April 2016 Newsletter - Coffeyville Area Community Foundation


April 2016 Newsletter - Coffeyville Area Community Foundation
April 2016
Coffeyville Area Community Foundation
Community partners cheer on the Jerry Hamm Early Learning Center
students during the ELC groundbreaking.
The Jerry Hamm Early Learning Center is undergoing a 2.5 million dollar
expansion and renovation to be completed August 1, 2016. The project is
the vision of the Coffeyville Coalition
for Early Education (CCEE), and Mr.
Barry Downing. The Center is expanding into a high-quality facility, simulating the successful model proven in
Wichita through the TOP Early Learning Centers.
The ELC project includes building four
new classrooms and renovating the
current building to extend the Center
to an all day, all year program for 236
children. A fully reconstructed kitchen
and addition of a safe room designed
to meet FEMA criteria will be two key
Research shows as much as 80% of a
child’s cognitive ability and emotional
makeup is learned before the age of 6.
Approximately 75% of Coffeyville’s
students are considered “at risk”.
This program will offer basic skills
children need to graduate from high
school and lead productive lives.
Donors contributing to the ELC project are making an impact on the future of our community. The outcome
of the project has the potential to
change the lives of children, families,
and enrich the culture of our community. Donations are being accepted to
complete the project. For more information, please call or refer to
Fawn Lin
President: Renee Sharpe
Vice President: Ann Marie
Secretary: Joan Fons
Treasurer: Larry Fischer
Debbie Allen
Mark Muller
Dickie Rolls
Executive Director
Janie DeVore Gillis
Program Officer
Marci Roberts
The Coffeyville Area Community
Foundation is celebrating 15 years of
operation in 2016.
The community foundation began in
2001 with a challenge grant from the
Kansas Health Foundation and has
steadily grown to over $5.6 million in
assets today.
Over $2 million has been granted
back into our community since 2002
in the areas of education, historical
preservation, arts, human services,
leadership, and health.
The founding Board members of
Coffeyville Area Community Foundation shared a vision to grow our community and to help others.
“Our mission is to connect donors with their interests and endow funds to
improve the quality of life in the Coffeyville area.”
Your donation will
get a MATCH!
That’s right!
If you donate to one of these
endowed funds at CACF, it will
be matched
$1 for every $2 donated.
Fund for the Future
Operations at CACF
Public Health Fund
Other endowed funds
will be matched $1 for
every $4 donated!
The Coffeyville Area Community
Foundation has been given a wonderful opportunity to grow current
resources for the future of the foundation.
endowed fund: supports the operations of the community foundation.
3. Public Health endowed fund: supports general public health grants to
improve the health of people in our
“We have received a GROW (Giving community.
Resources to Our World) matching
Gifts to all other endowed funds are
grant challenge from the Kansas
matched at the rate of $1 for every $4
Health Foundation which will allow
of new gifts, with the exception of
us to increase our sustainability for
gifts to scholarship funds, which are
the future,” says Janie DeVore Gillis.
matched based on the guideline the
The KHF will match donations by 1:2 scholarship is designated for one or
for three types of funds: a Fund for more specific educational instituthe Future, CACF Operations, and tions.
the Public Health Fund. ContribuIf you would like to make a tax detions to all other endowed funds will
ductible donation to an endowed
be awarded 1:4.
fund or learn more about magnifying
1. Fund for the Future endowed your giving, please call Janie DeVore
fund: an unrestricted or general Gillis, Executive Director at 620-251fund to support grants into our com- 4 7 6 9 , o r
e m a i l
2. Operations (or administrative)
Boys and Girls Club
of Coffeyville
Caney Recreation
Cedar Bluff Camp, Inc.
Fawn Lin, CACF President (left), receives a donation from Kisha
Johnson (right) of Safehouse at the Perkins Building downtown.
On Thursday, November 12, the Coffeyville community raised a total of
$95,136 for 22 nonprofit organizations
and community funds. Donors gave
198 contributions, leveraging $30,000
in matching dollars from the Coffeyville
Area Community Foundation. $1500 in
prize money was also awarded throughout the day, bringing the grand total
raised to $95,136.
"This was the third year for the Match
Day event and the community support
was outstanding!" says Fawn Lin,
Board President of Coffeyville Area
Community Foundation. "It was heartwarming to see so many people coming
in to support nonprofit organizations in
our community on Match Day!"
Donations were received on-site at the
Downtown Perkins Building from 7AM
to 6PM, and also online for 24 hours.
Prizes for most contributions went to
Coffeyville Boy's and Girl's Club and
Coffeyville Friends of Animals. The
Midland Theater Foundation won the
prize for the most Board members giving. Coffeyville Friends of Animals won
for the most online donations, with
CRMC Foundation and Coffeyville Historical Society also receiving cash prizes
for online donations.
Charlesworth FKHS Swim
Pool Fund
Coffeyville Area Community
Coffeyville Community
College Foundation
Coffeyville Community Fund
Coffeyville Historical Society
Coffeyville Friends of Animals
Coffeyville Public Library
Coffeyville Public School
Coffeyville Recreation Commission Fund
Coffeyville Regional Medical
Center Foundation
Community Children's Fund
Friends of the Community
Foundation Operations Fund
Interstate Fair and Rodeo
Junior Advisory Council
Leadership Coffeyville
Midland Theater Foundation
Public Health Fund
The Coffeyville Area Community Foundation adheres to the
strictest standards in philanthropy through accreditation
with the National Standards of Community Foundations.
Safehouse Crisis Center
Senior Services
Reading is Fundamental
work with youth, and make
decisions on grants awarded to
benefit youth.
Holy Name School Technology Grant $1576.00
Coffeyville Community
Children’s Choir $700
Shop with a Cop/ Boys
and Girls Club $1500
JAC Members 2015
Marley Barnett
Emma Herkelman
Daphne Lin
Meaghan Rettele
Wyatt Starnes
JAC members front row; Meaghan Rettele,
Lauren Roberts, Courtney Jackson, Advisor
Kari Vannoster. Back row; Geddy Rettele,
Wyatt Starnes, Abigail Reardon, Katie Vannoster and CACF Executive Director, Janie
DeVore Gillis.
The Junior Advisory Council, under
the direction of the Coffeyville Area
Community Foundation and advisor
Kari Vannoster, consists of high
school students interested in philanthropy. Members have a desire to
volunteer, learn leadership skills,
Tieraney Thornburg
Logan Vacca
Kendall Blaich
J.A.C. members donate their
time to projects throughout the
community including Reading
is Fundamental (RIF), Salvation Army Bell Ringing, Paws
for Cause Chili Feed, Shop with
a Cop and decorating the
Brown Mansion for the candlelight tours.
This year the group held a
Trick or Change Fundraiser
the day after Halloween.
They raised $632.58 for Christmas
gifts for children through the Salvation Army.
Learn more about the Junior Advisory Council and follow the group's activities on Facebook and at
Foundation Facts
Courtney Jackson
Rebekah Morris
Bailey Naden
Lauren Roberts
Katie Vannoster
Will Hoy
Abigail Reardon
Geddy Rettele
Grants given
Number of Grants
Gifts received
Number of Gifts
Number of Funds
Total Assets
Keep 5 in Kansas is a plan for the future of Kansas.
The plan is to ensure our cities, towns and counties
remain great places to live for future generations of
Kansans. Estate wealth is handed down from one
generation to the next. Transfer of wealth (TOW)
has three possible destinations: heirs, taxes, and
charity. In years past, people typically stayed in the
community where they were born and raised. Estate wealth passed from one generation to the next,
but remained in Kansas. Today fewer people spend
their lives in one community or state. When estate
wealth leaves our state, it will likely never return.
Community foundations can help Kansans who
want to remember their hometowns as well as their
The Keep 5
consider designating
least 5% of
their estate
wealth to their local community foundation. By
designating as little as 5% of estate wealth to our
communities, we can create a permanent source of
funding that will improve the quality of life for all
Kansans. You can make a big impact on your community by setting up a legacy fund at your local
community foundation!
The Keep 5 in Kansas campaign asks every Kansan to consider designating at least
5% of their estate wealth to their local community foundation.
Thank you for making 2015 another remarkable
year for Coffeyville Area Community Foundation!
Our service to the community is made possible
through donors, nonprofit organizations, and our
dedicated Board members who do an incredible job
of outreach to learn about community needs and
strengthen funds.
As Executive Director with the Foundation, I appreciate the opportunity to work with people who care
deeply and genuinely for our community, and are
committed to making the difference in lives of others.
This year Coffeyville Area Community Foundation is
collaborating with others in the Early Learning Center project in Coffeyville. The Early Learning Center
project exemplifies the meaning of community
teamwork. Individuals, business and organization
from our community have joined Mr. Barry Downing, Wichita TOPS Children’s Fund, the John Deere
Foundation, and several other foundations in Kansas to make the Early Learning Center a reality.
A highlight of the Foundation is to “host” the Junior
Advisory Council, a youth philanthropy council.
The Council serves as young philanthropists volunteering in the community and overseeing grant
awards to other nonprofit organizations focused on
We enjoy hosting Match Day, a wonderful community event, to highlight the work of local nonprofit
organizations. The Community Foundation offers a
50% match on contributions to their funds that day.
Collaborating with donors, the nonprofit organizations, and the Radio Results Group illustrates the
work of the Community Foundation. Match Day is a
success because of the teamwork in our community.
Our ongoing goal is to make Coffeyville a better
place to live, work, and grow.
We appreciate the current matching grant opportunity from the Kansas Health Foundation. Contributions are welcome to any endowed funds and will
leverage a match from KHF to sustain good work
through the Community Foundation.
Thank you for being a part of the Coffeyville Area
Community Foundation and the mission we embrace. We are looking forward to a great year of
service to our community!
1314 W. 11th Ste A
P.O. Box 635
Coffeyville, KS 67337
Only by giving, are you able to receive more than you already have.- Jim Rohn
Talk to your financial
planner today and ask
about creating a donor
advised fund at CACF
to meet your
charitable needs for
the future…..
What do you love about our community? How do you want to be remembered? Through Coffeyville Area Community Foundation, you can
support the causes you care about for generations to come. Whether it’s
a gift to the Unrestricted Fund that will help address the changing
needs of Coffeyville, a field of interest fund that carries on your passion
for education, the arts or another field, or a specific philanthropic purpose you have in mind, Coffeyville Area Community Foundation provides
Please consider Coffeyville Area Community Foundation as a long-term
steward of your gifts! The Legacy Society includes those who generously provide for gifts to and through the Community Foundation in
their estate plans or give significantly to an endowed fund in their lifetime.