Untitled - Abriachan Nurseries
Untitled - Abriachan Nurseries
1 ABRIACHAN GARDEN AND NURSERY Loch Ness Side, Inverness, IV3 8LA TELEPHONE ....... 01463 861 232 E-mail: info@lochnessgarden.com WE ARE OPEN DAILY, FROM FEBRUARY TO NOVEMBER 9am to 7pm ..... Or dusk if earlier. MAIL-ORDER This catalogue is a selection of what we grow. Our plants change over the year as we propagate and sell. Check our web site or e-mail us to check availability. www.lochnessgarden.com PAYMENT You can pay by paypal on line or send cheque with order please. Cheques payable to: D. Davidson (Abriachan Nurseries) It is much easier for everyone if a “Limit Cheque” is used i.e. one where the money details are not filled in, but where the bottom line of the cheque has a limit defined e.g. (Not to exceed eighty pounds) Please do not forget to sign the cheque. If substitutes are not specified we will use our discretion unless instructed otherwise, or a limit cheque is sent. CARRIAGE AND PACKING = £12.50 for all order sizes Abriachan Gardens and Nursery has a presence on Flickr, Twitter & Facebook. And we have a garden blog: www.lochnessgarden.blogspot.com All the plants we list in our catalogue have proven their worth as good garden plants, or are part of one of our collections such as Auricula. We also like our plants to have a little “je ne sais quoi” whether that be lovely scent, a flash of subtle colour, or just looking right in the place or association where they grow. Our daughter Cat and her partner Brad are currently working as wildlife guides on Pebble Island in the Falkland Islands, and so the outstanding wildlife, flora and landscape are high in our consciousness. The front cover shows a Rockhopper, a Calceolaria (Lady’s Slipper) and an Islander plane, three wonderful aspects of life in the Islands. Margaret Davidson Front cover by Cat Davidson 1 ACAENA These are low creeping carpets, with feathery leaves and burrs. Excellent scrambling around rocks. Great with bulbs, which grow through the mat. Strong growing, glaucous leaves with buchanii £3.00 brown burrs. Silky grey leaves, and large brown burrs. caesiiglauca £3.00 Scrambling habit. inermis Tight growing, glistening purple leaves. £3.00 purpurea Perfect as part of a tapestry of colour. microphylla Tiny, ferny, bronze leaves and wonderful £3.00 Copper Carpet red burrs in late summer. ACANTHUS spinosus (Bear's Breaches) 120cm x 90cm Mounds of glossy toothed leaves and lots of hooded purple flower spikes in late £5.00 summer. Excellent perennial for every bold gardener. ACHILLEA Moonshine 1.2m Sun loving, flat glowing yellow heads; a fine plant for a sunny border. ACONITUM (Monkshood) The fabled monkshoods Strong, and lovely in shade or woodland. Spikes of hooded white flowers, lipstick bi-colour blue edged, shading elegantly into the 1.2m florets. nepallus Tall strong white spires on splendid dark albus 1.2m green leaves. nepallus Majestic spires of moody blue hooded dark blue 1.2m florets; hardy and utterly reliable. £4.00 £4.50 £4.00 £4.00 ACTEA Handsome, darkest purple/black foliage and Black Negligee densely covered spires of white flowers in autumn. £7.50 1.5m An elegant and striking plant Spring foliage is an excellent dark purple, changing Pink Spike darkest green for summer; flower spike a pretty £7.50 pale pink in late summer. AGAPANTHUS (African Lilies) Midsummer colour that will give you impeccable garden credentials. Strong stems and eye catching, spherical heads of flowers. I grow several varieties in the ground and they come through winters well. They also look very good indeed grown tight in large pots. To get the best from them liquid feed throughout summer with a high potash feed; tomato feed is ideal. Full sun; good drainage. ardernei Hybrids Excellent, floriferous white Agapanthus, tips of £5.00 60cm the flowers flush pink as they age. Buckingham Palace Tall, mid blue flowers. Scarce. £6.00 1.3m Cally Bright Blue First-rate, strong blue from Michael £5.00 80cm Wickenden at Cally Gardens. A fine old mid blue variety that is named for Castle of Mey the famous Caithness Castle of the Queen £6.00 80cm Mother. Splendid in pot or border. This Agapanthus was given to us by a Ex St Helena customer with friends in St Helena, where it £6.00 50cm grows in the wild. Good, sturdy, mid blue flowers, building up quickly and well. 2 Headbourne Hybrids A reliable old variety, mid blue and 70cm floriferous. A summer mainstay. Loch Hope Magnificent, mid blue heads August onwards 1.2m AGM Navy Blue 60cm Navy, black stems, superb. Polar Ice Clean white heads July august. Lovely in large blue 80cm or terracotta pots. Streamline Grey-blue flowers with darker stripe. Attractive 40cm over a long period Timaru Mid season, violet blue. They clump up very well 75cm and make a great garden presence. Torbay Plenty of sky blue heads through summer. Good 60cm greyish foliage. £5.00 £6.00 £5.00 £6.00 £4.00 £5.00 £5.00 AJUGA Braunherz 10cm spreading Catlin's Giant 25cm Ajugas are excellent ground covering plants, bronzed and purples with flashes of pink, good all year round, especially showy in winter. Braunherz has handsome scalloped shaped leaves of a smoky bronze. Different, green close leaves and 20cm spikes of rich blue flowers. £3.00 £3.00 ALCHEMILLA (Ladies’ Mantle) Indispensible border plants or attractive ground covering mats. conjuncta Exquisite leaves with silky, silver Alpine Ladies Mantle) threaded edge. Flat growing. ellenbeckii Tiny dark stemmed vigorous mats; (Creeping Ladies Mantle) lovely, tiny sprays of green flowers. A miniature spreading ladies’ mantle. Fresh erythropoda green and perfect detail. Scalloped edged leaves, fresh in spring and mollis wonderful after a shower of rain; pretty sprays 30cm of green flowers in summer. £3.50 £3.50 £3.50 £3.50 ALLIUM These are the largest ornamental onion heads that we grow. Football sized composite heads of silver violet; dries beautifully. hollandicum 90cm The most reliable we grow. Orange sized purple Purple Sensation heads on taller stems. Excellent karataviense Small, pink/gray spherical heads nestling on 15cm handsome gray leaves. A strong Highland strain that makes excellent schoenoprasum edging to veg plots and potagers. Good for 20cm (Chives) scrambled egg and mashed potato too. christophii 50cm £3.50 £3.50 £3.50 £3.00 AMSONIA tabernaemontana Elegant upright stems and periwinkle- blue stars 40cm (Blue Star ) of flower. A neat rather lovely perennial. £4.00 ANAPHALIS triplinervis 40cm Mounds of felt-grey leaves and white everlasting £3.50 flowers all summer. ANDROSACE primuloides 4cm Lovely tiny spring flowering; evergreen rosette with sprays of little eye catching pink flowers. Yellow eye. Choice. £3.00 3 ANEMONE nemorosa (Wood Anemones) These are cultivated forms of our native wood anemones. All are dainty, early flowering and build up steadily, year on year. You will find them in our garden amongst rocks and under the skirts of shrubs. Look closely at the flowers and turn over the petals to reveal the silvered blue and violet shaded back to the petals. You will love them all. The sheer valour of them in spring sunshine awakens hope. The modest and beautiful native wood anemone. In nemorosa our woodlands they emerge early on the slopes £3.00 before the leaves unfurl and draw in summer shade. An old variety we acquired last year. It has variable Blue Eyes doubling of the white flower ruff and a most £3.50 attractive blue eye centre Large, flat faced white flowers; purple flushed Lychette £3.50 stems. Mid Blue A heart stirring washed sky blue. £3.50 Royal Blue Dainty leaves, and then the brightest royal blue flower. £3.50 Robinsoniana Palest blue with silver backed petals. Just lovely. £3.50 viridifolia £3.50 Unusual and attractive double green ANEMONE multifida Pretty, fresh rose pink anemones that Anabelle Rose 20cm open to display a pale yellow centre Lovely pale yellow flowers on fine foliage. A very x lipiensis good cross between nemorosa and ranunculoides species. Often the first to show above ground. Dainty ranunculoides foliage and bright yellow flowers. £3.00 £3.00 £3.00 Autumn Anemones Taller elegant anemones that really lift a late summer autumn planting to a new level. hupehensis 80cm An abundance of 2 toned pink blooms on £4.75 Hapsden Abundance wide branching plants. x hybrida Large open-faced white anemones. A £4.75 Andrea Atkinson 80cm splendid sight. x hybrida Wonderful, tall old fashioned white £4.75 Honorine Jobert 1.2 m border anemone. x hybrida Tall, strong, semi double, soft pink £4.75 Queen Charlotte anemones. An excellent perennial with us. ANGELICA Ebony 1.6m Glossy, purple-black pinnate leaves with a tall second year stem bearing a head of dark purple buds opening pink. Wonderful statuesque plant. £4.75 ANTENNARIA dioica Full sun round cover; tight grey leaves and pretty pink everlasting flowers. £3.00 ANTHYLLIS vulnaria rubra The attractive red flowered form of native kidney vetch; excellent in dry beds and among rocks. Grey/green foliage. £3.00 AQUILEGIA Columbines or Granny's Bonnets. Well loved perennials for the late spring garden. They mix & match and seed around pleasingly. 4 vulgaris clematiflora Ice Cream mixed Mackanna Hybrids 50cm Open faced blooms, with remarkable clematis like blooms; mostly pink or lavender blue with the odd white. A double flowered mix, often bi-colours and with tight pleated petal form. Pink and white or lavender and white, odd other colours. Excellent seed raised hybrids; long spurred and colourful. Any 3 Aquilegia £3.50 £3.50 £3.50 for £10 ARABIS caucasicum alba flora plena Double white rosettes of flower on trailing stems, grey leaves. £3.50 ARISAEMA griffithii The Arisaema have been a revelation. They are weird and wonderful plants, often single leaves and hooded or ghostly flowers, for all the world looking like something from science fiction. This species has brooding purple £7.00 flowers netted with bronze and a long spear like spadix behind the flower. They thrive in the open garden in woodland conditions with us. ARISARUM Mouse Plant; Shiny arrow shaped leaves with cute proboscideum curling mouse tail flowers. Good in woodland settings and very good in dry shade. £3.00 ARMORACIA rusticana 40cm (Horseradish) No jar in the supermarket is going to give you the real flavour to have with roast beef. Upright wavy edged clumps of leaves and strong white tap roots, £3.50 which is the bit you want. Contain it buried in a pot have it in a bed alone or it will run! ARTEMESIA abrotanum 50cm (Southernwood) A well loved, old plant; aromatic silver gray foliage that used along with lavender as a moth repellent. It has to beat the chemical gunk. Pointed leaves on an upright plant. French dranunculus Tarragon has by far the best flavour. Great with 50cm scrambled eggs, chicken and many dishes. (French Tarragon) (Available from May ) £4.00 £3.50 ARUNCUS aethusifolius Attractive pinnate leaves and panicles of cream 40cm (Dwarf Goat white flowers. Very hardy and useful in shade. Beard) Tall and stately with strong panicles of creamy white flowers in July. This selection is a hybrid diocius x sinensis between A. diocius and A. sinensis and very Zweiweltenkind often has a bronze cast to the foliage. For 3m (Goat's Beard) retentive soil in sun or under trees. Deer resistant! Perfect for a woodland. The leaves of filigree form and dainty white kneifii 30cm sprays of flower. Shade tolerant woodlander. £4.00 £4.50 £4.50 ASTER laterifolia horizontalis 60cm An autumn aster. Tiny bronzed leaves and mauve pink flowers. Perfect to create a cloud like effect of pretty pink. £4.50 5 ASTELIA A splendid architectural plant. Shining silver rapiers of leaves, with an evergreen presence in the border. We have found them very hardy in sun and well drained soil. chathamica Silver Spear £4.75 ASTRANTIA major 40cm (Masterwort) Ruby Star Lovely old fashioned flowers with a central boss of stamens and surrounding ruff. Red pin cushions surrounded by black tipped, pink bracts. £4.50 £4.50 AUBRIETA I love aubretia in spring - sheets of colour over rocks and walls and so easy and reliable. Gloria is a dark magenta red. Gloria £3 each or £10 for 4 AZORELLA trifurcata A fantastic carpeting plant from Empetrum heaths throughout Southern South America. Hence drought and sun proof. It forms a rock hard creeping green mat - unbelievable. Related to the "vegetable sheep" £4.00 A mound of grey-green trifoliate leaves and startling blue flowers. A real beauty. £4.00 Neat pale sugar pink daisies. Old desirable cultivar. £3.50 BAPTISIA australis 40cm BELLIS Alice rotundifolia caerulescens Lovely little lavender blue daisies. Very pretty. £3.50 BLETILLA Sparse, sword shaped leaves and pink orchid flowers. Usually recommended for humus rich woodland soil, striata 15cm but ours has survived cold winters, drought and £6.00 Hardy Orchid overshadowing by a huge Pieris and is doing fine. Maybe some care and it would be wonderful! BRUNNERA Wonderful ground cover for shade and a great joy Hapsden Cream in spring; cream spotted light green leaves and the 30cm loveliest blue flowers. Jack Frost A great perennial; heart shaped silver leaves, 25cm edged with green; forget me not blue flowers. Langtrees Distinctive grey leaves, silver spotted around the 35cm rim; pretty blue flowers. Looking Glass Wonderful almost all silver and blue flower sprays. 30cm Mr Morse Broad silver leaves, green veined. Sprays of white 30cm flowers in spring. Lovely. £4.50 £4.50 £4.50 £4.50 £4.50 CALCEOLARIA fothergillii A Falkland Island native. Tiny plant, with yellow pouched flowers, well marked red. Loves the sun and wind and a cool root run, just as it has in its native land. £4.00 CALICARPA A very desirable, deciduous shrub; nicely bodinieri var. giraldii ' bronzed leaves, but the key attraction is the Profusion' 1.5 m rich violet blue berries through autumn. Stunning 2 litre pots £8.50 6 CALLISTEMON What fun to raise a bottlebrush to flower. This has tight upright leaf form and red bottlebrush £7.50 flowers. Great by the sea or a warm wall. Doing fine with us on Loch Ness! CAMPANULA (The Bellflowers) The bellflowers are the backbone of summer borders and simultaneously can be excellent carpeting plants or precious tiny treasures. alliarifolia Arching stems and a run of elegant white bells £4.00 50cm along the length. Showy in a raised bed. Tiny double powder-puff blue bells on a spreading cochlearifolia £3.00 mat. Lovely in a wide shallow pot too. Kent Belle A distinguished plant; large regal purple bells over £4.50 50cm a long period. Stately blue summer bellflowers. They bloom with lactiflora the roses and mock orange. Hardy and £4.00 1.3m magnificent. lactiflora Seedlings from our large strong Pritchard's Pritchard's Variety plants; spires of rich violet blue bells ready for £4.00 (seedlings) 1.3m midsummer. latifolia Outward facing tubular bells of rich violet; £4.00 Brantwood 75cm strong perennial. persicifolia Large open double white bells on elegant £4.00 alba coronata 60cm stems. Lovely. persicifolia Large open white bells perfectly rimmed with £4.50 Chettle Charm 60cm china blue. Beautiful poscharskyana Bright blue stars of blooms, on trailing stems. £3.00 (Trailing Bellflower) Excellent on walls or edging plantings. Sarastro Striking, large violet purple bells on a bushy £4.50 60cm perennial plant; long season in flower rigidus Bottlebrush 2m CARDAMINE pentaphylla 40cm pratense Big White 30cm pratense flora plena raphanifolia One of the earliest herbaceous plants to come into growth in spring. Five sectioned leaves and a pretty spray of pink flowers. A large, white flowered version of our native Ladies Smock. Very good in short grass or damp meadows. A pretty double violet pink variant. For damp soil. Strong growing, early pink ladies on fresh cress green foliage. £3.50 £3.50 £3.50 £3.50 CARDIOCRINUM Legendary lilies. Huge whorl of white trumpet flowers, downward facing so the scent and giganteum beauty are wonderfully accessible. The seed 2.5m heads that follow are a feature for a year and (Himalayan Lilies ) more. Our plants are large bulbs and many will flower this year. £11.50 CENTAUREA Perennial cornflower or Bluebottle. These cottage garden plants flower very early, right after the daffodils. macrocephala Large shaggy blue cornflowers May/June. £4.00 65cm Always welcome The white flowered version; has a lovely moonlit montana alba £4.00 glow 7 CERASTIUM Grey mats of foliage and dazzling white cup tomentosum shaped flowers smother the plant through (Snow in summer) summer. Ubiquitous, but no less good for that. £3.50 CENTRANTHUS A plant that seems to lives on fresh air. Rich red flowers on 30cm stems. Well suited to dry poor soil. Look up at the ramparts of Edinburgh and other castles and it is there. rubra (Wall Valerian) £4.00 CHAMAEMELUM Treneague (Lawn Chamomile) The non-flowering Chamomile, lush, fresh £3 each green and fabulously aromatic. This is the one or £10 used for lawns, but think of it also on a bank for 4 or bower or in an arbour …. imagine, imagine. CHIASTOPHYLLUM oppositifolium Neat, shiny, leathery rosettes and yellow catkin flowers; perfect on a wall or rockery and good as an ingredient in planters. £3.00 CICERBITA alpina 1m plumeria 2m Beautiful branching heads of blue daisies on mounds of large toothed leaves. A rare Scottish native and we £4.50 love to sell it. Lilac blue daisies on strong swaying stems. It seeds gently for us and we have 4 or 5 in the garden each £3.50 year. Always welcome. CIRSIUM rivulare atropurpureum 1m Trevor's Blue Wonder Handsome basal clumps and large open sprays of purple/ red thistles, all without the spines! £4.50 A remarkably good garden plant, repeat flowering from June to December. A new purple blue variety on silver gray base of £5.00 leaves. Same excellent repeat flowering. CONVALLARIA majalis (Lily of the Valley) The lovely white bells with a heart melting fragrance. We sell plants established in established pots, that will grow away far better than dried root £3.00 pieces. Also lovely in a containers that can be brought indoors for a while. majalis rosea Pink flowered form. £3.50 CORYDALIS elata 40cm Lovely blue flowers on fine ferny foliage; (The Fumitories) excellent in shade and good garden plants flexuosa Purple ferny foliage, a good contrast with blue Purple Leaf 30cm flowers. Neat filigree foliage and surprising pink tubular solida flowers. These Corydalis are often grown in pots to Beth Evans display them well, but are very hardy and 10cm performed well for us in raised beds. solida Fine foliage and a lovely soft red group of George Baker 10cm flowers CROCOSMIA (Monbretia) Great plants for a late summer show, bold and bright. They increase well and are rewarding to grow. £3.50 £3.50 £3.50 £3.50 8 Babylon 80cm Open face orange red blooms, dark centred. £4.00 Canary Bird 40cm Compact, very attractive yellow/gold blooms; increases well. £4.00 Gerbe d'Or 80cm Bronze flushed leaves and warm yellow flowers £4.00 Hell Fire 1m £4.00 Honey Angels 60cm Limpopo 75cm Lucifer 1.2m Mistral 60cm Okavango paniculata 1.2m Paul's Best Yellow 1m Red Knight 75cm Spitfire 90cm Tangerine Queen 90cm Velvet red flowers set off well with dark stems. Late summer Attractive bronzed leaves and yellow funnelshaped flowers; excellent in the garden or containers. My favourite last year; apricot flowers with a lighter throat ; nice compact clumps A remarkable plant that draws the eye across the garden. Strong, upright pleated sword-shaped leaves with brilliant red flowers. Hardy and increases well. Early flowering variety; upright facing orange flowers, flushing pink with age; striking garden plants. A very good vigorous variety apricot orange with a long season in flower. £4.00 £4.00 £4.00 £4.00 £4.00 These are the finest and most effective vertical foliage in the spring border. Spears of growth emerge and open into elegant pleated leaves. Persimmon orange flowers in August. First class. £4.00 Tall with large golden yellow flowers ; flowers pen faced and showy £4.00 Good upright bright red funnel flowers. £4.00 Crackling orange on elegant foliage. Vigorous and reliable Strong growth and tangerine orange flowers; long season £4.00 £4.00 CYMBALARIA The lovely little violet toad flaxes on tiny ivy like muralis trailing leaves that scramble on and through (Ivy-Leaved Toad walls. I'll bet you have tried taking pieces like Flax) me...but they rarely work. You need to raise from seed. Here they are. Tiny marbled leaves and white toadflax flowers. acquitriloba alba Creeps slowly, slowly. £3.00 £3.00 CYNARA cardunculus (Cardoons) 1.5 m Among the most remarkable plants in any garden. Large silver leaves, beautifully ragged cut and huge mace-like purple thistles on wide branching heads. Fantastic. Available from May £4.00 DABOECIA William Buchanan ( Irish Heath) 25cm Small heath like leaves and purple bell heather flowers for months and months and often £3.00 through winter. Excellent plant for a dry bank. DACTYLORRHIZA purpurella 15cm (Northern Marsh Orchid) A lovely Scots native, popping up throughout our garden. A really rich dark purple orchid. £4.00 9 DARMERA A plant to grow for impact & form. Large, handsome peltata puckered edge leaves, fresh green, turning bright red in 1m autumn; white flower spike before the leaves in spring. £4.50 DECAISNEA A hardy multi-stemmed shrub, walnut-like fargessi 3 m leaves and the most amazing blue fruit pods in (Blue Bean Tree or £5.50 autumn; true ghoul blue. One of the highlights Dead Man's Fingers) of the year. DELOSPERMUM nubigenum (Yellow Ice Plant) A small-leaved hardy succulent that makes good carpets covered with bright yellow flowers. Very useful on dry sunny site. £3.00 Beautiful dark blue summer delphinium; excellent for cutting. £3.50 Blue/green foliage and blood red wonderfully fragrant flowers on this very old variety £3.50 DELPHINIUM Desante Blue 70cm DIANTHUS Old Red Clove 10cm DICENTRA cucullaria 40cm formosa 50cm formosa alba 50cm Fine, glaucous foliage and white waxy bell flowers; humus rich soil part shade. Exquisite. Glaucous foliage and mauve pink flowers……a good ground covering plant for semi-shade. Pure white flowers on the attractive leaves in spring. Lovely in shade and woodlands. Fine old hardy long lived plants with arching branches, strung with dangling pink and white spectabilis 50cm flowers. Very attractive. We only send them out (Lady in the Bath) early in the season (March) as they have very brittle foliage. spectabilis alba The exquisite white version. Ethereal in shade. spectabilis Rich red flowers, red stems and flushed foliage. Valentine New this season ( mail order in March ) £5.00 £4.00 £4.00 £4.50 £4.50 £4.50 DIERAMA pulcherrimum 1.5m Fairy's Fishing Rod Long grassy leaves and arching stems, dripping with lilac pink bells emerging from silver £4.50 papery calyxes. DIGITALIS ferruginea 1m Rusty Foxglove purpurea alba 2m The tall rusty foxglove; closely packed spikes of golden flowers with brown stippled throats. £4.00 A group is an arresting sight. The white foxglove. Stately plants, wonderful £3.50 in shade. Biennial. DIPLARRHENA moraea 40cm (Butterfly Flag) A striking perennial; clean, white-winged blooms with purple and yellow shades on the inner £3.50 petals. Lovely in early summer. DIPSACUM British native; with purple thistle heads loved by fullomon butterflies and bees. The seed heads are known for 1.2m (Teasel) their hooks and persist all winter…the seeds again being good for winter bird food. £3.50 10 DISPOROPSIS pernyi 80cm Glossy stems and hanging white flowers. Like a small Solomon's Seal and good for shade. £4.00 DODOCATHEON media Goliath Strong stems with pink, rocket like flowers £3.50 ECHINACEA purpurea The original and strongest Echinacea; dark purple flower, brown cone centre. £4.50 A delicate Chinese poppy; white, yellow stamens, glabrous leaves. £4.00 EOMECON chionantha EPIMEDIUM Epimediums make excellent ground cover; they grow just about anywhere, and possess a real air of elegance. The spring flowers are dainty and repay close observation. The leaves follow and are fresh green, often bronze tinged and veined, lasting through winter. They work through a planting as stitches in a tapestry. x perralchium Tough evergreen foliage with bronze markings. A Frohnleiten good variety for dry conditions. Excellent early £4.50 50cm foliage and yellow flowers. pubigerum Smooth green foliage and elegant sprays of creamy £4.50 40cm white flowers. x versicolor Neat, marbled leaves and sprays of primrose £4.50 sulphureum 25cm yellow flowers. x warleyense 25cm Again, beautiful foliage and orange flowers. £4.50 Smaller variety with tiny unfolding chocolateyoungianum niveum flushed foliage in early spring followed by £4.50 25cm pretty white flowers. ERICA arborea (Tree Heathers) Some of my favourite plants for many years now. Sturdy, evergreen shrubs with the recognisable heather-like foliage and smothering of honey scented white blooms in spring. arborea All year round golden foliage; a few scented £6.00 Albert's Gold 1m flowers, grown for its excellent colour. Good for windy and sunny sites; evergreen arborea alpina and drenched honey scented flower in April£6.00 2-3m May. Excellent form, golden foliage that partially arborea greens up attractively in summer; lovely £6.00 Estrella Gold 1m scented flowers. ERIGERON A wonderful little plant; nonstop clouds of tiny daisies; white with a pink/purple back to the petals. At my daughter's home she has it growing over the slope behind her kitchen window and they are perfect. A rare Scottish native; now only found in the Borealis 15cm wild on high ledges away from sheep and (Alpine Fleabane) deer. Slender stems and heads of violet day flowers. Profusion 15cm £3.00 £3.50 ERINUS alpinus 10cm Tiny clumps with clouds of pink flowers. Wonderful along steps or walls, where it will settle and seed. £2.75 11 ERYNGIUM The finest and largest sea holly. Beautiful lacy ruffs on blue cone centres. Definitely more Blackadder than Baldrick. bourgatti Deeply cut white variegated foliage, gives a lacy Graham Stuart effect; branching heads of marine blue sea hollies. Thomas 30cm Floriferous and long in flower. alpinum 90cm £7.00 £5.50 ERYTHRONIUM dens canis 15cm Dog's Tooth Violet Beautiful early flowering rhizomes; dark spotted olive leaves and pink flowers, reflexed £4.00 like a cyclamen. These are seed raised from our long established plants. EUCALYPTUS rubida (Candle Gum) A medium sized Eucalyptus from Tasmania with beautiful white bark and glaucous juvenile foliage; easy to coppice to retain the blue leaves. Tolerant of heavy frosts and snows and adaptable to most well drained soils. £6.50 Strong, tall herbaceous plants with dense mauvepink heads late summer into autumn. £4.75 EUPATORIUM purpureum 1m EUPHORBIA cyparissius Fens Ruby 15cm griffithi Dixter 1m polychroma 25cm Delicate froth of red foliage, resembling sphagnum moss. Suited to a dry open situation; lime green £3.00 bracts. Interesting early red shoots appear in March/ April, followed by upright bronzed stems and £4.50 leaves and topped by vivid orange bracts. Excellent and attractive Tidy spring growth topped with a golden yellow £4.00 bract show. Good autumn colour too. FASICULARIA An astonishing plant. A rosette of pointed, hook-edged leaves, handsome in their own bicolor 50cm right. As it gains size the central leaves turn Crimson Bromeliad red and a dome of bright blue flowers with white bracts appears in the centre. £8.50 FERNS A selection of handsome and pretty ferns to add interest to any garden. Give your ferns a little attention, water and feed, and in 2 or 3 years you will have specimens to relish and show off. Great companion plants. ATHYRIUM felix femina 80cm (Lady Fern) Elegant pinnate leaves on this hardy easy-going Native fern. Good in shade and sun, if it has a cool root run. Very attractive, grey-green leaves metallica Red Beauty with red veining, low growing 60cm (Japanese Painted Fern) habit. £4.00 £4.50 ASPLENIUM solopendrium (Hart's Tongue Fern) trichomanes (Maidenhair Spleenwort) Handsome, undulating strap leaves; excellent in shade; wintergreen. £5.00 The lovely dainty small fern, you find on old walls. Wiry, small leaflets, black midrib. £4.00 12 BLECHNUM A rare Falkland Island native fern. Large handsome leathery leaves slowly forming substantial and attractive areas in shade or a damper area. penna marina Tiny leathery pinnate leaves that carpet the (Falkland Island ground well; evergreen. Little Fern) chilense 90cm penna marina cristata Heavily crested leaves that grow well in dry stone walls and work well in alpine plantings. £8.50 £4.00 £4.00 spicant British native; neat shining pinnate fronds; hardy £4.00 40cm (Hard Fern) and evergreen. DRYOPTERIS sieboldii (Japanese Wood Fern ) Handsome strap like leaves, excellent in woodland plantings. £6.50 A wonderful fern; elegant emerging crosiers opening to plume-like open fronds. Strong growing and unique. Excellent in plantings with Irises and Meconopis. £6.00 MATTEUCIA struthiopteris 1.5m (Ostrich Fern) ONOCLEA Arching fronds, never lots, just enough. sensibilis Mobile stems and segmented leaves and 50cm (Sensitive Fern) wavy edges. £4.00 POLYPODIUM A splendid fern for dry positions. Neat ladder rung leaves; black stems. British native, wintergreen. £5.00 Sprays of sugar pink flowers; very good in shade and gives good midsummer colour. £4.50 vulgare 30cm (Native Polypody) FILIPENDULA venusta rubra 1m (Meadowsweet) FOENICULUM We lost our huge bronze fennel in the minus 20 temperatures 2 winters ago. It was a great loss and we vulgare could not live without it so have replanted. They make Bronze 2m a wonderful bulk of bronze filigree foliage and huge umbelliferous heads. Great in winter with the huge dry seed heads. Birds love it too. £3.50 FRAGARIA Strawberry plants with the most amazing pink flowers. x ananassa Rarely fruits…which is a shame. They flower for months £3.00 Pink on end and send out runners. FRANCOA appendiculata 80cm Bridal Wreath A base of crimped, felted, gray green leaves and sprays of stems clothed in white or pale pink flowers, often shot with splashes of red. GALANTHUS (Snowdrops) nivalis The common and beautiful snowdrop. These are divisions from our garden, where they are steadily clothing slopes and ditches becoming more of a spectacle each year. Pots of 10-12 bulbs £4.00 £3.00 13 Slender glaucous leaves; long outer petals and inner atkinsii petals nicely marked with green horseshoe mark. Good £3.00 25cm AGM garden plants and beautifully scented Galatea Large flowered, handsome variety, increases well and £4.00 25cm showy in the winter garden. Magnet The largest flowered variety; a lovely clean white that £4.00 30cm draws the eye. viridapicis 20cm Another good garden variety, distinguished by a green mark on the tip of the outer petals. £3.00 Glossy green ground hugging, leaves flushing bronze in winter, white flower spikes. Excellent in woodland or part shade. £3.50 GALAX urceolata GENTIANA Gentians sing of alpine slopes and cool Himalayan valleys. Perhaps that is why they do well in the Highlands. Spring flowering variety: tight little plants with dark blue upright bells. This is good in a small rockery or cachemirica £3.50 raised alpine type planting, looking very good against gravel mulching. lutea 1m Handsome plants; whorls of yellow £3.50 (Giant Yellow Gentian) florets on a strong stem. Autumn flowering variety ; royal blue funnels on a Shot Silk £3.50 compact plant Strathmore An good, sky blue variant with white markings £3.50 GERANIUMS The hardy Geranium species large and small are an asset to any garden. Some are glamorous; others are workmanlike, doing the job when nothing else will. Some make elegant specimens; others look good in a crowd. All of these are tried and tested in our garden. Ballerina Neat puckered leaves and carpeting of pink flowers. £3.50 20cm Blue Blood This variety flowers very well repeating over the £4.75 30cm summer months; flowers rich violet blue. Brookside An almost continual show of blue flowers over good £4.50 40cm divided foliage These hybrids make excellent ground cover, x cantabrigensis leathery leaves coping well with dry and most £4.00 Cambridge 30cm weeds. Flowers mauve pink over summer and autumn. x cantabrigensis Compact, dense grower, usually evergreen; £4.00 Westray 25cm pretty pink flowers for many months. Elizabeth Ann Early flowering with soft pink flowers looking £5.00 50cm attractive against its bronze leaves. All the macrorrhizum plants have attractive macrorrhizum scalloped, aromatic leaves and make excellent £4.00 Czakor 30cm ground cover. Sun or shade. Czakor has good magenta flowers. m. Ingwersen’s The nicest fresh, green, apple-scented leaves Variety £4.00 and soft pink flowers. Lovely with London Pride. 40cm m. Pindus Half the size of the other varieties; red bracts £4.00 20cm magenta flowers. 14 orientalitibeticum 20cm x oxonianum Claridge Druce x oxonianum Rebbeca Moss 60cm x oxonianum Southcombe Star Patricia 80cm Marbled foliage, no one leaf the same as the next; pink flowers. Vigorous and great ground cover; mid pink flowers for many months. Another good, ground covering geranium. Olive leaves and white flowers, flushing pink in summer. Slender magenta petals making a star shaped flower; vigorous. Good new plant; tall and vigorous with magenta pink flowers, dark eye good long season. phaeum The classic, velvet purple flowers on shade The Mourning Widow resistant foliage. 60cm Pale green leaves with the veins marked out phaeum with white giving a very attractive Margaret Wilson appearance; flowers pale purple in early 30cm summer. phaeum Handsome foliage plant for shade. The leaves Samobar 40cm are heavily marked with chocolate brown. A creeping geranium; flowers July through procurrens autumn. Purple with a striking black eye. One of the fastest spreading plants I know, but it never seems to be invasive. Neat pyrenaicum scalloped leaves erupting into foam of small 25cm spreading purple flowers all summer. Great in new borders. pyrenaicum Pretty white form. albiflorum 25cm Russell Pritchard Grey green leaves and lovely contrasting 30cm chalky pink flowers. sanguineum 15cm Neat small clumps and magenta flowers. sessiliflorum Tiny dark bronze leaves, with the occasional NZ nigricans startling red; spreading habit. White flowers This native species scrambles through a versicolor border. Masses of tiny white flowers 30cm exquisitely veined purple. Wonderful. £4.00 £4.00 £4.00 £4.00 £5.00 £4.00 £5.25 £4.50 £4.00 £4.00 £4.00 £4.50 £4.00 £3.50 £4.00 GEUM (The Avens) Bright herbaceous perennials early and cheering. Bell’s Bank A Geoffrey Smith hybrid. Large fat double 25cm bright pink flowers fading to stripes. borisii Early fiery orange flowers. Often repeats in 25cm autumn. Neat clumps. Dingle Apricot Compact. Apricot yellow. A very fine old geum; pretty primrose yellow Lionel Cox blooms Mandarin 30cm Large coppery orange. Marmalade 30cm New marmalade orange. An old variety and none the worse for that; Mrs Bradshaw excellent double red blooms on elegant stems. 60cm A very good performer in a mixed border Mrs W Moore 30cm Cream, flushed pink semi double. Lovely. Nordek 30cm Open flower cups of brick orange. £4.00 £4.00 £4.00 £4.50 £4.00 £4.00 £4.00 £4.00 £4.00 15 Primrose 30cm A neat flower, the prettiest primrose yellow. £4.00 rivale Leonard's Form A variant of our native water avens. Nodding flower heads of copper rose in summer £4.50 Werner Arends 30cm Compact bright semi-double orange £4.00 GRASSES AND SEDGES Grasses can make inspirational planting. They bring the air of the wild into a garden. Here are a few of my best ideas. ● Use in a mixed border, they are a great change of texture and a cooling colour. E.g. Miscanthus, Pennisetum, Millium ● Grasses look great in “designed plantings “among rocks and large gravel. E.g. Stipa, Miscanthus, Cortaderia, Carex ● Some grasses look fantastic as potted specimens e.g. Stipa arundinacea, Hakenochloe, Carex ● Try some annual grasses with poppies. Fabulous. e.g. Hordeum jubatum ANONMANTHELE (Used to be Stipa) A glamorous grass. A fountain of rich streaked lessoniana leaves; red, yellow, bronze; the colours £4.00 Pheasant grass intensifying in drought and cold. Makes a splendid large planter specimen. CAREX comans Bronze New Zealand Hair Grass 40cm pendula 2m (Weeping sedge) trifida 70 cm (Mutton bird sedge) Fine, bronzed leaves make attractive tussocks. Used extensively in New Zealand for landscape planting, setting off showier companions well. Good in containers too. £4.00 UK Native Strong arching growth and panicles of nut brown seed heads all winter. £4.00 New Zealand and Falkland Island Native; clumps of strong green leaves and spikes of nut brown seed heads. One found on exposed headlands where £4.00 sea birds burrow and nest. If you have a place that would look great if windswept and interesting, this is your plant. CORDYLINE australis New Zealand Cabbage Tree The species. Green pointed leaves, and maturing to a substantial tree that will flower wonderfully after a mild winter. These are the “palm trees" of the west coast of Scotland, as they are hardy enough to withstand Atlantic storms. Excellent specimen for summer plantings when young. £5.00 HAKONECHLOA macra aureola 25cm An elegant bright grass; Light green with cream stripe; lovely in shade or as a potted specimen. £4.50 Silver edged variety of the native woodruff; great plant for dry shade and elegant in growth. £4.00 Broad soft straps of golden leaves opening into golden oat like flowers. All parts are golden. Early in growth and so amazing with Meconopsis. £3.50 LUZULA nivea (Snowy Woodrush) MILLIUM effusum aureum 40cm (Bowles Golden Grass) 16 MISCANTHUS sinensis A wonderful upright grass; silver striped leaves Morning Light 1m that capture light. Wonderful in autumn. £5.00 STIPA Basal clump of fine grass leaves and huge golden gigantea 2m oat- like flowers making a wonderful feature for £4.00 (Giant Oat Grass) months. tenuissima 80cm Pale grass with fine arching tufts of flowers, £3.50 (Pony Tail Grass) dense and long lasting GUNNERA An amazing genus of plants, from the biggest herbaceous plants in the garden to small, ground covering plants to some very odd individuals. Here is our current selection. Scale like bronzed leaves, overlapping and hamiltonii £3.50 spreading slowly A weird one. Scallop shaped, crinkled leaves and spikes of red berries if both sexes magellanica 20cm present. Useful ground cover in wet £3.50 (Falkland Island pigvine) places. Our memories are of lots of wet areas near steams. The Giant Gunnera. Can make huge plants as they have done for us; just protect the crowns a manicata little in the first couple of winters. Magnificent 2-3m £10.00 plants, beloved of dogs and children as hiding Giant Gunnera places. These are large heavy plants to send …so call re. postage or pick up from the nursery monoica From New Zealand and rather nice serrated £3.50 creeping edge leaves, to give good cover in damp areas Overlapping mats of olive serrated edged prorepens leaves…with slender spikes of brilliant red £4.00 15cm berries. Rather nice HACQUETIA epipactis Welcome early colour; a plant that draws the eye; lime green flowers with a yellow centre arrive before the leaves. £4.50 Wonderful richly coloured late daisies for the border. Red, orange and yellow striped petals; brown cone centre. Excellent show in a sunny border, bulking well. £4.50 HELENIUM Sahins Early Flowerer 1m HELIANTHEMUM (The Rock Roses) Available from May onwards We have over 70 varieties and those we have available this year are listed on our web site www.lochnessgarden.com Or we can send you the list if you send a stamped addressed envelope. Helianthemums are second to none for fast growth and early flower; hence great for new plantings. Particularly useful for dry sunny sites. Orders for individual varieties welcome 10 mixed Helianthemums named for Scotland’s THE BENS highest and well loved mountains. Bright and £25.00 tough. 10 red, orange, hot pink or yellow varieties that MIXED COLOURS will vibrate and shimmer and dance above the £25.00 ground on a bright summer day. 17 HELLEBORUS Orientalis Hybrids Blue Metallic Lady 70cm Pewter blue flowers on these special lenten lilies. £6.50 Red Lady A fine dark red with black stamens. £6.50 Mixed Double Hybrids Very good double flowered Hellebores. Unflowered so could be a range of colours green, white, pink and purple. All have been attractive and good garden plants. £6.50 A lovely old garden favourite; early flowering, fragrant white or violet flowers with a unique glowing quality, very effective in part shade. £4.00 HESPERIS matronalis Sweet Rocket 80cm HEPATICA Early spring flowering, often before the leaves; attractive flowers……open faced with prominent stamens, usually blue. So precious they used to be passed from mother to daughter in Highland gardens. We have a selection of seed raised plants. They pleasingly are true to colour and we are listing separate colours. nobilis alba apple blossom blue All 4.00 each pink dark violet HEUCHERELLA Silver Streak 30cm Nice compact variety; the leaves have rich silver markings on a dark purple background. £4.50 HOSTA Hostas are wonderful garden features, their bold leaves giving interest and structure, particularly in shade. They are a real feature of our garden at Abriachan. Discover or rediscover them, and you will find they work well as focal points and give structure to plantings. Excellent in shade. We grow several in small and large, stylish pots where they also look splendid. August Moon Large, substantial yellow leaves, turning more £6.00 70cm golden in full sun; pale violet flowers. Coquette Blue leaved tokudama hybrid; Good fast growth £5.00 20cm and white flowers. One of the largest Hostas when growing well, Empress Wu making more than a metre in high and 2m wide. £7.50 1m Good dark green corrugated leaves and lavender flowers. Gold Standard An elegant and excellent hosta. Chartreuse gold £6.00 60cm with irregular green margins. Classic blue Hosta. Thick, lance-shaped blue Halcyon leaves, beautiful lavender/grey flowers. Best in £5.00 30cm part shade. Strong upright vase shaped habit; blue/grey wavy Krossa Regal edged leaves. A good foundation stone for any £6.50 1m planting. Also magnificent in a large pot. Mildred Seaver Good, corrugated blue leaves with cream borders. £6.50 50cm Excellent garden performance. Patriot Excellent hosta for the garden or a pot; shiny olive £5.00 30cm green leaves, white margins. Upright growth displaying red stems. Lance shaped Red October leaves, with waxy surface; lavender flowers in £6.00 40cm some quantity. 18 Serendipity 30cm Stilleto 20cm Tiny Tears Wide Brim 30cm Wolverine 30cm Blue leaved tokudama hybrid; Good fast growth and white flowers. Narrow lance-shaped wavy leaves which are dark green with a yellow margin. Good grower and a unique pot. Miniature Hosta; blue/green leaves and lovely tiny purple flowers. Good looking plant; dark green leaves with yellow margin. Very smart narrow leaves, green edged cream. Good lilac flowers. £6.00 £6.00 £7.50 £5.00 £6.50 HUMULUS lupulis aurea (Golden Hop) Rough textured golden leaves on a fast growing, twining plant. It rapidly covers fences or slopes; deciduous. £6.50 Herbaceous plants with large buttercup yellow flowers, centres filled with stamens. Very good plant for full sun and dry areas. £3.50 HYPERICUM olympicum 25cm INULA Large shaggy yellow daisies on a mound of rough helenium 1.5m leaves. Herbal properties; perfect giving volume (Elecampane) and brightness in a dry sunny area. orientalis Neat herbaceous plant with splendid bright grandiflora 60cm orange yellow daisies. £4.00 £3.50 IRIS Iris are among the most iconic of all flowers, their blossoms being much loved. Various forms but all with that handsome flower structure. Elegant foliage and wonderful satin midnight chrysographes black irises with gold marked throats. Truly £4.50 Black Form wonderful. ensata The Japanese Irises Beautifully formed Iris…open faced, beard-less and preferring retentive soils. Cherished and bred to perfection in Japan and USA. ensata Ruffled blue with white rays £4.50 Electric Rays 80cm ensata Pure white flared petals with neat yellow centre £4.50 Gold Bound 1m markings ensata Blue, beautifully striped petals with blue and £5.50 Pinstripe 1m yellow centre petals. Outstanding Strong evergreen straps of leaf; yellow veined foetidissima flowers and seed pods that burst to show red £4.50 (Gladwin) berries. British Native. forestii 50cm Neat, well form primrose yellow Iris. £4.00 January /February flowering dwarf bulb; royal histroides purple yellow markings. I am always pleased to £3.50 George see them; he returns the hope of spring. My desert island bulb. She flowers early, lifting the spirits in February and March. The Katherine Hodgkins loveliest of flowers; a washed egg-shell blue £3.50 15cm with shades of grey and navy spotting. Ravishing. 19 pseudacorus 80cm (Yellow Flag) pseudacaris variegata 80cm The native flag Iris. You will see it in damp places all over the north and west of Scotland. Strong green spears of growth and wonderful yellow flags in July. An excellent variegated Iris that makes a strong feature in plantings; yellow flag flowers, loves wet places. £4.50 £5.00 Iris sibirica Good clumps of strong, grassy leaves and lots of handsome irises. Easy and rewarding varieties. Good sized divisions off the strong clumps of s. Blue blue siberica Irises that have been in our £4.50 1.4m garden since we began here. An attractive and compact variety; Butter s. Butter and Sugar yellow standard petals and cream coloured £4.50 50cm falls. s, Caesar's Brother Deep blue flowers, white markings. Strong £4.50 1m grower. s. Chartreuse Bounty Pale yellow standards and green veined cream £5.00 1m falls. s. Moonsilk Creamy yellow and white petals, yellow centre £4.50 80cm markings Shaker's Prayer Cream and yellow backdrop, heavily veined £4.50 80cm with purple. Outstanding JASMINUM s. Sparkling Rose 1m Rosy pink blooms with yellow and white heavily veined throat. £4.50 I have catalogued this as it can be surprisingly difficult to find. This is a real homemaker's essential; lovely fragrant stars of yellow Jasmine in the winter months when nothing else is in flower. Grow near to the house, both to see and for that little bit of protection that will bring forward the flowers. £8.50 JASSIONE nudiflorum (The winter flowering Jasmine) KERRIA laevis Excellent grey green leaves for a close carpet with blue/purple balls of flower through £3.50 summer. Just the job for a steep dry sloping bed. KIRENGESHOMA Another old cottage garden staple that you just don't see on sale. Double, bright yellow japonica flore plena pom pom flowers, arranged along 3m stems. 3-4m AGM It suckers, but not so that you can't control Double Kerria and it is well worth the effort. Lovely cheerful spring shrub. £7.50 KNIPHOFIA (Red Hot Pokers) A late flowering plant for sheltered plantings; clumps of maple shaped green leaves with sprays of waxy £5.50 lemon yellow bells in September/October. Classy plant. A late summer flowering poker; very Bee's Lemon £7.50 effective bright butter yellow spires. caulescens Good variety; blue-grey evergreen £7.50 Coral Breakers 70cm leaves, short coral pokers June/July. palmata 90cm 20 Elegant grassy foliage and wonderful slender glowing orange spikes. Enjoy and £5.00 admire it as a specimen in a pot. Upright, strong base and then flower spikes; red buds opening yellow along £7.50 the length. Excellent garden presence. A wonderful tall poker. Bold orange red £7.50 spikes in late summer. Light of the World Royal Standard 1m uvaria nobilis 2m+ (Torch Lily) Wol’s Red Seedling 60cm Very nice narrow red spikes. £7.50 LAVENDULA Hidcote 25cm (Lavender) Dwarf English lavender: the very best for dwarf edging and we offer a good price. £3 each or £25 for 10 LEONTOPODIUM alipinum 10cm (Edelweiss) Soft white flowers on flat white felted foliage. A legend. £3.50 Tiny carpeter; fern like leaves, flushed bronze and black; little brass yellow buttons of flower. A New Zealand alpine. £3.00 LEPTINELLA Platt's Black LEUCANTHEMUM (Shasta Daisies) Great old fashioned daisies; strong stems and large dazzling white daisies. The big old single Shasta daisy, in all old x superbum £4.00 borders and still the strongest to grow. superbum A compact variety with large shaggy daisies, £4.00 Gold Rush 40cm and a prominent golden centre superbum Aglaia Very good variety; semi double shaggy £4.00 60cm appearance; compact. LEUCOJUM aestivum 20cm Strong green straps and white bell, beautifully Summer Snowflake green tipped. £4.00 LIBERTIA grandiflora 40cm (New Zealand Iris) peregrinans 40cm Clump forming. Strong grass-like plant with many 3 petalled flowers in spring. Good for dry and windy places. Upright leaves with orange/bronze colouring, that becomes a real feature in winter. Spreads slowly by suckers. £4.00 £4.50 LIBETIA ixioides 70cm Green rush like leaves and 3 petalled clean white flowers above. Very butterfly like as they move in the wind. Good in open sunny places. £4.00 LIGULARIA przewalskii The Rocket 1.5m Wonderful tattered leaves and slender spires of yellow flowers. £5.00 LITHODORA Heavenly Blue Grey/green carpet with lovely blue covering of flowers in June. Beloved of bees. A great old £3.50 favourite. LUNARIA 21 redivivia The perennial honesty; pretty, scented, pale lilac flowers on toothed leaves. Sickle shaped seed heads £4.00 for many months. A good tough plant that starts early and lasts well. LUPINS Gallery mixed 40cm Noble Maiden 90cm The Governor 90cm A compact mix; a nice mix of red, yellow, pink, blues and white £3.00 A strong, tall Russell hybrid; Ivory white spires. £3.00 Russell Hybrid; a bright blue and white bi-colour. £3.00 LYSIMACHIA nummularia aurea (Creeping Jenny) The yellow form of creeping jenny; excellent plant, creeping over ground in shade and sun. Completely hardy and also great used in hanging baskets; indispensible. £3.00 LYTHRUM salicaria 90cm A good late summer focus, dense spikes of deep rose pink. £3.50 MAIANTHEMUM canadense 15cm Heart shaped shiny leaves, good covering habit and white fragrant summer flowers £4.00 MECONOPSIS (Himalayan Poppies) betonicifolia baileyi 1.2m Good, mid to pale blue poppies on a base of hairy leaves. Wonderful in groups in woodland edges or near water. £4.50 betonicifolia alba White poppies. They look good in groups. £4.50 Tall, strong perennial blue poppies. The Lingholm 90cm best variety we have grown and very (Himalayan Blue Poppies) beautiful clear sky blue poppies. These form beautiful soft, hairy rosettes, nepaulensis sometimes lasting 2 years before they go up to 2m these wonderful spires of soft rose red poppies, clothing 6 foot stems. wallichi 2m Very close to M. nepaulensis; red or yellow. £5.00 £4.50 £4.50 MENTHA melissophyllum A dome of rough balm- like leaves and scented 50cm pink and white flowers. £4.00 MENTHA A good selection of mints. I grow them in large pots; you know where they are then! Attractive and lovely to run your hands through. Lovely soft leaves; green variegated cream. Apple Variegated Good culinary herb, less vigorous than most and £3.00 okay in the herb bed. Leaves and stems dark brown/black; good Black Peppermint £3.00 flavouring herb. Woolly stems and long spikes of lavender mint Buddleia £3.00 flowers. Dark leaved variant, the leaved scented Chocolate Peppermint £3.00 of dark chocolate. Curled ( Tashkent) Crispy curled leaves. £3.00 22 Ginger Ginger yellow and sharp green stripes; lovely. £3.00 Lemon Lemon scented mint; sounds contradictory, but it is true. £3.00 Lime Foliage lime scented. Amazing. £3.00 Morroccan requeinii Corsican mint Silver Spearmint Excellent culinary mint and the very best for mint tea. Mid green. Quite different; prostrate, tiny leaves with rich purple flowers; intense mint scent. Soft hairy silver leaves and lovely purple flowers over summer. Soft green leaves; the flavour just as you remember! £3.00 £3.00 £3.00 £3.00 MIMULUS luteus 30cm Highland Red 20cm This plant borders our small stream; Monkey faced yellow flowers and fresh green rosette like £3.50 foliage. Compact foliage and lovely rich red mimulus flowers in May/ June. Very hardy and reliable £3.50 with us. MONARDA Earl Grey 60cm (Bergamot) Fireball 60cm Flaming red shaggy flowers on good green foliage. Whorls of red shaggy flowers through summer. Excellent in the border. £4.00 £4.00 MORAEA huttonii (South African Irises) Beautiful yellow iris-like flowers on upright fans of foliage. £4.50 MORINA longifolia 90cm A splendid plant for an open sunny situation. Prickly leaves and whorls of pink and green flowers up a strong stem, followed by very good seed heads. £4.50 MYRTEOLA nummularia (Falkland Island Tea Berry) We love growing this. In the Islands it grows on wet peaty ground, often running through other plants. Tiny leaved creeping plant that has pink £4.50 flushed berries in autumn. The berries are edible and taste of roses. Of such are memories made. NEPETA Six Hills Giant (Cat Mint) Sprays of misty blue all summer. Lovely with roses or edging a herb bed. Indispensable. £3.50 These Nerines are from local stock in Strathglass and have proved exceptional over the years. Floriferous and hardy and a great show through September to November. £4.50 NERINE bowdenii 90cm NOTHOFAGUS One of the first trees we planted in the garden, obliqua when we had arrived from the southern (Southern Beech) hemisphere. Deciduous, lovely small leaves, fresh and bright in spring, yellow in autumn. £4.00 23 OENOTHERA biennis 1.2 m (Evening Primrose) This plant seeds gently through 2 of our borders and produces a great late summer show. As the day fades these saucers of bright yellow open and glow beautifully. Biennial £3.50 ONOPORDON acanthemum Scot's Thistle 2m Wonderful silver rosettes that grow into the giant purple thistles in their 2nd year. Handsome, an architectural feature and great fun. £3.00 cappadocia Cherry Ingram The loveliest of these spring flowering plants; elegantly presented leaves with beautiful sprays of clear blue flowers. £3.50 cappadocia Starry Eyes Pretty blue flowers with white centres. £3.50 verna Small pointed grey/green leaves and very fine clear blue flowers; neat running habit. £3.00 verna alba Beautiful chalk white flowers. £3.00 OMPHALODES OPHIOPOGON planiscapus nigrescens 25cm (Black Grass) Neat mounds of black strap leaves that last well all year. Tiny purple flower in summer and black pearly seeds. Fascinating and I have seen it used to great effect in landscape plantings. £4.00 ORIGANUM Ordinary Origanum, but a plant I would not want vulgare to be without; neat aromatic leaves the prettiest £3.00 30cm (Origanum) purple flowers all over summer and autumn. Dries well. OURISIA Plants from New Zealand that revels in a cool root run with dappled shade on their head. Lovely mixed with Ferns and Hosta. coccinea Neat leaves and tubes of bright red. Lovely in £4.75 15cm moist shade. Originally raised at Inverewe. Pink flowers on Loch Ewe handsome corrugated leaves; good in damp or £4.75 25cm part shade. Snowflake Leathery dark green leaves that set off the clean £4.50 15cm white flowers perfectly. OXALIS magellanica Tiny trifoliate leaves and little white flowers. A sweety. £2.50 A slow growing, elegant fingered foliage and single pink flowers. £4.50 PAEONIA woodwardii 45cm PAPAVER nudicaule Lobed basal leaves and a variety of lovely Garden Gnome papery petalled poppies; pink, yellow (Iceland Poppies) 40cm orange. PAPAVER Orientalis (Oriental Poppies) Large open poppy heads filled with large quivering black centres. Heartbeat Sturdy stems and rich velvet red poppies. 75cm £3.00 £4.50 24 Manhatten 90cm Patty's Plum 50cm Snow Goose 60cm ruprifragum 20cm Taller variety; ruffled semi double fuchsia pink. Striking £4.50 Exquisite plum purple blooms, 10cm or more across. £4.50 Large semi-double white poppies. £4.50 Grey leaves and love soft range poppies throughout summer. £3.50 Neat dwarf shrub; spikes of pretty blue flowers; good for a dry sunny spot. Tough. £4.00 My favourite; I love it growing over a wall, blue/grey leaves and attractive drooping spires of pretty blue flowers. £4.50 PAPAVER cattaractae 25cm PARAHEBE perfoliata 60cm PARIS A rare native. Glorious, and unusual woodland quadrifolium plants, 4 leaves and a single stem with a whorl of 40cm lime-green sepals and a blue/black central fruit in summer. Nothing like it. £6.50 PENSTEMON Garnet 50cm King George 50cm Our most reliable Penstemon; masses of wine red foxglove-like flowers all summer and autumn. A great corner to a planting. Large red Penstemon flowers with white throats. Attractive and hardy. £4.00 £4.00 PERSICARIA amplexicaule Firetail 1.2m A dense mat of well marked leaves and branches of candle like red flowers. Close spreading mats of neat leaves, turning affinis superba russet in winter. Nice spires of pink flowers 20cm over summer and autumn. A great no fuss plant. Rip-roaring ground cover. Dark veined affinis handsome leaves and sprays of pink flowers. campanulata 25cm Well placed, it is excellent. bistorta Clean green leaves and tall spikes of sugar superba 1m pink. An excellent carpeting plant, highlighted vaccinifolia throughout autumn with a cover of tiny pink candles. Lovely falling over and adhering to a rock. £5.00 £3.50 £3.50 £4.00 £3.00 PHLOMIS russeliana 90cm (Jerusalem Sage) Felty sage green leaves and whorls of yellow hooded flowers. Good in dry areas and very good for bees and butterflies. £4.00 A mossy matt of foliage and a smothering of magenta red blooms in spring. A real cracker. £3.00 PHLOX douglasii Crackerjack AGM PHLOX herbaceous maculata Omega 90cm Summer flowering perennial; panicles of excellent white flowers each with a pink eye. Very healthy, seeming to be free of eelworm distortion that plagues many Phlox £4.50 25 maculata Rosalinde 1m The tall garden phlox; wonderful, fragrant, midsummer border plants. A pretty pink. £4.00 Whorls of fresh green foliage on spreading mat; terminal spherical heads of tin pink funnel plants……the whole plant smells a bit foxy…but in the open garden I quite like that. £3.50 PHUOPSIS stylosa mat-forming PHYSOSTIGEA Tall spires of white tubular flowers through virginiata alba 75cm late summer and into autumn. A good, (Obedient Plant) reliable, hardy perennial. £4.00 POLYGALA A remarkable slow growing little shrub, often sold as an alpine. Tiny evergreen leaves and chamaebuxus bi-coloured flowers, purple and yellow. Slow Rhodoptera 10cm growing, but it makes a big impact even when small. £3.00 POLYGONATUM Slender arching stems set with dark leaves. Cream teardrops of flower hanging elegantly. multiflorum Solomon’s Seal 90cm £4.00 POTENTILLA cuneata 5cm recta sulphureum 50cm Mat forming, neat leaves and large bright yellow flowers over summer/autumn. £3.50 Upright growing habit; yellow cups of flower. £4.00 Flat, tessellated leaves with pretty, blue star flowers over summer. An interesting plant for texture and form. £3.00 PRATIA pedunculata County Park PRIMULA AURICULA Some old favourites and new additions to our list this year. B-Border S-Self A-Alpine Sh-Show St-Stripe F-Fancy D-Double Our starter collection offer is excellent value 10 Auriculas (our choice) £35 (+ P&P) Alice Hayson S Red/White throat. £4.00 Alicia A Pretty mauve shading pink. White centre. £4.00 Angel Eyes Arundel Stripe White background and bold purple striping. St £5.00 A perfect cog wheel. Yellow, maroon and red stripes on a washed St white background. Always reminds me of £5.00 the auriculas in wonderful Dutch masters Astolat F Green edged cerise body. Fancy. £5.00 Autumn Fire A Russet red with gold centre £4.00 Avon Tan D Neat tan brown double. £4.00 Beatrice Bellamy Pride Bill Bailey A beautiful old variety; Navy blue shading to A £4.00 lavender. Large white flowers shading pink with age. B £5.00 Old Border. B Ginger red border variety. £5.00 26 Blue Bonnet D Pretty, purple double £4.00 Blue Jean A Clear blue white centre alpine. £4.00 Blue Velvet A hybrid variety; green/grey leaves and rich B purple flowers. £5.00 Blush Baby St Maroon and tan stripes. £5.00 Bob Lancashire Bookham Firefly Striking green edged show. They are all Sh wonderful. One of our top 3 last season Bright crimson shading to maroon. Gold A centre. £5.00 £4.00 Border Bandit B Pale brown floriferous old border £5.00 Brazil Bright yellow body, white centre, mealy S foliage. £4.00 Brookfield Sh Mealed centre, black body and white edge. £5.00 Brown Bess A Brown /red gold centred alpine. £4.00 Brownie Neat older border auricula; brown petals B and white centre £5.00 Brown Tan Double D Neat tan coloured double. £4.50 Butterwick A Shades of rich brown/red. Gold centre. £4.00 C G Haysom Green, white edged. Lovely mealed leaves. Sh An old variety, often painted for its classic looks. £6.00 C W Needham A Dark blue/purple, white centred alpine. £4.00 Caramel D Pale caramel brown double £5.00 Chaffinch Chamois Opens red and fading rose; beautiful natural B £5.00 colours. The yellow of shammy leather; neat and B £5.00 very attractive. Border. Charles Bronson D Double golden brown. £4.00 Cheyenne Cherry red with mealed leaves. Generous S flowering. £4.00 Chorister S Rich dark yellow; white centre. £4.00 Cinnamon D Smashing russet brown double. £4.50 Conservative Sh Grey and white edged Show variety £5.00 Cortina S Nice velvety red; white centre. £4.00 Cuckoo Fayre S Elegant Royal blue; white centre. Striking £4.00 Curlie Wurlie Curry Blend Double….brown and green petals swirling D together, weird and almost beautiful Curry yellow flowers; cream centre; heavily B fragrant. Old border. £5.00 £5.00 Dark Eyes D Lovely neat red double. £5.00 Delilah D Fine large double rich purple. £5.00 Denna Snuffer D Elegant loose cream double. £5.00 Doublet D Reliable double purple. £5.00 Douglas Black Attractive maroon black, contrasting white S centre. £5.00 27 Large white flowers flushed pink. A floriferous lovely old border. Dark sulky red, with light edge to the petal; A white centre. Nice strong border; French navy, white B centre. The colour is that green/ brown of a B greenfinches plumage; Just lovely. Border Dr Lennon’s White B £5.00 Dusky Maiden £4.00 Eden Blue Star Eden Greenfinch £5.00 £5.00 Eden Goldfinch B Burnished gold petals; lovely colour range. £5.00 Ellen Thompson Blue/purple and floriferous, light centred A alpine. £4.00 Erica A Rich velvet crimson, light gold centre. £4.00 Excalibur D Dusky pink/purple double. £5.00 Fanny Meerbeck F Neat bright crimson red. Unusual. £5.00 Favourite Smashing large bright red; white centre. B Border £5.00 Fiddler’s Green D Amazing double, green/red. £5.00 Finchfield A Striking dusky orange, shading to red and A brown; gold centred alpine. Bred by Gwen Baker. £5.00 Fleminghouse Sh Beautiful strong green show variety £5.00 Forest Fire D Neat cinnamon red double. Beautiful colour £5.00 Fred Booley D French blue double; a cracker. £5.00 Frittenden Yellow B A neat old yellow border. £5.00 Galen Gay Crusader Dark orange and brown, gold centred A alpine. A startling plant; orange/red shades, gold A centre. £4.00 £4.00 Geronimo S A fine dense bright red. £4.00 Gizabroon S A red self with a brown caste; white centre. £4.00 Glenelg F Red fancy with green edge. £5.00 Golden Chartreuse D Lovely golden double with a hint of green. £5.00 Golden Fleece S Strong yellow self; startling. £4.00 Golden Hind Rich yellow double with a brown, gold D shading £5.00 Green Isle F Red body, green edged fancy. £5.00 Green Parrot Sh Green edged petals; black body. £5.00 Greenpeace F Green edge and yellow markings; Striking. £5.00 Greta Sh Grey Monarch Neat red/pink centre, white tube and narrow green edge. Wide gold body, grey well defined edge. Sh Charming. £5.00 £5.00 Guinea S Shiny, guinea gold self. £4.00 Headdress S Red self /white centre. £4.00 Helen S Handsome bright yellow ; white centre £4.00 28 Hetty Wolf Sh Silver grey edged, white centre. Exquisite. £5.00 Hinton Admiral F Red body, narrow white edged fancy. £5.00 Hinton Green Fields A lovely fancy; bright yellow body/green F edge. White centre and black and green edge; Sh large flower clusters. Holyrood £5.00 £5.00 Honey D Palest honey yellow double. £5.00 Hopeley’s Coffee D Lovely latte coffee double. £5.00 Idminston Sh Red body, green edge. Good vigour. £5.00 Indian Love Call A Rich red/gold centre alpine. £4.00 Joan Elliot Lilac blue petals white eye. A good garden B plant and my first auricula. I still love her. £5.00 Joannie D Double dark red; gold edges. £5.00 John Wayne Joyce White centred alpine; beautiful shading, A sunset pinks to maroon. Beautiful purple shading to light blue; a A beauty £4.00 £4.00 Karen Cordrey F Neat green, black edge on white fancy. £5.00 Kingcup Maroon red with gold centre, good show A plant. £4.00 Lambert's Gold B Old golden yellow border; scarce. £5.00 Laverock Fancy F Striking green edge on red edged centre. £5.00 Leather Jacket Lee Paul Lemon Sherbet Great old border type. Beige-pink, exactly B the colour of a favourite old leather waistcoat. Striking, late flowering maroon shading A yellow; gold centre. Small sherbet yellow blooms; white centre; B Border variety. £5.00 £4.00 £5.00 Lepton’s Jubilee A Rich purple, white centre; always attractive. £4.00 Lilac Domino S Purple mauve, light centred self. £4.00 Ling Gold centred Alpine; velvet red shading to A glowing red edge. £4.00 Lisa Clara F Bright red and green fancy. £5.00 Little Rosette D Dusky rich red double. Very nice. £5.00 Yellow base with red/brown stripes and Lord Saye and Sele F flashes of green. An extraordinary plant with a long season. £5.00 Lovebird Sh Reliable grey edged with neat foliage. £5.00 Lucy Lockett Ethereal large lemon yellow heads; B floriferous and sweetly scented. £5.00 Mandarin A Pink shades, white centre. £4.00 Margaret F Lovely bright green and yellow fancy. £5.00 Margaret Faulkner A Purple shading to crimson; light centre. Margot Fonteyn Large flowers; gold centre and red/brown A shades. £4.00 £4.00 29 Marmion F Good green, black rimmed centre; fancy. £5.00 Mary D Neat, pretty lemon yellow double. £5.00 Matthew Yates D Darkest purple black double. Impressive. £5.00 Mazetta Stripe St Maroon-red/ green and white stripes. Good. £5.00 A very fine old border; navy blue shading B light blue, cream centre. A wonderful old £6.00 plant. McWatts Blue Mersey Tiger St Neat red striped. £5.00 Minley Cerise and green fancy, with serrated F foliage. £5.00 Mish Mash D Semi double biscuit yellow. £5.00 Mojave S A lovely light red self. £4.00 Money Moon S The palest lemon yellow. £4.00 Moon Glow S Pale ethereal yellow; self £4.00 Nantenan A wonderful fancy; yellow with attractive F green edge. £5.00 Neat and Tidy S Dark red self; very neat and tidy. £4.50 Neville Telford S Strong red self, white centre. £4.50 Nickity Dull peach shading red, gold centre A Attractive. £4.00 Nigel D Violet, almost black double. Wow. £5.00 Northern Lights Wonderful show this year; multi heads of B pure white, each petal notched £5.00 Nymph D Lovely rich creamy white double. £5.00 Old Clove Red B Small blooms clove scented red. £5.00 Prettiest shades of lilac and blue; floriferous and lovely. Neat fancy; blood red with a black and white edge. An old gold double we raised ourselves; holding well. A scarce old border; loose large leaves. Flowers purple; green edge. Old Cottage Blue B Old England F Old Gold D Old Irish Green B Old Irish Scented B Old Border, dull yellow, nicely scented. £5.00 Old Pink Dusty Miller Old Red Dusty Miller Lovely, fragrant washed pink blooms. The B Essence of old garden auriculas £5.00 B Blood red; mealed foliage. £5.00 Old Red Elvet B A neat red self. Very old. £5.00 Pink and ginger petals on a loose leaved Old Suffolk Bronze B plant/ A real antique. Old Tall Purple B Loose flowered; farina on leaves and petals. Dusty Miller Old Yellow Dusty Fine old auricula. Dusty leaves, yellow B Miller blooms, scented. Large leaved border type; cream with Osborne Green B purple-green edge; Unique. £5.00 £5.00 £5.00 £5.00 £6.00 £5.00 £5.00 £5.00 30 Paradise Yellow B Lovely, round faced, bright yellow border. £5.00 Peggy Starting with a light centre, to purple and F then mauve rim. £5.00 Pharaoh A Maroon shades gold centre. £4.00 Piers Telford Vibrant shades of orange/brown/gold A centre. £4.00 Pink Fondant D Pretty pink double. Scarce £5.00 Pink Lady A Red shading rose-pink light centre £4.00 Pinstripe St Maroon /white stripes; a cracker. £4.50 Pippin A Cherry red shades; cream centre £4.00 Portree Sh Good green, red edge. £5.00 Prague Sh Good green show, red edge £5.00 Purple Promise Queen Alexander Lovely pale purple; crinkled leaves. Good B and vigorous. Large biscuit-yellow heads with a beautiful B scent. Border. £5.00 £5.00 Queen Bee Sh Dark crimson body, grey edge; light centre. £5.00 Rabley Heath A Light centred purple blue alpine. £4.00 Rachel Kinnen Rajah Pretty pink blooms on a green mound of small leaves. Always the first. A pubescens hybrid. Good green with lots of red and white Sh centre. Exciting. £4.00 £5.00 Red Gauntlet S Good red/white centre. £4.00 Raleigh Stripe St Red stripes fawn background. £5.00 Red Rum A Dark red; white centre. Slow to build up. £4.00 Redcar A Red, orange shades; gold centre. £4.00 Remus S Pretty blue self; mealy foliage. £4.00 Rene Crimson; golden centre. One of my A favourites. £4.00 Riatty D Semi double dark blood red. £5.00 Robinette D Good double red; a Derek Salt plant. £5.00 Rocksand S Striking sand coloured self. £4.00 Rodeo Gold centred alpine; body colour red and A arresting burnt orange. £5.00 Rolts F A red, green edged fancy; a good starter. £5.00 Rose Conjou D Rich red double; long in flower. £5.00 Rosebud S A dark red self; white centre. £4.00 Royal Velvet Vigorous older plant. Frilled crimson/purple B cream eye. £5.00 Rufus B Compact plant; bright brick red. £5.00 Rusty Dusty B Floriferous heads of smaller ginger brown. Farina. £5.00 31 Beautiful grey edged plants with a green undertone. Saint Boswells Sh Salad Sh Scarce handsome green. £5.00 Sandra A Lovely shades of mauve & blue. £4.00 Sandwood Bay A Striking; gold centred red. One of my first. £4.00 Sarah Lodge A A well formed double purple. £4.50 Scorcher S Fantastic scorching red self. £4.00 Shalford D Attractive red purple double £5.00 Sheila S Attractive light yellow self. £4.00 Sherwood Sirius Grey edge on White black rimmed centre. Sh Good. Maroon and pale yellow with a gold centre. A Unique and attractive. £5.00 £5.00 £4.00 Skylark A Ruby reds; cream centre. £4.00 Slioch Black edged white centre with a mealy grey Sh edge. Lovely leaves. £5.00 Snooty Fox A Vivid orange; gold centre. Striking. £4.00 Snowy Owl Gold centre to white with wonderful grey Sh farina edge. £5.00 Southbarrow D Pretty buff brown double. £5.00 Southport Delicate, multi headed bright red blooms; B Border £5.00 Spring Meadow F Lovely bright green and yellow; a favourite. £5.00 Star Wars No 1 F A purple/grey fancy; attractive. £5.00 Starling Extraordinary border; slate purple, dotted B with farina. Unique. £5.00 Stromboli D Beautiful russet red double £5.00 Sugar Plum Fairy S A pink/purple self; white centre. £4.00 Sunflower A vigorous yellow self. Well grown a real S beauty. £4.00 Super Para S Blood red self; white mealy centre; striking. £5.00 Sweet Pastures Sword Taffeta Yellow body; green edge; a variety with real F freshness. Green edged double; lasts for several weeks D in flower. Rose pink petals, white eye; Unique S colouring. £5.00 £5.00 £4.00 Tay Tiger St Velvet red with green stripes. £5.00 Teem Lovely farinaceous grey edge over black Sh rimmed centre. £5.00 The Raven S An almost black self; a proven winner. £4.00 Three Way Stripe Violet, maroon and green stripes; the St business. £5.00 Tim D Deep purple double; one of the best. £5.00 Tosca F Green red fancy. A nice flat face. £5.00 32 Excellent fancy; red body and yellow green edge. Trafalger Square F Trudy F Dark red self mealed foliage. Autumn colours; light shading darker brown A Gold centre Attractive shades of rich purple; white A centre Tummel Vee Too £5.00 £5.00 £4.00 £4.00 Walton Heath D A light purple double. Good form. £4.50 Wedgwood B Neat floriferous china blue. £5.00 A lovely white edged grey flower; foliage Sh serrated and mealed. Neat golden orange brown heads; early and B eye catching White Ensign Winifred £5.00 £5.00 Windway's Mystery B Neat yellow- brown border; scented. £5.00 Wycliffe Midnight B Attractive, floriferous multi heads of midnight blue. Scarce border. £5.00 Yorkshire Grey Sh Black body, grey edge, lovely £5.00 Zambia D Dark blood red semi double. £5.00 OLD PRIMROSES We grow many Primroses, modern and old varieties both doubles and singles. They have a very special charm. We offer some of the old varieties each year, then build up stocks again. Anyone looking for a particular old Primula is welcome to e-mail to check availability. If you have old varieties that we don’t have, if you would like to swap, do get in touch. Lovely apple blossom pink primroses; yellow eye Amy Smith £4.00 and bronzed foliage An old dwarf polyanthus; Palest pink, flushed Beamish Foam £4.00 yellow Beeches Pink Small polyanthus, dusky purple. £4.00 Betty Green Light magenta pink ;floriferous, good foliage £4.00 Blue Velvet Lovely velvet blue primroses, early and floriferous £4.00 Rich dark pink primroses, large yellow eye; good Bluntenkissen and vigorous Fine, bronzed leaves and rich red flowers; yellow Buckland Wine eye. £4.00 £4.00 COWICHAN PRIMROSES AND POLYANTHUS Raised some years ago by Florence Bellis. They have never been improved on since. Hardy, beautiful, with dark flushed leaves and on the blooms the yellow eye has been reduced to almost nothing so that the rich jewel colours dominate. Wonderful plants. Lovely amethyst blue neat polyanthus; Cowichan Amethyst £4.00 foliage flushed darkly with blue. Intense royal blue primroses, dark or firefly Cowichan Blue £4.00 yellow eye. Superb. Shades of deepest red and black and all with Cowichan Garnet £4.00 a smouldering under glow. Rich cardinal red, the glint of the red of Cowichan Venetian £4.00 stained glass windows Craddock White An old hybrid with large white flowers £4.00 33 Dark Rosaleen David Valentine Drumcliffe Duchess of York Elizabeth Browning Dark foliage; rich pink striped flowers. Dramatic and vigorous. Early, neat rose purple polyanthus heads. Lovely. One of Joe Kennedy's new Irish primroses. Wonderful olive/ bronzed foliage and palest lilac flowers, ageing to white Floriferous mauve polyanthus. Early, fragrant and eye catching. Small pretty primrose polyanthus; flushed pink. A most beautiful old primrose. Large soft pink Guinevere heads over bronze. A pretty and vigorous old plant with lots of pale Groeneken's Glory mauve flowers Iris Mainwaring Kusham Krishna Lady Greer Glowing pink primroses on olive green leaves. £4.00 £4.00 £4.00 £4.00 £4.00 £4.00 £4.00 £4.00 Serrated meal covered leaves and multi heads of £4.00 violet flowers. Very attractive. A great favourite. Small polyanthus heads of £4.00 biscuit yellow. Lingwood Beauty Compact magenta red polyanthus. Good vigour £4.00 One of the old Marjory Fish primroses. Neat Lambrook Mauve dark green leaves and soft lilac primroses. £4.00 Mary Ann Pretty, bright magenta pink. £4.00 McWatts Claret Pretty purple small dusky purple. £4.00 McWatt's Cream Old dwarf polyanthus; heads pale buttermilk cream £4.00 Mrs McGillivray Pretty old rich purple primroses. £4.00 Perle von Bottrop Large regal purple primrose. Port wine red flowers on very lovely dark Port Wine foliage. Attractive soft yellow, set off well by darkly Rosemary Cottage flushed and toothed leaves. £4.00 £4.00 £4.00 Rowena Pale magenta primroses. £4.00 Siska Strong purple polyanthus flowers, yellow star like eye. Flowers late. £4.00 Theodora Pretty pink polyathus heads, floriferous. £4.00 Tipperary Purple Wanda Wanda White William Genders alba plena An old Jack in the Green; purple flowers in a green ruff. Purple flushed foliage and red/purple flowers; Wanda can be a startling plant, and wonderful if planted in quantity. Early welcome white primroses Small magenta polyanthus flowers, irregularly striped The old double white…still showing vigour. Lovely in flower £4.00 £4.00 £4.00 £4.00 £5.00 DOUBLES Blue Sapphire Neat dark blue double. £4.00 34 Dawn Ansell Lilacina plana Miss Indigo Val Horncastle Perfect double white in a green calyx ruff; a jack in £4.00 the green. The old Quakers Bonnet, lilac pink double blooms £5.00 that drape over the leaves, beautiful. Double navy blue with silver stippling. Good hearty £4.00 plant. Double pale primrose yellow double. £4.00 ASIATIC & CANDELABRA All excellent garden plants, which grow well in any soil that does not dry out. They love good dappled shade, such as woodland glades, but perform well in any spot that does not dry out. Valley floors are their native home. A feed of well rotted compost sets them up a treat. The daintiest of candelabras. Slender stems alpicola alba and whorls of downward facing white blooms £3.50 25cm with exquisite scent. alpicola violacea Purple scented bells all heavily farined. Lovely £3.50 25cm burmanica Whorls of purple candelabra with yellow eyes £3.50 50cm chionantha A stem with a head of white or violet blooms £3.50 30cm and smooth basal leaves. A good mix of orange, pink, purple £3.50 each OR £12 Candelabra mixed and red……all exciting for 4 Great, early flowering primrose; hardy denticulata Violet 20cm and as adaptable as you could ever ask. £3.50 (Drumstick Primroses) The flower heads make a perfect sphere. Violet Japonica Postford White Large, fresh leaves in spring and strong £3.50 50cm stemmed whorls of white candelabras. florindae 80cm Statuesque, butter yellow whorls of £3.50 (Himalayan Primrose) fragrant bells The showiest and loveliest candelabras, vivid pulverulenta magenta crimson, the buds and leaves dusted £3.50 80cm with farina. Perfect. Red/pink candelabras; lovely pendent fragrant secundiflora £3.50 bells. sikkimensis Himalayan Cowslips ; whorls of beautiful £3.50 Tilman no 2 butter yellow fragrant bells vialli 40cm Always a surprise. Two-toned spike, £3.50 (Red Hot Poker Primrose) magenta base and red tip. wilsonii Beautiful rich red purple pendent bells £3.50 vulgaris (Native Primrose) Best loved of all natives; bonny and bright. £3.50 PRIMULA An excellent range of plants for shade and part shade, many with finely marked foliage and work well as ground cover. The flowers come before the leaves and look great with early bulbs. PULMONARIA Beth's Pink Blue Ensign 25cm Coral pink flowers; neat spotted leaves. Neat olive leaves with clear dark blue flowers; Good plant, very telling in plantings. £4.50 Diana Clare 30cm Lovely silver leaves and pink/blue flowers £4.00 £4.00 35 longifolia fine form 30cm Opal 20cm rubra 30cm Elegant spotted leaves; good blue flowers excellent type. Even well spotted leaves and pretty pearlised blue flowers; the loveliest. Fresh green leaves and petunia red flowers. Very early in flower. £4.00 £4.00 £4.00 PULSATILLA vulgaris Chalices of dusky violet blue flowers followed by lovely silky seed heads. £3.00 RANUNCULUS Deeply divided dark green leaves and wide aconitifolius flora branching heads of double white buttercups. plena A lovely thing. Ours came from a gardening (Bachelors Buttons) friend in Shetland, where they thrive. acris flora plena Double buttercups. What could be better! Very early heartening flowers for spring: the R. ficaria glistening leaves and flowers come very (Celandines) quickly together in March, every time the sun comes out. ficaria double green Double green flowers on early marked leaves. ficaria flora plena (Double Celandine) parnassifolius 15cm Early leaves and shiny double buttercup flowers. Glossy basal leaves and upright cluster of clean white buttercup flowers. £6.50 £3.00 £3.00 £3.00 £4.00 RAOULIA australis A filigree film of tiny silver leaves. £3.50 RODGERSIA pinnata Chocolate Wings pinnata superba 1m Rough textured leaves, new growth chocolate coloured. Division of a fine plant we grow. Textured, handsome leaves of beautiful purple/bronze; flowers bright pink. pinnata white form White flowered form. podophylla 1.5m £6.00 £6.00 £6.00 Broad, bronze-tinted leaves with the appearance of huge horse chestnut leaves. Creamy white plumes of flower, and excellent autumn colour. A great focal point, one of those plants that pull a border together. £6.00 The hardiest Rosemary we grow. Many others died in the 2010/11, minus 15 was too much; this is the one that lived. £3.50 Indispensable late-flowering daisies that catch the low sunlight and lift a planting of grasses into something extraordinary. Dense clumps of yellow daisies, with prominent black eyes. £4.00 ROSMARINUS Miss Jessop's Upright RUDBECKIA fulgida speciosa 60cm SALIX boydii Dwarf Scottish native; rough textured grey leaves; 1m yellow catkins. lanata Fat woolly leaves and yellow catkins. (Woolly Willow) £4.00 £4.00 36 SANGUINARIA (Bloodroot) canadensis flore plena Small, grey kidney-shaped leaves emerging folded from the ground and at the same time perfect white rosettes of flower…like miniature banksia roses. £6.00 SANGUISORBA Neat pinnate leaves and these wonderful obtusa spikes of bright pink bottle brushes for 90cm (Pink Bottle Brush) summer. £4.00 SAPONARIA Good green, mat-forming plant covered with bright pink flowers in early summer. Excellent over £3.00 a wall. officinalis flora Late flowering herbaceous perennial; pretty plena double white flowers. Used once as a gentle £4.00 30cm Soapwort cleaning solution. ocymoides SAXIFRAGA fortunei (Japanese Saxifrages) Exquisite foliage plant, finely bronzed, congested purple or pink backed leaves; sprays of flowers in autumn. fortunei Green/purple scalloped leaves; white flowers. £4.75 Mount Nachi fortunei Exquisite: Fine bronzed leaves, brilliant carmine on rubrifolia the reverse; and attractive white sprays of flower £4.75 30cm in autumn. fortunei Wada 20cm Buttery yellow, waxy leaves with a magenta reverse. Lovely sprays of white flowers in autumn £4.75 ENCRUSTED SAXIFRAGES. The rosettes are evergreen and encrusted with lime and silver. Natures jewels. Francis Cade Neat silver rosettes all year round; white flower £3.50 10cm sprays. A fine specimen in a pot. kolentiana Excellent encrusted rosettes and unusual red atropurpurea £3.50 sprays of flowers. 20cm Longifolia Monarch Wonderful rosette and very floriferous; airy £3.50 20cm sprays of white blooms. Southside Seedling Lovely sprays of red spotted white flowers on £4.00 25cm silver leaves. Very fine. oppositifolia Mountain Saxifrage; UK native; white £3.00 Latina alba flowered form oppositifolia Large flowered variant of the purple mountain £3.00 Latina splendens saxifrage. London Pride; used to be everywhere, but now out of umbrosa fashion. A shame, as it is a good plant. Revive your love. £3.00 Perfect with Geranium Ingerswens variety. Remember London Pride? This is a much umbrosa neater, rather sweet version. Fills corners £3.00 Elliot’s variety beautifully. SCHIZOSTYLIS coccinea (Kaffir Lily) Elegant late flowering plants, beautiful form and look wonderful in autumn sunlight. coccinea alba Good white flowered variety. A little shorter and £4.50 (Snow Maiden) early. 37 coccinea major Autumn flowering large red crocus like flowers. Loves a sunny spot. £4.50 Jennifer Sword like leaves and pretty pink flowers. £4.50 Mrs Hegarty Late flowering (October/November) rose pink. £4.50 Professor Barnard Dusky red blooms. £4.50 Red Dragon Largest satiny red flowered variety. £4.50 Sunrise Satin pink blooms; lovely in autumn sunshine. £4.50 Tambara Rich dark pink flowers. £4.50 Zeal Salmon Salmon pink blooms. £4.50 A carpet of fleshy leaves and one-sided white flowers. A coastal plant from New Zealand; wind and salt proof £3.50 SELLIERA radicans SEMPERVIVUM (The Houseleeks) Admire the architecture of these obliging succulent plants. We grow many of them in terra-cotta pots or troughs and then group them together to make a display. I only grow and propagate exciting varieties; so read on. To get you started 10 sempervivums our choice £18 plus postage atlanticum Pale green, flushed red in summer ; lots of £2.50 from Oukaimeden rounded rosettes Red base, shading into green and then red sharp Blood Tip £2.50 tip to leaves; strong rosettes Blue Boy Grey rosettes, more blue in winter. £2.50 Bronco Beautiful red leaves colour all year. £2.50 Brunette Neat bright rosettes with dark tips Carmen Large yellow-green rosettes, heavily tipped dark brown. £2.50 Dark Cloud Dark leaved symmetrical rosette. £2.50 Green Apple Large, clean green rosettes. A perfect contrast. £2.50 Hall’s Hybrid Dark shiny purple/green rosettes. £2.50 Irazu Silver edged violet, changing grey pink. £2.50 Korsposegietge Bright red-gray rosettes. Good AYR. £2.50 Kramer's Spinrad A large cobwebbed houseleek. Outer leaves red flush, green tipped; densely hairy. £2.50 Lilac Time Large lilac gray rosettes. £2.50 Lynn’s Choice Large, unusual brown/green. £2.50 marmorium bruneifolium Red bases and tips on good green rosettes £2.50 Neat mid-green rosettes with bright red tips. Red flowers. roseum Red flushed leaves, making up dense, hairy fimbriatum rosettes. Named for our good friend and great gardener Sheila Burnett, who sadly died in 2012. An outstanding Semp. Sheila Large rosettes that redden in summer and are a glowing sultry ruby red through winter, responds well to feeding. Mrs. Guiseppii £2.50 £2.50 £2.50 38 Skrocki’s Beauty Grey flushed pink, very hairy. £2.50 stolonifera Neat rosettes, and trails with new rosettes forming. Unique. £2.50 Strider Excellent red rosettes; medium. £2.50 Vanbaelen Pinks shading green; large rosettes. £2.00 Zenith Small yellow green leaves. Rapid production of a ring of rosettes. £2.00 We are one of the few suppliers now. Large vigorous comfrey, selected at Bocking by the late Lawrence Hills. Wonderful mulch for potatoes. Great for making your own liquid manure, if you can stand the smell. We send out good big pot of roots for planting. £5.00 SYMPHYTUM Bocking 14 (Comfrey) SYSYRINCHIUM Blue eye grasses' from the Americas, pretty, neat plants, related to the Irises. Hemswell Sky Lovely sky blue flowers. idahoense Blue eyed Grass' - sky blue flowers; Lovely by rocks £3.00 and steps. idahoense album nudicaule montanum striatum 40cm £3.00 White variant. £3.00 Buff yellow with red /yellow centre. £3.00 A larger type; sword like leaves, edged white and creamy white flowers in summer. £4.00 False Solomon's seal; opposite leaves and panicles of white flowers. £4.00 SMILACINA racmosa SOLDANELLA villosa (Alpine Snow Bell) A small treasure; purple fringed parasols of flower on heart shaped leaves. Treasure it and £3.50 keep the slugs away. STACHYS macrantha robusta Large scalloped leaves; magenta lilac, orchid £4.00 50cm like flowers. Semi Evergreen; neat green mound and spikes monieri Hummelo £4.00 of pink flowers. TELEKIA speciosa 1.4 m Big strong plants; toothed leaves and shaggy yellow daisies. Will thrive in full sun and poor soil, even competing with grass if necessary. £4.00 TEUCRIUM hircanicum 60cm (Germander) A taller variety from Europe with dusky purple blooms; wonderful in the driest most inhospitable places. £4.00 THALICTRUM aquilegifolium 1m delavayi album 1.5m Tall airy, violet heads of flower in summer. Airy heads of white on tall swaying stems. Perfect in shade, and woodland. £4.00 £4.50 39 delavayi Hewitt’s Double 1.5m Fabulous pink double. In flower for months on end. £4.75 THERMOPSIS Strong ragged leaves and lupin like yellow flowers; good in wilder parts of the garden. montana £4.00 THYMUS pulegoides Foxley 10cm Doone Valley 10cm Silver Posy 15cm Broad leaved thyme with white flecked leaves. £2.50 Good for Culinary use. Small spreading clumps with variegated £2.50 leaves; lemon scented. Upright plant with pretty silver variegated £2.50 leaves: purple flowers. TIARELLA cordifolia 15cm wheryi 20cm Marbled leaves that give good steady ground coverage and a lovely foam of white flowers in spring. Essential for any garden. A bigger plant with well marked leaves; clump forming habit. £3.50 £3.50 TRIFOLIUM repens purpurascens Four leaved clover; darkly marked purple £3.00 quadrifolium leaves and clover flowers. TRILLIUM (Wake-Robin) Beautiful North American woodland plants. Distinctive 3 petalled flowers and attractive leaves. When established they are plants of great beauty. cuneatum erectum grandiflorum Attractive marbled leaves and purple flowers. Red trillium; 3 petalled ruby red flowers, set off by the 3 leaved bracts. White wake-robin; lovely three petalled flowers; on mottled foliage. £5.00 £5.00 £5.00 luteum Yellow flowered trillium on silvery mottled leaves. £5.00 rugelii Hanging rich red Trilliums £6.00 simile Large white flowers of good substance held well above the leaves £6.00 TROLLIUS Early substantial buttercups for a damp or wet area. cultorum Lovely plants for a damp spot; large creamy New Moon 40cm yellow globes on early, strong green foliage. acaulis 30cm £3.50 £4.00 TROPAEOLUM Good pots full of growing roots of the wonderful climbing plant that stops most visitors to Scotland in their steps. Wonderful speciosum twining through evergreens, such as over a (Flame of Scotland) classic Yew hedge. It can be difficult to get going, which is why we lift substantial root pieces and sell them when they start to grow away. £7.50 VERONICASTRUM virginicum album Swaying wands of white flowers on this late 1.2m summer perennial. A useful and attractive £4.50 40 addition to any sunny or part shade planting. Hardy and long lived. VINCA (Periwinkles) Perfect plants for woodland floors or amongst shrubs or over walls. Wherever you need an attractive, hardy evergreen carpeter. minor Lovely early periwinkle blue flowers. £3.50 minor alba (Miss Jekyll's White) White flowers, glossy foliage. £3.50 minor atropurpurea Unusual dusky purple flowers on the same neat trails of leaves. £3.50 aureavariegata Golden edged leaves; blue flowers. £3.50 minor Double Blue A lovely double flowered variety; attractive blue rosettes. £3.50 minor Illuminations Bright yellow striped leaves; blue flowers. £3.50 VIOLA cornuta Belmont Blue Inverurie Blue AGM laborodorica Palest sky blue violets for months on end; excellent ground cover. Large Violet-purple violets with a good. Fast ground covering habit. Neat clumps of purple leaves and then purple violets; hardy. £3.50 £3.50 £3.00 ZANTHDECHIA (Arum Lilies) aetiopica I could wish that these would grow as well for us as I see them in New Zealand, thriving in ditches and as garden discards. These fine white upright "lilies" can last for many £5.00 weeks in summer and make a fine focal point. A little winter protection if frosts are heavy helps. ZIGADENUS elegans 25cm Elegant midsummer bulb; pale green flowers, on slender wiry stems. £3.50 This catalogue is a selection of what we grow. Our plants change over the year as we propagate and sell. Check our web site or e-mail us to check availability. info@lochnessgarden.com www.lochnessgarden.com 41 Abriachan Garden Nursery ABRIACHAN NURSERIES Specialists in Hardy and Unusual plants Loch Ness Side, Inverness, IV3 8LA TELEPHONE: 01463 861 232 E-mail: info@lochnessgarden.com www.lochnessgarden.com Nursery & Garden Walk on the shore of Loch Ness