for him! - The Greeting Place
for him! - The Greeting Place
New! ... for him! Because women aren’t the only ones with issues Fall 2010 Card #01026 - Magnet #11021 My therapist told me the way to achieve inner peace was to finish thin gs I had started. Today I finished 2 bags of potato chips and a chocolate cake. I fee l better already. Card #01046 Ever notice how all of women’s problems start with men? (List) Card #01053 Five Stages of Female Life To grow up. To fill out. To slim down. To hold it in. To heck with it! Card #01069 Why can’t I get a little ahead, instead of just a bigger behind?! Card #01074 Card #01067 Card #01072 en… Embarrassing my childr offer. I e vic ser re mo one t jus what a I wish you had told me went! I ore bef bikini wax was Okay, this is how it wo rks… You tell me I look too thin , and I say I love what you ’ve done with your hair. What are friends for?! Card #01076 Card #01075 I am recovering from pla stic the shoe store cut up my surgery – credit card. 1 picture Hurry up and take the me! ing kill my thong is Card #01077 I can share my deepes t secrets with you because you are my bes t friend. And because you won’t remember them anywa y! Card #01080 pickle Well, isn’t that just the on the crap sandwich that is my day?! Card #01087 … so, after seeing her boyfriend America’s Most Wanted, on she turned him in, collected the reward, Card #01081 and ran off with the poo l boy. d cook. goo a be to e hav ’t don I The End. I’m a trophy wife. Card #01093 Senility Prayer Card #01092 Card #01091 t. I love you with all my but I would say heart, but my butt is bigger. Card #01094 Card #01097 Chocolate is my pimp. God grant me the senility to forget the people I nev er liked, the good fortune to run into the ones I do like, and the eyesight to tell the difference. I’m one bad relationship away from becoming that crazy cat lady down the street. Card #01096 I color my hair so much, my driver’s license has a color wheel. Do you know why the menopausal woman crossed the road? To kill the chicken. Card #01099 My new diet goal: To weigh what my driver’s license says. Card #01098 Just a note to say hello. Thought you could use a little “lift”. Card #01101 Card #01100 If stress burned calories, we’d both be supermode ls! I work at Hooter’s ... the kitchen. 2 Card #01103 Dear God, So far today, I am doing all right. I have not gossiped, los t my temper, been greedy, grumpy, selfish or self-indulgent. I have not whined, cursed, or eaten any cho colate. However, I am going to get out of bed in a few minutes, and I will need a lot more help after that. Card #01102 Amen. showsI love watching reality tty normal! pre k loo they make my life New! New! New! New! Card #01106 Card #01104 Pessimists say the cup is half empty. Optimists say the cup is half full. I say, either way, it’s not going to be eno ugh coffee. I’m on two diets. The first one just wasn’ t giving me enough food. Card #01107 Card #01105 New! I’m putting a cork t. under my pillow tonigh , day zy cra a n bee It’s it and I’m hoping for a vis from the Wine Fairy. I have CDO. It’s like OCD, but all the letters are in alphabetical order, like they should be! New! Card #01108 Only real friends can laugh for hours about something, stop laughing, realize they forgot what ut... they were laughing abo der! and then laugh even har 3 Card #01109 I don’t want to brag or anything... but I can still fit into the earrings I wore in hig h school . 11022 Card #01515 - Magnet m as chin hairs. I refuse to think of the . Card #01504 - Magnet them as stray eyebrows 11014 I think of Life is short. Live it up! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I had to give up jogging for my health. My thighs kept rubbing tog and setting my pantyhose ether on fire. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Card #01539 Card #01529 - Magnet 11036 I have everything I had 20 years ago. Except now it’s all lower. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Card #01520 - Magnet 11023 11037 Card #01531 - Magnet of time These days I spend a lot ter. eaf her the ut abo g thinkin get to e her I go somew wonder something, and then I er. aft e her what I’m Birthdays are like underp ants. They creep up on us from behind, and we hop e they don’t show too mu ch. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! 11045 Card #01542 - Magnet Girls gone wide! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! 3 Card #01548 Card #01544 rcut Never give yourself a hai s. rita rga ma ee after thr HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Card #01546 A woman never forgets her age… once she decides what it is. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! At 20, we worry about of us. what other people think ut At 40, we don’t care abo us. of k thin ple peo what other en’t been hav y the lize rea we , At 60 thinking of us at all. Thinking of you now! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Card #01553 Be who you are and say what you think. Because those that min d, don’t matter. And those that matter, don’t mind. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! 4 Card #01556 Card #01555 You’re charming, funny, smart, and personable. tell us apart! Sometimes I just can’t I hope this card isn’t too funny. I understand people you r age pee pretty easily. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Card #01560 Card #01558 Livin’ the dream! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Three words you hate to the day after your birthda hear y bash… Cell. Phone. Camera. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Card #01563 Winestoppers… who has wine left over to “stop” ?! Card #01561 HAPPY BIRTHDAY! When did our “wild oat s” turn into “shredded wh eat”?! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Card #01564 As you get older, remember that true bea uty comes from within… ...from within bottles, jar s, compacts and tubes. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Card #01565 Keep your chins up y! it’s just another birthda HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Card #01569 Card #01566 Don’t fear getting older. ffic Fear getting stuck in tra after 2 cups of coffee and a bran muffin. 5 HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Do you ever have the fee ling that the rest of the wo rld is just a couple of cocktails behind? HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Card #01573 Card #01572 hdays, I’ve stopped having birt ts. sen pre but I still want the HAPPY BIRTHDAY! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Act someone else’s age ! Card #01576 Card #01574 like you! I don’t deserve a friend e Of course, I don’t deserv er… my mother’s thighs eith Happy Birthday anyway! You’re one step closer to being the old lady sing home! causing trouble in the nur Card #01575 HAPPY BIRTHDAY! The 12-Step Chocoholics Program Never be more than 12 steps away from chocolate! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Card #01577 Just like a fine wine, you improve with age. Or do you just improve with more win e? New! HAPPY BIRTHDAY either way! New! Card #01580 Most people your age want to grow old with dig nity. But it doesn’t look like you’re gonna let that hap pen! Card #01578 It’s your birthday! LAUGH your glasses off ! New! Card #01582 Card #01579 HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I do not have gray hairs. . I have stress highlights HAPPY BIRTHDAY! New! Card #01583 rs At our age, A birthday can do wonde “friends with benefits” for a person... means health, dental, and keys? 401K ! Wonder where I left my se already? Wonder if I washed the HAPPY BIRTHDAY! this room? Wonder why I came in thday! Have a WONDERFUL Bir Card #01581 New! It’s your birthday!! Card #01584 I decided to try and tching”. “dance like no one is wa tching, wa Turns out someone was zure, sei a for g mistook my dancin . 911 led cal and HAPPY BIRTHDAY! 6 New! New! Card #02030 tools A man needs only two : hop rks wo his in WD-40 and duct tape. New! it should, If it doesn’t move and . -40 WD the use uldn’t, If it does move and it sho e. tap t duc the use Card #02031 Men love to barbeque. Men love to cook when danger is involved! New! New! New! Card #02530 First you forget names, then you forget faces. Next you forget to pull your zipper up. And finally, you forget to pull it down. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Card #02532 Card #02531 Give a man a fish, . and he will eat for a day , fish Teach him to and he will sit in a boat, and drink beer all day. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! 7 My car absolutely will not run unless my golf clubs are in the trunk. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Card #02533 A birthday cake is the only food you can blow on and spit on, and everybody rushes to get a piece! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Magnet #11005 Magnet #11007 Magnet #11012 Magnet #11009 Magnet #11013 Magnet #11014 Magnet #11015 Magnet #11021 Magnet #11016 Magnet #11022 Magnet #11028 Magnet #11026 Magnet #11029 Magnet #11027 Magnet #11025 Magnet #11030 ! ! Magnet #11031 ! # # " Magnet #11034 Magnet #11035 Magnet #11037 8 (888) 462-5830 (888) 891-5831 fax Shop online at Greeting Cards & Gifts New Look! New Designs! Real Pets, Real Photos Real Life! Summer 2010 Card #04062 - Magnet #14005 Card #04060 - Magnet #14001 If you think dogs can’t count, try putting three dog treats in your pocket, and then giving your dog only two of them. Card #04061 - Magnet #14003 New rhinestone collar - $20.00 Day at doggie day spa - $75.00 Tommy Holedigger cologne - $100.00 It’s great to be a dog… because if you gain weight, it’s somebody else’s fault! Look of envy in other dogs eyes – PRICELESS. Card #04065 - Magnet #14025 Card #04064 - Magnet #14011 Card #04063 - Magnet #14009 I don’t do mornings. No outfit is complete without a few cat hairs. There is no snooze button on a cat who wants breakfast. Card #04068 Card #04066 We wonder why dogs always drink out of our toilets… But look at it from their point of view why do humans keep peeing in our water bowls?! Card #04069 1 If you don’t speak to your cat about catnip, who will? Just wanted to say Card #04067 - Magnet #14027 HI! Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our life whole. Card #04071 Card #04070 Life is GOOD! No matter how little money, or how few possessions you own, having a dog’s love makes you rich. Card #04073 - Magnet #14030 Card #04072 - Magnet #14010 Cat’s aren’t clean… “Because I’m the cat, that’s why!” Do I look like a freakin’ people person?! Card #04078 Handle every stressful situation like a dog. If you can’t eat it or play with it, pee on it and walk away. I thought about you today… and I liked it so much, I’m going to do it again tomorrow! they’re just covered with cat spit. Card #04075 Card #04074 Card #04076 Sometimes it’s better not to think “outside the box”… Card #04077 How’s everything on your end? Card #04079 Card #04530 - Magnet #14012 I’d rather spend time doing nothing with you, Some days you’re the dog, some days you’re the hydrant. than doing something with anyone else. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Card #04532 As one cat said to another… Card #04531 Together forever in our hearts. Birthdays are like fur balls – the more you have, the more you gag. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Card #04533 - Magnet #14021 Cat’s motto: No matter what you’ve done wrong, always try to make it look like the dog did it. 2 Card #04535 Card #04534 Hope you’re feeling better soon! We are smiling! It’s your birthday… party like someone forgot to close the gate! Card #04540 Still cool after all these years! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Card #04539 Good things come to those who are patient. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Card #04541 It’s your birthday – Thanks for taking care of me! Card #04542 have a ball! I got you this present… May all your dreams come true! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Card #04543 HAPPY BIRTHDAY, 3 So sorry for your loss. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Card #04538 Card #04537 Card #04536 Wild Thing! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Card #04544 It’s just another birthday – roll with it! Card #04545 CONGRATULATIONS on your new bundle of joy! 5 6 (888) 462-5830 (888) 891-5831 fax Shop online at