Putty People September 2014
Putty People September 2014
Putty People The September 2014 newsletter of the Putty Community Association From the President GREG PIERCE TURNS 60! At last we are seeing some action on the roads after protracted negotiations with Council. Greg Pierce has commenced scarifying and grading Putty Valley Road and Council engineers have been seen scoping out the road for further works. We have been advised that Council is going to rectify major drainage problems, gravel the unsealed sections with the white gravel, and bitumen seal a section from approximately 860 to 985 where dust presents a health problem for four houses. The schedule for this work should be finalised within the next two weeks, and we will keep you advised on progress. The electrics to the hall have now been upgraded and a new commercial dishwasher installed, which will be a welcome relief for the ladies on Friday nights! Internal fit out to the store rooms and General Purpose Room is progressing and a team is preparing to attack the eastern wall and install new cladding and insulation – more helpers needed please. I would like to thank Dezohn Murley for all the kitchen equipment she kindly donated. Items which were not suitable for use at the hall have found needy homes elsewhere and will be much appreciated. The PCA has decided to start a members’ draw at the Detour every Friday. The draw will start at $20 with $10 being added every week. The names of all members of the Putty Community Association will be put into a hat and one name drawn each week at 8.00pm. If the member is present they will receive the money in the kitty and it will start at $20 the next week. If the member is not present the kitty will continue to jackpot at $10 per week. The name of the member drawn and the value of the draw for the next week will be announced in our weekly email. Tim Spooner President PCA Diane Pierce organised a surprise birthday party for Greg’s 60th birthday, which was held at the local Grey Gum Café with family and friends, many who travelled long distances to attend. Fine food from the café and good music by "Rough Stock" was enjoyed by all. ! In a speech to the partygoers, Diane said, ”I welcome all our guests here this evening and thank you for being here to help celebrate Greg's 60th. I wanted to have his party before the 22nd to create some sort of surprise. We are all here because we want you to know how much we appreciate everything you have done for us now over the years; you have helped so many people in so many different ways I looked up other famous people who were born in 1954; Jackie Chan, John Travolta, Pia Zadora, Christy Brinkly and Oprah . . . he’s in pretty good company, I’d say!” NEW PCA MEMBERS Welcome new PCA members, Julie Simons, Sue Leighton, Sarah Stokes, José and Pilar Mendoza, Janett Maurice and Michael Allsopp, ! ! PCA September Newsletter Page 2 of 6 FIREY NEWS Have you ever wondered who those people are who contact you and ask for a donation for the Rural Fire Service? Donations help to fund an annual grant program run by the Rural Fire Service Association which this year, awarded around 1.7 million dollars to enhance the conditions of rural fire-fighters in New South Wales. The funding can be used to supply items such as portable fridges, GPS units and other items not supplied to brigades by the NSWRFS or local councils. Putty Brigade was successful in its 2014 application and received funding of $5,500 which has been allocated by the RFSA to purchase a water tank and necessary accessories. Negotiations are underway with Singleton Council and the RFS Hunter Valley team to assist Putty Brigade in having a water bore drilled on site which will provide a reliable and readily available water supply to the tank and subsequently to all fire fighting vehicles working in the Putty area. During the last fire season, many people made generous donations directly to our brigade and the majority of those funds will go towards the expenses involved with the drilling of the water bore. If you are a NSWRFS member but not a member of the RFSA and want to know more about it or would like to join the Association, please get in touch with me on 6579 7077. Margaret Ferguson Secretary RFS ! QUOLLS HAVE BEEN SIGHTED IN PUTTY These beautiful nocturnal carnivorous marsupials have been spotted enjoying our Putty hospitality. They live in the hollows of trees, have a liking for chooks as well as creating havoc with garbage. Their very sharp teeth don’t make them very approachable. Not patting animals! BUSH FIRE DANGER PERIOD (BFDP) This begins on 1st September and continues through until 31st March each year. During this period you will require a Permit to Burn. A small camp fire or a lighting a spark arresting incinerator is allowed without a permit but both must be attended for the duration of the fire. However, like any other type of fire, neither of these are permitted during a Total Fire Ban. Along with the Permit to Burn, when carrying out a Hazard Reduction burn or a Pile Burn, containment lines must be put in prior to lighting up. You must not allow your fire to escape your property. Piles should be several small ones rather than one large one. With either type, you are required to notify your neighbours, which include NPWS and Forestry and your local brigade and Fire Control on 65745186. To obtain a Permit, contact either Greg Pierce on 65797037, Tim Spooner on 65797047 or Scott Ferguson on 0419 689 466. Conditions imposed by the NSWRFS will be explained to you at the time. Go to the following website and open “Before You Light That Fire” and “Can I or Cant I” on the page. http://www.rfs.nsw.gov.au/fire-information/BFDP Margaret Ferguson Secretary RFS ! PCA September Newsletter Page 3 of 6 MEET YOUR OLD AND NEW NEIGHBOURS A “Meet your old and new neighbours” night held at the Putty Hall for landholders relatively new to the Valley to meet other Putty folk and to exchange stories and learn about the area. They were welcomed by the PCA President, Tim Spooner and enjoyed a free sausage sizzle as well as the usual delicious Putty Hall cuisine. Representatives from the Putty Fire Brigade, Three Valleys Landcare Group, Hunter Farm Forestry Network, Community First Responders and Putty Community Association were on hand to give information and answer the many questions. It was a highly successful evening. ! ! DUCK EGG PRODUCING FACTORY IN HOWES VALLEY! On 18th August, Singleton Shire Council approved an application for a designated industrial complex, a duck egg producing factory in the rural area of Howes Valley. The complex will house 22,000 ducks in twelve huge galvanised sheds on a plateau area above the nearby Macdonald River. More than a thousand objections to this application have been sent to Council since 2008. The objectors had fears about dust, smell, possible pollution to nearby water catchments, increased truck movements on Putty Road, as well as possible outbreak of the contagious Newcastle disease and airborne HINI virus deadly to humans. The Council’s short notice to objectors was a letter written on 11th for a meeting on the 18th August. The result was that the application went through with 47 conditions which must be addressed. Because of the remoteness of the site at 5756 Putty Road, 55 kms from Singleton, residents fear that these conditions will be not adhered to. SULKY RIDE THROUGH THE PUTTY VALLEY The Hunter and Hills Harness Clubs provided local entertainment when they visited with their sulkies, driving along the Putty Valley and Box Gap Roads on the 2nd to the 4th September. Locals enjoyed the carriage ride through their valley. PCA September Newsletter Page 4 of 6 140 YEARS CELEBRATION OF THE OPENING OF WINDSOR BRIDGE The re-enactment of this historic occasion involved a colourful procession led by a lone piper, Mayor Michael McQuade and the Lady Mayoress in a horse drawn carriage. The parade included the Hawkesbury District Band, vintage cars and several hundred locals in period costume. A band of pirates held the Mayor to ransom, raising much needed funds for the ongoing campaign to save the bridge. Announced by Sydney City Town Crier Graham Keating, Mayor McQuade repeated the address of 140 years ago before cutting the ceremonial ribbon. At Thompson Square they were addressed by Darug Elder, Uncle George Simms as well as Gemma Carter representing the younger members of the local indigenous community. ! Kate Mackaness wished the bridge “Many happy returns of the day,” in the hope she may survive her planned demolition, and continue to serve the community for light and local traffic (along with a bypass) for many generations to come. Congratulations must go to CAWB and especially Eve Foster for organising such a fabulous day.’ FRIENDS OF THE COLO’s ANNUAL VISIT TO PUTTY The Friends of the Colo, joined by other enthusiasts, come to Putty one weekend a year to search and destroy the noxious weed, privet which grows along the Putty Creek. Privet outcompetes native vegetation as well as being able to germinate in the shade. The group were first alerted to the privet problem by Landcare Group President and Public Officer, Carol Gibson and the enthusiasts have just spent a weekend searching and treating the weeds along the creek. They mingled with the locals at the Detour on Friday night and on Saturday night held a BBQ on Carol’s property, where they also camped. The Putty Creek is looking pretty good at the moment, thanks to their enthusiastic efforts. FREE COMPOST BINS! Singleton Council is offering free compost bins for making compost at home. ! It is an initiative to try and reduce landfill and are available to all rate payers.! PCA September Newsletter Page 5 of 6 UPCOMING EVENTS! NSW RURAL FIRE SERVICE AWARDS Sunday 21 September at 11am The NSW Rural Fire Service awards will recognise Putty Brigade volunteers who have actively participated in brigade activities for more than ten years. The ceremony, which will be held at the Putty Rural Fire Brigade Station, will be followed by a BBQ as a thank you to all Putty fireys. For catering purposes, please let Margaret know if you plan to attend. 6579 7077, 0427 282 246 or email: mnk.fergo@bigpond.com FRIDAY NIGHT DETOUR Every Friday 5 - 9pm at the Putty Hall Detour to the hall on your way home. Come along for a drink, a snack and chat. The standard menu includes steak sandwiches, marinated barbecue chicken sandwiches, salad, pies and toasties. Specials are announced by email. If you are bringing a large group please contact Kathy on 6579 7047 to assist with catering preparations. MELBOURNE CUP TUESDAY 4 NOV Enjoy lunch and watching Melbourne Cup at The Top Place. Contact Kathy on 6579 7047. HALLOWEEN PARTY AT PUTTY HALL SATURDAY 1 NOVEMBER ! PUTTY CHRISTMAS PARTY Sunday 7 December at 6pm the Christmas party will kick off with the arrival of Santa, followed by carols, a kids’ disco, a Christmas raffle draw and fun. Donations of Raffle prizes will be gratefully received. WORKING BEES Working Bees Every Saturday 9am - 1pm Unless notified - check your email. The work for this month is to re-clad the eastern wall of the hall and to fit out the kitchen store and bar area. We will also continue wall cladding, trims, painting and finishing. ! PRAYERS AND BIBLE STUDIES Our Lady of the Valley services for 2014 will be held at Putty Hall, with resident Anglican Priest, Fr. Max. ! 2nd Sunday of the Month: Eucharist at 8:30am, Prayer and Bible Study 9:30am, Sunday School 11am. 4th Sunday of the Month Eucharist at 9am and Sunday School at 11am. PCA September Newsletter Page 6 of 6 PUTTY PEOPLE ADVERTISING PUTTY WEATHER The PCA does not endorse or recommend SOUTH FAIRVIEW NORTH August 2014 78.60mm 65.25mm 70.00mm August 2013 8.80mm 10.00mm 7.50mm Aug 2014 av 39.09mm 30.20mm 2014 year to date 2014 year to date 2013 year to date 2014 year to date av 10 year to date av ! Fairview South Fairview South Fairview ! If it rains at Putty, residents are encouraged to post their rainfall on Facebook at: www.facebook.com/ PuttyCommunityAssociation so weekenders will know if they need to water their gardens. PUTTY WEBSITE Putty Valley Online contains many interesting links including: ! • Trades & Services Directory at www.putty.nsw.au/whereis • Weekly cattle sale prices from the Meat and Livestock Authority (MLA) at www.putty.nsw.au/rural/cattlehotline • Munro’s Meats ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 489.35mm 553.60mm 611.25mm 504.85mm 510.70mm Recordings were taken at Fairview, Putty, with Reference to the Bureau of Meteorology www.bom.gov.au. Recordings were also taken at Mellong Grove, Putty Road (south) and The Top Place, Putty Valley Road, to the north. ! ! any of the advertised products or services. ! PCA FACEBOOK For news as it happens. If you haven’t already signed up to our Facebook page, you can do so by clicking Like at: https://www.facebook.com/ PuttyCommunityAssociation Post your pictures and stories! Fresh Food winner of the Australian Small Business Champion Awards 2013. Royal Easter Show award winning ham. King Road, Wilberforce Shopping Centre Ph: 4575 1961 MOWERS SALES AND SERVICE Fitzgerald Motors Sales and service of mowers, ride-on mowers, chainsaws, trimmers, mulchers, water pumps, generators, posthole diggers, sprayers etc 9 Fitzgerald Street, Windsor Ph: 4577 3401 www.fitzgeraldmotors.com.au Shod by Sheila Horse shoeing and trimming Ph: 0421 867 775 LEC AIR & ELECTRICAL Aircon, refrigeration, electrician, heat transfer kits. Lic: 167542C Ph: Matt Ward 0413 850 298 House Cleaning Local references available Message or text Michelle 0457 275 135 NEWSLETTER CONTACT Please call with any news, activities or photographs to include in our monthly newsletter. Martha Babineau, phone 6579 7000 wombatretreat@yahoo.com.au