Report: US Police and Citizen Shootings of Pit Bulls


Report: US Police and Citizen Shootings of Pit Bulls
Source Data:
Report: U.S. Police and Citizen
Shootings of Pit Bulls 2008
Single Source Data Document
Description: The original source data was captured in two formats: a Microsoft Word document
compiled by contributor David Monroe and 43 weekly blog posts created by In
January of 2009, crosschecked the two data sources, making adjustments where
needed and created a single source data document, which formed the basis of the final report.
The single source data document was then migrated1 to a spreadsheet.
January 2008
1. Memphis, Tennessee, 01/04/08 (3 shots)
A Memphis police officer shot him self in the foot while protecting himself and other officers from a
charging pit bull. The officer shot three times with one shot striking him in the right foot. The pit bull
was not struck and ran back inside the house.
Lindsay Melvin, "Memphis police officer injured,"Commercial Appeal,
(1 police injured)
2. St. Petersburg, Florida, 01/04/08 ( 1 shot )
A police officer shot and killed a pit bull named "Junkie" today after it reportedly but a child.
(1 pit bull killed) (1 civilian injured)
Stephen Thompson, "St. Pete Police Shoot And Kill Pit Bull,"Tampa Bay Online,
3. St Cloud, Minnesota, 01/05/08 ( 3 shots )
Police bought 2oz, of Meth, when they went to arrest the three men in the car, they released the
pit bull and it attacked. The officers fired three shots and killed the dog.
(1 pit bull killed)
"Drug Dealers Set Pit Bull on Police Officers,"
4. San Jose, California, 02/07/08 ( 1 shot )
Richmond police chased two drug suspects. They ran through a gate releasing an 80 pound pit
bull. The dog latched onto one of the officer’s arm. A second officer shot and killed the dog while it
was still attached.
(1 pit bull killed) (1 police injured)
Robert Salonga, "Pit-bull killed after suspects send it after Richmond police,"
After the migration, for the purposes of refinement, additional revisions were made to the finalized spreadsheet. Some dogs don't let go.
9/22/10 | Page 1
5. Lubbock, Texas, 01/07/08 ( 1 shot )
Jimmy Cruz 22, told his pit bull to attack a police officer. Cruz is now charged with aggravated
assault. The officer fired one shot. The dog was injured, but the officer was unharmed.
"Pit Bull Allegedly Attacks Lubbock Police Officer, Owner Charged," News Cannel 11,
6. Tonganoxie, Kansas, 01/07/08 ( 1 shot )
A pit bull owner shot his own dog after it attacked and killed a neighbor’s pregnant miniature
horse. Three other mares were injured in the attack.
(1 pit bull killed)
"Pit bull shot after killing miniature horse,"
7. Tamarack, Florida, 01/10/08 ( 1 shot )
Paulo Jean, 35, shot and killed a pit bull named ‘Trouble" after it bit him on both arms and his rear
(1 pit bull killed) (1 civilian injured)
"Man Shoots, Kills Pit Bull After Attack,"
8. Rock Island, Illinois, 01/11/08 ( 2 shots )
An officer responding to a neighborhood disturbance fired two shots at a pit bull. Police said
officers used deadly force against an animal only a couple times a year.
(1 pit bull killed)
"Officers Told To Shoot If Attacked," Quad-Cities Online Dispatch-Argus
9. New Orleans, Louisiana, 01/15/08 ( 1 shot )
A by stander shot one of two pit bulls ending a mauling rampage, two people, a 4-year-old girl and
a 56-year-man had to be taken to Tulane Medical Center with life threatening injuries.
(2 civilians injured)
"Two Survivors of Pit Bull Attacks Stabilized," AP Louisiana News,
10. Oberlin, Ohio, 01/15/08 ( 5 shots )
Dedrick Montague 25 was flown to Cleveland Hospital after being attacked by his own pit bull. The
attack exposed the bone. Montague broke through a glass storm door to escape the attack, but
the dog pursued. When officers fired two shots at the dog it ran across the street. When it started
back they fired three more, killing the dog.
(1 civilian injured) (1 pit bull killed)
Cindy Leise, "Pit bull attacks owner in Oberlin," The Chronicle-Telegram
11. Memphis, Tennessee, 01/17/08 ( 1 shot )
A pit bull mauled a 5-year-old boy coming home form school, the boy is in stable condition. Police
shot and killed the large pit bull when it charged them..
(1 pit bull killed) (1 pit bull killed)
Shaun Chaiyahat "Pit Bull Mauls 5-year-old Coming Home From School" News Cannel 3,
12. Holland, Michigan, 01/18/08 ( 2 shots )
A police officer shot a pit bull while it was attacking a chained Black Labrador Retriever. The
officer arrived and shot the dog causing it release the Labrador. Because the pit bull was badly
injured he fired a second round to destroy the animal.
(1 pit bull killed)
"Holland police officer kills pit bull," The Grand Rapids Press,
13. Lamont, California, 01/21/08 ( 2 shots )
A sheriff’s deputy shot and killed a pit bull after it killed another dog and threatened several
children. The dog was shot at least twice.
(1 pit bull killed) Some dogs don't let go.
Page 2
"Police: Pit Bull Shot After Children Threatened,"
14. Eaton, Colorado, 01/22/08 ( 1 shot )
A pit bull named Capone was shot and killed when it became aggressive and charged a police
(1 pit bull killed)
Christopher Ortis, "Eaton police shoot, kill charging pit bull," The
15. Los Angeles, California, 01/23/08 ( 3 shots )
Rampart area officers were dispatched to a burglary investigation. While conducting a search a pit
bull dog charged Officer De La Riva, he fired several rounds at the dog striking him in the chest.
The dog died at the scene.
(1 pit bull killed)
"Charging Pit Bull Shot by Officer," LAPD Blog
16. Hollywood, Florida, 01/28/08 ( 2 shots )
Police watched 95 pound pit bull scale a 4 foot fence, it then charged. Both officers shot the dog,
the dog was killed.
(1 pit bull killed)
"Aggressive Pit Bull Put Down By Police,"
17. Wapato, Washington, 01/29/08 ( 1 shot )
An officer had to shoot a pit bull that attacked and killed a Rottweiler.
"Dog attack raises questions about safety," KNDO/KNDU Tri-Cities
18/19. Livingston, Michigan, 01/29/08 ( 2 shots )
County sheriff’s deputies shot and killed two pit bulls as they attacked a 1600 pound Arabian
horse. The horse’s owner doesn’t like to speak of what she saw, the bloody mouthed pit bull
ripping the flesh from her 26-year-old mare or the sheriff’s deputies shooting the two pit bulls
(2 pit bulls killed)
Amber Hunt, "Horse owner haunted by animal’s awful death," Detroit Free Press
20. Fontana, California, 01/31/08 ( 1 shot )
Police shot and killed a pit bull after it mauled an 8-year-old boy, ripping his skin from his face.
(1 pit bull killed) (1 civilian injured)
"Police Shoot Pit Bull After Attack on Child," Inland Valley Daily
21. Los Angeles, California, 01/31/08 ( 1 shot )
Police shot and killed a pit bull outside the home where two armed robbery suspects were
(1 pit bull killed)
"Officer Kills Pit Bull, Robbery Suspects Arrested," Los Angeles News,
22. El Paso, Texas, 01/31/08 ( 1 shot )
Two undercover officers chased a 15-year-old boy. When the boy ran into his backyard, the
officers followed. They were attacked and bitten by one of three pit bulls. They shot and killed the
(1 pit bull killed) (1 police injured)
"Pit Bull Bites Officer, is Shot and Killed,"
23. Trenton, New Jersey, 01/31/08 ( 1 shot )
A city police officer suffered a gun shot wound when he shot a pit bull that was attacking him. The
bullet went through the animals jaw and into the officer’s leg.
(1 police injured) (1 human shot) Some dogs don't let go.
Page 3
Kevin Shea, "Trenton police officer shoots dog, and himself," Central Jersey News, The Times
February 2008
1. Charlotte, North Carolina, 02/2/08 ( 1 shot )
Two pit bulls that were roaming free, viciously mauled to death a chained up poodle. Molly’s owner
and his cousin shot and killed one of the pit bulls. Paris Huntley Jr., Molly’s owner, said his small
dog never had a chance.
(1 pit bull killed)
"Poodle Mix Killed By Roaming Pit Bulls In Southeast Charlotte,"
2. Fontana, California, 02/5/08 ( 1 shot )
Eight–year-old Dakoda Mitchell was severely mauled by a pit bull last week. The boy’s uncle said
someone across the street let the dog loose on him and his brother. After the ambulance took
Dakoda away, police tracked down the dog, when the dog then tried to attack an officer, the officer
shot the dog, killing the animal.
(1 pit bull killed) (1 civilian injured)
"Fontana Boy Attacked by Pit Bull," KABC-TV LOS ANGELES, CA
3. San Francisco, California, 02/06/08 ( 1 shot )
A 50-pound male pit bull was shot by an off-duty police officer as it terrorized a pregnant woman.
The dog was later put down due to its injuries.
(1 pit bull killed)
Valerie Creque, "Off-duty cop shoots pit bull for scaring pregnant mom," Novato
4/5/6. Jackson County, Michiga, 02/06/08 ( 3 shots )
Animal control officers say they caught the two dogs, a pit bull and a bull mastiff, that attacked a
girl at a sledding hill. Jackson County Undersheriff Tom Finco said "Four dogs have been shot by
authorities this year due to attacks. The majority of them ( that’s 3 ) have been pit bulls."
(1 civilian injured)
A.J. Hilton, "Suspected Dogs Caught" WILX 10 News
7. Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, 02/8/08 ( 3 shots )
Police officer shot and killed a pit bull after it charged them at a home that was posted unfit for
habitation. A Canine officer shot the dog once and a Police officer shot it twice with a shotgun.
(1 pit bull killed)
Denise Alabaugh, "City police shoot and kill charging pit bull," The Citizens Voice,
8. Chicago, Illinois, 02/8/08 ( 1 shot )
A police officer fatally shot a pit bull after it charged them. Police are unsure who owned the dog.
(1 pit bull killed)
9. Lubbock, Texas, 02/8/08 ( 1 shot )
A man told police he had just shot the neighbor’s pit bull. The pit bull had gotten into his back yard
and attacked his dog, also a pit bull. Then the attacking pit bull turned on the man, he shot it with a
(1 pit bull killed)
James Clark, "Pit Bull Attacked Man Before Shot & Killed" News Radio 1420 KJDL CBS
10. Dayton, Ohio, 02/9/08 ( 3 shots )
Three people, one woman and two men, were shot in an apartment complex. Police found cocaine
and thousands of dollars of cash at the scene. A pit bull, also shot several times, was removed by
animal control, its connection has not been determined. Some dogs don't let go.
Page 4
(1 pit bull killed)
Ryan Justin Fox, "Three people wounded in North Dayton shooting," Dayton Daily News,
11. Fort Worth, Texas, 02/14/08 ( 1 shot )
A small dog was mauled by a pit bull in South Fort Worth. It took about 20 people and a gunshot
end the attack. A Fort Worth police officer shot the pit bull.
Katherine Blake, "20 People, Gunshot End FW Pit Bull Attack," FORT WORTH CBS 11 News
12. Lubbock, Texas, 02/14/08 ( 1 shot )
A police officer shot a pit bull that charged him and another man in a West Lubbock neighborhood.
"The officer feared for his life." said Police Lt. Greg Stevens.
Robin Pyle, "Lubbock officer fires at pit bull as loose dogs remain problem" Avalanche-Journal
13. Springfield, Illinois, 02/16/08 ( 1 shot )
An off- duty police officer shot and killed a pit bull after it charged him in an aggressive manner.
(1 pit bull killed)
Police Beat, "Officer shoots dog,"
14/15. Stone Mountain, Georgia, 02/16/08 ( 2 shots )
A Stone Mountain Park sergeant shot and killed two pit bulls after the dogs attacked a jogger and
then tried to attack the officer.
(2 pit bulls killed) (1 civilian injured)
Tim Eberly, "Police kill 2 pit bulls after attack on jogger," The Atlanta Journal-Constitution,
16/17. Columbia, South Carolina, 02/18/08 ( 1 shot )
Becky Kingery’s, neighbors two pit bulls jumped the 5-foot fence into her backyard after her
Golden Retriever "Sailor". In an attempt to save "Sailor," Good Samaritan, Jimmy Sumerton, fired
one shot from his shotgun, killing one pit bull and wounding the other, Summerton was fined over
$1000 for animal cruelty. Becky’s dog "Sailor" did not survive the attack.
(1 pit bull killed)
"Three neighbors involved in pit bull shooting incident," WIS News 10,
18. Chicago, Illinois, 02/18/08 ( 2 shots )
A man was waking his dog when two pit bulls attacked. He called 911 on his cell phone. The
police shot and killed one pit bull, the other ran away, it is unknown whether the second dog was
(1 pit bull killed)
"Police shoot pit bulls that attack dog on NW Side," CHICAGO SUN-TIMES
19/20. Kennewick, Washington, 02/20/08 ( 2 shots )
Mr. Chadia shot and killed his neighbor’s two pit bulls,"Precious and Vicious". The dogs were
killing his chickens and growling at him and his wife.
(2 pit bulls killed)
Paula Horton, "Kennewick man kills neighbor’s 2 dogs," Tri-City Herald,
21. Houston, Texas, 02/21/08 ( 2 shots )
A pair of Narcotics Officers carried out a search warrant, they entered a room to find a 31-year-old
man, his girlfriend and a pit bull. The dog charged the officers and both fired their weapons. The
dog did not survive.
(1 pit bull killed)
"HPD Officers Kill Charging Pit Bull," Houston Chronicle,
22. Grand Rapids, Michigan, 02/22/08 ( 1 shot )
Vice Officers conducting a search warrant shot and killed an aggressive dog that charged them.
The dog was believed to be a pit bull. Some dogs don't let go.
Page 5
(1 pit bull killed)
"Cop kills charging dog," The Grand Rapids Press,
23. Memphis, Tennessee, 02/22/08 ( 1 shot )
Two deputies were checking for speeders in a school zone, when a car doing over 30mph almost
hit one of the officers. Both deputies got into their squad cars and pursued the driver, Reco
Johnson, to his home, where he jumped out of his car and ran into his backyard releasing to pit
bulls on the officers. After one officer was bitten, he shot and killed one of the dogs. Reco Johnson
was arrested.
(1 pit bull killed) (1 police injured)
Adrienne Phillips, "UPDATE: Driver Accused of Almost Running Down Deputy Faces Several Charges,"
24. Klamath Falls, Oregon, 02/25/08 ( 1 shot )
Three men are in jail after breaking into a local elementary school in broad daylight. There was
one injury during the burglary, Caesar, one of the sheriff’s canine dogs was attacked by one of the
burglar’s pit bulls. A sheriff’s deputy shot at the pit bull to stop the attack, then had to Taser the
animal. The Sheriff said Caesar was treated for bites on his neck and will be fine.
Chelsea Muller, "Burglars caught at elementary school," KDRV 12,
25. Schenectady, New York, 02/26/08 ( 1 shot )
An off-duty State Trooper was exiting his car when the pit bull charged him. He yelled at the dog to
make it stop, before he fired one fatal round.
(1 pit bull killed)
Jimmy Vielkind, "Off-duty trooper shoots and kills pit bull,"
26. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 02/27/08 ( 1 shot )
Police shot and killed a pit bull during a drug raid. An officer fired when the dog attacked them as
they served a warrant at a suspected drug house. Police wound up making two arrests on drug
(1pit bull killed)
"Police Shoot Dog During Drug Bust,"
27/28. Seattle, Washington, 02/27/08 ( 2 shots )
Police received a call from a man who said he and his dog were attacked by two pit bulls. When
police arrived, a neighbor came out, and the dog began to stalk him. An officer tried to distract the
dogs and they charged. The officer opened fire, killing one dog, injuring the other. The owner of
the pit bulls is in police custody.
(1 pit bull killed) (1 civilian injured)
"Police officer shoots 2 pit bull in self-defense,"
29. Suffolk, Virginia, 02/28/08 ( 1 shot )
A pit bull was shot with a shotgun in the hind leg after it attacked the neighbor’s dog and wouldn’t
let go. An officer determined the neighbor legally owned the gun and the shooting was justified.
"Pit Bull Shot in the Leg After Attacking Another Dog,"
March 2008
1. Louisville, Kentucky, 03/02/08 ( 1 shot )
A Metro police officer was taken to the hospital after she was bitten on the leg by a pit bull while
investigating a possible auto theft. The dog was shot by the police officer, but survived. The officer
was checked at the hospital and released with minor injuries.
(1 police injured) Some dogs don't let go.
Page 6
"Metro officer shoots dog that attacked her," The Courier-Journal,
2. Baltimore, Maryland, 03/03/08 ( 1 shot )
One pit bull is shot and killed and a second is in the custody of animal control. Police believe the
dogs may have bitten one person before being found in an alley.
(1 pit bull killed)
Stephanie Cravens, "Officer Shoots and Kills Pit Bull," WMAR ABC2 News,
3. Tempe, Arizona, 03/04/08 ( 1 shot )
A Tempe police officer shot and killed a large pit bull near Tempe Public Library.
(1 pit bull killed)
Kendall Wright, "Tempe officer shoots pit bull near library," The Arizona Republic,
4. Bakersfield, California, 03/05/08 ( 1 shot )
A sheriff’s deputy serving an eviction notice shot and killed a pit bull named "Kapone". The officer
was attacked and has serious injuries to his left arm.
(1 pit bull killed) (1 police injured)
Gloria Bratton, "Pit bull bites Kern County Sheriff’s deputy," FOX 58 BAKERSFIELD,
5. Shreveport, Louisiana, 03/05/08 ( 1 shot )
A group of children on their way to school complained a pit bull was chasing them. When police
arrived they saw just how dangerous the dog was. The officer said he had no other choice but to
shoot the dog once killing it.
(1 pit bull killed)
Jonathan McCall, "Shreveport Police Shoot And Kill Pitbull During Third Attack In A Week," KSLA News 12,
6. Edinburgh, Texas, 03/05/08 ( 1 shot )
A Texas Border Patrol is recovering after being attacked by a pit bull. The agent shot the dog once
killing it. The owners say the dog was defending their home, which is a tent behind the truck stop.
(1 police injured)
"Family Says Border Agent Killed Their Dog," KRGV-TV NEWS CHANNEL 5,
7. Edgefield, South Carolina, 03/06/08 ( 3 shots )
An Edgefield police officer shot and killed a pit bull as it attacked a neighbor’s dog. The officer
fired three rounds before the dog went down. A second dog ran from the scene. This was not the
first time police had responded to complaints about the two pit bulls.
(1 pit bull killed)
"Edgefield Police shoot Pit Bull during attack," Edgefield Daily,
8. San Juan, Texas, 03/06/08 ( 1 shot )
Police noticed a swerving vehicle, when they tried to pull it over, David Martinez sped away, and
drove home. When officers attempted to enter the house Martinez released several dogs on them.
Police backed off and returned the following morning after daylight with warrants. A pit bull
attacked one of the officers. It was shot and later died.
(1 pit bull killed)
Zack Quittance, "Police: Man hides behind toddler," The Monitor,
9/10. Columbia, Missouri, 03/09/08 ( 2 shots )
Columbia police served search warrant for narcotics at a home and encountered two pit bulls, one
was shot and killed and the other only wounded. Police also seized three pounds of marijuana,
scales, $2,200 cash and five firearms (two had been reported stolen).
(1 pit bull killed)
"Police kill pit bull in search for drugs," Columbia Tribune, Some dogs don't let go.
Page 7
11/12. Wichita, Kansas, 03/09/08 ( 2 shots )
Wichita Police say already in March alone, officers have been forced to use their weapons against
attacking pit bulls twice. The latest incident nearly cost a family their Chocolate lab. Michelle
Lane’s lab Choco was attacked by her neighbors 3 pit bulls leaving the lab bloody and clinging to
life. The vet believes Choco will survive.
Abby Barnett, "Pit Bulls Attack in S. Wichita," KAKE 10 abc,
13. Paris, Kentucky, 03/10/08 ( 2 shots )
Authorities killed two dogs after they attacked a 30-year-old Paris woman and her Labrador
retriever. One dog was a pit bull and the other a lab-chow mix.
(1 pit bull killed)
"Cops kill 2 Dogs After Attack on Paris Woman Walking Pet," LEXINGTON HERALD- LEADER,
14. Beloit, Wisconsin, 03/11/08 ( 5 shots )
A Beloit police officer shot five rounds at a boxer-pit bull mix this weekend, killing it.
(1 pit bull killed)
"Beloit officer shoots dog at large," BDN CONNECTION,
15. Frankfort, Indiana, 03/11/08 ( 1 shot )
Gloria Gavalier was walking her dog when they were attacked by two pit bulls. When police
arrived one of the dogs attempted to attack the officer. He shot the dog. Gavalier was treated for a
dog bite. Her dog was killed in the attack.
(1 civilian injured)
"Two Pit Bull Dogs Attack," NEWS CHANNEL 18,
16/17. Phoenix, Arizona, 03/12/08 ( 2 shots )
Undercover police officers shot two pit bulls as they were serving a search warrant on a house.
Officers found 50 marijuana plants. TV news reports both dogs were killed.
(2 pit bulls killed)
Nichol Beyer, "Police shoot 2 pit bulls, find 50 pot plants at Phoenix home," KNXV-TV, Phoenix,
18. Lorain, Ohio, 03/14/08 ( 3 shots )
A pit bull was shot and killed after acting aggressive toward passing cars and a by stander. After
the dog was shot, it attempted to get up and then was shot two more times. The officer also noted
two of his bullets went into the siding of a nearby house.
(1 pit bull killed)
"Lorain officer shoots pit bull, hits house, too," The Mourning Journal,
19. Beaumont, Texas, 03/14/08 ( 2 shots )
A man shot and killed his neighbor’s pit bull after it attacked his family and his mamma lab, leaving
her with over 30 bite wounds. The pit bull owner then shot and killed a lab puppy in revenge.
(1 pit bull killed)
Ashley Gaston, "Dispute Leaves Puppy, Pit Bull Dead," KFDM 6 NEWS,
20. Shreveport, Louisiana, 03/16/08 ( 1 shot )
Shreveport police officers arresting a man were forced to shoot and kill a pit bull when it attacked
(1 pit bull killed)
"Dog killed by Shreveport officer," The Shreveport Times,
21. Yonkers, New York, 03/18/08 ( 2 shots )
A police officer shot and killed a pit bull named ‘Killa" after it chased a man onto the hood of police
cruiser. The dog then charged the officer, who fired two shots hitting the dog with both rounds.
The owners said "Killa" was not vicious. Some dogs don't let go.
Page 8
(1 pit bull killed)
Will David, "Killa no killer, says owner of dog shot by cop," The Journal News,
22/23. Green Bay, Wisconsin, 03/18/08 ( 2 shots )
Green Bay police are investigating the possibility that two pit bulls killed Sunday were bred for
fighting. Officers shot the two dogs while they were in "a very vicious fight". Each dog had the
other by the face and neck and had spilled quite a bit of blood.
(2 pit bulls killed)
Corinthia McCoy, "Pit bulls police shot may have been bred to fight," Green Bay Press-Gazette,
24. Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 03/18/08 ( 1 shot )
A large pit bull kept police from a man being sought on a parole violation before the dog was shot
and killed and the man arrested.
(1 pit bull killed)
"Police shoot pit bull after pursuing arrest," Journal Sentinel,
25. Thunderbolt, Savannah, Georgia, 03/19/08 ( 1 shot )
Thunderbolt police shot and killed a pit bull. The office said the dog "lunged toward my throat in an
aggressive manner". This was not the first incident with this dog. A month earlier police were
called when it knocked down a 2-year-old boy.
(1 pit bull killed)
Scott M. Larson, "Thunderbolt police shoot pit bull,"
26. Deerfield Beach, Florida, 03/19/08 ( 1 shot )
Police shot and injured a pit bull after it attacked a poodle and the poodle’s owner.
"Police Shoot Pit Bull That Attacked Poodle, Owner,"
27. Tacoma, Washington, 03/20/08 ( 2 shots )
Tacoma police said an off duty officer shot a pit bull after it charged him and several other people.
Sheriff’s deputies who later found the wounded animal were forced to shoot and kill the dog.
(1 pit bull killed)
"Pit Bull Shot By Off-Duty Tacoma Officer," KIRO Seattle,
28. Harlingen, Texas, 03/21/08 ( 1 shot )
A pit bull was shot by a police officer when he saw two men "fighting off two brown pit bulls with
clipboards". One of the dogs, which was shot in the head was later euthanized.
(1 pit bull killed)
Amanda Harris, "Pit bull killed following confrontation with 2 men," Valley Mourning Star,
29. Youngstown, Ohio, 03/22/08 ( 1 shot )
A city police officer was forced to shoot a pit bull on Wynona Ave. The details on the case were
Joe Gorman, "Youngtown police: Home’s attic housed fighting dogs," Tribune Chronicle,
30. Toledo, Ohio, 03/22/08 ( 1 shot )
A pit bull was found shot dead. The owner of the dog told police he heard a gunshot. He then went
outside to find the dog dead in the driveway.
(1 pit bull killed)
"Pit bull shot dead in central Toledo,"
31. Grayson County, Texas, 03/25/08 ( 5 shots )
A 16-year-old girl was hospitalized following a dog attack. The dog, an adult pit bull, was chained
at the time of the attack. The owner shot the dog 5 times before it released the girl.
(1 pit bull killed) (1 civilian injured) Some dogs don't let go.
Page 9
Jhen Kordela, "Dog Attacks Spell Trouble For Pit Bull Owners," KTEN News,
32. New Bedford, Massachusetts, 03/25/08 ( 1 shot )
Authorities arrested a 30-year-old man on murder charges, fatally shooting his pit bull, which
attacked officers during the arrest.
(1 pit bull killed)
James Vaznis, "Man, 30, arrested on murder charges," The Boston Globe,
33. Omaha, Nebraska, 03/26/08 ( 1 shot )
Two pit bulls attacked a 75-year-old Hopeton Hewitt. He was taken in serious condition to a
hospital, where he was treated and released. A police officer later shot and killed one of the dogs
as it charged a Nebraska Humane Society Officer.
(1 pit bull killed) (1 civilian injured)
Andrew J. Nelson, Pit bulls attack 75-year-old man," Omaha World-Herald
34. Lorain, Ohio, 03/27/08 ( 2 shots )
Two dogs, a German shepherd and a pit bull involved in a bloody fight gave police no choice but
to shoot them to death.
(1 pit bull killed)
"Two dogs locked in deadly fight are shot," The Chronicle-Telegram,
35/36. Sioux City, Iowa, 03/28/08 ( 2 shots )
A police officer shot and killed two pit bulls after they attacked a man and his dog. The man
suffered bites to the calves of both legs and his dog appeared injured, he refused medical
(2 pit bulls killed) (1 civilian injured)
Molly Montag, "Police shoot, kill two attacking dogs," Sioux City Journal,
April 2008
1. Rayne, Louisiana, 04/01/08 ( 4 shots )
A pit bull was killed by police after they received a call about a two dogs running loose. The
responding officer saw the brown pit bull try to bite an elderly man. It was at that point the officer
deemed the dog vicious and a threat to innocent by standers, pulled his weapon and shot the dog.
Police say they shot at the dog four times with three shots penetrating the dog and killing it.
(1 pit bull killed)
"Rayne Police Department Speaks out on Pitt Bull Shooting," KLFY TV 10 EYEWITNESS NEWS,
2. Poinciana, Florida, 04/07/08 ( 1 shot )
The Osceola County Sheriff’s Office said two deputies responded to a call of a potentially
dangerous dog roaming without a leash. The deputies felt threatened because the dog was
snarling, so they shot the dog.
(1 pit bull killed)
"Pit Bull Shot Dead By Deputies," Central Florida News 13,
3. Anderson, South Carolina, 0408/08 ( 1 shot )
Anderson Police shot and killed one of two pit bulls that had reportedly had a 5-year-old girl by her
hair. The report says two pit bulls were running around 21-year-old Diana Burton’s house with
broken ropes attached to their collars. Officer Mark Miller shot one of the dogs after it ran at him
when he responds to a call for help. The child was not injured and Ms. Burton suffered minor
(1 pit bull killed) (1civilian injured)
Pearce Adams, "Anderson cop shoots pit bull after attack on 5-year-old," Some dogs don't let go.
Page 10
4/5/6. Quincy, Illinois, 04/08/08 ( 3 shots )
Three dogs all pit bull mixes, managed to kill and maul 30 pet deer in a pen. The farm’s owner
says, "I was just shocked it looked like a massacre." Joe Leonardi shot and killed all three dogs
and will not be charged with any wrong doing.
(3 pit bulls killed)
Araceli Pedroza, "34 Pet Deer Killed By Dogs," WGEM News 34,
7. Lorain, Ohio, 0409/08 ( 1 shot )
A Lorain police officer shot and killed a pit bull after two dogs allegedly turned on him, after
attacking a mailman.
(1 pit bull killed)
"Lorain officer shoots two pit bulls kills one," The Chronicle-Telegram,
8. Mobile, Alabama, 04/10/08 ( 1 shot )
A 6-year-old boy was recovering at Providence Hospital after he was mauled by a pit bull. Mike
Christen, a family friend later shot the dog as it lunged at an animal control officer. The dog had
given birth to 14 mixed –breed puppies the day before. The dog was euthanized because of the
severity of the gunshot wound.
(1 pit bull killed) (1 civilian injured)
"Mobile child mauled by dog the day after it gave birth to puppies," The Associated Press, Press-Register,
9. Alliance, Ohio, 04/10/08 ( 1 shot )
An Alliance man, Larry Barker, 36 is charged with siccing his pit bull on a dog warden, who
reacted by shooting the dog, which was later euthanized. Barker is charged with a first-degree
felony assault and faces up to 10 years in prison if convicted.
(1 pit bull killed)
Lori Monsewicz, "Dog warden shoots pit bull," The Repository,
10. Tulsa, Oklahoma, 04/13/08 ( 1 shot )
A 5-year-old boy was attacked by a pair of pit bulls after he wandered into a neighbor’s yard. Cody
Phillips, 17 rushed to the Childs aid, scaring the dogs back. Police arrived and had to shoot one of
the dogs.
(1 civilian injured)
Deon Hampton, "Teen saves child from dog attack," Tulsa World,
11. Clarksville, Tennessee, 04/16/08 ( 2 shots )
A Clarksville Police Officer shot and killed a Staffordshire terrier after a woman claimed it had
charged her and her dog. Officers found the dog, which charged one officer, when the dog was
about four feet away, the officer fired two shots killing the animal.
(1 pit bull killed)
Nate Karlin, "Police shoot, kill dog," The Leaf-Chronicle,
12. Martinez, California, 04/16/08 ( 1 shot )
A police officer shot and killed a dog that attempted to attack him and his police dog during a
search of a house. A search warrant was being served at the house of Mario Galvan, as police
entered the house several people tried to escape through the garage. The pit bull was released in
the chaos and charged one of the officers who shot the dog. Galvin, along with two others were
arrested on warrants.
(1 pit bull killed)
Roman Gokhman, "Dog shot during police search at Martinez house," The Mercury News, Some dogs don't let go.
Page 11
13. Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 04/18/08 ( 1 shot )
A Highway Patrol Trooper and another officer were conducting a hit and run investigation when a
pit bull-mix attacked the trooper biting him on the hand. The trooper shot the dog and it died soon
(1 pit bull killed) (1 police injured)
Andrew Ba Tran and Joel Marino, "Lauderdale owner of dog shot by FHP trooper condemns action" Sun-Sentinel,
14. Sanford, Florida, 04/18/08 ( 1 shot )
One, of a group of pit bulls, that was running loose was shot and killed by police. Police said the
dogs were attacking other dogs in their own yard.
(1 pit bull killed)
"Loose Pit Bulls Attack Neighborhood Dogs," WESH 2 ORLANDO NEWS,
15. La Puente, California, 04/19/08 ( 1 shot )
Sheriff’s deputies were responding to a disturbance call, when they sought to speak to the man in
the house they saw he had a dog. The dog charged the officers and was shot and killed. The
dog’s owner was charged with suspicion of assault with a deadly weapon, the pit bull.
(1 pit bull killed)
"Pit bull shot to death by deputies," Pasadena Star-News,
16. Kingston, Pennsylvania, 04/20/08 ( 1 shot )
Two men, Donald Pennix and Sherif Clark were arrested on drug charges. Police served a search
warrant after making several purchases. Police found the two men in the back of the house
surrounded by two pit bulls. One of the dogs was shot when it charged the officers. Both men
were arrested and held on $100,000 bond.
Heidi Ruckno, "Pair Arrested, dog shot," The Citizen Voice,
17. Chicago, Illinois, 04/23/08 ( 1 shot )
Villa Park police shot a pit bull they say attacked the foot of a 13-year-old girl and refused to let go.
When police arrived, the dog would still not release the girl’s foot and was shot once and killed by
the officer.
(1 pit bull killed) (1 civilian injured)
Catherine Edman, "Pit bull attacking 13-yeaar-old shot by police," Daily Herald,
18. Houston, Texas, 04/24/08 ( 1 shot )
A man and woman out for a walk were attacked by two pit bulls. The man tried to fight off the dogs
and was seriously injured. Police had to shoot one of the dogs to stop the attack.
(1 civilian injured)
Juanita Jimenez, "Pit bull attacks Houston man," abc 13 EYEWITNESS NEWS KTRK-TV,
19. Omaha, Nebraska, 04/28/08 ( 6 shots )
A pit bull charges at an Omaha Police Officer and is shot and killed. The owner claims the dog
was not aggressive. The owner however became very aggressive when he was ticketed for having
a dog at large and had to be Tasered.
(1 pit bull killed)
Julie Hong, "Owners: Pit Bull was a Family Dog," KPTM FOX 42 NEWS,
20. Des Moines, Iowa, 04/28/08 ( 1 shot )
A local man had to shoot a pit bull this morning when the animal attacked him in his house. David
Day, 43, suffered serious bite wounds to both hands. He was helping his wife off the couch when
the dog apparently interpreted the action as an attack on her. Mr. Day had been watching the dog
for his son.
(1 pit bull killed) (1 civilian injured) Some dogs don't let go.
Page 12
"Pit Bull Owner Dumps Dog on Dad," The Des Moines Register,
21. South Bend, Indiana, 04/29/08 ( 3 shots )
A South Bend police officer fatally shot a dog after it attacked two men. A large pit bull broke out of
its home and mauled a man that was fighting with its owner. The dog then attacked its owner.
Arriving police first tried to Taser the dog. The Taser had no effect and the dog was shot three
times killing it. One of the men had to be taken to the hospital for serious injuries to his leg.
(1 pit bull killed) (1 civilian injured)
"Officer Shoots Pit Bull After Taser Ineffective,"
22/23. Houston, Texas, 04/29/08 ( 2 shots )
Sheriff’s deputies say they had to fatally shoot two pit bulls. Eyewitnesses say the dogs were
chasing and threatening kids on their bikes and skateboards.
(2 pit bulls killed)
"Deputies Fatally shoot two pit bulls," abc 13 EYEWITNESS NEWS,
24. Chambersburg, Pennsylvania, 04/30/08 ( 1 shot )
Police killed a pit bull after it entered a fenced yard, then into a private home to fatally attack a
small dog.
(1 pit bull killed)
"Pit Bull Crashes Through Glass Window, Attacks and Kills Dog," PUBLIC OPINION,
25. South Toledo, Ohio, 04/30/08 ( 1 shot )
A 1-year-old pit bull named Zeus was shot by Toledo police as the dog charged the officer. The
dog was taken to a clinic by a deputy dog warden were it was euthanized.
(1 pit bull killed)
"Police shoot pit bull in South Toledo,"
26. Akron, Ohio, 04/30/08 ( 1 shot )
Akron police shot and killed a pit bull that attacked three women and its owner. The four adults
were treated for miner bite wounds and lacerations to their hands and legs.
(1 pit bull killed) (4 civilians injured)
"Pit bull killed by police after attacking four people," Akron Beacon Journal
May 2008
1. Tulsa, Oklahoma, 05/01/08 ( 1 shot )
A Tulsa police officer says he had to kill a pit bull that was trying to attack him. He responded to
call about a stray dog that was blocking a woman and child inside their home. Officer Jason
Willingham says the dog ran towards him aggressively so he fired his shotgun at the dog.
(1 pit bull killed)
"Tulsa Police Officer Kills Pit Bull," FOX 23 Tulsa,
2. Toledo, Ohio, 5/02/08 ( 1 shot )
Wrapped up in a rug is a pit bull shot dead by police. A squad raided a home, they arrested Mark
Overton. The 37-year-old now faces charges of illegal use of food stamps and having a wild and
dangerous animal. An alligator was also confiscated.
(1 pit bull killed)
Tony Geftos, "Police shoot dog, confiscate others," abc 13 ACTION NEWS,
3. Allentown, Pennsylvania, 05/04/08 ( 2 shots )
A police officer and two men were bitten by a pit bull before police shot and killed the dog. Two
shots were required two bring the animal to a stop. Some residents think the police reacted poorly
by shooting the dog; there were children playing in the street at the time. Some dogs don't let go.
Page 13
(1 pit bull killed) (1 police injured) (2 civilians injured)
"Allentown Police Shoot Runaway Pit Bull," The Morning Call,
4. Henrico County, Virginia, 05/05/08 ( 1 shot )
Henrico County Police say an animal protection officer shot and killed one of two dangerous pit
bulls. The other dog got away -- police say it is a brown male and it is dangerous. They warn you
should not approach the dog and if you see it, make sure your pets and children a safe.
(1 pit bull killed)
"Henrico Police Shoot Dog," CBS-WTVR,
5. Kokomo, Indian, 05/06/08 ( 1 shot )
A man credited a quick-acting, strait shooting police officer with saving his life during a pit bull
attack. Steve Shallenburg woke to the sound of a dog howling and barking, while leading the dog
from the middle of the street the dog was acting friendly. A neighbor had called police, when they
went to put the dog in the police car it attacked. The officer shot the dog in the head, which was
later euthanized.
(1 pit bull killed) (1 civilian injured)
’ Officer Shoots Attacking Pit Bull,"
6. Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 05/06/08 ( 1 shot )
Police were responding to a fight at the Motel 6. Once on the scene, they came across a loose pit
bull. Officers felt threatened and shot the dog dead. The dog’s owner was arrested.
(1 pit bull killed)
Diane Pathieu, Katie Long, "Raw Video: Police Shoot Threatening Pit Bull," TODAYS TMJ4,
7. Clarksville, Tennessee, 05/09/08 ( 1 shot )
A man shot a brown and black pit bull/boxer mix that came onto his property and tried to attack his
wife. The man said the dog had came on his property and been aggressive with him before.
(1 pit bull killed)
Jamie Dexter, Tavia D. Green, "Man reports pit that tried to attack wife," The Leaf
8. Springfield, Oregon, 05/09/08 ( 1 shot )
Police officers shot and killed an aggressive pit bull that threatened them as they served a search
warrant. Police arrested one person as a result of the search. No one was injured.
(1 pit bull killed)
"Pit Bull Shot During Raid in Springfield,"
9. St. Joseph, Missouri, 05/09/08 ( 1 shot )
A man shot a pit bull in the face after he claimed the dog entered his yard and began attacking his
dogs. The man said the pit bull was preparing to attack him when he shot it.
Police: Man shot pit bull in face,"
10/11. Topeka, Kansas, 5/09/08 ( 2 shots )
A Topeka police officer fatally shot two pit bulls after they snarled at a school maintenance man
and menaced high school students walking to class.
(2 pit bulls killed)
Steve Fry, Bill Hummell, "Officer fatally shoots pit bull," The Capital-Journal,
12. Newport News, Virginia, 05/11/08 ( 3 shots )
A Newport News police officer shot and killed a pit bull that was chasing people. The officer shot at
the dog, a male, several times after the dog attacked him.
(1 pit bull killed)
Patrick Wilson, "Newport News officer kills pit bull after it chases neighbors, attacks," Some dogs don't let go.
Page 14
13. Cocoa, Florida, 05/12/08 ( 1 shot )
A police officer was forced to shoot and kill a pit bull. Police received a 911 call about a pit bull
pinning a woman in her car. When officers arrived the dog ran away, but while police were helping
the woman, the pit bull came back and charged the officer. The officer fired once at the dog, killing
(1 pit bull killed)
"Pit Bull Shot Dead By Police Officer," Central Florida News 13,
14. Nashville, Tennessee, 05/12/08 ( 1 shot )
A man was arrested in south Nashville after police say he shot his own dog. According to Animal
Control, Maurico Rios shot his female pit bull at his home. Police said he told them the dog
growled at him prompting him to shoot her.
(1 pit bull killed)
"Arrested for Shooting a Growling Pit Bull,"
15. Pasadena, Texas, 05/12/08 ( 1 shot )
Officer Vance Mitchell said officers were dispatched to a home with an open door. The arriving
officer could see into the home that appeared to be vacant. As he approached the front door to
inspect the home closer, an adult female pit bull, growling viciously, ran out the door to attack the
officer. The officer then shot the dog killing it. The officer then found another pit bull inside the
home. The dog’s owners had moved and left the dogs behind. Animal Control took possession of
both dogs.
(1 pit bull killed)
Brenda Evans, "Officer shoots dog in self defense" The Citizen,
16. Gastonia, North Carolina, 05/13/08 ( 2 shots )
Two police officers tracking an accused strong-arm robbery suspect fired their guns at a pit bull,
striking it at least once. The pit bull ended up fighting with the K-9 handler. The officer pushed the
dog away, but the pit bull charged again. The handler and officer both shot, one bullet caught the
pit bull’s hind leg.
Kevin Ellis, "Gastonia Police shoot pit bull after it fights with police dog,"
17. Ocean Pines, Maryland, 05/14/08 ( 3 shots )
Police investigated a call that a pit bull had tried to attack a pines woman. As the officer attempted
to contact the dog’s owner, who was not at home, police said the pit bull charged the trooper who
fired several rounds hitting the dog. The dog fled and was later found and put down.
(1 pit bull killed)
‘Ocean Pines: Pit bull put down after attack on woman, officer,"
18. Wilmington, North Carolina, 05/15/08 ( 1 shot )
Last week John Williams and his wife were in dog court. Their pit bull "Joe" was in trouble for
biting a deputy. The following night New Hanover County deputies were called to the William’s
home on a domestic call. During an arrest attempt, the pit bull appeared and attacked one of the
officers who had to be taken to the hospital. A second deputy shot and killed the dog. Williams
was arrested and charged with, domestic assault on a woman, one count of pointing a gun, and
two counts of resisting a public officer.
(1 pit bull killed)(2 police injured)
John Rendleman, "Pit bull bites deputy, dog killed," WWAT News Channel 3,
19. Reno, Nevada, 05/15/08 ( 1 shot )
A pit bull was shot in the head by Reno police. Officers responded to a call of a fight. While on the
scene, a pit bull aggressively attacked one officer. After yelling at the dog, then using pepper
spray, the officer finally shot the dog in the head. The pit bull was later euthanized. Some dogs don't let go.
Page 15
(1 pit bull killed)
"Pit bull shot in head by Reno police officer," Reno Gazette-Journal, Mostly Dogs
20/21. Breckenridge, Texas, 05/19/08 ( 2 shots )
A female driver saw Tanner Joshua Monk lying beside a road with two dogs nearby. She got out
of the car to help him, but the dogs became aggressive so she called 911. Two deputies
responded and shot the two dogs to death after they continued to show aggression. The deputies
then discovered that Tanner was dead.
(2 pit bulls killed)(1 civilian killed)
"Pit bulls apparently kill 7-year-old on rural Texas road," Times Record News,
22. Rockford, Illinois, 05/21/08 ( 2 shots )
Police were attempting to serve a warrant on a man wanted on three counts of domestic battery.
Police spotted the man and a pit bull outside a residence. The man tried to run and the dog
attacked. The dog was shot twice and is expected to live.
"Police shoot charging pit bull twice; dog survives," Rockford Register Star,
23. Normal, IL, 05/23/08 ( 2 shots )
Police responded to a call a 60-pound pit bull had gotten through a low spot under a fence. When
the dog went after the officer and a woman the officer fired two rounds from his 9mm handgun
killing the animal.
(1 pit bull killed)
Sharon K. Wolfe, "Cop kills charging pit bull," Pantagraph, May 23, 2008
24. Aurora, Illinoi, 05/23/08 ( 1 shot )
Aurora police shot and killed a pit bull that attacked one man, and then lunged for officers and
(1pit bull killed) (1 civilian injured)
"Pit Bull Lunges at Medic, Gets Shot," Drug Sense Bot,
25. Cleveland, Ohio, 05/25/08 ( 1 shot )
Gas station owner Steve Daymut said he saw two pit bulls walking unleashed near a busy
intersection and a car hit one of the dogs. He wanted to help the dogs, but when the uninjured dog
attacked a passerby, he ran back to the station and grabbed his handgun. He shot the pit bull as it
started to come toward him. The passerby was taken to an area hospital with injuries to his arm.
(1 civilian injured)
"Man Shoots Pit Bull When It Tries To Attack," WEWS Cleveland,
26. Austin, Texas, 05/26/08 ( 1 shot )
Police shot a pit bull after it allegedly attacked two people in Emma Long Park. The call went into
911 about an off-leash dog biting someone in the park. When officers responded, the dog then
attacked the park manager who was with them. Sgt. Michael Hart says it was then the officers
decided to yes deadly force on the dog.
(1 pit bull killed) (2 civilians injured)
"Pitbull shot by police after attack on city employee," NEWS RADIO 590 KLBJ,
27. Port Washington, Wisconsin, 05/26/08 ( 1 shot )
A police officer fired a single shot, killing a pit bull as it attacked a golden retriever. A 65-year-old
man had been walking the pit bull for his son. When the pit bull saw two dogs across the street, he
bolted yanking the man to the ground and attacking one of the two dogs, a Golden retriever. The
man was taken to the hospital for injuries he suffered in the fall. The cop and the owner of the two
dogs tried to pull the pit bull off to no avail. So the officer shot and killed the pit bull.
(1 pit bull killed)
Linda Spice, "Pit bull shot after attacking dog," Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Some dogs don't let go.
Page 16
28. Buckeye, Arizona, 05/27/08 ( 3 shots )
A Buckeye man has been arrested for animal cruelty after allegedly shooting his neighbors pit bull
several times. Jaime Brito shot the dog three or four times after the animal got into a fight with his
dog, a German Shepard. After the shooting, the pit bull ran off, and was later found by the owners,
who put the dog down.
(1 pit bull killed)
Chris Kline, "Buckeye man arrested for shooting neighbor’s dog three times," abc 15 News,
29. Shelton, Washington, 05/27/08 ( 6 shots )
A Shelton dog survives being shot six times. Who shot "Butch" is a mystery to Mason County
Sheriff’s deputies. But based on the dog’s history, its possible he threatened someone. "We have
had at least two complaints about the dog menacing a passer-by," said Chief Deputy Dean Byrd
Drew Mikkelson, "Shelton family dog survives six gunshot wounds," KING 5 TV Local News,
30. Tulsa, Oklahoma, 05/28/08 ( 6 shots )
A pit bull attacked a three-year-old boy in south Tulsa. Police say the pit bull was roaming loose
and bit the boy on the leg. The boy’s uncle carried the child inside and then came back out and
shot at the dog five times. Police say the pit bull was hit once. Officers arrived on the scene and
shot and killed the dog. The boy was taken to the hospital but will survive.
(1 pit bull killed) (1 civilian injured)
Pit Bull Shot After Biting Child,"
31. Miami, Florida, 05/29/08 ( 1 shot )
According to police the incident started when patrol officer pulled over a car for a traffic stop, as
the officer was walking up to the car, the driver took off on foot. The officer chased the driver for
several blocks until he ran into a house. As the officer approached the house the driver released
his dog. Fearing for his safety the officer shot the dog.
"Police Officer Shoots Dog During Traffic Stop," CBS 4 TV Local News,
32. Gary, Indiana, 05/30/08 ( 1 shot )
A police officer shot a pit bull outside its owners home while attempting to arrest a woman on a
"Gary Indiana Officer Gets Pit Bull Released on Him," SUN-TIMES NEWS,
33. Chicago, Illinois, 05/30/08 ( 1 shot )
A Chicago police officer was shot and wounded recently, though the intended target was a pit bull.
The officer was taken to Stroger Hospital with gunshot to the knee. No civilians were involved in
the shooting and the intended target was "a charging pit bull."
(1 police injured) (1 human shot)
"Chicago Cop Shot by Bullet Intended for ‘Charging Pit Bull’," Chicago Tribune,
June 2008
1/2. Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 06/01/08 ( 2 shots )
Milwaukee police say they shot and killed two pit bulls on Milwaukee’s south side. Police say the
two dogs charged them as they responded to an "entry in progress" call at a home.
(2 pit bulls killed)
"Police Shoot, Kill Two Pit Bulls," abc WISN Milwaukee,
3. South Bend, Indiana, 06/01/08 ( 1 shot )
A man shot and killed a dog that charged and attacked the small dog he was walking. A 7-year-old
Boy was walking family’s pit bull-mix on the opposite side of the street when the dog charged the
terrier, which was being walked by a retired South Bend police officer. Some dogs don't let go.
Page 17
(1 pit bull killed)
"Retired officer shoots, kills dog," South Bend Tribune,
4. Van Buren, Arkansas, 06/03/08 ( 1 shot )
A man walking through a neighborhood pulled a gun, and shot and killed a pit bull. According to
police reports the dog ran out at the man. So he pulled out a 9mm handgun and killed the dog.
(1 pit bull killed)
"Man shoots and kills dog," KFSM Channel 5 News,
5. Cincinnati, Ohio, 06/05/08 ( 1 shot )
A police officer shot and killed a pit bull. Sgt. Andre Smith fired his service revolver after he tried to
use his Taser. Police were called to the area after receiving complaints about loose pit bulls.
(1 pit bull killed)
Kim Perry and Quan Truong, "Police kill two pit bulls," Cincinnati Enquirer,
6. Cincinnati, Ohio, 06/05/08 ( 1 shot )
In a separate incident in the same day, several people joined in to fight off two pit bulls that were
attacking a woman who was walking her small dog. One woman was using an umbrella until
police arrived and ended the battle with a blast from a shotgun.
(1 pit bull killed)
Kim Perry and Quan Truong, "Police kill two pit bulls," Cincinnati Enquirer,
7. Haltom City, Texas, 06/06/08 ( 2 shot )
A local teenager is recovering from a gunshot wound after a police officer shot him. Apparently the
cop had been trying to shoot the kid’s pit bull. A spokesman for the police department told
reporters that the officer was attempting to arrest a juvenile suspect. Just before the arrest, a pit
bull lunged at the officer. Unfortunately, a teenage boy was standing near the dog. The officer fired
two shots, both hit the boy.
(1 human shot)
Katherine Blake, "Haltom City Cop Shoots At Pit Bull, Hits Teen"
8/9. Cincinnati, Ohio, 06/09/08 ( 9 shots )
After a woman was chased in and around her apartment complex, the landlord responded to the
scene. He shot and killed the loose pit bull and another that was in a cage. He fired a total of nine
shots to kill two the dogs.
(2 pit bulls killed)
"Landlord Who Killed Pit Bulls Not Charged," WKRC-TV,
10. Stockton, California, 06/09/08 ( 1 shot )
A female parole officer was shot by a fellow officer after a pit bull attacked them during a search
for a parolee, police said. The incident happened after officers had detained three people and
found a locked room in the back of the house. When officers opened the door they were attacked
by a pit bull and during the struggle one officer shot at the dog but hit the female officer. The shot
officer was taken to the hospital with a non-life threatening wound, and another officer suffered
dog-bite wounds.
(2 police injured) (1 human shot)
"Officer Shot By Partner During Pit Bull Attack," KCRA 3 News,
11. Pontiac, North Dakota, 06/10/08 ( 2 shots )
An area officer was forced to shoot a pit bull dog. In this case, shots were fired while officers
responded to a domestic dispute.
"Pontiac Officer Fires at Pit Bull During Domestic Dispute," Some dogs don't let go.
Page 18
12/13. Omaha, Nebraska, 06/10/08 ( 2 shots )
Police shot and killed two pit bull dogs in a northeast city park. Officials say one of the dogs
charged and knocked down an off-duty officer in Miller Park, the officer shot the dog. Another
officer shot the second dog. Investigators say the two dogs were a danger to the parents and
children in the park.
(2 pit bulls killed)
Omaha Police Shoot Kill Two Pit Bulls in Coty Park," Action 3 News,
14. Kansas City, Missouri, 06/11/08 ( 1 shot )
A drug bust ended with a dog being shot to death. The police said the dog approached and was
acting violent, so he shot it.
(1 pit bull killed)
"Police: Dog Shot During Drug Bust," KMBC-TV Channel 9,
15. Eugene, Oregon, 06/11/08 ( 2 shots )
A man who shot and killed a vicious dog on a neighborhood street will not face charges because
he acted in self-defense. The man followed in a car after seeing two dogs, a pit bull and a
Doberman, stalking the neighborhood and attacking a cat. He got out of the car when he saw the
dogs attack a second cat. The pit bull turned on the man, at which point he fired two shots killing
the dog.
(1 pit bull killed)
"Man shoots and kills dog," KVAL cbs 13-News,
16. Houma, Louisiana, 06/12/08 ( 1 shot )
Officer Rusty Theriot shot the loose dog after making a traffic stop. Theriot fired one shot at point
blank range, after the pit bull charged to within inches. The dog died after limping a short distance
(1 pit bull killed)
"Cop kills charging pit bull," The Courier,
17. Whittier, California, 06/14/08 ( 1 shot )
Officers shot and killed a pit bull after the dog mauled its owner.
(1 pit bull killed) (1 civilian injured)
"Dog injures man, police kill dog," Pasadena Star-News,
18. Aurora, Colorado, 06/14/08 ( 2 shots )
Police responded to woman’s call her dog was being attacked by three pit bulls. When police
arrived the dogs were gone. After a brief search the dogs were located in their own yard. When
police approached, one of the dogs attacked and was shot twice.
(1 pit bull killed)
"Pit Bull Shot Following Backyard Attack," KMGH Denver News,
19. Ft Wayne, Indiana, 06/16/08 ( 2 shots )
Jose Aquila said his pit bull was just trying to protect his 2-year-old when it was shot and killed. A
man was holding his son’s hand to keep him from running into the street. When the dog charged,
he pulled a pistol and shot the dog twice killing it.
(1 pit bull killed)
"Man shoots dog that ran out of house at him," News Sentinel,
20. Racine, Wisconsin, 06/16/08 ( 6 shots )
Police tried to use a catch pole on an aggressive pit bull named "Cookie" but ended up shooting
the dog.
(1 pit bull killed)
"POLICE REPORTS: June 16," The Journal Times, Some dogs don't let go.
Page 19
21. Washington D.C., 06/18/08 ( 3 shots )
A woman was walking her boyfriend’s pit bull when it turned on her and attacked. Officer Kevin
Whaley saw the attack, "She just kept begging me over and over again. "Please don’t let him bite
my neck. Please don’t let him kill me." The officer was also bitten in the attack. Whaley fired
several times at the dog killing it.
(1 pit bull killed) (1police injured) (1civilian injured)
"Woman, Officer Attacked by Pit Bull in D.C.," News Channel 8,
22. Greensburg, Indiana, 06/17/08 ( 1 shot )
A Greensburg woman loses both arms after being attacked by her own dog. Police had to shoot
the dog to end the sustained attack. The pit bull was killed.
(1 pit bull killed) (1 civilian injured)
Jennifer McGilvray, "Greensburg woman severely injured by own pitbull," WISH TV 8,
23. Weslaco, Texas, 06/18/08 ( 1 shot )
After a family pit bull flew into rage and attacked and killed a 5-year-old child, the dog was shot by
a police officer.
(1 pit bull killed)
Sean Gaffney, "Boy killed by pit bull near Weslaco," The Monitor,
24. Omaha, Nebraska, 06/20/08 ( 2 shot )
An Omaha cop checking a vehicle with expired plates enters a gate and is attacked by two dogs, a
pit bull and a pit bull-boxer mix. He shot one dog twice killing it.
(1 pit bull killed)
"Dog Put Down After Being Shot". WOWT-DT Channel 6,
25. Erie, Pennsylvania, 06/21/08 ( 1 shot )
Police shot and killed a pit bull after it crashed through a screen door and attacked a family’s dog.
(1pit bull killed)
Local news briefs, "Police forced to kill dog on Erie’s west side" Erie Times-News,
26. Greenville, South Carolina, 06/25/08 ( 1 shot )
A Greenville Sheriff’s deputy shot at but missed a pit bull. The incident occurred while a deputy
was responding to a neighbor’s call about marijuana plants.
E. Richard Walton, "Deputy fired at pit bull," The Greenville News,
27. Winfield, West Virginia, 06/25/08 ( 1 shot )
Charges were dropped against Scott Blankenship who shot a dog named "Havoc," A Staffordshire
terrier, that he says threatened his children. Prosecutor Mark Sorsais notes,"It’s extremely
frustrating when people own dogs that are dangerous."
(1 pit bull killed)
Justin D. Anderson, "Man says he had no choice but to shoot pit bull," Charleston Daily Mail,
28. Durham, North Carolina, 06/25/08 ( 3 shot )
Someone shot a pit bull and left it in the street to die. One man says he saw a neighbor and
another man shoot "Browny" three times.
(1 pit bull killed)
Gerrick Brenner, "Dog shot, left in street," WTVD-TV Raleigh-Durham,
29. Escondido, California, 06/25/08 ( 2 shots )
One of two pit bulls that had attacked a woman’s dog and could not be subdued by neighbors
yielding shovels or an animal control officer was shot and killed by police.
(1 pit bull killed)
"Policeman kills pit bull that attacked neighbor’s dog," The Union-Tribune, Some dogs don't let go.
Page 20
30/31. Modesto, California, 06/25/08 ( 2 shots )
Police are looking for a 19-year-old man who they say ran from them, leading officers to marijuana
plants, two pit bull terriers and a stolen motorcycle. Officers shot and killed both dogs after the
animals charged them.
(2 pit bulls killed)
Emilie Raguso, "Modesto police kill 2 pit bulls in search for suspect," The Modesto Bee,
32. Chicago, Illinois, 06/25/08 ( 1 shot )
A pit bull was shot and killed this morning by police when the dog charged at an officer who was
responding to a domestic disturbance in the neighborhood on the North Side.
(1 pit bull killed)
"Dog killed after charging officers," WBBM News Radio780,
33. Omaha, Nebraska, 06/27/08 ( 1 shot )
Officer Shawn Leclair was dispatched to fireworks complaint. Someone was walking the dog in the
area when it broke from its leash and attacked the officer. Leclair was bitten on the arm before he
was able to shoot the pit bull once killing it.
(1 pit bull killed) (1 police injured)
Susan Szalewski, "Police identify officer kills attacking pit bull," Omaha World-Herald,
34. Yakima, Washington, 06/27/08 ( 2 shots )
Police shot a pit bull multiple times during an attempt to locate a suspect wanted by the Yakima
County Sheriff’s Office. The dog died from the wounds.
(1 pit bull killed)
"Yakima Police Shoot Pit Bull Multiple Times," The Yakima Herald,
July 2008
1. Omaha, Nebraska, 07/01/08 ( 1 shot )
Police rushed to the scene after a pit bull snapped its chain and attacked a man mowing his lawn,
biting him on the leg. The officer shot the dog.
(1 pit bull killed) (1 civilian injured)
"Pit Bull Attacks Man who was Mowing Lawn," Action 3 News,
2. Erie, Pennsylvania, 07/01/08 ( 1 shot )
Police shot and killed a pit bull that attacked its owner and a 10-year-old boy.
(1 pit bull killed) (2 civilian injured)
Kara Rhodes, "Pitbull shot after attacking child, adult," Erie Times-News,
3. Minneapolis, Minnesota, 07/02/08 ( 1 shot )
Recovered from a crime scene were a loaded gun, crack cocaine, and a pit bull, which was killed
after charging an officer.
(1 pit bull killed)
"Search Warrants," 4th Precinct Highlights,
4. Virden, Illinois, 07/02/08 ( 2 shots )
A police officer shot a pit bull after the dog charged a bicycle rider and then the officer. The dog
continued at the officer and he fired a second shot, killing the dog.
(1 pit bull killed)
Jayette Bolinski, "Pit bull shot after charging Virden woman, police officer," The Associated Press, Some dogs don't let go.
Page 21
5. Dacono, Colorado, 07/06/08 ( 1 shot )
A pit bull belonging to a suspected drunk driver got away after being shot and Tasered by police.
When the officers approached the car, a pit bull jumped out of the window and charged at officers.
One officer fired a Taser, the other fired lead.
"Officer Shoots Charging Pit Bull In Traffic Stop," The Associated Press,
6. Rochester, New York, 07/07/08 ( 1 shot )
A berserking pit bull bit a 17-year-old boy, then a woman. By the time the police arrived, the dog
was trying to attack two other people. The officer shot the dog in the leg.
(2 civilians injured)
Berkely Brean, "Man survives vicious dog attack," News 10 NBC,
7. Pierson, Iowa, 07/08/08 ( 1 shot )
Mayor Max Dunnington says he warned a dog owner that the animal could be killed if it ran loose
and acted aggressive. Shortly thereafter, the dog bit a child so the mayor shot and killed it.
(1 pit bull killed)
Molly Montag, "Pierson mayor shoots dog," Sioux City Journal,
8. Tucson, Arizona, 07/08/08 ( 2 shots )
Officer Danaher was investigating a call about a suspicious van when the 110 pound mastiff-pit
bull mix jumped him. The dog bit Danaher on the hand and the officer pulled his pistol, fired twice,
and killed the animal.
(1 pit bull killed) (1 police injured)
David L. Teibel, "Back to duty for cop who shot attacking dog," Tucson Citizen,
9. Elwood, Indiana, 07/08/08 ( 1 shot )
After a pit bull jumped on a police car and charged reserve officer Gary Cole, the officer shot the
dog. Now the dog’s owner, Leo Mickle, thinks the city should pay the vet bills.
"Police: Dog Was Threatening Neighbors, Officer Within His Rights,"
10. Columbus, Ohio, 07/09/08 ( 1 shot )
Like putting on a uniform each morning, Columbus police officers shoot another pit bull while
attempting to serve a warrant. Why doesn’t Columbus prohibit people convicted on felony drug
crimes from owning a pit bull? It can’t get more basic than this.
(1 pit bull killed)
"City police shoot, kill pit bull," Columbus Telegram,
11/12. Chicago, Illinois, 07/12/08 ( 2 shots )
FBI agents stormed a Chicago building, freed a hostage who had been shot and tortured, shot two
black "attack" pit bulls, and arrested six people on charges of extorting $40,000 in ransom from a
suburban Chicago bank.
(2 pit bulls killed)
"FBI Agents Storm Hostage Situation; Kill Two Pit Bulls," Associated Press,
13. Whitehall, Ohio, 07/13/08 ( 1 shot )
Officers first pepper-sprayed the animal and it continued to charge. Then the animal fled. Back up
responders were called in before an officer finally shot and killed the dog.
(1 pit bull killed)
"Whitehall Officers Shoot Pit Bull Dead,"
14. Anderson, South Carolina, 07/14/08 ( 1 shot )
Sheriff’s Deputy Stephanie Rushton shot a pit bull after it attacked her dog and tried to attack her.
The dog owner, Lessei Williams, pleaded guilty to failing to have her dog confined, but the judge
did not accept the plea. "I hate to see Williams have a record," he said. Some dogs don't let go.
Page 22
(1 pit bull killed)
Pearce Adams, "Anderson dog shot while attacking off-duty deputy," The Anderson Independent Mail,
15. Carlisle, Pennsylvania, 07/15/08 ( 1 shot )
Police shot a pit bull upon serving a warrant to 50-year-old Audrey Knowles, II and 30-year-old
Audrey Knowles, III. Police say they found marijuana and ecstasy inside the home.
(1 pit bull killed)
"Drug bust, dog shot," CBS 21,
16. Anderson, South Carolina, 07/17/08 ( 1 shot )
A Federal agent was trying to serve a warrant when a pit bull flew out the door and attacked him.
The marshal was injured in the attack, but was able to fire his weapon and kill the dog.
(1 pit bull killed) (1 police injured)
Russell Bradley, "US Marshall Attacked by Pit Bull," News Channel 7,
17. Wareham, Massachusetts, 07/18/08 ( 1 shot )
A pit bull was fatally shot while police executed a warrant. According to the report "the dog
retreated approximately 6 inches, then charged at the entry team growling and showing his teeth."
The dog was shot once.
(1 pit bull killed)
"Wareham police shoot pit bull during search,"
18. Fontana, California, 07/17/08 ( 1 shot )
Rudy Silvain was shot in the leg by a San Bernardino County Sheriff’s deputy serving a narcotics
search warrant. The deputy had been aiming at the charging pit bull, but missed and shot the man
(1 human shot)
Melanie C. Johnson, "Deputies shoot man in leg during search-warrant service on Fontana," The PressEnterprise,
19. Ellensburg, Washington, 07/17/08 ( 4 shots )
As police were investigating a dispute call, it was revealed that a pit bull was used in commission
of the assault. Officers asked to see the dog. When the dog was brought out, it lunged at the
officers. Before the owner gained control, the dog "slipped" out of its collar and charged one of the
officers. The first officer fired and missed; a second officer shot the dog three times killing it.
(1 pit bull killed)
Chelsea Krotzer, "Ellensburg police shoot dog," Daily Record,
20/21. Las Cruces, New Mexico, 07/17/08 ( 2 shots )
Two pit bulls attacked a Las Cruces K-9 officer while backing up a SWAT team in serving a
warrant on a suspect wanted for narcotics violations. The two pit bulls, which belonged to the
suspect, Clint Garner, were shot by a Las Cruces police officer who was at the scene helping with
the arrest.
(2 pit bulls killed)
"Man Arrested, Dogs Shot During SAWT Call-Out,"
22/23. Bainbridge, Georgia, 07/18/08 ( 2 shots )
When loading up his boat—accompanied by his two grandchildren—Harold Yates shot at two
attacking pit bulls that sprung out of nearby bushes. The bullets scared one dog away; the other
jumped the young girl, biting down on her left arm pulling her to the ground. Yates killed that pit
bull. His 8-year-old granddaughter received 18 stitches.
(1 pit bull killed) (1 civilian injured)
Taylor Seat, "Vicious dog attack at Smith’s Landing," The Post-Searchlight, Some dogs don't let go.
Page 23
24. Winston-Salem, North Carolina, 07/19/08 ( 1 shot )
A Winston-Salem police officer shot a pit bull type dog after the animal twice approached officers
and would not back off after officers pepper-sprayed it. Officers were called to the area because of
reports of a vicious dog. The pepper-sprayed, shot dog ran away and has yet to be found.
Dan Galindo, "Police Officer shoots dog; animal hasn’t been found," Winston-Salem Journal,
25. Forest City, Arkansas, 07/21/08 ( 1 shot )
A Forest City police officer was dispatched to a residence about loose dogs. When he arrived, he
found three pit bulls in the front yard and a frightened teenager on top of a nearby car. He shot
and killed one of the dogs after it charged him. He cited the owner for letting her dog run loose.
(1 pit bull killed)
"Officer shoots dog, cites owner," WREG-TV Memphis.
26/27. Homewood, Alabama, 07/21/08. ( 2 shots )
Two dogs were shot and three people arrested in connection with a neighborhood feud. When
police arrived to talk to one of the feuding parties, two American bulldog staffy-mixes shot out of
the house. Police fired their weapons, killing one dog, injuring the second.
(1 pit bull killed)
Jeremy Gray, "Homewood feud triggers police shooting of dogs, arrests" The Birmingham News,
28. Farmville, North Carolina, 07/21/08 ( 1 shot )
Officers responding to a call in which a pit bull attacked a man, arrived at the dog owner’s home.
The officers wound up shooting the dog after it lunged at them.
(1 pit bull killed)
"Farmville Police Shoot Pit Bull," Eyewitness News 9,
29. Amity, Pennsylvania, 07/23/08 ( 1 shot )
After the family pit bull attacked its owner, Thomas Knight, police responded the scene. They
Tasered the animal, but it continued to get back up and lunge at the officers so they shot the dog
with a rifle, killing it. Thomas Knight suffered major trauma and was transported to a local hospital.
(1 pit bull killed) (1 civilian injured)
"Pit bull attacks police officer," The Mercury,
30. Oakville, Washington, 07/23/08 ( 1 shot )
After a pit bull charged a deputy responding to a call of an aggressive dog, he shot and killed the
dog. The animal had just been released from a 10 day quarantine after biting a 5-year-old child.
The dog had been declared "potentially dangerous" and the sheriff’s department had tried to
convince the family to put the dog down, but the family said no.
(1 pit bull killed)
Sharyn L. Decker, "Sheriff: Shooting of Pit Bull in Oakville Justified," The Chronicle,
31. St. Louis, Missouri, 07/23/08 ( 4 shots )
A pit bull attacked a police officer delivering a summons to a home. To protect himself, the officer
pulled his gun and shot four times at the dog. One of the bullets ricocheted and hit the dog’s
owner in the ankle. The dog was also hit but ran off.
(1 human shot)
"Dog & Owner Shot After Attack On Officer," KTVI,
32. Mobile, Alabama, 07/23/08 ( 1 shot )
A pit bull shot by a Mobile police officer was "humanely euthanized" after the dog’s owners failed
to get veterinary care for the animal, which had a .40 caliber bullet lodged in its muzzle.
(1 pit bull killed)
Ron Colquitt, "Animal survives bullet in muzzle but is later put down after owner fails to get it treatment," PressRegister, Some dogs don't let go.
Page 24
33. Lamont, California, 07/28/08 ( 1 shot )
When deputies tried to arrest 23-year-old Benjamin Dias, who was suspected of spousal abuse
and had previously brandished a knife at police, a pit bull ran up and started biting deputy Marco
Vasquez’ pant leg. He shot the dog. Dias was arrested and placed on $40,000 bond.
(1 pit bull killed)
Jorge Barrientos, "Deputy shoots pit bull during Lamont arrest," The Bakersfield Californian,
34. Charlotte, North Carolina, 07/29/08 ( 1 shot )
A police officer shot and killed a pit bull on Tuesday after the dog charged him. CMPD say the
officer responded to a call about a pit bull attacking a 15-year-old girl on Paloverde Lane late this
(1 pit bull killed) (1 civilian injured)
"CMPD officer shoot, kills pit bull," WCNC Carolina’s News Connection,
35. Seattle, Washington, 07/29/08 ( 1 shot )
Officers shot a pit bull after it attacked a woman and her cocker spaniel named "Tobey" who were
walking down a north Seattle street. The pit bull and two other dogs had escaped their owner’s
"Pit Bull Shot, Others Confiscated In Attack On Woman’s Dog," KIRO-TV Seattle,
36. Ty Ty, Georgia, 07/31/08 ( 2 shots )
A 5 year-old Ty Ty boy was violently mauled in the face by a pit bull and his father bitten on the
arm before the dog was shot to death by two deputies. The boy, Larry Pullen, was rushed to the
hospital in an ambulance. He received 200 stitches and underwent four hours of reconstructive
(1 pit bull killed) (2 civilians injured)
Angie Thompson, "Child mauled by pit bull," The Tifton Gazette,
37/38. Port Huron, Michigan, 07/31/08 ( 2 shots )
Two pit bulls were fatally shot by police after an unintended dogfight in their owner’s home. The
animals were destroying property and chased the owner out of the residence. Multiple shots had
to be fired to kill the animals.
(2 pit bulls killed)
"Fighting pit bulls shot by police," The Times Herald,
August 2008
1. Oakland Park, Florida, 08/01/08 ( 1 shot )
A pit bull jumped from a neighbor’s vehicle into a yard in Oakland Park, sprinting toward another
dog when it was shot dead. Before Anthony Dippolita shot the dog, he banged the animal on the
head with a satellite dish.
(1 pit bull killed)
"Gunfire Takes Down Pit Bull After Dog Attack," CBS 4 Local News,
2. Altoona, Pennsylvania, 08/03/08 ( 1 shot )
Neighbors say Heff, a pit bull-boxer mix, was running loose around a community pool threatening
police; the officers had no choice but to shoot the dog. The owner of the dog, Nicholas Paulco
above, can’t seem to understand that a loose pit bull is as good as dead around a police officer.
(1 pit bull killed)
Andrew Capasso, "Dog Shooting Owner Speaks Out," Some dogs don't let go.
Page 25
3. Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, 08/04/08 ( 3 shots )
Officers on patrol encountered two pit bulls mauling another dog and two people attempting to
separate the animals. Police determined they could not be separated, and that the pit bulls were
causing serious harm to the other dog. Police fired their weapons to end the attack. One pit bull
was shot three times. Owners will face charges.
(1 pit bull killed)
Heidi Ruckno, "W-B police shoot, kill pit bull," The Citizens’ Voice,
4. Detroit, Michigan, 08/04/08 ( 1 shot )
In a devastating story, a 9-year-old Detroit boy is recovering from a gunshot wound to his leg after
his grandfather shot a pit bull attacking the youth. According to police, the bullet went through the
dog and hit the boy in the leg. The dog was gone when animal control arrived.
(1 human shot)
"Grandfather Shoot Boy and Pit Bull," Detroit Free Press,
5. Easton, Pennsylvania, 08/06/08 ( 1 shot )
After a loose pit bull-lab mix named "Lacie" killed a person’s cat and menaced neighborhood
residents, officers shot at and missed the dog. Lacie’s owner, Sue Tyson, says police had no good
reason to fire on her pet. We hope the owner of the cat sues Tyson for six figures over the
emotional loss of her pet.
"Easton police say dog shooting justified; pet owner cries foul," Easton PA News,
6. Birmingham, Alabama, 08/07/08 ( 1 shot )
Birmingham police shot and killed a pit bull that attacked a 6 year-old boy. Family members had
been keeping the dog. The child had deep lacerations on his face and head, was rushed to
Birmingham’s Children’s Hospital.
(1 pit bull killed) (1 civilian injured)
Toraine Norris, "Police kill pit bull that attacked child," The Birmingham News,
7. San Antonio, Texas, 08/08/08 ( 1 shot )
A loose pit bull was shot by a police officer after neighbors reported that the dog was chasing after
kids and trying to attack them. The officer fired one shot at the dog. The dog was hit in the neck.
"Dog Shot By Police Officer," San Antonio News,
8. Rochester, Minnesota, 08/08/08 ( 1 shot )
Animal control searched for an hour and a half for a loose pit bull. In an attempt to corral the
aggressive animal, the officer Tasered it. This launched the dog into attack mode so the officer
shot it with a gun. The dog reportedly had a history of biting family members.
"Cop Shoots Dog," ABC 6 News,
9. Amarillo, Texas, 08/09/08 ( 1 shot )
An Amarillo police officer shot a pit bull type dog while responding to an alarm call. The officer
initially believed the dog was on some sort of leash that would limit its movement.
Hayley Cox, "Dog shot once while charging police officer," The Amarillo Globe,
10. Colorado Springs, Colorado, 08/09/08 ( 1 shot )
A police officer shot and killed a pit-lab mix in the bathroom of a home while searching for a man.
Deanna Gonzales says she was showering when she heard the shot fired. Gonzales claims not to
know 28 year-old Francisco Aragon, who the police were after, but admits the dog was trained to
attack people. The officer was bitten by the dog.
(1 pit bull killed) (1 police injured)
"Officer Shoot, Kill Dog During Search For Suspect," Some dogs don't let go.
Page 26
11. Jackson, Mississippi, 08/11/08 ( 4 shots )
A Jackson police officer shot and killed a dog Sunday morning after the animal attempted to attack
another officer. The officers were responding to a complaint from a neighbor who told dispatchers
a pit bull tried to attack her in her carport.
Nicklaus Lovelady, "Jackson police kill dog they say charged them," The Clarion Ledger,
12. Elgin, Illinois, 08/11/08 ( 1 shot )
An Elgin police officer shot a pit bull in the right front leg after it came at the officer several times.
According to a police report, the officer was called to a home when a neighbor reported the dog
was loose and fighting with her dog, a Siberian husky, which was chained in her front yard.
"Elgin Police Shoot Pit Bull," The Courier News,
13. Anchorage, Alaska, 08/12/08 ( 2 shots )
A pit bull that attacked a girl insider her Anchorage home was shot by a neighbor who rushed the
scene after hearing the screams of the girl’s baby sitter, whom the dog also bit. The girl died.
(2 civilians injured) (1 fatality)
James Halpin, "Young girl critically hurt in pit bull attack," Anchorage Daily News,
14. Pierre, South Dakota, 08/12/08 ( 1 shot )
Stanley County Sheriff’s deputies shot and killed a pit bull after it attacked two people in Fort
Pierre. The pit bull apparently broke loose from a chain and attacked a 7 year-old girl. The dog
also turned on the girl’s 58 year-old grandmother when she tried to help.
(1 pit bull killed) (2 civilians injured)
"Pit bull shot after two bitten in S.D.," Sioux City Journal,
15. Fremont, California, 08/12/08 ( 3 shots )
A stun-gun malfunction prompted police to fatally shoot a pit bull mix that had gotten loose.
Officers shot the dog after it acted aggressively toward people walking along the street, then
turned on the officers who were trying to corral it.
(1 pit bull killed)
Ben Aguirre Jr., "Loose pit bull killed in Fremont," The Argus,
16/17. Sacramento, California, 08/13/08 ( 2 shots )
Two pit bulls are dead and their owners are behind bars after authorities tried to catch a pair of
alleged robbers, and now detectives are connecting the dots to a pit bull attack that happened
almost a month ago. Parts of the Motel 6 are still soaked in blood from the two pit bulls and their
victim, a maintenance worker.
(2 pit bulls killed) (1 civilian injured)
Rob Jones, "Pit Bulls Killed Linked TO Previous Attack,"
18. Hillside, New Jersey, 08/13/08 ( 2 shots )
According to the police spokesperson, "The dog was biting the second victim’s hand while shaking
his head from side to side. Sgt. Cove exited his police vehicle and shot the dog twice in the chest
to stop its attack of the second victim."
(1 pit bull killed) (2 civilians injured)
Jackeline Leon, "Dog fatally shot after attacking two residents,"
19. Grand Rapids, Michigan, 08/14/08 ( 1 shot )
In a protocol that seems to be gaining strength, police shot and killed a pit bull with a shotgun after
it attacked a child. The child’s injuries and condition were not immediately known, but a resident
said that the child was bitten in the leg.
(1 pit bull killed) (1 civilian injured)
"Grand Rapids Police officer kills pit bull that attacks child," The Grand Rapids Press, Some dogs don't let go.
Page 27
20. Fairdale, Kentucky, 08/15/08 ( 1 shot )
Charles and Karen Barr were driving home from a family’s house when they saw the 15 year-old
girl under attack. Charles said the girl’s legs were mangled. He shot and killed the pit bull. The
owners of the dog stayed in the house while the dog shredded the girl’s legs. The owners were
fined $150.
(1 pit bull killed) (1 civilian injured)
"Neighbors say "Hero" saved teen by shooting Pit Bull," WHAS 11 News,
21. Rancho Cordova, California, 08/15/08 (1 shot )
A pit bull terrier was shot and killed in Rancho Cordova as it attacked a Sacramento County
sheriff’s police dog. The officer had been trying to serve a no-bail felony warrant to the dog owner.
(1 pit bull killed)
David Richie, "Rancho Cordova police kill pi bull," The Sacramento Bee,
22. Omaha, Nebraska, 08/16/08 ( 1 shot )
The day after Mayor Fahey piddled the "pit bull" regulation down from a ban to a muzzle law; an
Omaha police officer shot and killed a pit bull after it bit him. The officer had been responding to
gun shots in the area.
(1 pit bull killed) (1 police injured)
"Pit Bull Mix Shot, Killed After Attack At Omaha Home," KETV 7 Omaha,
23. Fort Wayne, Indiana, 08/17/08 ( 1 shot )
Officers shot and killed an aggressive pit bull that had escaped its fenced yard. Police were told
that the dog had bitten a small boy and prevented the woman who called police from going inside
her home.
(1 pit bull killed) (1 civilian injured)
"Pit bulls bite boys in separate attacks," The Journal Gazette,
24. Ada, Oklahoma, 08/18/08 ( 1 shot )
The narcotics unit and Critical incident response team (CIRT) were refused entry to the house at
which time a CIRT member forced the door open and were attacked by a large pit bull dog.
Members shot and killed the dog.
(1 pit bull killed)
Randy Mitchell, "Two arrested, pit bull killed during drug raid Thursday," Ada Evening News,
25. East Alton, Illinois, 08/19/08 ( 1 shot )
Police shot and killed one pit bull and captured another after the dogs severely attacked a woman,
then attacked a man who tried to assist her. Fire Chief Randy Mortland said, "I think those dogs
would have killed her if he hadn’t been there to help."
(1 pit bull killed) (2 civilians injured)
Cynthia M. Ellis, "Pit bulls attack woman, 19," The Telegraph,
26. Hope Mills, North Carolina, 08/20/08 ( 1 shot )
After a police officer had to shoot a pit bull, Hope Mills considered banning vicious dogs. The pit
bull hopped its fence then tried to attack the officer, so he shot it.
Tina Ray, "Hope Mills may consider ban on vicious dogs," The Fayetteville Observer,
27/28. Brunswick, Glynn County, Georgia, 08/21/08 ( 4 shots )
A police officer shot and killed a pit bull marking the second time in less than two months a
separate officer had to do the same. In this instance the dog had bitten a small child on a
skateboard and then cornered a man in the back of a pickup truck. On June 20, an investigator
with a Narcotic Enforcement Team shot and killed a pit bull when it attacked an elderly man.
(2 pit bulls killed) (2 civilians injured) Some dogs don't let go.
Page 28
Emily Stranger, "Police shoot, kill 2nd pit bull," The Brunswick News,
29. Washington D.C., 08/21/08 ( 4 shots )
Police said two officers shot and killed a pit bull that was mauling a 6 year-old in the District. The
officers tried to distract the pit bull, but it rushed at the officers, who drew their service weapons
and fired maybe as many as four shots.
(1 pit bull killed) (1 civilian injured)
"Police: Officers Shoot, Kill Pit Bull Attacking 6-year-old," Washington News,
30. Elk Grove, California, 08/21/08 ( 1 shot )
Two pit bulls viciously attacked people and their pets. Police shot and killed of the pit bulls and
took the other to animal control. The surviving pit bull was returned to its owner.
(1 pit bull killed)
"Police Kill Pit Bull Accused Of Attacking Man, Dog,"
31. Groves City, Texas, 08/22/08 ( 3 shots )
An officer responding to a domestic disturbance call was attacked by a pit bull after he knocked on
the front door of a home. The officer shot the animal in self-defense after the pit bull pushed open
the storm door and lunged forward while barking aggressively.
(1 pit bull killed)
Blair Dedrick Ortman, "Grove police officer fires on, kills charging pit bull," Beaumont Enterprise,
32. Scottsbluff, Nebraska, 08/22/08 ( 1 shot )
Scottsbluff police shot and killed a pit bull after it mauled a woman and her daughter in the family’s
home. The dog first attacked the mother then the daughter after the two started arguing.
(1 pit bull killed) (2 civilians injured)
"2 Injured in Pit Bull Attack,"
33. Omaha, Nebraska, 08/22/08 ( 2 shots )
Chief Deputy Mary Bilek said, "The officer shot and hit the thing twice, and it still wasn’t down. The
dog was still scrapping." Meanwhile, Mark Langan of the Nebraska Humane Society said, "The
dog was probably doing what it was trained to do."
Andrew J. Nelson, "Shot twice by deputy, pit bull keeps fighting," Omaha World-Heritage,
34. Paris, Kentucky, 08/26/08 ( 1 shot )
A Paris police officer fired on a pit bull after it terrorized a woman. Chief Tim Gray said the dog’s
owner will be charged under a new ordinance specifically aimed at pit bulls. The new law requires
special housing guidelines, as Gray puts it, "so we don’t have to be concerned about kids and
residents being able to walk through their neighborhoods safely."
Denny Trease, "Woman Threatened By Pit Bull In Paris," 27 News First,
35. West Union, South Carolina, 08/26/08 ( 1 shot )
Sheriff’s deputies shoot and kill a pit bull after it reportedly tried to interfere with emergency
assistance to a 4 year-old boy the dog had just bitten.
(1pit bull killed) (1 civilian injured)
"Dog shot after attack on child in West Union," The Anderson Independent Mail,
36. Beach Park, Illinois, 08/23/08 ( 1 shot )
According to a report filed by the unidentified officer, two dogs barked and charged him as he
looked for the reported pit bull. In fear for his safety, the officer shot Cain, a bull terrier, which is
classified as a pit bull.
(1 pit bull killed) Some dogs don't let go.
Page 29
Kendrick Marshall, "Beach Park family’s bull terrier shot in hunt for menacing dog," News Sun,
37/38. Fort Worth, Texas, 08/25/08 ( 2 shots )
The man who pulled the trigger says he didn’t have any choice. Kristopher Harrison has a 6 yearold daughter. He says that is why he was upset when two pit bulls wandered into his back yard.
Harrison says he told his neighbors that if it happened again, he would shoot the dogs, and that is
exactly what he did.
(2 pit bulls killed)
Katherine Blake, "Fort Worth Man Shoots, Kills Neighbor’s Dogs," CBS 11 News,
39. Ville Platte, Louisiana, 08/26/08 ( 1 shot )
Police shot and killed one of three pit bulls that viciously attacked Luna McDaniels. Relatives say
she’ll survive but she’ll likely lose an ear and a foot from her injuries. Mrs. McDaniel died
September 4, 2008.
(1 pit bull killed) (1 civilian injured) (1 fatality)
Lois David, "Elderly Woman Severely Injured in Pit Bull Attack,"
40. Pierce County, Washington, 08/26/08 ( 1 shot )
Finding the driver unresponsive, deputies shined the patrol car’s lights on her and honked the
horn. The pit bulls were both barking in the car. One of the dogs jumped out of the passenger
window and charged a deputy. He shot the dog once in the head. The dog dropped to the ground.
(1 pit bull killed)
Stacey Mullock, "Deputy shoots dog while investigating traffic on Brookdale," The News
41. Colorado Springs, Colorado, 08/26/08 ( 1 shot )
A pit bull was shot by an off-duty Colorado Springs police officer. The officer witnessed two dogs
showing aggressive behavior toward a woman and her child. The officer distracted the dogs away
from the pair onto himself. When the dogs charged the officer fired his pistol, striking the pit bull in
the head.
"Off-Duty Officer Shoots Pit Bull To Avoid Attack," KKTV 11 News,
42/43. Kokomo, Indiana, 08/28/08 ( 2 shots )
A police officer used a shotgun to kill two pit bulls that attacked children in a park in Kokomo.
Authorities and witnesses say the dogs, one brindle and one black, attacked at least two children,
a girl on a bicycle and an 11 year-old boy in Highland Park.
(2 pit bulls killed)
"Police kill dog that attacked children," Kokomo Tribune,
44. San Antonio, Texas, 08/28/08 ( 1 shot )
After two pit bulls severely mauled a woman and her dog, officers shot one pit bull, killing it.
Witnesses say the woman was covered in blood as she was being taken to the ambulance and
her poodle was killed by the pit bulls.
(1 pit bull killed) (1 civilian injured)
David S. Rauf, "Woman walking dog mauled by pit bulls," Express-News,
45. Beloit, Wisconsin, 08/29/08 ( 1 shot )
Beloit police officers shot and killed a pit bull that attacked them and a township resident. Officers
were called to the area after being told that a vicious pit bull had charged the homeowner. When
the dog charged the officers, they shot it.
(1 pit bull killed)
"Police shoot pit bull," Some dogs don't let go.
Page 30
46. Kalispell, Montana, 08/30/08 ( 3 shots )
A pit bull was shot to death after it mauled a 64 year-old woman and then charged a police officer.
The woman suffered extensive bite wounds to her chin and head, and a large portion of her ear
was detached. She also suffered defensive wounds to her arms and hands.
‘Dog shot after attack on woman," The Daily Inter Lake,
(1 pit bull killed) (1 civilian injured)
47. Kansas City, Missouri, 08/30/08 ( 1 shot )
A Kansas City police officer shot and killed a pit bull after it bit him at the end of a high-speed
chase. The officers began following a vehicle they said was involved in a rolling shootout. Police
found the cars involved in the shootout, but the people ran away. The dog attacked the officer
during the search for them.
(1 pit bull killed) (1 police injured)
"Officer Bitten But Not Seriously Hurt," KMBC-TV 9,
September 2008
1. Inglewood, California, 09/01/08 ( 3 shots )
Inglewood police recount a recent pit bull shooting. Apparently three shots were fired at a man’s
pit bull, the shooting is still being reviewed the dog was treated for a broken leg at the local animal
"Police Shooting Prompt Review" The Press Enterprise,
2. Woodland Washington, 09/02/08 ( 1 shot )
A Woodland man called authorities to report he’d just shot his neighbor’s pit bull. The man said the
dog was on his property attempting to attack his sheep and horsed. When the man confronted the
dog, it aggressively charged him and he shot it with a 12-gauge shotgun. The dog ran off and is
presumed dead.
(1 pit bull killed)
"Man Shoots Kills Neighbor’s Loose Pit Bull," The Daily News Online,
3. Springfield, Illinois, 09/04/08 ( 2 shots )
A police officer shot a threatening pit bull. Later, the dog’s owner, Robert Yates, 33, was arrested
for fleeing and fighting officers. The dog was taken to an animal clinic for treatment. Police said
the animal had been declared a dangerous animal a week ago and it bit a mailman earlier this
Jayette Bolinski, Police shoot pit bull; owner arrested," State Journal-Register,
4. Wichita Falls, Texas, 09/04/08 ( 1 shot )
46-year–old Auroro Castro was flown to Parkland Hospital in Dallas after suffering an attack by her
own vicious dogs, most were pit bull mixes. While trying to enter her backyard to help Castro,
officer Robert Bando was shot in the knee. It is unclear where the shot came form.
(1 police injured) (1 civilian injured) (1 human shot)
Jessica Langdon, "Policeman wounded while saving woman form pit bulls," Times Record News,
5. Lookout Mountain, Tennessee, 09/05/08 ( 1 shot )
A National Park Service ranger shot and killed a pit bull in front of Point Park. Police Chief Randy
Bowden said the shooting was justified. The dog had gotten out of a nearby yard and charged a
group of tourists before charging a ranger.
(1pit bull killed)
Rachel Withers, "Vicious Dog Ordinance". WRCB Channel 3 News, Some dogs don't let go.
Page 31
6. St. Louis, Missouri, 09/05/08 ( 3 shots )
Two officers responded to a complaint about vacant house. They went inside, heard noises
coming from the basement, and went downstairs, suddenly, a pit bull leapt up and attacked one of
the officers knocking him to the ground. The officer fired multiple shots at the dog. Police Lt. Col.
Roy Joachim Staler says one of the shots the officer fired, pierced his left calve.
(1 police injured) (1 human shot)
Summer Knowles, "Police Officer Shoots Self Fighting Off Dog," My Fox St. Louis, Fox 2 News,
7. Waveland, Mississippi, 09/05/08 ( 1 shot )
A pit bull attacked an officer and chased another in a drug round up that involved 20 suspects, all
20 were arrested. Police said the suspects allegedly bought or sold cocaine, crack, Ecstasy,
marijuana, or prescription drugs. During the course of the investigation, a pit bull tried to thwart
one arrest, the dog was tased and ultimately was shot with a firearm.
Robin Fitzgerald, "Pit bull attacks in drug roundup," The Sun Herald,
8. Albany, Georgia, 09/05/08 ( 1 shot )
An Albany SWAT Team member had to shoot a pit bull mix that attacked him. Lt, Greg Elder was
bitten twice by the dog before he shot it. The shooting happened as Elder was trying to help a
friend catch the dog. The dog survived the bullet the wound.
(1 police injured)
Jim Wallace, "Albany cop shoots attacking dog," WALB News 10,
9. Palm Bay, Florida, 09/06/08 ( 5 shots )
Patrol Officers were called to a residence after multiple callers reported a large pit bull attacking a
male, biting him on the leg. Neighbors used shovels and other garden tools in an attempt to
remove the dog from the victim. Two victims were sent to an emergency facility, one went straight
into surgery. It tool 5 shots to kill the dog.
(1 pit bull killed) (2 civilians injured)
"Palm Bay police shoot, kill dangerous dog," Florida Today,
10/11. SeaTac, Washington, 09/08/08 ( 3 shots )
Police officers shot and killed two pit bulls after they attacked an elderly woman in her front yard.
The attack happened as she walked home from taking her grandchildren to the school bus stop.
The 71-year-old woman was still being attacked by the dogs when the officers arrived at the
(2 pit bulls killed) (1 civilian injured)
"Pit bulls shot, killed after mauling woman," Top Stories,
12. El Paso, Texas, 09/08/08 ( 1 shot )
Officers got a call about a vicious animal loose in the neighborhood. When officers arrived at the
scene, the dog charged at them and one of the officers shot at it. The dog wasn’t hit, but it ran
away scared. An animal control unit was also sent to the scene to look for the dog.
Adriana M. Chaves, "Police officer shoots at dog in East El Paso," El Paso Times,
13. Denton, Texas, 09/09/08 ( 1 shot )
After defending himself with a garbage cart from a group of dogs, a man grabbed his pistol,
hopped onto his motorcycle, and chased after the dogs to make sure they did not attack anyone
else. As the dogs charged a 69-year–old woman, the man shot one, which was a pit bull, and all
three dogs ran away.
Donna Fielder, "Blotter: Police seize 3 dogs after reported attacks," Denton Record-Chronicle, Some dogs don't let go.
Page 32
14. Maysville, Kentucky, 09/09/08 ( 1 shot )
A new law banning pit bulls was tested just six days after taking effect. Two pit bulls busted
through a window and began chasing and scaring children playing outside. Police tried to use
pepper spray to control one dog with no success. So he shot the animal, killing it.
(1 pit bull killed)
Marla Toncray, "Dog killed after police respond to breech of new pit bull ordinance," The Ledger Independent,
15. Princess Anne, Maryland, 09/10/08 ( 1 shot )
An elderly woman attacked by two pit bulls on Sunday mourning escaped with only a nip on her
leg., but the dogs met a different fate. One was shot and killed at the scene by a Princess Anne
police officer; the other was trapped by an animal control officer in a nearby back yard.
(1 pit bull killed) (1 civilian injured)
"Police Officer Kills Attacking Pit Bull," Salisbury, The Daily Times,
16. Long Island, New York, 09/10/08 ( 1 shot )
After a large pit bull bit a man, 58, and a woman 49, Nassau Count Emergency Services
responded and shot the dog with tranquilizers twice. Police then attempted to corral the dog but an
officer had to use his service weapon and shot the dog. The animal died in route to Animal
(1 pit bull killed) (2 civilians injured)
"Pit Bull Attacks Two People On Long Island," New York Local News NBC,
17. Racine, Wisconsin, 09/12/08 ( 2 shots )
Police shot and injured a pit bull after it and two other dogs attacked several people. Police say at
least three people and maybe as many as five were injured.
(3 civilians injured)
Marci Laehr Tenuta, "Police shoot and injure pit bull after dogs attack several people," The Journal Time,
18. Portsmouth, Virginia, 09/12/08 ( 1 shot )
Police were alerted by a citizen that a pit bull was charging a mailman. Animal control had
attempted to take the dog with a control stick, but was unsuccessful. When police units arrived,
officers requested backup because the dog was still threatening the public. That’s when an officer
with a shotgun showed up. He shot and killed the dog.
(1 pit bull killed)
Ports. Police shoot, kill pit bull," WAVY TV 10 News,
19. Hopewell, Pennsylvania, 09/12/08 ( 1 shot )
Harry Davis shot and killed his neighbor’s pit bull after the animal tried to attack him. The shooting
came two months after the same dog bit his 14-year-old son.
(1 pit bull killed)
Larissa Theodore, "Dispute continues; man shoots neighbor’s pit bull, claiming it attacked him," Beaver County
20/21 Las Vegas, Nevada, 09/12/08 ( 2 shots )
Police officers shot and killed two violent "family pets" after one of the pit bull busted through the
home’s screen door, snatched the family’s 4-month-old child out of a stroller and killed her. Police
reported the scene was so grizzly that rescue personnel who responded to the call were offered
(2 pit bulls killed) (1 civilian killed)
"Pit bulls kill 4-month-old girl," Las Vegas Review Journal, Some dogs don't let go.
Page 33
22. Wapato, Washington, 09/15/08 ( 1 shot )
A pit bull was shot in a town that bans pit bulls. A neighbor confessed that he shot the dog named,
Fred, claiming the dog chased him.
Audrey Asistio, "Pitbull Shot," KIMA CBS 29,
23/24. Estero, Florida, 09/15/08 ( 2 shots )
An Estero man shot and killed two pit bulls that attacked his pigs, Wilber and Porkchop. Jerry
Ward shot the dogs with a 22 Cal. Rifle. A third dog escaped into the woods.
(2 pit bulls killed)
Steve Beardsley, "Estero man shoots, kills pit bulls that attack pet pigs," Naples News,
25/26/27. Greenburgh, New York, 09/16/08 ( 3 shots )
Police shot and killed three pit bulls after one bit a police office attempting to arrest a barricaded
felony suspect. The three pit bulls rushed police and one officer sustained bite wounds to his left
hand and forearm. In addition to the warrant charge, Herrera-Washington was charged with
second degree assault, a felony.
(3 pit bulls killed) (1 police injured)
Leslie Korngold and Richard Liebson, "SWAT team kills 3 pit bulls after 1 bites cop," The Journal Times,
28. Alton, Illinois, 09/17/08 ( 1 shot )
A police officer shot and wounded a pit bull as he was responding to a domestic dispute call.
When officers arrived, one of them went around to the back of the house and was met by two
loose pit bulls. The officer shot one of them as it came to him in a vicious manner. The dog had to
be euthanized.
(1 pit bull killed)
Cynthia M. Ellis, "Officer shoots pit bull," The Telegraph,
29. Newton, Mississippi, 09/17/08 ( 1 shot )
Officers Sammie Taylor and Kendral Roper were responding to a dangerous dog call when the
dog started to chase Roper. Officer Taylor said "I had no choice but to kill the dog for our
protection and the residents in the neighborhood."
(1 pit bull killed)
Cheryl Owens, "Owner questions dog shooting," The Newton Record,
30/31. Chicago, Illinois, 09/19/08 ( 2 shots )
Two of three pit bulls were shot and killed by police after mauling a 6-year-old boy. Tray Shawn
Toliver is in serious but stable condition at Mt. Sinai Hospital. He was bitten so severely some of
the bone was exposed.
(2 pit bulls killed) (1 civilian injured)
Gerry Smith, "Boy, 6, remains hospitalized after mauling," Chicago Tribune,
32. Lincoln, Nebraska, 09/21/08 ( 2 shots )
A Lincoln police officer approaching a house fired two shot and hit a pit bull. The dog’s owner,
Layton Smith, said the shooting was unprovoked. Police say the dog was growling and barking,
threatening the officer. Smith has five warrants from Lincoln Police and one from Lancaster
Zach Pluhacek, "Accounts differ on pit bull shooting by Lincoln officer," Lincoln Journal Star,
33. Omaha, Nebraska, 09/23/08 ( 3 shots )
Omaha police shot and killed a pit bull after officers said it charged them. Officers said they
responded to a report of a vicious dog on the loose. When they arrived, the dog charged at an
officer who kicked him away. When it came at the officer again, in what they called a menacing
manner, the officer shot and killed the dog. Some dogs don't let go.
Page 34
(1pit bull killed)
"Police Shoot Pit Bull," KETV 7 Omaha,
34. Palm Bay, Florida, 09/24/08 ( 1 shot )
A Palm Bay police officer was investigating reports of a dangerous dog after a resident called
saying that a dog roaming the area had become aggressive toward his granddaughter. The officer
got out of his cruiser and the male pit bull lunged at him, so he shot and killed the animal.
(1 pit bull killed)
"Officer Shoots, Kills Lunging Pit Bull," WKMG Orlando News,
35. Fresno, California 0, 09/25/08 ( 1 shot )
Fresno residents are posting flyers after a vicious dog attack. They hope to find the owner of the
killer dog. The dog attacked and killed two dogs. A neighbor with a gun ran over to help and shot
the pit bull in the leg but it continued the attack until being captured by Fresno Animal Control.
"Neighborhood Searching for Killer Dog’s Owner," KGPE CBS TV 47,
36. Paterson, New Jersey, 09/25/08 ( 1 shot )
A Paterson police officer shot and killed a pit bull terrier during a narcotics investigation. Police
said the dog attacked Detective Ronald Altmann when officers raided a second-floor apartment.
(1 pit bull killed)
Alexander Macinnes, "Cop kill dog in drug raid,"
37. Staten Island, New York, 09/26/08 ( 8 shots )
Two police officers shot a charging pit bull on a rooftop of the Mariners Harbor Houses. Neither
officer was hurt. The dog survived and was put into the custody of ASPCA, although residents
speculated that it couldn’t possibly have survived the barrage, which they say was comprised of at
least eight shots.
Kiawana Rich, "Police officer’s bullets fell pit bull on Staten Island rooftop," REAL-TIME NEWS
38. Evansville, Illinois, 09/26/08 ( 1 shot )
Police shot and killed a pit bull after the dog attacked its owner. When police arrived in response
to a 911 call, the living room floor was covered in blood. The dog was ripping the arm off owner
Tony Burden, 24, and a woman Mariam Englehardt, was screaming "he won’t let go" and ‘help
me, shoot him". She was hitting the dog with an aluminum bat.
(1 pit bull killed) (1 civilian injured)
Rich Davis, "Police kill pit bull as it attacks its owner," The Evansville Courier,
39. Dunn, North Carolina, 09/26/08 ( 1 shot )
A pit bull was shot when it charged officers conducting an investigation at a residence. Police Lt.
Herman Chavis mentioned pit bulls and rottweillers as the breeds most often responsible for
attacking officers, "More people are keeping pit bulls and when officers approach, they become
violent" he said
Brian Haney, "Loose Dogs Pose Problem For Police, Citizens," The Daily Record,
40. Lorain, Ohio, 09/28/08 ( 2 shots )
Police shot and killed a pit bull after the animal mauled another dog. Police and an animal control
officer tried to capture the pit bull, but it charged with teeth bared and a police officer shot it in the
forehead, then again in the spine to end its suffering.
(1 pit bull killed)
"Roundup: Pit bull killed after attacking dog," The Chronicle-Tribune, Some dogs don't let go.
Page 35
41. Erie, Pennsylvania, 09/30/08 ( 1 shot )
A pit bull attacked and repeatedly bit a 12-year-old girl as she was walking to her school bus stop,
she was treated for her wounds at Hamot Medical Center. An animal control officer was called and
later killed the dog after it acted aggressively toward the officer.
(1 pit bull killed) (1 civilian injured)
"Pit bull bites girl on her way to school bus stop," Erie Times-News,
42. Reading, Pennsylvania, 09/30/08 ( 3 shots )
A West Reading police officer shot and killed pit bull that was threatening to attack him while he
was on patrol. Officer Marco DeCamillo fired three times at the dog after it jumped in front of him
and charged him while snarling and bearing its teeth.
(1 pit bull killed)
Darrin Youker, "West Reading officer slays pit bull after it threatened to attack him," Reading Eagle,
43/44. Phoenix, Arizona, 09/30/08 ( 2 shots )
A city worker was mauled at a city park by two American bull dogs, which ripped off the man’s
clothing and severely bit him as they dragged him through the grass. Both dogs were shot and
killed by officers. Police Detective Tony Morales says the victim suffered dog bites and was
hospitalized "in very serious condition".
(2 pit bulls killed) (1 civilian injured)
"Police kill 2 dogs which mauled man in Phoenix," Associated Press
October 2008
1/2. Seneca, South Carolina, 10/01/08 ( 2 shots )
Officers were responding to complaints of two "loose and vicious" dogs near downtown. When
officers arrived at the scene, the two pit bulls attempted to attack them, which prompted the
officers to shoot the dogs. Both dogs were eventually found dead.
(2 pit bulls killed)
"Seneca Police Shoot, Kill Two Pit Bulls," Upstate, The Daily Journal,
3. Orange County, Florida, 10/01/08 ( 1 shot )
A man with a gun, a beer and a pit bull let the dog lose on officers. The dog was shot to death and
the man was taken into custody.
(1 pit bull killed)
"A Beer, A Pit Bull, and a Rifle," WKMG Local News,
4/5. Pasadena, Maryland, 10/01/08 ( 1 shot )
Two pit bulls escaped their backyard and attacked and threatened residents. Police used Tasers,
beanbag rounds, and finally a handgun to subdue the dogs. Both dogs were euthanized.
(2 pit bulls killed)
Sean Patrick Norris, "2 dogs killed after Pasadena attacks," The Capital Online,
6/7. Lakeland, Florida, 10/01/08 ( 2 shots )
Two pit bulls jumped a fence and threatened some school children. A deputy arrived and
distracted the dogs, then a sheriff’s sergeant arrived, and the dogs began threatening her, the
sergeant shot twice at the dogs, the shots did not hit the dogs. Animal Control officers were able to
get control of the situation and return the dogs to their home.
"Police Officer Shoots At, Misses 2 Pitbull Dogs," The Ledger, Some dogs don't let go.
Page 36
8. Sprague, Nebraska, 10/03/08 ( 1 shot )
Sheriff Terry Wagner says a man called to report he had been chased by a loose dog. Authorities
say it was the eighth call the sheriff’s office had received about the dog being loose. Once the
deputy arrived he tried to contact the dogs owner. The deputy says the pit bull then charged him,
and he shot and killed the dog.
(1 pit bull killed)
"Lancaster Deputy Shoots, Kills Pit Bull," KPTM FOX 42 Omaha News,
9. Seminole, Florida, 10/06/08 ( 1 shot )
Officers shot a pit bull after the animal charged them repeatedly and attacked several residents.
When officers tried to corner the dog, it charged again and officers shot and killed it.
(1 pit bull killed)
"Deputies Shoot, Kill Attacking Pit Bull," My FOX Tampa Bay,
10/11. Peachtree City, Georgia, 10/07/08 ( 10 shots )
Two pit bulls escaped a fenced backyard and attacked a jogger and the jogger’s golden retriever.
Peachtree City Police subsequently shot one of the attacking dogs near the golf course, while the
other pit bull died minutes later after being deliberately struck by a patrol car.
(2 pit bulls killed) (1 civilian injured)
"2 escaped pit bull killed after attacks on PTC jogger, cop," The Citizen,
12. York City, Pennsylvania, 10/08/08 ( 2 shots )
Responding to a call of someone walking the streets with a sawed off shotgun, police ended up
shooting a pit bull they said was unleashed on the officers by a wanted man. Shannon Ritter, 37,
was arrested in the incident.
Mike Hoover, "Police shoot dog during man’s arrest," The York Daily Record,
13. Waterloo, Iowa, 10/08/08 ( 1 shot )
Police had to shoot a pit bull after it attacked another pit bull and started acting aggressive toward
(1 pit bull killed)
"Police shooting attacking pit bull," WCF Courier,
14. Oildale, California, 10/09/08 ( 1 shot )
Elmer Walker, 72, was walking when two pit bulls pushed open a gate where they lived and
attacked the man. Walker hit one of the dogs with a stick and shot the other one with a .22
revolver he’s permitted to carry.
"Man shoots dog while under attack," Bakersfield Now,
15. St. Louis, Missouri, 10/13/08 ( 1 shot )
The following was reported on Rotten, "Neighbor at 4111 Louisiana has
troublesome kids and a pit bull that had to be shot by police due to aggressive behavior. The pit
bull survived and is on the prowl."
Dog and Kids, Rotten
16. Macon, Georgia, 10/14/08 ( 10 shots )
After two pit bulls were chasing several children and attacking a neighborhood dog. Police shot
and killed one dog. Police fire ten shots according to witness, Linda Calhoun.
The second dog escaped into the neighborhood.
(1 pit bull killed)
Amy Leigh Womack, "Macon officer shoos, kills dog," News Local-State, Some dogs don't let go.
Page 37
17. Mesa, Arizona, 10/14/08 ( 1 shot )
Mesa officers shot and killed a dog after the animal became aggressive and lunged at several
people. Officers shot the pit-bull mix after attempts to subdue it failed and animal units were
unavailable for assistance.
(1 pit bull killed)
Brit Johnson, "Mesa officer shoots aggressive dog," The Arizona Republic,
18. Salina, Kansas, 10/15/08 ( 1 shot )
A male pit bull that attacked a woman and a child was struck with a shovel, blasted with a
shotgun, shot with a tranquilizer gun and injected with a tranquilizer before it could be subdued
and removed from a home. Both victims were taken to the hospital. It appears the woman was the
dogs’ owner.
(2 civilians injured)
April Middleton, "Dogs taken after attack," Salina Journal,
19. Lee’s Summit, Missouri, 10/15/08 ( 1 shot )
A dog bit an 11-year-old girl and a 53-year-old woman. When police arrived the tan pit bull or
similar type dog charged him. The officer fired a single shot killing the dog.
(1 pit bull killed) (2 civilians injured)
Kevin Hoffman, "Lee’s Summit considering charges in dog attack," The Kansas City Star,
20. Masury, Pennsylvania, 10/15/08 ( 1 shot )
Police shot and killed a pit bull after patrolmen were unable to safely corral the animal. The officer
tried using a handful of dog treats to calm the animal but was unsuccessful. The dog continued to
charge the officer so he fired two shots killing the dog.
(1 pit bull killed)
Patrick W. Connelly, "Police shoot, kill menacing dog in Masury," The Herald,
21. Chicago, Illinois, 10/15/08 ( 1 shot )
An SPCA officer opens fire on a vicious dog shooting and killing it. The officer says two aggressive
pit bulls cornered him. He shot one dog the other got away.
(1 pit bull killed)
"SPCA Officer Shoots, Kills Dog," Local 12 WKRC-TV in Cincinnati,
22. Statesville, North Carolina, 10/15/08 ( 1 shot )
SPD Narcotics Unit and Special Operations Team were serving a search warrant. One of the pit
bulls chained up in the yard snapped it’s chain and tried to attack "Rambo," the deputy’s canine.
Deputy Keith Bills shot the pit bull killing it.
(1 pit bull killed)
Donna Swicegood, "Deputy shoots, kills pit bull for charging at his canine," Statesville Record and Landmark,
23. Anson, Texas, 10/16/08 ( 1 shot )
Police shot and killed a pit bull after it attacked a baby goat. The goat had a severed leg and was
bleeding profusely.
(1 pit bull killed)
Celinda Emison, "Anson denies animal cruelty charge," Abilene Reporter-News,
24. Young County, Texas, 10/17/08 ( 2 shots )
A sheriff’s deputy shot and killed a pit bull after the dog charged him when responding to a call.
The dogs had cornered two people in their yard. When Officer Bradford stepped out of his vehicle,
he said "the dog lunged at me so I unholstered and shot twice".
(1 pit bull killed)
David Rupkalvis, "Deputy shoots, kills pit bull," The Graham Ledger, Some dogs don't let go.
Page 38
25. Somerset, New Jersey, 10/17/08 ( 1 shot )
Authorities said that a reputed Bloods gang member nicknamed "Fat-Boy" is facing criminal
charged and one of his pit bulls is dead. Authorities shot and killed the dog as it lunged toward
detectives who were attempting to use a warrant to search his home. Drugs and weapons were
found at the home.
(1 pit bull killed)
Brandon Lausch, "UPDATE: Cops: Gang member arrested, pit bull shot and killed in Franklin,"
My Central Jersey,
26. Atlanta, Georgia, 10/17/08 ( 2 shots )
Atlanta police chased a drug suspect into a fenced in back yard. The officer says the dog charged
him and fearing for his safety he shot the dog.
"Officers Shoot Dog While Chasing Drug Suspect; Owners Angry," WSB TV Atlanta,
27. Taunton, Massachusetts, 10/20/08 ( 1 shot )
A drug bust at an apartment building turned violent as two suspected drug dealers – and a pit bull
terrier – fought police officers as they tried to make arrests. Before the pit bull was shot and killed
by officers, Detective Christopher Williams was bitten by the animal. Williams received 13 stitches
in his hand and is expected to miss several weeks of work.
(1 pit bull killed) (1 police injured)
Tim Faulkner, "Three arrested, officer injured in city drug bust," Taunton Daily Gazette,
28. West Hartford, Connecticut, 10/21/08 ( 1 shot )
Police shot a pit bull in self-defense as they searched for people who might have been involved in
a baby shower shooting.
Susan Goodman, "Police Shoot Dog During Investigation," NBC Connecticut,
29. Sonora, California, 10/21/08 ( 1 shot )
Police responded to a report of dogs chasing other animals. One of the officers located two dogs,
described as pit bulls, and followed them to a nearby residence. The officer parked his vehicle and
started walking toward the residence to see if anyone knew who owned the dogs. As the officer
was walking, he was charged by both of the pit bulls, fearing for his safety, he shot the closest
dog, killing it.
(1 pit bull killed)
B J Hansen, "Police Officer Shoots Pit Bull In Sonora," My Mother Lode,
30. Austin, Texas, 10/23/08 ( 1 shot )
Austin police shot and killed an angry pit bull that mauled a woman, putting her in the hospital with
serious injuries. The woman was dogsitting the pit bull for a friend when the dog got into a fight
with her dog.
(1 pit bull killed) (1 civilian injured)
Jessica Vess, "Police shoot, kill attacking pit bull in South Austin," Texas Cable News,
31. Niagara, New York, 10/23/08 ( 1 shot )
Police answering a call for help ended up shooting a pit bull in the face. The large dog lunged for
him and he shot it once.
"Lunging pit bull shot by police answering call," The Buffalo News,
32. Fresno, California, 10/24/08 ( 1 shot )
A pack of vicious pit bulls attacked two people. The first victim was a 59-year-old man. In that
attack police had to shoot and kill one of the pit bulls. In the second attack three dogs attacked a
13-year-old boy. Two of those dogs had to be euthanized.
(3 pit bulls killed) (2 civilians injured)
Nicole Garcia, Winston Whitehurst, "Dogs Detained in Maulings," KMPH Fox 26, Some dogs don't let go.
Page 39
33. Tulsa, Oklahoma, 10/24/08 ( 3 shots )
An Off-duty police officer shot and killed a neighbor’s pit bull after it acted aggressively to her and
her daughter in her own front yard. This was not the first time that the dog had behaved in this
manner. She had to shoot the dog three times before it stopped threatening her.
(1 pit bull killed)
"Tulsa Police Shoots Dog," Police Video News,
34. Southfield, Michigan, 10/24/08 ( 4 shots )
Police shot and killed a pit bull. The first officer fired several times at the pit bull, hitting it at least
once. A second officer then shot and killed the dog.
(1 pit bull killed)
Pet Murphy, "Southfield Police shoot pit bull," The Observer and Eccentric,
35. Oceanside, California, 10/27/08 ( 1 shot )
Police Sgt. Kelan Poorman says officers responded to reports of a fight and gunshots at an
Oceanside residence. Three arriving officers were confronted by 48-year-old Gregory Kwok and a
pit bull. Kwok and dog were shot during a physical struggle with the officers. The dog was killed
and Kwok was flown to a hospital. He was in critical condition with at least one gunshot wound to
hic torso.
(1 pit bull killed)
"Oceanside Police Kill Pit Bull, Wound Suspect,"
36. Cape Coral, Florida, 10/27/08 ( 1 shot )
A family is distraught after their cob was shot in their neighborhood. Police say an off-duty Lee
County Sheriff’s deputy shot the dog because he felt threatened after the dog charged him on his
(1 pit bull killed)
Mike Aquila, "Deputy shoots and kills neighbor’s dog,"
37. Beloit, Wisconsin, 10/27/08 ( 1 shot )
Police were called to investigate the report of a child who was bitten by a pit bull. The child
received minor injuries and did not need medical attention. An officer came across a large male pit
bull, which then attacked him. The office fired his gun, wounding the animal. The Humane Society
took the pit bull to be euthanized.
(1 pit bull killed) (1 civilian injured)
"Pit bull bites 4-year-old girl" Beloit Daily News,"
38/39. Hephzibah, Burke County, Georgia, 10/27/08 ( 3 shots )
A 14-year-old boy was attacked by three loose pit bulls on his property, the boy’s father, Fred
Cool, said he was outside hunting when he heard Jason scream and ran over with his rifle. "I shot
a warning shot to scare them off ’cause I didn’t want to shoot them, and they acted kike they didn’t
hear it so I went ahead and shot two of them."
(2 pit bulls killed) (1 civilian injured)
Fraendy Clervaud, "Burke County Teenager Attacked By Pit Bulls," WJBF News Channel 6,
40. Red Rock, Nevada, 10/27/08 ( 1 shot )
An elderly couple was walking their Labrador on a leash when a pit bull and a mixed breed dog
attacked their dog. The owner of the two dogs arrived on the scene and all three could not
separate the dogs. The elderly man pulled out his gun and shot the pit bull, it died on the scene.
The bullet also hit the owner of the pit bull in leg.
(1 pit bull killed) (1 human shot)
Man accidentally shoots woman while breaking up dog fight," Channel 4 KRNV News, Some dogs don't let go.
Page 40
41. Staten, Island, 10/29/08 ( 1 shot )
An off-duty fired one shot to scare off two pit bulls that were menacing him and his police dog.
Phil Helsel, "Off-duty cop fires shot to scare off stray out bulls," Staten Island Advance,
42. Pines, Florida, 10/30/08 ( 3 shots )
When Jonah Krueger was attacked by his pit bull, he screamed for someone to shoot the dog. His
neighbor, Daniel Simpson complied and shot the dog in the head several times, killing it. An
ambulance took Krueger to the hospital. Krueger’s wife, Brandy, said her foot had been injured
from a recent attack by the dog.
(1 pit bull killed) (1 civilian injured)
Diane Krieger Spivak, "Neighbor kills dog during attack on owner," Post-Tribune,
43. Stockton, California, 10/31/08 ( 1 shot )
A pit bull was shot and killed by police. A SWAT officer serving a warrant encountered the white
and black dog and it "aggressively charged" toward the officer. The officer shot and killed the dog.
(1 pit bull killed)
"Pit bull shot, killed by officer," The Record,
44. Springfield, Missouri, 10/31/08 ( 1 shot )
A pit bull owner is upset that a man with a shotgun shot her family pet. Reportedly, the dog was
threatening the man’s grandmother at the time of the shooting.
(1 pit bull killed)
Man Shoots Pit Bull Inside City Limits,"
45/46. Bexar County, Texas, 10/31/08 ( 3 shots )
Public Works employees were clearing debris from a ditch when two pit bulls attacked them. The
men’s supervisor at the site described the bites on their legs, arms and faces as ‘severe." One of
the workers stabbed the animals repeatedly, and a resident fired multiple rounds into the air to
scare the dogs.
(2 civilians injured)
Robert Crowe, "County workers mauled by pit bulls," San Antonio Express-News,
November 2008
1. Pompano Beach, Florida, 11/01/08 ( 1 shot )
Broward Sheriff’s deputy said he was forced to open fire on a dog in Pompano. The deputy
responded to a call of a dog bite. That is when the pit bull mix lunged at him. The deputy opened
fire, hitting the dog.
(1 civilian injured)
"BSO Deputy Shoots, Injures Dog," Local 10 Miami News,
2. Bisbee, Arizona, 11/01/08 ( 1 shot )
A woman, 32, was attacked by a 1-year-old pit bull. Her arms and legs were severely lacerated.
Bisbee EMS transported her to Copper Queen Hospital. The animal then attacked its’ owner while
the police were still at the scene. The officer shot and killed the dog.
(1 pit bull killed) (1 civilian injured)
"Bisbee police beat," SIERA VISTA, The Herald,
3. Loomis, California, 11/02/08 ( 1 shot )
Two dogs, a pit bull and a Rottweiler-mix, were shot dead after attacking a preschool’s pet pony.
Amber Farman, who runs the school, said her husband shot and killed the dogs to stop the attack.
(1 pit bull killed)
Jason Kobely, "Loomis Pet Pony’s Savage Attack Shakes Community," NEWS 10 abc, Some dogs don't let go.
Page 41
4. Guymond, Oklahoma, 11/05/08 ( 1 shot )
Upon arrival at the scene Lt. Jason bond tried to check the victim, Zaw Han, who had taken refuge
in a passing motorist’s car. As the officer attempted to reach the victim, he was charged by a pit
bull and shot and killed the animal.
(1 pit bull killed) (1 civilian injured)
Debbie Browning, "Resident attacked by vicious dog," The Oklahoman,
5. Long Beach, California, 11/06/08 ( 1 shot )
Police cordoned off a section of a downtown street after shooting a pit bull that charged an officer.
Long Beach police were serving a search warrant in connection with a robbery investigation when
the shooting occurred.
Tracy Manzer, "Pit bull shot by police is expected to survive," Contra Costa Times,
6. Newman, California, 11/06/08 ( 1 shot )
A police officer responding to a report of a vicious dog on the loose shot and killed the pit bull as it
charged him. The police chief said the dog had been the subject of previous complaints in the
(1 pit bull killed)
"Newman officer shoots, kills pit bull," Westside Connect,
7. Archdale, North Carolina, 11/07/08 ( 1 shot )
After a pit bull burst into a woman’s home to attack her dog, the woman stabbed the dog
repeatedly with a butcher knife. Then the pit bull’s owner shot and killed the dog and
buried him in the backyard. Animal control made him dig it up so the dog could be tested
for rabies. The tests were inconclusive. Nancy Verzone is now receiving rabies vaccinations for
her dog bite.
(1 pit bull killed) (1 civilian injured)
Julia Bagg, "Woman Stabs Pit Bull in Home Invasion," WFMY News 2,
8. Shelton, Washington, 11/08/08 ( 1 shot )
Police were dispatched after reports that a dog bit a 43-year-old resident. Police say they arrived
to find a male pit bull type dog that charged officers. Police shot it with a firearm and killed it. The
victim was hospitalized due to his injuries.
(1 pit bull killed) (1 civilian injured)
Dedrick Allen, "Police shoot dog in Downtown Shelton,"
9. New York, New York, 11/10/08 ( 1 shot )
A pit bull attacked a pregnant woman in the Bronx, forcing a transit officer to shoot and kill the
dog. The 44-yer-old pregnant woman was bitten in the ankle and rushed to
St. Barnabas Hospital.
(1 pit bull killed) (1 civilian injured)
"Pit Bull attacks pregnant woman," EYEWITNESS NEWS 7 abc,
10. Kansas City, Missouri, 11/10/08 ( 2 shots )
Police shot a pit bull that broke its chain and charged an officer. The officer fired twice at the dog.
The dog’s owner told police his dog was "trained to attack".
Christine Vendal, KC police shoot pit bull," The Kansas City Star,
11. Park Forest, Illinois, 11/12/08 ( 1 shot )
Police investigating a burglary said that the Walker family dog got loose and lunged at a detective
and his K-9 partner. The officer pulled his service revolver and shot the German Shepherd-Pit Bull
(1 pit bull killed)
"Cop Shoots, Kills Suburban Family’s Dog" NBC CHICAGO NEWS, Some dogs don't let go.
Page 42
12. Brighton Heights, Pennsylvania, 11/14/08 ( 1 shot )
Police are investigating the fatal shooting of a pit bull. The deputy told officers the dog growled,
charged, and jumped at him before he fired his gun, fearing for his safety.
(1 pit bull killed)
"Police Say Sheriff’s deputy fatally shot pit bull," Pittsburgh Post-Gazette,
13. Sherwood, Arkansas, 11/18/08 ( 1 shot )
Animal control workers are looking for the owners of two pit bulls. The dogs crawled under a fence
and mauled to death a golden retriever. Police shot the male, which was later put down.
(1 pit bull killed)
Justine Early, "Sherwood animal control looks for owners after pit bull attack," FOX 16 News,
14/15. Slidell, Louisiana, 11/18/08 ( 3 shots )
A man shot and killed two pit bulls that broke through two fences to get into his backyard to attack
his dog. He fired a few shots striking both dogs.
(2 pit bulls killed)
Bigad Shaban, "Alleged pit bull attack leaves 2 dogs dead, owner facing charges," WWL-TV News,
16. Elkhart, Indiana, 11/19/08 ( 5 shots )
A police officer fatally shot a pit bull after it began charging him. Officer Daniel Milanese was called
to the scene after reports of a brown pit bull attacking another dog. The officer fired a total of five
shots killing the dog.
(1 pit bull killed)
"Elkhart Officer Fatally Shoots Pit Bull," WBST-TV Channel 2,
17. Lake Worth, Florida, 11/21/08 ( 1 shot )
Palm Beach County Sheriff’s office reports that a girl was walking to a house to get a ride to
school. A pit bull named "Lucky" had broken off its chain. The girl reached the house and a man
there tried to scare the dog off with a BB gun, the dog left but returned and entered the house to
attack the family’s Beagle. The man shot the dog in the head with a 9mm handgun killing the dog.
(1 pit bull killed)
WPTV Staff, "Pit Bull shot and killed," WPTV Channel 5,
18. Happy Valley, Oregon, 11/21/08 ( 1 shot )
Four grown men, one with a baseball bat, tried to stop a pit bull from attacking a
7-year-old girl. A deputy arrived and shot and killed the dog. The girl and her father were both
taken to the hospital. The young girl will require surgery.
(1 pit bull killed) (2 civilians injured)
David Krough and Eric Adams, "Dad thought he lost fingers saving daughter from pit bull," KGW News Channel 8,
19. Toledo, Ohio, 11/21/08 ( 5 shots )
A pit bull was shot and killed upsetting the dog’s owner. The Toledo SWAT Team showed up at
the dog owner’s home, Sean Gillespie, to arrest a friend that was renting a room. Gillespie said
when SWAT Team members entered his home, his dog ran out into the yard and a confrontation
ensued. But he did not witness the confrontation.
(1 pit bull killed)
Jonathan Walsh, "Pit bull killed by cops; owner outraged," Toledo’s News Leader, Newll,
20. San Antonio, Texas, 11/22/08 ( 1 shot )
A police officer shot and killed pit bull shortly after the animal killed a cat and another dog.
(1 pit bull killed)
"Policeman slays aggressive dog," San Antonio Express-News, Some dogs don't let go.
Page 43
21. Aurora, Illinois, 11/24/08 ( 1 shot )
An Aurora police patrol officer was forced to shoot a pit bull that charged him while he was at an
incident. The animal charged the officer and leaped at him. From a distance of about three feet,
the officer fired his duty weapon and a single bullet hit the dog in the face.
(1 pit bull killed)
"Aurora police officer forced to shoot, wound pit bull," The Beacon News,
22. Portland, Oregon, 11/25/08 ( 1 shot )
An aggressive pit bull that police said jumped into a backyard and killed two other dogs was shot
and killed by Portland police officers.
(1 pit bull killed)
Nick Bradshaw, "Police shoot pit bull that killed 2 other dogs in SE Portland, KGW News Channel 8,
23. Claremont, Minnesota, 11/25/08 ( 1 shot )
A Claremont man faces criminal charges after leading police on a high speed chase that included
going through the Saint Mary’s Hospital emergency entrance. The chase ended in rural Rochester
with an officer shooting an attacking pit bull.
Janice Gregorson, "Police say driver ordered at high speeds, ordered dog to attack," Post-Bulletin,
24. Smyrna, Georgia, 11/26/08 ( 1 shot )
A Smyrna woman was arrested and her dog was shot dead after she called it on officers serving
an arrest warrant on her.
(1 pit bull killed)
Derrick Mahone, "Smyrna woman told dog to attack us, cops say," The Atlanta Journal-Constitution,
25/26. Royal Oaks, Michigan, 11/28/08 ( 2 shots )
Three pet pit bulls turned on two sisters biting and chasing them until police were called. The 22year-old said the dogs became unruly when her 17-year-old sister tripped over one of them.
Officers killed two of the dogs and Tasered a third. Both sisters were treated for serious injuries.
(2 pit bulls killed) (2 civilians injured)
"Dogs Bite, Chase Owners," Detroit Local News, WDIV Detroit,
27. Baton Rouge, Louisiana, 11/28/08 ( 1 shot )
Witnesses told the deputy that a pit bull had bitten a five-year-old on the leg. According to
eyewitnesses, after biting the boy the dog chased another man and then went at the child’s father,
who shot and killed the animal. The child was taken to the doctor.
(1 pit bull killed) (1 civilian injured)
"Dog shot and killed after biting Baton Rouge boy," WAFB Channel 9,
28. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 11/30/08 ( 6 shots )
A man shot a pit bull after it bit a teenage girl. Ryan Sockwell said the dog charged him and he
fired six shots from his 9mm pistol. He also said that "Goliath" had bitten his wife and the mailman
on previous occasions.
(1 pit bull killed) (1 civilian injured)
Pit Bull Said To Have Bitten Girl Survives Neighbor’s Gunshots," WTAE Channel 4 Action News,
December 2008
1. Shelby, North Carolina, 12/01/08 ( 3 shots )
Sgt. Vic Haynes’ report of the incident read that the dog was initially not aggressive and allowed
Haynes to pet it. Haynes then went to find the owner at which time the dog "became very Some dogs don't let go.
Page 44
aggressive". After the dog charged a man on the street, Haynes fired several shotgun rounds,
killing the pit bull.
(1 pit bull killed)
Graham Cawthon, "Police kill second aggressive dog in two weeks," Shelby Star,
2. Prineville, Oregon, 12/01/08 ( 1 shot )
A Prineville man shot and killed his neighbor’s off leash pit bull, he says out of self-defense. An
investigation has been launched and so far has led to a citation for second-degree animal abuse
for shooting the dog.
(1 pit bull killed)
Nina Mehlhaf, "Prineville man defends fatally shooting neighbor’s dog," KTVZ,
3. Walnut Grove, North Carolina, 12/03/08 ( 1 shot )
According to police Chief James Hill, a Walnut Cove K-9 was injured Tuesday when a pit bull that
belonged to a woman who police had pulled over for a routine traffic stop attacked the animal.
Officers fatally wounded the dog, but not before it inflicted injuries on the K-9.
(1 pit bull killed)
"Officers Shoot, Kill Pit Bull That Attacked K-9," Winston-Salem News,
4. South Bend, Indiana, 12/04/08 ( 1 shot )
Howard Broadway told police that he shot and killed his girl friends pit bull after it attacked him. In
the process he inadvertently shot himself in the foot.
(1 pit bull killed) (1 civilian injured) (1 human shot)
Beth Boehne, "Police: Man kills attacking pit bull, shots himself in foot," WSBT South Bend,
5. Dunn, North Carolina, 12/05/08 ( 1 shot )
Police are looking for Lavern Lee Smith, 46, who is facing a charge of assault with a deadly
weapon with intent to kill inflicting serious injury. Upon entering the suspect’s house with a
warrant, officers had to shoot a pit bull dog that became aggressive.
(1 pit bull killed)
Reece Murphy, "Man Stabbed IN Quarrel," The Daily Record,
6. Beaverton, Oregon, 12/08/08 ( 1 shot )
A call came into the Beaverton Police Department form a man that said two pit bulls had him
trapped in a yard. When officers arrived they found Gilbert Cornado still trapped in the yard. As the
officers approached, both dogs turned on them. One dog was killed and the second ran away.
(1 pit bull killed)
Erica Heartquist, "Police shoot charging pit bull in Beaverton neighborhood," KGW-TV Local News,
7. Washington D.C., 12/08/08 ( 4 shots )
After attacking senior citizen Catherine Barber, as she attempted to take out her trash, police shot
and killed one of the two offending pit bulls. Officers shot the dog at least four times. The victim
was rushed to the hospital in critical condition.
(1 pit bull killed) (1 civilian injured)
"Woman Fights for Her Life After Pit Bull Attack," ABC 7 News,
8/9. Rochester, New York, 12/09/08 ( 4 shots )
Two pit bulls were shot today by Rochester police officers while executing a search warrant. Both
dogs were shot twice and injured. Three people were taken into custody for drug related crimes.
Claudia Vargas, "Officer shoots two pit bulls while executing warrant," Democrat and Chronicle, Some dogs don't let go.
Page 45
10. Valrico, Florida, 12/09/08 ( 1 shot )
Deputies and animal control officers found a dog that had bitten two people and had escaped with
a deputy’s bullet in him. The pit bull-mix was shot in the hind leg. At least one of the victims was
taken to the hospital.
(2 civilians injured)
Robbyn Mitchell, "Dogs captured after two women bitten," St. Petersburg Times,
11. San Diego, California, 12/09/08 ( 5 shots )
An American Staffordshire Terrier, was shot by San Diego police officers who say the dog came at
them in a threatening manner. Egypt was hit three times and less than an hour later she was
(1 pit bull killed)
Kelly Davis, "Do everything you can to save my dog," San Diego CityBeat,
12. Columbia, Ohio, 12/10/08 ( 3 shots )
Officers went to a home with a warrant to search for evidence of drug activity; they encountered a
man outside the house who had s 9mm handgun and cocaine in his possession. Captain Brad
Nelson said a pit bull terrier aggressively approached SWAT officers as the y entered. An officer
shot the dog multiple times with a submachine gun, killing it.
(1 pit bull killed)
"Search yields arrest, dead pit bull," Columbia Daily Tribune,
13. Palm Bay, Florida, 12/10/08 ( 2 shots )
A police officer saved a homeless man by shooting one of the two pit bulls that were attacking
him. The dogs had ripped off some of the man’s clothes before the officer fired two shots, hitting
one dog and scaring off the other.
(1 civilian injured)
"Officer Shoots Dog Attacking Homeless Man," WKMG Orlando,
14. New Port Richey, Florida, 12/13/08 ( 1 shot )
Sheriff’s Deputy Mathew Kadel shot and killed a pit bull that bit him on the left arm and leg and
repeatedly charged him.
(1 pit bull killed) (1 police injured)
Geoff Fox, "Deputy Shoots Pit Bull," Tampa Tribune,
15. South Bend, Indiana, 12/14/08 ( 1 shot )
A 10-year-old Kendra Burdine was hospitalized after a pit bull attacked her. The dog that bit
Kendra on her right arm was shot and killed by South Bend police after it tried to attack an officer.
(1 pit bull killed) (1 civilian injured)
Ed Ronco, "Pit bull attacks 10-year-old girl," South Bend Tribune,
16. Carlton, Minnesota, 12/14/08 ( 1 shot )
Deputy Ryan Rennquist pulled over Warren Barry for a traffic violation. When the officer
attempted to reach inside to turn off Barry’s truck he sped away with the officer tangled in the
door. After 3 miles Barry ran into an apartment building. While in pursuit, three officers were bitten
by Barry’s pit bull. One of the deputies fired a shot at the dog and it ran away.
(3 police injured)
"Deputy dragged after traffic stop," DL-Online,
17. Dayton, Ohio, 12/15/08 ( 1 shot )
Dayton officers were forced to shoot a pit bull after it charged down a driveway at them. The
owner of the pit bull was issued a misdemeanor charge for having an unsecured dog.
"Dayton Police Shoot Pit Bull," WHIO-TV Dayton, Some dogs don't let go.
Page 46
18. Forest City, Arkansas, 12/15/08 ( 1 shot )
Officer James Williams answered a call that a dog had chased a woman onto her porch. When the
officer arrived the pit bull tried to attack him. He shot and killed the dog.
(1 pit bull killed)
"Dog shot after attacking FC police officer," Times-Herald,
19. Redding, California, 12/15/08 ( 3 shots )
Marshall Jones Sr., 73, told officers he felt threatened by what he called a vicious pit bull that
came into his yard and he shot the animal. Jones shot the dog tree times with a 45cal. handgun
killing it. The dogs’ owners denied the dog was a pit bull, they say the dog was "some kind of little
rat terrier".
(1 pit bull killed)
Constance Dillon, "Neighbor shoots dog in Redding," Redding Record Searchlight,
20. San Diego, California, 12/17/08 ( 1 shot )
A San Diego police officer shot a pit bull at a home in City Heights. Officers went to the house
after receiving calls three men were breaking in. when they arrived they arrested the three men
but when they opened a bedroom door the got another surprise. Sgt. McPherren said, "a pit bull
charged at the officer and he shot the dog". Police say the men brought the dog with them.
San Diego Police Shoot Pit Bull," NBC San Diego,
21. Charleston, West Virginia, 12/18/08 ( 1 shot )
Molly Thornton, 19, and Richard Moss, 35, began fighting. Thornton yelled for her 16-year-old
brother’s help, who began fighting with Moss. Both the juvenile and Moss had guns. During the
arrests, police were forced to shoot an aggressive pit bull that was growling and preparing to
attack the officers.
Gary Harki, "Woman injured, dog shot on Charleston’s West Side," The Charleston Gazette,
22. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, 12/19/08 ( 1 shot )
A dog that attacked a boy was shot and killed by someone at the scene. Animal control officers
heard the shot but did not see who fired it.
(1 pit bull killed) (1 civilian injured)
Robert Medley, "Dog shot after it bit boy in southeast Oklahoma City," NewsOk, December 19, 2008,
23. Boca Raton, Florida, 12/19/08 ( 3 shots )
Deputy George Long arrived at a home to take a stolen property report. When he got out of his
cruiser a large pit bull that belonged to a neighbor charged him. He warned the dogs’ owner,
Diane Follmer, to get the dog under control. When the dog charged again, Long opened fire,
shooting several rounds and striking the dog once in the torso.
Dianna Cahn, "Accounts differ on pit bull shooting west of Boca Raton," South Florida Sun-Sentinel,
24. Springfield, Illinois, 12/20/08 ( 2 shots )
A woman was ticketed for letting her pit bull run loose. The dog attacked the neighbor’s blue
heeler that was on a leash. The man could not break up the dogs so he went in and got his
shotgun. He fired one shot into the air and that didn’t work so he shot the pit bull.
"Pit bull shot in leg during arrack on dog," The State Journal-Register,
25. Atlantic City, New Jersey, 12/22/08 ( 1 shot )
A suspect in an attempted shooting of a police officer was apprehended after "violently resisting
arrest". During the arrest operation a SWAT team member shot and killed Spivey’s pit bull after
the dog attacked an officer.
(1 pit bull killed) Some dogs don't let go.
Page 47
Regina Schaffer, "Suspect arrested in shooting at Atlantic City police officer," The Press,
26. Ironton, Ohio, 12/22/08 ( 1 shot )
Ironton police are continuing the investigation into a dog attack over the weekend that injured a
one-and-a-half year old girl. The father of the child advised police the family dog, a pit bull mix,
had attacked the child and that he had shot the dog.
(1 pit bull killed) (1 civilian injured)
Teresa Moore, "Toddler attacked by family pit bull mix," The Ironton Tribune,"
27. Rubidoux, California, 12/23/08 ( 1 shot )
A pit bull tried to attack a wheelchair-bound man in Rubidoux, prompting a sheriff’s deputy to try
and shoot the animal, which was later captured.
"Pit bull attacks wheelchair-bound man," Inland Empire, KABC-TV,
28. Channelview, Texas, 12/26/08 ( 2 shots )
Deputy Jason Rickamore and his partner, Lisa Hieden, were responding to a disturbance call
about a couple fighting when the attack occurred. The pair opened up a gate at the scene and was
charged by a pit bull and a Rottwieler. The deputies tried to back out of the yard but fell and one of
the dogs attacked. He managed to fire a couple of shots, but the dog didn’t stop attacking. One of
the dogs was hit twice. Rickamore had to have five stitches to his cheek.
(1 police injured)
Allison Triarsi, "Pit bull attacks Harris County deputy," Channel 11 News,
29. Buffalo, New York, 12/27/08 ( 1 shot )
Buffalo police executed a search warrant in an apartment. A pit bull was shot and killed during the
raid, after charging at Lt. Paul Delano Jr. the Narcotics Squad. The resident in the apartment,
Frank Wagner, 34, was charged with codeine pills, syringes with suspected heroin, and pipes
containing suspected crack residue.
(1 pit bull killed)
"Pit bull killed after charging at officer, police say," The Buffalo News,
30. Onslow, North Carolina, 12/29/08 ( 1 shot )
Lt. Dwayne Wade was attacked by two pit bulls. When Wade was able to reach his weapon he
shot one of the dogs to death. The other pit bull ran after the shot was fired. Wade was treated at
an area hospital and is on leave until he recovers.
(1 pit bull killed) (1 police injured)
"Onslow deputy shoots pit bull during attack,"
31. Jacksonville, Florida, 12/29/08 ( 1 shot )
Authorities in Jacksonville say a woman who fired a pistol at a pit bull she thought was attacking
her son missed. The bullet bounced off a driveway, burrowed through the wall of a neighboring
modular home and lodged itself in a woman’s back. The woman was taken to the hospital with
non-life threatening injuries.
(1 human shot)
"Shot misses dog, hits neighbor," Jacksonville Times-Union,
32. Shutesbury, Massachusetts, 12/30/08 ( 1 shot )
After a traffic stop, Joseph C. Russel fled the scene along with his pit bull. Before disappearing
into the woods, the dog attacked one officer and got pepper sprayed. The episode turned into a
manhunt. Russel eventually surrendered but was unwilling or unable to constrain his dog, so the
officers shot and killed the animal.
(1 pit bull killed) (1 police injured)
George Claxton, "Manhunt flushes suspect, pit bull shot,"The Recorder, December 30, 2008, Some dogs don't let go.
Page 48
33. Erie, Pennsylvania, 12/31/08 ( 1 shot )
An Erie police officer shot a pit bull that chased a man into a lake. The man called for help from his
cell phone after two dogs chased him into the water. When officer Rick Romanski arrived, he said
one of the dogs lunged at him. He shot the dog once and it ran into the woods. Police tracked the
dog for several hours but were unable to find the dog.
Kara Murphy, "Police shoot dog after it chases man into lake," Erie Times-News,
34. Columbus, Ohio, 12/31/08 ( 1 shot )
A man wanted on an assault warrant fatally shot himself after police arrived at his home. Police
had to shoot and kill a pit bull to gain entry into the house. The police found the man dead
(1 pit bull killed)
Theodore Decker, "North Side man kills himself as police try to serve arrest warrant," The Columbus Dispatch,
35. Macon, GA, 12/31/08 ( 1 shot )
An officer responded to the house on the eve of the New Year and found a Macon Water Authority
employee fending off a pit bull mixed dog and a Pomeranian with a long piece of rebar. The officer
called for animal control after the two dogs lunged at him. At some point, the pit bull charged at the
officer again and he fired his gun once, striking the dog.
(1 civilian injury)
Amy Womak, "Macon police officer shoots pit bull during attack,", January 3, 2009,
About Us is a national dog bite victims' group dedicated to reducing serious dog attacks.
Through our work, we hope to protect both people and pets from future attacks. Our website
contains a wide collection of data to help policymakers and citizens learn about dangerous dogs.
Our research focuses on pit bull type dogs. Due to selective breeding practices that emphasize
aggression and tenacity, this class of dogs negatively impacts communities the most.
P.O. Box 12443
Austin, TX 78711 Some dogs don't let go.
Page 49