workshop brochure


workshop brochure
Inspire. Educate. Facilitate
Heather Lutze
Heather is the widely acclaimed speaker, trainer, and consultant
who literally wrote the book on search engine marketing. Two
books, in fact - The Findability Formula: The Easy, Non-Technical
Approach to Search Engine Marketing and the brand new
Thumbonomics: The Essential Business Roadmap for Social Media
& Mobile Marketing
Heather Lutze
Findability Consulting and Speaking
Inspire. Educate. Facilitate
The Findability Formula
Draw Customers to Your Website – When They are Ready to Buy
Heather Lutze (Lut-zee) is the nationally-acclaimed search
marketing authority and internet marketing speaker, known for her
lively and entertaining style that makes internet marketing
understandable to everyone. Her methods are fresh, doable, and
most importantly—they get real results.
Heather's Main Presentations:
The Findability Formula
Draw Customers to Your Website – When They are Ready to Buy
To succeed in any business, you have to attract the right customers and persuade them to buy.
But on the Internet, people only see what the search engines point to, and competition for top
spots is fierce. So how do you ensure that your business gets found when prospects are
searching for solutions? Your head will be buzzing with new ideas and a greater understanding
of how search engines find you, including what tangible steps you can take to direct a
successful online marketing campaign.
Learn the underlying strategy, tactics and tools
you can use to successfully market your business
and get found online, through a combination of
strategies such as SEO, PPC and Social Media.
This is the Findability Formula – a holistic
approach to dominating search results and market
share online.
Business Roadmap for Social Media Marketing
This presentation will cover:
Ÿ How to be found online – and what to do if you aren’t!
The Findability Formula for Facebook
Social Media Made Profitable, Just the Way You “Like” It
Ÿ Finding your top performing keywords to optimize
your site
Ÿ The keys to Pay Per Click Advertising
The Findability Formula for LinkedIn
Ÿ Using Social Media successfully
B2B Social Media Made Profitable
The Findability Formula for Twitter
140 Characters to Business Success
The Findability Formula for YouTube
Search Engine expert Heather Lutze has cracked the
code for driving the right online customers to your
virtual door – when they are ready to buy. Heather
draws back the curtain and reveals what web developers
and computer nerds should know but probably don’t!
Video For Higher Visibility and Business Success
Improving Your Business's Findability with Heather Lutze
Internal Team Training, Individual SEO/SEM Coaching, and Full-Service,
Strategic Findability Services
The Findability Formula for Facebook
Business Roadmap for Social Media Marketing
Social Media Made Profitable, Just the Way You “Like” It
The Marketing Window to the World!
Ÿ With now ONE BILLION users,
Ÿ 50% of whom log in every single day and are on the
site an average of 20 hours a week,
Ÿ With over 900 million objects like Business pages,
groups, and events that people interact with,
Ÿ Facebook is the mega social site you shouldn’t ignore
if you want to stay current and keep your business
Ensure that your business gets found with Social Media! Social Media Sites like
Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn and Twitter ARE SEARCH ENGINES! Learn to
leverage Social Media for enhanced online findability and discover what tangible
steps you can take TODAY to be successful on the key Social Media sites.
Did You Know: Fully 65% of adult internet users now say they use a social networking site like
Facebook or LinkedIn, up from 61% just one year ago. This marks the first time in Pew Internet
surveys that over 50% of all adults use social networking sites.
The presentation covers:
Ÿ Setting up and optimizing your social media sites
Ÿ Becoming findable under the right
Ÿ Getting real business from social media
Ÿ Receiving real ROI for your social campaign
Ÿ Demystifying keyword research
Ÿ Mastering mobile marketing tactics like QR Codes,, and more
Ÿ Engaging in the Big 5: Facebook, YouTube, Twitter,
LinkedIn and Blogging
Wouldn’t you like it to be your content, your message,
that’s being so enthusiastically shared? In this nononsense talk, Heather inspires and informs with easy to
implement, practical Facebook strategies that finally
make sense.
Find out how keyword research, a well optimized
page, a simple marketing plan, and genuine
engagement with your fans, can combine to bring
you new business and new opportunities.
This powerful presentation includes:
Ÿ Setting up and optimizing your Facebook
Ÿ Fantastic Facebook features and apps
Business page and business profile
Ÿ The what, where, why and how of Facebook
Ÿ The skinny on Facebook ads
Get the tactics, tools and tips to optimize your Social
Media Marketing efforts in conjunction with your
website. By optimizing your Social Media correctly,
using free, low-cost tools and Heather’s strategies;
website owners can dominate the first page of search
engine results.
Ÿ How to get real business with Facebook
The Findability Formula for Facebook is a “how-to”
approach to dominating search results and market share
online. Learn the essential tactics, tips and tools to
successfully market your business on the biggest social
site of all time, Facebook.
The Findability Formula for LinkedIn
The Findability Formula for Twitter
B2B Social Media Made Profitable
140 Characters to Business Success
Get Linked In!
Ÿ 80% of corporations currently using it as a
Ÿ With 70 million users worldwide,
recruitment tool,
Ÿ A new member every single second,
Ÿ Members including execs from all Fortune 500
Ÿ LinkedIn is theSocial Media site for anyone
who sells business to business.
Frequently overlooked amidst the frenzy of pinning, tweeting, liking and friending, LinkedIn is in
fact the must-have social site for every professional. In this talk, Heather inspires, engages and
informs with easy to implement, practical LinkedIn strategies.
With over 140 million active users, 460,000 new users added
every day, and 340 million tweets flying across the net on a
daily basis, Twitter is one of the fastest growing Social Media
platforms on the Net.
Find out how keyword research, a well optimized profile
and genuine engagement with LinkedIn Groups can bring
you new business and new opportunities.
This powerful presentation will cover :
Ÿ The many benefits of LinkedIn, such as becoming findable
Do you think tweeting is for the birds? This Social Media site is often overlooked by businesses
that don’t get it or don’t know how to successfully use it. That’s a shame, because Twitter can be
a major asset in building your brand and engaging with people who need what you have to offer
– your customers! In this talk, Heather inspires, engages and informs with easy to implement,
practical Twitter strategies that make sense.
to a more “elite” audience
Ÿ Integrating employees’ LinkedIn profiles to benefit the
company as a whole
Learn to participate in real-time conversations, connect directly with consumers and
influencers in your industry, and generate new business.
Ÿ Setting up and optimizing your LinkedIn profile and
business page
Ÿ Benefits of starting your own LinkedinGroup
Ÿ Using LinkedIn to attract new business
Ÿ UsingLinkedin Applications
Ÿ Automating your profile
This presentation will cover:
Ÿ Building a Twitter following that’s
interested in your brand and what you do
Ÿ Setting up and optimizing your Twitter
account for findability
what’s and why’s
Ÿ How to get real business from Twitter
Ÿ Making sense of hashtags
It’s time to dispel the myths . . . Learn the essential tactics, tips
and tools to market your business on Twitter. This is the
Findability Formula for Twitter – a “how-to” approach at
dominating search results and market share online.
TheFindability Formula for LinkedIn is a “how-to” approach to
dominating search results and market share online. Learn the
essential tactics, tips and tools to market your business on Linkedin.
Ÿ To tweet it or not to tweet it – the how’s,
The Findability Formula for YouTube
Improving Your Business's Findability
with Heather Lutze
Video For Higher Visibility and Business Success
Internal Team Training, Individual SEO/SEM Coaching, and
Full-Service, Strategic Findability Services
Although almost every business today has some kind of internet presence, are you getting the
results you'd like from yours? Does your website show up on page one of a Google search, under
your most important keywords? Are you dominating the page under your own company's name?
You've heard Heather speak. . .
Ÿ With over 800 million unique visitors every month,
Ÿ 100 million people taking social action (likes, shares and comments) each week,
Ÿ and considering that YouTube is the #2 search engine after Google,
Ÿ YouTube is the Social Media site that captures consumers’ attention in a whole new, exciting
and profitable way.
You might have noticed that YouTube videos
turn up more and more frequently on Google
searches and they really stand out. They get
noticed. Cash in on the huge numbers of
people who agree that “seeing is believing”
and would rather be shown, not told. In this
talk, Heather inspires, engages and informs
with easy to implement, practical YouTube
Get your creativity on and find out
how using YouTube in your social
media marketing can bring you new
business and new opportunities.
This powerful presentation will cover:
Ÿ Not a videographer? Why you can and should
still use Youtube
Ÿ All the ins and outs of creating your own
YouTube channel
Ÿ Effective use of keywords in video titles and
Ÿ Keep it fun -- creating effective videos on the
Ÿ Video? What video? – some great ideas
Ÿ How to get business with YouTube
The Findability Formula for YouTube is a “how-to” approach
to dominating search results and market share online. Learn
the essential tactics, tips and tools to market your business on
the site that just keeps blowing up bigger and bigger,
Now she suggests taking full advantage of her – and accessing her vast internet marketing
smarts for your business! Not just an inspiring and knowledgeable speaker, Heather puts her
expertise to work for your company via coaching or consulting services. Working with Heather
starts with a thorough audit of your business's online presence: your website, your PPC
campaigns, your social media efforts. Once the audit is complete, a report of findings is
prepared, showing you areas you need to improve on along with the concrete, actionable steps
you need to take to build your brand and bring in new business online.
Go One-On-One with Heather Lutze, founder of the Findability Group, and receive the
customized roadmap you need to “get found” online. Each internet marketing or social
media marketing campaign is tailored to your business's needs and goals.
Working with Heather and the Findability Group :
Ÿ Complete a short Findability Diagnostic
Questionnaire, allowing Heather and her
team to “get under the hood” of your
business's internet marketing machine.
Ÿ Discuss the customized “report of
findings” and create specific,
trackable business goals, and a
roadmap to achieve them
Ÿ Let Heather's Findability Group
team implement the new marketing
strategy for you...Or, learn to do it
Ÿ Comprehensive trainings are
available for your internal team,
marketing department, webmaster,
or whoever is in charge of your
website and social media.
Heather Lutze:
What People Are Saying
Findability Expert
Heather is the widely acclaimed speaker, trainer, and
consultant who literally wrote the book on search engine
marketing. Two books, in fact--The Findability Formula: The
Easy, Non-Technical Approach to Search Engine Marketing
and the brand new Thumbonomics: The Essential Business
Roadmap for Social Media & Mobile Marketing. Her writing
and in-demand keynotes and workshops are delivered with
the same witty, “no-geek-speak” style that has managed to
demystify internet marketing for countless business owners.
Breaking free of corporate “cubicle” jobs well over ten years
ago with nothing more than a dream of entrepreneurship
and a basement computer, Heather has built her business
into a multimillion dollar Denver SEM company—the
Findability Group.
These days, you will usually find Heather either preparing to leave for a speaking engagement or
just getting back from one. (Apparently, jet-lag is not an issue.) As for her “street cred,” Heather
spent three years training advertisers in Paid Search techniques for Yahoo! Search Marketing. She
is a member of the National Speaker's Association a sought after Vistage International Speaker
and has shared the stage with Tony Robbins Business Mastery in Fiji and London. And yes,
Heather has even been on Oprah, and will tell you all about it if you ask!
"Thumbonomics is like having a personal coach for social media marketing mastery. With passion,
wit and clarity, author Heather Lutze provides a process that works, broken down into simple,
manageable steps anyone can follow. I recommend her highly."
Anthony Robbins
World renowned authority on leadership and peak performance
“I've had pleasure of speaking on Tony Robbins stages with Heather in London, Las Vegas and
Melbourne Oz, as well as watching her present in my home town in St Louis MO. Regardless of the
venue or country, she is not stop high impact, high content delivery. Her content is spot on and
multiple culture audiences love her. She is a breath of fresh air and helps navigate choppy waters”
Tom Schaff, Chief Strategy Officer, Executive Vice President, Business Breakthroughs International
was with another company when working with Heather at Robbins Research International
“Heather impressed the AAM team as an individual that gets the needs of our type of company.
We recently attended a conference where she and several other speakers participated and
Heather provided more actionable material than any other speaker. She performed a Findability
audit on one of our sites and we found clearly communicated scoring and appropriate action items
to address any shortcomings. Heather is on a short list of marketing experts I follow closely. I
highly recommend her.”
Tim Odom, President, AAM USA, Inc/ The AAM Group
“Heather spoke to my three Vistage CEO/key executive groups, and received top reviews from
members. She provided insightful advice, worked with members individually on their web site key
words/phrases, and showed everything how to get more "bang for the buck" from their
web/social media investment.”
Charlie Hawkins, Vistage International, Chair
Heather founded Findability Group in 2000 in response to all the frustrated web site owners who
had paid good money for beautiful, high-tech web sites that weren't bringing in business.
“My team of Chief Executives were thrilled with Heather's presentation. They are a discriminating
bunch and they ALL rated her content and delivery as excellent! Everyone learned a great deal and
her captivating style made the four hours fly by! Heather was a pleasure to work with and I highly
recommend her.”
Sherri Davison, Vistage International, Chair
“I just read Heather's amazing book Thumbonomics, The Essential Business Roadmap for Social
Media and Mobile Marketing. It was AMAZING! It is easily the best social media book I have ever
read, and I've read many. She has put together a step by step plan for any business who wants to
get relevant and build their brand and their sales in today's social media dominated world. It is full
of great case studies, and tons of cool new tools to explore. I recommend Heather completely as
someone who knows social media inside and out, and who can help any business get 'with it' and
get successful on the web and mobile.”
Inspire. Educate. Facilitate
Dan Sherman
Inspire. Educate. Facilitate
Books by Heather Lutze
The Findability Formula
The Easy, Non-Technical Approach
to Search Engine Marketing
The Essential Business Roadmap
for Social Media & Mobile Marketing
Social Media
Contact Us