SALE - The Sportsmans Shop
SALE - The Sportsmans Shop
CHA PION SAFE HUGE TRUCKlOAD SAlE Up to 100 models On Disnlav Scratch & Dent. over Runs Shoot Benelli Guns at the Expo-June 14.. FREE! AnvIncludes Benelli Max4 Semi Auto all SBl M2, Vinci & Super Vinci In Stock Slore stock onlV - aenelli~ s Pe1fomumce Wortb the Price Discontinued mlllels& IDIJIS. DRAMATIC PRICEBuv REDUCTIONS sate. Buv When You a You Peace of Mind. ~~£inn2.._ _, QQ__Q~ 2BIG SAii DAYS ONLY! MJune13 &sat, June 14 Your CHANCE TO SAVE BIG 111 QualilV Gun Sales sates trom 12-50 Gun C8118Ci1V . ~...-..~~ s ,,. . M2, SBEH v 1nC1, uper v 1nC1, \J: • . c,.... ChamPion Model T w/ Elecbunic lock EXPO PRICE S649 Max5.APGorSVn nvee1oni!. ~ 00 OFF ·~ You BUV! ~ •...~ 1 -- - _. I Slore stock onlV ~ Trv Before~ ~e... . . ' . .® : ' W 4·»*i53ii717? ·-.!~~; ~YrAll New l11le11Si1V & FRANCHI lllSlillCIO/USholguns FEELSRIGHT New Intensity 12GA models in Black MaxS, APG & Max4. Instinct L & SL models in stock Phoenix Class I fire protection 1325° @45-minute rating, 5-year warranty AllBenelli semi Aldo's OFF 8100 Slore stock onlV ~ Made in America, Or Not Made At All Savage Hille Blowout! ·TheHanlBEST Selection To Get Henrv Rifles" anvwhere No Brainer! Everv Savage RUie is ON SAlE of .. • Shoot Henrv Rines at the EJQJo-June 14.. FREE! rrveerore\ ·......YooBUVI I .-- - -- c, ' ' "'"" ; ,. A.-•k•. n. :....1 \l~.Sr A l AU 20" Blue BBL/Wood Stock, 10+1, Brass butt plates & receiver #H004 (i HENRY. "..........".o,, .. ,..~,A)All . ---- CiHENRY. Sa11ag!!'lk'!!! savaueAKis 11 camo Package Hen"l!:,'::,..llDJ EXPO PRICE w/ 3-9x40 Weaver Scone s449 EXCLUSIVE Make Up Special Exclusive Make Up. 22" BBL, 4 Rd. Capacity Available in 223, 22-250, 243, 7MM-08, 308, 270 & 30-06 EXPO PRICE s439 Shoot Savage Hilles at the Expo-June 14.. FREE! Henrv lever Aclion 22 EXPO PRICE s2a9 • Sa11ag!&'!!.! 18.25" Blue BBL/Wood Stock, 15+1 #HOOl 93811 MoodV Gilt camo w/ 3-9X40 BUShnellScone ~ MiniBo•22 SS/SVnor MuddV Gilt Gamo EXPO PRICE S229 Trv~ eerore~~ ·. YouBUVI EXCLUSIVE Make Up ...1 ... Special Exclusive Make Up. 17HMR, 21" BBL, 5 Rd. Magazine #96208 EXPO PRICE ~~rr;ft);w ~~ ~ (ft~ ~l.Jjl.J eJ.J~l..f::J:> ~l.JO s299 STEVENS TheDefinitionofValue 16.25" BBL, Williams Fire Sights, 1 shot #H005/#H005MG All Other Hennr Rnles s Including the Magnum Lever Action, Frontier, The Golden Bov, The Big Bov The Original Henrv & several others. (iHENRl These models in stock at press time: HOOlM, HOOlT, H002B, H003T, H003TM, H004M, H006, H006C, H006M, H009, H009B, HOlO, HOll Slevens 35012GA Pomp 5ecuriQrw/Ghost Ring Sights 18.5" BBL. 5 Shot #18951 Reg $289 EXPO PRICE SAVE $90 5199 composite Stock/Black BBL 50CAL. 24" BBL #1120 Reg $649 EKPO PRICES539 45ACP, 5" BBL. 8 Rd. Cap. Checkered Walnut Grips #51465 Reg $649 Tavlor's 1911 Taclical45 OD EXPO PRICE S'J49 20" Carbine BBL #1125 Reg $639 EXPO PRICE S529 G2 Camo Stock/Black BBL 45ACP, 5" BBL. 8 Rd. Cap, Olive Drab #51476 Reg $849 50CAL. 24" BBL #1130 Reg $689 EKPO PRICE S5J9 Shoot all these Great Guns at the Expo-June 14.. FREE! 20" Carbine BBL #1135 Reg $679 EXPO PRICE S569 CZAYLol{'S && Go., /JX9. Walnut Stock/Black BBL ~-~~ · For more information on Taylor's Firearms call 540.7222017 or visit Ube11i357 1he Smokewauon EXPO PRICE s499 4.75" BBL. 6 shot Checkered Walnut Grips #4107 Uberli45LC 1he Smokewauon s499 5.5'' BBL. 6 shot Checkered EXPO PRICE Walnut Grips #4110 50CAL. 24" BBL #1110 Reg $869 Tavlor's 1911 Taclical 45 FOE EXPO PRICE S'J49 EXPO PRICE SJ39 20" Carbine BBL #1115 Reg $859 EXPO PRICE SJ29 45ACP, 5" BBL. 8 Rd. Cap, Flat Dark Earth finish #51475 Reg $849 ShOot lHR Redemooon MZ Loaders at the Expo-June 14.. FREE! 1rv eero~e·~ 0H{'-.f}:~ YouBuv! ~ 1892Alaskan ~~Take-Down44MAG Full Size or COmpact 11 • l EXPO PRICE 51299 @. V ENTU RE Lever Action, Black/Chrome 20" BBL #AKTD44 16" BBL #920-311 Full Size 357 EXPO PRICE 51299 s75 Factorv Rebate+ 515 Instant Rebate from us. Lever Action, Black/Chrome "\ 20" BBL #920-349 ~EE SUrvival Bag s100VA•UE Ubelti351 GullliUhtercatllenml EXPO PRICE s459 5.5'' BBL. 6 shot, Walnut Grips #5000 Will rn 1he 1892 Tokedown &Alaskan Rifle broketi down and hos oo outside pouch lo holdobox of ammun~ion. for barrel leoglh of 16" &20". .__ - @ 20o/o OFF All in Stock PmHUllb!'FX ~AUTHENTIC Blk SVn/Wealher Shield ~A C C E S S 0 R I E S 26" BBL. 50 CAL #5800 EXPO PRICE S549 " \?I RUGER Trv Before'"'~ · You Buv! SP101221R 8 Shot Revolver lCR Blowout! EXPO PRICE s499 lCR RevolVers. 2218, 22MAG, 38SPL .351 s #5765 Reg $589 SAVE $90 . TrvBefore: Hogue Tamer Grip Matte Black Hard Coat Finish _Aerospace -Grade Stainless BBL ··~~ Ruger22/45 Ute 22lRPislol Satin Stainless finish Black Rubber/ Engraved Wood Grips 4.2" BBL. 8 Shot EXPO PRICE s3eg 4.4" Threaded BBL. 10+1, Black Anodize Finish #3903 Reg $429 SAVE $40 All LCR Revolvers Included. With & without laser. ·.·~ -rg:w:,,rr3 Shoot Ruger Guns at the ExPo-June 14.. FREE! ~ ---=--~---f'I"'""'""""'""""""~ lC99MM 5 300FF Shoot Ruger AR Rines at the ExPo-June 14.. FREE! SR9&SR40 Ultra compact 7+1, 3.12" BBL All models in stock With & without laser. Blue. SS & COmpaCI 5.56NATO, 16" BBL. 30 Rd. Cap, Collapsible Stock #5912 Reg $1199 SAVE $200 ·.. 5 250FF ~..!~ sggg . 1rv Before": Trv Before": <~~ .• YouBuv! • Black Lam /Stainless Black Lam/Matte Black (RH & LH) Green Lam/Matte Black Gunsite 30BR•es 5 500FF Ruger BX25 Mag 'R:z:.e) ··~..~ AllCaliberslncluded Blue, Stainless & Compact Models American series eonAclion Genteltire Hilles s25 OFF 5 300FF RugerSR556E Trv Before3 EXPO PRICE . .. 1CP380 Ambidextrous Safety, Picatinny-style rail s40va1ue FREE SR191145ACP EXPO PRICE 5 659 Low Glare Stainless Slide & Grip, 5" BBL. 8+ 1 Ultra Thin, Small &Compact 2.75" BBL All models in stock With & without laser. Smith&Wesson· Revolver Blowout! Anv Smith Wesson Revolver In Stock Smilh & Wesson M&P15 OUlies ReallV Gun/AccessorV Package & Over 21 Difterent Models S • ~ '"' Before«! ._ YouBuv! • OFF Anv model lllicell $500 II'less SJ5 OFF An!IModel llil81$500&... > Srnith&\\esson· -11/[(j. 9 M I L I T .... •v& .. o .. 1 c r EJIPO PRICE sa29 Trv Before·: .. YOU BUVI .... Includes Rifle, S&W Tactical Gun Case, 2 Extra Hi Capacity Magazines & 60 FREE Rounds of Ammo S.56NAT0/.223 ·-~ 16" BBL, 30 Rd .. #811003 Total Value $1100! BEST DEAL AT THE EXPO Shoot Smith &Wesson AR's at the Expo-June 14... FREE! Shoot Smith & Wesson Guns at the Expo-June 14.. FREE! Smith&\~· Smith&~n· New Self Defense Trigger Std. Picatinny Rail, Stainless Slide & BBL Reg $359 Sell Oetense PiSlols 9MM&.40S&W . . . .~ ··~~ Slim & Concealable s.11101 & wesson M&PShield -9MM m .40SW 1800201180021 EXPO PRICE SAVE $70 S369 Reg $449 . Smith&\\esson· BolhlUuanl 380 Wilh Insight laser lrv Befori"~ Model 22A EXPO PRICE ·.!_OU Buv! ~ Target PiSIDIS s359 EXPO PRICE s299 Many Guns in Stock Some Hard to Find models Excludes M&PlS Sport (#811036) & M&PlS OR (#811003) Trv Before\ ·. You Buv! • ... ~ ...::;:;;r Smith&~sson· Smilh & wesson Slim, Compact & Lightweight w101aser MI LI TARY&PO LICE 1093801109381 Reg $369-$429 s50 OFF anv 22n -==·.·. ~ Buvt • s40 OFF Smilla&\W:SfOC\ A!P. ·~........... Trv Before: 1911Pislol SJ50FF Many Models in Stock .~OU~ Ml'- I T- • • & fOO\.IOC Bonus S&W BaclQl8Cll s30 V81ue RIEEI Excludes M&P Shield S111id1 & Wesson M&P155POrl M&P15/22 . nv Before·: Ri111nre Rines TrvBefore\ YouBuvt ~ AllVS&W sna Ualue-FREE•. Me e 3 Different Models in Stock. SS' BBL, 10+ 1 ··~ Bonus! S&WTaclicallRil18C8sa.21EXbaHi CalmcilV M11garitl8S & 60 Rounds ol Anwno 308WI~ EllPOPRICE s5gg S.56NAT0/.223, 16" BBL, 30 Rd. #811036 Reg $699 SAVE $I 00 S111id1 & Wesson M&P10 308 EllPO PRICE 51329 /7.62x51, 18" BBL, 10 Rd.#811311 Re g $1529 SAVE $200 3 20 0FF AIMauazileS Smith&Wesson· For Most Popular Smith & Wesson pistols and AR Style rifles a. Get s150 in FREE Ammo! HECKLER&KOCH The All New G42! lhe smallest GLOCK Pistol ever made! with Anv H&K Pistol Purchased at the Expo Made in the USA. the 642 is the smallest PislOl GLOCK bas ~--.... ® ever introduced. malling it ideal for pocket canv and sho01el'S with smaller hands. Shootvours todav! With the purchase ot anv ot lhe 1H&K handguns listed below get QCK s150 in FREE Ammo -of vour choice! These 1Models In Stock: s50 •• ~~J;;;;;;;;,..Q c::::J ·~ PERFECTION .. OFF ~ . ... ~ l....!:!...J~L.A...:...J SUB COMPACT 380ACP 3.25" BBL, 6+1 Reg $449 ~ Trv Betor8"~ New! G'l2 -:.;Ir You Buv! : EJlllO PriCe HK 45 Tactical Vl w/ 5.1" BBL #745001T-AS HK 45 w/4.5" BBL #745001-AS HK 45C w/ 3.7" BBL #745031 LE-AS HK 45C Tactical Vl w/4.5" BBL #745031TLE-AS HK P30 Vl 9MM Lite 3.7" BBL #730901LE-AS HK P30S V3 9MM w/ 3.7" BBL #M730903 SLE-AS HK P30S V3 9MM w/ 3.85" BBL #730901-AS = CJ LJ Gen4 s399 > ~ .... ,,#.,~ HECKLER & KOCH Shoot Heckler &Koch Guns at the Expo-June 14.. FREE! RalMaslel® - - UniUelsal Taclical liUlll #CMR-202 Crlm•on O Crl m•on Trace O Troo• s50 Off O..RegPl'lce l The laser's slim profile matches that of the pistol, and features Crimson Trace's trademark Instinctive Activation™. Reg $599-$609 lorSig P238& P938 RalMaslel® 5 940FF •aser SUI• #CMR-201 Crlm•on O unce s50 Off O..RegPl'lce -------------------' Defender se11es™ Blowout SW J Aa11e. Tamus 51118111 Aa11e SprillUfield XO &XIJM .. / Off 5 & . . 710 OS a:F:Na:R Si!ER/i!ES' fXPO PRICE I ! I I I c::::z B STANDARD, COMPACT _ __ & SUB COMPACT LIMITED Reg $649-$659 UANTITIES ._ tg:r:: . ===- ·.... "'... s549 \...!ou BUV! ~ fXPO PRICE S589 UniUelsal Dur Reg Price Fully adjustable for windage and elevation and comes sighted in at 50 feet from the factory. I 021/30/36 45ACP Trv eero.:.i) 021/30/36 45ACP uanl® C .,.r,.c• J 6:!3~~ STANDARD, COMPACT & SUB COMPACT Glock Gen3 Crlm•on ' 3 15 0ff G199MMor 023.40S&W AllGlocllM!URi• Nickel/Boron finish s50 OFF GLOCK Gen3or Gen4 Nickel--Boron slide coaling tor eXb'ellle danbilitV and less maintenance. EINiro11nental corrosion Pl'OteCtion. Wipes cleall GLCCK ~-~ GLOCK NUISUllS In Sb*for all Glocll models FREE Installation s35 Value S/BSAUER 5150 ·~ ~.~ TACOPS sn8229MM .... EXPO PRICE = Trv Before ~ save5100 YOU BUV! 2Tonew/laser EXPO PRICE ~~ s399 Eauinox or Extreme EXPO PRICE S529 P9389MM Critical Defense Lite Ammo for the 38 Special Critical Defense .38SUecial EKPOPRICE SSTShOQJlnSlugs 12&20GA S20.95 #90300 90 GR, Flex-tip Expanding Reg $29.95 FTX Bullet, Unmatched Accuracy, Flat Trajectory 3 EKPOPRICE s2495 Home secan.vsares H CUSTOM300 WHISPER! Horn""" 208grAMAX · # s.-..e 300Whisller 15 0FF #80892 A-Max Horna.dy lrnlrolb:i... lhe RAPll™ 15°h.OFF In Stock All TUltlevAnll10 Your Choice! S859 MOSQUitO Black or Pink EXPO PRICE s299 22LR, 10+1, 3.9" BBL 1911-22 EQuinOX or Ni!lhlDD'e EXPO PRICE s100 14+1, 3.9" BBL 380ACP, SIGLITE Night Sights, 6+ 1, 2.7" BBL 208GR Subsonic for when you want to be quiet ISaWl EXPO PRICE I save IEXPO PRICE Rosewood. Your Choice! 3 15 0FF SRT Trigger, Accessory Rail, SIG LITE Night Sights, 10+ 1, 4.4" BBL ~ S859 PZIB save $100 ~ s959 P226 MK25 P226 M11-A1 SIG LITE Night Sights, 15+1, 3.9" BBL llomadV handgun 8Dlllllilion delivers smenor 1181fOnl1811C8v.tlen itmon most = Rat Dark Eanh EXPO PRICE s599 S389 SIG LITE Night Sights, 6+ 1, 3" BBL 22LR, 10+1, 5" BBL S/GSAUER' Shoot Sig Guns at the EJQlo-June 14-. FREE! Save over $150 PM400 Gen2 Pistol w/SB15 Slabilizing Brace $1199 5.56NATO, EXPO PRICE Flip-up Sights, 11.5" BBL, 30 Rd. Alum. Handguard #PM400-11B-PSB (not Closs Ill) Save over $150 Sig P516 Gen2 Pistol w/SB15 SlabiliZinu Brace s1399 5.56NATO, EXPO PRICE 10" BBL, 10 Rd. Alum. Handguard, Flip-up Sights, #P516G2-10B-PSB (not Closs 111) Shadow Ullralile Pkg WilhAcu Draw s1099 Up to 350 fps Weight 6.41b 180 lb draw weight Package Includes: Pro-View 2 Scope, 3-arrow quiver, 3-pack of Ten Point Bolts TEN PO I N~ ,v: ':I), = ...,. "'"""" ~~~·.. ~ ..... , " ;+.~ Package includes: TenPoint RangeMaster Pro Scope, three-bolt quiver with ambidextrous mount, Six Pro Elite bolts with practice points, Bowjax noise-dampening kit and instructional DVD. Up to 353 fps. Weight: 6.5 lb 185 lb. draw weight Sleallh SS Pkg WilhAcu .. aw sngg r--------------------------------------------, !$ : I I .oo ANY QUICKIE i OPP LUBE SERVICE : Up to 333 fps. Weight 6.8 lb 185 lb. draw weight Includes: TenPoint 3x Pro-View 2 Scope, three-arrow quiver & three Pro Elite carbon-fiber bolts. Up to 345 fps Weight7 lb 180 lb draw weight Includes: TenPoint 3x Pro-View 2 Scope, three-arrow quiver & three TenPoint aluminum bolts. Invader HP I cannot becombinedwith any other offers or specials. see storefor details. Expires 08/31114. I Preillium Pkg L--------------------------------------------J ,~- 5499 Up to 315 fps. Weight 7 lb 180 lb. draw weight Includes: ACU-52 self-retracting cocking system, TenPoint 3X multi-line scope, Wicked Ridge quiver. Get a Bednar Anow Puller & 3 Crossbow Bolls s40 Value FREE! Miii Pll'ChaSe olamrnewTenPoitor WiiellRilgeJlllCMalQllhe Exoo Wicked Ridge lnvaderHP lbareboWJ s299 Tenoo&11 Tenoo&11 vaoorPkU Garbon FUsion W/ ACU-llraw50 ClS Pl&gw/ AD50 5"1649 51449 BuvelS Specials BuvelS Specials VERY Umiled Qua111ilies. Store Slock OlllV VERY Umiled Qua111ilies. Store Slock OlllV SALE $432 Browning Buckmark Camper UFX 22LR #51482490 Reg $369 SALE $282 Browning Buckmark Practical URX 22LR #51448490 Reg $409 SALE $315 Walther PPX M1 .40S&W #2790050 Reg $479 SALE $325 Walther PPX M1 9MM #2790025 Reg $479 SALE $325 Anderson Stripped AR Lower 5.56 #AR15-A3-LWFO Reg $129 SALE $50 Colt Mustang XSP 380 #06790 Reg $699 SALE $558 Colt Mustang Pocklite Custom Shop 380 #06891 BE Reg $1019 SALE $810 FNH FNX Tactical 45ACP #66966 Reg $1219 SALE $978 Armalite M15A4 5.56 #LEC15A4CBK Reg $929 SALE $742 Century Arms M70PAP 7.62x39 #Rl2084-N Reg $1099 SALE $525 Century Arms PAP M92 AK Pistol 7.62x39 #HG3089-N Reg $899 SALE $500 Century Arms M85 AK Pistol 5.56 #HG3088-N Reg $899 SALE $500 Armalite 15A4CB MOE 5.56 #BG15A4CBMOE Reg $1199 SALE $948 Wyndham Weaponry MPC M4A4 5.56 #R16M4A4T Reg $999 SALE $749 Wyndham Weaponry SRC M4A4 5.56 #R16M4FTT-SRC Reg $999 SALE $715 Bushmaster Patrol Carbine M4A3 5.56 #90289 Reg $1099 SALE $830 Bushmaster ORC 308 #90702 Reg $1329 SALE $1053 Anderson M4 Heavy Barrel OR 5.56 #AM15-M416 Reg $1259 SALE $999 Weatherby Vanguard Series II Youth 308 #YT308NROO Reg $549 SALE $435 AAC Micro 7 300AAC Blackout #101265 Reg $939 SALE $798 AAC Han di-Rifle 300AAC Blackout #102602 Reg $369 SALE $288 SALE $450 Triumph w/ Bushnell Trophy 3-9x40 DOA .50CAL #8513 Reg $599 SALE $450 Springfield XDS 2 Tone 9MM #XDS9339S Reg $619 SALE $496 Springfield XDS Black 9MM #XDS9339B Reg $569 SALE $448 Springfield XDS Black 45ACP #XDS93345B Reg $569 SALE $454 Springfield XDM 4.5" Black .40S&W #XDM9202HCSP Reg $639 SALE $514 Springfield XDM 4.5" Black 45ACP #XDM94545BHC Reg $669 SALE $535 Springfield XD Tactical Bi Tone 45ACP #XD9623HCSP06 Reg $639 SALE $512 Springfield XD Black 9MM #XD9101 HCSP06 Reg $519 SALE $416 Springfield XD Sub Compact Black 9MM #XD9801 HCSP06 Reg $519 SALE $416 LWRC REPR Black 7.6216.1 " BBL #REPRR7BK16 Reg $3389 SALE $3047 LWRC REPR FOE 7.6216.1 " BBL #REPRR7CK16 Reg $3529 SALE $3174 LWRC REPR FOE 7.62 20" BBL #REPRR7CK20 Reg $3719 SALE $3344 LWRC REPR Black 7.62 20" BBL #REPRR7BK20 Reg $3649 SALE $3217 LWRC REPR Leonidas Bronze 7.62 16.1 " BBL *Special Run* Reg $4239 SALE $3599 LWRC M6A5 DMR Black 5.5618" BBL Reg $2749 SALE $2328 Weaver 3-9x40 Camo Dual X Reticle #849992 Reg $99.95 SALE $30 Weaver Tactical 1.5x24 30MM #800364 Reg $799 SALE $554 Bushnell Bone Collector 250 DOA Reticle #323940BP Reg $379 SALE $268 Blackhawk 3-15x50 30MM MilDot Reticle #71TS03BK Reg $899 SALE $435 Blackhawk 3-9x40 MilDot Reticle #71TS01 BK Reg $446 SALE $215 Blackhawk 3.5-10x50 MilDot Reticle #71TS02BK Reg $499 SALE $245 Federal Black Cloud 12GA 3" #3 (100 Rds) #PWB142F3 Reg $99.95 SALE $68. 79 Prices shown are at or Below Cost Dool miss these! Prices shown are at or Below Cost Dool miss these! Mossberg 930 12GA #85320 Reg $539 Thompson Center Triumph Bone Coll. WS/Syn .50CAL #8526 Reg $569 ' Ill SaleiPrices Good June 13-June 21 Blazer Brass 9MM 50 RIIS S12.!15 115 GR FMJ #5200 EKPOPRICE Blazer Brass AOS&W 50 RIIS 180 GR FMJ #5220 EKPOPRICE SU.95 Blazer Brass 380ACP 50 RIIS $19,.95 95 GR FMJ #5202 EXPO PRICE BlazerBrass45ACP 50 RIIS $2? 95 230 GR FMJ #5230 EXPO PRICE th~ Sf!.S'hoort.pSl'!!~!!!nting & outdoors source Mon-Fri 10-8, Sat 9-4 Closed Sun Join our Mailing List to receive Email blasts & Sale flyers 101 W. Main St. New Holland, PA 17557 717-354-4311 101 W. Main Street,New Holland, PA 17557 5.56~193 case 111500 RIIS. EXPO PRICE s1e9ua UllraClaV ~ ~ ~ ~ M ~ Target loads 250Rds. 12GA#8#UCl23Sl8, EKPO PRICE 12GA # 7.5 # UCl2Sl7.5, 21JGA #8 #UC20Sl8 . .- -;---~-..\' ·'£it,~< #XM193 55GR FMJ 5.56XM-193 Ganlll120- EKPOPRICE s5ng5 s499 5 I ~')t :-:;i~ ~. I ' ' : ·~.· FEDERAL PREMIUM • # XMl93LPCl20 . . ~ 00iif1rn!){IDQ?m~ID!n~fl:D~ Not responsible for typogrophic errors. All fireonns & ommo sold in ~d!lllC!llllll!lG@TIJ~ © 201<& OU'l'DOOll SPOll'l'S HAIUlE'l'ING '
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