Donnelly MFI#1—Folders of Materials—Volume 2—Tab 22—Pages
Donnelly MFI#1—Folders of Materials—Volume 2—Tab 22—Pages
. 'IS it possible to have coffipetitive, ·~·~ productive workplaces and take into account the wellbeing of the people who work there? Within an incre~ingly comp®titive and global market, it is more importru1t than ev(i)r to ~nsure that we tie these two QOncept:;; together to further develop sustainabl~ a..nd produotive ~w....ployment in Au!l!tr@.lig., The ehallettge is to create a Sl3t of Indu~trtal Rela.tion princi_pl~ that promgte !doth fa.\rn(;;l:;;:;; and productivity in mod~m Australian workpla.o(i)s, This seminar will diseu~s these orueial ooncepts, and gffer solutioM that show how Australian business ean sueel3ssfully lil!ntwine both of them. Plus vary special guests.~~ ~~ Julia Gillard Elmo deAiwis Deputy L~;~a(!~;~r of the Au!ltralitm Labor Party CEO and Managin I:Ur@etor of. Sigma Pharmaoeutioats Julia Gillard was elected as Labor's Elmo de Alwis was appointed FE;:Jderru b>S!puty t,e<;~der in D®c®mher and cruciru role of Shadow ~ter Managing Diraetc;>r of Sigma Company Limited in February 2001 and M~iitging Director 2006, taking on the challenging for Industrial Relations and Social of Sigma Pharmaceuticals IncllJ..!:iion at the srune time. Limit®d irl De:eemheJr 2005. The Law/Arts Graduat!l and former legal Dartner lJt Sl~ter ~nd Gordon ha~ been at the forafront ofthe ALP's campal~n to offer an alternative IR modal - 'Forward with Fairness' - to tha Howard Government's WorkCholces le9islatiort Si~ma Pharmaceuticals Limited Is one of Australia·s leading manufacturars and marketers of DhannaceYtical product~. as welil as baing a leading wholesale distributor and retell banner 9royp in thi~ country, Having spent many months travelling around Austr~lia speaking with employees. l)nions, employar groupsand the business community in general, Ms Gillard is weii-P.Iilced to discuss sam!! of the major Issues facing Australia's economy, to ensure that we maintain our competitive edge Internationally. Sigma Pharmac1Mieals includes the Amcal and Gu~rdian Chemists retail outlets as well as tne Herron and Chemists Own brand labels, to nama just a fllw. It employs 1800 people Australia,wide in this highly·compatitlva industry. Ms Gillard was Chief of Staff to Victorian Opposition Leader (now Premier) John Br1,1mby from 1995 to 1998, whan shll was al!lcted to red!lral P{lrliament in the seat of Lalor. She ha$ held many portfolios In hllr time in Canberra, lneludin9 Health. Immigration and Indigenous Affairs. Mr de Alwis has had nearly 30 years experi~nce in the Pharmaeeutleal industry, and dYring his career with Sigmll. h;;~s m{lnaged both its mt~nufacturing and who!mllng operations. I lOOl Jeu,was SUOP,B{Bt[ '[8~USTIPUI S,BTif3llS11V iJul:uuOJeB S808JdJf.IOM 8Ap:»npo.~t~ pue .IJU.! U084JUnl ~Z81"41 SS8lUf8.1 r~,. .i&o should attend? r "fll Mam19era Industrial Relations p~rsonnel, h. ... ,gn R~urcespersormel, Training & Oevelapment pmt~sioools, Union Aapiesmtatives and Industrial Lgwyers, Ena\Jre your piece on 23 November 2007 by completing the attached registratiQfl form and forwarding!t along with your payment to; IR21 Umrroo PO~~~ 756 NorUt Ml!fboume VlC 3051 ABN Number; 98106 441463 Phooolfi!Xi (03) 9329 7729 Emutl: it'21®pacffic.neto.u Tax [nvgi~ will be i~ed upan boakinv.lf yoo have afrf S.flllcial ' •reqylre)llents, p!aii~Q advlsa at tlm9of lJQQ!dnQ. Tieket reseJ:Vation fonn I want ton~~erve ~L tick~~~~ fgr theIR21 LI.!Ael~pQn s;minar on 23 Novemb6r 2007. For total amount of$ ~""'~ ;: ($476 p~r tlc~t Qr $4500 per ~ble ot 10. inclusiveof GST) Comp~nyNams&Mdress: . t:. ~ !,..vrn ~' ~ t:o".q~,a._., o ~ \l\10 \J ':'nft\s$. :t.--~- ~~-~-~-\~ .. ~ . G~~YIY(¥ .l'"'f\10. ·. P;~e~~~G~: Company Contact:., i?"Xi.= ~ . ~-~ _\Lt. ~ ~-. ._ ......-.... Ph: o.:a. ':2'5.8 .=.~ q _ ~t~~~~~tlC~~~A~ ;;~~~~A~-~~~:o~Ww.~" '"'" " "·-=.·•. =··..= ··- =··=· ~~~~ NTP.009.003.0016 @ i..t.,QA. \ Funct-\~ '-.-: - Organ<satlon/Company Paying FliSlHaroe Surname Nylex Mil:heile Nylex Nylex Ride Tom Nylell GJeg Itt!ell Gollioo Nylex Nylex Nytex Nytex Petef Nytex ~- Tax lnv. ~d 25-Stpyes tileque Table Booktd Doo!ey Dal Bon ToUl Payment Paid Co-nls (~ontact pmon, email & phone) $ 4,500.00 yes Mldlelle Ocoley. (03) 9213 4425 yes yes yes yes yes Alistai' Rhodes RlveB Russel Tom Evans yes yes ptjj Kelly yes Chris Rath yes 25-Sep yes VISa $ SunRioe yes yes yes yes yes yes Sebastian PaUl Simone Micttelle J3son 11m Ml:e Sllaryn Cheque $ SmJh Mcleod Brown Rollinson Paul Lelvnan S\ln Rice SunRloe Sun Rice Sun Rloe Mke Jel! Sue Hutdleon-9811 2434; Pearson Aus1ralla yes yes yes yes Doe Ken yes 2.850.00 yes yes Wfi!lht Fool SUnRioe Riel Noel Sleven 27-Sep yes Partes Ferguson Sun Rice Sun Rice Sun Rioe Wlael yes OMG Venture Ply Ltd DMG Venlllre Ply Lid DIYJ3 Venture Pty Lid OMG V90\J~ Ply Lid United Book Oi$11ibu\DrJ United Book o;s!Jibum Ullile<l Book Oi$tnbu\OI$ Unllad Book Cis1tibuto:3 4,500.00 yes yes OMG Vcn\llre Pty L\d United Boo~ PISbibutOB .. - . w- ... __ _..... -"·-·----- -- - Raco\'alis L.azzaro OMG Venture Pty Lid OMG VenM& Ply Lid OMG Venlure Ply U<1 DMG Venture Pty Ltd DMG Venture Ply L~ United Book Dislr1llulc!s _... . .- -... cl-3 r-d~)-Jov .2..00) 3-0ct yes Cheque s 4,500.0() yes yes yes yes yes Keenes Keech Reid Buckley yes Hussey yes yes yes / l.earule Shelctl:k. (02) 69S3 0440 <» CX) c.o NTP .009 .003 .0017 0 ~\ r ! ( ' ~- - Sun Rica PricewaterhouseCoopeiS Salada Poultsy Pty Ltd Ross David Anne Coogan 4-0ct yes EFT Petliona 4-0ct yes MCO Warren $ $ yes 450.00 yes 4,500.00 yes Baiada Poullly Pty Ltd Raphy Sztrocholi: yes Baiada Poultsy PI}' Ltd Brian Lamb yes Baiada Poultsy Pty Ltd Baiada Poultry Pty Ltd Baiada Poullly Pty Ltd Andrew yes yes Baiada Poultty Ply Ltd Carole Peter Bruce Anita Steve Smith Smith Wensor Crean Hensen Hansen Jones Venables Leenstra Cook Bob Rod Bryce Andrew Sooth Pawsey Houston Anderlessen Salada Poulby Pty Ltd Baiada Poultry pty Ltd Baiada Poultry Pty Ltd Parmalat Australia Parmalat Australia Parmalat Austrafia Parmalat Australia Parmatat Australia Parmalat Australia Parmalat Australia Pallllalat Australia Parmalat Australia f>allllalat Australia Toll in2stora Tollln2store Tollln2store Toil in2store Ton in2store Toll in2store Tollln2store Toil in2store Toil in2store Toll ln2store Jan Andrew Trish Margaret David Coogan -8603 38a1 Nikki Sharp (02} 9842 1142 yes yes yes yes 8-0ct yes VISA $ yes 4,500.00 yes Laura Leslie: laura.leslie@parmalat yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes Keams Halling yes Roger Minton Turner Trundle yes yes Tinney Pearce yes yes Martin Fitzmautioe yes Gerard Corrie Robert Robert Carol Bill 5-0ct yes cheque 4.500.00 yes Pal Stephen $ Pat Keams: paL Danielle Humphreys (03) 8369 0419 yes yes yes -4,500.00 yes yes Australian Arrow Ply Ltd Australian Arrow Ply Ltd Australian Arrow Ply Ud Alexander Maryleth Gener Laurente Anne Rookes yes Australian Arrow Pty Ltd Janet Measham yes 10-0ct yes VISA $ JennKer Howse: 9n5 1566; jhowse@aapl •good table a> <0 NTP.009.003.0018 ,.... --.} ........ r a> <.0 '~· Australian Arrow Ply Ltd Ann Smith yes Australian Arrow Pty Ltd Jennifer Paul Howse yes yes Australian Arrow Pty Ltd Australian Arrow Ply Ltd Moore Woods Austrelian ArrCJw Pty Ltd Richard Crai;l Australian Arrow Pty Ltd Soott Harding Plexlcor Plexicor James Hlll Kelly yes O'Donohue yes yes 16-0ct yes cheque $ 4,500.00 yes yes yes Plexlcor Chris Andrew Plaxioor Graham Pacific Brands Pacific Brands Ted Russell Eftim!adls ?acific Brands Pacific Brands Riel< Carpenter Janie Schwartz yes Elise Dianne Kelly Morris yes Rua Wendy Doggett: (03) 9358 9250; 'Only ask for 5 names. yes .. PacifiC Brands Pacific Brands Pacific Brands Pacific Brands Pacific Brands Pacific 8rands Brtcl\wood Holdings Pty Ltd Brickwood Holdings Pty Ltd Brickwood Holdings Pty Ltd Brickwood Hoklings Ply Ltd Russell Andrea McGuire Jack Martin Bruce Pearce Lulh Sellen Bricllwood Holdings Ply Ltd Brickwood Holdings pty ltd Wayne Wendy Bricl<wood Holdings Pty Ltd Brir.kwood Holdings Ply Ltd Dal)'l Jim Alex Jason Brickwood Holdings Pty ltd Brickwood Holdings Pty Lid VISA $ Kranenburg Brown Holman Kight Anthony Jan 11-0ct yes 4,500.00 yes yes yes yes 15-0ct yes cheque $ yes yes yes yes 9,000.00 yes ye5 yes Jack Bruce (03) 9584 5211 'good table yes Thomas yes Porteous Hoy Andreou yes Ristic O'Leary suzaMe Hammond: 99474921 yes yes yes yes -- ' NTP .009.003.0019 ·-~\ •.--- ''-1~·· Brickwood Holdings Ply Ltd Brtckwood Holdings Pty Ltd Brickwood Holdings Pty ltd yes Brtckwood Holdings Pty ltd yes Brickwood Holdings Pty ltd Brickwood Holdings Pty Ltd yes yes yes yes yes Brtckwood Holdings Pty Ltd Brickwood Holdings Pty Ltd Brlckwood Holdings Pty Ltd Brickwood Holdings Pty Ltd Transport &Logistics Industry SkiHs Counclt Transport & Log!sdcs Industry Skills Council Transport &Logistics Industry Skills Council Transport &Logistics Industry Skills Council Transport & Loglstlcs Industry Skills Council Transport &LogisUcs Industry Skills Council Transport &Logistics Industry Skills Council Transport & Logistics Industry Skills Council Transport &Logistics Industry Skills Council Transport & Logistics Industry Skills Council LUCRF LUCRF Toil Holding Chandler Macleod Compass Recruitment Baiada Poull!y Pty Ltd Gazman Puma Australia Field Works Marl<.et Research yes yes Geoff Uz Maria Lonaine LoGuano yes Smith yes t<lement Murphy yes Robson McKay Forbes yes Paula Phll David David David Donna Greg Soo Cheryl Ken Irene Sonia Dlana Eileen 15-0ct yes yes 4,500.00 yes yes Gwilym Tomatore $ EFT 16-0ct yes yes yea yes $ 13,500.00 yes yes yes yes Tu1in Takla Braida Chandra yes yes yes yes Janet Mario Roland Brookes Cryovac Australia NWC Research HenkUI yes yes yes LUCRF LUCRF LUCRF Brett David Bill Stevenson McCusker Tsloutsls yes yes yes LUCRF LUCRF Lee Ray Sammartino Tanner yes BeZ2lna Geoffrey Gwilym (03) 9320 4242 yes Ewing Swolll Chong Barbary McConnack cheque yes head table lee Samma1fno (+$5000 spoflSO!Ship) NTP .009.003.0020 LUCRF LUCRF LUCRF LUCRF LUCRF LUCRF LUCRF LUCRF LUCRF LUCRF LUCRF LUCRF lUCRF LUCRF LUCRF Newskills Lto Newskills Ltd Newskills Ltd Newskifls Lid Kriesner Kilkenny yes Martin Jason Voss yes Peter Roland Thomas yes Chris Nisiforou Olextable Arnold Razon yes yes Maria yes SUPPORT EMPLOYEES Richard Armenia Thomas yes SUPPORT EMPLOYEES Rebeoca Macleod yes SUPPORT EMPLOYEES Phillip Bl Karlos Shallamaine Creek yes SUPPORT EMPLOYEES HulU yes Fantino Powell Jajal yes SUPPORT EMPLOYEES SUPPORT EMPLOYEES SUPPGRT EMPLOYEES SUPPORT EMPLOYEES SUPPORT EMPLOYEES Renata Filip: (03) 9321 4502; Deepa Kevin David Jane Renata David 16.Qct yes SUPPORT EMPLOYEES Naggs Jenny Bel! Newskills Ltd Emmanuelle Robert Steve John Arnold Cochard Bates Connell Smllh Glflening David Ellenberg Newskillsltd Newskillsltd NewskiYsltd yes yes yes Ray Frost Mahony Filip Newskills Ltd Newskins Ltd Newskills ltd Newsk!HsLtd yes \"\J ~\)\.)..'::->~ {)0Jrcr(QJ JOl CJ{O~ \9ooG NewskiUsLtd NewskiHsltd Newski~sltd Newskills Ltd Newskills Lld Newsklllslld Newskills Ltd Nswskills Ltd l'Oreal Australia 22..octyes cheque $ 2,375.00 yas Nathan Wales ph (03) 8795 6110 -' -:_../ NTP.009.003.0021 oo:t .~, . •:''"' \ ·' ...... ~. L'Oreal Australia Naillan Wales yes L'Or~al AuslraJia Hitton yes L'Oreal Auslialia Ashley Noody Demaj yes ~..'Oreal Australia Marty Pileso yes Mobil Mobi Paddy Byrne Schmalow yes Mobi Colin Roger Phelan yes Mobi Murray Cliffe YIIS Mobil Bill swavak Vickers yes 23-0d yes EFT $ 4,500.00 yes Steve Kingshott •good table Lupu1 yes Jonathan Steven Danny Lawson Kingshott yes Joyte yes Staff Australia Ply Ltd Peler Staff Australia Pty Ltd Michael Elllx Campion S1aff Aos1J'alia Pty Ltd Eddy Partners Ply Ltd Neil David Eddy Partners Pty Ltd Stephen Eddy Eedy Eddy Partners Ply Ltd Cassie Colter TIC Group Ply ltd Adam Simon Joel May TIC Group Ply lid Janan Niel Integrated Scott Integrated lmegrared David Kevin Cameron yes • good table. Renee Hawkins Integrated Kim Cha~ley Integrated Integrated Integrated Usa Akeroyd yes yes yes I vegetarian !or this table Andrew Keen yes TelllSa Ph am yes lntegrateQ Integrated Tate Bianca Bodey yes lntegmteQ Anthony Thales Australia Jim Mitre 10 Mitre 10 Jon Mobil Moba Moba MOb~ yes yes Mobil TIC Group Pty Ltd MiChael 23-Qdyes cheque $ 1,425.00 Y11S ye! Tttomp.son 2~tyes Dinets $ 1,425.00 yes Davie! Eddy (03) 96D2 5177 yes yes 25-0cl: yes MCO 1,425.00 yes Adam Joel (03) 9393 3737 yes 2s-octyes Vi3a $ yes 4,500.00 yes Robet1Jon yes Lee Lane yes Helbert Byme Peter EUix (03) 9239 7777; yes 25-0ct yes 2&-0d yoo Vasa EFT $ $ 475.00 yes 1,900.00 yes yes Additional Person booked 29/10/07 Rosie Giunta (03) 8676 5555; l!) CJ) <D NTP.009.003.0022 ..... ~ ... .~ .r'··Mitte 10 M~re 10 David Noel Irving Swire Cold Storage Rick Woods Swire Cold Storage Lou Gheller Swire Cold Storage Anthony Bocquet Swire Cold Storage Simon Oliver ~· Fardon yes yes 25-0ct yes cheque $ 1,800.00 yes Nadeine Smith (03) 8795 9907 yes yes Polar Fresh Polar Fresh 2S.Oct yes cheque $ yes 900.00 yes Costa Group 25-0d yes cheque $ yes 900.00 yes 25-0ct yes cheque $ 900.00 yes yes 25-0cl yes visa $ 2,375.00 yes Costa Group yes Costa LogisUcs Costa Logistics Publie~ly Works Paul Thomson Publicity Works Eve Wallace Hectlt Publicity Works Ross Goodman yes yes Publicity Works Joel Clapham yes Publicity Wor1<s Poseidon TeHama Pty l(d Mandy Con Tammy Galvin Serb Sarlstavros Lenne Poseidon Tarama Pty ltd Nevin Lenne & Gross Peter Nevin Lenne & Gross Nevin Lenne & Gross Nevin Lenne & Gross Nevill Lenne & Gross Charles Paul Autoliv Aus!Ialia Autoliv Australia Au1oliv Australia Autollv Australia PFD Food Services James George Sevil Sue Veronica Kathleen PFD Food Services PFD Food Services PFD Food Services Morgan Gatto Haccou Lenne Comweu Noveskl Ozmelal Singh 25-0ct yes cheque $ yes 950.00 yes yes 25-0ct yes cheque s 2,375.00 yes Ross Goodman (03) 9347 3755 Con sans (03) 9554 0611; Peter Lenne (02)6024 7955 yes yes yes yes 29-0ct yes visa $ 29-0ct yes visa $ 1,900.00 yes yes yes yes 4,500.00 yes yes yes yes PFD Food Services PFD Food Services yes PFO Food Services yes PFD Food Services yes yes 'I 5 tix plus won't invoice lor brochure. James CornweU (03) 93555742; Keny Smith {03) 9756 2000; Lt') 0) (0 NTP .009.003.0023 t.O 0) ~-· t.O ··-- PFD Food Services yes PFD Food Services Nabenet yes 950.00 yes 29-0ct yes Claire Krait Foods Philippa Ainsworth Kraft Foods Peter Brydon KraflFoods Kraft Foods Brooke Heidi Delllos Edmiston Kraft Foods Calvin Kraft Foods Kraft Foods Kraft foods Kate Tali a Stephen Kraft Foods Sarah Kraft Foods Adam AdVisor, O!fiCC of John Brumby Jamie Geoff Peter Tony Minter Ellison Lawyers Commerte Press SimsPartners Services Pty Ltd SimsPartners Services Pty Ltd SimsPartners Services Ply Ltd Blake Dawson Blake Dawson Matt Mat Arthur Steven Blake Dawson Blake Dawson Tim SimsPartners Services Ply Ltd Madgwicks Jane Jim VIsa $ yes Nabenet 29-0ct yes EFT $ yes Rea yes yes yes Red dan Van Dyke Williams 29-0ct yes 29-0ctyes 29-0ct yes EFT ~sa cheque $ yes 950.00 yes $ $ yes 475.00 yes 4,500.00 yes Tony Sims (02) 9256 noD; yes yes yes sims table yes yes Tim Palmer GreenaH SimsPartners Services Ply Ltd Jatna Dairy Foods Ply Ltd Jalna Dairy Foods Pty Ltd John Patrick Schofield Mortson 29.Qct yes cheque s Warrnambool Clleese and Butter Warmambool Cheese and Butter Warrnambool Cheese and Butter Warrnambool Cheese and Butter Richard Andrew Matt Elaine wanace 29-0ct yes MCD $ Gordon Warrnambool Cheese and Butter Dean Bidmade Warrnambool Cheese and Butter Anthony Best Heffernan Nicole Grant (03) 8608 2929 request to be put on table with SAM yes Amendola Harvey Lange Jeffs Marina Le Sage (03) 9676 5000; yes yes yes yes Miller Nuttall Driscoll Lake Walsh Sims Berger Muldoon Apos 4,500.00 yes Andrew Paice (03) 9329 3898 OHS rehab providers yes yes yes 950.00 yes yes 4,500.00 yes yes yes yes yes yes Pabick Morison (03) 9466 4444; palllcl< Kristyn Edwards (03)55&3 2100; NTP .009.003.0024 r- ......"'. ) ' \., Warmambool Cheese and Butter Warmambool Cheese and Butter Steve Martin Carter yes Coppin yes yes Warmambool Cheese and Butter Darren Brad Warmambool Cheese and Butter Ruby King Scuth Pacinc lyres Gary LexI Rowley Woocierson Merassa Ross Milligan Monaghan yes yes Andrew Brendon Grlnberg Mcintosh Fox yes yes South Pacific Tyres South Pacific Tyres Seaghan Peter Homer Farquhar Labour Union Insurance (Brokers) Ply Ltd Labour Union Insurance (Brokers) P1y Ltd Peter Gordon Hesse Hor Labour Union Insurance (Brokers) Ply Ltd Labour Union Insurance (Brokers) Ply ltd Ben Tim Breastscreen V'ldoria OBE lnsuranca Manuel Peter OBE lnsuranca CGU Insurance Rob Andrew Dean James South Pacific lyres Soulh PacifiC Tyres South Pacific lyres South Pacific lyres South Pacific lyres South PacifiC lyres South Paciftc l yres Lumley Accident and Heal1h Lumley General Insurance Labour Union Insurance (Brokers) Ply ltd Labour Union Insurance (Brokers) Pty Ltd Labour Union lnsuranca (Brokers) Pty Ltd Labour Union Insurance (Brokers} P1y Ltd Arthur Peter Adam yes 30·0ct yes cheque $ yes peter yes yes yes 30..Qct yes cheque $ 9,000.00 yes yes Gordon Hor (03) 9794 8844; PO Box 7146 Dandenong 3175 Shemum yes UWe Bonnlei yes Mihaly yes W I table Turner WlUJams yes yes LU11able LUI table Sieg Rogers yes LUI table LUI table yes yes yes yes yes yes Labour Union Insurance (Brokers) Ply ltd Labour Union lnsuranca (Brokers) Ply Ltd Jenkin Mike Cheque to NUW • need to RIB Peter Farquhar (03) 9305 0330 yes Labour Union Insurance (Brokers) Ply Ltd Labour Union Insurance (Brokers) Pty Ltd Labour Union Insurance (Brokers) Ply Ltd Labour Union Insurance (Brokers) Ply Ltd Stanley WorkS Pty Lld S!Dnley WorkS Ply Ltd 4,500.00 yes Killlman 31.Qct yes EFT $ yes yes yes yes yes yes 1,900.00 yes yes LUI1able 0) <0 NTP .009.003.0025 00 0> <l) Stanf3y Worb Pty L_, Stanley Worts Ply Ltd Robart Vlc Logical Slalff\9 Solutions l.cglca! S!alflllll Solutions Robert Ru~el yes Hutchlsoo CW$tley 1-Nov yes 1,900.00 yes cheque yes LDSI.:at Staffing Solutions LogiGal Staffing Solutions AOECCO A()ECCO Russell HU!thlson (booted via esmond) law!l1/200 Lorimer S~ Port Melbourne 3207 yes yes Jeff Gavin Oo)'le 1-Nov yes cheque $ 4,500.00 yes l<im (03) 9954 2420 yes yes Taytoc McKay McConacny ADECCO James ADECCO ADECCO Karen Mary Gjurovska AOECCO Nicole Hutchison ADECCO Rob AOECCO Romail Vo!arich l.iot ADECCO Susan Beling ADECCO cath Newman OJex Australia Andrew Kelvi1 Milroy yes wo1ler@o!ex.oom ~u Bruce Styling yes yes yes Andrewstobarl wants toslton head table Olex Australia Olex Australia Olax Austnllfa Olcx Aus1Tafe Olex Australia O!ex All$balia O!ex Aus1Talla 0/ex Australia 01ex Australia IFS Legal IFS Legal fTW Conslr\Jcllon Ptodud3 ITW Consuuc~on Produds ITW ConstrucUon Produd3 ITW Construction Product!; Robert Greg Eve Slobart VIa'fill! Harrison Otlllr Jack WallOOt t.lick Lae Colin Rltt:tlie yes yes yes yes yes yes 1-Nov yes Dlnets $ yes 4,500.00 yes Wayr,& Otter (03)9281 4220 yes yes yes yes yes 1·Ncrv yes $ 950.00 yes $ yes 1,900.00 yes Stell O'SUllivan Spathls Hardy Danielle BJakby yes Andrew Koulls yes Greg Newham yes David Pbll 2-Nov yes MCD OlneB Oavid O'SUllvan (03)9657 4384 --~ NTP .009.003.0026 . ·"-~ ........ ....... 2-Nov YB3 Diners $ 950.00 yes CaulfleiO Coghlan 2-Nov yes visa $ yes 950.00 yes Power 2-Nov yes tfleque $ 4,500,00 yes Transfield Services Transfleld Services The Reject Shop Klrsty Jelfecy Darren Steve Orisco!l The Reject Shop Gary Hokiing Redlich Cllatles Holding Redlich Liz Molding Redlich Jonathan Holding Redlich Emily Holding Redlich Lioda Australian Ser<ices Union Paul OffiCe of the Premier lren& Ministerial Advisor Andrew Holding Redflch Jennifer Ministertal Advisor to Bronwyn Pike MP, Education Ministe Davydd NECAustr.llia Mal)' NEC Aus!llllia Les Tooles Australia Carol inalasAustralia Regan Amok! Dallas McPherson Amold Dallas McPherson leo Pot{mers leo Polymers leo Polymers Symbion Pharmacy Services Symbion Pharmacy Ser<ices QIC Vision Super AUST (Q) ANZ Staff Super LlJCRF LUCRF LUCRF yes yes Prlce Kirl\wood Keon.Cohen yes G\te.$ yes Gliffrtlls Hanlon Claudius 2-Nov yes Boghos cheque 2-Nov yes d'ieqUEI $ 950.00 yes 2-Nov yes Yisa $ 2-Nov yes VISA $ 2-Nov yes MCO s 950.00 yes yes 1,425.00 yes yes yes 950.00 yes $ Lawn Boyd DaVies Gavin Tanner Alan Kilner 950.00 yes yes Broadfoot Debbie !!b;son.gibb!!@holdi!!Qredf! yes yes yes yes Kanis Dai'.as Alyson Gibbs (03) 9321 9967 yes yes Rubensteln Slape DeAngeUa fan ibe\! yes Tina Nilson (03) 9264 3028 au CaroiHanlie (02) 47370545. carol.harole@tha!esgro~Q.s:!2!! lan Dallas (03) 54459232 land@ar< ay Boyd Davies (03) 97976500 Alvan Freeman (02) 9860 6103 yes Trevor Tony Gordon TIIOhey David Kevin Whiting Katen 5-Nov yes VISA $ yes yes yes Kelly Hulthisorl-Drake Paoagiolopoutos Tenuta ~Super John Robert Peter VaSJon Super Jayne Specht QIC Kagan Bros. CCISOiidated Pty Ltd Simon Neal 4,500.00 YB3 Scott Comfoot (07) 3360 3S42 s.oomfoo! QICtable yes yes yes Rowe YB3 yes yes &-Nov yes cheque $ 1,425.00 yes Simon Neal (03) 99316440 0) 0) (0 NTP .009.003.0027 .-... .. -··~ -·' ·.....,., Kagan Bros. eo.,otldaled Ply Ltd Joe Gerada yes K<!gan Bros. Cosolidated Pty ltd Jill Foo!il yes Fa.ra.m RJtdlle Oav!e$ Soliclfllrs Sieve Rldie Facam R!ldlia Davies Sdk!!DIS David Farc1m Amoor Flexlllles Australia Cia!It Symlilon Pharmacy Services CMs J\Aian Al!dle¥1 Aposlle Ali set Management Lid Karyn West Apostle Asset Management Lid Bell Potter Securilies Limited Bell Potter Seatrtlies Umiled Bell Potter Securities Limited Nl;;el Lever&!! David Rohan Walsh Micllael Greiner Bell Potter SecuriUes Limned Ned een Bell Potter Securftfes Llmked Adrian Ball Potter Securities limHed Peler Malttlcdo Kormendy Bell Potter Securities Limhed Stuart Nixon yes Bell Potter Securl1ies Limtted Tim Nardella yes Bell Potter Securities Limited Lies! Ken! Petlercl yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes Arncor Flaibles Austrelta VIctorian Fvndc Man<~gomsnt CO!J)OraUoo 5-Ho¥ yes cheq~oe $ Slack I. Rilr;hie (03)5821 8166 yes 5-No¥ yes VlSA $ 7-l'to¥ Yft 7-NOY yes MCO cheque $ $ 7·No¥ yes MCO $ Dunwil eosn.lak 950.00 yes $ 950.00 yes yes 475.00 yes 950.00 yes ye$ 9,000.00 yes yes yes yes yes JuJan Amle RotJerts (02) 9255 7403 1 vegetarian on Bell tallle yes Sl.ltherland Bel Potter Securlties Lim~ed Bel Porter Secut11ies Limned BeRPo!Wr S«umes Limited Bel Po!ter Securities Limited BeJ Po!ier S9CIIi&es limited Bel Potier Securiles l imited Bel PoQer SecunOes lllnlted Bel Poler Securi~ Limt.ed Bel Potter Securiies Umlted Bel Pottor S«urilcs Limited part or BeHable yes yes yes MolTison Townsend 7-No~yes EFT s Downey Flnneg<Wl Throd<morton 7-Nov yes VlSA $ 7.Jo!OY yes EFT $ Vlsy f>ll(l(agi119 Ply Ltd Hamah Vlsy Packaging Pty Ltd aula Dairy FOOds Bulla Dairy FOOds Bulla Darty Foods Brei! Justin Brendan Cindy Bulla Daily Foods Mick Morrissy Lazard Asset Management Pacilic Co. Bruce Bickerton 950.00 yes yes 1,900.00 yes yes yes yes liz(03) 9541 4,500.00 yes Bruce: (02) 8274 1462: maito:Brum.Bicl<e! Justin Downey 0 0 ....... NTP .009.003 .0028 or-~ .. ; ~--~ Lazard Asset Management Pacific Co. yes NEED TO DOUBLE CHECK DONATE Lazard Asset Management PacifiC Co. Lazard Asset Management Pacific Co. yes yes wants to sit with LUCRF Lazaro Asset Management Pacific Co. yes Lazard Asset Management Pacific Co. yes yes yes yes yes Lazard Asset Management Pacific Co. Lazard Asset Management PacifiC Co. Lazard Asset Management Pacific Co. Lazard Asset Management Pacific Co. Vanguard Investments Antony Vanguard Investments Ertca Parliamentary Secretary, assisting the Premier on Nationa Evan Edwards Han Thomley MLC 7-Nov yes EFT $ yes VISA $ 950.00 yes yes 950.00 yes Members Equity Members Equity Charlie Tierney Glannakopoulos Yanni Members Equity Gemma Pinnell yes Members Equity Jack JUI Diamond yes yes Tasman Group Services Ply ltd Tasman Group Services Pty Ltd Tasman Group Services P\y ltd Tasman Group Services Pty lid Tasman Group Services Pty Ltd Tasman Group Services Pty ltd Tasman Group Services Pty Ltd Tasman Group Services Pty Ltd Tasman Group Services Pty Ltd Goldman Sachs JB Were Goldman Sachs JB Were Goldman Sachs JB Were Leigh Tony James 6-Nov yes EFT $ Harahap Hubbard Beck Coyle 4,500.00 yes yes Catalfamo An1hony Harry SebasUan Joseph Rosaria Alex Peter 6-Nov yes MCD s Marl< Justine Wllls Tltcheridge 4,500.00 yes yes May have 2 spare spots Alex Micarl ph (03) 8325 6605 amicari@lgs.nelau yes yes Catalfamo Catalfamo Lou Kate Jim ph:(03) 9605 6145 yes yes Cabral Tarquinio Rosenberg Catalfamo Mlcari Zervos Fartnot!i Temby ~van.!.!Jomle~~rfiament yes yes yes Gilbert antQn~.!!dwarQs®v;!ngua[Q .~.iJU yes Helen Jlm Members Equity Members Equity Members Equity ~emb ers Equity Membel3 Equity Members Equity Tasman Group Services Pty Ltd Antony Edwards (03) 8888 3711 9-Nov yes EFT s yes yes yes yes yes yes t ,425.00 yes yes yes Joel Biggins (03) 9679 1203 0 r- NTP.009.003.0029 N ........... ........ \ (·~-·-~ OlA Phillips Fox OlA Phillips Fox Keith Nathan Monlque Stella 9-Nov yes Peerless Foods 9-Nov yes cheque EFT $ 950.00 yes $ yes 2,375.00 yes AnneArfl (03) 9274 5646 Robin Gilmour Peerless Foods yes Peerless Foods yes yes doo't put on same table as meadow lea Peerless Foods Peerless Foods Austmlian Pharmaceutical lndus!lies yes Ben Ebel Quirk Australian Pharmacauticallndustr1es Greg Geoff Canning Australian Phannaceuticallndustries Australian Pharmaceu~callndustries Jamie Neil Reichen O'Meagher Denmead Australian Pharmaceutical Industries 9-Nov yes Australian Pharmaceutical Industries John Australian Pharmaoeuticallndustries Lorraine Sebastian Australian Pharmaoeuticallnduslries National Foods National Foods CSLLimited Tara Ben Anthony Chris Carolyn Mlck Warren Arrrt Collier Gregory CSL Limned CSLLimired Stooke Consulting Group Watson Wyatt Australia EFT $ yes yes Stooke Teh yes 22-Nov yes 12-Nov yes Barbuto Kelty Ben Ebel (02) 8844 2029 :¥S Tara Collier {03) 8792 7000) ~ ,qro ~ ..,_,,...,..,.,.oo 15.11fov yes $ 950.00 'y'es $ yes 1,425.00 yes Ferguson Zyner 1,900.00 yes MCD yes yes 12-Nov yes 12-Nov yes DIN cheque $ $ yes 475.00 yes 950.00 yes $ yes 2,250.00 yes Chris Zyner (03) 93891678 Warren Stooke (03) 9670 0800 Naomi Foster (03) 9655 5444 Watson Wyatt Aostralia Graeme Nicl\ Baldi Constructions Pty Ltd Nick Minister for Finance. WorliCover. TAG, Water, Tourism & I The Han. rrm Minister for Roads and Ports The Hon. Tim Miner Baldi Holding MP Pallas MP Parliamentary Secretary, Roads arxl Ports Pakula MLC yes Nick Baldi table PulfornMLC yes 2,250.00 ye$ yes Nick Baldi table Nick Baldi !able Nick Baldi table yes yes Nick Baldi table Nick Baldi table Pall!amentary Secretary, lndustrial Relations Martin Jaala Kirsfie Adem MarshaiiMP Nazih EIAsmarMLC GraleyMP Juditll National Unlon of WorketS Charlie Nalional Union of Workers Tim Doug National Union of Workers National Union of Workers Paul 12-Nov yes yes yes $ Somyurel< MLC Donnelly Kennedy Stevens Richardson _, yes cheque $ 9,000.00 yes yes yes yes No pork Nubuild and Mega Group paid $2250 each Nick Baldi table Nick Baldi table NATIONAL Aiel!. Mcintosh NATIONAL Veg: , JW?, DL? CS, NATIONAL NATIONAL 0 r- NTP .009.003.0030 ('I') -- '..,_ . Nalional Union of Worllers Tim Lyons NaUonal Union of Wor1<ers National Union of Worl<ers Parkes Cinanni National Union of Wor1<ers Antonia Catertna Sam National Union of Wooous Di Lloyd National Union of Worllers National Union of Worllers National Union of Worllers Kate Luke Peter Rohde Shute National Union of Worllers Adam Rachel National Union of Workers National Union of Worl<ers National Union of Workers National Union of Workers National Union of Workers NeUonal Union of Workers National Union of Workers National Union of Workers National Union of Workers National Union of Wor'~~ers National Union of Workers National Union of Workers National Union ot Workers National Union of Workers National Union of Wor1<ers National Union of Workers National Union of Worl<ers National Union of Workers National Union of WorkeJS National Union of Workers National Union ol Wort<ers National Union of Wo!KeJS National Union of Wor!lers National Union of Worllers National Union ot Workers National Union of Worl<ers National Union of Worllera yes yes yes yes yes Marshall yes yes yes Kendall yes Baker yes yes Sharon Clara Alex Bertran de Chu Mcintosh Meyer yes An~ny Gnmshaw yes Susie Antony Bolling Esmond Julie Rif Adam Allison yes yes yes yes cheque $ 18,000.00 yes Thaw yes Cumow Warren yes Altay Auld yes yes yes NATIONAL NATIONAL VEG NATIONAL NATIONAL NATIONAL NODAIRYORWHEAT NATIONAL NATIONAL NATIONAl NATIONAL NATIONAL NATIONAL NATIONAL VEGETARIAN NATIONAL NATIONAL NATIONAL VIC BRANCH VIC BRANCH VIC BRANCH VEG VIC BRANCH VEG VIC BRANCH VIC BRANCH VIC BRANCH VIC BRANCH Christopher Calvert Cole Rob Dent Brad Dobson John Glover Sophie Harris David Hocking Danyl Hare yes yes VIC BRANCH VIC BRANCH VIC BRANCH Steve yes VIC BRANCH Mark yes yes yes yes yes yes VIC BRANCH VIC BRANCH VIC BRANCH Belinda Chris Howie Hristodoulidis Jacobi Kalomiris yes VIC BRANCH VIC BRANCH Heath Clayton Lamara larkin yes yes VIC BRANCH VIC BRANCH Donna ,.r- -·' Robe-1:; jD!EBl 0 """1 yes . VIC BRANCH VEG yes -· NTP.009.003.0031 ..... \ j \.,.~- National Union of Wor1<el5 National Union of Wor1<ers National Union of Wolla!rs Greg Gary Matt National Union of Wo~rn Dominic NaUonal Union of Workers Steve Julie Morgan Portelli Rney yes National Union of Workers Adam Andrew National Union of Workers Brtan Steen National Union of Workers National Union of Wor1<ero National Union of Workers National Union of Workers Darren Stiles Cameron Peter Karen Stops Thomson yes Ken Tran Van Der Meulen yes National Union of Wor1<ers Naoonal Union ofWorkeiS National Union of Wor1<el5 National Union ofWorkeiS Rod National Union of Wor1<ers National Union of Workers Gayte Lee yes yes yes VIC BRANCH VIC BRANCH VIC BRANCH Me!Dng yes Kelly yes VIC BRANCH VIC BRANCH Maas Meir yes yes yes yes yes yes yes Wlgg Burmeister yes yes National Union of Workers yes yes yes National Union of Workers Naoonal Union of Workers NUW delegate National Union of Workers Office of the Premier National Union of Worl<ero National Union of Workers National Union of Worl<ers Kelvin Fitzmaurice Bill Bolitho Hammersly Simon yes cheque $ 4,500.00 yes yes yes VIC BRANCH VIC BRANCH VIC BRANCH VIC BRANCH VEG VIC BRANCH VIC BRANCH VIC BRANCH VIC BRANCH VIC BRANCH VIC BRANCH VIC BRANCH VIC BRANCH CENTRAL (frnmwooiworlhs, TAS) CENTRAL yes yes National Union of Worl<ers National Union of Workers yes yes CENTRAL CENTRAL National Union ofWo~rs National Union of Workers yes yes CENTRAL CENTRAL Coles Group limited Earl Coles Group Limited Coles Group Limited Coles Group Limited Coles Group Limtted Coles Group Limned Sue Sergio Hayes Jackel Rae Kelly Galanti Steve Moms David Bruce 12-Nov yes DIN $ 4,500.00 yes yes yes yes yes yes -- r- VIC BRANCH VIC BRANCH CENTRAL CENTRAL CENTRAL CENTRAL yes or::t 0 Earl Hayes (03) 9829 6486 Eari, ·' NTP .009.003.0032 --.. I -~ .._ C<lles Group Limled Coles Group lim~ed Coles Group limited Coles Group Lim~ed General Mins Manufacturing Pty Ltd Mlchael Vogler Y8$ George Renato Hamil>h OfT yes yes Bi~ Ward General Mibs Manufactu(~ Ply ltd General MHs Manufactll!ing Pty Ud Rob Mautone Kelll 8ay1ech Industrial Victlria Davtd SulliYan aamnger Yianolla Asset Ma~l Bl)'all M!rasco 12-Nov yes ViancvaAsset Management l.ficllael Madden SWan VliiOO'Ja Asset Management ViallCMl Asset Management FOO!eiTI! Aus1raJia Pty Ltd Fcnterra AusiTalia Ply Ltd Footerra Ausvalia Ply Ltd Fonterra Australia Pty Ll!l Fonterra Australia Ply ltd Fonter1a Austraia Ply Ltd Fcntecra Ausllalia Ply ltd Fonterra Australia Ply l .td Fonterra AUstrala Ply ltd Fon1erra Australa Ply Ltd FO'n!emi Austrolia Pl)' ltd Tenix ToU Oe!ence Logistics Gamlh AfMf Shane Nicole Gordon Macdonald Roz Graham Phillip l(lfk Geoff Roland Rob yes 1,425.00 yes Aikman cheqoo yes yes 15-Nov yes 13-Nov yes 13-Nov yes VISA cheque cheque $ $ $ Coad Jade KenneY Howell Frankel Jef 8al$h8/fl!l! "table of 11 olcole.macdcna! yes yes yes )'II$ yes Lildsay Van Jager 13·NOII yes 13-Nov yes DIN OlN $ $ 475.00 yes 4.500.00 yos l.iJdsay Van Barry Brakey yes yes yes yes Pinnacle PropertY Group Pin11ade Propeny Group Pinnacle Property Group Pimada Propeny Group P'.nnade PropertY Group Pinnacle Propeey Group Pilnade Property Group Pfnnada Propeny Group SCh!'Ode!S Oa'tid Ballenger (03} 9864 6060 "sit with Glaxo &yan Medden (03) $70 1585 yes Pinnacle PropertY Group Pinnacle Property Group Scll:·ode~ 475.00 yes 1,900.00 yes yes yes yes 4,950.00 yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes }'eS yes Valle Bourgeois ~'fjiJ. 'l''r:?if.. -"--~ 13-Nov -,es ct;eque $ 4,500.00 yes yes - Mail 8ru~~Jeois (02) 9210 9210 mar1tbowgeoi¥Psc!lrodeQ oom Lt) 0 r- NTP .009.003.0033 tO I 0 i,.... . r- .. ·,._~ Schroders SchrodetS Schroder& yes yes yes yes yes Schrocers Schroders yes Schroders Schroders Schrociers Goodman Fielder Consumer Foods Ply Ltd Goodman Fielder Consumer Foods Pty Ltd Michael Knight Greg Ryan Goodman Fielder Consumer Foods Pty Ltd Goodman FH!k!er Consumer Foods Pty Lid Goodman FH!Ider Consumer Foods Ply Ltd AlijaoceBerostein Australia Limited Al6anceBemste!n AusllaUa limited AlkanceBemstein Ausl!a!ia Limited Graeme Ross Goran Pew Nathan Lowry AlBanceBemstein Australia Limited The Agenda Group The Agenda Group The Agenda Group The Agenda Group The Agenda Group Min com Global Efllonomlcs Safety & Healtll Pty Ltd Brad James Rachel Robin Jim Greer McGarvey Matt Ross Carrick Annstrong Marl\ Darren Ken Philip Fahlbusdl Evans Gardner Henkel Auslratia Pty Ltd Henkel Auslralla Pty Ltd Ryan Carlisle Thomas Lawyers Ryan Canlsle Thomas Lawyers Ryan Carlisle Thomas lawyers Ryan Carlisle Thomas Lawyers Ryan Cattiskl Thomas Lawyers Ryan Canisle Thomas Lawyers Ryan Canisle Thomas Lawyers Ryan Carlisle Thomas Lawyers Ryan Carlisle Thomas lawyers David 1~ovyes cheque $ yes yes 2,375.00 yes yes yes P~kington Cvetansl<l MUIJ)hy 13-Nov yes cheque $ 1,900.00 yes yes Masalsl<i AquBina 14-Nov res cheque $ ScoltMP Claven 2,375.00 yes yes yes 610412008 yes cheque $ 14-Nov yes VIS s 14-Nov yes DIN 14-Nov yes cheque ~~ 475.00 yes 950.00 yes sit with Agenda GROUP Ross Armstrong (03) 942S 9848; rossOSile@bigpolld.netau yes 950.00 yes GESH table gllllen free meal Darren Fahlbusch (03) 9724 6373; darren.lah!busch@au.henl< Ross Inglis (03) 9240 1414 Invoice for aD 15 yes $ 6,675.00 yes Ss'lldls yes Hazelwood yes Burnie Michelle Simon Brophy Gage yes Ha111ey Broom James yes Penny Rob Rich~lll 91i!D~·!!lilon@!alliaD!l!lbemstelD.<:Om yes Swarbltck Karen Tanya Glenys Dutton (03) 8630 2233 yes Daplran Guthlle Derl\s Michael yes yes yes yes yes yes yes table of 12 wi1113 of Stringer Clasll NTP.009.003.0034 -: .... '-·~ Stringer Clark StringerCiarll StringerCiar1< yes yes yes Stringer Clark yes Stringer Clark yes yes Stringer Clark Qsnos Qenos Qenos Qenos Oenos Qenos Qenos Qenos Ready Workforce Ready Workforce Ready Workforce Ready Workforce Chandler Macleod Ready Workforce Don Marcel Dom Paul Potter EFT $ Jonathan Peter Andrew Lake John Ross Joanne Aill<en Hou~an 3,600.00 yes Jonathan Clancy yes Coolman Deprez Cuta!ar Clancy Ritchie Nick Michael 14-Nov yes yes yes yes yes yes yes 14-Nov yes EFT $ 4,500.00 yes yes yes Fox Gabrlelldls Parsons Warfe Hodgson yes yes yes CKCiothing Craig Lauren VIcki Smith yes Australian Arrow Pty Ltd Mel Rubeno yes AESmlth Ready Workforce VersaCold LogisHcs VersaCold Logistics ?Z Cussons Australia Pty Limited PZ Cussons AustraUa Pty Limited TOT Victoria Aldo Cevaal yes Rosalie Schipper (03) 8561 8828 Invoice: Chandler Macleod yes 14-Nov yes Matt Clifford McMiUan Banks $ 14·NOV yes EFT EFT cheque 14-Nov yes VISA $ $ 950.00 yes yes 950.00 yes yes 1,425.00 yes TOT Victoria yes TOT Victoria yes 1,900.00 yes Cadbury Schweppes Cadbury Schweppes Cadbury Schweppes Cadbury Scllweppes JPMorgan sit with Ryans invoice RCT for Stringer Cl311< Mike Ratcliffe 15-Nov yes VISA $ yes yes yes Steve Dear 15-Nov yes MCD $ 950.00 yes Deb Lord-Webster (03) 9296 1403 deb.lord-webs! Matt McMillan (9794 3203) Kerrl langes (03) 9326 7211; .au sit with defence Mike Ratcflffe (03)9210 1602 Stewart Cowan (02) 9250 4647 ,.... ,.... 0 NTP.009.003.0035 -., . ; i.._ JPMorgan JPMorgan Woolwofths Woolworths Woolw01111s Woolwoo1hs Woolwor1tls Wo:llw011hs Hospica Austraia Angus Stewart Shane Alan John Harry Jus!in Leah StJohn Cowan Garlarul s MCD $ f8li 475.00 yes 2,850.00 yes yes yes Dovlllng yas Je'*lnson yes Hodder Amy Hospta AUS'Iafia Hospira AuS'.ralia Simon Rk:ltan!s Caddaye Buenscll Hospira P.usllaiia Glenn 0\fmb!al Alan Oct)eson yes Cl\aralambous AriJI!M Veyance Belting Pty Ltd Veyance Belting Pty Lld MCO Dobeson Waugh tlosi*a Austraia la.1 15-Nov yes 15-l'/ov yss 15.folov yes 15-Nov yes VISA s 2.375.00 yes yes Amy Ricllan!s (03) 8541 5667 amy yes yes yes 950.00 yes Geolt Whiffin (03) 9721 0601 yes geolf 'good \able Geoff Wh!lf111 Wilson Smorgon Steel Olstrlbutlon • A Div. or Blue Scope Steel Lyn Carmeto Smorgon Steel Distlibtrtlon · A Oiv. or Blue Scope Steel Joanne Wllitehead yes J~~ge Gallety Jgaller)' Smorgon Steel DiStrlbullon • A ON. of Blue Scope Steel Mark Isabelle yes yes Emal and Send Invoice laUlliiiOII VasseVa Slaler BaJ(er yes 8 Rldcels Rd, lilt Waverley V1C 3149 Andre.r Bray yes Smorgon Steel Oistribufion ·A ON. oiB~ Scope Steel Smorgon Steel Dis1tlbu6on · A ON. ol Bkle Scope Steel Slrcrgon Steel Dlsilbutlon ·A Drv. of Bbl Scope Sleet Ale no 16-Nov yes EFT $ cheque $ Smorgon Steel Disnbution ·A ON. ol Blue Stope Steel Smorgon Steel Distribution· A Olv. ol Blue Scope Steel y~ yes 16-Nov yes EFT Murray Goulburn Skillet! S!Qied $ 1,900.00 yes yes yas Murray GoulbOOl SkiOed (03) 8>40 8600 yes yes Smorgon Steel DisVIbtrtlon · A Drv. ol B~e SctJpe Steel Smoll!on Steel Distribution· A OIV. oiBiue Scope Steel MtKray Goulbum Murray Goulbum 4,500.00 yes . yes 16-Nov yes EFT 4,500.00 yes yes yes ~ed yes Sldt-e:t Skilled Skilled yes yes yes booked lhrough PR 00 0 r- NTP .009.003.0036 en 0 r- Slaled Skiled Skilled Caterpllar Lcglslics Catelpllar Logistic$ Ray Matb!w Jamieson Challenger Palltia Newby Ausii'Blian Councl of Super lnvestols lne Ausllal"lcln lnslibJte of Superanooalloo TtUStaes Australlan lns~e ol SuperaMJation Trus~s Meredith SqiJit8s Wall Bruce Neville Australian Institute of Superannuation Trustees Institute of SuperannuatiOn Trustees Australian lnsti!l..lle of Superannuation Trustees Austrattan Institute of Superannuation Trustees vt~orlan Funds Management Corporation Vlctorlan Funds Management Corporation BarUer Enterprise~ Ply Ltd Barner Enterprises Ply Ltd Agtibuslness Employers FederatiOn Robert Bosch (Ausnlla) Ply Ud Robert Bosch (Australia) Ply Ltd Sovereign Investment Research Unfox Linfox Llllox l.lnfox Untox Llnlox lin!ox UriOJl Meredith Debi Jane Rachel Kaliana Jane Fn Trish John Wayne Raven Pasrlln cassey Ray Brown King David vandenBe~g Graham Murdoch Talevsld Ambler Dernls Rod Ga1y ) Challangerfable ) 0 ~ cl~~~~19-Nov yes Qanlas Qanla$ Qanlas MCO $ ' Challenger lable Challenger table Challenger1able Challenger table Challenger table John Raven (03) 5227 6665 950.00 yes 19-Nov yes 19-Nov yes dleque $ .. 75.00 yes dleque $ 19-Nov yes 19-Nov yos t.«:O d\eque $ $ 950.00 yes yes 475.00 yes 4,500.00 yes lohn.raven@liartter.oom,au Chris Plait (08} 8212 0585; chri$ BlalrLindsCIY(03)954152Z7 blair.liDdsav@au.bos(#l,com Ray Klng (03)9657 8436 Invoice Van derlbe!ll yes yes yes yes yes yes Cleary Po!telato Ne<Yman yes yes Ka12 yes Uniox Qanlas 75 Amadale Rd, TIAlamatile VIC 3043 Pm:ia Newby (03) 8616 1811. NEED TO INVOICE Challenger1abla Challenger tab!e ~ Cllallengerlctlle Llnfox Qantas RayJ<rrieson- $ Jad<son Allen Brett Wayne VIS yes Poulson Velcek deSlJ.Ia Grimaldi McGarry Christopher Platt Kris 16-Nov yes Watson 19-Nov yes G Cf\Tco clQ.b ~c..- ~ J0(0IoK f LfSOO NTP .009.003.0037 0 .- ~ \ r- ~ ~-- .. ....,. Qantas Qantils Qantas Qantas Qantas Australian lndusby Group 19-Nov yes cheque $ 1,900.00 yes Simone Daryl Sigma Sigma Sigma Jackie Emma Jackie Sigma Norton Chris Abbeydeera Osbourne yes Jacqueline Meggs yes Marc Yas Bev Buls yes Akkari Belziters yes yes Sigma Sigma Sigma Sigma Sigma Sigma Robert yes Sullivan Rondinelli Pearson Yates yes 19-Nov yes VISA $ Toh 4,500.00 yes yes yes yes 19-Nov yes cheque $ 4.500.00 ye$ Australian Workers Union Australian Workers Un1on yes Australian Workers Union Australian Workers Union Australian Workers Union Australian Workers Unioo Australian Workers Union Australian Workers Union yes yes ::>HL &el Supply Chain DHL &el Supply Chain DHL ExeJ Supply Chain DHL Exel Supply Chain ·,; :, yes Australian Workers Union Australian Workers Unioo DHL &el Supply Chain Peter Nolan yes Australian Industry Group Australian lndusby Group Australian lndusby Group Ca~ O'Connor (03) 8327 0815) yes ye$ yes Terry Ryan Oedan Byrne 20-Nov yes cheque $ yes yes yes 4.500.00 yes yes yes yes yes Sarah Tritsaris (02) 9854 6500 NTP.009.003.0038 ,.... ··~ ,.... l r- \ ."..... '...,.... OHL Exel SupplyChain OHL Exll Supply Chllill DHL Exel Supply Chain OHL Exti Supply Cllain Oli. Exel Supp!y Chain C<*Jmllll Consolidated Industries S!llneHarbor Heakli Serllces Union H~IU1 Services Unloo Health Services Union Health Sel'llccs Union Healll1 Services Union Haallll SCIVices Union Healll\ SeiVices Union Hcalltl Service$ Union Healll1 Ser;~ \JOlon Health SeNices Union SOA Steplloo Denise Kall\y JeW Shllun Terrie Ki1q 19-NDV yes MCD $ Allen Jackson Jackson Hudson Seymour 2C>-Nov yes 20-Nov yes cheque EFT s $ KathY Jaclcson (1}3) 9341 3390 yes yes Harbridge De Campo yes eana Flona RotlwDie yes sara Caller Cook yes Mary Denise yes Ke'r Sam Fleur Slephen King (1}3) 95&1 7616 ~s yes yes 21-Nov yes clleql/9 $ SDA 4.500.00 yes Mchael DonDVan yes yes yes SOA SOA SOA SOA SDA SDA SDA SOA yes yes yes yes ~ yes Ones1eel Ones1eel Onesteel Onesteel lnghams lnghams 475.00 yes 475.00 yes 4,5()0.00 yes 11-0ec yes VISA $ 1,900.00 yes yes yes 19-Nov yes dleque $ 4,500.00 yes yes Sallt Juliana Lewis Beresford yes booked via pa1J NTP .009 .003.0039 -- ...... ~- . r- ....... lnghams lnghams lnghams .Phil Ross Lowe Minkiewicz Jackman inghams Vldil Bailey yes lnghams lngnams lnghams lnghams Addamo Fresh Ply Ltd John Danks & Son Ply Ltd Glaxo Smith Kline Glaxo Smith Kline John David Fosler yes Glaxo Smith Kline Glaxo Smith Kline Glaxo Smith Kline Glaxo Smith Kline Frank Ross Steve HON!e Jensen Eddi Goodslr Kl)'styna Scott Kosta George David KeVIn Paul yes yes yes Colquitt lawrence Ahtypis Mlctiadou Patton Walker Lefebvre Ilardi 20-Nov yes 20-Nov yes 20-Nov yes VISA MCD EFT $ $ $ yes yes yes 475.00 yes George (03) 97071411 475.00 yes David (03} 9264 5020 2,850.00 yes yes , yes yes yes yes cheque $ 4,500.00 yes yes yes yes yes yes yes Worl<Sale Wori<Sale WorkSafe WorkSale WorkSafe WorkSafe WorkSafe WorkSafe WorkS ale WorkSale 22-Nov yes Nuance Group 22-Nov yes cfleque $ 475.00 yes Donalion of $200 • Martin Pakula Oonatlon of $200 • Tim Pallas Oonalion of $200 • Jaala PuHord 22-Nov yes 23-Novyes 10-0ec yes dleque $ $ $ 200.00 ~e._) GB as contact John Merritt 222 Exhibitions~ Melbourne 3000 yes yes yes cheque cheque 200.00 ~e.) 200.00 0-J -I NTP .009.003 .0040 ............ ., TOTAL ~dd ·_ D<?<:.QJpl' ...') If) o:tfo~ API Ck:W~7f/ $ 367,000.00 ; "c.l tCJOO.CO 'iSOO . CO y l-( ~ PT d ( c.he~tU. "Q)sI 0 &) . ·•. / ..... - I NTP .009.003.0001 .. .~ IR21 LTD CASHBOOK- RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30TH JUNE 2008 -- ----r------- ~---- No. Date Details Individual Deposit Banking Function Income lntereat GST DMdends I Distrtb'IIS I Commlsslon Other GST JM/dlor Paid crown I 2/07/07 WBC Dividend Eft 2/07/07 ANZ DIVidend Eft 11/07/07 Metcash limited Eft 15/08/07 RAT Distribution Eft 16/08/07 Cemex - Sale of Rinker Shares ( 1) Ch 22/08/07 AFt Dividend Eft 3/09/07 B&B Infrastructure Distribution Eft 6109/07 Rio Tinto Dividend Eft 21/09/07 Telstra Dividend Eft 25/09/07 Venture OMG P/L iCC 26/09/07 Woodside Dividend Eft 28/09/07 BHP Billiton Dividend Eft 4/10/07 Baiada Poultry Pty Ltd cc 5/10/07 B&B Infrastructure Dividend Ch 6/10/07 Parmalat Australia cc 10/10/07 Australian Arrow Pty Ltd cc 11/10/07 Pacific Brands ICC 12/10/07 Newskills Eft 16/10/07 Skilled Group Ltd Dividend Eft 16/10/07 Briekwood Holdings Pty ltd Ch Transport & Looistics Ch ---ln2store Ch 19/10/07 Newskllls Eft 25/10/07 lnteQrated cc Integrated (duplication error rerund be cc Publicity Works cc Eft 26/1 0/071News kills 26/10/07 ·Staff Australia Pty Ltd Ch Poseidon Tarama Pty Ltd Ch United Book Distributors --· Nvlex Ch C( 29/10/07 Eddy Partners Pty Ltd 29/10/07 lnteQrated-(refund for duplication) cc Autoliv Australia cc PFD Food Services Ptv Ltd cc g 411.39, 369.52~ 370.60 496.37; 39,000.00/ 649.48/ 686.03/ 128.66 1,330.00/ 4,500.001 201.39 218.26 4,500.00 115.79 4 ,500.()()( 4,500.00/ 4,500.00/ 500.00! 481.74 18,000.001 500.00.1 11,375.00 500.001 - 9,725.00 1379.07 411 .39 369.52 370.60. 496.37 39,000.00 649.48 688.03, 128.66.. 1,330.0(} 4,500.0(}.. 201.39 218.264,500.00 115.794,500.00· 4 500.00 4,500.0Q. 500.00... 461 .749,000.00\o 4,500.00 4,500.00.. 500.00.. 4,500.00 4,500.00 2,375.00 · 500.00 1,425.00 950.00 2 850.00 . 4,500.00 1,379.07 4,500.00 · - -T.9oo.oo 4,500.00 _... 411 .39 369.52 370.60 --1-·----· . 7G-I,__v~ 496.37649.48 39,000.<50' ' __.. ___ ··-·---- --~- ,\,f-1,( S& Debtor @ 30/6/07 Kr Pi-· f:\~;h;;~¥:JD 1- 688.03.. - s· ~ Debtor@ 30/6/07 128.66 1.330.00 4,090.91..- 409.09 4,090.91·.1 4,090.91'4,090.91'4 ,090.91 454.55· 409.09 409.09 409.09 45.45 · / r 4,090.9~ 454.55.- .. 4,090.91~ I v / 4 ,090.91 -. 2,159.09·V 454.65 1,295.45 863.64,. 2,590.91. 4,090.91• 1 , 295.4~ ' 4,090.91· 1,727.27-. [ / 4090.91 1-· 10 115.79 - 10 10 10 / ./ OebiO< @ 3016101 481.74- I/ 8,181 .82 4 ,090.91 ·- -- 409.09 - 10 - 201.39• 218.26 818.18' / 409.09' 409.09· 45.45 409.09 / 409.09 215.91 45.45 129.55 86.36 259.09 409.09 ' / 129.55 'I 409.09 172.73 IV/ - 409.09 20 10 10 Debtor @ 3016/07 10 -- -- ---- --- --- 5 Debtor @ 3016/07 3 2 6 10 - 41 .75., - --~~!~ 3 4 10 ~-----·-- -- NTP .009.003.0002 L() ,...... .r- IR21 LTD 1 CASHBOOK· RECEIPTS ---- 'fOittHE YEAR ENDED 30TH JUNE 2008 Details -- ___fcg , Nabenet Commerce Press 31/10/07 CBA Perfs IV Distribution Eft 1/11/07 Minter Ellison Eft 1/11/07 Jalna Dairy Foods Pty Ltd Ch Nevin Lenne & Gross Ch Sims Partners Services Pty Ltd Ch PaperlinX Australia Pty Ltd Ch Sun Rice Ch 1/11/07 TIC Group Pty Ltd Warrnambool Cheese and Butter Thales Australia IFS L~al 2/11/07 Newskills Eft 2/11/07 The Reject Shop Arnold Dallas McPherson leo Polymers Symbion Pharmacy Services 5/11/07 Amcor Flexibles Australia CCI 7/11/07 Olex Australia ITW Construction Products Transfield Services CCj 7/11/07 Symbion Phannacy Services Bulla Dairy Foods 8/11/07 Pricewaterhouse Coopers Eft 8/11/07 Kraft Foods limited Eft 8/11/07 South Pacific Tyres Ch Holding Redlich Ch Kagan Bros. Consolidated Pty Ltd Ch Faram Richie Davies Solicitors Ch 8111/07 Tasman Group Services Pty Ltd 9/ 11/07 Newskills Eft 9/11/07 Lazard Asset Management Pacific Co Eft 9/11/07 Bell Potter Securities Limited Queensland Investment Corporation CCI 12111/07 Apostle Asset Management Ltd Ch r---- - cc cc cc cq cc cc cc cq cc cc cc cc cc cc Individual Ban/clng Function Income Deposit 3,325.00r 255.96t 950.q_t)_i ~- 7,350.001 500.00 4,275.00 950. 7,113.10 2,375.00 450.00 4,500.00 11,375.00 4,500.00 ,, 500.00 4,500.00 13, 500 .00~ G:\COMPANIES\IR2 1 Ltd 2008 Audit\EXCEL\Cashbook GST 950.00, 475.00 255.96 863.64.. 86.36-. 431 .82 43.18- --------,---·--- 950.~-~b-- 863.64. lntere.t 950.00.., 2,375.00 4 ,500.00 475.00 4,500.0().,. 1.425.004 ,500.00 475.00 950.00 500.00 9so.oo-:' 7 950.00 1,425.00 950.00· 950.00 4,354.9Q. 1,900.00. 856.14 / 475.00 1,900.00 45o:oo._ 4,500.00 / 4,500.00· 4,500.00, 1,425.00 950.00 4,500.00 500.00 4,500.00 9,000.0(} 4 ,500.00 950.00 _____ ~-----Dividends Distrib'ns ,_ v ' 454.55, 4,090.91· 8,181 .82, 4,090.91 · 863.64- / 86.36.; 215.9h 409.og... / 43.18· 409.09.. 129.55-409.09 43.18 86.36 45.45 86.36 86.36 / 129.55-. 86.36 86.36 · / 409.09 172.73 86.36 43.18 172.73 40.91-, 409.09 · 409.09 409.09 129.5& I 86.3S... 409.09-v L 45.45409.09\1 / 818.1&. / 409.09· / 86.36-.. GST Commillslon Other ----- - ----·---- -- ------- - - --- Paid No. paid faT Crown 2 ---------- -----:;· 1--1--- 86.3&. 863.64 2,159.09 . 4,090.91· 431.82.. 4,090.91-1,295.45 4,090.91 · 431.82.. 863.64 454.55 863.64- / . 863.64 1,295.45, 863.64 863.64 4,090.91· 1,727.27, 863.64 431 .82 1,727.27· 409.09... 4,090.91 · 4 090.91 · 4,090.91 1,295.45-. 863.64-.. 4,090.91-. ~- -~·- .. 255.96-. v 12800 -- ---- - r-- --· r-Date ·---- .. ! ----- ----- -------1-------- ---- --- -- 2 2 5 10 --,----· 1 - 10 3 10 1 2 ·- - r---- --1--- --- - - --- 1-------- - ---------- ·-·-·--·--- Debtor @ 30/6/07 v. - .. 131.85' - ---1-- - IL. 13.19· / I 83.51· - 6.35· I ----1-·----- - ---1 - - - -1-- - -- 2 2 3 2 2 10 4 2 1 4 -- 1 --10 1---- -· 10 10 -- 3 - 2 10 Oeb~r @ 30/6/07 -- 10 --~210 I -- 2 2 NTP .009.003 .0003 .:..,, IR21 LTD CASHBOOK- RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30TH JUNE 2008 +-- ----------·- ---·· _, 1 1 ------ ____ ~ - -~·- ··-·--- r------ --- · - - 1--· --------r----No. Data Detllit. Watson Wyatt Australia Ch Polar Fresh Ch Costa Group Ch Swire Cold Storage Ch 12/11/07 CSL Limited 13/11/07 CSL Limited 14/11/07 Global Ergonomics Safety & Health P 15/11/07 Rubicon America Trust Distribution Eft 15/11/07 ADI Limited trading as Thales Australi Ch McGarvey & Associates pty Ltd Ch Dl.A Phillips Fox Ch V ianova Asset Management Ch Costa Lo~tlcs Ch 15111/07 Cadbury Schweppes Baytech Industrial Victoria JP Morgan Chase Bank JP Morgan Chase Bank Hospira Australia Woolworths 16/11/07 Visy Packaging Pty L1d Eft 19/11/07 Veyance BeltingPtyLtd Eft 19/11/07 Coles Group Limited S1ooke Consulting Group Tenix Toll Defence Logistics Henkel Australia Pty ltd 19/11/07 Labour Union Insurance ' Ch Logical Staffing Solutions Ch Adecco Ch Goodman Fielder Ch Alliance Bernstein Australia Limited Ch 19/11/07 Sovereign Investment Research Bartter Enterprises Pty Ltd TOT Victoria 20/11/07 Ryan Carlisle Thomas Lawy_ers Ch Robert Bosch (Australia) Pty Ltd Ch Agribusiness Employers Federation Ch cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cq cc cc cc cc cc cc Individual Banking. Deposit 950.00 .. 900.00 900.00 1,800.00 . 5,500.00/ 95o.oor 950.00 475.00 475.00 950.00/ 950.00 / 496.37( 496.37 950.00 2,375.00, 950.00 1 900.00 7,075.00 900.00 1,900.0Q 475.00 · 950.00 475.002,375.00 9,025.00 2,85o.oa.. r 950.00 950.00 950.00 950 r'\ 4,293.72 . ~ 475.00 475.00 . 6,193.72 950.00 9,000.00 1,900.00 4 ,500.00 2,375.00 19,675.00 1,900.00475.00 v v v v cc - ·2,850.00! --· G:\COMPANIES\I R21.Ud 2008 Audit\EXCEL\Cashbook 950.00.., 1,425.006,875.00 950.00\ v/ 475.00 v v Comm- Funetlon lnt.ei'Nt GST IncOme 863.64 818.18 818.18 1,636.36 863.64 431 .82 863.64 86.36· 81.82 / 81.82 163.64 86.3643.18-. 86.36 Dividends Dlstrtb'ns GST Paid Jsslon Other pllldfor Crolt'll 2 ---2 oof-• 2 4 ~- --·-·-- - - -· ·----- -~ 1 - 2 496.37 . 863.64 2,159.09, 863.641,727.27 818.18... 1,727.2V 431 .82 863.64 431.82 2,159.09 2,590.91 863.64 · 863.64. 4 ,090.91 431 .82 431.82 863.64 8,181.62· 1,727.27 4,090.91• 2,159.09v' 1,727.27" 431 .82\ 863.64-.1,295.456,250.00 863.64 431 .82 . v 2 5 2 4 86.36215.91 86.36· . 172.73.; 81 .82 .· 172.73 / 43.18 86.36v. 43.18--1 . 215.91 259.09 86.36 86.36 409.09 T -·---4 1 2 1 v -/_ - 1 - 187.53'-- 18.75• 43. 18~ 43. 18 86.36818.18 172.73 409.09• 215.91 172.73-' 43.18 --- --- 20 t-·---4 -· r--d·-:----10 4 1 -----·- v -- 2 ·- 86 . 3~~ / 129.55' 625.00 86.36 / 43.18 5 6 2 2 10 1 1 ------------- __ 11------21 +---·y·t· ..----------- ... - i 15 2 1 3 NTP .009.003.0004 ....... ,.... ....... IR21 LTD -·----·· --!--· I CASHBOOK· RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30TH JUNE 2008 I ,_______ -·- f-- f----- - o.te Individual -- -t-·· -------..... -- ·- - - - ·· · ~ cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc v Income I ____ - --··---- ----.. I I - Frmct/on Details Banking Deposit PZ Cussons Australia Pty Ltd Ch ---~~50.00 950.00 21/11/07 Pluto Press 950.00 Addamo Fresh Ply Ltd 475.00 Columbia Consolidated Industries 475.00,. Ecolab 475.00... John Danks & Son Pty Ltd 2,850.00 475.00 22/11/07 Australian Pharmaceutical Industries Eft 1,900.00 1,900.00 23111/07 Members Equity Eft 4,500.00 4,500.00. 23/11107 Vanguard Investments Eft 950.00 950.00 27111/07 Sigma Pharmaceuticals Umited 4,500.00 4,500.0Q.,. 28/11/07 Martin Pakula (donation)- ~-> :·~'))~ Ch 200.00 / General Mills Manufacturing P/L Ch 1,425.00· / Stone Harbor Ch 475.00 lnghams Enterprises Pty Limited 4,500.00 Ch Schroder Investment Management Au Ch 4,500.00. 11.100.00/ 29/11/07 Goldman Sachs JB Were Eft 1,425.00 1,425.00 29/11/07 Health Services Union of Australia 4 ,500.00 4,500.00· / Eft 30/11/07 Murray Goulburn Co-operative Umitec Eft 1,900.00, 1,900.00· 30/11/07 Peerless Foods 2,375.00 Eft 2 ,375.00/ 30/11/07 LUCRF Eft 13,500.00T 13,500.00 /. 3112/07 National Foods Ltd 950.00,/ Pinnacle Property Group 5 ,274.34~ 4,324.34 3112/07 Tim Pallas (donation) 200.00 Ch ????? {.):r.~,cr-, :lee~ Wl..)l i-\YC Ca 2,700.00t 2,500.00 4112/07 DHL Exel Supply Chain 4,500.00 Ch NUW Central Branch 9,000.00 4,500.00, L_ Ch 6/12/07 Mobil Relining Australia Pty Ltd 4,500.00 4 500.00. Eft 7/12107 Skilled Group Eft 4,500.00 4,500.00 / 11/12107 Nick Baldi Constructions 2 ,250.00 ./ Ch Nick Baldi Constructions 4,500.00 2,250.00 / Ch 11/12107 The Nuance Group 475.00 Ch L'Oreal Australia 2,375.00 Ch Jaala Pulford (donation) Ch 200.00 V. 3,050.00' -11/12/07 Onesteel Distribution 1,9oo.oo--v ~s. - 1,900.00 - - - - - - Eft 16/12107 WBC Dividend 444.041 444.~ 18/12/07 Mitre 10 Australia Ltd Eft 1 900.00, 1,900.00 1/ G:\COMPANIES\IR21 Ltd 2008 Audit\EXGEL\Cashbook · · -- GST lnterNt 863.64 66.3fi. 863.64.. 86.36 431.6243.18-. 43.18 431 .62· 431 .62-.43.16 431 .82-43.18.1 1,727.27.1 172.73~ 4,090.91-.. 409.09. 863.64· 86.36409.09 4,090.91 181.82 16.16.. 1,295.45-.. 129.55 43.1S.. 431 .82" 4,090.91 409.094,090.91.,.. 409.09 1,295.45129.55· / 409.09.. 4,090.91 1,727.27· 172.732,159.09 215.91-12,272.73.. . 1,227.27· ' 863.64, 86.3&-4 ,090.91 / 409.09 181.82 / 18.18 Dividends D/Wib'ns Other Comm- GST isa ion Paid ___!!_'!· -- -- ----- - · v ,_- · -· - - -· - --· - 172.73 - 1/ / 159.69 - 15.97 30 2 10 2,500.00- :\;et""o,' -.lee ~k>O 'I ~ 1- -.,"'C., ,o--., 'r<::-.c..•- e. "' ~ 1..) . ., 10 10 10 10 - 10 -~· --- 1 --- ______,_ · - -----·--·--- ~2.. ___ .............. __ -- v / ----· 5 - 4,090.91 409.09, 4,090.91, 409.09 4 ,090.91 409.09 ,• 4,090.91 / 409.09 ,. 2,045.45 204.55, ! / 2,045.45 ' :_,;' 204.55 / 431 .82-. 43.18" / 2,159.09 215.91 / 181 .62· 16.18 / --fi2:'73 1,727.27 1,727.27 3 1 10 10 3 10 4 - -- ' ----- Cta.n 2 2 1 1 1 1 4 10 2 10 ---- - paldfOI' ' "· - ~ - · - ··· · · -444]4: v---.. , , _, 4 4 4 NTP .009.003.0005 :~;:~OK - RECEiPTS -·-·-··-- ·-+-· --·--·-·-. - FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30TH JUNE 2008 -- --·· - -·· -- --lndlvltlcMI Date DetJIIJs 18/12/07 Plexicor Australia Ch Fonterra Australia Pty Ltd Ch Australian Workers Union - Vic Branc Ch Member Subscription - 2008 FlY Ca 20/12/07 VersaCold Logistics Eft 20/12107 LUCRF-sponsorshlp of function 23111 Eft 21112/07 ANZ Dividend Eft 2/01/08 GlaxoSmlthKiine Australia Eft 2/01/08 Oenos Eft 3101/06 Metcash Limited Eft 3/01/08 Stanley Works Eft 11/01/08 Chandler Macleod Eft 15/01/08 NUW Victorian Branch Ch B&B Infrastructure Dividend Ch S.D.AE.A (Vic Branch) Ch ATO- 2007 Company Tax Refund Ch 29/01/06 JAG Dividend Eft 31/01/08 CBA Perls IV Distribution Eft 6/02/08 Worksafe Ch Smorgon Steel Distribution Ch NEC Australia Pty ltd Ch 6/02/08 Diverseport Eft 13102!08 Australian Industry Group Ch Hastings Funds Management Ch Ett· 15/02108 Rubicon America Trust Distribution 25/02/08 Llnfox Australia Pty Ltd Ch 27/02/08 AFI Dividend Eft 29102/08 B&B Infrastructure Distribution Eft 5/03/08 Transfiald Services Infrastructure Fun Eft 12/03/08 caterpillar Logistics cc 18!03!08 BHP Billiton Dividend Eft 31103/08 Fairfax Media Dividend Eft 31/03/06 Woodside Dividend Eft 4/04/08 Telstra Dividend Eft 4/04106 NUW National Office Ch 8!04108 Mincom Limited Ch Banldng Depoa/t 4,500.00 4,950.00... 4,500.00 13,956.001 6.00 950.00( 950.00 5,000.00/ 5,000.00 441.04 441.04 2,85Q.007h.' 2,850.00 3,800.00 3800.00• 333.54 333.54v / 1 900 .00~ 1,900.00i 4,500.00 4,5oo.oo.16,000.00· 571.24 4,500.00 29,674.54 6,803.30,V 282.32 282.32 227.58 227.58 I\ 4,500.00 4,500.00,Y 9,950.00 950.00 595.69 595.89 1,900.00 2,428.00/ 528.00 . 496.37 496.37 4,500.00 4,500.00 399.68 399.68 711.75 71 1.75 ... 951.62 951.62 950.00 950.00 207.27 207.27 529.50 529.50 - 226.05 i'\ 226.05 1,330.00 tl 1,330.00 9,000.00 9,000.00 I\ 475.00 v . Function Income 4,090.91 4 500.00 4,090.91 GST .I nterest 409.09 450.00 409.09-,. No. GST fM/dfrN Pllld CtUMI 10 11 I 10 ! / I 6.00 2 86.36_· 454.55 4,545.45 i' r'\:.~,:;..'). ch (""441 .04, 2,590.91v 3,454.5S,.. 259.()9" 345.45· 333.54 / 1,727.27• 4,090.9-t 16,363.64 172.73"' 409.09 _ 1,636.36' ' 571.24· / 10 409.09' 282.32 227.58 4,090.91 4, 090.9~ 863.64.. 409.09 409.09. 86.36.. 4,090.91 172.73, - 409.09 6,803.30-' v 10 10 2 / 595.89 1,727.27 -- 4 10 40 / I 4,090.91-' 6 8 - L ·- 4 528.00... 496.37 / 10 / , G:\COMPANIES\IR21 Ltd 2008 Audlt\EXCEL\Cashbook other DlvldendB m.trib'ns / 863.64-- CommInion 399.68 · .... , 711 .75 951.62 663.64_ 8,181.82· 431.82 2 86.36 · 818.18' 43.1&- 207.27· 529.50 226.05 1 330.00 ' / ··-·· --·- ---·--·-1 - - -- - - ' 20 1 --·-------5 NTP .009.003 .0006 0) ,.... .... r- I1R21 LTD .• Dc"c~s lr..A IFOR THE~ 30TH JUNE 2008 No. A•nlrln~~ Date ~ ICh 1,063.201 lEft Eft 309.691 232.07[ 232.o7 Eft ..ti..,.llndustries lEft lEft 'Eft 576,QQ. 576.0(}1 _1.900.00 _1,900.0!N 500.00 500._0()_ 500.00. 500.00, 4,500.00 500.00, 500.00. 282.27; Other In~ 7/05/081 HastingsJ:'UDdS 121/05/081lt.""',.,.li"n I ?~Jn<\/OR MAw..Jcill" ; :\nJOfiJOR = ~ 2/06108 6/06/08 I~ Ch iEft lEft lEft lEft l16/061081lAG Dividend 1(nnn.-iMII I.C.I~ I '""'~"'"" lEft lEft 4. 'iOf· oo 500.00 500.()QI ~ 309.69., 500.00 ~00 20,851 .97 •' _20,851 .97 500.0< ·' 500.00 ~dfor crown 576.00 ·. 1,727.27 454.55-. 454.55.. 4,oso.9v 454.55·. 454.55. 4 JI2.TI-- ~ 45.45409.09 • 45.45 · 45.45- Debtor@ 30l~ Debtor@ 30/6107 Debtor @ 3016107 282.27-· 454.55 ...., 45.45-. 20,651 .9~ 454.55 · ~ L'U 7n 469,07 1.38 Ch• Cheque CC = Credit Card Eft=EFT GST Paid 588.20' 197.20• 309.69, : 232.07, 568.20 111/04/08 Rio Tinto~ 1R/ll4/ClR Skiii<><1_Grpup Dividend I ~O/ll4/08 CR.O, Perls IV Distriho ollnn CommIss/on ~5A!i Y.lliJlU!!i ~ 11, 134.48 ~ 2.~ 1 )~5 . 2.~ ~3016107 . '1 rh I Oeblor@ 30/6107 4,944.51 ~ 73~-.7~2 1·::::;;-fHU;,;:;,;;.3~31·_eD-.; •.f4...,.....,===:: 81119-====j :.0 ~~ ' Tr=~ ICa =Cash G:\COMPANIES\IR21 Ltd 2008 Audit\EXCEL\Cashbook 6 ;· NTP.008.012.0550 I . PRO FORMA INVOICE 1st deposit Thursday, 4 January 2007 Ms Antonia Parkes IR 21 Ltd PO Box 756 NORTH MELBOURNE VIC 3051 Date Due Supplement Thui'Sday, 18.J anuary 2007 Deposit amourit due as per letter of Agreement for NUW Luncheon Friday, 23 November 2007 Amount $7,840.00 f TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: I $7,84o.oo Thank you for choosing Crown Phone: 03 9292 6233 Fax: 03 9292 5246 8 Whiteman Street SOUTHBANK VIC 3006 ACN 006 973 262 ABN 46 006 973 262 This pro forma invoice is to assist you in paying your holding deposit for the event. A tax invoice showing the full GST component will be issued post event, after the provision of the goods qr services. Crown Limited ABN 46 006 973 262. ~ Whiteman Street Southbank 3006 Melbourne Australia Telephone 9292 8888 Facsimile 9292 6600 m .au \ 720 NTP.008.012.0549 IR 21 LTD Page No. cashier 502 Victoria Street NORTH MELBOURNE VI~ 3051 ADVANCE DEPOSIT RECEIPT Printed 1 of 1 EM022223,E /19 01/02/07 16:42 ABN 46 006 973 262 478411 Cheque CBA 063 158 #000119 7,840.00AUD The aboVe dep()sit has been received for the following arrival date for IR 21 LTD Your Confirmation Number is 1077322 Anival Departure 23/11/07 We look forward to welcoming you to Crown Towers, Melbourne. Crown Limited ABN46006973262 8 WHITEMAN ST.R EET SOUTH BANK 3006 MELBOURNE AUSTRALIA TEL613 9292 6666 FAX61 3 9292 6600 w w-w • c row n t o we r s . c o m w w w • c r o w n c a s i n o . c o m . a u \ 721 IR21 Limited Cheque No.: 0(')0 \ -q 0 Date: \ Payable To: CmvM (1/e/iouvrJL Amount: f$ 32,~000. Details: r"'J" Jemoif r 00 .C- l I L/mtfed Q_. (.//Q&Oh- -\.. 722 \ \\nuwvics l\nationallrbaker\Accounts\IR21 Limited.doc PRO FORMA INVOICE Ms Antonia Parkes IR 21 Ltd PO Box 756 NORTH MELBOURNE VIC 3051 Thursday, May 29, 2008 Date Due Supplement 21st of May 2008 Holding Deposit amount due as per Letter of Agreement for NUW Luncheon Friday, 21 November 2008 Amount $32,060.00 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: Pa ment Reference Number: Thank you .for choosing Crown Phone: 03 9292 8888 Fax: 03 9292 6740 8 Whiteman Street SOUTHBANK VIC 3006 ACN 006 973 262 ABN 46 006 973 262 Crown Melbourne Limited ABN 46 006 973 262 8 Whiteman Street Southbank 2006 Melbourne Australia Telephone 03 9292 8888 Facsimile 03 9292 6740 723 PREPAYMENT As prepayment is required prior to the commencement of your event, please nominate and complete one of the payment options, returning by fax on 9292 6740. For the charges incurred for the following Event: NAME OF THE EVENT: DATE OF THE EVENT: CLIENT PRINCIPAL NAME: NUW Luncheon Friday, 21 November 2008 IR 21 Ltd Option 1 - Credit Card (please attach a photocopy of both sides of the card) D I, the undersigned, hereby authorise Crown Limited to debit my credit card as detailed below: Card Type: · Bank Card (please circle applicable card) Card Number: Expiry Date on Card: Visa Master Card Diners Club American Express I I II I I rn;rn Name on Card (please print) ............................................ ...................................................... .. Signature on Card: .................................................................................................................. Amount:$ ..................................... ................. ......... .............. .......... ......... ... ... ...................... . Option 2 - Cheque/Bankdraft ~I have posted a cheque for the amount of$ 39. 1C'Iod- on 3 I 6 I 0 ~ (Date) ~ The cheque/bankdraft is made payable to: Crown Melbourne Limited and posted to the following address: Optic D Crown Limited C/o Olivia Cordner Event Manager 8 Whiteman Street SOUTHBANK VIC 3006 A direct deposit of$_ _ _ _ will be made into the Crown Towers Bank Account on __/ _ _/ _ _(date) A copy of the transaction receipt is to be faxed to (03) 9292 6740, marked to be attention of Olivia Cordner To assist with the allocation of your payment please use the payment reference number in the paym ent description when making a transfer. Account details as follows: Bank: ANZ Account Name: Crown Towers BSB Number: 013-435 Branch : 307 Clarendon St, South Melbourne Account Number: 837380922 Supplier ABN: 4600 697 3262 IR 21 LTD 502 Victoria Street NORTH MELBOURNE VIC 3051 ADVANCE DEPOSIT RECEIPT Page No. 1 of 1 Cashier EM022223,E I 19 Printed 06/06/08 12:13 ABN 46 006 973 262 646029 Amount Cheque CBA 063 158 # 000170 . The above deposit has been received for the following arrival date for IR 21 LTD Your Confirmation Number is 1681539 Arrival Departure 21/11/08 11;'13;'98 Signature: - - - - - -- - -- - - - - - - - - We look forward to welcoming you to Crown Towers, Melbourne. Crown Melbourne L imited A BN 46006973262 8 WHITEMAN STREET SOUTHBANK 3 0 06 MELBOURNE A U S TRALIA TEL 613 9292 6666 FAX61 3 9292 6600 www . c r ow n www.c r I bs I I -I IR21 Limited Cheque No.: Date: Payable To: Amount: $G(b00 - Details: ( ~ 726 \lnuwvics l\nationallrbaker\Accounts\JR21 Limited.dGc . ~tJ ,, - . . ·- . ~ ·)_.... .. . Head office: , ICNII Speakers & Entertainers ABN: 42 114 669 224 (P08ox2311) Level 2, 159 High Street Prahran, Victotla 3181 $peakers & entertainers 61 (0)3 9529 371 1 Fax: 61 (0)3 9529 4573 Toll Free: 1800 334625 Ph: Email: Web: 22 August 2007 ENGAGEMENT CONFIRMATION & Entertainers are Engagement: Mr Charlie Donnelly Secretary, IR21Pty Ltd Cl- National Union of Workers P O Box 343 North Melbourne VIC 3051 Tel: 0418 679 807 au IR21 Annual Luncheon Presentation: MC and 'spot' as required Date: Friday November 23 2007 Client: Timings: Venue: Audience: Arrival Time: 12.00 neon. Presentation Time: 12.30/2.30 Palladium Room Crown Towers 8 Whiteman St Melbourne VIC Approx. 600 - union delegates, CEO's, HR Managers. Both genders, Dress: @ 10%: Client to provide Hand held microphone with stand. Raised and Nil. two weeks prior to date of Briefing: Nsw Otnce {Crows Nest): Ph: {02) 9668 6800 .. Ni M"\\Ar.......,;,.~ ·o~~ NSW Ol!ice (Mamon): Ph: (02) 9686 7714 • t•u~iMT! i l':f'M :an QLOOffoce: Ph: 13QO 663 965 oeNVtfillcml.eom .all SA Office: Ph: {08)8377 3400 WAOfflce: Ph: (08) 9472 5065 TAS Office: Ph: (OJ) 6236 9976 paula@iomi.coflhau 7 27 tliead Office: • ICMI,Speakers & E~tertalners• ABN; ~2 11 4 669 224 c (POBox2311) Level 2, 159 High Street Prahran, Victoria 3181 61 (0)3 9529 371 1 Fax: 61 (0)3 9529 4573 Toll Free: 1800 334 625 Email: W eb: Ph: speakers & entertainers Incorporating Olympic Communicators Under licence from the Australian Olympic Committee Mr Charlie Donnelly Secretary, IR21 Pty Ltd Cl- National Union of Workers POBox 343 North Melbourne VIC 3051 22 August 2007 TAX INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER: 36243 0807B FUNCTION: IR21 Annual Luncheon DATE: 23 November 2007 Specialist/Services: Fee: GST: Total: Dave Hughes $12000.00 $1200.00 $13200.00 £3 BALA!~CE PAYABLE PAYMENT D UE: $ 6600.00 1'-----"' 9 November 2007 Direct Payment D etails: Account: Inform Communicate Motivate International (Australia) Pty Ltd ~ .. I . .! ~ I I • IStreet, Prahran, Vjctoria, Australia Or please make cheques payable to ICMI Speakers & Entertainers and post to Head Office, Melbourne. I Please note t.hauhe GS T paid on this invoice can be claimed back as an inputtax credit ifyou are regis tered/or GST in A11stt·a/la. Nsw Office (Crows Nest): ••J:::>h, /A"l~ OQOQ COI"'I\ NSW Office (Artamon): C~· tn?\ O A J:I R 7-71 d.. OLD Office: P h· 1 ~r:1n ""~ !lfifi SA Office: Ph· ·In!\\ 8317 3400 WAOffice: flh: 108) 9472 5065 l TAS Office: 728 E'll: (03).6236..9.9Z.6.. ll ·1 _J TERMS & CONDITIONS On your direction the Specialist has now committed to your requirements. To protect both your interests and those of the Specialist please note Paragraph 5 (b) under "Conditions" below. From the time you verbally directed our office the Specialist will not accept any other work which will conflict with yours. This letter confirms the existing arrangements - if you have any concerns please contact our office immediately. 1. ICMI is acting in its capacity as an independent contractor in providing the services of the specialist and shall not be responsible for the statements or actions of the specialist. 2. Client agrees that where ICMI incurs or arranges any expenses as authorised and on behalf of the Client, the Client will promptly reimburse ICMI or its agents. 3. Specialists performance may not be recorded, broadcast, reproduced or duplicated by any means unless particularised In the contract. 4. If for any reason {including illness, emergency, overriding obligation. binding professional responsibility, War, Act of God or if circumstance makes travel unsafe} the specialist cannot fulfil the engagement outlined, ICMI's sole responsibility shall be to use its best endeavours to provide the services of a comparable specialist for the engagement to the satisfaction of the client OR the engagement moved to a mutually acceptable date OR any fees received by ICMI be refunded In full. ICMI will not otherwise have any liability for expenses or losses incurred by the client. 5. {a} The Fees as shown above are payable by the Client as follows: i) Deposit- 50% of fee payable immediately on invoice ii} Balance of fee to be paid at least ten {10} working days prior to engagement. {b} In the event of cancellation by the Client the following applies i) Over 30 days notice to Engagement Date .. ..... 50% Agreed Fee Payable ii) Less than 30 days notice ......... Full Agreed Fee Payable iii) Plus any disbursement ICMI has incurred and which are not otherwise recoverable. 6. No additional appearances, seminars, discussion groups, receptions, dinners, press interviews, television or radio arrangements or the like shall be planned by Client nor expected of the Specialist unless particularised in the contract. The Specialist's name or image cannot be used in any promotion or advertising of any type, or associated with a particular product or service, withour prior permission from this office. 7. The client agrees that they will make no private arrangements with the Specialist for this or any future engagements. 8. For Contracts taking place outside of Australia: Your office is responsible for ali associated Visa requirements, local taxes and charges. Above fees must be nett to this office and are after all local taxation Implications. 9. This contract is subject to the Australian Goods & Services Tax {GST} Legislation. 10. The representative of Client who signs this Agreement warrants that they are a duly authorised representative of Client.. 11. This contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of VIctoria, Australia. 12. This contract embodies the entire agreement between ICMI, the Specialist and the Client with. respect to the subject matter hereof and may not be changed orally, but only by agreement In writing between ICMI and the Client and attached to the contract at the date hereof. 13. The Client warrants that any special requirements that It may have are fully outlined within the terms and conditions of this contract or noted below: SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: IMPORTANT: Please check all details as they appear here, then sign the copy and return it to ICMI. Retain the Original Contract for your records. Please authorise and return the enclosed copy of this agreement. (Failure to sign this Agreement does not cancel this confirmation.) This Agreement is entered into on the 22nd day ofAugust 2007, between ICMI Speakers & Entertainers, of 159 High Street, Prahran, Vic, 3181 (ICMI) and IR21 Pty Ltd. For ICMI: Frank Brown ·T hank you for yom· clientele - ~fyou have any que'ries rega,rding your contract1 travel arrangements O)' general ;co-ordina.tion please contact Simone Ashton at ICMI Melbow-ne . Head Office on 03 9529 3711 or · '?imon~@icrni. com. au -for im_111._e~iate ass!s{IJ.!l~e- i 729 I .___, fiecifOiflce: . ICMt Spea'kers & Entertainers ABN: 42 114•66'9 224 (PO Box 2311) Level 2, 159 High Street Prahran, Victoria 3181 P h: 61 (0)3 9529 3711 Fax: 61 (0)3 9529 4573 Toll Free: 1800 334 625 Email: Web: speakers & enterta i ners Incorporating O~mplc Communicators Under licence from the Australian Olympic Committee Mr Charlie Donnelly Secretary, IR21Pty Ltd C/- National Union of Workers POBox343 North Melbourne VIC 3051 22 August 2007 TAX INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER: 36243 0807A FUNCTION: IR21 Annual L uncheon DATE: 23 November 2007 Specialist/Services: Fee: GST: Total: Dave Hughes $12000.00 $1200.00 $13200.00 TOTAL $13200.00 $ 6600.00 50% DE POSIT PAYABLE PAYMENT D UE: D "(__._.. 29 A ugust 2007 Direct Payment Details: Account: Inform Communicate Motivate International (Australia) Pty Ltd Bank: 236 Street, Prahran, Victoria, Australia Or please make cheques payable to ICMI Sp eakers & Entertainers and post to Head Office, Melbourne. Please note tlrat the GSTpaid on this invoice can be claimed back as an input tax credit ifyo" are registered for GST in Australia. l Nsw Orflce (Crows Nest): i"h· tn?\ OAAA !':Ann NSW Office (Artamon): 'Ph~ fll'?' tiM!': 77 14 QLDOffice: Ph: 1 :lOO 663 9fl6 SA Office: Ph: 108)8377 3400 WAOffice: Ph: 108) 91172 5065 730 TASO!flce: l"lr.1{)S) 623a99?6 .I NTP.008.012.0547 ~R21.{.TD ~02 Victoria Street NORTI:I MELBOURNE VIC 3051 page No. 1 of 1 cashier EM021223;E I 19 Prinled 06/09/07 17:00 46 006 973 262 ABN ADVANCE DEPOsiT RECEIPT Cheque CBA. 063 158 #000133 31,36tJ.OOA0D The above depbSit has been received for tile toiiowing ahivaf date for IR 21 LTD Your Confirmation Number is 1077322" ·AI:riYal 23/11/07 I I9 Departure Si9oature: .,---'--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - you to Crown towers, Melbourne. We look forward to weicoming 8 b. rown Melbourne Umited AlfN46oo6§:13262 S 0 U T H ·a A N K 3 0 0 6 M E L B 0 U R N E AU S T R A L1 A TEL6 13 9292 6666 'FAX61 3 9292 6600 www. wn.towe rs . com www . c rpwnca !>in o. com .a u WHIT E'M.A N ST R E E T cto \ 731 NTP.008.012.0426 ' I IR21 Ltd ACN': 106 441 463 AJ8~:98106441463 PO BOX 756, ~ortb Melbourne VIC 3051 Telephone/Facsimile: (03) 9329 7729 TAX INVOICE 15 October 2007 Invoice Number: 07010 Organisation Invoiced: \ Company Name: Contact Person: Address: Transport & Logistics Industry Ski11s Council Ltd Geoffrey Gwilym Level 3, 33 Walsh St, West Melbourne VIC 3003 Description: Services provided by IR21 Ltd. Luncheon Seminar: Fair and Prod11ctive Workplaces: Reforming A1istralia's Industrial Relations. Held on Friday, 23 November 2007 at tbe Crown Palladium, Crown Entertainment Complex, Melbourne (11.30 am for midday until 3.30 pm) Tickets@ $475 per person or $4,500 per table of LO (price includes GST) Number of tickets: 10 TOTAL DUE (includine GST): $4.500.00 TOTAL PAID (including GST): $4SOO.OO Please forward list of attendees to irZ at least seven days prior to the Luncheon Seminar. 732 Q • NTP .008.012.0427 ;-; ·/ ·· Productivity Who should attend? f'lE!lleral Managi!!S. Industrial Relations pe~nel. Jman Aesoun:es personnel. Training & lle.'elopment professionals. Union Representatives and lndusbial lawyers. Ensure \Wf plare on 23 Nowmber 2007 by completing lhe attached registration form and forwarding it, along wilh your payment to: IR21 Linited P08qx156 North Melbcune VIC 3151 ASN Nlmlber. 98 106 441 463 Phone/Fax: (0319329 7129 Email: Fairness Ticket resenation fonn I want to reseJVe ~ ticke~s) for the IRZ!luncheon Seminar on Z3 NO'Jember 2007. ($475 per ticket. or $4500 per table of 10. inclusive of GSn For totlil amount of S 4-5"00 -rfo,.t\sr,od· 1> Log,; tS II\Glv..rh!;j Sk,IIJ Uul£-d Le.vQ.l 3' ~3 Wo ts~ s~. \..UQ.rl- ~e{bO.J mR. Postcode: '3oo.3 CompanyName&Address: CompanyC;tact: ~eo(f~ Email: ~ w. 11jM Ph: "l3lo 'fZ-'f-1. seoft@ +hsc.. COt\'!.((J Payment Method: (please tick) 0 Cheque - payable to IR21ltd. -Card Number: I Credit Card Authorisation Please charge my: 0 MasterCard 0 VISa 0 OinetS Club DODD DODD DODD DODO NameonCard~p~e~~S~tpoi!ltl _ _ _ _ __ __ _ __ _ _ _ __ Taxi!Mi:es wil bo iwldUjiORbool<ing.lf'rQJ haYe 7nf special cfoelal'f ~. please ii'Mse at lime ol booking. 733 NTP.008.012.0405 M-uJ .'· c:-FT IR21 Ltd ACN: 106 441 463 ABN: 98106441463 PO BOX 756, North Melbourne VIC 3051 Telephone/Facsimile: (03) 9329 7729 TAX INVOICE 25 October 2007 Invoice Number: 07015 Purchase Order No: Organisation Invoiced: 12 I 45090638 Company Name: Contact Person: Address (Email): Mobil Refining Australia Pty Ltd Mr Steve Kingshott Description: Services provided by IR21 Ltd. Luncheon Seminar: Fair and Productive Workplaces: Reforming Australia's Industrial Relations. .. Held on Friday, 23 November 2007 at the Crown Palladium, Crown Entertainment Complex, Melbourne (11.30 am for midday until 3.30 pm) Tickets@ $475 per person or $4,500 per table of I 0 (price includes GST) Number of tickets: 10 TOTAL DUE (includine: GST): $4 500.00 TOTAL PAID (including GST): $0.00 Information for EFT transfers Bank Account Name: IR2l Ltd Branch BSB: 063 158 Bank Account No: 10198318 Branch Location: Commonwealth Bank, Errol St, North Melbourne VIC 3051 Please forward list of attendees to ir21@, at least seven days prior to the Luncheon Seminar. -~ 734 .. - ·- ... ' ~ IR21 Limited Cheque No.: eoo 1 --s~ Date: Payable To: Amount: Details: $~I> '360 .. do C,~ <:J \..~ lf\ L \,\1\.!\ kc\ ------~--~----·-~· ·- C\\o.~ \ : c va \._.,J ( \ c I(_) Lil'\.r~ \-e..d ('(\ \Lza..'<-- \ ~\..'-\.t~ J - "~ . '. . t_v~-v\ 'Sc~ AccO\JrS '3 l-V' ~ bev,c ~ t .VV\ ,, .. C0 h.J C::~V\ ~t-· S:_j'--'- ~-t"\..,~v--.L<._, V Ic_ SO~ . :·· 735 --- -'--- ---~r- <.C ('t') r- .,., Conmonwealth Bark ;.- :-.-.:--- .·... ·~~. : .· ::~.'6:. :... ,p. ~;f~~~~~S.;:.~J4~¢¢.~~~~~ti~t:4;i,;~~~~~~:~ ·;::;'r.~('}tt~:f;~::,;;( ' 'r - ' . NTP .008.012.0309 IR21 Ltd ACN: 106 441463 ABN: 98106441463 PO BOX 756, North Melbourne VIC 3051 ·Telephone/Facsimile: (03) 9329 7729 TAX INVOICE 31 October 2007 .Invoice Number: 07039 Organisation Invoiced: Company Name: Contact Person: Address: Labour Union Insurance (Brokers) Pty Ltd Mr Gordon Hor PO Box 7146, Dandenong 3175 Description: Services provided by IR21 Ltd. Luncheon Seminar: Fair a11d Productive Woikpl((C,es: Rejormi11g Australia's l~tdustrial Relatio11s. Held on Friday, 23 November 2007 at the Crown Palladium, Crown Entertainment Complex, Melbourne ·' (11.30 am for midday· until3.30 pm) Tickets@ $475 per person or $4,500 per table of 10 (price includes GST) Number of tickets : 20 TOTAL DUE (including_ GST}_: $~.000.00 TOTAL PAID (including GST): $0.00 737 NTP.008.012.031 0 !_~! ).. .... ) l ,_, i ~ .·. ' .- (\ L >"'·.'I ....l\ .i1 '-'V ...J • - ' ill2l LUNCHEON SE~UNAR ON 23/ll/2007TABLE FOR LABOUR UNION INSURANCE (BROKERS) PTY LTD COMPANY l. ~lr 1\'Ianuel Bonnici Breastseeen Victo1:ia Finance l\-Ianager 2. Mr Peter ~Iibaly QBE Insurance Senior Underwriter 3. ~fr Rob Turner ·QBE Insurance Distribution Manager 4. 1\-lr Andrew Williams CGU Insurance Commercial Account Manager 5. Mr Dean Sieg Lumley Accident aucl Health Operations Manager 6. 1\'lr James Rogers Lumley General Insurance Broker Develo(tmcnt 1\lanager 7. l\-lr Peter Hesse Labour Uliiou Insurance (Brokers) Pty Ltd 8. l\lr Gordon Hor 9. Mr Ben Sherburn L-abour Union Insurance (Brokers) Pty Ltd . Operations lUanager Wt.Q,ur Union Insurance (Brok~ts) Pty Ltd 10. 1\-fr Tim Little Generall\lanager Labour Union Insurance (Brokers) Pty Ltd Trainee Account Manager Account/Coospliance Manager 738 J..-:;;a '. ' NTP.008.012.0311 ' ,.. ~}·..·.5 ....._ •· • -' ~. • lr..7 4 ... 0 . \ ''\., ,·, \'i \\ _.1{\:.. .. I . 'c...,.: l ._, • • \ 739 NTP .008.012.0312 Labour Union Insurance (Brokers) Pty Ltd AB~ 84 005 704 503 Tel~phone: (03) 9794 8844 205 Thomas S(reet (P.O. Box 7146) Dandenong, Vic 3175 Australian Financial Services Licence Number: 239147 Toll Free: 1800 334 168 Ft4: (03) 9792.2799 Email: in] 16 November, 2007 \ Nfs Rachael Baker National Union :of Workers 552 Victoria Street North Melbourne Vic 3051 19 NOV 2007 Dear Rachael Re! JR21 LTO. .Please find encl~sed a cheque fer :.$9,000. Pet~r tables of 10 for th1s Seminar, so nothing else to do? ha~ ah•eaCfy organised the two · · Should you have ~liY queriM, please cfo nof hesitate t() contact me. Yours sincerely ,.,. \ 740 NTP.008.012.0306 IR21 Ltd ACN: 106 441463 ABN: 98106441463 PO BOX 756, North Melbourne VIC 3051 Telephone/Facsimile: (03) 9329 7729 TAX INVOICE 31 October 2007 Invoice Number: 07040 Organisation Invoiced: Company Name: Contact Person: Address: NewskiJls Ltd Renata Filip 270 Rosslyn St, West Melbourne VIC 3003 Description: Services provided by IR21 Ltd. Luncheon Seminar: Fair a11d Productive Workplaces: Reforming Industrial Relations. Held on Friday, 23 November 2007 at the Crown Palladium, Crown Entertainment Complex, Melbourne (11 .30 am for midday until 3.30 pm) Tickets @ $475 per person or $4,500 per table of 10 (price includes GST) Number of tickets: 20 TOTAL DUE (includine GST): $9 000.00 TOTAL PAID (including GST): $0.00 A~tstralia's t \, Please forward list of attendees to at least seven days prior to the Luncheon Seminar. 741 NTP.008.012.0307 TilA !A/1 Lw;cheor S8mtnar Fair and Pi'oduc..-tive tflfo!'kpYa~:es 2007 Hefom·.iT::;l 1\l.iRLr;:-tii:..·t 's Tndus.J~al }-~::-!~.-1 U ·Y.:;; I, ,· ·•. • - C) I c;~ •f) . . 1.· .., . , . ·•''' t 1.12' o 'o •· 't , .; . I '• n '' ! • , 1---fd, . /\;.;.~- <..\-\ILl. c.:, ..:J/l) Po~~L~f t"' ! •• • •. . ., <. . L-;- ·) Sf, L~.~~ t ·lb"l_'~0L1~1\:; '!'f:tV/~1}1 ;-· 11 L/ {:J (.'( 3 :J.i i~ ~><-"'t:">3 'f<)Clc..• ~ ~~f•~zt.k,' HS (ov.... tiv, l:lhil!:ll !'0 r.v.. 7!;u f.! ·.nh Mo:lh!.t<M. VIC 'iil!•. ,,UI< :.lumhr,:. 9lllUa •i Ii h 'l Phon~,r a:,. :Olt 'SJ2~' i71":! r111~11 hll ''·j"lrihi:II~IAH .1 ' '· 742 NTP.008.012.0275 IR21 Ltd ACN: 106 441 463 AJBN: 98106441463 PO BOX 756, North Melbourne VIC 3051 Telephone/Facsimile: (03) 9329 7729 TAX INVOICE 2 November 2007 Invoice Number: 07050 Organisation Invoiced: ,r-, i } Company Name: Contact Person: Address: Holding Redlich Alyson Gibbs GPO Box 2154, Melbourne VIC 3001 Description: Services provided by IR21 Ltd. Luncheon Seminar: Fair and Productive Workplaces: Reforming Australia's Industrial Relations. Held on Friday, 23 November 2007 at the Crown Palladium, Crown Entertainment Complex, Melbourne _(11.30 am for midday until 3.30 pm) i'·.....,.'i Tickets @ $475 per person or $4,500 per table of 10 (price includes GST) Number of tickets: 10 TOTAL DUE (includin_2_ GST}: $4500.00 TOTAL PAID _(includin_g GST): $4500.00 Please forward list of attendees to at least seven days prior to the Luncheon Seminar. 743 NTP.008.012.0276 REMITTANCE ADVICE DETACH BEFORE BANKING ,,..,._,.........,holding redlich 350 William Street, Melbourne, 3000. Australia GPO Box 2154, Melbourne 3001 OX 422 Melbourne T: (03) 9321 9999 F: (03) 9321 9900 IR21 PO Box756 North Melbourne Vic 3051 Luncileun seminar- Fair & PrOductive workplaces 23111/07 DATE 31 /1 012007 CHEQUE NO. 94883 NTP.008.012.0277 SUOflBTqH . Sa:Je(c:bpOM ·alQQlll SS81UJ8.j ~ Who should attend? Ger \1anagers.lndustrial Relations personnel. Humc.u Resources peoonnel. Training ft Development professionals. Union Representatives 'and Industrial Lawyers. Ensure your pOOl on 23 November 2007 by co·mpleting attached registration fonn and forwarding it along with your payment to: the 11121 Linited fo8ox7!i6 North Melboume VIC 3051 ABN Number: 98106 4414&3 Phonelrax: (03) 9329 7729 Email: ir21@pacific.netau Ticket reservation fonn Iwant to resenre _{Q_ tickeUsl for the IR21 luncheon Seminar on 23 November 2007. Fortotal amount of$ LJ. 5 o::.J I)Jmp.ny Nani> &Address .;J:i? -';!,a ($475 per ticket or $4500 per table of 10. inclusive of GST} === ';(;'!:t;_ ,Ju~ili ; , ; ~ 'l Com~nyCoomrt ~~~ =e- · ~mall. ~e~7~;ease;ic CreditCanf~ • · Ph '.1/v PostC!)de: 3h4) ~£41; : : : ced.f.·· • I Please charge my: 0 MasterCard 0 Visa 0 Diners Cfub eardNumber:DDDD DODD DODD DODD payable to IR21 Ltd. Name on Card~~UeprintJ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ Tcix"iMJiteS\1,;8 be issued UpOn boolcing.lf you 11M any special !ielar( requi'emerns, pleaw advise at time ofbooking. 745 NTP .008.012.01 50 . .' ffi21 Ltd A.CN: 106 441 463 ABN: 98106441463 PO BOX 756, North Melbourne VIC 3051 Teleptione/Facsimile: (03) 9329 7729 TAX INVOICE 14 November 2007 Invoice Number: 07087 Organisation Invoiced: Company Name: Contact Person: Address: Ryan Carlisle Thomas Lawyers Ross Inglis Level 30, 80 Collins St, M elboume VIC 3000 Descril!tion: ServiceS provided by IR21 Ltd. Luncheon Seminar: Fair and Productive Workplaces: Reformillg Australia's Ind~tstrial Relations. Held on Friday, 23 November 2007 at the Crown Palladium, Crown Entertainment Complex, Melbourne (11.30 am for midday until 3.30 pm) Tickets@ $475 per person or $4,500 per table of 10 (price includes GST) Number of tickets: 15 ( I table @$4500 plus 5 x $475) TOTAL DUE (includine GS'l'): $6875.00 TOTAL PAID (in.cludine GST): $0.00 lntormatioit for EFr transfers vtc 30SI Please forward list of attendees to ir21 at least seven days prior to the Luncheon Seminar. 5L746 NTP.008.012 .0 NTP.008.012.0152 \ . ~>Esmond Curnow From: Sent: To: Subject: Ross Inglis [ Wednesday, 14 November 2007 11 :41 AM Esmond Curnow Re: IR.21 Hi Esmond, Many thanks for Friday night . Sorry if I sat in the wrong place as I guess Anthony should have sat on the" HIGH TABLE" ! We have 15 going including 6 from the west i e Stringer Clark .Book one and a half tables and invoice the lot to RCT marked to my attention . We will provide names this week. Warm Regards ROSS INGLIS SENIOR LEGAL EXECUTIVE Ryan Carlisle Thomas, Lawyers Level 30, 80 Collins Street, Melbourne, Vic 3000 Telephone: (03) 9240 1414 Facsimile: (03) 9240 1444 *******************Confidentiality and Privilege Notice******************* This email is intended only to be read or used by t he addressee. It is confidential and ma.y contain legally privileged information. If you are not the addressee indicated in this message (or responsible for delivery of the message to such person), you may not copy or deliver t his message to anyone, and you should destroy this message and kindly ~otify the sender by reply ema il. Confidentiality and l egal privilege are not waived or los·t by reason of mistaken delivery to you. (;1.n WednE)sday, 14 Nqvember 2007 11:16 AM, 'E:smond Curnow <ecurnow@nuw> wrote: > ? Dear Ross, > >Are you able to confirm numbers for IR 21 on Nov 23rd. > > >Regards > >Esmond Curnow >Assistant Victorian Branch Secretary >National Union of Wor kers >wW~-1. nuw . org . au > > > This email has been scanned by Telstra Business Email Security a nd is >powered by MessageLabs http://www.messagelabs . com. For more information >please visit http: //www . telstra .com ~~----~~--~--------~~~~~--~~~--~~~~~--~----~~ > >------------------------~--~------------------------------------------ 1 748 ' . IR21 Limited ( \_ Cheque No.: 000\4-\ Date: Slo .'' . c:51- Payable To: Amount: ~~ Details: 0 ~ T{LL-\ ~;\.-. fho.b~ ~b ,l\\.)01- i i I I f I t· ~ ~ \\nuw:vics 1\national\rbaker\Accounts\IR21 Limited.doc . .. .. -l- -·-• PO Box 758 North Melbourne VIC 3051 Phone/Fax: 03 9329 'm9 Email: ir2IIIDpacific.netau (vav-JA Li'V\M -\e_o\ ~ l'b /rl 4 'il · u(- M\KC\. R-- \ Fv-\ ~~ f1cc_CNr0\ GaL-c__..5t--,;:c-' -~ ~~ ~~~t~ St- · ~ V\L 3066 With Compliments 750 • Account: Post As : Crown Melbourne Limited 8EO #: 40085 Page: Page 1 of 3 8 Whiteman Street SOUTHBANK, VIC Australia 3006 Phone: 03 9292 8888- Fax: 03 9292 6740 Created: 20/11/20Cf.5:41 ABN - 46 006 793 262 Banquet Event Order lR 21 Ltd NUW Luncheon Event Date: Friday 23 November 2007 $ 70,560.00 Event Mgr: Olivia Sault BEO Name: Address: Deposit: Date Time Room Function Set-up EXP GTD Room Hire _ ~r~ ~~ ~~~ ~~ __ ~o~~~-:_ ~2~~~ __ ~~113~9i_u!:!l_ ~ ~-~ _______ _ __ __s_e!-~e ___________s_p~~~ ~~o~~ _____ _____ ~ ___________ _ _ _ cr~ ~~ ~~~ ~~ __ ~1_: ~~-:_ ~~~~ __ ~~l~a9~u!:!l_ ~r:_e~~U!J9~~-~r~~ ___ ~!~ ~~r:_c~ -~r~n~~ ___ -~o_c~~~ ~~~~~ti_?~ _ ____ .?~ ~ ____ ________ _ "-r,·t2~3~ N~o~v~ 0~7~- -1~6_:. 0~0~ :2~0-:.: 0-0~- :_F~u~s~t~o9n~uM!:!Ia_A,.-n ~fl-o o_r_- ---- ----- _AL~ft~ecr_hl_u_n_c_h_D_rt.-n-ks- -- _ _a!19 ~:_t_S!~I'::- ------- -2-oo~- - - --- --- --- 2 8 1 5 3 8 . 71 ---------- -- ---- - ---- - - --------------------------------------~03~~~~~~:.~~~------------------- - n.•~=u=;~::o;;:~·:~~~:r::~~~--,.m-=•m--- w;r~!r=~=~~-- - -·-·-· p;;;;:;·;==---~·c-·-- -===~ ~ Client Contact on day: Antonia Parkes (0419 367 630) t1 Client arrival time: 1000 SURCHARGES ~ 12:00 to 15:30 Palladium A & 8 700 Alternate Entree Surcharge @ $6.00 per person ~ EDITED SERVICE RUNSHEET: 700 Alternate Dessert Surcharge@ $6.00 per person 700 Supplementary Course (3 courses)@ $10.00 ~ 1000 ~ 1130 Service: tl 710 guests@ $22.00 per person ~f SPRING LUNCH SET MENU H g Service: 12:00 to 15:30 Palladium A & 8 ENTREE (50/50) !i ~~ ~ I Smoked ocean trout slices on crisp vegetable salad, caper and olive salsa, tomato and basil vinaigrette - Alternating With - I Ill Five spice duck tortelloni on sauteed Asian greens, soy and sesame glaze w ith ginger and vegetable salad l!ij *** ll *********************************** Client access for set up Pre lunch drinks in PFA 1215 Doors open & guests are seated 1225 Welcome address by Charlie Donnelly & Tim Kennedy MC Introduction (Dave Hughes) 1240 ENTREE seNice 1255 MC to introduce Ms Julia Gillard 1300 Julia Gillard to stage 1325 MAIN COURSE seNice 1338 MC to introduce Elmo de Alwis Elmo De Elwis to stage 1400 Dave Hughes to stage 1415 DESSERT seNice 1428 Dave Hughes to introduce NUW State Secretary 1430 -Antony Thaw to stage 1530 Lunch concludes & guests depart for Fusion ,It' MAIN (50/50) 11 Roasted beef scotch fillet on herb and garlic mash, shallot, mushroom and bacon salad, light peppercorn cream sauce - Alternating With Herb baked chicken thigh on olive oil and herb mash, grain mustard gravy, tomato, mushroom and onion salad SERVICE NOTES: Discreet beverge seNice during speeches I!1 --~---=-.::..::.::.:..!.:.....:....:..:....::!C.:.:.:.::.._:_:_:_:..:_;_~---Setup Requirements IflI **** I1! DESSERTS (50/50) II Chocolate pecan tart with milk chocolate mousse and caramel glazed baby apple -Alternating With- 11 [i l l1 ~ [i ** PRE FUNCTION AREA SET UP** Existing Furniture Registration Tables x 5 >red cloth/white skirting w ith two chairs per table (one long rego desk) Cocktail rounds >white underlay/mirror Ropes and 8ollards "~~~WBI&:..::;;;:.:;:~;!'h:::2:J:Z'J:~~~~~I:r...:r"..a..-::l::r~:-r.::r-~·z.:-e:w_,.'"','t.;-:r~n.~;t;"£»;c;:.:td:.::.:.-=:;.:;.:::.~z::=~...- --·~ or~:._::.r..;::::..:~~-z..;::.:.:..:==:~--:..:::;<."".:.:_;.___;:.;;._:_.-~ :-:..:.::..1:.:. . :;.::;.:-=-=::::=.::...:::-::.:..::....· ::;:::..1. -:·:ri Please note all prices lnc/uA ~ -----------------------------------------Date Olivia Sault Ms Antonia Parkes D ate 751 • Crown Melbourne Limited BEO#: 40085 Page: Page 2 of 3 Created: 20/11/20015:41 8 Whiteman Street SOUTH BANK, VIC Australia 3006 Phone: 03 9292 8888 - Fax: 03 9292 6740 ABN - 46 006 793 262 Banquet Event Order :-:::=--r· ···- ·· " 17 [-1 ."'~venbQate:; , ;m·~iday 23 November 2007 f 1-...i ~ rf--' \-\ · ~~ t l~-~ {:tl ""~,.J IR 21 Ltd Account: Post As : SEO Name: fi1~~~.1 1_ :;-.:::n !1 ··:.l 1:1-n NUW L u ncheon NUW Luncheon \\/1 ti ·:_0 il,>Sj!e"f1Ll ~1 M,S) A nton ia Pa rkes V U ~:) L..,..J L::::'./ H Food Requirements cont... Setup Requirements cont. .. 11 --------~~--------------- Creamy banana pie topped with milk chocolate mousse and Italian meringue **** ~ NO Table Plan Boards Required - Guest to provide guest list at registration Assorted bread and rolls 1'·1 'I 71 Banquet Round Tables- 6ft Freshly brewed coffee and selection of teas , 11 **ROOM SET UP** r,'j SPECIAL DIETARY REQUIREMENTS Service: 12:00 to 15:30 15:30 Underlays- White for 6 foot rounds I ** CROCKERY** Showplate VIP Noritake China -white with gold swirls ~ **STAGE SET UP** Lectern & microphone I• Tub chairs I I PRE LUNCH DRINKS I Pa lladium Pre Function Are CELLAR SELECT PACKAGE 4 HOURS Palladium A & B Seppelt Salinger Methode Champenoise Secret Stone Sauvignon Blanc Pepperjack Shiraz Palladium Steps PLEASE NOTE:- No items are to be p inned, taped, blue tacked or in any way attached to the walls and I or surfaces of Crown function rooms. - Any changes to setup details on the day of the event may incur additional labour charges - Confetti and rice are not permitted for weddings - Some decorative items will incur an additional charge for cleaning. - Please check with your event manager any items to be used in your event to ensure they are permitted. I .I ~:1 ! ~ fi Cascade Premium Light ~!- Orange Juice S.Pellegrino Mineral Water ij ~l Soft Drinks LEFTOVER ITEMS:It is the client's responsibility to pack, label and arrange shipment for leftover goods at the conclusion of the event. Leftover items not collected within 5 days of the event will be d isposed of. I Billing Instructions I f/ . ..-..~~t_v~ ..::;;;:;a-...:=.."t---:..N-Jf=iT'!~z:t~~~~--~~..-=r.~"":""_JL <ri·· Miscellaneous Information Board/Doorcard details: IR21 LUNCHEON SEMINAR 2007. FAIR & PRODUCTIVE WORKP LACES - REFORMING AUSTRALIA'S INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS Master of Ceremonies - Dave Hughes 'j Crown Lager Menu colour - Red **LINEN** i Included in Beverage Package Menus supplied by Crown - 3 per table Villeroy and Boch Ch ina Beverage 12:00 Banquet Chairs Table Number Stands Napkins- White NO SMOKING POLICY:Smoking is prohibited in Crown function rooms whenever food or coffee service is being offered. 11:30 to **ON HOLD - AWAITING A LLOCATIONS** Banquet Style Seating- 12 guests per table Tablecloths- Red **** Service: tj II FINA L NUMBERS:Guaranteed catering numb ers are required in writing three (3) working days prior to the event. This number is not subj ect to reduction. If no changes are advised numbers will remain as indicated on this event order. An increase in catering numbers requires immediate pre-payment. 11 :30 to 6 Banquet rounds 6ft 6 inches- Day Use Seats maximum 12 guests I Palladium A & B 9 X V EGETARIANS 1 X NO PORK 1 X NO W HEAT OR DAIRY 1 X G LUTEN FREE MEAL Service: ll ~ 710 guests@ $45.99 per person ( \ Banquet Style Seating - 10 guests per table --- :.::....:::::.:.:::..-..:.:::.:::-...==-.:~-:.c:...~-~-_:;:_~:.._...;.:..=r--:.::::::::r::::::_--::_- • - - - ·- Date Ms Antonia P arkes I =.: I -----------------P-/e_a_s_e_n_o-te~a/1 price' ;ncludA ~ Olivia Sault 0 Date 752 _I Crown Melbourne Limited 8 Whiteman Street SOUTH BANK, VIC Australia 3006 Phone: 03 9292 8888 - Fax: 03 9292 6740 BEO#: 40085 Page: Page 3 of 3 Created: 20111120()0:41 ABN - 46 006 793 262 Banquet Event Order r::::iD r··-ry,_.:-~J ·7 ...:.,Ef.l{~nt·Date~-.:Erj'day 23 Novem ber 2007 "" II ' J 1.4:1.: f .::.:'3 \ \ l : ~~~~rite~ 'rt: M.~Antonia Parkes IR 21 Ltd A cco unt: Pos t A s: BEO Name: • N UW Luncheon NUW Luncheon \=')\ 1 r· ' ,IT] tr."] 1. ' r-d-,' j_! U U l \-.=::1 \_'/ 1 ...:! I ,'- .1, } ~ --------~B~il~li~n~g~l~n~s~tr~u~c~ti_o_n_s_c_o_n_t_.._._______ !I Please note that as per letter of agreement full prepayment of Beverage cont... 710 guests@ $46.50 per person ~ expected numbers is required ten (1 0) working days prior to commencement of event. II **** Signing of this banquet event order is an indication to Crown that the client has read, understands and agrees to the terms and conditions as set by Crown. lj Crown practises the responsible serving of alcohol in accordance with its obligations under its liquor licence. The client agrees to comply with any requests from Crown limiting the serving and consumption of alcohol. Audio Visual Event: 10:00 to 12:00 II ~ ,, II Palladium A & 8 Lectern and Microphone- Complimentary 1 Staging Connections Charges- As per Quotation #81822-02E@ $7,850.70 1 Scissor Lift- small @ $370.00 H !I I] lj IMPORTANT PLEASE NOTE: In accordance with Australian Standard 3760 all portable electrical equipment brought onto Crown premises by clients, their guests and their contracted suppliers must have been tested and tagged by a licensed electrician, and the tag must be valid. **** Crown has appointed Staging Connections as our preferred supplier of audiovisual. Please contact Staging Connections direct to discuss your requirements on 03 9292 7790. 'I Additional Requirements Event: 10:00 to 12:00 Palladium A & 8 Deliveries prior to event >client to advise Event: 12:00 to 15:30 Palladium A & 8 1 Valet Car Parking vouchers >PLEASE SEE EM ON T HE DAY FOR COLLECTION@ $26.99 per entry CAR PARK RATES; please note the following prices 0600 - 0930 : $15 basement, $9 multi level, per car, payable upon entry. After 0930 : $8 basement, $5 multi level, per car, payable upon entry. Friday I Saturday after 1700 : $10 per car, payable upon entry. Please.n o te all prices include GST. • • •• J Olivia Sault •• ~J- /Z;CVJ Ms Antonia Parkes ... . . •• Summary of Charges Crown Melbourne Limited 8 Whiteman Street Southbank, VIC Australia 3006 Phone: 0392928888- Fax: 0392925246 Date: 20/11/2007 ABN:46 006 973 262 Account: IR 21 Ltd Address: PO Box 756 29,871 SOC#: Event Name: NUW Luncheon NORTH MELBOURNE, VIC 3051 From: 23/11/2007 TO 23/11/2007 Qty Line Total Unit Price 23 Nov 2007 <:!et-uo Room :-Palladium A & 8 \. Scissor Lift - small Staginf:) Connections Charf:)es -As per Quotation #81822-0: 1 1 336.36 7,137.00 336.36 7,137.00 710 710 710 1 42.27 41.81 20.00 24.54 30,011 .70 29,685.10 14,200.00 24.54 Lunch Room :-Palladium A & 8 Cellar Select PackaQe 4 Hours SprinQ Lunch Set Menu Surcharges Valet Car Parking vouchers Ex GSTTotal GST 81,394.70 8,139.47 Sub Total 89,534.17 .; ;.. .f·· . . . ·.:.:-_ ,~-~ 754 .J Summary of Charges Crown Melbourne Limited 8 Whiteman Street South bank, VIC Australia 3006 Phone: 0392928888- Fax:0392925246 Date: 20/11/2007 ABN:46 006 973 262 Account: IR 21 Ltd Address : PO Box 756 NORTH MELBOURNE, VIC 3051 SOC#: Event Name: NUW Luncheon From: 23/11 /2007 TO Qty Grand Total: 1\ 29,871 23/11/2007 Unit Price Ex GST Total GST Total Deposit Balance Line Total 81,394.70 8,139.47 89,534.17 70,560.00 18,974.17 1 755 i IR21 Limited Cheque No.: Date: ' ' 20 . \\_ cf"l- Payable To: Amount: Details: Y\_c . CA-\-- \\nu.wvics I\natiQnal\rbaker\Accounts\IR21 Limited.doc .; & Entertainers . . '669 224 I .,231 1) L., 159 High Street ,oran, Victoria 3181 r'h: 61 (0)3 9529 371 1 61 (0)3 9529 4573 Fax: Toil Free: 1800 334 625 Email: Web: speakers & entertainers Incorporating Olympic Communicators Under licence from the Australian Olympic Committee Mr Charlie Donnelly Secretary, IR21Pty Ltd C/- National Union of Workers POBox 343 North Melbourne VIC 3051 22 August 2007 TAX INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER: 36243 0807B FUNCTION: IR21 Annual Luncheon DATE: 23 November 2007 f Specialist/Services: Fee: GST: Total: Dave Hughes $12000.00 $1200.00 $13200.00 r/ ' IBALANCE PAYABLE PAYMENT DUE: ~· $ 6600.00 9 November 2007 Direct Payment Details: Account: Inform Communicate Motivat e International (Australia) Pty Ltd B Street, Prabran, Victoria, Australia Or please make cheques payable to ICMI Speakers & Entertainers and post to Head Office, Melbourne. I Please note that the GST paid ql',l this invoice can be claimed back as an input tax credit ifyou are registered for GST in Austra/i(l. I j ~ II 757 SW O ffoce (Crows Nest): ~ ('02) 9688 6600 N&N Office (Artamon): Pfi: 102\'9686 77~ 4 QLD Office: Ph· 1'3'00 '663 966 SA Office: P h· lflJl) A~'77 :~llflO TASOffice: WAOffice: Ph· ·lni<\'<:iii?? ~nk" oh· in<iiO.'i~« oi.i'7R I . -! NTP.008.012.0050 P\q'o cJ~1 '(. ~ ,__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___,\<6) IR21 Ltd ACN: 106441463 ABN: 98106441463 PO BOX 756, North Melbourne VIC 3051 Telephone/Facsimile: (03) 9329 7729 TAX INVOICE 21 November 2007 Invoice Number: 07117 Organisation Invoiced: \ •.. ) . Organisation Name: Contact Person: Address: Australian Workers Union (Victorian Branch) Attn: Cait O'Connor I Cesar Melhem 685 Spencer St, West Melbourne VIC 3003 Description: Services provided by IR21 Ltd. Luncheon Seminar: Fair and Productive Workplaces: Reforming Australia's Industrial Re/atioJJs. Held on Friday, 23 November 2007 at the Crown PaJJadium, Crown Entertainment Complex, Melbourne {11.30 am for midday until3.30 pm) Tickets @ $475 per person or $4,500 per table of 10 (price includes GST) Number of tickets: 10 TOTAL DUE_(jncludin!! GST): $4500.00 TOTAL PAID (includine GST): $0.00 758 NTP.008.012.0051 Page 1 of2 Antonia Parkes From: Rachel Baker Sent: Monday, 19 November 2007 12:44 PM To: Antonia Parkes Subject: RE: RSVP AWU table for Productivity Fairness Event Have done ----Original Message----- From: Antonia Parkes Sent: Monday/ 19 November 2007 12:41 PM To: Rachel Baker Cc: Charlie Donnelly; Antony Thow Subject: RE: RSVP AWU table for Productivity Fairness Event 1 .. \ AWU has booked. Rachel can you please confirm with Cait (phone no. below} and ask them to email the names through. Thanks, AP Antonia Parkes I National Industrial Officer W: (03) 9287 1850 I M: F (03) 9287 1818 I E: .f!Qarkes_@.)nuw .org.,_® I Web: ---original Message--From: Rachel Baker Sent: Monday, 19 November 2007 12:23 PM To: Antonia Parkes Subject: f\N; RSVP AWU table for Productivity 1-aimess Event - --Original Message----From: cait OConnor [] Sent: Monday, 19 November 2007 12:20 PM To: Subject: RSVP AWU table for Productivity Fairness Event j I would like to confirm a table of 10 for the Australian Workers' Union ~ Vic Branch at the Productivity Fairness Event this the 23rd. We are still finalising payment details and as such the ticket reservation form has nit been sent. Please contact me on 03 8327 0815 to confirm. Kindest regards, cait O'Connor Personal Assistant to Cesar Melhem State Secretary The Australian Workers' Union Victorian Branch 685 Spencer Street west Melboume, Victoria, 3003 Ph: (03) 8327 0888 Fax: (03) 8327 0899 20/11 /2007 759 NTP.008.012.0052 0 THE ~USTRALIAN WORKERS' UNION VICTORIAN OFFICE 685 SPENCER STREET . WEST MELBOURNE VIC 3003 Tran Type INV Date -12....,./l-1..,.. /2-00__7_ PHONE: FAX: Reference INV 7117 PAYG Withheld: Discounts On Transactions: REMITIANCE AOV1CE {03) 8327 0888 (03) 8327 0899 Running Total $4,500.00 Balance $4,500.00 0.00 0.00 $4,500.00 Cheque Total : ('-· \ __ _ OFFICE COPY c .....__ ... Chequeo by Ftxmo Expre,. -----------------··-· l't> ( Au<U 1800 80S 862 (NZI oaoo ••2 53.1. www.FO<msEJ< To u<d"' quote ro.174373 ·-·--..~-----------., ----·--- Stock Cede 05023 -~-·,-------~·- ,.... (0 . . NTP.008.012.0053 ' I Australian Workers Union Victoria Branch 685 Spencer Street MELBOURNE VIC 3003 12112/2007 Page 1 03 9329 7729 Cheque Remittance for : IR21 Ltd Date ll/12/2007 Reference Tran ----INV 71I7 INV Type Balance Running Total $4,500.00 $4,500.00 Luncheon Seminar: 'Fair & Productive: Reforming Australia IR'. -A table of 10 on 23/11/2007 at the Crown Palladium. 0.00 0.00 PAYG Withheld: Discounts On Transactions: Cheque Total : $4,500.60 i .1 Cheque Number : 008398 IR21 Ltd POBox 756 NORTH MELBOURNE VIC 3051 761 IR21 Ltd ACN: 106 441463 ABN: 98106441463 PO BOX 756, North Melbourne VIC 3051 Telephone/Facsimile: (03) 9329 7729 TAX INVOICE 27 November 2007 Invoice Number: 07128 f ' Organisation Invoiced: Organisation Name: Shop, Distributive & Allied Employees' Association (Victorian Branch) Michael Donovan Level 3, 65 Southbank Boulevard Southbank Vic 3006 Contact Person: Address: Email: Description: Services provided by IR21 Ltd. Luncheon Seminar: Fair and Productive Workplaces: Reforming Australia's Industrial Relations. ), Held on Friday, 23 November 2007 at the Crown Palladium, Crown Entertainment Complex, M elbourne (11 .30 am for midday until 3.30 pm) ,, ) Tickets @ $475 per person or $4,500 per table of 10 (price includes GST) Number of tickets: 10 TOTAL DUE (includin2 GST): $4500.00 TOTAL PAID (includine; GST): $0.00 .• ~ ...... 762 IR21 Ltd ACN: 106 441 463 ABN: 98106441463 PO BOX 756, North Melbourne VIC 3051 Telephone/Facsimile: (03) 9329 7729 TAX INVOICE 27 November 2007 Invoice Number: 07126 Organisation Invoiced: Organisation Narne: Contact Person: Address: Email: Health Services Union of Australia Kathy Jackson 208 -212 Park Street South Melbourne Vic. 3205 kathy .j Description: Services provided by IR21 Ltd. Luncheon Seminar: Fair and Productive Workplaces: Reforming Australia's Industrial Relations. Held on Friday, 23 November 2007 at the Crown Palladium, Crown Entertainment Complex, Melbourne (11.30 am for midday until 3.30 pm) j Tickets @ $475 per person or $4,500 per table of 10 . (price includes GST) Number of tickets: 10 TOTAL DUE (includine GS1'): $4500.00 TOTAL PAID (including GSTl: $0.00 Pagel ofl Antonia Parkes ....._ ......... -------·-~·-~- - ...------ - -.-.- --.. ~-. .·---- . . ·- --- ,_ ,. _____ --- ----·..···---..·-·- From: Rachel Baker Sent: Monday, 3 December 2007 8:50AM To: Antonia Parkes -.- .J<o. ---·~· . . ·--- ...,... ___. ... . . . . . - Subject: FW: Nelbak Payment of Invoice 07 126 ----Original Message----From: Jane Holt [] Sent: Thursday, 29 November 2007 4:49PM To: Cc: 'Kathy Jackson' Subject: Netbak Payment of Invoice 07126 \, -----Original Message---From: (] Sent: Thursday, 29 November 2007 4:44 PM To: Subject: First NetBank Third Party Payment Dear JANE HOLT, The Bank has successfully processed your first NetBank Third Party Payment to the following account(s). Your receipt details are as follows: Dar~: Further details of this transaction are available in the NetBank Transaction History or Bank Messages screens. Please contact the NetBank Help Desk on 13 2828 between Sam and Spm (Sydney time), 7 days, if you wish to clarify this matter. ....~- 11tis is an automatically generated email to infom1 you of your transaction. Please do not reply to this email. To confirm this is a genuine NetBank email alert issued by the Bank, please refer to your bank messages (located under the 'my info' tab in NetBank) where this infom1ation is also available. Yours sincerely, Commonwealth Bank of Australia 4/12/2007 764 PR \Y] IR21 Ltd ACN: 106 441 463 ABN: 98106441463 PO BOX 756, Nortb Melbourne VIC 3051 Telephone/Facsimile: {03) 9329 7729 TAX INVOICE 27 November 2007 Invoice Number: 07125 Organisation Invoiced: Organisation Name: Contact Person: Address: National Union of Workers (Central Branch) Doug Stevens 552 Victoria Street, North Melbourne VIC 3051 Description: Services provided by IR21 Ltd. Luncheon Seminar: Fair and Productive Workplaces: Reforming Australia's Industrial Relations. Held on Friday, 23 November 2007 at tbe Crown Palladium, Crown Entertainment Comple~ Melbourne {11.30 am for midday until 3.30 pm) Tickets @ $475 per person or $4,500 per table of 10 (price includes GST) Number of tickets: 10 TOTAL DUE (includin2 GSTl: $4500.00 TOTAL PAID (includjng GST): $0.00 j Information for EFT transfers Bank Account Name: IR21 Ltd VIC 3051 ,, NTP.008.012.0040 IR21 Ltd ACN: 106 441 463 ABN: 98106441463 PO BOX 756, North Melbourne VIC 3051 Telephone/Facsimile: (03) 9329 7729 TAX INVOICE 27 November 2007 Invoice Number: 071 24 Organisation Invoiced: \ Organisation Name: Contact P erson: Address: National Union of Workers (Victorian Branch) AntonyThow 552 Victoria St, North Melbourne VIC 3051 Description: Services provided by IR21 Ltd. Luncheon Seminar: Fair and Productive Workplaces: Reforming Australia's Industrial Relations. H eld on Friday, 23 November 2007 at the Crown Palladium, Crown Entertainment Complex, Melbourne (11.30 am for midday uotil3.30 pm) Tickets @ $475 per person or $4,500 per table of 10 (price includes GST) Number oftickets: 40 TOTAL DUE (includio!! GST): $1~000.00 TOTAL PAID (includin£ GST): $0.00 .) Information for EFf transfers elboume VIC 3051 766 Na~ional Uni on of' Worlcers CHEQUE No. National Union of Workers Victorian Branch 552-558 Victoria Street (PO Box 343) North Melbourne VIC 3051 P • 03 9287 1777 F • 03 9287 1717 56~343 DATE AMOUNT .10/12/20($718,000.00 $16,363.64 $1 ,636.36 IR21 Luncheon 23.11 .07 IR21 Ltd ~ •. . j ,.. :: . .: J I :·.~ . ' ' Remittance ·Advice •• .. • • t ~. \. 767 IR21 Ltd ACN: 106 441463 ABN: 98106441463 PO BOX 756, North Melbourne VIC 3051 Telephone/Facsimile: (03) 9329 7729 TAX INVOICE 27 November 2007 Invoice Number: 07122 Organisation Invoiced: Company Name: Contact Person: Address: LUCRF Lee Sammartino I Greg Sword 552 Victoria Street, North Melbourne VIC 305 1 Description: Services provided by IR21 Ltd. Luncheon Seminar: Fair and Productive Workplaces: Reformillg Austrtzlia 's Industrial Relations. Held on Friday, 23 November 2007 at the Crown Palladium, Crown Entertainment Complex, Melbourne (11.30 am for midday until3.30 pm) I ! Tickets @ $475 per person or $4,500 per table of 10 (price includes GST) Number of tickets: 30 TOTAL DUE (includin_g_ GST_l: $13,500.00 TOTAL PAID (including GST): $0.00 --· Information for EFT transfers Bank Account Name: IR21 Ltd Branch Location: Comm.onwealth B ank, Errol St, North Melbourne VIC 3051 /!.__-; 768 IR21 Ltd ACN: 106 441463 ABN: 98106441463 PO BOX 156, North Melbourne VIC 3051 Telephone/Facsimile: (03) 9329 7729 TAX INVOICE Date: 27 November 2007 Invoice Number: 07123 Organisation Invoiced: Organisation Name: Contact Person: Address: National Union ofWorkers (National Office) Charlie Donnelly 552 Victoria St, North Melbourne VIC 3051 Description: Services provided by IR21 Ltd. Luncheon Seminar: Fair and · Productive Workplaces: R eform ing Australia's Industrial R elations. Held on F riday, 23 November 2007 at the Crown Palladium, Crown Entertainment Complex, Melbourne (11.30 am for midday until3.30 pm) Tickets@ $475 per person or $4,500 per table of 10 (price includes GST) Num ber of tickets: 20 TOTAL DUE (includint! GST): $9.000.00 TOTAL PAID (includint! GS1): $0.00 i I .I Information for EFT transfers I Bank Account Name: IR21 Ltd I I Branch Location: Commonwealth B ank, Errol St, North Melbourne VIC 3051 I r I I 769 ,·, i ! v L~ \',. - NTP .008.012.0529 Tax Invoice Crown Melbourne Limited 8 Whiteman Street Southbank, VIC Australia 3006 Phone:0392928888. Fax: 0392925246 Date: 28/11/2007 ABN:46 006 973 262 Account IR 21 Ltd Address: PO Box 756 Invoice: 29,871 Event Name: NUW Luncheon NORTH MELBOURNE, VIC 3051 From: 23/11/200i TO 23/11/2007 Qty Unit Price Line Total 23 Nov 2007 Set-uo Room :-Palladium A & 8 Scissor Lift - small Staainq Connections Charqes - As per Quotatton 84822 \. 1 1 336.36 7,961.40 336.36 7,961 .40 710 710 710 1 42.27 41 .81 20.00 24.54 30,011.70 29,685.10 14,200.00 24.54 1 50 3,262.35 5.00 3,262.35 250.00 , / -4''"\ i ~h Room :-Palladium A & 8 Cellar Select Packa9e 4 Hours Sprlnq Lunch Set Menu Surcharqes Valet Car Parkinq vouchers After Lunch snacks Room :-Fusion Main floor Beveraqe on Consumtion - Fusion Snacks ExGSTTotal GST 85,731 .45 8 ,573.14 Sub Total 94,304.59 ! · ..,./ 770 NTP.008.012.0530 Tax Invoice Crown Melbourne Limited 8 Whileman Street Southbank, VIC Australia 3006 Phone: 0392928888- Fax: 0392925246 Date: 28/11/2007 ABN:46 006 973 262 Account: IR 21 Ltd Address: PO Box 756 NORTH MELBOURNE, VIC 3051 Invoice: Event Name: NUW Luncheon From: 23/11/2007 TO Qty Grand Total: 29,871 2311112007 Unit Price ExGSTTotal GST Total Deposit Balance Line Total 85,731.45 8,573.14 94,304.59 89,534.17 4,770.42 \. ) I PAYMENT REQUIRED WITHIN 7 DAYS ...! . ,..~ 771 ' ,, . l J • IR21 Limited Cheque No.: Date: ~c'-'~ Payable To: Amount: Details: $ !f')e\t:ou,De L\-~ 4-t-ro .~LV -~\oooz ~ .Q \\221._ \.. Cctc~ ~ ~ \ --.;.---· . 772 \\nuwvics I\national\rbakeMccoyf\ts\IR,21 Limited.doc ' -j •. ' I \1\(ITH COMPLIMENTS OR For direct deposit payments, please use your Tax Invoice number as description reference - - .... . . I Please make cheques payable to Crown Melbourne Ltd and send to: Food & Beverage - Finance Crown Melbourne Limited 8 Whiteman St SOUTHBANK VIC 3006 :. Branch; 307 Clarendon St, South Melbourne VIC 3205 Please contact telephone +61 3 9292 5941 or Fax +61 3 9292 5644 with any queries Crown Limited ABN 46 006 973 262 8 Whiteman Street Southba nk 3006 Melbourne Aust ralia Telephone 9292 8888 Fa csimile 929 2 6600 773 . -. - . . - . - ';- .. .,....... -·.- Tax Invoice Crown Melbourne Limited 8 Whiteman Street Southbank, VIC Australia 3006 Phone: 0392928888 - Fax: 0392925246 Date: 28/11 /2007 A BN:46 006 973 262 ccount: IR 21 ltd :!dress: PO Box 756 Invoice: Event Name: NUW Luncheon NORTH MELBOURNE, VIC 3051 From: 23/11/2007 TO 23/11/2007 Qty ~ov 29,871 Unit Price Line Total 2007 :-uo Room :-Palladium A & B ~. Scissor Lift - small ~taQinQ Connections Charqes -As per Quotation 84822 1 1 336.36 7,961.40 336.36 7,961.40 710 710 710 1 42.27 41.81 20.00 24.54 30,011 .70 29,685 .10 14,200.00 24.54 1 50 3,262.35 5.00 3,262.35 250.00 Room :-Palladium A & 8 Cellar Select PackaQe 4 Hours Sprinq Lunch Set Menu Surcharqes Valet Car Parkinq vouchers r Lunch snacks Room :-Fusion Main floor Beveraqe on Consumtion - Fusion Snacks Ex GST Total GST 85,731.45 8,573.14 Sub Total 94,304.59 t.... I i I I I I I I I I 7]4 1 . \ - .. .,. . Tax Invoice Crovvn Melbourne Lim ited 8 Whiteman Street Southbank, VIC Australia 3006 Phone: 0392928888- Fax:0392925246 Date: 28/1 1/2007 ABN:46 006 973 262 Account: IR 21 Ltd Address: PO Box 756 NORTH MELBOURNE, VIC 3051 Invoice: Event Name: NUW Luncheon From: 23/11/2007 TO Qty rand Total: 29,871 23/11 /2007 Unit Price Ex GST Total GST Total Deposit Balance Line Total 85,731.45 8,573.1 4 94,304.59 89,534.17' 4,770.42 PAYMENT REQUIRED WITHIN 7 DAYS I 775 J IR21 Ltd ACN: 106 441 463 ABN: 98106441463 PO BOX 756, North Melbourne VIC 3051 Telephone/Facsimile: (03) 9329 7729 TAX INVOICE 12 December 2007 Invoice Number: 07141 Organisation Invoiced: .. \-.~~_ :, ..·- ···., Company Name: Contact Person: Address: Email: Labour Union Cooperative Retirement Fund (LUCRF) Maxeen Johnson I Lee Sammartino 552 Victoria Street, North Melbourne VIC 3051 Description: Sponsorship of IR21 Ltd Luncheon Seminar: Fair and Productive Workplaces: Reforming Australia's Industrial Relations. Held on Friday, 23 November 2007 at the Crown Palladium, Melbourne Sponsorship $5000.00 TOTAL DUE (including GST}: $5000.00 IR21 Limited d Cheque No.: oo \ SG Date: Payable To: Amount: ~ /I Details: S'pe~ fd-- Cetl- . tffl;, !fLZ[ <)'et'l'lr' 11 0.-1/ =f-. 2-0CF/- , I l . . ...... · ..... - -· -\\nuwvics I\national\rbaker\Accounts\IR2 I Limited.doc .. . .. I . . - .. ":·,, • . 777 ~ - ~ CREDIT CARD EXPENSE FORM NAME: ..~~.........~~)......... DATE: 2C.•....... ) ·HI(.. ... ........ ............... •...•.••.•..•.....•. 01 ..~ ..b.?.~t~.~- ...?.f. ~.\~............ . .~...~\~···~···························· NATURE OF EXPENSE: ·•··•••·• ·•• •··········· ·· ·•··•·····••• •·•·•··· •·•••• ·•···· ··· •·•·• ••• ·············• ·•···••• ·•· ··•·· ·• ·········· •·•··· REASON FOR EXPENSE: . P-ve~ -~.~: C i.. ·aq~ .......................... ·.................... ....... ~ ... ~.................... ......... ~~~~..... ~.~..~ fht-~sd \:/.., CQ o • •••• •• • •• • •••••• • oo o ooooo oorroo• •• •t:j•••• • • • . ' \ / \ COST: PLEASE NOTE: N:ltbaker\GeneranCredit Form.doc clr:>2g ., 91 ~•• • •• •• ••' ((_ • • • • • • • f• • • ••••••oooooooo o ooooooo oo o ooo oo o ooooooooooooo• For FBT purposes, if credit expense was for food, beverages, entertainment etc, please list below who was in attendance. 778 -.- -· ( Dan Murphy's WELCOME TO Dan M urph~·s Coburg 1300 723 388 ~: \ ASN: 88000011675 TAX HIVOICE $ EDELSTONE 1998 110 . ()() &01 LOUIS ROEDERER BRUT VINTAGE 2000 99.99 19.98 ~01 OR HENSOW~E HOL~~T &01 GIFT BAG - CELLARBRATE SATIN qt ~ 2 @ $9.99 lea SUBTOTAL 229.97 --~---- --- DAN MURPHY' S ( COBURG 3609 VIC MERCH !0:611000603003609 ..... • I. - $229.97 TOTAL APPROVED 08 19111107 16:43 2839 $229.97 TOTAL for '1 ITEMS $229. ':17 F..FTPOS $0.00 CASH OUT TRANSACTION INCLUDES GST: "' indicates Taxable $20.91 Suppl~ THANK YOU FOR VISITING TRADING HOURS : ( .. , - Wed: 9a,.-8P111 I Thor - Fr i: 9aR- 9P.. · Sat: 9af1l-8PII1 I Sun: 10ai'I-6PI'I • Proof of f'\.JI'Chase PIUS t be prov lded to obialn a refund/ exchanse. " 19111107 16: '13 "fiSmER: 03/2839 032223 ( Page 20 Diners Club International* Diners Club Pty Limited ABN 35 004 343 051 Total Fare incl. GST $27.90 CORPORATE CARD RECORD OF CHARGES PO Box 5088, Melbourne VIC 3000 Pltone: 1300 360 180 Fu: (03) 8643 2255 NOTES: $3.07 SOUTHBANKtoPRESTON Service Fee incl. GST Driver ID ABN 0 Ref No: 07110902-7227 ABN 99001958390 \, 29 Nov 07 CABCHARGE & SERVICE FEE Total Fare incl. GST $38.20 Service Fee incl. GST $420 NOTES: SUBURBS to AIRPORT ABN 73088997051 Ref No : 07112902-9120 Driver ID ABN 99001958390 2 Dec 07 3A2 NEIWORK TAXIS AIRPORT to SUBURBS Driver ID NOTES: ABN 036543 GST CALCULATION Please note that the GST amount reflected beside all transactions, except for most airline charges, is a Diners Club calculation. The calculation is 1/llth of the total transaction amount. It is important that source documents are checked for items flagged as possible Mixed Supply and the GST & FBT adjustment schedule is completed as necessary, 780 M E LBOURNE • S YDNEY • holding redlich BRISBANE lawyers 4 February 2008 Mr Charlie Donnelly IR21 Pty Ltd c/- 552 Victoria Street NORTH MELBOURNE VIC 3051 T Partner Charles Power Direct Line (03) 9321 9824 Email Our Ref CMP:ST 24100143 05 Dear Charlie . F£a 2ooa IR21 Please find enclosed letter received from the·Australian Taxation Office regarding PAYG income tax instalment details. Yours sincerely Vtffi~rlJLJ H~~DING REDLICH Enclosures: M:1368432 1 CMP .350 William S1reet, Melbourne VIC.3000 .GP.O.Box.2154, Melbourne VJC 3001 DX 422 Melboume -· .... -= -. PO Box 1200 Albury NSW 2640 13 ,49 1 02 1 OF 1 l•lllllljlljllllllllll••u••••••u•u•••••••u•u•u•llllll•ll•lll• IR21 lTD 350 WilLIAM STREET MElBOURNE VIC 3000 Australian Government Australian Taxation Office Australian Business Number 98 106 441 463 Date of Issue 28 JAN 08 Your PAVG income tax instalment details have changed For your information ank you for lodging your 2007 income tax return. As a result, your amount has decreased to \. 3729. This change to your pay as you go (PAYG) instalment details will take effect from _0 1 Jan 2008. Your instalment rate and other PAVG instalment details are shown below. Assess ment year used in calculations 2007 PAYG in stalment rate (as calculated by the Tax Office) 19.58% $59560 Tax on business and investment income {we use this annual 'noti onal' tax amount to calculate your instalment rate) Amount of notional tax adjusted for gross domestic product $63729 (we use this annual figure to calculate your quarterly instalment amounts) How often you pay t Quarterly 'at happens next? le will send you an activity statement or notice showing your most up-to- date PAYG instalment details. How to get more information If you have any questions, please visit our website at or phone us on the numbers listed on the back of thi s letter. Margaret Crawford Chief Operating Officer and Deputy Commissioner of Taxation I I I 782 . -- --- . -1l