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Booklet - 3739.04 KB
The Ministry of Education through the Curriculum Development Department, together with
CfBT Education Services, are proud to bring you Magic Moments in SBAfL. This two-part
DVD and written resource are designed to help you, as teachers in Brunei Darussalam, to use
SBAfL effectively in your day-to-day lessons.
School Based Assessment for Learning (SBAfL) is based on the premise that students can
learn through constructive, formative classroom assessments and feedback. This occurs
when they are involved in the process and able to access strategies, materials and advice that
help them to understand where they are in their own learning, what they need to aim for, and
what they need to do to improve. SBAfL takes place in a classroom any time a formative
assessment is undertaken and the teacher and/or learner actively engage in using that
assessment to improve the learner’s understanding and therefore achievements in that area.
The knowledge and understanding derived from such assessments will also inform the
subsequent teaching and learning.
Integral to the process of SBAfL are strategies that allow the student, as well as the teacher,
to monitor their progress and participate in putting the steps in place to make changes and
improvements. Checklists, student friendly rubrics, peer and self assessment/feedback,
personal target setting and one to one teacher/student discussion can all be employed to
ensure this happens. As long as the students are involved in the assessment and are
encouraged to use it to further their learning, we can be sure that SBAfL is taking place.
The following pages and accompanying films offer the teacher in Brunei Darussalam ideas
and evidence of SBAfL in Action in the Bruneian Lower Secondary classroom. Many of the
assessment tasks take place in the English classroom, but the same approaches can be used
across the curriculum in other core and non-core subjects.
I urge teachers to take the opportunity to watch the films of SBAfL in Action and the SBAfL
Bootcamp and use the resources for your ongoing professional development in SBAfL. I am
confident that you will find in this resource, many practicable ideas for embedding SBAfL into
your lesson plans on a daily basis.
Awg Haji Abd Rahman bin Haji Nawi
Acting Director
Curriculum Development Department
Ministry of Education
Brunei Darussalam
Magic Moments in SBAfL 2013
Every moment matters!
Many thanks to all principals, teachers and students in Ministry of Education secondary
schools in Brunei Darussalam who have facilitated and taken part in the filming of these
Magic Moments in SBAfL.
SM PAP Hajah Masna, Bandar Seri Begawan
Allison Rajab, Aimi Liyana binti Hj Matali, Hjh Syuhairah
binti Hj Mazin, Hjh Muniratul 'Ain binti DP Hj Adnan, Yussof
bin Hj Serudin, Kelvin bin Ledi.
SM PAP Hajah Rashidah Sa’adatul Bolkiah, Lumut, KB
Zoe Evans, Lucy Knowles, Andrew McGill, Hajah Syzana
Lim, Sylvester Tan Chun Kiat, Haji Isyrah Sadri bin Haji
Osman, Juliyamin binti Hj Shahbud, Sri Akmarini binti Haji
Lamat, Kadariah binti Haji Mashod, Dominic Basil Layang,
Haji Muhd Nazmi bin Awg Usin.
SM PJN Pg Haji Abu Bakar, Kuala Belait
John Maundrell, Nurhafizah binti Abdullah
Anthony Abell College, Seria, KB
Jane Thomas,
SM Sayyidina Ali
Tania Murphy, Siti Es Ratna binti Hj Bujang
SM Berakas BSB
Heather Dallas, Dk Noorul Hairaini Pg Abd Rahim
Institut Tahfiz Al-Quran Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah
Mohamad Arsalani, Shafeek Kamalie,
Special thanks to the SBAfL Lead teacher team: Allison
Rajab, Zoe Evans, Heather Dallas and Mike Hibberson.
Curriculum Development Department, MOE Editors: Reena
Lim and Hjh Zaiton binti Hj Mohsin.
Special thanks to
Department of Schools, Ministry of Education
Brunei Darussalam
Filmed and edited by
CfBT Media Unit. Klaus Kiekopf
We sincerely hope that you enjoy using the ideas in this Magic Moments in SBAfL
resource as much as we have enjoyed sharing them with you. Any feedback will be
gratefully received by Jean Kiekopf, Education Project Manager, Kuala Belait
Magic Moments in SBAfL 2013
Every moment matters!
Magic Moments in SBAfL
Part One
SBAfL in Action
Assessment for Learning
Watch the DVD to see the
AfL in action.
1. Group peer feedback and Gallery walk
SM PJN Pg Haji Abu Bakar – Kuala Belait
2. Pair peer feedback
SM PAP Hjh Rashidah Sa’adatul Bolkiah Lumut
Role play
3. Family Feedback
At home with the family
Role play
4. Teacher and group peer feedback.
Institut Tahfiz Al-Quran Sultan Haji
Hassanal Bolkiah.
Oral presentation
5. Traffic Lighting Vocabulary
SM PAP Hjh Masna – Bandar Seri Begawan
New Vocabulary
6. Students generating their own rubrics
SM PAP Hjh Masna – Bandar Seri Begawan
Group work
7. Self assessment and peer feedback
SM PAP Hjh Rashidah Sa’adatul Bolkiah Lumut
Narrative writing
8. Personal target setting
SM PAP Hjh Masna – Bandar Seri Begawan
Procedural writing
9. Parent student conferencing
SM Berakas – Bandar Seri Begawan
Assessment task
Share learning objectives
with your students.
Allow students to role play their
AfL discussions.
10. Whole class feedback:
‘Thumbs up’, ‘Hot dots’ and post-it notes ‘feedback/feed-forward’.
Watch your students take
control of their learning!
Magic Moments in SBAfL 2013
Every moment matters!
1. Group Peer Feedback
Traffic Lights
To improve peer feedback skills.
Objectives: Students will
1. critically and constructively feedback on their peer’s work
orally and in writing.
2. use a checklist to guide their peer feedback and transform
information into qualitative statements on a traffic light.
1. Peer feedback checklist (One for each student)
2. Traffic Light photocopies (One for each student)
3. Student Posters
The teacher explains how to use
the traffic light sheet.
Prior Learning Experience
In the DVD footage, the students have completed a group poster
on an unusual animal. Alternatively, the following methodology
could be applied to any similar type of group project.
1. Students sit in groups with their poster.
2. Peer assessment checklist handed out and explained.
Groups assess each other thus:
Group A → Group B → Group C → Group D → Group E → Group A
Students use the traffic light
circles to present their feedback
to their peers.
3. Students refer to the checklist to help them produce
qualitative feedback sentences.
4. Students use the traffic light circles to present their
feedback to their peers.
5. Students give group to group oral feedback.
6. Students attach traffic light feedback forms to their poster.
7. Each group hangs its poster in the gallery walk.
The groups look at the peer
feedback so they can make
8. Provide time for students to look at all the posters in the
gallery. Students should reflect on provided feedback.
9. Teachers may choose to extend the activity by allowing
students to use the feedback to improve their posters.
AfL note: The Traffic Light consists of three colours: Red/Pink (students’
feedback on things to improve), Yellow/Orange (advice/tips on how to
improve), Green (feedback on the positive aspects of the poster).
Teacher’s Tip!
Ensure that every student actively contributes in providing feedback. Initially students may
need guidance, support and modelling to generate qualitative sentences.
Magic Moments in SBAfL 2013
Every moment matters!
Unusual Animal Poster Project
Peer Feedback Checklist
Unusual animal: ________________________________
The Title
Not Really
Not Really
Not Really
The poster has the name of the animal.
Is the title larger than the rest of the words on the poster?
Does the title invite people to have a closer look at the
The Content
The information is presented in clear paragraphs.
The information is easy to understand.
The information is easy to read (the words are big
The Picture
The picture of the animal is large enough.
The picture shows the animal in its natural habitat.
The picture is clear.
The picture has colours (not black and white).
1. General Information
2. Physical Features
Additional information 1
Additional information 2
Additional information 3
3. Food and Habits
At least 2 foods are listed.
At least 2 habits are listed.
The Poster in General
Not Really
The poster is neat and organised.
The poster is nice and attractive.
A lot of care and effort have been put into this poster.
Magic Moments in SBAfL 2013
Every moment matters!
Peer Feedback Sentences
1. What did we do really well? Green
2. What small things can we do to improve? Orange
3. What big changes should we make next time? Red
Feedback given by:
Magic Moments in SBAfL 2013
Every moment matters!
Magic Moments in SBAfL 2013
Every moment matters!
2. Peer assessment: Procedure Role Play
To improve procedural writing.
Objectives: Students will:
1. work in pairs to orally demonstrate a recipe in order to
improve their understanding of procedural writing.
2. assess their partner to provide feedback on the volume,
vocabulary, clarity and expression of the demonstration.
1. Worksheet 1 – recipe
2. Worksheet 2 – peer feedback
3. Cookery room with gas hobs, fridges, ingredients, and utensils.
Teachers explain and
demonstrate role play.
Prior Learning Experiences:
Students will already have studied the genre of procedural writing
and relevant vocabulary.
1. The teacher models how to demonstrate a recipe as
outlined on worksheet 1 in the style of a television cooking
2. Students then work in pairs to demonstrate the same
recipe in role play to one another.
Students become the
3. Encourage students to use their learning materials on
procedural writing to ensure they use the correct form and
vocabulary for procedural writing.
4. Students complete worksheet 2 to give peer feedback
using emoticons, stars and targets.
5. Students read out their stars and targets to each other and help
each other to think of ways to improve their procedure role play.
This could be undertaken in pairs under teacher guidance, as a
whole class activity in the form of a gallery walk and group
feedback or as teacher-student conference.
Students peer assess each
others’ presentation.
AfL note: Emoticons are symbols which can be used to rate
a performance. Stars can be used to denote areas of
strength while targets indicate areas for improvement.
Teacher’s Tip!
If a cookery room is unavailable, you could adapt the task for classroom use, for
example making sandwiches or fruit salad.
Magic Moments in SBAfL 2013
Every moment matters!
Worksheet 1- Recipe
Recipe for Chocolate Crackles
50g butter or margarine
One and a half Mars Bars
65g Rice Krispies
1 small saucepan
1 wooden spoon
1 set of scales
1 tablespoon
1 knife
1 tray
1 chopping board
1 mixing bowl
20-25 cupcake cases
Chocolate Crackles are great to serve at a
party or even just for a delicious snack. Best
of all, they are quick and easy to make.
First, measure the ingredients using the
scales. Next, chop the butter or margarine
into large pieces. Cut the Mars Bars into
small pieces. Put the butter and Mars Bars
into a saucepan and melt over a low heat.
Make sure you stir continuously and do not
allow the mixture to boil.
When the mixture is smooth, remove the butter and Mars Bar
mixture from the heat. Put the Rice Krispies into a mixing bowl
and slowly pour the melted Mars Bar and butter mixture over
the top. Then mix the ingredients together using a wooden
spoon. Make sure all the Rice Krispies are covered with the
Mars Bar-butter mixture.
Use a tablespoon to scoop small amounts of the mixture into
the cupcake cases. Place on a tray and then finally put the
Chocolate Crackles into the refrigerator. They will be ready
to eat in 1-2 hours. Enjoy!
Plenty of/a lot of, some, a little, enough, not enough, too much/many ...
Mix, measure, chop, put, stir, cut, pour, heat ...
First/first of all, then, next, after that, now, after having done that, finally ...
Magic Moments in SBAfL 2013
Every moment matters!
Worksheet 2- Peer Feedback
Listen to and watch your partner demonstrating how to make Chocolate Crackles. While they
are talking, draw a face to show how they are performing in each success criteria.
Wow! You’re a celebrity chef!
Good try… Getting there!
Keep practising.
My Partner’s Name:
Our Class:
Loud enough
Use the correct
What they are
matches what
they are doing
Talk like a
celebrity chef
Draw a face
Star – what you
did well
For example: Your voice was loud enough, I could hear you clearly.
Target – what
you need to
For example: Your voice was too quiet, I could not hear you clearly.
Try to speak loudly next time.
Magic Moments in SBAfL 2013
Every moment matters!
3. Family feedback: Procedure Role Play
To get family involved in helping their child to improve their English.
1. Students share their learning with a family member through
role play.
2. Family member completes the family feedback form and
talks to their child about their learning.
1. Homework task sheet
2. Worksheet 1 – recipe OR another recipe of their choice.
3. Worksheet 2 – family feedback.
4. Kitchen at home with gas hobs, fridge, ingredients, and
Student prepares the ingredients while
‘Mum’ studies the feedback form!
Prior Learning Experiences:
Students will already have studied the genre of procedural writing
and practised making the recipe in school with their peers.
1. Teacher explains homework task and goes through all
paperwork with the class.
2. Students reflect on their feedback from the class role play
to identify how they will improve their presentation at home.
Student demonstrates the procedure.
3. Students take the materials home and ask a family member to
help them to buy the ingredients and to agree to watch and give
them feedback. The homework task sheet will help to explain to
the family member what they must do.
4. Students cook the Chocolate Crackles or any other recipe for
their family while the family member/s watch and make notes on
the feedback sheet.
5. Once the procedure has been demonstrated, the family
member will explain the feedback to the student.
6. The student will then bring the completed feedback form
back to class – hopefully with a photograph of them doing the
activity. This can be used to make a classroom display.
Family member gives them feedback –
both in written and spoken form.
AfL note: Emoticons are symbols which can be used to rate a
performance. Stars can be used to denote areas of strength
while targets indicate areas for improvement.
Teacher’s Tip!
It can be really beneficial to your students if you involve their parents and other family
members in their learning and actually give them a forum to feedback. Using simple
checklists and emoticons can help focus what the family member is meant to pay
attention to and comment on.
Magic Moments in SBAfL 2013
Every moment matters!
Homework task instructions
Student Instructions
1. Show a parent or someone else at home how to make Chocolate Crackles or choose another recipe you
would like to make.
2. Make sure you tell them about the ingredients, the utensils (equipment), and the instructions (procedure).
3. As you explain the procedure, try to use the new vocabulary that you have learnt in class.
4. Try to add more detail by saying what you should /shouldn’t do and don’t forget....
5. Ask your family member to assess your performance… Are you ready to win ‘Junior Master Chef Brunei’
and maybe become the next Jamie Oliver? Don’t forget to wash up!
Parent Information – English
Your child is currently studying procedural writing in English class. He/She has already learnt how to make
‘Chocolate Crackles’ at school. To help him/her further develop his/her understanding of procedural writing,
your child has been asked to demonstrate this recipe to a family member at home. The recipe is simple and
requires few ingredients. If you are able to participate, please watch while he/she demonstrates the recipe and
then complete the ‘Parent Feedback Form’. We would also love it if you could take a photo of your child
demonstrating the recipe. Who knows? Maybe he/she will become the next Jamie Oliver!
Informasi untuk Ibu Bapa – Bahasa Melayu
Anak anda sedang mempelajari penulisan prosedur dalam kelas Bahasa Inggeris. Dia telah belajar bagaimana
cara untuk membuat 'Chocolate Crackles' di sekolah. Untuk membantu meningkatkan kefahaman anak anda
dalam penulisan prosedur ini, dia dikehendaki untuk membuat tunjuk cara resepi ini kepada ahli keluarga di
rumah. Resipi ini mudah sahaja dan hanya memerlukan beberapa bahan. Jika anda boleh membantunya, sila
lihat bagaimana cara dia membuat tunjuk cara resipi tersebut dan kemudian lengkapkan 'Borang Maklum Balas
Ibu Bapa'. Kami sangat berbesar hati jika anda boleh mengambil gambar ketika dia membuat tunjuk cara itu
nanti. Siapa tahu? Mungkin suatu hari dia akan menjadi Jamie Oliver!
Homework task instructions
Student Instructions
1. Show a parent or someone else at home how to make Chocolate Crackles or choose another recipe you
would like to make.
2. Make sure you tell them about the ingredients, the utensils (equipment), and the instructions (procedure).
3. As you explain the procedure, try to use the new vocabulary that you have learnt in class.
4. Try to add more detail by saying what you should /shouldn’t do and don’t forget....
5. Ask your family member to assess your performance… Are you ready to win ‘Junior Master Chef Brunei’
and maybe become the next Jamie Oliver? Don’t forget to wash up!
Parent Information – English
Your child is currently studying procedural writing in English class. He/She has already learnt how to make
‘Chocolate Crackles’ at school. To help him/her further develop his/her understanding of procedural writing,
your child has been asked to demonstrate this recipe to a family member at home. The recipe is simple and
requires few ingredients. If you are able to participate, please watch while he/she demonstrates the recipe and
then complete the ‘Parent Feedback Form’. We would also love it if you could take a photo of your child
demonstrating the recipe. Who knows? Maybe he/she will become the next Jamie Oliver!
Informasi untuk Ibu Bapa – Bahasa Melayu
Anak anda sedang mempelajari penulisan prosedur dalam kelas Bahasa Inggeris. Dia telah belajar bagaimana
cara untuk membuat 'Chocolate Crackles' di sekolah. Untuk membantu meningkatkan kefahaman anak anda
dalam penulisan prosedur ini, dia dikehendaki untuk membuat tunjuk cara resepi ini kepada ahli keluarga di
rumah. Resipi ini mudah sahaja dan hanya memerlukan beberapa bahan. Jika anda boleh membantunya, sila
lihat bagaimana cara dia membuat tunjuk cara resipi tersebut dan kemudian lengkapkan 'Borang Maklum Balas
Ibu Bapa'. Kami sangat berbesar hati jika anda boleh mengambil gambar ketika dia membuat tunjuk cara itu
nanti. Siapa tahu? Mungkin suatu hari dia akan menjadi Jamie Oliver!
Magic Moments in SBAfL 2013
Every moment matters!
Worksheet 1- Recipe
Recipe for Chocolate Crackles
50g butter or margarine
One and a half Mars Bars
65g Rice Krispies
1 small saucepan
1 wooden spoon
1 set of scales
1 tablespoon
1 knife
1 tray
1 chopping board
1 mixing bowl
20-25 cupcake cases
Chocolate Crackles are great to serve at a
party or even just for a delicious snack. Best
of all, they are quick and easy to make.
First, measure the ingredients using the
scales. Next, chop the butter or margarine
into large pieces. Cut the Mars Bars into
small pieces. Put the butter and Mars Bars
into a saucepan and melt over a low heat.
Make sure you stir continuously and do not
allow the mixture to boil.
When the mixture is smooth, remove the butter and Mars Bar
mixture from the heat. Put the Rice Krispies into a mixing bowl
and slowly pour the melted Mars Bar and butter mixture over
the top. Then mix the ingredients together using a wooden
spoon. Make sure all the Rice Krispies are covered with the
Mars Bar-butter mixture.
Use a tablespoon to scoop small amounts of the mixture into
the cupcake cases. Place on a tray and then finally put the
Chocolate Crackles into the refrigerator. They will be ready
to eat in 1-2 hours. Enjoy!
Plenty of/a lot of, some, a little, enough, not enough, too much/many ...
Mix, measure, chop, put, stir, cut, pour, heat ...
First/first of all, then, next, after that, now, after having done that, finally ...
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Worksheet 2 - Family Feedback
Listen to and watch your child demonstrating how to make Chocolate Crackles. While he/she
is talking, draw a face to show how he/she is performing in each success criteria.
Wow! You’re a celebrity chef!
Good try… Getting there!
Keep practising.
Student’s Name:
Success Criteria
Loud enough
Use the correct
What he/she is
saying matches what
he/she is doing
Sound like a
celebrity chef
Cukup lantang
kata (perkataanperkataan) yang
Apa yang diucapkan
bertepatan dengan
apa yang dilakukan
Seperti seorang
tukang masak
Draw a face
Star – what you
did well
For example: Your voice was loud enough, I could hear you clearly.
Target –what you
need to improve
For example: Your voice was too quiet, I could not hear you clearly. Try to speak
loudly next time.
Parent’s/Guardian’s Name: ..........................................
Signature: ..................................................
Date: .......................................................
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4. Peer and teacher feedback on an Oral Presentation
To improve peer evaluation skills including giving and accepting feedback
and target setting.
1. Students listen to and note their targets that will help them improve
oral presentation skills.
2. Students giving feedback use tick boxes and comment space to
provide constructive, useful feedback.
1. Oral Presentation Peer feedback forms.
2. Teachers’ checklist for Oral presentations with class names filled in.
1. Students evaluate each other
using the feedback form.
Prior Learning Experiences:
Students have used teacher modelled material and vocabulary to guide
their individual research of the topic to help them create a paragraph which
will in turn guide their oral presentation. They may also use a poster or a
PowerPoint slideshow to add visual images and interest.
In the DVD footage, students have written a paragraph about
celebrating Eid/Hari Raya in Brunei.
1. Students study the success criteria in the peer feedback form.
2. The teacher guides the peer
feedback process, offering prompts
and encouragement.
2. The students assess in groups of four. While one student from
the group is giving his/her presentation, the other three students
will evaluate his/her performance using the rubric. They will use
one feedback form per student.
Note: The whole class watches each presentation, but the
feedback is given in small groups.
3. Move on to the next group and the same procedure is followed.
4. Feedback takes place in the group, after each presentation.
5. During the feedback, students are encouraged to provide
strategies to their fellow group members on how to improve
their speaking skills.
3. The teacher gives One-to-One
feedback with specific focus on
language usage.
6. Teacher conducts One–to-One feedback following the
presentation and peer feedback session.
AfL note: Teacher should model the style of constructive feedback they
want the students to give to each other and provide some sentence
structures that the students can use.
Teacher’s Tip!
Follow up instruction, on a whole class basis or with a student on a one-to-one level, will be
based on inaccuracies picked up in the oral presentations that the students give. There is a
real chance to get the students to focus on shortcomings in their peers’ speaking ability, while
the teacher concentrates on use of grammar, tense and sentence construction.
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Worksheet 1
Oral Presentation: Peer feedback
Student’s Name: ________________________________________________________
My peer …
All the time
Most of the
Some of the time
Makes eye contact with all the people in the
room and has good body language.
Speaks with good pronunciation and has no
awkward silences during presentation.
Speaks with confidence and good voice
Oral Presentation: Peer feedback
Student’s Name: ________________________________________________________
My peer …
All the time
Most of the
Some of the time
Makes eye contact with all the people in the
room and has good body language.
Speaks with good pronunciation and has no
awkward silences during presentation.
Speaks with confidence and good voice
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Teacher’s Checklist for Oral Presentations
 - Area of strength? – To be addressed
Speaks with
and good
Words are
generally spelt
Sentences are
coherent and
make sense
Proper use of
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Personal Target Sheet
This sheet is used to record the areas of English that you must improve. Each time you complete a composition or
oral task I will give you a target, this should be carefully copied onto this sheet and you must target this area for
improvement next time.
When you have met your target in a future piece of work, I will sign the Achieved column and you will receive a
Date: …………………
Target: ………………………………………..
Date: ………………………
Teacher’s Signature: …………………………
Date: …………………
Target: ………………………………………..
Date: ……………………..
Teacher’s Signature: …………………………
Date: …………………
Target: ………………………………………..
Date: ……………………..
Teacher’s Signature: …………………………
Date: …………………
Target: ………………………………………..
Date: ……………………..
Teacher’s Signature: …………………………
Date: …………………
Target: ………………………………………..
Date: …………………….
Teacher’s Signature: …………………………
Date: …………………
Target: ………………………………………..
Date: …………………….
Teacher’s Signature: …………………………
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5. ‘Traffic Lighting’ New Vocabulary
To improve reading comprehension.
Objectives: Students will:
1. write definitions for new vocabulary in their own words after taking
part in vocabulary study activities.
2. indicate their current level of understanding of vocabulary through
traffic light colours.
3. take part in peer teaching.
1. Word Boxes (1 per group)
2. Vocabulary Table (1 per student)
3. Word & Definition Cards – cut into slips (1 per group or 1 per class)
4. Red, Yellow & Green colouring pencils (1 per student)
Teacher hands out word
boxes to each group.
Prior Learning Experiences:
Students should have awareness of the traffic light colours and of the word
groups used.
1. Group students (4-6 per group) and introduce lesson objectives.
2. Hand out one Word Boxes worksheet to each group. Students
study the words for one minute, then turn the paper over and write
down as many words as they can remember. Ensure students
understand the word groups used and how they are an important
part of learning new vocabulary. Students may be asked to write
down other words they associate with the words given or to make
predictions about the content of the upcoming text or unit.
3. Hand out Vocabulary Table worksheet (1 per student). Ask
students to indicate their current level of understanding of each
word, by marking each traffic light box with green, yellow or red.
Circulate and encourage students to carry out peer teaching where
4. Carry out a word & meaning card matching activity, in small groups
or as whole class activity. Collect the cards when finished.
5. Ask students to select 5-10 words and write definitions in their own
words. Encourage them to select words they had earlier marked
as yellow or red, to see how their understanding has grown. After
writing the definition, they fold over the paper, so only the definition
is showing and exchange papers with a partner. Their partner
must then use the student written definition to guess the word.
This serves as an additional check on understanding for both
Students indicate current level of
understanding using traffic light
Word and meaning card
matching activity.
AFL Note – In this activity, traffic light colours serve as symbols for student understanding.
 Red – I have never heard this word before today!
Yellow – I think I know the meaning of this word, but I’m not sure how to use it in a
 Green – I know the meaning of this word and I can use it in a sentence!
Teacher’s Tip!
Peer teaching is an invaluable AfL tool for every classroom. It can be done informally as
suggested in this lesson, in order to fill in gaps in a student’s understanding. It can also
be done more formally through student led presentations or jigsaw learning exercises.
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Word Boxes
sailing ship
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Every moment matters!
Word and Definition Cards
To kill someone illegally and on purpose
To go down under the surface of a liquid
To get free from somewhere you don’t want to be
To turn over in the water
To die in the water because you can’t breathe
To spoil or harm something by breaking it
A person who works on a boat or ship
A person who is in command of a ship or airplane
All the people who work on a ship
The official written record of a ship’s journey
A small boat that is carried on a large ship, used to escape from
the ship if it is sinking
The things you own that are worth a lot of money
sailing ship
A boat that moves by wind power
The goods that are carried on a ship or airplane
Behaviour which harms or damages somebody or something
A long journey by sea or in space
Your future, something unavoidable that happens to you
A piece of information that helps you solve a problem or crime
An idea or set ideas that try to explain something
Something you cannot explain or understand
When someone or something becomes impossible to see or find
At an equal distance between two places
On a ship or plane
Wrongly, incorrectly
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Vocabulary Table – The Mystery of the Mary Celeste
Nouns People
Verbs – Past Tense
Word Group
My Definition
My Partner’s
Word Guess
Nouns –
sailing ship
Nouns - Abstract
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Vocabulary Table for ________________________________
Word Group
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My Definition
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My Partner’s Guess
Every moment matters!
6. Teacher Guided Student Generated Rubrics –
An Introduction
To increase student involvement in the assessment process.
Objectives: Students will:
1. generate assessment criteria.
2. write rubric statements in small groups on a familiar, student
friendly topic.
5. Brainstorming Worksheet
6. Rubric Table (one column)
7. Manila Card Rubric
Students brainstorm the
information requested by the
Prior Learning Experiences:
Students should have had a range of experiences working with
teacher generated rubrics before attempting this activity.
6. Group students (4-6). Introduce the lesson objectives and
the topic for discussion. In the DVD footage, students are
working with the topic, “What makes a good friend?”
Teachers may choose to use any other familiar, student
friendly topic.
7. Ask students to discuss the qualities of a ‘good friend’ and to
record their ideas on the Brainstorming worksheet.
8. Draw out the common qualities to generate a final list of 5
assessment criteria. Link to prior student experiences with
assessment criteria and rubrics.
9. Generate a list of words and phrases often found in high,
middle and low bands of a rubric. Encourage students to use
this vocabulary when writing rubric sentences for their given
assessment criteria on the Rubric Table.
10. Ask each group to read their sentences aloud and to paste
their group’s work onto the Manila Card Rubric. As an
individual exercise, ask students to assess their own
performance as a good friend, using the rubric.
11. In a subsequent lesson, you can follow the same model to
help students create their own rubrics on content related
areas specific to your subject.
Students create the
Rubric Table.
Students read the rubric they
have pasted onto the manila card.
AfL Note –‘ Exemplars’ are useful tools when tackling content related student
generated rubrics. Students can make concrete comparisons, making it much
easier to generate rubric statements.
Teacher’s Tip!
Students who are not yet ready to generate their own rubric statements may find the task
easier by working with teacher generated statements. They simply read each statement
and paste it appropriately into the rubric table.
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A friend should...
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Rubric Table
A friend should....
You are a
fantastic friend
because you...
You are a good
friend because
You need to
improve as a
friend because
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7. Self Assessment and Peer Feedback
To improve self and peer assessment skills in writing.
Students will use a self and peer checklist with traffic light dots to
self-assess and peer-assess the content, structure, punctuation and
grammatical accuracy of a first draft of a narrative prior to writing a
final draft.
Teacher models how to do self
on the board using the
1. Self & peer checklist [traffic lights dots] (One for each student)
2. Assessment rubric. (One for each student)
1. Teacher models on the board how to self-correct writing
using the checklist and traffic light dots.
2. Students use the checklist and traffic light dots to correct
their own work.
3. Students swap books and work in pairs to complete peer
assessment using the checklist.
Students use the checklist to
correct their own work.
4. Students complete final draft of their narrative making
the necessary corrections.
Students swap books and
complete peer assessment using
the checklist.
Teacher’s Tip!
Write your own checklist to match the narrative style and language skills that you
are teaching.
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A Day in the Life of…
Self and Peer Assessment Checklist
Step 1:
Read the completed draft of your story. As you read, check that you have included all of the
items on the list below. Colour the circle green if you think ‘I’m a star’. Colour the circle yellow
if you think your work is ‘Getting There’. Colour the circle red if you think ‘Uh oh! Help!’
Step 2:
If you have coloured in any circles red or yellow you must now make changes, additions and
corrections to your story.
Step 3:
Give your story and this checklist to your partner. They will assess your story and give you
feedback on your work.
Step 4:
Write the final draft of your story, making sure you include corrections and follow any feedback
your partner gives you.
Does your story have …?
a first paragraph with a description of the setting?
a second paragraph with a description of your animal?
a beginning with information about your animal’s daily routines?
a problem that your animal has?
an ending with a solution to the problem?
Have you made sure that…?
the ending of your story matches your beginning?
your story is written in the present tense? Check by making sure
you have used ‘is’ and ‘are’ instead of ‘was’ and that none of your
verbs [kata kerja] end in ‘ed’.
you have used full stops to separate your ideas?
your sentences start with a capital letter?
all words in your writing are spelt correctly?
you have used paragraphs?
you have used lots of different adjectives?
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A Day in the Life of…
Children’s Story Book Writing Task Assessment Rubric
Assessment Criteria
Includes a description of the
setting & main character, a
beginning [with 3-5 daily
routines], problem and
solution. Story is interesting,
original and can be
Your story is fully
completed, detailed and
includes all the required
Your story is complete
and includes all the
required elements.
Nearly There
Your story is not quite
finished or is missing an
important part.
Needs Practice
Your story is
incomplete. You have
not written enough.
You have copied some
ideas from the examples.
Some of your ideas are
hard to understand.
Uses paragraphs for different
parts of the story. Ideas are
connected within paragraphs.
Your story is very well
organised and logical.
Ideas in the story are
connected. Your story
makes sense.
Your story is organised
and logical. Most ideas
in the story are
connected. Your story
makes sense.
Your story is organised
and logical most of the
time. Some ideas in the
story are connected. Most
of your story makes sense.
Your story is sometimes
organised and logical.
Some of your ideas are
not connected. Parts of
your story do not make
Most of your ideas are
copied from the
examples. It is hard to
understand your
Your story is not
organised or logical.
Very few of your ideas
are connected. Most of
your story does not
make sense.
Correctly uses the present
simple tense. Punctuation
and spelling are correct.
Present simple tense is
usually correct.
Punctuation and spelling
are mostly correct.
Present simple tense is
often correct. Punctuation
and spelling are mostly
Present simple tense is
sometimes correct.
Some punctuation and
spelling are correct.
Present simple tense is
usually incorrect. Many
spelling and
punctuation errors.
Uses a wide range of
interesting adjectives.
Present simple tense is
always correct.
Punctuation and spelling
are almost always
Your story includes a
wide range of very
interesting adjectives.
Your story includes a
range of interesting
Your story includes some
interesting adjectives.
Your story includes lots
of basic adjectives.
Your story includes a
small number of basic
Final presentation is neat,
attractive and organised.
Wow! Your presentation
is very neat, attractive
and well organised.
Great! Your presentation
is neat, attractive and
Your presentation is neat
and easy to read.
Your presentation is a
little bit messy in places.
Your work looks
rushed. It is messy and
hard to read.
Your story is very
interesting and full of
original ideas.
Your story is interesting
and original.
Your story is mostly
complete and includes
nearly all the required
Your story has some
interesting ideas.
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Not Shown
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8. Giving Whole Class Feedback
A Target Setting Activity
To improve student performance in future assessments.
Objectives: Students will:
1. write review the feedback given in an assessment task.
2. set a target grade for future assessments.
3. write an action plan to help them reach their target grade.
1. Assessed student work with qualitative feedback from the
2. Target Setting Template
Student studies the teacher
feedback on their work.
Prior Learning Experiences:
Students should have a beginning understanding of rubrics.
1. Introduce the day’s lesson objectives and give back the
assessed piece of student work. Give adequate time for
students to read and make sense of your feedback.
2. Review the assessment rubric used as a class. Discuss the
qualities present in work from each grade band.
3. Generate a list of actions students should take to move up to
the next grade band, based on each assessment criteria.
Ensure the sample actions are simple and clearly stated.
Students generate a list of
actions to help them improve.
4. Ask students to set an achievable target grade for the next
assessment and record it in the centre of the target board.
5. Instruct students to select 3 actions which will help them to
reach their target. Each action should be neatly recorded in
one of the circles of the target board.
6. File the target boards in student portfolios, exercise books or
use them to make a display in the classroom. As you revise
or re-assess this particular skill, encourage students to
review their targets and action plan.
Student records 3 individual
targets in circles.
AfL Note - ‘Qualitative’ feedback is most effective when students are given
time to read, discuss and reflect upon it. Find the time for this essential
step whenever possible.
Teacher’s Tip!
If students are not yet able to independently identify actions for improvement, list a range of
actions on slips of coloured paper and post them around the classroom. Students walk around
the room, read the actions and bring them back to the group in order to compile a list. This will
add a level of interaction and use of spoken English into an individual target setting activity.
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My Target and Action Plan for:
My Target and Action Plan for:
My Target
My Target
My grade
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My grade
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9. Student-led Conferences with Parents
To develop student self-awareness of their personal strengths, weaknesses
and next learning steps and improve ability to articulate these to their
Objectives: Students will:
1. be able to use rubrics to identify the levels they have achieved for
different tasks and to talk about next learning steps.
2. orally report their results to their parents, in place of a traditional
parent – teacher meeting.
1. Student work from completed and marked Assessment Task.
2. Task specific Assessment Task Report Sheet with prompts.
3. Feedback forms for students and parents.
Students discuss their
learning with a partner.
Prior Learning Experience
1. Be familiar with common SBAfL terms and have used them to
discuss classroom tasks and learning.
2. Complete the Assessment Task (AT) to be reported on to parents.
1. Return the marked and graded ATRS to students. Allow students to
familiarise themselves with their results, modelling how to use
rubrics to identify strengths, weaknesses and next learning steps.
2. Provide a list of SBAfL terms (Bootcamp - SBAfL Glossary) and
revise how to use them appropriately when talking about learning.
Write examples of sentences on board. Students can use these or
create their own to write short paragraphs about their achievement
for each AT activity. Students read their paragraphs to each other.
Role plays – one student
pretends to be the parent at a
student-led conference.
3. Teacher models role play of student-led conference pretending to
be student. Students practise role plays. As they become more
confident ask them to close their books (create prompt cards if
necessary) and talk more naturally. Brainstorm some questions that
students think their parents might ask during the conference.
Practise answering these. Partners assess each other’s
‘conference’ using the feedback forms and provide suggestions for
improvement. Give time for further practice and reassessment as
4. Conduct student-led conferences with parents. Students greet
parents, introduce them to teacher and then sit down with parents
to show them their report (using their AT student work as well if
desired) and how the rubrics help them to see the level they have
achieved and what they need to do to improve. Parents are asked
by the student if they have any questions about the report at the
end of the conference. Once the conference is over the teacher is
available for any other questions the parent may have.
Students share their learning
with parents.
5. Students and parents fill out feedback forms about the conferences
so they can be improved upon next time.
Teacher’s Tip!
Differentiation can occur in several ways. Students can either create their own paragraphs about their achievement or use sentence
starters or a gap-fill depending upon ability. Practice time and teacher support during role plays can be adapted as necessary.
During the conference, the teacher can assist and prompt lower ability students or alternately allow more able students to take
complete control. For the first conference, the goal may be to just share achievement and in subsequent conferences move on to
discussing next learning steps.
Note: Students may also need to use their first language in conferences if their parents would prefer this.
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Example of Assessment Task Report Sheet
TASK 1 – Listening Comprehension
Can understand all of the facts about all of the animals and identify where all of the animals come from.
Can understand most of the facts about the animals and identify where most of the animals come from.
Can understand some facts about the animals and identify where some of the animals come from.
Can find three accurate facts from the text and identify where three animals come from.
Can find one or two main facts about one or two animals and identify one or two main facts about where one or
two of the animals come from.
TASK 2 – Reading Comprehension
Reading For Information
Can read the text to find all of the information.
Can read the text to find most of the information.
Can read the text to find some of the information
about an animal.
Can read the text to find a little information about
an animal.
Can’t find the information needed to do the task
Writing Short Answers
Can select nearly all of the important information to
write notes.
Can select most of the important information to write
Can select some of the important information to
write notes.
Copies too much information in most of the boxes.
Can’t write the information needed to do the task.
Task 3 – Speaking
Grade Performance description
Can read entire paragraph fluently and confidently.
Pronunciation is error-free.
Can speak expressively; reading is very interesting to listen to.
Can read most of the paragraph fluently and confidently.
Can correct pronunciation mistakes when necessary.
Pronunciation is correct except for occasional tricky sounds or words.
Can speak expressively so reading is interesting to listen to.
Can read paragraph completely. Now needs to work on confidence.
Pronunciation has a few minor mistakes.
Sometimes forgets to speak expressively but all paragraph can be understood.
Can read paragraph although stops and starts a few times.
Can pronounce most common words. Struggles with many tricky sounds or words.
Usually forgets to speak expressively, but most of the paragraph can be understood.
Stops and starts all of the way through paragraph or may not be able to finish reading the paragraph.
It is very difficult to hear reading paragraph.
Needs a lot of help to pronounce many of the words.
It is hard to understand what student is reading.
Teacher’s comment:
Student’s comment:
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Thank you for sharing your child’s learning. Could you please answer the following questions
about your student-led conference by circling the best answer.
1. Did your child explain about their learning clearly?
Yes, very well
Most of it was clear
No, I didn’t understand
2. Did you find this type of feedback better than the usual parent teacher meeting?
Yes, a lot better
About the same
No, I prefer the teacher to talk to me
3. Would you like to have a student-led conference again?
Yes I thought it was good
I don’t mind
No, I like the usual parent teacher meetings
Thank you for sharing your child’s learning. Could you please answer the following questions
about your student-led conference by circling the best answer.
7. Did your child explain about their learning clearly?
Yes, very well
Most of it was clear
No, I didn’t understand
8. Did you find this type of feedback better than the usual parent teacher meeting?
Yes, a lot better
About the same
No, I prefer the teacher to talk to me
9. Would you like to have a student-led conference again?
Yes I thought it was good
I don’t mind
No, I like the usual parent teacher meetings
Thank you for sharing your child’s learning. Could you please answer the following questions
about your student-led conference by circling the best answer.
4. Did your child explain about their learning clearly?
Yes, very well
Most of it was clear
No, I didn’t understand
5. Did you find this type of feedback better than the usual parent teacher meeting?
Yes, a lot better
About the same
No, I prefer the teacher to talk to me
6. Would you like to have a student-led conference again?
Yes I thought it was good
I don’t mind
No, I like the usual parent teacher meetings
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10. Student Feedback
Assessing your lessons!
To improve teacher performance through student feedback.
1. Students express how they feel about an activity or learning
objective by indicating with their thumb OR
2. Students place a star on a grid to show what they have learned
and how they feel about the lesson and activities OR
3. Students write their feed-back and feed-forward responses to a
lesson on post-it notes.
1. Thumbs up
1. Thumbs up – Yes / down – No / sideways – unsure.
2. A grid drawn on a whiteboard or on A3 paper.
3. Post-it notes or paper and Blu-tack.
At the end of any lesson a teacher can use any of the three methods
to elicit feedback from the students. This will assist the teacher in
future planning.
2. Feedback grid
1. Ask questions and students indicate their response using their
2. Draw the grid on the board. Instruct students to reflect on the
questions in the two axes. Ask them to line up and put a star that
best fits how they feel about the activity and their learning
3. Hand out the post-it notes and designate a colour code for feedback and feed-forward. Write sentence starters on the board for less
confident learners. Instruct students to stick notes on wall as they
leave room.
AfL note: The teacher must be clear about what it is they want the
students to feedback on. Know the questions you want to ask!
In the feedback grid, the axis should allow students to reflect on both
the learning objective and how much they enjoyed the activity.
When asking for students to feedback and feed forward possible
responses should be scaffolded for students who have not had to
give written feedback before.
3. Teacher scaffolds response
3. Teacher can use students’
responses to plan
Teacher’s Tip!
As teachers we spend a lot of time planning our lessons and reflecting on what we think was
successful. It can be very insightful to see how students feel and what they think they have
learned. Note: The more often that you do these activities, the more honest and helpful the
students’ responses will be.
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Magic Moments in SBAfL
Part Two
SBAfL Bootcamp
1. Organise all materials
This section of Magic Moments in SBAfL provides a step by step guide of
how to hold a SBAfL Bootcamp in your school. The methodology and
resources – both on the DVD and in the folder – provide step by step
guidance in the preparation, teacher training and staff briefing as well as
sample documents for the actual Bootcamp event. All materials included can
be adapted and revised for the needs of a particular school and year group.
The DVD provides footage from two Bootcamps held in Bruneian schools:
SM PAP Hjh Masna in Bandar Seri Begawan and SM PAP Hjh Rashidah in
Lumut. Huge thanks must go to the Principals, administration, staff and
students in these schools who allowed us to film them and use their
experience to show you how it can be done.
So, sit back, watch the footage, read the documentation and enjoy planning
and holding your own SBAfL Bootcamp!
We would love to hear how you get on so please do feel free to contact us:
CfBT Education Services, Brunei.
2. Invite all Year 7 teachers
to attend
Section 1: Administration documents for staff briefing
Bootcamp Checklist / Timeline
Action plan for SBAfL Bootcamp
SBAfL Bootcamp Programme
Staff letter: SBAfL Bootcamp briefing
Timetable for SBAfL Bootcamp
Hall set up diagram
3. Prepare all the materials
and allocate the jobs for the
Section 2: Teacher Documents
40. Bootcamp - Powerpoint slides (PDF on DVD)
80. A role-play script – Designing a T-Shirt
Section 3: Student handouts
Task outline – Assessment Criteria: Student handout booklet.
Rubric with teacher feedback: Copy one for each group on A3.
T-Shirt planning sheet : Copy one for each group on A3.
Poem – My Peer is... Student handout booklet.
Peer feedback using emoticons: Copy one for each group on A3.
SBAfL Glossary: Student handout booklet.
Learning Journal explanation: One for each student
Learning Journal – Self assessment: One for each student.
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4. Create SBAfL Display
using samples and images
from the DVD
Every moment matters!
SBAfL Bootcamp
A Checklist Time-Line
Make preparations for your school’s SBAfL Bootcamp easier by ticking off each item on this checklist!
1-2 Months Before….
Review the Bootcamp
materials in full to have
a clear picture of the
Bootcamp in your
mind. Make
changes/additions to
suit your school as
Elicit interest and
support from your
school administration –
HOD, SM Academic,
DP Academic &
Elicit support from
SBAfL colleagues
across the core
subjects – English,
Malay, Science, Math,
Consult the school
calendar and choose
dates for staff briefing
and Bootcamp.
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Two Weeks Before….
Review and
prepare materials
for Bootcamp
Hold Bootcamp
briefing meeting for
all Year 7 and 8
SBAfL subject
teachers and other
through the Action
Secure materials
needed to create
traffic light cards,
learning journals
and name tags.
Distribute to those
One Week Before….
Print and photocopy
all handouts.
Liaise with committee
heads and support
them as needed.
Ensure traffic light
cards, journals and
name tags are being
Work with presenters
to prepare their
‘scripts’ and practise
Refine and adapt
Powerpoint slides to
suit your school.
Prepare a press
release and invite the
media to come and
view the event.
One Day Before….
The Morning of….
Collect prizes, certificates
and Bootcamp materials
from committee heads.
Class teachers must
inform students that they
need to bring coloured
pencils, eraser, pens,
scissors, glue and felt
pens to the Bootcamp.
Set up chairs and tables
at the venue.
Set up laundry line,
graffiti wall and parking
lot display boards.
Take photos and video
of your Bootcamp in
Interview a range of
participants to get
feedback on the
Check the PA system
and projector.
Do last minute check of
the venue.
During the Bootcamp…
After the Bootcamp…
Let us know how it went and
any suggestions you have
for improvements!
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Date …………………………
Action plan SBAfL Bootcamp
Fill in the blanks on this sheet to allocate tasks for the Bootcamp event.
Program Presenters
*Include teachers from all departments
Hall Set Up
*Set up chairs and student desks in hall as per diagram
P.A. and Projector
*Set up speakers, microphone and projector for 7:30am start
*Contact media, take photos for school records
Name Tags, Prizes and Certificates
*Prepare and organise above
T-Shirt Judges
*Judge/mark completed t-shirt designs using rubric.
Select 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize based on rubric score
Student Group Facilitators
- assist students in tasks, translate, guide-on-the-side 
 all Year 7 subject teachers when you are not teaching
 please fill in the master timetable to show when you are available 
Before event: Class Teachers / Asst. Class Teachers
Organise students into groups of four - name groups
Ask students to bring coloured pencils, eraser, scissors, glue, felt
Approved by:
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Thank you so much!
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SBAfL Bootcamp Programme
Fill in with the relevant leaders’ names.
Use the Bootcamp PowerPoint (PPT) slides to guide each
section. You may also like to use parts of the DVD film.
Led by:
Students and teachers gather in the hall
- Place name cards on table and collect any consent
forms not handed in
- Introduction and SBAfL Chant
Class teachers, assistants, Year 7 subject
PPT slides 1 - 4
PPT slides 5 - 7
PPT slides 8 11
PPT slides 1112
8.45 – 9.30
PPT slide 13-27
PPT slides 2830
PPT slides 3132
1. Signs and signals, Bootcamp explained, chants
(thumbs up questions)
Students sit at desks in groups
2. Giving reading aloud feedback with traffic light
cards (using SBAfL Glossary in folder)
- Hand out traffic light cards (1 per pupil)
- Explain assessment criteria of Bootcamp challenge
Year 7 subject teachers
3. Ruby Rubric – Animation on DVD
- explain Bootcamp rubric
4. Group work – planning T-shirt designs (see
handout in pack) using checklist
- Role-play – teachers demonstrate
- Spot check designs using traffic light cards (Have
you finished yet? etc.)
5. Peer feedback (see handout in pack)
- ‘My Peer is…’ Poem
- Role-play – teachers demonstrate
- Students fill out peer feedback sheet
Break – put manila card, already cut into T Shirt
shapes, on tables.
……….………… to explain.
All subject teachers to supervise and guide
6. ‘Make it better’ after getting feedback from peers
- final designs on manila card
7. Judging using rubrics
- Learning journals
8. Self-assessment
- Students post comments on graffiti wall/questions
on parking lot
PPT slide 39
9. Review of key points (+Graffiti Wall and Parking
Lot review.)
- Prize presentation and feedback using rubric
- Thank you and dismissal
PPT slides 3338
……………… to explain. All subject teachers
to hand out journals
Letter template for Staff briefing
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From: …………………………………………………………
All HoDs, All Year 7 Subject Teachers
SUBJECT: SBAfL Bootcamp Briefing
Please be informed that the above meeting will be held as follows:
Date: ……………………………………………..
Time: ……………………………………………..
Venue: …………………………………………….
1. Prayer and opening
2. SBAfL Matching Activity – team work
3. Bootcamp Introduction and overview – PowerPoint and Film
4. Rehearsing SBAfL chants
5. Small group work:
 scripting peer feedback role-play
 scripting T-shirt design role-play
 designing certificates and writing name tags
 training judges
6. Question and Answer session
7. Prayer and closing
Your participation at the above meeting will be highly appreciated. Thank you.
Organising teacher
Approved by:
Date: …………………………………………
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Please shade in the
periods when you are
free to assist groups in
SBAfL Bootcamp 
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Diagram for SBAfL Bootcamp
Projector Screen
Graffiti Wall
Presenters’ Table
Parking Lot
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Insert name of school and date of Bootcamp on slide.
Place school logo in centre.
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Presenter –
Explain the acronym – SBAfL is part of SPN21 – changes to our schools, classrooms and ways of
learning in Brunei Darussalam
For example: SBAfL (30%) + SPE (70%) = SPA (100%) in 2012 (at time of publication)
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Presenter •
SBAfL helps you understand what your “grades” mean. You are not just 33/100 or 69/100, but a
person with a name.
(do activity asking students to shout out their names at the count of 3)
SBAfL helps you to learn about your strengths and targets in each subject. You will start to
understand why you got a “C”, and what you need to do differently to get a “B” next time around.
Knowing these two things will help you to be the best that you can be!
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Presenter –
Model chant by group of teachers, then students join in. This can be seen in action on the DVD. Teachers
can also teach the chant to their classes before the Bootcamp day. This allows them to become familiar with
the term SBAfL and gives them an idea of the purpose behind the methodology.
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Presenter –
Today’s program is very fun, but very busy – we will need to get your attention throughout the
(Model the signals you will use to get attention of the group as you move from task to task, practise as a
An important part of SBAfL is giving information to the teachers about how you are learning, what
you enjoy and what questions you still have. Today we will use a parking lot board and a graffiti wall
to help you give this information to us in an easy and comfortable way
(Have examples of graffiti wall/parking lot comments and model putting them onto the appropriate boards)
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Presenter (Use slide info, give examples of each point, trying to use each of the core subjects)
1 - In Science, your teacher might ask you to use a checklist to check the quality of your experiment reports
2- In Bahasa Melayu, your teacher might ask you to work in groups and present what you know about
different types of poems
3 and 4- In English, you will complete projects and Assessment Tasks to show the teacher how your skills
are developing
5 – In all of your subjects you will need to think about how you learn best and how you can apply strategies
to learn better each day
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Presenter (Use slide info and elicit suggestions from students where appropriate)
One quick and easy way to give this information to our teachers is to use our thumbs – do you have
What does this mean? (Model and give examples for thumbs up/down/sideways)
(Ask a series of questions to focus listening and practise thumbs up/down – choose a few)
Did you have breakfast today?
Is it sunny outside?
Are you having fun yet?
Do you like Justin Bieber?
Did you have a shower this morning?
Did you pray this morning?
Did you have a good sleep last night?
Thumbs up/down is one simple way that your teacher will check your understanding during lessons and
activities this year. It is one example of feedback.
Am I wearing a beautiful baju / colourful tie?
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Presenter –
What is feedback? Feedback is information that helps you and your teachers know how well you
understand the lessons or tasks in each subject.
We can use this feedback to make changes so that we can learn more and improve our grades.
(Hand out traffic light cards)
We can use these cards to check our understanding of important lessons. Please bring these cards with
you to school every day, as your teachers will often use them to get your feedback.
Let’s practise using traffic light cards together as a group. How well do you know our school? Listen to each
sentence about our school and use your traffic light cards to answer – red means false; yellow means I’m
not sure; green means true!
(Give a series of sentences about the school’s staff, rules, programs, facilities, etc.)
Examples – Cikgu Jean teaches Bahasa Melayu. (False!)
They sell healthy food in the canteen. (True!)
You are allowed to wear purple and green trainers to school. (False!)
All of the teachers are beautiful, kind and funny. (True )
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Presenter –
Now let’s practise in our small groups. (Read instructions from slide)
This is another great way of using traffic light cards to improve your skills. We can see right away where we
need to improve.
DVD – Show ‘Traffic Light Boy’ animation.
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Presenter Sometimes when we get a grade, we don’t really understand why the teacher gave us that grade.
Sometimes when we get an assignment or a task from the teacher, we aren’t really sure what to do. In
SBAfL, your teachers will always give you the assessment criteria.
(Use slide definition) If we know what the teacher is going to look for, we must remember to do those things
or include them in our work. The assessment criteria will also help you to understand what is important in
your learning and how you will know if you have been successful in completing a task. Assessment criteria
take the mystery out of your school work and help you to have a clearer picture about what you must do to
be successful.
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Presenter (Insert the name of your school in the two places on the slide. XXXXXXXX)
So, on to today’s challenge. Are you ready to begin? Let’s see your answer using your traffic light cards.
(outline task using slide)
Here are the assessment criteria for today’s task. (outline assessment criteria using slide)
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Presenter Assessment criteria tell us what we need to do, but sometimes we also need to think about the quality of our
work as well. Rubrics help us to see how well we have met the assessment criteria (Perfect? Getting there?
Not at all?). This gives you even more detailed information about your work in a number of different areas.
Confused? No worries – let’s let our friend Ruby Rubric explain it to us.
(DVD - Show Ruby Rubric Animation)
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Presenter (Use role play script – A Role play script – Designing a T Shirt in Bootcamp Teacher Materials for ideas.
You can use the following slides (14 to 27) to support what is being said in the role play.
Model, plan and role-play – Names of teachers
(Set groups to work doing plans – circulate to guide and support, ensure students are doing a plan, not a
final product)
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See Role Play Script
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See Role Play Script
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See Role Play Script
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See Role Play Script
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See Role Play Script
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See Role Play Script
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See Role Play Script
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See Role Play Script
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See Role Play Script
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See Role Play Script
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See Role Play Script
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See Role Play Script
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See Role Play Script
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See Role Play Script
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(Do spot check using traffic light cards.)
Have you included the school name and year?
Have you spelled it correctly?
Is your design colourful?
Is it neatly drawn and well organised?
Does it tell people about the interests, dreams or goals of your group members?
Is your writing neat?
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Presenter Now that you have finished your design, it’s time to take the next step in SBAfL bootcamp learning – peer
feedback! Remember that feedback is information which helps us to know the strengths in our work and the
things we need to improve. We can get feedback from many different people and some of the best
feedback comes from your classmates or your peers. Sometimes we can learn even better from our peers,
so take time to give and receive feedback with an open mind and a kind heart.
(Outline task and distribute peer feedback forms as needed)
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Presenter (Add names of teachers doing role play or show the role play on the DVD and delete XXXX)
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Presenter Fantastic feedback! I was so pleased to see you all giving and receiving feedback in such a positive way.
Now you are ready to begin your final t-shirts. Make changes and additions to your t-shirts based on the
feedback from your peers.
Note: You may decide to have the t shirt shape already cut out to save time in this activity.
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Presenter •
Encourage students to consult the rubric to make final checks on their t-shirt designs
How well have they met each assessment criteria?
Instruct students to attach plan and rubric to the bottom of the t-shirts.
They should then hang their work on the laundry line for judging.
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Presenter (use slide info)
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Presenter (Use slide info, return to SBAfL chant if desired)
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Presenter (Use slide info)
Some different ways of doing self assessment – completing a checklist or even just marking your work with
emoticons or traffic light colours to show how well you think you have done in the task or in understanding
the lesson.
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Presenter You are going to receive a learning journal today. This learning journal is a place where you can do selfassessment activities. You can use the learning journal on your own and your teachers will often ask you to
use it during or at the end of lessons. Like your traffic light cards, you should bring your learning journal with
you to school each day. (Read through some of the sample activities found on the first page of the learning
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Presenter Instruct students to read through the instructions for today’s self-assessment activity. They are in both
English and Bahasa Melayu – students are welcome to record their self-assessments in either language.
(Students are likely to need a great deal of support for this – ensure facilitators are actively assisting
students and providing support)
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Presenter When you have finished your self-assessment, please put your learning journal into the basket for your
class. Your learning journals will give us important feedback on the program today and will help us to make
it better for the next group of students.
We also invite you to add your comments or remaining questions using the post-its. (give examples of
comments and questions that students could add) Remember – questions go in the parking lot, comments
on the graffiti wall.
(This feedback will also give us important information about what you have learned and what you are still
unsure about.)
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Presenter (Carry out prize presentations based on rubric scores – highlight the qualities in each work which set them
apart and won them the prizes)
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Presenter –
(Use slide info)
(Insert school logo in top left corner)
(Present tokens to special guests or adapt as needed)
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A Role Play - Designing a t-shirt
The slide numbers link to the Bootcamp PowerPoint.
Sri: So, what do we need to put on our t-shirt?
Nazmi: Let’s look at the assessment criteria. Ok, there needs to be a lot of
colour… [Slide 14]
Lucy: And we need to make sure we write the name of our school and Year
Zoe: Oh! And we need to include our interests, dreams and goals.
Nazmi: Well, I love tennis! I want to be the next Rafael Nadal… And I want to
1. Read the assessment
criteria carefully
be a pilot!
Sri: I want to be a teacher and I love netball.
Lucy: I love going to new places… I’m going to travel around the world when
I finish school.
Zoe: Well, I love singing. I’m going to be a famous singer.
Sri: OK. Where should we start? Where should we write the school name?
Nazmi: I think we should write it vertically on the back of the t-shirt.
Sri, Zoe, Lucy: Great idea!
Zoe: Sri, you’ve got neat writing… how about you write it on? [Slide 15]
Lucy: Hang on, the assessment criteria say that we have to write ‘SM PAP
2. Write the name of your
school on your shirt.
Rashidah… should we change it?
Sri: What about if we do it like this? [Slide 16]
Nazmi: I like it!
Zoe: What next?
Nazmi: Year 7. Where should we write that?
Sri: On the sleeves... on both sides. [Slide 17]
Lucy: How will we show our dreams, interests and goals? Should we write a
sentence? Or should we draw a picture?
Nazmi: Let’s draw a picture. It will be more colourful and interesting and we
need to use lots of colours. Draw a tennis racquet for me!
3. You also have to show your
dreams, interests and goals.
Sri: How about I draw it like this? And I’ll write Nazmi’s name like this. [Slide
Zoe & Lucy: That looks great!
Lucy: What should we draw for Sri?
Sri: I’ll draw a bib because I love netball. [Slide 19]
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Zoe: How about we draw a microphone for me because I like singing? Put it
next to your bib.
Sri: And add some musical notes!
Nazmi: That looks fantastic! [Slide 20]
Lucy: Now for me… I like travelling so what should we draw for me?
Sri: How about a suitcase? And a ticket?
Zoe: Yeah! Good idea! [Slide 21]
4. Add notes about colour and
Nazmi: And now we need to decorate our t-shirt.
Lucy: Don’t forget we need lots of colours.
Zoe: Should we have stripes?
Sri: We could do it like this?
Nazmi: That looks cool! Now we’ve got stripes, what else should we add?
[Slide 22]
Lucy: Maybe we could have that sleeve as a different colour…
Sri: Ooops! That should be on the other side! I’ll just scribble it out. [Slide 23]
Zoe: Ok, now let’s add colour. What colour should the front be?
Sri: Pink?
5. Your plan just has to be a rough
Nazmi: No way! Not pink!!! How about purple?
Zoe: Sri! It doesn’t have to be perfect! It’s just a plan… [Slide 24]
Sri: Oh! OK. I’ll just colour it roughly so we can see what colour we are going
to use. [Slide 25]
Zoe: What about the back? What colour should that be?
Lucy: I think we should have lots of different shapes and colours. But it
should be light colours so we can read the writing. [Slide 26]
Nazmi: What colour should we do the writing? It needs to be neat. How about
black? It will be nice and clear…
6. Don’t colour it in completely.
Save that for the good copy.
Zoe: What about the sleeves and stripes?
Sri: How about green? That’s the school’s colour.
Lucy: Good idea! How about we make the stripes yellow and red? [Slide 27]
Nazmi: Good work, team! I like it!
Teacher’s Tip!
This role play can be prepared by teachers to present at the Bootcamp, or used in class to show
students how they should go about team planning. It can help with the language needed to
negotiate and share ideas.
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SBAfL Bootcamp Challenge
Design a t-shirt to represent
Your t-shirt should:
Year 7 Class
Be colourful.
Be neatly drawn and well organised.
Have the words “S M ...............................................” and
“Year 7” somewhere on the t-shirt.
Tell people about the interests, dreams or goals of all
your group members.
Step 1 – Fill in the planning sheet with your group members.
Pay attention to the assessment criteria!
Assessment criteria tells you what your teacher
wants you to do and how your work will be marked.
This helps you to improve your work, learn more and
get better marks!
Step 2 – Pair up with another group and give suggestions on
how to improve your designs.
Step 3 – Make changes and additions – try to make your t-shirt
Step 4 – Design your final t-shirt on manila card.
Step 5 – Attach plan and rubric to the bottom of your t-shirt.
Step 6 – Hang your t-shirt on the laundry line for judging. Well
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Planning Your T-Shirt Design
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tell you how successful you have been in meeting the assessment criteria. Rubrics also tell you what you
need to do to improve your work next time. This rubric will be used to judge your group’s t-shirt design.
1 – Colour
In your design you...
...used a great variety of
different colours
...used a variety of
...used some colours.
...used a few colours.
...didn’t use many
2 – Neatness and
Your design was...
...very neatly drawn and
extremely well-organised in
all parts.
...neatly drawn and wellorganised in all parts.
...neatly drawn and wellorganised in most parts.
... well-organised in
some parts.
... well-organised in a
few parts.
3 – Words
The words on your
design were...
...complete, spelt correctly
and easy to read.
...complete with only
one small error.
...complete with a few
small errors.
...nearly complete with
a few errors.
...not complete, with
many errors.
...tell people a lot about your
group members very clearly
and creatively.
...tell people about your
group members clearly
and creatively.
...tell people some
things about your group
...tell people a few
things about your
group members.
...tell people very
little about your
group members.
4 – Content
The designs on your
Teacher feedback will tell you what you did well (Stars) and what you need to improve next time (Targets). This
feedback is just as important as your mark, so make sure you understand your teacher’s feedback!
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My Peer is...
My peer is my partner or
classmate or friend,
Who’ll help me ensure
I do well in the end.
They’ll tell me the things
I can do to improve,
The ideas and words
I should change, fix or move.
Sometimes with a happy face,
Sometimes with a star,
With my Peer’s Feedback
I can go far!
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Peer feedback helps us to see what is great about our work, and what we can make better.
When we talk to our classmates about our work, we can all improve, learn more and earn better marks!
Look closely at your classmates’ t-shirt design. Colour one sentence for each assessment criteria.
Practise saying these sentences out loud. You can add examples or other ideas if you wish. In 10
minutes you will sit with your friends and talk to each other about your designs.
Assessment Criteria - Your t-shirt should...
1 - be
Your t-shirt design has many beautiful colours and we really like the colours you chose.
Your t-shirt design has some nice colours. We think you should add a bit more colour to
make it better.
You have only used 1 colour. We think you should add a lot more colour to your design.
2 - be neatly
drawn and
Your design is very neatly drawn and well organised. This makes the t-shirt look really
Your design is organised. It could be neater. We think you should fix some of the pictures.
It is hard to understand your drawings because they are messy. We think you should try
3 - have the
name of your
school on it.
All of the words are complete, correctly spelt and in easy to read letters. Super job!
The words are complete. We can see a few spelling mistakes. We think you should fix the
mistakes to make it better.
It is really hard to read your words. Look at the task sheet to spell them correctly or rewrite them neatly.
4 - tell people
about the
dreams and
goals of your
The pictures and words you used tell us so much about your group members. Bravo!
You have told us some things about your group members. We think you should add a few
more ideas about your group’s interests and goals.
Your design doesn’t tell us very much about your group. We think you should add pictures
and words about your group’s interests and goals to make it better.
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Assessment criteria tells you what your teacher wants you to do and how your work
will be marked. This helps you to improve your work, learn more and get better marks!
Rubrics tell you how successful you have been in meeting the assessment criteria.
Rubrics also tell you what you need to do to improve your work next time. They often
use numbers or levels to show you how successful you have been.
Peer feedback helps us to see what is great about our work, and what we can make
better. When we talk to our friends about our work, we can all improve, learn more
and earn better marks! There are many different ways to give peer feedback.
Teacher feedback tells you what you did well (Stars) and what you need to improve
next time (Targets). This feedback is just as important as your mark, so make sure
you understand your teacher’s feedback!
Self assessment asks you to think about what you have done well and how you can
improve next time. When you self-assess, you think about what you learned and also,
how you learned. There are many different ways to do self-assessment.
Traffic Light Cards can be used in many different ways. They help the teacher check
your understanding of a lesson. They can also be used to give feedback to your
Just remember...
Red = No / False / I don’t understand / I disagree
Yellow = Maybe / No Information / I understand a bit / I don’t know
Green = Yes / True / I understand / I agree
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A Learning Journal… What’s that?
A learning journal is a place to think and write about your
learning at school.
Your teachers will ask you to use it during their lessons, but
you can also use it on your own to be an active learner.
There are no rules – just get thinking and writing!
A Learning Journal… What’s that?
A learning journal is a place to think and write about your
learning at school.
Your teachers will ask you to use it during their lessons, but
you can also use it on your own to be an active learner.
There are no rules – just get thinking and writing!
Before lessons:
During lessons:
After lessons:
Before lessons:
During lessons:
After lessons:
Write 3 things you already know
about the topic.
Draw a picture to show what
you know about a topic.
Brainstorm a word list for the
Write 2 questions you want
answered during the lesson.
Record questions you want to
ask the teacher.
Use it for peer feedback
Use it for self-assessment
Write a one sentence summary
of the day’s lesson.
Record confusing points you
need more help with.
Create mind maps to help you
revise the lesson.
Write about ‘how’ you learned
during a lesson – what helped
you to learn? What was
confusing? How can the teacher
change the lessons to help you
Write 3 things you already know
about the topic.
Draw a picture to show what
you know about a topic.
Brainstorm a word list for the
Write 2 questions you want
answered during the lesson.
Record questions you want to
ask the teacher.
Use it for peer feedback
Use it for self-assessment
Write a one sentence summary
of the day’s lesson.
Record confusing points you
need more help with.
Create mind maps to help you
revise the lesson.
Write about ‘how’ you learned
during a lesson – what helped
you to learn? What was
confusing? How can the teacher
change the lessons to help you
‘Learning Journal’… Definisi?
‘Learning Journal’… Definisi?
‘Learning journal’ atau jurnal pembelajaran merupakan sesuatu yang akan menolong awda untuk
berfikir dan menulis tentang cara awda belajar di sekolah. Guru-guru awda akan menggunakannya
dalam pengajaran mereka dan awda sendiri boleh menggunakannya untuk menjadi seorang
pelajar yang aktif. Tiada apa-apa peraturan – cuma fikir dan tuliskan sahaja!
‘Learning journal’ atau jurnal pembelajaran merupakan sesuatu yang akan menolong awda untuk
berfikir dan menulis tentang cara awda belajar di sekolah. Guru-guru awda akan menggunakannya
dalam pengajaran mereka dan awda sendiri boleh menggunakannya untuk menjadi seorang
pelajar yang aktif. Tiada apa-apa peraturan – cuma fikir dan tuliskan sahaja!
Sebelum belajar:
Tulis 3 perkara yang awda sudah
tahu tentang topik yang akan
Lukis gambar untuk
menunjukkan apa yang awda
tahu tentang topik itu.
Fikirkan senarai perkataan
untuk topik itu.
Tulis 2 soalan untuk dijawab
dalam pembelajaran itu nanti.
Semasa belajar:
Sesudah belajar:
Catat soalan-soalan yang awda
mahu tanya kan kepada guru.
Gunakannya untuk aktiviti
maklum balas rakan sebaya.
Gunakannya untuk aktiviti
penilaian kendiri.
Dalam satu ayat ringkaskan
pelajaran pada hari itu.
Catat perkara yang
mengelirukan awda dan
memerlukan bantuan guru.
Buat peta minda untuk
menolong awda mengulangkaji
pelajaran itu.
Tulis tentang cara awda belajar
semasa pembelajaran – apa
yang membantu awda belajar?
Apa yang awda kurang faham?
Apa yang boleh dibuat oleh guru
dalam pelajaran itu untuk
membantu awda belajar?
Magic Moments in SBAfL 2013
Sebelum belajar:
Tulis 3 perkara yang awda sudah
tahu tentang topik yang akan
Lukis gambar untuk
menunjukkan apa yang awda
tahu tentang topik itu.
Fikirkan senarai perkataan
untuk topik itu.
Tulis 2 soalan untuk dijawab
dalam pembelajaran itu nanti.
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Semasa belajar:
Sesudah belajar:
Catat soalan-soalan yang awda
mahu tanya kan kepada guru.
Gunakannya untuk aktiviti
maklum balas rakan sebaya.
Gunakannya untuk aktiviti
penilaian kendiri.
Dalam satu ayat ringkaskan
pelajaran pada hari itu.
Catat perkara yang
mengelirukan awda dan
memerlukan bantuan guru.
Buat peta minda untuk
menolong awda mengulangkaji
pelajaran itu.
Tulis tentang cara awda belajar
semasa pembelajaran – apa
yang membantu awda belajar?
Apa yang awda kurang faham?
Apa yang boleh dibuat oleh guru
dalam pelajaran itu untuk
membantu awda belajar?
Every moment matters!
Self-Assessment Activity
Finish each sentence about today’s Bootcamp by colouring in one or more
of the choices.
If there’s something else you want to say, write that down too!
1. Today I learned …
How to use traffic
light cards
How to follow
success criteria to
do my best work
How to use peer
feedback to improve
my work
How to peer assess
my friend’s work
What rubrics, self and
peer assessment are
Rubrics, self and
peer assessment
The best ways to
work with my
friends in a group
How to self-assess
my work
How to peer-assess
my friend’s work
Used the traffic
light cards
Worked in a group
to design our
Gave our friends
feedback on their
Improved our
design based on
2. I still want to learn more about…
Planning and
drafting my work
3. I liked it when we…
Sang the SBAfL
4. I didn’t really like it when we…
(Tell us what you think. You can write in English or
Kegiatan Penilaian Kendiri
Warnakan sekurang-kurangnya satu pilihan untuk melengkapi setiap ayat mengenai aktiviti hari ini. Sila tuliskan
komen lain jika ada.
1. Hari ini saya belajar ...
Cara menggunakan
kad lampu isyarat
Cara mengikuti sukses
kriteria supaya
menghasilkan kerja
Cara menggunakan
maklumbalas dari kawan
saya untuk memperbaiki
kerja saya
Cara menilai kerja
kawan saya
Maksud rubrik,
penilaian kendiri dan
penilaian rakan sebaya
Cara menilai
kerja saya sendiri
Cara menilai kerja
kawan saya
2. Saya ingin belajar lebih lagi tentang…
merancang dan
merangka kerja saya
Rubrik, penilaian
kendiri dan penilaian
rakan sebaya
Cara yang paling baik
untuk bekerjasama
dengan rakan-rakan
dalam kumpulan saya
3. Saya suka kalau apabila kami…
Menyanyi ‘SBAfL
kad lampu
Bekerja dalam
kumpulan untuk
membuat reka
bentuk baju kami
Memberikan maklum
balas kepada kawan
kami tentang reka
bentuk baju mereka
Memperbaiki reka
bentuk kami
maklum balas
4. Saya tidak suka apabila / kami…
Tulis pendapat awda samada dalam Bahasa Inggeris atau Bahasa Melayu.
Magic Moments in SBAfL 2013
- 89 -
Every moment matters!