CLEAR Rx — 2011 marketing style sheet filename: 490449_clearRx_FntBttlRed_GreenRing.jpg filename: 490449_clearRx_SyringeInBttl_shot10.jpg filename: 490449_clearRx_FntBttlRed_BlueRing.jpg filename: 490449_clearRx_WithPills_GreenRing.jpg filename: 490449_clearRx_WithPills_LavenderRing.jpg filename: 490449_clearRx_WithPills_OrangeRing.jpg filename: 490449_clearRx_Magnifier_shot11.jpg filename: 490449_clearRx_BttlwSyringe_shot5.jpg filename: 490449_clearRx_FntBttlRed_GreenRing.jpg filename: 490449_clearRx_SyringeInBttl_shot10.jpg filename: 490449_clearRx_FntBttlRed_BlueRing.jpg Note: Note: rotaterotate imageimage 180º to depict how you dispense liquid liquid with the 180º to depict howactually you actually dispense withsyringe. the syringe. filename: 490449_clearRx_InfoCrdwPillBck_shot8.jpg PHOTOGRAPHY continued PHARMACY ® Dog Health & Wellness Medication Name/Strength Medication Name/Strength F Frontline Plus Flea and Tick Control for 11-to-22-Pound Dogs and Puppies Frontline Plus Flea and Tick Control for 23-to-44-Pound Dogs and Puppies Frontline Plus Flea and Tick Control for 45-to-88-Pound Dogs and Puppies Frontline Plus Flea and Tick Control for 89-to-132-Pound Dogs and Puppies H Hartz Ultra Guard Plus Flea & Tick Home Fogger Hartz Ultra Guard Ear Mite Treatment for Dogs Hartz Ultra Guard Flea & Tick Collar for Dogs Hartz Ultra Guard Flea & Tick Drops for Dogs 4-15 lbs. Hartz Ultra Guard Flea & Tick Drops for Dogs 16-30 lbs. Hartz Ultra Guard Flea & Tick Drops for Dogs 31-60 lbs. Hartz Ultra Guard Flea & Tick Drops for Dogs 60+ lbs. Hartz Ultra Guard Flea & Tick Spray for Dogs Hartz Ultra Guard Flea & Tick Spray for Dogs 16oz. Hartz Ultra Guard Plus Flea & Tick Collar Hartz Ultra Guard Plus Flea & Tick Dog Shampoo with Aloe Hartz Ultra Guard Plus Flea & Tick Dog Shampoo with Conditioner Hartz Ultra Guard Plus Flea & Tick Drops for Dogs 4-15 lbs. Hartz Ultra Guard Plus Flea & Tick Drops for Dogs 16-30 lbs. Hartz Ultra Guard Plus Flea & Tick Drops for Dogs 31-60 lbs. Hartz Ultra Guard Plus Flea & Tick Drops for Dogs over 60 lbs. Hartz Ultra Guard Plus Flea & Tick Powder for Dogs 16 oz Hartz Ultra Guard Plus Flea & Tick Spray for Dogs Hartz Ultra Guard Plus Reflecting Flea & Tick Collar for Dogs Hartz Ultra Guard Pro Flea & Tick Drops for Dogs 4-15 lbs. Hartz Ultra Guard Pro Flea & Tick Drops for Dogs 16-30 lbs. Hartz Ultra Guard Pro Flea & Tick Drops for Dogs 31-60 lbs. Hartz Ultra Guard Pro Flea & Tick Drops for Dogs 60+ lbs. Hartz Ultra Guard Rid Flea & Tick Shampoo with Citrus for Dogs Hartz Ultra Guard Rid Flea & Tick Shampoo with Oatmeal for Dogs P PetArmor for Dogs up to 22 lbs. PetArmor for Dogs 23-44 lbs. PetArmor for Dogs 45-88 lbs. PetArmor for Dogs 89-132 lbs. Pro-Pet Glucosomine Plus Joint Care for Dogs Pro-Pet Adult Daily Vitamin 100 Count Pro-Pet Anti-Stress Calming Spray for Dogs 1oz. Pro-Pet Breath Tabs 200 Count Pro-Pet Canine Toothpaste 3.2oz Pro-Pet Dental Oral Starter Kit Pro-Pet Joint Care for Dogs Pro-Pet Puppy and Small Breed Daily Vitamin 100 Count Pro-Pet Senior Vitamins 100 Count S Sergeant’s Vetscription Antimicrobial Medicated Shampoo for Dogs Sergeant’s Vetscription BENADENE, Hot Spot Skin Remedy for Dogs Sergeant’s Vetscription Ear Mite & Tick Treatment for Dogs Sergeant’s Vetscription Settle Down Pheromone Dog Collar Sergeant’s Vetscription Worm Away 7 for Dogs 6-25 lbs. Sergeant’s Vetscription Worm Away 7 for Dogs 25-100 lbs. Sergeant’s Vetscription Joint-Eze Plus for Dogs filename: 490449_clearRx_SyringeInBttl_shot10.jpg Note: rotate image 180º to depict how you actually dispense liquid with the syringe. filename: 490449_clearRx_FntBttlRed_RedRing.jpg filename: 490449_clearRx_FntBttlRed_YellowRing.jpg filename: 49 filename: 490449_clearRx_FntBttlRed_LavenderRing.jpg filename: 490449_clearRx_FntBttlRed_OrangeRing.jpg filename: 490449_clearRx_FntBttlRed_PinkRing.jpg filename: 490449_clearRx_WithPills_PinkRing.jpg filename: 490449_clearRx_WithPills_RedRing.jpg filename: 490449_clearRx_WithPills_YellowRing.jpg filename: 490449_clearRx_FntBttlRed_GreenRing.jpg filename: 490449_clearRx_FntBttlRed_BlueRing.jpg filename: 490449_clearRx_FntBttlRed_LavenderRing.jpg filename: 490449_clearRx_FntBttlRed_OrangeRing.jpg filename: 490449_clearRx_FntBttlRed_PinkRing.jpg ©2011©2011 Target Target Stores.Stores. This Marketing Style Sheet brand development is confidential, proprietary property ownedowned by Target Corporation. The Marketing Style Sheet usedbebyused Target-authorized vendorsvendors for the for solethepurpose of developing and producing brand advertising for Target Corporatio This Marketing Style for Sheet for advertising brand advertising development is confidential, proprietary property by Target Corporation. The Marketing Style may Sheetonly maybeonly by Target-authorized sole purpose of developing and producing brand advertising for Target Cor Due to Due its confidential nature,nature, any unauthorized disclosure of this of Marketing Style Sheet prohibited. Vendor’s review review and useand of use the Marketing Style Sheet Vendor’s agreement to theseto terms confidentiality. Vendor’s violation of confidentiality will entitle to injunctive relief and to its confidential any unauthorized disclosure this Marketing Style isSheet is prohibited. Vendor’s of the Marketing Style indicates Sheet indicates Vendor’s agreement these of terms of confidentiality. Vendor’s violation of confidentiality will Target entitle Target to injunctive rel other appropriate legal remedies and damages. 490449490449 other appropriate legal remedies and damages. 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The Marketing Style Sheet may only be used by Target-authorized vendors for the sole purpose of developing and producing brand advertising for Target Corporation. Due to its confidential nature, any unauthorized disclosure of this Marketing Style Sheet is prohibited. Vendor’s review and use of the Marketing Style Sheet indicates Vendor’s agreement to these terms of confidentiality. Vendor’s violation of confidentiality will entitle Target to injunctive relief and other appropriate legal remedies and damages. 490449 Page 1 of 3 Page 2 of 3 Promo490449 TRIM: 11"x17" LIVE: None BLEED: None CREATEDAT: 100% COLOR: N/A Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, 1/7/11 ClearRxStyleGuide Market:N/A CD:N/A CM:MarkSaunders AD:N/A CB: N/A MP:JillBernhagen PM:NicoleGarside CE: MelissaAndrykowski CW: N/A SEP: N/A Printer/Mfg: N/A Dept/Merchant: N/A TrimsDev: N/A Black Route:L TYPE:N/A Date:N/AN/A AppleMacintosh,Application/Version:InDesign6.0.4 Date: N/A Layout EP:N/A Keyline EP:SomashekarDate: 12/30/10 KeylineReleaseEP: N/A Date: N/A FinalBoardEP: Heather.Kern Date: 01/06/2011 FinalReleaseEP: N/A Date: N/A LASEROUTPUT@None Promo490449 TRIM: 11"x17" LIVE: None BLEED: None CREATEDAT: 100% COLOR: N/A Cyan, Magenta, EPA: HeatherKern Type:N/A PB: KathleenMurphy LS: N/A 1/7/11 CD:N/A CM:MarkSaunders AD:N/A CB: N/A FINALBOARD Black Yellow, ClearRxStyleGuide Market:N/A MP:JillBernhagen PM:NicoleGarside CE: MelissaAndrykowski CW: N/A SEP: N/A Printer/Mfg: N/A Dept/Merchant: N/A TrimsDev: N/A EPA: HeatherKern Type:N/A PB: KathleenMurphy LS: N/A filename: 490449_clearRx_WithPills_PinkRing.jpg Route:L TYPE:N/A Date:N/AN/A AppleMacintosh,Application/Version:InDesign6.0.4 Date: N/A Layout EP:N/A Keyline EP:SomashekarDate: 12/30/10 KeylineReleaseEP: N/A Date: N/A FinalBoardEP: Heather.Kern Date: 01/06/2011 FinalReleaseEP: N/A Date: N/A filename: 490449_clearRx_WithPills_RedRing.jpg filename: 49 filename: 490449_clearRx_RingsV2_shot13.jpg filename: 49 FINALBOARD PRO PRO LASEROUTPUT@None filename: 490449_clearRx_RingsV1_shot13.jpg Promo490449 TRIM: 11"x17" LIVE: None BLEED: None CREATEDAT: 100% COLOR: N/A Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, 1/7/11 ClearRxStyleGuide Mark CD:N/A CM:MarkSaunders AD:N/A CB: N/A MP:JillBernhagen PM:NicoleGarside CE: MelissaAndrykowski CW: N/A SEP: Printe Dept/ Trims EPA: HeatherKern Type:N/A PB: KathleenMurphy LS: N/A Black Route:L TYPE:N/A Date:N/AN/A AppleMacintosh,Application/Version:InDesign6.0.4 Date: N/A Layout EP:N/A Keyline EP:SomashekarDate: 12/30/10 KeylineReleaseEP: N/A Date: N/A FinalBoardEP: Heather.Kern Date: 01/06/2011 FinalReleaseEP: N/A Date: N/A LASEROUTPUT@None FINALBOARD PRO Last updated: April 2013
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