Industrials Insider Q1, 2015
Industrials Insider Q1, 2015
Industrials Insider Q1, 2015 Country Focus: German speaking region Benelux Czech Republic Denmark France Italy Norway Poland Industrials Sweden Turkey UK Canada USA Industrials Insider Q1, 2015 Sehr geehrte Leserin, sehr geehrter Leser, nachfolgend finden Sie unsere aktuelle Zusammenfassung der bedeutendsten M&A-Transaktionen im Bereich der industriellen Fertigung im 1. Quartal 2015 im deutschsprachigen Raum und angrenzenden Ländern sowie in Großbritannien, Norwegen, Schweden, Türkei, Kanada und den USA. Die Zusammenfassung basiert auf unserer kontinuierlichen Analyse der folgenden Branchen: Antriebstechnik Maschinen- und Anlagenbau Automobil Metallbe- und -verarbeitung Elektrotechnik Mess- und Regeltechnik Energieerzeugung und -übertragung Pumpen/Kompressoren/Fluidtechnik Trotz der durchaus positiven Stimmung auf dem M&AMarkt und vielversprechenden Aussichten für das Jahr 2015, beobachteten wir im 1. Quartal dieses Jahres im Bereich der industriellen Fertigung eine signifikante Abschwächung der M&A-Aktivitäten: die Anzahl der abgeschlossenen und veröffentlichten Transaktionen ging in der beobachteten Branche im Vergleich zur Vorjahresperiode um 24% zurück: Industrials Insider Q1, 2015 Insgesamt wurden in den beobachteten Regionen im 1. Quartal dieses Jahres 389 Transaktionen abgeschlossen, davon 41% in Nordamerika. Das Verhältnis von rein inländischen zu grenzübergreifenden Transaktionen lag bei 52% zu 48%. Mehr als die Hälfte der Transaktionen wurde von strategischen Investoren abgewickelt. Von den 389 veröffentlichen Transaktionen sind bei 122 Deals die Unternehmenswerte bekannt. Der Median für das Transaktionsvolumen lag bei € 59 Mio. Trotz der relativ großen Zahl an veröffentlichten Transaktionswerten, sind die aus dieser Stichprobe abgeleiteten Bewertungsniveaus nicht repräsentativ, weil die dafür erforderlichen Ertragskennzahlen der gekauften Unternehmen häufig nicht veröffentlicht wurden. Industrials Insider Q1, 2015 Die nebenstehende Tabelle zeigt die Bewertungsfaktoren in den beobachteten Regionen. Wie bereits erwähnt, sind die Werte auf Grund der kleinen Stichprobe statistisch nicht repräsentativ. Auf dem europäischen Übernahmemarkt waren insbesondere Käufer aus Deutschland (45 Übernahmen) aktiv, gefolgt von UK (34 Übernahmen) und Frankreich (19 Übernahmen). Amerikanische Investoren haben in Europa 18 Übernahmen getätigt, Asiatische 16 (davon 7 Übernahmen durch chinesische Käufer, 3 von Japanern, 2 von Südkoreanern, und jeweils 1 von Investoren aus Hong Kong, Indien, Taiwan und Malaysia). Das Verhältnis von grenzüberschreitenden („Cross-border“) zu rein inländischen Transaktionen („Domestic“) betrug dabei 66% zu 34%. Auch in Deutschland wurden im 1. Quartal 2015 im Bereich der industriellen Fertigung weniger Transaktionen abgeschlossen: mit insgesamt 43 abgewickelten Übernahmen verzeichnete der deutsche M&A-Markt im Bereich der industriellen Fertigung einen Rückgang von 22% im Vergleich zum Vorjahreszeitraum. Bei 53% der analysierten Transaktionen in Deutschland kamen die Käufer aus der Industrie (im Vergleich zu 76% im Vorjahreszeitraum). Industrials Insider Q1, 2015 Käuferstruktur in Deutschland nach Herkunftsregion Analyse der Verkäuferstruktur in Deutschland Mit 8 Transaktionen im Bereich der industriellen Fertigung, haben wir, Global M&A Partners, ein durchaus zufriedenstellendes 1. Quartal 2015 erlebt. Wir haben die folgenden Transaktionen begleitet und erfolgreich abgeschlossen: 1. Erwerb von 80% der Anteile an den operativen Gesellschaften Benhil, Erca, Hassia, Hamba und Gasti des weltweit führenden Anbieters für Lebensmittelverpackungstechnik mit Sitz in Deutschland - Oystar Gruppe, durch I.M.A. Industria Macchine Automatiche S.p.A., einem börsennotierten, weltweit führenden Hersteller von Verpackungsmaschinen mit Sitz in Italien, von Odewald & Compagnie Gesellschaft für Beteiligungen mbH, einer Private Equity Gesellschaft mit Sitz in Deutschland. Weitere Informationen abrufbar unter: Industrials Insider Q1, 2015 2. Veräußerung von 87,5% der MWF Roland Friedrich GmbH, einem deutschen Hersteller von kundenspezifischen hochpräzisen Messmaschinen, Prüfmitteln und Automatisierungslösungen für die industrielle Serienfertigungen, an die Carl Mahr Holding GmbH, eine weltweit operierende Gruppe im Bereich der Messtechnik. Weitere Informationen abrufbar unter: 3. Veräußerung von Burton Saw and Supply, einem US-amerikanischen Hersteller von Verbrauchsmaterialien und Ausrüstungen für Sägewerke und Holzwerkstoffhersteller, an Pfingsten Partners, L.L.C, eine US-amerikanische Private Equity Gesellschaft. Weitere Informationen abrufbar unter: 4. Erwerb von Givon USA, einem führenden US-amerikanischen Hersteller von Flugzeugteilen für die Luft- und Raumfahrtindustrie, durch H.R. Givon, ein Portfoliounternehmen von FIMI Opportunity Funds, einer Private Equity Gesellschaft mit Sitz in Israel. Weitere Informationen abrufbar unter: Industrials Insider Q1, 2015 5. Veräußerung von Matti Technology AG, einem führenden Hersteller von integrierten Lösungen für den Digitaldruck im Hochgeschwindigkeitsbereich mit Sitz in der Schweiz, im Rahmen einer Nachfolgeregelung an einen Privatinvestor (Management Buy-InTransaktion). Weitere Informationen abrufbar unter: 6. Veräußerung von Sonnek Engineering, einem der größten Hersteller von Pumpen- und Anlagetechnik Österreichs, an Sterling Grace Investment Group LLC, eine amerikanische Private Equity Gesellschaft; Weitere Informationen abrufbar unter: 7. Veräußerung von Svenska Industriborstar i Västerås AB (SIB), einem führenden Anbieter von Systemen und Lösungen zur Reinigung von Start- und Landebahnen auf Flughäfen mit Sitz in Schweden, an Lagercrantz, einem börsennotierten Technologiekonzern mit Sitz in Schweden. Weitere Informationen abrufbar unter: 8. Abspaltung von Tomra Compaction Group, einem führenden Anbieter von Recycling-Anlagen für die Industrie, durch den börsennotierten, multinationalen Industriekonzern Tomra Systems ASA mit Sitz in Norwegen, an die schwedische Private Equity Gesellschaft, San Sac Group. Weitere Informationen abrufbar unter: Country Focus – Austria, Germany, Switzerland Date Target Sales (€ m) EV (€ m) Bidder Seller Deal Description Global M&A Partners ist eine international tätige exklusive Partnerschaft von M&A-Beratungsgesellschaften mit Büros in knapp 40 Ländern. Wir sind spezialisiert auf den mittelständischen Markt und unterstützen unsere Kunden national und international beim Kauf und Verkauf von Unternehmen und Beteiligungen sowie Finanzierungsmaßnahmen. Global M&A Partners und InterFinanz stehen Ihnen gerne zur Verfügung, um Sie bei der Umsetzung Ihrer strategischen Pläne zu unterstützen. In Mitteleuropa: Christian Kollmann – In Nordeuropa: Per Erik Sandersen – In Nordamerika: Ed Giacomelli – In der Türkei: Metin Bonfil – EV = Enterprise value Source: Mergermarket, Capital IQ & InterFinanz GmbH 8 Country Focus – Austria, Germany, Switzerland Date Target Sales (€ m) EV (€ m) Bidder Seller Deal Description 30/03/ 2015 EDI.SON Energietechnik GmbH 20.0 n/a Eltel AB Ralph Sonntag (Private Investor) Eltel AB, the Finland-based company engaged in constructing and maintaining power transmission and telecommunications networks has acquired EDI.SON Energietechnik GmbH, the Germany-based company engaged in construction of overhead power lines, their maintenance and service from Mr. Ralph Sonntag, the Germany-based private investor, for an undisclosed consideration. 23/03/ 2015 Leeser GmbH & Co. KG 37.0 n/a Semperit AG Holdings Hans Hlatky (Private Investor) Semperit AG Holdings, the listed Austria-based manufacturer of rubber and plastics products, which operates as an affiliate of B&C Industrieholding, the Austriabased company, acquired Leeser GmbH & Co. KG, the Germany-based manufacturer and distributor of rubber products and plastic seals, for an undisclosed consideration. Leeser has approx. 200 employees in 2014. 20/03/ 2015 Komptech GmbH (80% Stake) 100.0 n/a Hirtenberger AG Heissenberger & Pretzler Beteiligungs GmbH Hirtenberger AG, the Austria-based provider of automotive safety, artillery shells and tank ammunition products, acquired an 80% stake in Komptech GmbH, the Austria-based company manufacturing machinery and systems for the mechanical and mechanical-biological treatment of solid waste; and treatment of biomass as a renewable energy source, from the management of the company and Heissenberger & Pretzler Beteiligungs GmbH, the Austria-based holding company, for an undisclosed consideration. Komptech employs approximately 560 employees across its locations Austria, Slovenia and Germany. Earlier in the year 2004, the management of Komptech along with Heissenberger & Pretzler Beteiligungs, acquired a 75% stake in the company in a MBO transaction, for an undisclosed consideration. 18/03/ 2015 Amberger Kuehltechnik GmbH n/a n/a von der Heydt Industriekapital GmbH Klaus Schmidt (Private Investor) von der Heydt Industriekapital GmbH, the Germany-based principal investment firm, along with other private investors, acquired Amberger Kuehltechnik GmbH, the Germany-based company manufacturing refrigeration air conditioning and electrical switchgear, from Klaus Schmidt, Germany-based private individual having interest in companies manufacturing refrigeration air conditioning and electrical switchgear and modular space rental, for an undisclosed consideration. Amberger Kuehltechnik has a workforce of 100 employees. 12/03/ 2015 Heycoustics GmbH 22.3 12.6 Hanwha Advanced Materials Corporation Nord Holding Hanwha Advanced Materials Corporation, the South Korea-based manufacturer of plastic foam and related materials, acquired a Heycoustics GmbH, the Germany-based auto parts maker for an undisclosed consideration. Hanwha Advanced Materials Corporation will hold a 100% stake in Heycoustics GmbH. EV = Enterprise value Source: Mergermarket, Capital IQ & InterFinanz GmbH 9 Country Focus – Austria, Germany, Switzerland Date Target Sales (€ m) EV (€ m) Bidder Seller Deal Description 11/03/ 2015 Koller Gruppe (75% Stake) 63.0 n/a HANNOVER Finanz GmbH Thomas and Max Koller (Private Investors) HANNOVER Finanz GmbH, the Germany-based private equity firm, has acquired 75% stake in Koller Gruppe, the Germany-based automotive components company, from Mr. Thomas Koller and Mr. Max Koller, the Germany-based private individuals having interest in automobile component companies, for an undisclosed consideration. Koller Gruppe employs 830 people. 10/03/ 2015 Durotherm Kunststoffverarbeitung GmbH 22.0 n/a SINGLE Temperiertechnik GmbH Andreas Hartl SINGLE Temperiertechnik GmbH, the Germany-based company that produces temperature control systems, and a subsidiary of Looser Holding AG, the listed Switzerland-based investment holding company with interests in industrial services and coatings, acquired Durotherm Kunststoffverarbeitung GmbH, the Germany-based company manufacturing high-quality thermoformed components made of plastic, for an undisclosed consideration. Durotherm has workforce of 200 employees. Durotherm will be merged into Single Distribution GmbH. 03/03/ 2015 Schrack Technik GmbH 200.0 n/a Industrieliegenschaftenverwaltung AG HANNOVER Finanz GmbH; REXEL Austria GmbH The management of Schrack Technik GmbH, the Austria-based company engaged in distribution of energy, data, and lighting systems to electricians, enclosure specialists, OEMs, energy companies, etc., along with Industrieliegenschaftenverwaltung AG, the Austria-based investment holding company, acquired the company in a MBO transaction, from HANNOVER Finanz GmbH, the Germanybased private equity firm and REXEL Austria GmbH, the Austria-based company company engaged in the sale of electrical installation products, for an undisclosed consideration. Schrack has a workforce of 700 employees. In August 2005, HANNOVER Finanz GmbH acquired Schrack in a MBO transaction, for an undisclosed consideration. 02/03/ 2015 EVANTEC GmbH 60.0 n/a Palero Capital GmbH E.ON SE Palero Capital GmbH, the Germany-based private equity firm, acquired EVANTEC GmbH, the Germany-based provider of technical infrastructure and nuclear services, from E.ON SE, the listed Germany-based company engaged in field of electricity, oil and gas, for an undisclosed consideration. EVANTEC has around 1200 employees. EV = Enterprise value Source: Mergermarket, Capital IQ & InterFinanz GmbH 10 Country Focus – Austria, Germany, Switzerland Date Target Sales (€ m) EV (€ m) Bidder Seller Deal Description Knape Gruppe Holding GmbH; Martin Rose Gleisbau GmbH & CO KG Insolvency Administrator Martin Rose GmbH & Co. KG, the Germany-based provider of track construction services, and Knape Gruppe Holding GmbH, the Germany-based company engaged in design, maintenance, renewal, and construction of various railway systems, acquired Strukton Rails GmbH & Co. KG, the Germany-based company engaged in construction and maintaineance of railway tracks, for an undisclosed consideration. Strukton has a workforce of 61 employees. The transaction forms a part of insolvency process claimed by Strukton Rails at district court of Kassel. Pursuant to the acquisition, the purchasers will retain together 33 employees. 01/03/ 2015 Strukton Rail GmbH & Co. KG 16.0 n/a 28/02/ 2015 Albert Ziegler GmbH & Co. KG. (40% Stake) n/a 140.9 China Fire Safety Enterprise Group Limited China International Marine Containers (Group) Ltd. (CIMC) China Fire Safety Enterprise Group Limited acquired 40% stake in Albert Ziegler GmbH & Co. KG from China International Marine Containers Ltd. China Fire Safety Enterprise Group Limited, the listed Hong Kong-based company engaged in installation and maintenance of fire prevention and fighting systems. Albert Ziegler GmbH & Co. KG., the Germany-based company, is engaged in production of fire-fighting vehicles, pumps and other releated components. China International Marine Containers Ltd., the listed China-based company, manufacturing transportation equipment. CFSE will pay a total consideration of $ 63.1m. The amount includes the payment for 40% of stake in Ziegler and 40% of total sale loan owed by CIMC to Ziegler which represents € 10.4m. Ziegler will be known as an associate company of CFSE, while CIMC will be controlling shareholder of Ziegler. In November 2013, CIMC acquired Ziegler, for a consideration of € 55m. Prior to getting acquired by CIMC, Ziegler filed for insolvency in August 2011. Ziegler had total assets of worth € 36.5m as of 31.12. 2013. 27/02/ 2015 Constantia Flexibles Group GmbH (25% Stake) 1,691. 0 (2013) 960.0 Herbert Turnauer Foundation Herbert Turnauer (Private Investor); Wendel Herbert Turnauer Foundation, the Austria-based holding company having interest in companies engaged in providing packaging solutions, agreed to acquire an approximate 25% stake in Constantia Flexibles Group GmbH, the Austria-based provider of packaging solutions for human and pet food production, pharmaceuticals, and beverage industries, from Wendel, the listed France-based private equity firm. Constantia Flexibles has a workforce of over 8,000 employees and owns 43 manufacturing sites in 18 countries. In 2014, Wendel acquired a majority stake in Constantia Flexibles from One Equity Partners and Herbert Turnauer, in a deal that values Constantia Flexibles at € 2.3bn. Wendel intends to bring other minority shareholders on Constantia Flexibles' board. EV = Enterprise value Source: Mergermarket, Capital IQ & InterFinanz GmbH 11 Country Focus – Austria, Germany, Switzerland Date Target Sales (€ m) EV (€ m) Bidder Seller Deal Description 25/02/ 2015 Heidelberg Instruments Mikrotechnik GmbH 30.0 n/a RAG-Stiftung Private Investors RAG-Stiftung, the Germany-based company engaged in managing the spin-off and mine closures of coal mining divisions, acquired Heidelberg Instruments Mikrotechnik GmbH, the Germany-based company that manufactures laser based maskless lithography systems, for an undisclosed consideration. Heidelberg Instruments had a workforce of 120 employees in 2014. 25/02/ 2015 MSL Schloss und Beschlaegefabrik AG 18.2 n/a Assa Abloy AB Private Investors Assa Abloy AB, the listed Sweden-based manufacturer of locks and security systems for residential, industrial and institutional customers, acquired MSL Schloss und Beschlaegefabrik AG, the Switzerland-based manufacturer of locks and security systems, for an undisclosed consideration. MSL employs 106 people. 23/02/ 2015 DILAX Intelcom GmbH 18.0 10.9 VR Equitypartner GmbH; OMOS Equity Partners GmbH Uwe Hinrichsen (Private Investors) VR Equitypartner GmbH and OMOS Equity Partners, both the Germany-based private equity firms, acquired DILAX Intelcom GmbH, the Germany-based company engaged in producing automated people counting systems used for counting passengers in the local public transport sector, in a MBO transaction, for an undisclosed consideration. DILAX has a workforce of around 120 employees. Pursuant to transaction, VR Equitypartner will hold 65% stake in DILAX. 23/02/ 2015 Duropack Group 273.0 300.0 DS Smith Plc One Equity Partners LLC; Christine de Castelbajac (Private Investor) DS Smith Plc, the listed UK-based manufacturer of corrugated cardboard and plastic packaging. Duropack Group, the Austria-based recycled corrugated board packaging producer. One Equity Partners LLC, the US-based private equity firm. Christine de Castelbajac, the Austrian investor. One Equity acquired 75% in Duropack as part of taking over the Constantia Packaging AG in 2009-2010, while Christine de Castelbajac retained 25% in the company. Duropack generated EBITDA of € 41m and EBIT of € 22m in 2014 and employs 2,600 people. 23/02/ 2015 Magna Steyr AG (battery pack business) n/a n/a Samsung SDI Co Ltd Magna Steyr AG Samsung SDI Co Ltd, the listed South Korea-based manufacturer of digital display products, acquired battery pack business of Magna Steyr AG, the Austriabased company, providing vehicle engineering and contract manufacturing services for the automotive industry and a subsidiary of Magna International Inc, the listed Canada-based manufacturer of automotive systems and components, for an undisclosed consideration. The acquired business employs 264 employees. EV = Enterprise value Source: Mergermarket, Capital IQ & InterFinanz GmbH 12 Country Focus – Austria, Germany, Switzerland Date Target Sales (€ m) EV (€ m) Bidder Seller Deal Description 23/02/ 2015 Janzhoff Aufzuege GmbH 11.0 n/a Kone Oyj-B Kapp Family KONE Oyj, the listed Finland-based company that manufactures elevators, escalators and autowalks, acquired Janzhoff Aufzuege GmbH, the Germany-based company providing elevators, maintenance and modernization services, from the Germany-based Kapp family, for an undisclosed consideration. Janzhoff Aufzuege has a workforce of approximately 100 employees. 13/02/ 2015 E.I.S. Aircraft GmbH 40.0 n/a EQT Mid Market GP BV Private Investors EQT Partners AB, the Sweden-based private equity firm through its private equity fund, EQT Mid Market GP BV, acquired E.I.S. Aircraft GmbH, the Germanybased product and service provider for the aerospace sector, for an undisclosed consideration. E.I.S. Group, which also includes DEVA Kunststofftechnik, an acquisition made in 2013, provides an attractive target because of its exposure to the high-growth aerospace market. E.I.S. employs a staff of 300 people. 12/02/ 2015 Innojet Herbert Huettlin e.K. 8.0 n/a Romaco Pharmatechnik GmbH Herbert Hüttlin (Private Investor) Romaco Pharmatechnik GmbH, the Germany-based manufacturer of machines for packaging and processing applications, and a portfolio company of Deutsche Beteiligungs AG, the Germany-based private equity firm, acquired Innojet Herbert Huettlin e.K., a German developer of systems for granulating and coating solids, for an undisclosed consideration. Innojet has 55 employees. 10/02/ 2015 MWF Roland Friedrich GmbH (87.52% Stake) 8.5 n/a Mahr GmbH Monika Friedrich (Private Investor); Roland Friedrich (Private Investor) Mahr GmbH, the Germany-based manufacturer of production dimensional measuring technology solutions, and a subsidiary of Carl Mahr Holding GmbH, the Germany-based company that manufactures dimensional metrology instruments, has acquired 87.52% stake in MWF Roland Friedrich GmbH, the Germanybased manufacturer of high-precision measuring machines, measuring and test equipment and automation solutions for industrial series production, from Monika Friedrich and Roland Friedrich, the Germany-based private individuals having interest in companies manufacturing high-precision measuring machines, measuring and test equipment and automation solutions for industrial series production, for an undisclosed consideration. MWF Roland employs 35 people. 10/02/ 2015 Sonnek Engineering GmbH 21.0 n/a Sterling Grace Investment Group LLC Private Investors Sterling Grace Investment Group LLC, the Switzerland-based holding company acquired Sonnek Engineering GmbH, the Austria-based company engaged in pump technology development, pump service, plant construction, flowmeters, from Josef Niaghi, Karl-Heinz Pichler and Werner Wieseneder, the Austria-based private individuals, for an undisclosed consideration. EV = Enterprise value Source: Mergermarket, Capital IQ & InterFinanz GmbH 13 Country Focus – Austria, Germany, Switzerland Date Target Sales (€ m) EV (€ m) Bidder Seller Deal Description 06/02/ 2015 328 Support Services GmbH n/a n/a Sierra Nevada Corporation 328 Group Ltd. Sierra Nevada Corporation, the US-based electronic systems provider and systems integrator specializing in microsatellites, energy, telemedicine, nanotechnology and commercial orbital transportation services, acquired 328 Support Services GmbH, the Germany-based company engaged in design, engineering, manufacture, modification, repair and maintenance of Jet and turboprop aircrafts, from 328 Group Ltd., the UK-based holding company providing private jets maintenance, manufacture, and completion services through its subsidiaries, for an undisclosed consideration. 328 Support Services employs more than 150 aviation experts. Earlier in December 2002, AvCraft had agreed to acquire the 328 Support Services GmbH from Fairchild Dornier, for an undisclosed consideration. 06/02/ 2015 MICRODYNNADIR GmbH (50% Stake) 15.3 n/a MANN+HUMMEL GMBH SH+E GmbH MANN+HUMMEL GMBH is a Germany-based designer and manufacturer of filtration solutions and equipment to automotive and mechanical engineering industries. MICRODYN-NADIR GmbH is a Germany-based manufacturer and supplier of micro, ultra and nano-filtration membranes and filter modules for process, water and waste water applications. Upon completion, MICRODYN will operate as a wholly owned subsidiary of MANN+HUMMEL. MICRODYN has a workforce of 100 employees. In May 2014, MANN+HUMMEL had acquired 50% stake in MICRODYN, for an undisclosed consideration. 06/02/ 2015 iNDAT Robotics GmbH 15.0 n/a NSM Magnettechnik GmbH Private Investors NSM Magnettechnik GmbH, the Germany-based company manufacturing handling systems and machines for metals and a subsidiary of M.A.X. Automation AG, the listed Germany-based holding company, acquired iNDAT Robotics GmbH, the Germany-based robotics and assembly automation company, for an undisclosed consideration. The target employs 80 people and is debt free. 04/02/ 2015 RENA GmbH 314.4 (2012) n/a Capvis Equity Partners AG Insolvency Administrator CapvisCapvis Equity Partners AG, the Switzerland-based private equity firm, acquired RENA GmbH, the Germany-based company manufacturing production equipment and technology for wet chemical applications, for an undisclosed consideration. RENA has a workforce of 510 employees. In March 2014, Rena had filed for the opening of its insolvency proceedings under self-administration. 04/02/ 2015 EHT Werkzeugmaschinen GmbH 27.0 n/a Trumpf GmbH + Co. KG Theisen Family Trumpf GmbH + Co. KG, the Germany-based company manufacturing machine tools, laser technology, electronics, and medical technology products, acquired EHT Werkzeugmaschinen GmbH, the Germany-based manufacturer of press brakes and guillotine shears, from Theisen family, the Germany-based family, for an undisclosed consideration. EHT employs 130 employees. EV = Enterprise value Source: Mergermarket, Capital IQ & InterFinanz GmbH 14 Country Focus – Austria, Germany, Switzerland Date Target Sales (€ m) EV (€ m) Bidder Seller Deal Description 04/02/ 2015 PRAE-TURBO GmbH & Co. KG 53.9 n/a Halder Beteiligungsberatung GmbH Dr. Jung Technologiegruppe; Reiner Wahlers (Private Investor) Halder Beteiligungsberatung GmbH along with the management of PRAETURBO GmbH & Co. KG acquired the company, in a MBO transaction, from Reiner Wahlers and Dr. Jung Technologiegruppe. Halder-GIMV Germany II, the Germany-based fund of Halder Beteiligungsberatung GmbH, the Germanybased private equity firm. PRAE-TURBO GmbH & Co. KG is a Germany-based manufacturer of compressor wheels for the automotive industry. Reiner Wahlers, the Germany-based private individual. Dr. Jung Technologiegruppe, the Ger many-based holding company formed by the founding members of PRAETURBO GmbH & Co. KG is interest in companies manufacturing compressor wheels for the automotive industry. 04/02/ 2015 WEGU Holding GmbH n/a 95.0 Anhui Zhongding Sealing Parts Co Ltd DMB 1.Invest Gmbh & Co KG; Equitrust Beteiligungen GmbH; Horst Zimmermann Anhui Zhongding Sealing Parts, the listed China-based company, is engaged in manufacture of rubber components for automobile and other industrial use. WEGU Holding GmbH, the Germany-based company, is engaged in providing car noise-reducing solutions. DMB 1 Invest GmbH & Co KG, the Germany-based company, is engaged in equity investment. Equitrust Beteiligungen GmbH, the Germany-based company, is engaged in equity investment. Mr. Horst Zimmermann is the Germnay-based private investor. In H1 2014, WEGU has a turnover of € 267.1m, EBITDA of € 61.9m and Net Earnings of € 39.8m. 03/02/ 2015 KRESS-elektrik GmbH & Co. KG 13.5 n/a Callista Private Equity GmbH & Co. KG Private Investors Callista Private Equity GmbH & Co. KG, the Germany-based private equity firm, acquired KRESS-elektrik GmbH & Co. KG, the German-based developer of power tools for professional and semi-professional requirements, for an undisclosed consideration. KRESS-elektrik has a workforce of 90 employees. 03/02/ 2015 Kolb Elektro AG; Elektro SBW AG; Kolb Elektro SBW AG; Kolb el-Consult AG 15.8 n/a Burkhalter Holding AG Kolb Holding AG Burkhalter Holding AG, the listed Switzerland-based company, is engaged in the distribution and installation of electrotechnical and telecommunication engineering systems, including computer networks. Kolb Elektro AG, the Switzerlandbased firm, is an electrical installation company. Elektro SBW AG, the Switzerland-based firm, is an electrical installation company. Kolb el-Consult AG, the Switzerland-based firm, is an electrical installation company. Kolb Elektro SBW Aktiengesellschaft, the Switzerland-based firm is an electrical installation company. Kolb Holding AG is the Switzerland-based holding company interested in companies engaged in electrical installation and mechanical engineering services.The acquired four companies has jointly a workforce of 110 employees. EV = Enterprise value Source: Mergermarket, Capital IQ & InterFinanz GmbH 15 Country Focus – Austria, Germany, Switzerland Date Target Sales (€ m) EV (€ m) 125.2 Bidder Seller Deal Description n/a Sonepar S.A. Solar A/S Sonepar S.A., the France-based company engaged in distribution of electrical products and provision of related services, acquired Solar Deutschland GmbH, Germany based distributor of electrical, heating, plumbing, and ventilation products, from Solar A/S, Denmark based wholesalers of electrical and HWS, for an undisclosed consideration. Solar Deutschland employs 360 employees. 7.0 n/a Quadriga Capital Beteiligungsberatung GmbH M&R Holding AG Quadriga Capital Beteiligungsberatung GmbH, the Germany-based private equity firm acquired majoirty stake in Alicona Imaging GmbH, the Austria-based supplier of optical 3D surface measurement solutions for quality assurance, for an undisclosed consideration. Simultaneously, Quadriga Capital has also agreed to acquire M&R Automation GmbH from M&R Holding AG. 03/02/ 2015 Solar Deutschland GmbH 29/01/ 2015 Alicona Imaging GmbH 29/01/ 2015 M&R Automation GmbH 50.2 (2013) n/a Quadriga Capital Beteiligungsberatung GmbH M&R Holding AG Quadriga Capital Beteiligungsberatung GmbH, the Germany-based private equity firm along with management of M&R Automation GmbH, the Austria-based company manufacturing custom-made production lines and testing systems for automotive, electronics, consumer goods, pharmaceutical, and medical industries, acquired the company in a MBO transaction, from M&R Holding AG, the Austria-based provider of integrated automation solutions, for an undisclosed consideration. M&R Automation has a workforce of 300 employees. 22/01/ 2015 Francesconi Technologie GmbH 10.0 (2013) n/a GE Jenbacher GmbH Francesconi Private Foundation GE Jenbacher GmbH, the Austria-based gas engines and cogeneration plants manufacturer, and a subsidiary of General Electric Company, the listed USbased diversified company, acquired Francesconi Technologie GmbH, the Austria-based manufacturer of precision components for measuring technology, medical technology, microsystems technology, precision mechanics and sensor technology, from Francesconi Private Foundation, the Austria-based holding company with interest in manufacturing precision components for measuring technology, medical technology, microsystems technology, precision mechanics and sensor technology, for an undisclosed consideration. EV = Enterprise value Source: Mergermarket, Capital IQ & InterFinanz GmbH 16 Country Focus – Austria, Germany, Switzerland Date Target Sales (€ m) EV (€ m) Bidder Seller Deal Description 22/01/ 2015 Senvion SE 1,806. 0 760.3 Centerbridge Partners, L.P. Suzlon Energy Limited Suzlon Energy Limited, the listed India-based wind power company. Centerbridge Partners, L.P., the US-based private equity firm. Senvion SE, the Germany-based manufacturer and supplier of wind powered generating facilities. Earlier in February 2007, Suzlon Energy Limited made a take over offer to acquire Senvion at € 126/share, valuing Senvion at approx. € 1.31bn. In May 2007, the take offer was completed with Sulzon owning majority stake in Senvion. In June 2008, Suzlon acquired 30% stake in Senvion from AREVA S.A. In June 2009, Suzlon acquired 22.48% stake in Senvion from Martifer SGPS SA. In April 2011, Suzlon acquired the 4.80% stake in Senvion and acquired remaining stake via squeeze out in October 2011 and became 100% stakeholder in Senvion. 21/01/ 2015 DMG MORI SEIKI AG (75.7% Stake) 2,229. 0 2,026. 5 DMG Mori Seiki Company Limited Stock Exchange DMG Mori Seiki Co Ltd, the Japan-based and listed machine tools manufacturing company, announced a public offer for DMG Mori Seiki AG, the Germany-based and listed, machine tools manufacturing company. The offer price is cash offer of € 27.5 per DMG AG share, representing a 7.46% premium to GIL closing share price (€ 25.59/share) as of 21.01.2015, 1 day prior to announcement date. The offer price values the entire equity of GIL at € 2.17bn, based on 78.81m outstanding shares at the indicative offer price. Update: 09.03.2015 - DMG AG and DMG CO agreed on the reduction on minimum acceptance level from 50% + 1 to 40% and increased the offer price to € 30.55, representing a 19.4% premium to GIL closing share price as of 1 day prior to announcement date. 20/01/ 2015 Vossloh AG (70.01% Stake) 1,324 918.3 KB Holding GmbH Stock Exchange KB Holding GmbH, a Germany based private company controlled by Mr. Heinz Hermann Thiele, made a voluntary public takeover offer to the shareholders of Vossloh AG, a Germany based and listed railroad equipment company. The offer price is € 48.5 per share, representing a discount of 10.5% to Vossloh’s closing share price of € 54.4 as of 19.01.2015, 1 day prior to the announcement date. The offer price values the entire equity of Vossloh at € 646.3m, based on 13.33m outstanding shares. Update as of 26.02.2015: Board of Vossloh recommended shareholders not to accept KB Holding offer. 16/01/ 2015 Heuschkel Druckguss GmbH 12.0 n/a Auxeos GmbH Rauch Family Auxeos GmbH, the Germany-based investment firm, acquired Heuschkel Druckguss GmbH, the Germany-based company engaged in production of die-cast aluminium for automobile, from the Germany-based Rauch family, for an undisclosed consideration. Heuschkel has 80 employees. EV = Enterprise value Source: Mergermarket, Capital IQ & InterFinanz GmbH 17 Country Focus – Austria, Germany, Switzerland Date Target Sales (€ m) EV (€ m) Bidder Seller Deal Description 15/01/ 2015 FLABOFORM GmbH (95% Stake) 32.0 n/a Grupo Cunado Wilhelm Maass GmbH; Flaboform Essen Grupo Cunado, the Spain-based company manufacturing pipes, valves, accessories and related products, acquired 95% stake in FLABOFORM GmbH, the Germany-based company manufacturing flanges, bends and industrial fitting instruments, from Wilhelm Maass GmbH, the Germany-based company manufacturing flange, valve and pipe fitting forgings and Flaboform Essen, a Germanybased holding company with interest in manufacturing flanges, bends and industrial fitting instruments, for an undisclosed consideration. 13/01/ 2015 Profilator GmbH & Co. KG 37.7 n/a Dieter Murmann Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbH Hermann Werner GmbH & Co. KG Dieter Murmann Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbH, the Germany-based investment holding company controlled by Dr. Dieter Murmann family, acquired Profilator GmbH & Co. KG, the Germany-based manufacturer of metal-cutting machines, from Hermann Werner GmbH & Co. KG, the Germany-based manufacturer of screwdrivers and machine tool, for an undisclosed consideration. Profilator has a workforce of 100 employees. 13/01/ 2015 BU Buecker & Essing; BU Turbo Systems GmbH n/a n/a SERCOO Group GmbH BU Buecker Unternehmensgruppe SERCOO Group GmbH, the Germany-based investment holding company with interest in mechanical engineering companies, and a portfolio company of DPE Deutsche Private Equity GmbH, the Germany-based private equity firm, acquired BU Buecker & Essing, the Germany-based mechanical engineering company and BU Turbo Systems, the Germany-based remanufacturer of engines and machine components, from BU Buecker Unternehmensgruppe, the Germany-based manufacturer of auto parts, for an undisclosed consideration. The acquired companies have a combined workforce of 150 employees. 13/01/ 2015 HPT Hochwertige Pharmatechnik GmbH & Co. KG 33.0 n/a Rochling Engineering Plastics KG HEINZ Holding GmbH Rochling Engineering Plastics KG, the Germany based manufacturer of engineering plastics and a subsidiary of Rochling SE & Co. KG, the Germany-based manufacturer of high-performance plastics, automotive plastics, and technical plastic parts, acquired HPT Hochwertige Pharmatechnik GmbH & Co. KG, the Germany-based manufacturer of plastic containers to the pharmaceutical and diagnostic industries, from HEINZ Holding GmbH, the Germany-based manufacturer of small glass bottles for perfume and cosmetic industries, for an undisclosed consideration. HPT has a workforce of 250 employees. EV = Enterprise value Source: Mergermarket, Capital IQ & InterFinanz GmbH 18 Country Focus – Austria, Germany, Switzerland Date Target Sales (€ m) EV (€ m) n/a Bidder Seller Deal Description n/a Monimentum GmbH Insolvency Administrator Monimentum GmbH, the Germany-based company having interest in manufacturing packaging products, acquired Ommer GmbH, the Germany-based manufacturer of packaging products, for an undisclosed consideration. Ommer reported workforce of 100 employees. Previously, Ommer had filed for insolvency on 21.01.2014. 101.9 (2013) n/a Technische Werke Ludwigshafen AG Suewag Energie AG; KE Power GmbH Technische Werke Ludwigshafen AG, the Germany-based company that provides utility services, acquired Ensys AG, the Germany-based provider of electric utility service, from Suewag Energie AG, the Germany-based company engaged in supply of natural gas, electricity and water, KE Power GmbH, the Germanybased private equity fund of Capiton AG, the Germany-based private equity firm, for an undisclosed consideration. The company has workforce of 600 employees. Prior to the transaction, KE Power GmbH held 36.75% stake, Suewag Energie held 24.99% and rest was held by the management of Ensys AG. KnorrBremse AG Serena Capital Knorr-Bremse AG, the Germany-based manufacturer of braking systems for rail and commercial vehicles, acquired Selectron Systems AG, the Switzerlandbased manufacturer of rail automation solutions, from Serena Capital, the France-based private equity firm, for an undisclosed consideration. Selectron Systems AG has a workforce of over 100 employees. In 2009, Selectron was aquired in a MBO transaction backed by Serena capital. 09/01/ 2015 Ommer GmbH 08/01/ 2015 Ensys AG 08/01/ 2015 Selectron Systems AG n/a n/a 07/01/ 2015 Baltic 2 (49.89% Stake) n/a 1,442. 8 Macquarie Capital (Europe) Limited EnBW Energie Baden-Wuerttemberg AG Macquarie Capital (Europe) Limited, the UK-based company, is a corporate finance and fund management arm of Macquarie Group, the Australia-based listed private equity firm. EnBW Energie Baden-Wuerttemberg AG, the listed Germanybased company, is an energy company that supplies electricity, gas, water and energy-related products and services. Baltic 2 is a Germany-based offshore wind farm located in the Baltic Sea. 06/01/ 2015 17 transmission grid systems n/a 244.4 Swissgrid AG n/a Swissgrid AG, the Switzerland-based company that owns and operates electricity grids, acquired 17 transmission grid systems, for a consideration of $ 291.6m. Concurrently, Swissgrid also acquired Elektrizitaetswerk der Stadt Zuerich, the Switzerland-based company that operates as an energy company and owns power stations. The shareholders of Elektrizitaetswerk der Stadt Zuerich will hold a 9.6% stake in Swissgrid. EV = Enterprise value Source: Mergermarket, Capital IQ & InterFinanz GmbH 19 Country Focus – Austria, Germany, Switzerland Date Target Sales (€ m) EV (€ m) Bidder Seller Deal Description 05/01/ 2015 Stahlhammer Bommern GmbH 14.7 29.2 Columbus McKinnon Corporation Private Investors Columbus McKinnon Corporation, the listed US-based manufacturer of hoists, rigging tools, cranes, actuators, and other material handling products, acquired Stahlhammer Bommern GmbH, the Germany-based iron and steel forging manufacturer. 02/01/ 2015 Honasco Kunststofftechnik GmbH & Co. KG. 25.0 n/a Jumps Auto Industries Limited Joerg Schwarzbich Investment GmbH Jumps Auto Industries Limited, the India-based manufacturer of specialised auto electrical products, acquired Honasco Kunststofftechnik GmbH & Co. KG., the Germany-based company manufacturing complex plastic components, including hybrid parts, thermosetting parts and filtration systems, from Jorg Schwarzbich Investment GmbH, the Germany-based investment holding company with interest in manufacturing auto parts, for an undisclosed consideration. Honasco has a workforce of 130 employees. EV = Enterprise value Source: Mergermarket, Capital IQ & InterFinanz GmbH 20 Country Focus – Benelux Date Target Sales (€ m) EV (€ m) Bidder Seller Deal Description Groupe Altrad NPM Capital N.V.; Sofinim NV Hertel Holding B.V. is a Netherlands-based industrial company, providing customised services around access solutions, insulation, corrosion protection mechanical services and specialist solutions. Groupe Altrad is a France-based scaffolding solutions provider. NPM Capital N.V. and Sofinim NV are Netherlandsbased private equity firms. The combined entity, which will employ 17,000 people, is expected to have an annual turnover of € 1.6bn. 17/03/ 2015 Hertel Holding B.V. 815.0 230.0 09/03/ 2015 Acta Marine Wind Services n/a n/a Acta Marine Koninklijke Doeksen B.V.; Workships Contractors B.V. Acta Marine, the Netherland-based owners and operators of tugs, survey vessels, crew tenders, barges, and multipurpose workboats, acquired Offshore Wind Services B.V., the Netherlands-based company engaged in providing wind farm services vessels and crew transfer vessels to offshore wind sector, from Koninklijke Doeksen B.V., the Netherlands-based company, providing ferry and ship transport services to passengers and Workships Contractors B.V., the Netherlands-based company, providing provides offshore marine management and consulting services for the oil and gas industry, for an undisclosed consideration. 06/03/ 2015 Indaver NV (74.99% Stake) 526.0 842.0 Katoen Natie N.V. Delta N.V. Indaver NV, is a Belgium-based company, providing waste management services. Katoen Natie N.V. is a Belgium-based company providing warehousing & logistics services. Delta N.V. is a Netherlands-based company providing grids energy, and waste management services. Katoen Natie agreed to pay € 416m for the acquisition of 74.99% stake in Indaver NV. Previously, Indaver was owned to 75% by Delta, 16% by Vlaamse Milieuholding NV and 9% by Janssen Pharmaceutica NV, BASF Antwerpen NV, Solvay NV, Tessenderlo Chemie NV, Bayer Global Investments B.V., Borealis Polymers NV. 03/03/ 2015 GL Precision B.V. (80% Stake) 37.0 n/a VDL Groep B.V. Private Investors VDL Groep B.V., the Netherlands-based company manufacturing semi finished metal and plastic products, acquired 80% stake in GL Precision B.V, the Netherlands-based supplier of high precision mechanical parts and modules, for an undisclosed consideration.The remaining 20% will be progressively transferred to VDL over next 5 years. GL has a workforce 150 employees. 03/03/ 2015 Printing Systems Group 130.0 n/a Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG CoBe Capital LLC Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG, the listed Germany-based company that develops and distributes technology for commercial and packaging printing, acquired Printing Systems Group, the Netherlands-based company providing print services and software solutions, from CoBe Capital LLC, the US-based private equity firm, for an undisclosed consideration. PSG employs 400 people. EV = Enterprise value Source: Mergermarket, Capital IQ & InterFinanz GmbH 21 Country Focus – Benelux Date Target Sales (€ m) EV (€ m) Bidder Seller Deal Description 27/02/ 2015 Bekaert (Carding Solutions) 26.0 n/a Groz-Beckert KG NV Bekaert SA Groz-Beckert KG, the Germany-based manufacturer of knitting and hosiery machine needles for textile applications, acquired the Carding Solutions activities of NV Bekaert SA, the Belgium-based company providing solutions based on advanced metal transformation and coatings, for an undisclosed consideration. Bekaert's Carding Solutions business has a workforce of 350 employees. 25/02/ 2015 Contronics Engineering BV n/a n/a Condair Group AG Private Investors Condair Group AG, the Switzerland-based manufacturer of commercial and industrial humidification and evaporative cooling products and systems, acquired Contronics Engineering BV, the Netherlands-based manufacturer of ultrasonic humidifiers, water treatment systems and controllers, for an undisclosed consideration. Contronics Engineering BV employs 34 people. 20/02/ 2015 Oiltanking Terneuzen B.V. (45% Stake); Oiltanking Ghent N.V. (45% Stake) n/a 246.7 3i Infrastructure plc Oiltanking GmbH 3i Infrastructure plc, the listed UK-based private equity firm, acquired a 45% stake in Oiltanking Ghent N.V. and Oiltanking Terneuzen B.V., the Belgium and Netherlands-based companies engaged in storage and related services for refined oil products, chemicals and biofuels, from Oiltanking GmbH, the Germanybased company, providing oil, chemicals and gas storage services, and a subsidiary of Marquard & Bahls AG, the Germany-based petroleum company. 16/02/ 2015 PET Power B.V. n/a n/a RPC Group Plc Private Investors RPC Group Plc, the listed UK-based manufacturer of rigid plastic packaging to the food and non-food, consumer and industrial markets, acquired, PET Power B.V., the Netherland-based manufacturer of plastic bottles, jars & caps, for an undisclosed consideration. PET Power has a workforce of 200 employees. RPC Group Plc plans to merge PET Power with its subsidiary M&H Plastics. 29/01/ 2015 Vanas NV 14.0 n/a Cebeo NV Private Investors Cebeo NV, the Belgium-based electrical apparatus and equipment, wiring Supplies, and related equipment merchant wholesalers, and a subsidiary of Sonepar S.A., the France-based company engaged in distribution of electrical products and provision of related services, acquired Vanas NV, the Belgium-based specialty distributor of tooling and lifting accessories, for an undisclosed consideration. Vanas has a workforce of 125 employees. 20/01/ 2015 Aeroworks International Holdings B.V. (80% Stake) 30.0 n/a Heico Corporation Private Investors Heico Corporation, the US-based aviation and defense products manufacturer, acquired an 80% stake in Aeroworks International Holdings B.V, the Netherlands-based company manufacturing composite and metal parts used primarily in aircraft interior applications, including seating, galleys, lavatories, doors, and overhead bins, for an undisclosed consideration. EV = Enterprise value Source: Mergermarket, Capital IQ & InterFinanz GmbH 22 Country Focus – Czech Republic Date Target Sales (€ m) EV (€ m) Bidder Seller Deal Description 02/03/ 2015 Plzen West A, s.r.o. n/a n/a Deutsche Alternative Asset Management (Global) Ltd NBGI SII Real Estate Fund LP Deutsche Alternative Asset Management (Global) Ltd, the UK-based asset management company, acquired Plzen West A, s.r.o., Czech Republic-based company engaged in distribution of automotive parts, from NBGI SII Real Estate Fund LP, the UK-based fund of NBGI Private Equity Limited, for an undisclosed consideration. 23/01/ 2015 Ekol, spol. s r.o 30.5 48.0 Xi'an Shaangu Power Co Ltd Private Investors Xi'an Shaangu Power Co Ltd, the listed China based company manufacturing turbine compressors, industrial processes and energy recovery turbine blower groups, acquired Ekol, spol. s r.o, the Czech Republic based steam and gas turbine manufacturer, for a consideration of $ 55.6m. 05/01/ 2015 FORMEX, s.r.o. 903.1 n/a KOH-I-NOOR Holding a.s. GCT a.s. KOH-I-NOOR holding a.s., the Czech Republic-based holding company with interest in shaping of plastic materials, manufacturing plastic injection molds and stationaries along with the distribution of liquefied gases, acquired FORMEX, s.r.o., the Czech Republic-based company that develops and manufactures plastic injection molds and parts for automotive and electronics industries, from GCT a.s., the Czech Republic-based investment holding company, for an undisclosed consideration. Formex has a workforce of 175 employees. EV = Enterprise value Source: Mergermarket, Capital IQ & InterFinanz GmbH 23 Country Focus – Denmark Date Target Sales (€ m) EV (€ m) Bidder Seller Deal Description 25/03/ 2015 Miitors ApS n/a 7.0 Apator Powogaz SA Group of Investors Apator Powogaz S.A., Poland-based company manufacturing water meters, heat meters, and heat meter volume parts, and a subsidiary of Apator SA, the listed Poland-based company manufacturing metering systems and switchgear equipment, acquired Miitors ApS, the Denmark-based company engaged in development of water meters based on ultrasound for meter manufacturers, from a group of investors (i.e. Insero Horsens; Borean, Innovation A/S, J. Drachmann Holding ApS, Styrelsen for Forskning og Innovation, Vallenus AS, Longbus Holding ApS). 05/03/ 2015 BACH Composite Industry A/S 47.9 n/a Odin Equity Partners Geert Winther Skovsgaard (Private Investor) Odin Equity Partners, the Denmark-based private equity firm, acquired majority stake of BACH Composite Industry A/S, the Denmark-based company manufacturing composite products for wind energy, off-shore and transportation industries, from Geert Winther Skovsgaard, the Denmark-based private individual, for an undisclosed consideration. BACH Composite employs 500 people. 04/03/ 2015 PCH Engineering A/S 2.2 n/a Erhvervsinvest Management A/S Carsten Holm (Private Investor) Erhvervsinvest Management A/S, the Denmark-based private equity firm, along with the management of PCH Engineering A/S, the Denmark-based company manufacturing permanent vibration and condition monitoring equipment, acquired the company in a MBO transaction, from Carsten Holm, the Denmarkbased individual investor, for an undisclosed consideration. 12/02/ 2015 Novenco Building & Industry A/S (Denmark) 29.9 (2013) n/a Schako (Switzerland) SA Novenco Building & Industry A/S Schako (Switzerland) SA, the Switzerland-based subsidiary of Schako KG, the Germany-based inventor of the swirl diffuser, produces components and systems for ventilation and air conditioning, acquired Denmark-based building and industry division of Novenco Building & Industry A/S, the Denmark-based manufacturer of equipment for heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration, and a subsidiary of Novenco A/S, the Denmark based company manufacturing heating, ventilation, air-conditioning, and refrigeration solutions for land and marine applications, for an undisclosed consideration. The acquired division employs 150 employees. 02/02/ 2015 Bramidan A/S 20.2 16.8 SE Blue Equity Industri Udvikling A/S SE Blue Equity, the Denmark-based private equity firm, alongwith the management of Bramidan A/S, the Denmark-based company that produces reliable and user-friendly balers and compactors for cardboard, plastic and other recyclable materials, acquired Bramidan A/S, the Denmark-based company that produces reliable and user-friendly balers and compactors for cardboard, plastic and other recyclable materials, from Industri Udvikling A/S, the the Denmark-based private equity firm. Bramidan has an employee base of 80 employees. EV = Enterprise value Source: Mergermarket, Capital IQ & InterFinanz GmbH 24 Country Focus – France Date Target Sales (€ m) EV (€ m) Bidder Seller Deal Description 27/03/ 2015 Marais Technologies SAS 27.0 14.0 Tesmec SpA Ouest Croissance SCR; Qualium Investissement Tesmec SpA, a listed Italy-based company manufacturing integrated systems for construction and maintenance of aerial and underground networks and pipelines, acquired Marais Technologies SAS, the France-based manufacturer of construction work equipment, from Ouest Croissance SCR and Qualium Investissement, the France-based private equity firms. Earlier in February 2009, Ouest Croissance and Qualium Investissement had acquired Marais in a MBO transaction. 25/03/ 2015 Dassault Aviation SA (5% Stake) 3,680 6,633 Dassault Aviation SA Airbus Group Dassault Aviation SA has buyback 460,687 of its own shares (=5% stake), from Airbus Group. Dassault Aviation, the listed France-based company manufacturing combat aircrafts and executive jets. Airbus is a listed France-based aerospace company. Dassault will buyback the shares at an offer price of € 980/share, valuing the transaction at € 451.47m; the implied equity value is € 9.029bn. The offer represents a discount of 21% based on Dassault closing share price of € 1,240 on 24.03.2015, 1 day before the announcement date. The total number of Dassault' shares sold by Airbus in this transaction represents a 17.50%. The remaining 12.50% stakes were sold to institutional investors through at an offer price of € 1,030 per share. Airbus holds now a 24.61% stake in Dassault and a 26.03% of its voting rights. Dassault employs 11,600 staff. 17/03/ 2015 Groupe SATIF; Fire & Security CO; Ceulemans Security BVBA n/a n/a Groupe Scutum SA Private Investors Groupe Scutum SA, the France-based company providing security systems, acquired Groupe SATIF, the France-based company providing industrial engineering and assistance, along with Fire & Security CO, the France-based company providing fire safety solutions and Ceulemans Security BVBA, the Belgian-based company providing electronic security and fire safety solutions, for an undisclosed consideration. SATIF has a revenue of € 12.5m and employs 160 people, Fire & Security CO has a revenue of € 2.6m and employs 33 people and Ceulemans Security has a revenue of € 3.2m and employs 30 people. 11/03/ 2015 DTP Plastibell SAS 50.0 n/a PSB Industries Group of Investors PSB Industries, the listed France-based packaging company which produces plastic packaging products, signed an agreement to acquire DTP Plastibell SAS, the France-based company engaged in production of plastic products, from Michel Maradan, the France-based private individual, Fonds de Consolidation et de Developpement des Entreprises SA, the France-based fund of Consolidation et Developpement Gestion SAS, the France-based private equity firm and CMCIC Investissement SA, the France-based private equity firm, for an undisclosed consideration. EV = Enterprise value Source: Mergermarket, Capital IQ & InterFinanz GmbH 25 Country Focus – France Date Target Sales (€ m) EV (€ m) 06/03/ 2015 Goiffon 9.0 04/03/ 2015 Metaltemple Aquitaine 03/03/ 2015 Bidder Seller Deal Description n/a Promens hf. Insolvency Administrator Promens hf., the Iceland-based manufacturer of rotational moulding plastics, acquired Goiffon, the France-based plastic packaging manufacturer, for an undisclosed consideration. Goiffon was placed in receivership January 4, 2013. Prior, Goiffon was owned by Soupletube SAS, the France-based manufacturer of flexible tubes and plastic bottles. Goiffon has a workforce of 97 employees. 15.0 n/a Francis Pozas (Private Investor); Alain Royer (Private Investor) Insolvency Administrator Francis Pozas and Alain Royer, the France-based private individuals having interest in investing in companies engaged in manufacture of steel and cast iron parts for the mechanics industry, have acquired Metaltemple Aquitaine, the France-based manufacturer of steel and cast iron parts for the mechanics industry, for an undisclosed consideration. The acquisition will cause a loss of 106 out of 136 of Metaltemple's employees. The acquisition is a part of receivership procedure of Metaltemple parent company of Metaltemple Aquitaine, which was declared insolvent by the commercial court of Chambery. Metaltemple Aquitaine had filed for bankruptcy filling in 2003 and 2009 and as well as in 2013 PCI Scemm n/a 5.7 Tongtai Machine & Tool Co., Ltd. PSA PeugeotCitroen SA Tongtai Machine & Tool Co., Ltd., the listed Taiwan-based company providing machine tools acquired PCI Scemm, the France-based producer of machining systems for the automotive and aircraft industry, from PSA Peugeot-Citroen SA, the listed France-based car manufacturer. PCI Scemm reported workforce of 120 employees. 23/02/ 2015 Gentilin SA 23.0 n/a Grand Sud Ouest Capital SA; Multicroissance ToulousePyrenees SAS, SCR; Groupe Asquini-SOFOP Aeronautique Jean-Louis Gentilin Groupe Asquini-SOFOP Aeronautique, the France-based precision engineering services provider for aviation and aerospace sectors, a portfolio company of ACE Management SA, the France-based private equity firm, and Grand Sud Ouest Capital SA and Multicroissance Toulouse-Pyrenees SAS, SCR, the Francebased private equity firm, acquired Gentilin SA, the France-based company engaged in hard metals machining business, for an undisclosed consideration. Post acquisition, the combined entity will be named as Nexteam Group. Gentilin has 100 employees. 18/02/ 2015 Averys SA 360.0 280.0 Equistone Partners Europe Limited LBO France Equistone Partners Europe Limited, the UK-based private equity firm, acquired Averys SA, the France-based manufacturer of steel products for the industrial and retail industry, from LBO France, the France-based private equity. Earlier in May 2008, Averys was acquired by LBO France, for a consideration of € 180m. EV = Enterprise value Source: Mergermarket, Capital IQ & InterFinanz GmbH 26 Country Focus – France Date Target Sales (€ m) EV (€ m) 17/02/ 2015 SLETI 13.0 13/02/ 2015 Lamberet SAS 10/02/ 2015 Bidder Seller Deal Description n/a Cockerill Maintenance & Ingenierie S.A. Private Investors Cockerill Maintenance & Ingenierie S.A., the Belgium-based company that designs and services industrial complexes and equipment, acquired SLETI (Soc Lyonnaise Equip Tech Industriels), the France-based company manufacturing equipment for electrolytic and chemical surface treatment, for an undisclosed consideration. SLETI has a work force of 40 employees. 140.0 n/a AVIC Electromechanical Systems Co., Ltd. Caravelle, SA AVIC Electromechanical Systems Co., Ltd., the listed China-based transportation equipment maker, acquired Lamberet SAS, the France-based company manufacturing temperature-controlled road transport vehicles, from Caravelle, SA, the France-based private equity firm, for an undisclosed consideration. Lamberet employs 600 people. In April 2009, Caravelle acquired Lamberet for € 19.5m. Duerr Automation S.A.S. 26.0 n/a Automation Holding GmbH Duerr AG; Duerr Ecoclean GmbH Automation Holding GmbH, the Germany-based holding company and a subsidiary of Quantum Capital Partners AG, the Germany-based private equity firm, acquired Duerr Automation S.A.S., the France-based company developing conveyor systems and techniques as well as storage solutions and equipment for the automotive and manufacturing industries, from Duerr Ecoclean GmbH, the Germany-based company manufacturing innovative solutions for industrial part cleaning and surface processing, and a subsidiary of Duerr AG, the listed Germany-based manufacturer of industrial surface treatment equipment, for an undisclosed consideration. Duerr Automation has a workforce of 180 employees. 09/02/ 2015 ScopusOmnibadges, S.A.S. 7.0 n/a Argos Expansion; Xpansion 2 Horosmart S.A. Argos Expansion, the France-based investment fund of Argos Soditic SA, France-based private equity firm and Xpansion 2, the France-based development capital fund of Xange private equity, the France-based private equity firm along with the management acquired Scopus-Omnibadges,S.A.S., the France-based company providing card printing services and mobile ID card solutions, from Horosmart S.A., the France-based company providing time management and access control system implementation services and a subsidiary of Amano Corporation, the Japan-based manufacturer of measuring and controlling devices, in a MBO transaction, for an undisclosed consideration. Scopus has 40 employees. 09/02/ 2015 Groupe Sabe 16.7 n/a BNP Paribas Developpement SA, SCR; Unexo Yves Brochard (Private Investor) The management of Groupe Sabe, the France-based process engineering and bulk production equipment manufacturer, acquired the company, in a BIMBO transaction, backed by Unexo and BNP Paribas Developpement SA, SCR, the France-based private equity firms, from Yves Brochard, the France-based private individual, for an undisclosed consideration.Sabe employs 87 people. EV = Enterprise value Source: Mergermarket, Capital IQ & InterFinanz GmbH 27 Country Focus – France Date Target Sales (€ m) EV (€ m) Bidder Seller Deal Description HLD 21 Centrale Partners The management of Coyote System SAS, the France-based company manufacturing systems, which provide motorists with real-time safety and traffic information, acquired the company in a MBO transaction backed by HLD, the Francebased private equity firm, from 21 Centrale Partners, the France-based private equity firm and Mr. Jacques Essebag (Arthur), the France based private investor. 06/02/ 2015 Coyote System SAS 105.0 120.0 04/02/ 2015 Hydromeca SA 15.0 n/a SainteLizaigne S.A. Private Investors Sainte-Lizaigne S.A., the France-based manufacturer of taps and valves, and a portfolio of Industries & Finances Partenaires SA, the France-based private equity firm, acquired a majority stake in Hydromeca, the France-based manufacturer of water treatment equipment, for an undisclosed consideration. 02/02/ 2015 DS Smith Packaging Papeterie de Nantes SAS n/a n/a OpenGate Capital, LLC DS Smith Plc OpenGate Capital, LLC, the US-based private equity firm, acquired DS Smith Packaging Papeterie de Nantes SAS (The Nantes mill), the France-based producer of white top testliner paper, from DS Smith Plc, the listed UK-based supplier of corrugated and plastic packaging, for an undisclosed consideration. The Nantes mill has approx. 70 employees. 02/02/ 2015 Groupe Altia (Saint-Pierre-enFaucigny site) 21.4 (2012) n/a Walor SA Insolvency Administrator Walor SA, the France-based company that manufactures screw machining, acquired Saint-Pierre-en-Faucigny site of Groupe Altia, the France-based company providing turning, micro turning, machining, cold forging, plastics injection and moulding, metal-plastic process, wire forming, stampings, cabin assembly and welding services, for an undisclosed consideration. The Saint-Pierre-en-Faucigny site is engaged in automotive parts manufacturing and has a workforce of 131 employees. Earlier in August 2014, Groupe Altia went under compulsory liquidation and filed for bankruptcy on 22 October 2014. 29/01/ 2015 Vitembal 45.0 n/a Sirap Gema SpA Insolvency Administrator Sirap Gema SpA, the Italy-based manufacturer of thermoformed packaging and a subsidiary of Italmobiliare s.p.a., the listed Italy-based holding company, acquired Vitembal, the France-based manufacturer of packaging for food products, for an undisclosed consideration. Vitembal has been in receivership since July 2013. Sirap will retain 117 of the 198 employees of Vitembal. EV = Enterprise value Source: Mergermarket, Capital IQ & InterFinanz GmbH 28 Country Focus – France Date Target Sales (€ m) EV (€ m) Bidder Seller Deal Description 28/01/ 2015 Dufieux Industrie SA 29.0 n/a Groupe Aries BNP Paribas Developpement SA, SCR; Evolem SA Groupe Aries, the France-based investment holding company, acquired Dufieux Industrie SA, the France-based company manufacturing machines and machine tools, from BNP Paribas Developpement SA, SCR and Evolem SA, the Francebased private equity firms, for an undisclosed consideration. In 2010, Evolem and BNP had acquired Dufieux alongwith its management in a MBO transaction, for an undisclosed consideration. 14/01/ 2015 JF CESBRON SAS 95.0 n/a Dalkia S.A.S. Private Investors Dalkia S.A.S., the France-based provider of energy management services and a subsidiary of Electricite de France SA, the listed France-based company producing and transmitting electricity, acquired Jf Cesbron SAS, the France-based company manufacturing refrigeration and air treatment equipment, for an undisclosed consideration. Cesbron has a workforce of 700 employees. 07/01/ 2015 Clesse Industries 30.0 n/a Andlinger & Company, Inc. Aalberts Industries NV Andlinger & Company, Inc., the US-based private equity firm, acquired Clesse Industries, the France-based company manufacturing and supplying products for LP, Natural, Biogas and Synthetic Natural Gas installations, from Aalberts Industries NV, the listed Netherlands-based industrial company operating in the industrial services and flow control sectors, for an undisclosed consideration. 06/01/ 2015 CIAT S.A. (46.1% Stake) 253.0 n/a United Technologies Corporation Somfy SA United Technologies Corporation, the listed US-based provider of technology products and services to the aerospace and commercial building industries, acquired a 46.1% stake of CIAT S.A., the France-based manufacturer of air conditioning, heating, refrigeration, and air handling equipment for service, health, residential, and industrial markets, from Somfy Participations, the Switzerland-based private equity firm, for a consideration of approx. € 117m. CIAT has workforce of 2084 employees. In July 2008, Somfy had acquired a 40% stake in CIAT, for a total consideration of € 33.6m. 02/01/ 2015 Mecanique Generale Langroise SA n/a 11.8 CDP Bharat Forge GmbH Private Investors CDP Bharat Forge GmbH, the Germany-based company manufacturing forged chassis, engine components and non-automotive systems, and a subsidiary of Bharat Forge Limited, the listed India-based company manufacturing forged chassis and engine components, acquired Mecanique Generale Langroise, the France-based company engaged in precision machining and other high value processes like cladding for critical application in the oil and gas industry. EV = Enterprise value Source: Mergermarket, Capital IQ & InterFinanz GmbH 29 Country Focus – Italy Date Target Sales (€ m) EV (€ m) Bidder Seller Deal Description 26/03/ 2015 Vimec Spa 60.0 42.0 Iniziativa Gestione Investimenti SGR SpA PM & Partners SGR S.P.A.; Siparex Italia Iniziativa Gestione Investimenti SGR SpA, the Italy-based private equity firm, acquired Vimec Spa, the Italy-based company building stairlifts, chairlifts, stairclimbers, and lifts, from PM & Partners SGR S.P.A., the Italy-based private equity firm and Siparex Italia, the Italy-based private equity fund of Siparex. In 2006, PM & Partners and Siparex acquired Vimec for a consideration of € 38.46m. 25/03/ 2015 Pavan Srl 158.0 n/a Alpha Group Idea Cinquanta Srl Alpha Group, the France-based private equity firm, acquired Pavan Srl, the Italybased company offering industrial equipment for cereal manufacturing, from Idea Cinquanta Srl, the Italy-based investment vehicle formed by Mr. Andrea Cavagnis, Mr. Angelo Ferro and IMI Investimenti SpA, for an undisclosed consideration. Hereupon, Alpha Group will hold 60% stake of Pavan with the remaining held by Idea Cinquanta Srl. Idea Cinquanta is an investment vehicle owned by Pavan’s Chairman Mr. Andrea Cavagnis, Pavan’s CEO Mr. Angelo Ferro and IMI Investimenti SpA, the Italy-based venture capital arm of Intesa Sanpaolo SpA. 23/03/ 2015 Pirelli & C. S.p.A. 6,018 8,116 Consortium led by ChemChina Camfin SpA A consortium led by China National Chemical Corporation, a China state-owned chemical products producer, launched an offer on Pirelli & C. S.p.A., an Italy based and listed tire maker. ChemChina will acquire 26.2% stake in Pirelli. Hereupon, the consortium will launch a mandatory tender offer on the remaining shares of Pirelli. The consortium will also launch a voluntary tender offer on the entire saving share capital of Pirelli subject to reaching at least 30% of the saving share capital. ChemChina will acquire Camfin stake in Pirelli at € 15/share. The offer represents a 1.5% discount over PC's closing share price of € 15.23 as of 20.03.2015, 1 day before the announcement. The offer values the entire equity of Pirelli at € 7.14bn and the 26.2% Camfin stake at € 1.87bn. 20/03/ 2015 Bimal Testing Machines S.p.A. 15.0 n/a Equilybra Capital Partners S.p.A. Private Investor Equilybra Capital Partners S.p.A., the Italy-based private equity firm, acquired Bimal Testing Machines S.p.A., the Italy-based manufacturer of testing equipment for engineering, mobile phone, aeronautics and hydraulics sectors, for an undisclosed consideration. 19/03/ 2015 Compagnia Italiana Rimorchi S.R.L. 36.3 (2013) n/a Wielton S.A. Margaritelli Italia s.p.a.; Coils Lamiere Nastri; Acerbi-Viberti S.p.A Wielton S.A., the listed Poland-based manufacturer of trailers and semitrailers, acquired Compagnia Italiana Rimorchi Srl, the Italy-based company manufacturing trailer, for an undisclosed consideration. Compagnia Italiana Rimorchi employs 400 people. EV = Enterprise value Source: Mergermarket, Capital IQ & InterFinanz GmbH 30 Country Focus – Italy Date Target Sales (€ m) EV (€ m) Bidder Seller Deal Description 17/03/ 2015 Franco Tosi Meccanica S.p.A. 40.0 7.0 Bruno Presezzi S.p.A. Insolvency Administrator Bruno Presezzi S.p.A., the Italy-based engineering, mechanical processing and construction company, acquired Franco Tosi Meccanica S.p.A., the Italy-based company manufacturing machinery, industrial equipment, steam turbines, heat exchange apparatuses. Tosi Meccanica has been in receivership since September 2013. Previously, Tosi Meccanica was acquired by Gammon Group in 2008. 17/03/ 2015 Inoxihip S.r.l. (52.72% Stake) 10.8 16.3 Interpump Group S.p.A. Private Investor Interpump Group S.p.A., the listed Italy-based manufacturer of high pressure piston plunger pumps, acquired 52.72% stake in Inoxihip S.r.l., the Italy-based manufacturer of high pressure water systems and provider of steel applications. 17/03/ 2015 C Blade S.pA. Forging & Manufacturing 24.8 25.0 SIFCO Industries, Inc. Riello Investimenti SpA; Riello Investimenti Partners Sgr SIFCO Industries, Inc., the US-based provider of forgings and machined components for aerospace and energy markets, acquired C Blade S.pA. Forging & Manufacturing, the Italy-based company manufacturing forged turbine blades, form Riello Investimenti Partners Sgr, the Italy-based holding company of Riello Investimenti SpA, Italy based private equity firm. C Blade employs 150 people. 03/03/ 2015 Walmec S.p.A. 31.6 n/a RUD Ketten Rieger & Dietz GmbH u. Co. KG Zanetti Family RUD Ketten Rieger & Dietz GmbH u. Co. KG, the Germany-based company providing chain system solutions, acquired Walmec S.p.A., the Italy-based manufacturer of industrial chains and specialized in producing snow chains for cars and trucks, from the Italy-based Zanetti Family, for an undisclosed consideration. 22/02/ 2015 Azienda Energetica SpA Etschwerke AG n/a n/a Societa Elettrica Altoatesina S.p.A. Municipality of Bolzano; Municipality of Merano Societa Elettrica Altoatesina S.p.A., the Italy-based electricity producer, and an affiliate of Autonomy Province of Bolzano, the Italy based municipality owned organization and Selfin Srl, the Italy-based holding company acquired Azienda Energetica SpA Etschwerke AG, the Italy-based energy distribution company, from Municipality of Bolzano and Municipality of Merano, the Italy based municipality owned organizations, for an undisclosed consideration. The combined entity is estimated to generate revenues of € 1.5bn, EBITDA of € 260m, net profit of € 100m and employs approx. 1,000 people. 20/02/ 2015 E.ON Climate & Renewables Italia Solar Srl n/a n/a F2i Fondi Italiani per le infrastrutture SGR SpA E.ON SE F2i Fondi Italiani per le infrastrutture SGR SpA, the Italy-based private equity, acquired E.ON Climate & Renewables Italia Solar Srl, the Italy-based company engaged in production of electricity using solar energy, from E.ON SE, the listed Germany-based company engaged in field of electricity, oil and gas, for an undisclosed consideration. EV = Enterprise value Source: Mergermarket, Capital IQ & InterFinanz GmbH 31 Country Focus – Italy Date Target Sales (€ m) EV (€ m) Bidder Seller Deal Description 19/02/ 2015 Ancora Group 23.0 n/a SITI - B&T Group S.p.A Private Investor SITI - B&T Group S.p.A, the Italy-based company manufacturing machinery for ceramics industry, acquired Ancora Group, the Italy-based company manufacturing ceramic finishing machinery, for an undisclosed consideration. 12/02/ 2015 Dolci Bielloni SpA 20.0 6.0 Amut SpA Private Investor Amut SpA, the Italy-based manufacturer of extruders and plastic extrusion machines, and a portfolio company of Fondo Italiano d'Investimento SGR S.p.A, the Italy-based private equity firm, acquired Dolci Bielloni SpA, the Italy-based company manufacturing plastic extrusion lines. 05/02/ 2015 Gallazzi Tradate; Gallazzi Gallarate n/a n/a Tekni-Plex Europe N.V Insolvency Administrator Tekni-Plex Europe N.V, the Belgium-based manufacturer of packaging products for food and consumer industries and subsidiary of Tekni-Plex, Inc., the USbased company manufacturing packaging and tubing products, acquired Gallazzi Tradate, the Italy-based plant manufacturing polyvinyl and polyvinylidene chloride coated barrier films and Gallazzi Gallarate, the Italy-based plant manufacturing polyvinyl chloride films for adhesive-tape substrates, from Gallazzi SpA, the Italy-based producer and seller of rigid PVC film for the packaging industry, for an undisclosed consideration. Tradate and Gallarate plants have 150 and 60 people respectively. Gallazzi SpA filed for insolvency in July 2013. 30/01/ 2015 Presider SpA (48% Stake); Metallurgica Piemontese Lavorazioni Srl (48% Stake) 99.0 n/a Feralpi Group Gruppo Ferrero SpA Feralpi Group, the Italy-based company that manufactures reinforcing steel in bars and coils, wire rod, electro-welded mesh and other derivatives, acquired 48% stakes each in Presider SpA, the Italy-based company that manufactures rebar for building and public works and Metallurgica Piemontese Lavorazioni Srl, the Italy-based company engaged in processing of steel products, accessories for the construction industry, from Gruppo Ferrero SpA, the Italy-based investment holding company, for an undisclosed consideration. Metallurgica Piemontese has workforce of 19 people. Presider has workforce of 59 people. 25.1 JVC Kenwood Corporation Private Investors JVC Kenwood Corporation, the listed Japan-based company, is engaged in car electronics, professional systems, home and mobile electronics, and entertainment businesses. ASK Industries S.p.A., the Italy-based company manufacturing car audio and antennas systems - loudspeakers, subwoofer boxes, amplifiers, antennas, and cables. ASK Industries employs 1,500 people. 30/01/ 2015 ASK Industries S.p.A. EV = Enterprise value (Presider) 7.4 (Metallurgica) 149.0 Source: Mergermarket, Capital IQ & InterFinanz GmbH 32 Country Focus – Italy Date Target Sales (€ m) EV (€ m) Bidder Seller Deal Description 29/01/ 2015 Teknoweb Converting S.r.l (60% Stake) 12.0 10.0 IMA S.p.A. Teknoweb s.r.l. IMA S.p.A., the listed Italy-based manufacturer of automatic packaging machines, acquired a 60% stake Teknoweb Converting S.r.l, the Italy-based company engaged in production and selling of machines required for production of wet wipes machines, from Teknoweb s.r.l., the Italy-based company producing machines for the production of wet wipes. 28/01/ 2015 Italpresse Industrie Spa 87.0 n/a AUCTUS Capital Partners AG Industrie Saleri Italo SpA AUCTUS Capital Partners AG, the Germany-based private equity firm, acquired Italpresse Industrie Spa, the Italy-based manufacturer of equipment for highpressure die casting, from Industrie Saleri Italo SpA, the Italy-based company manufacturing water pumps for automotive industry, for an undisclosed consideration. The target employs 200 people. 26/01/ 2015 LU-VE S.p.A. 210.0 53.1 Industrial Stars of Italy S.p.A. Finami Sr; G4 S.r.l. Industrial Stars of Italy S.p.A., the listed Italy-based special purpose acquisition company, acquired LU-VE S.p.A., the Italy-based company manufacturing heat exchangers, refrigeration and air conditioning products. Under the terms of agreement, the shareholders of LU-VE will be entitled to received the shares of Industrial Stars of Italy in 1:1 ratio. Post acquisition, LU-VE will be listed on the Italian Stock Exchange at the Aim Italia market. LU-VE employs 1400 people. 15/01/ 2015 TE4I SrL n/a 11.1 Verint Systems Inc. Private Investor Verint Systems Inc., the US-based provider of analytic software solutions for communications interception, digital video security and surveillance, and enterprise business intelligence, acquired TE4I SrL, the Italy-based software and hardware engineering and development company focusing on system and network security, digital forensic analysis, for an undisclosed consideration. 13/01/ 2015 Baglioni SpA (40% Stake) 86.0 25.0 IDeA Energy Efficiency Sustainable Growth Fund Franco Tartaglino; Maura Baglioni (Private Investors) IDEA Energy Efficiency Sustainable Growth Fund, the fund of Idea Capital Funds S.G.R. S.p.A , the Italy-based private equity firm, acquired a 40% stake in Baglioni SpA, Italy-based manufacturer of vessels and pressure equipment. Post acquisition, Franco Tartaglino and Maura Baglioni will continue to be majority shareholders. Baglioni employs 700 people. 12/01/ 2015 E.ON SE (Italian coal and gas generation assets) n/a 500.0 Energeticky a Prumyslovy Holding, a.s. E.ON SE Energeticky a Prumyslovy Holding, a.s., the Czech Republic-based company providing coal mining, electricity and heat production and distribution as well as electricity and gas trading services, acquired the Italian coal and gas generation assets of E.ON SE, the listed Germany-based company engaged in field of electricity, oil and gas. EV = Enterprise value Source: Mergermarket, Capital IQ & InterFinanz GmbH 33 Country Focus – Italy Date Target Sales (€ m) EV (€ m) Bidder Seller Deal Description 12/01/ 2015 voestalpine Trafilerie Industriali S.p.A. 43.8 n/a Voestalpine Wire Technology GmbH Private Investors Voestalpine Wire Technology GmbH, the Austria-based company that manufactures seamless tubes, welding consumables, and a subsidiary of Voestalpine AG, the listed Austria-based manufacturer of steel for automotive and auto supply industries, rail, refrigeration and cooling, and furniture industries, acquired Trafilerie Industriali S.p.A., the Italy-based company engaged in producing drawn polished wires, galvanised, copper and nickel plated wires, for an undisclosed consideration. Trafilerie employs 80 people. Post acquisition, Trafilerie will be renamed as voestalpine Trafilerie Industriali S.p.A. 08/01/ 2015 Bocchiotti Industrial Group SpA 130.0 n/a Hager SE Domenico Bocchiotti (Private Investor); Cesare Bocchiotti (Private Investor) Hager SE, the Germany-based supplier of solutions and services for electro technical installation in residential and commercial buildings and industrial applications, acquired Bocchiotti Industrial Group SpA, the Italy-based company manufacturing cable trunks, from Mr. Cesare Bocchiotti and Mr. Domenico Bocchiotti, the Italy-based private individuals, for an undisclosed consideration. Bocchiotti employs 400 people. 07/01/ 2015 MaterMacc S.p.A. n/a n/a Lovol Europe Heavy Industries Engineering S.r.l. Fiorido Family Lovol Europe Heavy Industries Engineering S.r.l., Italy-based holding company and a subsidiary of Foton Lovol International Heavy Industry Co Ltd, the Chinabased manufacturer of heavy machinery and vehicles, acquired majority stake in MaterMacc S.p.A., the Italy-based company manufacturing tractors, from the Italy-based Fiorido Family, for an undisclosed consideration. MaterMacc has workforce of 75 people. EV = Enterprise value Source: Mergermarket, Capital IQ & InterFinanz GmbH 34 Country Focus – Norway Date Target Sales (€ m) EV (€ m) 23.3 Bidder Seller Deal Description n/a Nordic Capital Fund VIII Group of Investors Nordic Capital, the Sweden-based private equity firm, acquired Resman AS, the Norway-based company, which provides downhole wireless inflow monitoring for oil wells, from group of vendors (i.e. Statoil Technology Invest AS, the Norway based private equity arm of Statoil ASA, Verdane Capital Advisors AS, the Norway-based private equity firm and Sintef Venture AS, the Norway private equity arm of SINTE. Resman employs approx. 65 people. 26/03/ 2015 Resman AS 12/03/ 2015 Citroen Norge AS 88.4 (2013) n/a Bertel O. Steen AS PSA Peugeot-Citroen SA Bertel O. Steen AS, the Norway-based car importer, acquired Citroen Norge AS, the Norway-based company engaged in wholesale and retail trade, and maintenance and repair of cars and light motor vehicles, from PSA Peugeot Citroen SA, the listed France-based manufacturer of passenger cars, light commercial vehicles, motorcycles, related spare parts, for an undisclosed consideration. 10/03/ 2015 GasSecure AS n/a 58.3 Draeger Holding International GmbH Group of Investors Draeger Holding International GmbH, the German-based company and a subsidiary of Draegerwerk AG & Co. KGaA, the listed Germany based company engaged in the production of medical and safety technology, acquired GasSecure AS, the Norway-based company manufacturing wireless gas detector, from Viking Venture AS, Sintef Venture AS, ProVenture Management AS and Investinor AS, the Norway-based private equity firms. 25/02/ 2015 Nordic Shelter AS 8.9 n/a BNS Holding AS Private Investors BNS Holding AS, the Norway-based provider of containers, acquired Nordic Shelter AS, the Norway-based company offering customized container solutions for military and industrial purposes, for an undisclosed consideration. BNS Holding employs 40 people. As part of the transaction, BNS will also acquire Nordic shelter’s sister companies in Sweden - Gothenburg and Estonia -Tallinn. 23/02/ 2015 Nordisk Aviation Products, AS; n/a 638.8 TransDigm Group Inc. AAR Corp TransDigm Group Inc., the listed US-based manufacturer of aircraft and aerospace components. AAR Cargo Systems, the US-based freight carrier and supplier of containerized cargo handling systems. Nordisk Aviation Products, AS, the Norway-based manufacturer of servicing containers and pallets for air cargo. Telair International GmbH, the Germany-based manufacturer of baggage and cargo handling systems for the aerospace industry. AAR Corp, the listed US-based supplier of commercial aviation and defense industries. Telair is expected to generate revenues of $ 300m and EBITDA of 20% ($ 60m) for the year ending May 2015 and employs approx. 600 people. Telair International GmbH; AAR Cargo Systems EV = Enterprise value Source: Mergermarket, Capital IQ & InterFinanz GmbH 35 Country Focus – Norway Date Target Sales (€ m) EV (€ m) Bidder Seller Deal Description 06/02/ 2015 Norsk Stal As (50% Stake) 192.0 n/a Leif Hubert As SSAB Leif Hubert As, the Norway-based wholesaler of steel and metal products, acquired 50% interest in Norsk Stal, the Norway-based distributor of steel and metal products, from SSAB, the listed Sweden-based steel producer, for an undisclosed consideration. The acquisition is part of divestment remedies that the European Commission deemed necessary for the combination of Rautaruuki Oyj with SSAB. The other 50% stake of Norsk Stal is owned by Tata Steel. 02/02/ 2015 Fjell Industries AS n/a n/a Bergen Group Services AS BR Industrier AS Bergen Group Services AS, the Norway-based company providing maritime support services, and subsidiary of Bergen Group ASA, the listed Norway-based company offering products to the offshore and maritime industry, acquired Fjell Industries AS, the Norway-based company manufacturing industrial equipments, from BR Industrier AS, the Norway-based company manufacturing machines and electrical automation products for oil exploration and production, metal engineering, agriculture, for an undisclosed consideration. The target employs 40 people. 14/01/ 2015 Norwegian Deck Machinery AS 8.7 n/a Palfinger Marine- und Beteiligungs- GmbH VNE Holding AS Palfinger Marine- und Beteiligungs-GmbH, the Austria-based company manufacturing marine cranes and wind cranes, and a subsidiary of Palfinger AG, the listed Austria-based company manufacturing hydraulic lifting solutions, acquired Norwegian Deck Machinery AS, the Norway-based company engaged manufacturing marine and offshore mechanical equipment, from VNE Holding AS, the Norway-based investment holding company, for an undisclosed consideration. 07/01/ 2015 Foss AS Fiberoptisk Systemsalg 14.0 12.9 Acal Plc Skjelsbaek Invest AS Acal Plc is the listed UK-based manufacturer and distributor of customised electronics products and solutions. Foss AS Fiberoptisk Systemsalg is the Norwaybased manufacturer of customised fibre optic solutions. Skjelsbaek Invest AS is the Norway-based investment company owned by Mr Runar Skjelsbaek. Foss employs a staff of over 100 people in Norway and Slovakia. 06/01/ 2015 Parker Scanrope AS n/a n/a Bridon International Ltd Parker Hannifin Corporation Bridon International Ltd, the UK-based company manufacturing wires and cables, acquired Parker Scanrope AS, the Norway-based manufacturer of cable and mooring products for offshore energy production applications, from Parker Hannifin Corporation, the listed US-based company manufacturing fluid power systems, electromechanical controls, and related components, for an undisclosed consideration. The target employs 1,700 people. EV = Enterprise value Source: Mergermarket, Capital IQ & InterFinanz GmbH 36 Country Focus – Poland Date Target Sales (€ m) EV (€ m) Bidder Seller Deal Description 27/03/ 2015 Fugo Spolka z o.o. n/a 11.3 Zamet Industry S.A. Fugo SA Zamet Industry S.A., the Poland based manufacturer of industrial steel structures, machinery and castings, acquired Fugo Spolka z o.o., the Poland-based plant producing large scale equipment and offshore machinery, from Fugo SA, the Poland-based manufacturer of mechanical equipment, spare parts, and steel structures. TDJ S.A., the Poland-based investment company owns a 50% stake in Zamet Industry and a 100% stake in Fugo SA. 13/02/ 2015 GROCLIN Wiring Sp. z o.o. 56.0 50.0 PKC Group Oyj Groclin S.A. PKC Group Oyj is the listed Finland-based company, that offers design and contract manufacturing services for wiring harnesses, cabling and electronics. GROCLIN Wiring Sp. z o.o., the Poland-based manufacturer of cable harnesses, steering harnesses, and cabinets. Groclin S.A., the Poland-based manufacturer of car seat upholstery. The deal is accomplished via a new company that is owned 80% by PKC and 20% by the management team of GROCLIN Wiring. In 2013, Groclin acquired Kabel-Technik-Polska from Gerstner Managementholding GmbH and Kabelconcept Hornig GmbH, for € 23.1m. 11/02/ 2015 Plastwag S.A. 8.3 n/a Schweiter Technologies AG Private Investors Schweiter Technologies AG, the listed Switzerland-based manufacturer of textile and semiconductor machinery, acquired Plastwag S.A., the Poland-based manufacturer of quality fiber reinforced and thermoformed plastic components for the mass transportation sector, for an undisclosed consideration. 10/02/ 2015 Graf-Poz Printing House 16.2 n/a Abris CEE Mid-Market Fund II LP Marek Przybylski (Private Investor) Abris CEE Mid-Market Fund II LP, the Poland-based fund of Abris Capital Partners, the Poland private equity firm, acquired Graf-Poz Printing House, the Poland-based company manufacturing solid board boxes, form Marek Przybylski, the Poland-based private individual, for undisclosed consideration. EV = Enterprise value Source: Mergermarket, Capital IQ & InterFinanz GmbH 37 Country Focus – Sweden Date Target Sales (€ m) EV (€ m) 16.5 46.0 Bidder Seller Deal Description n/a US Natural Resources, Inc. Cellwood Group US Natural Resources, Inc. is the US-based supplier of technologies and equipment for the sawmill industry. Soderhamn Eriksson is the Sweden-based provider of technologies and equipment for sawmills. Cellwood Group, the Swedenbased company manufacturing machinery and installations for the pulp and paper and bioenergy industries. n/a Fluxys G SA; Enagas S.A. EQT Partners AB Enagas S.A. is the listed Spain-based energy company engaged in transportation, storage and operation of natural gas. Fluxys G SA is the listed Belgiumbased operator of the natural gas transportation infrastructure. Swedegas AB, the Sweden-based operator of gas transmission network. EQT Partners AB, is a Sweden-based private equity firm. Both the bidders will invest € 100m in equity each and will both assume a 50% ownership in Swedegas. In February 2010, Swedegas was acquired by EQT Partners for € 107.2m. Consortium led by Borealis Infrastructure Management Inc. Fortum Oyj AB Fortum Distribution AB is the Sweden-based operator of electricity distribution business. Fortum Oyj AB is the listed Finland-based energy group. The consortium consists of: Borealis Infrastructure Management Inc., the Canada-based infrastructure investment arm of Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System, the Canada-based pension fund; Forsta AP-fonden and Tredje AP-fonden, the Sweden-based national pension funds; Folksam AB, the Sweden-based company offering insurance, savings and loan products. Forsta AP-fonden, Tredje AP-fonden, Folksam and Borealis will hold 12.5%, 20%, 17.5% and 50% stake in Fortum, respectively. Fortum employs 390 people. Fortum reported sales of € 634m, EBIT of € 235m, EBITDA of € 365m for the FY 2014. Suzo-Happ Group, Inc. Segulah IV, L.P. Suzo-Happ Group, Inc., the US-based company manufacturing gaming, amusement, and industrial, vending, interactive/kiosk, and PC arcade parts and accessories and portfolio company of ACON Investments L.L.C., the US-based private equity firm, acquired Scan Coin AB, the Sweden-based company manufacturing machines for coins and bank notes, from Segulah IV, L.P., the Sweden-based private equity fund of Segulah Advisor AB, the Sweden based private equity firm, Ovin Family, the Sweden-based family, for an undisclosed consideration. Scan Coin has approx. 420 employees and had EBITA of € 14.9m in 2014. 25/03/ 2015 Soderhamn Eriksson 23/03/ 2015 Swedegas AB 13/03/ 2015 Fortum Distribution AB 634.0 6,636 13/03/ 2015 Scan Coin AB 83.3 n/a (2013) EV = Enterprise value Source: Mergermarket, Capital IQ & InterFinanz GmbH 38 Country Focus – Sweden Date Target Sales (€ m) EV (€ m) Bidder Seller Deal Description 27/02/ 2015 Tele & Datanat Fiberoptik i Orebro AB 13.3 8.4 Hexatronic Scandinavia AB Private Investors Hexatronic Scandinavia AB, the listed Sweden-based company offering products, components and solutions existing infrastructure for broadband over fiber, acquired Tele & Datanat Fiberoptik i Orebro AB, the Sweden-based company manufacturing fiber optic products. Tele & Datanat Fiberoptik reported EBITDA margin of 12 % for the FY 2014 and employs currently 50 people. 18/02/ 2015 Rapid Granulator AB 31.9 n/a Lifco AB IPEG, Inc. Lifco AB, the listed Sweden-based manufacturer of dental products, machinery and tools, sawmill equipment, acquiredRapid Granulator AB, the Sweden-based company producing granulators for in-house direct recycling of plastic waste to the plastics industry, from IPEG, Inc., the US-based company offering business support services for plastics and recycling markets, for an undisclosed consideration. Rapid Granulator has a workforce of 160 employees. 12/02/ 2015 SSAB AB (strip products service centres in Sweden and Finland); Norsk Stal Tynnplater AS (50% Stake) n/a n/a Tata Steel Europe Limited SSAB Tata Steel Europe Limited, the UK-based steel manufacturer, and a part of Tata Steel Limited, the listed India-based conglomerate, acquired SSAB's strip products service centres in Halmstad, Sweden and Naantali, Finland, and a 50% stake in Norsk Stal Tynnplater AS, the Norway-based steel service center and distributor, from SSAB, the listed Sweden-based steel producer, for an undisclosed consideration. The acquired facilities have a combined workforce of 180 employees. Post acquisition, Tata Steel Europe will be the sole owner of Norsk Stal Tynnplater, as it alread held 50% stake in the JV company. 11/02/ 2015 Mankan Hiss AB 8.1 6.2 Sdip Cocello AB Private Investors Sdip Cocello AB, the Sweden-based investment holding company of Serendipity Innovations AB, manufacturing elevators, acquired Mankan Hiss AB, the Sweden-based company manufacturing elevators. 09/02/ 2015 Voestalpine Rotec AB 16.5 n/a Stalror AB Voestalpine AG Stalror AB, the Sweden-based wholesaler of steel tubing, acquired Voestalpine Rotec AB, the Sweden-based supplier of precision steel tubes, from Voestalpine AG, the listed Austria-based manufacturer of steel, for an undisclosed consideration. Voestalpine Rotec has a workforce of 27 employees. Post this transaction, Voestalpine Rotec will be rebranded as Rotec AB. 27/01/ 2015 AB Ernst Hj. Rydahl Bromsbandfabrik 12.8 n/a OEM International AB Private Investors OEM International AB, the listed Sweden-based hydraulics and industrial trading company, acquired AB Ernst Hj. Rydahl Bromsbandfabrik, the Sweden-based company manufacturing spare parts, brake systems and friction solutions for heavy vehicles and machines, for an undisclosed consideration. Rydahls has a workforce of 45 employees. EV = Enterprise value Source: Mergermarket, Capital IQ & InterFinanz GmbH 39 Country Focus – Turkey Date Target Sales (€ m) EV (€ m) Bidder Seller Deal Description 26/02/ 2015 Rozak Demir-profil Ticaret ve Sanayi A.S.; RZK Celik Servis Merkezi San ve Tic A.S. n/a n/a OR Steel Company Limited ArcelorMittal OR Steel Company Limited, the UK-based investment holding company acquired Rozak Demir-profil Ticaret ve Sanayi A.S., the Turkey-based iron-steel manufacturer and RZK Celik Servis Merkezi San ve Tic A.S., the Turkey-based company providing broad range of strategic steel solutions to an extensive and diversified client base, from ArcelorMittal, the listed Luxembourg-based steel producer and mining company, for an undisclosed consideration. 11/02/ 2015 Arvento Mobile Tracking and Fleet Management Systems n/a n/a Investcorp Private Investors Investcorp, the listed Bahrain-based private equity firm, acquired Arvento Mobile Tracking and Fleet Management Systems, the Turkey-based company specialized in manufacturing mobile tracking technologies, telematics products and M2M solutions, in a MBO transaction, for an undisclosed consideration. 02/02/ 2015 OneFlex 9.2 n/a Armacell International S.A. Private Investor Armacell International S.A., the Luxembourg-based technical foam manufacturer, acquired OneFlex, the Turkey-based manufacturer of elastomeric rubber sponge used in mechanical installments sector for heat insulation, for an undisclosed consideration. 29/01/ 2015 Krone Dogus Treyler Sanayi A.S. (48% Stake) 9.0 18.8 Fahrzeugwerk Bernard KRONE GmbH Dogus Otomotiv Fahrzeugwerk Bernard KRONE GmbH, the Germany-based company manufacturing commercial trailers and agricultural machinery, acquired 48% stake in Krone Dogus Treyler Sanayi A.S., the Turkey-based company manufacturing commercial trailers and agricultural machinery, from Dogus Otomotiv, the listed Turkey-based company importing, marketing, and selling automobiles, commercial vehicles, and spare parts. Upon completion, Dogus Otomotiv will hold no stake in Krone Dogus. EV = Enterprise value Source: Mergermarket, Capital IQ & InterFinanz GmbH 40 Country Focus – Turkey Date 13/01/ 2015 Target Advansa Sasa Polyester Sanayi (51% Stake) EV = Enterprise value Sales (€ m) EV (€ m) 160.0 242.6 Bidder Seller Deal Description Erdemoglu Group Haci Omer Sabanci Holding AS Erdemoglu Group, signed a share purchase agreement, to acquire a 51% stake in Advansa Sasa Polyester Sanayi, from Haci Omer Sabanci Holding AS. Erdemoglu Group, is a Turkey-based company operating as a group of machine woven carpet manufacturers, also engaged in the furniture, home textile, yarn and logistics sectors. Advansa Sasa Polyester Sanayi is a listed Turkey-based company engaged in production of polyester fiber, yarn and related products and pet chips. Haci Omer Sabanci Holding AS, is a listed Turkey-based conglomerate. Erdemoglu will acquire 110,313,000 SASA shares at an offer price of $ 0.9246/share. The offer represents a premium of 2.91% over SASA’s closing share price of $ 0.9/share as on 12.01. 2015, 1 day prior to the announcement, and a premium of 16.29% over SASA’s closing share price of $ 0.8/share as on 12.12. 2014, a month prior to the announcement. The implied equity value of the transaction is $ 200m. Previously, on 10.04. 2014, Indorama Netherlands B.V., the Netherlands-based manufacturer of PET chip and polyester filament yarns and a subsidiary of Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited, a listed Thailand-based company, had signed an agreement to acquire a 51% stake in SASA, from Sabanci Holding, thereby triggering a mandatory offer for the remaining shares. However, Istanbul Tekstil ve Hammaddeleri Ihracatcilari Birligi, the Istanbul Textile and Raw Materials Exporters’ Association, contested the sale with Turkey's Competition Authority, believing that the price was too low. The Turkey's Competition Authority launched a probe and finally approved the transaction. But Sabanci Holding and Indorama Netherlands B.V. mutually agreed to terminate the agreement. Source: Mergermarket, Capital IQ & InterFinanz GmbH 41 Country Focus – UK Date Target Sales (€ m) EV (€ m) Bidder Seller Deal Description 30/03/ 2015 Oxford Diffraction Limited n/a n/a Rigaku Corporation Agilent Technologies, Inc Rigaku Corporation is the Japan-based manufacturer of analytical and industrial instruments. Oxford Diffraction Limited is the UK-based manufacturer and supplier of analytical instrumentation for X-ray crystallography. Agilent Technologies, Inc, the listed US-based measurement company providing bio-analytical and electronic measurement solutions to the communications, electronics, life sciences and chemical analysis industries. Previously, in April 2008, Varian Inc. acquired Oxford, for a total consideration of $ 39m. As a result of Varian, Inc.'s acquisition by Agilent on May 14, 2010, Oxford was merged into Agilent. 24/03/ 2015 International Safety Products Ltd 11.2 n/a Safety and Survival Systems International Ltd n/a Safety and Survival Systems International Ltd (3Si), the UK-based provider of marine safety products and services, backed by August Equity LLP, the UKbased private equity firm, acquired International Safety Products Ltd, the UKbased marine safety equipments manufacturer, for an undisclosed consideration. ISP has a workforce of 100 employees. 23/03/ 2015 Renewable Energy Systems Ltd (4 Burrows Solar Park) n/a 8.6 The Renewables Infrastructure Group Limited Renewable Energy Systems Ltd The Renewables Infrastructure Group Limited, the UK-listed, Channel Islandsbased closed ended investment company, acquired the Four Burrows Solar Park, from Renewable Energy Systems Ltd, the UK-based company engaged in generating renewable energy. 23/03/ 2015 EMRISE Electronics Ltd. 17.2 (2013) 20.3 Data Device Corporation EMRISE Corporation Data Device Corporation is the US-based company manufacturing high-reliability data bus, motion control, and solid-state power controller products for defense, aerospace, and industrial automation applications. EMRISE Electronics Ltd. is the UK-based wholly-owned subsidiary of MRISE Corporation and provides standard and custom power conversion products. EMRISE Corporation is the listed US-based manufacturer of defense and aerospace electronic devices and communications equipment. 22/03/ 2015 FMC Technologies; Technip SA (Technical capabilities, products and systems) n/a n/a Forsys Subsea Technip SA; FMC Technologies, Inc. FMC Technologies, Inc., the listed US-based global provider of technology solutions for the energy industry and Technip, the listed France-based company engaged in project management, engineering and construction for the energy industry, and holds a portfolio of solutions and technologies agreed to set-up a 50:50 joint venture under the name Forsys Subsea, a company engaged in frontend engineering and design which will reduce the cost of subsea field development. Following the transaction, Forsys Subsea will have a workforce of 320 people and will be headquartered in London, with regional hubs in Oslo, Houston, Paris, Rio de Janeiro and Singapore. EV = Enterprise value Source: Mergermarket, Capital IQ & InterFinanz GmbH 42 Country Focus – UK Date Target Sales (€ m) EV (€ m) 94.6 Bidder Seller Deal Description 55.3 Better Capital PCC Limited Celtic Aerospace Ventures Limited Better Capital PCC Limited, the UK-based private equity firm, acquired CAV Aerospace Limited, the UK-based company manufacturing ice protection systems and aerostructures. Kone Oyj-B Private Investors Kone Oyj-B, the listed Finland-based elevator manufacturing company, acquired Express Elevators Ltd, the UK-based company providing specialized services in maintenance and repairs of elevators, for an undisclosed consideration. Express has a workforce of 100 employees. 20/03/ 2015 CAV Aerospace Limited 18/03/ 2015 Express Elevators Limited n/a n/a 17/03/ 2015 Wanfeng MLTH Holdings Co., Ltd n/a 207.8 Zhejiang Wanfeng Auto Wheel Co Ltd Wanfeng Auto Holding Group Co Ltd Zhejiang Wanfeng Auto Wheel Co Ltd is the China based company engaged in production of aluminum alloy wheels. Wanfeng MLTH Holdings Co Ltd is the UK based magnesium alloy auto parts maker. Wanfeng Auto Holding Group Co Ltd, the China based company engaged in operation of auto parts, mechanical equipment and investment business sectors. 11/03/ 2015 Northern Packaging Ltd. 15.5 n/a CorpAcq Ltd. Phil Bunting (Private Investor) CorpAcq Ltd, the UK-based investment company, acquired Northern Packaging Ltd., the UK-based manufacturer of corrugated packaging, from Phil Bunting, the UK-based private individual and members of his family, for an undisclosed consideration. Northern Packaging has a workforce of 80 employees. 10/03/ 2015 Stake in NorthWest shale gas and assets n/a n/a INEOS Group AG IGas Energy PLC INEOS Group AG, acquired significant stakes in the North-West shale gas and assets of IGas Energy PLC. INEOS Group AG is the Switzerland-based company manufacturing PVC and UPVC formulations for buildings, cables, medical and packaging applications. IGas Energy PLC is the listed UK-based onshore oil and gas company developing gas from coal bed methane on commercial scale. The acquired assets are: PEDL 133 (Higher horizon); PEDL189 (50% Stake); PEDL145 (60% Stake); PEDL184 (50% Stake); PEDL190 (50% Stake); PEDL193 (60% Stake); EXL 273 (60% Stake); PEDL147 (50% Stake); PEDL 133 (Lower horizon) (49% Stake). 10/03/ 2015 Athena SCS Limited 11.0 n/a NXP Semiconductors N.V. n/a NXP Semiconductors N.V., the listed Netherlands-based semiconductor supplier company, acquired Athena SCS Limited, the UK-based company developing smart card operating systems and applications, for an undisclosed consideration. 05/03/ 2015 Billington Bioenergy Ltd n/a 4.5 Drax Group Plc Private Investors Drax Group Plc, the listed UK-based coal-fired power station, acquired Billington Bioenergy Ltd, the UK-based wood pellet distributor, for an undisclosed consideration. The deal is estimated to be valued at £ 4.5m. EV = Enterprise value (2013) Source: Mergermarket, Capital IQ & InterFinanz GmbH 43 Country Focus – UK Date Target Sales (€ m) EV (€ m) Bidder Seller Deal Description 03/03/ 2015 Mach-Aire Limited 10.3 n/a Atlas Clean Air Limited Insolvency Administrator Atlas Clean Air Limited, the UK-based company engaged in installation, commissioning and validation of bespoke clean environments, acquired Mach-Aire Limited, the UK-based company manufacturing fume cupboards and air control products, for an undisclosed consideration. On February 2015, Mach-Aire was declared insolvent. Following the acquisition, Mach-Aire’s approx 70 employees will loose their employment and the company will continue to operate as independent subsidiary of Atlas Clean Air Limited. 02/03/ 2015 Rushlift Limited 63.9 n/a Doosan Industrial Vehicle UK Ltd. The Specialist Hire Group Limited Doosan Industrial Vehicle UK Ltd., the UK-based forklift truck manufacturer and a subsidiary of Doosan Corporation, the listed South Korea-based conglomerate, acquired Rushlift Limited, the UK-based provider of contract hire, fleet management and servicing of materials handling and aviation support equipments, from The Specialist Hire Group Limited, the UK-based holding company engaged in hire and fleet management of materials handling, ground support equipment and mobile cranes, for an undisclosed consideration. 27/02/ 2015 Hempel Wire Limited 11.6 n/a Central Wire Industries Ltd. Hempel Special Metals Holdings GmbH Central Wire Industries Ltd., the Canada-based manufacturer of stainless steel, nickel, copper, brass, bronze and zinc alloy wire products, acquired Hempel Wire Limited, the UK-based manufacturer of stainless and nickel alloy wire from Hempel Special Metals Holdings GmbH, Germany-based distributor of specialty metals and a subsidiary of F.W. Hempel & Co. Erze und Metalle (GmbH & Co.) KG, the Germany-based company engaged in recycling, processing, and distribution of metals and metal products, for an undisclosed consideration. Hempel Wire employs 45 people. 26/02/ 2015 George Wilson Industries Limited (50% Stake) n/a 14.8 Apator Metrix S.A. National Industry Group (Guersney) Apator Metrix, the Poland-based maker of metering equipment and a subsidiary of Apator S.A., the listed Poland-based company engaged in production of metering systems and switchgear equipment, acquired 50% stake in, George Wilson Industries Limited, the UK-based manufacturer of gas meters and regulator kits, from National Industry Group, the Channel Islands-based subsidiary of National Industries Group Holding, the listed Kuwait-based company engaged in asset management and investment activities. Earlier in 2012, Apator Metrix acquired 50% stake in George Wilson Industries Limited for £ 2m. EV = Enterprise value Source: Mergermarket, Capital IQ & InterFinanz GmbH 44 Country Focus – UK Date Target Sales (€ m) EV (€ m) 191.7 Bidder Seller Deal Description n/a Bregal Capital LLP Stirling Square Capital Partners LLP Bregal Capital LLP, the UK-based private equity firm, acquired Whittan Storage Systems Limited, the UK-based manufacturer of storage products such as pallet racking, shelving, etc., from Stirling Square Capital Partners LLP, the UK-based private equity firm, for an undisclosed consideration. Whittan has a workforce of 750 employees. In February 2006, Stirling acquired Whittan in a MBO transaction from Permira Advisers LLP, for a consideration of £ 90m. 25/02/ 2015 Whittan Storage Systems Limited 25/02/ 2015 MTL Group Limited n/a n/a WEC Group Ltd Insolvency Administrator WEC Group Ltd, the UK-based company providing fabrication, laser cutting, precision machining services and manufacturing camera mounting poles, vacuum coolers, furniture products, stoves and flues, acquired MTL Group Limited, the UK-based company providing component laser cutting, pressing, machining, welding and fabricating services, for an undisclosed consideration. MTL Group has currently 135 employees. MTL Group filed for insolvency in early February 2015. In February 2006, Caird Capital LLP acquired MTL Group Limited in a BIMBO transaction. 23/02/ 2015 Marel Food Systems (High Speed Slicing business) 10.0 n/a The Middleby Corporation Marel Food Systems The Middleby Corporation, the listed US-based company manufacturing an array of cooking equipment and related products, acquired High Speed Slicing business of Marel Food Systems, the UK-based deli and bacon slicing business of Marel Food Systems, from Marel Food Systems, the listed Iceland-based supplier of high-tech food processing equipments, for an undisclosed consideration. 23/02/ 2015 Aspen Pumps Limited 28.1 n/a 3i Group Plc Inflexion Private Equity Partners LLP 3i Group Plc, the listed UK-based private equity firm acquired an undisclosed stake in Aspen Pumps Limited, the UK-based manufacturer of pumps and condensers for the air conditioning industry, from Inflexion Private Equity Partners LLP, the UK-based private equity firm. Aspen achieved a CAGR of 12% between 2009 and 2014, and EBITA of £ 10m in the year 2014. 19/02/ 2015 Delphi Automotive Plc (Thermal systems business) 1,322 638.6 MAHLE GmbH Delphi Automotive Plc Delphi Automotive Plc is the listed UK-based automotive parts manufacturer. MAHLE GmbH is the Germany-based automotive systems developer and manufacturer. The transaction value represents an EBITDA multiple of circa 9.5x. EV = Enterprise value Source: Mergermarket, Capital IQ & InterFinanz GmbH 45 Country Focus – UK Target Sales (€ m) EV (€ m) 19/02/ 2015 Rexam Plc 4,934 18/02/ 2015 Manor Concepts Ltd. 18/02/ 2015 Gwynt y Mor Offshore Transmission Project (OFTO) 17/02/ 2015 Sceptre Leisure Plc Date EV = Enterprise value Bidder Seller Deal Description 7,520 Ball Corporation Stock Exchange Ball Corporation, a US based and listed packaging products company made a voluntary recommended public offer for Rexam plc, a UK based and listed packaging products company. Ball will perform the acquisition through Ball UK Acquisition Limited ("Bidco"), a newly incorporated English private limited company, wholly-owned subsidiary of Ball. The Rexam Board intends to recommend unanimously that Rexam shareholders vote in favour of the offer. The offer price is £ 6.28 per Rexam share, representing a 16.9% premium over Rexam's closing share price as of 18.02.2015, 1 day prior to the announcement date. The offer price values the entire equity of at £ 4.4bn. After de-listing, Rexam will be registered as a private company under the relevant provisions of the Companies Act. 17.8 n/a Arneg S.p.A. David Winstanley; Neville Ball; David Graham Wright (Private Investors) Arneg S.p.A., the Italy-based company engaged in production of refrigeration systems, acquired Manor Concepts Ltd., the UK-based company manufacturing refrigerated retail display cabinets, for an undisclosed considerarion. n/a 476.3 Balfour Beatty Plc; Equitix Limited Siemens AG; Stadtwerke Muenchen GmbH; RWE Innogy (UK) Limited Balfour Beatty Plc, the listed UK-based company providing engineering, construction and investment services and Equitix Limited, the UK-based asset management company, acquired Gwynt y Mor Offshore Transmission Project, the high-voltage electricity transmission system, from RWE Innogy (UK) Limited, the UK-based company that owns and operates solar, wind, and biomass plants, Stadtwerke Muenchen GmbH, the Germany-based municipal utilities company and Siemens AG, the listed Germany-based diversified electronics and electrical engineering company operating in the industrial, energy and healthcare sectors. In June 2010, OFTO was formed as a jJV between, Siemens AG, Stadtwerke Muenchen GmbH and RWE Innogy Cogen GmbH. 39.0 n/a Gauselmann AG Private Investors Gauselmann AG, the Germany-based company manufacturing and operaing amusement machines, amusement with prize machines, and SWP’s, acquired Sceptre Leisure Plc, the UK-based operator of amusement machines, lottery ticket vending machines and supplier of indoor gaming products, for an undisclosed consideration. (2013) Source: Mergermarket, Capital IQ & InterFinanz GmbH 46 Country Focus – UK Date Target Sales (€ m) EV (€ m) Bidder Seller Deal Description 16/02/ 2015 Thanet Offshore Transmission Project (80% Stake) n/a 67.6 Equitix Limited Balfour Beatty Plc Equitix Limited, the UK-based asset management company, acquired an 80% stake in Thanet Offshore Transmission Project, the UK-based wind farm project, from Balfour Beatty Plc, the listed UK-based company that provides engineering, construction and investment services. Balfour Beatty acquired Thanet Offshore Transmission Project for £ 164m on 17.12.2014 from Vattenfall AB. 13/02/ 2015 Portfolio of seven solar parks in UK n/a 67.7 Capital Stage AG n/a Capital Stage AG acquired a portfolio of 7 solar parks in UK. Capital Stage is the listed Germany-based private equity firm focusing on renewable technologies. 11/02/ 2015 Pirtek (UK) Ltd 23 n/a The Halifax Group Vision Capital LLP The Halifax Group, the US-based private equity firm, acquired Pirtek UK Ltd, the UK-based industrial services company providing emergency, on-site replacement of hydraulic hoses, in a MBO transaction, from Vision Capital LLP, the UK-based private equity firm for an undisclosed consideration. In March 2014, Pirtek generated revenue of £ 16.8m. 10/02/ 2015 National Hyperbaric Centre Limited n/a 4.5 James Fisher & Sons Plc David Smith (Private Investor) James Fisher and Sons plc, the listed UK-based company, offering marine and specialist engineering services, acquired National Hyperbaric Centre Limited, the UK-based company providing diver and subsea training, hyperbaric welding, subsea testing, diving medical emergency, and consulting services to subsea pressure-related industries, form David Smith, the UK-based private individual. 09/02/ 2015 Allied Textiles Limited 26.9 n/a Consilia Partners Limited Chamonix Private Equity LLP Consilia Partners Limited, the UK-based private equity firm along with management of Allied Textiles Limited, the UK-based company manufacturing synthetic fiber and textile, acquired the company in a MBO transaction, from Chamonix Private Equity LLP, the UK-based private equity firm. 09/02/ 2015 Environmental Evaluation Limited n/a n/a Exova Group Limited Private Investors Exova Group Limited, the listed UK-based company providing testing, calibration, advising and related services, acquired Environmental Evaluation Limited, the UK-based company engaged in environmental testing, inspection and consulting services, for an undisclosed consideration. EEL employs 83 people. 06/02/ 2015 Hi-Level Enterprises Ltd 10.5 n/a Arrowhead Electrical Products Inc. Levine Family Arrowhead Electrical Products Inc., the US-based company manufacturing rotating electrical parts, and a portfolio company of Pfingsten Partners, LLC, the USbased private equity firm, acquired Hi-Level Enterprises Ltd, the UK-based motorcycle parts distributor, from the Levine Family, the UK-based family having interest in the distribution of motorcycle parts, for an undisclosed consideration. EV = Enterprise value Source: Mergermarket, Capital IQ & InterFinanz GmbH 47 Country Focus – UK Date Target Sales (€ m) EV (€ m) Bidder Seller Deal Description IHS Inc. Private Investors IHS Inc., the listed US-based company that provides critical information and insight on products and services, acquired Rushmore Reviews Ltd., the UK-based company providing offset well data services to exploration and production operators in the oil and gas industry, for an undisclosed consideration. 05/02/ 2015 Rushmore Reviews Ltd. n/a n/a 05/02/ 2015 Soil Machine Dynamics Limited 128.7 160.6 Zhuzhou CSR Times Electric Company Limited Inflexion Private Equity Partners LLP Zhuzhou CSR Times Electric Company Limited, the listed China-based company manufacturing train-borne electrical systems. CSR Corporation, the listed Chinabased company manufacturing locomotives, passenger carriages, freight wagons and related activities. Soil Machine Dynamics Limited, the UK-based manufacturer of subsea vehicle systems. Inflexion Private Equity Partners LLP is the UKbased private equity firm. SMD has a workforce of 350 employees. In 2008, Inflexion acquired SMD along with its management team in a MBO transaction. 04/02/ 2015 API Group Plc (67.68% Stake) 138.3 52.8 Cedar 2015 Limited Stock Exchange Cedar 2015 Limited, UK-based Company incorporated in England and Wales by CoSine Communications, Inc. for the purpose of acquisition of API Group Plc. API Group Plc is the listed UK-based cmanufacturer of foils, films, and laminates that are used in the consumer packaging, printed media, and secure documents applications. CoSine Communications, Inc. is the listed US-based investment holding company. CoSine launched an offer to acquire 51,941,527 equity shares, representing 67.68% stake, at a cash offer price of £ 0.60/share, valuing the transaction at £ 31.16m. The offer price represents a premium of 1.7% over closing share price of £ 0.59/share on 03.02.2015, last trading day prior to announcement. The implied equity is valued at £ 46.04m. Cedar intent to delist the company. Prior to transaction, CoSine held 32.32% stake in API Group. 04/02/ 2015 Auger Torque Europe Limited 12.9 n/a Kinshofer GmbH Alister Rayner (Private Investors) Kinshofer GmbH, the Germany-based manufacturer of hydraulic lifting equipment for cranes, and a subsidiary of Lifco AB, the Sweden-based manufacturer of dental products, machinery and tools, sawmill equipment, contract manufacturing, etc., acquired Auger Torque Europe Limited, the UK-based manufacturer of earth drills and other attachments for cranes and excavators, for an undisclosed consideration. Auger Torque has workforce of 107 employees. EV = Enterprise value Source: Mergermarket, Capital IQ & InterFinanz GmbH 48 Country Focus – UK Date Target Sales (€ m) EV (€ m) Bidder Seller Deal Description 03/02/ 2015 Polamco Ltd. 14.6 n/a TE Connectivity Ltd. Private Investors TE Connectivity Ltd., the listed Switzerland-based manufacturer of electronics components, cable equipment, wireless and undersea communication products, acquired Polamco Ltd., the UK-based company engaged in designing and manufacturing interconnect accessories, for an undisclosed consideration. Polamco had a turnover of £ 11.9m and earnings of £ 0.4m in 2014, and a turnover of £ 11.9m and earnings of £ 0.7m in 2013. 03/02/ 2015 Burgess Marine Ltd 30.6 n/a RJD Burgess Investment LP David Warren (Private Investor) RJD Burgess Investment LP, the UK-based acquisition vehicle formed by RJD Partners Limited, the UK-based private equity firm, acquired Burgess Marine Ltd, the UK-based marine engineering company providing structural repairs and renewal services, and above and below the waterline mechanical repair services, in a MBO transaction, from David Warren, the UK-based private individual, for an undisclosed consideration. 02/02/ 2015 S. MacNeillie & Sons Limited 41.7 n/a Babcock Critical Services Limited Keith Bradley (Private Investor) Babcock Critical Services Limited, the UK-based company providing engineering services and a subsidiary of Babcock International Group Plc, the listed UKbased engineering support services provider, acquired S. MacNeillie & Sons Limited, the UK-based manufacturer of armoured vehicles, from Mr. Keith Bradley, the UK based private investor, for an undisclosed consideration. 30/01/ 2015 Sofa Brands International Limited 89.4 n/a Promethean Investments LLP Private Investors Promethean Investments LLP, the UK-based private equity firm, acquired Sofa Brands International Limited, the UK-based sofa manufacturer, along with its management team, in a MBO transaction, for an undisclosed consideration. Sofa Brands employs 750 people, plus more than 300 workers are employed in the Sofa Brands' wholly owned facility in Alytus, Lithuania. 28/01/ 2015 Countrywide Waste Management Limited 14.1 n/a Reconomy UK Ltd. Private Investors Reconomy UK Ltd., the UK-based company providing waste management and recycling services, and a portfolio company of Bregal Capital LLP, the UK-based private equity firm, acquired Countrywide Waste Management Limited, the UKbased company providing waste analysis and removal services, for an undisclosed consideration. The revenue of the combined companies is expected to be in excess of £ 80m. EV = Enterprise value Source: Mergermarket, Capital IQ & InterFinanz GmbH 49 Country Focus – UK Target Sales (€ m) EV (€ m) 22/01/ 2015 Constar International UK Limited 95.8 (2013) 22/01/ 2015 Armfield Limited 14/01/ 2015 Encirc Limited 14/01/ 2015 Burt Boulton & Haywood Limited Date 14.6 Bidder Seller Deal Description n/a Esterform Packaging Limited Sherburn Acquisition Limited Esterform Packaging Limited, the UK-based manufacturer of polyethylene terepthalate bottles, acquired Constar International UK Limited, the UK-based manufacturer of polyethylene terephthalate plastic containers, from Sherburn Acquisition Limited, the UK-based investment holding company, for an undisclosed consideration. Constar UK has a workforce of 140 employees. Post this transaction Constar UK will merge into the Esterform group. 12.8 Judges Scientific plc Private Investors Armfield Limited is the UK-based company engaged in production and sale of engineering equipment and teaching instruments. Judges Scientific plc, the listed UK-based listed company engaged in designing and manufacturing scientific instruments. Armfield reported revenues of £ 12.2m, EBIT of £ 1.2m and an EBITDA of £ 1.4m for the year 31 December 2013. 406.8 Inverbeira Sociedad de Promocion de Empresas S.A Aventas Manufacturing Group Limited Inverbeira Sociedad de Promocion de Empresas S.A, the Spain-based holding company, and a subsidiary of Vidrala SA, the listed Spain-based manufacturer of glass bottles and containers, acquired Encirc Limited, the UK-based manufacturer of container glass and provides filling facilities, to warehousing & logistics, from Aventas Group, the UK-based company that produces rigid and flexible packaging products and manufactures and distributes a range of building products. Encirc rhas a workforce of 1,200 employees. n/a ScanPole Ltd. Metsaliitto Group ScanPole Ltd., the UK-based pole producer, and a subsidiary of Iivari Mononen Oy, the Finland-based company emanufacturing impregnated wood products, acquired Burt Boulton & Haywood Limited, the UK-based timber company that manufactures telephone poles, power transmission poles, sleepers and crossing timbers, from Metsaliitto Group, the Finland-based forestry group specializing in selected wood and fiber based products and services, for an undisclosed consideration. Burt Boulton has workforce of 29 employees. (2013) 236.8 (2013) EV = Enterprise value 19.4 Source: Mergermarket, Capital IQ & InterFinanz GmbH 50 Country Focus – UK Date Target Sales (€ m) EV (€ m) Bidder Seller Deal Description 14/01/ 2015 Gaskell Mackay Carpets Limited; Whitestone Weavers Limited; Thomas Witter Carpets Limited; Carpet Line Direct Limited; View Logistics Limited n/a n/a Victoria PLC Private Investors Victoria PLC acquired Gaskell Mackay Carpets Limited, Whitestone Weavers Limited, Thomas Witter Carpets Limited, Carpet Line Direct Limited and View Logistics Limited. Victoria PLC is the listed UK-based manufacturer of design-led carpets and other floor coverings. Gaskell Mackay Carpets Limited is the UKbased manufacturer and distributor of woven and tufted carpets. Whitestone Weavers Limited is the UK-based manufacturer and distributor of woven and tufted carpets. Thomas Witter Carpets Limited is the UK-based manufacturer and distributor of woven and tufted carpets. Carpet Line Direct Limited is the UKbased distributor of woven and tufted carpets. View Logistics Limited is the UKbased distributor of woven and tufted carpets. 13/01/ 2015 Douglas Equipment Limited n/a n/a Textron Ground Support Equipment UK Limited Curtiss-Wright Flow Control (U.K.) Limited Textron Ground Support Equipment UK Limited, the UK-based holding company and a subsidiary of Textron Inc., the listed US-based multi-industry company acquired Douglas Equipment Limited, the UK-based manufacturer of aviation towing tractors, ground support vehicles, port tractors, distribution and yard shunting tractors from Curtiss-Wright Flow Control (U.K.) Limited, the UK-based manufacturer of engineered valves, pumps and related products and a subsidiary of Curtiss-Wright Corporation, the listed US-based company providing engineered products and services, for an undisclosed consideration. DEL has a workforce of around 90 employees. In 2011, Curtiss-Wright acquired Douglas Equipment for a cash consideration of $ 20m. 13/01/ 2015 Oxalis Group Limited 10.3 n/a Eaton Corporation n/a Eaton Corporation, the US-based diversified power management company and manufacturer of electrical components and systems, hydraulics components, aerospace fuel and pneumatic systems for commercial and military use, acquired Oxalis Group Limited, the UK-based manufacturer of security, communication, electrical and networks solutions, for an undisclosed consideration. Oxalis has workforce of 40 employees. EV = Enterprise value Source: Mergermarket, Capital IQ & InterFinanz GmbH 51 Country Focus – UK Date Target Sales (€ m) EV (€ m) Bidder Seller Deal Description 13/01/ 2015 OCHL (Globe) Limited n/a n/a Northstar Investments Limited n/a Northstar Investments Limited, the UK-based company engaged in private banking for international clients, owned by KKR Management Holdings L.P., the USbased acquisition vehicle created by Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. L.P, the listed US-based private equity firm, acquired OCHL (Globe) Limited, the UKbased company engaged in support activities for petroleum and natural gas extraction such as sale and rental of specialist offshore containers, baskets and equipments rooms all for use in offshore oil and gas and renewable energy industries, for an undisclosed consideration. Upon the completion, OCHL (Globe) Limited will be controlled by KKR Management Holdings L.P. 12/01/ 2015 Survitec Group Limited 268.1 574.4 Onex Corporation Warburg Pincus LLC The management team of Survitec Group Limited, the UK-based provider of mission-critical marine, defence and aerospace survival equipment, backed by Onex Corporation, the listed Canada-based private equity firm, acquired Survitec, from Warburg Pincus LLC, the US-based private equity firm, in a MBO transaction. The target has more than 2,000 employees and operates 7 manufacturing facilities around the world. Warburg Pincus acquired a majority stake in Survitec from Montagu Private Equity LLP back in 2010, for a consideration of £ 280m. 09/01/ 2015 Imprint Group 12.9 n/a Pureprint Group Ltd. Private Investors Pureprint Group Ltd., the UK-based company offering commercial printing services, and a portfolio company of Business Growth Fund plc, the UK-based private equity firm, acquired an undisclosed majority stake in Imprint Group, the UKbased manufacturer of point of sale, point of purchase and large format outdoor media, for an undisclosed consideration. Imprint Group has aworkforce of 100 employees. Previously in December 2014, Business Growth Fund acquired minority stake in Pureprint for an undisclosed consideration. 08/01/ 2015 Beacon Security and Communications Limited n/a n/a Convergint Technologies LLC Private Investors Convergint Technologies LLC, the US-based company engaged in integration, design, installation and maintenance of facility systems, and a portfolio company of KRG Capital Partners, the US-based private equity firm, acquired Beacon Security and Communications Limited, the UK-based provider of security solutions and security services, for an undisclosed consideration. Beacon has a workforce of over 50 employees. EV = Enterprise value Source: Mergermarket, Capital IQ & InterFinanz GmbH 52 Country Focus – UK Date Target Sales (€ m) EV (€ m) Bidder Seller Deal Description 05/01/ 2015 Ideal Boilers Limited 257.5 n/a Atlantic Group Bregal Capital LLP Atlantic Group, the France-based manufacturer of electric water heaters and heating appliances, acquired Ideal Boilers Limited, the UK-based company manufacturing boilers, from Bregal Capital LLP, the UK-based private equity firm, for an undisclosed consideration. Ideal Boilers has workforce of 500 employees. In August 2013, Bregal Capital LLP acquired Ideal Stelrad for £ 230m. 05/01/ 2015 Multi Labels Ltd 12.8 n/a Multi-Color Corporation Monk Family Multi-Color Corporation, the listed US-based provider of packaging services and decorating solutions, acquired Multi Labels Ltd, the UK-based company specialized in premium alcoholic beverage labels, from the UK-based Monk Family, for an undisclosed consideration. 05/01/ 2015 Prior Diesel Limited 17.0 n/a Suretank Group Limited Archie MacLean (Private Investor) Suretank Group Ltd., the Ireland-based company manufacturing cargo carrying units for offshore oil and gas industry, acquired Prior Diesel Limited, the UKbased company manufacturing power generation products, fire pumps, zone II powerpacks, hydraulic powerpacks, and compressors, for an undisclosed consideration. EV = Enterprise value Source: Mergermarket, Capital IQ & InterFinanz GmbH 53 Country Focus – Canada Date Target Sales (€ m) EV (€ m) Bidder Seller Deal Description 27/03/ 2015 Alpac Forest Products Inc (70% Stake); Alpac Pulp Sales Inc n/a n/a Hokuetsu Kishu Paper Co Ltd Mitsubishi Corporation Alpac Forest Products Inc, the Canada-based company, is engaged in pulp manufacture and Alpac Pulp Sales Inc. is engaged in pulp sales. Hokuetsu Kishu Paper Co Ltd, the listed Japan-based company, is engaged in paper manufacture. Before, Mitsubishi wholly owned Alpac Pulp Sales and held a 70% stake in Alpac Forest Products. Hokuetsu Kishu Paper Co Ltd acquired a 30% stake in Alpac Forest Products from Oji Holdings Corporation, the listed Japan-based company that operates in the pulp and paper products. 27/03/ 2015 Alpac Forest Products Inc (30% Stake) n/a 56.6 Hokuetsu Kishu Paper Co Ltd Oji Holdings Corporation Hokuetsu Kishu Paper Co Ltd acquired a 30% stake in Alpac Forest Products Inc from Oji Holdings Corporation. Prior to transaction, Oji held a 30% stake in Alpac. Concurrently, Hokuetsu Kishu Paper Co Ltd acquired a 70% stake in Alpac Forest Products from Mitsubishi Corporation, the listed Japan-based conglomerate. 23/03/ 2015 Fortis Generation Inc; n/a n/a Energy Ottawa Fortis Inc. Energy Ottawa, the Canada-based company generating green power and offering an extensive range of energy management and procurement services, acquired Fortis Generation Inc. the Canada-based company operating hydroelectric power plant and generating electricity and FortisOntario District Heating Inc, the Canada-based company engaged in generation, transmission and distribution of hydro-elecric energy, from Fortis Inc., the listed Canada-based electricity and natural gas distribution company, for an undisclosed consideration. n/a 344.4 Midwestern Oil and Gas Company Limited Stock Exchange Midwestern Oil and Gas Company Limited, the Nigeria-based company, is engaged in the exploration and production of oil and gas. Mart Resources Inc., the listed Canada-based independent oil and gas company focused on production and development opportunities in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria. The offer price will be $ 0.6261/share and the deal value will be $ 332.6m. The implied equity value of the transaction will be $ 223.5m. The offer price represents a premium of 42.1% over last trading day closing share price of $ 0.44 on 13.03.2015. Midwestern will hold a 100% stake in Mart Resources. Mart Resources will discontinue from trading their shares on the Toronto Stock Exchange. FortisOntario District Heating Inc 16/03/ 2015 Mart Resources Inc. EV = Enterprise value Source: Mergermarket, Capital IQ & InterFinanz GmbH 54 Country Focus – Canada Date Target Sales (€ m) EV (€ m) Bidder Seller Deal Description 12/03/ 2015 NBS Technologies Inc. n/a 19.1 Ai Holdings Corporation Brookfield Private Equity Direct Investments Holdings LP NBS Technologies Inc. provides equipment for card personalization, EMV compliance/migration, smart card manufacturing, and semiconductor handling equipment. It offers desktop card printers, desktop card embossers, high-volume card issuance solutions, and smart card manufacturing equipment. The company also provides card software, such as card issuance software, card design software (for card printers), machine control software, and software tools. The company is based in Toronto, Canada. 09/03/ 2015 Consolidated Lift Inc. n/a n/a Integrated Supply Network, Inc. Private Investors Integrated Supply Network, Inc., the US based distributor of tools and equipment for the automotive market and also offers supply chain and marketing services, and a portfolio of Audax Private Equity Group, the , the US-based private equity firm, acquired Consolidated Lift Inc., the Canada-based company manufacturing automotive lifting products, for an undisclosed consideration. 09/03/ 2015 Distech Controls, Inc. 49.9 232.5 Acuity Brands, Inc. Group of Investors Acuity Brands, Inc. is the listed US-based company that produces lighting equipments. Distech Controls, Inc., the Canada-based company, is manufacturing building automation and energy management solutions. The group of investors are: Technovator International Limited, the listed Singapore-based company, is manufacturing integrated building automation and energy management systems; Caisse de Depot et Placement du Quebec, Fonds de Solidarite FTQ and W2 Investments, the Canada-based private equity firms; Samsung Venture Investment Corporation is South Korea-based venture capital firm; EnerTech Capital, the US-based venture capital partnership. Distech employs of 190 people. 09/03/ 2015 Harvestec Inc. n/a n/a Linamar Corp. n/a Harvestec Inc. manufactures and distributes corn heads for harvesting. The company was founded in 1972 and is based in Oakville, Canada. 06/03/ 2015 Clemro Western (1996) Ltd n/a n/a Superior Industries International, Inc. n/a Clemro Western (1996) Ltd. manufactures aggregate and mining equipment in Canada. Its products include cone crushers, jaw crushers, horizontal and incline screens, vibratory grizzly feeders, belt feeders, material/radial stackers, and control towers and vans, as well as conveyor components, i.e. troughing idlers, troughing impact idlers, return and steel rollers, self-cleaning return rollers, drum and wing pulleys, and impact rollers and beds. EV = Enterprise value Source: Mergermarket, Capital IQ & InterFinanz GmbH 55 Country Focus – Canada Date Target Sales (€ m) EV (€ m) Bidder Seller Deal Description 02/03/ 2015 Tectrol Inc. n/a 4.6 CUI Global, Inc. Insolvency Administrator CUI Global, Inc., the listed US-based electronics platform company focused on acquisition, development and commercialization of new, innovative electronic technologies and products, acquired Tectrol Inc., the Canada-based designer and manufacturer of standard and custom power solutions. The transaction forms a part of Tectrol’s insolvency proceedings. 26/02/ 2015 Envirosystems Incorporated n/a n/a TorQuest Partners, Inc. Thornridge Holdings Limited Envirosystems Incorporated is a Canada-based company that provides various environmental, industrial, and robotic services and project management. The company serves aerospace, commercial, manufacturing, marine, oil and gas, pharmaceutical, and pulp and paper industries; auto, cement, petrochemical, and steel plants; utilities and mining sites; and federal, provincial, and municipal government agencies in Canada and the United States. 26/02/ 2015 St. Anthony Cold Storage Ltd., Cold Storage Operation n/a n/a Eimskipafélag Íslands hf.; Harbour Grace Shrimps Company Ltd. St. Anthony Cold Storage Limited St. Anthony Cold Storage Ltd., Cold Storage Operation comprises a seafood cold storage facility and is located in Canada. 23/02/ 2015 PaperNuts Corporation (95.6% Stake) n/a 17.2 Axiom Corp. n/a Axiom Corp., the listed Canada-based company, is engaged in providing environmentally friendly packaging solutions. PaperNuts Corporation, the Canada-based company, is engaged in providing packaging solutions. Axiom Corp. acquired PaperNuts Corp. at an exchange ratio of 42.617187019 shares for each share of PaperNuts Corp. The deal is valued at $ 19.5m, based on the closing share price of $ 0.375/share of Axiom as of 20.02.2015. Axiom will be renamed to PaperNuts Limited. 20/02/ 2015 Enerplus Corp. (Non-core waterflood assets based in Pembina) n/a 121.8 Bonterra Energy Corp. (formerly known as Bonterra Oil & Gas Ltd.) Enerplus Corp. Bonterra Energy Corp. acquired Pembina waterflood non-core asset of Enerplus Corp. for a purchase consideration of $ 138.6m. Bonterra Energy Corp., the listed Canada-based company, is engag in oil and gas production. Enerplus Corp., the listed Canada-based company, is an open ended investment trust. EV = Enterprise value Source: Mergermarket, Capital IQ & InterFinanz GmbH 56 Country Focus – Canada Date Target Sales (€ m) EV (€ m) Bidder Seller Deal Description 09/02/ 2015 IPICO Inc. n/a n/a ACTIVE Network, LLC Trilon Bancorp, Inc. ACTIVE Network, LLC, the US-based provider of software and marketing solutions and trainings for sport events and a portfolio of Vista Equity Partners, the US-based private equity firm, acquired IPICO Inc., the Canada-based supplier of radio frequency identification solutions, from Trilon Bancorp, Inc., the Canada based provider of corporate financial and brokerage services and a subsidiary of Brookfield Asset Management Inc., the listed Canada based asset management firm, for an undisclosed consideration. In September 2013, Vista Equity Partners acquired ACTIVE Network, for a consideartion of $ 917m. In April 2011, Trilon Bancorp, Inc acquired IPICO Inc., in a debt-equity swap transaction. 26/01/ 2015 Bombardier Inc., Military Aviation Training n/a 14.2 CAE Inc. Bombardier Inc. Bombardier Inc., Military Aviation Training comprises military aviation training activities. The asset is located in Canada. 23/01/ 2015 CBF Telecom Limited n/a n/a C3F Telecom, Inc. n/a CBF Telecom Ltd. specializes in construction and installation of private fiber optic networks. The company designs, constructs, and maintains telecommunication networks for school boards, municipalities, private telecom service providers, and private institutions. The company is based in Laval, Canada. 12/01/ 2015 PearceWellwood Inc. n/a n/a Menasha Corporation Pearce Group Menasha Corporation, the US-based company manufacturing packaging products, acquired PearceWellwood Inc., the Canada-based company manufacturing corrugated displays for the retail industry and offers fulfilment and distribution services, for an undisclosed consideration. PearceWellwood employs of 140 people. Consequently, Menasha also acquired a 33% interest in Tencorr Packaging, a corrugated sheet manufacturer from Pearce Group. PearceWellwood employs 140 people. 12/01/ 2015 Northland Power (Frampton Wind Project) (66.7% Stake) n/a 12.3 Boralex Inc. Northland Power Inc Boralex Inc. is a listed Canada-based company engaged in development and operation of power stations that generate renewable energy. Northland Power Inc is a listed Canada-based company with interest in power generation facilities in Canada, the United States and Germany. Boralex will hold a 66.7% stake in Frampton Wind Project and the remaining 33% stake will be held by the municipality of Frampton. The the project is expected to generate earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization of approx. $ 7.6m annually. EV = Enterprise value Source: Mergermarket, Capital IQ & InterFinanz GmbH 57 Country Focus – Canada Date 08/01/ 2015 Target Alterra Power Corp. (15 MW Soda Lake geothermal facility) EV = Enterprise value Sales (€ m) EV (€ m) n/a 7.2 Bidder Seller Deal Description Cyrq Energy Alterra Power Corp. Cyrq Energy, the US-based renewable energy company focused on geothermal power development, acquired a 15MW Soda Lake geothermal facility from Alterra Power Corp., the listed Canada-based company engaged in developing, exploring and acquiring geothermal energy projects. Source: Mergermarket, Capital IQ & InterFinanz GmbH 58 Country Focus – USA Date Target Sales (€ m) EV (€ m) n/a n/a 244.3 491.3 Bidder Seller Deal Description NGP Natural Resources XI, L.P. Private Investors NGP Natural Resources XI, L.P., the US-based private equity fund of Natural Gas Partners LLC, US based private equity firm, acquired undisclosed stake in Kinetics Energy Services, LLC, the US-based company acquiring, integrating and growing energy services and equipment companies providing well completions and production enhancement, for a consideration of $ 100m. Fortune Brands Home & Security, Inc. Stock Exchange Fortune Brands Home & Security, Inc., the listed US-based home security and products manufacturer acquired Norcraft Companies, Inc., the listed US-based wholesale kitchen and bathroom cabinet manufacturer. The offer price represents a premium of 11.4% on NCFT's closing share price on 27.03.2015, 1 day prior to the announcement, and a premium of 23.7% on its closing share price on 27.02.2015, 1 month prior to the announcement. Once the tender offer is completed, Norcraft will become a part of Fortune's cabinets division. 31/03/ 2015 Kinetics Energy Services, LLC 30/03/ 2015 Norcraft Companies, Inc. 27/03/ 2015 AM Conservation Group, Inc. n/a n/a Kohlberg & Company, L.L.C. Trivest Partners, L.P. Kohlberg Investors VII, L.P., the US-based private equity fund of Kohlberg & Company, L.L.C., the US-based private equity firm along with the management of AM Conservation Group, Inc., the US-based manufacturer of energy and water conservation products, acquired the company, in a MBO transaction, from Trivest Partners, L.P. the US-based private equity firm, for an undisclosed consideration. MG expects to post revenues of minimum $ 80m in 2015. 26/03/ 2015 Checkview Corporation n/a n/a Inc. Platinum Equity, LLC Inc., the US-based company engaged in designing security solutions and a portfolio of Driehaus Private Equity, LLC, the US-based private equity firm, acquired Checkview Corporation, the US-based provider of loss prevention and security services, from Platinum Equity, LLC, the US-based private equity firm, for an undisclosed consideration. CheckView employs 170 people. In March 2013, Platinum acquired the US and Canadian CheckView business of Checkpoint Systems, Inc., for a total cash consideration of $ 5.4m. 26/03/ 2015 Sargent Aerospace & Defense Inc. 160.4 456.2 RBC Bearings Inc. Dover Corporation RBC Bearings Inc., the listed US-based manufacturer of bearings for industrials sector, acquired Sargent Aerospace & Defense Inc., the US-based manufacturer of precision-engineered components for aerospace and defense sectors, from Dover Corporation, the listed US-based diversified manufacturer of industrial equipment and components. Sargent employs 750 people. EV = Enterprise value (2013) Source: Mergermarket, Capital IQ & InterFinanz GmbH 59 Country Focus – USA Date Target Sales (€ m) EV (€ m) Bidder Seller Deal Description 25/03/ 2015 Superwinch, LLC n/a n/a Kinderhook Industries LLC Islington Capital Partners, LLC Kinderhook Industries LLC a US-based private equity firm through its private equity fund Kinderhook Capital Fund IV, LP, acquired Superwinch, LLC, the USbased manufacturer of winches, from Islington Capital Partners, LLC, the US based private equity firm, for an undisclosed consideration. 24/03/ 2015 Advantage Industrial Automation, Inc. n/a n/a Graybar Electric Company, Inc. Private Investors Graybar Electric Company, Inc., the US-based company engaged in supply of chain management services and distribution of high-quality components for the electrical and telecommunications industry acquired Advantage Industrial Automation, Inc., the US-based company, providing control and automation solutions to industrial users, OEMs and system integrators for an undisclosed consideration. The target will operate under Graybar with the same name. 24/03/ 2015 Protective Industries, Inc. n/a n/a Berwind Corporation Windjammer Capital Investors LLC Berwind Corporation, the US-based private equity firm, acquired Protective Industries, Inc., the US-based manufacturer of plastic moulded, injection-moulded, and vinyl dip-moulded and extruded products, from Windjammer Capital Investors LLC, the US-based private equity firm, for an undisclosed consideration. Protective Industries reported EBITDA of $ 63m in 2014. 23/03/ 2015 EMRISE Electronics Ltd. n/a 20.3 Data Device Corporation EMRISE Corporation Data Device Corporation isa US-based manufacturer of high-reliability data bus, motion control, and solid-state power controller products. EMRISE Electronics Ltd. Is a UK-based, wholly-owned subsidiary of EMRISE Corporation, providing standard and custom power conversion products. EMRISE Corporation is a listed US-based manufacturer of defense and aerospace electronic devices. 23/03/ 2015 Devon Energy Corporation (Victoria Express Pipeline) n/a 165.7 EnLink Midstream Partners LP Devon Energy Corporation EnLink Midstream Partners is the listed US-based company providing midstream energy services, including gathering, processing, transmission and marketing, to producers of natural gas, natural gas liquids (NGLs) and crude oil. Devon Energy Corporation, the listed US-based company, is engaged in exploration, development, and production of oil, natural gas, and natural gas liquids. 23/03/ 2015 Sunoco Partners LLC (31.58% Stake) n/a 751.2 Sunoco LP Energy Transfer Partners L.P.; ETP Retail Holdings Sunoco LP, the US-based company is engaged in the wholesale distribution of motor fuels. Sunoco Partners LLC is the US-based general partner of US-based Sunoco Logistics Partners, engaged in the transportation, purchase, sale, terminalling, and storage of crude oil and refined fuel products. ETP Retail Holdings, the US-based affiliate of Energy Transfer Partners L.P. Sunoco LP will acquire a 31.58% stake in Sunoco Partners LLC for a total deal value of $ 815.8m. EV = Enterprise value Source: Mergermarket, Capital IQ & InterFinanz GmbH 60 Country Focus – USA Date Target Sales (€ m) EV (€ m) Bidder Seller Deal Description 20/03/ 2015 Digi-Star Investments Inc 43.7 123.8 Topcon Corporation Robert W. Baird & Co. Incorporated Topcon Corporation is the listed Japan-based company manufacturing machine control system, medical and measuring equipment, industrial machinery and optical devices. Digi-Star Investments Inc is the US-based company manufacturing electronic weighing systems. Robert W. Baird & Co. Incorporated is the USbased investment bank and financial advisor. Post transaction, Digi-Star Investments Inc will be wholly owned by Topcon Corporation. 20/03/ 2015 Marathon Heater Inc 7.4 n/a NIBE Industrier AB Private Investor NIBE Industrier AB, the listed Sweden-based company engaged in provision of heating components for both industrial and home users, acquired Marathon Heater Inc, the US-based manufacturer of electric heating elements and sensors, for an undisclosed consideration. Marathon Heater employs 130 people. 19/03/ 2015 Southwestern Energy Company (gas gathering assets) n/a 466.1 Howard Midstream Energy Partners, LLC Southwestern Energy Company Howard Midstream Energy Partners, LLC, the US-based company that owns and operates natural gas pipelines and provides pipeline and plant construction, plant maintenance and oil field leasing services, acquired the gas gathering assets of Southwestern Energy Company, the listed US-based company engaged in exploration and production of natural gas, for a consideration of $ 500m. 19/03/ 2015 UtilX Corporation n/a 32.6 Novinium, Inc. Willbros Group Inc Novinium, Inc., the US-based provider of cable rejuvenation products to circuit owners and service suppliers, acquired UtilX Corporation, the US-based provider of power cable life-extension technologies, delivering services and technologies to diverse worldwide markets, from Willbros Group, Inc., the listed US-based engineering company, for a consideration of minimum $ 35m. 18/03/ 2015 Hexacomb Corporation (European and Mexican operations) n/a n/a Smurfit Kappa Benelux Hexacomb Corporation Smurfit Kappa Benelux, the Ireland-based investment holding company and a subsidiary of Smurfit Kappa Group Plc, the listed Ireland-based manufacturer of container boards and paper based packaging products, acquired the European and Mexican operations of Hexacomb Corporation, the US-based manufacturer of protective packaging products, a subsidiary of Packaging Corporation of America, the listed US-based producer of container board and corrugated packaging products, for an undisclosed consideration. The target employs 215 people. 18/03/ 2015 Precisive, LLC n/a 12.3 MKS Instruments, Inc. n/a MKS Instruments, Inc., the listed US-based provider of instruments acquired Precisive, LLC, the US-based developer of optical analyzers for the natural gas and hydrocarbon processing industries, for a cash consideration of $ 13m. EV = Enterprise value Source: Mergermarket, Capital IQ & InterFinanz GmbH 61 Country Focus – USA Date Target Sales (€ m) EV (€ m) Bidder Seller Deal Description 18/03/ 2015 Buck's Engines, LP n/a 9.2 Power Solutions International, Inc. United Engines, LLC Power Solutions International, Inc., the listed US-based company manufacturing power systems for OEMs acquired Buck's Engines, LP, the US-based company manufacturing alternative-fuel engines for industrial markets, from United Engines, LLC, the US-based distributor of transportation, energy, agriculture and power generation technologies and a subsidiary Kirby Corporation, the listed USbased domestic tank barge operator engaged in transporting bulk liquid products, for a consideration of approx. $ 9.7m. 18/03/ 2015 Falcon ndustries, Inc. n/a n/a The Visuality Corporation Private Investors The Visuality Corporation, the Spain-based company providing visual merchandising products to the retail sector, and a portfolio company of Miura Private Equity, the Spain-based private equity firm, acquired Falcon Industries, the USbased manufacturer of high-quality, bespoke PoP metal fixtures for the retail industry, for an undisclosed consideration. Falcon Industries employs 100 people. 17/03/ 2015 Moda Midstream, LLC n/a 708.3 EnCap Flatrock Midstream Private Investors EnCap Flatrock Midstream, the US-based private equity firm focused on oil and gas midstream, invested in a $ 750m MBO of Moda Midstream, LLC, the USbased company providing independent storage and distribution solutions to refiners, petrochemical manufacturers, marketers and producers of crude oil, condensate, NGLs, refined products and other bulk liquids. 17/03/ 2015 JR Automation Technologies n/a n/a Crestview Partners LP Huizenga Group Crestview Partners LP, the US-based private equity firm, alongwith the management of JR Automation Technologies, the US-based company manufacturing industrial machines, acquired the company in a MBO transcation, from Huizenga Group, the US-based private equity firm, for an undisclosed consideration. JR Automation has a workforce of 400 people. 17/03/ 2015 Pelagic Tank, LLC n/a n/a Legacy Measurement Solutions, Inc. Private Investors Legacy Measurement Solutions, Inc., the US-based company manufacturing gas measurement equipment, supplies and services for oil and natural gas industry and portfolio company of White Deer Energy LLC, the US-based private equity firm, acquired Pelagic Tank, LLC, US-based company manufacturing oil and gas process equipments and providing engineering and vessel fabrication services to oil and gas industry, for an undisclosed consideration. EV = Enterprise value Source: Mergermarket, Capital IQ & InterFinanz GmbH 62 Country Focus – USA Date Target Sales (€ m) EV (€ m) Bidder Seller Deal Description 16/03/ 2015 DualTemp Companies Inc. 24.8 n/a Clauger SA Private Investors Clauger SA, the France-based company that manufactures industrial refrigeration and process air conditioning applications, acquired DualTemp Companies Inc, the US-based company engaged in installation, maintenance of industrial refrigeration and supplier of refrigeration parts and equipment, for an undisclosed consideration. DualTemp Companies employs 80 people. 16/03/ 2015 Novariant, Inc. 24.8 22.2 AgJunction, Inc. Growth Capital AgJunction, Inc. is the US-based provider of cloud-based data management software platform and wireless hardware to precision agriculture retailers and growers. Novariant, Inc. is the US-based provider of precision steering and machine control solutions for the agriculture, automotive, construction and other control technology. Novariant employs 55 people. 13/03/ 2015 Inspection Oilfield Services 99.2 161.3 L.B. Foster Company Calvert Street Capital Partners, Inc. L.B. Foster Company is the listed US-based materials supplier to transportation, construction, utility, and agriculture markets. Inspection Oilfield Services, the USbased company providing testing and inspection services for tubular products used in critical oil and gas applications. Calvert Street Capital Partners, Inc., the US-based company, is a private equity firm. IOS employs 600 people. 13/03/ 2015 Phillips & Temro Industries, Inc. n/a n/a Harbour Group Industries, Inc. Audax Private Equity Fund III, L.P. Harbour Group Industries, Inc., the US-based private equity firm, acquired Phillips & Temro Industries, Inc., the US-based manufacturer of heating, cooling, silencing, emission and hybrid/electric vehicle technology products, from Audax Private Equity Fund III, L.P., the US-based private equity fund of Audax Private Equity Group, the US-based private equity firm, for an undisclosed consideration. 13/03/ 2015 Global OLED Technology LLC (32.73% Stake) n/a 143.5 LG Display Co Ltd LG Electronics Inc LG Display Co Ltd, the listed South Korea-based manufacturer of TFT-LCD panels, acquired a 32.73% stake in Global OLED Technology LLC, the US-based company engaged in organic electroluminescent business, from LG Electronics Inc, the listed South Korea-based manufacturer of electronic products. Post transaction, LG Display will hold a 65.46% stake in Global OLED Technology. Prior to the transaction, Global OLED Technology was 32.73% held by LG Display and 32.73% by LG Electronics. EV = Enterprise value Source: Mergermarket, Capital IQ & InterFinanz GmbH 63 Country Focus – USA Date Target Sales (€ m) EV (€ m) Bidder Seller Deal Description 12/03/ 2015 Wisconsin Oven Corporation n/a n/a Thermal Product Solutions, Inc. PLC Holding Thermal Product Solutions, Inc., the US-based manufacturer of industrial and laboratory ovens, environmental temperature cycling & stability test chambers and a portfolio of Resilience Capital Partners LLC, the US-based private equity firm, acquired Wisconsin Oven Corporation, the US-based manufacturer of industrial ovens and heating equipments, from PLC Holding, the France-based holding company, for an undisclosed consideration. Wisconsin employs 150 people. 12/03/ 2015 Timco Services, Inc. n/a 70.9 Frank’s International N.V. Private Investors Frank’s International N.V., the listed Netherlands-based provider of tubular technologies to the oil and gas industry, acquired Timco Services, Inc., the US-based provider of hammer, casing, and tubing services for the oil and gas industry, for an undisclosed consideration. The deal is estimated to be valued at $ 75m. 11/03/ 2015 Skorpios Technologies, Inc. n/a n/a Cisco Systems, Inc.; Semtech Corporation Private Investors Cisco Systems, Inc., the listed US-based provider of networking products to the communications and IT industry, Semtech Corporation, the listed US-based supplier of analog and mixed-signal semiconductor devices and existing investor and Sun Mountain Capital, the US-based private equity firm, acquired undisclosed stake in Skorpios Technologies, Inc., the US-based manufacturer of composite silicon photonic technology for opto-electronic modules for development of next generation communications ecosystems, for an undisclosed consideration. 10/03/ 2015 SPR Packaging, LLC 35.0 n/a Armando Alvarez Group n/a Armando Alvarez Group, the Spain-based holding company providing industrial plastic packaging products, acquired SPR Packaging, LLC, the US-based Provider of flexible packaging solutions to the food, industrial, and garden markets, for an undisclosed consideration. SPR Packaging, LLC employs 70 people. 10/03/ 2015 ASES LLC n/a n/a Field Aviation Inc. Rockwell Collins, Inc. Field Aviation Inc. the US-based company providing aircraft modification services and a subsidiary of Amavco, Inc., the US-based aviation holding company, acquired ASES LLC, the US-based company providing military aircraft integration and modifications, maintenance, logistics and support, from Rockwell Collins, Inc., the listed US-based manufacturer of aviation electronics and communication equipment for commercial and military aircrafts, for an undisclosed consideration. ARINC employs 230 people. Post acquisition, ASES will operate as Field Aerospace. The sale of ASES was a part of the divestment plan announced by Rockwell Collins in 2012 as operations of ASES does not suit well with their long-term strategy. In August 2013, Rockwell Collins acquired ASES LLC which was a part of ARINC Incorporated from The Carlyle Group. EV = Enterprise value Source: Mergermarket, Capital IQ & InterFinanz GmbH 64 Country Focus – USA Date Target Sales (€ m) EV (€ m) Bidder Seller Deal Description 10/03/ 2015 EQT Corporation (Northern West Virginia Marcellus Gathering System) 69.1 974.6 EQT Midstream Partners, LP EQT Corporation EQT Midstream Partners, LP, a listed US-based company, that acquires and develops midstream assets and provides natural gas transmission, storage, and gathering services. EQT Corporation, the listed US-based company, is an integrated energy company involved in natural gas supply, transmission and distribution. 10/03/ 2015 Midstates Petroleum Company LLC (Dequincy assets) n/a 40.8 Pintail Oil and Gas LLC Midstates Petroleum Company LLC Pintail Oil and Gas LLC, the US-based company focused on acquiring and developing oil and gas properties, a portfolio company of Ridgemont Equity Partners, the US-based private equity firm, acquired Dequincy assets of Midstates Petroleum Company LLC, the US-based company that explores and produces oil, natural gas and natural gas liquids, a subsidiary of Midstates Petroleum Company, Inc., the listed US-based company engaged in oil and gas exploration and development. 09/03/ 2015 Auto Customs n/a n/a Tectum Holdings, Inc. Private Investors Tectum Holdings, Inc., the US-based manufacturer of soft and hard bed covers and a portfolio company of TA Associates Management, L.P., the US-based private equity firm, acquired Auto Customs, the US-based distributor and retailer of atomotive components and accessories, for an undisclosed consideration. 09/03/ 2015 EnviroStar, Inc. (40.35% Stake) 24.7 9.0 Henry M. Nahmad (Private Investor) Michael S. and Robert M. Steiner (Private Investors) Mr. Robert M. Steiner, Mr. Michael S. Steiner and Mr. Henry M. Nahmad are the US-based private individuals. EnviroStar, Inc., is a US-based company engaged in distribution of commercial and industrial laundry and dry cleaning equipment and steam boilers. The offer price of $ 2.15/share represents a discount of approx. 7.7% over EnviroStar’s closing share price of $ 2.33 on 06.03.2015, 1 day prior to the announcement. The implied equity value of the transaction is $ 15.12m. Michael Steiner and Robert Steiner owned an aggregate of 50.3% stake in EnviroStar prior to this transaction. 09/03/ 2015 RTI International Metals, Inc. 655.9 1,280 Alcoa, Inc. Stock Exchange RTI is a listed US-based supplier of titanium and specialty metal products and services for the defense, energy, commercial aerospace, and medical device markets. Alcoa is a listed US-based supplier of aluminum. The implied equity value of the transaction is $ 1.261bn. The implied offer price of $ 41/share represents a premium of 50.3% based on RTI's closing price of $ 27.28/share on 06.03.2015, the last trading day prior to the announcement. The target is expected to contribute $ 1.2bn in revenues to Alcoa in 2019 In 2019. EV = Enterprise value Source: Mergermarket, Capital IQ & InterFinanz GmbH 65 Country Focus – USA Date Target Sales (€ m) EV (€ m) Bidder Seller Deal Description 06/03/ 2015 Capital Equipment & Handling, Inc 18.2 7.6 UniCarriers Americas Corporation Private Investors UniCarriers Americas Corporation, a US-based company manufacturing material handling equipment and a subsidiary of UniCarriers Corporation, the Japanbased manufacturer of forklift and container carrier, acquired Capital Equipment & Handling, Inc, the US-based provider of material handling and floor maintenance equipment, for an undisclosed consideration. CEH employs 85 people. 05/03/ 2015 Avery Dennison Corporation (Industrial Print and Apply division -IPA) 50.0 n/a Possehl Mittetandsbeteiligungen GmbH & Co. KG Avery Dennison Corporation Possehl Mittelstandsbeteiligungen GmbH & Co. KG, the Germany-based company, providingconveying systems and a subsidiary of L. Possehl & Co. MbH, the Germany-based company operating in construction, metals, electronics, and machinery businesses, acquired the Industrial Print and Apply division of Avery Dennison Corporation, the listed US- based company, engaged in the production and sales of pressure-sensitive materials, for an undisclosed consideration. Industrial Print and Apply division employs 210 people. 05/03/ 2015 Evraz Oregon Steel Structural Tubing n/a 46.2 Maruichi Steel Tube Co Ltd EVRAZ North America, Inc. Maruichi Steel Tube Co Ltd, the listed Japan-based steel tube and pipe producer, acquired the Evraz Oregon Steel Structural Tubing business from EVRAZ North America, Inc., the US-based steel manufacturing company and a subsidiary of EVRAZ Plc, the listed Russia-based steel and mining company, for a total cash consideration of $ 51m. Evraz Oregon employs 50 people. 04/03/ 2015 Medbox, Inc. n/a n/a Lizada Capital L.L.C. P. Vincent Mehdizadeh (Private Investor) Medbox, Inc., the listed US-based company, provides patented biometrically controlled medicine storage and dispensing systems to the medical and retail industries. Lizada Capital L.L.C., is a US-based company with interest in companies developing, selling, and servicing automated, biometrically controlled dispensing and storage systems for medicine and merchandise. P. Vincent Mehdizadeh is a US-based private investor. 04/03/ 2015 Triune Systems, L.L.C. n/a 40.7 Semtech Corporation Ross Teggatz (Private Investor) Semtech Corporation is a listed US-based supplier of analog and mixed-signal semiconductor devices. Triune Systems, L.L.C. is a US-based semiconductor company, manufacturing analog and mixed-signal integrated circuit. Triune Systems employs 35 people. 03/03/ 2015 TGR Industrial Services n/a n/a Merit Capital Partners; 24/6 Capital Partners Pete Moss (Private Investor) Merit Capital Partners and 24/6 Capital Partners, the US-based private equity firms, have acquired Tulsa Gamma Ray and Texas Gamma Ray, US-based provider of non-destructive testing & heat treating services, from Mr. Pete Moss, the US-based private individual having, for an undisclosed consideration. The target will be renamed as TGR Industrial Services. EV = Enterprise value Source: Mergermarket, Capital IQ & InterFinanz GmbH 66 Country Focus – USA Date Target Sales (€ m) EV (€ m) Bidder Seller Deal Description 03/03/ 2015 Anadarko Petroleum Corporation (Delaware Basin gathering system) (50% Stake) n/a n/a Western Gas Partners, LP Anadarko Petroleum Corporation Western Gas Partners, LP, the listed US-based oil and gas company that acquires, owns, operates and develops midstream energy assets, acquired 50% stake in US-based Delaware Basin gathering system, from Anadarko Petroleum Corporation, the listed US-based oil and gas exploration and production company, for an undisclosed consideration. The future consideration price is estimated to be $ 283m of which the net present value is assumed at $ 176m, and the acquired stake in basin is expected to generate EBITDA of $ 15m to $ 25m in 2015. Delaware Basin gathering is a 50:50 joint venture between Anadarko Petroleum Corporation and Access Midstream Partners, LP. Anadarko holds 39.2% stake in Western Gas Partners, LP. 02/03/ 2015 Tallgrass Pony Express Pipeline, LLC (33.3% Stake) n/a 1,879 Tallgrass PXP Holdings, LLC Tallgrass Development, LP Tallgrass PXP Holdings, LLC is the US-based company, which owns and leases real estate properties, and a subsidiary of Tallgrass Energy Partners LP, the listed US-based company, that owns, acquires, develops and operates oil exploration and drilling assets. Tallgrass Pony Express Pipeline, LLC is the US-based company, which develops an oil pipeline project, which transports domestic light crude. Tallgrass Operations, LLC is the US-based operator of natural gas transmission pipelines, and a subsidiary of Tallgrass Development, LP, the US-based company, that owns and operates gas pipelines and midstream facilities. 02/03/ 2015 Leon Interiors Inc. n/a n/a Motus Integrated Technologies Private Investors Motus Integrated Technologies, the US-based manufacturer of automotive interior products, and portfolio company of Atlas Holdings LLC, the US-based private equity firm, acquired Leon Interiors Inc., the US-based manufacturer of automobile interior components and products, for an undisclosed consideration. 02/03/ 2015 Pulse Electronics Corporation (31.3% Stake) n/a 227.2 Oaktree Capital Management, L.P. Stock Exchange Oaktree Capital Group, LLC is a US-based private equity firm. Pulse Electronics Corporation is a listed US-based global producer of precision-engineered electronic components and modules that operates in network products, power products, and wireless products. The offer price is $ 1.5 per Pulse share representing a premium of 30.4% based on Pulse’s closing share price of $ 1.15/share on 27.02.2015, 1 day prior to the announcement date. The implied equity value is $ 26.2m. Oaktree already own 68.7% stake in Pulse, prior to this transaction. Earlier in 2012, Oaktree acquired a 45.98 % stake in Pulse Electronics, for a consideration of $ 21.9m. EV = Enterprise value Source: Mergermarket, Capital IQ & InterFinanz GmbH 67 Country Focus – USA Date Target Sales (€ m) EV (€ m) Bidder Seller Deal Description 02/03/ 2015 Mechanical Servants, LLC n/a n/a The Weinberg & Bell Group; F.N.B. Capital Partners, LP David A. Baum (Private Investor) Weinberg Capital Group, the US-based private equity firm, along with the management of Mechanical Servants, LLC, the US-based company offering products in a blister packed format, acquired the company from Mr. David Baum, the USbased private investor via a MBO transaction, for an undisclosed consideration. 02/03/ 2015 Dexter Magnetic Technologies, Inc. n/a n/a Robert Family Holdings, Inc. Levine Leichtman Capital Partners, Inc. Robert Family Holdings, Inc., the US-based company manufacturing products with highly engineered solutions to a wide range of industries, acquired Dexter Magnetic Technologies, Inc., the US-based manufacture of magnetic products and assemblies, from Levine Leichtman Capital Partners, Inc., the US-based private equity firm, for an undisclosed consideration. In the year 2007, Mr. Levine Leichtman Capital Partners along with the management of the company acquired Dexter in a MBO transaction. 27/02/ 2015 Sterling Engineering Corporation n/a 5.5 Air Industries Group Private Investors Air Industries Group, the US-based integrated manufacturer of precision components and a provider of supply chain services for the aerospace and defense industry, acquired Sterling Engineering Corporation, the US-based company manufacturing precision machine parts and assemblies for aerospace, power generation, semiconductor machinery, industrial machinery, and other high technology markets worldwide, for a consideration of $ 6.11m. Sterling employs 55 people. 27/02/ 2015 FWT, LLC n/a n/a Sabre Industries, Inc. Satori Capital, L.L.C. Sabre Industries, Inc., the US-based producer of utility structures, communication towers, shelters and building systems and tower accessories, acquired FWT, LLC, the US-based company that designs and fabricates custom steel products for various applications in transmission and distribution industries, for an undisclosed consideration. In August 2012, Sabre Industries was acquired by Kohlberg & Company, L.L.C., the US-based private equity firm. FWT has been a portfolio company of Satori Capital since 2010. 27/02/ 2015 2G Cenergy Power Systems Technologies Inc. (51% Stake) n/a n/a 2G Energy AG Private Investors 2G Energy AG, the listed Germany-based company supplying cogeneration systems for decentralized energy supply, acquired 51% stake in 2G Cenergy Power Systems Technologies Inc., the US-based company manufacturing combined heat and power systems and clean energy power generation systems to customers in North and South American markets, for an undisclosed consideration. 2G Energy will hold 100% of the shares in the target upon the completion. EV = Enterprise value Source: Mergermarket, Capital IQ & InterFinanz GmbH 68 Country Focus – USA Date Target Sales (€ m) EV (€ m) Bidder Seller Deal Description 27/02/ 2015 FuelCell Energy, Inc. (University of Bridgeport Fuel Cell project) ; Invenergy LLC (Spring Canyon Wind facilities) n/a n/a NRG Yield, Inc. FuelCell Energy, Inc.; Invenergy LLC NRG Yield, Inc, the US-based company that owns, operates and acquires contracted renewable and conventional generation and thermal infrastructure assets, acquired Fuel Cell Energy, Inc.'s University of Bridgeport Fuel Cell project and a majority stake in Invenergy LLC's Spring Canyon Wind facilities, for a combined cash consideration of $ 41m. FuelCell Energy, Inc. is the listed US-based manufacturer of hydrogen fuel cells for electric power generation. Invenergy LLC is the US-based company engaged in renewable and other clean energy generation. The acquisitions are expected to contribute adj. EBITDA of $ 3m and CAFD of $ 3m on an annualized basis. 26/02/ 2015 Zero International, Inc. n/a n/a Schlage Lock Company LLC Private Investors Schlage Lock Company LLC, the US-based manufacturer of home security and hardware products and a subsidiary of Allegion plc, the listed Ireland-based provider of security products and solutions, acquired Zero International, Inc., the USbased manufacturer of sealing systems for doors and windows, for an undisclosed consideration. 26/02/ 2015 LiveWatch Security, LLC n/a 59.2 Monitronics International, Inc. Private Investors Monitronics International, Inc., the US-based provider of security alarm monitoring and related services to residential and business subscribers and a subsidiary of Ascent Capital Group Inc, the listed US-based provider of fully integrated, endto-end services for the global digital media supply chain, acquired LiveWatch Security, LLC, the US-based DIY home security provider offering interactive and home automation services. 26/02/ 2015 UIL Holdings Corporation 1,349 4,135 Iberdrola USA, Inc. Stock Exchange Iberdrola USA is a private US-based provider of energy services. UIL Holdings Corporation is a listed US-based energy delivery company. Iberdrola will acquire UIL through vehicle, Green Merger Sub, Inc., and create a newly listed US company for a consideration of $ 2.99bn of both cash and equity. The transaction has an implied equity value of $ 2.99bn. The offer price of $ 52.83 per share represents a premium of 24.8% based on UIL's closing share price of $ 42.33 per share on 25.02.2015, 1 day prior to the announcement date. Following the transaction, Iberdrola USA shareholders will own 81.5% in the combined company and UIL will own 18.5%. EV = Enterprise value Source: Mergermarket, Capital IQ & InterFinanz GmbH 69 Country Focus – USA Date Target Sales (€ m) EV (€ m) Bidder Seller Deal Description EVRAZ Plc POSCO EVRAZ Plc, the UK-listed and Russia-based producer and distributor of vanadium products, steel and related products, acquired a 35% stake in the United Spiral Pipe, LLC, the US-based producer of large diameter DSAW pipe, from POSCO, the listed South Korea-based listed steel manufacturer. United Spiral Pipe, LLC was formed as a 35:35:30 joint venture between POSCO, U.S. Steel and Seah Steel Corporation. 25/02/ 2015 United Spiral Pipe, LLC (35% Stake) n/a 378.8 25/02/ 2015 Elkhart Brass Manufacturing Company, Inc. n/a n/a Safe Fleet Holdings LLC Private Investors Safe Fleet Holdings LLC, the US-based holding company and a portfolio company of The Sterling Group, L.P., the US-based private equity firm, acquired Elkhart Brass Manufacturing Company, Inc., the US-based company manufacturing firefighting and fire protection equipment, for an undisclosed consideration. 25/02/ 2015 Gas Transmission Northwest LLC (30% Stake) n/a 1,314. 0 TC PipeLines LP TransCanada Corporation TC PipeLines LP, the listed US based natural gas pipeline company. Gas Transmission Northwest LLC, the US based owner and operator of natural gas pipelines. TransCanada Corporation is the listed Canada based energy company focused on natural gas transmission and power services. TC PipeLines 30 % stake in Gas Transmission Northwest reported EBITDA of $ 43m and distributable cash flow of $ 36m. TC PipeLines acquired a 25% stake in Gas Transmission Northwest in May 2011 and another 45% stake in July 2013. 25/02/ 2015 TherMark Holdings, Inc. n/a 4.9 Ferro Corporation Tech Coast Angels Inc.; Pasadena Angels, Inc. Ferro Corporation, the listed US-based supplier of technology-based performance materials, including glass-based coatings, pigments and colors, and polishing materials, acquired TherMark Holdings, Inc., the US-based company that develops laser marking technology and materials, from Tech Coast Angels Inc. and Pasadena Angels, Inc., the US-based private equity firms. 24/02/ 2015 M&M Manufacturing Company n/a n/a MiTek USA, Inc. TGF Management Corp MiTek USA, Inc., the US-based company developing and marketing engineered connector products, engineering software and services and manufacturing machinery to the building components industry and subsidiary of Berkshire Hathaway Inc., the listed US-based investment management company, acquired M&M Manufacturing Company, the US-based company manufacturing sheet metal products for air distribution and ventilation markets, from TGF Management Corp, the US-based private equity firm, for an undisclosed consideration. M&M Manufacturing employs 800 people in 6 manufacturing facilities. EV = Enterprise value Source: Mergermarket, Capital IQ & InterFinanz GmbH 70 Country Focus – USA Date Target Sales (€ m) EV (€ m) Bidder Seller Deal Description 23/02/ 2015 Intertech Corporation n/a n/a Pretium Packaging, LLC Private Investors Pretium Packaging, LLC, the US-based manufacturer of custom designed specialty plastic bottles and containers, acquired, Intertech Corporation, the USbased company producing blow molded products and plastic containers, for an undisclosed consideration. Pretium Packaging is a portfolio company of Genstar Capital, LLC, the US-based private equity firm. 20/02/ 2015 AmGulf Fabrication, LLC n/a n/a Suretank Group Limited Lawrence Detiveaux; Jason Underwood (Private Investors) Suretank Group Limited, the Ireland-based manufacturer of cargo carrying units for offshore oil and gas industry, acquired majority stake in AmGulf Fabrication, LLC, the US-based manufacturer of cargo carrying units for offshore oil and gas industry, for an undisclosed consideration. 19/02/ 2015 Joliet Bulk, Barge & Rail LLC n/a 189.9 GE Energy Financial Services Inc; Arc Logistics Partners LP Centerpoint Properties Trust JBBR, the target, is a US-based company, that operates the Joliet Terminal, a crude oil unloading terminal, and a 4-mile crude oil pipeline. Arc Logistics Partners is a listed US-based terminalling, storage, transloading, and pipeline asset owner and operator. GE Energy Financial is a US-based energy infrastructure investing business of the General Electric Company, the listed US-based conglomerate. CenterPoint Properties Trust is a US-based a real estate investment trust. After the completion, JBBR will be 60%-owned by Arc Logistics and 40%-owned by GE Energy Financial. The purchase price implies an EBITDA multiple of between 8.6x - 9.4x. 19/02/ 2015 TS Sports n/a n/a Panasonic Corporation Private Investors Panasonic Corporation, the listed Japan-based company manufacturing electronics and electrical products, acquired TS Sports, the US-based company providing electronic video board systems integrator specializing in light-emitting diode display technology solutions, for an undisclosed consideration. 17/02/ 2015 EnLink Midstream Holdings, LP (25% Stake) n/a 3,253 EnLink Midstream Partners LP Enlink Midstream LLC EnLink Midstream Partners LP, a listed US-based company providing midstream energy services, acquired a 25% stake in EnLink Midstream Holdings, LP, the US-based company engaged in gathering, transmission and processing of natural gas and natural gas liquids, condensate, and crude oil, from Enlink Midstream LLC, the listed US-based company providing midstream energy services. The transaction represents estimated adj. EBITDA multiple of 9x of EnLink Midstream Holdings for 2015. EV = Enterprise value Source: Mergermarket, Capital IQ & InterFinanz GmbH 71 Country Focus – USA Date Target Sales (€ m) EV (€ m) Bidder Seller Deal Description 17/02/ 2015 Monroe Truck Equipment, Inc. n/a n/a Industrial Opportunity Partners LLC Dave Quade; Rick Rufenacht; Greg Krahenbuhl (Private Investors) Industrial Opportunity Partners LLC, the US-based private equity firm, along with the management of Monroe Truck Equipment, Inc., the US-based manufacturer of specialized truck equipment, acquired the company in MBO transaction, for an undisclosed consideration. The target employs 600 people. 17/02/ 2015 Quest Aircraft Company LLC n/a n/a The Tsuneishi Group Private Investors The Tsuneishi Group, the Japan-based holding company engaged in shipbuilding, recycling of industrial waste, acquired Quest Aircraft Company LLC, the USbased manufacturer of aircraft, for an undisclosed consideration. Tsuneishi is acquiring Quest Aircraft through its subsidiary Setouchi Holdings Inc. 16/02/ 2015 Sonoco Products Company (Metal end and Closure Facilities) n/a n/a Ball Corporation Sonoco Products Company Ball Corporation, the listed US-based manufacturer of metal and plastic packaging, acquired the metal end and closure facilities of Sonoco Phoenix, a business unit of Sonoco Products Company, the listed US-based manufacturer of industrial and consumer packaging products and a provider of packaging services, for an undisclosed consideration. The metal end and closure facilities have workforce of 100 people. 16/02/ 2015 Explorer Pipeline, Inc. (19.46% Stake); DCP Southern Hills Pipeline, LLC (33.34% Stake); DCP Sand Hills Pipeline, LLC (33.34% Stake) n/a n/a Phillips 66 Partners LP Phillips 66 Phillips 66 Partners LP is a listed US-based company, engaged in the ownership, and development of fee-based crude oil, refined petroleum product, natural gas liquids pipelines and terminals. DCP Sand Hills Pipeline, LLC is a US-based owner of 720 miles of pipeline and is engaged in natural gas liquids transportation from the Permian Basin and Eagle Ford Shale to the Texas Gulf Coast and the Mont Belvieu. DCP Southern Hills Pipeline, LLC, the US-based owner of 800 miles of pipeline. Explorer Pipeline, Inc. is a US-based owner of 1,830-mile refined petroleum product pipeline, and is engaged in petroleum transportation from the Texas Gulf Coast to Indiana. Phillips 66, the listed US-based downstream energy company. PSXP agreed to pay a total consideration of $ 1.01bn. The consideration represents 9.5 times of the expected 2015 EBITDA of $ 115m, including the non-consolidated debt of Explorer Pipeline valued at $ 65m. EV = Enterprise value Source: Mergermarket, Capital IQ & InterFinanz GmbH 72 Country Focus – USA Date Target Sales (€ m) EV (€ m) Bidder Seller Deal Description 13/02/ 2015 M&W Manufacturing, Co., & Electrosonics, Inc. 34.0 30.9 ElringKlinger AG Private Investors ElringKlinger AG, the listed Germany-based company manufacturing technical and chemical products for the automotive sector acquired M&W Manufacturing, Co., & Electrosonics, Inc., the US-based manufacturer of fabricated tubes and stampings. M&W Manufacturing employs 100 people. The deal value approx. 0.8-times the amount of sales revenues budgeted for 2015 and includes the assumption of financial liabilities totalling € 4.5m. 13/02/ 2015 Drew Technologies, Inc. 10.7 26.0 Opus Inspection, Inc. Private Investors Opus Inspection, Inc. is a US-based company engaged in vehicle inspections, abd a subsidiary of Opus Group AB, the listed Sweden-based provider of products and services for environmental and safety testing of vehicles. Drew Technologies, Inc. is a US-based company, engaged in automobile technology and building in-vehicle communications tools. Drew Tech generated revenues of about $ 13m and an EBITDA of about $ 5.4m in 2014. 12/02/ 2015 Apex Clean Energy Holdings, LLC (300 MW Balko Wind Project) 27.8 n/a D.E.Shaw Renewable Investments, L.L.C. Apex Clean Energy Holdings, LLC D.E. Shaw Renewable Investments, L.L.C., the US-based hedge fund sponsor and a subsidiary of D. E. Shaw & Co., L.P, the US-based investment firm, acquired 300 MW Balko Wind Project, the US-based 300 MW wind energy project, from Apex Clean Energy Holdings, LLC, the US-based company engaged in developing and operating wind energy facilities and subsidiary of Greenlight Energy Resources, Inc., the US-based company produces clean energy and fuels, for undisclosed consideration. 12/02/ 2015 Applimotion, Inc. n/a 11.5 GSI Group Inc. Private Investors GSI Group Inc., the listed US-based company manufacturing lasers, laser systems, precision motion devices, and associated precision motion control technology, acquired Applimotion, Inc., the US-based provider of advanced precision motor and motion control technology to original equipment manufacturers. 12/02/ 2015 Anixter International Inc. (OEM Supply Fasteners Business Segment) 775.6 335.0 American Industrial Partners Anixter International Inc. American Industrial Partners, the US-based private equity firm, acquired OEM Supply - Fasteners business segment of Anixter International Inc., the listed USbased company engaged in distribution of communication products, electrical and electronic wire & cable and fasteners and other small parts. The acquired business operates in 15 countries and employs more than 1,900 people. EV = Enterprise value Source: Mergermarket, Capital IQ & InterFinanz GmbH 73 Country Focus – USA Date Target Sales (€ m) EV (€ m) Bidder Seller Deal Description 10/02/ 2015 Port Townsend Holdings Company, Inc. n/a n/a Crown Paper Group, Inc. Goldentree Asset Management, LP Crown Paper Group, Inc., the US-based holding company formed by Lindsay Goldberg LLC, the US-based private equity firm, acquired Port Townsend Holdings Company, Inc., the US-based producing pulp and paper products, from Goldentree Asset Management, LP, the US-based hedge fund, for an undisclosed consideration. PTHC includes Port Townsend Paper Corporation and Crown Packaging Ltd. PTPC employs 300 people. 10/02/ 2015 Air Monitor Corporation n/a n/a Harbour Group Industries, Inc. DeBaun Family Harbour Group Industries, Inc., the US-based private equity firm, acquired Air Monitor Corporation, the US-based company that manufactures flow measurement products for use in measurement and control of airflow and space pressurization in the commercial, industrial, and power industries, for DeBaun Family, the US-based family, from an undisclosed consideration. Air employs70 people. 09/02/ 2015 Engineered Steel Products, Inc. n/a n/a New Page Capital LLC Rob Braswell; Richard Flournoy (Private Investors) New Page Capital LLC, the US-based private equity firm, acquired Engineered Steel Products, Inc., the US-based structural steel manufacturing company providing steel fabrication manufacturing services, for an undisclosed consideration. 09/02/ 2015 Uni-Select USA, Inc. (Auto parts distribution business) n/a 300.4 Icahn Enterprises L.P. Uni-Select USA, Inc. Icahn Enterprises L.P. is a US-based listed investment holding company. Federal-Mogul Corporation is a listed US-based company manufacturing components for cars, trucks, and construction vehicles, and subsidiary of Icahn Enterprises L.P. Uni-Select USA, Inc., the US-based company engaged in distribution of automotive parts, replacement parts, equipment, tools and accessories, and a subsidiary of Uni-Select Inc. Uni-Select Inc., the listed Canada-based company engaged in distribution of automotive replacement parts and accessories. The auto parts distribution has a total workforce of 2,960 people. 09/02/ 2015 Glass Mountain Pipeline, LLC (50% Stake); Wattenberg Holding, LLC n/a n/a Rose Rock Midstream, L.P. SemGroup Corporation Rose Rock Midstream, L.P., the listed US-based company operating midstream energy assets. Glass Mountain Pipeline, LLC is a US-based company, that owns and builds a crude oil pipeline. Wattenberg Holding, LLC, the US-based company operates crude oil storage and central processing facility. SemGroup Corporation, the listed US-based company, gathering, storing and transporting oil and natural gases. Rose Rock Midstream will pay a consideration of $ 325m. Rose Rock Midstream will acquire the remaining crude oil business of SemGroup, which consist of 50% interest in Glass Mountain Pipeline and a 100% interest in Watternberg Holding operating crude oil storage. EV = Enterprise value Source: Mergermarket, Capital IQ & InterFinanz GmbH 74 Country Focus – USA Date Target Sales (€ m) EV (€ m) Bidder Seller Deal Description 06/02/ 2015 Vector Industries, Inc; Polaris Machining; Quality Manufacturing, Inc. n/a n/a Jefferson Capital Partners II, L.P. Michael Bontatibus (Private Investor) Jefferson Capital Partners II, L.P., the US-based fund of Jefferson Capital Partners, Ltd., the US-based private equity firm, acquired Polaris Machining, the USbased aerospace machining and fabrication company, Vector Industries Inc, the US-based company manufacturer of precision machined parts, and Quality Manufacturing, Inc., the US-based manufacturer of complex, precision turned components, for an undisclosed consideration. The 3 acquired companies will merged into a single entity named Integrated Aerospace Manufacturing, LLC. The new company will have a combined turnover of $ 25m and a workforce of 140 people. 06/02/ 2015 Rigid Industries, Inc. n/a n/a Truck-Lite Co., LLC Jason Christiansen; Seth and Taylor Anderson (Private Investors) Truck-LiteTruck-Lite Co., LLC, the US-based manufacturer of LED lighting products used for heavy duty trucks, trailer and commercial industries, and a subsidiary of Penske Corporation, the US-based diversified transportation firm, acquired Rigid Industries, Inc., the US-based manufacturer of LED lights used for heavy duty trucks, trailer and commercial industries, from Jason Christiansen, Taylor Anderson and Seth Anderson, the US-based private individuals, for an undisclosed consideration. Rigid Industries reported workforce of 250 people. Post acquisition, the combined company will have workforce of more than 2,400 people. 06/02/ 2015 Exelis Inc 2,708 4,125 Harris Corporation Stock Exchange Exelis Inc, the listed US-based provider of defense and information solutions for global military, government and commercial customers. Harris Corporation, the listed US-based company communications and information technology company. The transaction has an implied equity value of $ 4,412.58m. The offer price of $ 23.75 per share represents a premium of 34.1% based on Exelis' closing share price of $ 17.71 per share on 05.02.2015, 1 day prior to the announcement date. Upon completion, Harris shareholders will own 85% of the combined company and Exelis shareholders will own 15% of the combined company. The combined company has pro forma revenues of $ 8,000m, with 23,000 people globally. 05/02/ 2015 The Flexan Corporation n/a n/a Golub Capital Inc; Linden LLC Private Investors Linden LLC, the US-based healthcare and life science private equity firm, and Golub Capital Inc, the US-based private investment firm, acquired The Flexan Corporation, the US-based company manufacturing high-precision silicone and custom molded rubber, rubber molding, and rubber parts, predominately serving the medical device industry, for an undisclosed consideration. Flexan employs 500 people at 3manufacturing facilities. EV = Enterprise value Source: Mergermarket, Capital IQ & InterFinanz GmbH 75 Country Focus – USA Date Target Sales (€ m) EV (€ m) Bidder Seller Deal Description 05/02/ 2015 ORPD LLC (40% Stake) n/a 384.5 Northleaf Capital Partners Ormat Nevada Inc Northleaf Capital Partners, the Canada-based private equity firm, acquired 40% stake in, ORPD LLC, the US-based joint venture formed by Ormat Nevada Inc and Northleaf Capital Partners with a purpose to operate geothermal and recovered energy generation power plants, from Ormat Nevada Inc, the US-based company engaged in development and operation of geothermal power plants and a subsidiary of Ormat Technologies Inc., the listed US-based company engaged in the geothermal and recovered energy power business. 05/02/ 2015 Marchi Thermal Systems, Inc. 14.9 38.2 Ultra Clean Holdings Inc Private Investors Ultra Clean Holdings Inc, the US-based manufacturer of subsystems for the semiconductor capital equipment industry, acquired Marchi Thermal Systems, Inc., the US-based company manufacturing application-specific thermal solutions to solve temperature management challenges of semiconductor equipments. 04/02/ 2015 Valor Security Services, Inc.; Brantley Security Services, Inc. 107.4 n/a Universal Protection Service, Inc. SMS Holdings Corporation Universal Protection Service, Inc., the US-based company providing security services and a subsidiary of Universal Services of America, Inc., the US-based company providing security and janitorial services, acquired Valor Security Services, Inc., the US-based company providing security officers and guards for commercial properties, malls, hotels, and Brantley Security Services, Inc., the US-based company providing security guards and officers, from SMS Holdings Corporation, the US-based holding company providing maintenance services to public facilities and security services at airports and aboard aircrafts, through its subsidiaries, for an undisclosed consideration. In 2014, the 2 acquired companies generated revenues of $ 130m and employ 5,000 people. 04/02/ 2015 Railroad Controls L.P. 61.7 n/a Wabtec Corporation RCL Services Group, LLC Wabtec Corporation, the listed US-based provider of technology based products and services for the rail industry, acquired Railroad Controls L.P., the US-based provider of railway signal construction services to freight and passenger railroads in North America, from RCL Services Group, LLC, the US-based provider of railroad signal construction and signal material integration services to the freight and passenger rail industry, for an undisclosed consideration. Railroad Controls employs 500 people. 03/02/ 2015 Bayonne Energy Center, LLC n/a 632.8 Macquarie Infrastructure Company Arclight Energy Partners Fund III LP Macquarie Infrastructure Company LLC is a listed US-based company owning and operating basic infrastructure businesses. Bayonne Energy Center, LLC is a US-based 500-MW gas-fired electric power plant engaged in production and supply of electricity. Arclight Energy Partners Fund III LP is a US-based private equity fund of ArcLight Capital Partners, LLC, the US-based private equity firm. EV = Enterprise value Source: Mergermarket, Capital IQ & InterFinanz GmbH 76 Country Focus – USA Date Target Sales (€ m) EV (€ m) Bidder Seller Deal Description 03/02/ 2015 J-Mac Tool, Inc. n/a n/a Forum Energy Technologies, Inc. Private Investors Forum Energy Technologies, Inc. is a listed US-based oil field products company offering technologies and applied products to the energy industry, acquired JMac Tool, Inc., the US-based manufacturer of hydraulic fracturing pumps, power ends, fluid ends, and other pump accessories, for an undisclosed consideration. 02/02/ 2015 Automotive Climate Control, Inc. n/a n/a Spheros GmbH Private Investors Spheros GmbH, the Germany-based company manufacturing heating systems, air conditioners and roof hatches for bus climate control applications and a portfolio of Deutsche Beteiligungs AG, the listed Germany-based private equity firm, acquired Automotive Climate Control, Inc., the US-based company manufacturing mobile air conditioning and heating systems, for an undisclosed consideration. ACC employs 140 people. 02/02/ 2015 Advanced Photonix, Inc. 21.0 7.9 Luna Innovations Incorporated Stock Exchange Luna Innovations Incorporated signed a definitive agreement to acquire Advanced Photonix, Inc via a scheme of merger. Advanced Photonix, Inc. is a listed US-based company manufacturing optoelectronic devices and sub-systems and systems. Luna Innovations Incorporated is a listed US-based company manufacturing fiber optic sensing and test and measurement products. The offer represents a value $ 0.53 for each API share and provides a premium of 59.3% based on API’s closing share price 31.01.2015 of $ 0.3328 per share, 1 day prior to the announcement. The implied equity value of the transaction is approx. $ 8.04m. 02/02/ 2015 Recurrent Energy, LLC 908.2 234.1 Canadian Solar Energy Acquisition Co Sharp U.S. Holding Inc. Canadian Solar Energy Acquisition Co., the US-based holding company and a subsidiary of Canadian Solar Inc., a listed Canada-based provider of solar products and solar system solutions for on-grid and off-grid use. Recurrent Energy, LLC is a US-based solar energy developer. Sharp U.S. Holding Inc. is a USbased holding company headquartered with interest in solar energy development and a subsidiary of Sharp Corporation, a listed Japan-based electronics manufacturer. Earlier in November 2010, Sharp Corp. acquired Recurrent Energy, from Hudson Clean Energy Parnters and Mohr Davidow Ventures, the US based private equity firms, for a consideration of $ 305m. EV = Enterprise value Source: Mergermarket, Capital IQ & InterFinanz GmbH 77 Country Focus – USA Date Target Sales (€ m) EV (€ m) Bidder Seller Deal Description 02/02/ 2015 Coronado Midstream LLC n/a 530.0 EnLink Midstream Partners LP Diamondback Energy, Inc.; RSP Permian, Inc.; Reliance Energy, Inc. EnLink Midstream Partners LP is the listed US-based company providing midstream energy services. Coronado Midstream LLC is the US-based company that owns natural gas gathering and processing facilities. Reliance Energy, Inc. is a US-based company engaged in exploration, development and operation of crude oil and natural gas properties and ranching operation and management. Diamondback Energy, Inc. is the listed US-based oil and natural gas company. RSP Permian, Inc. is the listed US-based company engaged in development and production of unconventional oil and associated liquids-rich natural gas reserves. EnLink will acquire Coronado for a consideration of approximately $ 600m. 31/01/ 2015 D&S MAG and PENN, Inc. n/a n/a Trive Capital D&S TriProcess, Inc. Trive Capital, the US-based private equity firm, acquired D&S MAG and PENN, Inc., the US-based aerospace metal finishing and shot peening company, from D&S Tri-Process, Inc., the US-based investment holding firm, for an undisclosed consideration. 29/01/ 2015 Lansmont Corporation; Team Corporation n/a n/a Battery Ventures Private Investors Battery Ventures, the US-based private equity firm, acquired controlling stake in Lansmont Corporation, the US-based company manufacturing testing equipment and self-powered field instruments for recording and characterizing distribution environments and Team Corporation, the US-based company offering high performance vibration testing systems and related components, for an undisclosed consideration. 27/01/ 2015 Elmet Technologies, Inc. 41.3 n/a Anania & Associates Investment Company LLC Liberty Lane Partners LLC Anania & Associates Investment Company LLC, the US-based private equity firm, along with the management of Elmet Technologies, Inc., the US-based manufacturer of molybdenum and tungsten metals, acquired the company in a MBO transaction, from Liberty Lane Partners LLC, the US-based private equity firm, for an undisclosed consideration. Elmet employs 320. 27/01/ 2015 Totem Steel International, Inc. n/a n/a Tata International Metals Americas Limited JR Meyers (Private Investor) Tata International Metals Americas Limited, the US-based steel trading business, and a subsidiary of Tata International Ltd, the India-based conglomerate, acquired Totem Steel International, Inc., the US-based company trading in steel and forest products, from JR Meyers, the US-based private individual, for an undisclosed consideration. EV = Enterprise value Source: Mergermarket, Capital IQ & InterFinanz GmbH 78 Country Focus – USA Date Target Sales (€ m) EV (€ m) Bidder Seller Deal Description 27/01/ 2015 TI Automotive LTD n/a 1,607 Bain Capital LLC Oaktree Capital Management, L.P.; Duquesne Capital Management LLC Bain Capital, LLC, the US-based private equity firm, acquired TI Automotive LTD, the US-based manufacturer of automotive fluid storage, carrying and delivery systems, from Oaktree Capital Group, LLC, the US-based private equity firm, and Duquesne Capital Management LLC, the US-based investment management company, for an undisclosed consideration. TI Automotive employs a staff of 23,000 people and is active in 29 different markets. 27/01/ 2015 U.S. Water Services, Inc. (87% Stake) 98.7 171.8 ALLETE, Inc. Excellere Partners LLC ALLETE, Inc. is a listed US-based holding company with interest to the businesses of energy services, automotive services, investments, and corporate charges. U.S. Water Services, Inc. is a US-based company providing chemicals and equipment for water management and treatment to industrial customers. ALLETE, Inc., acquires 87% stake in the U.S. Water Services, Inc., for a consideration of $168m. The remaining 13% stake will be owned by the old shareholders. 27/01/ 2015 Alta Devices, Inc. n/a 13.3 Hanergy Hi-Tech Power (HK) Limited Hanergy Global Investment & Sales Pte. Ltd Hanergy Hi-Tech Power Limited, the Hong Kong-based investment holding company, and a subsidiary of Hanergy Thin Film Power Group Limited, the listed Hong Kong-based manufacturer of equipment and turnkey production lines, acquired Alta Devices, Inc. the US-based manufacturer of solar photovoltaic applications for mobile devices that enable the conversion of light into electricity, from Hanergy Global Investment And Sales Pte. Ltd, the Singapore-based investment holding company, and a subsidiary of Hanergy Holdings Group Limited, the China-based company engaged in hydropower, wind power, and solar energy power generation and conservation activities. 23/01/ 2015 Acme Electric, LLC n/a n/a Hubbell Incorporated Power Products, LLC Hubbell Incorporated, the listed US-based manufacturer of electrical and electronic products for non-residential and residential construction, industrial and utility applications, through its division RACO, acquired Acme Electric, LLC, the USbased manufacturer of Power Conditioning Equipment for use in industrial, commercial and OEM applications, from Power Products, LLC, the US-based manufacturer of branded electrical tools, consumables, wiring products, harsh-environment power conversion solutions, transformers, inverters, switches and other related electrical products and accessories, for an undisclosed consideration. EV = Enterprise value Source: Mergermarket, Capital IQ & InterFinanz GmbH 79 Country Focus – USA Date Target Sales (€ m) EV (€ m) Bidder Seller Deal Description 22/01/ 2015 Cimarron Acid and Frac, LLC n/a 69.3 Quintana Energy Services Annapurna Capital Management, LLC Quintana Energy Services, the US-based investment holding company acquired Cimarron Acid and Frac, LLC, the US-based company that provides pressure pumping services to oil and gas industry, from Annapurna Capital Management, LLC, the US-based company operates as a multi strategy hedge fund. 21/01/ 2015 OE Quality Friction Inc. n/a n/a Brake Parts Inc Insolvency Administrator Brake Parts Inc, the US-based company manufacturing braking systems for the transportation industry, acquired OE Quality Friction Inc., the US-based company manufacturing integrally-molded disc brake pads for automotive aftermarket, for an undisclosed consideration. 21/01/ 2015 Turner Electric, LLC n/a n/a Hubbell Incorporated Sentinel Capital Partners Hubbell Incorporated, the listed US-based manufacturer of electrical and electronic products for non-residential and residential construction, industrial and utility applications, acquired, Turner Electric, LLC, the US-based company that manufactures air-break switches and accessories, from Sentinel Capital Partners, the US-based private equity firm, for an undisclosed consideration. 21/01/ 2015 Hiland Partners, LP n/a 2,592 Kinder Morgan, Inc. Harold G Hamm (Private Investor) Kinder Morgan, Inc. is a listed US-based midstream and energy company. Hiland Partners, LP is a US-based natural gas and crude oil midstream company. Harold G Hamm is a US-based private individual. Hiland employs 430 people. 20/01/ 2015 Dearborn Mid-West Conveyor Co (Michigan, Detroti and New Jersey business division) n/a 46.2 Hubei Huachangda Intelligent Equipment Co Ltd Dearborn Mid-West Conveyor Co. Hubei Huachangda Intelligent Equipment Co Ltd acquired Michigan, Detroti and New Jersey business divison, from Dearborn Mid-West Conveyor Co. for a cash consideration of $ 53.5m. Hubei is a listed China-based company manufacturing intelligent automation equipment systems. Dearborn is a USA-based company manufacturing turnkey conveyor systems to automotive, industrial and parcel end-markets. From January to September 2014, the target has a turnover of $ 66.6m, EBIT of $ 2.4m, EBITDA of $ 2.9m. 20/01/ 2015 Koppers Inc. (Utility pole business) 35.5 n/a Cox Industries, Inc. Koppers Inc. Cox Industries, Inc., the US-based manufacturer of pressure treated outdoor wood products, acquired the Utility pole business of Koppers Inc., the US-based company engaged in production of carbon compounds and treated wood products, and a subsidiary of Koppers Holdings Inc., the listed US-based company providing carbon compounds and commercial wood treatment products, for an undisclosed consideration. EV = Enterprise value Source: Mergermarket, Capital IQ & InterFinanz GmbH 80 Country Focus – USA Date Target Sales (€ m) EV (€ m) Bidder Seller Deal Description 20/01/ 2015 Bushwacker, Inc n/a n/a Lund International Holdings, Inc. Gerald Logan (Private Investor) Lund International Holdings, Inc., the US-based company manufacturing automotive accessories and components, and a portfolio company of Highlander Partners, L.P., the US-based private equity firm, acquired Bushwacker Inc, the USbased manufacturer of fender flares and truck accessories, from Mr. Gerald Logan, the US-based private investor, for an undisclosed consideration. 20/01/ 2015 John Hassall, Inc. n/a n/a Novaria Group Inc. Private Investors Novaria Group Inc., the US-based company manufacturing precision components for the aerospace and defense industry, acquired John Hassall, Inc., the US-based provider of aircraft engine fasteners, bolts, blade locks and other flight critical hardware, for an undisclosed consideration. Fololwing the transaction, Novaria has formed a new company, John Hassall, LLC which will operates all business activities of John Hassall, Inc. 20/01/ 2015 Space Exploration Technologies Corp. n/a n/a FMR LLC; Google Inc. n/a Google Inc., the US-based operator of a web search engine and a provider of online media content and FMR LLC, the US-based investment manager, acquired a stake of under 10% of Space Exploration Technologies Corp., the USbased company manufacturing rockets and spacecraft, for a consideration of $ 1bn. The transaction values Space Exploration more than $ 10bn. 19/01/ 2015 EA Technologies LLC 14.0 8.1 Lippert Components, Inc. Private Investors Lippert Components, Inc., the US-based manufacturer of components to recreational vehicle, manufactured housing, trailer, and bus industries and a subsidiary of Drew Industries Incorporated, the listed US-based supplier of components for recreational vehicles and manufactured homes, acquired EA Technologies LLC, the US-based company manufacturing custom steel and aluminum parts and provider of electro-deposition ('e-coat') and powder coating services. 14/01/ 2015 M&M Environmental Group, LLC n/a n/a Omega Capital LLC Sam McFadin (Private Investor) Omega Capital LLC, the US-based private equity firm along with the management of M&M Environmental Group, LLC, the US-based provider of environmental solutions to the oil and gas industry, acquired the company in a MBO transaction, for an undisclosed consideration. M&M Environmental employs 250 people. 14/01/ 2015 Rome Strip Steel Company, Inc. 50.8 47.1 Worthington Industries, Inc. Private Investors Worthington Industries, Inc., a listed US-based diversified metals processing company, acquired Rome Strip Steel Company, Inc., the US-based manufacturer of precision cold rolled strip steel products. RSSC employs 130 people. EV = Enterprise value (2013) Source: Mergermarket, Capital IQ & InterFinanz GmbH 81 Country Focus – USA Date Target Sales (€ m) EV (€ m) Bidder Seller Deal Description 13/01/ 2015 Sentry Control Systems, Inc. n/a 18.6 SKIDATA AG Private Investors SKIDATA AG, the Austria-based provider of access, management and ticketing solutions for quick and safe access of people and vehicle and a subsidiary of Kudelski SA, the listed Switzerland-based provider of digital security and convergent media solutions, acquired a majority stake in Sentry Control Systems, Inc., the US-based provider of parking solutions and technology. 12/01/ 2015 Rose Polymer Composites, Inc. n/a n/a Wisconsin Thermoset Molding, Inc. Private Investors Wisconsin Thermoset Molding, Inc., the US-based company manufacturing molded components acquired Rose Polymer Composites. Inc., the US-based company manufacturing molded components from all thermosetting polymer composites, for an undisclosed consideration. Rose Polymer Composites has a workforce of 40 people. 12/01/ 2015 Spectra Analysis Instruments, Inc. n/a n/a DANI Instruments S.p.A. Private Investors DANI Instruments S.p.A., the Italian-based manufacturer of analytical instrumentation for gas chromatographic analysis, acquired Spectra Analysis Instruments, Inc., US-based company supplying molecular spectroscopy systems and applications for chromatography, for an undisclosed consideration. 12/01/ 2015 U.S. Farathane Corporation n/a n/a The Gores Group, LLC; Evergreen Capital Partners, Inc. Private Investors The Gores Group, LLC, the US-based private equity firm, Evergreen Capital Partners, Inc., the US-based principal investment firm along with the management team of U.S. Farathane Corporation, the US-based manufacturer of plastic injection-molded components for automobile industry, acquired the company in a MBO transaction. The deal is estimated to be valued at $ 100m. 12/01/ 2015 North American Breaker Co., LLC n/a 65.9 A consortium led by PNC Riverarch Capital Signature Group Holdings, Inc. A consortium led by PNC Riverarch Capital along with NXT Capital, LLC and the management of North American Breaker Co., LLC acquired the company, in a MBO transaction, from Signature Group Holdings, Inc. PNC Riverarch Capital is a US-based private equity arm of PNC Financial Services Group, Inc., the listed US-based financial services company. NXT Capital, LLC is a US-based commercial finance company. North American Breaker Co., LLC is a US-based distributor of circuit breaker for industrial, commercial and residential applications. Signature Group Holdings, Inc. is a listed US-based investment company. Signature estimates the sale of NABCO would result in a pre-tax gain of approx. $ 40m using its 30 September 2014 reported balances. In August 2011, Signature acquired NABCO, for a total consideration of $ 36.9m. EV = Enterprise value Source: Mergermarket, Capital IQ & InterFinanz GmbH 82 Country Focus – USA Date Target Sales (€ m) EV (€ m) Bidder Seller Deal Description McClarin Plastics, Inc. Blackford Capital LLC McClarin Plastics, Inc. is a US-based manufacturer of thermoformed and fiberglass reinforced plastic products. Patriot Capital, L.P. is a US-based private equity firm. Amtech Corporation is a US-based manufacturer of composite-based products and parts for military and commercial markets. Blackford Capital LLC is a US-based private equity firm. McClarin acquired Amtech from Blackford for an undisclosed consideration. The combined entity will be renamed as McClarin Plastics, LLC with a staff of 150 employees. McClarin expects to have revenues of more than $ 75m. 11/01/ 2015 McClarin Plastics, LLC (Former Amtech Corporation) 31.4 n/a 09/01/ 2015 ST Linden Terminal LLC (50% Stake) n/a 240.8 NuStar Energy L.P. Linden Holding Corp NuStar Energy L.P., the listed US-based company engaged in the terminal ling, storage and transportation of petroleum products, acquired 50% stake in ST Linden Terminal LLC, US-based company owning petroleum product terminal and storage facility, from Linden Holding Corp, the US-based holding company and a subsidiary of NIC Holding Corp, the US-based purchasing petroleum cargoes, barges, in-tank transfers and pipeline shipments along with marketing of petroleum products. NuStar Energy also expects the acquisition to contribute EBITDA of approximately $ 20m in 2015. Prior to the acquisition, Linden Terminal operated as 50:50 joint venture between NuStar and Linden Holding. 09/01/ 2015 Nomacorc, LLC n/a 168.9 Triangle Capital Corporation; Noel Group, LLC; Bespoke Capital Partners, LLC Summit Partners LLP Bespoke Capital Partners, LLC, the US-based private equity firm, Noel Group, LLC, the US-based industrial management company and Triangle Capital Corporation, the listed US-based private equity firm along with the management of Nomacorc, LLC, the US-based company producing extruded synthetic wine closures acquired the company in a buy in MBO transaction, from Summit Partners LLP, the US-based private equity firm. 08/01/ 2015 Carolina Container Co. n/a n/a New-Indy Containerboard LLC Private Investors New-Indy Containerboard LLC, the US-based joint venture company formed by Schwarz Partners LP, the US-based investment holding company, and The Kraft Group, the US-based holding company, acquired Carolina Container Co., the US-based corrugated products company, for an undisclosed consideration. Carolina Container has workforce of 600 people. 08/01/ 2015 Cycle Gear, Inc. n/a n/a J.W. Childs Associates, L.P. Harvest Partners, LLC J.W. Childs Associates, L.P., the US-based private equity firm, acquired majority stake in Cycle Gear, Inc., the US-based company engaged in the retail of motorcycle parts and apparel, in a MBI transaction, from Harvest Partners, LLC, the US-based private equity firm, for an undisclosed consideration. EV = Enterprise value Source: Mergermarket, Capital IQ & InterFinanz GmbH 83 Country Focus – USA Target Sales (€ m) EV (€ m) 08/01/ 2015 Myers Industries Lawn & Garden Group 148.8 (2013) 07/01/ 2015 Cool Gear International, LLC 06/01/ 2015 06/01/ 2015 Date Bidder Seller Deal Description 93.2 Wingate Partners V, LP Myers Industries Inc Wingate Partners V, LP, the US-based fund of Wingate Partners, the US-based private equity firm, acquired Myers Industries Lawn & Garden Group, the USbased company manufacturing pots, carrying trays and seed kits, from Myers Industries Inc, the listed US-based company manufacturing polymer products. n/a n/a Igloo Products Corp. RAF Industries, Inc. Igloo Products Corp., the US-based manufacturer of ice chests, refrigeration products and water coolers and a portfolio company of ACON Investments L.L.C., the US-based private equity firm. Cool Gear International, LLC, the USbased manufacturer of hydration and food storage products for housewares and hydration industry. RAF Industries, Inc., the US-based private equity firm. AxleTech International, Inc. n/a n/a The Carlyle Group General Dynamics Corporation The Carlyle Group, the listed US-based private equity firm, acquired AxleTech International, Inc., the US-based manufacturer of axles, axle components, planetary axles, brakes, and aftermarket parts for commercial vehicles, from General Dynamics Corporation, the listed US-based aerospace and defense company that offers a broad portfolio of products and services in business aviation; combat vehicles, weapons systems and munitions; shipbuilding; and communication and information technology systems and solutions, for an undisclosed consideration. Earlier in 2005, Carlyle Group acquired AxleTech in a MBO transaction, for a consideration of $ 350m. Precision Engine Controls Corporation n/a 37.1 Meggitt Plc United Technologies Corporation Precision Engine Controls Corporation is a US-based manufacturer of control systems, fuel metering valves and actuators for industrial gas turbine engines. Meggitt Plc is a listed UK-based global engineering group specialising in extreme environment components and smart sub-systems for aerospace, defence and energy markets. United Technologies Corporation is a US-based provider of technology products and services to the aerospace and commercial building industries. The purchase price represents 8.5 times of the EBITDA of the target. EV = Enterprise value Source: Mergermarket, Capital IQ & InterFinanz GmbH 84 Country Focus – USA Date Target Sales (€ m) EV (€ m) Bidder Seller Deal Description 05/01/ 2015 Cruiser RV, LLC; DRV, LLC 111.6 n/a Heartland Recreational Vehicles, LLC Group of Private Investors Heartland Recreational Vehicles, LLC is a US-based company manufacturing recreational vehicles, and a subsidiary of Thor Industries, Inc., the listed USbased company manufacturing ecreational vehicles, related parts and accessories. Cruiser RV, LLC, the US-based company manufacturing towable recreational vehicles. DRV, the Us-based company manufacturing luxury fifth wheel recreational vehicles. Heartland will pay a cash consideration of $ 44.171m for the acquisiton of Cruiser RV and DRV. Also, Heartland will pay cash consideration of $ 3.240m for the acquisition of real estate assets used by Cruiser RV and DRV for its ongoing operations. Cruiser RV and DRV reported combined revenues of approx. $ 135m for the FY 2014 and combined workforce of 300 people. 05/01/ 2015 Maudlin & Son Manufacturing Company Inc n/a n/a MW Industries, Inc. Private Investors MW Industries, Inc., the US-based company manufacturing engineered springs, fasteners, and flat-stamped spring-related products and a portfolio company of Genstar Capital, LLC, the US-based private equity firm, acquired Maudlin & Son Manufacturing Company Inc, the US-based manufacturer of slotted shims, coil & flat shim stock, key stock, feeler gages, drill & threaded rod, and tool room supplies, for an undisclosed consideration. 05/01/ 2015 Dallas Clean Energy McCommas Bluff, LLC (70% Stake) n/a 52.2 Cambrian Energy Developement LLC Clean Energy Fuels Corp. Cambrian Energy Developement LLC, the US-based energy company acquired 70% stake in Dallas Clean Energy McCommas Bluff, LLC, the US-based company engaged in biomethane production, from Clean Energy Fuels Corp., the listed US-based company engaged in the natural gas business. 05/01/ 2015 ACCEL Performance Group n/a n/a MSD Performance, Inc. Private Investors MSD Performance, Inc., the US-based performance auto products parts maker for street and racing use and a portfolio company of Z Capital Partners, L.L.C., US-based private equity firm, acquired ACCEL Performance Group, the USbased aftermarket parts manufacturer, for undisclosed consideration. 02/01/ 2015 Hose & Fittings, Inc. n/a n/a GHX Industrial, LLC Private Investor GHX Industrial, LLC, the US-based manufacturer of industrial gaskets and hoses and a subsidiary of The United Distribution Group, Inc., the US-based provider of specific and general line products, acquired Hose & Fittings, Inc, the US-based distributor of industrial hose products, for an undisclosed consideration. EV = Enterprise value Source: Mergermarket, Capital IQ & InterFinanz GmbH 85 Country Focus – USA Date Target Sales (€ m) EV (€ m) Bidder Seller Deal Description 02/01/ 2015 Patriot Coal Corporation (Mining equipment and coal reserves) n/a 17.1 Alliance Resource Partners, L.P. Patriot Coal Corporation Alliance Resource Partners, L.P., the listed US-based diversified coal producer, acquired the mining equipment and coal reserves in western Kentucky of Patriot Coal Corporation, the listed US-based coal mining company. Concurrently, Alliance Resource has also acquired certain coal supply agreements from Patriot for a consideration of $ 19.2m. 02/01/ 2015 High Pressure Equipment Company, Inc. n/a 133.3 Graco Inc. Wasserstein Partners III Graco Inc., the listed US-based provider of fluid handling solutions, acquired High Pressure Equipment Company, the US based manufacturer of high pressure valves, fittings, and tubing products for elevated pressure applications, from Wasserstein Partners III, the US-based fund of Wasserstein & Co., LP, the USbased private equity firm, for a cash consideration of $ 160m. Earlier in September 2012, Wasserstein Partners III backed the management of HiP to acquire the company, from James family, for an undisclosed consideration. EV = Enterprise value Source: Mergermarket, Capital IQ & InterFinanz GmbH 86 Introducing Global M&A Partners Global M&A Partners is one of the world’s leading independent M&A advisory firms. Specialized in the middle market, we provide support and opportunities locally and internationally for clients buying or selling companies as well as financings, corporate restructurings and other corporate finance transactions. • • • • • • Sales and Divestitures Acquisitions Financing and IPO’s Corporate Restructuring Strategic Advisory Services Succession Planning For further information please visit Within the broad field of Industrials, Global M&A Partners’ sector team is following market trends in the following segments: German speaking region Benelux Czech Republic Denmark France Italy Norway Poland Sweden Turkey UK Product and Service Categories Canada USA Instrumentation Sensors, Relays & Switches Encoders & Tachometers RFID, Meters Automotive Components & Systems Controls Machinery & Specialty Equipment Programmable Logic Controllers SCADA & Remote Monitoring Factory & Building Automation Mechanical Power Transmission Power Supplies & Converters Ballscrews, Slides & Positioning Ta-Variable Frequency Drives bles AC & DC Drives & Systems Bearings and Gears Power Distribution Motors Circuit Breakers & Switchgear AC & DC Motor Relays & Starters Servo & Stepper Power Transmission Power Generation Generators Generators Uninterruptible Power Substation Equipment Hydraulics & Fluid Power Pumps & Motors Actuators & Cylinders Power Conversion Global M&A Germany Applications • Aerospace & Defense • Appliances • Assembly & Test Systems • Automated Inspection • Automotive • Food Processing • Glass Making • Machine Tools & CNC Systems • Machinery • Material Handling • Medical Country Focus: • Metals & Wire • Pharmaceutical • Plastics & Rubber • Printing & Labeling • Pulp & Paper • Renewable Energies • Robotics • Safety & Security • Transportation • Utilities • Water & Wastewater InterFinanz, Global M&A Partners Germany, has been active in the field of mergers and acquisitions since it was established in 1958. Since then, InterFinanz has initiated, mediated and advised on several hundred transactions. The firm concentrates on medium-sized businesses and is a founding member of Global M&A Partners. For further information contact: In Central Europe: In Northern Europe: In North America: In Turkey: 87
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