Haleigh Domangue (12), and Paige Reed
The 5 LHS choir students that
performed Monday were 5 of the 350
best students in the Southeast Texas
area. They performed with 1,000 people
in the audience. The concert was 1 ½
hour long there was a women’s choir,
men’s choir, and mixed choir.
The students practiced the
Monday evening prior and all day
Tuesday. There were conductors from
Deerbrook High School, Clearspring
High School and Texas Technical
“It was a delightful experience
working with many more hard workers.”
said Haleigh Domangue. She enjoyed
every bit of the concert and performing
in it. The percussionists were from
Above: region concert members pose with their teacher and region choir director,
Christie Bean Below left: Choir students perform at the Renaissance Festival.
Lamar University and played with the
choir. They were really good.
“You are the Music was my
favorite,” Morgan Hopper said. She
didn’t like the music before but it was
her favorite one after the concert and
everything was put together it was a
really good song.
Up @
“I wish we could perform
again, it went by too fast,” Morgan
added. They did great after a day and a
half of practice. They worked really
hard all the way to the concert. LHS is
very proud of them !
Nov 27
Nov 27
Dec 4
Dec 6
Dec 3-7
Liberty Church of Christ Campus
Nov 28
L i b e r t y
H i g h
S c h o o l
Vol. 9 Issue 10
Nov. 26, 2012
Lack of sleep, texting have relationship to grades
By Tom Guidry
Ever found yourself
cranky, stressed and in a bad
mood when you get up?
Here may be the source of
the problem.
A parent receives a
text late at night, long after
their student was supposed
to be asleep, thinking they were texting
someone else. The mother quickly texted
back, "This is your mother. Go to bed."
Fifty-six percent of teens, ages
13-18, bring their cellphones into their
bedrooms and use them, with texting
especially popular in the hour before
trying to go to sleep, according to the
2011 Sleep in America Poll from the
National Sleep Foundation.
The study noted a relationship
between those who text in the hour
Golf team
the ropes
By Zach Brown
Liberty Varsity Golf Team
played in a tournament at the Eagle Point
Country Club in Mt. Belvieu Texas.
Liberty placed 15th. Freshman Trevor
Pierce led the with a round of 100,
Andrew Reidland shot
111, Evan
Wilson scored 112, D.J. Melonson shot a
130 and Taylor Rakestraw shot a 138.
before trying
to go to sleep
at least a few
week, with
less likely to
report getting
a good night's sleep, 65 percent more
likely to wake up feeling tired, 17
percent more likely to be categorized as
sleepy during the day and 63 percent
more likely to drive drowsy.
Dr. Kara Starnes, a pediatrician
with Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital
of Allen says, "One of the first questions
I ask parents of adolescents is: Do they
have any questions about their child's
sleep or sleepiness in class? If they do,
the answer I usually get is that they're
texting all night."
A lack of sleep can have big
repercussions for children, she says. It
can affect their reasoning ability, causing
them to do poorly on tests and impairing
their judgment in social situations. It can
even affect their physical growth as the
growth hormone secretes mostly and
sometimes only when a child sleeps.
Plus, it's not uncommon for a
child to be assessed by schools and
parents as having attention-deficit
hyperactivity disorder and find the
symptoms go away after the child is put
on a sleep routine, she says.
It's important to rule out lack of
sleep before settling on this diagnosis
because ADHD medications are
stimulants that can exacerbate sleep
In addition to the problem of
texting when a child should be sleeping,
the act of looking at screens right before
bed can make sleeping more difficult,
according to John Herman, associate
22-3A All District
Football selections
Singles at
By Juan Alvarado
Over the Thanksgiving holiday,
the Panther Varsity Tennis team
competed at Pasadena ISD. Quad
Felchak won the boys single A division.
The girls doubles team of Gabby
Higgins and Lauren Morrison reached
1st Team Offense
RB Dennis Antoine
OL Denton Orand
PRICE: $20 per player (checks
payable to LHS softball)
2nd Team Offense
WR Adam VanDeventer
OL Blake Brown
Middle school division (10 players
per team, boys and girls)
2nd Team Defense
LB Nadarius Lewis
DB Aric Foster
High school division (10 players
per team, boys and girls)
Honorable Mention
Fred Brown
Luke Mangum OL
Blake Brown DL
Josh Sterling OL
Perry Stevens DL
Adult Division (COED)
Please sign up by EMAIL at
Good food will be available for
sale . Come out and enjoy the fun.
Theatre students to
bring Christmas Cabaret
By Dillon Danek
Last weekend the Liberty
Theatre troupe performed a public
performance of William Shakespeare’s
The Tempest. The theatre department
put in on for show on Saturday, Nov. 9
and Sunday Nov.10. The play was about
a ship with a king and jester, drunkard
butler and a queen of an island, her
LHS Softball program will
be having our yearly ragball
A SOFTER BALL) tournament at
the Liberty City Park. Last year
was cold, but it was a blast for
There will be Middle and
High School teams and also an
Adult Division. Here are the details:
The following players were chosen
by the coaches of district 22-3A for
the All-District football team:
1st Team Defense
DL Omar Tebo
DE Luke Mangum
Also Liberty J.V. also went to
Eagle Point to play on the 14th of the
same month. Freshman Grayson Wallace
shot a 110, Blake Brown 121, Richard
Twardowski 123, and Charles Going
shot a 125.
director of the Sleeping Disorders
Clinic at Children's Medical Center
The pineal gland is a small
endocrine gland in the brain that
begins to secrete melatonin, a
hormone that helps regulate sleep and
wake cycles, two hours before the
onset of sleep. That secretion can be
impaired by moderate light emitted by
cellphones, computers and television
screens, explains Herman.
In fact, the more screens in a
child's bedroom, the more sleep
problems the child is likely to have, he
So be honest with yourself.
Answer the following question; Does
my cellphone habit have any
connection to my sleepiness and
inability to do well in class?
daughter and a monster/man.
The crowd was quite large on
Saturday for Liberty and even bigger on
Sunday. They raised quite a bit of money
for the theatre dept. They will be
performing the annual Christmas
Cabaret Dec.7-10 so come out and watch
and support our school.
SAT deadline is
Dec 28th for
the Jan 26th
test here at
L i b e r t y
H i g h
S c h o o l
Vol. 9 Issue 10
Nov. 26, 2012
Texans figure out how to win another
By Wade Mouton
As a tradition, NFL football
teams play on Thanksgiving Day. For
the first time in franchise history, the
Houston Texans played on Thanksgiving
Day against the Detroit Lions, who has
kept the tradition alive. The Texans had
just got off of an overtime victory
against the Jacksonville Jaguars.
The Lions started off good with
a 2-yard touchdown run by Leshoure.
The Texans answered back with “Guess
who”? You know Arian Foster with a
pretty 6 yard touchdown off of an
outside handoff stretch run. Then the
Lions struck again with a 5 yard
touchdown pass from Matthew Stafford
to Thomas. Texans received the kick off
and pushed the ball down the field until
Owen “The Big O” Daniels received a 9
yard pass from Matt Schaub.
After that the “Motor City”
team (Detroit) came back with a
beautiful 22 yard touchdown pass from
Matthew Stafford to one of the NFL’s
best receivers Calvin “Megatron”
Johnson. The half then ended with
Detroit on top 21-14.
Now came the second half but
it was a unique second half which held 3
quarters instead of 2. The Lions received
the ball at half stopped on 3rd down in
field goal range, and Jason Hanson
finished the drive with a 46 yard field
The Texans got the ball back
and Justin Forsett ran the ball, and was
tackled but jumped up feeling like he
didn’t touch the ground. The small but
very quick and agile running back ran
81yards on a great second effort play. He
was clearly down but the refs didn’t see
it. Jim Schwartz threw the challenge flag
which would have easily been
overturned but he threw it during the
play which canceled the challenge by
him, and the booth so the touchdown
The Texans then kicked 1 field
goal and scored a touchdown, while
Detroit only scored 1 more touchdown.
The score ended at regulation 31-31.
Great defense was played in overtime
and two field goals were missed one by
each team. But finally Texans’ Graham
kicked a nice 32 yard field goal to top it
off pushing the Texans up to 10-1 and
the Lions fall to 4-7.
Dallas Cowboy Thanksgiving
tradition turns up a wounded duck
By Reid Williams
Records of pro football being
played on Thanksgiving date back to as
1978 for NFL teams. But the problem
was no one wanted to play on a holiday.
Cowboys saw an opportunity to play on
Thanksgiving as an extra little bump for
their popularity. The Detroit Lion also
did as well. By this time football had
become a professional event, playing on
Thanksgiving had already become an
institution. The Cowboys were a solid 23
-15 against the rest of the league on
Thanksgiving. Having them play on
every fourth Thursday of November
going back to 1978. They were 6-0
against the Redskins on Turkey Day.
Washington is 1-0 otherwise on the
holiday, having shut out the Lions in
Detroit in 1973. All changed on this
Thanksgiving 2012. The game didn’t go
in the cowboys favor though. Robert
Griffin III threw 4 touchdown passes and
the Dallas Cowboys offensive line
allowed Tony Romo to be sacked
multiple times. The score ending up as
Right: Robert
Griffin III
avoids a
Cowboy during
the game.
38-31, the Washington Redskins were
able to take home another victory on
Thanksgiving Day
By Wade Mouton
The Liberty Panthers
basketball team is looking to revive
themselves, by making some changes
in the program. The Panthers hired a
new head coach, “Coach Kearns”, and
assistant coach, “Coach Griff”. The
Panthers are looking to test out the
athletes on the team; they plan to run a
motion offense, full court man to man,
trap, & press defense.
They have a group of talented
players that are disciplined, James
Douglas (senior), Jordan Jones
(Senior), Isaiah Morris (Junior) Jalon
Ward (Junior), Dennis Antoine
Jared Nolan (Junior),
Fredrick Brown
(Junior), Darien
“Dmal” Mallet (sophomore), Malik
Brown (sophomore), and Hudson
Standish (Sophomore).
The Panthers didn’t start the
season off great with a loss to
Hampshire-Fannett losing by just 8
points. They put up a hard fought
College Football heats up Aggie Heisman talk
By Dillon Danek
Over our Thanksgiving break
there were several college football
games. Many of them were the final
games ending the season and the
beginning the BCS Championship
playoffs speculation. Out
of all the games, the
Texas and TCU game was
the most surprising game.
The final score was 20-13
in TCU’s favor. Kansas
State shockingly lost to
the Baylor Bears.
Ducks hosted Stanford
and was a low scoring
game for the Ducks and a
heck of a nail biter. The thought they had
it in overtime but Stanford’s defense
took a few notches up to stop them on
the drive and forced a field goal, get this,
they missed a 41 yard field goal but
earlier in the game hit from 42 yards
away. Ending the game 17-14 Stanford.
For the first Thanksgiving in a
long time, the Aggies and
Longhorns did not play on
Thanksgiving because,
Texas A&M moved to the
SEC with the Longhorns
staying in the Big 12. The
Aggies played the Missouri
Tigers on Nov. 24 and beat
the Tigers 52-29.
Aggie QB Manziel
all but assured himself of a
Heisman trophy with a great
final performance leaving the Aggies at
10-2 for the year.
L i b e r t y
H i g h
S c h o o l
Vol. 9 Issue 10
Nov. 26, 2012
Donkey Basketball Fundraiser for Srs.
Send in your favorite caption for the pics above...we might just print them! bewright@libertyisd