Sutton Park School
Sutton Park School
T VÉ@xwâvtà|ÉÇtÄ ÑÜ|ätàx áv{ÉÉÄ yÉÜ G „ DK lxtÜ bÄwá Welcome To Sutton Park School VÉÅÅ|ààxw àÉ xåvxÄÄxÇvx |Ç xwâvtà|ÉÇ OUR MISSION STATEMENT ‘We nurture and develop the best qualities in each of our students’ • We are committed to fostering a sense of identity and self-worth in each of our students. • We are committed to developing a well-rounded individual with skills, attitudes, sensibilities and personal initiative that will allow each to grow into a mature, confident adult. • We are committed to developing the whole person - morally, intellectually, aesthetically, spiritually and physically - in a caring, innovative, multi-denominational environment. • We are committed to striving for high academic standards and in so doing we seek to challenge each of our students to achieve the best that they can. • We are committed to ensuring that each of our students embraces the whole world community and culture, while at the same time fostering an appreciation of Irish culture in which the school is rooted. • We recognise that serving both the school (students, staff and parents) and the wider community is a cornerstone of our philosophy, and we are committed to developing in each student innovative capabilities to participate in a dynamic world environment. Sutton Park School is fully accredited by: The Council of International Schools (CIS) and The New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC) & The European Council of International Schools (ECIS) The Council of International Schools (CIS) is the premier worldwide accreditation organisation for international schools. The CIS Accreditation Service manages a peer to peer Accreditation Programme which encourages school improvement through a process of continuous self-study and peer evaluation. Working in partnership with member schools it sets the standards for International Education as laid out in 'The CIS Guide to School Evaluation and Accreditation'. The final award of full accredited status demonstrates that the member school has achieved high standards of professional performance in international education and has a commitment to its continuing improvement. Heads and teachers from member schools play an active role in assessing and evaluating the progress of peer institutions as Visiting Team participants and over the rest of the accreditation cycle, sharing knowledge and Best Practice ideas. The New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC) provides accreditation services for more than 2000 public and private institutions in the six state region - Pre-K through university. Emanating from high quality standards, NEASC accreditation uses self-reflection, peer review and best practices as integral components of its assessment process and monitors the follow-up endeavours leading to continuous school/program improvement. NEASC consists of six Commissions, each of which sets the standards for a particular segment of the educational community. The European Council of International Schools (ECIS) is a collaborative network promoting the ideals and best practice of international education. ECIS leads in addressing significant current and future educational and global issues in support of its membership in Europe and worldwide. Parent Teacher Association PTA Welcome Dear Parents On behalf of the Parent Teacher Association of Sutton Park School, PTA, we would like to welcome you and your child/ children to the school community. Every teacher in the school and every parent or guardian of a pupil in the school is automatically a member of the PTA . The role and function of the PTA is vast and varied but plays an essential part in many areas of school life. The PTA develops a connection between the parents, teacher and students and actively seeks ways to strengthen these bonds. We organise events throughout the year, assist in school run activities and fundraise for items that we hope will be of benefit to the entire community. We look forward to meeting you and your children and hope to see you at the many PTA events. Whether you are new to Dublin or simply new to the school, we hope that you will enjoy your time as a member of this very special community and that your experience of Sutton Park School will be happy and memorable. While this compilation of information is not exhaustive, we hope that it will be of some assistance to you as you settle into school life and, for those who are new to the area, we hope that the information on the locality will guide you to enjoy its wide ranging amenities and startling beauty. If you wish to contact a member of the PTA committee, you will find contact details on the school web site or at the school Tel: 8399400. We welcome your comments and any ideas for inclusion in further issues. PTA Chairperson Picture created by Jnr Infants and donated to our Fundraising Auction to help raise funds for our Language Laboratory General Information History & Facilities Sutton Park School was founded in 1957 by a group of leading local professional and business people as a co-educational and multi-denominational school. While catering mainly for day pupils, the school, retains the spirit and sense of community of a boarding school. The school began its first year with approximately forty pupils about half of whom were full-time boarders. It has steadily grown and developed over the past fifty years and now boasts a modern campus with over 400 students from Dublin and all over the world. Approximately twenty per cent of our students are from an international background. A small boarding house provides comfortable accommodation for 18 students. FACILITIES The centre-piece of the school consists of a large Georgian property housing classrooms and offices. The grounds consist of a modern purpose-built block containing over 30 classrooms, a large library, a language centre, a science block with well equipped laboratories, an art studio, a design centre carrying the latest CAD/CAM software, 2 dedicated ICT rooms - one of which is used solely for language teaching and is at the heart of the language centre. General Information Location & Transport LOCATION Sutton Park School is situated on the lower slopes of the Howth peninsula within a few hundred yards of the sea. The location in North Co. Dublin overlooking Dublin Bay is only fifteen kilometres from both the city centre and Dublin Airport. The peninsula is steeped in tradition and history and is one of the most unspoilt and pleasant locations in Dublin. Our 9 acre grounds are extensive and although the campus appears small and intimate, it is deceptively large. You can view our exact location on the Google maps website. HOW TO GET TO SCHOOL: PUBLIC TRANSPORT DART - Dublin Area Rapid Transport. The nearest station to the school is at Sutton Cross. These trains connect Howth to the city and on to Bray. They also connect Malahide to the city. To travel from Malahide to Sutton you would change trains at Howth Junction. See Irish Rail website for full details Bicycles Students who wish to travel to and from school by bicycle may lock their bicycles to the metal railing near the main house. Students come from many outlying districts and carpooling is commonplace. Parents who choose to drive into the school grounds must observe parking restrictions and be ever aware of the possibility of children walking between cars and buildings. Students who wish to drive to school must not park in the school grounds as there is limited parking available. Student drivers usually park on the residential roads near the school. Buses View full details for public and private buses to the school on our website Seats on the private buses are limited, for details please contact our Business Office. General Information School Divisions & Communication Teachers of Junior School Classes -JI to G3 Junior Infants Ms Karen Sweeney Senior Infants Ms Emer Hoy (Head Of Junior School) Grade 1 Ms Jane Cullen Grade 2 Ms Joan Sherlock Grade 3 Ms Christine McLoughlin Email: Email: Email: Email: Email: Teachers of Intermediate School Classes – G4 to G6 Teachers of Senior School Classes Grade 4 As we have many teachers in the Senior School, please contact them via the school main number or alternatively drop them an email. The email format is Ms Catriona Loftus Email: Grade 5 Mr Liam Burns (Head of Intermediate School) Email: Grade 6 Ms Anne Gibson Email: JUNIOR SCHOOL INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL SENIOR SCHOOL 1st – 6th Year Each Wednesday 8.45 - 3.45 Senior school closes at 1.05pm 8.45 - 2.45 Afternoon Prep 3.45 - 4.45 2.45 - 3.45 Evening Study 5.30 - 8.45 JI (Mon-Fri) Montessori afternoon 8.45 - 1.15 1.15 - 2.45 SI–G3 (Mon-Fri) Supervision avail G4-G6 (Mon-Fri) Activities (Mon, Tue, Thur) 8.45 - 3.05 3.05 - 3.45 (Prep & Eve Study is not compulsory) Clubs are compulsory Mon-Thur and finish at 4.45pm For a list of Pre-Schools take a look on School Uniform For School Uniform details pleases consult the school web site for guidance. A lost property box is located in the corridor between the Junior and Intermediate Schools, any items of uniform, bags etc found around the grounds will be left in the lost property box. Books/ booklists Please note that all books for Junior & Intermediate School (JI-G6) students are provided by the school. It is advised for Senior pupils to only buy books for the compulsory subjects for the beginning of term, once the student has finalised their option choices, then the books for those subjects can be purchased. For a list of subjects available please contact the Main Office. LUNCHES The School has a healthy eating policy, all children from Junior Infants to Grade 3 must bring a packed lunch to school. All other students may bring a packed lunch or avail of healthy option lunches catered on the premises. COMMUNICATIONS There are a number of Internet providers you may wish to check out – NTL / SKY / Eircom or for a temporary solution whilst you wait for your connections/contracts to be finalised for your home purchase a ‘Dongle’ from any mobile phone company i.e Vodafone, 02, Meteor are three of the main providers in Ireland. The school makes every effort to keep parents informed and updated. The primary source of information is the school website, This tool of communication is supplemented by text messaging. In order for this to be effective, parents are asked to ensure that the school is in possession of their current mobile phone numbers and parents are asked to have their mobile phones switched on, to have available space for messages and to check their text messages. Many day to day correspondence may be sent to you by email and the school relies on parents to check their emails regularly as well as the school website. All pupils are given a Homework Journal, often teachers will write notes to parents inside their son/daughters journal for your attention and you can also leave a note in your child’s journal for the teacher’s attention, please tell your child to notify the teacher of such a note. Parent-teacher meetings are organised twice-yearly. These are however brief meetings so if there is an issue an appointment can be made to speak to the teacher at a convenient time. School Events Annual Calendar Annual Events Please check all specific dates on September The PTA holds its AGM in late September/early October. All parents are members of the PTA and are encouraged to attend. Parents may nominate themselves to join the PTA Committee if they wish. The term of office is usually three years and the committee meet once a month. October The Halloween Fancy Dress Party in the Junior School (details will be sent to you via email and text from Ms Hoy). You may provide party food if you wish. December An evening Christmas Carol Service in the Church of the Assumption, Howth. Pupils from the three divisions of the school lead us in this celebration. All parents are welcome. The school organizes an opportunity for your child to contribute to a charity at this time. These charities vary by class and details are communicated to you by the teacher. Christmas Concerts are presented by classes in the Junior and Intermediate schools. All parents are welcome February The North Dublin Arts Festival (Junior & Intermediate School) is a celebration of children’s art. This event takes place during the school day and involves a musical presentation prior to the presentation of prizes. All parents are welcome. March The Global Feast, hosted by the Junior School. Parents are invited to provide a dish, savoury or sweet, from any country. The food is placed on tables lining the corridors and the children are allowed to select from the food on display. The children are asked to give a donation for the food and all proceeds are given to CCS, Chimteka Children’s Support, a charity founded in Sutton which supports children in Chimteka, Malawi. April At the end of April Music students are invited to compete in any of the many categories of this prestigious competition. May Sports Days. In the Junior & Intermediate Schools the children are assigned to a country, one of five, and for the duration of Sports Day they represent that country and try to earn points for their country. The children are asked to dress in colours representative of their country and parents are asked to do the same. Parents can, if they wish, earn points for their child’s country by participating in the parent’s races. In the Senior School all pupils participate in their Sports Day and represent the ‘House’ to which they were assigned on entry to the school Family Integration Group (FIG Information) Within the school community we have a well established Family Integration Group, FIG, whose aim is to help any family, new to the school, to settle in and to familiarise them with school life and life within the local communities. If English is not your first language, FIG are happy to introduce you to someone who speaks your first language. (Contact details are on the school’s web site and are available from the school office 8399400). Uniforms Full details of the uniform are available on the school website. Pat O’Farrells shop in Portmarnock stocks all Junior, Intermediate and Sports uniforms. You may contact FIG for second hand junior & intermediate uniforms. Enrichment Programme Every Wednesday afternoon the Junior School children engage in activities not normally associated with a school day, these activities serve to enrich the curriculum content. These activities include theatre visits, cookery classes, visits to galleries and museums and meeting invited guests. Parents are always welcome to accompany classes on excursions and to help in any of the activities. At Intermediate School level most days end with a sporting activity; soccer, hockey, badminton, rounders, athletics or swimming. Each Wednesday afternoon the children choose from a wide selection of activities ranging from computers, drama, sports etc. By Secondary School this broader extra-curricular framework has become an integral part of life at Sutton Park. Students have the opportunity to participate in Debating Competitions, Irish and Modern Language Debating Societies, a very popular Arts and Crafts Club, the Young Scientist Club and a wide ranging Model United Nationals Programme. Extra curricular activities are compulsory for all students in 1st to 3rd Year of Senior School from Monday to Thursday. The selection includes an extensive choice from girls badminton, soccer, choir, hockey (senior & junior boys), young scientist, boot camp, junior MUN, design communication graphics, orchestra, tag rugby and martial arts. Parent Help in Cooking Class Visitors showing pupils items used in the home from the past Local Information Useful Area Info SHOPPING Supermarkets Superquinn at Sutton Cross - | Tesco at Clare Hall - Dunnes at Donaghmede - | Supervalue at Malahide - Nolan’s at Clontarf. Public notice boards in these supermarkets are worth checking out. Fresh fish is available in all the above supermarkets and a number of specialty fish shops can be found on the Pier in Howth. Meat is available in all supermarkets. A specialty of the area is ‘Bellingham beef’, available at Ray Collier Butchers shop in Howth Village. GETTING OUT AND HAVING FUN Dublin Tourism Public Libraries (is a great source of notices about courses/events in your area). When applying for a library card, bring I.D. and 2 domestic bills with your home address. There are libraries in Howth, Baldoyle, Portmarnock & Malahide which are all linked – visit www.fingalcoco/libraries for details. Family outings Admission is free to all museums and galleries and many organise weekend events for children Europe’s only cultural centre for children Chat forum Website where you can find discussions and advice related to pre-schools, childcare, parenting topics etc. Details of activities for children This also contains info on Vets etc Suggested Venues for Days Out: Children’s Playgrounds: Newbridge House, Farm & Playground | A DART ride to Bray Portmarnock Sports & Leisure Centre Ardgillan | Malahide Castle & Playground Newgrange Neolithic Tombs | Farmleigh House Phoenix Park & Dublin Zoo Howth (by Marina) | St Anne’s Park, Raheny | Robswall, Malahide | Malahide Castle grounds. HOWTH PENINSULAR WALKS Visit the Howth Tourism Website Local Information Useful Area Info Cont.. Health Doctors and Dentist details can be found (gives details of health and welfare benefits) (lists the location of an urgent care clinic nearest to you) Immunisation-check with the school as to what will be given in the school but also check with your local clinic. The optional Drugs Payment Scheme (DPS), sets a maximum monthly amount that a family will pay for prescribed medicines. An application form can be found at Child benefit is a State Payment payable to parents of children under 18 years of age. Applications must be made within 12 months of moving to Ireland or at the birth of your baby in Ireland. Application forms and information can be found at gives details of all businesses area by area including doctors, dentists, vets, banks etc Utilities To check for days and times of bin collections, go to There are a number of recycling centres which you can visit if you need to dispose of a large quantity of recyclable waste. Recreation Sutton Lawn Tennis Club-8323035 (tennis camps are available over the summer months.) Sutton Golf Club-8321701 Sutton Dinghy Club-8393135 (sailing courses are available over the summer months for children over the age of 8) Suttonians Rugby and Hockey Club-8323620 Howth Celtic Football Club-086 833 1170 Deerpark Golf Club-8322624. Open to the public, offers an 18 hole golf course, two 9 hole courses, a 12 hole par 3 course and an 18 hole pitch and putt course. Local Information Useful Area Info Board & PTA Members Governors, Management & PTA The Sutton Park School Board of Governors Mr David Brophy Mr Clive Lucas Ms Michele Ridgway Mr Malachy Taaffe Mr Michael Moretta Mr Eoin Scott Mr Nick Pheifer Ms Patricia Flood Mr William J Hannan Mr Prof. Ferdinand von Prondzynski Mr Mark Newman Ms Emer Crowley Ms Nicola Gorman Chairperson Secretary Chairperson, Board of Management Chairperson, Finance Committee Head of School Business Director (Attendee) The Sutton Park School Board of Management Ms Michele Ridgway Mr Michael Moretta Mr Liam Burns Ms Emer Hoy Mr Mark Newman Ms Patricia Flood Mr Conor Sheahan Ms Jeannette Brazel Ms Christine McLoughlin Ms Eimear Fitzgerald Chairperson Head of School Head of Intermediate School Head of Junior School Board of Governors Representative Board of Governors Representative Parent Representative Parent Representative Staff Representative Staff Representative PTA (Parent Teacher Association Members) Jennifer McKeon Majella Doherty Karen Sweeney Molly Rock Yvonne Butler Peadar McKenna Michael Moretta Lisa O’Connor Deirdre Houlihan Stephanie Duffy Chairperson Treasurer Secretary Are you enthusiastic, willing to help or have good ideas? Sutton Park PTA needs you!!!! If you would like to get involved, please visit the PTA page on the school website and download the form and submit to the school. “We nurture and develop all that is best in each of our students” Sutton Park School St Fintan’s Road, Sutton, Dublin 13, Ireland Tel: +353 1 839 9400 Fax: +353 1 832 5929 Email: Web: