LKPR (Ruzyne)
LKPR (Ruzyne)
Airport Information LKPR (Ruzyne) General Info Prague, CZE N 50° 06.0' E 14° 15.6' Mag Var: 1.6°E Elevation: 1247' Public, Control Tower, IFR, Landing Fee, Customs Fuel: 100LL, Jet A-1 Repairs: Major Airframe, Major Engine Time Zone Info: GMT+1:00 uses DST Runway Info Runway 04-22 6955' x 197' asphalt Runway 06-24 12188' x 148' concrete Runway 13-31 10663' x 148' concrete Runway 04 (35.0°M) TDZE 1247' Lights: Edge Runway 06 (63.0°M) TDZE 1202' Lights: Edge, ALS Runway 13 (125.0°M) TDZE 1160' Lights: Edge, ALS Runway 22 (215.0°M) TDZE 1200' Lights: Edge Runway 24 (243.0°M) TDZE 1158' Lights: Edge, ALS, Centerline, REIL, TDZ Runway 31 (305.0°M) TDZE 1232' Lights: Edge, ALS Communications Info ATIS 122.15 Ruzyne Tower 119.7 Ruzyne Tower 118.1 Ruzyne Ground Control 121.9 Ruzyne Clearance Delivery 120.05 Ruzyne Radar 136.075 Secondary Ruzyne Radar 119.0 Ruzyne Radar 118.3 Praha Radar 127.575 Praha Radar 120.525 Notebook Info JEPPESEN JeppView JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 + JEPPESEN LKPR/PRG 23 NOV 07 RUZYNE 10-1P PRAGUE, CZECH AIRPORT.BRIEFING NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 LKPR/PRG RUZYNE 1. GENERAL 1.1. ATIS ATIS JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. + JEPPESEN 23 NOV 07 10-1P1 PRAGUE, CZECH AIRPORT.BRIEFING 1. GENERAL 1.2.2. PREFERENTIAL RUNWAY SYSTEM 122.15 RWYs 06 and 24 - departures and arrivals of ACFT are allowed without restriction. RWY 13 1.2. NOISE ABATEMENT PROCEDURES 1.2.1. FLIGHT RESTRICTIONS Delayed arrivals and departures are permitted until 2300LT. - departures and arrivals of ACFT are prohibited between 2200-0600LT; - between 0600-2200LT departures of jet aeroplanes with MTOW more than 7t are prohibited; departures of propeller aeroplanes are allowed without restriction; arrivals of ACFT are allowed without restriction. ACFT certified in accordance with ICAO Annex 16, Volume I, Chapter 2 or ACFT without certification in accordance with ICAO Annex 16, Volume I RWY 31 ACFT certified in accordance with ICAO Annex 16, Volume I, Chapter 3 or 4 and propeller-driven ACFT certified in accordance with ICAO Annex 16, Volume I, Chapter 5 RWYs 04 and 22 Take-offs and landings are not permitted. Between 2200-0600LT: - ACFT with a MTOW of more than 45t, except ACFT included in Bonus list, are not permitted for take-off and landing. - ACFT included in Bonus list are permitted for take-off and landing only within the scope of noise quota for night operations. Moreover the ACFT shall meet criteria for inclusion to LKPR noise category 1 or 2; delayed arrivals and departures are permitted without restrictions. - ACFT with MTOW less or equal to 45t included in LKPR noise category 1 or 2 are permitted for take-off and landing only within the scope of noise quota for night operations; delayed arrivals and departures are permitted without restrictions. New type of ACFT may be included in Bonus list based on request of the ACFT operator who proves by a noise certificate meeting LKPR noise category 1 or 2 criteria. Bonus List (ACFT according to IATA code) 100, 141, 142, 143, 146, 14F, 14X, 14Y, 14Z, 313, 318, 319, 320, 321, 330, 332, 333, 340, 342, 343, 345, 346, 733, 734, 735, 736, 738, 739, 73G, 73H, 73J, 73W, 752, 753, 75F, 762, 763, 777, 772, 773, AR1, AR7, AR8, ARJ, M87, M90, M93. EXCEPTIONS The above mentioned restrictions do not apply to: - search and rescue flights; - landings of ACFT for safety reasons, due to failure or adverse meteorological conditions; - flights of the Civil Aviation Authority for state inspections; - flights of ACFT on police duty on their missions; - flights of ACFT of the Czech Air Force for the purposes of transport of constitutional officials; - flights for human life saving; - humanitarian flights in case of risk of delay. For ACFT up to a weight of 13000 KGS the aerodrome is not available between 1900-0700LT, unless prior permission is obtained from Prague APT - General Aviation: Tel: +420 220 114 000 AFTN: LKPRYDYT Fax: +420 220 111 695 SITA: PRGCZ7X CHANGES: Flight restrictions. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. - departures and arrivals of ACFT are prohibited between 2200-0600LT; - between 0600-2200LT arrivals of ACFT with MTOW more than 7t are prohibited; departures of ACFT are allowed without restriction. - closed for departure and arrival; taxiing and parking of ACFT is allowed. Departures and arrivals of ACFT on RWYs 13 and 31 are allowed in case of: - RWY 06 or 24 is out of service; - the conditions on surface of RWY 06 or 24 are affected adversely by contamination and brake effect is not good; - precision approach for landing on RWY 06 or 24 is unserviceable and meteorological conditions do not allow usage of alternative method of approach with respect of keeping safety of air traffic; - crosswind component including gusts toward RWY 06 or 24 exceeds 15 KT; - wind shear is reported or forecast or there are expected significant meteorological phenomenons (e.g. storms), which could influence the approach or departure from RWY 06 or 24; - flights for human life saving; - ACFT in emergency; - ACFT of Civil Aviation Authority conducting a state supervision; - RWY is requested by pilot-in-command by reason of flight safety. 1.2.3. REVERSE THRUST Between 2200-0600LT reverse thrust other than idle thrust shall only be used as far as necessary due to safety reasons. 1.2.4. RUN-UP TESTS Engine test runs shall only be carried out at places designated by aerodrome operator. Between 2200-0600LT engine test runs in other than idle run-up are not permitted. EXCEPTIONS ACFT planning to depart in the night or morning hours may, in important cases, carry out engine test runs other than idle run-up between 2200-2300LT and 0500-0600LT. 1.3. LOW VISIBILITY PROCEDURES Low Visibility Procedures will be initiated if RVR TDZ and/or MID and/or END is 600m and less and/or ceiling is 200' and lower. Low Visibility Take-Off phase will be initiated if RVR TDZ and/or MID and/or END decreases to 600m and less. ACFT landing on RWY 24 must only exit via TWY C, D, E or F. Pilots will be informed via ATIS or RTF about preparedness or initiation of Low Visibility Procedures or Low Visibility Take-Off. ACFT will be vectored to intercept the ILS at least 3 NM from FAF. Pilots wishing to conduct a guided take-off must inform ATC on start-up in order to ensure that protection of the localizer sensitive area is provided. CHANGES: None. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 LKPR/PRG RUZYNE + JEPPESEN 7 DEC 07 10-1P2 PRAGUE, CZECH AIRPORT.BRIEFING 1. GENERAL 1.4. SURFACE MOVEMENT GUIDANCE AND CONTROL SYSTEM 1.4.1. OPERATION OF MODE S TRANSPONDERS WHEN ACFT IS ON THE GROUND ACFT operators should ensure that the Mode S transponders are able to operate when the ACFT is on the ground. Flight crew should select XPNDR, or the equivalent according to specific installation, AUTO if available, not OFF or STDBY, and the assigned Mode A code: - When requesting push-back or taxi, whichever is earlier. - After landing, continuously until the ACFT is fully parked on stand. Flight crew of ACFT equipped with Mode S having an ACFT identification feature should also set the ACFT identification. The ACFT identification should be entered from the request for push-back or taxi, whichever is earlier, through the FMS or the transponder control panel. During parking flight crew has to set up Mode A code 0000 and subsequently set up Mode S transponder position OFF. 1.5. RWY OPERATIONS 1.5.1. HIGH INTENSITY RWY OPERATIONS (HIRO) HIRO procedures are provided between 0500-2100LT. If unable to comply with the HIRO system, pilots are requested to advise ATC as soon as possible. To prevent delays of flights and to achieve the highest possible rate/hour for arrivals and departures. RWY occupancy times are to be reduced to minimum. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 + JEPPESEN LKPR/PRG RUZYNE PRAGUE, CZECH 10-1P3 7 DEC 07 AIRPORT.BRIEFING 2. ARRIVAL 2.1. SPEED RESTRICTIONS Unless otherwise instructed by ATC - MAX 250 KT at SLP 1 or flying off-route at OKL 28 DME. - MAX 210 KT +/- 10 KT at SLP 2 or in case of radar vectoring at position base leg, or in case of ST-IN APCH at 15 NM from THR unless higher airspeed is required for performance reasons to allow ACFT flight in clean configuration. This speed should be maintained up to 12 NM from THR. - Speed should be gradually reduced to 160 KT +/- 10 KT with up to medium flaps setting and with landing gear retracted in the subsequent portion of APCH to the OM or 4 NM from THR. If unable to comply, advise ATC immediately. 2.2. NOISE ABATEMENT PROCEDURES No instrument or precision approach shall be made at an angle less than the ILS GS or less than 3^ (5.2%) if ILS is not used. Approach procedure is specified in para 2.1. ACFT approaching RWY 31 shall not descend below 3500' before entering a straightin approach sector. 2.3. CAT II/III OPERATIONS RWY 24 approved for CAT II/III operations, special aircrew and ACFT certification required. 2.4. RWY OPERATIONS 1.6. TAXI PROCEDURES 2.4.1. HIGH INTENSITY RWY OPERATIONS 1.6.1. GENERAL TWY FF available for towing and parking of ACFT only. TWYs J blue and J orange 400m visibility required. 1.6.2. TWY LIMITATIONS TWY H from stand 38 in the direction of TWY L MAX wingspan 213’/65m. TWY B1 to stand 4A, TWY B2 to stand 13A, TWY H between TWYs L and B2, TWY H1 between stands 22 and 24 and TWY K MAX wingspan 171’/52m. TWY B1 between stands 4 and 6, TWY B2 between stands 11 and 13, TWY H1 between stands 50 and 56, TWYs J blue and J orange MAX wingspan 118’/36m. TWY B1 between stands 7 and 8 and TWY B2 between stands 9 and 10 MAX wingspan 95’/29m. TWY N and taxistrips at Apron South MAX wingspan 79’/24m. 1.7. PARKING INFORMATION Stands 1 thru 24B and 51 thru 56 equipped with Visual Docking Guidance System. During low visibility operations the system is not available, service guidance is by Follow-me car. 1.8. OTHER INFORMATION Engine test runs at the aprons are prohibited. Birds in vicinity of APT. RWYs 06/24 and 13/31 with antiskid layer. CHANGES: None. JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. Whenever RWY conditions permit, pilots are requested to vacate RWY after landing via following exit TWYs: TWY designator ACFT category LDA RWY 06 Medium (Jet) Medium (Prop) RWY 24 RWY 31 L B P RWY 13 R D G 5105’/ 1556m 7972/ 2430m 5528’/ 1685m 8186/ 2495m 6791’/2070m 6955’/2120m L P C D G 5105’/1556m 5528’/1685m 4347’/ 1325m 6791’/ 2070m 6955’/2120m In order to ensure a minimum RWY occupancy time, it is recommended to nominate the expected exit TWY during the approach briefing. Pilots are requested to aim for an exit, which can be made, rather than to aim for an earlier one, just to miss it and to roll slowly to the next. 2.5. OTHER INFORMATION 2.5.1. PILOT PROCEDURES Pilots are obliged to report vacancy of ILS sensitive area after landing. Pilots who intend to practise Low Visibility Approach, have to use the phraseology "Request Practise Low Visibility Approach Procedure" on initial contact with APP. Lighting system secondary power supplies operation is not provided for Practise Low Visibility Approach. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CHANGES: Noise abatement procedures. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 LKPR/PRG RUZYNE + JEPPESEN 7 DEC 07 10-1P4 PRAGUE, CZECH AIRPORT.BRIEFING 3. DEPARTURE 3.1. DE-ICING Pilot-in-command intending to carry out a de-icing procedure before departure request towing/taxiing to assigned areas from Ground. Clearance for towing/taxiing will be granted in consideration of stated times of SLOT. De-icing only on designated places: - De-icing areas 1 or 2 on TWY Z - De-icing area 3 on TWY AA - Areas of stands 30 and 38/38A/38B on Apron North - Apron East (exceptional cases) - Apron South (up to 13000kg MTOW) - TWY J (exceptional cases). 3.2. START-UP, PUSH-BACK & TAXI PROCEDURES 3.2.1. START-UP Pilot-in-command of departing ACFT shall establish radio contact with Delivery to: - advise parking position, - confirm ATIS information and read back its QNH, - obtain clearance for start-up of engines (usually 10 minutes prior to start-up), - report the intention to carry out a de-icing of ACFT before departure, - obtain ATC clearance. When the expected delay for take-off is less than 15 minutes, pilots will be cleared to start-up immediately after a coordination is completed. When the expected delay is 15 minutes or more, pilots will be advised about the duration of the delay. Pilot-in-command will obtain approvement for push-back and taxi on frequency of Ground. Pilot-in-command shall establish radio contact on the frequency of Ground for approvement of push-back and taxi. No special instruction for Ground frequency change shall be made from Delivery. Pilots of departing IFR ACFT shall establish radio contact on the respective frequency of PRAGUE Radar, referred to SID text description, immediately after take-off. Tower will not individually give any instructions for change to relevant frequency. Pilot-in-command intending to warm up engines shall request relevant clearance from Tower before taxiing and unless otherwise instructed, warm up engines at the points determined for take-off from RWY 24 and RWY 31. Phraseology: Request clearance to warm up engines. ACFT taxiing behind the ACFT which warms up engines at point No. 1 or 2 will be stopped at a safe distance or will not be cleared to taxi. 3.2.2. MULTIPLE PUSH-BACK If it is necessary to carry out multiple push-back, ATC allocates the explicit push/ pull stop bar to an ACFT crew. The crew passes this information to a ground personnel. JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 + JEPPESEN LKPR/PRG 7 DEC 07 RUZYNE PRAGUE, CZECH 10-1P5 AIRPORT.BRIEFING 3. DEPARTURE 3.3. NOISE ABATEMENT PROCEDURES For additional depiction refer to 10-4. Climb with maximum rate considering flight safety. Deviation from SIDs or from the RWY heading during a departure given by ATC service is not possible until passing: - 3200’ (RWYs 06, 24, 31 between 0600-2200LT) - 5000’ (RWYs 06, 24, 31 between 2200-0600LT) - OKL 10 DME (RWY 13) except cases of urgent provision of separation minima between ACFT in flight and/ or flight safety with regard to significant meteorological phenomenons or occurrence of birds. JET ACFT: Take-off to 2700' Take-off power. Take-off flaps. Climb at V 2 + 10 KT (or as limited by body angle). At 2700' 2700'-4200' Above 4200' Reduce engine thrust to not less than climb power/thrust. Climb at V 2 + 10 KT (or as limited by body angle). Normal speed and enroute climb configuration. 3.4. RWY OPERATIONS 3.4.1. HIGH INTENSITY RWY OPERATIONS Whenever RWY conditions permit, pilots should prepare and be ready to accept the following intersection take-off runs: TWY designator ACFT category TORA RWY 06 RWY 13 RWY 24 RWY 31 Medium (Jet) E D THR THR 10,039’/3060m 9055’/2760m 12,188’/3715m 10,663’/3250m Medium (Prop) D G B R 7382’/2250m 7300’/2225m 8350’/2545m 8448’/2575m Cockpit checks should be completed prior to line-up and any checks requiring completion on the RWY should be kept to minimum. Pilots should ensure that they line up immediately after being cleared and to be ready to continue with a rolling take-off if necessary. 3.2.3. TAXIING For taxi-out on the apron use minimum power. CHANGES: None. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CHANGES: Noise abatement procedures. Rwy operations. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 14-30 | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. BODAL N49 27.8 E015 47.0 ^ 275^ 295 1S 3 BODAL 2P , 2T BO 5 1.5 DA 500 L1 R, 305 ^ R095^ 116.3 VOZ VOZ D VOZICE MSA OKL VOR 3600' 305 ^ runway 31 N49 31.9 E014 52.5 125 ^ 5^ 31 BO 5514.5 DA 00 L2 P D N49 41.9 E014 38.4 N49 40.6 E014 34.6 SLP 1 PR610 ^ 304 SLP 1 PR616 26 55 .1 00 (IAF Rwy 06) 1 55 8. 6 00 0 5^ R11 55 00 ^ 125 ^ N49 47.9 E014 52.8 9 55 .2 3 D 0 0 05 PR609 3 4.1 SLP 1 Rwy 24 D28 OKL 1.8 N49 51.4 E014 45.6 1S L 0 00 0 5 500 063^ 2 y Rw 06 ^ 2843 305 ^ N49 42.3 E015 04.0 VLASIM 114.3 VLM VLM (Non-compulsory Rwy 24) SLP 2 Rwy 31 KENOK (IAF Rwy 31) D BODAL 1S: 5500 N49 59.5 E014 13.4 ^ 062 SLP 2 PR603 6 11. 0 500 D 123 6.3 ^ 4000 270^ FL110 CHANGES: SLP at RASIM withdrawn. .9 23 0 0 50 125 5000 ^ 14-00 .6 2T 13 AL 0 D 0 BO 55 D HOLDING OVER KENOK 49-30 1 BO 50 7.7 DA 0 0 0 500 242^ SLP 2 PR604 5 270^ 5500 LK(P)-5 At or below 5 0 2828' CHANGES: Reissue. 090^ 0 D3 0 D3 180^ 2828' 112.6 OKL OKL ^ D 1 50 0 D2 SLP 2 ^ N50 05.8 E014 15.8 9 D1 N50 05.8 E013 41.4 0 D2 3500 (3800) 21 0 10 12 0^ 15 ^ 240 3000 (3200) N50 02.2 E014 23.7 0 D1 (IAF) 20 0 D1 50-00 1 090^ 25 LK(P)-1 2600 (2800) PRAGUE 270^ OKL VOR DME 1 Unless otherwise instructed PRAGUE Prague RAKOVNIK 30 D 5. 4 386 RAK RAK D1 9 D Vodochody LK(P)-12 (IAF Rwy 13) 40 35 ^ 11 191.5^ 30 0^ 060 LK(P)-11 D10 continue on 060^ heading. Radar vectoring will be provided. 2 BODAL 2T: Unless otherwise instructed continue on 245^ heading. Radar vectoring will be provided. NER VOR DME 3000 (3200) 3 BODAL 1R: 5000 0^ NERATOVICE 090^ 45 NOT TO SCALE D20 N49 56.1 E014 02.3 0^ (Non-compulsory Rwy 13) 50 50-30 03 1247' BODAL TWO PAPA (BODAL 2P) [BODA2P] RWY 13 RNAV ARRIVAL BODAL ONE ROMEO (BODAL 1R) [BODA1R] RWY 31 RNAV ARRIVAL BODAL ONE SIERRA (BODAL 1S) [BODA1S] RWY 24 RNAV ARRIVAL BODAL TWO TANGO (BODAL 2T) [BODA2T] RWY 06 RNAV ARRIVAL D30 ^ 330 Apt Elev 085^ 119.0 35.8 5500 *RUZYNE Radar (APP) .RNAV.STAR. Alt Set: hPa (MM on request) Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' At initial contact with RUZYNE Radar state only callsign. 55 0 ATIS 122.15 LK(P)-10 LK(P)-8 10-2 13 APR 07 SPEED RESTRICTION Unless otherwise instructed MAX 250 KT at SLP 1 or if flying off-route at OKL 28 DME. MAX 210 KT +/-10 KT at SLP 2 (IAF). If unable to comply, advise ATC immediately. Speed Limit Point SLP RUZYNE N50 07.2 E014 39.9 119.0 PRAGUE, CZECH JEPPESEN LKPR/PRG 3100' Alt Set: hPa (MM on request) Apt Elev Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 1247' Altitudes in brackets are corrected for low temperatures and apply always for the period from 15 NOV until 15 MAR, unless published otherwise by NOTAM. *RUZYNE Radar (APP) 120.52 127.57 .RADAR.MINIMUM.ALTITUDES. RASIM PRAGUE Radar (APP) 10-1R (IAF Rwy 24) 12 OCT 07 D6 RUZYNE NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 305 ^ PRAGUE, CZECH JEPPESEN LKPR/PRG JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. RAVKO NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 360^ JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2002, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 021^ 360^ 13 Rw y KUVIK ^ 225 27 .9 1 (IAF Rwy 24) ETATU N50 20.0 E014 35.3 (OKL R-006/D16.2) .4 ^ 8 0 6 2 5000 OKL PRAGUE 023^ D (IAF) D 11.7 SLP 2 PR308 N50 16.4 E014 23.6 N50 05.8 E014 15.8 N50 04.1 E013 45.2 5 1ROKX00 ,1 S 5 204^ 500 OKX3 1S 5 11.9 5500 202^ SLP 1 D28 OKL PR307 112.6 OKL (IAF Rwy 06) NOT TO SCALE N50 21.8 E014 19.5 ^ 242 0 500 ^ 062 X1 N50 33.3 E014 08.0 55 022^ 00 193^ HOLDING OVER ETATU 17.1 5 SPEED RESTRICTION Unless otherwise instructed MAX 250 KT at SLP 1 or if flying off-route at OKL 28 DME. MAX 210 KT +/-10 KT at SLP 2 (IAF). If unable to comply, advise ATC immediately. Speed Limit Point SLP 06 SLP 1 SLP 1 D28 OKL VENOX D28 OKL 10. 550 9 0 N50 23.4 E014 01.2 .4 ^ 063 0 6 550 3 ^ 24 0 2 550 5 0 550 2^ N49 46.4 E013 33.7 DOBEN 201^ 0 N49 42.3 E015 04.0 VLASIM 114.3 VLM VLM D N49 43.8 E014 48.0 PR608 276^ 3 16 50 .3 00 (OKL R-145/D14.5) N49 53.7 E014 28.0 SLP 1 D28 OKL ^ 0655200 N BE DO 2 25. 0 3S 550 3R, N50 00.1 E013 53.7 PR606 N49 59.7 E014 15.7 3.7 N49 58.5 E013 48.5 (OKL R-245/ D19) D9 05^ .2 D10.5 N49 47.9 E014 52.8 5 50 .9 00 PR609 N49 51.4 E014 45.6 SLP 2 KENOK (IAF Rwy 31) 5. D 270^ EN 00 3R 0 0 SLP 2 550 BEN PR604 0 500 242^ 6 11. 0 500 1 23 6 . 3 ^ 8 (IAF Rwy 06) PR713 SLP 2 BERKA 090^ 1 DO 3S N50 02.2 E014 23.7 DO25^ 1 B 5 0 N50 07.2 E014 39.9 1 (IAF Rwy 24) RASIM N50 05.8 E014 15.8 FL110 At or below PRAGUE 112.6 OKL OKL D SLP 2 SLP 2 PR607 MSA OKL VOR 3600' 305 ^ 386 RAK RAK 4000 270^ 8 SLP 1 D28 OKL 5 DOB1E2.1 N 2P 090^ 0125^00 5500 5500 6 6^ N50 05.8 E013 41.4 SLP 2 Rwy 13 EVANA FL110 005^ 178^ D6.1 NOT TO SCALE HOLAN N50 35.1 E014 29.7 OK 28.8 5500 DO 55 9.5 B 0 0 E N 4T ^ 062 6 31 . 0 T 550 P , 3 5500 (IAF Rwy 13) MSA OKL VOR ^ 24 8 N50 43.5 E014 15.0 continue on 060^ heading. Radar vectoring will be provided. 2 Unless otherwise instructed continue on 245^ heading. Radar vectoring will be provided. 3 Unless otherwise instructed continue on 125^ heading. Radar vectoring will be provided. N50 54.2 E015 01.9 3.2 (IAF) OKX SUNER 1 Unless otherwise instructed 3600' FRYDLANT 114.85 OKX D OKX 1R RAKOVNIK 3100' 085^ 152 (IAF Rwy 13) FRYDLANT ONE PAPA (OKX 1P) RWY 13 RNAV ARRIVAL FRYDLANT ONE ROMEO (OKX 1R) RWY 31 RNAV ARRIVAL FRYDLANT ONE SIERRA (OKX 1S) RWY 24 RNAV ARRIVAL FRYDLANT THREE TANGO (OKX 3T) RWY 06 RNAV ARRIVAL At or below 5500 185^ 125 500 0 ^ ^ 242 0 550 1247' (Non-compulsory Rwy 06) | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2002, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. .RNAV.STAR. 6 0 500 ^ CHANGES: SLP at RASIM withdrawn. 119.0 10-2B Alt Set: hPa (MM on request) Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' At initial contact with RUZYNE Radar state only callsign. Apt Elev *RUZYNE Radar (APP) 122.15 DOBEN TWO PAPA (DOBEN 2P) [DOBE2P] RWY 13 RNAV ARRIVAL DOBEN THREE ROMEO (DOBEN 3R) [DOBE3R] RWY 31 RNAV ARRIVAL DOBEN THREE SIERRA (DOBEN 3S) [DOBE3S] RWY 24 RNAV ARRIVAL DOBEN FOUR TANGO (DOBEN 4T) [DOBE4T] RWY 06 RNAV ARRIVAL 03 360^ 085^ ATIS 13 APR 07 170^ continue on 060^ heading. Radar vectoring will be provided. RUZYNE 344^ 5500 HOLDINGS OVER BERKA KENOK 1247' 5 5.1 3100' 119.0 PRAGUE, CZECH JEPPESEN LKPR/PRG 164^ 1 Unless otherwise instructed Alt Set: hPa (MM on request) Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' At initial contact with RUZYNE Radar state only callsign. Apt Elev *RUZYNE Radar (APP) .RNAV.STAR. 035000 ^ ATIS 10-2A 13 APR 07 NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 OKX500 3T RUZYNE 122.15 PRAGUE, CZECH JEPPESEN LKPR/PRG JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. 11. 550 2 0 NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 550 JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. SLP 2 PR804 N50 06.9 E013 54.2 D13.9 272^ 090^ SLP 2 PR304 4000 270^ 097^ D13.5 SPEED RESTRICTION Unless otherwise instructed MAX 250 KT at SLP 1 or if flying off-route at OKL 28 DME. MAX 210 KT +/-10 KT at SLP 2 (IAF). If unable to comply, advise ATC immediately. SLP Speed Limit Point CHANGES: SLP at ETATU withdrawn. N50 03.5 E014 36.4 8 50 .9 125 00 50 305^ 00 ^ 3 (IAF Rwy 31) DEVIN N49 58.1 E014 47.4 | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2002, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 115.0 HDO HDO 3600' LAL3U 1S K 5500 201^ 0 021^ 10. 550 9 0 11.9 5500 202^ 550 204^ Rw y 023^ 193^ 243 DEVIN N49 58.1 E014 47.4 | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2002, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. N50 16.4 E014 23.6 (IAF) 112.6 OKL OKL D PRAGUE N50 06.9 E013 54.2 D13.9 272^ 090^ 3600' 8.4 0 0 0 5 SLP 2 PR304 4000 270^ 097^ D13.5 1 Unless otherwise instructed continue on 060^ heading. Radar vectoring will be provided. 2 Unless otherwise instructed continue on 085^ 360^ 3 (IAF Rwy 31) ^ SLP 2 PR804 0 550 3100' 062 SLP 2 PR308 17.1 ^ 6.4 063 0 550 ^ N50 03.5 E014 36.4 8 50 .9 125 00 50 305^ 00 ^ N50 20.0 E014 35.3 (OKL R-006/D16.2) 11.7 LAL5U500 K 1T KUVIK 1 (IAF Rwy 24) ETATU N50 05.8 E014 15.8 N50 04.1 E013 45.2 097^ D13.5 PR307 N50 21.8 E014 19.5 023^ D 1S HDO3 11.9 5500 D11 .7 2 (IAF Rwy 06) SPEED RESTRICTION Unless otherwise instructed MAX 250 KT at SLP 1 or if flying off-route at OKL 28 DME. MAX 210 KT +/-10 KT at SLP 2 (IAF). If unable to comply, advise ATC immediately. SLP Speed Limit Point CHANGES: SLP at ETATU withdrawn. 13 13 201^ 11. 550 2 0 0 550 021^ 202^ 10. 550 9 0 Rw y1 3 55 022^ 00 193^ 17.1 5 HDO500 4T 270^ NOT TO SCALE 28.8 5500 ^ 062 SLP 2 PR304 4000 3.2 090^ SLP 1 D28 OKL N50 33.3 E014 08.0 152 8.4 ^ 062 5000 SLP 2 PR804 N50 06.9 E013 54.2 D13.9 272^ SLP 1 SLP 1 D28 OKL VENOX D28 OKL 6 0 500 ^ N50 04.1 E013 45.2 ^ 242 0 500 N50 20.0 E014 35.3 SLP 2 PR308 112.6 OKL OKL 5500 28.8 5500 KUVIK ETATU 152 (IAF Rwy 06) (IAF Rwy 24) N50 16.4 E014 23.6 N50 05.8 E014 15.8 .4 ^ 063 0 6 550 3 ^ 24 0 2 550 HOLDING OVER ETATU 1 N50 21.8 E014 19.5 D N50 35.1 E014 29.7 FL110 (OKL R-006/D16.2) (IAF) HOLAN LALRUK 1 N50 23.4 E014 01.2 (Non-compulsory Rwy 06) PR307 PRAGUE , 1S 170^ SLP 2 Rwy 13 EVANA At or below 6 0 500 ^ ^ 062 344^ 5500 LAP, 1 1 3.2 5500 SLP 1 D28 OKL N50 33.3 E014 08.0 ^ 242 0 500 00 LALU55 K 1R NOT TO SCALE FL110 HOLDING OVER ETATU 26.9 117^ (IAF Rwy 13) SLP 1 D28 OKL SPEED RESTRICTION Unless otherwise instructed MAX 250 KT at SLP 1 or if flying off-route at OKL 28 DME. MAX 210 KT +/-10 KT at SLP 2 (IAF). If unable to comply, advise ATC immediately. SLP Speed Limit Point 164^ LALUK HDO 1R At or below LALUK ONE PAPA (LALUK 1P) [LALU1P] RWY 13 RNAV ARRIVAL LALUK ONE ROMEO (LALUK 1R) [LALU1R] RWY 31 RNAV ARRIVAL LALUK ONE SIERRA (LALUK 1S) [LALU1S] RWY 24 RNAV ARRIVAL LALUK ONE TANGO (LALUK 1T) [LALU1T] RWY 06 RNAV ARRIVAL .8 1 7 00 55 LUKT N50 35.1 E014 29.7 1247' 170^ N50 23.4 E014 01.2 (Non-compulsory Rwy 06) 119.0 .RNAV.STAR. Alt Set: hPa (MM on request) Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' At initial contact with RUZYNE Radar state only callsign. Apt Elev *RUZYNE Radar (APP) ^ 145 HOLAN SLP 1 VENOX D28 OKL ATIS 10-2D 13 APR 07 N50 48.3 E013 52.8 344^ 5500 (IAF Rwy 13) SLP 2 Rwy 13 EVANA MSA OKL VOR RUZYNE 122.15 PRAGUE, CZECH JEPPESEN LKPR/PRG , 1S continue on 060^ heading. Radar vectoring will be provided. 2 Unless otherwise instructed continue on 245^ heading. Radar vectoring will be provided. 3 Unless otherwise instructed continue on 125^ heading. Radar vectoring will be provided. 085^ 21.10 550 N50 43.5 E014 15.0 3100' N50 55.7 E014 22.1 R HDO 1 SUNER 1 Unless otherwise instructed HERMSDORF NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 55 022^ 00 D 164^ HERMSDORF TWO PAPA (HDO 2P) RWY 13 RNAV ARRIVAL HERMSDORF ONE ROMEO (HDO 1R) RWY 31 RNAV ARRIVAL HERMSDORF ONE SIERRA (HDO 1S) RWY 24 RNAV ARRIVAL HERMSDORF FOUR TANGO (HDO 4T) RWY 06 RNAV ARRIVAL 360^ 1247' 5500 119.0 .RNAV.STAR. Alt Set: hPa (MM on request) Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' At initial contact with RUZYNE Radar state only callsign. Apt Elev *RUZYNE Radar (APP) 10-2C 198^ ATIS 13 APR 07 HDO 5500 2P, 4T RUZYNE 122.15 PRAGUE, CZECH JEPPESEN LKPR/PRG JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. 204^ JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. 245^ heading. Radar vectoring will be provided. 3 Unless otherwise instructed continue on 125^ heading. Radar vectoring will be provided. N50 03.5 E014 36.4 8 50 .9 125 00 50 305^ 00 ^ 3 (IAF Rwy 31) DEVIN N49 58.1 E014 47.4 MSA OKL VOR CHANGES: SLP at ETATU withdrawn. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2002, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 2 1247' | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2002, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. N50 00.1 E013 53.7 .7 3 ^ 0652500 (IAF Rwy 06) D (IAF) PRAGUE 112.6 OKL OKL 270^ 4000 SLP 1 D28 OKL 2T LOMKI SLP 1 D28 OKL 6.7 0 0 55 9.3 5500 (OKL R-245/D19) N49 58.5 E013 48.5 PR713 CHANGES: SLP at ETATU withdrawn. N49 54.6 E013 14.5 LOMKI 087^ 267^ 5500 MSA OKL VOR ^ 055 078^ 085^ 0 3600' 360^ CHANGES: SLP at RASIM withdrawn. 3100' N49 31.9 E014 52.5 14 00 1P 55 KI M LO 13 00 55 ^ 13 062 55 00 VOZICE ^ 243 500 ^ 063 FL110 SLP 1 D28 OKL 116.3 VOZ VOZ D HOLDINGS OVER KENOK RAVKO 305 ^ 270^ 5500 VLASIM N49 42.3 E015 04.0 continue on 060^ heading. Radar vectoring will be provided. 2 Unless otherwise instructed continue on 245^ heading. Radar vectoring will be provided. 125 500 0 ^ 114.3 VLM VLM 090^ D At or below (VOZ R-315/D26.4) SLP 2 276^ 1 Unless otherwise instructed N50 05.8 E013 41.4 N49 43.8 E014 48.0 3 D9 05^ .2 D10.5 RAKOVNIK N49 51.4 E014 25.0 I MK LO 5 PR609 50 .9 N49 47.9 E014 52.8 00 386 RAK RAK 16 LI 50 .3 B S 00 I3 R (IAF Rwy 13) 3 N49 51.4 E014 45.6 PR608 3 PR602 NOT TO SCALE KENOK 125 ^ 3R B 0 , 1 SI T N49 48.5 E014 21.1 (IAF Rwy 31) N49 53.7 E014 28.0 SLP 2 (OKL R-145/D14.5) 5 5.1 13.8 5000 LIBSI SLP 2 PR607 035000 ^ RAVKO N49 56.1 E014 02.3 005^ 3. 0 9 3 3 LI500 8^ (IAF Rwy 06) LIBSI 3S D6 11 0 1T 5^ 0 5 0 I 31 243^ ^ 062 BS LI 2 191.5^ SLP 2 PR603 0 500 42^ 2 090^ N50 07.2 E014 39.9 N50 02.2 D6 E014 23.7 .6 . 11 0 1 23 3 500 ^ 6 30. 0 1S 5 5 0 2R, RASIM D8 355^ N50 05.8 E014 15.8 1 25^ (IAF Rwy 24) N49 59.5 E014 13.4 8 0 500 LO 50 7.1 M K 00 I2 R N50 16.4 E014 23.6 6 1S KI M O PR204 L 500 N50 13.8 E014 15.2 1 5 SLP 2 PR308 1 SLP 2 PR604 4000 270^ 7 N50 05.8 E014 15.8 090^ 11. 112.6 OKL OKL PRAGUE D 023 D^ (IAF) 8.4 0 500 SPEED RESTRICTION Unless otherwise instructed MAX 250 KT at SLP 1 or if flying off-route at OKL 28 DME. MAX 210 KT +/-10 KT at SLP 2 (IAF). If unable to comply, advise ATC immediately. Speed Limit Point SLP N50 03.5 E014 36.4 5 097^ D13.5 ^ 242 0 0 0 MSA OKL VOR ^ 242 0 550 3600' SLP 2 BERKA 085^ LOMKI ONE PAPA (LOMKI 1P) [LOMK1P] RWY 13 RNAV ARRIVAL LOMKI TWO ROMEO (LOMKI 2R) [LOMK2R] RWY 31 RNAV ARRIVAL LOMKI ONE SIERRA (LOMKI 1S) [LOMK1S] RWY 24 RNAV ARRIVAL LOMKI TWO TANGO (LOMKI 2T) [LOMK2T] RWY 06 RNAV ARRIVAL 8 50 .9 00 3100' continue on 060^ heading. Radar vectoring will be provided. 2 Unless otherwise instructed continue on 125^ heading. Radar vectoring will be provided. 119.0 1 Unless otherwise instructed 122.15 .RNAV.STAR. Alt Set: hPa (MM on request) Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' At initial contact with RUZYNE Radar state only callsign. Apt Elev SPEED RESTRICTION Unless otherwise instructed MAX 250 KT at SLP 1 or if flying off-route at OKL 28 DME. MAX 210 KT +/-10 KT at SLP 2 (IAF). If unable to comply, advise ATC immediately. Speed Limit Point SLP *RUZYNE Radar (APP) N49 58.1 E014 47.4 50 305 00 ^ ATIS ETATU LIBSI THREE ROMEO (LIBSI 3R) [LIBS3R] RWY 31 RNAV ARRIVAL LIBSI THREE SIERRA (LIBSI 3S) [LIBS3S] RWY 24 RNAV ARRIVAL LIBSI ONE TANGO (LIBSI 1T) [LIBS1T] RWY 06 RNAV ARRIVAL NOT TO SCALE 10-2F 13 APR 07 N50 20.0 E014 35.3 1247' RUZYNE 1 119.0 PRAGUE, CZECH JEPPESEN LKPR/PRG DEVIN Alt Set: hPa (MM on request) Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' At initial contact with RUZYNE Radar state only callsign. Apt Elev *RUZYNE Radar (APP) .RNAV.STAR. (IAF Rwy 24) ATIS 10-2E 13 APR 07 NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 360^ RUZYNE 122.15 PRAGUE, CZECH JEPPESEN LKPR/PRG JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. (IAF Rwy 31) NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 SLP 2 PR304 JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2002, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. JEPPESEN JeppView 122.15 119.0 1247' 305 ^ 0 ^ 6, 1 3 55 00 125 Rw ys N50 55.7 E014 22.1 MSA OKL VOR HOLAN TABEM N50 35.1 E014 29.7 EM AB ^ T 0 R14 SLP 1 D28 OKL NOT TO SCALE 116.3 VOZ VOZ N49 31.9 E014 52.5 D15 OKL 386 RAK RAK RAKOVNIK N50 05.8 E013 41.4 SPEED RESTRICTION Unless otherwise instructed MAX 250 KT at SLP 1 or if flying off-route at OKL 28 DME. MAX 210 KT +/-10 KT at SLP 2 (IAF). If unable to comply, advise ATC immediately. Speed Limit Point SLP D VOZICE 3 D19 OKL 5500 088^ 19 4000 R268^ 4000 270^ R12 112.6 OKL OKL N50 05.8 E014 15.9 SLP 2 5^ 1 40 9 00 D19 OKL 50 5 00 Speed Limit Point ^ 114.3 VLM VLM VLASIM N49 42.3 E015 04.0 SLP 1 D28 OKL 11 VL 550 M 0 2Z SLP 1 D28 OKL 305 | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2002, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. D 50 4 00 KENOK N49 51.4 E014 45.6 116.3 VOZ VOZ 125 500 0 ^ HOLDING OVER KENOK (IAF) PRAGUE D 090^ RAK 2Z SLP runway 31 305 ^ D 1 Unless otherwise instructed N49 56.1 E014 02.3 FL110 continue on 060^ heading. Radar vectoring will be provided. 2 TABEM 2T: Unless otherwise instructed continue on 245^ heading. Radar vectoring will be provided. N49 41.9 E014 38.4 SLP 1 PR616 N49 40.6 E014 34.6 SLP 1 PR610 ^ (Non-compulsory Rwy 13) RAVKO At or below 2 (IAF Rwy 06) SLP 2 HERMSDORF N49 14.6 E015 13.3 ^ 305 125 ^ TA 5514.5 BE 00 M 2P SLP 1 D28 OKL 304 0 00 0 5 y Rw 386 RAK RAK N50 05.8 E013 41.4 115.0 HDO HDO 305 ^ D VOZICE 345^ RAKOVNIK D 0 (IAF Rwy 13) 3600' VO Z 1 500 ^ 063 06 2843^ 270^ 1 55 8. 6 00 090^ 4000 085^ HERMSDORF FOUR ZULU (HDO 4Z) RAKOVNIK TWO ZULU (RAK 2Z) VLASIM TWO ZULU (VLM 2Z) VOZICE THREE ZULU (VOZ 3Z) RWYS 06, 13, 24, 31 ARRIVALS 15 090^ D6 112.6 OKL OKL 2 55 6.1 00 SLP 2 PR603 N49 59.5 E014 13.4 062 1 TA 50 7.7 0 B VO E 0 Z M1 1S S 5 N50 02.2 E014 23.7 D6 6 . 11. 0 123 3 500 ^ ^ 19.15^ N50 05.8 E014 15.8 55 00 VLASIM VLM D 4 3 .1 SLP 1 Rwy 24 D28 OKL ^ 242 N49 51.4 E014 45.6 (Non-compulsory Rwy 24) SLP 2 Rwy 31 KENOK (IAF Rwy 31) 1.8 PR609 114.3 VLM N49 47.9 N49 42.3 E015 04.0 E014 52.8 9 5 .2 D 500 305 ^ MSA OKL VOR TABEM 1S: 5500 3 TABEM 1R: 5000 N50 07.2 E014 39.9 000 1 RASIM (IAF Rwy 24) NOT TO SCALE 085^ 3600' 360^ SLP 2 PR604 1247' 550 Z VOZ 3 CHANGES: SLP at RASIM withdrawn. T Apt Elev 5 5000 (IAF) .9 23 00 50 2 00 , 5 5 2P 119.0 .STAR. 21 00 5 5500 15 S 345^ ^ 15 5500 3 .6 2T 13 M D BE 00 T A 55 2 *RUZYNE Radar (APP) .Eff.22.Nov. Alt Set: hPa (MM on request) Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' At initial contact with RUZYNE Radar state only callsign. 3100' 345^ ^ 3 20 1S M 1R, TABE 2.1 R165^ 10-2H 9 NOV 07 55 Z HDO 4 PRAGUE ATIS 122.15 TABEM TWO PAPA (TABEM 2P) [TABE2P] RWY 13 RNAV ARRIVAL TABEM ONE ROMEO (TABEM 1R) [TABE1R] RWY 31 RNAV ARRIVAL TABEM ONE SIERRA (TABEM 1S) [TABE1S] VOZICE ONE SIERRA (VOZ 1S) RWY 24 RNAV ARRIVALS TABEM TWO TANGO (TABEM 2T) [TABE2T] RWY 06 RNAV ARRIVAL 28.3 5500 RUZYNE 164^ D Alt Set: hPa (MM on request) Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' At initial contact with RUZYNE Radar state only callsign. PRAGUE, CZECH JEPPESEN LKPR/PRG 195^ Apt Elev .RNAV.STAR. 3 5500 *RUZYNE Radar (APP) 3100' ATIS 10-2G 15 4000 13 APR 07 NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 R015^ RUZYNE 270^ 5500 PRAGUE, CZECH JEPPESEN LKPR/PRG JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. 13 5500 NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 360^ Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. N49 31.9 E014 52.5 CHANGES: STARs renumbered. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2002, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 PRAGUE, CZECH JEPPESEN RUZYNE 10-3 4 JAN 08 Apt Elev PRAGUE Radar 120.52 1247' .Eff.17.Jan. .RNAV.SID. RUZYNE Apt Elev 1247' N49 27.8 E015 47.0 BODAL N49 42.3 E015 04.0 20.8 115^ 19. 5 20.1 R30 5^ R278^ 13.1 N49 44.7 E014 44.2 015^ 021 ^ 15 .1 N49 51.4 E014 45.6 KENOK 098^ PR5~7 112.6 OKL OKL DE 1 2 KO .9 V 1B 23 NOT TO SCALE PR8~2 N50 05.8 E014 15.9 (OKL R-268/D11.3) 6 O DEK 295^ PR3~3 13 305 063^ ^ ^ 3 24 4.9 N50 05.8 E013 58.3 PRAGUE V1 PR8~1 O DEK A Gnd speed-KT 304' per NM E V2 N50 12.4 E014 34.7 (OKL R-059/D13.8) These SIDs require a minimum climb gradient of 304' per NM (5%) up to 3200' due to noise abatement. 75 100 150 200 250 300 380 506 760 1013 1266 1519 3600' 085^ MSA OKL VOR 3100' 230 KT N49 58.5 E014 15.9 MAX 125 ^ Initial climb clearance 5000' PR5~2 Turn at 1700' BODAL 1G 125 ^ B N50 14.2 E013 58.7 D E ^ 063 N50 05.8 E014 15.9 PR815 (OKL R-305/D14) 1 2D, 8 AL OD (OKL R-056/D8.8) PRAGUE 112.6 OKL OKL D BO 23 DA .2 L2 H 5 ^ .9 KADNO N50 15.4 E013 56.1 360^ BO D 1G AL N50 10.3 E014 27.7 31. 5 VLASIM 114.3 VLM VLM D Initial climb clearance 5000' RWY 06 SID BODAL 2D N50 12.4 E014 34.7 N50 35.1 E014 29.7 350^ PR3~3 HOLAN 23 (OKL R-059/D13.8) NOT TO SCALE 6^ 350^ PR3~2 VENOX N50 33.3 E014 08.0 (OKL R-250/D7.3) CHANGES: RNAV SID BODAL 1G revised. MSA OKL VOR DEKOV N50 03.6 E014 05.1 178^D7.2 3600' N50 53.8 E014 13.0 9.8 A OD ^ 146 085^ FOR RNAV SIDS DEKOV 1H, 1M, 1N REFER TO CHART 10-3B 8^ 32 7 13 .2 22 L 2D B 3100' DEKOV ONE ALFA (DEKOV 1A) [DEKO1A] DEKOV ONE BRAVO (DEKOV 1B) [DEKO1B] DEKOV TWO ECHO (DEKOV 2E) [DEKO2E] RWYS 24, 31, 06 RNAV DEPARTURES .5 A 7 D2 1 .RNAV.SID. 21 R32 .6 E 35 L 1 46^ .Eff.17.Jan. Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' Contact PRAGUE Radar immediately after take-off. TRANSITION TO AIRWAY UL 993 BY ATC D BO 10-3A 4 JAN 08 120.52 BODAL TWO DELTA (BODAL 2D) [BODA2D] BODAL ONE ECHO (BODAL 1E) [BODA1E] BODAL ONE GOLF (BODAL 1G) [BODA1G] BODAL TWO HOTEL (BODAL 2H) [BODA2H] RWYS 06, 13 RNAV DEPARTURES PRAGUE, CZECH JEPPESEN LKPR/PRG PRAGUE Radar Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' Contact PRAGUE Radar immediately after take-off. ROUTING 063^ track to PR302, turn RIGHT, 146^ track to KENOK, turn LEFT, 125^ track to VLM, turn LEFT, 115^ track to BODAL. 1 BODAL 1E 063^ track to PR303, turn RIGHT, 146^ track to VLM, turn LEFT, 115^ track to BODAL. BODAL 1G 13 Climb on 125^ track to 1700', turn RIGHT to PR502, turn LEFT, 125^ track to PR507, turn LEFT, 098^ track to VLM, 1 turn RIGHT, 115^ track to BODAL. BODAL 2H 125^ track to VLM, turn LEFT, 115^ track to BODAL. 1 Prop & Turboprop only. These SIDs require minimum climb gradients of BODAL 2D, 1E: 304' per NM (5%) up to 3200' BODAL 1G, 2H: 486' per NM (8%) up to 3200' due to noise abatement. Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 304' per NM 380 506 760 1013 1266 1519 486' per NM 608 810 1215 1620 2025 2430 NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 006^ LKPR/PRG JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. 360^ JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. | JEPPESEN, 2002, 2008. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. SID DEKOV 1A RWY 24 DEKOV 1B 31 DEKOV 2E 06 243^ track 350^ track 006^ track 305^ track 006^ track 063^ track DEKOV. to to to to to to ROUTING PR801, turn RIGHT, 295^ track to PR802, turn RIGHT, KADNO, turn RIGHT, 021^ track to VENOX, turn LEFT, DEKOV. PR815, turn RIGHT, 015^ track to VENOX, turn LEFT, DEKOV. PR303, turn LEFT, 350^ track to HOLAN, 328^ track to CHANGES: RNAV SID DEKOV 1E renumbered 2E & revised. | JEPPESEN, 2002, 2008. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. RUZYNE MSA OKL VOR 13 Initial climb clearance 5000' ROUTING 243^ track to PR801, turn RIGHT, 295^ track to PR806, turn LEFT, 252^ track to BESNO, 261^ track to DONAD. 305^ track to PR815, turn LEFT, 250^ track to BESNO, 261^ track to DONAD. 063^ track to PR303, turn LEFT, 350^ track to PR101, turn LEFT, 254^ track to NASKI, 251^ track to BESNO, 261^ track to DONAD. 125^ track to PR506, turn LEFT, 030^ track to RASIM, turn LEFT, 290^ track to NASKI, turn LEFT, 251^ track to BESNO, turn RIGHT, 261^ track to DONAD. SID RWY DONAD 2A 24 MAX PR5~6 230 KT (OKL R-124/D12.4) N49 58.4 E014 31.4 112.6 OKL OKL N50 05.8 E014 15.9 DO 11 NA .7 D3 H N50 04.8 E013 00.0 DONAD 261^ N50 03.6 E014 05.1 These SIDs require minimum climb gradients (OKL R-250/D7.3) of DONAD 2A, 1B, 4D: 304' per NM (5%) up to 3200' DONAD 3H: 486' per NM (8%) up to 3200' due to noise abatement. Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 304' per NM 380 506 760 1013 1266 1519 486' per NM 608 810 1215 1620 2025 2430 295 ^ DO 15.5 NA D2 A N50 10.6 E013 43.6 281^ D21.4 23.9 BESNO CHANGES: Reissue. PR8~1 6 D | JEPPESEN, 2002, 2008. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. N50 06.8 E013 23.4 15.2 13.5 ROUTING 125^ track to PR506, turn LEFT, 030^ track to RASIM, turn LEFT, 345^ track to HOLAN, 328^ track to DEKOV. DEKOV 1M Climb on 243^ track to 1700', turn RIGHT to PR704, turn RIGHT, 347^ 24 track to PR703, turn RIGHT, 021^ track to PR202, turn LEFT, 352^ track 12 to VENOX, turn RIGHT, 006^ track to DEKOV. DEKOV 1N Climb on 305^ track to 1700', turn RIGHT to VENOX, turn RIGHT, 006^ 31 track to DEKOV. 12 1 For flights between 0600-2200LT only. 2 Prop & Turboprop only. CHANGES: Reissue. RWY 13 NOT TO SCALE RASIM 305 0 ^ ^ 243 125 ^ 250^ MAX 230 KT Initial climb clearance 5000' SID DEKOV 1H 4D 13 63^ 30.1 252^PR8~6 (OKL R-124/D12.4) (OKL R-305/D14) PR5~6 N49 58.4 E014 31.4 N50 14.2 E013 58.7 D E 11 KO .7 V1 H 1 0. 4 These SIDs require minimum climb gradients of DEKOV 1H: 486' per NM (8%) up to 3200' DEKOV 1M, 1N: 304' per NM (5%) up to 3200' due to noise abatement. Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 486' per NM 608 810 1215 1620 2025 2430 304' per NM 380 506 760 1013 1266 1519 RASIM N50 07.2 E014 39.9 030 ^ 1M 305 ^ ^ 3 24 125 ^ 345^ 1700' DE KO V FL120 N50 05.8 E014 15.9 At PR815 347^ (OKL R-287/D8.5) PRAGUE N50 15.6 E014 08.1 5.5 PR7~4 N50 08.5 E014 03.4 NASKI 112.6 OKL OKL D At or above D 31 12.2 0^ DO 12 NA .9 D 1B 251^ 021^ DEKOV 1N 28.8 12. 2 346^ 16.6 D19.7 PR7~3 N50 13.9 E014 01.8 D NA DO PR2~2 22. 1 PR3~3 352^ 8.4 254^ 350^ N50 25.0 E014 09.4 NOT TO SCALE 085^ N50 07.2 E014 39.9 7.4 PRAGUE N50 35.1 E014 29.7 MAX HOLAN 290^ PR1~1 8^ 32 N50 33.3 E014 08.0 (OKL R-036/D17.8) .5 20.8 21 VENOX N50 19.7 E014 33.1 MSA OKL VOR 230 KT N50 53.8 E014 13.0 3100' DONAD TWO ALFA (DONAD 2A) [DONA2A] DONAD ONE BRAVO (DONAD 1B) [DONA1B] DONAD FOUR DELTA (DONAD 4D) [DONA4D] DONAD THREE HOTEL (DONAD 3H) [DONA3H] RWYS 24, 31, 06, 13 RNAV DEPARTURES 360^ 3600' DONAD 3H 1247' .RNAV.SID. Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' Contact PRAGUE Radar immediately after take-off. 3600' 120.52 PRAGUE, CZECH 31 06 Apt Elev .Eff.17.Jan. DONAD 1B DONAD 4D PRAGUE Radar 085^ DEKOV 10-3C 4 JAN 08 N50 12.4 E014 34.7 DEKOV ONE HOTEL (DEKOV 1H) [DEKO1H] DEKOV ONE MIKE (DEKOV 1M) [DEKO1M] DEKOV ONE NOVEMBER (DEKOV 1N) [DEKO1N] RWYS 13, 24, 31 RNAV DEPARTURES 3100' JEPPESEN LKPR/PRG (OKL R-059/D13.8) .RNAV.SID. Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' Contact PRAGUE Radar immediately after take-off. 006^ 1247' .Eff.17.Jan. .4 Apt Elev 120.52 10-3B 4 JAN 08 NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 10 RUZYNE PRAGUE Radar PRAGUE, CZECH JEPPESEN LKPR/PRG JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. 030 ^ NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 360^ JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. | JEPPESEN, 2002, 2008. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 1247' 3100' FRYDLANT TWO ALFA (OKX 2A) FRYDLANT TWO BRAVO (OKX 2B) FRYDLANT ONE ECHO (OKX 1E) RWYS 24, 31, 06 RNAV DEPARTURES 085^ 3600' MSA OKL VOR FOR RNAV SIDS OKX 1H, 2M, 2N REFER TO CHART 10-3E 114.85 OKX OKX FRYDLANT D RUZYNE N50 54.2 E015 01.9 R2 25 ^ R248^ 10-3E 4 JAN 08 Apt Elev 120.52 PRAGUE, CZECH JEPPESEN LKPR/PRG PRAGUE Radar Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' Contact PRAGUE Radar immediately after take-off. 360^ 120.52 .RNAV.SID. 1247' .Eff.17.Jan. .RNAV.SID. Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' Contact PRAGUE Radar immediately after take-off. FRYDLANT ONE HOTEL (OKX 1H) FRYDLANT TWO MIKE (OKX 2M) FRYDLANT TWO NOVEMBER (OKX 2N) RWYS 13, 24, 31 RNAV DEPARTURES 114.85 OKX OKX 31.6 FRYDLANT D N50 54.2 E015 01.9 R248^ R2 25 ^ Apt Elev .Eff.17.Jan. 31.6 068^ 27 .9 10-3D 4 JAN 08 NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 SUNER N50 43.5 E014 15.0 021^ RUZYNE PRAGUE Radar PRAGUE, CZECH JEPPESEN LKPR/PRG JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. 04 5^ NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 11.2 JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. HOLAN VENOX N50 35.1 E014 29.7 N50 33.3 E014 08.0 3100' PR2~2 085^ N50 25.0 E014 09.4 1 9. 5 20.1 015^ ^ PR815 350^ N50 14.2 E013 58.7 (OKL R-305/D14) 9.8 OK 12.9 X 2B N50 05.8 E014 15.9 350^ (OKL R-268/D11.3) 295^ PR8~1 N50 03.6 E014 05.1 (OKL R-250/D7.3) 6 X OK 2A Gnd speed-KT 304' per NM RWY 24 OKX 2B 31 OKX 1E 06 13 1E X 021^ 2M N50 12.4 E014 34.7 (OKL R-059/D13.8) OK These SIDs require a minimum climb gradient of 304' per NM (5%) up to 3200' due to noise abatement. 75 100 150 200 250 300 380 506 760 1013 1266 1519 ROUTING 243^ track to PR801, turn RIGHT, 295^ track to PR802, turn RIGHT, 350^ track to KADNO, turn RIGHT, 021^ track via VENOX to SUNER, turn RIGHT, 068^ track to OKX. 305^ track to PR815, turn RIGHT, 015^ track to VENOX, 021^ track to SUNER, turn RIGHT, 068^ track to OKX. 063^ track to PR303, turn LEFT, 350^ track to HOLAN, turn RIGHT, 045^ track to OKX. CHANGES: RNAV SID OKX 1E established; OKX 2M & 2N transferred. 1700' OK X PR3~3 Initial climb clearance 5000' SID OKX 2A N50 05.8 E014 15.9 PR7~4 (OKL R-287/D8.5) | JEPPESEN, 2002, 2008. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. PRAGUE At N50 08.5 E014 03.4 PRAGUE 305 063^ ^ ^ 3 24 4.9 N50 05.8 E013 58.3 112.6 OKL OKL D These SIDs require minimum climb gradients of OKX 1H: 486' per NM (8%) up to 3200' OKX 2M, 2N: 304' per NM (5%) up to 3200' due to noise abatement. Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 486' per NM 608 810 1215 1620 2025 2430 304' per NM 380 506 760 1013 1266 1519 305 ^ ^ 3 24 125 ^ RASIM N50 07.2 E014 39.9 OK 11.7 X1 H PR5~6 N49 58.4 E014 31.4 345^ 112.6 OKL OKL D PR8~2 D 31 12.2 0^ 347^ 0 21 N50 13.9 E014 01.8 5.5 KADNO N50 15.4 E013 56.1 OKX 2N 23 PR7~3 NOT TO SCALE NOT TO SCALE 28.8 12. 2 346^ MSA OKL VOR 1 0. 4 3600' D19.7 N50 35.1 E014 29.7 360^ HOLAN 030 ^ 04 5^ 11. 2 VENOX N50 33.3 E014 08.0 352^ 068^ 8.4 27 .9 SUNER N50 43.5 E014 15.0 (OKL R-124/D12.4) MAX 230 KT Initial climb clearance 5000' SID OKX 1H RWY 13 ROUTING 125^ track to PR506, turn LEFT, 030^ track to RASIM, turn LEFT, 345^ track to HOLAN, turn RIGHT, 045^ track to OKX. OKX 2M Climb on 243^ track to 1700', turn RIGHT to PR704, turn RIGHT, 347^ track 24 to PR703, turn RIGHT, 021^ track to PR202, turn LEFT, 352^ track to 12 VENOX, turn RIGHT, 021^ track to SUNER, turn RIGHT, 068^ track to OKX. OKX 2N 31 Climb on 305^ track to 1700', turn RIGHT to VENOX, turn RIGHT, 021^ track to SUNER, turn RIGHT, 068^ track to OKX. 12 1 For flights between 0600-2200LT only. 2 Prop & Turboprop only. CHANGES: RNAV SIDs established & transferred. | JEPPESEN, 2002, 2008. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 PRAGUE, CZECH JEPPESEN LKPR/PRG RUZYNE 10-3F 4 JAN 08 Apt Elev 120.52 .RNAV.SID. 1247' HOLAN THREE ALFA (HOLAN 3A) [HOLA3A] HOLAN THREE BRAVO (HOLAN 3B) [HOLA3B] HOLAN THREE ECHO (HOLAN 3E) [HOLA3E] RWYS 24, 31, 06 RNAV DEPARTURES NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 3100' RUZYNE 085^ 3600' MSA OKL VOR 10-3G 4 JAN 08 Apt Elev 120.52 PRAGUE, CZECH JEPPESEN LKPR/PRG PRAGUE Radar Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' Contact PRAGUE Radar immediately after take-off. 360^ PRAGUE Radar .Eff.17.Jan. JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. 1247' .Eff.17.Jan. .RNAV.SID. Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' Contact PRAGUE Radar immediately after take-off. 3100' HOLAN FOUR HOTEL (HOLAN 4H) [HOLA4H] HOLAN THREE MIKE (HOLAN 3M) [HOLA3M] HOLAN THREE NOVEMBER (HOLAN 3N) [HOLA3N] RWYS 13, 24, 31 RNAV DEPARTURES FOR RNAV SIDS HOLAN 4H, 3M, 3N REFER TO CHART 10-3G VENOX N50 35.1 E014 29.7 3600' MSA OKL VOR HOLAN N50 35.1 E014 29.7 14 HOLAN 085^ 360^ JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. 080^ N50 33.3 E014 08.0 14 VENOX 8.4 N50 33.3 E014 08.0 352^ 080^ PR2~2 N50 25.0 E014 09.4 D19.7 12. 2 112.6 OKL 350^ 4.9 PR3~3 6 LAN HO PR8~1 N3 LA HO (OKL R-059/D13.8) (OKL R-250/D7.3) 3A Initial climb clearance 5000' SID HOLAN 3A RWY 24 HOLAN 3B 31 HOLAN 3E 06 243^ 350^ 080^ 305^ 080^ 063^ track track track track track track to to to to to to ROUTING PR801, turn RIGHT, 295^ track to PR802, turn RIGHT, KADNO, turn RIGHT, 021^ track to VENOX, turn RIGHT, HOLAN. PR815, turn RIGHT, 015^ track to VENOX, turn RIGHT, HOLAN. PR303, turn LEFT, 350^ track to HOLAN. CHANGES: RNAV SID HOLAN 2E renumbered 3E & revised; chart reindexed. 021^ 3M At E These SIDs require a minimum climb gradient of 304' per NM (5%) up to 3200' due to noise abatement. Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 304' per NM 380 506 760 1013 1266 1519 N50 03.6 E014 05.1 HO LA N N50 12.4 E014 34.7 13 305 63^ ^ 0 ^ 243 295^ (OKL R-287/D8.5) PRAGUE N50 05.8 E014 15.9 PR8~2 N50 08.5 E014 03.4 | JEPPESEN, 2002, 2008. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 1700' 305 ^ 243^ 12 5^ 112.6 OKL OKL D These SIDs require minimum climb gradients of HOLAN 4H: 486' per NM (8%) up to 3200' HOLAN 3M, 3N: 304' per NM (5%) up to 3200' due to noise abatement. Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 486' per NM 608 810 1215 1620 2025 2430 304' per NM 380 506 760 1013 1266 1519 PRAGUE RASIM N50 07.2 E014 39.9 H O 11. LA 7 N4 H 1 0. 4 9.8 HO 12 LA . 9 N 3B At 1700' PR7~4 ^ OKL D 31 0^ 030 19. 5 20.1 015^ (OKL R-305/D14) 2. 2 345^ N50 14.2 E013 58.7 N50 05.8 E013 58.3 347^ 021^ 5.5 350^ PR815 (OKL R-268/D11.3) D1 28.8 PR7~3 N50 13.9 E014 01.8 KADNO HOLAN 3N 23 NOT TO SCALE N50 15.4 E013 56.1 346^ NOT TO SCALE N50 05.8 E014 15.9 PR5~6 N49 58.4 E014 31.4 (OKL R-124/D12.4) MAX 230 KT Initial climb clearance 5000' SID HOLAN 4H RWY 13 ROUTING 125^ track to PR506, turn LEFT, 030^ track to RASIM, turn LEFT, 345^ track to HOLAN. HOLAN 3M 24 Climb on 243^ track to 1700', turn RIGHT to PR704, turn RIGHT, 347^ track to PR703, turn RIGHT, 021^ track to PR202, turn LEFT, 352^ track 12 to VENOX, turn RIGHT, 080^ track to HOLAN. HOLAN 3N 31 Climb on 305^ track to 1700', turn RIGHT to VENOX, turn RIGHT, 080^ track to HOLAN. 12 1 For flights between 0600-2200LT only. 2 Prop & Turboprop only. CHANGES: Chart reindexed. | JEPPESEN, 2002, 2008. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 PRAGUE, CZECH JEPPESEN RUZYNE 4 JAN 08 PRAGUE Radar Apt Elev 120.52 1247' 10-3H .Eff.17.Jan. .RNAV.SID. Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' Contact PRAGUE Radar immediately after take-off. 3100' NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 RUZYNE MEDOV ONE ALFA (MEDOV 1A) [MEDO1A] MEDOV ONE BRAVO (MEDOV 1B) [MEDO1B] RWYS 24, 31 RNAV DEPARTURES 3600' Apt Elev 120.52 1247' 10-3J .Eff.17.Jan. .RNAV.SID. Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' Contact PRAGUE Radar immediately after take-off. 3100' 085^ MEDOV THREE ECHO (MEDOV 3E) [MEDO3E] MEDOV THREE HOTEL (MEDOV 3H) [MEDO3H] RWYS 06, 13 RNAV DEPARTURES MSA OKL VOR FOR RNAV SIDS MEDOV 3E, 3H REFER TO CHART 10-3J 4 JAN 08 PRAGUE Radar 085^ PRAGUE, CZECH JEPPESEN LKPR/PRG 360^ LKPR/PRG JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. 3600' 360^ JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. MSA OKL VOR PR1~1 N50 15.6 E014 08.1 PR813 At or above N50 11.8 E014 03.6 178^ 22. 1 112.6 OKL OKL PRAGUE N50 05.8 E014 15.9 0 V DO ME 3E 290 ^ PRAGUE N50 05.8 E014 15.9 RASIM 125 ^ N50 07.2 E014 39.9 M E 11 DO . 7 V3 H PR816 N49 58.4 E013 48.0 (OKL R-246/D19.4) PR5~6 10 .4 112.6 OKL OKL D D 16 DO ME 13 63^ 030 ^ 215 ^ 243^ 16 .8 MAX 230 KT 305 ^ 2 18. 1A V 7 17. 25 1 ^ 30.1 BESNO N50 06.8 E013 23.4 350^ (OKL R-059/D13.8) 7.4 PR3~3 N50 12.4 E014 34.7 ME 8.9 DO V 1B (OKL R-036/D17.8) 16.6 FL120 (OKL R-305/D10) N50 19.7 E014 33.1 254^ NASKI N49 58.4 E014 31.4 (OKL R-124/D12.4) MAX MEDOV 230 KT N49 50.8 E013 23.4 MEDOV N49 50.8 E013 23.4 NOT TO SCALE These SIDs require a minimum climb gradient of 304' per NM (5%) up to 3200' due to noise abatement. Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 304' per NM 380 506 760 1013 1266 1519 RWY 24 31 CHANGES: Chart reindexed. NOT TO SCALE Initial climb clearance 5000' Initial climb clearance 5000' SID MEDOV 1A MEDOV 1B These SIDs require minimum climb gradients of MEDOV 3E: 304' per NM (5%) up to 3200' MEDOV 3H: 486' per NM (8%) up to 3200' due to noise abatement. Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 304' per NM 380 506 760 1013 1266 1519 486' per NM 608 810 1215 1620 2025 2430 ROUTING 243^ track to MEDOV. 305^ track to PR813, turn LEFT, 215^ track to PR816, turn RIGHT, 243^ track to MEDOV. | JEPPESEN, 2002, 2008. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. SID RWY MEDOV 3E 06 MEDOV 3H 13 CHANGES: Chart reindexed. ROUTING 063^ track to PR303, turn LEFT, 350^ track to PR101, turn LEFT, 254^ track to NASKI, 251^ track to BESNO, turn LEFT, 178^ track to MEDOV. 125^ track to PR506, turn LEFT, 030^ track to RASIM, turn LEFT, 290^ track to NASKI, turn LEFT, 251^ track to BESNO, turn LEFT, 178^ track to MEDOV. | JEPPESEN, 2002, 2008. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 RUZYNE PR813 NOT TO SCALE H 125 ^ Z2 R3 0 5^ R278^ At 1700' VO 5.6 N49 14.6 E015 13.3 215 ^ N49 42.3 E015 04.0 VLASIM 114.3 VLM VLM D TABEM (OKL R-250/D7.3) N49 58.5 E014 15.9 MAX 098^ PR614 125 ^ 18 .8 PR5~7 N49 44.7 E014 44.2 (OKL R-194/D15) PR615 N49 40.0 E014 32.7 These SIDs require minimum climb gradients of VOZ 2A, 3B: 304' per NM (5%) up to 3200' VOZ 2H: 486' per NM (8%) up to 3200' due to noise abatement. Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 304' per NM 380 506 760 1013 1266 1519 486' per NM 608 810 1215 1620 2025 2430 NOT TO SCALE 23 7^ PR5~2 230 KT 13.1 15 .1 N49 51.4 E014 45.6 13 TA 23 B E .2 M 2H 120 ^ D 15. 2 R30 0^ 116.3 VOZ VOZ D VOZICE N49 31.9 E014 52.5 3600' 085^ MSA OKL VOR 3100' MAX N49 58.5 E014 15.9 230 KT 125 ^ Initial climb clearance 5000' PR5~2 Turn at 1700' TABEM 1G 125 ^ VO PR8~1 A Z2 N49 51.4 E014 09.6 1E D, 8 2 BEM TA ^ 063 6 N50 03.6 E014 05.1 165^ 360^ TA B 1G EM 112.6 OKL OKL 2 305 ^ 43^ 6^ CHANGES: RNAV SID TABEM 1G revised; chart reindexed. PR814 R31 178^D7.2 N50 05.8 E014 15.9 VO 8.9 Z 3B N50 07.4 E013 58.4 (OKL R-276/D11.4) PRAGUE .7 KENOK E M BE TA ^ 146 230 KT 28.3 6^ R32 .6 35 M 1E B TA D MAX .2 2D 22 N50 05.8 E014 15.9 112.6 OKL OKL (OKL R-305/D10) 35 D FOR RNAV SIDS VOZ 3M, 4N REFER TO CHART 10-3M N50 11.8 E014 03.6 46^ 5 MSA OKL VOR ^ (OKL R-056/D8.8) 3600' 136 N50 10.3 E014 27.7 3100' 085^ TRANSITION TO AIRWAY UL 993 BY ATC 12.5 PRAGUE .RNAV.SID. VOZICE TWO ALFA (VOZ 2A) VOZICE THREE BRAVO (VOZ 3B) VOZICE TWO HOTEL (VOZ 2H) RWYS 24, 31, 13 RNAV DEPARTURES 178^D7.2 Initial climb clearance 5000' 1247' .Eff.17.Jan. Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' Contact PRAGUE Radar immediately after take-off. 6 RWY 06 Apt Elev 165^ SID TABEM 2D 120.52 10-3L 4 JAN 08 17. N50 12.4 E014 34.7 RUZYNE PRAGUE Radar PRAGUE, CZECH JEPPESEN LKPR/PRG TABEM TWO DELTA (TABEM 2D) [TABE2D] TABEM ONE ECHO (TABEM 1E) [TABE1E] TABEM ONE GOLF (TABEM 1G) [TABE1G] TABEM TWO HOTEL (TABEM 2H) [TABE2H] RWYS 06, 13 RNAV DEPARTURES 9 7. D2 1 NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 ^ 154 PR3~3 .RNAV.SID. Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' Contact PRAGUE Radar immediately after take-off. ROUTING 063^ track to PR302, turn RIGHT, 146^ track to KENOK, turn LEFT, 125^ track to VLM, turn RIGHT, 165^ track to TABEM. 1 063^ track to PR303, turn RIGHT, 146^ track to VLM, 165^ TABEM 1E track to TABEM. Climb on 125^ track to 1700', turn RIGHT to PR502, turn TABEM 1G 13 LEFT, 125^ track to PR507, turn LEFT, 098^ track to VLM, 1 turn RIGHT, 165^ track to TABEM. TABEM 2H 125^ track to VLM, turn RIGHT, 165^ track to TABEM. 1 Prop & Turboprop only. 1247' .Eff.17.Jan. These SIDs require minimum climb gradients of TABEM 2D, 1E: 304' per NM (5%) up to 3200' TABEM 1G, 2H: 486' per NM (8%) up to 3200' due to noise abatement. Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 304' per NM 380 506 760 1013 1266 1519 486' per NM 608 810 1215 1620 2025 2430 Apt Elev 120.52 (OKL R-059/D13.8) 10-3K 4 JAN 08 PRAGUE Radar PR3~2 PRAGUE, CZECH JEPPESEN LKPR/PRG JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. 360^ JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. | JEPPESEN, 2002, 2008. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. SID VOZ 2A RWY 24 VOZ 3B 31 VOZ 2H 13 ROUTING 243^ track to PR801, turn LEFT, 165^ track to PR614, turn LEFT, 125^ track to PR615, turn LEFT, 120^ track to VOZ. 305^ track to PR813, turn LEFT, 215^ track to PR814, turn LEFT, 154^ track to PR614, turn LEFT, 125^ track to PR615, turn LEFT, 120^ track to VOZ. Climb on 125^ track to 1700', turn RIGHT to PR502, turn LEFT, 136^ track to VOZ. CHANGES: RNAV SID VOZ 2H revised; chart reindexed. | JEPPESEN, 2002, 2008. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 3100' 3600' At 1700' DE HO KO L V OK AN 1M 3 X 2M M 112.6 OKL OKL D ^ 243 PRAGUE For AIRPORT BRIEFING refer to 10-1P pages 9 4N 2 6 ^ 243 305 ^ 063^ 12 1 4 N50 05.8 E014 15.9 125 ^ OKL PR8~1/PR816 At 1700' A V 1 2A KO DE NAD 3A DO LAN 1A HO DOV A M E KX 2 A O Z2 VO 3 11 BODAL 1G TABEM 1G VOZ 2H 177^ D13.9 NOT TO SCALE PR612 7 5 E ,1 D L2 E DA V 2 BO EKO D 4D D NA 3E DO LAN 3E HO DOV E ME KX 1 , 1E O 2D M BE TA 06 VOZ 3M 305 ^ Noise monitoring point 24 PR7~4 PROP & TURBOPROP ONLY FOR FLIGHTS BETWEEN 0600-2200LT ONLY VOZ 4N 1 D HOEKO LA V O N 1 B, KX 3B D 2 B , M ON , V ED AD O OV 1 Z B 3B 1B MSA OKL VOR .NOISE. PR2~2 DEKOV 1N HOLAN 3N OKX 2N VOZICE THREE MIKE (VOZ 3M) VOZICE FOUR NOVEMBER (VOZ 4N) RWYS 24, 31 RNAV DEPARTURES .Eff.17.Jan. NOISE ABATEMENT 1247' PR813 PR815 085^ 10-4 4 JAN 08 PR3~2/PR3~3 1247' RUZYNE Apt Elev Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' Contact PRAGUE Radar immediately after take-off. PRAGUE, CZECH JEPPESEN LKPR/PRG VOZ 3M 120.52 .RNAV.SID. VO Z Apt Elev .Eff.17.Jan. PR5~2 10 BO D D DO EKO AL H N V 2H M OLA AD 1H ED N 3 H O T A OK X V 4 H BE 1 3H H M 2H 8 PR5~6 10-3M 4 JAN 08 NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 360^ RUZYNE PRAGUE Radar PRAGUE, CZECH JEPPESEN LKPR/PRG JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. 31 NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 13 JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. PR612 N49 51.8 E014 16.3 125 ^ 17 .1 PR613 D . 13 2^ 13 N49 41.5 E014 37.3 8 ^ 12 R3 These SIDs require a minimum climb gradient of 304' per NM (5%) up to 3200' due to noise abatement. Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 304' per NM 380 506 760 1013 1266 1519 116.3 VOZ VOZ D VOZICE N49 31.9 E014 52.5 Initial climb clearance 5000' SID VOZ 3M RWY 24 VOZ 4N 31 CHANGES: New chart. ROUTING Climb on 243^ track to 1700', turn LEFT to PR612, turn LEFT, 125^ track to PR613, turn RIGHT, 132^ track to VOZ. Climb on 305^ track to 1700', turn LEFT to PR612, turn LEFT, 125^ track to PR613, turn RIGHT, 132^ track to VOZ. | JEPPESEN, 2008. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CHANGES: OKX 1E & 1H established; DEKOV 1E & HOLAN 2E renumbered 2E & 3E. | JEPPESEN, 2003, 2008. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 PRAGUE, CZECH JEPPESEN 10-9 20 JUL 07 N50 06.1 E014 15.6 .Eff.2.Aug. *Ground Tower 122.15 120.05 121.9 118.1 HIRL (60m) HIALS PAPI-L (2.98^) HST-L HIRL (60m) CL(15m) ALSF-II TDZ 1 REIL RWY 06: From rwy head twy E int twy D int 305 ^ 31 L S D Elev 1232' Helipad 4 R L .Eff.2.Aug. RUZYNE USABLE LENGTHS LANDING BEYOND Glide Slope Threshold TAKE-OFF 10,958'3340m 2 1 PAPI-L (2.99^) 2 HST-D, E & F 3 TAKE-OFF RUN AVAILABLE L RR R 24 L Run-up posn 1 RWY 06 13 31 PAPI-L (3.03^) HIRL (60m) HIALS SFL PAPI-L (2.98^) 4 TAKE-OFF RUN AVAILABLE RWY 13: From rwy head twy D int twy F int twy G int 11,040'3365m RWY 24: From rwy head twy B int twy L int 12,188'(3715m) 10,039'(3060m) 7382'(2250m) HIRL (60m) MIALS RVR RVR 148' 45m 4 148' 45m 12,188'(3715m) 8350'(2545m) 5692'(1735m) 9442' 2878m RWY 31: From rwy head twy R int twy P int 10,663'(3250m) 9055'(2760m) 8284'(2525m) 7300'(2225m) WIDTH 3 10,663'(3250m) 8448'(2575m) 5807'(1770m) 14-16 32 50 14-15 D 1200 14-14 .JAR-OPS. 600 800 1000 4000 3000 Approved Operators 200 Meters 0 50-06 Feet 0 00663^ Elev 1202' 1000 F 400 2000 After landing on rwy 06/24 do not vacate via rwy 13, unless otherwise instructed by ATC. F D CAUTION: Rwy 06/24 in use: Possible misidentification of rwy 13, twy D and twy L. F FF Y RW F E D /24 06 D 88' 12,1 Runway guardlights Hangar B Taxiway L 50-07 CHANGES: Twy D. 5m 371 13 125 ^ LEGEND 14-14 For AIRPORT BRIEFING refer to 10-1P pages Elev 1160' D RW Y 13 /3 1 L F L 14-15 D F C F L G G F R 13 WY /3 1 VOR D F 63' TERMINAL NORTH 2 L P 10, 6 ARP K L 10-9A m M AIS 1339' L NORTH APRON B PRAGUE, CZECH JEPPESEN 20 JUL 07 ADDITIONAL RUNWAY INFORMATION Helipad 3 (Only for police) FOR PARKING POSITIONS SEE 10-9C E A P P F Control Tower MET H Z A FOR PARKING POSITIONS SEE 10-9B 1352' A1 Z AA TERMINAL NORTH 1 De-icing area 3 Z A A Z Elev 1158' B SOUTH APRON Helipad 2 M FOR PARKING POSITIONS SEE 10-9C EAST APRON Run-up posn 2 14-17 De-icing area 1 22443^ 14-16 C 0 2^ E N TERMINAL SOUTH 2 TERMINAL SOUTH AVIATION SERVICE APRON 50-07 50-06 *RUZYNE Delivery Stands M1 thru M3 ATIS De-icing area 2 LKPR/PRG RUZYNE 14-17 Apt Elev NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 1322' LKPR/PRG 1247' JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2001, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. HIRL, CL & mult. RVR req A B C D 1 3 TAKE-OFF 1 All Rwys Rwy 24 LVP must be in Force RL, CL & mult. RVR req 4 LVP must be in Force RL & CL 4 RCLM (DAY only) or RL 5 125m 2 150m 200m 250m 150m 3 200m 250m 300m RCLM (DAY only) or RL NIL (DAY only) 400m 500m 6 Operators applying U.S. Ops Specs: CL required below 300m; approved guidance system required below 150m. NON JAR OPS operators. 2 CAT A: RVR 125m/VIS 150m, B: RVR/VIS 150m, C: RVR 150m/VIS 200m. RVR 150m/VIS 200m. 4 Not applicable. 5 W/o RL: NA. 6 CAT B, C & D w/o RL: NA. CHANGES: TORA. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2001, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 10-9B 14-15.8 14-16.2 14-16.1 14-16 6 Y0 RW NORTH APRON 4 /2 50-06.8 DE-ICING AREA 2 A1 10-9C 14-17.1 14-16.3 A 50-06.8 RUZYNE N 14-17.2 14-17.3 HELIPAD 2 S17 SOUTH 2 TERMINAL P 50-06 Z PRAGUE, CZECH JEPPESEN 25 MAY 07 2 14-15.7 LKPR/PRG RUZYNE 04 /2 14-15.6 14-15.5 PRAGUE, CZECH JEPPESEN 25 MAY 07 NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 RW Y LKPR/PRG JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. T3 T2 T1 50-06.7 A AA DE-ICING AREA 3 H B 30 30A 50-06.6 H 33 44 45 34 G 50-06.4 L J 35A 35 35B 36A 36 1 8 PIER A TERMINAL NORTH 1 9 50-06.5 15 F Jo ran ge 50-06.4 51 EAST APRON 50-06.3 52 14-16.7 14-16.5 A 53 TERMINAL NORTH 2 1, 2 3 4 thru 8 9 thru 11A 12 thru 13A 14-15.8 14-15.9 E6A A 50-06.8 14-16.1 14-16.2 06.6 06.7 06.6 06.5 06.6 E014 E014 E014 E014 E014 16.2 16.1 16.1 16.0 15.9 14 thru 15 16 17, 18 19 thru 21A 22, 22A, 22B N50 N50 N50 N50 N50 06.5 06.5 06.4 06.4 06.4 E014 E014 E014 E014 E014 15.9 16.0 15.9 15.8 15.7 23 24 thru 24B 30 thru 32 33 34 thru 35A N50 N50 N50 N50 N50 06.4 06.3 06.6 06.5 06.5 E014 E014 E014 E014 E014 15.8 15.8 15.8 15.8 15.7 CHANGES: Twys designations. De-icing areas. Notes. STAND No. E4B E5A E5B E4 35B thru 38B 40 41, 42 43 thru 46 47 50 thru 52 53, 54 55, 56 T1 thru T3 T5 E3 N50 N50 N50 N50 N50 N50 N50 N50 N50 N50 06.4 06.6 06.5 06.5 06.4 06.3 06.3 06.2 06.7 06.3 E014 E014 E014 E014 E014 E014 E014 E014 E014 E014 15.6 15.6 15.6 15.5 15.5 15.9 16.0 16.0 16.3 15.7 Z E2B E2A 14-16.4 AA E1A E6B CARGO TERMINAL 2 E4A E2 CARGO TERMINAL 1 14-16.6 14-16.7 14-16.8 INS COORDINATES STAND No. COORDINATES STAND No. COORDINATES E1, E1A E2 E2A E2B, E3 E4, E4A,E4B N50 N50 N50 N50 N50 06.7 06.8 06.7 06.8 06.8 E014 E014 E014 E014 E014 16.5 16.5 16.5 16.5 16.6 S1, S2 S3, S4 S5, S6 S7, S8 S9 N50 N50 N50 N50 N50 05.9 05.9 05.9 05.9 06.0 E014 E014 E014 E014 E014 17.3 17.2 17.3 17.2 17.3 E5 E5A E5B thru E6B M1 M2 N50 N50 N50 N50 N50 06.8 06.8 06.8 06.0 06.0 E014 E014 E014 E014 E014 16.7 16.6 16.7 17.3 17.2 S10, S11 S12, S13 S14 thru S17 S51 S52, S53 N50 N50 N50 N50 N50 06.0 06.0 06.0 05.9 05.8 E014 E014 E014 E014 E014 17.2 17.3 17.2 17.1 17.1 N50 06.1 E014 17.2 S54 thru S56 N50 05.8 E014 17.0 M3 | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2001, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. E1 E6 E5 14-16.3 COORDINATES 14-16.8 Z 50-06.2 COORDINATES N50 N50 N50 N50 N50 HANGAR B S52 INS COORDINATES STAND No. S53 S55 S56 56 14-15.7 S54 R L 14-15.6 SOUTH TERMINAL S51 55 50-06.2 S1 S2 50-05.9 50 K T5 S3 S4 MET 54 14-15.5 R 16 21 Jb 21A 20 lue 19A19 18 37 H 17 38A 22A 2222B 38 23 38B H1 24A 24 24B 50-06.3 S5 S6 S7 S8 7 10 14 14A 14B J S9 S12 S15 S10S14 S13 S11 SOUTH APRON 50-06.6 6 12 11A 11 H PIER B 42 46 47 B1 B2 A1 2 5 13A 13 32 50-06.5 43 4A 4 31 G 40 41 3 Z B1 B S16 CHANGES: Twy designations. Note transferred to 10-1P pages. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2000, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. PRAGUE, CZECH A340 STOP OK TOO FAR a) TM VISUAL DOCKING GUIDANCE SYSTEM "APIS++" b) On line .Eff.12.Apr. ATIS PRAGUE Radar (APP) *RUZYNE Radar (APP) 122.15 120.52 127.57 119.0 LOC PH Final Apch Crs *111.15 063^ GS D2.5 PH ILS DA(H) RUZYNE Tower *Ground 118.1 121.9 Apt Elev 1990'(788') 1402'(200') RWY 1247' 085^ MISSED APCH: Climb on track 063^ to 4000'. Radar vectoring will be provided. MISSED APCH WITH RADIO FAILURE: Climb on track 063^ to 4000', at D10.0 OKL turn LEFT to OKL VOR and climb to 5000'. Rwy Elev: 43 hPa Trans level: By ATC 3600' Trans alt: 5000' MSA OKL VOR Turn LEFT a) Display indicating: Aircraft type, aircraft series (in some cases also number of doors), line number, "STOP", "OK", "TOO/FAR". b) Center line beacon: side in guidance. c) Closing rate indication. Fully yellow colored closing rate indicator indicates that aircraft position is at least 15m to stop position. Vodochody LK(P)-12 15 INSTRUCTIONS 1686' 1867' 50-10 PH D2.5 PH D1.0 D2.1 OKL PH ILS DME 1 124^1.1 5500 1 10 D53.0 VOZ 40 4. 00 LK(P)-1 D4.0PH D5.0 OKL LK(R)-9 ^ 063 6 00 40 D48.4 VOZ 5.5 50-00 1788' 063^ D3.6 OKL 063^ *111.15 PH (IAF) KUVIK 5 1. Follow lead-in line and the center line beacon guidance. 2. Check correct aircraft type flashing. 3. Fully yellow colored closing rate indicator indicates that aircraft position is at least 15m to stop position. When distance is 13m to stop position the yellow colored closing rate indication starts to shorten from the bottom. Only aircraft type is flashing on the display. 4. ATTENTION: If the nose of aircraft is at level of bridge cab and distance indicator does not indicate distance and at the same time line number flashing on the display, the aircraft shall be stopped immediately. 5. When stop position is reached, display indicates "STOP". Correct parking is indicated as "OK". 6. If aircraft overshoots the limit for correct parking, display indicates "TOO/FAR". 7. Display automatically shuts down after parking. 8. Azimuth guidance only for left seat available. (IAF) D8.8 PH O112.6KOKLL D9.8 OKL 304 ^3 1998' 40 00 (IAF) 1988' .8 V116.3OVOZZ (IAF) 0 RAVKO 5 13-40 13-50 14-00 7.0 3460' PH DME LOC (GS out) ALTITUDE 6.0 3130' GS 2480' 2480' D9.8 OKL Gnd speed-Kts ILS GS 3.00^or LOC Descent Gradient 5.2% MAP at D1.0 PH/D2.1 OKL .JAR-OPS. DA(H) ILS D1.0 PH w/o D2.5 PH/ D2.1 OKL D3.6 OKL PANS OPS B | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2001, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. D 100 120 140 160 377 484 538 646 753 861 with D2.5 PH/D3.6 OKL MDA(H) 1560'(358') 1 RWY 06 0.7 HIALS PAPI 1202' 4000' on 063^ CIRCLE-TO-LAND MDA(H) 1990'(788') ALS out RVR 1500m RVR 1500m RVR 1400m RVR 1800m RVR 1800m RVR 1600m RVR 2000m RVR 2000m RVR 1300m RVR 1000m 1.0 1510' w/o D2.5 PH/D3.6 OKL ALS out RVR 1200m RVR 700m 1.5 90 06 LOC (GS out) A C 1.5 70 ALS out 2.0 1830' TCH 54' LOC STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY 1402'(200') FULL 14-20 3.0 2150' D2.5PH D3.6 OKL 1990' 4.8 4.0 2480' VOZICE GS 1990' LOC D8.8PH D 14-10 5.0 2800' D4.0PH D5.0 OKL 4000' 06 3^ PRAGUE D D44.4 VOZ BERKA CHANGES: Chart reindexed. Notes transferred to 10-1P pages. 3100' 1202' 20 Turn RIGHT 11-1 30 MAR 07 Alt Set: hPa (MM on req) c) PRAGUE, CZECH ILS DME Rwy 06 JEPPESEN LKPR/PRG RUZYNE RUZYNE 11 10-9D 40 .4 00 JEPPESEN 25 MAY 07 NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 BRIEFING STRIP LKPR/PRG JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. 22 0^ NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 360^ JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. RVR 1500m RVR 2000m Max Kts 100 135 180 D MDA(H) VIS 3 1500m 1650'(403') 3 1600m 1750'(503') 1850'(603') 2 3 2400m NOT AUTHORIZED NON JAR-OPS operators: CAT C & D: RVR/VIS 800m. 2 Not authorized East of apt approximately between extended RCL 06/24 & 13/31. 3 After LOC (GS out)apch w/o D2.5 PH/D3.6 OKL: 1990' (743'). 1 CHANGES: Missed apch. Procedure. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 1999, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. JEPPESEN JeppView LKPR/PRG PRAGUE Radar (APP) *RUZYNE Radar (APP) RUZYNE Tower *Ground ATIS 120.52 127.57 119.0 118.1 121.9 122.15 *109.1 243^ GS LOM ILS DA(H) 2500'(1342') 1358'(200') RWY 3100' 1247' Apt Elev 085^ 1158' 3600' MISSED APCH: Climb on track 243^ to 4000'. Radar vectoring will be provided. MISSED APCH WITH RADIO FAILURE: Climb on track 243^ to 4000', MSA OKL VOR BRIEFING STRIP Final Apch Crs 360^ PR TM ATIS LOC Rwy Elev: 42 hPa Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' Final Apch Crs *109.1 243^ 018^ 1 9.7 198^ 14-30 2.0 1790' 3.0 2110' 4.0 2440' 6.0 3090' M GS 1390' TCH 55' 50-05 14-10 8.0 3750' .JAR-OPS. 377 484 100 538 646 140 753 ILS FULL 1420'(262') MDA(H) LMM out ALS out A PANS OPS B RVR RVR 550m RVR 1000m 2 1 D RVR NON JAR-OPS operators. CHANGES: Missed apch. 1 800m 1200m Gnd speed-Kts NOT AUTH GS 4000' on 243^ 3.00^ ALS out RVR 1500m RVR 1600m RVR 1800m CAT C & D: RVR 550m/VIS 600m. 100 135 180 D 2 D9.4 OKL 24 3^ 4000' 90 100 120 140 160 484 538 646 753 861 .JAR-OPS. STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY 4000' on 243^ 24 CAT II ILS ABCD VIS MDA(H) ALSF-II REIL PAPI RA 102' DA(H) 1258'(100') approximately between extended RCL 06/24 & 13/31. 1650' (403') 1750' (503') 1850' (603') 4.6 4.0 70 3 Not authorized East of apt Max Kts 3.4 0.6 377 CIRCLE-TO-LAND 24 LOC (GS out) 1358'(200') C 861 1158' 0 REIL PAPI STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY DA(H) RWY 24 ALSF-II 160 M LOM 2500' GS 14-40 D8.7 PR TCH 55' 4.0 120 14-30 LMM 1500m 1600m 3 2400m NOT AUTHORIZED CAT B & C: RVR 800m/VIS 900m. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2000, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. PANS OPS ILS GS 3.00^ or LOC Descent Gradient 5.2% MAP at LMM 90 14-20 GS 1390' 4.6 0.6 0 70 PRAGUE D 2500' 3.4 Gnd speed-Kts O112.6K OKLL (IAF) RASIM LK(R)-9 LK(P)-1 4000' 24 3^ ^ 053 (IAF) LOC 1158' RWY 24 9 4. D8.7 PR D9.4 OKL LOM GS 2500' LMM 7.0 3420' ILS DME 243^ *109.1 PR 243^ 14-40 5.0 2760' PR 372 L (IAF) VO Z 1.0 1470' PR DME ALTITUDE 14-20 ^ 243 VOZ 345^ 116.3 LOC (GS out) L 1 063^ LIBOC VO Z O112.6KOKLL 14-10 1584' D40.0 VOZ 3.8 LK(R)-9 PRAGUE D 50-10 288^ 4000 LK(P)-1 356 PR RASIM (IAF) PR RUZYNE NORTH VOZ 345^ 116. 3 50-05 ^ 053 D8.7PR D9.4 OKL LK(P)-12 3.8 243^ *109.1 PR 400 345^ PR ILS DME 9 4. D39.9 HDO Vodochody 4000 L 372 L 243^ NOT TO SCALE Min LK(P)-11 D40.0 VOZ ^ 243 063^ LIBOC LK(TRA)63 HO D 1584' Trans alt: 5000' HD O 0 165^ 115. 50-10 2 50-15 345^ P356 RPR 288^ 3600' MSA OKL VOR Trans level: By ATC 0 D9.4 OKL RUZYNE NORTH 1158' 3100' 085^ 3.1 1 D8.7 PR LK(P)-12 RWY 1258' (100') 1 CAT A & B: 13 4 Min HO D 0 Vodochody 2500'(1342') 1247' Apt Elev RADA(H) 102' (IAF) HD O 0 165^ 115. 400 CAT II ILS GS LOM ETATU CAT C & D: LK(P)-11 121.9 MISSED APCH: Climb on track 243^ to 4000'. Radar vectoring will be provided. MISSED APCH WITH RADIO FAILURE: Climb on track 243^ to 4000', D39.9 HDO 50-15 *Ground 118.1 119.0 40 Min PR RUZYNE Tower *RUZYNE Radar (APP) 16050^ NOT TO SCALE 3.1 2 40 1 CAT C & D: 16500^ ETATU 1 CAT A & B: 13 4 Min LOC 11-2A Alt Set: hPa (MM on req) Rwy Elev: 42 hPa Special Aircrew & Aircraft Certification Required. LK(TRA)63 (IAF) PRAGUE Radar (APP) 120.52 127.57 PRAGUE, CZECH CAT II ILS Rwy 24 JEPPESEN .Eff.12.Apr. at D10.0 OKL turn RIGHT to OKL VOR and climb to 5000'. at D10.0 OKL turn RIGHT to OKL VOR and climb to 5000'. Alt Set: hPa (MM on req) 30 MAR 07 RUZYNE 360^ .Eff.12.Apr. 122.15 TM BRIEFING STRIP 11-2 9.7 30 MAR 07 RUZYNE NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 PRAGUE, CZECH ILS Rwy 24 JEPPESEN LKPR/PRG JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. 198^ NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 018^ Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. RVR 300m 1 1 Operators applying U.S. Ops Specs: Autoland or HGS required below RVR 350m. CHANGES: Missed apch. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2000, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 Final Apch Crs 109.5 305^ 1247' Apt Elev 2660'(1428') 1432'(200') 1232' RWY 3100' 085^ 3600' MISSED APCH: Climb on track 305^ to 4000'. Radar vectoring will be provided. MISSED APCH WITH RADIO FAILURE: Climb on track 305^ to 4000', at D10.0 OKL turn RIGHT to OKL VOR and climb to 5000'. MSA OKL VOR Alt Set: hPa (MM on req) Trans alt: 5000' Rwy Elev: 44 hPa Trans level: By ATC 122.15 VOR PRAGUE Radar (APP) *RUZYNE Radar (APP) 120.52 127.57 119.0 OKL Final Apch Crs 112.6 128^ Minimum Alt D9.8 OKL Rwy Elev: 42 hPa Alt Set: hPa(MM on req) PG 305^ 109.5 PG DEJVICE (IF) RUZYNE MIDDLE 50-00 125 ^ 6 40 . 3 00 D18.0 PG 5 50 .4 00 D18.5 OKL 14-30 D24.8 NER 1790' 7. 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 OKL DME 1.5 1540' 2.5 1860' 3.5 2180' 4.5 2510' 5.5 2830' 6.5 3160' 7.5 3490' 8.5 3820' ALTITUDE M AA D2.0PG D2.5 OKL GS 1460' 0 55 305^ 4000' 1232' 0.6 0 Gnd speed-Kts 70 ILS GS 3.00^ or 377 LOC Descent Gradient 5.2% MAP at LMM .JAR-OPS. 90 100 120 140 160 484 538 646 753 861 with D2.0 PG/D2.5 OKL MDA(H) ALS out 4.3 HIALS RVR 550m RVR1000m 1 D RVR 800m 2 on MDA(H) 1690'(458') LMM out RVR 1000m ALS out RVR 1500m NOT RVR 1200m NOT AUTH RVR1600m AUTH RVR1800m RVR 1600m 1940' 5.8 70 Descent Gradient 5.24% or [3.00^] 372 Descent angle 14-30 4.0 2140' 3.0 1820' OKL VOR [MD13] [3.0 0^] 2.2 90 100 120 140 160 478 531 637 743 849 [TCH 54'] 0.8 RWY 13 MIALS 1160' 4000' on PAPI 125^ MAP at D1.8 OKL Max Kts 100 135 180 2000m D .JAR-OPS. MDA(H) 1650'(403')3 1500m 1750'(503') 1600m MDA(H) NOT AUTHORIZED | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 1999, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 1570'(410') ALS out 1850'(603')4 2400m A RVR 1300m B RVR 1400m C RVR 1600m D RVR CIRCLE-TO-LAND STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY 13 With D4.0 OKL VIS NON JAR-OPS operators. 1 CAT A & B RVR 550m/VIS 600m, C & D: RVR 600m/VIS 700m. 2 CAT B & C: RVR 800m/VIS 900m. 3 After LOC (GS out) apch w/o D2.0 PG/D2.5 OKL: 1690' (443'). 4 Not authorized East of apt approximately between extended RCL 06/24 & 13/31. CHANGES: VOR position. Gnd speed-Kts 5.0 2460' D1.8 OKL [4~VOR] [FD13] LK(R)-9 ^ 14-20 6.0 2780' D4.0 OKL 3.4 305^ CIRCLE-TO-LAND RVR RVR 1200m 4000' PAPI 125 308^ 128^ OKL w/o D2.0 PG/D2.5 OKL ALS out RVR1500m B PANS OPS 1520'(288') LMM out A C 4.0 LK(P)-1 14-10 7.0 3100' D9.8 OKL D13.2 31 LOC (GS out) 1432'(200') FULL 2.5 14-00 353^ 4000' STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY ILS DA(H) 1.2 LK(P)-12 308 ^ [MD13] 8.0 3420' Vodochody PRAGUE D1.8 OKL 9.0 3740' ALTITUDE PANS OPS RWY 31 ^ O112.6KOKL L [4~VOR] 13-50 2660' LOC 1690' [FD13] D D4.0 OKL R386ARAKK OKL DME LOC TCH 58' D9.8OKL (IAF) 13-40 D9.0 OKL GS 2660' (IAF) RAKOVNIK D8.5PG LOM LMM 12 8 D19.0 OKL 9 4. 0 14-50 PG DME OKL 1686' KENOK 14-40 5 (IF) D13.2 00 40 1867' 50-10 (IAF) 4^ 04 353^ 305 ^ CAT A & B: 13 4 Min CAT C & D: 1 2 Min LOC (GS out) LK(P)-11 301 ^ DEVIN D8.5/13.2 PG D9.0/13.7 OKL 14-20 MSA OKL VOR D40.9 HDO (IAF) MHA 4000 14-10 Trans alt: 5000' Trans level: By ATC LK(D)-2 3. 2 1988' 1 125^ 3600' 50-20 2011' D12.2 OKL 170^ 1 085^ D35.0/R-200 HDO D8.5PG 30 D9.0 5^ OKL D11.7PG D2.5 OKL 14-00 NER LK(R)-9 D2.0 PG 3100' 1160' HERMSDORF 5 LK(P)-1 1 5.0 40 24^ 00 4. 2 PRAGUE D RWY EVANA 108.6 NER 00 0 O112.6K OKLL 429 DD P307 GPG (IAF) NERATOVICE D (CONDITIONAL) 1247' 200.9^ ^ 121.9 Apt Elev H115.0D HDO O D 215 ^ 5 305 (IAF) 118.1 MDA(H) MISSED APCH: Climb on track 125^ to 4000'. Radar vectoring will be provided. MISSED APCH WITH RADIO FAILURE: Climb on track 125^ to 4000', ILS DME 50-10 *Ground at D10.0 OKL turn RIGHT to OKL VOR and climb to 5000'. LK(TRA)-63 1686' RUZYNE Tower 4000'(2840') 1570'(410') Vodochody LK(P)-12 13-1 .Eff.22.Nov. ATIS 121.9 ILS DA(H) GS LOM 16 NOV 07 400 0 PG *Ground 118.1 119.0 TM TM BRIEFING STRIP LOC RUZYNE Tower *RUZYNE Radar (APP) 122.15 120.52 127.57 PRAGUE, CZECH VOR DME Rwy 13 JEPPESEN LKPR/PRG RUZYNE BRIEFING STRIP .Eff.22.Nov. PRAGUE Radar (APP) ATIS 11-3 360^ 16 NOV 07 NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 PRAGUE, CZECH ILS Rwy 31 JEPPESEN LKPR/PRG RUZYNE JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. 360^ JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. 1800m RVR 1500m RVR 1800m RVR 2000m W/o D4.0 OKL MDA(H) 1940' (780') ALS out RVR 1500m RVR 2000m With D4.0 OKL Max Kts 100 135 MDA(H) VIS W/o D4.0 OKL MDA(H) VIS 1650'(403') 1500m 1940'(693') 1500m 1750'(503') 1600m 1940'(693') 1600m 180 1850'(603') 1 2400m 1940'(693') 1 2400m D NOT AUTHORIZED 1 Not authorized East of apt approximately between extended RCL 06/24 & 13/31. CHANGES: Procedure. Minimums. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 1998, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 121.9 MDA(H) (CONDITIONAL) 4000'(2768') 1570'(338') RWY 3100' 1247' 085^ Apt Elev 1232' 3600' MISSED APCH: Climb on track 305^ to 4000'. Radar vectoring will be provided. MISSED APCH WITH RADIO FAILURE: Climb on track 305^ to 4000', MSA OKL VOR at D10.0 OKL turn RIGHT to OKL VOR and climb to 5000'. Rwy Elev: 44 hPa Alt Set: hPa (MM on req) D 1686' DEJVICE 305 D D1.3 OKL [MD31] ^ LK(P)-1 D TC CA 50-00 B D 9. 2 40 00 OKL 14-20 14-30 3.0 1980' 129^ 141^ OKL VOR 4.0 2310' 5.0 2630 [25VOR] c D1.3 OKL [MD31] [TCH 58'] RWY 31 1232' 0.5 Gnd speed-Kts Descent Gradient 5.24% or [3.00^] Descent angle MAP at LMM/D1.3 OKL .JAR-OPS. KUVIK 1 DEVIN D53.0 VOZ 40 4. 6 5.5 50-00 115 ^ (IAF) (IAF) (IAF) D9.8 OKL [PR~6F] O112.6KOKLL D 120 140 160 372 478 531 637 743 849 900m RVR 1000m RVR1500m RVR 1800m 1998' 304 ^ 40 00 3. RVR 2000m RVR 1500m RVR 1200m RVR1600m 1988' 8 (IAF) V116.3OVOZZ D8.8PH 4000' 100 135 180 2000m D D3.6 OKL [25DME] 4000' on 063^ [3.0 6^] Descent Gradient 5.34% or [3.06^] Descent angle MAP at D0.9 PH/D2.0 OKL .JAR-OPS. W/o D2.5 OKL w/o D2.5 PH/ D3.6 OKL VIS MDA(H) MDA(H) 100 120 140 160 379 487 541 650 758 866 A RVR 1200m B RVR 1300m 1850'(603') 1 2400m 1850'(603') 1 2400m C RVR 1400m | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2004, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. PAPI RVR 1600m MDA(H) 1990'(788') ALS out RVR 1500m RVR 1500m RVR 1800m RVR 1800m RVR 2000m 1202' 4000' on 063^ CIRCLE-TO-LAND RVR 1500m Max Kts 100 135 180 RVR 2000m D RWY 06 HIALS w/o D2.5 PH/D3.6 OKL ALS out 1650'(403') 1500m 1750'(503') 1500m 1750'(503') 1600m 1750'(503') 1600m 2.0 1830' NDB 0.7 90 1650'(448') 14-30 3.0 2150' [TCH 54'] STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY 06 VIS NOT AUTHORIZED 1.6 70 with D2.5 PH/D3.6 OKL 4.0 2460' D2.0 OKL [PR~6M] 1990' Gnd speed-Kts 305^ 5.0 2780' D0.9 PH 6.3 With D2.5 OKL MDA(H) 14-20 6.0 3100' D2.5 PH [PR~6F] [FD31] PAPI Max Kts 7.0 3420' VOZICE D 14-00 8.0 3740' D9.8 OKL 1 Not authorized East of apt approximately between extended RCL 06/24 & 13/31. CHANGES: Missed apch. 13-50 9.0 4060' ALTITUDE 4000' CIRCLE-TO-LAND ALS out RVR RVR 1400m 13-40 PH DME D9.4 OKL 31 1750'(518') RVR1000m 9.0 3950' 300^ HIALS W/o D2.5 OKL MDA(H) 8.0 3620' PRAGUE D44.4 VOZ 1788' BERKA LK(R)-9 LK(P)-1 D8.8 PH 00 40 D48.4 VOZ 1790' ^ D3.6 OKL [25DME] ^ 063 00 [PR~6N] 6.9 100 STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY B PANS OPS 063 D2.0 OKL [PR~6M] 14-50 7.0 3290' 1750' 90 1570'(338') 6.0 2960' 0^] 1.2 ALS out D ILS DME D2.5 PH (IAF) D24.8 NER D10.0 OKL [3.0 70 With D2.5 OKL MDA(H) W/o D2.5 OKL MSA OKL VOR LK(P)-12 D0.9 PH (IAF) 14-40 CAT A & B CAT C & D D2.5 OKL LMM 3600' Vodochody PR 111.15 P HPH 1686' 1867' PANS OPS 2.0 1660' 1.0 1350' OKL DME 085^ Trans alt: 5000' RAVKO 14-10 ALTITUDE C Trans level: By ATC Rwy Elev: 43 hPa KENOK 49-50 14-00 3100' 1202' 356 PR LK(D)-2 1.8 D18.6 50 OKL 00 D21.8 VOZ D10.0 RVR RWY MISSED APCH: Climb on track 063^ to 4000'. Radar vectoring will be provided. MISSED APCH WITH RADIO FAILURE: Climb on track 063^ to 4000', 1 124^1.1 5500 VO Z & 300 ^ 1988' A (CONDITIONAL) 2011' [FD31] & 121.9 1247' Apt Elev 4000'(2798') 1650'(448') 50-10 30 0^ D9.4 OKL A 118.1 MDA(H) NERATOVICE LK(R)-9 ^ 063^ N108.6E RNER 2 2.6 ^ 12 9 PR 356 Minimum Alt D8.8 PH *Ground RUZYNE NORTH 50 15^ 00 141 D 119.0 Final Apch Crs RUZYNE Tower LK(P)-11 116.3 346^ VOZ O112.6K OKL L PRAGUE 120.52 127.57 NDB Alt Set: hPa (MM on req) OKL (IAF) 122.15 HERMSDORF D2.5 [25VOR] *RUZYNE Radar (APP) LK(TRA)-63 HDO H115.0D O 429 D PRAGUE Radar (APP) at D10.0 OKL turn LEFT to OKL VOR and climb to 5000'. Trans alt: 5000' Vodochody LK(P)-12 50-10 Trans level: By ATC ATIS PRAGUE, CZECH NDB DME Rwy 06 11 300^ 118.1 Minimum Alt D9.4 OKL (GPS) 40 .4 00 OKL 112.6 119.0 *Ground TM 127.57 Final Apch Crs 30 MAR 07 .Eff.12.Apr. 16-1 RUZYNE 22 0^ VOR RUZYNE Tower *RUZYNE Radar (APP) JEPPESEN LKPR/PRG BRIEFING STRIP 120.52 122.15 TM BRIEFING STRIP PRAGUE Radar (APP) .Eff.12.Apr. 360^ ATIS 13-2 30 MAR 07 NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 PRAGUE, CZECH VOR DME Rwy 31 JEPPESEN LKPR/PRG RUZYNE JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. 360^ JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. RVR 2000m D with D2.5 PH/D3.6 OKL MDA(H) VIS w/o D2.5 PH/D3.6 OKL MDA(H) VIS 1650'(403') 1500m 2470'(1223') 1500m 1750'(503') 1600m 2470'(1223') 1600m 1850'(603') 1 2400m 2470'(1223') 12400m NOT AUTHORIZED 1 Not authorized East of apt approximately between extended RCL 06/24 & 13/31. CHANGES: Missed apch. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2000, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. JEPPESEN JeppView NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 Lctr *RUZYNE Radar (APP) 120.52 127.57 119.0 D Final Apch Crs 429 125^ Minimum Alt D10.3 PG MDA(H) (CONDITIONAL) RUZYNE Tower *Ground 118.1 121.9 1247' Apt Elev 4000'(2840') 1530'(370') RWY 3100' 1160' 085^ MISSED APCH: Climb on track 125^ to 4000'. Radar vectoring will be provided. MISSED APCH WITH RADIO FAILURE: Climb on track 125^ to 4000', 3600' at D10.0 OKL turn RIGHT to OKL VOR and climb to 5000'. Rwy Elev: 42 hPa Alt Set: hPa(MM on req) Trans alt: 5000' Trans level: By ATC JEPPESEN LKPR/PRG 30 MAR 07 RUZYNE 360^ BRIEFING STRIP TM 122.15 PRAGUE Radar (APP) PRAGUE, CZECH NDB DME Rwy 13 16-3 .Eff.12.Apr. (GPS) ATIS PRAGUE Radar (APP) *RUZYNE Radar (APP) 122.15 120.52 127.57 119.0 NDB PR Final Apch Crs 356 243^ Minimum Alt D8.7 PR MDA(H) Alt Set: hPa (MM on req) Rwy Elev: 42 hPa ETATU 40 00 2 NOT TO SCALE LK(P)-11 (115.0 13-40 1788' 10.0 OKL DME 9.4 3900' D1.7 PG D ^ DEJVICE 14-10 14-20 14-30 5.0 4.0 3.0 8.4 3580' 7.4 3260' 6.4 2950' 5.4 2630' 4.4 2310' 3.4 1990' 2.4 1670' ALTITUDE 1890' [3.0 0 ^] 3.3 90 100 120 140 160 531 637 743 849 RWY 13 MIALS RWY 24 1160' 4000' on PAPI RVR 1400m C RVR 1600m RVR 1800m D RVR 1800m RVR 2000m 125^ 018^ 0.6 7.0 3420' 8.0 3750' D8.7 PR D9.5 OKL ^] [3.08 2500' 3.4 4000' 243^ [PR24F] 4.6 4.0 Gnd speed-Kts 70 90 100 120 140 160 Descent Gradient 5.36% or [3.08^] Descent angle 380 489 543 652 760 869 MDA(H) 1890'(730') ALS out RVR .JAR-OPS. CIRCLE-TO-LAND With D5.0 PG/D4.4 OKL W/o D5.0 PG/D4.4 OKL RVR 1500m Max Kts MDA(H) VIS W/o D5.0 PG/D4.4 OKL MDA(H) ALSF-II REIL PAPI 4000' on 243^ 1610'(452') ALS out A 180 1850'(603') 1 2400m 1890'(729') 1 2400m C D NOT AUTHORIZED 135 2000m | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2005, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. RVR 900m B D RVR 1000m RVR 1400m CIRCLE-TO-LAND 24 MDA(H) 1650'(403') 1500m 1890'(729') 1500m 1750'(503') 1600m 1890'(729') 1600m 100 STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY VIS 1 Not authorized East of apt approximately between extended RCL 06/24 & 13/31. CHANGES: Missed apch. 1158' 0 PANS OPS PANS OPS B M 6.0 3090' MAP at LMM ALS out 1500m 14-40 5.0 2760' 243^ [TCH 55'] 0.2 STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY 13 RVR 4.0 2440' LOM MAP at D1.7 PG/D1.1 OKL 1300m 14-30 3.0 2110' [TCH 50'] 478 RVR 2.0 1790' LMM D1.1 OKL [PR13M] 70 A 14-20 1.0 1470' PR DME (IAF) RASIM LK(R)-9 O112.6KOKLL D1.7 PG D4.4 OKL [44DME] Descent Gradient 5.24% or 372 Descent angle [3.00^] 1530'(370') LK(P)-1 D Lctr D5.0 PG 356 R PR P (IAF) 14-10 D8.7PR RUZYNE NORTH PRAGUE D 6.0 5.3 MDA(H) 0 9 4. D40.0 VOZ ^ D9.5 OKL 243 [PR24F] 063^ 243^ 53^ 50-05 7.0 125^ With D5.0 PG/D4.4 OKL ILS DME 429 D 8.0 [PR13F] .JAR-OPS. PR 1 109.1 PR 243^ LK(R)-9 9.0 D9.7 OKL Gnd speed-Kts 1584' L 372 L LK(P)-1 D1.1 OKL [PR13M] D10.3 PG 4000' PRAGUE D BERKA 14-00 13-50 (IAF) 109.5 PG 0 550 246^ 50-10 P G O112.6KOKLL ILS DME 125 PG DME ALTITUDE ^ LIBOC [PR24H] 288^ 243^ VO Z 50-00 LK(P)-12 D5.0PG ^ LK(P)-12 Vodochody VOZ 345^ 116.3 RAK 125 D10.3PG OKL 119 ^ D9.7 [PR13F] ^ 1 3.8 (IAF) RAKOVNIK 400 [PR24I] 5. 8 099^ 386 RAK ) LK(P)-11 50-15 Vodochody D4.4 OKL [44DME] 304 HD O D39.9 HDO Min 214 ^ 1 4000 5 LK(TRA)63 [PR24J] 1686' D Lctr 0 50 MSA OKL VOR 345^ 8 3600' .2 CAT C & D: 40 1 CAT A & B: 13 4 Min 25 0 00 085^ (IAF) D16.1 PG D Lc tr 3100' 1158' Trans alt: 5000' Trans level: By ATC 0 4. RWY at D10.0 OKL turn RIGHT to OKL VOR and climb to 5000'. MSA OKL VOR (IF) 4^ 04 4 121.9 1247' MISSED APCH: Climb on track 243^ to 4000'. Radar vectoring will be provided. MISSED APCH WITH RADIO FAILURE: Climb on track 243^ to 4000', D15.5 OKL [PR13I] D19.0 OKL [PR13A] 1867' 50-10 118.1 3 16050^ 13 0^ [PR13C] D19.6 PG *Ground 4000'(2842') 1610'(452') EVANA 50-20 RUZYNE Tower Apt Elev (IAF) Lc D tr PRAGUE, CZECH NDB DME Rwy 24 198^ ATIS (GPS) TM 30 MAR 07 .Eff.12.Apr. 16-2 RUZYNE NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 BRIEFING STRIP JEPPESEN LKPR/PRG JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. 360^ Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. Max Kts MDA(H) 135 1650' (403') 1750' (503') RVR 1800m 180 1850' (603') RVR 2000m D RVR 1500m 100 VIS 1500m 1600m 1 2400m NOT AUTHORIZED 1 Not authorized East of apt approximately between extended RCL 06/24 & 13/31. CHANGES: Missed apch. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2000, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 120.52 122.15 TM BRIEFING STRIP PRAGUE Radar (APP) NDB *RUZYNE Radar (APP) 127.57 PG Final Apch Crs 307 305^ (GPS) RUZYNE Tower 119.0 *Ground 118.1 Minimum Alt D8.5 PG 121.9 MDA(H) (CONDITIONAL) 4000'(2768') 1600'(368') RWY 3100' 1247' 085^ Apt Elev 1232' 3600' 360^ 30 MAR 07 .Eff.12.Apr. 16-4 RUZYNE ATIS PRAGUE, CZECH NDB DME Rwy 31 JEPPESEN LKPR/PRG MISSED APCH: Climb on track 305^ to 4000'. Radar vectoring will be provided. MISSED APCH WITH RADIO FAILURE: Climb on track 305^ to 4000', MSA OKL VOR at D10.0 OKL turn RIGHT to OKL VOR and climb to 5000'. Rwy Elev: 44 hPa Alt Set: hPa (MM on req) Trans alt: 5000' LK(TRA)-63 Vodochody LK(P)-12 50-10 Trans level: By ATC 1686' (IAF) O112.6K OKLL 305^ 109.5 P GPG 429 DD 307 G PG P PRAGUE 40 24^ 00 LK(R)-9 30 5^ 170^ 1 125 D9.1 OKL [PR31F] LK(D)-2 (IAF) ^ 305 1988' MHA 4000 D8.5/13.2 PG D9.1/13.8 OKL 1 125^ 2011' D8.5PG DEVIN ^ 9 4 0 .5 00 D18.0 PG 1790' 2 .3 D18.6 OKL [PR31A] 5 3.1 0 CAT A & B: 13 4 Min CAT C & D: 1 2 Min D24.8 NER 4. 2 D3.1 OKL [25DM2] 00 0 D2.5PG RUZYNE MIDDLE 50-00 NERATOVICE 1 5. 1 ILS DME DEJVICE N108.6E RNER D LK(P)-1 215 ^ 5 D 00 (IAF) KENOK 49-50 14-00 14-10 14-20 14-30 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 OKL DME 1.6 1540' 2.6 1860' 3.6 2180' 4.6 2510' 5.6 2830' 6.6 3160' 7.6 3490' 8.6 3820' D2.5PG AA [3.0 [TCH 58'] RWY 31 0 70 Gnd speed-Kts Descent Gradient 5.37% or 381 [3.08^] Descent angle MAP at LMM 1.7 0.6 1600'(368') 90 100 120 140 160 545 654 763 872 900m PANS OPS B RVR 1000m RVR 1400m 2660' 4000' [PR31F] MDA(H) RVR1500m RVR 1800m RVR 2000m HIALS ALS out RVR 1500m RVR 1400m RVR1800m 4000' on 305^ CIRCLE-TO-LAND 2030'(798') RVR1200m 4.0 4.3 31 RVR D 305^ PAPI With D2.5 PG/D3.1 OKL W/o D2.5 PG/D3.1 OKL ALS out RVR 2.0 490 STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY With D2.5 PG/D3.1 OKL MDA(H) 8^] 305^ 2030' 1232' .JAR-OPS. D8.5PG D9.1 OKL M LOM D3.1 OKL [25DM2] LMM C 14-50 1.0 ALTITUDE A 14-40 PG DME Max Kts 100 135 MDA(H) VIS W/o D2.5 PG/D3.1 OKL MDA(H) VIS 1650'(403') 1500m 2030'(783') 1500m 1750'(503') 1600m 2030'(783') 1600m 180 1850'(603') 1 2400m 2030'(783') 1 2400m D NOT AUTHORIZED 2000m 1 Not authorized East of apt approximately between extended RCL 06/24 & 13/31. CHANGES: Missed apch. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2001, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
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