Points of Interest: - City of Pascagoula
Points of Interest: - City of Pascagoula
ST TINY O’LEA 8 9 WASHINGTON AVE BEACH BLVD MISSISSIPPI SOUND H parking 10 BEACH BLVD LN J HEIDENHEIM ST ABBEVILLE ST ST MARTIN DEL SUD ST SOUTHWO OD AVE MO NT GO ME RY WASHINGTON AVE R ST ENGE I BLUE PALMETTO AVE K COMMODORE RD SUNFISH ST OOD ST EASTW DEL NORTE CIR EDGEWOOD OD AV AVE V CHICKASAW AVE NAVAJ CLIFTON AVE E AVE VERD ST MARY ST DELWOOD DR SWORDFISH ST DRIFTWOOD ST 22ND ST D ST WESTWOOD WARREN ST 13TH ST R COUNTRY CLUB DR 14TH ST 11TH ST 12TH ST A A AVE BURROUGH AVE DEL NORTE CIR GRAND OAKS DR AVE CHOCTAW AVE EB VE AV AVE CITY PARK ST FARNSWO RTH BELAIR ST S 13TH CT MANTOU ST EDGEWOOD AVE SENECA A AVE E OLIVER DR FIRTH ST LEONARD AVE 11 GTON AVE G CANAL ST BUENA VISTA ST SHOR T AVE NORTHWOOD AVE NORTHWOO CT MIDDLEWOOD C AVE C S CIR WIGGIN RD AVE SYCAMORE ST QUINN AVE CROSBY AVE BENTZ CT PARSLEY AVE SENECA AVE GERKIN ST MERCIER AVE ACACIA ST BAPTISTE CT BATES ST ANOLA AVE ALTAMA AVE LAMBERT ARTIMESE AVE ARTIME KING AVE PARSLEY AVE SUMEDINGER INGE NGER EVIE A EDNA AV WALL AVE 14 14TH 4TH ST 4TH GABRIELLE AVE MARKET ST W VIE SHEPHE DR ST F BRAZIL ST BR BRAZIL B RA AZ ZIL L ST JONATHAN ST DARRYL AVE AVE WOODHAVEN ST SINGING RIVER ST 13TH ST 12TH ST 11TH ST “E” ST SUNSET ST AVE T AVE TAFT TAFT ALL AVE INGALLS AVE LEV CLEVELAND AVE ER A TYLER AVE MART RANDALL AVE L AVE 21ST ST RHONDA AVE CIR DOUGLAS AVE DOUGLAS AVE HOLLAND ST AVE MARTIN ST ZEE LEXINGTON AVE ARIZONA ST ODOM AVE BLANCHARD AVE CHICOT RD KEN AVE SMAL DY DACE ST RONNIE AVE 26TH ST WOODMONT ST ST AIR AN USSEX CT SU SUSSEX SHERWOOD HERWOOD ST SH MARTIN ST GINA ST EDEN ST TOMP KEMISH MEADOWBROOK ST DOGWOOD ST S ROSEWOOD ST S R HARRISON AVE BE L TD CR ES C RM LINCOLNSHIRE LIN NCOLNSHIRE ST CHICOT R RD D CHICOT RD ST NT ST MON CHAUM CHAUMONT FREMONT ST LYNWOOD ST LARCHMON LARCHMONT NT ST FERNWOOD ST 14TH ST EN NO ARGENTINA ST T EDEN ST EDEN PRUCE ST PRUCE SPRUCE D RD SPITA R OSPITA HOSPITAL ST ULLEY ST GULLEY GU WESLEY ST PALMER ST ST WHITMORE WHIT MORELAND ST HARRIS ST 11T 11TH TH ST 13TH ST 12TH ST 10TH ST T WILSON AVE SCOVEL RD SCOVEL RD 8. Faulkner: This site between Pascagoula St. and Buena Vista St. was the location of the home where Faulkner wrote the book Mosquitoes and allegedly wrote Intruder in the Dust. 9. Zachary Taylor House: The home where Zachary Taylor accepted the Whig Party nomination to run for President in 1848 was located on Beach Boulevard just west of the Baptiste Bayou. 10. LANIER AVE A CK AVE BLUEBACK AVE PIN A SCULPIN WALKER AVE PI PINEWOOD AVE O AVE K AV SNOOK CLAIRMONT AVE CLA POLK AVE POL IN TW ST ST ST EDEN DEN EN S CORINTH RINTH ST ST ORINTH 14TH ST MONTCLAIR AVE UL HARVEY AVE UL PAU PAUL TT NGH OTTIN NOTTINGH NO DOBY OBY ST T VICTOR ICTOR ST VICTOR ST 11TH ST 11 11T 11TH 1T TH ST 9 9T 9TH TH ST TH 8TH ST LONDONTOWN ONDONTOWN ST LO L RD TA R PITAL SPITAL HOSPITAL H DA MYRTLE ST 10TH 0TH ST 9T 9TH TH ST ST 8TH ST WILLIAMS ST SMITH AVE LAFAYETTE AVE IRVING WADE KE LA BERNARD ST RIDGEWOOD AVE ROSEWOOD AVE ST PETER AVE YAZOO LAKE HAGUE ST WEAVER ST 12 AVE R LN HARBO LANIER AVE INGALLS AVE CHERUBUSCO ST RESCA DE LA PALMA ST PIKE ST GEN PATTON ST GRANT WILSON AVE BARB AVE CHARLIE AVE ST MARK AVE PASCAGOULA ST DR LA RESCA DE HUDSON ST DUCAYET ST GEN LEE ST US MB LU CO LURECO DR GEN LOGAN ST 7 FRANCIS ST ST F E N AVE RION RIO MARION TESTAMENT TAM ST T PALMA ST BUENA VISTA ST ROOSEVELT ST MONROE ST ROOSEVELT ST WRIGHT AVE NT AVE ENT N EN NVEN ONVE ON O CO CONVENT MONTEREY AVE TAYLOR AVE MARKET ST LITTLE ST COOK AVE A E AVE AV TL BARTLETT E VE AV APPY AVE HA HAPPY Y AVE KARSLOW ATLANTA ST RIC RICH CHM MON OND D ST ST DUPO NT TCR R POLK AVE E SBUERRY AVE KINGS KINGSBUERRY NW REEN GREENW GR G A ETRAIT AVE ET DETRAIT ST EA ST 23RD ST ST WE TH ST TH 24 ST ND 22 GARFIELD AVE AVE T TUCKER COMMUN SARRAZIN AVE E VE FULTON AVE CKS OC LOCKS L CT 7. Jimmy Buffett Home: This is the home where Jimmy Buffett lived as an infant on Roosevelt St. (corner of Garfield St.) in Pascagoula until his family moved to Mobile, Alabama. CHA RIC IR R RICHA SIR S LD MOBILE HWY LD OL OLD O MIDDLE AVE SKIP AVE ROBE ERT RTSO TSO ON AVE MADISONAVE LEWIS AVE MINOR AVE VE AV JACKSON AVE NORW WOO OOD D AVE LAFAYETTE AVE AVE YE CM AN GLACIER ST AG NE SS T ST DU NH AM CT NIE LS ER TY ST VERDON ST DURDEN DEN ST FAI FAIR R ST T LIB MARKET ST MARIE ST HELEN ST ARBOR ST S AVE GRIMS LEY ST CANT AVE AVE RK AVE NEW YORK NEW AVE CA CHICA CHICAG CHICAGO AV PELO AVE TUPELO CONVENT AVE TUCKER AVE FORD AVE DESOTO ST AVE AV A SCHOOL AVE E AVE ST JOSEPH ST AS T PA SC A GO UL IA ST CANTY ST VELL VE ELLIO ION N ST T COMA S ST MAGN OLIA ST ST ERIC JONTE TER FRED FRONT ST MIDWAY AVE AVE BILBO ST ST ERIC FRED MAG GNOL RD PORT Y ST HERRICK BIENVILL INGALLS SHIP BUILDING ALLS BUILDING CANVENT NT T NT AVE PORT RD PASCAGOULA RIVER 13 JACKSON DUPO 6 D AVE DUNCAN BALTIMORE AVE 24 INGALLS ACCESS AVE PECT PROS RAILROAD AVE W VIE E AV K OA KREBS AVE L AVE LE HA BOSTON AVE ROS ST YON AS AVE Y AVE HENR HIGHWAY 90 90 ME MEL MELT AVE MELTON CHARLTON ST 4 DELM ST 5 JOHN LILLY AVE KENNETH AVE GS GOULA PASCA MEPORT 1 DICEY AVE BARIAL B ARIAL AV AVE BRIG WATTS AVE E D ER ON PH LE TE E PIN AY HW HIG ALEX AVE parking KREB S AVE D FAIR ST ST LIVE OAK AVE ORAN GE AV E KREB S AVE EN AN TH NA ST KS OO BR JERRY ST PE HWY 3 MARKET ST RS E AV A Pine Street A. Sttreett Park Pa P B. Gateway B way Oak Oa C. Pascagoula C ascago Rive River ver Bridg Br Bridge dg (future piers, tra trail) (futu boat launch, (fu l p ail)) D. Shopping D Anchor A r Square S pp p g E.. NOAA F. Pascagoula Inner Harbor G. Round Island H. Pascagoula Beach I. Beach Park J. Horse Stables K. Bayou/Marsh L. Library N DA DE JEA N AVE CYPRESS LIVE OAK AVE MCA M RTHU MC R ST FAIR ST WILLOW ST PINE ST GROVE ST WALNUT ST PINE ST LA ES T AVE PEAC CH H ST CENT ST INC VINCENT V HICKORY ST FORT ST CEDAR ST N. MAGNOLIA ST AV E D ER ON PH LE TE ST C CH TA VE JO B E AV RD BE E LAUREL NY EN /D ST GA VE RAY AVE AY ST AY EA McVE A 90 OD WO SS BA KE LL AY HW HIG Things to See: TT ST AMORNE BECHT AVE ELL AVE KE KELL RN ER RIV ST ST SUGAR GA AR AVE A WASHIN 6. Ingalls Shipyard Iron Gates: From 1938 to 1990 these iron structures welcomed millions of workers as they walked through the gates going to work at the Ingalls’ Eastbank Shipyard. RE ST RT BE AL K MILL AVE LA OU AG SC PA CAULEY LN AS ST LAKE AVE MORG AN AV The Historic L&N Depot: The depot was built in 1904 to replace an earlier standing building. It was a standard L&N (Louisville & Nashville) Building. The exterior has not been altered in any way since it was built, and it now houses an art gallery and the City of Pascagoula’s Main Street and Landscape Design offices. 5. Front Street Historic District: This was Pascagoula’s first historic district and only two houses remain. One of the homes was built in 1840, and the second was built in 1898. ST LEO FLECH CLAR 4. 2 HIG HW WA WA AY Y 90 La Pointe Krebs Home: It is the oldest standing building in the Mississippi Valley. The La Pointe-Krebs house is an example of French Colonial architecture and it is the earliest settlement in Pascagoula. 3. Orange Street Historic District: Some of these Queen Anne homes date back to the late 1800’s and were built primarily for sea faring families. An example was the Captain Bugge house (523 Orange St.) and the DeJean house (3603 Frederic Street). O CATALPA AVE SPANIS H AVE 1. Round Island Lighthouse: Completed on Round Island in 1859, the lighthouse was toppled by Hurricane Georges in 1998. The base was moved to mainland Pascagoula in 2010 and is currently being restored to its original condition. 2. O T CO IC CH Points of Interest: S ST EDWARD M ER RD IE GA G R SADIE ST AR NAQUIN AVE M The Longfellow House: This home, also known as Bellevue, was built in 1850, and it is said that Henry Wadsworth Longfellow was inspired to write “The Building of The Ship” during a stay here. 11. Buena Vista Homes: These homes are the vernacular houses of this area built at the turn of the last 20th Century. They can be located at the south end of Buena Vista Street and on the corner of Washington Ave. and Buena Vista St. Buena Vista St. is also home to Greenwood Cemetery, which dates back to the 19th century. 12. Zachary Taylor Subdivision: Zachary Taylor is credited with designing Pascagoula’s first subdivision. The streets in this subdivision are Resca De La Palma, Cherubusco, and Buena Vista and run from Ingalls Ave. to Washington Ave. These streets were named after his Mexican-American War Battles. 13. Old Pascagoula High School: This structure was built in 1938-1939 as a Works Progress Administration project and taught thousands of students through 1997.